#just wish I could get a rp again without me being ink
xsevensx · 1 year
I swear get fanon!Ink away from me gjrngkrfmff
Not fanon as in Underverse!Ink. Fanon as in, the absolute fanon version of Ink.
The, "OMG I LOVE SKITTLES." "RAAAINBOOOWS" "UWU EWWOR" fanon!Ink. I don't understand how people think this is canon??.. I never had a problem with it until someone in the past tried to FORCE this as canon to me. 💀
Yeah, I know better.. I know more than I should about Ink, thank the stars.
But, 🥹 I'm never roleplaying with a fanon!Ink again. It's hurting my braincells. I want a fun, quality time. No Error simping, Skittle eating Yandere gremlin forcing a relationship on my Error trying to stay as canon as possible..
Like of course, Error in roleplay staying as canon as possible is hard as heck. Holy moly. 💀 But they just forced that ship on me like. *Finger 🫰 snap.* I agreed only because it was going to be a slow burn. This was everything BUT slow burn man.
Point of this little rant.
🙏 I respect your love for fanon!Ink, but you're wrong. (just kidding, you do you. Just don't force people to like it as well.)
0 notes
||Hot Spring vacation!!||
*Waving* Hello, I had a short idea for a drabble, so I hope you like it. It involves a few but you'll see when you read it but I hope you like it. This is a short funny drabble for @demon-blood-youths
||Drabble Summary||
The Class of 1-A has invited the fractions from NYC to Japan once more for a all out vacation. It was a way to say sorry and hope they forgive them for what happened. So right now, they were having fun enjoying the vacation but it seems one person was excited and wanted to have a little fun. Now who could this be? Read to find out.
~Some light nsfw is seen in this drabble
~Beat up will be present (you'll see)
||Guests in this Drabble||
The Class of 1-A is guest stars in this but belongs to the MHA anime and manga. Some of the classmates are muses of mine that I rp with so they will be present.
Yuuka Nakano, Ashley Butterfly, Rex oxford mills, Willow, and Jinx along with their fractions belong to me.
Van ink, Kali, Joshua, Fin, Ethan, Guam, and Matt (How is hanging out with Ryu again but is told this in another area of the hot spring) along with their fractions are in this. They belong to @demon-blood-youths
((Note: This drabble will have grammar mistakes and errors in it but it was written for fun so please understand. With that said, please enjoy.))
It was another nice night here in Japan, with the 1-A class spending time with the fractions from NYC or America. They invited them for a month vacation to relax and chill since things have been calming down and being fixed up. Of course, they accepted the invite so we go to now with the guys who was speaking to one another in a boy hot spring together.
"No." The boys looks annoyed at Minoru who was looking at them confused. They were just getting ready to spend time in the relaxing hot springs but it was a separated bath. One for the boys and one for the girls. Right now, the girls were in the hot bath talking and relaxing together while some of the guys were in the boy hot spring but they were trying to talk some sense into Mineta who wanted to do some 'peeping' into the girls side.
"Huh?! Why not! Are you guys even curious a little! I mean, the girls are on the other side!! I beat they are super cute and all!! So many cuties just on the other side of that wall!!!!" He wanted to but the guys had a sweatdrop shown on the side of their heads before one bonks him on the head.
"You know you can't! And second, you shouldn't cause trouble when the girls can either kill you or worse, kill us if we let you!" Bakugo shouted annoyed at him as he was shaking scared with some of the boys sighing.
"He's got a point. It's rude to peek on the girls like that. It's really immature and we are not trying to end up on their hit list. "Fin said sitting in the hot spring with a hot towel on his head. His boys were happily relaxing with smiles.
"True. We are not like you when it comes to that. Besides, you do realize the girls will not like the idea of you peeking on them?" Ethan said with arms crossed seeing some of his boys in his fraction agreeing.
"True. It would not be wise indeed." Light said with arms crossed with the other guys sighing as Bakugo drops Mineta into the hot spring water as he comes back up.
"Geez, you guys are no fun! I wish we can but besides, I know some of the girls are on the other side are dating some of you so wouldn't you-"
"If you keep talking, you'll get worse than that." Rex oxford mills warns him since that includes him trying to peek on his girlfriend Kali.
"Huh? But I just-" He stops seeing a murder aura from the blind quirk user but he gulps to be silent. Yeah, he blinks but crosses his arms to sit. He did hear the girls laughter and talking on the other side.
"Though, relaxing like this is nice for once without chaos going all about." Shdwkyz said while seeing the guys from the DBT agreeing.
"Yeah, for once it's..nice. No crazy shit going on and whatever.." Navarro said but the 1-A class still agrees.
"But, we are still hoping you guys are enjoying the vacation right?" Shoto said but looks to them as the guys agree.
"No worries, we are. It's nice that you guys invited us to come for a vacation so thanks." Jaron smiled as the guys were happy and relaxing. However, Mineta was trying to listen in with the girls talking.
~~Girls side hot spring bath~~
"You gotta relax a bit more Ashley! It's alright!" Ink laughed happily while Ashley butterfly was nervous looking at the water. She's never been in a hot spring bath before but the other girls were trying to help her relax.
"Think of it like a small hot bath but you can feel your troubles melting away." Momo said sitting by her classmates and seeing Yuuka relaxing beside Oblivion who was relaxing as well.
"I..Is that s..s..so?" she mutters seeing Momo nod.
"She's got a point. Just come on and just relax! You'll be alright!" Jinx smiled to happily help her with Ink as the two get her in, hearing a squeak from her. She got in the water but she was feeling herself sat down to looking shy.
"See? Nice right?" Jinx said as her girls were happily relaxing while blushing.
"I..It is really n..nice...." Ashley mutters blushing to seeing the other girls talking with smiles. Even Echo was relaxing like a happy little puppy but if she had a tail it would be wagging.
Melinda was smiling with eyes closed even Vivi who was relaxing too. "This really is nice right, Vivi?" she asked.
"Mhmmm.." Vivi said with eyes closed relaxing. "I was told the hot springs in japan were quite lovely.."
"Yeah, we got that a lot. They do say the hot springs is the best here!" Mina laughed as the girls sigh to relax. However, Vanessa had a question.
"But..that leaves one thing. The other side are the guys..you don't think they would..." the other girls looks to hear but thinks.
"Hmm, No, I'm sure they wouldn't. The only one you might have to worry about is Mineta. He's well.......a bit of a perv but we should be alright.."
"H..Huh? A perv?" Ashley asked.
"Uhhhhhh....." Ink blinks confused but Kali glares. Great.
"Well, as long as he isn't stupid enough he won't die this night." she warns with the girls showing sweatdrops on their faces. Even so, they relaxed on this night before hearing a giant splash on the guys side with a few shouts. "Hmm?"
~~Boys side Hot spring bath~~
"MINETA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Shdwkyz was soaked with his hair covering his face as some of the guys from his fraction was soaked too coughing. Mineta was trying to climb but he looks or tries to be.
"Nothing! I was just trying to-"
"You were trying to peek! You idiot! You are going to get yourself caught and you'll get us in trouble!" Rust said glaring at him.
"Again, you can't blame me! I just wanna have one small peek! Just one!" he said. "And wouldn't you like to know since your girlfriend is on the-"
"Oh no, your not peeking on Breezy you idiot!" Rust said holding his human fist up glaring at him.
"Mineta you really shouldn't. You know how the girls are even when you tried doing that in class." Midoriya said worried. Besides, he's seen the girls anger, well some of them, and he knows enough.
"That and the point you'll end up getting a worse punishment." Ethan warns.
".....You guys are no fun you know?" he said but saw Shdwkyz walk over to hit him on the head as he yelps. He saw a angry snake above him ready to beat him up.
"Why are you hitting me!?" he said holding his head.
"Because your being stupid. Why don't you behave and stop trying to be a pervert!" he said.
"It's not my fault! Besides, I bet your sneaky that you could use your quirk to slither in the shadows to peek! Same with that viper girl!" he points that Shdwkyz felt a vein showing on his head now showing his eye twitching.
"Y..you!....your lucky I don't have my blade or I would have-"
"Easy Shdwkyz easy!" Jaron said waving his hands as the guys pulls him away from the scared Mineta who was seeing the others sigh. Maybe they need to keep a eye on him.
"Even so, we should just relax. And no peeking Mineta!" Kirishima warns as he saw Mineta grumbles sitting back in the water. He was curious of the girls as they were chatting and yet he was having trouble with not wanting to.
So the guys went back to relaxing with no trouble and worries. Denki was happily seeing the guys talking or relaxing in the bath now without Mineta trying his hardest to behave. Though, thinking of the girls on the other side well.....that's when he stood up.
"THAT'S IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT! I HAVE TO SEE!" He rushes over to try climbing the wall as the guys saw.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? GET BACK HERE!" Bakugo shouted as the guys were trying to catch him. He dodges while rushing to the wall. He saw the boys trying to stop him as he got nervous.
"I NEED TO SEE! JUST LET ME SEE ONE TIME AND I'LL STOP!" He said running around as the other guys tried stopping him.
".........You know he'll break that promise right?" Denki said as the boys sighs seeing him running left and right with some trying to catch him.
"NO RUNNING AROUND THE HOT SPRING!" Ida shouted trying to stop them. Mineta kept running but he dodges Bakugo trying to grab him. He dodges Shdwkyz and Jaron who crashes into one another. Even Rust slams and trips into the hot spring.
The guys was making a racket with the girls looking from their side wondering what is going on. Fin saw his boys trying to catch him but they ended up crashing against one another.
"You'll never catch me!" Mineta shouted as he scales the wall blushing. "Just a bit closer and it's all girl heaven!!" he laughed climbing.
"Tch, that's it! I'm blowing him sky high!" Navarro said showing a bomb and-wait how did he get that in here!?
"Navarro, you wouldn't dare!" Fosh said panicking as the young bomber glares. "If you do that you might-"
"He's right Navarro don't!" Izuku said worried as Navarro looks.
"Then what do we do!? He'll get us all in trouble if we let him peek! I don't need Echo shouting my ass off because of him!" he said but the guys looks that Yuga had a idea.
"How about we just blast him to knock him out. I'll do it!" He focused but the others in the class saw him aiming right at the wall. Then they go into a panic knowing what might happen.
"NO NO NO NO DON'T SHOOT!!" They shouted but it was too late seeing him fire his navel lazer right at Mineta but also at the wall. That's when a big explosion resulting in the water going up in the air happened with both sides coughing and trying to clear the smoke. Though the guys were coughing as they were trying to find Mineta.
"Damn it! Where did he go!" Shdwkyz said coughing. However, the smoke clears as the guys look but they wished they didn't. Their eyes widen seeing the wall destroyed but......they saw the girls side as they were standing but soaking wet. They did see Mineta who was happily nuzzling against something soft to show he was nuzzling into Ashley butterfly's chest.
"Soooo soft...and warm. What a nice spot." he said giggling with his cheeks red. However, Ashley was shaking blushing red, tears shown in her eyes, as he was nuzzling and hugging her.
'Your so adorable...your boobs are soooooo nice..' he said nuzzling against her chest more. Showing that perverted creepy smile.
She shook more with more tears in her eyes to shut them before suddenly.....
"THE FUCK!? GET OFF OF ASHLEY YOU PERV!!" Echo said kicking him off but he hugs her as she twitched.
