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cyncerity · 27 days ago
dapduo centric this time
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beansthough · 1 year ago
Snake Charmer Oneshot
{The Thrill of the Chase}
Tw/Cw: vore, mouthplay, fear, fear of death, angst, hurt/comfort.
All was calm in the forest… until it wasn’t. Branches and bushes snapped and rustled as a beast going top speed closed in on his prey. The prey in question weren’t being any more quiet. Tubbo let out a crazed laugh as he zipped through the air. Ranboo right behind him, a little out of breath. Staying as close to Tubbo as they could without losing the blurred form of the bee.
“Get back here!” Ranboo would swear he could feel the Naga’s hot breath on his back, the hint of delight in the snake’s voice made the bat’s adrenaline shoot through the roof. They flapped their wings with a newfound burst of energy.
The Naga let out a frustrated growl and Ranboo and Tubbo let out loud shrieks of amusement as a clawed hand swiped in between them in the air.
Tubbo zipped away, leaving Ranboo scrambling away from the claws that we’re closing in without a leader to follow. “Tubbo! You can’t just leave me!” Ranboo growled out angrily. The bee snickered and gave a wave of his hand. “Too slow Boo! This is about survival!” The worker bee then shot away. Ranboo huffed angrily, to distracted by the traitorous bee to notice the two clawed hands coming to cup him from behind.
His world was surrounded by darkness as warm flesh was pressed firmly around him. The bat couldn’t help but squirm around under the pressure. They let out an angry groan and the hands loosened around him. He winced as the bright sunlight entered his vision suddenly.
“Aww Ranboo, thought you could get away?” Tommy’s grin was sharp but his eyes softened as he saw Ranboo’s irritated expression.
The bat huffed and crossed their arms. Refusing to meet Tommy’s gaze. “I was so close this time! If only Tubbo wasn’t so selfish! But no he just has to keep his perfect record!”
“Here,” Tommy raised his hand away from himself. “Do you wanna try again?” Ranboo sighed and shook his head. “Nah, that be like cheating… but make sure you make Tubbo pay for it, okay? Even if you don’t catch him.” The bat smiled and stood up from his sitting position. “Besides I think this is the farthest I’ve gotten so far.”
“If you say so.” Tommy picked up Ranboo by the scruff and dangled him over is open maw. “And don’t worry, Tubbo’s gonna get what’s coming to him.” Tommy’s face formed a mischievous expression and Ranboo gave a nervous laugh. “Nothing too bad right?” The snake only gave a cheeky smile before plopping Ranboo down in the warm cavern that was him mouth, mindful of avoiding his fangs.
In just one gulp he sent his friend down to his storage. He purred happily at the feeling of the small weight in his gut.
“Don’t worry Ranboo, today’s the day I’ll finally catch him. I can feel it.”
Now time for some good old fashion revenge. Tubbo had gotten away one to many times, and Tommy had the perfect plan to bring his rain of tyranny to an end.
Tubbo had landed on a branch to rest, breathing deep and heavy as he caught his breath. Ranboo’s Sacrifice always gave him a little chance to rest, felt a little bit go guilt for leaving his friend. He just had to make it back to the village and he was home free.
He had yet to lose a single match. Always flying away the last second. It was invigorating, it was daring, and it was honestly a little terrifying.
Sure Tubbo had been stored before, and heck! He had even willing crawled into Tommy’s mouth the first time they met.
But this was….
The chase made it like is was serious. Tubbo’s instincts wouldn’t comprehend that they were playing. His tiny bee body was screaming life or death. He had even accidentally stung Tommy one of the other times they had grabbed him out of the air.
He had gotten away, but with the price of Tommy being upset at him for a week. He had tried to down play it, but guilt ate away at his heart.
Besides, how was he supposed to tell one of his best friends that he was scared of him. Well he wasn’t really scared of him.
His instincts were.
When the 8ft behemoth would come charging out of the trees, his claws sharp, and teeth bared. It would sometimes shake Tubbo to his core, but it was also one of the most exciting sights that Tubbo could experience.
The thrill of the chase was almost addicting. The adrenaline rush made Tubbo feel on top of the world, but then he would forget that it was just a game.
Then it was about survival.
But he could never tell Tommy about this. He couldn’t. The bee remembered every hurt look when the other villagers would whisper and give nervous glances. He remembered the tears that trailed down after the Naga had confided in Tubbo of some of the remarks that were being said about him.
He couldn’t do that to Tommy.
So here he was, sprinting as fast as he could towards the village. As long as Tommy didn’t catch him, he could avoid his problems. For now he could enjoy the chase.
A sharp cry suddenly called out from the forest, freezing Tubbo in his tracks. That was Tommy…
It sounded like he was hurt.
The bee burst into action, going to the aid of his friend. What if he was in trouble? Was Ranboo alright? Were there hunters?
Another cry of pain and Tommy calling out Tubbo’s name. He had to be hurt.
“Tommy where are you?!” He flung leaves out of his path as he flew frantically through the trees, desperately searching for a sign of either of his friends.
“Tubbo, I’m here!”
There. He had pinpointed the sound.
Tubbo barreled out of the tree line and into a dark cramped clearing. The forest was so dense that no sunlight dared to enter this part of the wood. He hovered in center, confused by the sudden lack of calls for help. Now that he had time to process their was a lack of any sound at all.
A deep routed fear, something primal, buzzed around in his gut. Something was off.
“Tommy?” Tubbo barely managed to peep out. Like the darkness that choked out the light, he found his own voice was consumed by the fear of the dark and all that lurked within it.
Nothing replied.
Tubbo took a shaky breath. He closed his eyes tightly, wishing all of this to be some kind of messed up dream. Maybe he flew smack into a branch while running from Tommy, and he was actually currently passed out in the medical clinic.
He peaked through the slits of his eyes. A red glow illuminated the outside of his small quivering form in the darkness, like a sick twisted version of a silver lining.
Even more confusion filled Tubbo’s mind before a low and sinister hiss shook him to his very core. His stomach dropped all the way down to the forest floor below.
He turned his body as fast as he dared. Every second felt like hours as he finally spun around to reveal the horror that lurked in the dark.
White fangs glinted red as the eerie glow from slit eyes reflected off of the wet surface. The eyes were squinted in delight, like they found a dark satisfaction in seeing their prey cornered.
“Found you.”
Tubbo couldn’t even scream.
The white jaws parted in less than a second, far wider than they needed to. The beast lunged forwards and all the bee could do was stare helplessly at his fate.
Tubbo shrieked as warm wet walls pressed down on him on every side. The pressure increased slightly before it released its hold.
He laid disoriented in a jumbled mess. His wings laid heavy with saliva. There was no chance to fly.
His breathing increased to panicky little breaths, he struggled to stand, then instead tried to crawl to the open of where he entered.
The floor underneath him lifted once more, but instead of being pushed to the roof of the mouth, Tubbo found himself laid upon a hard pointed surface.
Tubbo gasped as he realized he was laid between the beasts sharp teeth. He desperately tried to move out of the way, but the snakes forked tongue kept him in place.
A yelp of terror left his mouth as the jaw beneath him raised to meet the teeth above.
Instead of being crushed or pierced by the sharp bones, he was simply squeezed between them, roughly, but not enough to do any real damage.
A warning then, to show what this monster was truly capable of.
Tubbo struggle to get out of the beast unclenching hold, even trying to sting, but missing anything he could actually pierce.
Exhausted from his struggling he laid limp between the beds of teeth. A amused chuckle bellowed form the depths of the beast.
It was laughing at his misery…
That would usually make Tubbo angry. He couldn’t take anyone mocking him or his work, one wrong word and he would let his anger consume him.
Now he felt hollow despair, trapped and unable to fight.
He didn’t even realize that tears were pouring down his face until a harsh broken sob left his mouth.
The world went still and another sob made itself known.
The pressure around him released immediately.
The bee was met in the outside world once more. This time in a much more well lit area. The cool breeze made his wings shiver subconsciously, his small frame layered in spit.
Sobs now poured out of his mouth, he didn’t register the naga worriedly asking if he was alright or if he was hurt. His also didn’t notice the seemingly one sided conversation that the snake was having with himself.
The bee just curled up into a ball and let the tears roll down his face.
Tommy didn’t know what was wrong. At first he thought Tubbo was playing a trick, a flip on what he did to get the bee to be lured back to him.
But as Tubbo just lay there, eyes squeezed shut and no response except for the occasion choked sob, he realized that this definitely wasn’t an act.
He immediately asked for Ranboo’s aid, the small bat had been sitting concerned in the Naga’s stomach as he heard Tommy trying his best to comfort the bee.
Ranboo soon found himself traveling upwards and suddenly outside on Tommy’s other palm. He was immediately brought to a crumpled up Tubbo.
The bee shrunk into himself as Ranboo approached. The bat put a hand on his shoulder and Tubbo whimpered. Tommy let out a nervous hiss and lowered the pair to the ground.
Ranboo pulled the bee into a one way hug as the insect laid limp in his hold.
Tommy seemed to shrink back as well, trying his best to blend into the forest around him as guilt and confusion filled his mind.
He had stored Tubbo countless times before and the bee always seemed thrilled about the notion, but now Tommy was unsure.
Was Tubbo actually always afraid of him?
Or did he actually hurt the bee and didn’t realize it?
He though he was being gentle, he had only put him between his teeth to tease, and they had roughhoused like that before…
But what if he was actually to ruff this time?
Would Tubbo hate him for it?
Tommy’s panicked thinking was interrupted by a quiet “oh gods…” and two small coughs that followed.
His eyes focused back on the pair on the ground. Ranboo rubbing small circles on Tubbo’s back as the bee seemed to find himself again.
Then Tommy’s hurt eyes met Tubbo’s own.
Tommy went to speak, but before he could the bee beat him to it.
Tubbo finally came back to himself with the rhythmic circling on his back and the soft whispered words in his ears.
That was Ranboo… they were alright, and so was he?
Confusion clouded his mind, the last thing he remembered was looking for Tommy and then he was ambushed by…..
He was ambushed by….
“Oh gods….” He choked on this own words, his voice sore from crying.
This is exactly why he would never let Tommy catch him.
His instincts took over and he lost it…
And now Tommy knew that a part of Tubbo was still scared of him.
He could already see the hurt on the Naga’s face, and it made Tubbo’s throat burn with sorrow.
The naga opened his mouth, but Tubbo quickly cut his off.
“I’m sorry!” That seemed to Surprise the snake as well at the Bat next to him.
“Are you injured?” Ranboo ignored the outbursted apology, and looked on in bewilderment and concern.
Tubbo shook his head, “I’m fine.” He said with a sigh.
He turned back to Tommy and stood to his feet.
The snake finally found his words.
“No, I’m sorry! I took it way too far.. I should’nt have tricked you like that. I’m sorry I scared you” Tommy adverted his game from Tubbo’s hold.
“I’m not scared of you Tommy!” Tubbo groaned. “We’ll maybe a little sometimes, but only subconsciously!” That didn’t seem to help much. Tubbo huffed.
“I didn’t want you to find out like this… I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t build up the courage. Or it was my pride that was in the way.”
“Tubbo if your uncomfortable being around me, I get it. I mean I know how some of the other villagers-”
“ACK!” The bee cut him off. “Tommy I’m not uncomfortable and I’m definitely not like those other jerks at the village. I just-”
Tommy looked at Tubbo with uncertainty, it made the Bee ache.
“I just get to caught up in the chase… my instincts take over and I forget that well… that it’s you that’s chasing me…”
“Oh…” Tommy muttered out. Ranboo stood up from Tubbo’s side and dusted off his knees.
“We’ll the good thing is that we know now.” Ranboo stated. “We just need to learn to talk things out.”
The snake and the bee nodded. “Everyone struggles with instincts every now and again. But we can help make the struggle better by accommodating to them and avoiding certain triggers.” The bat continued.
“So now we know to talk about what we’re struggling with to the whole group, before it gets to us.” Tubbo looked embarrassed and Tommy awkward. Ranboo let out an amused laugh.
Tommy finally slithered his way back to the group and lowered his plan back to the ground. Tubbo crawled on without hesitation. “Tubbo, I just want you to know that if you need to tell me something, even if it might hurt my feelings, tell me.” Tommy deadpanned and the bee gave a nervous laugh.
“Sorry Toms…” Tubbo buzzed an apology. He shook off his wings and buzzed to Tommy’s head, bumping his own to Tommy’s.
“Y’know Wilbur was scared around me too at first.” Tommy leaned a little more against the small bee, like a cat seeking affection.
“Really?!” Tubbo exclaimed. “Did you make him cry?” The Bee smirked.
“What do you think?” Tommy grinned and Tubbo let out a mischievous laugh. “Oh, I’m never gonna let him live this down!” He Cackled.
“Oh yeah? What about you then Bee Boy?” Tommy questioned . “I’m sure Techno and Wilbur would love to hear about how you being to competitive led to your own downfall.” The Naga teased.
“You wouldn’t!” Tubbo exclaimed face growing red.
Tommy gave a sly smile. “Maybe I would.”
Ranboo let out a disappointed sigh as the pair began to bicker and race back to the village, all that had happened already pushed behind them.
Ranboo grabbed hold of Tommy’s golden locks and enjoyed the ride as Tubbo chased behind them.
They’d be having a serious talk about this later, and unlike Tommy, Ranboo most definitely would be telling the Naga’s older brothers what had occurred.
