#kaboom crew
mwtoongamer96 · 9 months
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Witness the new superpower from the Purplunk Gal! 💝🎀💝
It’s called “Ribbon Fever”, all in bright and various colours. Poor Bombina felt got betrayed by her dim-witted little brothers, X-Plode and Bombino.
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mizgnomer · 2 months
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Behind the Scenes of Wild Blue Yonder - Part Eight
Excerpt from Benjamin Cook's article on Bernard Cribbins in DWM #598
Despite the weight of the scene – a plane is about to crash over Camden Market – Bernard, 93, is in high spirits. As he’s assisted onto the set in his wheelchair, he raises his arms and cries: “Onwards!” Afterwards, he jokes: “I feel like I’m in Ben-Hur,” recalling the dramatic chariot race scene. Bernard’s Wild Blue Yonder cameo isn’t without its drama either. “The plane crashes over there, so you’ll hear the jet engine,” explains Tom, talking them through the moment. “You follow it with your eyes. Kaboom! And that’s the end of the episode. It’s terrific.” Cliffhanger howl, and out. “What do you say, darling?” Bernard asks Catherine. “Before the plane?” “I say, ‘What is it? What’s happening?’ Then you go, ‘The whole world’s coming to an end!’” “Gotcha,” says Bernard. “It’s high drama!” As ‘gramps’ to the Doctor’s companion, Donna, and once a fully-fledged companion himself, Wilf accompanied David’s Tenth Doctor to the end. So of course he’s waited for Donna and the (Fourteenth) Doctor to return from the edge of the universe. While back home the planet descends into chaos (find out why next week – in Special 3, The Giggle), reliable, resolute, old faithful Wilf is defending the Earth once again. “If I push you [in the wheelchair] a little quicker, there’s no danger of you falling out?” asks David, for the shot where the plane flies overhead, so close, plunging down towards them. “I’ll cling on,” says Bernard. “I’m made of stern stuff.” Later, after several takes of the Doctor, Donna and Wilf hugging in the shadow of the TARDIS as the world explodes around them, Tom calls “Cut!” and says, “That was lovely,” and Bernard pipes up, with a cheeky smile: “Who was best? Catherine? Yeah.” The crew laughs. “Perfect!” says Tom, after another take. “Perfect?” replies Bernard. “I’ll have that. Oh yes.”
Thank you to everyone who shared filming photos!
For other posts in this set, please see the #whoBtsWBY tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
The Twisters Masterlist
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- WARNING - please understand that some of my stories contain, gore, smut and other adult topic.
Tyler Owens
Lean On
Summary: Tyler Owens, an avid storm chaser, takes his friends Javi and Kate to meet his estranged wife YN and their son Noah, rekindling old tensions. During a fierce tornado, they seek refuge in a cinema, where Tyler and YN rediscover their love amidst the chaos. YN begs Tyler to never leave again, and he promises to stay, solidifying their connection he broke all those years back.
Lean off
Summary: Tyler returns to visit YN and their son, Noah, after a year. Upon arriving at YN's small apartment, Tyler immediately senses tension between them. YN is cold and distant, and Tyler soon discovers the reason—she had seen him on a recent livestream, where he had flirted with his crew member, Kate, and kissed her forehead. Although Tyler insists that it was harmless, YN's hurt is evident, as it reminds her of all the times he put his storm-chasing career above their family.
Aim to please
Summary: Tyler Owens discovers Y/N, a girl who dances for him, and they engage in a passionate, intimate private dance. Despite lacking protection, Y/N reassures Tyler, leading to a deep bond. Tyler uses a roll of dollars to tease and reward her, solidifying their bond and hinting at future shared moments.
A Love in the Eye of the Storm
Summary: Y/N tends to Tyler's injuries after he returns from a dangerous tornado chase, and their emotional reunion culminates in a passionate embrace, reaffirming their deep love and commitment to each other.
The Chase
Summary: Y/N and Tyler's storm-chasing adventure takes an intimate turn as Y/N teases and overstimulates him during a high-stakes tornado chase, creating an intense moment of passion and connection amidst the chaos.
Little chaser
Summary: Tyler and Y/n Owens enjoy a cozy movie night, only to be interrupted by their storm-chasing squad, who are shocked to discover Y/n's pregnancy
Little baby entrance chase
Summary: Tyler and Y/n welcome their newborn daughter, Hazel Grace, into the world, embracing the overwhelming love and joy of becoming parents as they begin their new journey as a family.
Promises in the Quiet
Summary: Tyler Owens bonds with his newborn daughter, Hazel, promising to protect and love her unconditionally while overwhelmed with emotion during their first moments together.
Not so past
Summary: Tyler and Y/N reunite in a heated, emotional encounter, reigniting their past passion and unresolved feelings during a late-night moment by his truck.
The Weight of a Word
He always introduces her to people as “my wife”? Like they’re newlyweds and he just loves slipping in “wife” whenever he can
Before the Storm
Chapter Summary: Tyler Owens faces a life-altering decision when a tornado strikes his hometown, forcing him to choose between his passion for storm chasing and his newfound responsibilities as a husband and soon-to-be father.
Here Comes Kaboom
Summary: Tyler shares his love for storms with his three-year-old daughter Hazel, who joyfully believes she can summon thunder from the safety of his lap.
Winds of Forever
Chapter Summary: Tyler and Y/N embrace the unpredictability of their love by exchanging vows in the heart of a storm, beginning their married life with nature's raw power as their witness.
Not so cruising
Summary: During a storm chase, Y/N and Lilly are caught in a tornado after a last-minute seat swap, leading to a harrowing rescue by Tyler and the team, with Y/N injured but eventually safe.
Summary: Y/N anxiously monitors a severe tornado chase from the sidelines due to illness, fearing the worst when the live stream abruptly cuts off, only to be relieved when Tyler, her partner, returns safely.
part 2
Not leaving
Summary: Y/N races to save Tyler, trapped under debris after a tornado, refusing to leave his side until he's safely rescued.
Not so past
Summary: Tyler and Y/N reunite in a heated, emotional encounter, reigniting their past passion and unresolved feelings during a late-night moment by his truck.
Study Stress
Where he's helping the reader calm down from an intense school moment. Like in college for a tough major (architecture would be cool lol, not biased at all; maybe focusing on better built homes for tornados) and it's like the first day of classes and it's chaos already.