"Your even cute up close! So soft too but they are pretty nice at this size!" he said.
Mineta giggled but saw the other girls. They tense seeing his hands making grabby motions with blushing and drooling. However, Ashley was still crying covering her chest.
"You girls are so cute!!!" He said but some of the girls scream covering themselves but that's when the guys on the other side covers their eyes.
"ASHLEY!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Rex shouted from the boys side hearing her screams and some of the girls.
"GET RID OF HIM!!" Mouse said in shock.
"HOW DID HE GET OVER THE WALL!?" Willow's voice was heard covering herself.
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" Kali shouted but Mineta even happily was dodging to land against Melinda who yelps to push him away from her covering her chest.
"WHY WEREN'T THE OTHER GUYS WATCHING HIM!?" Kali said as the other guys kept their eyes covered.
"GUESS NOT!" Ming said seeing Mineta hopping around happily seeing the cuties with Ink confused while Jinx was seeing the girls panicking.
"GOD DAMN IT, MINETA!" Bakugo said covering his eyes. However, Kirishima was nervous hearing Kali's angry shout.
"I DON'T FUCKING CARE!! JUST GET RID OF HIM!!" Kali shouted at Kirishima.
"LADY HEAVEN! I'M IN HEAVEN!" He said even hugging Yuuka who was struggling.
"WILL YOU GET OFF OF ME!?" she said but as he was nuzzling her chest, he heard sparks of electricity to slowly look then goes pale. A very angry Oblivion was seen while her eye was twitching.
"....Uhhhhhhh.....I didn't mean it?" he laughed but he only got bonked hard on the head to knock him out but sends him crashing into the wall back to the guys side. The guys on the other side kept their eyes covered blushing red.
"......" Yeah the girls were pissed right now.
"Now I know you girls are mad but please hear us out-" Rust tries to say but Mineta coughs to look.
"It was worth it!" he said but passes out. The girls said nothing but sighs before looking to them.
"You. Saw. NOTHING! Get it!?" Kali said as the guys agreed before Melinda uses her powers to get towels for the girls to cover themselves up and leave quickly. Mouse with Mina was carrying a knocked out Ashley out to leave the guys. They lower their hands but looks silent.
"........You know they are going to kill us right?" Rust said.
"Don't remind us Rust we know.." Shdwkyz said annoyed with Bakugo shaking Mineta and shouting at him. Well, at least the vacation was still alright. For a bit.
~~Somewhere during that event in a private Hot spring~~
Matt was even here but relaxing with his boyfriend/mate Ryunosuke but they saw the chaos going on to look silent. "What do you think that was?" Ryu asked but Matt opens one of his eyes while Ryu was rubbing his shoulders.
"I don't know but sounds like someone is in deep trouble." Matt laughed but the two goes back to relaxing like nothing happened. Rynosuke sighed but he smiled, happily cuddling and still rubbing Matt's shoulders.
"Well, I'm sure they are fine.." he said then kisses the top of Matt's head while blushing a little loving being close to him. Matt smiled while he was relaxing too. Seems their night was well so good for them. That was something else so it was all fine.
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rainwolfheart · 4 years
i've been playing lovelink for a few days and i have reviews
Adam/Dominic - total sweetheart. lil basic but I am absolutely spending gems on him. 9/10
Aesha/Samantha - I wanted to like her but I can't deal with the cringe. and mc being so oblivious to game culture. also I am not into the sexy videogame outfits thing. 3/10
Albert/Jonathan - no thanks I don't respect the troops. might match with Albert if I'm desperate to farm gems. 1/10
Alex/Calum - too forward, wish there were more "cool your jets bro" options like there are with Blake/Keanu. also just doesn't feel realistic. "couldn't afford canvas so I painted on myself"??? you can buy canvas at the dollar store, it's good paint that's expensive. try harder. 3/10
Alice/Eve - matched with Eve before I reset and I want her back. didn't get far enough to really get to know her tho. 7/10
Ana/Milena/Ruby - I'm not into the "born sexy yesterday and you're the only human she knows" thing. I think she's super sweet and interesting and I want to help her, but I want her to make real friends and do stuff without mc! the obsession makes me uncomfortable. 3/10
Angel/Emmalyn - super sweet but I want to have nuanced animal rights/veganism conversations with her every time 😬 5/10
Antoine/Noah - one of the only pairs who's never come up! I want to match with Noah and get dog pictures. 5/10
Austin/Damien - ehh could take it or leave it. probably gonna match with Austin to farm gems. maybe I'll be surprised. 2/10
Blake/Keanu - kinda enjoying it. I matched with Blake first with a more femme mc in mind and I was kinda creeped out, but after I reset I matched with Keanu with a more masc mc and I'm into it. he's cuter. wish his pics were actually covered in ink tho?? he's got a sleeve and like 2 big pieces, he's not even the character with the most lmao. 5/10
Charlie/Jake/Zayn - ngl Charlie was one of the reasons I reset. I had already matched with Zayn but I found out Charlie is probably trans and I couldn't not. honestly not super into the storyline, as a theatre major who is a terrible actor, but I can live with it. 6/10
Clementine/Grace - matched with Grace before I reset, gonna go for Clementine tho. Grace has too many "sexy nerd halloween costume" vibes for me. Clementine has the same name as my cat but at least she's less cringe. 4/10
Cpt. Muffin - BEST MATCH. BRING HIM BACK. 11/10.
Dahlia/Rose - I think Dahlia is the most like someone I'd date irl she's too fucking cute. I have spent gems on every single option so far. I am buying an engagement ring and all the snacks as we speak. 10/10.
Daniel/Ryan - matched with Daniel before I reset and probs will again. kept rolling my eyes at his story tho. you can't just breach your NDAs to a random person on a dating app!! 4/10
Didier/Mamoru - waiting patiently for Mamoru.... 5/10
Dr. Vile - I'm a lil disappointed he greyed out so early. I'm having fun with the story but not sold yet. 6/10
Eveline/Jade - had Eveline before I reset and I want her back!!!! possibly my fave after Dahlia and Adam. also the kind of person I'd be into irl. 9/10
Garrett/Rory - pls match with me Garrett. 8/10
Hazel - ??? 4/10
Hugo/Marco - unpopular opinion but I really really dislike him. he's constantly flirting with someone behind Sally's back, I'd call that cheating, and yet you can never be upfront with him. I choose the friendliest options every time and yet he persists. 1/10
Jaden/Skylar - everyone's obsessed with Skylar and I haven't found him yet. curious to see what the hype is about. 5/10
Jamie/Seth - I've heard so little about these two. curious but only vaguely. 5/10
Jasmin/Kayla - pleasantly surprised by how much I like her? I feel like both their profiles don't reflect how they are in conversations at all. wish she and mc weren't such dumbasses tho. 5/10
Julien/William - match with me pls Julien. 6/10
Liam/Min-Jae - matched with Min-Jae briefly before I reset and I'm curious about his story, not sold yet. I'm not into kpop so it's interesting for mc to also be an outsider. 5/10
Michael/Sam - you are a child!!! I don't want to match with them tbh. 1/10
Nicholas - I like the concept but because mc keeps worrying he's pranking them, he sometimes reminds me of those people who are really into historical rp to the point where they pretend to not understand modern life. that da Vinci pic is hilarious. I wish you had the option to talk about being queer in the 18th century with him!! 6/10
Nick - ??? 4/10
Oliver/Stefan - no. 1/10
Raphael/Wyatt - Wyatt looks too much like Shaggy for me 😂 curious to talk to Raphael tho. 4/10
Sage/Vitoria - big titty goth gf. love her. she's not a werewolf yet in my game but I am waiting respectfully. also wish mc wasn't such an asshole after she ditches the first date. 8/10
Sheng/Tomas - idk enough. curious. 4/10
Theo - so mad I missed them. come back. be queer with me. 7/10
Tiros - as long as you don't think too much about how centaur sex works he is so much fun. sexy constantly shirtless man lost on a beach trying to reclaim his honour. sign me up. 6/10
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askbittyerror · 4 years
Wedding RP part 9
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue has decided the wise thing to do is clearly to retreat closer to the tree. And wonder at how their kiddo manages to take more after them than they even are themself.(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {the sounds of boot steps suddenly rise above the din of noise} You are not used to such chaos I am guessing {The guardian said walking over. He can see why Bells called themselves their mother's double. Almost identical} Hello you are Bells's mother~ {Not exactly a question as the guardian gives a slight bow}
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue blinks, looks up... and up... "Oh, I'm used to chaos. But this much chaos tends to lead to me either being murdered, or someone just trying to, not realizing theyre a hundred years late for that ride." ...maybe a little blunt. "Um. But, yes. I am."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He offers his hand and when he gets theirs he actually gives it a small kiss. He is without his gauntlet today. No need for it at a wedding but his gloves are of a supple leather and soft to the touch} I suppose that is true. Sadly I guess this is the chaos we bring. Its nice to finally meet you Blue. It is not often I get the honor to meet the maker ... or origin of any of my lovers
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." yeah, they werent expecting that. "I wish i could take credit for that," they deny quietly, not drawing their hand away, "but even if they were made with my magic, I'm not their maker." "...origin though," a smile, if faint, as they lift their gaze to his again, "maybe. part anyway."
feather bean💙09/27/2020 a feather arives over here
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He grins} You have a good soul. They take after you greatly. It is only recently they have become more ... assertive. Its like night and day honestly how much Bells has grown since I have met them {He chuckled} I am happy though I get to meet you without you wanting to punch me {gasp a Feather has arrived! Dream looks to them and smiles more} Feather. It has been a long time small one
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "Wait, pun-" "...Feather?" Oh. An asker... a child asker? Huh. "Hi Feather, i'm Blue." Meanwhile theyre only more puzzled by their offspring's relationships... apparently though, it somehow works for them? ...that kind of makes the whole taking near death in stride a little easier to believe. "...why did they want to punch you?"
feather bean💙09/27/2020 "hi blue!" they wave at blue and then to dream "it has- sorry for not visiting much-"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He hummed} Its alright you have your reasons. Shame though I dont have any treats for you {he chuckles and looks at Blue winking about their first comment} Because they were upset about Ink and the state he was in so when I got back everyone came to break my face for a bit for his honor
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...Ink." they echo, naturally thinking of the bitty version they knew, but pretty sure that's not who he meant. "..." they consider Feather, then Juice, then simply, "So... are you one of my son in laws too?"(edited)
feather bean💙09/27/2020 Pats for dream "is ok If you don't have any treats for me-"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He chuckles} Ah but I enjoy spoiling the younger askers when they come { He looks back to Blue and hums} I think that is a yes because if I say anything other than that Bells will probably personally kick my ass {He says this with great amusement}
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties watch silently, Mercury still in excited-want-hug vibration mode and Paladin and Magnus staring at Juice with no small amount of wariness.
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo takes a moment or two to actually process Juice's words- mainly because he's busy trying to stop Archer from getting at the cake. Eventually, he bundles the smol into his arms, turning around and begrudgingly walking over to his boyfriend, and the group he's amassed. "..." "Hi."
feather bean💙09/27/2020 feather waves to Nintendo "hi-"(edited)
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...fair. I think." It sounded like he was joking, and not even in an unfamiliar way. in fact they'd probably laugh if, well, all that hadn't just happened.
the sight of the very tall comparitively to what they're used to, anyway Ink sort with purple wings, gives them pause. very little, admittedly, and more surprise than anything, before they offer a smile to him too.
