#i tried drawing george and ant too but they didn’t look good and i’m too lazy to try again ldndksnsks
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 1 year ago
felt like drawing more rovengers,, dkjdodndo
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arts-and-drafts · 4 years ago
(Yeah I'm still doing this. I had a lot of fun with this one!! I'm not good at battle scenes so apologies if things are a little scattered ^^;; What's going on here? No clue! Hope you enjoy anyways!)
Bad was a killer.
You would know it by looking at him: intimidating build, shadowy form, glinting fangs and piercing white eyes. But if one ever interacted with him for the first time, they would assume there had been a mistake.
He cried when he got too upset, and always greeted someone with a dazzlingly wholesome smile. He baked to relax and scolded others for swearing and gave the best hugs.
In truth, Bad in person was very different from Bad on the job.
He was part of an assassin's agency known simply as "The Hunters". Him and his three associates, Sapnap, George, and Antfrost, were a well oiled machine of death. Their target was quickly disposed of 9 out of 10 times.
The one outlier that drove Bad crazy was Dream. No last name, no known family, no known contacts. He was barely visible on the radar as is, and he was infuriatingly adept at avoiding the Hunters no matter what they tried. Traps, arrows, bombs, even direct melee attacks; Dream somehow found a way to escape every single time. It made Bad want to tear his hair out.
However, their client had put more money on Dream's head than Bad had ever owned in his life, so they kept trying, no matter how frustrated they got when Dream always seemed to be a step ahead.
They were giving chase, again. Dream had the nerve to smile as he started to run from the assassins, as if they were playing a game of tag. Bad grit his teeth and ran faster.
Over the treetops, through the mines, underwater, on and on Dream lead the Hunters. They always got a few hits on him, after all they had practice with Dream's moves now, and this time was no exception. A well aimed shot from Sapnap hit Dream in the calf and he stumbled for just a moment, a precious mistake that allowed Bad to get even closer. His heartbeat roared in his ears as he kept Dream in his sight, and a frenzied smile lit his face when he realized Sapnap's arrow was slowing Dream down.
Then, the endgame. Dream had run straight into a dead end tunnel in the mountains, more or less a ravine by the time they hit the cavern's wall. Bad prepared himself; Dream never backed himself into a corner on accident, and that meant he was right about to turn and attack all four of them with an unexpected skill and ferocity.
As soon as the thought crossed Bad's mind, Dream was already turning, a glimmering axe blessed with enchantment in his grasp. He moved to swing at Sapnap, the closest in range, and Bad's blood went cold as he realized it was going to be a critical hit.
Before he could move, a streak of bloody red flew past Bad's vision and connected with Dream's chest, what was now recognized as a potion bottle shattering on impact. Dream let out a horrible choked scream and jerked to the side, his axe whiffing over Sapnap's head harmlessly.
Bad turned to see Ant, still poised from the throw, his fur stood on end in a perfect representation of Bad's own panicked feelings over Sapnap being in danger. A slow smile spread over the cat's muzzle as Dream collapsed against the wall, the effects of the potion sizzling against his skin and making him cry out.
Bad allowed himself to grin, and made his way in front of Sapnap to tower triumphantly above Dream's convulsing form. "Nowhere to run now, Dream." He reveled, drawing his diamond blade from its sheath on his back.
Bad opened his mouth to ask Dream for any last regards, but a sudden movement from behind his peripheral distracted him. "STOP!!"
Bad stepped back as George suddenly threw himself between him and Dream, arms splayed out in a hazardous attempt to shield Dream from view. A whirlwind of emotions spun in Bad's brain as he watched George's terrified face; mainly confusion, anger, and more confusion.
"What the honk are you doing, George?!" Sapnap exclaimed from behind, voicing the question Bad was struggling to form.
"You can't--you can't kill him." George said in a shaking voice, locking eyes with Bad. "What--George, he's our target!! What the muffin are you talking about?!" Bad replied, finally finding his words.
Tears filled George's eyes as his arms began to tremble, his feet firmly planted between Bad and Dream. "I--I love him." George said quietly, his voice catching on the last word.
Bad blinked. "...What?"
A look of guilt and shame twisted George's face at Bad's tone, but he didn't move away. "I--I've been giving him information so h-he didn't get caught." George whispered, looking at the ground. "H-He--he's innocent, Bad, you can't," George pleaded.
