#justy wind
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Giga and Zen-Pictures' red rangers.
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luckykittenpirate · 11 months
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@takkynoko @super-saiyan-rose @jade-lop @jenndubya @modrew71 @himitsusentaiblog @mikifujimoto @vibrantpuppeteer @angelic-fragments @tokutaliaa @renkon @mrdinomaiz @pkmurasaki @firecraker-j @submissiveking99 @kurenaiwataru @washipink @ineedsomesleeptoday @kaikaifilu7248 @askrikkaiandhyotei @jmcdra @natekleh @thathyenaslookingbreezy @kanacaecilius @i-am-randomtrash00 @gensoteki @bluespectrum91
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travelingthief · 2 years
Zeus Devotions and Offerings
Learn About:
Clouds (what’s their part in the water cycle? How do you tell the difference between types of clouds?)
Weather (predominantly rain, wind, & thunder and lightning) (What causes these phenomena scientifically?)
The justice system
Eagles, hawks, and other birds
His myths and genealogy (there’s a lot there!)
His Roman counterpart, Jupiter
Political history in your country (or any country of interest)
Climate change and how you can help reduce it
Collect rainwater as an offering or for use in spells
(Safely) Watch a storm (I like to do so in my car)
If you can, safely offer shelter to those during storms (travelers, unhoused folks, or even stray cats/dogs!)
Participate in storm clean-ups
Splash in puddles/Dance in the rain
Thank Him for the rain and acknowledge how helpful it is for providing life to all of us
Take proper storm precautions, like buying enough food, having flashlights/candles on hand, and having non-electric ways to keep warm
Keep a rainy day fund
Spend rainy days with your [chosen] family
Meditate/fall asleep to rain sounds
Learn how to respond in the event someone is struck by lightning
Go cloud-gazing (try making up stories for the shapes you find!)
Go parasailing
Travel on planes
Hot air balloon rides
Ask Him to bless your flights and travels
Go birdwatching
Ride a zipline
Fly kites
Learn cloud divination
Order and Justice
Keep up-to-date with local political happenings
Participate in your city/school council
Attend protests and advocate for equality  
Vote in local, state, and nationwide elections
Take breaks for yourself when learning about politics! That shit can be overwhelming!
Learn de-escalation methods
Join a debate team
Keep your schedule in order
Maintain a clean and orderly environment
Advocate for a greener future
Visit your state house
Leadership and Protection
Trust yourself to take on leadership roles
Build your self-confidence 
Be assertive in your boundaries 
(If you're able to) Work out and build muscle
Take proper measures to protect your home (locking the door and windows or a protection spell/jar!)
Take self-defense classes/martial arts/wrestling etc.
Make your own self-love affirmations 
Do things that make you feel powerful!
Understand your power. So many people are afraid of power because of negative connotations, but power can be used for good as well
Carry yourself with pride
Speak with conviction
Support small businesses
Check the weather and dress appropriately (or pack emergency backup clothes if the fit is too good)
Carry an umbrella on you! And a spare if you can, to pass out to someone in need!
Wear grays and sky blues
Travel and see the world!
(Safely and sanitarily) collect bird feathers. Make sure you’re aware of which bird feathers are restricted from being collected
Show Him things you’re proud of!
Set attainable goals and make a plan to achieve them
Offer hospitality to every guest, even if you’re not thrilled to see them
Be a pleasant guest, even if you’re not thrilled to be there
Bull/swan/eagle imagery
Rainwater/snow water
Representation of lightning/storms (Paintings, trinkets, drawings, etc.)
Imagery of Scales of Justice
Voting stickers/Absentee ballot envelopes
Political mail for causes you support
Homework you put a good effort into and are proud of
Pictures of the sky/clouds
Bird figurines
Crown imagery/figurines
Lastly, it’s undeniable that Zeus has a long history of assaulting and mistreating women. Everyone has their beliefs on the matter and I think it is entirely possible to worship/work with a god while fully acknowledging the messy past. Furthermore, as I dive deeper into the history surrounding the myths I gain a better understanding of the factors surrounding Zeus’s philandering, like the synchronization of Gods and Goddesses across religions and how Zeus likely assimilated past male deities and the people of the time created the stories of his many affairs to explain this merging.
There’s no way to justify the raping by our human standards. That being said, I don’t think it’s cause to completely shut Him out. He is the King of the Gods, the Bringer of Life! Surely that is something to celebrate. 
With all that, some final acts that support women:
Believing victims
Donating/volunteering at women's shelters
Learning the signs of domestic abuse
Learning and acknowledging red flags in a partner
Talking to friends about any major red flags you’re concerned about with their partner
Advocating for women’s rights 
Learning about domestic abuse/rape/abortion services in your area
Hoping this is helpful to someone! I see very few posts for Zeus on here.
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justkeeponsimming · 8 days
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Mercy, Karma and Justice walk through the rain across the usually gorgeous islands of Sulani. It’s the one day of the year where the sun isn’t shining. Wet sand sticks to their shoes. Puddles pool up as deep as their ankles. The wind whips a cold breeze through the palm trees. Even a tropical storm would be nicer weather than this!
Karma: “Awwww! Dad’s house is so cute! The yellow is like the sunshine we’re missing today!”
