Jellymon adottata dalla Junzumi
247 posts
I'm a Jellymon and I like Junzumi and I simp for Junpei. This is my personality. 25+
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teclajellymon · 9 days ago
Little mermaid AU is cool but what do you think of a Beauty and the beast AU... wink wink wink
Judging from other requests and asks, I assume you think I’d turn Junpei into a beast while Izumi is Belle. Instead, I’ll disappoint you, because in every Disney AU you’ll ask me for, -except Snow White since Izumi has got her own Snow White references-, Junpei will be in the princess role because it’s just funny af.
No, but jokes aside, it’s just that Junpei has got lot of traits fitting both Ariel and BELLE. Hello, Junpei is the dude always fantasyzing about being a knight to his princess; or has got his fantasies about marriage🤣. In the manga he also says he was bored and had nothing to lose and so he jumps on the Trailmon searching for adventures (shallow big bby). I can also see him as a perfect victim for Stockholm syndrom. I’m sorry, he’s my Belle and let’s also add that he would sport the most hideous yellow suit for the ball———
But anyway, add fangs under her mask, sharp tongue, claws, some tail and put her in a gothic dress, here you have my beauty and the beast, Anon. Endless tale= Tale as old as time. I will draw this shit someday. And write about it.
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teclajellymon · 14 days ago
After the ponentino wind song I've decided Junzumi need to hook up in that holiday in Rome from the drama. What do you think??
OHHHHHH I’NOT AGAINST IT ,YOU KNOW. Of course, I’m not. Imo there is ~~~~~potential. Honestly Junzumi x Rome holiday is my jam though I haven’t showed it enough and I know it. It can be cinematographic since Junpei is such a theatrical soul.
Pssss- Someday I just want to draw him in his hotel bed suddenly dreaming about them in that scene from “La Dolce Vita”, in which the woman invites the man in the Trevi Fountain (which not only Junpei, but also Izumi mentions in their repsective dramas, SO POINTS FOR ME ok).
“Junpei! Vieni!”
And then Junpei will just spend the whole night in the hotel hall, because ,to him , that was the closest thing to nsfw territory his dense ass can consider as such.
YEAH, ANON. I should write and draw more about them in freaking Rome, also because I’ve been there for, like, five times, I study latin and roman history at uni, so I’m an expert at this point ok.
PSA That it’s off topic, but I also want to add that imo Kouji and Kouichi would love Caravaggio’s portraits in the Musei Vaticani, because they would immediately notice the perfect balance and harmony between light and darkness. IDK JUST A HEADCANON THROWN HERE BECAUSE WHY NOT. I never pay attention to the twins, so—-
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teclajellymon · 17 days ago
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It’s Sanremo week—————so some self-indulgent Junzumi x italian songs, Naples songs nonetheless. Lmao, I’m so sorry. I love imagining Izumi having wild fantasies AND TBH Junpei fits the Naples neomelodico look so much. It makes me LAUGH. Since I headcanon he grows to love South Italy, I can’t help imagining him singing Naples song, you’re welcome. It will happen AGAIN. AND AGAIN.
He can sing any Naples song, included one I and friends have been obsessed for months, “Rossetto e caffè” (Lipstick and coffee).
Still, Izumi is a perfectionist. Her fantasies would weird Junpei out, but talking about coffee when referring to Junpei weirds out her MUCH more. Junpei x coffee? Hmmm, that doesn’t sound like Junpei at all.
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teclajellymon · 21 days ago
What italian meal would you think your dear Junpei would love?
My immediate chirp is “LASAGNA!” , but at the same time I’m in denial as I headcanon Junpei is a fan of South Italy, the entire South Italy, so from Campania’s to Sicilia’s cuisine, whereas lasagna is from the North (Emilia Romagna). Yet? If I had to give him a favourite meal it would be whatever involves mozzarella di bufala (buffalo mozzarella cheese), so Campania is the real winner here. But ehy, you know what? I can give Junpei more than a favourite italian meal, which is what I have been doing when it comes to each member of the fam ahahaj. Izumi will make him taste EVERYTHING (and every journalist interviewing him won’t help but ask him about the same question you’ve sent me).
Thank you for the ask and sorry if I had to separate yours from the others I received, but I gave priority to non-anon users!
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teclajellymon · 25 days ago
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Anyway, I got a bit dragged away from this trash by other trash I’m going to publish soon. Since I have no idea if I will ever finish this (I HAVE TO) or if I will actually use the first dance sketch for something else , I want to drop this dump here because I frankly think this was really funny to sketch despite anything and because…I genuinely love my wood bugs shipping very much. So just look and nod. This is self indulgent lmaooooo.
• Blitzmon feels a bit self-conscious about his stocky body as a Kokabuterimon and also about his big paws and sharp claws, which make him very shy and abashed around Fairymon, who, -needless to say-, is beautiful as a Tinkermon as well. Yet, now the world has shifted a bit for both. It’s pure and embellished. Blitzmon has lost his vain confidence and now looks at Fairymon with the eyes of a kids experiencing his first crush. Fairymon has lost part of her haughtiness and now wants to play and bond with those being part of Nature just like she is.
Not that you should try reading but in the case…
• Queste: These;
• Felice: Happy;
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teclajellymon · 25 days ago
Thinking about how the Frontier rookies all are animal-like Digimon but Tinkermon.
Kokabuterimon, Penguinmon, Liollmon: beasts
Strabimon, Flamon: half human half beast (or Koka is more half beast since he’s got humanoid proportions????)