If anything it would help the group to come up with healthy solutions to their problems with instincts, especially with some older experienced adults.
It also wouldn’t hurt to let them know about how to help their little brother and friends.
But for now Ranboo just took a deep breath and laughed alongside his friends. Relishing in their unusual bond of friendship, no matter what problems they faced, the world couldn’t seem to keep them apart.
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 1 year ago
felt like drawing more rovengers,, dkjdodndo
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dingbatnix · 1 year ago
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Day 6: Competition
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I legit thought that today was the seventh t^t
Taglist: @brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156
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Intergalactic Abductees: Ranboo (1)
Tubbo (1) Tommy (1)
{This piece takes place after the events of Tubbo (3)}
Word Count: 1,414
TW's: Injury, Medical Stuff, Mentions of Abduction, Mentions Of Past Abuse, Fear of Death, Profanity, Mentions of Trafficking
Characters: C!Tubbo, C!Ranboo, C!Philza, C!Technoblade
Summary: As Ranboo begins to settle back into life with his crewmates, their most recent, bizarre addition is still recovering.
(Prepare to be confused by some alien species names that I came up with while I was high.)
The boy in the hall went stiff.
"You can come in."
Ranboo's teeth ground together as he ducked into the room.
"Was I breathing that loud?" he asked.
The blonde Avisien offered him a soft smile. No matter how many times you got a smile from that man, it never failed to feel like a supernova. Explosive. Bright. Warm.
"I could hear your tail against the floor," Philza informed him.
Ranboo chuckled sheepishly, shooting a glower at the wiry tail in question. He swore the thing had a mind of its own. It flicked to the side in that moment just to spite him. Philza nudged one of the chairs out from beneath the metal table. He pointedly tossed his head towards it. Ranboo didn't need to be told twice. He dropped into the hard chair. Techno had promised to swipe some better ones next time they landed on Flurr. The planet was so wealthy that they wouldn't even notice if their whole home was relieved of its lavish furniture.
Of course, Techno had never gotten around to it before the incident at the market. From that moment forward, their lack of comfy chairs was the least of their worries.
Ranboo leaned over the table to get a better look at the limp figure.
"Has he woken up yet?" he inquired quietly.
It wasn't exactly unusual for Ranboo to find him sleeping. He'd watched over the reckless little bastard for the majority of his time spent in the trafficker's shuttle. But this felt different. Tubbo wasn't tossing or turning or making weird guttural noises. He was stiff.
He looked dead.
"No. I got the measurement on the dosage right this time around," Philza assured him. "I didn't want to overdo it with how small he is but I guess I underestimated his species' biological capabilities. Scaled the damn cabinet with a sedative in his veins and two broken ribs. I've never seen anything like it. I wonder if this has anything to do with it."
Philza lightly tapped the bizarre, hardened lower half of Tubbo's leg.
"What is it?" Ranboo asked.
Philza squinted.
"Mm, if I had to guess, I'd say it's a limb replacement. Or cover? Enhancement? I didn't want to mess with it too much. Clever design but primitive hardware. Maybe I'll have Techno take a look at it. More his department than mine."
The winged man dipped another swab into the yellow goo beside him. He dabbed at the stitching along Tubbo's chest and paused to watch it dissolve into the unconscious boy's skin.
"Most of our medicines haven't worked on him but at least he seems to be taking well to the disinfectant," Philza remarked. He twisted the lid back onto the metal tin and stacked it on top of all the others.
He'd nearly gone through his entire collection of menders and repairants trying to find one that was even semi-effective. In the end, he had to do things the old fashioned way with frustratingly tiny plates and screws for the busted bones and a bit of medical thread and a needle to finish it off.
"How are you doing?" Philza inquired, looking up at Ranboo for the first time during their conversation.
"Oh. I'm fine! No more burns," the Endlocke assured him. He held freshly healed hands up for emphasis.
"No, I mean how you doing, mate," the man amended.
"Ah. Um, yeah, still fine. Just...glad to be home."
"We're glad to have you back. Listen, if you ever want to talk about what happened, I'm here."
Some part of Ranboo felt that even if he did talk about it, Philza wouldn't understand. But a far larger part of him knew that his two crewmates were likely the only two people in the whole galaxy who could understand.
"You know what still kind of bugs me?" Ranboo said. Philza nodded encouragingly. "He didn't even leave."
Philza could practically feel the desperation for a subject change radiating off of fidgety dual-toned boy. Not the time to push the issue, he figured.
"Tubbo. I mean, they opened those doors a lot and he was probably small enough to sneak out. But he didn't. Didn't even try."
Philza glanced down at the Terran in consideration. He hummed.
"Well, he had the gall to chuck a screw at a Cantaris just get his attention so he obviously cares about you."
Ranboo couldn't help but laugh at that. How brilliantly in character for Tubbo to approach a literal war species and throw something at them. Even after the little guy had hurt himself. Far too self-sacrificing for his own good since the get-go. That's why Ranboo's hearts shattered when he saw Tubbo looking at him like that. Philza assured him it was the result of panic at seeing the syringe but it didn't make a difference.
Ranboo had known Tubbo for more cycles than he could keep track of and in all that time, he'd never seen the steadfast little creature cower. Not once. Even during their first time meeting. Cautious, sure, but never scared. All things considered, maybe Tubbo should have been afraid. Anybody his size with such little biological defenses built into their body should've been terrified of a natural born predator.
But Tubbo wasn't.
Maybe that's why his planet was so easily-
"I'm back!"
Ranboo whirled around just in time to find the Cantaris kicking the doorframe as his own odd way of knocking. It was a nasty habit but since he was the one always fixing the ship, Technoblade was more than capable of buffing out whatever dents he put into its walls. He hesitated in the entryway, skeptical blue eyes lingering on the boy laying on the table.
"He's sleeping, Techno," Philza chuckled.
The pink-haired man sighed in relief. He strode up to the table, grey eyes still flickering between the tiny being and his crewmates.
"You don't know how many shady dealers I had to go through to find this stuff," Technoblade announced. He held a small container of clear liquid up in a gloved hand. Ranboo winced at the very sight of it.
"How much did you get?" the winged man inquired.
"Enough to drown in. You're sure this stuff's safe for him?"
Ranboo nodded vehemently. He recalled the few instances when the Faustins would forget to toss a dish of the vial substance into his cell. Tubbo would get quiet. And sick. Even a single cycle without the stuff seemed to take a toll on him.
"Weird species," Techno remarked.
"The weirdest," Ranboo agreed fondly. He folded his elbows atop the table, resting his chin against his hands. "There's so many things I wish I could ask him. I wish he were chipped."
"Oh no you don't," Techno assured him. "Not by Faustins. They're notorious for botching the installation process. Instead of translating straight between languages, it'll just translate sporadically. Suddenly you can't even speak your own dialect without jumbling your words with a whole other language. It's migraine-inducing."
Ranboo huffed.
"Well, we could take him to Karl, couldn't we? He did a good job on my chip."
Ranboo's friends exchanged cryptic glances. The tall boy's focus darted between the two of them.
"What?" the Endlocke asked.
Philza seemed to be waiting for Technoblade to talk. The Cantaris' irises bled to a deep red. He shook his head, jaw clenched in stubborn refusal. Philza sighed begrudgingly.
"Techno lost it on Karl's husband while he was looking for you and he refuses to apologize."
"You're mad at Sapnap?" Ranboo said.
"The other husband," Techno grumbled.
"You started beef with Quackity? He's our best parts supplier!" the boy exclaimed, raking his fingers through his hair in exasperation.
"We'll find another. And we'll find another person to install a translation chip, too. I'll find another person. Just gimme a few cycles."
"On a subject this small? Good luck. Karl was the only one willing to put in Skeppy's chip and he's bigger than Tubbo," Philza pointed out.
Technoblade spared a sideways look at the disappointed boy beside him. He drew in a deep breath.
"I'll figure it out," he reiterated, color draining from his eyes once again. He leaned down, briefly bumping his forehead against Ranboo's. "Promise."
Ranboo only nodded. A Cantaris' word was his skeleton. Should either be broken or twisted, a Cantaris could hardly be whole. That's what Techno used to say, anyways. And, hells, Ranboo had to take his word on that.
I was sitting around last night like, "I feel like I'm forgetting something." Then I realized I didn't schedule this piece to post. My bad lol.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year ago
Something to Remember pt. 3
the long awaited au is back! I tried to get this out as fast as I could, hope you guys enjoy it and like always please dm me any oneshot ideas or au questions!
Tw ~ brief panic, arguing, brief falling (no injury), borrower Tommy
word count ~ 1.5k
There was a quiet sigh of relief as Tommy pulled Tubbo back into the safety of the walls. The two borrowers looked at each other in silence before hugging tightly, unbalanced enough to almost send them to the floor.
Tubbo Let out a shaky laugh as Tommy took deep breaths. They had just talked with a human and survived.
Granted, the human was ranboo.
But it still counted to them because of their old friend’s lack of memory.
“So… what now?”
Tubbo looked nervous, still shaking from adrenaline as he asked.
“We gotta get outta here.”
Tommy looked serious. It was rare and scared Tubbo slightly whenever his typical jokester of a friend was dead serious.
“But… Ranboo…”
“-is a human and doesn’t remember us. Now that we know he’s gone, we can leave.”
The shorter borrower made a quiet, sad whine at Tommy’s words. Yes, that whole experience was terrifying and nothing like how Ranboo was with them before, but… they weren’t cruel.
“Are we sure he’s gone, though? They let us go so Ranboo still isn’t as dangerous as other humans… maybe it’s best we stay.”
Tommy opened his mouth to respond, but briefly paused at the desperation in his best friend’s eyes. He sighed and closed his eyes. Tommy needed to stand his ground.
He couldn’t lose his only other friend.
“We need to go, tubs. I’m sorry, but you know the rules.”
Then Tommy turned away, not wanting to see the hurt on Tubbo’s face, walking deeper into the walls to get some space.
Tubbo watched his back as Tommy left, disappearing into shadows that even with his heightened night vision he couldn’t see through.
Then he was alone.
Next to the hole to Ranboo’s room.
A plan came to his mind, an amazing and foolproof plan.
Ranboo couldn’t get to sleep.
How could they when they just completely screwed up that social interaction? What was he thinking? He acted so weird and now he’d probably never see them again. Why did they suck at first impressions?
Well, maybe first impressions. The smaller one knew his name already somehow, and he feels like he knows them. 
Either way, they’d most likely never get another chance to see those to ever agai-
“Hey! Ranboo!”
Ranboo looked around the room as their name was called, locking eyes with a small figure on his bedroom floor.
It was one of the little guys from less than an hour before. What was he doing here? Where was the other one?
When Ranboo looked at him, the little guy, Tubbo, froze. He looked scared, like he’d run at any twitch of Ranboo’s body.
They both knew Tubbo wouldn’t get very far at this point, though.
“You-… Tubbo? What are you doing here?”
Tubbo jumped slightly at his name being used. Or maybe Ranboo was just imagining things.
“I just think… we should get to know each other! I mean, we are roommates after all, bossman.”
Ranboo was confused, roommates? Did that mean the two tiny guys lived in his room?
Well, they supposed that didn’t matter since he’s technically the guest here now, having moved out over a year ago.
“So… what do you want to know?”
Ranboo was surprised by how easily he felt comfortable opening up to Tubbo, but didn’t take back his question.
The two talked for hours about everything, from what college is, to how borrowers get resources. It was nice having someone to talk to. Ranboo was in the middle of explaining what a phone is when Tubbo suddenly jumped up from where he was sitting, having moved to the bed after the first hour.
“Wait, is the sun up already!?”
Ranboo jumped at the shout before looking at his phone. It was almost six in the morning and the sky was beginning to brighten.
“I- sorry bossman, I gotta go! If Tommy notices I’ve been gone for so long, he’ll kill me! Especially if he knows I was talking to you!”
The human nodded. It would not be good if the other borrower caught them. It would be better to keep this meeting a secret.
“It’s alright, Tubbo, I’ll… see you later?”
Ranboo realized then that once Tubbo went back in the walls, there was no guaranty they would be able to meet again.
“Well.. only if you can catch me first!”
Tubbo grinned as he jumped off the edge of the bed.
Ranboo panicked immediately, nearly falling off the bed themself while attempting to grab him.
As they leaned over the edge of the bed, they sagged with a sigh of relief when they saw that the insane borrower had landed comfortably in a pile of Ranboo’s comforter hanging off the bed.
Tubbo chuckled at the human’s concern and stretched out on the soft material before standing up.
“Bye-bye, big guy!”
The borrower waved dramatically, starting to walk away from the bed.
Ranboo saw just how small his new friend was as he walked the length of the room. It took him much longer than the couple of steps it would take Ranboo. It was an odd sight for Ranboo, especially this early in the morning.
They watched Tubbo disappear behind their bookshelf, probably where his home entrance was. Then Ranboo was alone in the room again.
What now?
So there are… borrowers living in the walls of his childhood home? What does he even do with that information?
Does he tell his parents..? But Tubbo said they were a secret… 
Ranboo didn’t know what to do at this point… but something still bugged them.
Why did they both seem so familiar?
That was the one thing that he didn’t understand… and talking with Tubbo just made his head hurt.
It made no sense to Ranboo how these creatures had been living here without ever being noticed and yet somehow everything about them was so… nostalgic.
Like the childhood memories he didn’t know he had. Why was that?
