#with these 60th anniversary specials
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mizgnomer · 7 months ago
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Behind the Scenes of Wild Blue Yonder - Part Eight
Excerpt from Benjamin Cook's article on Bernard Cribbins in DWM #598
Despite the weight of the scene – a plane is about to crash over Camden Market – Bernard, 93, is in high spirits. As he’s assisted onto the set in his wheelchair, he raises his arms and cries: “Onwards!” Afterwards, he jokes: “I feel like I’m in Ben-Hur,” recalling the dramatic chariot race scene. Bernard’s Wild Blue Yonder cameo isn’t without its drama either. “The plane crashes over there, so you’ll hear the jet engine,” explains Tom, talking them through the moment. “You follow it with your eyes. Kaboom! And that’s the end of the episode. It’s terrific.” Cliffhanger howl, and out. “What do you say, darling?” Bernard asks Catherine. “Before the plane?” “I say, ‘What is it? What’s happening?’ Then you go, ‘The whole world’s coming to an end!’” “Gotcha,” says Bernard. “It’s high drama!” As ‘gramps’ to the Doctor’s companion, Donna, and once a fully-fledged companion himself, Wilf accompanied David’s Tenth Doctor to the end. So of course he’s waited for Donna and the (Fourteenth) Doctor to return from the edge of the universe. While back home the planet descends into chaos (find out why next week – in Special 3, The Giggle), reliable, resolute, old faithful Wilf is defending the Earth once again. “If I push you [in the wheelchair] a little quicker, there’s no danger of you falling out?” asks David, for the shot where the plane flies overhead, so close, plunging down towards them. “I’ll cling on,” says Bernard. “I’m made of stern stuff.” Later, after several takes of the Doctor, Donna and Wilf hugging in the shadow of the TARDIS as the world explodes around them, Tom calls “Cut!” and says, “That was lovely,” and Bernard pipes up, with a cheeky smile: “Who was best? Catherine? Yeah.” The crew laughs. “Perfect!” says Tom, after another take. “Perfect?” replies Bernard. “I’ll have that. Oh yes.”
Thank you to everyone who shared filming photos!
For other posts in this set, please see the #whoBtsWBY tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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metamorphicrocky · 1 year ago
doctor who coming back in the year of 2023 when terfism and biological essentialism and transphobia are on the rise and making one of THE most hyped up episodes by bringing back fan favorites david tennant and catherine tate. all about being trans
showing rose being bullied and her grandma struggling to get it right but still being supportive. and shaun and donna being the greatest parents by being ready to burn the world down to protect their daughter. the doctor asking for the meep's pronouns AND IT'S NORMAL???
and all of that is brilliant to see rose as a trans character and it is important to the narrative. BUT THEN. ROSE BEING TRANS SAVES DONNA'S LIFE BY TAKING HALF OF THE METACRISIS. BECAUSE THE DOCTOR IS MALE AND FEMALE AND NEITHER AND MORE. AND THAT IS INTEGRAL TO DOCTOR WHO AS A WHOLE. and it saved donna's life
to see doctor who be so BLATANTLY trans and nonbinary at the core of the series. the multiple references to the fact that before fourteen, thirteen was a woman. so to see this? trans people stay winning. thank you doctor who for doubling down on the importance of the doctor being trans because oh my god I am so emotional about this
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nipuni · 1 year ago
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Some 14th Doctor and Donna studies 🥰
A step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon on January 1st!
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lililovesthings · 1 year ago
I LOVE how "The Nobles" are so underwhelmed by The Doctor.
Like Jackie Tyler was all "I'll defend them to the ends of the earth."
Francine Jones thought he was so dangerous she was helping the government track him down.
Everyone pretty much has stars in their eyes whenever they're with The Doctor but the Nobles?;
"Yes Millennia old alien, I know the knowledge of the universe is living in your head...but...
Rose: Why are you assuming their gender?
Sylvia: *punch in face
Shaun (seeing lord only knows what going down in his kitchen): Something smells nice!