Mercy looks up from her phone, double checking the address. A cute, yellow and white paneled house sits atop stilts right on the beach. In nice weather, the house would have a stunning view across the ocean and islands dotted around the bay. Mercy can see why her dad would move here following a rough time in his life. It would be the perfect place to retire!
Mercy: “It’s adorable! I love it! Before we go in…Justy, are you okay? You’re still quiet.”
Justice lifts their foot out of a puddle, wrinkling their nose in disgust. Mercy covers her mouth, trying not to laugh. Karma smiles, also suppressing her giggles.
Justice: “I’m cool. Sorry, still hung up on getting detention yesterday. Let’s check out Dad’s new place.”
Looking over at Karma, Mercy nods a quick signal. The sisters rush over to their sibling, giving them a huge hug. Justice squeals and tries to wriggle away as Karma accidentally tips her umbrella towards them, pouring water down their arm!
The siblings run across the soggy sand towards their dad’s home, seeking shelter!
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itookyoudown · 7 months
blowing a kiss to the wind for the justies. even the ones i annoy. maybe most especially the ones i annoy. what if we had conflicting viewpoints on a character but respected we get different things out of the same silly fictional man because we can acknowledge this makes for a better community when there's variety in personal perspectives...and then we kissed about it what then 😳
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boydcrowdr · 1 year
Hi justie, as you know I am deeply obsessed with your fic “Keep It Near;” you do a really incredible job of capturing the southern gothic tone, and reading it feels like watching season four of True Detective, haha. I’d love to get the director’s commentary on this excerpt:
“After you,” Raylan says, gesturing with his hat for Boyd to lead the way.
With a wide smile, Boyd pivots on his heel in a perfect military left-face. “For he today that sheds his blood with me,” he starts quoting as he marches towards the door, his movements sloppy enough no drill sergeant would let him get away with it. “Shall be my brother-”
“Would you quiet down,” Raylan begs with a choked laugh. “Save it for the damn community theater.” He follows Boyd out to their cars, biting back a grin of his own.
Any good humor Boyd has managed to coax out of Raylan has melted away by the time they’re passing through Cumberland. The car isn’t so much warmer than outside and Raylan fiddles with the vents. “You’re in a good mood today,” he observes, eyeing Boyd critically as he steers down the winding mountain road.
“What’s not to be joyous about, Raylan?” he asks. “It’s a fresh new God-given day and I got you at my side, do I not?”
Raylan snorts. “It’s pouring rain, humid as shit, we got FBI ‘crawling up our asses’ - your words, not mine - and we’re on our way to look at a dead girl’s abandoned car,” he says, side-eyeing Boyd from the driver’s seat. “Your sunny disposition’s a little misplaced. It’s makin’ you look deranged.”
“Well I’m only attemptin’ to look on the bright side of things, Raylan.”
“I’m so glad you’re able to find the silver lining in this absolute vortex of shit,” he grouses. The wipers flick away the rain as he keeps his eyes firmly on treeline. He can feel the weight of Boyd’s eyes on him and tries his best not to tense up under it. Boyd has the uncanny ability to peer right through him and while it’s a blessing most days, taking Raylan’s near inability to express his feelings into account, it sometimes gets under his skin.
“Well, you and I are still breathing, ain’t we?” he says. “There ain’t no need to be getting lost in that labyrinth you call a head of yours.”
“I ain’t,” he argues, but his heart isn’t in it.
“I know how you are,” is all Boyd says. “I daresay that I know how the inner mechanisms of that mind work.”
“Thought it was a labyrinth,” he mutters.
“Well I got a compass.”
A smile tugs at the edges of his mouth and he rolls his eyes as Boyd comes to a stop on the side of the road, just behind Bob Sweeney’s patrol car.
I am deeply obsessed with this fic that came out of me after watching True Detective S1 & Wind River. One day I might even finish it.
This chapter was sm fun to write. I toyed with a quote for Boyd to start rambling in a cheap attempt to cheer up Raylan. Aptly, I feel, he settles on the St. Crispin’s speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V - “For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother” etc etc. I felt it was a good callback to Boyd’s military past and his love of showman’s ship and literature all in one. The speech is meant to rally the troops, and Raylan needs a little rallying. And Raylan is helpless to not find amusement, however temporary, in Boyd’s antics.
Raylan, being a little closer to the case emotionally, already has the tendency of getting lost in his own head. He makes everything personal, as we know. And in this AU, with Boyd and Raylan both staying in Harlan, Boyd is even more familiar with Raylan’s taciturn nature. Being who he is, Boyd is still a bit of a prick but he’s gonna do his damndest to look after his boy. Call it littermate syndrome or codependency, it’s probably accurate. I wanted to reflect that familiarity they have with each other, the sort that’s earned from spending so much time with that other person in ur orbit. Hence their little discussion in the car and Boyd proudly announcing he’s got a compass so he ain’t gonna be getting lost in Raylan’s head so easily. Rayaln, god help him, finds that a little comforting. It’s much easier for Boyd to find the bright side of shit cus he’s got Rayaln at his side, and that’s all he’s really concerned with, that’s all he really needs to get through the day.