Ranboo couldn’t keep thinking about it. They were too tired, had too much of a migraine.
So, they decided to just go to sleep and stop with the questions they didn’t have any answers to.
Tubbo ran through the wall tunnels, his eyes adjusted to the lack of light and he knew the passageway from Ranboo’s room by heart at this point.
He hoped Tommy wouldn’t ask too many questions… maybe if he was lucky Tommy wouldn’t question him at all? He made it to their main base, their home.
“Where were you?”
Tommy stood in the main room with his arms crossed, a suspicious look on his face.
“Look, toms…”
He sighed. Tubbo couldn’t just lie to Tommy, his friend.. his only family.
“I… was with Ranboo.”
Tommy gasped, but wasn’t all that surprised by the truth. It made sense Tubbo would do that right after Tommy told him not to.
“Of course you were..”
Tommy grumbled. Tubbo couldn’t help but look away. He was never good at disagreeing with Tommy, especially about something so important like moving… but they had to have this conversation.
“Tommy. We shouldn’t move.”
“Wha- we have to! The borrower code- “
“Who cares! We never followed that anyway! The only difference now is that Ranboo is just… a bit lost.”
Tommy scoffed at that. It was so much more than that to him.
“They aren’t even Ranboo anymore… they don’t remember us, Tubbo!”
“Well, maybe they would if-! I-if…”
Tubbo started to yell, but the words died on his tongue. It wasn’t fair to bring that up… it wasn’t fair to blame anyone for what happened back then.
Tubbo sighed.
“Just… we can’t give up on him again…”
The tension between them died down, both borrowers didn’t want to fight anymore, they hated fighting with the only other person they had…
Tubbo perked up at the unexpected response from his pseudo brother.
“Fine, we… can try to talk to him…”
Tubbo looked at Tommy for a moment, shocked that Tommy of all people would agree to something and not be totally stubborn. Then Tubbo gave a sheepish smile and fidgeted with his hands.
“So… about that..”
“You talked to them already, didn’t you?”
Tubbo couldn’t help himself when he started laughing loudly at Tommy’s unimpressed look, not used to the childish borrower ever acting this serious. Soon enough, both were cackling at the absurdity of the whole situation.
The next few hours were filled with Tubbo’s retelling of speaking with Ranboo and eventually leading to the borrowers telling old stories of nostalgia back when they were a trio.
After all of the memories and jokes, Tubbo looked at Tommy with puppy eyes in a silent question. In response, Tommy sighed in surrender.
“Alright, tomorrow I’ll come to see him with you… but only to make sure he keeps his hands to himself!”
There was a victory cheer from the shorter borrower. That night, though there would be a lot of anxiety tomorrow, the two borrowers seemed to sleep with a weight lifted off their chests.
hope you enjoyed and remember to eat, drink and sleep! (I’m such a hypocrite :) )
tag list:
@da3dm @i-am-beckyu @lunar-but-little
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years ago
Okay so initially this started because @mysterious-gizem wanted bee duo prompts but this felt too perfect to not be bench trio. So I tried to make this fit one of the fake fic titles but nothing fit. SO HAVE THIS REALLY COOL IDEA WHICH I WANT SOMEONE TO MAKE!
Ranboo has Heterochromia eyes.
One Red. One Green.
Its a part of himself he didn't particularly like at first. That was until he started having the visions.
Soulmate visions.
Or at least he thinks they're visions.
Red and Green, as he called them. His soulmates.
Its odd. One day he might see through the eyes of Red: a blonde, chaotic and daring character, and another he'll see through Green: a brunette, still chaotic but a much more easy going than red.
Whenever he sees through one of his soulmates eyes, its always in his house but way bigger. Which is why he's not sure if its a vision, or a really bizarre dream. But they're too consistent and real looking to be dreams.
Its extremely rare that a soulmate has the ability to see through their significant others eyes. Its often only one way too, meaning Red and Green probably can't see through his eyes. And while this would be great for Ranboo, it does nothing but confuse him.
For one, he knows what Red and Green look like. He knows this because it seems that Red and Green have already found each other because he's seen their soul marks, and they're identical to his. A yellow sunflower, a white tulip and a purple allium. But it still made no sense to him how Red and Green saw everything so big!
That is until one night, he wakes up in a panic, after he watched himself tumble over the edge of a cabinet tangled in his rope as Red.
He knows its pointless, but he rushes down stairs in search of Red and Green from where he saw himself fall. He's tried to do this before and found nothing, but he couldn't help the dread that bubbled up inside of him as he rounded the corner to the kitchen.
And that's when his eyes look with two sets of small beady eyes. There's a small person dangling from a rope as a second one is trying to help them from up above: both frozen in fear at his presence. Its them.
His soulmates.
They were real, and they were tiny.
Or a world in which soulmates exist and some have the rare ability to see through the others eyes. Just like how Ranboo can see through his platonic soulmates eyes: Tommy and Tubbo, who live in Ranboos walls and have no idea that their 3rd soulmate is the Human they live with.
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rozugold · 4 months ago
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Mareep the sheep :]
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cyncerity · 21 days ago
thank you so much for applying your beautiful artistic talent to my characters, i’m glad you like my au enough to make art for it!!
this absolutely made my day i literally cannot stop looking at these i’m never gonna get over this ever
Fanart for @cyncerity 's Dads Troubles AU !!!
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More under cut!! (Theres a lot)
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This last one was an idea i had about this little arcade machine gameboy thing i have. Its like a total of 6 inches tall, and it has 156 games on it- including the OG "sonic the hedgehog" Game! I was just imagining if Schlatt had this in his house, Charlie would be playing on it all day (and probably all of bechtrio, but it would have taken too long to add all of them)
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He's died two times already and he isnt even past the first level
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cyncerity · 19 days ago
In your Dads Troubles charlie and schlatt story, it was mentioned that charlie was introduced to the idea of being eaten when he walked in on schlatt eating tubbo, and i just wanna know- how did he react??
Like, did he freeze in shock? Did he faint?? Or maybe he screamed and started running for the tunnels?? Or less likely but even better, what if he started yelling and fighting schlatt to get him to spit tubbo out? Like im losing my mind over this, i have to know how they managed to explain that to him and how he had to cope with the idea that everything he thought was kind of sort of a lie.
- the-sussy-imposter2
I think he would fight. He was raised with the very basic “be scared of humans” rule that all borrowers were, but unlike almost everyone in his colony, he never had a personal bad experience with borrowers. His first time meeting a human was Schlatt and Schlatt gave him a kazoo.
All this to say that his fight or flight when it comes to humans is 110% fight because he doesn’t truly comprehend how dangerous humans actually can be.
Charlie is also fucking feral. I like to imagine that before joining the colony in the apartment he was an outside borrower, the kind to physically wrestle a squirrel for an acorn. He has no self preservation. He is surviving on luck, upper body strength, and sheer stubbornness.
I very much think that Charlie would find some way to try and attack Schlatt; like i think he’d see Tubbo get swallowed (probably at night cause he likes to sleep in Schlatt’s stomach when it gets cold) and Charlie would lie in wait until Schlatt fell asleep then climb to his face to try and trigger his gag reflex. Then after that fails and he wakes Schlatt up comes all the kicking clawing and screaming about faking everything and killing his own son. And it’s effective, 1: because Charlie is crazed and 2: because he’s got the kind of tail that’s basically a 5th limb, so i imagine him carrying like a stick with it and just smacking Schlatt in the eyes lol.
Schlatt, to his credit, is smart enough to know that nothing he’s gonna say in that moment is gonna change Charlie’s mind and frankly he doesn’t wanna deal with Tubbo’s whining if he spits him out since he’s already asleep. So he does the next best thing and calls Quackity, telling him to get Tommy. I mentioned in like one post from 2 years ago that once, while Tommy was really tired, Tubbo kinda coerced him into agreeing to get nommed with him, and I think this whole situation would be after that happened. So Charlie gets jarred™ while Schlatt makes that call and starts putting neosporin on the scratches Charlie left.
Tommy eventually shows up and explains that not only is Tubbo fine, he actively seeks out getting eaten, and Tommy himself has been nommed multiple times and vouches for its safety. Charlie tries to apologize but Schlatt is more laughing at the absurdity of it and apologizing that he hadn’t told Charlie prior since he never knew how to bring it up. He brushes off the apology since if Charlie had seen that and chosen not to do anything, he probably would have been more upset. After all, he wants people around who care about Tubbo, especially other borrowers. He knows that he’s not everything Tubbo needs; he doesn’t know enough about his son’s species to teach him any sort of culture or how they navigate the world. Charlie does: he knows the rules of being an indoor and outdoor borrower, and he’s one hell of an uncle. Tubbo loves him, and Charlie clearly loves him back.
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beansthough · 2 years ago
Ch. 8 {Free Me from the Fire and Fangs}
Cw/Tw: v0re, fear of death, g0reish, injuries, violence, angst, suicidal tendencies if you squint, don’t like don’t read and stay safe<3
Techno found one of the most relaxing things he could do was clean his weapons at dead night. It did good to calm his nerves when he would get overwhelmed by the duties of the guard, however it wasn’t helping that much tonight. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help but feel like something was off.
The rhythmic rain that was usually calming was much more erratic and aggressive. Lightning seemed to constantly flash in the pitch black sky. There was no moon tonight.
Maybe that was it…The pure darkness of the night. Perhaps Techno was weak to have such a childish fear, but he preferred to be able to see the threats that the night brought.
He let out a displeased grunt before starting to sharpen his sword. Wilbur had only gotten home right before the rain had started, he really didn’t like how risky his brother had been acting lately.
What if his twin had been caught in a flash flood? Or worse…
Techno had seen some signs on his patrol of…something…
He wasn’t sure what something was, but he did know it was big. The only thing that he could conclude was that it wasn’t human. They always left a big mess wherever they went, making it obvious that they were in the area.
This was more… careful.
That’s what worried Techno. There weren’t any tracks, it was almost always trees that seemed to receive the most damage, and maybe it was just his paranoia, but he couldn’t help but feel like there were eyes watching him as he did his rounds.
It had to be a predator of some type as well. There had been a decrease in the number of rabbits and squirrels in the area, Techno honestly didn’t have a problem with that. It was population control at best, and there was less competition between the hybrids and the rodents over storable food for the winter.
But at worse, that could mean if it found a hybrid like his brother in the woods… it probably wouldn’t see him as anything other than a quick snack.
The only animal he could think of that it could possibly be was a mountain lion, but even then he doubted that. They were rare in this region and never stuck around one place for long.
This thing had been around for a while. It frustrated techno to no end that he hasn’t even caught a glimpse of it.
Techno worried for his brother more than anything else. He couldn’t live with himself if Wilbur got hurt when Techno knew there was a threat. That’s why he’s been urging his twin to stay in the village, but it seemed Wilbur had other ideas.
He had no idea what could possibly motivate Wilbur to go into the forest so often. It was strange. He had tried following Wilbur before but the mouse knew him all to well to fall for that. Whenever Techno asked what he was up to it was always an excuse that he was working on his songs or improving on his training that Techno had taught him.
At first Techno had believed him. After all Wilbur’s stamina and strength had improved a lot over these pass few months, but Wilbur still refuses to even look the guards way when Techno suggested that he finally join.
His brother was hiding something from him. Techno could only hope it wasn’t something too bad. After all this definitely wasn’t the first time that Wilbur had distanced himself from his family.
Techno vaguely remembered the last time Wilbur ran off was for some girl he met. He had told techno she was a salmon hybrid. He had met her by the stream, and apparently had fallen deeply in love with her.
He disappeared into the forest for days at a time, only returning every now and again to keep Phil from sending out a search party for him. It had lasted a couple of months, but eventually Wilbur returned heart broken.
Apparently the girl had a boyfriend, a small detail that she apparently forgot to tell Wilbur about. Then like all salmons do, she left Wilbur and swam upstream. Wilbur had been amusing to her with his songs and lovely gifts, but she eventually grew tired of him and went her own way back to her boyfriend that she had left.
Wilbur had felt completely and utterly used. He had given his all to her and she threw it all away when she grew bored.
After that instance it was hard to even get his brother out of his room. That was a rut in Wilbur’s life that he hoped his brother would never experience again. But eventually Wilbur came around and his twin was back to his happy carefree self.
He could only hope that his brother wasn’t in a similar situation as before. Techno can’t stand his brother being upset.
Techno let out a hum of approval when he was satisfied with his sword. He stood up from his work bench and stretched. No matter how he tried he couldn’t shake the restless feeling in his bones.
Maybe he just needed some fresh air. He stepped out onto their porch that overlooked the village, carved to perfection with Phil’s own hands. The leaf roof held strong against the heavy rain, the leaves layered and pulled taut.
Techno gazed upon his home, he breathed in the crisp air deep into his lungs. The rat sat down on the ledge and closed his eyes, trying to at least get a little rest.
Techno was jolted out of his peaceful sit down by a strange sound. He waited a few more moments but the sound seemed to have stopped. He flicked his ear in annoyance and tried once more to relax.
“HELP!” Techno shot to his feet and got his sword, adrenaline pumping through is veins. Phil shot out of the house by his side in less than a second.
“Where’s that coming from?” Phil asked, eyes analyzing through the thick rain. Techno squinted at the base of the tree, someone was waving their hands in a frenzy. “There.”
Phil spread is wings wide and dived down from the tree. Wilbur rushed out of the house panicked, “What’s going on?”