Bad wanted to be furious with George. He wanted to yell that it didn't matter if Dream was innocent, he was their target, and that was that. He wanted to scream at his friend for betraying them, for giving their information to the very one they were trying so hard to kill, how DARE he?
But he watched as Dream shook violently on the ground, watched George's face as he finally turned from Bad to look at the man he was supposed to kill with raw fear and desperation and love written all over his expression.
Bad remembered his Skeppy, how he looked at him the exact same way when Bad came home nursing wounds from Dream's latest escape.
Bad dropped his sword, the metal clang against stone echoing through the walls of the ravine. He heard Sapnap and Ant make vehement noises of shock and confusion at his action, but he ignored them.
George snapped his head around at the noise, wide eyes flicking between the sword and Bad's face as he realized what just happened. Bad sighed and closed his eyes.
"...Help him up." He stated, turning away. He couldn't shut out the sound of George immediately collapsing to Dream's side as soon as Bad seceded, tearily shushing Dream's cries and talking to him in a fervent whisper of panic.
"George--" Dream choked, his voice trembling with the weight of Ant's potion tearing through him. "I'm here, I'm here, Dream," George assured, biting down a sob of relief. "You're gonna be okay, you--it's gonna be okay."
("You'll be okay, Bad." Skeppy would say with a smile, planting a light kiss on the freshly bandaged wound as Bad tried his best not to wince. "I'm here now.")
Bad sighed. He was a very different person than he was on the job, and right now that meant Bad's true self as a friend to George was stronger than his desire for the money that would come from Dream's head.
Bad was a killer. What he wasn't was heartless.
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cyclone-rachel · 3 years ago
Thoughts on The Boys
season 3, episode 1
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oh this is definitely the movie
I can’t believe charlize theron gets to be in two superhero productions in a cameo capacity within about a month
she couldn’t have less of an accent if she tried
god, Homelander
this ear-ringing shows up a few times in these episodes and it’s interesting
Adam Bourke doesn’t really have a Zack Snyder vibe to me
I’m glad Hughie and Starlight can be together in public now
oh boy
gosh, this must be so awkward for both of them
Oh dear
perfect response
It really does
so they’re calling themselves that now?
I can’t believe they’re advertising Amazon in an Amazon show
Karen my love
Is this her real singing voice?
so is this man meant to be a version of the atom, or scott lang ant-man
this would almost be nice if it was a different show
jesus christ
ew. ew. ew.
no thank you
also these fucking madlads really did the “Thanus” move, didn’t they
this is kind of a bop
Simon Pegg is back!
Mean Girls “how do I describe Regina George” vibes
I can’t believe she’s the future Vic the Veep
Not gonna be in peacetime for long
mood, Ryan
it’s weird to hear swear words coming from a small child
this is nice
oh good for him
ah yeah, this guy
so is the cult supposed to be like that one we can’t talk about, or NXIVM?
oh he knew alright
sure you are, buddy
that’s a lot of money
aha, Dakota Bob!
he’s not wrong
I’m sure it won’t take that long, aren’t there only supposed to be 5 seasons
Bob isn’t wrong either
I recognize those names
Maybe you’re winning, but Butcher isn’t
Outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, outplanned…
Don’t talk to Kimiko like that
He has the footage too?
of course they did
Homelander wouldn’t accept Maeve as co-captain
It’s a tempting offer
is that not the American Ninja Warrior logo but with different words
Starlight in her girlboss era
oh that’s just rude
love that comic art in the background
oh fuck that
of course they found each other on 4chan
can’t believe she’s still alive
homelander like “I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at being a literal fucking nazi”
Maeve looks so good
The Maeve-Butcher dynamic is fascinating
Soldier Boy’s name is still silly
There probably isn’t actually a weapon
So Gunpowder is his Bucky?
I was wondering if Scarlet Witch and Captain America ever hooked up, and it turns out yes?
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(credit to my friend @hanabi-09​ for finding that)
She has a point
is that a Terror cookie jar
this creepy motherfucker
this dynamic is also interesting
I have a feeling that’s how the series is going to end, like between the two of them they’re gonna destroy almost everything
oof, he has the newspaper article about Robin dying
Red River, huh?
oh no
It’s raining blood and guts
Who’s she calling?