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yujo-nishimura · 9 months
"Told you so..." - Part 13
This is a private ongoing fic just for me and @lostfirefly
Since tumblr doesn't let me post it privately I need to share it publicly, but feel free to scroll through the content, since this is just for our own amusement. ;)
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Crocodile's sandstorm launched Helga and Buggy with tremendous force onto the ship, but this time it was a far less graceful landing than with Yujo's water fountain. They were not able to keep hold of each other, and the chaotic winds sent Buggy hurtling over the ship's railing.
"Damn you, Crocodile! You'll pay for this!" Buggy shouted angrily, but before he could regain his footing, he was propelled into the treacherous waters of the calm belt. Desperately, he attempted to grasp onto something, but his fingers slipped, and he found himself submerged in the unforgiving depths.
Helga's instincts kicked in immediately, sensing that something was amiss. "Captain!" she cried out, her mind racing as she sprinted towards the railing. Without a second thought, she leaped into the water, determined to rescue Buggy. She knew that with his devil fruit powers, he was unable to swim, and she was his only lifeline.
Helga plunged into the water, momentarily taken aback by the chilling cold that enveloped her. But she pushed past the shock, focusing on the task at hand: saving her captain.
As Helga swiftly swam towards Buggy, she could see him slowly descending, him being unable to move. With just three powerful strokes, she reached him, wrapping her left arm around his waist and propelling both of them towards the surface. Time was of the essence, since any lurking sea kings might catch wind of their presence. Helga was strong and well trained, so swimming and dragging her captain to the surface was not a difficult task. 
Finally resurfacing, they took a much-needed breath. Buggy gasped for air, his lungs craving the oxygen he had been deprived of. A stroke of luck seemed to favor them as Helga noticed a sturdy ladder hanging from the ship, providing a potential means of getting up on the ship again.
"Quick!" she urged Buggy. They swam towards the ladder, and with all her might, she pushed him upward, struggling against his weight and height. Buggy clung to the ladder with his arms, pulling himself up, and once his legs followed suit, he regained his freedom of movement, liberated from the constraints of the sea.
Helga prepared to join him, but just as she reached for the ladder, a colossal sea king emerged from the depths, its monstrous mouth poised to catch the red-haired girl.
"Dare you!" Buggy hissed, detaching his fist while still gripping the ladder with his other hand, ready to protect his girlfriend. The blow from his detachable fist momentarily stunned the sea creature, buying Helga enough time to clutch onto the ladder and ascend alongside Buggy.
Collapsed on the deck, both of them were left panting heavily, their bodies drained from the arduous ordeal they had just endured. Buggy coughed, his voice filled with gratitude as he whispered, "Thank you, baby. You saved my life." He detached both of his hands and gently wiped the water from Helga's face, a tender gesture that she appreciated, returning his smile. 
"I'm certain that damn Crocodile tried to kill me!" Buggy muttered as he slowly rose to his feet, extending his hands to help Helga up as well.
"I'm sure he had good intentions," his girlfriend replied, though her conviction seemed lacking.
"Anyway, now that we have the ship, let's signal to them so they know they can join us up here!" Buggy exclaimed cheerfully. He darted to the opposite side of the ship, facing the prison to indicate to the other escapees that it was safe to come aboard. However, to his surprise, they were nowhere to be found.
"What? Where are they...?" Buggy wondered aloud.
"Darling, come here!" Helga's urgent voice called out, drawing Buggy's attention. She pointed towards the horizon, and as he followed her finger, he saw what had happened—the Gates of Justice, their sole escape route, began to slowly open. Someone from inside the prison had activated the mechanism, granting Helga and Buggy a chance to flee.
Instantly, a powerful current emanating from behind the gates seized hold of the ship, gradually pulling it towards the exit. "We're getting out of here! Told ya so! With your might Captain Buggy you will always be safe, even when the marines are at hand..!" Buggy exclaimed, his jubilation overriding his comprehension of just how fortunate their circumstances had become.
"We are!" Helga affirmed, placing her hand gently on Buggy's chest and resting her face against his shoulder. "But at what cost...?" she murmured, her voice filled with a bittersweet realization.
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skelingtonsderek · 11 months
Writing Pattern Game
Thanks for the tag @acorrespondence Q_Q
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
Caveat because I'm skipping any drabbles for reasons I've decided on and shall not explain. I did by date posted and not updated.
The Wire and the Damage (Yet To Be) Done
Fandom: Justified Relationships: Raylan Givens/Tim Gutterson Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens
Tim’s not sure he’s ever been what the kids call well-adjusted.
The Lord At The End Of Everything
Fandom: Justified Relationships: Raylan Givens/Tim Gutterson Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens
It starts out the same way it always starts out.
Zombie Sunday
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationship: Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
What he remembers most about Vickie’s death isn’t the actual event, or the moments preceding it, but the silence afterwards.
Bad Habits
Fandom: Justified Relationships: Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens Raylan Givens/Tim Gutterson
Boyd has often found a certain honesty in lying— It’s far more revealing than a body would think.
Somebody, Shoot the Weatherman
Fandom: Justified Relationship: Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens
Of all the shit-can places to get shit canned to, this is the lowest of the low on Raylan’s list.