But Techno had already grabbed a vine and slid down the tree before he could answer.
Philza dive bombed down from the tree. The rain beating down on his wings while he navigated towards the desperate pleas for help. Despite the harsh conditions he stuck the landing with practiced ease. It was Jack. The shrew had looked like he had seen death herself. The color almost completely drained out of his face.
Techno dropped down to his side, immediately his son was scanning for threats, leaving him to deal with the panicked shrew.
He laid a hand on his shoulder to give the boy some comfort. “Are you alright Jack? What happened? Is there any danger?” The bird spoke in a calm and clear manner.
“I-I was out hunting with my party and I got separated with my group a-and…”Jack got choked up on his words, he gave a pained cough. “I heard a noise, It was a rabbit I think…” Phil nodded his head and rubbed the shews shoulder.
“I thought I had found them after a successful hunt, but when I r-rounded the tree…” He gasped for breath before sputtering out.
“Phil…” Jack looked up to him with the upmost dread in his eyes, “It was a Naga.”
The Avian felt his heart sink to the depths of the earth. He was suddenly transported back to his old village. Fires raged all around him and giant snakes cackled, their bellies full of his neighbors, his friends…his family.
He was just a child when it happened, he thinks he only survived due to the mercy of lady death. He had barely managed to escape, his flight feathers had barely grown in, without his wings his savior came in the form of a river. He was surrounded by flames on all sides. A great beast blocked his path before him. It’s white scales glowing in the fire light, blocking any chance to escape. It had devoured all that he held dear and he was all that was left. A freezing cold river to his back, deep and violent. He had no other choice but to jump and pray that the river would take him to safety.
He was thrown this way and that, turned around and dunked under over and over again. He found security in a floating log and clung on for his life. His small pitiful wings soaked to the bone.
Once he finally made it to calmer waters he heard the gentle calling of an owl in the distance. A sound that would usually cause fear instead filled him with a reassurance that he would be alright. He had survived.
After he was washed to the shore of the river bank a group of traveling tiny hybrids took him in. They were going to a village, a safe haven for all tiny hybrids to escape the cruel grasp of a world much to large for them.
He became a strong warrior and a skilled leader, it wasn’t long before he was asked to be put in charge after the last elder pasted on. He took his place with pride and joy in his newfound home and made the village what it is today.
Then he found a new family to protect. One that he would not fail ever again.
Phil was brought back to reality by Techno shaking his shoulders. “Phil? You with us?” Techno’s eyes were worried and Phil’s hands trembled ever so slightly.
He looked to his youngest with eyes that have seen devastation. “Go sound the alarms, prepare the guards for the fight of their lives.” Phil was more serious than Techno had ever seen him before. He felt a deep pit of fear in his stomach at the look in his father’s eyes.
Techno signaled to a near by guard tower to sound the alarms. His long pink hair clung to his face in the heavy rain. The light flashed two times and in seconds a loud clang was echoing throughout the village warning them to seek cover and hide. Soldiers rushed to the great tree. Struggling to put on their armor and get their weapons in a short amount of time.
“Dad!” Phil turned around to see his oldest rushing to him. He was surprised to see Wilbur wielding a sword, his hair an utter mess, he even had a chest plate slapped on as if it were a last thought. “What’s going on?!”
“Wilbur, I need you to go warn the villagers.” Phil pulled his son along to the emergency supplies station. The healers already handing out the emergency bags to each villager. “I need you to hand out these care packages with the healers. Techno and I are leading the guard.” Wilbur looked utterly confused as big packs were shoved into his arms.
“Dad, what’s happening?” Wilbur’s words were panicked, he looked so unsure. Phil’s instincts only grew to keep Wilbur out of dangers way.
“Jack got separated from his party. He finally found what Techno has been trailing for months.” Philza looked to his son, he could since his boy’s growing dread. “He found a Naga, Wilbur.”
Wilbur threw the supplies to the ground and grabbed his father’s wrists. Phil was surprised to find the mouse’s dull craws griping into his skin.
“You can’t go. Please don’t go.” His son sounded more desperate than he ever heard in his life.
“We must. We have to protect the village, no matter how dangerous it is.” Phil softly pet Wilbur’s head trying to comfort his son, but Wilbur shook off his hand only to grab it in an even tighter grip. Wilbur looked strangely conflicted.
“He hasn’t hurt anyone. Has he?” Phil sighed and pulled his son into a hug. “It hasn’t hurt anyone yet. Jack said he was able to get away unnoticed.”
Wilbur nodded his head into his father’s chest. “Don’t worry Wilbur, we’ll exterminate it before it can cause any damage.”
Phil was suddenly thrown back from Wilbur, he was surprised to see a look of utter hatred. A vicious snarl took up his son’s face. “You can’t go.”
“Wilbur? What are you-” lighting struck the forest with a vengeance, the force alone shaking the ground. The smell of smoke suddenly filled the air, sending the village into a panic. Phil looked in the distance and saw a building orange glow. Tonight of all nights.
His boy’s hulking frame was at his side in an instant, leaving the guardsmen fumbling with their armor.
“A fires broken out. I need you to stay here and help evacuate. Get them to the other side of the creek. I go to the Naga alone.” Techno snorted and crossed his arms, a determined look in his eyes. “No chance old man. You’re the one with wings remember?”
Phil looked to Techno with desperation. “You and the other avian soldiers, or anyone with wings, need to help carry everyone to safety. It’s the only way to get everyone safely out of the fire’s reach in time.” Techno lifted the giant axe of his shoulder and made his way towards his black and white rabbit Carl. He mounted his trusty steed and looked back to Phil.
“I’ll take the rest of the guard to handle our Naga.” Phil crooned and reached out for Techno’s hand. “I don’t want to lose you. Either of my boys.” Techno closed his eyes and bumped heads with Phil. “I promise you won’t Phil.” Then his son snorted once more. “Besides, this monster has never gone up against the Blade before.”
With that Techno raised his sword and called to his men. They began to march into the direction that Jack had come from. The hunt was on.
Philza watched Techno go. Fear deep in his bones. He’s be by his son’s side soon enough, he just had to get everyone to safety first.
He reached behind him to grab his eldest’s hand only to clench at the open air. He whipped his head around. “Wilbur?”
The mouse was nowhere to be seen. The emergency kits were still scattered to the ground. Where on Earth did he go?
“Wil?!” Phil called out, looking around for his son’s familiar form in the crowds. His calls and trills growing more frantic as more smoke filled the air.
Philza groaned in frustration and fear. He turned towards the avian soldiers, already guiding the villagers away from the direction of the fire. Phil shook his wings of the raindrops that collected in his feathers. He spread his wings and joined the men of his own guard.
Wilbur knew the safety protocols well, he probably just went to help gather people when the fire broke out. Phil could only hope that his son was being safe. His son wasn’t a fighter. He was always much better with his words. He could imagine Wilbur now, calming the crowds and giving them clear directions. His son knows to stick clear of danger.
Ranboo shot awake as Tubbo shook him violently, the first thing his panicked mind processed was the village alarm. Their eyes locked onto Tubbo’s own worried one’s.
“There’s a fire. It’s moving pretty slow, but we still need to get out of here. They’re relocating us to the other side of the river.” Tubbo quickly packed the pair’s essentials, he moved quickly and calmly. He grabbed Ranboo’s hand and rushed out the door.
But instead of heading towards the river, Ranboo found that Tubbo was pulling him towards the guard’s facility. “Tubbo, what are we doing here?”
The bee pulled Ranboo behind a stone wall a peaked over at the scene. The soldiers were frantically strapping on their armor and harnessing their weapons.
However the thing that puzzled Tubbo, was that only the avians and other hybrids with wings were helping those evacuate. The grounded hybrids were marching into the woods.
It gave Tubbo a bad feeling. “You see that.” The Bee nudged Ranboo to look towards the guardsmen. “They’re preparing for battle. Only half of them are on fire duty.”
Ranboo looked on in confusion before a scary realization came to mind. “You don’t think…”
“Oh, I know.” Ranboo squeezed Tubbo’s hand a little tighter, Ranboo’s heart skipped a beat as he looked out at the sea of sharp weapons. Tubbo suddenly raised his arm and pointed to a familiar form. “Seems that sorry excuse of a guard over there caught sight of Tommy. It would’ve been old Manifold.”
Ranboo couldn’t help but let out a little breath of relief. If it was anyone other than Jack, Tommy might’ve actually been in danger.
“We need to warn him. If the guard finds him first they’ll never listen to him.” Tubbo nodded his head, but his eyes were kept firmly held on Jack Manifold. “Jack didn’t run from the direction of our normal meetup spot. He was closer to the hunting grounds.” Tubbo narrowed his eyes in thought.
“The guard seems to be heading in that direction, but we can beat them if they’re on foot. Techno may have his Rabbit, but he’ll stay behind to lead his men. We can safely travel above and get to Tommy first.”
Ranboo nodded his head at the plan but then realized one flaw. “How will we now where Tommy exactly is? I don’t know the hunting grounds well enough to navigate them without some sort of sight aid, and neither of us are exactly trackers like the guard.”
Tubbo gave a mischievous laugh, his eyes gleaming with delight. “Well my dear Beloved…” Tubbo pulled a long strand of rope out of his bag, a smirk on his face. “That’s where our eyewitness and personal tracker comes in.”
Ranboo sighed in disappointment. Of course Tubbo would resort to kidnapping first, but at the end of the day this was a life or death situation. They’d just have to apologize to Jack later, after all Tommy was really the one who was in danger.
He looked up to see Tubbo was already heading in the poor shrews direction. He could only hope Jack would forgive them after all this mess.
Wilbur sprinted through the thick rain, his face stung from the many leaves and branches that whipped his face. He didn’t feel any of it. The only thing that was on his mind was Tommy.
He had to get his little brother out of here. He didn’t want anyone to hurt Tommy, and he didn’t want Tommy to have to hurt someone.
He burst into the clearing calling Tommy’s name, but the naga was nowhere to be found. Even with the rain beating down, the smell of smoke was still persistent. Wilbur’s nerves only increased the longer he saw no signs of the snake.
Frustrated beyond belief Wilbur hit himself in the head over and over. Think think think. If I were Tommy where would I be?
It was hopeless. The snake could be anywhere. He liked to hunt all over, and if he was hunting or here in the clearing he was probably patrolling.
Wilbur curled up with his arms wrapped around his legs. Praying to whatever gods that would listen that they would help him find his baby brother.
All that answered him was an owl calling out in the distance. Wilbur sighed in defeat before another sound reached his ears. It was not the graceful calling of an owl or the mud splattering from the rain. No this was a sound he was much more familiar with.
He took off in their direction, following the familiar cries for help and the angry voice of a certain bee. He stayed hidden in the brush as he observed the strange scene in front of him.
There was Ranboo, with a rather uncharacteristic anger in their eyes, wings crossed and his ears held firmly back. Then there was Tubbo, his hands gripped firmly in Jack’s shirt, screaming in the shrews face.
“WHERE IS HE?!” Tubbo shook him more. “I KNOW YOU SAW HIM! NOW WHERE IS HE?!” Jack Manifold looked utterly distraught, his arms tied firmly behind his back, completely stripped of all his weapons and perhaps his dignity.
“What’s wrong with you guys?!” Jack struggled in his restraints. “Let me go! Please! Are you guys crazy?!”
“YOU SAID HE WAS RIGHT HERE JACK! AND GUESS WHAT? HE’S NOT! I DON’T LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE LIE TO ME JACK!” All Jack could do was to plead for Tubbo to not sting him.
“Please! I swear it was right here! Why are you guys doing this?!” He looked to Ranboo for mercy. “Ranboo! This isn’t like you! Tell Tubbo to stop joking around! This is a little extreme for a prank! It’s not safe to be out here with it!”
Ranboo rolled his eyes and walked forward towering over Jack. Wilbur had never seen this side of Ranboo before. The bat sneered down at Jack, their fangs on full display. “Listen Jack, I tried to be civil with you at first. I know that you’re scared but our friend is in serious danger because of you. This isn’t some stupid prank, Now where is he?”
Wilbur looked at all the hope drain from Jack’s face. “Y-you’re hypnotized or something… It’s made you guys it’s dark servants.” Jack looked like he was about to pass out, Tubbo growled in frustration. “THAT’S IT!” Tubbo raised his stinger high, Wilbur guessed that was his queue to intervene.
He sprinted out of the foliage, “Wait!” Tubbo and Ranboo whipped around towards him, but their anger was soon replaced with… relief?
“What are you guys doing out here? There’s a fire!” Jack struggled to crawl towards the mouse. “Wilbur! Help me! They’ve gone insane!”
Tubbo and Ranboo ran over to meet him. Ranboo grabbed ahold of his shoulders, “Have you seen Tommy?”
Wilbur was completely taken aback. He began to question the last several months of his life. “You’ve met Tommy?!”
“All of us have!” Tubbo supplied, “Though, I don’t know if we should count Jack or not.” Wilbur was completely baffled.
“Why didn’t he tell me, or any of you?!” Ranboo looked a little guilty at that. “He told me he didn’t want you to know. He said he wasn’t supposed to be seen by anyone else, that was one of your rules.”
Wilbur groaned in frustration, of course Tommy would keep it secret. He didn’t want Wilbur to be upset with him. Especially if it happened after the incident.