Tinkermon: The most human of them all except some connections with wasps.
No ,this is not an anti Tinkermon as Fairymon’s rookie post. Indeed. I think this is another proof she is actually PERFECT for Izumi, despite anything, taking in consideration Izumi got connected with the ability to control back when she evolved in Shutumon, -and before the writers just forgot it happened-.
Symbolically, I think it can work so magnificently. Takuya freaking walked on his fours when he was Flamon and also sat like an animal would, but he wasn’t totally lost in his instincts. This opens the door for so many headcanons about a “what if all the kids ended up turning into their rookies?” Imagine if the more beasts-like they look, the more they would be affected by the instincts of the Digimon they are?? So in this picture Izumi would be the only one not being caught in the animalistic descent and could actually pull off something good for once.
I think they should invest more in trying making stories in the middle of the series than making slice of life dramas ngl. Since the cards have been pushing these rookies so hard lately, I believe they could make an effort to include them in the series lore, you know?? THE POTENTIAL IS IMMENSE and they are so cute.
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teclajellymon · 29 days ago
Since we should give more appreciation to Frontier queer shippings, I guess I can start with some rare Takupei, my second OTP from Digimon Frontier after Junzumi (you heard it well. I like Takouji but it’s so obvious to me it never screamed “ OTP!” in my ears).
Like, do you remember this episode being all focused on Takuya sensing Junpei was in danger, when Junpei was so distant? That was so soulmate material idk. It needs more appreciation as a scene.
And do you also remember this episode ended with Junpei ignoring Izumi, -for once she was truly worried about him lol-, and him paying attention to Takuya and looking at him like that EHM? Attention on Izumi only came after…After Takuya pulled him up on his feet (how did he do that, skinny as he is? Is that Soulmates power????)
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Another friendly reminder is that the animator of this episode is Itou-San, the same who…Directed this scene, exactly. Coincidentally that movie is Takupei x Junzumi just like this episode, confirming the whole triangle thing never existed because they have got the potential of a polyamorous love story.
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Someday I would love drawing Football player Takuya, Star Tenor Junpei and Former top model Izumi sharing a photo gig together to end up on the cover of a magazine for a special collaboration. Very platonic, I assure you. Sí…
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teclajellymon · 29 days ago
Further Digimon Fandom Space Alert.
Call me overkill but I am tired and our community does not need this.
Guardiandua's tendency to immaturely imply the "damnation of queers into the fires of Hell" when baiting other users into fruitless and unhealthy arguments is a danger to our community mental health.
Guardiandua seems to be misguided in thinking that if other users do not appreciate her stance, they can simply block her and move on. This is true, users certainly can, but my concern is Guardiandua not understanding how impressionable the members of MY community, the Digimon fandom, are. Many are teenagers. Some possibly younger. And while children certainly are not stupid, they are still children. I will not tolerate exposure of hate-speech and poor religious framing (of my religion no less) in my community.
Now, as for the post itself. The little blog that sparked this. Guardiandua insinuated a fandom-call for users who enjoy Digimon. However, it is explicitly stated in post that those who "condone homosexual pairings in media" are not to interact. Presumably, so that Guardiandua may make a "sub-fandom" of "correct minded, mentally stable individuals". I do not revoke Guardiandua's "freedom of speech", but surely we all can see the danger of an exclusive community space promoting segregation of queer users.
I will end on a warning: that, no, we should not engage in pointless arguments and name calling.
Please report, block, and move on.
Guardiandua, you seem to be the type who enjoys attention and righteousness. Please, for the love of my God, stop seeking out drama. It is unbecoming of someone who processes the Faith.
I do not care if you think your request was of little consequence. I do not care if you think me "chronically online" for "being mad" and "unreasonable".
I am not stupid, I know I will not convince you to do or think of anything other than this moronic, unhelpful mindset. But should you use my Faith as a poor and disrespectful shield, I will tear down your impudence. Leave my community. Good-bye.
(And should you be under the impulse to comment something along the lines of "damn bro i ain't reading allat", I commend you for your restraint. Drama addiction is not easy to break away from.)
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teclajellymon · 1 month ago
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In search for new friends and plunging in other card types, Violet orders Walmart Junpei from Shoto’s green deck and undoubtedly something feels different.
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teclajellymon · 1 month ago
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exactly why look like a dad anyway kazemon it's nothing about at him
and prupleflymon see about her little brother like her dad LOL
original picture meme
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teclajellymon · 1 month ago
Lmaoooooooooo. That wasn’t the first time I posted Ran here, but I think it was with her redesign! Grazie💕. Junpei is doomed to fall in love for a second time in his life. When Ran arrived and Junpei and her met for the first time, Izumi understood she wasn’t going to be the only woman in Junpei’s life, like he had always told her until that moment 🤣.
Junpei: No, Izuzu. Never, never! She is a girl, so she’s the only girl in my life. You’re a woman, so you’re the only woman in my life. How does it sound, eh?
Izumi: Junu, I don’t know how to tell you this without hurting your feelings, but she isn’t going to stay a girl forever.
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teclajellymon · 1 month ago
The fact that makes me laugh (and love) Fairyblitz so much is that Toei tried so hard turning Blitzmon into a cute, idiot blowhard wanting to vainly show off in front of Fairymon to protect her, whereas she says she is a strong, independent woman and can’t care less.
But they tried doing this while Blitzmon literally blasts and absorbs a Digimon that was thratening her in less than five seconds😂😂😂.