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationships: Derek Hale/Isaac Lahey Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Chris Argent/Isaac Lahey
Isaac has understood the concept of forced perspective since his brother died.
Fandom: Justified Relationship: Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens
This is, he thinks, the very base of life; some paroxysm of self and flesh seized together in one euphoric overture.
Still Naked
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationship: Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Stiles wakes up slowly, body aching in a good/bad hybrid.
Forget About the Leaves in the Eaves
Fandom: Justified Relationship: Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens
Sometimes it’s the wind, calling through the eaves, hissing little invitations to him in the night when he’s tucked in to bed.
Fandoms: Skyfall (2012) - Fandom Quantum of Solace (2008) Casino Royale (2006) Relationships: James Bond/Vesper Lynd James Bond/Q
James remembers watching a sailboat slowly sink into the ocean as a child.
Hmmm that's a lot of reflecting upon the past or what has happened....
tagging uhhhh @willowmckinley @gaylanrivens @tallsinspace @norgbelulah and all the rest of the justies
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praycambrian · 2 years
hi pray been a while just blowing a kiss in the wind for you. new year same love for a justie that's all 🖤
Tooks iluuuuu you're such a good friend and justie 💜 i have been so busy with irl stuff that I've had to pause fandom stuff for a while, but i can't WAIT to get back to things...
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breezingby · 10 months
Ray Stevens ~ The Global Warming Song
Now, here we have two real pioneers Embarking upon a new career Capitalizing on this "Global Warming" hype Yeah, they're the one's who brought you the left-handed hammer And tried to market a recycled pamper; You could say the Gullible Brothers have always been the entrepreneurial type
But this next hare-brained Gullible venture Could be earmarked as the major clincher As to whether or not they'll be livin' it up in their retirement age
They put all they had into one bankroll Bought a bunch of land down at the South Pole Eagerly awaiting the impending doom of "Climate Change!" Hee, hee! Thereby being in the catbird seat in the new Florida!
And I'm all for working hard To keep this planet clean But man-made Global Warming just don't make no sense to me But if you insist on buying into this media false alarm I know a couple of guys who wheel 'n' deal in frozen farms! Hee, hee, hee!
"Next up on the Real Estate Show we have the Gullible Brothers Live via satellite from the East Coast of Antarctica Hello, boys, are you on the line?"
"Y-y-yeah, Hi, I'm B-Barry-v-very Gullible, and this is my y-younger brother J-J-Justis Gullible, thanks for having us on the s-sh-show."
"You bet. What actually do you have available in the way of land?"
"W-we-well, we got this beautiful-beautiful homesites available, ocean f-front once the i-i-ice m-melts a little bit, you should - brr-r-r-r, Gosh it's cold. And we got some b-be-beautiful f-farms more inland, soon's we lose about forty feet of this snow... huh, huh, Oh, Lord!"
And I'm all for working hard To keep this planet clean But man-made Global Warming just don't make no sense to me But if you insist on buying into this media false alarm I know a couple of guys who wheel 'n' deal in frozen farms! Hee, hee, hee!
"Well, boys, what's the weather like down there? Sounds cold!"
"W-w-we-well, it's n-not too bad... S-say, sixty two below at the m-mo-moment, wind chill's a h-hunderd below... But spirits are hi-high, we been told it's definitely gonna rise in a few, few, little while... it's uh... Record s-seven feet of snow... B-but Al Gore said it's gonna be OK. Oh, Lord! Justis, run! H-he-here comes a P-po-polar Bear! Aggghhhhh!"
And I'm all for working hard To keep this planet clean But man-made Global Warming just don't make no sense to me But if you insist on buying into this media false alarm I know a couple of guys who wheel 'n' deal in frozen farms! Hee, hee, hee!
"Well, we'd just to thank the Gullibles for joining us today. Barry Gullible, any last words for those who may be looking to relocate once the rest of the world floods?"
"A-a-ah, w-well, b-r-r-rrr! Ah-h-hh-hhhh, ch-h-h-h-hhhh b-r-r-rrrr!"
"Oh, my goodness! OK, Justis, how about you?"
"E-e-er-rrrr, b-rr-r-rr-rrrr, ch-h-hh-h-hhhh, I cain't feel my feet!"
