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maybe writing maybe drawing idk i have too many hobbiesart insta - @almond_alexu
Last active 60 minutes ago
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abitterberryblog · 29 minutes ago
Bitterberry,,,,,, your Hierarchy art; immaculate. Groundbreaking. Beautiful. I literally want it on my wall.
if you ever take requests, which feel free to ignore because life is Busy and Stressful, maybe would you feel like drawing a family portrait of Diago, his sisters and mom and dad on Suus? Like you know that one scene in the animated Anastasia movie where she’s in that broken down shitty palace looking up at the portrait of her family? Maybe something like that for our own lost prince? 👀👀👀
Again no pressure and I’m sorry if this comes off as anything pressure like. I just can’t art so when I see artists making cool things my brain go weeeeeeeeee
OHHH i love this idea so much! definitely saving this.
my time management is off the rails and so is my unpredictable drawing speed so i can't confirm when i'll be able to get to this but i WILL get to this at some point. like maybe the portrait was saved by fadrigue and put in the tunnels and vis is looking at that. holy crap i love that so much. i've always been looking for an excuse to draw his family (especially his sisters whom i adore) and this one feels perfect. thank you again!
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abitterberryblog · 4 days ago
one hyperfixated tumblr mutual has the power of six hundred thousand ad campaigns
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abitterberryblog · 4 days ago
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abitterberryblog · 4 days ago
Ulciscor Telimus !!!
[ — Questioning Vis in the Orphanage Library]
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I tried to go by the book description as much as possible. Really proud of how it turned out !
there are sketches under the cut 🫡🫡
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abitterberryblog · 6 days ago
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Getting ready for the party 💃
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abitterberryblog · 6 days ago
we NEED to talk about the marauders fandom being in the clutches of pretty privilege because I KNOW that if peter was canonically attractive, he'd be shipped with james and jegulus wouldn't even be a thing. like it just seems like the most logical course of action if you account for wolfstar, so james would obviously be tossed at peter. also, that ship would literally be so angsty bc of peter's betrayal and shit... like you see the vision right?? anyways I'm gonna die on this hill.
UR COOKING !!! i want to add more but youve laid it out perfectly like no notes
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abitterberryblog · 6 days ago
new multi-chapter twotm aka hierarchy series fic i'm starting 💥💥!!!
it's just going to be three chapters, but i'm gonna tie a bow to the end of book 1 and add a little but more to that.
chapter 1, officially done!
don't worry, i have outlined the next two and drafted them. if i take a while to post them, that's wholly on me, at this point. hjdkdfjhd.
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abitterberryblog · 11 days ago
the entirety of the first two books show Peeta wanting to get closer to Katniss. Wanting her to open up to him and comforting her and loving her so purely without any give back.
Its in Mockingjay when Katniss is finally ready to love Peeta, but he gets ripped from her just as she reaches for him. But she prevails. Katniss stays by Peeta, even after his multiple attempts to kill her. She stays by him and swears she will get him back because she knows he would rather die than live in a world where he doesn’t love her anymore. Katniss had become Peetas lifeline, a switch from the rest of the trilogy.
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abitterberryblog · 12 days ago
hey do you think you could expand a bit on separating the art from the artist? clearly you’ve done it with jk rowling but what are your thoughts on it as a general idea?
okay, but you’re not going to like the answer.
here’s the truth: you can’t separate the art from the artist. not entirely. HP Lovecraft was an incredibly talented, but much more incredibly racist man. It would nice to say you don’t agree with his views but you can enjoy his works without that leaking in but…. well, I’m afraid that would be misunderstanding his books entirely.
Consider, for a second, that Lovecraft’s works were horror stories about extradimensional alien monsters having mutant children with humans, they were about invasions from distant monsters, they were about the purity of quaint European towns being tainted. Consider how this may have all been inflicted by the fact that he just simply despised anybody who wasn’t white. Consider how is opinions on “mixing the races” might fight into this; consider why being unable to maintain the “purity” of white Europe was the scariest thing of all to him.
This extends to Rowling too.
I would love to say we can just acknowledge that she is an awful, racist, antisemitic, transphobic person and then say “but at least her books are good,” because, well, they are, aren’t they? I would say so, for sure. But to suggest that one can separate her from them is…. ridiculous.
Consider why an antisemitic woman wrote about a species of goblins who live among us, but who for the most part keep to themselvesand are maybe a little bit oppressed by the institution, but also hold all the cards, all the money, run the banks.
Consider why a racist woman would write about a species of slaves who loved being enslaved, who enjoyed working for no pay, and cleaning up after humans, with the only small caveat of that they didn’t want to be beaten. Imagine that only the most radical of their species wanted to be free, and he still spent the rest of his life working for no pay and helping out a little white boy and his friends wherever he could. Consider why the only person in the story who thought they should be free, that they should have rights, was treated as an overzealous joke, who was acting against the wishes of those slaves who really LOVE being enslaved. Consider that Rowling went on to say that she kind of considers that girl to be black, now.
Consider why JK Rowling, an open and proud transphobe, wrote Rita Skeeter as having a large square jaw, thick “manly” hands, and dressing incredibly gaudily with the most obvious fake nails and fake teeth and fake hair and fake everything. Consider why a woman who tweets about how trans women are “foxes pretending to be hens to get in the hen house” might write this Rita Skeeter to then illegally transform her body in order to spy on children.