“Whatever! That’s not important right now.” Wilbur looked to Ranboo with Desperation. “I haven’t found him. He’s not in the clearing, I have no idea where else he could be.”
Tubbo cleared his throat and gestured towards their hostage.“Well he should’ve been right here, or at least that’s what Manifold said.” Wilbur turned to Jack who was currently trying to wriggle out of his ropes.
“Was this where you saw him Jack?” The poor shrew wilted at Wilbur’s question. “Oh no… Not you too Wilbur…”
Wilbur huffed and crouched down to where the poor man was writhing. “Yes Jack, me too…” The mouse sighed and helped Jack to his feet. “I know you’re scared Jack. Your instincts are probably going haywire right now . Trust me I know.”
The mouse looked the shrew firmly in the eyes. “He’s not gonna hurt you.”
Jack let out a sharp wet laugh. “Yeah right!” Jack’s mind flashed to Blood coating sharp teeth, it slowly dripping down it’s chin. “Gods… you guys really are under it’s control! It’s using you guys to do it’s hunting for it!”
“Jack, listen to yourself! You’re spouting complete nonsense!” Wilbur pleaded but Jack wouldn’t hear any of it. People who he once thought were his friends lured him away from the village with the lie that someone needed help, now here he is, tied up and being lead to his death.
“You’re the one that’s talking nonsense! You guys are gonna get us all killed! We need to leave before it comes back!” Jack cried his voice wavering with anxiety.
Wilbur sighed, Jack was just a lost cause. He turned to Ranboo, the younger’s face coated in worry and stress. Tubbo tried his best to comfort him, but he himself had the shadow of doubt on his face.
Wilbur looked back towards West, the orange glow was growing brighter by the second, even with the ever persistent drops of the rain, but it just wasn’t enough.
“I don’t know what to do.” Wilbur stated defeated. Tears were brewing in his eyes, Ranboo and Tubbo clung to each other.
Wilbur closed his eyes, trying to conger any kind of hope, the cold rain trailed down his face, but then suddenly it wasn’t. He opened his eyes confused, as the rain was still hitting the ground all around the group.
“Wilbur?” It was quiet and fearful. It was pure relief. It was Tommy.
Everyone’s head bolted upwards. Wilbur cried out in relief as his eyes met familiar glowing red ones. Ranboo and Tubbo cheered, while Jack shrieked in fear, backpedaling away before he tripped backwards on a root and fell hard to the ground.
“Wilbur what’s going on? There’s a fire somewhere and everyone smells so scared…”Tommy slowly descended from the tree, eyeing the shrew shaking on the floor with wariness. “And what are you guys doing here?!” Tommy’s voice was strained and scared, Ranboo stepped up first to answer, but was cut off by Wilbur.
“It’s okay Tommy. I know.” There was shame in the snake’s eyes, tears started to poor down the boys face, he tried to apologize. “I’m sorry Wilby…I-I was gonna tell you, I was…I was just scared you’d get mad.”
Wilbur reached upwards and Tommy took it as his queue to wrap his tail around Wilbur and lift him up, they both tried to ignore the gasp that came from the shrew below. Wilbur squeezed the boy’s tail with all his might. “Tommy, I can’t ever stay mad at you. I just want you to be safe. I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me things.” The child nodded his head and then gently pressed it into Wilbur.
Wilbur was suddenly brought back to reality by his own words, he pushed back from the blonde curls and looked his brother in the eyes. “Tommy you need to get out of here. The guard is on their way.” Tommy looked shocked. “What?”
Tubbo suddenly flew to Tommy’s face. “Yeah, and they wouldn’t be if not for him…” Tommy turned his head down to the trembling form in the mud that Ranboo was currently trying to console. “Also not to mention the ever growing forest fire.” Tubbo added on as a afterthought. Tommy couldn’t help but let his eyes wander back to the unknown hybrid. His pitiful struggles catching Tommy’s trained eyes.
“Is he okay?” Tommy gestured towards the hostage on the ground, Ranboo had tried and failed to remove the restraints. Jack grew deathly still as he realized all the attention was on him. It was looking right at him.
He couldn’t even muster up a scream, the noise dying in the back of his throat with any hope of survival. “He’ll be alright. He’s just a big baby.” Tubbo explained.
Tommy felt guilt eat away at his heart. He sat Wilbur back to the ground and crouched down to their level, Jack tried to scoot away but Ranboo held him firmly in place.
“Hello…” Tommy tried but Jack stayed frozen. “I’m sorry if I scared you…” The naga looked to the too tight ropes digging into the shrews arms. “Here…let me help.”
Jack cried out as he was pushed closer to the monster as it reached out for him with it’s deadly claws. He squeezed his eyes closed as tight as he could, not wanting to accept his fate. But instead of the sharp claws piercing him, he found the tight pressure on his arms were cut away. He fell backwards as Ranboo dropped him back to the ground. “Calm down, you’re fine…” Ranboo huffed out. Above him he was met with a soft smile and kind red eyes. Nothing like he had witnessed mere hours ago.
“There you go, I bet that feels better.” The naga said with a sort of kindness that reminded him of Niki. Only she would make sure to ask if he was feeling alright in a stressful situation, and here was this great beast taking her place.
While Jack was still fearful, he couldn’t find it in himself to run away. The Naga had done nothing but treat him with kindness so far, and his friends, however crazy they were, seemed to trust the giant. He’d have to give him a chance.
“Come on Tommy, We need to get out of here.” Wilbur climbed onto Tommy’s head before turning to Ranboo and Tubbo. “You guys take Jack across the river to safety. I’ll go with Tommy to make sure he’s alright.” The pair nodded and helped Jack to his feet, determination plastered on their faces, while Jack looked unsure. “We’ll find someplace safe to hide until the guard gives up, and hopefully when the fire dies down.”
Wilbur gently patted Tommy on the head trying to provide any comfort. “Alright Tommy let’s g—!”
Wilbur could only stare in horror at the approaching arrow. Everything was happening in slow motion and he tried to cry out to warn his little brother, but it was too late. The next thing Wilbur knew he was thrown into the air and a painful near deafening scream filled his eardrums. Wilbur hit the ground hard, his back ached, and his ears ringing. He tried his best to get back up to his feet only to see Tommy clutching his right eye in pain, the younger was sobbing uncontrollably, unable to do anything but flinch as arrows with ropes imbedded deep into his skin. Wilbur ran forward and screamed for Tommy to run before he was pulled back and away from his baby brother. They were too late.
And there was the Blade in all of his violent glory. His bow now tossed to the side after having hit his mark. A single arrow coated in weakness had struck deep in Tommy’s right eye.
Little did the village know… another visitor was upon them. When the scent of this much fear and panic hits the air, it can travel for miles around even with all the smoke. It’s hard for someone to not come see what’s happening after their latest business deal. Especially if someone is quite familiar with one of the scents in particular. It seems he, had finally found one of his star pupils. A malicious sharp grin spread over their scarred white face. Snow white scales flashed with the strikes for lightning.
It was an excellent night for a hunt. The fear was almost overwhelming. He hoped he could control himself long enough to not go into a frenzy.
He first had to find what he had lost long ago, and make him pay for the pain they had caused him. It was never fun explaining how the champion you promised had disappeared with all the others, face wounded with one dead eye. It was even harder to kill half of the hunters who were less than forgiving of his slip up with his newly acquired wounds. Let’s just say he was grateful that rage was a motivator.
The remaining hunters were quick to be back on his side after witnessing over half of their men be slaughtered. Shameful cowards it what they were.
The Viper inhaled deep and long, letting the scent lead him in the right direction.
I’ll find you Tommy.
Wilbur was relieved it wasn’t a lethal poison, only his father would carry those. Techno much preferred his hand combat or rather his blade combat. Wilbur watched with growing dread as Techno started to make his way towards Tommy, sword in hand, the poor child was pinned in place painfully from the many arrows and ropes tying him down.
“Don’t worry. You’re safe now.” It was some random solider, pulling the mouse away, white hot rage filled the Charmer as he saw the Blade lift his black sword, his baby brother crying for help. Wilbur head butted the solider and reached for his own blade . The poor guard member sat dazed on the ground with a very broken nose.
Tommy was pulled to the ground now. His arms strapped down to his sides and his head pulled back leaving his neck vulnerable to any attack.
Tommy whined in fear, his one good eye blinded by salty tears. The Blade raised his deadly sword, ready to end it all in one fatal swing. Wilbur never ran faster in his entire life.
Instead of fresh blood pouring from a wound, Techno was met with sparks as his blade struck another with all of his force. How strange… Techno didn’t hesitate, he tried to strike down his opponent but they held strong. Every swing of his sword was met with one of equal strength. After a minute of hit after intense hit the pair stepped apart exhausted. When Techno looked up to meet his opponent’s face he was surprised to see the small form of his twin brother in the place of where the skilled warrior stood. Techno stood taken aback, nothing could of prepared him to see that he almost battled his own brother to the death. What was his brother even doing here? Wilbur took advantage of his shocked state and suddenly there was a sharp burning in his calf. His own brother had just slashed him. Techno fell to his knees and his hand was next. His sword dropped to the ground and was kicked away. Techno had a faint memory come to mind of him teaching Wilbur those moves when they were young.
“Wilbur?! What are you doing?!” Techno growled in pain. “What I have to!” The warrior cried. “I won’t let you kill him!”
“Him?” Techno looked to the Naga behind his brother. It’s one slit eye shot daggers at Techno, it’s growls rivaled thunder itself, and it was all directed right at Techno.
If he were a weaker man he would of cowered under it’s gaze, but Techno was not. He sat kneeled and took the beast’s rage head on, and glared at the monster right back.
A cry from one of his men caught his attention and he spun around quickly. He was surprised to see his men being taken down by his own students. Tubbo had already stung half of the guard and disarmed most while he did, while Ranboo made quick work of the potions, throwing them against trees and rocks and watching them shatter and poor into the mud.
Techno was speechless… what was happening? First his own brother protecting a monster and now a revolution. He turned back forward to face his brother, utter betrayal pumping through his veins.
“You would hurt your own Brother to protect that monster?” Wilbur remained silent as tears trailed down his cheeks.
A hurt deeper than Techno had ever know stabbed into his gut. His face contorted into a deep scowl.This didn’t make sense. Why would Wilbur…
The beast groaned in pain and strained against the binds. “Wilbur…” It growled and his brother called out a desperate reassurance to it. It wanted his brother’s help?
Then Techno understood. He understood Wilbur coming back late at night or not coming back at all. Why his brother never let him follow him into the woods and always seemed nervous when Techno asked where he was going.
He understood why Ranboo would show up to his potion lessons less and less, and why Tubbo seemed to never be in his study anymore when Techno would need him.
He had heard legends of creatures that could control minds or hypnotize their prey. Playing with their food by messing with their very minds. That had to be what’s happening.
This… this monster had made them into it’s pets. It had to have them in some kind of dark bind, forcing them to the forest when it wanted and making them obey it’s every whim. But worst of all It had brainwashed them into thinking it actually cared.
“Wilbur, Can’t you see?! It’s forcing you to be it’s pet! It doesn’t care about you, it’s only using you!” Techno desperately tried to bring his brother back to him.
More fuel was thrown onto the fire that was Wilbur’s anger. He stormed forward his eyes blazing. He gripped is twin by the collar now consumed by pure wrath.
“Listen to me now Techno, that boy who you call a monster is just a child. He hasn’t even hurt anyone! Then here you come charging in without even assessing the situation… Calling me hypnotized and under what proof…That is a child you’ve shot down with your bows.” His twins claws dug into his flesh. “I swear to the goddess of Death herself that if you kill my little brother, then so help me gods, I will never ever call you my brother again.”
Techno’s wounds burned from rain and sweat. He could only stare in shock at his twins words. His little brother?
Wilbur threw Techno to the ground and ran to the beast. He started slash at the restraints, desperate to get the naga free. He was soon joined by Ranboo and Tubbo. Ranboo splashing healing all over Tommy’s wounds. Even Jack was at the snake’s side, helping to remove the arrows and tend to wounds.
Techno’s men stood back awaiting more orders as they looked on baffled at the strange sight before them. The Blade himself could only sit and watch his brother in sorrow.
This was no longer his fragile passive twin, hiding behind him in a fight, this was a warrior protecting those he loved. He guessed Wilbur really his twin in every way.
Techno’s eye’s traveled to the face of the Naga… No…The child he had order his men to shoot down. Wilbur was there, gently tending to the boy’s wounded eye, pouring bottle after bottle of healing potion. Techno could only pray that it wouldn’t cause permanent damage.
Only one of the serpent’s arms were free. He couldn’t help but feel his heart spark with a fresh wave of fear as it reached out for Wilbur. The hand simple cradled Wilbur gently as he worked.
The thing that made Techno’s stomach turn the worst were the whispered apologies from the boy, repeated over and over again. Techno could only sit as if he were frozen in time.
Philza flew as fast as he could. The last of the villagers were safely across the river in a makeshift camp, the rest of the flyers where busy setting up a makeshift camp for the next few days. The fire chased after him as he flew, it burned the forest without forgiveness, the rain was doing it’s best to fight off the hellish flames, but it could not save all from the fires path.
The fire had already passed through the Village. It had suffered from the flames, shelter and cover burned away, but they had fought the flames off well enough that a majority of the trees, buildings,and shrubs survived. It would take a lot of work to rebuild and recover the lost shelter, but it could be done.