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i-am-so-riddikulus · 5 years ago
Vile - g.w.
Request from velvetthunder1999: 
“Hello :) May I request something where George Weasley and female reader are together, but Umbridge dislikes it because the reader is a muggleborn. She makes the reader to use the bloody quill, writing something how she musn't mix with purebloods. Later George finds out and comforts the reader, also being really angry ant Umbridge? Thanks in advance! :))))”
Pairing: George Weasley x fem!Reader
Words: 1970
Warnings: not proofread, i think one cuss word
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! I love writing requests and this one was very fun to write as well. Requests are OPEN so please don’t be afraid to ask~
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(gif not mine)
Delores Umbridge. The most vile person you ever had to know. Not only did she take away the whole aspect of Defence Against the Dark Arts out of the equation, but she was slowly but surely taking over the whole school. How are you supposed to learn to defend yourself against the dark arts when you’re not learning to defend yourself against it. You believed Harry, and you were more than willing to help him defeat He Who Must Not Be Named, but how were you supposed to when you didn’t know how. 
One person that could take your mind off of this at any time though is George Weasley. You were very surprised in your fifth year when your longtime crush had asked you to the Yule Ball and even more surprised when he confessed his feelings to you later that night. You’ve been dating steadily since and you couldn’t be more happy with the person you’re with. He still made you get butterflies when he was around, and the happiness this boy brought to your life was insane. You had never kept your relationship a secret, so when Umbridge saw you two kiss each other before classes, or hold each other’s hand while walking you could see the disgust on her face. She had never even tried to hide it.
You had woken up this morning just fine, but somehow when you got to DADA you just felt an overwhelming sense of anger, for the way you’re learning and toadface herself. She was making the entire class do an ungodly amount of work, and making everyone copy down everything twice over. Some random Hufflepuff mumbled a comment across the room, “I wonder what it would be like to actually learn something this year,” just loud enough for everyone to hear. 
The whole class sniggered. Umbridge turned her ugly head around, seemingly unaffected by these words. Her little “hem hem” could be heard as she walked towards the front. “What is wrong with the way you’re being taught? You’re being taught instructive information in a safe environment.” she smiled condescendingly.
You rolled your eyes “When this happens it won’t be in a safe environment,” you mumbled, earning a few laughs.
“What was that Miss L/N?” Umbridge asked, her eyes burning holes into your head, knowing full well what you said.
Suddenly gaining the confidence to confront her, “I said when this happens, we won’t be in a safe environment. It’s like you don’t want us to know how to defend ourselves when He Who Must Not Be Named shows up on our doorstep.”
Her face became tight, “Well Miss L/N, that won’t be happening because the person who gave us this information is lying, filling your head with these messages to get you scared.”
You could feel the anger boiling in you, “So you’re telling me that the boy who fears his return the most is going to lie about it? No he’s not, because He Who Must Not Be Named killed Cedric! The sooner you realize this the sooner we will be able to prepare against him, you know he’s getting stronger by the mom-”
“ENOUGH!” she yelled, snapping the piece of chalk she was holding, “It seems Mr. Potter has gotten into your head as well, and we will have to fix that. Detention tonight in my office Miss L/N.”
You shook your head continuing to do your tedious work, mentally cursing yourself for talking back. You should’ve known that she was going to give you detention. But at least you spoke the truth.
During lunch you learned that Harry would be having detention as well, just before you. You thought it was kinda funny that you both got detention over basically the same thing. George next to you seemed a little ticked, “Georgie? What’s wrong?” you asked, putting your hand on his.
“Nothing, it’s just that she’s so ignorant. It’s right in front of her and she can’t accept it, not to mention she gave you detention for no reason. I’m supposed to have detention before you,” he laughed at the end.
You laughed lightly, “Oh c’mon George, you know I deserve it, I talked back rudely and with how pristine and pink she is, I should’ve expected it. She did deserve it though, calling Harry a liar. Why would he lie about that, ugh it infuriates me.”
“She infuriates everyone,” he sniggered.
You laughed leaning your head on his shoulder, wondering what she would actually have you do for detention, hopefully it was just cleaning her teacups or something.
When detention time came around, you started to leave, getting up from George.