Their relationship has got the potential to be silliest couple ever lmaooooo. Fairymon is objectively a failure at fighting, so Blitzmon would seriously have to save her ass EVERYTIME and every freaking time he would go with this phrase from Train of Hope, “DON’T WORRY, FAIRYMON. ME, BLITZMON, WARRIOR OF LIGHTNING, WILL RISK MY VERY LIFE TO PROTECT YOUUUUUU”⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
Everytime except when Fairymon ends up drowning in her nth defeat and he can’t swim, either, so they both drown together and RIP, I guess.
This is why I gave them a Jellymon adopted daughter.
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teclajellymon · 1 month ago
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[ Izumi Orimoto, 40: Chef, owner of two restaurants, Gambero Rosso’s favourite guest, Slow Food member, DIY stylist.].
Since I really love that scene in which Izumi says Tomoki’s mother is really pretty, I wanted to base myself on the woman’s design, because I think Izumi really deserves to grow up in a pretty adult wwww.
However, Izumi’s style has always been a mix between casual and sportive, so I mitigated some more traditional/elegant accents with the addition of the trainers, -not matching her design because I decide so lmaooo-, and the pencil skirt. Listen, I adore giving Izumi trousers sometimes, but I want to believe she loves her skirts so much💕💕. Years of modelling have taught her how to appreciate them even more and she knows how to pick the right types that can make her movements feel completely free. She commits to teach daughter how to properly wear skirts too, but daughter is savage and will drive her crazy with all her unmannered sitting poses.
Another element I couldn’t just abandon and ignore is her tendency to keep her belly out. She does that now too but in a more reserved way ahahah. Izumi’s design is so good because there are some points to it that just make me scream those are the bones of Izumi’s personality💜.
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teclajellymon · 1 month ago
Toto is a fucking funny nick but what about him being called Tomoki? What does TOMOKI think and do people call him Toto because they want to separate him from Tomoki?
Lmao I laugh whenever I have to talk about UNCLE Tomoki🤣🤣🤣. Tomoki. An Uncle. He doesn’t deserve this, half of what he receives in my adult Frontier AU, but *pat pat* *gives him Junzumi nephews and on top of that one called like him*
Tomoki will never come to terms with the fact Junpei and Izumi have got a kid called after him (they have because on the same week Toto was born Tomoki won an important election in Japan). Since he doesn’t live in Italy like the others, there’s really no urgent need to distinguish one from the other, but Toto still got a nickname like it happened to Ran and Kou, -now one all italian and from Naples XDDD-. The only occasions the two get called Tomoki at the same time are those times Junpei feels more playful than usual and calls them Tomoki JR and Big Tomoki, which irritates first Tomoki a lot since in this Au …🥁🥁🥁 Politics made him gain some pounds like the ice bear he’s supposed to be.
But Tomoki doesn’t forget, DOESN’T FORGIVE. Asks to be the first one among the uncles holding him as a neonate; calls him Tomoki loudly and proudly because he absolutely detests to share names with this gremlin; he often says if he ever happens to be killed all his precious videogames will go to him, -except football ones Takuya and Shinya will inherit-; takes him to the station watching trains passing by AND keeps so much gluten-free food in the fridge once rumors about him being celiac spread.
He has hated Toto so much since he saw him breathing. Yes.
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teclajellymon · 2 months ago
[ For all the Chiaki fans in my inbox who have requested for this MTTCI (May the thunderstom come in) chapter to be cross-published here, there you go. I appreciate your support like always and I hope I can continue MTTCI as soon as possible to share more Chiaki💕💕💕. But I also want to write more about her in both AUs and my main timeline. And draw her, DRAW HER AS MANY TIMES AS I CAN💙. And why not…More Chiapei…💛💙 Too. ]
Of course, there’s Junzumi in this (they are 18 and 19 here), and there’s also a fatphobia trigger warning just like I said in the past! ]
In front of the glass of an aquarium
{ Those aquariums we refuse to turn to, unconsciously afraid of discovering they have transformed into an eloquent mirror. }
The boat he had been imprisoned in ceased to swing thanks to no one else but the person always reminding him of peculiar scenarios: of tree crowns being ruffled by invisible yet passionate cuddles; of the placid stream of a river being exhorted to hurry up by the voice of some caring specter; of the dozy sea being harshly woken up by frosty howls, messengers of a tacit sky against which it will start throwing annoyed waves, higher and higher columns of water trying hitting that ceiling of ice.
A beautiful paradox, the most beautiful one that could ever be created.
“ Hey, how is it going ? Is it as bad u thought it’d be?”
His back suddenly straightening its crouched position, his hands risking to drop his phone before he found the courage to look at it again, Junpei struggled not cracking an amused grin. After years, he had got used to receiving SMS from Izumi-Chan, but not so frequently, almost everyday and ,most of all, not to just chat about their lives, the most disparate topics they could come up with. Actually, whenever her name showed up on his desktop after such long intervals of time, it would along with a cheerful << How are u?>> followed by a very predictable invitation to some kind of gathering. Better than nothing, of course, especially if that nothing was equivalent to his inability to initiate a simple conversation with her. He could actually remember so clearly the day they had come back from Digiworld; the intense, almost immediate need to use the phone number she had given him, -and the others, obviously-; the resigned thud his weighted head had eventually produced on his desk.
“ Yeah, definitely.”