Now with his people safely out of harm’s way, he could focus on the other threat. Philza prayed that Techno was holding his own well enough. The old bird knew the power of these beasts first hand.
The avian patted his side where his poison arrows stayed. Reassuring him self that they were still there. He only had three, being unprepared for a fight, but he would have to make do. He had to try his best for his boys.
He followed the guards trail the best he could in the dark night. The rain weighed down heavy on his wings.
He flew with grace. Ducking and dodging around everything in his path. His speed only increased as did his heart rate when he heard a commotion up ahead.
Philza burst through the trees with his bow drawn carefully with his talons. There it was in all of it’s monstrous glory, it took all of Phil’s willpower to not let the arrow shoot right away.
It was down, but it appeared that one arm was free. He looked to the guard in confusion as to why the Naga was still alive. Then he saw Techno, bloody cuts lined his body, his hair a muddy mess of knots and tangles. He sat crouched on the ground almost like a plea of surrender, his sword tossed to the side.
He reexamined the Naga only to see that it was holding something in it’s grip, Philza’s heart stopped.
In the claws of the Naga was Wilbur. His boy that was supposed to be far away and out of harms way, was here. They very last place that Phil ever wanted him to be.
The avian was seething. These monsters stole his family from him once before, he would not allow that to happen again.
“NAGA!” Phil spit fire as he spoke, the rage of a thousand suns on his very own tongue. Every head snapped upwards at the murderous call.
“Release my boy now, and I will give you the mercy of a quick death.”
Philza flapped his wings steadily, he pulled the arrow back firmly, ready to release it’s deadly power. The Naga released is son almost instantly to Phil’s surprise, but what had Phil questioning reality what that Wilbur refused to leave the snake’s side.
“Wilbur! Move aside! I’ll protect you!” Philza desperately called to his oldest, but instead of running to his father’s call, Wilbur sneered and planted his feet apart and stretched his arms out wide, as if trying to shield the snake behind him. Phil was also stunned to see three others at the naga’s aid as well, there stood Ranboo, Tubbo, and even Jack?
“You will not hurt him.” Wilbur spat with such a venom he might’ve well become a serpent himself. “If you dare release that arrow I will jump in it’s path.”
Philza was completely taken aback. Why are they protecting him? Why would his son threaten his own life over a Naga?
He glanced back to Techno, only to see his boy staring right back, pure shame and regret in his tired eyes. Phil didn’t understand.
“Wilbur why would you—” A vicious cackle erupted from the night. One that struck Phil with such fear he nearly dropped out of the air right then and there, leaving the rest of the question to die in the bird’s throat.
A single emerald green eye, glowing eerily through the rain squinted in delight, peered out of the darkness of the trees.
“Well what a pleasant surprise .” Out of the forest crawled the devil himself. The fire was upon them now, it’s golden orange glow soaked into the Naga’s pale white scales, giving the illusion that this beast crawled out of the depths of hell itself.
Phil could only stare in pure horror at the Naga who had massacred is village, and took away everything that Phil had ever loved.
A sharp gasp and heightened breathing broke Philza’s spiral into despair. It was the restrained Naga, it’s breathing grew quick and panicked. The snake grabbed it’s four protectors with it’s one lose hand and pushed them quickly over to Techno.
“RUN!” It pleaded frantically, it’s voice strained and cracking. The White Viper howled in amusement at the scene before him. Phil suddenly realized just how small the first Naga was when in comparison to one that now towered over them all.
“Really Tommy? After all this time I would have at least hoped you’d learn to not play with your food. It’s quite bad manners you know.” The Viper clasped his clawed hands together in sick satisfaction. “And look at the mess it’s got you in! Oh how my once mighty has fallen.” The Naga fell back into a fit of crazed laughter.
While the Naga was focused on the smaller, Phil took his chance and aimed his arrow straight for the beast’s heart as it laughed away. The bird released the arrow with a perfectly practiced talent. Timed seemed to slow before it hit it’s target, but instead of imbedded deep into the Viper’s pale skin, it instead bounces of its chest and fell to the ground. Phil stared in shock at the sheer thickness of this monster’s skin. The laughter had stopped.
In an instant the Vipers tail shot out towards the Avian and smacked the little bird to the ground, a snarl on the snakes face. Phil cried out in pain, the sheer force of the hit cracking several ribs instantly. He hit the ground without forgiveness, his wing snapping next. He was nearly delirious with pain, he could faintly register is son’s crying out for him. He felt hands grab is cloak and pull him back. He opened his eyes to see Techno at his side, frantically shaking him awake. He could hear frightened screams and someone desperately crying for them to run. It was the first Naga.
Tommy thrashed and clawed at the ropes, screaming for the hybrids to get away. His eye still burned violently even with all of the healing potions. Wilbur’s dad lay crumpled on the ground, Wilbur crying out to him. XD looked on with disgust. Why did the Gods hate him so? The monster he had gotten away from all those years ago had found him at the worst possible time.
His tormentor. His captor. His abuser. XD. The Viper was all Tommy had ever know. He was told he was found alone as an egg. Abandoned and left in the snow. Somehow, Tommy doubted that, now that he knew the truth about the snake who raised him.
Everyday was true hell for Tommy the moment he could slither on his own. He once had siblings, all different degrees of deadly hybrids, though he was sure they were all gone now. They were forced to fight one another, told it was to keep them healthy and strong, and to protect them from danger. They were kept in separate cages when they weren’t fighting and carted to various towns and cities. Many of his sibling’s cages were taken away. Handed to humans in the cover of night with the promise of XD saying they’d be going to a good home. Tommy had once believed him when he was little.
Now Tommy knew the dark reality because his oldest brother found out the truth. His brother was something called a Warden. He was given to some humans with two of his other siblings, it was sad to see them go, but Tommy was also excited. Because Xd had said that someone was coming to pick him up that next morning. That he was going to go somewhere very special and be the Champion of a King. Tommy had never felt for happy in his life.
He had went to sleep as soundly as he could in a cage, but he quite surprised when Sam had woke him up in the dead of night.
He was alone. Blood had stained his claws and face. He let Tommy out first and then opened everyone else’s cages. He had took them away then he told them the truth.
That they we’re being sold. Sold to hunters, to kings, to fighting rings. That they were sold for their parts, for their strength, for their magical properties. Sam had been the only one to make it back alive.
XD had found them that night, screaming for them to get back into their cages, but Sam kept us safe behind him. The Viper was absolutely furious.
But Samm wouldn’t listen to XD anymore. He was a Warden after all, and they were know to be rather protective of what they loved.
They had escaped. Leaving then Naga with one less eye and more than a few deep scars. They hid in the forest, hunting and living together as a true family should. They were happy.
But then the hunters came and they had to run. Tommy wasn’t the fastest then, he wasn’t very big either. So he did what he does best. The Naga stayed out of view, hiding from the hunters while his siblings ran. He hid until the forest grew quiet and the night turned to day, but his siblings never did come back. He never saw any of them again.
Tommy was on his own. Learning to survive by himself and live among the trees. A silent and lonely life, and that’s how it was for a long long time.
Then he met Wilbur and everything changed, and he was happy. He finally had a brother again. But now that was all about to change again. Because he had screwed it all up. He had been seen and forced the guard to come after him, now XD was here and everyone was going to get hurt because of him. Why was he cursed with such a cruel fate?
“Tommy? Do your little pets not have any manners? Honestly, I thought I raised you better.” The serpent snarled and dusted off where the arrow had hit. “Really, the only good thing they’re for is to eat.” Tommy growled deep and long, XD only seemed more amused.
“You know…for how much you seem to care about them, they still seem rather afraid of you.” XD hissed a smile on his face. “I just so happened to be in the area after my latest business deal, when the smell of all this fear hit the air.” The Naga inhaled deeply though his nose and sighed in satisfaction. “It’s quite a mouthwatering scent, but I was pleasantly surprised to suddenly smell your fear mixed in as well… You see Tommy, I am still rather angry for you and your siblings running away, and that Warden definitely didn’t help your cases after he took my eye….”
The Naga gave a dark laugh as he looked at Tommy’s face. “Though now, I bet you understand how painful it is to lose an eye. Would you look at that…” XD gripped Tommy’s chin to meet his own scared face.
“We match.” XD spoke in a sickeningly sweet tone. Tommy only growled louder. “I’ll be honest with you Tommy, but only because I find you situation to be so amusing. I was just going to kill you first and enjoy the spoils for myself, but now I suppose I’ll let have one last meal. After all I do love to watch these pests get what they deserve, now which one took your eye.” He asked with a sharp grin. Tommy remained silent, not daring to make even a motion towards any of the smaller beings.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Someone shouted from the crowd. “Hmmm, who said that?” XD asked with a joyous expression. Tommy felt all the color drain from his face. His heart pounded against his chest. “IT WAS ME!” A lone mouse marched from the crowd, his family cried for them him to stop, a single sword drawn in hand and pointed right at the White Serpent. What was Wilbur doing?
XD cackled at the sight of the mouse. Where had he got all this courage? “I’ll suppose you’ll do just fine instead.” And Wilbur was suddenly scooped up in a soul crushing grip, the mouse suddenly felt bad for scolding Tommy for squeezing to tight, because it was like nothing in comparison to this. Wilbur wheezed, his lungs suddenly void of any air.
The crowd cried out, Techno and Philza louder than any of them. Techno rushed forward, his wounds gushing blood as he slayed the white scales with his sword. His constant swinging barley even left a scratch.
XD leaned down and flicked the rat away. He growled in anger and squeezed the pest in his grip even tighter, he felt something snap under the pressure…It’s leg.
Wilbur screeched in pain and XD laughed with pleasure.
“No please! Leave him alone!” Tommy begged reaching out for his big brother. “Don’t hurt him!”
XD tsked and shook his head. “Tommy, you should know by now to not get attached to your food.” The viper scratched his head as if in thought. “I guess I can’t trust you to not just store this one. More for me I guess.” Tommy watched in terror as Wilbur’s struggling form was dangled over XD’s deadly maw.
XD tossed Wilbur into the air and something in Tommy’s mind flipped like a switch. The restraints holding the red naga down all suddenly snapped away and he lunged for the white beast. He pushed the Viper back into a tree and bashed his head against it over and over. Wilbur landed on Tommy’s head, all the air rushed out of his lungs as he tried to recover from his second fall this evening. Wilbur desperately tried to grip Tommy’s golden hair to keep from falling, but his brother’s fighting didn’t create the most steady of holds.
Wilbur found himself falling once more that night before someone swooped down and gripped the back of his shirt. Ranboo held onto him tightly, but they we’re still approaching the ground at an alarming rate. Tubbo soon came from below and smacked into Wilbur’s middle. The mouse hissed as his leg was jostled around before he was sat far back from the battling giants.
Techno screamed for his men to retreat. If not to get out of the way of the giants, then to escape the fire that almost completely surrounded them now. Many refused until Techno ordered them to go warn the people across the river and to protect them from any other threats.
Philza was busy crawling closer to the raging giants, his bow in hand and two arrows left. Even with a broken wing, he could still use his talons to shoot. The red scaled naga was currently clawing at the White Viper’s gut. Their great tails fighting for dominance against the other, squeezing and strangling. Though Phil could tell that the red one was being to lose control over white.
Phil would have to take out the biggest threat first, then he’d worry about the smaller one. Phil pulled back the bow and aimed for the White Naga’s one remaining eyes. He waited for and opening. There. The white naga suddenly ducked down trying to strike at red’s throat but failing. The arrow flying safely above it’s head.
One arrow left.
Techno grabbed Ranboo and Tubbo and handed them to several guards. “Get them across the river and to safety.” The two kids shouted with displeasure and struggled in the solider’s grip to try and get back to Tommy. Techno turned to Jack and gripped his shoulder. “Make sure they get there.”
Jack nodded his head but looked unsure. “What about you three? Aren’t you coming?” Techno shook his head. “No, we’ll only slow the group down with our injuries, and I don’t think I could even get Wilbur to leave anyways.” Techno sighed as he began to hobble back to his twin’s side before he turned back. “I’ll try to get us to a safer spot, away from the flames, but Jack if you want to live I suggest you leave now. I know Niki’s waiting for you.” Despair stabbed through Jack’s heart and he saluted to his General for what maybe the last time. “I’ll see you later Captain.” Techno smiled and nodded his head. “See ya later, Jack.” Jack took off after the group, tears streaming down his face.
Techno pulled Wilbur over his shoulder shuffled away from the flames path as the naga’s clawed at each other’s throats. Techno squinted to see his father crawling closer and closer an arrow drawn. Fear pooled in Techno and Wilbur’s gut.
Wilbur’s hands were clasped tightly together, he was mumbling in prayer over and over again, “Oh please, spare them Lady Death. Have mercy on them.” Techno held Wilbur closer, and while he was skeptical of the gods, he too couldn’t help but say a silent prayer.
Tommy was losing his strength, he glanced to see that Wilbur was safely on the ground and that was enough to give him hope, but XD was so much larger than him it was only a matter of time before he could over power him.
“You’re nothing but a sorry excuse for a Naga.” XD snarled. “You would’ve been better off if those hunters got to you like the others, because at least they would’ve given you the mercy of a quick death!”
Tommy growled at the thought of his siblings deaths, tears coming to his eyes. XD yanked his hand out of Tommy’s tail and wrapped it around the younger’s throat, his claws piercing the child’s skin, Tommy fought to pull it back with his tail.