“Nooooo, Y/N please don’t go I wanna cuddle some more,” he whined while holding on to your hand.
“Don’t worry Georgie, I’ll be back soon, it’s only an hour,” you smiled shaking your hand out of his grasp. 
Turning your head to the side you looked at him, “Say, why don’t you act this cute in front of anyone else?” you smirked.
He blushed slightly and smiled at you, “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” 
“Yeah, okay Weasley,” you said before you pecked him, leaving for detention.
You had a small feeling of dread as you walked to Umridge’s office. You weren’t a bad student by any means, and had only had detention once, in your first year for spilling some of your ingredients during potions. Snape hadn’t been in a good mood that day and took 10 points as well.
Your thoughts stopped when you saw Harry walking back, covering his left hand. You were going to say something but, he walked by so quickly, you couldn’t get out a single syllable. Maybe she just pissed him off, you thought.
Your heart started to thump quickly as you knocked on her door. “Come in,” she spoke on the other side of the door. 
The first thing you noticed when you walked in was how pink her room actually was. The cat plates kind of gave you weird vibes as well. Why were there so many? “Today, you will be writing lines,” she looked up from her tea.
“I’ve noticed that you’re dating Mr. Weasley yes?” she asked innocently.
You felt embarrassed from the sudden question, “Uhm yes, Professor.”
“Well don’t you think he deserves someone better?” she asked, mock concern on her face.
Now you could feel your cheeks heating up, “I-I don’t think I understand what you’re asking Professor,”
“No Miss L/N, I think you do. Deep down you know a mud- a muggleborn like yourself shouldn’t be with a pureblood like Mr. Weasley.” she said, the same innocence in her voice, but with toxicity in the end. 
To say you were shocked was an understatement. Not only did she talk poorly about your relationship, but she ridiculed your blood status, even almost using the vile word mudblood. You took a moment to respond, your mind clouded with hurt. “Professor, I’m just as much a witch a-as anyone else.” you stuttered out.
“No you’re not, you know you’re a freak of nature, you know you don’t belong here with your tainted blood. Now, please take a seat Miss L/N.” she pointed at the smaller desk across from hers.
You sat down, pulling out parchment, a quill, and an ink bottle. “You’ll be using a special quill of mine Miss L/N you won’t need any ink either,” she stated innocently, as if she didn’t just insult your entire being.
Putting your quill and ink back you picked up her quill, “What would you like me to write Professor,”
“Hm, I think ‘I musn’t mix with purebloods’, that might do the trick,” she answered, sipping her tea.
“How many times?” you asked, mentally cursing her.
“I think until you get the idea,” she said smiling out the window. 
Letting out a large sigh, you started to write ‘I musn’t mix with purebloods’ even if it hurt you to. After you wrote a couple of lines, your hand started to itch then turn to pain. Looking over at it you realized that what you were writing was etching itself into your skin. You looked at Umbridge with resentment, before returning to your torture. The line drawing blood over and over. 
An hour seemed to pass by agonizingly slow, ending up with almost a whole scroll of parchment written on. There was no way that was going to heal anytime soon. As you left that wretched room, you took the liberty of slamming her door, hoping you knocked over one of her stupid plates. 
You felt yourself holding your left hand as well as you walked back to the common room. In that moment you made the connection that Harry had to do the same thing, and felt a pang of sympathy for him.
Walking into the portrait hole, you saw George waiting for you, sitting on the couch. Once he saw you, he smiled, getting up to come over to you. You tried your best to muster up a smile too, but you could feel the tears welling behind your eyes. George noticed, “Hey, love,” he put his hand on your cheek, “what’s wrong?”
As soon as these words left his mouth you couldn’t hold yourself anymore, crying into his chest. He let you cry and waited until you calmed down before asking what happened. You looked down at your hand, playing in your mind how you would tell him. “I- um, I had detention with Umbridge, and I thought I’d be polishing something or cleaning you know. But instead, she had me write some lines.” You said sniffling a little bit, “the problem with these lines is she made me write them with a bloody quill.” The confusion was prevalent on his face.
“It’s a quill that takes my blood to write instead of ink,” you slowly pulled up your hand, “a-and she made me write ‘I musn’t mix with purebloods’ with it.”