He managed to type in those words after a minute of hesitation, only those two words. For a fleeting second, in front of them, he felt proud of his accomplishment, smiling with repetitive nods of approval. Well done, Junpei , His satisfaction went up and down once, twice…Until he felt like a lightning had been hurled from the ceiling right into his disconnected brain to make him realize.
It’s drier than a desert! Are you stupid?!
Prey of mischievous electric jolts making his whole sitting frame shiver, his fingers landed on the keyboard again and started pressing random letters with haste, as they let their panicking owner brainstorm about a possible continuation to that cold beginning. Theirs was a chaotic dance, without direction, harmony, grace, one that was rebelling to the meticulous perfection of a sequence of muffled notes slipping through the pulsing walls.
“ FYI I’ve got no time to read one of ur papyri , thx.”
The rampant steps abruptly halted their undaunted stomping, as if it had been part of an obscure ritual summoning fearsome natural entities, legendary winds.
“ U can tell me about ur adventure later, tho. Or should I call it ur misadventure? SNS ahahah”
“Later ?”
He passed a caress through his mahogany strands due to a bunch of impalpable gusts of air messing with its tidy, or, at least, decent appearance. They found some special way to gain access to his soul too, because he felt a snap in his bosom, some force shaking it with a violent tugging and making it impossible for him to react in the way he would have in other circumstances: with utter shock, layers of incredulity suffocating an imminent explosion of enthusiasm. At the moment, on the contrary, he was just…Perplexed, confused before the sight of white bubbles coloured with vivacious smiles. That was Izumi’s own charming style, transpiring even from the mute screen of a phone.
“ Yes, later. U’re in Shibuya, right ?”
“ I am. I’m at the NNTT. At the
New National Theatre Tokyo .”
If only he turned to the glass behind him, he would be able to get an approximate glimpse of his extremely accentuated wince, of that stronger and stronger squeezing his puffy features were attempting to resist to. But he wasn’t going to…He wasn’t…
“ I don’t think I know where this NNTT is,
but I’ll search for it on Google Maps. NP.”
He was glad she wasn’t quite done with her turn yet because moving, shifting to the side and even making his index twitch were progressively becoming tremendous feats to him. Pearls of sweat would have started making that scorching sensation on his cheeks feel even more unpleasant, if the naughty yet benevolent breeze hadn’t returned to speak again, hadn’t blown on their path to convince them to go back.
“So, let’s meet out there in an hour or so.
I’ve got another photoshoot in my schedule and I’ll be done for today.”
“Grazie al cielo!”
“I’m tired and I want to eat something sweet.”
“We could try that cafe everyone has been talking about.”
“How about it?”
He blinked and reread the chain of messages with a hallucinated stare. The explanations were two: either he was still sleeping and he still had a whole excruciating day ahead, or she was teasing him like usual. He could foresee she would make him trip, making him crash his chin and teeth against hard bricks, after having lured him so skillfully with that spell she would cast on him without being minimally afraid of failing. She was Izumi, after all. And he was Junpei…The easily fooled Junpei, -only when it came to her, though!-. Yet, at the same time he couldn’t deny lately he had been feeling like something had changed in her, something he couldn’t identify, something he wasn’t sure what it might be. He was just aware she felt different , tremendously different, and he…Couldn’t help sighing relieved about it, no matter if she had thrown another enigma in the pile of the wonderful mysteries of her existence.
”Junpei? Are u still there ?”
“ Don’t tell me u’ve fainted.”
He furiously blushed at her remark, rough reaction that pushed him to be rapid in his reaction, agile. However, again, he didn’t take too long to gasp at a frigid, even rude << No>>, devoid of any sign of intonation, emotion and punctuation.
A girl, -and not an ordinary girl, no!-, was asking him if he wanted to drink hot chocolate together and he was acting in such a detached way! Well, Izumi hadn’t really specified she would order hot chocolate, but he couldn’t imagine himself wanting anything else at the moment. Only that delicious beverage could soothe his exhausted senses after that mess of a day; that and, of course, Izumi’s soft, gentle, cradling voice molding any story in pure poetry. Taking in account he liked considering chocolate as sacred food, its divine taste and the ethereal melody Izumi’s lips could weave would be enough for him to feel like he was having a snack in Heavens.
It was necessary to right that terrible wrong because he couldn’t allow that chance to fly away. If he screwed it up, he swore to himself he would never be able to forgive himself or avoid groaning at his reflection. Therefore, pulling his tongue out to give himself a boost of focus, -which, needless to clarify, was an exaggerated decision in that context-, he created a companion for that lonely <<no>>… Which happened to be a more lively, slightly more talkative, yet still very timid and solitary << yes>>.
No, yes, you sound like a preschooler, for Heavens’ sake!, At the nth silly mistake, he couldn’t keep himself from throwing his phone to his right with utter irritation. As outraged as he was feeling in the regards of the innocent technological device without a logically acceptable reason, he wouldn’t have minded if it had ended up on the floor, -with the screen facing the tiles, certainly, because his bad luck had no end-. Nevertheless, against all odds, it miraculously bounced on soft cushions and halted its soft hopping one or two millimeters distant from the edge of the bench. Disgruntled, he instinctively reached out before some new vibration could scare that giant fluke away.