Another 2
Summary: Tyler and Y/N take their daughter Hazel baby shopping as they prepare for the arrival of their twin boys, savoring a day filled with love, laughter, and the anticipation of expanding their family.
Down Bad
Summary: Tyler and Y/N's serene day of hiking turns into a life-threatening battle against a sudden tornado, forcing them to rely on each other to survive.
Summary: Tyler and Y/N’s haunted house date turns into a fight for survival when they realize the danger is all too real.
Happy Birthday
Summary: Tyler surprises Y/N with a secret birthday celebration after she thinks he forgot, turning her day into an unforgettable memory filled with love and joy.
tagging some:
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"strange new worlds is a serious show"
- the captain is doing a pirate impression and the first officer looks like she wants to cry
- the chief of security is wondering around in a princess dress with a very very small dog
- the pilot is exclusively replying to the science officer's descriptions with "kaboom"
- the captain is referred to as starfleet's boy scout in his file
- the first officer and chief of security are playing enterprise bingo, which mostly seems to be an excuse to shoot each other with phasers
- the nurse is describing things as giving birth from your mouth to coerce difficult patients into medical treatment
- the captain is using soup to ignite mutiny
- the science officer is bodyswapped with his girlfriend and is using it to punch people he doesn't normally get to punch
- the doctor is treating an alarming amount of arrow wounds for a starship with no arrows
- the cadet is always right and yknow what she's rocking it
- the chief of security is recreationally making ensigns cry
- the first officer is very jealous because only one of them is allowed to make ensigns cry at a time
- the chief engineer is very violently befriending the cadet. it is somehow working
- the captain is cooking, all the time, for the whole crew. nobody has informed him that he is supposed to be captaining this crew, not parenting it, and they do not plan to
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twinterrors29 · 1 month
TCW Mythbusters AU
Obi-Wan and Cody are Adam and Jaime respectively, with Anakin, Rex, and Ahsoka as the Build Team (kaBOOM)
whenever they run into legal issues, Obi-Wan will call up his politician friend, Bail; when they run into safety issues, Cody calls his brother Fox, who's a firefighter
when they need more...specialized help, they call their mutual special forces trainer, Alpha-17
when they have insurance restrictions on stunts, Anakin will call in his secret wife (while Rex badly tries to distract the camera crew from recording their dramatic phone conversations), Padme, who's a foreign noblewoman, who will show up with her team of bodyguards and perform the stunt instead
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spahhzy · 1 year
Jaune is tied up, once again, captured by the villainous Cinder Fall and her crew.
Cinder raised a hand with a fireball in it.
Cinder: Tell me what I wanna know, Arc, or you'll be set aflame, and no one will be able to save you cause we are hidden in this super secret lair.
Jaune: ...If you burn me to death, do I get a discount at the crematorium?
Mercury: ...
Cinder: ...
Emerald: *snorts laughing quickly shuts up at the glare Cinder gives her*
Jaune: ahaha, I knew that joke was 'fire'!
Cinder's eye twitched and she was about to burn him alive when-
Cinder: eh?
Mercury: I wonder who that could be.
Mercury went to go check the door, but as soon as he got close!
Through the smoke and stepping over Mercury's unconscious body, arrived one Yang Xiao Long.
Yang: Jaune, did you call me?
Jaune: Hi! ☺️
Yang surveyed the situation before strolling up to Jaune and picked him up and put him on her shoulders.
Yang: Why, Jaune. If you wanted to play hostage I had a bunch of rope in my room~
Yang looks to Cinder and Emerald, who just look dumbfounded.
Yang: Mine.
She said before leaving through the hole she created.
Cinder: i-i-how-who-what?
Emerald: I'm not sure if I should be mad or amazed.
Suddenly, Ruby pops her head through the hole.
Ruby: Did you two by any chance see two blonde haired people?
Emerald just nodded.
Ruby: Oh, seanutbrittle! She beat me again! Which way did they go!?
Emerald just pointed to her left.
Ruby: Thanks!
Ruby turned into rose petals, but you could still hear her yelling something about 'Noodle' and 'it's her turn' whatever that meant.
Cinder: Emerald?
Emerald: yeah?
Cinder: I'm going to go lie down maybe for a week. When Mercury is conscious hit him again for me.
Emerald: will do.
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scriberat · 6 months
tagging @thydungeongal since you're the one who got me thinking on it.
the post regarding severity of HP and hits and depth of damage on the body in ttrpgs has got me thinking about airships again (what doesnt)
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on a watership, there are a few layers of differing severity for an attack to land on: below the waterline, above the waterline, the masts, and the powder room. here, ive outlined how immediately fucked you are based on what gets hit. - mast, whatever, steering is screwed (also goes for the rudder, youre not done for but your steering is.) the bottom part specifically is highlighted because thats the part most likely to hit the deck and deal additional damage when it does - above the waterline, way worse as that is a hole in the ship itself. structural integrity is down but overall, it's not the end of the world and you can limp without really limping until you get to port to fix it, and things might collapse from above but youre still in good shape - below the waterline is... obvious. while it can be patched, someone has to be there to do so within a few minutes or youre going to sink where you are, and the larger the hole, the less time you have. a badly wounded ship means fewer fighters as you need to dedicate the bodies to fix the issue before everyone goes under - powder room. if you've got cannons you have a powder room which means an entire central spot full of explosives <3 one hit here and you're looking at a catastrophic event. best case scenario, you lose half the ship in a kaboom.
now, of course, not a lot of people are going to be aiming for the powder room, as a captured ship is a solid 40k in your pocket, 20k after repairs, and since most crews dont even number a hundred, thats a hefty sum in your pocket post-sale, or you can increase your own sea strength for higher payloads along the way. worth it to box the crew and save the boat.
airships, on the other hand, seem to have that in reverse, in which the hull itself is mostly expendable as long as you have the mode of locomotion and standing room. the integrity of an airship comes down to how it floats and how it propels. traditionally on that front, there are balloon types and sail types with engines. - with balloons, popping that balloon will result in the entire airship sinking. the balloon is "below the waterline." - with a sail-and-engine, the engine is akin to the powder room, a OHKO spot
to roll this well, the dice master in question would need to roll a die per cannon. if the ship being attacked takes up 10 squares and you have 5 cannons, each cannon would have a chance of dealing damage. the cannonballs should be able to pierce about 50 feet, so the closer you are the further the cannonball can go. then you have to consider if the cannons are on the gunwhales or gundeck for the elevation, and the further they are away, the more likely theyll hit the next layer down, though the power is also reduced.