The anger was swelling in his eyes, the raw hatred, but as he looked at you he softened. He grabbed your hand, softly kissing the words, “Never ever listen to what that disgusting woman says. You are an amazing witch who can do anything. You’re smart and beautiful, and you deserve everything.”
You smiled, the butterflies once again filling your stomach as you blushed. “Oh Georgie, we deserve each other,” you said as you smiled up at him. You smile faded slightly, “I just don’t understand why she has such hatred against us. Me not growing up with magic made me love it so much once I learned it, and I could never have been more thankful for it.”
“I absolutely hate Umbridge,” he said, anger in his eyes again, “before I said she was ignorant, now I know she’s just plain dumb. Your blood status doesn’t and should never matter. Personally, I know more cruel purebloods than nice ones. She is such a nauseating person.” he ranted to you.
You put yourself in his lap, hugging him. “George, you are the most amazing person I have in my  life and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I- I love you.” you stated keeping your head nuzzled in his shoulder from your embarrassment. 
You felt him freeze beneath you before he took your face in both of his hands, kissing you passionately, “Y/N L/N, I love you so much,” he said with adoration in his eyes, “and I want you to know Fred and I will make her pay for what she did to you,” he said before laying you back on top of him.
You smiled as you laid into him. You knew this year was gonna be hard, but with George at your side, you felt like maybe you could get through it. Together.
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insane-weasel · 4 years ago
Febuwhump Day 2: “i can’t take this anymore”
Sum: Stephen King cliché AU—in where kids find true evil, cliché and then it hunts them to adulthood. Not fully formed idea (not my finest work, more just feeling out characters I’ve never written before). 
CW: Animal death, human death, Stephen King vibes.
George’s back was to the wall, his heart thudding in his chest. His eyes went to the door. It hadn’t fully latched, but he couldn’t move to close it entirely now. It would give his position away. On the other side of the door he could hear the soft final footsteps of someone ascending the stairs.
The scrape of a knife against wood—an absent noise from the hefty blade in the killer’s hand hitting the bannister.
How’d he get here?
His life flashed before his eyes.
Years ago. When George was ten. This started.
“We shouldn’t be here,” Bad muttered. He was hanging back as far as he could, but not too far from Ant, who was holding the flashlight. Sapnap had his own flashlight and was leading the way, and George trailed between.
“Relax. I’ve seen those older guys in here all the time,” Sap reassured. “They probably have something cool stashed in here. Or like a secret lair. Or I don’t know…”
Sap put his hand to the wall of the cave and shined the flashlight down a dark tunnel that was about a foot high and then towards their current path which was narrow and hardly tall enough for all of them to comfortably walk through. If any of the older guys came in here, they must have to crawl.
“I think we made a wrong turn,” George reasoned, glancing behind him at Ant’s calm, but similarly reluctant face. He nodded at that, but Sapnap shook his head.
“Just a little bit more! We’ll turn back if we don’t find anything.”
“What if there’s bats in here? Or I don’t know—wolves?”
“There’s no wolves in the UK!” Sapnap said defiantly.
“There could be a bear in here?” Bad said.
“He’d have to be a skinny bear,” George said, turning sideways to avoid a jutting edge in the stone. The two behind him followed suit and Sapnap stalled up ahead, running the flashlight up the wall of stone. It was a little higher in here, but only by a head.
“Dead end?” Ant questioned.
“No,” Sapnap said and stepped to the side, letting the other three crowd into the closet sized space.
A crack was in the stone up ahead, rocks piled on either side of the crack. A painting of a face and other images were on the sides, nearly faded to extinction. Only when Ant waved the flashlight over them a couple of times, did George make out that they were drawings.
“This must be their lair? Less cool then I…thought,” George said. “I don’t think there’s any Pokemon cards in there.”
“It’s giving me a bad feeling,” Bad said. “Let’s just go. We need to get home earlier this time.”
“Let’s go in,” Sapnap suggested. He had to practically squeeze himself through the crack, sucking his stomach in and shimmying his shoulders until he was through. “It’s bigger on the other side. A lot! It’s like a room!”
Sapnap had moved away from the opening, his flashlight disappearing further into the opening, so George quickly followed, and Ant concerned bent down, tucking his flashlight under his chin to try and squeeze through the crack at the bottom where it was a little wider.