"Are you the Ink whose honor Bells was ready to defend?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 The apparently-tall-Ink snorts, leaning on Juice's shoulder. The baby in his arms babbles, reaching out to greet and probably try and hug all of these new friends and faces.
"No, clearly I'm a destroyer of worlds come to murder you for daring to even look in my direction." a small laugh. "...I'm their brother. And you are?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I'm Magnus, their Dad." Mangus points to himself. "Blue is my mate and their mom." "Paladin. His brother, their uncle." Paladin nods, not taking his eyes off Juice for a second. "Domino," Domino nuzzles his mate. "And Licorice. Grandparents. May I hug you?" "Mercury!" Mercury absolutely vibrates, barely contained in Jabber's arms. "Brother also! Want hug you and also bab please please please please?" "I'm Jabber." Jabber smiles, trying to keep his mate from just combusting with excitement. "I'm his mate." "Gold." Gold peeks out. "Beryl." Beryl smiles, hugging him. "We're Mercury's brothers."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 The baby catches their attention first, a smile instantly loghting up their face, before his words register. "brother?" They look interested now. "Bells has mentioned you! um, not in more than passing, but... things have been, busy." A bit apologetically? "um, anyway... I'm Blue. mom, apparently. which I wasn't expecting, but... I'm, not really opposed to either. They seem, good." even if they make a solid point not to think too hard about where they came from
feather bean💙09/27/2020 oh Lots of people are here- they Wave to all of them -
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Magnus and Paladin immediately nuzzle. "You okay, beloved?" Magnus asks gently.
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo is quiet for a few seconds, just kinda absorbing information... and watching the bitties. Archer babbles, reaching out to hug, and he lets them.
"..." "First of all, I already have a dad, so you're going to have to share."
A huff, and he curls his wings around, fiddling with the circlet on his head. "Second of all, the Omniverse is already stupid and crazy, so more extended family might as well happen." He watches Blue for a moment, narrowing his eyes. "...are you okay?"
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." they nuzzle Magnus for comfort, before admitting, "mostly. waking up one day to find out you've had a kid, with something like that... thing... without consent or awareness, and you've apparently missed their entire life, and-"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 More nuzzles from the entire family.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {Dream looks amused pulling Ink closer to himself kissing his jaw. he lets the group talk before he looks to Blue...  his aura suddenly is there. something warm and comforting like being rapped up in a blanket right out of the dryer. He was able to actually pick and choose whom his aura touches. Ink as always only senses it but not feeling it. there is a strange potency to his aura compared to all the ones Blue has been around. one dream taught to be a warrior and angry, one too young to realize that he had or would have such powers. and the bitty... well its like a fine aged wine compared to a young vintage. they were the "same" but not the same}(edited)
feather bean💙09/27/2020 they Pat blue
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 The words fall quiet, as they nuzzle their family, one at a time, before turning back to Juice again. There's a long moment of just looking at him- then they smile. "Thank you, but that isn't necessary. My family does the same when I have a panic attack, but-" "- but shy of that, I'd sooner try to come to terms with my emotions myself, when I can. I hope that makes sense?" The child gets a soft pat back, if a bit distracted. Child askers are a new one on them... but, chikd, and offering comfort. "And thank you too."
feather bean💙09/27/2020 "its No Problem"
salty darkness09/27/2020 Archer wraps their arms around Blue, nuzzling and flapping their wings. Good smol. Comforting smol.
Nintendo gives Juice a vaguely upset look, but doesn't elaborate beyond that. "..." "Ahem. Uh. Yeah. Nice to meet you, and... stuff."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Baby... distracting baby. Cute wonderful happy adorable- -nothing against Juice's aura, but this? this is much more effectively disttacting.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {he looks amused. automatic reaction as his aura is and all} This is Archer {He adds watching Blue take him and cuddle him} they are Ink and my and Erebus's bab
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 aaand again with the pause, looking from him to Nintendo to baby, and back. "...my surprise kiddo has made themself an interesting family tree, haven't they?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo shrugs. "My boyfriend- Juice- fused with Erebus to create an entirely new being called Morpheus. I slept with said being. Now there's Archer." "...and now I have two boyfriends."
Happy Archer! Such a happy Archer! Happy Archer with a very happy aura!
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties, all but Magnus and Paladin, seem to relax at Juice's aura, smiling happily. Magnus and Paladin nuzzle their person, growling softly, auras rising, pushing back the best they can.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {Its not Juice's aura they have to worry about its the melt the person happy baby aura who makes anyone not used to it a useless giddy lump for a bit that has to be worried about.} Archer {Dream says trying to catch the happy child off guard to loose his hold on his aura} and probably more of a. find very chaotic timelines only to build a family out of them
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Shattered Reflections {2}
[Helsa RP- Fanfic]
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Post-Frozen/ Canon Divergence
- Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Pairing(s): Hans/Elsa, Kristoff/Anna
Prince Hans is a mirror at heart, but wishes to shatter his reflections and correct his past mistakes. He returns to Arendelle, willingly surrendering himself to Queen Elsa’s judgement. Uncovering truths, unforeseen circumstances and a bit of je ne sais quoi, bring the Ice Queen and the Mirror Prince together in a way neither of them would have imagined.
(( This is a collaborative RP Fic written by lovely fellow Helsa shipper FOW and myself. We RP for fun and just wanted wanted to share this story with fellow shippers, especially all my lovely shipper buddies over in the Helsa Discord Server. Long live the Province of Helsa! Thank you, Beta Reader Friends, your help is much appreciated. Hope you enjoy~ ))
P.S: ((This is the shortest chapter so far, I have a few more chapters ready to post, but I don't want to spam, posting them all at once, so I'll try post one chapter daily or every other day until the story is up to date.)) Previous Chapter: Chapter 1. Double Jeopardy 
Chapter 2. Burn After Reading 
Hans accepted the journal and his return to the dungeons without complaint, always polite. He was right: He never made a sound when he walked. He moved as silent as a shadow, but for the clink of his chains, which even then were quiet.
Given enough pen and ink, he proved to be a voracious writer. It helped that he had nothing better to do with his time, but he certainly took more time in getting his words down. He had to choose them carefully. He knew they could be used against him. For the moment, he wanted to stick to uninteresting topics. Just to test the waters. Yet, in spite of himself, his thoughts kept turning to his situation.
He never gave complaints. He rested without concern, and waited to see who would come for his letters.
Anna had NOT taken the news of the the 13th Prince's return to Adrendelle well, and far less knowing he was to be staying in the kingdom, even if he was to remain in the dungeon. Anna wished to go pay him a visit in the dungeon, just to punch him in the face again, but was prohibited from doing so. She was relieved that Elsa was not wasn't planning to contact the Prince either (at least outside the required daily journals to her).
Anna asked her sister why she even allowed the Prince to return to their kingdom, but even Elsa didn't know the answer to that herself.
Hans seemed to remain entirely neutral in the presence of the messenger. He insisted on folding over his journal pages and putting a wax seal on them (or rather, a splot of wax from the candle he wrote by, with 'XIII' scratched into it) to send to Elsa.
Whether the seal remained intact or not, he supposed he had no control. Perhaps it was better if he didn't know.
'Please burn after reading.'
'It's much different, writing a journal or letter that you know someone will read. Every word weighed like ounces of gold and scale often checked for accuracy. When one flake can tip the balances of someone else's opinion.'
'That is the way by which I lived in the Isles. Words spoken have echoes through later conversations, everything comes back as a scathing remark, or nitpick. Some days the picks go so deep or come from so long ago, one questions if they had any merit at all, or if they are going mad. I much prefer the dungeons. Would you believe, they echo less in Arendelle.'
'I said I was a prince 'in name alone', in truth all that means is that I have access to the castle grounds. I have found that the castle dungeons and the castle rooms are equally grim, and each echo their secrets to all in sundry. Neither prisoners nor princes are allowed their secrets, apparently. My father and brother are both ill, and have been for many years. My family didn't want to cut me off from visiting them, even if I am a treasoner. At least, not after they decided not to hang me I suppose. That proposition was short-lived. They have seen too well that scene, and they have no desire to see it again.'
'How grim. The Isles has a grim sense of humor. Or maybe it's just my family. I should never know, I imagine. I would hope to be there when my father dies, great man as he is, but I can't expect that time of mourning to be respected. Better to have taken my chances here. But chances at what? I don't believe in any gods. I don't imagine there to be a soul for me to save. My own peace, perhaps, but that's selfish even for me. My own inner stupidity, perhaps.'
'A tolerable first entry, I suppose. Have a nice day, your Majesty. My sincerest apologies to Her Highness for being inflicted upon her vicinity again. The Princess is welcome to throw things. -Hans'
Hard to say of that last part was a joke. It was a meandering, but that was simply what one got, with a journal.
Elsa read over the letter multiple times. It was not what she had expected, but it had given her a glimpse into his life, even if it was minimal. She had asked him for his thoughts and feelings, though she got more of the former rather than the latter.
The journal entry felt so stiff, but she thought since it was the first one that someone was reading it was understandable.
She read his request at the top of the page 'Please burn after reading'. She contemplated if she would fulfill his request, she had a candle at the ready, but she could not bring herself to burn it. Not yet at least, instead she folded the letter back up and placed it in her desk drawer under lock and key.
The next was sent with the same 'seal' as the first.
'Please burn after reading'
'Good morning, or whensoever you should read.'
'It would almost be easier if these were letters to and from, but then I could not stop myself from afflicting some persona on you.'
'My mother is an actress, you see. A very good one, but that is all she is good at. Acting, and picking one apart like a carrion bird. I have memorized Macbeth, and say the cursed play's name without fear, knowing I am more cursed than it could hope to be. For every character, an act. "For all the world's a stage and its people merely players," writes the Bard. It must be nice to not have to pretend, to be content. To not have to pretend to be content.' The repetition was no typo, nothing was crossed out or uncertain there.
'And yet, it all feels real at the time. It always does, no matter if the decision is conscious. Broken mirrors are unlucky, and I am by trade unlucky. But there are some things I would never admit to feeling, and some things I simply feel I cannot.'
'I have often wondered how Her Highness feels so much all at once. The Princess seems so full of life. Never take her to the Isles, it would be a shame to drain that charming nature. I wish this could have been avoided so to never temper her enthusiasm with jaded realities. But alas, Reality is a bastard.'
'Wishing you well,
So the Queen was actress? That was something Elsa had not known. She had studied much of the Southern Isles after the coronation, but much like information on Arendelle during the closing of the Gates, there was not much it (at least regarding the Royals).
Now she knew where Hans got his acting skills from.
There was so much dejection in his words, that it almost made her feel sorrow herself.
She wondered if he really incapable of feeling or if was another charade of his. If Anna was truly right that he had a frozen heart.
Again as she did with the previous letter, instead of setting it ablaze, she set it in her drawer with the other under lock and key.
She had pondered whether to have made his punishment writing letters rather than journals, but decided against it. She really shouldn't be writing letters to him, no matter how curious she was to get questions answered. She chose journaling because it was more informal and open for him to write the thoughts and feelings she requested, since it seemed to have been the way avidly written in his confiscated journal.