nat 20 roll on the cannon that's facing the powder room will cause an explosion. anything less won't as it's difficult to ignite powder with a lump of iron.
so basically: roll for each cannon involved, calculate based on map distance, account for any armor that the ship may have (plate the sides), and you can make the ships themselves into players in a battle, and each table player can handle a part of it, from steering to loading and firing, etc.
grappling and boarding are also a part of this, but i havent gotten to that yet. itd shrink the focus lens from the ships (environmental) to the decks (stage) though
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usafphantom2 · 14 days
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Here’s why SR-71 crews used the most dangerous material (except fissionable nuclear material) to start the Blackbird engines
Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft
The SR-71, unofficially known as the “Blackbird,” was a long-range, Mach 3+, strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed from the Lockheed A-12 and YF-12A aircraft.
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
The first flight of an SR-71 took place on Dec. 22, 1964, and the first SR-71 to enter service was delivered to the 4200th (later 9th) Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., in January 1966.
The Blackbird was in a different category from anything that had come before. “Everything had to be invented. Everything,” Skunk Works legendary aircraft designer Kelly Johnson recalled in an interesting article appeared on Lockheed Martin website.
No need for a traditional starter
To save on weight, the Skunk Works eliminated a traditional starter for the Blackbird. So, they figured out another way to start the SR-71.
Here’s why SR-71 crews used the most dangerous material (except fissionable nuclear material) to start the Blackbird engines
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
Former Blackbird pilot Richard H. Graham explains in his book SR-71 Revealed The Inside Story;
‘The high flashpoint brings up another problem. Most jet engines use igniter plugs, nothing more than a very hot spark plug, if you will. Using these igniter plugs they used with the JP-7 and just drowns it out, it won’t ignite. Kelly [Johnson] put his engineers to work, and he said, ‘OK, gentlemen, how are we going to start this?’ They came up with a very unique way. Triethylborane – TEB for short. Each engine has a one-and-a-quarter pint. If I had it in a squirt gun and I squirted it into the atmosphere, it would go Kaboom! – it explodes with contact with the atmosphere. And that’s how we started the engines. As the engines rotate, at the right time, it sprays this amount of TEB into the turbine section, which goes kaboom, which in turn lights the engine. When you take the throttles up into the afterburner, it puts this metered amount of TEB in that lights up the JP-7. You get 16 shots for each engine.’
The most dangerous material to start the SR-71 Blackbird engines
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Mounted on each engine was a sealed tank, inerted with nitrogen gas and filled by maintenance with 600cc of TEB prior to each flight.
Former SR-71 Blackbird pilot David Peters explains: ‘An interesting note to this is the transport of it. If we landed away, servicing had to be hauled to our location. The NTSB lists TEB as the following most dangerous material, one step below fissionable nuclear material. The folks that handled this stuff were highly trained and good.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter X Page Habubrats SR-71, Instagram Page SR71Habubrats and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder Habubrats for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
Photo credit: John Freedman and User:Jaydec via Wikipedia
Linda Sheffield Miller
Grew up at Beale Air Force Base, California. I am a Habubrat. Graduated from North Dakota State University. Former Public School Substitute Teacher, (all subjects all grades). Member of the DAR (Daughters of the Revolutionary War). I am interested in History, especially the history of SR-71. Married, Mother of three wonderful daughters and four extremely handsome grandsons. I live near Washington, DC.
@Habubrats71 via X
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
(Spectre Of The Gun) S3 EP6 I’m hoping that they don’t think the gun is a spectre, don’t want them getting shot.
Does McCoy get a gun again? Lets find out:
- Chekov’s jaw has DROPPED
- Interesting, they all heard the message in their first language. I wonder if they all speak English in tos because I know in later adaptations it’s shown there are translators (and there must be translators here). But in the episode with that annoying ass robot (edit: Nomad) when Uhura’s brain gets wiped, she remembers Swahili and Chapel encourages her to speak in English, and the Swahili didn’t get translated in sickbay. I’m thinking that the crew is speaking in English then? Like obviously they’ve got universal translators but I’m curious whether any of the crew members need it to communicate or if they’re all speaking in English
- *immediately disregards the warning*
- Now not only has he brought McCoy and Spock, he has also brought Scotty, his chief engineer, and Chekov, his top navigator, onto the dangerous planet. Not a single redshirt (except Scotty… poor Scotty)
- 1. They look kinda silly 2. Gay fog
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- OMG A WESTERN (please get costumes please get costumes pleeeeeaaase)
- McCoy DOES get a gun!
- “They’re a bunch of hot air.” “Are they really?” Spock is in surprise and disbelief at that statement
- “Is this a dead man, Doctor?” “Very dead, Mr Spock.”
- Spock stopping his idiot boyfriend from being an idiot with facts and logic
- I don’t know anything about American history. What the fuck is happening
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- Magic clock in the sky
- “Is there anything here and now that could help us.” I immediately thought of a tranquilizer and then thought ‘why not a nerve pinch?’ Only one of which they thought of
- ‘I’m gonna shoot you’ McCoy just leaves
- Is Chekov going to get married? Nvm he got shmacked
- This episode doesn’t feel like it’s about them. But holy shit they’re so pretty
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- “Captain, let me!” Scotty is about to go on a rampage for Chekov
- “Let it go, Jim. He’s dead.” Bones trying to help Kirk get through these terrible circumstances. Do you think if McCoy died, Jim would think back on his words? Do you think Jim would never let it go?
- “I understand the feeling, captain.” “You talk about another man’s feelings. What do you feel, Spock?” “My feelings are not a subject for discussion, Doctor.” “Because there are no feelings to discuss.” First off, Bones also was just telling Jim to stop worrying over Chekov, he’s got no right to attack Spock like that. I feel like the writers just wanted to add back in their conflict. Second, (and this ties into a previous rant in an episode thought post) Spock’s feelings are a part of him being human (which he pushes away because others try to push him towards being more human) and also something very deeply personal for Vulcans, which isn’t something he would be willing to discuss here, because it’s personal to him, and they’re in a professional setting, thus it being really rude to bring up. Kinda like a person bringing up you having sex, and when you say ‘I’d rather not talk about this’ them responding with saying you’re a virgin
- Spock is getting verbally attacked here and then Kirk goes to defend him but Spock drops the, “They forget I am half human.”