“Guys!” Bad said panicked. “Don’t just—fine, I’m coming. Don’t leave me out here.” George got through with some effort, but straightened and dusted his hands off on his pockets to see Sapnap shining the flashlight up at the paintings and old torches on the wall, that were—well, obviously, out. They looked ancient.
Ant behind him shined the flashlight in the center of the room to the big stone in the middle. He thought it looked like a well of some type, but it was covered.
Bad made it through with some muttered anxieties about their situation before he straightened, standing between George and Ant and hesitantly looking around the place.
“I don’t think this is the college kid’s hideout,” Bad said.
George nodded. “Looks too…old?”
“Lots of old things around England,” Ant commented.
“But what old thing is this?” George questioned, nudging the stone well with his foot.
Sapnap was bored looking at the pictures and turned his attention to the stone well. “Oh, I think it’s like a…what’s the word. A grave but not underground—”
“We’re in a grave?” Bad was alarmed.
“I hope not,” Ant said.
“There better not be a dead body in there or I’m telling my mum you were the one who ruined the clothes lines, not me,” Bad began rattling off.
“Want to try and look inside?” Sapnap suggested, turning to George and Ant, and nudging the stone cover with arm.
“I don’t think we can move that,” George argued.
Ant passed the flashlight to Bad and helped Sapnap. George went to Sapnap’s other side and the three pushed against the stone cover. No luck. It felt like it almost budged, but with a great heave, the children gave up. Sapnap looked at Bad who had his arms crossed across his chest.
“Come on, help us.”
“Piss off,” Bad said.
“Either help us, or go on home,” Sapnap snapped.
“Just so you know. I think we shouldn’t do this,” Bad said, tucking the flashlight under his arm and joining them on one side to push against the stone cover. They managed to move it a few inches this time, and with another good heave push it entirely off the stone well
Ant was the first to recover his wits, and peer over the edge. “Someone shine a light down here.”
“Got it,” Sap had his light pointed over the edge. “Oh.”
“What is it—” Bad shined his flashlight over the edge and winced. “It’s almost worse than a dead body. Darkness. Great.”
“So, it is a well?” George said, looking into the darkness.
“I don’t think there’s water down there.”
“Anyone have anything we can throw down it?”
Ant checked his pockets and pulled out a pencil. “Got this.”
“Toss it in then!”
The boys waited for a moment as Ant dropped it in the middle, and waited to see if they heard something.
“Did you hear it hit the bottom?” Sapnap questioned impatiently.
“Maybe it’s too light to make a noise,” Bad said, and searched his own pockets, balancing the flashlight on the edge. “I think I have a few coins. Gimme a second.”
He ended up nudging the flashlight over the edge and George and Ant scrambled for it, but it was too late. They followed the light down and it landed with a loud clang against more stone. It illuminated at the bottom the dropped pencil as well as what looked like something down there, like a cave.
“Don’t suppose anyone sees a rope or ladder or stairs down there?” George proposed.
“Damn it. My father’s going to kill me. I borrowed these from his toolshed,” Sapnap said, gesturing with the remaining flashlight.  
“I don’t think we’re getting that other one back,” George remarked.
“No need to state the obvious,” Ant sniffed. They backed away from the well and glanced around the room, hoping to see something else worth their time. Bad stuck near Sapnap since he had the only light near and Ant leaned against the well, staring at the pictures on the wall. Most were too faded to make sense of.
George glanced back over the edge of the well absently as he circled the room and saw the flashlight below flicker. He reapproached the well and glanced over, just in time to see the flashlight turn off.
“The flashlight went out down there!” George exclaimed.
“We should leave!” Bad immediately said.
“Prolly the batteries knocked loose,” Sapnap said, turning to face George, bringing the flashlight with him to shine over the edge. Ant didn’t even turn around as Sapnap tried using the flashlight to see down below. Even with Sapnap, sticking his hand down in the well, the light didn’t reach the bottom. “Whatever. We’ll go. I’m hungry.”
“You know, this could still make a good story to tell Skeppy. He likes when you tell him of our adventures, Bad,” Ant suggested and Bad shook his head. “Sapnap, can you shine the light on the way we came in so we can all get out.”
“Yeah, Bad you want to go first?”
“Ant can,” Bad volunteered Ant who snorted.