<<I would be happy…So happy…>>, No, this would sound so…So…Stupid. <<I accept with great pleasure, Izumi. I would be <<honoured>>, This sounds embarrassingly despaired, instead, and, what a surprise, stupid. Again. He frowned, diverting his gaze from the dull yet eloquent surface and gluing his upset irises onto the plain white of a wall, the spot their rotation had to petrify on because they were unauthorized to push themselves further, onto a long barrier dividing two rooms, two areas, two worlds that were separated from each other. << Sure, Izumi, sure! Why not! I’m looking forward to it>>, This sounds better. Maybe she would hate how loud it would get in a real situation, she would put her hand on my mouth to hiss at me and tell me to shut up, but…But…Yes, I’ll go with this. Let’s settle things once and for all.
It seemed a crumb of his confidence had finally responded to his distress call, after having enjoyed itself making him wait, boil in his dense awkwardness.
” Sure, Izumi, sure!”
Raising his eyebrows, he stopped: did that initial exclamation look, feel like this in his mental draft? Really…? Then, why was it making his nose wrinkle? The truth was that it was a terrible reply! His thumb remained suspended on that arrow which might give his life an interesting turn, or so he wanted to believe at least, despite a little voice inside him suggesting he should keep his feet on the ground. That one was a lesson he should have learnt thanks to the amount of experience gained in almost ten years of friendship, -and in almost ten years of something else-.
What if I removed that second <<sure>>? Why didn’t I think of it first!?
After the nth time he had got himself trapped in his tangled, nonsense concerns, like a big marine turtle having been caught in a net while chasing a plastic bag, he tired someone checking his buffoonery from up there.
Actually, a door whose existence he had forgot about opened with a scary slap, startling not only him, but also that incessant hum that had been singing in his ears for almost an hour. When the two dimensions collided, one carried an alienating silence into the other, the impression a violent descent of some meters had happened in less than an instant. Despite the utter mess he was making while chatting with Izumi, he couldn’t deny she was still making him feel like he had been taken up to the sky she adored so much, had been walking on dreamy clouds for who knew how long. Now, though, some aggressive noise had accidentally made him let go of Izumi’s grip making sure he wouldn’t fall from such a height.
But he had. He had down into a place as immense as the expanse where he came from yet colder, much colder than that one.
She marched out of the frozen room without looking back, decelerating only to bring her fingers behind her head. With a single gesture, an undulating motion of her wrist, she unraveled her low chignon in a cascade of dark chocolate, her long pail neck leaning forward in a liberating reflex.
She totally ignored his presence, just like the one of a skinny young man trotting after her.
“Nakamura-San, wait! You have been fantastic! Today I told myself we could really be the best duo out there. You, a top soprano. Me, an etoile. Imagine…Us starring in the most famous theatres in Europe, at New York’s Metropolitan too.”
Oh no, dude, you’re so pathetic, please, In the background of that mushy romantic film he didn’t absolutely want to be an extra of, Junpei found it impossible to grimace. And it’s not only because of those ridiculous tights I thank Heavens I could never wear in my life. She’s not interested, indeed, she detests you. She is repulsed by you. She isn’t even looking at you in the face, man!
Not even impulsively grabbing the girl’s hand to force her to turn helped him in his intent, until…
“Chiaki, listen…!”
At his touch her shoulders had already tensed, but that physical response affected her whole body once she heard what Junpei soon discovered it was her first name.
Dumb move. How can you be so stupid?, Junpei asked himself, slowly opening his bag to find a book into which plunging his disinterest . That was such an ashaming spectacle: he wasn’t going to give his eyes that unfair treatment. They didn’t deserve it. Still, surely, it would be so nice if they acknowledged he was there and they were showing a stranger their mutual lack of respect and tact. If he had worn one of his coveralls, they would have undoubtedly seen him. It would have been flashier than the lame blue salopettes he was wearing on a simple orange sweatshirt.
“It’s Nakamura. Nakamura-San for you, to be precise,” She stared into her interlocutor’s restless orbs, her face stuck in a stern arrangement, a detail Junpei casually grasped while searching for a specific page of his music sheet.
“And, sorry to tell you,” She insisted, cutting him short, impassive. Junpei’s focus would usually take a while to get used to reading and studying, so it was normal he was keeping on getting distracted, wondering how her eyebrows weren’t minimally curving because of her distress. “We haven’t been fantastic. You were too tense and distracted. You…Were out of step, your arms looked like noodles on your partner’s hips and you would have also stepped on her foot, if I hadn’t coughed on purpose so you could stop looking at me.”
“T-Then…You have been fantastic, Nakamura-San?”’
Junpei’s thinned irises travelled through the lines of the same stave back and forth, hopping on the scribbles occasionally warping the notes’ circular shapes, dwelling on those more than on what he was supposed to be working on. The environment had grown too taciturn for him to animate that mute paper in his mind, so he got unavoidably led to diverting his intellectual efforts on some other topic, on the trembling muscles of the black-haired lad and the statue in front of him.
A statue ready to flee from her despised pedestal.
“I’m sorry, Kobayashi-San,” She sighed, closing her spheres whose shade was still unknown to Junpei. Incredibly, he perceived a minimal turmoil in those features, maybe just a fruit of his fervid imagination.
He also sensed a pang in his stomach at the sight of the young woman, of that Chiaki, leaving her dance partner there , without adding a clarification to that apologize holding so much else in itself. Junpei couldn’t understand why he had got that hunch, -and he wasn’t interested in finding out the reason behind it, no!-, but he could confess to himself it was hurting, somehow. Cautiously observing the profile of the dejected ballet dancer, the tremors of his lips, the abandoned dangling of his limbs next to his hips was having a certain effect on him.
But ,again, he didn’t know why.