- “It’s for the pain (takes a shot of bourbon).” “But this is painless.” “Well, you should have warned me sooner, Mr Spock.” Nice, Scotty.
- Hey, I don’t know, but why don’t you test it on one of the townspeople
- “We’re not going to move from this spot.” Get transported, idiots
- They’re caged animals now
- They’re assuming the guns are spectres, they’re going to die
- “We can’t just turn it on and off.” “We must. Spock, the Vulcan mind-meld.” “Very well, sir.” EXCUSE ME WHAT
- smooth slide
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- How do y’all feel about this… I’m not sure how to feel about this one…
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- Spock looks so tender when melding with Kirk
- Kirk would play video games and never choose to be evil cause he’d feel bad. Relatable.
- Kaboom. The gay satellite exploded
- Back to the McCoy (left), Kirk (middle), Spock (right) configuration
“We overcame our instincts for violence.” Kirk beats someone up almost every episode idk what he’s on about.
Episode written by Lee Cronin
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vickozone · 11 months
The Magnus Archives
-S3 Notes-
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More fanart is definitely coming soon.
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Handwriting translated below:
#81 childhood neurodivergent trauma. I like Georgie already. … I… didn’t like this episode very much. It reminds me too much of myself…
#82 Elias has the eye powers
#83 “The Stranger.” Circus and delivery service seem to theme. But, how?
#84 Martin is filling in for Jon, old “graveyard”, Melanie is archival assistant?
#85 “The Spiral”, someone isn’t not existing, Georgie is going on a date.
#86 The blanket never did anything, Jon spills some tea.
#87 Sebastian was so oblivious that Megan had to invite him back to notice something was up. [what an icon] Also, mentions of the lightless flame, the stranger, and some weird ritual. Jude Perry even needed to show up!
#88 The calliope is GONE. DIG. Martin really got into that statement and I do not trust Daisy one bit.
#89 Perry is The Desolation and Jon’s hand is TOTALLY singed off
#90 Jared is a bodybuilder and a butcher? He’s the Barbie of TMA. Also, strong women.
#91 Just as quick as he came, Michael Crew, [avatar of?] The Vast, is dead. Daisy is strangling Jon and we learn he can make people speak. AAAA NOT HIS THROAT!
#92 Elias confesses to killing Gertrude and Jurgen, Basira now works at the institute, “Hunt” is associated with Daisy, Jon is so mentally and physically unwell, and more details about the avatars.
#93 Admiral, delivery service, Georgie learns the truth, “Jonathan Sims, are you trying to save the world?”
#94 Georgie talks about her own experiences with death
#95 Martin reads statement regarding 2nd World War. He cares for Jon… a lot…
#96 Breekon and Hope backstory, and Daisy/Jon interview Sarah Baldwin
#97 “ELIAS, WHAT IS MY METAPHORICAL PIT?!” Also, Nikola Orsinov is that stranger chic.
#98 Maxwell, sandman, and Mel is new to poisoning people.
#99 The buried, Michael used to work for Gertrude, Jon is moving out and he got kidnapped— HOW MANY TIMES IS HE GONNA GET HURT?! (HIS LAST NAME IS SHELLEY?! 🥺)
#100 This is so hard to listen to. This literally hurts my brain.
#101 Michael. He… IT shares its statement. Gertrude created Michael. It got sucked through its own door, making way for… Helen Richardson. “He trusted her.” (I feel I am being too tame. MICHAEL IS DEAD?!)
#102 Jon + Mel planning to kill Elias right in front of him, Jon spoke French, more bugs.
#103 Demon pig
#104 If Tim dies… oh, he’s so hurt…
#105 Jon goes to china, The End mentioned, he is rather oblivious.
#106 The space and vast, also Melanie + Basira are shipping Martin and Jon. Stoppp! Also, Elias is pure evil. Jon is also ace.
#107 Jon travels the world, meets murderer’s daughter and vampire hunter! Power trio!
#108 “The world’s a stage…” + PETER LUKAS, MY BOY
#109 More of the trio and how they met. Mustermann just needs some quiet lol
#110 creepy spider movie director. Martin finds a way to distract Elias. ALEXIA. YOU GO!
#111 GERRY! NO! Also, there’s 14 fears. This episode is legit one of the most important.
#112 Friends take turns killing one another, and Barisa + Daisy are… friendly
#113 Gertrude knew Adelard, The End avatar, and Martin needs to keep his hands to himself! “TURN IT OFF!” 😰
#114 Hill Top Road cleaner, and we are off to blow a place up! :D
#115 yo. It’s the antique guy. Also, Helen is nothing like Michael… she’s… pure, somehow?
#116 This was the most confusing thing I’ve ever heard. I’m killing Leitner again if Tim dies.
#117 They all give their statements before The Unknowing. Tim… oh, Martin is so gay and Gerard is gone…
#118 I actually cried. Martin, you sweet boy, you don’t deserve this— WHAT IS HAPPENING!? NAH! NOPE!
#120 Tim is… dead. Lukas is in charge and Jon is in the hospital. (I need to lie down)
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talon4ever · 1 year
No such thing as a free lunch
Inspiration by @dominoxsquad Going back to the street kid Kallus thing, imagine him opening up and sharing things about his life but acting like it’s so funny like ‘oh yeah I have this CRAZY story from when I was a kid’ and then everyone stares at him in silence for like ten minutes.
Kaboom! Kallus and Ezra were catapulted out of the IBS base. “That was your plan to escape!” Ezra yelled at Kallus as they ran to a speeder. “We need an exit and I made one! You're welcome!” Both of them jumped at speed and drove away. After an epic chase our hero’s got away and were now waiting for Hera to pick them up. Kallus was sitting in the back of the speed. He was tending to a deep gash on his left inner thigh. “Ezra pass me that staple gun.” Ezra did so and Kallus stapled his thigh close. “One! Two! Three!” Kallus yelled out as he took deep labor breaths. “Six! Seven!” He took a few slow breaths again and in his own blood he wrote the number seven on his thigh. Kallus laid down on the seat. Erza was in complete shock at what he just witnessed.