“Scared the boogeymen followed us here and are just waiting for us to leave to finally get us,” George teased, elbowing Bad who elbowed him back harder.
Ant fake screamed before laughing. “I’m out. Come on, Bad.”
Bad jumped, then elbowed George again, as if it had been his idea. “Cut it out. Fine. Fine.”
Sapnap and George exchanged looks, as Sapnap held the flashlight pointed at the edge, waving it a little in slight tease as Bad wormed his way through the gap. George went next, but a noise startled him and Sapnap when he was only one arm through.
Sapnap swept the flashlight over to the source of the noise, startling Bad and Ant who he plunged into darkness doing that.
Sapnap’s light finally landed on the pencil on the ground near the well. He tensed, almost in disbelief, but then with a sort of cocky assurance, approached the well again, and glanced to George.
George understood the unspoken message. He crossed to stand next to Sapnap as he swept the light down again into the well.
Nothing. Just darkness.
“Guys? Hello? We’re stuck in darkness and I don’t like it,” Bad complained.
“Thought we heard something,” George answered, staring over the edge. He wasn’t really comprehending the darkness, until it suddenly wasn’t darkness. The flashlight had turned on down there, but it was being held by someone. His brain was able to pick out a white face peering up at him, flashlight in hand pointed up at them when Sapnap yelled and startled enough to take a few steps away from the well, leaving George with the ghastly visage of only the illuminated smile below.
“Someone’s down there!” Sapnap said.
“Let’s go!” Bad yelled insistent and George agreed, backing away from the well and to the crack in the wall. He grabbed the flashlight from Sapnap when he was halfway through, holding it for Sapnap so he could work his way through. Bad was clutching Ant’s arm, glancing between them and the way they came in desperately. “We need to go!”
“I know!” George said. “Sapnap, you good?”
“I’m good,” Sapnap said, straightening. “I’ll lead us out.”
“Quickly, please,” Bad said, practically shoving Sapnap as he tightly squeezed past Ant and George to take the lead. He was the one who knew the caves best, but it meant George was taking the back as they left, staying as close as he could to Sapnap, but left in near darkness due to their now limited light sources.
As they squeezed through the tight passages they took before, George found his heart getting steadily faster and more nervous, his sweaty hands picking up more dirt than they ought to as they scraped across the walls of the cave as he followed the sound of Bad’s voice and Sapnap’s light.
It felt like something was right behind them. George knew it would do him no good. There was no light behind them. He wouldn’t be able to see.
But he glanced behind them.
And saw nothing.
But it felt. Like there was something behind them.
Eventually, they got out of their tight passageway they took and were back into the parts of the cave they knew better, jogging lightly to get out of their faster until they were in the parts lit by sunlight. They were dirt-covered, sweaty and a little shaken, but after a moment, Sapnap laughed.
“You guys should have seen your faces,” Sapnap said, laughing.
“What?” Bad questioned, indignant.
“It was probably nothing. Just a moth, right George?”
George thought back to the terrible smiling face below. “Yeah.”
[Present Day]
But as George knew now. It hadn’t been a moth. He felt his hand shaking as he leaned his head back and held his breath, his ears practically homed in only on the featherlight footsteps right outside the door. The steps passed the door after a moment, but George didn’t take a proper breath in, just breathing ever so slightly through his nose.
After all this time. It was back.
It hunted them. It killed some people then.
It’d do it again.
The first death was someone near the sight last time.  
George woke up in the morning without a thought to the day’s events before. There was no reason to be bothered by them, even as he headed off to school. It remained a forgotten trip until he and his friends had made it home and were about to write off the hasty essays and what not and be off to their own devices.
When George’s mom shook her head as he came in, holding the phone. “Oh, George. Not today. Stay in. There’s been an accident near here. The neighbor’s son. He—He fell terribly ill.”
Terribly ill had been a very nice way to say found disemboweled in his bed, his head missing. A very gory death.
The boys discussed it at school the next day. Only Bad and George seemed to reckon it was connected to the cave. “No child murderers live here! We’d have heard of it before if they had,” Bad reasoned.
“Unless a child murderer just moved here,” Sapnap said.
“I reckon child murderers don’t live places. They just keep moving,” Ant said.
“I feel like there was something in the cave,” George said. “What we saw was probably a moth, but it felt creepy in there.”