Though she should have realized upon her request that he probably wouldn't be as open to her as he was to himself and there was no way of knowing if what he wrote was truly himself or just another persona he hid behind.
The next letter was a trifle less organized. Still, however, with its carved seal.
'Please burn after reading.'
'Good whenever, Your Majesty. Assuming you read these at all. That sounds rather like a greek punishment, writing letters to one who never reads them. Although, it sounds a bit like a religion, too, doesn't it? Ah well. Philosophy is the act of asking a thousand questions and debating about answers none will ever have.' What an opener.
'I had thought this story to be one I and my crew had made up in a collective fever, utter nonsense brought upon by unfamiliar waters and frayed nerves. Reflecting on Arendelle, however, I think perhaps it may have been entirely real.'
'Once upon a time, I and my crew met Sirens.'
'We were on the Conch Cat, my ship, as a captain some years ago, shortly before my admiralty. I have since kept the Conch Cat, though it now likely has a new captain, in light of my removal from the Navy. That stung worse than any sentence for treason, but I digress...'
' We had traveled some way through a storm somewhere in the Pacific, and that storm was hellacious. It threatened to rip the mast down even with the sails pulled up, but as we sailed on, soon it halted. As if someone had snuffed a candle, it had gone, replaced with a fog so thick that one could not see the forward bow from the stern. We could only drift slowly and pray that both fog and storm relented before we found somewhere to become a shipwreck, but the fog was, at least, peaceful. Some minutes into our silent crawl across the water, we began to hear ringing laughter and singing. We could all of us understand the language we heard, but the voices sounded foreign- indescribably so. They sang a familiar song, about a woman missing her sailor fiancée. '
'My heart is pierced by cupid,'
'I disdain all glittering gold,'
'There is nothing can console me'
'But my jolly sailor bold.'
'We looked into the water, and found there a woman, with lily-white skin and long waving hair under the water, graceful as any fish, and with a silvery tail of shimmering scales in our amber lamplight. It was bizarre and curious, so of course every man leant to see (and likely, a part of that being that she wore no scrap of cloth, but mine was a purely scientific curiosity, if you'll believe it).'
'There was more than one, but it was one with long raven hair that I could best see from my position. Every man listened to their singing, and each looking over the sides, before I alone realized what was happening.'
'I called to the men to get back to their posts, and barely managed to grab the helmsman and drag him back by his collar, before one of the sirens leapt up to try and grab him. He still has scratches on the side of his face (that he swears to others were from a jealous lover). I recall that one having ringlets of red-gold hair, though I caught only a glance as she tried to nab him. Men jumped back from the sides, some grabbing others, and returned to their posts. I, however, remained curious. Why had they not affected me so much as they had affected the men? Some men had to be tied to rails, why should I be different? So I ventured forward again with a lantern, foolish as I am.'
'Your heart is pierced by cupid'
'If a man may be so bold,'
'But I have nothing for you,'
'For mine is beating cold.'
'They did not care for this addition, and our Barrelman managed to pull me back this time.'
'I ordered my men to pull the sails down and speed through the fog, damn the consequences and the mast as well, so we did. Someone launched a canon, it sounded as if it hit rocks but we had seen none. We survived the sirens, fog and storm with shredded sails but an intact mast by only the grace of any god listening, and escaped. We all drank ourselves to sleep that night, and spoke of it as a fiction the next day.'
'I think perhaps, after all, it was no fiction. But I only tell the story to men of the sea, who are used to a little fabrication and strange stories. I never tell it as a fact, but it is. Who would believe? I'm glad to tell it as a truth to someone."
'My best to you, always; -Hans'
His writing was less elegant than it had been the day before, with perhaps some scratching-out and scribbling that was uncharacteristic of his writing. The handwriting seemed less tight and controlled, the writing less thought-through. The send-off seemed almost careless in both its words and its handwriting. There was a curious section near the header of seemingly aimless hatch marks, to no real purpose. He just seemed a little less controlled and rigid than before. And perhaps, his topic of choice was stranger than usual. Getting a thought out that he would seemingly never otherwise have shared.
Elsa tapped her pen against her desk. His opener doubting whether she even read his journals made her want to send him a note of reassurance of her readership, now she was debating whether that was the right course of action or not.
His sea story though different than his previous entries, had piqued her interest. The tale of Sirens only a myth to some, but to her it read so real, for she knows Trolls are real and even her own powers were something that would seem like fiction to someone that hadn't witnessed them with their own eyes. The possibility of more Magic out there made her wonder if there was someone out there who's a little bit like her in the great unknown. Yet the sirens weren't the only thing that caught her attention in this letter, his lyrics of the song stood out to her
'Your heart is pierced by cupid'
'If a man may be so bold,'
'But I have nothing for you,'
'For mine is beating cold.'
It was mention of a frozen heart yet again.
A blank piece of paper sitting in front of her as she continued tapping her pen.
How would she even address him, even in a simple note? She kept hovering her pen over the paper ready to start writing, but pulling away as her mind went blank yet again.
Maybe she need not tell him, but show him that she read his words. Without much of a second thought at the center of the page she wrote:
' I believe.'
Short and simple, but to the point. She folded the paper, like he did his and now it was time to seal. She placed the wax, but the Arendelle seal didn't seem right. She poured more wax and this time with her magic made a snowflake to replace it.
The note was done, now it was whether or not she would choose to send it.
She cleaned off her desk, placing his recent letter with the rest under lock and key. The note she just wrote in her hands, she played with the edges as she looked at her snowflake insignia. She was lost in her thoughts, when a knock at the door startled her.
"Your Majesty," The head guard seemed uncertain at first. "Your prisoner seems... off, today. He hasn't expressed any change in particular, he just seems off in a way I can't place, my instincts say something is wrong. Do you have any thoughts or direction? He also insists that he would like to wash his own clothes, but I consider that too dangerous, and frightfully curious for a previous prince." The head guard frowned. He had been doing his job for some years, but something about all this felt wrong, and he couldn't quite say how. Something beyond the laundry.
Elsa sighed. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention Captain."
She had noticed a change in Hans in the way he had written the journal, but had not thought much of it, but now that the captain voiced his concern there was no ignoring that there was something definitely off with Hans today.
"I think I have to go see him myself, in order to decide a proper course of action." It was something she had not planned on doing, but she felt she had no choice now, she had allowed Hans to return so he was her responsibility.
She still had her note in hand as she stood up from her desk and walked towards the Captain.
The guard nodded. "Excellent plan, your Majesty. I will be there to maintain your safety." The Captain assured. That was what it always was, his job. But he took pride in it.
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besmirched · 7 years
Tk I just wanna say that you can delete this ask, but that the hedge in my opinion wasn't a good one. The story was great at first but... The ammount of pain people went through wasn't worth it. I don't think this event should be remember in a gloried light that it was a "disservice" to talk bad about it. The event on the nonink side was torture- mostly for muns. This was late in the game, most of the people that were brought in by friend of a friend as you said were gone. There was an inc(1/2?)
An incredable ammount of manipulation between people, to the point that hair triggers were the least of our problems. I wish to remain anonymous mostly because I want to distance myself from GS permanently. But I remember people threatening suicide to get what they wanted, as well as godmodding running amok among the stressed individuals. Many of us were already swamped with irl pain and having people harm and abuse us in this "fun" event is not something to be inspired by. It was painful. (2/2)
//I am but one person.//Who was on the wrong side of the discourse.//The issues I had heard whispers of during the event had never really come to light until about a year ago, when one mun (whom I will respect their right to privacy) came to me to discuss the differences between ‘me’ and Besmirch.
//As several of the members of the inks have stated, for them, the event was cast in a much more manageable light. We all agree that things went wrong, and whether they were moderator oversights or individual errors, I will not go indepth.
//Yet, as you stated, the event is cast in a much darker light for those who were a part of the Refugees. It is impossible to look at one without the other, and for those who experienced it, the event is anywhere from grey to eclipsed in black.
//What I meant by claiming a ‘disservice’ is to say that the event was built around manipulation and abuse. I would never claim ‘manipulate and abuse your players!’ as a basis for an event. The idea behind the campaign (because that was how I treated it), was that these various player characters, united in a cause (the fear of being turned into soldiers to kill their former friends and families to feed a giant monstrosity), must band together and defeat the evil with help from within (Lucida’s sabotaging attempts and the various puzzles and curses that were placed upon the players).
//In an open ‘system’ like what Tumblr RP allows, how do you balance this?//Allowing the players to balance it makes it impossible, for you have god-modders trying to trivialize encounters and wipe the entire thing under the rug.
//And yet, that’s what we tried to do. And it failed.//The story was created, but at what cost?//Apparently, the mental health of the entire Refugee side, at this point, two years later coming to light.
//My purpose in the event was to create an enemy who could serve as a tangible threat versus a group of people who, as has become so painfully obvious, unfairly had a number of god-modding and manipulative muns among their otherwise fine number of individuals.
//Did I go too far with Besmirch in an attempt to bring people into line and give them something to fear? In all honesty, probably.//But that’s why even I would never try to run a similar event again.//But, this all started with people who were looking to Gravestone as something they’d like to see again. I will continue to praise @two-littlesouls​‘ HELLBENT event, as I had the pleasure of interacting in it directly. The two little souls in question took what we tried with Gravestone, and did it better. //They culled who was able to join (something I was too kind to do, and you’ve all paid for it. For this, you have my sincerest apologies), and served as a DM using a custom d20 system to roll for every action taken. Every action had to be phrased as a possibility, not an absolute. There was time to discuss and interact between muses, and all-in-all, there was a clear, concise plot that was wrapped up.
//So, for everyone who wants to try running an event. Gravestone was the foundation, but it was flawed. Through it, one of my favorite OCs was created, conceptually and in action, but as is becoming more and more clear, the event came with its flaws.
//Learn from our mistakes, and do things right.//That’s all that someone trying something new can hope for, eh?
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drarry-sb · 8 years
Omegling =)
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like drarry, and drarry rp.
You: V
You: Of course, it would happen at the worst possible time. Draco was in a holding cell to wait for his trial. He had been down here for a month, since the Aurors got themselves organized after the final battle. It was the night before his eighteenth birthday. It happened right as the clock in the Atrium started to toll for midnight. The chiming had been faint, but what followed was not. Draco screamed as his body contoured. His magic turned inward, burning through his cells. This was his creature inheritance.
You: [Hi!!!]
Stranger: Harry had been kept late at the offices that night, churning through paperwork so that he would be able to rest once he got back home. He was never good at working at home, and Hermione said that it was bad for him to bring work home, anyway. He was in the midst of writing up a report on an incident when an ungodly /scream/ echoed through and Harry's hand jumped, the words getting ruined by smudged black ink, and he bolted to his feet right away. His hand flew to his wand and Harry let out a slow breath, mentally calming himself as he made his way down to the holding cells. It had definitely come from below. Once down there, Harry called out a tentative, "Malfoy?" He knew that was the only person still there, for the time being.
Stranger: [hi!!
You: Draco barely managed to reign in his screams. He lay on the floor, gasping as his muscles twitched and refused to cooperate. He felt something pressing between his back and the floor. 'Great,' he thought, 'I now have wings.' He heard someone call out his name, and he groaned in reply.
