#because those guys are prominent in this fic especially
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new multi-chapter twotm aka hierarchy series fic i'm starting 💥💥!!!
it's just going to be three chapters, but i'm gonna tie a bow to the end of book 1 and add a little but more to that.
chapter 1, officially done!
don't worry, i have outlined the next two and drafted them. if i take a while to post them, that's wholly on me, at this point. hjdkdfjhd.
#the will of the many#twotm#hierarchy#hierarchy series#vis telimus#aequa claudius#eidhin breac#because those guys are prominent in this fic especially#this is me coping with post-sotr sadness#let alone twotm and also project hail mary#WOW my interests are all over the palce
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the cassettes are a group of characters where if i think about them for too long i start to get physically ill.
because i really like the cassettes. they're really fun and i adore the concept of a guy who happens to have a gaggle of goons to do his dirty work. the combination of making them actual cassettes who live inside of soundwave (and/or blaster but this is gonna be a soundwave cassette focused post) is really interesting.
unfortunately most bits of canon (and fanon to be entirely honest) do not treat the cassettes as actual beings with their own thoughts, feelings, and personalities outside of "soundwave's little guys."
for the sake of clarity i will only be talking about the continuity that i have the most experience with, that being idw1 and my post will mostly be talking about those versions of the characters. i've been told that the cassettes feature more prominently in the g1 marvel comics but i haven't quite gotten around to reading those in depth so i won't be discussing those.
back on topic.
i always feel so disappointed at the actual cassettes as characters. they're often sidelined into being background characters and the majority of the time when they show up in fics they're never majour characters, just background guys to pad out the cast. i'm honestly not gonna judge fan writers and fan artists too harshly because most canon sources don't really feature the cassettes as actual characters worthy of having attention paid to them.
idw1 is specifically the continuity where i feel a bit sick whenever i think about the cassettes because they go through sooooo much shit and it's never brought up. like okay, laserbeak, buzzsaw, and ravage are mostly chill. obviously they probably have the whole beastformers are lesser beings thing going on but they're overall the most well rounded of the cassettes. (ravage especially since he's actually allowed to be a character outside of soundwave)
rumble and frenzy are were my stomach starts to like... explode. because they didn't get a choice in being soundwave's cassettes and it's never brought up, ever. megatron basically tells them that they're gonna be reformatted and neither party ever brings it up. like do rumble and frenzy just tolerate soundwave because it could be so much worse? do they genuinely respect soundwave and fight beside him because they want to see him succeed in a similar manner as the beastformers? like... phase 2 shows them reformatted again into motorcycles and they seem okay with it, like neither of them seem to be hung up on no longer being cassettes.
but also i have issues and problems with rumble and frenzy always being shown as a package duo. like i think they're a fun combo, especially as siblings because i adore platonic relationships but most pieces of canon treat them as interchangeable. like it's an ongoing joke in the fandom that they swap paint colours to fuck with people and in actual canon sources they don't have consistent colours so it's harder to actually treat them as genuine individuals. and that makes me soooooo mad. i don't like it when twins/duos in media get treated as a weird conglomerate individual with two names. it's boring and it's lazy and i wish it would stop happening.
side tangent. i hate what how skybound treats the cassettes. like okay yeah sure it's fun to see soundwave go "you hurt my ravage" but what about his other cassettes. either rumble or frenzy is dead and soundwave just doesn't fucking care? does he play favourites, boy i sure would like to know but daniel warren literally fucking said that he killed off one of the twins because he found the colour debate to be annoying and that grinds my gears a bit. if you don't like them, don't fucking include them or idk, have mike spicer, the colourist, keep their palettes consistent.
and skybound also treats ravage like an object. he's not an actual character with thoughts and feelings and emotions, he's a fucking toy for soundwave to moon over whenever warren needs soundwave to be less of an asshole than shockwave. like yeah sure, soundwave being so desperate to get ravage repaired in skybound is good for his character but that dynamic, where ravage has no actual dialogue and no actual personality outside of "soundwave's cassettte" makes him so much less interesting to me. skybound is getting a small benefit of the doubt because there's only 11 issues so far, but i will critique it to all hell because any emotional tension involving ravage and soundwave falls apart for me because ravage could easily be replaced with literally any other cassette. he's not special and the comic doesn't do anything to make me genuinely care about soundwave and his relationship.
tangent over. i'm going back to talking about idw1.
specifically it's time to talk about the fucking elephant in the room that i'm always thinking about whenever soundwave's cassettes come up; ratbat.
now to preface this little rant of mine. ratbat sucks. he's a terrible person who actively believed and contributed to the oppression of millions of cybertronians. he used soundwave as nothing more than a tool and proved himself to be a slimy scumbag with the few moments that he was on screen.
however, that does not stop me from feeling just a tad bit bad for him considering how soundwave treats him. it's one thing for the decepticons to murder the whole senate, those characters don't really matter in the long run, they're nameless, they never get brought up ever again and the story just doesn't care about them once they're dead.
but ratbat is different because rather than killing him, soundwave shoves his dying spark into a cassette body and for all intensive purposes, turns ratbat into his slave. because ratbat doesn't get a choice, he doesn't get the ability to say no. he just has to be toted along and do whatever soundwave tells him to do and that alone makes my opinions on idw soundwave.... well they're not great. because later stories treat idw soundwave like he's a good guy, he's the dude who wants to make the decepticons what they were originally, he wants to be done with cybertron's bullshit.
ehem, anyways, yeah i do not like the fact that idw just brushes over the fact that ratbat is not willingly soundwave's cassette. they do not ever focus on the fact that soundwave stuffed his former employer's spark into a completely different frame and then proceeded to do exactly what ratbat did to him for around four million years. and then didn't react whatsoever to ratbat dying.
like in early idw1, ratbat doesn't have any dialogue. he's a nothing burger character like all the other cassettes. but idw phase 2 specifically makes him a political rival. he's the guy in charge of the cons (along side shockwave to some extent) and then prowl fucking orders arcee to kill ratbat and no one ever talks about him ever again...
i have complicated emotions regarding ratbat because the story really wants you to see his treatment and go, yes, he deserves this treatment, he's evil and he was mean to soundwave and therefore he deserves to be imprisoned by another and used as a weapon for four million years and once he's dead we'll never talk about him ever again.
and i don't think that's fair. ratbat should've been a crucial character to soundwave after he died. soundwave should've had a moment in phase two where he realises that the decepticons have been terrible from the beginning, that he was actively a part of that terribleness, and he should've made the active decision to change the decepticons into something that stands for equality and freedom and peace.
i'm gonna move onto ravage because i feel so bad for ravage. he got shafted hard. oh the one hand, i love mtmte ravage, i adore seeing the cassettes in environments that don't involve soundwave because it means the writers have to actually care about them as more than just little guys that soundwave bosses around.
unfortunately, ravage goes from being soundwave's little guy to being megatron's little guy in mtmte. which like... okay, fine, megatron needs a guy who he can bounce off of and ravage fits that role pretty well (though i'd argue that having megatron potentially bounce off of an autobot whose morals are a bit lax is much better than simply having a decepticon who already likes him.)
but the point is, ravage, rather than being his own character who has thoughts and opinions, only exists to be a buffer for megatron. the devil on his shoulder if you will, trying to see and understand and coax megatron back into being the fearsome leader he was before. and it works to some extent, ravage getting fatally injured is literally what prompts megatron into ripping the djd to shreds. but unfortunately, that's ravage's only real purpose in the story. we don't see him interacting with any other characters means that he's entirely dependent on megatron for any insight to his character development. nautica is an exception but i have my own issues with the fact that she treats him like a pet upon first meeting him and like... to my knowledge she never really gets over that whole cute kitty aspect of their relationship.
and this makes me so mad because ravage is really interesting. he's older than most of the characters on the lost light and should reasonably be a fascinating insight to how beastformers are treated and discriminated against during the pre and post war eras. but instead he's relegated to a side character who gets murdered to further the arc of megatron, a character who sort of forgets about ravage as soon as lost light starts. this isn't helped by megatron's character arc being rushed and happening mostly off screen but ravage's death feels so unnecessary to me. he would've been much better had he been forced to be separated from megatron for most of lost light.
and unfortunately this is much the same for most other continuities. transformers prime my forever detested treats laserbeak like a fucking drone. it doesn't have any voicelines, it's just a little creature hooked up to soundwave's chest. (i haven't read the books because i cannot be bothered with aligned continuity and also if i have to go to external sources of canon beyond the original show to get key character information, it probably wasn't too important to begin with)
earthspark is fun in season 1, i'm happy that frenzy and laserbeak are allowed a few moments of time outside of soundwave but they're very minor characters and unfortunately ravage isn't much of a character considering he can't speak (which is weird because laserbeak can) and only gets a few scenes throughout seasons 1 and two.
cyberverse only has laserbeak and once again she/he (i don't think they state their pronouns) only exists to be soundwave's little guy.
tfa soundwave is so nothing burger that i genuinely forget that he exists 90% of the time. so his cassettes, as to be expected, not characters and just random objects to be played around with.
my point in all this is that the cassettes deserve better. they deserve to be actual genuine characters who are treated as more than just set pieces for soundwave and the other decepticons. i hope that in later transformers series, the writers give the cassettes the opportunity to shine.
#icy writes#transformers#transformers idw#maccadam's#ravage#ratbat#rumble#frenzy#soundwave#character analysis#long post
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If Thea was Theo, a controversial opinion
I want to preface this post by stating that this is not meant to change anyone's mind or opinion. I am not here to tell you to like a character or to ship a certain ship. You are free to hate Thea, write her off your fics, ignore her existence, and ship Kevin with the milkman if you so desire. This is also not an essay. Instead, think of it as the thought dump of someone munching over it for days.
This all started with a conversation about Thea with a couple people on a Discord server. I've been mostly neutral about Thea, not understanding the overall hate but not knowing much about her either. It led me to read Nora's most recent post about Thea, the replies and the "Why do you not like Thea?" poll, and I've seen plenty of Tweets about her, too.
In general, I noticed one main element when people explain their stance: it is not because Thea is a woman and people want to ship Kevin with male characters. The real reason(s), branched in different directions: the age gap, the lack of building of her character, how little she shows up/how little we know about her/the feeling of her being shoo-ed in out of nowhere as Kevin's love interest, and her attitude (inc. her lack for communication with Kevin after he left the Nest, her comment to Jean in TSC, etc.)
I have been in many fandoms for over a decade, some with more prominent mlm ships, and to be honest, none of those reasons seemed to truly justify the dislike of Thea to the degree she is disliked in the fandom as a whole, especially as the romantic interest of a main character. It seemed to me that most of it is rooted in the desire for Kevin NOT to be straight, but to be gay and be with a guy (or bi, but I see more people using "gay" for Kevin. And some prefer Aro/Ace Kevin, but these fans are a bit more quiet and subdued with their headcanon.) See, even taking Thea out of the equation, there are no popular mlw ships for Kevin with characters from canon, and even in fanon ships the counterparts are mostly (if not all) men.
That got me thinking: "What if Thea was Theo? How would that change how fans interact with this character, even if her personality was the same? What about the relationship with Kevin? Would fans approach the ship differently if he had had Theo as a boyfriend instead of Thea as a girlfriend?"
Of course, it is all hypothetical. For one, a big part of her character is that she is a woman of color (note that I am not black, so I am in no position to talk about how her race plays out with her character) in a predominately male and white team (violent cult) that had to fight her way to the top. It wouldn't quite have the same weight or the same background if she was a male. For two, I am aware it would bring another discourse to the table, that of the "predatory gay men stereotype" (even though there was nothing predatory or "grooming" in their relationship, but that conversation is not for this post.) I am sure plenty of fans would still hate the Kevin/Theo ship, and Theo himself.
Still, I allowed myself to picture it. I read, once, that women used to ship male characters together because female characters were underdeveloped and were not interesting. I wondered if this applies to fandom as well, how certain fandoms prefer to develop and grow male characters.
Things like "lack of canon information about Theo" would not be an issue. Fans are very good at filling in the blanks and building a character from the few spare parts given by the source. This also applies to "there is almost no interaction with Kevin" because let's be honest here, guys, ships are sometimes made from nothing. Rarepairs exist, and even ships like pre-TSC Jerejean can explode in popularity.
With how big of a part Kevin plays in the books and how big his shipping fandom is, if Theo was a thing, I truly believe we would have seen him bloom in fanon spaces. He would have given space and opportunity to grow, change and develop both as a character and in his relationship with Kevin.
The "forbidden relationship" trope and the possibility for angst would have fans foaming, fics working around Theo's past and how he had to fight his way to the top would be written, AUs where he leaves the beliefs of the cult behind and reunites with Kevin would also exist. We would see stories about how his and Kevin's love story played out before and after Kevin left the Nest (at least one primarily focused on the notes they used to pass each other in secret). His mean comments and bitchiness would be ignored, played down, understood, forgiven, or found charming (like Andrew's throughout the series, or even Abby's in TSC.) In a few words, he would be more present and less disliked.
AFTG is a predominately queer fandom, and there is nothing wrong with wanting representation, but I also think it's necessary to use the same scale for female and male characters that are romantically or sexually involved with more popular ones. It's fine not to like Thea, but also to sit and think: would I asses a male character in the same way? How would my view of them change regarding their gender? Just food for thought, I guess.
Again, this is not a call to action of any sort. It is just me, rambling and putting my thoughts down. I can't see different realities so this is basically all fiction. I wanted to take it out of my brain, hear what others think and that's it. Ship what makes you happy. Create what inspires you. Curate your experience. All that being said, Id love to hear your thoughts, but I wont debate anyone's opinion because that's truly, not what Im seeking.
This got longer than I intended so I'll end this here. If you made it, thanks! I hope you have a nice day.
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Do you guys know those modern bingyuan au's where shen yuan sees modern lbh and just stalks him because he looks identical to his blobo luo binghe from PIDW?
Sooo imagine a cumplane au where shen yuan see Airplane in a convention running to do some odd job there and sy is just dumbfounded how almost identical that random is to luo binghe (at least how he imagines him)
Now that random ofc has alot of diferences to how lbh is mostly depicted, first of all the random is fully human so no demon features, the guy instead of being tall and lean with some muscle he is a shorty (he is not short he is 172/5'8 he is avarege) that is kinda chubby and his hair is not abyss black but a shitty dyed brown hair and him being a normal human he has very prominent eye bags and some acne scars but besides those diferences he was basicly identical to how lbh was depicted in his fanarts even having some of his headcannons that ware extremely unpopular on the fandom! (Frackles) he wasn't as scary as the beloved cruel demon emperor but he had hit all the boxes to be the perfect luo binghe in his white lotus era! And like any normal pidw fan he just really wanted to protect and take care of him
And like any normal person he really tried to find him but it was really hard to stalk someone when you didn't even got the name of the person, frustrated he decided to do the next best thing and just decided to take care of airplane, it's the best next thing right?
Airplane after getting the weirdest and shadiest dm from one of his haters, perless cucumber, to be his roommate and in exchange he would have to write "actually good chapters" and since if he died he wouldn't have to pay any bills, he accepted this offer
After they decided to meet at a random Café shen yuan has a closet gay crises over airplane being the white lotus binghe clone and airplane has a gay crises over his biggest hater being almost his type (especially cucumber-bro being a tsundere and airplane being a big masochist) and then they settle being weird roommates together!
