#just want a break
michameinmicha · 9 months
Do you ever miss a character from a show but not like in the way that you want to rewatch the whole show because theres so much stuff going on and thats not what youre looking for but you miss your boy
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maeamian · 2 months
Part of the reason that Republicans are so desperately acting like they will never lose again is because they are deeply terrified that this is their last real chance to win. The big orange dipshit came in and gutted the party of everyone who wasn't a loyalist, which left it full of nasty little gremlins who have gaping voids where charisma and human decency is supposed to go.
They still hold a lot of power, but if we stop them this year the next presidential election may not be the Most Important One Of Your Life™, that's not a guarantee or anything, but if they don't win here and now their future looks grim, this dipshit is the only guy they have left and he's extremely diminished and has his brains leaking out of his ears at this point. We can beat him into the ground.
So that's what we're gonna fucking do. We're gonna break these fucking fash. They will crash upon us and we're gonna break their fucking necks. When they come for us they will lose because they're fucking losers and we have each other's backs which is something they fundamentally are incapable of comprehending.
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heph · 3 months
Have you heard about the secret Beach Episode 🏖️
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dear-ao3 · 2 months
pov your ex held your collection of thrifted spoons hostage for over a year (not entirely his fault, they got mixed up in his things during a move and you did not realize it, though he did adamantly deny that he had them) and reached out to your roommate on instagram nine months post break up after being thoroughly blocked for several months just to ask if you were still roommates and then to very cryptically reveal that he had in fact found the spoons (among other, mystery items that he did not reveal and you also have no idea what they are) in his car that he had not driven for a year cause he decided to make the worst financial decision of his life and buy a tesla and then tried to coordinate a meet up to drop off said spoons and mystery items which you did not want but you do want your spoons so you told him to either mail it or show up to your place of work when you were not scheduled only for him to entirely miss the point and still try to see you, then you reveal that you do not want to see him so he finally says that he will put on his big boy pants and mail it (though him actually mailing it is entirely unlikely) and also aparently hes gotten a perm since the last time you saw him and it looks terrible
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anna-scribbles · 11 days
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emma dupain cheng on the brain😽🎀
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tariah23 · 7 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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swordsonnet · 5 months
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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sillycosmicrabbit · 5 months
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He's just so cute!
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yallstar · 3 months
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"...I'm not done telling you all the things that I wanted to say; there's still so much. It's been so long since anyone listened to me talk. Won't you stay?"
Heaven Official's Blessing, Vol 8
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lets-steal-an-archive · 2 months
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annabethchase06 · 4 months
Jason Grace was needed by the fandom because among all the troublemakers, sarcastic frats, dyslexic students and hyperactive kids who related with Percy, Leo and other demigods, there were some of us who loved discipline, studying and who constantly worked under the growing weight of people's expectations just because they were good at something.
There were some of us who excelled at academics, some who liked being organized instead of messy, and some who liked discipline over casual behaviour. And just when we thought that maybe we couldn't relate to any demigod – Jason emerged as our ray of sunshine.
Jason taught us it's as okay and cool to be disciplined and perfect as it is to be messy and lacky. Let's give our boy all the love he deserves because he made a huge difference in so many people's lives.
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claybooots · 1 year
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Chop chop chop
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aatom87 · 2 months
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I drafted the right column first, but it can read however which way you want.
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deadpoets · 6 months
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DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) dir. Peter Weir
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lokittystuckinatree · 6 months
People exist who actually want the Master to be written out of the show? Even temporarily? They’re like…the only other reoccurring character. The only other active character that can be recasted. Almost as central and iconic to the show as Cybermen or Daleks. Infamous for coming back from the dead. The Doctor’s person.
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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mourning black and the death of ideals
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