#just wanted to do something silly with em :)
dispotatorulzz · 7 months
Arthur and Magnus first meeting? Magnus is trying to kill him.
Well. Magnus WAS trying to kill him
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One (1) novice hunter vs a roughly 100 year old vampire I think he did pretty well actually
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emerxshiu · 6 months
chuchu gijinka :D
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thinking of an alt outfit for her too, might sketch that later
me making a gijinka of her also ended up in me doing this:
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girls night ft. elfilin the newest adition
he is kinda nervous, also trying not to laugh his ass off at kirby falling asleep and no one noticing
chuchu is doing elfilin's hair in a bow, kinda like callie from splatoon, that was what i had in mind. now i just need to give bows to elline, adeleine and kirby too.
also, elline was definitly the hardest, i did this on school so i couldnt have a refernce and fucked up her hair multiple times, sorry for that elline.
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articskele · 22 days
Thinking about....... Sun Onceler.........
#sometimes the sun is a twink and he loves you and he refuses to leave your brain apparently#he's just so fun! what if instead of knitting thneeds he spins water into clouds! and they can be anything bc they can be any shape!#i realize in hindsight i have a tendency to make characters that embody some aspect of nature and may or may not be a deity lol#so maybe the others could make an appearance! sunler playing a lyre or smth singing about them#the stars and how she knows the fate in the cards#the siblings summer wind and rain#the beast and her orchard#but of course ending with how he's totally cooler and more important than everyone else#and it turns out apollo is not only the god of the sun but also of art and music so it really fits him methinks!#i doubt i could ever pull off running an askblog. however#i like the idea of him causing mischief. oh someone wants this thing to happen? let's make it a game!#keep your friends close from epic comes to mind#i don't have much in the way of story but. there are these two scenes in my head that are SO good#i wanna talk about em so badddd but i don't wanna spoil in case i do something with em#but i will say that one of them is a really really fun reference >:D#and the line “RED IS THE NEW GOLD”#but anyways i think an important part of him is that he loves people. he loves these silly little humans running around more than anything.#because all of this ultimately stems from the idea of the sun missing you when you've been inside for a long time#wanting things to get better for you and being there to celebrate the little victories yknow?#my nonsense
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lettucedloophole · 5 months
spoilers for the latest dungeon meshi ep but oh my GODDD i love marcille my pobrecita.. i think ryoko kui wrote sexism's effects on marcille really well, i think it's neat how she's a silly little guy and other people kind of underestimate her and it seems she is often down on herself about her failures or, "burdening" others in a way that feels very authentic to how it feels to be a woman and have that extra pressure of perfection to dispell suspicions of your inferiority. it's just very much the feeling i gather from it which makes marcille so relatable. and then to put another layer on it when it came out that she did black magic, she's literally A Bad Ass she is LITERALLY a Badass which makes her doubt of herself even more starkly inappropriate, and in this new episode despite the Fact that she is A Bad Ass when everyone's being a BIG MEANIE to her she's like a sad puppy when people don't let her help with revivals and like idk if i missed something but she doesn't even push back against them saying they're going to turn her in in like, a threatening way, she is just... scared. which hurt me i just wanted everyone stop being so MEAN TO HERRR my POBRECITAAAA. MY TINY LITTLE BABYY
i also laughed a lot and freaked out catching up on the two latest episodes today. DEVASTATING miscalculation on chilchuck's part to protect senshi when laois has No sense of Social cue. really happy to see laois and kabru meet, they're really funny together and i see why people like them so much as a ship now!! i am ECSTATIC that shuro is out of the game in terms of ehem. courting falin. bro COULDN'T HACK IT gEDDEM marcille. get that red dragon lady.. and omg it made me SOOOO MAD that they tried to blame marcille for that like how could that even b her fault!!! >:((( its obv the mad mage's doing. i dont get it they r just big meanies!!! stop shitting on my girl!!!
i like how kabru is like laios if he had more social awareness and was a litle Conniving... and omfg i thought it was so funny and sweet how shuro and laios just fucking beat each other up 😭 shuro said i hate autistic ppl fr. no but im glad he showed up for laios & co. in the end.. sometimes you just gotta talk ur feelings out over a fistfight lol
it was soo so fun seeing everyone interact .. all these fun characters... i cant wait to see what happens next!!! i love this show literally one of my fav animes EVER now definitely its so good its SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!! im terrified not knowing when its gonna end and how im gonna cope when the season ends 🗿 methinks i will have to read the manga instantly after or i will go insane from dungeon meshi withdrawal..