Stranger: The screams only got worse, and louder, and Harry had to repress multiple flashbacks of the last time he heard such screams. His wand was held in front of him, tip light, and he all but ran down the hall when he got an affirmative groan in reply. "Malfoy, are you hurt?" he called, rounding the corner to one of the last cells - why they put him so far down, Harry didn't know - and stopped when he saw the man writhing on the floor, something.. Something /odd/ protruding out of his back. Harry approached cautiously, bending down to try and get a look at what was happening, before magically unlocking the door. "What's - did you fall? Can you hear me?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice.
You: Draco's head snapped to the side, looking at the man next to him. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to their new intensity. He could see everything: the minuscule stubble along the man's jawbone, the burst blood vessels making the dark circles under emerald eyes faintly sprinkled with blue and silver specks, scratches on the glass of his ugly glasses, the scar on his forehead that had faded some since the final battle but was still clear to Draco. He knew the advanced vision was part of his inheritance, but it still unnerved him. Seeing that much detail ... it was weird. But through all that, the man, obviously Potter, still looked gorgeous.
Stranger: With no response from Malfoy, Harry let out a quick, low breath and ran a hand through his unruly black hair - he'd been letting it grow out and it wasn't as long as it had been when he was fifteen, but it was much longer than he had expected it to grow within such a short amount of time - and stepping fully inside the cell with Malfoy, shutting the door behind him and locking it again. He paused, unsure what to do - he wasn't screaming anymore, and he was still breathing, but.. What if he was still hurt? "Malfoy, if you don't answer me, I'm going to have to take you to Mungo's," Harry said, kneeling down on the floor again. He readhed a hand out and touched the man's shoulder, lightly shaking him.
You: "It's ..." Draco trailed off, distracted. He nearly purred. The contact felt heavenly. He had never experienced a touch that sent shivers through his whole body. He arched into the touch, his eyes fluttering shut. That wasn't the only thing fluttering. His wings, big, white, and feathered, fluffed out, ripping his Ministry-issued convict jumpsuit. "Good," he murmured, leaning closer to the other man, "Keep ... petting ..."
Stranger: Harry's eyes widened. Something about even Malfoy's /voice/ sounded different. What was going on? Was he drugged? Had he taken something? Before Harry could ask, though, Malfoy was pressing into the touch of Harry's hand on his shoulder and he nearly scooted back, and then was nearly hit in the bloody face with this pair of giant, white wings that seemed to spring out of nowhere, accompanied by a ripping sound. "What the - Malfoy, what /is/ this, what are these wings here for?" Harry asked, watching with wide eyes as they fluttered softly. He paused, glancing down as Malfoy seemed to be entranced by the touch, and let out a soft sigh. "You have to tell me what's going on. Are you ill?" he asked, but Harry did continue gently touching his shoulder, running his hand along it and down to his elbow, then back up.
You: Draco hummed, vaguely recognizing the words Potter spoke to him. "Creature ... " He sighed and moved closer to the other man. "Inheritance." He wanted to crawl into the man's lap and rub himself all over, claiming him. Wait ... claiming him? Fuck! That thought jarred Draco out of his daze. He reared back, pressing himself against the wall farthest from the other man. "Potter," he stated, his eyes flashing as he fought his new nature, "Stun me." He gasped, rolling his head. "You have to stun me. I can't control it. Stun me, then take me to St. Mungo's. They should know what to do. Tell them..." He cried out, his instincts screaming at him to claim the man before him. "Veela! I'm a Veela." His silver eyes met Potter's emerald. "DO IT! STUN ME!"
Stranger: This was the oddest thing. Harry had never felt so.. Close, with Malfoy before. And it wasn't just because of the way he seemed to want to crawl into Harry's lap, or the way his words came out so soft and sweet, which was confusing, as it made Harry really desperately want to care for him. He didn't fully comprehend the idea of a creature, or why it was an inheritance, but Harry was more than content to sit like this for the rest of his night - until Draco bolted upright and fled from him, and Harry felt /empty/. "Veela? Full - full Veela?" Harry asked, his eyes widening. His hand gripped his wand a bit tighter and he nodded, knowing that was for the best, but his wand was.. Shaking, in his grip, and Harry kept thinking, 'Just cast the spell, just Stun him, he won't get hurt,' but Harry.. Harry couldn't. "I can't - /fuck/, I can't - " he shook his head, unable to look away from that wonderful, silvery and tortured expression on Malfoy's features.
You: Draco practically growled. He recognized that look in Potter's eyes. It was the look of someone entranced by a magical creature. Fuck. It was late, so there was no one else around to come to help them. He needed to save Potter from his instincts and pheromones. He knew that once he was unconscious, the man would gain control of himself again. His eyes focused in on the wand in Potter's hand. Mentally, he shrugged. He had never heard of someone stunning themselves with a wand, but he /had/ heard of people committing suicide with the Killing curse. Same principle. With a bird-like caw, he launched himself from the wall at the other man. He snatched the wand, pointed it at his temple, then cast. His vision went black and he collapsed to the floor.
Stranger: Harry wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he felt trapped, as if he couldn't even tear his eyes away from Malfoy, and that growl, it.. Harry /felt/ it, in his stomach and up his spine. He hadn't been expecting for Draco to launch himself forward, though, and Harry let out a cry of surprise as his wand was snatched and Malfoy used it to, seemingly, Stun himself. Harry sat there, in shock, with a rather unconscious Veela on his legs, and he breathed in and out slowly. A part of him was still desperately concerned for Malfoy, while another part of him wasn't /as/ concerned, but still.. Curious. Harry let out a shaky breath and picked up his wand, very carefully getting Malfoy off of him. Harry hesitated, then physically lifted the other man and carried him to his cot, placing him on it, before exiting the cell and waiting outside of it, sat on the floor across from it. He didn't want Mungo's to be aware of Malfoy's status as a Veela - Harry hadn't heard of anything good happening to them, and so he would just wait for Malfoy to wake up.
Stranger: [did that send? x
You: [sorry spider problem. ]
Stranger: [oh my god murder it
Stranger: [unless it's a pet, then you don't murder it]
You: [no, not a pet. I found a black widow in my kitchen. It is now sufficiently murdered, drowned in spider killer.]
Stranger: [thank GOODNESS]
You: About fifteen minutes later, Draco groaned, waking up with the worst headache ever. Hopefully, he was in St. Mungo's, in an isolation ward. However, taking a moment to orient himself, without opening his eyes, he knew he was still in his cell. He sighed in frustration. "I told you to take me to St. Mungo's," he ground out. He opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at the man on the other side of the bars. "You're an idiot, Potter." He rotated his shoulders, his wings moving as well. Those were going to be very annoying. He wished they would go away, and somehow, they absorbed back into his body. "That was ... odd," he muttered.
Stranger: Standing up as soon as he heard Malfoy groan, Harry moved to stand near the front of the cell, watching him with a furrow to his brow. "I don't think you want the rest of the Wizarding World knowing you're a Veela, Malfoy. They're not, like. Not treated very well," Harry replied, a touch of hesitation to his voice as he said it. Merlin, Malfoy had an oddly soothing voice, even when he was calling Harry an idiot. "I can't believe you Stunned yourself and were only out for a few minutes," Harry commented. His eyes widened as Malfoy moved his shoulders and his wings went back in his body, causing Harry to take another, tiny step closer to the cell, trying to keep his distance. "How'd you - okay. Wait." Harry shook his head. "Explain the whole.. Veela, thing."
You: Draco sighed, leaning back against the wall. He brought one leg up and wrapped his arms around it, the other dangling off the cot. "Ever wonder why the Malfoy line had pale skin and platinum hair?" he asked, "There's Veela blood in our line. One of my ancestors, an ancient one, probably before we moved here from France, mated with a Veela. Since then, the blood has traveled down the generations, shaping characterists. Not everyone with the blood inherits the creature parts." He looked to the other man. "Remember the Beauxbatons' champion, Fleur Delacour? She was a quarter Veela, but did not inherit." He sighed. "No one knows why some do and some don't, but every Malfoy is told of the possibility. My grandfather, Abraxus, inherited. That's why I didn't expect to; in the Malfoy line, there was generally four or five generations between inheritances."
Stranger: Harry didn't interrupt Malfoy once, and while it was mostly because the man's voice sounded different - lilting, good, soft, sweet, alluring, endless adjectives to describe how much Harry craved to hear it more - it was also partly because he really needed to try and pay attention to this. Harry let out a slow, soft breath, and then nodded, trying to keep his composure. "I.. Wasn't aware of any of that," he admitted. Harry was not skilled in memorisation of magical creatures, only in knowing how to defend against them. His mind was blank as a page, though, when it came to right now, though it seemed Draco had that under control. "So.. What, your voice changes, you're.. affectionate, you have wings, your eyes change.. Anything else to be aware of?" he asked, taking another small step closer to the front of the cell without even realising he was doing so.
You: Draco laughed, though it was humorless. "Oh, and don't forget the allure," he said, "If you haven't noticed, you're practically against the bars, trying to get closer." He looked at the man. "Remember the World Cup before fourth year? Remember how men were throwing themselves at the Veela the Bulgarians brought with them?" He smirked. "You're doing the same thing." He stood up, walking towards the bars. He sighed dramatically, resting his arms on the bars. "Remember something else about the Veela at the Cup?"
Stranger: Blinking, Harry realised that he had actually walked closer to the bars than he had anticipated, and he backed up a few respectable paces, hand in his pocket with fingernails pressing firmly into his palm, to remind himself to stay where he was, even as Malfoy got up and moved closer to the bars. "Well - then what was that, in there, when you told me to keep petting you and you nearly got in my lap?" Harry asked, trying to make that some type of comeback. He bit down on his lower lip, nodding a bit at the question, and then confusion crossed his features. "They were.. Women, mainly, I think," Harry recalled, though he had seen a few men at the time. "Tall, blond, pale, um.. I dunno." He shrugged. "What?"
You: Draco smirked. "This," he said, pulling on his anger, which he had in spades. Anger at his father. Anger at himself. Anger at the Ministry. He felt the beak growing, talons replacing his nails, wings emerging, and his eyes glowing red. He screeched at the man, lunging forward a bit. He wouldn't actually hurt Potter. He just wanted to scare him. Remind him that he wasn't just a pretty face.
Stranger: Harry visibly jumped, but - but he should have moved away, and he didn't, and his eyes just widened, breath stuck in his throat as he watched the man transform into some awfully beautiful birdlike creature - the more animalistic form of the Veela - and Harry let out a slow, shaky breath, trying not to flinch more than he had already. "You - didn't answer my other question, you know," Harry managed to get out, meeting the oddly red, glowing eyes of Malfoy across from him.
You: Draco rolled said red eyes. "You're impossible," he said, turning away from the man, "Go read a book, Potter. I'm sure the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has a few reliable ones on Veela." He sat down on the cot, letting his features slip back to human. "I'm not saying another word without my lawyer present. I am, after all, awaiting trial." He smirked. "Have a good night, Potter."
Stranger: [did you want to skip to another day or something? i could start that! i just wasn't sure what you wanted to do and didn't wanna step on your toes, haha
You: [sure, that works. whatever you want =) I hadn't really planned anything.]
Stranger: [oh cool haha that works okay then!