The only exception is Wilf. You know why? Yes Wilf has stars in his eyes when he sees The Doctor but The Doctor has stars in his eyes when he looks at Wilf.
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crowlixcx · 1 year ago
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year ago
Can we talk about this?
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Because we seriously need to talk about it. This single scene is so so so so important. Both of them are doing something typically associated with romantic couples. He grabs her hand, kisses it, holds it close to his chest and looks directly into her eyes.
In any other piece of media that would have undoubtedly been a romantic gesture. But not these two. And that is just so fucking incredible. Personally, I didn't think I would ever see this type of platonic closeness in my lifetime. One where romantic or sexual attraction between both parties is completely thrown out the window.
That's just so goddamn important to have. And you know what makes this scene even more mind-blowing. It's that their relationship is a male-female one (I know the Doctor is non-binary, but rn he's presenting as male). AND where the woman is attracted to men and the man is attracted to women (be it allo or ace).
And there is ZERO possibility of a romantic relationship between them. How amazing is that? It's so important to have that. To show that men and women can be friends. That women are not objects or something to achieve. That men can have closeness with women without being attracted to them. That there can be love, pure deep love, between men and women, and it's no less than that between a romantic couple's one.
And it's not like that trope in movies that we so often see where the "ugly" "undesirable" "quirky" ones are single and have formed a relationship with other individuals because no one wants them. No no. Both of these people are absolutely stunning and still, there's no attraction.
Also, this will go a very very long way for the ace and aro communities. To know that the love you can give is no less powerful and not inferior to that of people who do experience romantic and sexual attraction.
These two are a fan favourite, if not THE fan favourite, duo of all Doctor Who and I just wish people will realise how wonderful and special platonic relationships can be.
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noblogname765 · 1 year ago
Russel T Davis on his insta 😭 Wilf will live in our memories and hearts forever! 🤍
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lackadaisycal-art · 1 year ago
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Six days until the 60th anniversary specials and I cry every time Bernard Cribbins is on screen <3
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staff · 1 year ago
Tumblr Tuesday: Allons-y!
Whovians unite! This Tuesday is a celebration of your artistic celebrations of the 60th anniversary of this British powerhouse of sci-fi and whimsy. Doesn't matter which Doctor is your Doctor, they're all our Doctors. This is the teeniest atom spec from a whole host of galaxies of recent fanart. Here's the rest.
(Some slight spoilers ahead, please proceed with caution &lt;;3)
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dumbfilmschoolkid · 1 year ago
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​hope this doesn’t reawaken anything in me!
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hayleysayshay · 1 year ago
I am completely astounded that Doctor Who decided to lean really hard into the trans rep to make it part of the solution the world is saved by transgernderness and that’s going to make some piss babies really mad hahahaha
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guardianspirits13 · 1 year ago
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Dear whomever at the BBC made the decision to break the established parameters of regeneration to avoid putting David Tennant in the 13th Doctor’s outfit… I just wanna talk
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beautifulscreaminglady · 1 year ago
Russell T. Davies said the scariest thing is your best friend not recognizing you
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year ago
Not only did the Doctor offer to travel with the Toymaker, playing games across the cosmos, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE MASTER, but he ALSO left the Master JUST LAYING THERE on the top of UNIT tower. By the end of it, there were TWO WHOLE DOCTORS and NEITHER of them stopped to pick my poor little cringe-fail off the floor. They either assumed he got folded into the box with the Toymaker or decided to leave him there, and I don't know which is worse. The Master’s going to complain SO MUCH about this, and it'll probably be his evil backstory for a little while.
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donutdrawsthings · 1 year ago
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Wanted to design a post 60th anniversary look for the 14th because there's no way he'd stay totally skinny under Donna's care. Also I thought it would be cute if the Doctor wore clothing pieces with hints of Donna's colour palette in it (red/pink). Plus, I think a sweater vest would suit him right with him trying to slide into a more comfortable life.
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skinnyscottishbloke · 1 year ago
the way Ncuti has specifically talked about David being HIS doctor and also a huge reason he wanted to be an actor in the first place and NOW he gets a whole story and episode and show with him 😭😭😭😭
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