The Ghost came and both entered the ship. Zeb was there to embrace a limping Kallus. “Sasha where are you hurt?” “My left thigh. Don’t worry, I’ve fixed it.” “No, let me look at it.” Both Zeb and Kallus were going back and forth about his leg as they went to their room. Ezra stood stupefy as the ship went into hyperspace
The crew was sitting at the table eating Ryloth curry. The table was a little crowded, so the three clones joined them for dinner. “Alright what is wrong with you! You staple your thigh close and write the number seven in your own blood! That sick man!” Ezra stood up and slammed his fists on the table. “For your information, that is an acceptable way to fix a gash. Also I need to remember how many stables I used, that's why I wrote in my blood. I don’t need five staples ripping out of my body again when I get too close to a high power magnet.” Kallus answered calmly. The whole crew looks at Kallus. “You’ve done that before?!” The whole crew yelled at him.
“Well it all started when I was 11 years old. I was hungry and looking for food while avoiding ogre and slimes. That's when I heard the sisters of perpetual sadness were giving out bread and soup at the town hall. I’m not sure what happened after I ate but I woke up in the middle of an operation. They had taken out part of my liver and were cutting into my chest to remove my lunges. They were all screaming, I was screaming. I don’t remember much after that. I came to an ally with four staples on my chest and 10 where my part of my liver still was. I guess it's true what they say. No such thing as a free lunch. This is a really good curry. Can I have some more?” Kallus finishes his story.
Everyone stares at him in silence for ten minutes without saying a word.
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
What's Inside the Witch's Coffin?
I know people that would literally murder me if they knew I put this on the internet. But I don’t see many other options. If I go straight to the cops odds are I’LL get blamed for what happened to my friends and get thrown straight in jail for a multitude of reasons. And I know at least one of them is alive and I need to find them.
I’m a smuggler. I… come into possession of objects I shouldn’t have and sell it to whatever fat cat wants a new piece for their mantle. The Witch Coffin is probably the biggest thing I was gonna try and sneak into the states, but that was because it was a specific ‘request’. The Witch Coffin was discovered in eastern Europe, and to be honest I’m not sure why the buyer wanted it so damn badly. But hey, me and my crew were gonna get a mil and we figured we might as well try, right?
Theft itself went off without a hitch, but the next day I got picked up for being spotted at the scene. That’s all they had, but I still got kept in lock up for three days. Glad they let me out without a fight in the end but the moment I got back to the hideout I knew something was wrong. I could hear the flies buzzing.
There was so much blood. On the walls, on the ceiling, it looked like a guy just went kaboom while standing in the middle of one of the bedrooms. I found body parts scattered all over the house and the coffin was just… gone. What I saw could make a lesser man wet himself.
One of my crew, Nicole, she left her notebook behind. I always teased her about how she scribbled away in that damn thing every chance she got, but it helped clue me in about what happened
I have to find her. Just in case I can’t, or if I meet the same fate as my buddies, maybe one of you can.
Item was successfully retrieved. Item is a six by three foot coffin made of a blue gray stone, covered with intricate carvings. The lid depicts a carving of a long haired woman, positioned with her arms spread out with a chain in one hand and the other hand appearing to be clawed. I think she once had a face, but time has worn it away. The sides both depict various tortures and executions- drowning, stoning, being burnt at the stake, hanging, etc.
There is definitely something inside, I hear something rattling about as we dragged it off the truck. Finn keeps bugging us about just ‘taking a peek’ but if he so much as lays a finger on the lid I’m breaking said finger. We cannot deliver damaged goods to a client, that would ruin our reputation.
Not that he could lift the lid on his own anyway. Damn thing weighs a ton and kid’s a shrimp.
Something’s wrong. Rick has been gone over an hour and he was just supposed to duck out real quick for smokes.
This wouldn’t suck so much if he wasn’t the only one who knew how to contact the client. Abe agrees with me that we just need to lay low until Rick comes back. Finn’s nervous but he doesn’t have the balls to actually bail. He doesn’t know where I stashed our passports anyway.
Finn tried to lift the lid. ‘Just for a peek’. And as expected he nearly broke his hand and ended up cutting his palm on one of the sides. Fucking moron.
Abe bandaged him up while I cleaned the coffin up, Finn got some of his blood on it and I didn’t want it to stain. Got most of it off and hopefully the client doesn’t notice anything.
Think the heating broke. Abe is taking a look but the temperature dropped from a cozy 70 to a chilly 62. It’s going to get even colder tonight. Time to bundle up and think of those white sand beaches I’ll be vacationing on as I sleep.
Wish I had some trazodone left. Having trouble staying asleep. Probably the cold.
Maybe I can get a real prescription when we’re back in the states.
Had some strange dreams.
It was like I was walking through a story. Only a member of the audience rather than part of the play.
I saw a woman wearing a flowing, emerald green dress. Her dark hair hid her face from me, but all she was doing was picking various plants and adding them to her basket. Least at first.
Then another woman burst through the undergrowth and fell to her knees. Compared to the woman in the green dress, she looked dirty, simple. I couldn’t understand everything she said, but she kept pointing to the bruise on her face. Looked like someone clocked her good.
The wit woman in the green dress gently took her hands and her voice rung clear as a bell.
‘Come with me, and live joyful and free.’
Spiders. I really hate spiders.
There must’ve been a nest in the floor because Finn started screaming and when we ran into the coffin room to tell him to shut his pie hole when we saw the spiders. Big ones, covering the lid of the coffin.
I let Abe deal with that because I have a limit. Tell me to cause a distraction, blow up a truck, steal the crown jewels, I’ll do it. Don’t make me deal with god damn SPIDERS.
More fitful sleep just led to more weird dreams. I think my dreams took inspiration from that damn coffin, I swear the woman in green looks just like the carving on the lid.
She was teaching a group of women, least it looked like it. Still couldn’t see her face, but the group ate up her every word. The class was just women, some young as ten or eleven and the oldest looking to be in their seventies.
The woman was picking up certain plants or berries and quietly explaining their uses. Then she pointed to one of the youngest in the front row and asked, ‘Are you ready for your baptism?’