This au would basicly be shen yuan trying to be a good bro and being a bunch of red flags but luckily for him Airplane bro favorite color since he is lbh og source and the au is a comedy so it's okay to be creepy lol
Also footnote, airplanes name in this fic wouldn’t be shang qinghua (because I enjoy the idea of sqh being very diferent then irl Airplane in appearance and name) his name would be
洛冬快 Aka: Luo DongKuai because I wanted to mix shang qinghua's name logic with Luo binghe's lol (with 冬 dong meaning winter, and 快 kuai meaning speed, this is what my limited Chinese could come up with lol)
Also other footnote because I noticed a weird trend of country's with low fertility rates just decide to just put babies in brazilian woman and because I am brazilian, Airplane bro is part brazilian by his mom's side! I just think it's neat!
#svsss#idk if i will write it myself#i probably will tbh#but i also want people to write this concept yk? it's weird to me to not have 100 fics in this concept yk??????#if you want to write this plot just dm me a heads up and credit me and my post okay?#i just thinks is a neat au and i am sad that seems only me likes the idea lol#cumplane lbh stalker au#svsss fanfiction#svsss au#svsss fanfics#cumplane
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ellie i NEED to know your thoughts on halsin from bg3 like! i don't even go here, i haven't played it yet, but god damn 👀 i'd say i want to know him biblically but there's nothing holy about what's going to happen when i finally get the game and find his ass. alexa, play slut him out by baby tate
PFSHEBEUDDNNEEJ BABE WE R IN SYNC........tbh I've been workin on a halsin fic that one of my besties suggested but i keep getting so many ideas for it i haven't finished any of them LOL but u are so right.....it is a marathon to grasp the bear's heart but once u do its OVER for us hoes......
(cws: halsin sexy scenes spoilers, m on gn oral, size kink but make it a lil spicy)
Actually I'm glad you asked bc one thing I can't get off my mind is how he goes down on you so hard, like.....he's canonically packing and I can't think of anything but that Halsin's the type to eat you out every time because he's a horndog, but also because he doesn't want to hurt you and he wants to make sure you can take him 👉👈 he strikes me as the kind of guy to make time for it even if you're just sneaking away for a quickie or something like that, and while it seems like it's a (albeit very hot) cautionary measure, you very quickly find out that he's just in love with listening to you gasp, feeling your hands in his hair, your thighs squeezing round his head, and that the taste of you is like an addiction he can't just shake off. Besides, the first time he does it while you're standing over him, and the idea of him using his size to his advantage to just sit your whole weight on his face.........prrrrr. He can prop your back up against a tree and nuzzle his nose right up against your sweet spot, and when your toes frantically scrape the ground trying to lift some of your weight off, Halsin just grabs each thigh and raises you a little higher so you can't reach--you just sink further down on his tongue, exactly where he wants you to be. The only way you can move is to hump his face when you're just trying to shift your hips, but at the mercy of his strength keeping you off the ground everything you do just turns both of you on more. If he had a moment to speak he'd reassure you there's nothing to worry about, that he's not going to break his neck and there's no way you could hurt him.....but that would involve him stopping before he's finished his meal, and he can't help being ravenous around you.
Although to be honest, even though Halsin genuinely doesn't want to hurt you and loves the act of preparation, I don't think he'd necessarily be opposed to it. There might be a point where there's just nothing more you can do; you might be a virgin, or inexperienced, or just too tight that he knows it's going to hurt at least a little bit when he slides in. Not that he'd want to break you, and in fact I think he would dial up the gentleness and reassurances by 100% if you were truly anxious over it. But there's part of him that likes knowing he's making his mark on you. It turns him on when you look up at him knowing you're going to be left walking with a limp, and yet encourage him to make it a noticeable one as you wiggle down on his lap with fervor in your eyes. He's a druid, he knows how to heal, so he can smooth over those small injuries with relative ease if they do pose a problem--but how hot would it be to watch you struggle to take him, your breathing hot and laboured yet determined as you pull him closer? The clawing down his back as you whine about him stretching you out, making it burn, but you won't let him pull out more than an inch? How you hiss and grunt each time that protruding, prominent vein down his shaft catches when he thrusts back in, only to clench down on it hard when he warns you he's about to cum? Halsin doesn't mind you having a quiet vendetta against his cock for ruining you, especially not since you'll let his tongue make it up for all that abuse on your poor, soft holes. The tears and your smeared makeup will make way for kisses soon enough, and he'll wash you clean in the cold river until the water runs clear, and you'll be working from a fresh slate. And he can do it alllllll over again, again, again, until either one of you taps out--or you have to pause your adventure for a day or two of bed rest, of course.
#i love u girly TY for giving me the opportunity to be NASTY !!!!#halsin#halsin x reader#halsin x tav#baldur's gate 3#bg3#spicy writing#ellie writes#anons
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finally gonna make a post better explaining my real fake psychic shawn spencer au so this might be a long one bc in the past it was mostly rambles as i came up with ideas and trying to make them fit together
i am in the process of actually writing a fic for this and it’s looking like it may be the first part of a 3 part series, below the cut are a lot more details to give context to my au
okay! couple of important things for the overarching universe:
the supernatural exists! though the population is not as prominent as it once was, so the supernatural world learned to adapt and stay hidden, basically for every 20 claims of something supernatural only one is real, and obviously some cities have higher populations compared to others
because of the dwindling population of the supernatural and the growing population of the mundane, it is expected that both would intermingle, so it is actually a lot more common than you’d expect for people to have supernatural bloodlines, though it is often insignificant enough that it doesn’t matter. sometimes that is not the case. sometimes people are born into still active bloodlines so they grow up in that world and sometimes people never know that they even had supernatural blood, let alone that the supernatural exists. sometimes, even though someone’s bloodline may be dormant (and they are or are not aware of the supernatural) unforeseen circumstances can sort of jumpstart said bloodline
with or without knowing it, people with supernatural abilities or bloodlines tend to gravitate to each other
there are few rules that the supernatural community follows, the most important being to not expose themselves to the mundane
within the supernatural community there are different categories; creatures/those with creature blood (vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters), those with abilities (psychics, druids, witches), sentries (those tasked with keeping the supernatural hidden, and hunters (mundanes who became aware and choose to fight it)
explaining the name, real fake psychic:
when he first started working for the SBPD shawn faked being a psychic to avoid arrest
after season 4, shawn has an encounter with the supernatural that essentially gives him real psychic abilities
he keeps up his fake psychic charade because he can’t really say ‘hey guys i was faking it before but guess what? it’s real now!’
now i will go a little into some of the changes/headcanon/general facts of some characters in my au, starting with the main man
he’s mexican! this is not central to the story really but it’s my headcanon so i will work it in because i can
somewhere down the line there is maybe some kind of long forgotten supernatural family member, meaning shawn has supernatural blood
the combination of his childhood and eidetic memory and genius is all him but it definitely gets a small push from his possible bloodline, especially in how he visualizes
after The Incident™️ shawn gets real psychic abilities, at first it’s vague and he doesn’t know what’s happening, but then things get too weird and even he can’t ignore it
true psychics are rare, a lot of people only have some aspects (like divination, clairaudience, etc) but of course, shawn ends up with more than the usual
his abilities, especially at the beginning and when they develop more, are rather painful because he is receiving so much more input now, leading to headaches at least
shawn getting real powers is the catalyst to those around him awakening as well, and now that he and the others are aware of the supernatural, it seems to be more present than they realized
he’s an amplifier
his ability is kind of a paradox, on its own it doesn’t do much because it is mostly dormant outside giving him the supersniffer, but once shawn awakens it causes a ripple effect, they are now in the supernatural world and as a result gus in turn awakens as well
he can amplify his and other’s abilities; this helps shawn because gus can help him focus on certain visions or to make sense of some things he sees, this makes shawn claim that his is now literally magic head
it is a paradox because without shawn’s powers gus’ wouldn’t have come through and gotten stronger, but he also helps shawn’s get stronger, it’s a loop
gus gets the dormant bloodline from both his parents
shawn is not the only one gus helps
she is an empath
she is naturally an empathetic person but once she awakens it gives her more of an understanding that she never had before
juliet gets her bloodline from her mother’s side
once they all figure it out, juliet can also help shawn in a different way, as she can now feel the emotions coming through his visions
gus is able to help juliet develop her abilities more, and she develops a type of danger sense, which comes in handy in their job
her bloodline is weaker so she’s not the strongest empath, and her prolonged exposure to a shield made it harder for her abilities to develop as well
he is a nullifier
lassie’s ability is that he is essentially immune to the supernatural to a point, things like curses, jinxes, telepathy, etc do not work at all or barely affect him, most physical attacks would still work because he is still human (like poisons or tactile telepathy)
however, this also affects positive things such as blessings or good luck charms
his ability is like an aura around him, meaning that those close around him may be affected as well, such as o’hara who, as his partner, is often exposed and it put a hamper on her own abilities
shawn is also affected, but in a good way; the constant bombarding of psychic readings stop when he touches lassiter, and even just being around him can ease the headaches
this is eventual shassie
unlike the others, lassie is an anomaly, he has no actual supernatural bloodline, he is the first in his (recent) line
he is a non-believing, non-aware, mundane person
he notices shawn acting stranger than usual, he also avoids coming to the house more than usual
he has his own Incident™️ in which he witnesses something that shows shawn is now telling the truth when he says he’s psychic
is a whitexican; not exactly relevant other than the fact if goes with my mexican shawn headcanon
it is her side that had the supernatural bloodline
just like her son, if she were to awaken she would probably develop some minor abilities, most likely clairaudience
for the most part, unaware of the supernatural
anyone born into or active in the supernatural community stays away from the police as they tend to live outside mundane laws and prefer to police their own
few key players in charge of or above the police may be aware or are a part of the community
the fact that a psychic and friends with abilities work for the police becomes controversial
chief vick is unaware but someone close to her is not
if anyone wants to add anything or simply ask questions or talk about feel free to do so! i love talking about real psychic shawn <3
#psych#psych usa#psych tv#real fake psychic au#fake real psychic au#real psychic shawn spencer au#real psychic shawn spencer#shawn spencer#burton guster#carlton lassiter#juliet o'hara#shassie#henry spencer#madeleine spencer#supernatural au#psych fanfiction#shassie fanfiction#my writing#crow talks
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Sorry I haven’t been posting. I’m just tired and I don’t have a lot of down time any more so it’s been hard to get anything done.
And to be 100% honest I just haven’t been feeling The Interlude Inn fic I’ve been working on. It’s not going the way I had envisioned so I’m lacking the motivation to continue writing it. I do plan to finish it eventually.
I have been working on something new though that I should be posting soon. I’ve been reading a lot of hybrid fics lately (send recs please) so I’ve been playing with this idea.
It’s a Yoongi black cat hybrid story. I’m going to publish the entire thing in one post (if Tumblr doesn’t freak out) that way I don’t have to worry about chapters and posting updates. I’ll post a small teaser below the cut.
Thank you for everyone’s patience and to those that have reached out I really appreciate you!
Teaser Below for new Yoongi Hybrid Fic
Warning-Teaser contains mentions of violence, guns, assault
“Just thought I’d stop by. Maybe we could go to that diner on Main. Like old times.”, he smiled.
You don’t know if it was the warnings or what, but this definitely didn’t feel like all the old times when Jungkook would show up at your door in the middle of the night wanting to go get chocolate chip pancakes with you while you both told corny jokes and laughed until the waitress finally had to kick you guys out. This felt darker, sinister even. Only made worse when you noticed the piece of black metal clinging to his hip that he tried to hide with his leather jacket. Jungkook had always been against violence especially anything that included weapons. You remembered when he first started training for the agency and had to learn how to assemble and use a gun. He despised it, almost quitting because of it, but he knew it was for the better of the hybrid community. If he really had quit the agency like Namjoon said then he would’ve had to turn in all of his weapons so the fact that he had one on him made your uneasiness all that more prominent.
“Yeah let me go grab my purse!”, you exclaimed trying to get away from him now realizing something was up. He grabbed your hand stopping you from going any further, “No need Y/N. I’ll pay.”
“Oh well at least let me go get dressed. I don’t want to go out looking like such a slob.”, you chuckled quickly bolting up the stairs before he could stop you again.
In your room with the door closed you frantically searched for your phone wanting to call Namjoon or the police or anyone for help.
Finding it lying on the floor you grabbed it quickly searching your contacts. In your frazzled state you failed to hear anyone creep up behind you until it was too late and you felt the cold metal against the warmth of your forehead.
A strong arm pulling you close against a body much bigger than yours.
“Y/N, put the phone down. You don’t want to do that.”, Jungkook growled in your ear.
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked slowly tossing your phone on the bed. “You were against abuse towards hybrids just like me and Namjoon. Now you work with the worst in the business?”, you questioned him.
“Look, I really don’t want to have to hurt you. I still care about you Y/N. That’s the only reason I didn’t just kill you the other night and take Yoongi then. Tell me where he is and I’ll let you go.”
You shook your head, “I don’t know. They took him this morning.”
You could hear him scoff as he pushed the tip of the gun against your forehead a little harder making you flinch in fear.
“Y/N, I won’t ask again. Where did they take Yoongi?”, he shouted.
“A shelter in North Provence. That’s all they told me.”, you spit out.
You cried tears of relief when you felt him pull the gun away before throwing you down on the ground.
“Thanks Love.”, was all he said before sprinting out of your home.
#bts#yoongi fanfic#yoongi x reader#min yoongi#yoongi angst#bts fanfic#yoongi fic#yoongi x y/n#bts x reader#namjoon#jeon jungkook#jungkook#kim namjoon#bts fic#bts angst#bts yoongi#yoongi au#hybrid#bts hybrid au
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Author’s Note: Josh lane come get y'all juice!!
This fic has been sitting in my drafts for a hot sec and I’ve finally finished it! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sorry for any typos/mistakes!
Summary: Good things come to those who wait. And our sweet Josh is about to find out just how good those things can be.
Content Warnings: Oral (m and f rec.) fingering, pegging, slight edging. Needless to say, 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 4961
You can’t help but leer at him as the two of you make your way into the venue from the parking lot. Josh always looks gorgeous, but tonight you find yourself wishing that the two of you had just stayed home.
“Enjoying the view?” Josh asks, turning to catch you staring at his ass with a cocky smirk.
“Meh. I’ve seen better.”
“Have you now?” Josh stops, allowing you to catch up with him. Grabbing your wrists, he pulls you into him so that your chests are flush against one another.
“Oh ya. Way better.” You tell him, grinning as he places his hands on your hips.
“Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” He says, cocking a brow at you and giving you a mischievous smile.
“She doth protest too much because she has not the words to describe such beauty.” You say, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips and looping your arms around his shoulders.
“Ethereal. Divine. Transcendent. Such lofty words that still fall short.” You continue, giving a mock frown.
“Not to ruin the vibe here, babe.” he tells you with a sideways grin, “but it makes my dick hard when you talk about me like that.”
“Literally shut the fuck up.” You slap his chest playfully. “You better behave tonight.”
“No promises. I still think we should have just stayed in tonight.”
You just roll your eyes, pulling away from him to enter the venue.
The sound of Josh’s sweet voice makes it to your ears over the sounds of the bar, drawing your attention away from your conversation with another friend of yours.
“Yeah?” You ask him, swiveling in your high top chair at the bar to see him taking a seat in the one next to you. He’s got an odd look about him, and his cheeks are flushed from the alcohol.
He leans in closer to you, tilting his head downwards so that his lips hover just above your ear – it’s loud in the bar, but not so loud to warrant his pretty lips coming so close to you in order for you to hear him.
“Can we go home, baby?” The words slip from his lips, accent slightly more prominent since he’s been drinking, and there’s just a tiny hint of a whine in his words. “Please?”