Stranger: A few days later ended up with Harry downstairs again, visiting the holding cells at night. He told himself it was just a walk to stretch his limbs, but found himself naturally drawn towards walking to the lower cells. Harry made sure to keep his steps quiet, not wanting to alert Malfoy to his presence. He had done a bit of reading about Veelas, and by a bit he meant a lot, and had ended up learning a few useful things. In the hand that didn't hold his wand, Harry was holding a small bag - a birthday present, that he would say was dropped off, but was from him - that had inside of it a rather nice bar of chocolate, a journal, and two pens. Harry wasn't sure what else to get the man, honestly. As he walked closer, Harry tried not to be nervous, but his heart seemed keen to leap into his throat.
You: Draco was bored out of his mind. Apparently, Veelas needed less sleep, so he had even more time to be bored. To entertain himself, he began exercising. At the moment, he was doing push-ups. Counting, he was up to two-hundred and thirty. With his enhanced hearing, he knew someone was approaching his cell. Someone, who was trying to be stealthy. He rolled his eyes, waiting for whoever it was to appear. He had a suspicion, but he hoped he was wrong. He wasn't.
Stranger: Rounding the corner, Harry paused, head cocked slightly to the side as he realised that Malfoy was actually exercising. "Are you that bored?" he asked, and while it would have been nice to surprise him, it was clear to see that Malfoy wasn't surprised about him coming down at all, and Harry rolled his eyes a bit. He walked up towards the cell, closer to the bars than he should have, but then he held out his hand was the bag in it. "This came for you today, didn't have a name attached. Heard it was something for your birthday, though," Harry explained, lying rather easily to the other man. He held it out so that his hand was stretched through the bars.
You: Draco jumped to his feet, quirking an eyebrow. "Oh really?" he asked as he walked to the bars, "And yes, Potter, I am /that bored/. There's nothing to do." He cautiously reached out and took the package. "Do you have any idea of when they'll get to my trial? I'm the only one left down here, so mine is the only trial left." He gently shook the package, trying to gauge what it was. Something rolled, two somethings, and some other things slide side to side.
Stranger: "I'm.. Legally not allowed to talk about the trial with you, not even when it will be, since I'll be testifying," Harry admitted, biting on his lower lip. He was testifying on the side of Malfoy, but Harry was certain the other didn't know that, and he would like to keep it that way. "Merlin, don't /shake/ it, just bloody open it," he added, exasperation leaking into his voice. Harry withdrew his hand and stepped back a bit, crossing his arms over his chest and watching Malfoy curiously, wanting to see if he liked it. He was bored, so the journal might be of some help.
You: Draco pouted. "Don't tell me you've never shaken a present before," he said in exasperation, "It's practically tradition." Drawing on the Veela, he extended a talon and sliced the wrapping off. Opening the box, he gasped. How? Who would know about ...? His favorite brand of chocolate, that wasn't that hard to guess, since his mother had always sent him bars during school. But the journal? No one knew he liked to write. No one. He had been so careful to keep that hidden. He looked up at the other man. "Who?"
Stranger: "I never really got enough presents to shake them. Mrs Weasley would send jumpers and food," Harry replied, shrugging a bit again as he shared that. He wasn't sure if Malfoy knew the extent of his childhood, and Harry really wasn't keen on sharing, so he didn't offer up any more information. He watched Malfoy open the present and couldn't stop a grin from touching his face briefly as he saw how /thrilled/ the other was, how shocked - in a good way, Harry hoped. "I dunno," he said, shaking his head a bit. "Told you it didn't come with a note."
You: Draco nodded. "Well, whoever it was, they succeeded," he said, looking up at the man, "I want there to be an inquiry. I want to know who knows me so well." He waved his hand at the other man. "I mean, come on, it's the Auror Department. Nothing slips by them. Surely there's some evidence as to who sent it?
Stranger: Harry felt like he was quite on the spot, here, and he managed to bite his lower lip to hide a smile that threatened to spill over, just before it actually hit his lips. "An inquiry into whomever gave you a journal, two pens, and a chocolate bar?" Harry asked, arching a brow and then actually smiling, shaking his head a bit. His stomach jumped a bit as the man suggested that it was someone who knew him, and he shrugged slightly. "I have no clue who it was."
You: Draco sighed. "Fine, I guess I will just have to live with the mystery," he said, setting the box down on his cot. He picked up the chocolate bar and broke off a piece. He moaned as he put it in his mouth. It was heavenly, and he hadn't had any for almost a year. He turned to look at the man again. "So," he said around his mouthful, "Did you do some reading? I hope you didn't strain your brain." He giggled at his own rhythm.
Stranger: Harry stiffened slightly as he heard that sound leave Malfoy's lips, and he pushed out a slow breath, bringing one hand up to mess up his hair, smoothing it back down again afterwards. "I did, yeah," he replied, and rolled his eyes at the jab to his intelligence. "I'm still unclear as to why you wanted me to /pet/ you and why you nearly sat in my lap. And why you ended up forcing yourself away." And if there was the tiniest bit of petulance to Harry's tone as he remembered that, he didn't comment on it.
You: Draco rolled his eyes, break off another piece of chocolate. "Did you read any books on Veela mating," he asked. He moaned again, the taste of the chocolate so good. "Merlin, this is better than sex," he murmured. His wings popped out, flapping in anticipation. He groaned, this time in frustration. "No, not now," he said, banishing them again. He turned back to Potter. "So, did you?"
Stranger: "...No?" Harry responded, clearly confused as to why Malfoy would assume he had read any of those books. That same fucking /moan/ again and Harry bit down hard on his lower lip, ignoring the urge to move closer, to pet Malfoy's wings when they popped out. "'S cool that you can just, like.. Put your wings back. Does it hurt?" he asked, trying to focus on something that wasn't about the sound still echoing in his ears. Merlin, he'd be hearing that later. "But.. Tell me about Veela mating, then, if that helps to answer my questions."
You: Draco looked over his shoulder at this back. "It doesn't hurt," he answered, "The wings are magic, so magic puts them back. I can consciously summon and banish, and sometimes they ..." He cut off, pouting at the man. "No you don't, Potter," he said, wagging a finger, "You can't trick me into divulging more information." He chuckled. "It's so much more fun to make to you find it yourself." He picked up the chocolate bar, this time to just smell it. He sighed contently. "You're an Auror. Go deduce, or something. Read the books on Veela mating."
Stranger: Harry didn't like the fact that Malfoy kept trailing off mid-sentence; he wasn't sure what that meant or why he kept doing it, but it was growing distracting. "If you tell me, then I'll tell you who sent the present," Harry decided after a moment. "But you have to tell me first. And you know that I don't go back on deals, I'm a Gryffindor. Shake on it," Harry added, stepping back towards the cell and sticking his hand in through the bars again, hand extended.
You: Draco rolled his eyes, rolling to his feet. He walked over and grabbed the man's hand. "Fine, then Scarhead," he said, "I reacted like that because the Veela thought its mate was nearby." He let go, turning his back to the man. "Don't worry," he continued, "It was a momentary lapse. You can tell the Weaselette that she had nothing to fear. The big bad Death Eater Veela isn't out to steal her man. You two can get married, have a horde of children, and live happily ever after."
Stranger: Harry's eyes widened slightly as Malfoy admitted what Harry had been nearly concerned would happen. "How does that part of you know when his mate is nearby? How do you determine that?" he asked, and then shook his head a bit. "I'll read up on that." Harry paused again, and then added, "Me and Ginny aren't - I mean, she was nice, but I don't really - want to date her, ever again. We broke up last summer." He managed a slight smile, trying to ignore the way his hand was bloody /tingling/ from having Malfoy touch it. "And you're going to be furious." Harry grinned, green eyes alight with mischief as he admitted, "I got you that gift. Realised the other night was your birthday, decided you might as well get a present. Glad you liked it."
You: Draco looked over his shoulder at the other man. Not in disgust, but intrigue. Potter wasn't dating the Weaselette? Potter had gotten him the perfect gift? "Huh," he said, then shrugged, "I mean, I guess it makes sense." He laid down on his cot. "I mean, we spent six years being rivals. Know thy enemy, and all that." He smirked at the man. "I mean, I know how you take your tea, what your favorite dessert is, that you hate sweet things in the morning." He shrugged. "I would assume you would have been just an observant of me as I was of you."
You: He frowned. "Though, how did you know I like to write?"
Stranger: "You know how I take my tea?" Harry asked incredulously. The bits about favourite dessert and his tendency to go for toast and eggs over pancakes in the morning were both things that Harry expected to be noticed, but the way he took his tea? That was a lot. "Hermione's told me I'm about as observant as a bloody rock," Harry added, rolling his eyes a bit. He wasn't that unobservant. His face slid into a slight smile at the last question, though, and he replied, "I didn't. I figured you'd be bored. But now I know, so. What d'you like to write, then?"
You: Draco rolled his eyes, then sighed. As much as the other man annoyed him, it was nice to talk to someone. No one ever came down here. His meals were popped in by an elf that never stayed long enough to even be seen. "Well, I generally write fiction," he answered, "Fantasy to be specific." He rolled to his side to look at the other man. "It was -" he nodded to the package "- is a way to escape my reality. In writing, I could control what happened, what my characters did. It
You: 's nice, to have control over something, when you have no control over your own life."
Stranger: Harry found himself nodding along, generally understanding what the other man meant. He moved a bit closer to the bars again, leaning against them and just sort of watching Malfoy as he spoke. "Trust me, I know how that feels," Harry replied, rolling his eyes a bit but offering Malfoy a slight smile, a genuine one, regardless. He fell quiet for a moment, and then spoke again. "Reckon that's mostly why I stopped being as interesting in Ginny. Felt too predictable, you know?" Harry paused, then added, "Besides, was around the time when I was allowing myself to realise I like blokes as much as girls, so."
You: Draco quirked an eyebrow, chuckling softly. "I can see the headlines now: The Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Bi," he said, then sighed, "Being predictable is boring. I'm not predictable." He looked at Potter. "If I could guess, I would think that you assumed I would marry Pansy, pop out an heir. Right?"
Stranger: Harry found himself letting out a soft laugh at that, shaking his head a bit. "I doubt that would go over well," he admitted. Harry paused as Malfoy asked his assumptions, and then thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Well, yes and no. I was hoping you wouldn't marry Pansy, as she's not really your same status in the pureblood community, but I /did/ expect you to do that. Though I would assume whomever your wife was would be the one popping out an heir." Harry paused, then asked, "D'you mind if I, like. Came into the cell, or is that too much? Just feels a bit awkward looking at you through bars."
Stranger: [hey love, have you got a kik or an email or something we could continue on?? i would love to keep going with this RP but really should be heading to bed soon]
You: Draco shrugged. "Sure, whatever you want," he answered, "I've got my instincts under control." He stretched out on his back. "And, yeah, no, no wife for me," he said, "I am as gay as rainbow short shorts." He shook his head. "That was an ... interesting conversation with my father. I can still feel the force of his strike and the snake head of his cane tearing into my skin." He sighed. "A Malfoy can't be gay," he said, imitating his father's voice perfectly.
You: [my email is ]
Stranger: [okay! hold on while i email you?
You: [okie dokie =) ]
Stranger: [emailed you! mine is  and i should be up for at least another hour! x
Stranger: [just have to actually get in bed lol
You: [got it =) I'll respond there
You: good night!]
