#just the dad in him ig
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shawsimmer · 2 months ago
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a sulani trip for mars' birthday :)
i've finally escaped the toddler phase yippeee
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lalluviadeanoche · 2 months ago
Do yall ever think about how whenever there’s been a particularly bad mission Jason is so distraught that he maybe goes back to crime alley and sits behind the dumpster that he just so happened to use to hide behind that one fateful night?
Yall ever think about how Jason probably sits there for hours, knees to his chest, head in his arms and wonders.. what if he never took those wheels? What if he just turned around and went back home that night? Was this really the life he was meant for?
You ever think about how, as he’s there on the ground, he scoffs and maybe thinks “I would’ve probably died in these streets if I hadn’t taken them.. maybe I was never meant to live. I died either way.”
Ever think about him there, caught in his own mind and Batman happens to stumble upon him during patrol?
He looks down at his son and sees that same scared little kid he saw all those years ago and his heart almost caves in on itself. He tries calling out his name but gets no response.
He slowly crouches down to try and meet his masked eyes and calls his name again with the same outcome. So he slowly and carefully reaches out and tries to take his helmet off without triggering him.
“Jason.. it’s Bruce. Can you hear me? Are you hurt? I’m going to take your helmet off, okay?.. alright how about now, Jason?”
He looks down at his son to see him with tear tracks down his face and a distant look in his eyes and his heart gives another pull. He calls Alfred to prepare Jason’s room and have a hot meal ready and as he does he’s carefully pulling Jason close and trying to get him on his feet.
Jason stumbles a bit before it looks like he’s slowly becoming aware of what’s happening. He looks surprised, yet still dazed, once he sees the other man.
“Bats? What’re you doing here?”
“Come on, son. We’re going home.”
Their voices are low and soft and while Jason is still confused he doesn’t protest and lets Bruce guide him to the Batmobile. Once they’ve reached it Bruce quickly examines him for any critical injuries before putting him in the passenger seat.
Once they reach the manor and have Jason washed and fed they’re leading him to bed. Alfred concluded he had no serious injuries, just the usual bumps, bruises and scratches.
“I think, master Bruce, that our young Jason just needs some rest. He’s clearly been having a tough time, it would be good for him to have some time away from the action.”
“I think you’re right, thank you Alfred. I’ll take it from here.”
Alfred exists the room leaving Bruce alone with Jason laying on the bed. His soft breathing the only noise in the room before Bruce sighs as he walks over and sits on the reading chair next to the bed. He looks at the man and wonders what happened on his latest mission to draw out this response. He reaches out and gently moves some hair away from the sleeping boys face before he can stop himself and accidentally wakes him up.
“Sorry, Jason. Go on back to sleep. I’ll go on to the library, just call if you need anything.”
As he’s working to get up Jason stops him.
“It’s okay Bruce. I don’t mind. Just didn’t expect to find you tonight..”
Bruce isn’t sure what to say as he sits back down so he goes with what he hopes is a safe route.
“I was worried you were badly hurt when I found you. Thankfully Alfred gave you the all clear.”
“Heh, good ol Alfie, huh?”
Bruce saw a faint smile and wistful look on Jason’s face. His voice sounded like he was close to drifting off to sleep again. Bruce, consumed with paternal instinct reached out again in an attempt to soothe Jason by running his hand along his hair.
It seemed to work since Jason was able to close his eyes and start up again with the soft rise and fall of his chest but not before he said one last thing with a smile on his face.
“Thanks, dad.”
…yall ever think about that??
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thebrainrotsreal · 4 months ago
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Listen there's a half chance the hands and stuff do not work this way, but simply?? pretend they do ig ??? Had to get some Vlad out of my system, so behold my fav ghostie on the planet! Wine drinker, petty plotter, my love, haha!