He’s been extra clingy all night. He’s always touchy, but tonight he’s turned the touchiness up to 11. You’re not really complaining – his obvious desire for you makes you feel extra special tonight.
“We just got here.” You tell him, furrowing your brows at his sudden lack of interest in parties. Normally, you’re the one that has to drag him away from an event like this. “Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing’s wrong. Just wanna be…” he trials off, raising a brow in a way that’s so ridiculously attractive you almost choke, “alone with you.”
You bite your lip – the neediness of his words affecting you in a way that, perhaps, they shouldn’t be. Certainly, in a way that isn’t appropriate for a social gathering such as this. Especially when he’s sitting in front of you looking so delectable in his tan suit and white turtleneck. The outfit looks better on him than any article of clothing has a right to, and there’s a large part of you that would be more than happy to just go home and tear it off him. But you’re enjoying yourself, too. You haven’t seen some of these people in ages, and you want to spend a little more time with them before leaving.
Not to mention, there’s another little part of you that loves how much Josh wants to go home – solely to be with you. You want to soak up the feeling as much as you can. Why not draw it out? It just makes the reward that much more enjoyable.
“We’ll go home soon, babe.” You say, waving your hand dismissively, “Just be patient.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he says, sarcasm dripping off him, “have you met me before?”
“Patience, Josh. Or I’ll make you stay here much longer than either of us really want to be.”
That shuts him up, and you watch in humor as he slinks away, turning back only once to give you a bratty look before disappearing back into the crowd.
You mix and mingle for a while longer, catching up with old friends as you flit about the room. Occasionally, you’ll catch Josh’s eye and he’ll give you a pleading look – one that normally would have you falling to your knees and giving him whatever he wants. But tonight, there’s a fire within your veins that renders his magical puppy dog eyes useless on you.
As the revelry of the night ensues, you find yourself tucking away in a corner with a few of your closer friends, lounging on the leather sofas and catching up. It doesn’t take long for Josh to come and find you though, and he settles next to you – so close you can feel the warmth of him as he presses his thigh against yours.
“Now?” He whispers, once again leaning in close to your ear.
“No.” You tell him, taking a sip of your drink.
“Babe…” He sighs, shoulders slumping, “I want you so bad. Please can we go?”
“Josh,” you place your glass down on the table and turn your body to face him more fully, “I’m enjoying spending time with my friends. You can wait.”
He sticks his bottom lip out and looks at you through his pretty lashes.
“Laying it on thick, huh Joshy?” You bat your own lashes at him in response.
He shrugs.
“And why do you have to be so mean?” He’s not serious, but he is losing patience.
You raise a brow at him and sit up a little straighter.
“What’s gotten into you tonight?”
“Have you seen you?” He asks you, raking his eyes up and down your form. “Your dress is going to kill me one of these days. A happy death, no doubt. But a tragedy nonetheless.”
You roll your eyes at him playfully, chest warming with affection for the ridiculous man in front of you.
“Are you really that desperate for it?”
He just nods at you, soft curls bouncing where they rest on his forehead.
“Too bad.” You tell him simply, reaching your hand over to rub his thigh softly with your fingertips. You stifle a gasp when you feel him, half hard, through his pants.
He whines quietly as your fingers brush over his clothed cock, rocking his hips delicately forward.
“Please.” He whispers, cutting his honey brown eyes to look back at you. His cheeks have become a dark red and his chest heaves with each breath. You’ve never seen him look so ravished without having even done anything to him yet.
“Patience, Josh.” Is all you give him, stroking his length through his pants one more time before you turn away, jumping right back into the conversation with your friends.
You hear him stifle a groan as he shifts next to you, clearly uncomfortable. You feel slightly bad for him, imagining how he must be feeling – popping a boner in public like a teenager. But that’s as far as your sympathy goes. You’re not ready to give up the game yet.
After a while, he calms down enough that he can rise from the sofa. He gives you a frustrated glare as he retreats, and you can’t help but to smile into your drink as you watch him go.
Eventually, the dull ache between your own thigh becomes too much, and you rise from your seat to go in search of your lovely partner. Weaving in and out of the crowd of people, you find him quickly, and his eyes practically sparkle as he sees you.
He walks over to you in quick strides, a bashful smile on his face.
“Are we leaving?”
“Yes, baby.” You tell him, heart alight with affection as he grins widely at you and laces his fingers with yours. “Let’s go home.”
“Fucking finally.”
The drive back to yours and Josh’s shared home isn’t particularly a long one, but it feels like years have passed before you’re finally pulling into the driveway. Josh had been silent in the passenger seat, hands clenched into fists at his sides and his plush bottom lip between his teeth.
You climb out of the car, and the two of you make your way to the front door. Josh walks in front of you, opening the door for you like the gentlemen that he is.
“Thank you, baby.” You tell him, stepping inside and immediately slipping your heels off. Breathing a sigh of relief, you walk further into the house. Josh follows behind as you make your way up to the bedroom.
Entering the room lit only by a salt lamp and a floor lamp, you sit on the edge of the bed, watching as Josh makes his way into the room.
He walks over to the middle of the room, arms hanging loosely at his sides, and a fire in his eyes as he looks at you.
“Something you need, Josh?” You ask him, a coy smile painting your lips. Why not tease him a little more?
“Babe, you know what I want.” He mutters, walking over to the side of the bed where you’re sitting and slotting himself between your legs. “Been wanting it all night.”
“Yeah?” Your question lilts out in a breathless whisper.
“Yeah.” He confirms, splaying his warm hands out on your thighs.
“How bad?”
“So bad, mama. So bad.”
“You were so patient for me.” You tell him, running your hands up his sides. “Take your clothes off, Josh. I want to see you.”
Obediently, he steps back and begins to strip. You watch in rapt attention as he undresses, until he’s standing there – naked and glorious, before you.
You allow yourself a moment to stare at him. You admire the way his slim waist is accentuated by the dim light, and your mouth waters as your eyes rake up to his sharp jawline and gorgeous lips.
He’s looking at you in that way that only he can – like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He’s looking at you in awe, almost as if he doesn’t feel worthy enough to gaze upon you. He’s more than worthy, a fact which you have, on numerous occasions, tried to convince him of. But in his mind, no one is worthy enough for you – not even him.
At last, you allow your gaze to fall on his pretty cock, hard as a rock and leaking already. The tip rests just below his belly button, curving just slightly and flushed red with need.
“It hurts.” He tells you, lip sticking out in a pout.
“I know, baby.” You say in sympathy, noting the way his entire body seems to tremble – tensed and eager to fulfill whatever command you give him. The power you hold over him in this moment makes your core weep and throb with want.
You rip your dress over your head, tossing it to the floor before turning your attention back to Josh. His eyes have come to rest on your breasts, eyeing them through the lace of your bra.
“You’ve been such a good boy tonight, Josh.” You praise, sliding backwards in the bed and leaning up against the pillows. “Can you be patient just a little longer for me?”
“Anything.” He breathes out, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
“I need you to make me cum, baby. And then I’ll give you whatever you want.” You spread your legs wide, allowing him to see the damp spot on your cotton panties. “Can you do that for me?”
“Whatever you want, mama. I’ll make you cum. Wanna make you feel good.”
“Come here, then.”
The bed dips as he climbs onto it, crawling his way over to you and settling between your legs. He leans down, pressing his nose to your panties and inhaling deeply. Almost as if in a frenzy, he dips his fingers into the waistband and yanks them down your legs. You kick them off to the side, not even bothering to see where they went.
Josh descends onto your cunt, licking a stripe up through your slick folds – drawing a loud moan from you. Expertly, he swirls the tip of his tongue around your clit, knowing exactly what to do to drive you absolutely crazy. Relentlessly, he swirls your swollen bud with his tongue, the feeling almost too much as he lavishes attention on you. His speed makes your eyes roll back in your head, his ministrations a mix between too much and not enough.
You reach down and thread your fingers through the unruly curls on top of his head, tugging as he finally plunges his talented tongue into you. You whine and moan as he fucks you with it, his nose pressing into your clit perfectly. The sound of your wetness and his slurping is obscene – pornographic and loud in the otherwise silent room. He’s got both hands splayed on your thighs, and he groans into your cunt, sending delicious vibrations through you.
Josh is nothing if not eager to please, and it doesn’t take long for the coil in your belly to tighten, warmth spreading through you at a rapid pace.
“Fuck, just like that.” You command him, as he takes turns between suckling on your swollen clit and fucking into you with his tongue. “You’re so good, Josh. So fucking good.”
He moans at your praise and the feeling sends you hurtling over the edge, drenching his face in your release as your entire body shakes with pleasure.
Sitting up, you watch as Josh licks his lips. The light reflects on your juices that are smeared across his chin.
“Fucking hell, you’re so good at that.”
His eyes glimmer and he opens his mouth to retort but you interrupt him.
“If you say ‘vocalist’s tongue’ one more time, I’m gonna slap you.”
He grins, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“You and I both know it’s true.”
“Come here, baby.” You say, beckoning for him to switch places with you. He crawls up to you and settles into the pillows, allowing you to toss one leg over his waist to straddle him.
“Please, mama. I’ve been so patient. Please.”
“Yes, you have. You’ve been such a good boy. And what do good boys get?”
He takes a stuttering breath.
“Good boys get a reward.”
You nod at him, sliding downwards on his hips to settle between his legs, leaving a trail of your slick as you do so.
“That’s right, Josh. And now you get yours.”
Slowly, you lick a stripe up his cock, tracing the vein that runs on the underside of him. You flick your tongue over the head, tasting the saltiness of his precum. He tosses his head back in response, mouth dropping open in pleasure. Delicately, you press a kiss to his tip, just barely pressing your tongue into his slit. He gasps, arching his back as his entire body tenses.
“Fuck.” He stutters out, as you sink your mouth down around him. You swallow him down, relaxing your jaw and breathing through your nose as you allow him to hit the back of your throat. You press your tongue into him and hollow your cheeks as you start to bob up and down on him, taking him as deep as you possibly can. He really has been so good for you, and you want nothing more than to return the favor.
Blindly, you reach out and find his hand, bringing it towards you to rest in your hair. Josh takes the hint, threading his fingers through it and guiding you down on him, allowing him to fuck into your mouth.
Tears gather at the corners of your eyes and your jaw aches, but you persist, focusing on breathing through your nose as he seeks out his release.
“Oh fuck, baby. Shit.” He whines through gritted teeth, eyes scrunched shut in pleasure. “Gonna cum. Feels so fucking good.” He tries to pull away from you, unwilling to allow himself to finish yet – no doubt wanting this to last longer. But you stop him by pressing your forearm over his hips, keeping him grounded as you start to bob your head again, this time taking him so deep that your nose presses into the soft hair at his base.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming!” His moans and wails are like music to your ears, and just like that he’s spilling down your throat. You greedily swallow it all down, before pulling off him with a lewd pop.
“You sound so pretty when you cum.” You tell him, licking your lips. “You taste even better.”
He blushes, suddenly bashful – just as he often becomes in the bedroom. For someone who normally seems so confident – and for someone who’s just had his dick down your throat, his shyness seems silly. But it's just another facet of Josh that makes you love him even more. His timidness is endearing, and is so specifically Josh that if you think about it too hard, you’ll start getting emotional.
You sit up more, leaning upwards so that you can kiss him. He parts his lips, allowing you to slide your tongue into his mouth, exploring and tasting him. You remain there a moment, before detaching your lips from his, pressing hot kisses down his jawline that you love so much.
“No marks.” He warns, turning his head up to give you access anyway.
“You have a makeup team.” You say into his sweaty skin. “Plus, I don’t care if anyone sees. Want them to know who you belong to.”
At that, you feel his cock twitch against your thigh, hardening again at your words.
“Oh?” You say, sitting back on your haunches and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “You like that? When I call you mine?”
He whines, and his dark, lust-blown eyes gaze upon you – filled to the brim with renewed need and desire.
“Yeah. So much, mama. M’all yours.”
“I know you are.”
You reattach your lips to his neck, kissing down the hollow of his throat before going lower. You wrap your lips around his right nipple, sinking your teeth into the delicate flesh and drawing a breathy moan from him.
“Y/n?” He asks suddenly, his tone a little more serious than before. You stop, sitting up to look at his pretty face.
“Yes, baby? Is something wrong?”
“No, no. I just-” He stops himself, biting his lip and you can see him battling with himself.
“You know you can tell me anything baby.”
“I know. I just don’t know how to say it.”
You cock your head to the side, waiting. You don’t want him to feel pressured into speaking, but his trepidation is setting you on edge slightly.
“I want-” he sighs, “I want you to fuck me.”
Your eyes widen and a fresh wave of slick gushes from you.
“I- are you sure?” You ask him, timid in the face of his own hesitation.
“I’m sure. I’ve been wanting it for days, I just… I didn’t know how to ask for it.”
“Oh, sweet boy.” You coo, swiping your hand over his forehead, brushing his sweaty curls off of his skin. “Is that what had you so worked up tonight? Wanting me to fuck you but you were too afraid to ask?”
He nods, closing his eyes in embarrassment.
“Don’t ever be embarrassed over what you want. I’m more than willing to give it to you.”
He opens his eyes at you, and the look in his eyes is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
“I want it, mama. I want it. Please give it to me.”
You see the change overtake him – like a switch has been flipped. Generally, the two of you switch up who’s in control depending on the day. And Josh’s neediness for you today had been nothing out of the ordinary.
But right now, as he pleads with you to give him what he so desperately needs, there’s something more. It’s a headspace you’ve only seen him in once before – months ago when you’d first broached the topic with him. He’d asked you to finger him, timid and so afraid it had made your heart hurt. You’d obliged, and you’d assured him over and over that you weren’t put off by his desires. If anything, you enjoyed giving it to him more than he enjoyed receiving it. Afterwards, the two of you had gone online together to pick out a strap on that Josh liked. You’d kissed him all over and told him that you would enjoy anything so long as it gave him pleasure, and he’d hit the ‘order now’ button. It had arrived quickly, but had since remained untouched and unmentioned. Weeks passed without him saying anything, so you hadn’t said anything either – afraid to push him too far.
But now, here he is, needy and desperate for it. He’s looking at you with complete trust, confident enough in your love for him that he’ll let you take care of him the way he needs it – absent of any judgment. Shaking yourself from your thoughts as you feel tears beginning to brim in your eyes, you lean over to the bedside table and open the top drawer.
You pull the toy out, the glossy black plastic reflecting the dim light. Josh’s eyes track its movement as you bring it over to you. You flick your eyes to meet his, giving him one more chance to change his mind.
“I’m sure.” He tells you, reading the unspoken question in your gaze. “Fuck me, mama. I want you to fuck me.”
“Anything you want, baby.”
With shaky hands, you slip into the strap – slow and deliberate as you secure it around yourself. Once it’s on, you slide the straps of your bra down, unclipping it and tossing it to the floor.
Josh watches you, eyes dark and lips shiny with spit. His chest is flushed a gorgeous red and his golden skin glows with a thin sheen of sweat. As you turn your attention back to his face, he allows his legs to fall apart, leaving himself on full display for you. Your own breath catches in your throat at the sight – suddenly feeling overwhelmed at the beautiful creature that lays before you, open and completely trusting in you.
You crawl up to him, the plastic cock bouncing obscenely as you move. You grab a bottle of lube from the nightstand and squirt a generous amount over your fingers.
“You ready, Josh? For me to take care of you?” You whisper, settling between his thick thighs.
He nods feverishly, chest heaving.