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Giga and Zen-Pictures' blue rangers.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 08, 2023)
23:59 Tosca - Dave Dudley 23:55 Dario J - The Lounge Again 23:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:47 Schwarz & Funk - Missing Rudi 23:42 Dub Mars - Between The Lines 23:36 Mo Horizon - Gonna Be 23:34 Two Heroes - Leave Me 23:27 Weathertunes - Forest (Original Mix) 23:24 Blank & Jones - Coastline 23:22 Seductive Souls - Love Theme From Seductive Souls 23:18 Morcheeba - Undress Me Now 23:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:13 Jean Mare - A Better Place (Easy Lounge Vocal Mix) 23:06 Poldoore - The Northern Compass 23:05 Hess Is More - Yes Boss 23:02 Living Room - Silkroad 22:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:54 The Shadowboxers - I Can't Stop Thinking About You 22:48 Aha - Summer Moved On (Lounge Mix) 22:43 Soundset City - Get It On (Deep Lounge Mix) 22:41 The Shapeshifters - Lola's Theme (Lola's Loungin' Mix) 22:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:31 York - When Love Takes Over 22:26 Blank & Jones - Snappiness 22:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:18 Lemongrass - Mystery 22:13 Naomi - White 22:08 Nick Parker - Guest My (Peace Chill Mix) 22:06 Spooky - Dub Addiction 22:03 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:54 Monodeluxe Feat Paola - Night Moods 21:51 Justy Puck - Crumpled (Original Mix) 21:44 Vargo - Lovecore 21:42 Science For Girls With Renee Cologne - Violets 21:35 Leo De La Rosa - Te Pienso (Marga Sol Balearic Remix) 21:32 Enrico Donner - Forget Me Not 21:25 Dab - Dream On 21:22 Sweet Velvet, Debora Vilchez - La Plena Noche 21:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:13 Moonwatcher - Sofa Loafer (Original Afterhours Mix) 21:11 Monodeluxe - All Night 21:05 Capa - People & Places 21:03 Climatic - For No Reason At All 21:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:52 Philippe Bestion & Karin Nobbs - Morning Light 20:51 Chris Le Blanc - Glass Reflections 20:44 Zouave Feat. Liv - Wonderful Life (After Hour Remix) 20:42 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 20:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:33 Shakes Seven - What A Mess 20:28 Mahoroba - Des Moments (Guitar Mix) 20:22 Airstream - Land Of Dreams (Escape Mix) 20:20 Brook Sapphire - Wave By Wave 20:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:14 Forward - La Nuit Ne Pas Finir 20:08 Lung Feat. Paper Aeroplanes - In Bloom (Original Mix) 20:01 Deeper Sublime - Radio Chill 20:00 Jero Nougues - Decoded 19:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:54 Tryst (Uk) - The Bay 19:51 Love Pacific Industries - Conselve (Original Mix) 19:43 #esteve - Sunset Beach 19:41 Marga Sol - Come & Love Me 19:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:37 Pascal Dubois - Anyway (Deep Outside Session) 19:30 Giyo - Earthbound 19:23 Coolcomotion & Newton - Corazon (Black Diagram) 19:21 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time (Sweet Velvet Del Mar Cafe Chillout Mix) 19:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:13 Pascal Dubois - Costa Del Mar (Silent Sea Mix) 19:12 Kosmopolitans Feat. Crystalia - Wild Is The Wind 19:05 Manyus Joan Eta - The Road 19:02 Soundset City - Loungebox 18:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:57 Sade - Lovers Rock (Album Version) 18:50 Cantoma - Talva Lumi 18:47 Sunyata Project - Inner Lights (Feat. Miyabi) 18:44 Gary Butcher - Stronger Love 18:32 Afterlife - Falling 18:27 Trifonic - Broken (Original Mix) 18:26 Kuba - We Can Still Learn (Original Mix) 18:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:17 Monodeluxe - Searching 18:11 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time 18:08 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 18:07 Xemplify - Naughty Secret 18:03 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:57 4 Tunes - In The Middle 17:52 Cafe Americaine - L Amour 17:48 Gaelle - Falling 17:45 Ronny Morris - Build To Last (Ganga Remix) 17:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:37 Airstream One - Southern Light 17:34 Leftfield - A Final Hit 17:30 Room Service - Ambrosia 17:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:24 Jessie Frye - Eighteen 17:18 Florzinho - Like The First Moment (Original Mix) 17:14 Fairlight - Te Amo (Feat. Linda Lowe) 17:12 Arrojas - Over The Past Year 17:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:06 Sarah Mclachlan - Dirty Little Secret (Thievery Corporation Mix) 16:59 Line - Stay Awhile (Original Mix) 16:51 Dimitris Manasidis - Love You For Life - Bobby Deep Sunset Mix 16:48 Mv Mars - Playa D'en Bossa (Sunset Lounge Mix) 16:45 Raffunk - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 16:38 Gary B - All I Long For (Original Mix) 16:34 Smooth Deluxe - Liquid Sunshine (Space Sunset Edit) 16:26 Lemongrass - Habla Mi Corazon (Kevin Yost's Otherside Of The World Remix) 16:19 Fresh Moods - Rhythmbreeze (Spy Mix) 16:16 Waldeck - So Black & Blue 16:10 Arrojas - La Jolie (Original Mix) 16:06 Soma Sonic - Could It Be Real (Remix) 16:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:02 