Tommy was losing strength with every second. His vision was beginning to fade to back around the edges, and his tail was growing limp. He used his last remaining strength to hold back XD’s claws.
“You’re just a stupid child! Did you really think you could defeat me?!” Tommy whined at the lack of air in his lungs. “I’ll make sure to eat your favorite pet first after I kill you. No….maybe I should make it my pet and drawl out it’s suffering, then I’ll bite it’s pitiful head off and watch the blood pour out!”
Philza drew the bow back once more. He let out a shaky breath and a prayer to Lady Death. He released the arrow and fell back exhausted. Eyes rolling back into his head.
Air rushed back into Tommy’s lungs as a horrifying scream left XD’s lips. The Snow White serpent was clawing desperately at his remaining eyes, blood gushed from the wound. Tommy’s eyes locked onto XD’s unprotected throat and lunged forward once more.
Tommy’s fangs sunk deep into the tender flesh and blood rushed into Tommy’s mouth. The Naga began to writhe in his hold, but Tommy only bit down harder.
Once the Viper’s struggles and cries turned deathly still, only then did Tommy tear back with a hunk of flesh in his teeth.
Tommy quickly spit it out to the ground with the blood that at poured into his mouth. He gagged on the disgusting taste. An oddly peaceful silence over came the forest, ever with the fire raging around them. The sky began to pour down harder than it ever had, the rain finally becoming strong enough to smother the fire.
Tommy slithered over to Wilbur immediately, the mouse reaching out to him while the Blade adverted his gaze. Tears fell with the rain as he gently cradled his big brother. “I’m sorry Wilbur… I never meant for any of this to happen.”
Wilbur gave a loud wet laugh that sounded more like a sob. “Oh Tommy, this isn’t your fault. This isn’t anyone’s fault. You’re still my baby brother and that’s all that matters.”
Tommy did sob into Wilbur’s small frame. Wilbur gently pet Tommy’s cheek before sighing and looking into Tommy’s eye. “Tommy I’m gonna ask of something that might be pretty big for you.” The blonde boy just nodded his head. “I need you to store me and my family and take us back to the village. It should be a safe place for you to sleep for the night.”
“But Wil…” Tommy looked to with with fear and uncertainty but Wilbur only smiled. “It’s the safest way to travel fast with all of our injuries, and I know your instincts are going wild right now.” The mouse laughed softly. “Yeah…” The boy admitted.
“They may not like it, but I’ll be right with you the whole time.” Tommy closed his eye and took a deep breath. “Okay…”
Wilbur scooted over to Techno and pulled him closer to Tommy. “Techno, this is Tommy. Tommy, this is Techno.” Techno glanced up at the child but quietly adverted his gaze one he saw his injured eye. “Hi Techno…” Tommy tried.
“I’ve heard such amazing stories about you. Wilbur was right, you really are the coolest brother.” Tears flooded from Techno’s eye as he finally looked up at Tommy.
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t know and now you…” Techno kneeled down before the golden boy. “ I don’t ask for your forgiveness, I don’t deserve it… But please know I’m forever in your debt.” Tommy nodded his head once more and then looked to Wilbur.
“Okay Techno, Tommy’s gonna do something that’s kinda scary, but I’m gonna need you to stay calm.” Techno looked a little uneasy as Wilbur approached Tommy’s mouth in front of him. “He’s gonna store us. I promise that you’ll be safe. I’m gonna go first so you can watch, but I need to know that you’ll stay calm.” He watched Techno for conformation.
His twin nodded his head but folded his arms together tightly. “Okay Wilbur…”
Techno watched in disbelief as his brother willingly crawled into the naga’s mouth, or as best as he could with a broken leg. Techno couldn’t help but imagine those sharp teeth biting down and cutting Wilbur right in two, but even with his nerves he stood his ground and let Tommy gently guide his brother inside the cavern.
Once Wilbur was fully inside, the Naga closed his mouth and tilted his head back. The blonde child sallowed in one go then he locked eyes with Techno. Soft purrs left the child’s lips before he shook his head and was quiet once more.
“Are you ready?” It was spoken softly and scared and it made Techno’s heart melt, even if the action did terrify him to his very core. But there was no other way as the fire surrounded them.
“I think so.” The bloodied lips parted before him and Techno was met with rows of deadly sharp teeth. Techno’s hands trembled as hot breath washed over him. He could only hope that Wilbur wasn’t wrong about this kid.
Techno took a deep breath and jumped in. The warm air of the mouth surrounded him in am instant, and in some strange way… it was comforting. The tongue beneath him began to softly coat him in spit, the loud purring started up again. Then after a few more coats, Techno was pushed to the back of the throat and swallowed down. It was tight but not unbearable and soon he dropped into a squishy bed of warmth. Next to him was Wilbur who immediately came over to comfort him, but Techno’s instincts were already please with the safe, dark, and warm surroundings. He held Wilbur tightly anyways.
“Tommy, I need you to go find my dad now. He might be afraid but I need you to be as patient as you can. If he gives you any trouble, Techno and I will settle him down.” A gentle pressure pushed down on them as Tommy laid a hand on his stomach. “I’ll find him Wil.”
Tommy’s eyes became mere slits as he scanned his surroundings. The fire’s light making the battlefield much easier to see. Tommy’s pupils widened considerably when he laid eyes on the crumpled form of the avian. He broken wing tucked closely to his chest and his eyes closed in exhaustion.
Tommy approached slowly and cautiously. This man was still a powerful warrior after all. “Excuse me…sir?” The avian’s head shot up, a wild fear in his eyes. “They’re gone aren’t they? My boys…” It was said with a sorrow of a man who had already seemed to know the answer. Tommy felt his heart break at the pure look of hatred that Wilbur’s father bestowed upon him.
Philza was suddenly a child again, his back to a river and facing a beast, his loved ones all gone. Fire surrounded them on all sides, and he couldn’t fly away. Grounded to the cold and unforgiving earth, but strangely this Naga wasn’t cackling with glee at Phil’s misery.
“No sir… I’m keeping them safe. I promise that they’re okay.” Phil laughed biter and cold at that. It was taunting him though.
“Beast, the Viper was right. It’s not very kind to play with your food.” Philza spit in anger, hanging his head low, not wanting the monster to get the satisfaction of seeing the fear in his eyes. He expected retaliation, for the monster to act out in rage and finish the job.
Instead the broken cries of a child met his ears. Philza’s head whipped up instantly, his instincts calling for him to help the child. It was the naga…
Phil looked up at the Naga in shock. He really was just a child. His instincts cried for the child as he realized that the Naga had the same scared look on his face that he had seen on himself reflected in the eyes of the monster that had tormented him.
Philza’s instincts began to overtake him and he couldn’t stop the soft coo that left his lips. The child’s crying stopped and his puffy eyes met Phil’s own. Phil suddenly knew that this wasn’t a creature that would hurt someone else willingly.
“You said my sons are safe?” The boy nodded his head but he still looked frightened. “T-they are with me…tucked away… they want me to store you as well…” Phil felt his heart drop at the Naga’s words. A charred branch suddenly fell next to the pair from above, they both jumped.
The boy scooped the bird up in his palms, Philza cried out in alarm, to powerless to even try to escape, but the boy just held him gently. “I know you’re afraid… but you’re gonna be okay. You’ll be with them again soon.”
Philza heart beat in is throat as he was suddenly lifted upwards to it’s lips. They parted open to reveal the creature’s deadly teeth and forked tongue. Phil was to exhausted to even fight as it dropped him on its tongue. Phil went limp and accepted his fate.
But the Naga never sliced him with his teeth, and he was gentle with Phil’s broken wing. This was nothing compared to what he saw his family go through.
When he thought about it he guessed the Naga had no real reason to lie. Phil supposed that even if the Naga wasn’t telling the truth he would be with his sons soon.
But with each promise of the safety of his sons, Phil’s instincts began to believe the child more and more. Even as he felt himself begin to side backwards into the back of the throat, Phil couldn’t find it in himself to be afraid.
The warmth that surrounding him made his already exhausted eyes grow heavy. He felt his consciousness start to slip away, when his journey down came to a stop he could since his boys hugging him. Phil fell into a dreamless sleep.
Tommy purred happily at the feeling of his storage being more full than it ever was before. He could feel the healing potions finally start to take affect. Tommy could even start to open his right eye again, although everything was still a little blurry.
He slithered with caution, avoiding what was left of the fire and the flames, the rain was in the final half of the battle, and it was winning by a long shot.
Tommy approached the thicket that protected the village, a lot of it was burned away, but the old trees and many of the buildings from what Tommy could see had held up well with minimal damage.
Tommy climbed up high in the largest tree and stretched out over the many branches. He fell into a deep sleep with the feeling of his new family stored safely inside him.
They’d tend to their injuries in the mornings, for now they got their much needed rest. From the stars above, a celestial owl looked down on the family with love. She had always know them since they were young, but now they had each other, and she wouldn’t let anything hurt them again. She sung softly into the night as the rain danced with her call.
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 2 years ago
hehehehhooo,,, finally made some drawings for this that i'm content with–
anyway!!! guess who thought of a new au idea yesterday ✨
it follows bench trio– a group of 16-17-ish year-old kids in foster care who decide... actually, fuck this– and run away together. they skip town, and manage to head to different one– one that happens to
when tommy was a kid, maybe six or seven,,, there was this establishment... craft-y creations. it was a toy-store, locally owned, run by one man. all of the toys sold inside, every single one, from plushies to model trains– they were all made by him. tommy could count on one hand how many times he was able to visit the place himself, but though his time there was short... he enjoyed every second of it. to a little kid like him, it almost seemed like the place was magic.
and then something happens... and he's forced into foster care, forced to move towns.
ten years later, he's had enough. so, he and his two best friends decide to run away, skip towns. and as it so happens, they end up right in tommy's old town.
unfortunately... he finds that craft-y creations, in those ten years, has gone out of business. all that remains is a run-down building.
being reckless teenagers(and, in tommy's case, eager to relive fond memories),, the three decide to break into the building...
...and soon finds themselves trapped in a whole heap of trouble.
one of tommy's strongest memories of the place were the mascots that wandered around the place. mainly, two creatures that were over triple his height. nowadays, he had chalked them up to an eager imagination, or perhaps animatronics– maybe even a mascot suit.
that, as it turns out.... is not the case.
the toys have come to life.... and with how they chase them down, they don't seem all that friendly........
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Intergalactic Abductees: Tommy (2)
Tommy (1) Here Tubbo (1) Here Tubbo (2) Here
(You can read Tommy or Tubbo in either order)
Word Count: 1,283
TW's: Unintentional Fearplay, Violence, Injury, Mentions of Abduction, Mentions Of Past Abuse, Fear of Death, Profanity
Characters: C!Tommy, C!Dream, C!Sapnap, C!George, C!Badboyhalo, C!Tubbo (mentioned)
Summary: Tommy may be in a very tricky position placed in the care of giant aliens but at least one of them looks like a cat.
A few stray tears slipped from Tommy's eyes as he gawked up at the alien gazing back at him.
"What....?" the newcomer asked, pointing a sharpened claw at Tommy.
Claws. Fangs. Everything about this thing screamed predator. And yet it looked so...fluffy. The conversing pair towering over him took notice of the abrupt shift in mood but did nothing in fear of spoiling the temporary state of tranquility.
"...likes..." the faceless creature said, keeping its voice as soft as possible. It gestured flippantly at the feline creature.
Slitted pupils found Tommy once again. This time, the alien regarded him with a thinly veiled grimace. The jingle of its bracelets only served to plunge Tommy even further into whatever bizarre trance this thing had him under. He followed every movement of the silvery jewelry as it moved its hand in tandem with its alluring voice.
Its tail swept against the floor, kicking up little specks of dust in its wake. After what seemed like some encouragement from the others, the brunette took a few wary steps towards the tiny being on the table. It crouched down in front of Tommy, evaluating him with cautious eyes.
"Prime," he breathed. Though this looked like a grown-ass person, Tommy couldn't help the pet voice he put on when he talked to it. "You're just a fluffy little guy, aren't you?"
At least one of those must have been a word that carried over between languages given how the two extraterrestrials broke out into fits of laughter above him. A cool toned hue flushed the feline's cheeks. Its ears flattened on either side of its head as it snapped at the inconsolable pair.
It wasn't until that moment that Tommy even remembered they were still there. The black haired alien pressed a hand to his mouth in a futile attempt to muffle his laughter. The other didn't even try to hide it, freely wheezing as he braced his hands on his knees for extra support.
As the brunette stormed off, Tommy had to wonder if maybe the phrase didn't mean the same thing in both languages after all. For all he knew, he'd just called one of the coolest creatures in the entire universe a pussy or something.
By the time the pair had caught their breaths, the luminous creature was propped up against the wall for support as the one with the reflective face had doubled over and collapsed, hands braced against the floor.
"Should...Bad?" the glowing creature gasped between the aftershocks of his laughter. It took his comrade far too long to answer.
"...think Bad...know...?" the faceless one asked.
The faceless one didn't seem to want to leave but begrudgingly strode out of the room under the apparent insistence of the other. Tommy staggered backwards as the broad alien claimed a seat at the very table he was standing on.
It babbled a slew of complete nonsense, staring at Tommy expectantly with a wild look in its eyes.
"Uh...what?" the blonde asked.
The creature deflated. It pressed a hand it its chest.