Slowly, you circle his rim with your finger, messaging the tight ring of muscle. You study his face as you press one finger into him. The heat of him envelopes your mind in a lust-drunk haze, the breathy whine that falls from his lips makes your pussy clench around nothing.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” You tell him, carefully stretching him inch by inch.
“Don’t stop!” He whines, mouth falling open as you add another finger. “God, don’t fucking stop.”
You scissor your fingers in him, focusing on the sounds that fall from his pretty lips and on the way his facial expressions shift with each movement of your fingers. He’s beautiful like this, completely spread out for you as you prep him.
“More.” He stutters out between heavy breaths, squirming and whining as you comply.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty like this. So pretty for me, Josh.”
The sight of him, awash and lost to pleasure is affecting you more than you thought it would, and you can feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You want nothing more than to reach down and give yourself some relief, but you abstain – instead focusing all of your attention on Josh’s pleasure. Tonight, you want this to be about him. He’s always so giving in bed, and he deserves to be spoiled.
You pull your fingers from him and he sighs at your absence. You wipe your fingers on the bedsheets before reaching for the bottle of lube. You coat the strap in it, wanting to ensure that he’s not uncomfortable at all.
Glancing up at you through half lidded eyes, Josh whines quietly in his chest.
“Fuck me, baby. Please. I’m so ready for it.”
“Ssshhh.” You shush him, lining your plastic cock up with his entrance. “You don’t have to beg, sweet boy. I’m going to take care of you. You know I will. Just be patient.”
Finally, you slowly sink into him, and you bite back your own moan as his beautiful noises hit your ears. They’re breathy, practically a whine – needy in a way you’ve never heard from him before. You sink to the hilt and pause, allowing him to adjust to the stretch, still slightly afraid of hurting him or going too fast.
He squirms beneath you, beginning to delicately rock his hips to meet yours, fucking himself lightly on your fake cock.
“Move, mama. Need you to move.” He grips the sheets in his fists, hands clenched so tight that his knuckles have turned white.
You oblige, beginning to rock your hips into him at a steady pace and he groans loudly in response.
“Look at you.” You mutter, more to yourself than to him. He’s the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen. “Feel good, baby?”
“Feels so good.” He moans, voice turning pitchy. You place your palms on the bed on either side of him, caging him in and bracing yourself to fuck into him harder.
“Fuck, please touch me.” He begs you, eyes completely screwed shut.
“Not yet, sweet boy. Be patient just a little longer longer. I’ll get you there.”
Selfishly, you don’t want this to end yet. Seeing him like this, completely lost in the throes of pleasure – pleasure that you alone are giving him, is like a drug. His moans and whines are addictive, lighting a fire in your veins as you fuck into him without mercy. His cock is red and leaking, angry and neglected as it bobs between the two of you. You’ll relieve him soon enough, but you allow yourself a moment longer to revel in this feeling.
You pull completely out of him for a moment, ignoring his groan of displeasure as you hook your palms behind his knees, pressing them up to his chest so that he’s practically bent in half. You thrust back into him, and the new position allows you to slip even deeper into him. You can’t feel it, but you can only imagine how tight he must feel. As soon as you bottom out again, Josh’s mouth hangs open in a silent scream. You’re almost afraid he’s in pain, but his hand suddenly shoots out and wraps around your forearm tightly – his fingers pressing into your skin harshly.
“Fuck, baby, right fucking there. Holy shit.” His words suddenly begin to slur together and you assume that with the new position, the toy must be brushing against his prostate – if the noises he’s making are anything to go by. His tiny whines have morphed into loud moans, and you’re thankful that the walls are thick. He’s never been this loud before, and your own desire at the sound of him threatens to overtake you completely.
“Fuck, harder, harder.” He chants as you piston into him, your entire body begining to shake at the effort with which your fucking him.
“M’gonna cum. Fuck!” He all but screams, and suddenly he’s finishing, shooting ropes of cum all across his taut stomach. You watch in awe as he cums completely untouched, and his orgasm seems to go on forever. You still in him, allowing him to come down from his high and back to the land of the living.
His eyes blink open at you and a dopey, fucked out smile spreads across his lips.
“Fuck, Josh,” you sigh out, “that was… the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
He just mumbles at you, leaning his head back to rest on the pillow.
“Gonna pull out now, okay?”
He nods, and you slowly pull out from him. He hisses at the feeling, and stretches out his legs. You unclasp the strap from your waist and place it on the nightstand, before reaching down to grab his boxers from the floor. You carefully clean him up, being careful to not overstimulate him.
“Are you okay?” You ask him, concern washing over you as he just lies there with his eyes closed, chest heaving.
“More than okay. Fuck. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, baby. I love giving you what you want. Thank you for trusting me.”
“Always trust you.” He mumbles, sitting up and reaching for you. “Lemme return the favor, mama.”
You swat his hand away and place your hands on his shoulders, pushing him backwards so that his back presses back into the pillows again.
“Watching you was more than enough for me. Just want you to rest now.”
He frowns at you, but you just give him a soft smile before pressing your lips to his for a sweet kiss.
“Another time, baby. Tonight was about you. Let’s go draw you a bath. How does that sound?” You rise from the bed, reaching your arms out to help him up.
“Sounds nice,” He says tiredly.
He goes to stand, but his knees buckle as soon as he tries to straighten. You quickly wrap your arms around his waist, helping him to carry his weight. You giggle.
“Damn, you really did a number on me, huh?” He asks you through his own quiet laughter.
“You were just so patient for me, baby. You deserved a reward.”
If you're reading this, I love you! <3
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There is Never A Right Time
Jungkook hadn’t thought about the woman he had left for a long time. He had gotten secretly married to her, his judgement clouded under the influence of alcohol, and all it took was a shadow of distrust to make him abandon her. If the world questioned the sanctity of her character, then the world had to be right. Right? He hoped he was right at least. Because if he wasn’t , he had lost the best thing that had ever happened to him in his life. As he continued to work as a top idol, artist, and entrepreneur time went by. He had other women but they never lasted long in his life. When he attended an award show with the rest of the members, he saw a girl there. Another artist. Definitely someone he knew he had never seen or heard of before. Who was she? Something about her was familiar. Maybe her eyes. And then it struck him, making him go as cold as a corpse. He had seen those same eyes somewhere else alright, in the mirror when he looked at his own reflection every morning.
DISCLAIMER: The character written in this fan fiction does not represent the real Jungkook’s personality or behavior. All of this is fiction.
WARNING: Fic mentions noncon/rape (does not describe it explicitly in this part), please don’t read if this is a trigger.
This series is slated to be a trilogy. Here is PART ONE, hope you guys enjoy. Also, I will be creating a permanent tag-list for all my chubby reader fics, please let me know in comments whoever would like to be a part of that.
The lady stood in front of him and the other members. She exuded a powerful aura, regal and dignified. These qualities were rather an unusual combination for idols, especially Korean idols so he was a little starstruck. Something that was rather unusual for any member of BTS to feel. She couldn't have been more than 18 years old though based on her appearance. The girl must be mixed race because she had very unconventional features for an idol. She had dark thick curly black hair that trailed to her hips and her skin reminded him of strongly brewed milk tea. The even more startling features were her plush lips, a prominent straight nose graced by a diamond stud, and double lidded eyes fringed with what seemed to be thick eyelashes.
She was sporting an unusual outfit as well; a customized skirt and bra set that he only saw gypsies and belly dancers wear. A gold belt adorned her waist sitting lower on her hips with a diamond belly piercing highlighting her lithe , toned figure. He couldn't stop looking at her because strangely enough something about her was familiar.
He made eye contact with her accidentally and what he saw made his heart palpate against his chest. He had seen those same eyes every day of his life in his mirror. Her doe eyes were too similar to his own. They say that eyes are a mirror to the soul, but her eyes were a mirror to his own.
Who was she? He felt a stir of panic as their eyes met and she bowed down low. She was of average height, but her presence seemed to envelope the room since other well known artists, idols, and staff greeted her politely. The stage director came near her bowing. To Jungkook’s surprise , she spoke in fluent Korean though she seemed to be a foreign artist.
The stage director and the girl were a few feet away from BTS when the stage director exclaimed , “How is your mother doing Cha-ya? She must be worried since you have only promoted up til now in the US, Thailand, and India. Are you having a comfortable time adjusting over here?”
The girl’s eyes lit up in glee as she responded with a little chuckle, “It has for sure been a different experience than the U.S. and India for sure. The stage is so organized and everything is so close by for promotions. I am enjoying it to the max. Mom told me to eat well and sleep 8 hours a day. You know how doctors are like. She’s constantly checking in on me to see if I am stressed out. Saiyan and Arang are also being such worrywarts since this is the first time I’ve been here.”
The stage director continued in mild surprise, “Are they your brothers? I thought you were an only child ?”
She guffawed in a cacophonous fashion which made several idols and artists look her way, in awe and confusion. Jungkook thought that she was a rather different type of artist. Very uninhibited by social norms. Clearly she had not been brought up in Korea.
“Director, we are actually triplets but both of them were born a few minutes ahead of me so they insist that they are my older brothers. We are very tight knit and they will be coming to visit soon. Saiyan is a pretty popular model right now and so he will be finishing his Engineering degree at Washington State and rush over here for Seoul fashion week. Arang on the other hand finished his MBA/Medicine dual degree, so he will be managing a chain of Health and Wellness Resorts over here. “
The director’s jaw slid open in an exclamation. He sputtered in disbelief, “ How are all of your siblings so well studied and managing jobs like that? You must be the only sibling purely in entertainment.” The girl deliberated for a second before responding, “Mom made sure we all had solid educations before pursuing these types of careers. She is always skeptical of fame, and she brought us up to be extremely disciplined, stable, and loyal individuals. I am actually finished with my course in Law (focus in international law) ,but currently all that is stalled for the time being because of my activities in entertainment.”
As Jungkook was hearing this conversation along with the other artists in the room who were curiously eavesdropping as well, the Director continued in awe, “Your mother seems to be an extremely strong lady. I knew she was a doctor who seemed extremely rich and well off, but she must literally be a goddess to give birth to such high achieving kids. What about your father, what does he do?”
Cha-ya scoffed with a quizzical, somewhat bitter look, “He actually left her before we were even born. We found out who he was when we all finished college. Our mother made sure our upbringing was never lacking. We saw him a lot on the Korean and world news growing up but never knew that he was our dad. You know, he is someone whose popularity never fades strangely enough. He sold his soul for fame, so it is to be expected perhaps.” The director looked so intrigued and invested as he prodded for more info, “ Who is he? Definitely we would know who he is? Is he a singer, actor, businessman in the industry over here?”
Cha-ya’s entire expression became rigid and mask-like as she replied in what seemed to be a disinterested tone, “ We do not consider him our dad, so neither my brothers, nor I would like to claim him. He was a sperm donor. That is the long and short of it. Who he is, is as irrelevant as what today’s weather forecast is. He betrayed my mother and trusted the world over her. She went through so much pain just to be by his side. And when she thought the pain would end, he left her. I have to be on stage, so if you will excuse me now Sir.”
She side stepped the director and went closer to the entrance of the main stage. Jungkook could feel the bile and vomit rising to his mouth. She had been pregnant when he had left her? He had three kids, that he never knew anything about? This grown beautiful artist was his daughter?And he had two more accomplished sons? His parents had grandkids? And how the hell did she brith triplets?!! Wouldn’t her vagina tear ??????!!!
His world was crashing down on him as the rest of BTS stared at him with stark grief painted across their faces. They all remembered her name, it was unforgettable.
Before he could process anything, he heard the booming noise starting up on the stage. Wait, wait up a minute! This track was the most popular pop/ rock release of the year all over the US. He saw his daughter he never knew he had on stage in an elaborate headdress dancing with precision and fluidity on stage. She had no backing track, the other idols could tell. This was live. Only one artist sang with no backing track in all her performances this year in the US. She was on MTV and all other award shows, becoming sensational, l hitting all headlines for singing with no backing track usually acapella . Shadow, that was her romanized name, but in all Asian countries she went by Nee-Da.
She had risen to the top for the past 3 years for her herculanean work ethic , creative marketing/business acumen. She was known for her cutthroat ruthlessness in the music industry, mostly aided by the fact that her mother was known to own and manage the world’s most innovative new security system, Poison. He did not know what to be more shocked about at this point? How could he not have recognized her? Seeing her in real life was different from seeing her on stage with all the makeup and ornamentation on.
She was the pop-star of the era, a business mogul with a net worth of close to 300 million dollars at such a young age due to her clothing and makeup line. She was his daughter. How could this even be possible? Jungkook could feel his identity crisis coming. How did he birth the most iconic popstar of this generation, who as of now hated his guts? What scared him even more was the realization of who her mother was.
The lady he had left, the woman he could never forget even in his dreams was her mother. And her mother owned the world’s scariest personal security company, Poison. The company had revolutionized personal security by founding a bracelet and many other gadgets that created magnetic repellant force fields around individuals. It was notorious for being marketed only towards woman and could only be activated when the device recognized the XX chromosome, so the device would never protect men.
Basically, women all around the world who had these devices now had a programmable magnetic forcefield around them which shielded them from the outside world. Firearms, Tasers, and aggressors were all repelled by this technology. Women could safely walk out in the middle of the night as long as they had a device, which was continuously made affordable at its very inception by the reclusive owner of the company.
With this technology ,the owner instantly became the most powerful business woman, icon, feminist, that the world knew. That is in fact all the world knew. That she was a woman. But nobody knew anything else about her, she was an elusive person who didn't show up to most media events. Her personal motto was that the products advocated for themselves. Her financial officers and other company higher ups showed up in the media, but she never did. Most people in the world didn't even know how this woman looked like, because of how reclusive she was.
All people knew was that she was Cha-ya’s mother and that she had two other kids.
What Jungkook got to know that made him almost go into a stroke was the sheer fact that Cha-ya’s mom was his Y/N. The one whose heart he had broken years ago.
Y/N was a billionaire of gargantuan proportions, a net worth that made his look like chump change. His daughter was the iconic popstar of the century, someone whose craze and popularity surpassed his own in his heyday. Which meant that his son Saiyan was the new model who had just walk in Paris Fashion Week as the face of Armani. The same one that Jimin’s daughter had raved about the other day. Which meant that his son Arang became the CEO of the exclusive wellness resort, Ellysium , a resort only catered to the richest of the richest. All this calculations overwhelmed Jungkook to the point that there was only one reasonable outcome. He fainted.
He woke up to the sound of his members whispering in anxious voices to one another. “Do you think he can handle this right now?” Jin asked Namjoon. “I have no clue bro, I mean he hasn't seen her in years and the last time he saw her, he treated her so badly that even I felt ridiculously hurt for her” Namjoon sighed in a rather morose tone of voice. Hoseok scoffed as he seethed, “Do you think she will even acknowledge him after all he had done to her? Jungkook left her to face a whole media circus alone while he impregnated her when he was inebriated, mind you. Then, to top it all of with a cherry he not only remembered nothing of the process, but she found him shagging a whole different girl the next day. Do you think that you would forgive actions as heinous as those”?
Jungkook felt dizzy as he struggled to sit up on the sofa. Jimin rushed to him with a frown on his face and worry painting his eyes, “You doing okay Kookie? Are you alright staying here for the rest of the award show, or do you want to head back home?” Still dazed from his fall, Jungkook responded pensively, “No it’s alright. I just need to catch my bearings and I can be there for the rest of the show”. Before the rest of the members could stop him Yoongi spit out bitterly, “You say you are okay attending the show. But are you sure you really want to? Cha-ya’s mother will be in attendance, flying out to see her babygirl win an award. You sure you can handle that Jungkook”?