#dungeon meshi spoilers#this is totally just me rambling this show makes me so happyyyy#i usually hate rewatching stuff but idk if i just want to take everything or what#but i had a process of watching it like. rewatch old ep then watch new ep#and i also rewatched it all around ep 13 or something#but i think im going to rewatch it again just because I love ... so much..#is so good... need dunmeshi ..#i also need to develop my senshi tulpa more so my life is less disastrous#at least in terms of food and sleep#i slept until 7pm and then ate 3meals in a row so -_- need that senshi tulpa#lol the way laios did the im stronger than u thing but listed his food and sleep sched. as the reason 😭😭😭😭 beautiful . so beautiful#it makes me SAD that they tried to kill falin but realistically what else could they do.. i just dont want laios think monsters r all bad#or the rest of the crew. anymore...#may b theyre just friends and its the mad mages fault :((#and then kabru was like u have to kill orcs and im like NOOOOOOOOOo dont DO THAT#i was so SHOCOKED. SHOCKEKD when so many ppl were wiped out by falin. literally crazy sauce. broooo#i wuv dungeomeshi so much......#also i just have to say that shuro n laios fight? p gay...ngl#laios n falin r so similar its just falin is um. well better at masking#the Autism Twins (insert flame font(#its like i think shuro's feelings r genuine n not shallow for falin but i also dont think he knows her as well as he thinks.#i mean apparently he is Poor at connecting with others#love those guys. silly guys. the lot of em#chilchuck's being mad at marcile for black magic is a lot less annoying 2 me now that i know. other ppls react WAYYY worse#wuv em
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I survived solving the Lament Configuration and all I got was this lousy shirt 🙄🙄🙄
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steakout-05 · 7 months
i was looking at old plushies on ebay and i found this Douglas horse bag plush and you gotta look at the gif i made out of the listing pictures man its absolutely hysterical
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horses ROTAT E. rotato faster horsy.
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anothermonikan · 2 months
Today's one W: playing viddy games with friends actually cleared my processes a bit and it was revealed to me what was bothering me so badly. So I then decided that what was bothering me was actually really silly and decided I shouldn't be bothered by it anymore because there's nothing I can do about it. Yay <3
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yellow-artz · 2 years
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reinabeestudio · 9 months
Been feelin this strong urge to write for Royal Law but the Barrier(tm) between me and the things I want to do is ever so present and it feels like I'm lifting a boulder off myself 👑💭
I feel like something inside me is trying to claw its way out of my body and be able to exist freely, yet my own brain keeps sewing the way out everytime
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
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caninecowboy · 2 years
crying screaming throwing up etc etc etc
#milo.txt#em#made me TWO!!! playlists#we like to express our love for each other through playlists which is actually so cute of us#but they made me a playlist themed around i love you ! so some songs i've heard and some new ones#which is always a treat!!#they also made me a playlist themed around slow dancing in the kitchen#and they included songs ive sent them and offhandedly mentioned how i wanna dance w someone in the kitchen to them#god . i know it sounds like a small thing and a silly thing for me to be crying about but . i just#its so fucking crazy to me they listen? like of COURSE they listen theyre a god damn sweetheart and they know me sometimes better#than i know myself#as someone who kinda just vibed a lot alone and got used to solitude its crazy to me ill mention something once and they'll remember it#like i made a joke that if they wanted to get me anything for my birthday they should get me mothman#and guess what#they GOT ME A MOTHMAN PLUSHIE AND ITS THE CUTEST THING EVER (after them of course)#and its just like . oh my god? you not only listen to what i say but you remember? and you genuinely know who i am?#like . what the fuck bro that's crazy#yall know that tweet thats like you get kidnapped and theyll return you if you can speak about something for 30 minutes#yeah i could speak about em and how much i love them for like actual hours .#i just feel so incredibly lucky to be known and loved by them yknow? its . yeah . its good#it hurts sometimes because they're far away from me and sometimes my heart gets so excited i just. need to squeeze them and theyre not here#BUT as ive said before i would do this over and over and over and over and over just to say hello to them once more#EEP we're going to be together in like 3ish weeks HOLY FUCK#this reminded me to buy my concert outfit eugh im gonna look soooo cute actually#ANYWAY#my heart is so full and i love them an incredible amount <3#UPDATE ON THIS: i changed my blog title to 'oh loverboy' yesterday? and theres A SONG CALLED LOVERBOY ON THE PLAYLIST THEY SENT ME#OH HHHHH MY GOD MY FUCKING H E A R T#we're really on our own wavelength huh
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vaugarde · 2 years
man i love ocellus she’s one of my fave mlp characters *literally ignores most of her actual canon scenes*
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dashiellqvverty · 2 years