Ghostly Kisses - Empty Note 15:57 Solarflow - Come Into My Space 15:53 Krystian Shek, Surya - Habitat 15:49 Nencol - Summer Never Ends 15:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:44 River - Find Me 15:39 Vargo - Talking One Language (25th Anniversary Mix) 15:34 The Man Behind C. - Make You Mine 15:28 Obersoundz - Escucha (Lounge Mix) 15:24 Velvet Lounge Project - In Harmony - Winter Chill 15:19 Roberto Sol - So Awesome (Cafe Del Mar Mix) 15:14 Atb - 9 Am 15:09 Massive Gold - For A Moment 15:02 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 14:58 Moods - Comfortable (Feat. High Hoops) 14:53 Gush Ibizen - Plans With You (Ibiza Guitar Girl Mix) 14:50 Sarah Menescal - Angels 14:44 Nighthawks - Camel Eyes 14:40 Florence - You Should Never Know (Baiha Del Mar Mix) 14:34 Steen Thottrup - Heading For The Sunrise 14:29 Faro - Shadows (Original Mix) 14:26 The Timewriter - The Soul Redrive 14:20 Mo'jardo - Now & Then 14:14 Noise Boyz - Yesterday Becomes Tomorrow (Flowmotion Mix) 14:09 Mathieu & Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar 14:04 Norman Doray - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 14:00 Fous De La Mer - Conmigo 13:56 Brook Sapphire - How I Will Feel 13:50 The Maxwell Implosion - The Upper Left Hand (Album Version) 13:45 Steen Thottrup - Satellite (Feat. Denver Knoesen) 13:40 Atb - Some Things Just Are The Way They Are 13:33 Max Melvin - Whatever (Sunset Mix) 13:28 Mahoroba - The Lost Space (Zero G. Mix) 13:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:24 Rui - One Man Show 13:21 Christos Fourkis - Icons 13:16 Sofya - Hari Om 13:12 Gelka - Open (Feat. Sam Brookes) 13:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:08 Mystic Diversions - Float On 13:04 Minus Blue - Too Far To Speak (Original Mix) 12:58 Cocogroove - Copa Dos Santos (Brazil Cut) 12:54 Blank & Jones - (You're Gonna Look) Good In Blues (Feat. Mick Roach) 12:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:49 Pascal Dubois - Sunbeams (Pure Light Cut) 12:44 Jessie Ware, Sg Lewis - You & I (Forever) (Sg Lewis Remix) 12:39 Openzone Bar - Where No One Can Hear You 12:33 351 Lake Shore Drive - All Around Me 12:30 Irene Love - Lounge Chair 12:26 Fair Light Ranger - Brighten Up Life (Original Mix) 12:21 Yppah - Shot Into The Sun 12:16 Goloka - Give Me Lovin (Mantra Mix) 12:09 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 12:06 Sweatson Klank - With Respect 12:01 Velvet Dreamer - Last Kiss Of Summer (Tim Gelo Night Groove Remix) 11:56 Mo'horizons - Yes Baby Yes 11:51 Stigma - Eternity 11:48 Mandalay - Follow Me 11:42 Lukas Greenberg - Sometimes 11:36 All Rise Feat. Above - Another Day (Quiet Storm Remix) 11:31 Lux - Northern Lights 11:25 Man In A Room & Civilian - Night Mail (Velvet Dreamer Remix) 11:19 Under - Under (Morgan Page Remix) 11:15 Marie Therese - White Air 11:10 Lemongrass - Not The End (Feat. Jane Maximova) 11:04 Klangstein - Run 10:56 Deep-dive-corp. - Borderland 10:52 Luke Million Feat. Jesse Davidson - Fear The Night (Shook Remix) 10:48 Island Dreams - Ohm G 10:44 Catching Flies - Daymarks 10:41 Marga Sol - Around Me 10:37 Michael E - Don't Stop 10:33 Cu - So Fine 10:30 Marga Sol - Around Me (Original Mix) 10:26 Digital Project - Pink Umbrella (Feat. L.o.b.) 10:21 Elektrohandel - Somnia Dulcia 10:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:18 The Dining Rooms - Dreamy Smiles (Radio Version) 10:13 The Diventa Project - Still Raining (Rnb Remix) 10:08 Marc Hartman - Love Can Save The Day (To Roberto Concina) 10:03 Edx - Falling Out Of Love (Lounge Mix) 09:58 Gushi & Raffunk - Sound Of You (Beat Ambasada Mix) 09:53 Jane Maximova - A Straw 09:44 Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 09:40 Jens Buchert - Touch Me 09:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:34 Stonebridge Ft. Therese - Put 'Em High (Claes Rosen Lounge Mix) 09:29 Paul Hardcastle - First Light 09:25 Joanes South - The Reason 09:18 Orange Music - Leave It All Behind (Vocal Mix) Feat. Mirjam 09:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:13 Van - Minha A Noite 09:10 Everything But The Girl - Mirrorball 09:04 351 Lake Shore Drive - Xtc 08:59 Max Melvin - Ease 08:52 Cantoma - Paloma (Mudd’s Slender Loris Mix) 08:47 Florzinho - Like The First Moment (Original Mix) 08:41 Miklos Vajda - The Sun Breaks Over The Mountains 08:35 Eskadet - Un Soir D'ete 08:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:31 Pauline London - Love Can Sing 08:25 Tim Angrave - Dreamescape 08:19 Lemongrass - Deep River 08:15 Blank & Jones - Summer Sky 08:10 Approaching Black - The Night Before 08:05 Frost - Amygdala 08:01 Armand Frydman - Vacation Break 07:57 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) (Original Mix) 07:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:54 Dc Lounge Theme - Vienna Dc 07:49 Dab - Dream On 07:45 Vargo - The Meaning Of Life 07:38 Man In The Moon Feat. Oli S - Feel My Love 07:33 Jazz L'amour - Summer Dreams (See The Light Mix) 07:30 Sphere - Dreamer 07:27 Duane Alpert - Cool Experience (Laurent Paradise Mix) 07:22 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Remix) 07:18 D. Batistatos - What A Strange