The girl nodded excitedly and the others gave her plenty of space as the woman walked to her. Taking a stone knife from her belt, the woman sliced open a part of her arm and held above the girl’s head.
Scarlet spattered against the girl’s cheeks and tongue before I woke up again. I think I’m staying awake until Rick gets back.
Still cold as hell. I’m going to kill Rick if the reason he’s been gone so wrong is because he hit it off with some hooker.
Breaking News: Big ole Abe is actually scared of something. Snakes.
Went to go check on the coffin and much to both our surprise there were three big ole guys just curled up on top. Abe screamed like a little girl and ran out of the room. They weren’t even a poisonous variety.
I don’t even know how they got to the coffin because they were sleepy with cold when I picked them up. Coffin itself is even colder. Like touching ice.
Tossed all their scaly butts outside. I wonder if I should tell Abe I once owned a ball python. ___
I must be on edge from the cold. Abe managed to get a lil fire going in the fireplace but I swear to God I saw a shadow while we were all trying to warm up near it. Like a shadow in the hallway. Like of someone heading to the coffin.
I bolted for the hall and back to the coffin room, but no one was there. No one in the rest of the house either and we searched attic to basement. Finn kept teasing me about being paranoid but Abe told me it was all right. When he was still in the army and was patrolling late one night he nearly shot up a bush thinking it was an insurgent. When you’re tired and anxious, it’s natural to see things in the dark.
It’s now 55 degrees in the house and dropping. Another five it’ll be the same outside and inside. I was built for Florida. Not this.
Found another snake in the coffin room, curled up in the corner. Didn’t recognize the species and Google isn’t telling me squat so I’m not gonna screw with it. I shall call him Herbert. Abe thinks we should call him Satan.
Finn called me paranoid earlier but he is even worse. He thinks the snake came from inside the coffin. Bitch the damn thing has a lid that’s probably over a hundred pounds. Not to mention it fits so well with the box itself a flea probably couldn’t wiggle out.
Maybe Finn was right to be paranoid.
I saw more shadows and started searching the house again. I swear I saw someone walking up and down the fucking hallway and I had to be sure. Finn went with me up to the second floor. Still teasing but I was glad not to be alone.
On the way down the stairs Finn suddenly just went flying down, head over heels. Landed on his arm at the bottom and I heard one nasty crunch.
Abe managed to put it in a sling but we can’t go for real help. Not now. We can’t have anyone become suspicious of us. Cops are still on high alert about the Witch Coffin going missing.
I hope that’s not what happened to Rick. Idiot.
50 degrees. So freaking tired.
I’m officially spooked. This isn’t the first time I’ve transported artifacts. Hell this isn’t even my first time transporting something from a grave.
But the shadows are whispering and the guys can hear them too. I enter a room and I can hear a soft voice. To me it’s just that. Muttering. But the moment Abe or Finn gets in the room that voice turns… Angry. Cold.
I don’t believe in ghosts. I don’t believe in ghosts.
It’s officially colder in the house than it is outside.
I don’t know how I fell asleep it’s so fucking COLD and the shadows are getting louder. I can’t make out what they’re saying but I know they’re saying something.
My latest dream. I don’t understand it.
The witch’s house is on fire. All her students are dead. Heads cut off.
The witch herself kneels before a mob. Her chest is full of arrows, her throat has been cut, her legs are broken in so many places… but her wounds still continue to flow with blood and she’s not fucking dying.
I finally catch a glimpse of her face as two men drag her to a box- no not a box. The coffin. She can’t be any older than eighteen. She is just a scared little girl who just wanted to live life in peace with her friends. She doesn’t know why she has these gifts. She doesn’t know why she can’t die. All she knows is that all her friends are now dead and it is her fault.
They throw her in the coffin and before the lid is placed on I hear her scream.
We have to let her out.
We are opening the Witch’s Coffin. There are these weird snakes everywhere and spiders are spinning webs of ice. It’s cold enough that I can see my fucking breath.
The coffin itself is bleeding. I thought it was just left over from where Finn cut himself but there is blood dripping from other parts of the coffin now. Parts he didn’t touch.
It is time to free the witch, no matter the consequences.
Rick, if you find this, your passport is under the sink in the basement bathroom. Get out of the country. Run for your life.
We opened the coffin and I thought for a second all that was left was bones. Dry. Dusty bones.
Then the lid cracked. Blood began seeping from the bones. Muscles, veins, organs, skin all grew back. The witch’s hair sprouting from her new scalp, growing until it nearly reached her ankles in length.
Then her eyes shot open. Her colorless eyes.
But she could see well enough to lunge at Finn.
Her fingers grew claws and shredded through him like he was tissue paper. He didn’t stand a chance. She ripped off his head and I saw her stick her hand up his neck when Abe tackled her, screaming at me to run. Run as fast as I could.
I hid in the basement. I prayed for God to have mercy on my soul.
But the Witch hasn’t killed me.
When she got to the basement, she was soaked in blood and cradling Abe’s head in her arms. I shut my eyes and prayed she would make it quick.
She sat beside me, stroking Abe’s fluffy hair.
Then I heard Abe’s voice.
“How am I not dead?”
I opened my eyes to look at his head. The Witch had pressed two of her fingers to his lips. His eyes flicked around and his face was frozen in pure terror.
The Witch spoke, her voice strangely younger than I imagined it would be.
“Because. After consuming the other man’s brain, I realized I would need you and the woman. Simple knowledge isn’t enough to survive in such a startling and new world.” She turned her pale gaze on me. Slitted pupils seemed to sprout from the center of her eyes as they focused on me.
“Help me and I give this man a new body.”
She’s in the shower now, not even a foot away from me. Take away the eyes she does look normal enough. Abe’s head can’t talk without her magic, but he’s sentient. I can see the fear in his eyes.
I don’t know if she will actually keep to her word but that’s all I have to go off of.
Rick, please, save us.
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 028 - Kaboom.
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 Episode 3 - Minefield
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From the cold open, it's looks like we're getting a Malcom focus episode. Which is nice, we haven't had one of these for a while. Specifically, this episode is about how this man doesn't know how to relax. Which is a character trait of his which has come up in previous focus episodes of his. Also a large section of the enterprise exploded. That's probably important to the plot too.