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thisisadonaldduckblognow · 2 years ago
all the rise boys get done dirty on characterization by fandom in different ways i think. (not ALL the time every fanwork etc etc these are just like, trends i tend to notice?) every fandom suffers from losing character nuance.
- leo i’ve talked about plenty on this blog, how some of his canon traits (genuine belief in his skill and cockiness, capacity for joy, his manipulativeness whether for good or ill) seem to get watered down or wiped off the board and supplemented with generic sad boy. his struggles with purpose and identity and not wanting to fail somehow morph into “he hates and completely holds no value for himself”
- donnie’s canon personality gets blurred out and largely replaced with whatever list of Neurodivergent Traits. and i think there’s such a fine line to walk between exploring a character that’s been word of god confirmed as on the spectrum and overwriting what’s canonically there. it’s a hard needle to thread. it also feels like a lot of his canon emotiveness gets left off the table for some reason. bc he does have his moments of flat/deadpan delivery, but a lot of the time he’s honestly very emotive. he has the passion of a theatre kid and the vindictiveness of... also a theatre kid. and the mind of a scientist.
- raph loses so much of his rowdy teen boy energy it’s kind of wild? like interpretations sand off that he’s also impulsive and can be reckless and dumb and LOVES fighting and roughhousing and isn’t the most eloquent person. suddenly there’s this pitch perfect soft boy big bro who would never hurt a fly and always says the exact right supportive thing and singlehandedly raised his 3 brothers (which simultaneously sands off all the nuance of splinter’s issues emotionally connecting with his sons and how that affected all of them). and like i LOVE raph, he’s so full of love and care and anxiety, he clearly has learned to put a lot of work into being aware of his strength and size. but there’s a difference you know?
- mikey is like. where raph gets overparentified by fanon, mikey gets over “family therapist”-ed IMO. the impulsiveness, the goofiness, the powerful emotions including a VERY powerful temper, the flat-out dumb teen boy choices... they get ignored. suddenly there’s this only very sweet and earnest boy who has read a hundred psychology books and runs group family therapy weekly or something. he is crying in his room bc leo and raph are arguing about something. which is so. he IS very sweet and can be very earnest and is full of love! he HAS come in with his opinions and unsolicited advice a couple of times and life coached for the greater good. but there’s a difference between what he does in canon and the role he gets in fanon.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
How did I never hear this radio until the brawn doc hahahaha
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watmalik · 7 months ago
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Hugh is such a dad omg this is so fucking cute. Protect this man at all costs
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strawberrylemongrass · 2 months ago
yesterday I got new gear for my birthday and my dad called me his "special puppy"
today I get sushi, thrifted uggs, and a blanket with a big ass fuck you wolf on it
I feel seen!!
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chez-cinnamon · 2 months ago
Reblogging my Noah posts bc he’s on the mind only to realise I don’t draw him w Pomni enough which sucks bc that’s his big sister!!!! He LOVES HER!!!!
Anyways like Caine, Noah is often glued to Pomni’s side he looks up to her a lot !!
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coulsons-left-arm · 4 months ago
Just think about it, though...
Daisy is laying in a hospital bed, asleep. Coulson has a predisposition to stay at her bedside, especially if she hasn't woken up since coming out of surgery.
When she first wakes up, her brain feels like soup because those pain meds are working their magic almost a little too well. There's a man next to her bed, and she recognizes him as someone she feels safe with, so she says his name.
Mmmmmm, that doesn't seem right. That's not his name. That's not usually what I call him.... Right?
It seems to catch his attention, though, as he smiles shyly and leans forward a bit, grabbing her hand gently. It's warm and solid and safe, encompassing her whole hand.
"Daisy? How're you feeling?"
How does she feel? Everything is hard to pinpoint, but she knows two things for sure.