World 07:12 Dj Riquo - Dancing At Sunrise 07:07 Canedrive - Just Another Day 07:02 De-phazz - Anchorless 07:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:56 Blank & Jones - Barefoot On The Beach 06:52 Steve Osaka - Smooth Sexophone 06:49 Jaimee - Cherish The Day (Ultra Lounge Remix) 06:44 Climatic - Tell Me 06:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:41 Triangle Sun - Dry My Tears 06:36 Plus49 - One Man Doing Yoga 06:32 Marie Therese - What Can I Say 06:28 Idenline - Carry Heart 06:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:23 Ego Buster - Starlight Avenue (Better Call L For Lounge) 06:12 Fridrik Karlsson - Chillout Zone 06:08 Electric Moonlight - Spirit Of The World 06:03 Aandra, Soul Sista Shakti - Songs Of The Sea 06:03 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:58 Deniz Reno - Fly (Sub Orchestra Mix) 05:54 Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde 05:49 Orbitell - Dive (Ibiza Beach Mix) 05:46 Edapollo - By The River 05:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:40 Chris Nemmo - Wastin Time (Feat Aris Duke & Helena K) 05:37 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Dreamin 05:33 Miguel Migs - One Wish For Me 05:29 Naoki Kenji - Samishi 05:25 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) 05:21 Andru Donalds - Hurts To Be In Love 05:15 Polished Chrome - Come Home 05:11 Stj Feat. Liba - She Believe 05:06 Cesar Martinez Ensemble - Abaco 05:02 Stepo Del Sol - Touch My Soul (Instrumental Mix) 04:57 Cosmo Notes - Seduction 04:51 Le Voyage - African Daydreamer (Ethno Mix) 04:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:46 Velvet Park - Project Deluxe (Lounge After 8 P.m. Mix) 04:41 Ganga - Skyscraper (Original Mix) 04:36 Moca - Too Far Out 04:31 Tanga - Helium 04:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:27 Lounge Groove Avenue - Don't Be So Shy 04:22 The Dining Rooms - Tunnel (Gone Remix) 04:17 Stuce The Sketch - Yasikitisha (Feat. Kwambo) (Instrumental) 04:12 Jose Delgado - Sal Rossa 04:06 Purple Avenue - Love & Sex & Magic 04:02 Ohm G - Island Dreams 03:57 Rafau Etamski - Patience 03:54 Ingo Herrmann - Enough Of You (Original Mix) 03:48 Michael E - Ship To America 03:44 Phontaine - Wellingtons 03:39 M.a.x. - Stranger (Instrumental) 03:35 Hooverphonic - One (Sven Galy's Flemish Shuffle) 03:31 Gary B - Song For Kaye 03:25 Steen Thottrup - I Hope Yesterday Never Comes 03:20 Anthony Island - Yesterday (Original Trumpet Version) 03:17 Nightcruzer - Alright 4 Now (Island Mix) 03:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:13 Luxury Lounge Cafe Allstars - Gettin' Funky (The Luxury Lounge Cafe Anthem) 03:09 Moby - Lie Down In Darkness (Ben Hoo's Dorian Vibe) 03:04 Shifter - Flipside 03:01 Lemongrass - Lovely 02:57 C.cil - Sunset 02:52 Samantha James - Tree Of Life 02:48 Naoki Kenji - Hoshi 02:42 Nightdrive - Valery 2019 (Bolgarin Remix) 02:37 Deeparture - Dream On 02:33 Blank & Jones Ft. Elles - Mind Of The Wonderful (Acoustic Version) 02:28 Kuba - We Can Still Learn (Original Mix) 02:24 Vargo - One Language 02:17 The Lushlife Project - Budapest Eskimos 02:15 Bulb - Impossible (Original Mix) 02:08 Don Carlos - Still Alone 02:02 Skindive Inc. - Hopelessly Love (The Man Behind C. Edit) 01:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:56 Bcalm, Tibeauthetraveler - Midnight Swim 01:54 Index Id - Nautik 01:51 Kirsty Hawkshaw Mts. Tenisia - Reason To Forgive 01:47 The Sonic Company - Unexpected Love (Original Mix) 01:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:42 Sine - Smooth Relaxation 01:35 Lung - In Bloom 01:30 Funky Brothers - Through His One - Original Mix 01:29 Christos Stylianou - Kill Me Now 01:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:24 Olive - Smile 01:18 Prana Tones - Ashtanga Voices 01:17 Velvet Lounge Project - Ven A Mi 01:13 Deja - Move - Still Believe (Original Mix) 01:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:05 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind (Beachclub Mix) 01:00 Potlatch - Poll To Poll 00:59 Martin Liege - Chillin In La 00:52 Bitter Sweet - Kelebek 00:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:43 Leo & Roby Ruini - La Suite - Original Mix 00:41 D. Batistatos - Late Hours 00:35 The Avener - Conscious Shadows (Original Mix) 00:33 3 Balearos - Summer Breezin 00:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:25 Paul Hardcastle - First Light 00:23 Hard Flame - Watcher 00:13 Dubdiver - Surya Mangalam 00:12 S.w. - Humans And Gods 00:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:05 Velvet Lounge Project - The Secret Of Your Heart (Airplay Cut) 00:00 Luisito Quintero - Our Love
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meret118 · 2 years
With the Supreme Court poised to reverse Roe v Wade, Ginsburg’s decision not to step down during the Obama administration looms large in the estimations of some of her admirers, who see it as enabling the destruction of large parts of Ginsburg’s legacy. The unintended — but not unforeseeable — result was that Donald Trump was able to name Ginsburg’s successor, who may wind up as the fifth vote to overturn the landmark 1973 abortion-rights ruling.