You have disconnected.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 years
hw task 04: the one with the letter writing!! (from this post on the main 1 year ago)
i’m aware that this is so old, but as i didn’t join the rp until october, i missed out on this task before! so i’m doing it now, late. and to be fair, it DOES say there’s “no set time limit” 😂
not everyone would have taken the opportunity to do this, so my characters NOT writing letters and why: 
wei wuxian has no memories of anyone outside of D.C., so he wouldn’t write to anyone. same with kaz brekker. everyone patroclus knows is dead, so... he wouldn’t write a letter, either. pippin thinks it’s probably be better if he explains everything to his family in person whenever he gets back, and he’s got terrible handwriting anyway, so he’d skip out on the opportunity. peter pettigrew would rather not anyone know he was here in the first place, so no letter from him. and the only person yu ri cares about is rang, and he’s here, so no letter needed there. 
and then below are my other characters’ letters! i should have put these alphabetically but i started writing them in order of when i picked up the characters and it’s too much work to copy/paste everything around at this point.
martin blackwood: letter to jon sims (the only people left at the Institute martin could have talked to are: jon, basira, and daisy. he doesn’t much like daisy and between jon & basira he’s known jon for longer, so that’s why he’d choose him as letter-recipient.)
Jon, It’s Martin. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, by now! Nearly a year. I hope you’re well. I promise I didn’t mean to abandon the Institute, and if I knew of a way to leave, I swear I would have told you so you could leave too. But-- I ended up here in America accidentally, severed from the Eye (as far as I can tell). I REALLY mean accidentally. I don’t even know how I got here, honestly. Anyway. Melanie’s here! And from a few years ago! (Yeah, time travel’s a thing.) The good news is that she’s got her eyes and everything, so that’s a definite benefit. She never even worked for the Institute, where she came from, still doing her YouTube thing. We don’t talk much, since she doesn’t remember me. I should tell you-- I was working with Peter Lukas on purpose, at the end there, before I ended up here. It’s too complicated to put in a letter but do know that I was trying to help, although I realize now that I approached it all wrong. We should have communicated better, all of us, especially after the thing with the Unknowing. Speaking of communicating, this might be the only time you hear from me. But rest assured, I’m okay! Not devoured by worms, or stalked by fears. I’ve got a normal desk job now, and I’m doing alright. I don’t think the Extinction’s much of an immediate threat, so I hope you’re not worried about that too much. I think about Sasha and Tim every so often, and you as well. Please be safe, and get out when you can, but not by doing anything drastic. You’re so clever, you always have been, and I know you’ll be alright. Don’t trust Peter. Sincerely, Martin Blackwood. 
holland vosijk: a letter to kell in red london (kell is the only other known Antari, and although holland has an antagonistic relationship with him and they’re from two parallel realities, he’s the only one he would trust with this information)
Kell-- I hope this letter finds you, though you know me better than to think I’d wish it finds you “well.” Regardless, I must admit that even your face would be a welcome one. I’ve found myself in the world below yours, the one sans-magic, a few hundred years in the future and on the other side of the sea. I am aware that sounds impossible, but I assure you that it’s true. My magic works as usual except for Travelling, which is what keeps me from returning. Should you find yourself once again in the world you always referred to as “Grey London,” do ask around about rumors of a capital city in America called Washington, D.C. I would appreciate any information you might find out regarding it’s magical status, though I’ve no idea if you’ll have a way to return this correspondence. I will also take the liberty of warning you that I have been here for months and the Danes are surely sore about my absence from their command. Should you find yourself in Makt, you would do well to avoid them, as they may be looking for a new pet by now. I tell you this not out of kindness or concern for your well-being but because I fear what they may do if they have control over a new Antari’s power in their disgruntled state. Do both of our worlds a favor and avoid travelling for the time being. Holland. 
yuri plisetsky: a letter to his coach (even if he’d want to write to his family, his skating comes first. this letter would be written in russian, but I don’t actually know russian, so.)
It’s Yuri. I have been trying to call you but my phone does not go through. I can’t leave this place in America. It’s partway your fault since you sent me here. Tell my sponsors I am NOT DEAD, only stuck in a weird magic town. Have you heard of a skater named Victor Nikiforov? He says he knows me but I do NOT remember him. He promised to choreograph a program for me. Don’t get mad, he’s very good. I will try to get out of this city by the next round of prelim competitions for the grand prix. I’m still practicing every day and I will definitely WIN!
orpheus: a letter to eurydice (he loves & misses her so much; his letter would be short but sweet and would include pressed flowers, just in case there aren’t flowers down there and she needs to remember what they look like)
Eurydice: I hope letters can travel to where you are. It’s me! The wind may have changed on us, but you’re still my sun and my north. I’m coming after you, it’s only that I got caught up on the way. I’ve never wanted anything more than to hold your hand and bring you back to the world above, and I swear that I'll be there as soon as I can. Wherever you go, I go. I love you now and forever. Your Orpheus~
melanie king: a letter to andy caine (her former youtube channel co-host; her parents are both gone or she’d write to them, so she figures-- why not at least let one person know where she is, even if they’d fought the last time they spoke in person)
Hey Andy, I know we’re not on the best of terms but I thought I’d let you know I’m in America for the foreseeable. I’ve been publishing videos on my channel-- though no idea if they show up anywhere other than here-- it’s a long story. I’m still alive, and if any of my extended relatives come looking for me just let them know I’m “abroad.” One of my cameras is still at your place. Don’t sell it-- I’ll be back for it at some point or you’ll owe me £800. -Mels
henry strauss: a letter to his parents (he packed up and left NYC without really telling anyone where he was going, so. time to rectify that poor decision)
Mom and Dad, I’m sorry I left without saying goodbye. I can’t face goodbyes without getting emotional, you both know that. (If it helps, I didn’t tell any of my friends goodbye either, so I hope you didn’t give them a hard time when you realized I’d gone.) I’ve had to keep secrets from you that I genuinely regret, but please know that I never wanted to hurt you. My whole life I always tried to be a good son, and I’m trying to the kind of person here that you always taught me to be. You might not hear from me again, and that’s alright. I hope you can accept that, and know that wherever I am, I love you. Henry
wen kexing: a letter to gu xiang (wen kexing has trust issues. he wouldn’t want any correspondence to get intercepted by the five lakes alliance or with reference to his status in ghost valley, so this isn’t technically a letter with any specific information: it’s a classical Du Fu poem about travelling. he’s super pretentious about quoting literature, so he would have picked something fancy like this to code his message in to prove that it’s actually him. and to code it, he’d have written certain characters in dark purple ink instead of black to send to a’xiang, his maid who’s essentially his younger sister/adopted daughter, to try and explain where he is. even if someone noticed the change in coloring, the message wouldn’t mean much to anyone but a’xiang. he’d also include a brief coda at the end in his own words. and each line would be written in a vertical column but that’s too annoying to format for tumblr)
寺忆曾游处 (purple last two characters for ”travel” and “place”) 桥伶再渡时 (purple last two characters for “crossing” and “time”) 江山如有待 (purple last character that means “stay”/“await” so she knows to wait for him to return) 花柳更无私 野润烟光薄 (purple second-to-last character for “light” to indicate he’s not in the ghosts’ world anymore; she’ll know what that means) 沙暄日色迟 客愁全为减 (purple last four characters of this line-- in the context of the poem, this phrase basically means “sorrow fades away” but read on their own it’s just, like, “don’t worry so much”) 舍此复何之
当好姑娘 (“be a good girl”)
給阿舒我的爱 (”give my love to A’Xu”)
哥 (just “ge” for brother)
noah czerny: a letter to gansey (gansey’s the leader, after all, so it makes sense to send him the letter.)
Dear Gansey: surprise! Blue & I are stuck in Washington D.C. She’s been here for much longer than I have, she said. Time’s weird here. I hope you & Adam & Ronan are alright. I don’t know if you will have noticed that I’m gone, but if you do, don’t worry: we’ll both come back when we can. Tell the others hello from me, keep looking for Glendower (good luck!) and don’t crash the Pig! :P -Noah
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||Tempting her heart: Keeping his promise||
Hi everyone, time for another sneaky drabble today. I hope you all are doing alright tonight and being safe out there. I got another one for you but lets see where this one turns out.
||Drabble Summary||
Ren and Ink were alright after what happened in the metaverse, after being trapped together in a room that wouldn't let them out unless they had did a task. Thanks to it, they were free and Ren stopped the guy however, he made a promise to Ink that if he and her were alone, he would owe up to it. So what would happen that they are finally alone together somewhere? No one knows where they are so did this mean he will keep his promise? Read to find out.
~Light to heavy NSFW will be present in this drabble or beginning but near end might get heavy.
~Teasing is present
~suggestive ideas is present
||Guests in the drabble||
Ren Amamiya is from and belongs to the game persona 5 serious but also me due to rping him as a muse
Van Ink the dragon belongs to my rp partner and wonderful friend @demon-blood-youths
((This drabble will have grammar errors and mistakes but this is written for fun so i hope you understand. With this said, please enjoy))
'Uggghhh what's wrong with me? Why am I so distracted now?'
Ever since her and Ren escaped the Metaverse and stopped the jerk that trapped them in that...room, Ink has been avoiding the others to try clearing her head. She was looking down at the table seeing a book in front of her as she was having her grey eyes looking at the small doodles she made.
Maybe it was because of what happened she's like this. Ink's eyes closed half way trying to think to herself or clear her head but she only closed her eyes to slowly grip the pencil.
Since then, when ever she hangs out like nothing happened, they found out they stopped the guy to say it was really cool. Ink was usually staring into space minding her own business while drinking something. That was nothing wrong with that right? Well, now it was because every time, Ren would look in her direction to wonder if she was alright.
She could feel his eyes staring at her or through her, knowing he can tell she was blushing heavily from his look. It was like he was seeing her naked, staring at her that he hid a smirk on his lips. It was just like last week...
"Ink are you sure your alright? Do you want me to get you something?" Ren would ask her while he was sitting by her. Ink who was doing her best not to look bashful shook her head looking away.
"No..No I'm alright no worries Ren. I'm just......tired from things back at my place. So you don't have to worry." she smiled a bit but she couldn't look at him. Not with those eyes of his.
"Hmmmm, If your sure. I just wanna be sure your alright.." He reaches to lift her head up by the chin looking at her but she looks away trying not to blush but he smiled finding it cute.
"A..as I said, I'm f..fine.." she whispered but he happily leans in to kiss her cheek seeing her twitch.
"I am glad to hear that...but you look so shaken up now..you know I won't bite.." his voice was low but she didn't say anything else to look away. "Or maybe you wish for me to have a little nibble......" he whispered that Ink looks away feeling her face burn worse.
Ren has been now flirting, teasing, or checking on her without the others knowing and it just makes her feel weird again but not in a bad way.
"..........." She started thinking of what happened in the Metaverse between her and Ren. What they did in order to get out to make her face flush a little. Since then she's been getting tingles down there but she tries to ignore it.
"I don't get it. Even after that one time my body has been reacting so differently because of it. I don't know if something is wrong with me Or..is it because of Ren? He's always been staring at me and wishing to hang out which i don't mind but...now it's effecting me in a different way and I don't get it.....maybe the shadows from that damn palace is doing this to me..."