"Sleepy, but better now that I've got pain meds and you here." Or maybe that's three things... She gives him a dopey smile, one that she thinks probably looks like one of the many she's seen on his face. It probably does look like his because the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, right?... Or wait, is she even hi--
He seems to give a breathy chuckle, reaching a hand to move some of her loose hair behind her ear. The warmth seems to calm the soft pounding in her head, so she leans into it. And to her satisfaction, his hand seems to stay close, his slightly calloused thumb rubbing back and forth on her cheekbone.
His presence is warm and safe and all the things that make her drowsy... And she ends up falling back asleep on accident.
When Daisy wakes up again, she's more coherent -- the drugs were wearing off --, and Coulson is now sitting with her. She groans as she tries to wiggle her stiff body. The noise makes Coulson perk up, a little tentative, but still reaches for her hand. It felt... familiar. She decides she likes it, so she doesn't remove her hand from his.
"You're here."
"Of course. Pain meds wearing off?"
"Yeah, but I'll be okay for a little bit. It's good to feel a little pain. And I don't want to be too loopy... Which, do you know if I said anything crazy?" If Daisy didn't know any better, she would've missed the slightest bit of red in his cheeks as he seemed to smile to himself.
"Meh, nothin' too crazy... You may have called me, 'Dad.'"
That was him??? Oh....
"But... Honestly?... Is that too far from the truth?"
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zeeckz · 1 year ago
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conundrumrespeculis · 2 months ago
Has anyone considered the thought of like. Maybe some of the anger Wally displays towards Barry is because he came back from death a different person kinda?
He had an entirely different upbringing and went from "Knows a Guy" (that's so many of his old stories it's fantastic. Why does he know the local gorilla actor? He's just like that) to being isolated and alienated and then also had depression on top of that.
Imagine your dad comes back from the dead after leaving you with such a dark and thick shadow to crawl out of- that he only comes back AFTER you crawled out of- and then he's not even the same guy. He's not even the man that you remember because not only have you and everyone else built him up in your memory but half his life before becoming a hero was different.
And then. y'know. The whole "accidentally trapped most of the speedsters in the speedforce" thing. And also depression can change a person. And- there's a lot okay??
Barry after Flash Rebirth and especially after the new 52 reboot is a very different character to how he started/the man Wally knew as a kid and even now like. They look the same age??? Sometimes??? that's gotta be weird. I know they're speedsters but STILL...
Uhhhh anyways
TLDR: Some of Wally's anger at Barry is because he's irrevocably no longer the same as he was before his death
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cyncerity · 20 days ago
In your Dads Troubles charlie and schlatt story, it was mentioned that charlie was introduced to the idea of being eaten when he walked in on schlatt eating tubbo, and i just wanna know- how did he react??
Like, did he freeze in shock? Did he faint?? Or maybe he screamed and started running for the tunnels?? Or less likely but even better, what if he started yelling and fighting schlatt to get him to spit tubbo out? Like im losing my mind over this, i have to know how they managed to explain that to him and how he had to cope with the idea that everything he thought was kind of sort of a lie.
- the-sussy-imposter2
I think he would fight. He was raised with the very basic “be scared of humans” rule that all borrowers were, but unlike almost everyone in his colony, he never had a personal bad experience with borrowers. His first time meeting a human was Schlatt and Schlatt gave him a kazoo.
All this to say that his fight or flight when it comes to humans is 110% fight because he doesn’t truly comprehend how dangerous humans actually can be.
Charlie is also fucking feral. I like to imagine that before joining the colony in the apartment he was an outside borrower, the kind to physically wrestle a squirrel for an acorn. He has no self preservation. He is surviving on luck, upper body strength, and sheer stubbornness.
I very much think that Charlie would find some way to try and attack Schlatt; like i think he’d see Tubbo get swallowed (probably at night cause he likes to sleep in Schlatt’s stomach when it gets cold) and Charlie would lie in wait until Schlatt fell asleep then climb to his face to try and trigger his gag reflex. Then after that fails and he wakes Schlatt up comes all the kicking clawing and screaming about faking everything and killing his own son. And it’s effective, 1: because Charlie is crazed and 2: because he’s got the kind of tail that’s basically a 5th limb, so i imagine him carrying like a stick with it and just smacking Schlatt in the eyes lol.