thinking kink is cringe is literally so lame <3
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hero-dualies-pog · 5 months
anyway um. these piercings aint shit
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chompe-diem · 11 months
also heyyyyy ik nobody gives a shit but i'm futzing around with a new blog theme; hopefully it's temporary but LOL we'll see if and when i'll get around to making better stuff for it
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Tsuma is an INSANE one to start on but also a fantastic one... I think my first was SP so it's so funny we've "traded" those specific shows lmao BUT YEAH. YEAH. I BELIEVE YOU. I'M GONNA BE NORMAL ABOUT KEISUKE BUT NOT ANYTIME SOON. Tsutsumi's Princess Peach lips every time Maida squishes his face 😭😭😭😭😭
The moment outside the school basically condenses everything about the show for me it's so perfect and cute but I'm INTERNALLY SCREAMING AT ALL OF THIS BEING SAID OUT LOUD... PLEASE... YOU'RE GOING TO END UP ANOTHER IMPRISONED TSUTSUMI... He really is SUCH a malewife though that's what destroyed me frame one... especially because he's really similar to how Tsutsumi talks about himself so like perfect casting I hope he had fun with the role... Definitely continuing when I can are you kiddinggggg
Well Hopefully You Still Think AtR's Cute And/Or Sweet Wherever You're At Now So The Rest Of This Isn't Embarrassing LGSKFJLGJ BUT YEAH... YEAH... I'm aro myself so all that's Complicated right, and definitely something I tried to consider when Sorta-Not-Really-Recommending, but it's good to hear it can be entertaining even without being able to relate :']
THAT COULD'VE GONE /WAY/ SOUTH AT THE PANEL but I'm glad everyone made it out unharmed😭😭😭BUT YEAH... at the end of the Ohashi arc when Ogata threw all his stuff off the desk and the gang just wordlessly put it back for him 'cause that's all they can do... ough. Momence. That's why it was so sick watching everything fall into place [temporarily]. Also appreciate the Jo-ism in doing all the dirty work for a politician in the family and wanting to be stopped without saying it upfront and uhhhhh being fine with dying and/or going to prison LMAO
OH BUT NO PROB it is always tradition for me to send the translated letter once I've indoctrinated someone new :] funny thing is every single version I've sent is different because I've been editing it to this day
AGAIN i chose tsuma cause the title was Utterly Insane and i just had to see for myself what the fuck was going on and im so glad i did... funny that we did trade first-watches (and fun that i get 'my own version' of ogata's letter lmao) :)
BUT YEAHYEAH keisuke's adorable.. like genuinely i think he's tsutsumi's cutest role ive seen so far its hard for me to imagine one topping it in regards to how endearing he is (❁´◡`❁) keisuke being so enamored by his wife but being So Blind To How Things Look is genuinely super funny. like poor guy really is just super happy to have his wife back in a way but not yk (╯▽╰;;; )
Horribly i think of okita from that Taboo movie when it comes to consuming media: even if i dont personally have that experience or understand 100%, i can still appreciate a good story and characters (im paraphrasing SO hard and with less homophobia </3), so if you got anythin good throw it my way anytime ♪(´▽`) !! i'm about to start episode eight in a bit but NO WORRIES i still very much am a fan of the show !! and im sad/excited to see im almost done with it ( sad its almost over, but also SUPER interested to see how everything comes together in the end (☆▽☆) )
#long post#snap chats#tsutsumi drinking game where you have to guess his chara either ends up dead in jail or Somehow Ok ☠️☠️#keisuke's such a dork... he's literally such a puppy of a man right down to being Stupid Loyal it warms my heart (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)#i LOVEE it when takae squishes his face cause I Repeat... he does look super cute and silly...#that's literally all i can say about him He's Cute And Silly and it's why he's one of my fave tsutsumi roles#the best things in life are cute and silly.... its why i love kirby...#now i wonder about how tsutsumi talks about himself if keisuke reminds you of him... inch resting... but i believe its a perfect casting..#BUT ANYWAY YEAH NO the one thing i like about psychology is that it helps me understand people more#or at least im more willing to investigate why X and Y is a thing for Z yk#so Again even if i havent personally experienced something or get it from a Personal perspective i can still work out how other people feel#and just immerse myself and still enjoy the media :)#AH BUT YEAH THE BIT WHERE OGATA THROWS ALL HIS STUFF ON THE GROUND lit the peak ABSOLUTE Top Ten momence#cause Yeah No we're ALL frustrated for him at this point with how much he keeps getting shot down for actually trying to do his job#but not do his job TOO well no cause God Forbid THAT happens i guess. again makes it hard to be mad at him for being out of pocket lmao#IN ANY CASE im gonna go do somethin quick then im gon finish AtR either within the next two hours or at least this morning BYE#birthday went fine nothing too remarkable happened other than my sis and her boyfriend made pizza and it was real good#then they my bro and i all played smash bros and i was trying my best Not to play too seriously cause ik my sis and her bf dont game much#but my bro and i do and i at least wanted to give em a chance to have fun ☠️ alright ima go take care of That Thing BYE
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