Jungkook felt his heart racing, panic overtaking his mind. How could he face her? He had wronged her in so many ways? How could he show his miserable face to her after the way he had ruined her life? Y/n was never even his girlfriend or fiancé at the time. But, he had compromised her in the worst way possible and then had not even remembered his mistake the day after. She had paid for his mistakes by bearing children and caring for them when he had not even known they existed. Even if he had known , it was questionable whether he could've done anything signifiant. He had been embroiled in multiple scandals and caught in alcohol addiction during that phase of his life. He was living wild and no way would he have been a sober, or healthy father to his kids.
With the help of a few assistants , the group slowly trudged towards the celebrity seating quadrant of the award show venue. Cha-ya was up on the stage receiving the award for Most Streamed Artist from the hands of a veteran Korean actress. As Jungkook watched his daughter---as strange as it felt to say those words, receive the award with a blinding smile on her face, he felt his chest hurt. What type of crime had he committed in his previous life that he didn't even get to see his girl grow up? She was beautiful, sharing so many of his features, his bulbous nose, doe-like eyes, and rounded face.
She resembled him more than she resembled her mother. And before anyone could even expect it Cha-ya spoke into the microphone, “I thank everyone at VEX entertainment for helping me get to where I am today. I would also like to thank my staff and all the people behind the scenes who have pushed me to this position. I hope to make all of you proud. None of this would be possible without all of you”. She took in a deep breath as she announced, “But, most importantly I have to thank my mother. She brought me up to be the strong woman that I am today. She worked so hard to give us everything and never left us lacking. We never felt the absence of a father because she is both to me and to my brothers. I would like to call her up on stage, so I can dedicate this award to her. Please mom, come up on stage”.
Everything was moving too fast around Jungkook as he breathed in shallow pants. He felt like he was breathing too fast and his brain was not functioning. He felt paralyzed. Stuck. But he couldn't even catch his breath when he saw the mother of his children sweep into the area where he and the members sat. He could barely recognize the bold woman he was looking at. She looked lethal, powerful, untouchable ---the direct opposite of what she had been, a warm approachable girl.
She was draped in a blood red shimmering sari crafted with gold thread, an ensemble exposing a massive fire breathing dragon tattoo overarching the entirety of what seemed to be her left hip barely reaching to her belly button . The dress was close to backless with just a red resolute thread holding the top sleeveless jacket in place. You could tell she worked out, but she had all the feminine curves befitting a woman, a rounded stomach hidden by the shadow of the sari covering her modestly. Her face was covered with black sunglasses and she adorned her wrists with plain gold bangles, her neck laced with a simple gold chain.
She walked onto the steps leading to the stage in blood red heels as the entire celebrity section of the audience got a view of her back and tattoo. The lady was arresting to look at--all the way down from her aura to her body to her attire.
Y/N walked up to her daughter with arms opened, hugging the girl on stage with all the warmth that you would expect a mother to have for her child. A smile as radiant as a sunrise obliterated Y/N’s face as she spoke into the mike, “I am so proud to be here today to see my baby girl receive this award. She has worked so hard and all her efforts have come to fruition today. Thank you for allowing me to be on stage to celebrate this award with her”.
Both mother and daughter walked off the stage hand in hand as one of the MC’s for the award show started to walk up the stage. Collective gasps rang through the aisles as people saw who the next MC was. It was Saiyan. He had donned a simple Black Armani suit which highlighted just how devastating he looked. He took after Y/N more as he had slightly more defined cheekbones and huge eyes fringed with thick dark lashes to make any woman envious. He hulked onto stage, towering over his mom and sister at a height of 6′3. He laughed and hugged both of them, kissing his mom on the forehead, and strolled to the mike to present the next award.
Jungkook’s eyes felt like they were about to pop out his head and his head was about to fall off his body. All three of them were on stage looking like such a happy family, radiant and warm. He could tell how much love his kids had for their mother . Y/N kissed Saiyan back on his cheek and walked off stage with Cha-ya in hand, giggling with her. These were all the people who he should've had in his life for years, held closest to his heart, but his poorly made decisions or lack thereof had distanced him from his own flesh and blood.
Blinded by agitation and grief, Jungkook rushed out of the aisles, surprising his members as he absconded backstage to catch hold of Y/N and Cha-ya. But they weren’t alone. Cha-ya and Y/N were inundated by so many stage staff and artists who wanted to welcome them. His gut clenched as he saw all the men eyeing Y/N like she was the tastiest meal they had seen in centuries. He heard Y/N respond graciously to one staff member, “Oh, thank you for loving my outfit. It was designed by an upcoming Thai/Indian designer. She really went over the top with the gold motifs.”
Jungkook couldn't stop himself as he pushed people, shoving past them trying to get to Y/N and his daughter. Staff around him were startled as they saw him wading through the crowd to the center of the room, whispering in shock at his pushy nature. As soon as he got in front of them, he was finally able to process the magnitude of Y/N’s beauty. Y/N was shocked for a mere a second at his sudden appearance and to his great surprise, kissed Cha ya on the cheek walking away from him as she told her, “Baby, mommy will be in your changing room. I have to take care of something”. Cha ya nodded at her mother, her eyes glazing over with a coat of suspicion and bitterness. She bowed stiffly towards Jungkook , “Sunbae, nice to meet you. It is an honor to meet you”. Her eyes took up a hard glint as she saw the rest of BTS filter into the room. She faced them and bowed to all of them, speaking in a lackadaisical tone “It is an honor to meet all of you. I have grown up watching all of you”. Her face did not show interest in engaging with them and she looked at them with a rather disinterested attitude.
“Well I should get going. My mother is waiting for me”, she said as she glided seamlessly out of the room towards her dressing room.
Jungkook felt tears well up in his eyes and anxiety stain his mind as he could see how cold his daughter was being towards him, as though he were a stranger. She had greeted him as though he was just any person on the street, as though they didn't share blood. As though he meant nothing to her. Jimin and Namjoon closed in around him, steering him towards a secluded corner of the room as he started sobbing miserably as though he were not able to breath. His eyes were red, tears flowing down his eyes, wetting his cheeks as he understood the gravity of what sin he had truly committed.
He wiped frantically at his eyes, pushing away from his members as he ran towards Chaya’s changing room. He heard Yoongi scream beyond him, “Jungkook you better get back here! Don’t do this Jungkook, You need to calm down!!” Jungkook could not be reasoned with as he darted towards the room that a surprised staff had pointed at. He arrived in front of the door, barely catching his breath as he knocked in a hurried manner, desperate to speak with the most important people in his life that he had alienated.
Chaya opened the door in a pink satin robe, leaning against the door with a sigh, “I knew you wouldn't be patient. I told mom it was a bad idea for her to fly out. She did anyway knowing that she would have to contend with you.” She sneered as she bit out in a crisp manner, “Well, why don’t you come in Jungkook -sshi? Or will you stay outside and make a circus of our reputation? Funny how you are obsessed with keeping yours, but have no problem blemishing others. You couldn't stay away, could you? You managed to for so many years, but now you fail at what you claim to be best at. Not caring. How juvenile”. She snarked all this at him vindictively as she simultaneously opened the door, gesturing for him to come into the room.
The rest of the members stood outside as she sardonically queried, “Well, would you all grant us some privacy? I am sure we will have Jungkook-ssi out of the room soon enough. It shouldn't be a very long conservation. There isn't much to say anyway.” Yoongi’s eye twitched as he glared in silence at the rude girl who was literally the unexpected niece of all of the members.
She closed the door on their faces.
Inside the room, Y/N sat on the couch surveying Jungkook’s appearance with mild interest. “Why are you here Jungkook? Do you need to say something?”, she calmly asked. Y/N’s mind whirled in turmoil even as she looked calm on the outside. Why was he in front of them all these years when he himself had shunned her at her weakest moment? Jungkook was hyperventilating as he asked in a cracked voice, “I am not going to ask you the Stu-pid question of whether these kids are mine or not. Because I know that they are all the same age and I can see it in their faces and their mannerisms. They are mine”. He took a deep breath as he felt the panic overtake him, “But why did you never tell me about them? Why did you take me away from their lives. You know how much my mother and father wanted grandkids. Out of everybody in the world, you knew it the best. Why did you deprive me and my parents of them?”
In an infuriatingly placating tone, Y/N responded without a hitch in her voice, “Don’t you remember? You didn’t want anything to do with me because I had apparently betrayed our friendship by being a characterless bitch and luring you into fucking me when you were drunk. Can you not make a quick trip down memory lane? Or has it been too long for you to remember the lurid media details that tore me apart? You may have forgotten but I never will”.
She took a sip of tea as she tapped her nails on her lap, “You wouldn't hear me out when I told you that we had both accidentally gotten married when were drunk. Even though I knew that you never wanted anything to do with me romantically, you still initiated intercourse even as I clearly told you no. I begged you to let go of me. But in your blind livid anger of finding the marriage certificate lying on the couch later that night, you didn't do what most men do. You didn't do the practical thing, which is to rage and get over it. You didn’t tear the certificate and put an end to it there. You decided that I deserved to pay, and you fucked me even as I begged you to not ruin me. But, then again, why are you asking me all the gruesome details, when you were the perpetrator?”
As Jungkook clutched his head, bending it down in dismay and shame, she quietly drawled, “We could've simply dissolved the marriage. It was not done seriously. It was done in a compulsion, as both of us were under the influence. Influence that you forced down my throat if we are being truly accurate. But, why did you have to ruin my life even when you were in a sober state? What excuse do you have for that? Other than your ridiculously misplaced anger? So you forced me when you were sober, making me pay in the most pitiful manner.”
She laughed bitterly, eyes bereft of emotion, retreating behind a mask of forced complacency , “You knew, out of everyone else, since you were my friend at the time, that I had never even done it before. But you still treated me more pathetically than a piece of trash on the sidewalk. You degraded me as you violated me, taunting me with the most hurtful epithets known to man. You stripped me of my dignity. Don’t you remember jungkook? Don’t you remember any of it ? If you do, why are you forcing me to re-live it? I had kids, and I moved on from that pathetic, trusting, giving version of myself. You taught me that I must always pay the price for being kind. I will never forget it”.
The torture was too much to bear. Jungkook crumpled off the sofa, onto the floor as he started sobbing, remembering what he had done to her. He remembered how he had hurt her again and again. They had been extremely close friends at the time, and he had ruined their friendship by crossing the line when both of them were drunk. At the time he had loved another girl, one who showed him how disgusting humanity could be. Y/N had warned him against her multiple times when they were friends , but he stupidly enough had stuck onto that girl, having a toxic relationship with her.
When that girl had walked in on Y/N and him, finding the marriage certificate splayed out on the couch, she had broke up with him. In that frenzy of indignation, he had committed the vilest mistake of his entire life. He had forced Y/N, someone with no sexual experience, to suffer. He had degraded her verbally as he had humiliated and forced her. He remembered it as if it were yesterday. He remembered it everytime he looked at his reflection. When the violation was done, she had walked away pitifully, stumbling away from his form as she quietly uttered, “I am sorry for taking away your chance at happiness. You have punished me in a way I can never forget. I will never forget what you have taught me about our friendship. Now I know how much our friendship meant to you. Don’t worry, you will never hear from me again ”.
As cum and blood had streamed down legs, she had dragged herself out of his house, to go back to her lonely hotel room where she sobbed and cursed at her mother for giving birth to her. She cursed at god for her sheer existence. She would never trust again. He had damaged her forever.
An hour after she left his house, Jungkook had understood his grievous mistake and told his Hyungs the sin he had committed. They all stared at him in shock as Yoongi started beating him, “Is THIS what we taught you Jungkook? To be a rapist and a miserable excuse of a human being?!” Everyone else stared at him in shock. Namjoon went to Bang PD to ask him to contact their lawyer. What if Y/N launched a lawsuit against Jungkook and the group?
To all their collective surprise, they received news from Y/N’s friend Myrna, a foreign communications director at HYBE, that she had left for the U.S., going back to her home country. She had stopped at a hospital before leaving and handed Myrna an NDA drafted by a lawyer, before leaving, stating that she would not reveal anything that had gone down that day. The NDA also stated that she would like to never be contacted again, and that HYBE would face heavy legal repercussions if they ever attempted to do so. A divorce application form had been filled out and left in a pamphlet as well. All Jungkook had to do to nullify the marriage was to sign off on it”.
Jungkook lived through his memories once again as Y/N smoothed down her dress, “If you would like to get to know the kids, I will not stop you. In fact, I had reached out to your company regarding the kids when they were born. But, I never heard back from them since. I even personally tried contacting you and your members, but none of you ever responded. Regardless, bygones will be bygones. The past is in the past. Cha-ya, Saiyan, and Arang have been brought up to be kind, forgiving individuals. They are not ruthless like their dad. Though they are angry, rightfully so as of now, they will come around and try to get to know you eventually.”
“Now, I will leave the room and allow you to talk to Cha-ya and Saiyan if that is what you wish to do. Arang will be arriving in five minutes”.
As she got up to leave the room, she felt a firm vascular hand wrap around her wrist. She looked back to see Jungkook on his knees, head down, whimpering “I don’t wish to just know my kids. I wish to know the wife I never had”.
Y/N reached to remove his hand off her wrist, “You must not understand what the true definition of the words ‘too little, too late’ mean”.
@sporadicarcadebanana , @darkuni63, @jessicalynn85
#angst#jungkook x reader#eventual smut#fluff#super angst#groveling#jungkook x chubby reader#jungkook x y/n#jungkook x plus size reader#CEO Y/N#jungkook has kids#pregnancy Jungkook#bts x chubby reader#bts x plus size reader#sensitive topics#smut#yearning#idol jungkook
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SBI Spiderverse AU
This Au has been bouncing in my head for a while and its unlikely I’ll ever write it so I thought I might as well share it with the world. I came up with this fic after reading the fantastic fic Feelings Out on Paper (for those who haven’t read it, I would recommend it, it’s got an Ours Poetica kind of vibe to it) and thought “Yeah but what if this was a vigilante fic?” and then I saw the commercials for the new Spiderverse movie and thus this AU was born. I hope you guys like it.
Without further ado, here’s the AU:
Tommy is the adopted son of Phil Watson alongside twins Technoblade and Wilbur
Unfortunately, Tommy’s relationship with his family is very strained
They used to be really close when they were younger, but when Wilbur grew older, he thought it was embarrassing to hang out with his baby brother so he pushed him away and called him annoying so he’d leave him alone
Techno was kind of the same way, becoming more introverted as he grew older, he just kept his distance from everyone and preferred being alone. But Tommy being young didn’t understand this and thought that when Techno avoided him, it was because he was annoying like Wilbur said and not because Techno was like that with almost everyone
When Tommy was 10, the twins left for university and decided to go out on their own after graduating. In the 6 years they’ve been gone, they haven’t contacted Tommy once despite making time to call Phil once a week.
Shortly after the twins left for college, Phil got a promotion at his job that required him to be in the office more often, which meant Tommy was alone most of the time
The thing is, Tommy’s neglect is kind of unintentional. Phil is really busy but he makes sure to check in on Tommy every once in a while, and every time he asks how he’s doing, Tommy always says he’s fine. And why would Tommy lie about that? Phil also doesn’t know about the twins not talking to Tommy. If he knew, he’d be pissed.