Tommy was almost willing to write it off as more gibberish until the creature repeated the same word.
It turned a hand to Tommy in a sweeping gesture.
"Oh. Tommy?" the boy tried, mimicking the motion.
"Tommy?" the alien repeated with the same questioning inflection. "Sapnap. Tommy?"
The boy scoffed. Close enough. Sapnap let out an odd warble, tilting his head as he squinted at Tommy.
Right. Of course these were the words Tommy could understand. Only the ones where he was being demeaned.
"I'm not small, bitch! You're just fucking huge!" Tommy hollered. The being continued to grin like an idiot. Right, so it didn't really understand a word he was saying. Tommy could work with that. "You know, most people don't really like bitches but you know what nobody likes? Big bitches."
Sapnap giggled.
"Yeah, laugh it up while you still can. As soon as I get my hands on a gun my size or-or a knife or something, you know who'll be laughing? Me. Not you. Because I'll still have my kidneys intact and you won't."
Tommy slashed an invisible blade through the air in front of him. Either the creature didn't get a word of that or didn't have enough braincells to put together that Tommy was threatening him. Or maybe he just really underestimated how much spite could be packed into such a tiny package. Especially considering that the tiny package in question had been tossed from spaceship to spaceship like a goddamn hot potato.
When Sapnap's glowing fingers reached for him, Tommy knew just what to do.
Sapnap gasped in surprise, yanking his finger free of Tommy's jaws. Was it a good idea to bite his giant alien captors? Probably not. Was Tommy going to stop doing it? Hell no.
He hissed like a rabid animal, baring tiny, flat teeth in warning. His eyes narrowed, daring the baffled alien to fuck around and find out.
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.
The very ground shook with each heavy footfall from down the hall. Tommy's heart plummeted into his stomach. The shadow sliding across the wall alone was enough to drain all the fight from his body. There was something sickeningly familiar in those steps.
Sapnap stood to greet the horrible creature as it slinked through the doorway. Wholly obsidian eyes locked on him in an instant. His very lungs froze in his chest, throat constricting in on itself. He was petrified. His memory of demonic monsters of the past formed a noose around his neck. The sight of one in the present pulled the rope tight.
It tilted its head, clicking an odd rhythm like something straight out of one of the horror movies he used to make fun of Tubbo for being so scared of.
This thing was big. Bigger than the others. He didn't even know that was possible. Rows of sharp fangs poked out from between its parted lips as it spoke its unnerving language to the other creature in the room. Try as he might to pry his mind back into reality, he was unable to scrub the image of being ground into paste by those very teeth from his brain.
He tried to form even a half-hearted threat to throw at the thing but he couldn't. He couldn't make it go away. He couldn't make it stop walking towards. He couldn't stop it from reaching down to him with elongated, clawed fingers.
His every muscle locked up. With his feet cemented to the table, the only thing he could do was stand there and brace himself.
The pressure against his head was light, running from the top of his head to the very place that spike of pain had been driven into his head ever since he got himself free of the operating table. He flinched hard as the blunt of a nail grazed his temple.
The voice was jarringly different from what he would have expected from such a monstrous cryptid. Its skin was cold against his. Like a doctor's.
He only dared to open his eyes when he felt the touch move down to his cheek. Tears he didn't know he'd made were swiped away by a careful thumb. The alien was...shorter. Even as it sat on its knees, it still towered over him but at least he didn't have to crane his neck so far to look up at it.
A soft smile spread graced its sharp and hellish features. It let out a high-pitched coo.
"Baby," it stated confidently. He was snapped back into reality as it tapped his nose with its pinky finger.
Tommy gawked.
Finals are kicking my ass. I wrote an essay on wrongful convictions based on witness misidentification with a powerpoint presentation on a related case, an essay on the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in prison, a manuscript of two short stories (one was about a cat on a subway and the other was about a lawyer haunted by the souls of the people murdered by his clients) with a detailed explanation of my focuses on literary devices, an essay on Spanish sports, a case briefing on Missouri v. McNeely, and I've done 2/7 final exams.
As someone about to graduate with an associate's degree, my advice for freshmen is: Drop Out <3
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is sorry if this piece seemed kinda rushed.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year ago
Could I request something with giant!ranboo and tiny!clingyduo? Maybe they mess with him like hiding his memory book or just act like literal children and ranboo has to contain them
I come baring food for y’all ヽ(´▽`)/
This one was in the works for a bit but I just got it done! Here you go, gimme more ideas if you have ‘em!
tw ~ confusion, minor panic, grabbing, containment
word count ~ 1.5k
Ranboo woke up in their bed as they did… most of the time. The difficult thing with Ranboo was their horrible memory, yet they found some ways around it. Their arm reached out for their nightstand, out of muscle memory for… something.
His nightstand was bare, there was nothing on it. Ranboo jolted up for the bed and looked at the small table, but… nothing. There was nothing on it…
Wasn’t something supposed to be on it? He couldn’t remember what exactly.. He needed to get his memory book to find… out…
Their memory book!
That’s what they were missing. Their memory book was always on their nightstand when they woke up to review the previous day written down in it, but now it was misplaced. Ranboo didn’t know what to do. What could they do? They couldn’t think of anything that could’ve happened to it.
What did he do yesterday? He couldn’t remember..
What is he going to do?
He started to panic, it started to get hard for him to breathe suddenly. He didn’t know how he would start the day without knowing anything.
How were they supposed to do anything without knowing what they had to do..?
His mind was racing with thoughts he couldn’t comprehend, things that should have made sense to him if he just had a regular memory.
Ranboo needed to get out of bed. He didn’t know why, but he felt he just had to do… something.
Go on a walk? No.. Eat breakfast? At some point, but that wasn’t it either…
There was a distant yell of a loud voice outside their bedroom door, a shriek of offense? Tommy? What was Tommy doing here?
Ranboo stood from the bed, not bothering to get ready for the day before walking out into the common area of them and their husband’s shared mansion.
There on one of the couch cushions was Tommy, a borrower and a close friend of his, yelling up at Tubbo, another borrower whom he was married to for tax purposes… why did a borrower care about taxes? He’ll never know. Tubbo seemed to be on his string hook attached to the top of the couch, possibly stuck since it was a way to hear Tommy yelling at him to ‘get down faster!’.
He walked over to the borrowers on the couch, inadvertently looming over them as Tubbo noticed him immediately, giving him a small wave and a smile. Tommy didn’t give him much of a warm welcome as he immediately screamed like he was caught doing something and went back to yelling for Tubbo to just jump down, now with more vigor.
“What… are you two doing?”
Ranboo tilted their head, their pointed ears expressive like a cat’s.
Tubbo laughed at that, always amused to see the way Ranboo expressed things.
“Don’t worry about it boss man…”
Ranboo was immediately worried. How could he not? When these two told him ‘not to worry’ it was usually something that ended in destruction and chaos.
He decided to change the subject anyway…
“I can’t find my memory book… do you know if anything happened yesterday? Or last night? I just need to find it…”
The two looked at each other before they both began to talk over the other borrower.
“Course not, big man!”
“How could we possibly know that? ‘S not our book.”
“Right! And you’ve seen the thing next to us. We’re too small to do anything with it!”
Tubbo slapped a hand over Tommy’s mouth quickly. Tommy yelled in incoherent offense.
Ranboo got suspicious. Did he ever ask if they touched it? He didn’t think so… but if Tommy went to their innocence right away, then it was never really the case.
Ranboo crossed their arms.
“Did you move my memory book?”
The question caused some stuttering replies to maintain innocence, but now he knew it was true. Without a second thought, he scooped the two up in his hands, his palms flat for them to stand on, of course… until Tommy tried to jump off and he ended up trapped in a loose fist… for safety, of course.
“Guys, come on..”
Ranboo held the two up to their face, then they used their secret weapon against the borrowers.. the puppy eyes.
Tommy looked at them defiantly, but Tubbo immediately caved at the sight, spilling everything.
“Fine! Fine, boss man… we took your book…‘s under the couch.”
Tommy gasped in offense with a shout of ‘traitor!’, among other things that Ranboo didn’t really pay attention to, only focusing on kneeling down and looking under the couch, still holding the borrowers securely.
The leather of the book cover caught his attention immediately as he moved Tommy to his other hand with Tubbo. Then he grabbed the book and pulled in out, making sure it wasn’t damaged.
Ranboo sighed in relief at the sight of their book in hand and well. Then they set the borrowers on the couch cushion once again.
“Why.. did you put my book under the couch, exactly?”
He genuinely had no thought of why they did this. Hiding his memory book was a strange idea and how did they even get it there in the first place from the nightstand?
“Well… uh… I was just a prank..?”
Tommy smiled innocently as Tubbo nodded furiously in agreement.
The enderman hybrid raised an eyebrow at them both, not convinced by their poor attempt at innocence. But then they had an idea. Maybe their memory book could help? It was, after all, written in daily.. maybe it would have answers from yesterday?
As he went to open it to the last written page, he saw how his friend’s stiffened… that was a good sign.
As Ranboo read the page of the previous day, they noticed nothing out of the ordinary… ate breakfast… went on a walk… skipped lunch, whoops…
Then something caught their attention… a little note at the bottom for himself, one that was crossed out by much poorer handwriting:
‘Put menaces in time out, they’re the reason for the broken potion stand Never mind, scratch that’
That was… odd… and not his handwriting… he looked up from the page at the borrowers currently climbing down from the couch.
They cut them off, scooping them up in his large palm and clearing his throat.
“Do you guys know something about this?”
“Of course not!”
Ranboo sighed and began walking to the kitchen. They set their book on the counter and noticed there, a banged up looking potion stand a few feet away… they gave the two an unimpressed look.
Then he opened one of the cupboards and pulled out a clear container, taller than the borrowers themselves.
Instantly Tommy tried escaping his hand by running down his arm… he didn’t get very far though, as Ranboo could have guessed, and lost balance, falling into the container Ranboo held safely below him.
Tubbo was much quicker to give up, falling onto his back dramatically in Ranboo’s hand with a loud groan and sigh.
He was placed into the container right after Tommy. Then he brought the container and his book into their room and set both things on the desk.
He sat in the desk chair and crossed his arms, looking at them through the plastic of the lidless container.
“So… what happened to the potion stand?”
There was no response as the borrowers just looked up at Ranboo with pouts at their containment.
Eventually Tommy spoke.
“Honestly, it was a complete accident, big man, completely out of the blue. We never even saw the thing.”
Tommy said nonchalantly while stepping over Tubbo, who was still laying limp in defiance.
Ranboo was sure that wasn’t the full story, but it wasn’t like they could remember any of the details…
“And you thought hiding my memory book would stop this?”
“Pretty much.”
“Definitely a solid plan.”
Ranboo sighed at the agreement, putting his hands over his face in exasperation.
“Okay, whatever.. you know what?… just don’t move my book again, please?”
Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other for a moment before nodding… then it took all of two seconds for Tommy to ask.
“Can we get out now?”
Ranboo, at this point, thought that they deserved to be messed with a bit. They decided keeping them in the container would be a good idea for a few more minutes… sure; it worked well to make sure they didn’t run away from the conversation, but… it was also good for just dealing with obnoxious tiny friends.
They got only a few moments of peace, without disruption of screaming and fast moving borrowers, before he watched as Tommy rammed into the side of the plastic.
The container moved just a bit as Tubbo sat up to see and joined him… Ranboo had to take them out before they made the whole thing fall off the desk with them inside…
So much for peace and quiet…
___________________ Hope you enjoyed! Also, please tell me if you want to be in the tag list, I’ll add you if you tell me in dms or comments! :) ___________________
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years ago
YOOOO GUYS CHECK THIS CONCEPT OUT!! Love some classic Jack and the Beanstalk ideas switched up and changed!!! This one is extra cool too <3
Jack and the Beanstalk AU Idea:
Wow Luna so original, yeah well.. I've kind of always liked reading these AUs so I figured why not give it a try here I go (this is my first "official post" dont be too harsh please lol)
So I'm a big sucker for giant!SBI and figured that instead of T!Tommy I'll have maybe all the SBI be giants and have Tubbo as the "Jack" character I guess?
A festival goes on that's ran by a mysterious man, and like Schlatt is there and he sells Tubbo the magic beans to the beanstalk
Ranboo is also there but he's Tubbos husband (obviously) and he's just there to fill the place of Jack's mom.. but yeah-
The plant grows Tubbo climbs it, he notices the castle in the sky and the plant has grown in the front yard of the castle, he hops off the plant and is honestly astonished by how big the castle is once he gets closer too it.
Tommy is the first one to find him, and he's a bit confused but a little curious as humans in the giant realm are believed to be just Fairytales just how mythical creatures are "fairytales" or "make believe" in our world
Tubbo is just.. speechless, I mean he kind of figured that someone lived /once lived there but didn't consider it to be a literal giant
Tommy picks Tubbo up against his will and takes him inside.. and Tubbo discovers there's more giants (Philza, Techno, and Wilbur) once Phil calls him for dinner
Tommy shows Tubbo off to his father and older siblings to their confusion, as they think he's just a doll or something until they notice he's blinking and breathing and stuff
Tommy asks if Tubbo with him, much to Tubbo's dismay Phil hesitantly says yes.
I have more but I'll probably do this again in a separate post so until next time - Luna out
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yesican-stop · 1 year ago
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pt 1 of outfit requests! [pt 2]
[@addlepater @keirawantstocry]
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