Seeing everyone jump right into action is great. The chaos on the bridge after the explosion, and even more chaos down in engineering was great. Enterprise has done large stakes well before, but I don't think it's done this well to depict unexpected chaos like this before. I don't know why, but the cooler blue lighting is also adding to the effect. Trip being covered in grime and oil when reporting to the bridge was also a nice touch.
A second mine has latched itself onto enterprise, and Malcolm goes out to disarm it, and an unknown ship approaches the Enterprise.
Unfortunately, the explosion took out the translation systems, and Hoshi is out of commission for the episode, leaving us with no way to communicate. So, the best course of action is to pull a runner. But, since this ship can't catch a break, the one of the Mine's magnetic spikes impales Malcolms Leg.
Seeing Malcom being willing to sacrifice his leg, or even in relation to trip's backup plan his entire self very much fits his characterisation. But, Archer convinces him to just walk him through disarming the mine instead.
Once Hoshi is recovered, she does a bit of work translating the missed messages from the alien ship. Apparently they're from "The Romulan Star Empire" which was briefly mentioned in the future in Shockwave. Building towards something perhaps? Either way, T'Pol recognises the name. She does not elaborate much, but she recognises the name.
This episode really delved into Malcolm's outlook on his duty and his backstory. With his "I've been trained not to fraternise with superior officers", a lot about him makes a lot more sense, of course he's a social recluse who doesn't talk about anything accept work. His only real friend on the ship seems to be Trip, at least before his bonding time with the captain here. I wouldn't get a drink with him, but Malcolm is proving to be an absolutely fascinating character. His family's naval history is filled with people, like his uncle, who sacrificed themselves to save their crews. Of course he wants to live up to that. Phlox might be my favourite member of this crew, but Malcolm is the one I want to deep dive into the most.
So far, between Shuttlepod One and this episode it seems bottle episodes involving Malcolm and one other member of the crew are definitely hits for me. I hope he gets more episodes like this. Plus, this kind of character focussed episode is my jam in general. I really liked this one.
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demonicnarwhale · 1 year
Guh introduction? Yeah
Ghello I'm Eel and this is my tumblr. *Kaboom SFX* I'm 21. Japanese and Filipino.
Little animations or something is just tagged as: #animation
Ideas I spout will go under: #eel ideas
Doodles will just be: #doodles oodles
Trinkets/mini clay stuff/keychains will be: #eel trinkets
If you wanna send some stuff to the ask or something, go right ahead (i don't wanna come off as like some cold "do not interact with" sorta person) working on it
I like drawing HS Intermission funkies you can find them in the tags like
#Midnight Crew
#The Felt
#The Exiles
#Problem Sleuth
I also will list like the individual characters in the tags
Some AUs: (totally me not being a lil ill in the membrane. Also. Will perhaps add other silly ideas AUs what? oh Eel)
#Intermission Yeehaw
#Intermission Small Town
#Intermission Hooked
#Intermission But Trolls
I have a Carapace + Leprechaun "group" they are: #Commons Midnight Swing
And another Carapace focused news editorial thing yeah: #Night Times
I also have an oc that is thrown into The Felt #hk She's in a polycule with Trace and Fin and I will tag any art focused on them in #sharkbait (just so if you don't dig it, just go ahead and block it lol)
I have some homestuck troll ocs as well that I haven't really posted much here (yet)
My "main gang" will be #main10gang
#HPIA is for a group of fantrolls that are like some private investigation agency
And the rest just #fantrolls
I have a Toyhouse as well:
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Alright, Eel out
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supernova1us · 1 year
I've written up a whole pitch for a Donkey Kong movie spinoff of the mario bros movie
I truly love donkey kong as a franchise and couldn't get this idea out of my head after seeing the movie so had to just type it up( in a mix of excitement, boredom and being very high) put it out and see what others thought of it.
The movie would have a lot of heart and be the age old story of the hero wanting to keep his carefree lifestyle and not have to rise to leadership/responsibility. The movie would be a time skip of a few years after the Mario bros movie so it relies less on those events outside of DK still resenting being beaten by Mario and is pushing a bit too hard to be seen as the best. The time skip would also allow for making cranky a bit older and closer in look/voice to his usual look.
Dk would be the champion of the kongs and continuously drive off various incursions of their kremling enemies through the kingdom; it would be shown that the kong “army” is more for show and primarily just protects their boarders. The expectations of cranky for him to step up as a leader and mature would be the major weight on him.
A lot of emphasis on the family aspect of the kongs, with each member being a positive influence/voice for DK. Diddy and dixie constantly tag along with DK, looking up to him but he doesn’t quite “appreciate” them at the outset. Funky would be DKs cousin, live away from the city at the beach, have his plane and have the Jamaican accent and some bits of the spirituality of his animated series self. Candy kong would have her 64 design but redesigned so her height/proportions closer align with the other kongs. Playing up her dkc mini game/64 role, she’d be a music lover/dance instructor and be DKs main emotional anchor and the one who has been soothing his insecurities. Swanky kong would also reappear as a sleezy businessman but playing on the gag from the Mario movie, constantly ends up the butt of bad luck. Chunky kong, kiddy kong, Tiny kong and lanky kong are not main characters but have some lines and appear frequently and join in aiding in the finale. Other cameos would be bluster kong, yeti kong(eddie the mean old yeti), manky kong, redneck kong, dread kong, sumo kong, karate kong, ninja kong, and uncle kong. Also some scattered appearances of the bear brothers and tiki tak tribe members.
Kremlings trying to steal/destroy bananas to weaken the kongs, as usual, but king k rool is also using this as a distraction for a major operation; tunneling under the ground to strike at the kongs directly. The main kremling crew besides K rool would be klump(64 design), kalypso(possibly with her kressa concept design), kludge, kip, kass, koptor and, to a lesser degree, k lumsy. Other notable kremlings appearing as cameo/small parts would be krusha(a lieutenant), krunch, kasplatt, klobber/kaboom and Kuff n Klout. The main kremling army would be made up of kritters(most of which various shades of green but scattered blue and orange variants), but also klaptraps, rock krocs and kops. A montage of other confrontations with kremlings would also show some of the pirate kremlings, klubba, kackle/bones and kerozene.