The twins also have their reasons, but they’re not good reasons and they definitely don’t justify the 6 years of silence
So Tommy’s neglect isn’t out of malice. Even though it’s unintentional, it’s still neglect and it’s no excuse for their actions. Still, they all care about Tommy even if they don’t show it. Tommy understandably doesn’t see it this way
Tommy thinks he’s ignored because he’s too annoying and loud and he’s not as smart/talented as the others, which is why Phil makes time to call the twins but doesn’t spend time with Tommy
Over the years, Tommy grows bitter towards his family, thinking that he’ll never be worthy of Phil’s love/attention like the twins are. It also doesn’t help how he constantly hears about how successful his brothers are, leaving Tommy to believe he will always live in his brothers’ shadows and that they’re happier now that Tommy isn’t in their lives
Yay miscommunication!
Anyways, one day during a high school field trip, Tommy is separated from his group, stumbles into a room he’s not supposed to be in, and gets bit by a spider. You know how the rest goes
So Tommy develops powers and being the reckless teenager he is decides to test them out. During the test run he stumbles upon a mugging and using his newfound powers decides to step in. A week later, the vigilante Spiderman was born.
At first, Tommy did it for the thrill of using his new powers, but now he genuinely wants to protect the city and enjoys the feeling of helping people (it’s also definitely not an excuse to get out of the empty and quiet house that reminds Tommy of just how alone he is)
It’s been 6 months since Tommy became Spiderman and he’s become a prominent figure in the city. Not everybody appreciates his efforts (especially the cops), but for the most part Spiderman is respected and liked by the people
One day, Tommy comes home to see Phil looking excited. When Tommy asks what’s going on, Phil explains that the twins are coming back to visit during Spring Break
Needless to say, Tommy is not pleased. They ignored him, called him annoying, and then went off to college and cut off all contact with Tommy for years, and NOW they’re coming back just like that? He’s having none of it.
Tommy decides to go on patrol after dinner to blow off some steam. During his patrol, he sees a villain (haven’t decided who yet) messing around with some dangerous and illegal looking technology. Tommy breaks the technology so it doesn’t work anymore, but that causes the device to explode, zapping Tommy with some weird energy, causing him to pass out and for the building to collapse
He wakes up to find that the villain and the remains of the technology are gone. Whatever the machine zapped him with didn’t really hurt/affect him in any obvious way so Tommy heads home
A few days later, the twins come home and things are a bit tense.
Wilbur is acting as though nothing changed in their years apart, expecting Tommy to be the same kid who adored Wilbur and followed him everywhere when they were younger. He wants to spend time with him “like the good old days”, forgetting how cruel he was to Tommy before leaving and cutting contact for 6 years. He’s genuinely surprised and hurt when Tommy acts cold and indifferent towards him.
Unlike Wilbur, Techno figures out why Tommy is being distant but doesn’t realize just how badly his actions damaged their relationship so he gives Tommy space expecting him to come around eventually
Meanwhile, Phil knows things are awkward between his sons but he’s under the delusion that the twins kept in contact with Tommy so he thinks his family is still close and that the awkwardness will soon go away. He’s also around the house more and actually being a somewhat-attentive parent despite his busy schedule now that the twins are back (this doesn’t make Tommy bitter at all)
Tommy wants nothing to do with any of them and decides he needs to get out of the house, so Tommy goes patrolling like he always does when he needs to ignore his personal life
So Tommy is patrolling like normal when all of a sudden, not one but three people show up with similar spider-themed suits and using the same abilities Tommy has
Before Tommy can fully process this, one of them ask if Tommy’s the Spiderman of this reality
The strangers tell Tommy that each of them are a Spiderman from a different reality and were suddenly sucked through a portal and brought here. They were hoping to talk to the Spiderman of this reality to figure out what’s going on
The four of them decide to go somewhere private to talk to figure out what happened and how to get each of them back to their own reality
As they’re discussing theories, Tommy remembers about being blasted by the weird energy from the villain’s device and how it seemingly unaffected him.
The four of them theorize that the device was built to bring people from alternate realities into this one, and upon hitting Tommy, the technology decided to bring in people with similar DNA, AKA, other Spider-people
The four of them decide it would be best to reveal their identities for convenience and since they’re from different realities secret identities don’t matter so much
So they all unmask and Tommy finds out that the other Spidermen are Phil, Wilbur, and Techno
Tommy kind of freaks out for a bit, and so do the rest of the Spider SBI (they are especially concerned and surprised about Tommy being Spiderman)
They all share their backstories and find out that the four of them are a family in every universe, the main thing that’s different is which member of their family got bit. Another thing that’s different is the timeline with Tommy getting his powers only half a year ago while the rest of the Spider SBI has had their powers for a few years. (The Spider SBI are concerned about how young Tommy is but are glad he didn’t become a vigilante at 13-14)
Fun Fact: All members of the Spider SBI were bit by different spiders. All of them have the standard powers (which includes biological webbing because let’s face it, none of the SBI are smart enough to make web-shooters) but each of them also has one unique ability. Tommy can create bio-electricity like Miles Morales, but he can’t turn invisible, that power is belongs to Wilbur. Techno has stingers coming out of his wrists that can paralyze people and Phil’s healing factor is so advanced he can regenerate and is practically immortal (think Deadpool or Wolverine)
After doing more planning/investigation on how to get them back to their realities, Tommy says he has to go home but will meet back with them in a while
The next day, this reality’s Wilbur wants to hang out with Tommy, being very pushy about it. Tommy rejects him and lies, saying how he already had plans with friends and leaves to reunite with Spider SBI to help them out.
At first Wilbur was ok with it, thinking that there would always be another chance, but then Tommy rejects Wilbur’s advances the next day and then the next day. Every time Wilbur feels more and more hurt and confused, not knowing why Tommy is treating him so coldly. He also thinks Tommy’s hiding something and desperately wants to know what it is but is told by Techno not be nosey and go snooping through Tommy’s things.
Meanwhile, Tommy is spending time with Spider SBI trying to get them back home.
While they’re investigating, the Spider SBI want to get to know Tommy and ask him things like what his hobbies are, if he has friends, if he’s happy. In that time Tommy also gets to know his fellow spiders, about the ways that they’re similar and different from his own family
The Spider SBI are kind to him, they laugh at his jokes and tell him they don’t think he’s annoying. They are supportive, bandaging him up when he gets hurt, understanding his needs as a meta human, and helping him with some tricks they learned from their experiences as Spiderman
Tommy feels more love and care in a few days from the Spider SBI than he has felt from his actual family in 6+ years
One day, Spider Techno asks if his family is ok with him spending so much time away from the house, surely they must be worried about him, right? And all of a sudden it’s like a damn burst. Tommy tells them everything, about the twins being cruel and ignoring him before leaving for college and cutting contact for 6 years, about Phil barely being around during that time, about how the twins show up out of nowhere and how everyone expects things to back to the way things were.
To say the Spider SBI are pissed is putting it mildly, they are furious about how poorly their counterparts have treated Tommy over the years. They reassure Tommy that he did nothing wrong, that its his family’s fault and they don’t deserve him.
Tommy leaves the Spider SBI feeling lighter, reassured, and feeling a lot better about himself. But all of that comes crashing down when Tommy sneaks into his room only to find Wilbur standing there, holding one of Tommy’s spare spider suits
Being impatient and nosey, Wilbur had ignored Techno’s advice of not invading Tommy’s privacy and decided he needed to know what Tommy was hiding and he needed to know now, convinced that whatever he was hiding was the reason Tommy was being so distant.
Wilbur hadn’t expected finding out that his younger brother was a freaking vigilante with superpowers
Wilbur then waits in Tommy’s room for his brother to return, and when he does, Wilbur confronts him about being Spiderman. He starts scolding Tommy about being reckless and stupid and about how dangerous his little hobby is.
He then asks Tommy if he even cares about how worried they all were, about how being Spiderman was clearly driving a wedge between their family and making him distant with everyone (because surely that was the only explanation for why Tommy didn’t want to be with his family)
Tommy. Fucking. Snaps.
Tommy screams at Wilbur that he has no right to say he’s been worried about him after being a shitty brother and never bothering to call once in the years he’s been gone. He keeps going and says how even before he left he wanted nothing to do with Tommy because he was “too annoying”
The commotion causes Phil and Techno to see what’s going on and they see Wilbur holding Tommy’s spider suit. Wilbur helpfully fills them in on his recent discovery that Tommy was Spiderman
Phil feels hurt, asking why Tommy never told to him, to which Tommy replies “Why would I? You’re never here.”
Tommy then goes on a well-deserved rant about how alone and abandoned he’s felt and how it is unfair for Phil, Wilbur and Techno to shut Tommy out of their lives for years only to now all of a sudden want to be a part of his own life. They didn’t care about him before, so why should they start caring about him now
Techno tells Tommy he’s being unfair, that they’ve always cared about him and have a right to worry about him because they’re family. Tommy just says he hasn’t felt like a part of the family in years before jumping out the window and running away
The next morning, Spider SBI find Tommy and ask him what’s wrong, to which Tommy tells them about what happened the night before and that his family found out his identity
Spider SBI are FURIOUS. Spider Wilbur is especially angry about how his counterpart acted
The Spider SBI tell Tommy he should go on patrol and beat up some bad guys to make himself feel better while they hold down the fort and make progress on how to get back to their dimensions
Tommy agrees and goes out, and as soon as he’s gone the Spider SBI start to plan
So the Spider SBI go hunting and find their counterparts (who are all kicking themselves and wallowing in self-pity over what they’d done to Tommy, feeling horribly guilty and ashamed) and then proceed to kidnap them and bring them back to their base
Once there, the Spider SBI reveal their identities and then start tearing into this dimension’s versions of Phil, Wilbur and Techno, going on and on about just how shitty they were and that they don’t deserve Tommy
This is when Tommy walks in, back from patrol a little earlier than expected. He sees his family all tied up and being yelled out by the Spider versions of themselves and naturally is confused and concerned
When Tommy says that this treatment is a little much, the Spider SBI disagree, especially Spider Wilbur.
He goes on about they need to hear this, that they need to realize just how badly they messed up and how much they’ve taken Tommy for granted and just how lucky they are to have him
Spider Wilbur then says he would do anything to have Tommy back in his life again
And of course, Tommy asks Spider Wilbur what exactly he means by then
As it turns out, Spider SBI all have something in common: shortly after gaining their powers, their version of Tommy died to a criminal, and his death inspired them to help others
In other words, Tommy is their Uncle Ben’
This is why Spider SBI reacted so strangely when they found out Tommy was this universe’s Spiderman and why they were so angry about their counterparts’ treatment of Tommy. Because in their universe, Tommy’s been dead for years and this universe’s SBI don’t realize just how lucky they are to have him in their lives
I haven’t figured out the exact details of the rest of the plot but I do know the ending
Spider SBI with the help of Tommy (and possibly regular SBI) manage to go back home to their own dimensions after defeating the villain. They all have an emotional and tearful goodbye, with Spider SBI telling Tommy that they’ll miss him and Tommy telling them that he’s sure their Tommy’s would be so proud of them
After that the Phil, Wilbur, and Techno of this dimension all apologize to Tommy for how they treated him and resolve to be better after finding out how much Tommy suffered and getting a wake up call from their Spider selves
Slowly, they become more involved in Tommy’s life, supporting and helping him out with being Spiderman when they can while also being there for him in his normal life
It takes a very long time with probably a lot of therapy, but very slowly the four of them heal and become a real family again
Wow that was a lot of writing. If you’re reading this it means you’ve made it this far and I’m really thankful you took the time to read my ramblings. I really hope you enjoyed this silly little AU, until next time!
#SBI#sbi au#sbi fanfic#sleepy bois inc au#sleepy bois inc#au#tommyinnit#technoblade#philza#wilbur soot#mcyt#mcyt au#into the spider verse#into the spiderverse#into the spiderverse au#spiderman au#vigilante au#bedrock bros#crimeboys#angel duo#twins duo#sand duo#emerald duo
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Okay so I can’t get over the idea of Eddie being very possessive over chubby Steve n just like… grabbin those love handles. All the time. 1) so everyone knows Steve is *his* and 2) bc eddie LOVES Steve’s loves handles n loves grabbing them and feeling that spot on him and 3) because Steve goes feral for it too, loves feeling like he’s Eddie’s and loves knowing that when Eddie grabs him there he’s feeling particularly possessive of him 😈 n Steve’s just like 🥵
ughhhhhh 👹
that’s sooo juicy bestie!!!!!
because maybe as steve softened and his sides started to bulk and spill over his waistbands a little more, it was just a small thing, a little touch here and there. and then they get a little more prominent and eddie’s touches get a little more prominent. eddie’s eyes going a little dark when he does, jaw clenching and unclenching. hands landing there when he steps up behind steve to kiss his neck in the kitchen, or look at him through the mirror while steve’s getting ready (checking that the shirt he’s pulled still fits, eddie crowding in close, lingering if the shirt doesn’t quite anymore).
eddies arm dropping there when steve sits next to him on the couch, they don’t go so much to his hair or his shoulders anymore, no now it’s that lovely squish at his waist and hip. it’s the same when steve straddles eddie’s thighs, if he sits in his lap.
maybe the damn breaks one day when eddie’s really gripping them, using them as handles while steve is on his hands and knees, soft and open and dripping on the bed. eddie squeezing this place he loves most ‘fuck, fuck’ he’s panting, they’re both a little delirious ‘so fucking hot stevie, these, right here’ and he grips so hard steve thinks it might bruise. steve really hopes there’s bruises.
maybe steve takes a little to accept how much eddie likes it, maybe the growth isn’t too comfortable to begin with. those lightning shapes splashes of pink make these ghosts come out, past ideas of how he needs to be and how he has to look. but eddie listens and spends a night sucking hickies all over them, worshiping them, repeating how he feels about steve, how he needs him, wants him, always.
and like it’s become a thing, maybe full on pavlovian response. brain going a little fuzzy and gut stirring with heat bc steve knows that when eddie touches him there, he’s thinking about him, thinking about them together, thinking ‘mine’.
and like it reminds me of ur micro fic like if they go out, they’re in a queer space, u know eddie is all over steve. but he just always gravitates there. knowing now that steve gets it, what he really means by it. maybe in the club it feels a little like foreplay, like it’s a new, special time and space with the freedom to be in love. they’re obsessed with each other and eddie’s obsessed with steve’s body and everyone can tell and steve’s obsessed with that feeling of being so so desired, especially because he knows deep down it’s like body, mind and soul.
maybe steve’s at the bar and some guy comes over, starts chatting him up. steve goes along a little, answering this guys questions because it’s kinda fun. but the real fun is when eddie comes back from the bathroom, instantly in steve’s space. ‘who’s your new friend?’ and eddie’s smile is a little pointy, eyes a little sharp. he steps up close to steve’s back, caging him in. eyes on the guy but hands on steve. ringed fingers sliding up under his shirt, both hands splaying wide over the bare skin and holding those two handfuls so firmly steve feels his pupils blow, knows he’s gone pink. doesn’t really care that his speech slurs a little ‘ah this is uh.. sorry, what was it?’ because one of eddie’s hands had slipped around to hold his belly too, eddie mouth is hot and so close to his neck and ear. steve watched the guy walk away, with a huffy little eye roll that just adds to steve’s fun. but also so so grateful that the guys gone because he’s fucking hard and he just wants eddie. wants eddie to keep going, keep taking, keep touching. eddie squeezes, nosing behind his ear, steve whines. eddie’s lips brush up agains the shell, breath hot and heavy, steve’s eyes flutter shut. ‘mine’ eddie near growls, squeezing again and grinding agains steve’s ass. steve moans.