He didn’t…
The young man stood in that same spot for a whole minute, losing his dismay in the undefined shadows projected in the near corridor. Then, he found the strength to forge steel fists of frustration and viciously send a glare to the uninvited spectator. That was a decision Junpei should have expected at some point, but he had foolishly grown convinced he had become invisible. Thus, he had lowered his guard and consequently had- he had to admit it, regrettably-, minded about someone else’s business, someone else’s disgrace.
“What are you looking at, eh? Tell me. Don’t you have anything else to do, fatso?”
“Hey,” So, they were starting like that, weren’t they? It was typical. “Since I’m a fatso, you should have noticed I was here. Don’t I occupy this entire bench?” In spite of the heat the young man’s comment had generated in his throat, he wasn’t going to yell in a refined ballet academy, but that didn’t mean he would allow him to disrespect him. “Joke’s on you, man, if you have decided to talk about private matters here.”
“Whatever you say,” The young man replied, displaying his interior weakness once more. Judging from that little he had managed to analyze in the previous confrontation with the girl, he could state he was a spineless and submissive kind of dude. The only thing he could do was to look down on others, as if he had the right to do so. Probably, in his life he had met people giving him the freedom to act in such a superb way, but in that case he could do that just because Junpei was sitting and he was standing. “Looking at you, I wonder how much you have eaten to become so fat.“
“Excuse me…?” Even if he had muttered that question while concealing his shame under his bangs, those words stained with poison had still been spat on Junpei’s appalled face.
“Yes, in the photos on Facebook you look so different. And thinner. What has happened to you?”
It happened that I’m not the same person, easy, He reminded himself, painfully clenching his jaw as a photo of a slightly older opera student materialized in his memories: sliced back hair just like his yet much darker, cocky grin challenging the camera and flash, a stately poise, a handsome, an exceptionally handsome raising star of the lyrical singing panorama.
“Uhm…It’s a bit hard to explain,” The commotion in his tone had faded, his fiery spirit had been tamed by an imposing energy. And he hated that.
“I don’t care ,don’t worry. I’m just laughing at the fact the girls were so excited about this beautiful tenor who was supposed to come. Not sure if Chiaki was too…Oh well, better for me. Now that Chiaki is mad at me, I still can try with Kikuchi-San. She is the third girl in the second row, can you see her? She is not as curvy as Chiaki and can’t sing at all, of course, but-“
“Kobayashi dude, whatever you’re called, now I’m the one telling you I don’t care, man,” He snapped at him, but still turned. He did not because he was curious about who this girl was, what he looked like: when he said he didn’t care, he was serious about it since there only was a girl on Earth mattering to him. He did because Fate had decided that morning would be troublesome to him and had to keep on being such until the end, until he would escape from that chicken coop.
If he had to be honest with himself, however, that definition didn’t really feel that fitting once he found himself surrounded by minuscule shimmers directly pointed at him, on his lumbering silhouette. He was feeling more like if he had become the visitor of an aquarium being contemplated by a shoal of fish that had gathered and attached their mouths to the glass, their thoughts incomprehensible to the human on the opposite side.
Yet, Junpei had experienced the same emotion even without a glass in the middle of his life, even a second after he had put foot in there, had bowed before a displeased audience, had continued smiling despite anything.
Despite being aware he wasn’t the one everyone had been waiting for.
I’m so sick of this place, Izumi-Chan. For real.
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teclajellymon · 2 months ago
Hey, in the fic about Izumi's father meeting Junpei, Junpei is wearing gakuran. What about some school unifirm Junzumi someday? Iliked that story a lot btw :).
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I liked this ask a lot, Anon wwww, just like you liked “Those you meet under the rain”, so sorry if this reply is very late (ehm, very fr), but I needed to be truly inspired to sketch this and finally it has happened~~~~. I’ve been feeling really creative, so I’m cooking a lot cringe Junzumi for fun 💜💛.
So hm, Junu in his fourth middle school year, who already knows who is going to give his chest button to, though he’s grown a bit shy and insecure. He is often called Senpai by his theatre club mates and probably he’s starting wearing glasses due to piano lessons.
And Izuzu in her third year, the tallest of her class, always with her head in clouds. She is at her first experiences with reading modelling and they often tell her she has got a melancholy smile. She has got many friends, but she is discovering how hard relationships are, just like Junpei is.
Undiagnosed depression. Happy kids going through it.
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teclajellymon · 2 months ago
• { Iniziando da capo una tempesta nella testa } Restarting again from a brainstorm •
[ LMAO I said I would put my effort in writing and I did it. I put my butt on gear and kept the promise, -because I had already broken one, so I didn’t want to risk to make the same mistake twice in a row-. Now, if I could adopt the same attitude to write my bachelor thesis, I would be the happiest in the world, so once I cross publish this here, off I’ll go⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️. I believe in me! ]
[ Context: Junpei and Izumi met again in Parma four months ago and have started hearing from each other more often. The calls Izumi shares with him and Takuya instill in her a sense of nostalgia that takes her back to Italy sooner than the boys had expected. She couldn’t miss a snowy trip to Val di Fassa organized by a Kouji who could have never imagined he would spend holidays with the whole group.
The story is set during San Silvestro, on the 31th of January, or better, some minutes after it because anything can happen in the first beats of a new year, even to Junpei. ]
“I like this song, y’know? It would be nice to go dancing it together, eh eh.”
“Va bene! What a great idea, it will be fun!”