So here is the main breakdown of the plot
-intro of DK being lazy and having to go deal with a kremling crisis, interspaced with an opening montage of DKs life and past deeds/adventurers, including events from the Mario movie and various game references.
He then heads back home and there is a quick intro to most of the cast as he is nonchalant as he is praised by his peers. Meets up with candy for a lunch date and is constantly pestered by diddy and dixie. He is summoned to meet with cranky who is aging and exasperated by DK not taking eventually being king serious and it is clear DK is not interested and wants to go back to a carefree life style and the two argue until DK leave upon hearing Funky’s plane arrive. At the same time, kremling Koptor spies on the kong city before reporting back to king k rool, who plots with his main minions as his kritters work on a large weapon.
The two reconnect and DK clearly wishes he could live funky’s easygoing life but is rebuffed by him. Another kremling attack on banana groves is reported and DK reluctantly goes to deal with it, followed by diddy and dixie. The kremlings are easily driven off; DK thinks nothing of it and overhypes his abilities, but diddy is suspicious; an amused K rool watches from a distance. As the kongs celebrate another victory for DK, diddy tells cranky of his suspicions and he confronts DK on the information. Another very public argument ensues between the two and an angry cranky reveals he isn’t DKs father, but raised him after his father, DK jr, died. An angry and heartbroken DK denounces cranky and his future throne and leaves.
He goes to visit funky and stays in his old jungle tree house from when he was younger. Diddy and dixie show up, having followed him, to try and lift his spirit; candy is in a kart and on her way as well, having been tipped off by chunky and tiny. DK, moping, goes to the cave below the tree house where he used to keep his bananas but finds it empty and opened to a much larger cavern beneath. The trio investigates and finds a large mining operation the kremlings have been opening underground, using enslaved mole miners, heading towards the kong city. They attempt to thwart it and DK challenges K rool directly but underestimates him and gets beaten. The trio are imprisoned and diddy/dixie befriend their guard, the massive yet simple k lumsy.
At the same time a saddened cranky regrets what he said and is comforted by the spirit of his deceased wife, wrinkly kong, who implores him to mend the relationship and accept DK for who he is. DK apologizes for taking diddy and dixie, as well as his responcibilities, for granted and helps them escape. He declines their getting help for him, as this was his fault, and sends them to warn cranky of the kremlings plan. He is likewise comforted and encouraged by wrinkly’s spirit and he befriends k lumsy into letting him free. DK frees the captive animal buddies and with them causes chaos and the collapse of the cavern. The moles all dig to safety and the kremlings flee; K rool leaves DK to perish while revealing the collapse is pointless as his weapon has already reached its destination and he has already won. DK and the animal buddies are dug up by diddy, dixie, funky and candy, who ride the animals back to kong city.
They return and DK and cranky reconcile; cranky reveals he’s actually DKs grandfather, DK the 1st(everyone just started calling him cranky), and his son, DKs father, was killed by King k rool. Cranky has always held guilt for this as the war with the kremlings was partially his fault, as he refused to acknowledge the kremlings as equals, which incurred K rools wrath. Suddenly from beneath the center of the city rises K rools weapon: a titanic, steampunk crocodile robot that begins attacking the city. Given hope by his friends, he leads them and the other kongs in repelling the death machine and the kremling troops within. Carts are used to tangle its legs while the kongs damage it by throwing barrels. DK finally nails it with enough exploding barrels at its joints that it collapses and explodes.
K rool has been watching from a distance and is in a rage at his defeat when DK arrives. They are confident in defeating him when his friends join and a battle royal erupts. When the tide turns against K rool, he orders k lumsy, revealed to be one of his siblings, to intervene but he refuses to hurt his new kong friends. DK finally lays out K rool, who orders a retreat but swears revenge. Sometime later, DK is crowned as king by cranky(the coronation has him holding the crystal coconut and golden banana) but he insists on a more hands off, relaxed reign(no crown or thrown), which cranky accepts; DK officially takes diddy and dixie as his “heroes in training”. Eventually, kremlings, led by K rools main minions, are destroying bananas trees and DK swings out to help, now joined by his friends. They swing through the canopy and jump through the tree line towards the shocked kremlings. Low shot of DK high in the air and diving with a punch shouting “It’s on like…” when the screen cuts and the DK rap starts playing as the credits role.
Please leave genuine feedback and reblog if you like and support
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bakumatsu-assassin · 4 months
The stench of burnt rubber and singed fur hung heavy in the air. Which occurred just right after the mangled contraption appeared to be a washing machine ravaged by a honey badger made a sudden crash loudly onto the ground. Glowing tubes sputtered and an antenna, clearly a coat hanger bent by overzealous enthusiasm, twitched erratically.
With a deafening KABOOM that startled a flock of nearby tengu, the metal hatch flung open, launching a gaggle of Rabbids into a heap of flailing limbs and confused "Bwaahs!" Dazed and dusted (mostly dusted), they took in their surroundings. Gone was the sterile lab they called home, replaced by a vast open field bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun.
One Rabbid, sporting a traffic cone as a makeshift crown (clearly the leader, at least until someone found a bigger carrot), scratched his head with a beady black eye. His fellow Rabbids, a motley crew of fuzzy chaos agents, followed suit, their expressions a hilarious mix of bewilderment and the ever-present hope of encountering a giant, carrot-shaped time machine.
The culprit behind their predicament, the Time Washing Machine, lay sputtering behind them like a deranged blender. Smoke curled from its mangled form, mingling with the sweet scent of wildflowers. It seemed their latest attempt at conquering time travel had gone about as smoothly as a greased watermelon on a downhill slope.
The first Rabbid thrusts a fuzzy finger skyward, voicing a high-pitched "BWAAAAH!"
The second sniffs the air with exaggerated suspicion, and lets out a question "BWEE BWOINK?" He then points a finger at the pulsating flowers with a curious "BWAA?"
A third resident "mechanic" whacks the smoking machine with a wrench, earning a disgruntled "BWAAAH!" from the machine itself.) He shakes his fist and lets out a frustrated "BWAAAH DOO BEE BOO! BWAH BWAH!"
A chorus of agreement erupted from the Rabbids, a symphony of confused "BWAAHs?" punctuated by the occasional rhythmic crunch of a carrot being munched on. They stared out at the strange new world, a mix of cartoonish confusion and bewilderment.
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