Schlatt, to his credit, is smart enough to know that nothing he’s gonna say in that moment is gonna change Charlie’s mind and frankly he doesn’t wanna deal with Tubbo’s whining if he spits him out since he’s already asleep. So he does the next best thing and calls Quackity, telling him to get Tommy. I mentioned in like one post from 2 years ago that once, while Tommy was really tired, Tubbo kinda coerced him into agreeing to get nommed with him, and I think this whole situation would be after that happened. So Charlie gets jarred™ while Schlatt makes that call and starts putting neosporin on the scratches Charlie left.
Tommy eventually shows up and explains that not only is Tubbo fine, he actively seeks out getting eaten, and Tommy himself has been nommed multiple times and vouches for its safety. Charlie tries to apologize but Schlatt is more laughing at the absurdity of it and apologizing that he hadn’t told Charlie prior since he never knew how to bring it up. He brushes off the apology since if Charlie had seen that and chosen not to do anything, he probably would have been more upset. After all, he wants people around who care about Tubbo, especially other borrowers. He knows that he’s not everything Tubbo needs; he doesn’t know enough about his son’s species to teach him any sort of culture or how they navigate the world. Charlie does: he knows the rules of being an indoor and outdoor borrower, and he’s one hell of an uncle. Tubbo loves him, and Charlie clearly loves him back.
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footballshowrot · 2 years ago
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having a normal one👍
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nyarumitsu · 9 months ago
kinda thinking ab aa4 and how apollo probably had his suspicions about trucy and phoenix being daddy and daughter biologically but put his thoughts aside the moment he sees how similar they are behavior-wise that it never really crossed his mind that trucy might be adopted because she is such a Wright
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moeblob · 2 months ago
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OC OTP. Just a prince (Ego, the ginger) and his wonderful energy alien fiance (Serenity) who he doesn't know is an energy alien. Ego also doesn't know that the future marriage is never going to happen and he's been lied to his whole life.
#my characters#mentioned them to a buddy recently and was like well dang that means i gotta draw them again ig#i love them so much and they have so many AUs#which is actually why i started to mention them LMAO#they reblogged a post from me and were like oh oh new au just dropped#and i was like haha funny thing - that post was reblogged bc it reminded me of an au i had for ego and serenity#and they were like wait you gotta spill the deets now#aaaaanyway serenity is an energy alien and his race doesnt really have a physical form usually!#but he has the ability to form a shell in a sense to look like a body and he begs his alien king#to let him remain on earth until his power is too weak to hold a human form#bc he is so in love with the lie (that HE knows is a lie) of being married to ego and wants to hold onto it as long as possible#while ego is just vibing in his own kingdom unable to leave the castle#bc his dad knows if he mentions his fiance - serenity whomst he thinks is another prince - no one will know who it is#so to shelter the lie ego is unable to travel#and so one of his favorite things when serenity visits is to ask him to tell about other places#and at first ego is a brat and says hed rather be exiled than have to marry another prince#but he does over time fall in love and feels super happy being around serenity while breaking serenitys heart#bc he knows it wont last rip#and eventually serenity does use up all of his power and cant hold a physical form anymore#and so he goes home to his alien life#but ego demands to visit him and does and then is like oh well if you dont have a human form then just visit me like this!#and so serenity tries his best to rebuilt energy so that one day he can visit as a human again#and he does the end
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starryskiesahead · 5 months ago
so once i saw a tdlosk x jjk x mp100 crossover fanfic on ao3 and it was like “yuji and gojo, reigen and mob, and saiki all hang out”! and i was like neat but tbh it’s kinda stands out to me that saiki’s the only one who. doesn’t have a mentor figure similar to the other so.
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