#👹👹👹👹👹👹👹#best ask best ask#hope this is okay!#hotlunch#steddie#steve x eddie#chubby steve harrington#<3#ask#drabbles#steddie wg
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Heyo! I just wanted to request a cute fluffy fic of reader and Bang Chan going to Disney world going on rides and just having a blast at the park, please :3
Please don’t feel like you need to write this right away, take your time. Love you!!💛🩵
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST I LOVE LOVE IT!!!! if its okay im going to change it to the parks in california because i know those ones like the back of my hand!! I LOVE YOU!! HERE WE GO!! I HOPE YOU LOVE IT!!
wordcount: 2.1k
Happiest Place on Earth
Chan had been giggly all day yesterday, not that it wasn’t normal for him to act like that. It just bumped up a notch. He also had that weird smug on his face like he KNEW something that you didn’t and was giggling about it. You two had been on vacation in Southern California for the week, so maybe that was why? You weren’t really sure.
“My loooove it’s time to get up…” He softly shook you awake; you turned over and gave him a look. Which once again he just replied with a smile and a giggle.
“You haven’t told me what I need to get up for Channie.” You said and played with his hair, he started laughing and put his head in your neck.
“Mmmh no I haven’t, huh?” Chan pulled away from you and gave you a kiss on the head, “wear something comfortable for walking around in.”
You groaned and started to get up, stretching and looking at the man next to you who was admiring your sleepy self, “should I wear sneakers?”
“Yes.” He replied simply, smiling at you.
Nodding, you got up and made your way to your suitcase. Chan said comfy clothes so comfy clothes it is!
When you finished getting ready you met Chan in the air bnb kitchen, “ready to go!” You hugged him from behind, you were still suspicious, but you decided to go along with his antics. He was the love of your life after all.
“Good sweetheart, I have my backpack ready too.” He put his hands over yours which rested on his waist, “you’re going to love my surprise.”
When you guys got off the freeway he starts giggling again, “Y/n, baby, close your eyes!”
“What if I get carsick?” You teased him, he glanced at you and pouted.
How could you resist his pout? You let out a fake-annoyed ‘fine’ and closed your eyes. It started getting a little bumpy and you guys ended up parked for a bit. But no matter what he made you keep your eyes closed. You almost fell asleep at some point. When Chan paid the parking guy the car sped up a bit and you could feel it in your stomach that you were on an incline. Hmmmm…
When the car parked Chan turned to you, “open your eyes baby!”
You opened your eyes to see a parking garage, he started laughing and then got out of the car. As you walked Chan told you to keep your eyes down, this must be some surprise.
When you got down to the escalators you noticed a very familiar banner, with an extremely familiar tram.
“Christopher.” You looked at him with wide eyes as you slowly road down.
“Yessss...?” He leaned on you a bit.
“Are we… Actually… Going to Disneyland...?” You mumbled looking up a bit at him, his curly hair prominently peaking out of his hat.
“Maaaaybe.” He side-hugged you and kissed your head. You were beyond excited about getting to go to what some people call the happiest place on Earth once again; you were especially excited because you were with your favorite person too.
When you guys finally got your tickets checked your eyes practically lit up when you started to see the old vintage buildings of main street through the tunnel. You could already smell the fresh candy and popcorn in the wind.
“Do you like the surprise?” Chan asked you; he squeezed your hand reassuringly. You looked at him with stars in his eyes, you didn’t know this, but that look you gave him meant the absolute world to him. He would destroy the planets for you just to see that look of love and adoration in your eyes.
“Do I like it? Baby I love it.” You led him to one of the sidewalks right outside the Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln building and gave him a big hug.
“I’m really glad.” Chan picked you up lightly with a little ‘arrgh!!!’ and started giggling. After he set you down, you had your eyes set for the hat shop.
“Chan! We have to get matching Mickey ears!” You grabbed his hand and started leading him again.
“Whatever you want my love.” He spoke with a softness in his voice that would make anyone get butterflies.
Walking into the hat shop on Main Street gave you nostalgia from when you were just a kid picking out a pair of Mickey ears. Chan followed you around the shop until your eyes landed on a matching wedding set of Mickey and Minnie ears.
“Please! I have always wanted to match with someone with these!” You grabbed them and looked up at Chan. He was not going to pass up the opportunity for people to think you two were married.
“Just like I said before… Whatever you want my love!” Chan let out the sweetest little giggle and he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
When he paid for them, he even got your anniversary embroidered on the back of the caps.
You bounced around with Chan’s hand still holding onto yours, “where to next?”
“Hmmmm…” You let yourself ponder for a moment, “The jungle cruise!”
“Lead the way!”
Chan being excited to be here made you actually want to marry him on the spot, you already had the veil, and he had the top hat from your matching Mickey ears too. You pushed the thought at the back of your head as you led Chan to Adventure Land, you could already see the jungle plants and hear the transition of the upbeat music to the dangerous mission music.
“We have to get the dole whips later! You like pineapple.” You took note and smiled up at him.
“Just not in my burger!” Chan joked with you, you let out a laugh.
“Oh, I know baby.”
The line for the Jungle Cruise was a little long, however you and Chan spent time playing games on his phone.
“I have got to catch Pokemon at Disneyland.” He spoke with determination that made you giggle and lean your head on him. You two were the embodiment of couples in a long line at a theme park but you didn’t mind.
“Are you seriously battling someone right now?” You started laughing really hard.
“Yes, this is such serious business!!!” Chan’s brows furrowed as he focused on his phone.
Just like that time went by really quickly and you guys were going on the dangerous and mystical Jungle Cruise.
The boat guide had Chan’s humor so watching him giggle was one of your favorite parts of the ride. He even snapped a quick photo of you when you saw the 8th wonder of the world: the backside of water!
The next ride to hit was Pirates of the Caribbean. This line was even longer due to the ride being on the lengthy side and more popular. Not that you minded though.
“Oh my gosh congratulations!” Some lady said from behind you, she had tapped you and Chan.
You were confused, what was she congratulating you for?
“I remember when I first got married, we came here first thing!” The lady said with a far off but sweet tone.
“Oh, thank you so much ma’am. I am very lucky to have my beautiful wife here with me! I surprised her with this trip.” Chan said and snuck an arm around your waist, you felt your face heat up.
“You are such a sweet man! You really won with this one!” The lady told you. At this point the line was moving, and you were about to get into the boats.
“I plan on never letting him go!” You said quickly before getting sent into the front of the boat with Chan.
He let out a squeak and moved around, “the seats are already wet!”
You started laughing, “I’m sure you can handle a little water, husband.”
After Pirates you two went to Small World and the Matterhorn, you even got to meet and take photos with a few Disney Characters. Chan was SUPER happy to meet Ariel, you laughed as you took the photos for him.
When the time hit the afternoon Chan turned to you, “if you want, we can go to California Adventure, I bought the ticket hopper for us.”
The first stop in California Adventure was Avengers Campus. You and Chan geeked out at the super store and he was this close to buying the full Iron Man suit.
“Imagine like Han sees it, he’s so gonna walk out of our apartment wearing it.” You swung your hands back and forth as you walked to Radiator Springs.
“He wouldn’t be able to walk out, he would fall.” Chan shook his head while laughing, you knew he was imagining Han falling in the Iron Man suit.
When you guys got to Radiator Springs you guys walked through the Cozy Cones and ordered some ice cream.
“This is literally the best ice cream I have ever tasted, my gosh.”
“I know right! It’s even better than I remember.” You did a little dance in your seat. What you didn’t notice was Chan’s hand on its way to wipe some ice cream off your lip. You looked at him and smiled. Your heart felt so warm in this moment, even with the cold ice cream in your system.
“I would kiss you but there’s a lot of people around.” Chan whispered; his ears were severely pink. He was acting bashful. You smiled brighter and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re too sweet Channie.”
Chan ended up being a BOSS at Pixar Pier. If you wanted a prize, he was going to make sure you were going to get it. The big prize of the day was the Bullseye stuffed animal, it was from the hardest game of the lineup. The horse race game is like skee ball on steroids. But of course, your Channie got it for you.
The next ride you dragged Chan on was The Little Mermaid ride.
“Promise not to leave me for Ariel?” You teased him.
“You’re the only Princess I need.”
You two got sat in a little shell and if you were being honest, it was very hard to pay attention to the ride again when your quote on quote “husband,” was next to you. The lights from the ride illuminated him perfectly. The little blue bubble lights lit up his whole face, you watched as Chan was enthralled in the ride, the music, the everything. It truly was the happiest place on Earth being next to him.
Chan ended up turning to you when it showed Eric and Ariel in the bayou as Sebastian sang kiss the girl. Like clockwork Chan put his hand softly on your jaw and kissed you. When he pulled away, he smiled and quietly whispered.
“I love you.”
When you got off the ride it was already dark, Chan gave you his hoodie because the breeze was starting to pick up.
“You want to pick where we go next?” You asked and put your hands in the hoodie pocket, in an attempt to warm them up.
“I actually already had a pick, I told you I planned this all out for you.” Channie led you to a restaurant and started talking to one of the waitresses. She nodded along to what he was saying and next thing you knew you were being sat at these tables right in front of the ferris wheel. All the lights of Pixar Pier were bouncing off the water.
“I got us the special World of Color tickets.” He grinned, you looked at him jaw dropping.
“Chan these are hella expensive seats.”
You weren’t lying, you were close to the front row, and they give out pastries and champagne right before the beautiful water show started.
“Well, we are on vacation baby I wanted to go all out.” Chan held your hand and pulled your chair closer to him, it started to get really cold, so he held you closer to him. He was always so warm.
“You’re the best.” You mumbled and leaned on him, “I tried to get everything I thought you would like in today.”
“Don’t worry about that. I got us tickets for tomorrow and the next day. So three days total, no need to rush, baby.”
You pulled back and looked at him, “YOU WHAT?”
Chan started laughing and pulled you back towards him, “I wanted the full experience with my future wife. Next time we visit I promise I will have a ring on your finger.”
#bangchan imagines#bangchanxreader#straykids#stray kids#straykids imagines#skzxreader#skz#skz fanfic#stray kids bangchan#bangchan stray kids#bangchan#bang chan imagines#bang chan stray kids#bang chan#bang chan x reader#christopher bang#chris bang#bang chan x y/n#stray kids bang chan#stray kids x reader#stray kids imagines
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Hmm okay okay so fic idea where we discover somehow that Pavitr has very prominent lower back dimples
(if you don’t know what those are definitely look it up! it’s so attractive 😫)
and maybe when we bring it up to his knowledge, *he didn’t even realize he had them till we pointed it out* he kinda lifts up his shirt and looks in the mirror and AUTOMATICALLY starts overthinking and becomes insecure so we kinda start loving on him we gently like push him down onto the bed and just kiss across his back telling him how he has NOTHING to be insecure about bc we find him and them to be attractive
Okay I googled them and oh my god??? Yes they are??? WANT GIEV KISSES??? DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY FIND THEM UNATTRACTIVE?! Like akhslhsldndjsjwhooh
(Also I recommend listening to this song because a Pavitr AI I was chatting with had it playing on his phone (and singing it) when he was getting ready for our date and let me just say I can totes picture him just singing it regularly!)
All Of You
Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader
Because I'm tired of repeating myself: PAVITR IS AGED UP IN THIS FIC
TW/CW: None really, a suggestive comment by the reader at the end (nothing happens tho), Pavitr being a poor, embarrassed mess
You dumbly flick through the pages of your magazine as you chewed your gum, reclining on the soft pillows and scattered cushions you had lettering your bed.
If one thing you knew about your boyfriend Pavitr, it was that the man loved to cuddle. And in his own words "no better place to have a cuddle puddle than the softest cushions on Earth!"
You couldn't deny that his love for copious amounts of cushioning was heavenly, especially after a long hard day at work.
Right now however, Pavitr was currently humming the tune to "Desi Girl" as he changed his clothes in your shared room (he was overjoyed when you agreed to move in together).
He had a bit of a tic you came to adore which was his habit of humming or singing when he did things. Well, not really a tic per se, so much as it was an endearing little habit he had.
You watched him as he pulled his shirt off over his head, hair bobbing as he did, and your eyebrows raised. You did love to see him with his shirt off...
"Oh." You hum, looking over your magazine.
"What's up?" Pavitr asked, looking at you with an adorable head tilt; much like the stray pups he loved to feed.
You giggle, holding the magazine to your face, hiding your smile.
"C'moooooooon!" Pavitr says, rolling his eyes, a smirk playing across his lips.
"Tell me!"
"You have such cute little back dimples!"
"I have cute what??" Pavitr's face dropped, and he immediately began to spin, trying to look over his shoulder at himself; looking again, like one of his stray dogs chasing his tail.
He walks over to your floor length mirror and uses it to look at himself, frowning with a worried crease to his brow. He apparently didn't like what he saw.
"Oh." He mumbled.
You sit up and close your magazine. "Pavitr? What's wrong?"
He doesn't answer immediately, just stares at himself over his shoulder, eyes not leaving those dimples.
His brow furrows and a frown creases his normally smiling mouth.
"Pav?" You question again, your legs swinging over the edge of your bed.
Pavitr groans, and trudges over to your bed, plopping down and burying his face into the pillows and cushions.
Oh. So that's what was wrong.
"Sweetheart." You coo gently, turning so you could put your hand on his shoulder. The poor guy looked so bummed.
"Is this about your dimples?"
He makes a full-body sigh in response.
Pavitr took great pride in his appearance, and you simply couldn't fathom why he would feel self-conscious about dimples of all things.
They were adorable! Like the dimples in his cheeks when he smiled! Didn't he know that? You certainly told him he was handsome and cute often enough...
You lean forward and kiss his shoulder.
"Seriously, they're adorable." You murmur as you ghost your sweet kisses across his shoulders.
You could feel him tense up at that, but otherwise he didn't move.
You frowned.
Okay, fine. He wouldn't acknowledge it? You're just gonna have to show him yourself!
You lift one of your legs up and straddle the backs of his thighs, locking yours around them so he couldn't squirm free (like you knew he was gonna do) and started kissing your way down his back, all the way to the dimples he seemed so disappointed with.
You splayed your fingers across his shoulders as you kiss your way back up.
"Babe..." He groans, squirming (of course) to try and wiggle free from you and your onslaught of affection.
"Nuh-uh. You're gorgeous and cute and I'm gonna make sure you know it." You say softly against his skin, as you keep kissing him.
You really can't suppress the smirk on your lips when he shudders and his breath hitched just ever so slightly.
"I'm just--"
"Just what?" You hum, kissing your way back up his spine again.
"Cute? Handsome? Adorable? Sweet?"
You place warmer kisses on his shoulder before laying your full weight on his back; your hands slowly sliding up the length of his arms before you lace your fingers through his own.
You kiss at his jawline, just below his ear and purr playfully, your lips brushing the shell of his ear.
"Am I gonna have to show you another way?"
You grin like the Cheshire cat when you hear his breath stutter.
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Thanks for being like one of the 5 people to write a Dante and Credo centric fic. I always believed Dante would mentor Credo somehow if they met (especially because of DMC Refrain aka the one game where you can fight Nero because unlike the other turned demon knights he treats Credo differently, saying he still believes he’s got humanity in him so he tries to convince him to change his ways. Dante likes to make peace if he thinks he can. And it works! Credo doesn’t die in this route either thanks to Dante.) and he’d probably eventually realize Sparda isn’t the type of guy he was taught he is, like it’d take a while but you know.