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architectnews · 3 years
Justinian Khoo envisions networks of floating cities "to provide freedom for nature on land"
The second finalist in Dezeen's Redesign the World competition powered by Twinmotion is Justinian Khoo, who has proposed moving humanity into sustainable floating cities so that nature can reclaim the land.
Called The Whales, the clusters of cities, which Khoo designed to resemble pods of the large marine mammals, would be powered entirely by renewable energy harnessed from the sea, sun and wind.
Fish farming would provide protein-rich food for the inhabitants of the cities, with the waste used to fertilise crops on floating farms.
Vegetation would also be used as a natural filtration system for waste water, while food waste would be composted to minimise landfill.
By moving humanity into the floating cities, Khoo imagines being able to allow nature to rewild the planet's landmasses in order to restore natural ecosystems and reverse climate change.
Read more about the proposal below.
The Whales Justinian Khoo, Melbourne, Australia Finalist
"My proposal is to build a floating city that resembles a whale family, inspired by the ocean's largest gentle giant that travels together as groups.
"An environmentally sustainable floating city where beauty, sustainability and quality work together, saving our planet from climate change and freeing up space on land.
"The floating city is designed for human survival and will provide care for the ocean. At the same time, it provides freedom for nature on the land to restore the environment with animals and insects roaming freely and living their life with important roles in the ecosystem.
Pawel Rymsza proposes domed cities with algae lakes "to make big reductions in atmospheric carbon"
"The floating city runs on marine energy, where energy can be harnessed from the oceans, together with generating power from the sun with a photovoltaic system and wind turbines in the ocean to store power in the utility-scale energy storage for each floating building.
"The floating city has a sustainable floating farming system for farming fruit trees and vegetables, as well as a system for farming fish that requires no additional feeding as they tend to draw their nutrients directly from the ocean currents.
"The nitrates and nitrites from the fish manure get broken down by bacteria to make the food for the plants. The plants in return, use their roots to filter out all solid waste from the fish waste to generate clean water.
"Vermicomposting can be used for processing waste food from the city, feeding it into a wormery to produce fertilizer for growing crops continuously, to prevent food from going into the landfill and converting it into something useful instead.
"The flourishing of ecosystems requires us to work together with nature, animals and insects, environmentalists, designers and scientists, just like the whales that protect each other and nurture their young together."
Redesign the World
Redesign the World is the ultimate design competition, which called for new ideas to rethink planet Earth to ensure that it remains habitable long into the future.
Launched in partnership with Epic Games, the contest asked entrants to visualise their concepts using architectural visualisation software Twinmotion.
The contest received over 100 entries from more than 30 different countries around the world.
These were assessed by a judging panel comprising White Arkitekter CEO Alexandra Hagen, structural engineer Hanif Kara, speculative architect Liam Young, Twinmotion product marketing manager Belinda Ercan and Dezeen founder and editor-in-chief Marcus Fairs, which selected 15 proposals as finalists to be published on Dezeen.
We are unveiling one finalist a day throughout our Dezeen 15 festival, culminating in the winner being announced on 19 November.
The winner will receive the top prize of £5,000. There are also prizes of £2,500 for second place, £1,000 for third place and £500 each for the remaining finalists.
Find out more about Redesign the World › See all the finalists revealed so far ›
The post Justinian Khoo envisions networks of floating cities "to provide freedom for nature on land" appeared first on Dezeen.
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itookyoudown · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tagline
tagged by @theartthatleavesthemark
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. 
“I seen the way you look at that boy.” — kiss the mouth which tells you
All power comes from the same place: power is found in the blood. — in a pitch black world, anything goes
The first time Raylan catches wind of it, they're far off from the bedroom. — you let him violate you (but you won't let me cherish you)
Omegas have always worked in law enforcement. — starts out easy (something simple something sleazy)
This is Boyd’s parlor: he said it as a joke that first time, but soon enough it turned into as much of a warning as an invitation. — you're gonna be my dog
“You want me to lick your toes?” Tim grins around the cigarette in his mouth. — under your heel (in my heart)
Ethan doesn't want them to see each other before the wedding. — Matcha
Quarles gives the door a few quick taps with his knuckles. — last night i felt (real arms around me)
Tim don’t go downstairs. — you got daddy issues (i do too)
"What is it you want, hm?” Boyd soothes his fingertips up and down Tim’s body. — i want it (like i don't want it)
wow i sure do love stark and stripped down to the stubs opening sentences. unless i open with dialogue lol.
Tagging ALL justies that read this!
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kabutoraiger · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i think i’m in love
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