Harry Potter is full of Rowling’s bigotry, start to finish. Not even tangentially, like, “oh the goblins are bad, Rita Skeeter is bad, the house elves are bad, but most of it’s good!” because the deeper you dig and the longer you think the more you realise the entire story is based on her prejudices.
Harry Potter pretends to be an aracial story about found family, but if that were true, why are Harry’s distant ancestors important to who he is today even in the seventh book? Why does Harry have to live with his cousin and aunt and uncle? Because magic inherently prefers blood ties. Whilst Rowling was writing a story that seemed to say, “your heritage is not that important and doesn’t make you better than others” she was still writing a story about a boy who got all of his money through his bloodline, who was protected by living with his bloodline, no matter how evil, who was uniquely able to stop Voldemort because his bloodline passed down the invisibility cloak for generations and generations. Any step Harry takes he is compared to his perfect parents who were exactly like him — he looks just like his father, but he has his mother’s eyes, you know! — consider WHY a woman who is racist might’ve written a story like this. A story that on its surface, condemns a blood caste, but still in every step it takes, validates the idea that blood is thicker than water, and your geneological origin is what makes you special.
You can enjoy Harry Pottwr, of course you can. There are fantastic parts. I love a small group of teenagers deciding to become anarchies rebels and train to fight against fascism in secret. I love the murder mystery plots, I love how the series tells kids that it’s a good thing to be brave, and a good thing to fight injustice, and a good thing to challenge the government. But I cannot separate it from its author because it is such a product of its author. All of the structures of the world, the way things work in the universe, and drenched in Rowling’s beliefs, her bigotries. Of course they are: she made them.
Again. This doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy it. But I think we are past the day where we can pretend that disavowing a bigoted author is enough, and that that somehow separates the text from its bigotry. I think we are past the day where we can pretend that Harry Potter isn’t a deeply, inherently bigoted piece of media. Even the bits we love. I think we are beyond the day where we can truthfully pretend to separate it from her, because she is present through all of it. We MUST recognise its flaws. We MUST admit that she is in every part of it.
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abitterberryblog · 12 days ago
kill me for this but i love dr stratt. like yes she's an horrible person in a lot of occasions so what. girl saw that the sun was fucking dying and that no one was going to fix it and said " fine. I'll do it myself". committed multiple crimes and the most unethical shit ever. girlboss.
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abitterberryblog · 12 days ago
i love that andy weir never kills his protagonists. it would be so easy to. at so many points. by all means they Should be dead. mark gets stranded on mars and the planet works against him at every turn. jazz's suit fails on the surface of the moon and she feels herself begin to die. ryland is sent on a suicide mission then gives up his chance at return for his friend. they should all have died. multiple times in some cases. but they don't!!! because weir isn't writing tragedies, he's writing stories of hope and humanity. they survive even when it should be impossible for them to because of connection. simple as that.
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abitterberryblog · 12 days ago
i love project hail mary so much i love it SO much. i love that ryland is so human and so flawed i love that it's about the power of friendship and how we can save the world by working together i love that they blow up antarctica. and i love ROCKY!!!
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abitterberryblog · 12 days ago
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Rocky and Adrian! (and Grace)
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abitterberryblog · 20 days ago
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my pookie
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abitterberryblog · 21 days ago
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you're not alone, look at my shadow I'm behind you like a ghost
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abitterberryblog · 24 days ago
people i'd like to know better 💥
(i actually don't know how this thing works and i am just guessing.)
Tagged by @lyssq !!
Last Song: Thank You For the Music - ABBA
Last Book: right now I'm reading 'She Who Became the Sun' by Shelley-Parker Chan, which I'm liking so far. i don't know if that counts but I'm counting it since the other book i finished before that was something i didn't like very much and would rather not mention considering the fandom is pretty sizable. i am open to reading the other books in the series, though.
Last Movie: Home Alone? i think? i rewatched like a week ago for no particular reason which is ironic considering I am three months late from catching up to the Christmas spirit.
Last Show: i am genuinely not sure. i think i was rewatching ATLA?
Last Thing I Searched: 'eyeliner pencil' lmao
Favorite Color: uhhhh so i have a lot. like warm purple. but also a rich brown. but also deep green. i just rotate and pick a random one based on who's asking me.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: if i had to pick one — savory! but i also have a debilitating sweet tooth. ironically i'm not a huge fan of chocolate on most cases. also i can only handle the bare minimum of spicy food and most of the time i'm just forcing myself through it to #impress people. (no, they can always tell i'm lying when i can say i can handle it. mostly because my nose becomes sniffly and my eyes become watery.)
Relationship Status: single and also not looking for a partner within the hellhole of people i meet.
Looking Forward To: The Strength of the Few (Hierarchy Series Book #2). which will be. taking a while. like. a very sad, long while. fortunately i continue to churn out fanfics and fanart to feed myself content (and maybe other people too!)
Current Obsession: open my page and take a wild guess /nsrs. one scroll of my account and you can see i'm like the most insane Hierarchy Series fan and that i was put on this earth to nonstop talk about it.
this is word per word what lyssq said in her post but since i also relate : i [also!] always feel nervous tagging people in stuff like this but uhh no pressure lol :
tagging :@hasnomouth and also @asoulwithoutdirection 💥💥
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abitterberryblog · 24 days ago
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 #𝟏
I was rather curious about the meaning of the surname given to all the orphans in the Catenan Republic, so I did a little research and I learned that solum means (among other things) "alone", "lonely" or "having no companion, friend or protector".
Friendless Vis, familyless Vis, homeless Vis, kingdomless Vis. Vis Solum.
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