Thank you! I really need to look up more about DMC Refrain- I've seen a few tumblr posts about it, including one that showed some dialogue between Dante and Credo in a DvC fight we didn't get in DMC4 (as long as I'm thinking of the right game...) but I've never played or watched a full playthrough of it myself. One day I'll have to look for more on it. While I enjoyed what we did see of him, I would love to get more Credo and see how he reacts to different situations.
This got really long, so I'm putting it under a cut!
I really like thinking of Credo as someone who drank the kool-aid, so to speak. I think of Credo as being someone who passively accepted it when given as a child before he ended up guzzling it as an adult because he *needed* the kool-aid to be good. As in, he was raised in the Church and that was his life so he went with it because his parents believed, his friends believed, and he didn't see anything wrong with that. After his parents died, he latched onto the Order and its beliefs as his way of processing his grief, and the further he got in the Order, the more he *needed* to believe what they were doing was right and that what Sanctus was saying was true, because if it *wasn't*, then that would mean not only was Credo committing crimes/sins/being a bad person, but that his whole life had led to nothing. If the Salvation Sanctus speaks of isn't real, then what does Credo have to live for? What has he lived for? How will he ever be saved?
My read on a post DMC4 Credo is that he'd spend a while living because Kyrie doesn't want him to die. The phrasing of that is important. It's not that he thinks Kyrie wants him to live- that she really sees good in him, like she says she does- but that he doesn't want her to feel guilty over his death, or to inflict the pain of losing family on her yet again. It's different to want someone to live and not want someone to die. To Credo, anyway. While I don't by any means think Credo would look to Dante for guidance on how to live his life, or as some sort of epitome of a holy, righteous life, I do think Credo would be forced to face the fact that his actions hurt many, many people, and that if it weren't for Dante, more would've been injured and killed. He doesn't need or want to be Dante, but he doesn't want to be (the old) Credo either. He lives out of obligation.
If I ever get to publishing that fic of mine (which I hope to eventually!), one of the things you'll see is that I read post DMC4 as not really doing all that much to atone for his sins. He's certainly not attempting to repeat or worsen his sins, but I think he'd be really hard on himself and attempt to remove himself from society instead. There'd probably be a variety of opinions on Credo throughout Fortuna, but I enjoy the idea that there's a prominent sect who'd see that Credo fought against Sanctus at the end and use it to attempt to prop Credo up as a potential replacement to Sanctus, claiming Credo was deceived just as they were and that he saw the light when it counted and saved them from a worse fate. There would still be those who'd condemn Credo, but there'd be enough of a group that Credo could mostly live well in Fortuna. It'd probably be a similar group to those who still dislike Nero because of his demon arm (and mysterious background, and personality/guns/etc). I wouldn't say Credo feels paralyzed by guilt, per se, but instead like it's best he doesn't...contaminate others by injecting his presence. I HC a Credo who survives DMC4 would end up very ill, and I think this would make his self-esteem/self-image plummet even farther, since he could say "look at the physical manifestation of my failures, as I crumble to dust." The weight of his sins dragging him down and choking him. Literally. In the fic he has some breathing issues which are an important part of the plot.
Part of his conversation with Dante would be a confrontation about his inaction. Credo's not helping anyone by doing nothing- not that he's actually doing nothing, because Credo is someone who's lived his whole life helping others, so he has helped the people of Fortuna when they asked even if he tried to limit his contributions to town meetings, he just hasn't gone very far out of his way to do so (which is eating him up inside, because his nature is to help but his guilt keeps him from doing so, so both the actual illness and his own conscience are eating him up, double whammy!)- and sitting around being miserable isn't going to earn him any sort of salvation. Nor is going to Dante going to earn him that. Credo argue that that's not why he came to Dante (it's not, technically, except deep down it actually is, at least in part-), while Dante just shrugs it off because he's not interested in any sort of worship.
I think Dante would tell Credo a bit about Sparda, at least in terms of telling him Sparda wouldn't want Credo to sit around and be miserable and be a drain on his sister (especially the emotional drain), but would prefer that Credo actually do something to fix things. Sparda was a demon and did some pretty terrible things before he turned around and decided to protect the Human World; doing something bad does not preclude you from doing something good. I think Credo would get offended, arguing that it's different, that Dante doesn't understand, he wasn't there- But then Dante would bring up some sort of story about something Sparda did when he was a kid. Or at least that he thinks Sparda did when he was a kid. Dante was really little when Sparda disappeared and if he's being honest, he's not totally sure those are real memories or just things he made up later on in his childhood, but he's preeeeeetty sure it's right, so Credo shouldn't be so uptight. Credo would deny it- he story isn't especially flattering, both making Sparda seem so human and also bringing up some negative character traits the Savior would most certainly not have- but like you said, I think he'd eventually start to believe. Not in this conversation. Maybe not for a few. But he'd think about it and the gears would start to turn.
Importantly, Dante's being a bit of a hypocrite telling Credo it's not good to sit around and be miserable and do nothing except when forced to, because Dante's definitely had his periods when he's done that. But Dante's fully aware of this while Credo is not, so it's a good enough argument for the time being. That's part of what frustrates him about Credo; Dante knows (believes) he's a bad/lazy person and has both come to terms with it and positioned himself/his relationship as to cause as little harm as possible, whereas Credo has very much not come to terms with being a bad person (or person who has done bad things) and continues to hurt the people around him by forcing them to watch him wallow in misery. At least Dante's private about it. Credo can't be damned to put up a brave face. Dante goes "I'm a bad person, but whatever, it is what it is, I'll do what I can when I feel like it and that's just fine," where Credo goes "I'm a bad person and I can never be forgiven, I should be shamed, my existence is a stain and I should remove myself from society as not to mar others."
...this conversation basically starts with neither party particularly liking the other, but I think with time and talk they'd end up on good terms. It's just the initial impression. And the awkwardness of Credo having a really odd variant of hero/religious worship going on where he's faced with Dante being the opposite of the ideal Credo grew up idealizing, while simultaneously being the son of his god and the one who saved his people. He's grateful for what Dante did, but doesn't like how he went about it. Why did Dante have to scare so many people by shooting Sanctus as he did? Why didn't Dante take care of the Hellgates sooner? What was he even doing while Nero ran around taking care of all the things Dante didn't? Of course Dante would shoot back 'well what were you doing?' which would shut Credo up. But it's this idea of this sort of butting of heads of two people who've done some bad things, or allowed bad things to happen, who are good people at heart. Deep down, Dante and Credo want to save people. They want to help people. They have helped people. They just both have some issues accepting that.
Anyway! Credo sees humanity in Nero, and Dante sees humanity in demons. I see Credo as a hypocrite of sorts who'd see himself as irredeemable where Nero isn't, because Credo fully embraced his demonic powers yet retained a human form and only got stronger, whereas Credo turned fully demonic and his strength has since only waned. (Fun fact: Demon/Angel Credo has the fullest halo of anyone save Agnus in demon form. It's fuller than Sanctus' demon form and his vicar hat. I made up a long post about this that I never posted because I had a whole lot of analysis that got sort of. Thrown out the window when I realized Agnus had a pretty full halo too and it kind of ruined most of what I was saying....I need to get back to that at some point.) Nero did good with his demonic strength where Credo used his to hurt others and support Santus, who killed many. Nero saved Kyrie where Credo let her be hurt and failed to do much more than fly and fall. Nero never needed to be redeemed, where redemption is out of reach for Credo. Dante...does not exist on that scale. The fact that Dante has sinned but doesn't seem any way interested in redemption would really puzzle Credo. Dante's just comfortable with the sinful sort of life. He doesn't deny that some of what he's doing is sinful- for the most part; he does argue that Sparda drank too so it's not that bad to indulge in a beer here or there, even if he probably shouldn't be attempting to get blackout drunk like he does from time to time, made difficult by his healing factor (though more possible if he's injured and his healing factor is already strained, which is a whole other can of worms), and he argues that guns aren't sinful because not only did Sparda use guns but they can be safer since you don't have to get up close and personal and can save a hostage from afar- he just says sinning occasionally's not that bad. Sinning makes life fun. Life's about indulgence. Live it up and enjoy your time. To Credo, it sounds blasphemous. And while I think he'd never be as comfortable with doing "sinful" things as Dante, because he's just not that kind of person and will never be, over time he might loosen up a little bit. The type to maybe try some beer and then decide it's not for him (but maybe find some other type of alcohol that wasn't approved of in Fortuna, which allowed wine and maybe some specific spirits but not anything else) from experience, not just because he was told it was bad growing up. Someone who could admit they'd done something terrible, and who may not think themself worthy of forgiveness, but that tried to do good anyway. He wouldn't want to be the new Vicar/Leader of Fortuna, but he'd be content to sit on a council, or offer some military advice. He has knowledge that could help Fortuna in its rebuilding, and he wants to put it to use.
It would be a gradual process. He's not changing overnight. What happened during the Savior incident dealt a huge blow to his person, and recovering from that would take time. But he and Dante are similar in a way, and I think they could find common ground. I'd love to explore/see how their relationship would grow from slight disdain/hero worship to something closer to friendship, even if I don't think they'd necessarily be buddy-buddy. Dante wouldn't reach out to Credo on his own, but if Credo came to him, he'd offer some guidance. Mentorship. They'd be on good terms. Maybe hang out occasionally. Something like that.
Sorry this got way off topic probably, but thank you for the ask! Lots to think about. I hope to actually post some of this stuff one day...eventually. We'll see if I can ever get it into a state I'm happy with. My headcanons and interpretations seem to vary by the day, so I'm not set on everything I've said here, but I do feel it often enough to be worth sharing, so here it is!
#erurandomness#dmc#credo dmc#dante dmc#eruwrites#eruanswers#this is 2200 words which is. almost a fic in and of itself except it isn't in fic form but y'know.#i am incapable of being concise!
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Role Poll!
fantasy royal au
A bit different from my other polls, the plot and main pairing is already decided but I am stuck on two of the side characters and cannot for the life of me decide which would be better for what role because I have an idea for both results in my head and I love them equally.
The first Role is a powerful sorcerer working under the king. He is mysterious and kind of suspicious. As the best sorcerer in the kingdom and one of the best in the world, the king trusts him with a large percentage of things. However in secret he has many projects and things he keeps from the king. (The king himself is a morally questionable man, who has a strong greed for war and conflict and gets a large number of people killed with his way of ruling the kingdom). He is also very well read on all magical things, and is the main source of information on anything magical in nature, even if his credibility is ever questionable due to his knack for not providing proof and remaining aloof and ominous at all times. Despite this mysteriousness and distance he keeps from others, he is quite mischievous and has a large tendency to play pranks on others. Often using his magic to do so. And though he is fairly good at hiding it he takes a lot of amusement in the confusion of others. He is not one to confide in others, with the exception of his apprentice whom he feels personally responsible for and is very protective of because if anything happens to them he believes he solely would be to blame.
The other is the Kingdom's Royal Physician and Apothecary who often works alongside the Sorcerer for the betterment of the kingdom. He is NOT his apprentice, their jobs just often happen to overlap and coincide. They are on roughly equal standing within the kingdom with relatively equal importance. They work perfectly as a team due to them being experienced in opposite fields, where one is lacking knowledge the other fills the gaps. Unlike the sorcerer, the Physician is an expert in science and humans. He is a kind caring individual who values all of his patients as though their lives are entirely his responsibility. This causes him to be rather somber/anxious and sensitive in nature which clashes significantly with the more playful sorcerer, though curiously it never seems to result in any discourse between the two. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is especially sensitive to the feelings and troubles of those around him. He bonds with the main love interest over their mutual desire to save everyone and often works (alongside the sorcerer) in the favor of him rather than the king they are directly employed under.
The roles for everyone but Han and Seungmin are already decided so it is only between the two of them. They are the two primary side characters. Though the rest of the members are prominent characters in the fic, these two will likely make the most appearances outside the main guy and the reader (Relatively equally if all goes by my current plan). Additionally I kept the role of the apprentice and main love interest secret here so I don't spoil more than I have to but if you'd like to know and don't mind spoilers / think it will help in your choice on the poll feel free to DM me and I'll tell you.
Unlike my other polls where I leave the final choice to myself and use the poll as more of a suggestion, this one isn't just for input I actually just have no idea and will choose whatever the result is, Ahaha.
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happy wip wednesday!!
hello everyone, i hope you’re all doing well!! thank you @anincompletelist for the tag <3. i finally get to post at a decent time because of the break!
last week i decided that this fandom needed some wlw rwrb content so i wrote a very short June x Bea ficlet :P. lmk if you guys would want an actual fic made out of this friends to lovers concept ?
“Bea!” June squeals as she squirms against Bea’s fingers on her waist. “I’m trying to write this freaking- Ah! paper!”
“Then write!” Bea teases as she continues tickling June’s side.
In all actuality, June wasn’t bothered by Bea’s impishness. If anything she secretly loved it. She loved how physically comfortable Bea was with her. The time they spent together was always buoyant, perhaps even flirtatious, June hoped. But she was always stuck on that thin line between friends and maybe more. Though, what she wasn’t muddled about is her unequivocal feelings for Beatrice.
Those prominent butterflies that erupted in the pit of her stomach every time Bea touches her arm, or when Bea throws around pet names like love and darling. Especially in moments like these, where June pretends to be engrossed in her studies while Bea tries to divert her attention to her. When, in fact, June’s attention was already fixated on the blonde girl sitting next to her.
“Do you want me to fail?” June feigned the exasperation in her voice, but she couldn’t help the smile that crept up on her lips.
“Maybe,” Bea bites her lip, looking back at June with the big blue orbs that allure every bit of desire out of her without fail. June couldn’t help but look at the way her teeth were tacked down on the pink flesh of her bottom lip. She longed to kiss her. She needed it now.
June, without even thinking, says, “Is it weird that I want to kiss you right now?”
Bea’s face lights up and her smile gets wider, showing all her teeth, and oh god- If June wasn’t already sitting on the floor, her knees would have given out on her that very instant.
Bea’s shoulder was brushing against June’s now, her head tilted forward slightly. “Is it weird that I want you to?” June’s breath hitched in her throat, and it was as if she had forgotten how to breathe. Their faces were so close, that she could smell the strawberry lip balm Bea always wore, and she was just fervent to taste it.
June closes the minimal space that dangled heavily between them with an eager, pining kiss. Bea wasted no time reciprocating her energy. Their lips moved flush against each other, the cadence of their kiss quick and feverish. Bea pulls away from the kiss to remove the laptop from June’s grasp, replacing it by swinging one of her legs over June’s lap and straddling her. June looks up at her with her eyes potent with aspiration, and her cheeks flushed a deep pink under her brown skin. Bea reaches over with a shaky hand to push a strand of June’s hair away from her face.
“Fucking eyelashes,” Bea murmurs before tucking June’s hair further back to attach her lips to her neck.
no pressure tag for: @inexplicablymine @affectionatelyrs @littlemisskittentoes @getmehighonmagic @england-would-fall @read-and-write- @myheartalivewrites @indestructibleheart @kiwiana-writes @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @welcometololaland @sparklepocalypse @bitbybitwrites and to anyone who sees this!! please tag me so i can read your work and so i can reblog<3
have a wonderful thanksgiving<3
#wip wednesday#wip#wlw#wlw fiction#june claremont diaz#princess beatrice#first princess#red white and royal blue#rwrb#fucking eyelashes#rwrb fanfiction#rwrb fanfic#red white and royal blue fanfic#friends to lovers#rwrbsource#june x bea#rwrb au#rwrb fic#ao3fic#ao3 fanfic#alex claremont diaz#prince henry rwrb#henry fox mountchristen windsor#alex x henry#rwrb alex#rwrb henry#firstprince
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