However flash images were going through her head, remembering what it felt like. What he did. What he said that the hickey he left on her after ached to make her shake her head setting the pencil down.
"Uggghhhh I can't focus like this! Damn it, all because of that jerk and that stupid room....I don't normally act like this so why?...why now?" she mutters to herself but she reaches to touch her neck. The area the hickey was in was gone and healed now but she still remembers it and what it felt it when he left it. Yeah, she was going to have trouble trying to keep that out of her head. Maybe she will go back to just drawing for a bit before she figures it will go away after a while.
She'll be fine in a few days. If that was true.
~~~~ A few days later~~~~
Ink was quiet again but she was looking down at her lap, seeing her hands shaking. She couldn't believe this! Well, she might not believe it but can you blame her!? Ren had her visiting him in the hideout attic alone but it was fine since the others were busy so it's just her and him.
~~~~~~~~~Flashback/a few days earlier~~~~~~~~~~
"You wanted to t..talk to me about something alone? J..Just you and me?" Ink was saying this again to be sure she heard Ren right. Ren was smiling while he was speaking on his cell phone to her.
"Yes. Ever since that day, you been...quiet and almost avoiding me. I wanted to check and see if your alright?"
"..I...I uhhh...I..I'm fine. I mean, I could be busy you know!! I mean, I have so much to do and I can't be distracted by anything!" she said but wait, was she making some excuse?
"Uhhhh y..yeah yeah! So maybe I s..shouldn't. I don't wanna delay anything or something!" she laughed nervously on the phone but Ren said nothing to smiled.
"Ohhh come on Ink, It's not going to be that bad. I wanted to talk to you and be sure your okay. It's just a little chat between us in the attic here or did you want to go somewhere else?"
"..O..Ohhhh no no! It's fine! You don't have to-"
"Please Ink? I really really want you to talk with you...I did miss you since you been sooo busy. Surely you can take a little break..can't you?" he asked but she grips the cell phone tight but tries not to sound shy.
'N..no no no, calm down Ink. Focus!!!'
"I..I uhhh...."
"..........*Sighs* F..fine. I guess it's alright if you wanna t..talk with me...." she mutters. She gave in! Ren smiled to chuckle.
"Great. I'll see you then.." With that, he hangs up the phone but Ink was blushing to cover her face groaning.
Which leads to right now. She just arrived here and has been here for a few hours now. Ink was sitting on the bed in the attic trying to distract herself since Ren was fixing something for them downstairs. She was still trying to calm down but as she was nervous to be here alone with him.
'Ohhh what am I going to do?! Why am I even getting this nervous! It's just a talk! Nothing more! We are just going to be talking!' she said in her head over and over again even if her face was bright red. As she was thinking to herself, the door opens to make her look up. Ren shows up but he had some drinks of hot cocoa to walk over sitting by her.
"You doing alright, Ink?" he asked as she looks down to slowly nod.
"Yeah, I'm doing alright. she showed a smile even if she was nervous as hell right now. She sees him set the drinks down but sits down by her on the bed while they were relaxing together. He wonders if she was alright till Ink breaks the silence.
"S..so what did you wanna talk to me about?" she asked as Ren thinks to look at her then ahead.
"Well, I wanted to ask if you were doing alright.....after what happened in the metaverse." he asked seeing her tense up. Oh boy. "Since that mission you been avoiding me or something. I can see your nervous around me.." he sees her not say anything but looks down feeling her cheeks heat up again.
"I.It's not that I just....that was unexpected that the stupid room asked us to do that. I got nervous and t..then...I don't know! It was just so sudden and I couldn't..." she was studdering now having trouble talking. All this was really getting to her head to look down.
"I don't know why but after the mission I been.....nervous. Nervous to talk to you or anything because what happened between us in the Metaverse. I can't get it out of my head and I just....." she didn't know what else to add to it but Ren sorta gets it. She's been distracted by it that he looks to her.
"I see. Your nervous and shy about what we did back in that room aren't you?" he sees her not answer but a slow nod was seen to make him find it adorable to touch her cheek.
"Oh Ink, you really are a tease you know..you shouldn't have to be nervous about that. But I will admit..you were pretty adorable when you were feeling pleasure." he saw her blushing again but keeps looking away.
"I..I'm not that cute when feeling something weird..I couldn't control my body. Whatever happened the palace did it. It was making me feel that weird. Like my senses were being changed." True, the palace did something or can but he only keeps looking at her still finding her precious.
"That might be the case but think about it, we got out of the room....but....I got to see a heated side of you that was rare to see. Even if your body reacted as it did, you did seem to like it or am I wrong?" he asked now holding her cheeks in both hands as she had her eyes closed.
"I..I don't know what you mean Ren.."
"Ohh yes you do. You remember don't you? Even if the palace changed your senses, you felt good. Your body was hot, your mind was lost, aching in need of the pleasure. It did all that wanting you to give into it." he said in a soft tone as Ink was shaking seeing him look at her.
"I..I don't know if that's the-"
"It is. I bet after that day, you been having dreams and thoughts about it right? They make you ache don't they?"
"...N..No, No they don't..I don't..." she said looking away but Ren moves to have her against the wall again but held her wrists gently as she was flushed looking to the side again. He did find this side cute but only looks to her.
"You have. If you haven't they why are you so red right now? Were the thoughts that bad for you?" he asked but she was feeling him wrap his fingers with hers. Ink was having her eyes closed but Ren keeps her pressed against the wall that she was shaking again.
"Did that feel that painful when you tried to help ease them away?" he asked but begins kissing her neck that she gasped shaking again.
"R..ren n..not a..again..n..nmmmm...."
Oh not again, not now! She felt weak under him but Ren just chuckled seeing her flushed expression. He even slips one hand down to slip in between her legs that she twitched closing her legs together trapping his hand. "Then..you don't feel the aching down here? Even after I pleasured you after eating you out?"
"A..ahhhh...I..n..no I....it's not.."
"I bet it's wet again....isn't it Ink?" he pushes his fingers against it that she shuts her eyes to try not to give in but she was feeling her body shaking.
"Then it's not true that you been thinking about me? That you have not had weird dreams resulting in us being together..or maybe.." He leans in more that he said this in her ear,
'Your still excited of what I would do if I got you alone again.'
Ink was speechless now but she keeps looking away from him but feels Ren's breath brushing against the shell of her ear but feels him kissing her neck slowly as she was panting softly. How in the world can she relax if he's doing this to her?! She tried to talk but twitched feeling him turn her head to face him after a few kisses. Their eyes locked with one another but Ink was still shaking under him.
".....I.....I just.." she tries to speak but Ren puts two fingers on her lips to stop her from talking. He sees her blushing worse that he only reaches to adjust his glasses.
"I know I said I was to keep my end of my promise. Knowing sooner or later I would have you. We did what we had to in the metaverse due to the room....but we are not there..were in the real world.....*slowly begins removing his jacket and shirt* Ever since then, I been thinking about it myself. Thinking of how you moaned for me, squirmed under me as I took you in that room....." he used his other hand to rest on her chest feeling her heart beating wildly now.
"I was close to losing it myself and yet...I had to control myself. But now I don't have to worry about anything but giving you all the pleasure you desire. What you been aching for right? I will be sure you only can think about me..as I fulfill your heated wishes.....knowing deep down your wet for me..you want me......" Ink shook but she sees him take off the glasses but sets them down on the table as Ink was looking up at him.
Ren leans back in closer that their lips almost touched but she was looking at him as he looks to her. "If you been aching for me...you just need to tell me. Because right now....I. want. you." he whispered to lean in and kiss her deeply as she feels him slowly held her close. She whimpers feeling the heated kiss but he breaks it hearing the whimper become whine. Why did he break it so soon?
"Well Ink...lets see if I can make you feel even better now......" he said but she was shaking having trouble controlling herself that she did feel wet again aching. Needing him to ease this burning in her stomach! She feels him kiss her lips again but she grips his shirt hearing the slow kisses they were sharing before he grinds against him, hearing a weak shiver from her. Keeping her still, she was aching again to feel him touching her again to break the kiss panting out.
"Please what Ink?" he asked softly but sees her shaking.
"P..Please..a..again...I w..wanna f..feel you again.....It hurts from holding back s..so please.." she said it finally that Ren smiled to kiss her neck again.
"If you wish.."
Ink was whimpering and whining, biting down on the pillow he provided for her as she was on her knees and laying on her front. He was behind her thrusting deep into her that she was shaking in pleasure. Ren moans holding her hips as she was taking him inch by inch.
"Mffffmm!! mmmmm mmmmmm!!!" It now felt a lot better than in that room, feeling her skin burning but coated in a thin layer of sweat. He didn't say he was going to prove it and he was.
"Such a tight fit you are mmmmm does it feel that good for you?" he panted still slamming his hips forward as she was twitching gripping the pillow. Her body was reacting on it's own and she was going crazy from it. Feeling him deep inside only made her twitch while gripping the pillow.
"Ink, answer me....does it feel good? You need to say something." He moves to lift her head by the chin, hearing a startled gasp as it changed into weak moan for him.
"Ohhhhh g...god......" she hissed that he kisses her shoulder again thrusting down even more into her. He wanted to hear her voice even more that he quickens the thrusts making her yelp crying out.
"Come on Ink...I want to hear you tell me how good it feels.." He said as she whines squirming since he's on top of her.
"I..It..f..feels mmmmm good..your so deep inside of m..me I can't..I can't focus..my body is aching just to feel m..more.." she cries out when he was moving deeper into her but he slips his hands under to rub against something that she squeaked biting her finger.
"Good girl...you must be so out of it thanks to it but that's what I want. I said I would give you what you want...but that means I get to have you for myself." Sitting up, he forces her hips up before slamming his hips forward. She sits up screaming in pleasure to throwing her head back.
"AHHH! DEEP! YOUR SS...SOOO DEEP!! MY LEGS ARE S...SHAKING!" she couldn't hold her screams out while her eyes were hidden, feeling his thrusts going crazy. She heard the claps of skin that he keeps pulling her hips back while she was moaning out. It felt so good! Her body was burning in her lustful desires as she was shaking.
'It's so good..I can't move or t..talk..I just w..want more..I need more...' she moans in her mind while feeling him moving. It leaves her dripping under her from her arousal, lowering her head as he was going even deeper and faster. She opens her half lidded eyes seeing this but he only held her to keep her still.
"Ahhhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhh-ahh!!"
"I know it feels good, Ink. You don't have to hold back your cries. Just let it all out. Let me hear each and every tone you let out. That proves to me your mine now. I'll be sure it sinks in too." He suddenly goes harder that she moans out feeling her hair sticking to her sweaty skin.
"Ngggnnn!! Y..Yes y..yours I'm all y..yours! Just please keep going..I..I wanna feel us being as one again...I want i..it...I want you, Ren.." she whimpers to feel him still thrusting his hips. However, he flips traps her hands on the bed while having one hand rest under her chin, lifting her head back while biting her neck. She hisses from the sting but tightens around him still feeling him kissing and sucking on her neck as she was crying in desire from it.
He lets go panting but saw another hickey still moving while she was out of it.
'Your mine now Ink and I'll be sure you remember it...'
As he said that, he didn't ease up or slow down. Ren kept proving his point to show she was his. He kept his promise of course and it seems Ink didn't mind it.
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