Every spell was meant to wear off at the stroke of midnight and his, whatever it had consisted in, hadn’t been an exception. However, he hadn’t been warned by the usual, sumptuous bells of a clocktower, but by the screech typical of a CD that has been abruptly interrupted, so by one of those awful noises that could really spoil even the best weather.
And yet, the music had kept on going, indifferent to the lancinating stridor never ending in his ears, to the stasis it had frozen his mind in despite thick pillows and big stoves, to the wince of slight fear he welcomed, once he gulped at what had sounded like the first heart pulse he had ever heard in his life.
Confused and disoriented in his own world and skin now that the enchantment had taken off, without even giving him the chance to ask for a little, if not minuscule, concession. After all, it wasn’t like he would have praid for the miracle of a reverting night, of stars spinning backwards to disappear behind Val di Fassa’s mountaintops, of the Moon diving in some dark lake like a biscuit dipped in a mug of chocolate. He would have simply settled for just a crumb of what it had stolen away from him too soon. All that boldness, recklessness, that hint of arrogance too which would often often fog the meaning of life in the mind of some during the first hours of the new year.
It was a special kind of nonsense inebriety coming after having gobbled down one or two drops of Teroldego or having left a glass full of champagne to the brim on the table. It would allow people to do what they would never do in other occasions, because it would bring along an accentuated sensitivity to the flow of time, the dash of the years, the succession of the songs.
It was the common sight of the shadow mounds of grey swabs project on Earth.
So, yeah, he guessed things might have gone a bit differently. Endowed with those special gifts, guided by such a magic and urged by the awareness it wouldn’t last forever, he would have grabbed that hand at once. And , maybe, he would have also managed to look into the eyes of a beautiful cyclone without pushing his gaze downwards, not certainly at the level of those fingers and their flashes of violet, but even more downwards, on his thighs which his palms had attached themselves to with a refound stickiness.
“ Su !” Izumi exclaimed and he could only reply through an awkward chuckle, reaching out to try dragging her along with him, down into a dive in his universe of perplexity and bubbles transforming certainties into ambiguities.
Thus, he soon felt her arm hesitantly pulling away, then her parting from him with some steps backwards taken on her ticking boots. By doing so that rapidly, she gave him the impression of a gradual suck of air draining him of the freshness of the still distant spring, with the consequence that he got left inert in the asphyxiating embrace of his body’s heat.
Fortunately, she spoke again as soon as she returned onto her seat, in front of her coca cola and its munched straw, at the opposite end of the table…Or so he believed she had, at least, not expecting he would find himself stranded below a marine sky having just opened above the Alps like an unexpected aurora borealis.
“Oh, I see,” After having occupied the chair Kouichi had been on, until he, - the quiet, sober Kouichi in the flesh!-, had been incredibly persuaded by Takuya and Kouji, and Tomoki too, to join them for another toast, she seeked for satisfying comfort in the sinuosity of a contorted pose. With her head resting on her knuckles and bending to a side to follow the bending of her lips, she giggled through an echo of embarassment which he was so used to seeing on the reflection of his face, in the opaque mirror of a bottle, but he wasn’t when it came to hers at all. “I think I got carried away by the general excitement. You weren’t serious, were you?”
There might be a pinch of irony in the fact that for the whole duration of that dinner, that one had been the only instant he had spotted clarity in both words and thoughts, and the mere reason what that she was right…Like always, needless to specify that.
Actually, when he put a certain amount of effort in picturing a dimension in which he had brought himself to accept her invitation, - as if he hadn’t been the one who had invited her in a first place!-, he gasped at the realization he had no idea how that story would have unfolded next.
From experience, some sixth sense whispering from inside his chest reassured him he would have made a fool of himself. Therefore, he immediately grimaced at the fantasy of a nightmare dotted with stutters, forced coughs and sneezes, hands rubbed against the checkered feast of yellow on his waistcoat as, of course, they would have grown so sweaty at invisible touches grazing the rosy fabric of a pretty winter dress. Oh, and a final, sonorous face-plant that couldn’t miss to coronate the performance, one drawing the attention of everyone present the hotel hall after having spoiled their jubilation.
In truth, he couldn’t remember a single party during which he had ever messed up that terribly. Indeed, he couldn’t really remember a party during which he had messed up in a first place and hadn’t attracted each single spotlight over him. He had also danced with his fellow sopranos during the celebrations of their successes and he hadn’t only managed to carry out the delightful task brilliantly, but he also had also taken their squeals away by putting on display his surprising skills, -and for the record, those were the words of the ladies in question!-.
Still, when it came to Izumi, he was aware it would be totally different. Everything was in her company…Especially the reliable, confident, eloquent, gallant young man he had grown into, that person she hadn’t regrettably got to meet yet in those four months of frequent videocalls. He had hoped she would in those days of holiday in the cold Trentino, but she hadn’t had that luck over there, either. On the contrary, she had stayed by the clumsy Junpei’s side for the whole time, included on those occasions he had slipped on ice and had created impromptu snow angels by frantically agitating his limbs out of frustration.
Honestly. What the hell was I even thinking!?
A little overwhelmed, he sighed and gave up on controlling his shoulders’ resigned sagging: his brain seemed to want to work only to sabotage his plans, or better, him himself. Staring at the glass in front of him, he decided to finally pick it up, but he did just to fiddle with its content, make the precious liquid rotate, generate little waves that failed to make the foam on its surface fade at each lap.
“ Now that you’ve asked me, I’m not sure whether I was or not.”
Nevertheless, he still attempted to clean the one floating on its conscience, though he made sure to occasionally send strained laughters in Izumi’s direction, certainly not as fleeting as only hers could be. Actually, the very first of them, already heavy and lumbering, ended up dwelling on her flickering petals for more seconds than he had planned, waiting for them to completely open and uncover the majestic scenario from before. When he forced it to hastily return on that thin, transparent edge off which it was easy to fall off in the thick mist stretching below, he felt like something had changed but his absent focus couldn’t seem to want to sharpen that perception.
“I had figured as much, but I didn’t want to make assumptions. It…Would have been rude to let your words hang like that. So, I came and tried.”
“Had you because you believe I can’t dance?” However, since those lilac buds could open the door to the only place in which he was convinced he could retrieve the transparency he had been longing for, that’s where that smirk went back, plunging the tip of its curve in alcohol just to be carried away by the tide, in a journey through libeccios, lightnings and, inevitably, thunders.
As soon as he woke up on a dreamy shore, the sensation that something was so different from what it had been lately came before the one of pinkies twitching, dim colours reigniting, gusts of a strong breeze whistling. “Eh eh, that wouldn’t have been rude at all. Many think I can’t dance and, I mean, I can’t blame them: I’m aware I hardly look like someone who can.”
“I have no reason to have got doubts. Many, me included, also believed you weren’t able to sing, and yet…?”
Then, he sat up, no matter where he exactly did, whether on humid sand or his chair, because in both dream and reality he eventually smiled at the crystallinity of a clean sky, though in the latter he didn’t with with the immense relief of a castway, but with the goofy grin only Junpei could crack.
Especially at Izumi.
“And yet what ah ah…?”
“Don’t act as if it’s hard to predict what I was implying,” She retorted in a steady tone while hugging her torso, her natural frankness making him lose teasing duels before they even began. Yet, probably unluckily to her, it was right because her orbs were soaked in so much honesty that they themselves betrayed her, by showing him new unusual signs of that shyness his ears had previously been tickled by. “And whatever, who cares if you’re also decent at dancing, right? The song you said you like finished ages ago.”
Never stopping staring at each other like if they had been condemned to live as statues together, they blinked in unison as they listened to the slow duet that was currently advancing in the heart of the room.
“ Oh mio Dio ,” Izumi trusted her giggles with her comment. She didn’t add anything else, except a millimeter of tongue she promptly hid behind her hand.
“Yeah, you can absolutely say that,” His amused reply followed immediately afterwards, babbling about opinions that hadn’t been phrased, -and to him, they had never needed to be for their gist to be grasped-. “It’s from a cult movie I watched as a teen. It’s mushy, but I remember it gets very catchy as it progresses.”
While diverting his pupils from her after what had felt like so long, no desire for more determination, courage, impulsiveness, stupidity and whatever else you could add as ingredient for an illusion ever crossed his mind. There was only he and the dear struggle of imagining her hand in his, of trying again and, like that, a spell that had never existed, one which, most all, he had never needed, definitely broke. If he had asked her once, he could do it for a second time, glueing his nose on the same wood, taking the same deep breath, inhaling in the same warmth, pronouncing the same stammering question.
More or less.
“I-I like this song. Just a bit, though, I promise I’m not sentimental! It would be nice if, y’know, we could-“
“Go dancing it together?”Actually, she cut him short, and happy as he was, he allowed himself to get persuaded she had completed his sentence not because she had already heard it, she had been invited to dance twice, but because she had got the glimpse of pure honesty in his ponds of honey as well. And…Maybe, why not, of something else too, which poured red wine she had never tasted in her cheeks.
“Uh, y-yes! Exactly!”
He stood up as soon as he felt smooth velvet caressing his palm, tenderly mocking her intention of lifting his big size. Still, he allowed himself to be led to the dance floor by her as if he was as light as a feather, free from all his trivial worries, futile complexes.
Marching, clapping, spinning and rumbling next to that tornado she was, he wondered if someday he might come to find limpidity in the tempest they could assemble together, in the clouds of a storm.
But for now he, indeed, they would go on dancing, not wanting to waste further time, other seconds of that night, another single song from that party.
Buon anno, Junpei. Buon anno, Izumi. Buon anno a tutti noi!
Because, of course, I wish you all spent a good beginning of this promising 2025, -we always have to hope in good things!-.
Italian notes (not many this time, another present!)
• I want to start from a note about the title, as here come they, the beautiful language gaps. Brainstorm, which I ‘ve found an ideal term for what is happening in Junpei’s mind for well-known reasons, is not a term I can translate in italian with the same “pun”. We have got nothing similar here, so I had to be lamer in my own language merely replacing it with a simple “Tempest in the head”. However, I love how the whole thing sound in my head tbh. I love the random rhyme (I hadn’t planned it lmaoooo).
• Va bene!: The longer, italian “ OK! “ In my head it sounds like the same Izumi pronounced at him in Train of Hope, when he tells her he has got a present… *puts thousand of heart emoticons *.
• Val Di Fassa: A valley of Dolomiti, mountain groups dominating the Eastern Alps. Val di Fassa is precisely in Trentino, in its north-east.
• Teroldego: red wine typical of Trentino. The end. Ah listen, I don’t drink just like the Izumi of my stories, so I know nothing about this stuff, even if my father is a wine sommelier lol. Now that I think about it, I could ask him about more details tomorrow.
• Su!: Common exhortation to push someone to do something. A bit like c’mon…?
• “Oh mio Dio”: Oh my God. It’s always that, but I don’t want to skip any clarification despite repetitions among chapters.
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