“Not you too,” Sapnap muttered, taking a bite of his sandwich. “I think you’re over-blowing it.”
But that had only been the first death. The second one, hit much closer to home. While George’s mom had prevented him from hanging out with the others the other day, his father had no same fears and let him leave after he confirmed he finished his chores and what not.
They were in Ant’s backyard, play fencing with swords when Ant gave a cry. “She hasn’t come back!”
“Doesn’t she normally spend all day sunbathing out here,” Bad questioned, ducking Sapnap’s attempted foul move of knocking him upside the head. “She’s too old to go far.”
“But she always comes when it’s dinner time,” Ant muttered. “Mimi,” he called out at the woods, beckoning for his old, arthritis ridden cat.
No cat came.
George had been taking a break and got up, stepping past Sapnap who was doing an impressive job of blocking every hit. “Let’s go look for her,” he suggested to Ant.
They didn’t have to go far.
They saw the figure, yellow, bright and hunched over a carcass with a collar on it. The white mask stained red.
“Mimi!” Ant cried out, and he charged the figure, only being held back by George, as the figure straightened, its white face turning to look at them. “My cat!”
The figure started towards them and George pulled Ant with him back towards his yard. They stopped only when they hit the backporch. Ant was sniveling quietly to himself, and George’s eyes were peeled on the small woods.
Nothing came out of it. But if he squinted he could see a white mask behind the trees.
Sapnap and Bad lowered their wooden sticks, glancing to the two with obvious concern. “Oh god, did she finally croak?” Sapnap questioned.
“Something killed her! I saw her dead body!”
“And the thing from the cave was hunched over her,” George said.
“What—you said you didn’t see anything?” Bad protested, suddenly suspicious. “This isn’t a prank?”
“I didn’t see anything hunched over, Mimi,” Ant said, wiping at his tears. “What are you—”
“The thing holding the flashlight in the cave,” George said turning to Sapnap. “You saw it! It was in those woods hunched over the cat!”
“I only saw the floating flashlight,” Sapnap said. “Nothing—why would only you be able to see it?”
“I don’t know!” George said. He glanced to the woods. “It’s out there. Watching us. I can feel it.”
The boys went silent, eyes turning to the woods. “Where is it at?” Bad whispered.
George focused on the woods, but he couldn’t make out any mask shapes within it. “I’m not sure. I just—I just can.” He made eye contact with the pale white face.
George inched away from the wall, further into the room. He could grab something. This time, the thing knew what George could do. It knew George could put him back in there. That George alone had the power to vanquish him.
Maybe that’s why this time it went after his friends first. Ant was a cat now, there was no curing that. Bad was…wasn’t human anymore either.
He was the only one that could do anything now. George took a deep breath, feeling his heart lock in his throat. There was no escaping it. However, it had gotten out again. Clearly. It wasn’t permanent. Someone had let it out. One of them had to. It took four of them to put it back. It’d only have taken one of them to let it out.
But they got rid of it. They vanquished it. Or so he thought.
Four boys, an old history teacher and a now childless mother stood over the stone well, now covered again. There was now chains on top and as a final send off, plain English explaining why this shouldn’t ever be opened again.
“It’s over,” Sapnap said.
“Three weeks of terror,” the gruff history teacher said. He’d been named Oldman or something, he moved away after this. His voice had a grim humor. “Three children killed, two adults. And all we had to do to put it back was practically bait it like a mouse on a trap.”
His eyes turned to George. “You listen here, young man—”
“They’ve had a rough day, let’s just get out of here,” the mother said. She gestured them out, but George felt the history teacher’s eyes on his back.
He wasn’t surprised when the woman’s back was turned, he pulled George aside properly this time, jabbing a finger in his chest. “You’re the one the curse is tied to. You’re the one who first made eye contact with it. It’s marked you. When it comes back, you’ll be the only one able to put it back. You’re the only one who can see it properly. You know properly how horrible it looks.”
“I don’t—I can’t,” George stammered.
“Your friends’ lives depend on it.”
“Stephen Olderman, leave that boy alone—are you daft?” His neighbor and the mother of one of those boys he’d never learned the name of cut in, shuffling him back to the safety of his group of friends.
But they were never the same. Ant was haunted. Bad was always itching at his skin. And Sap shuddered, a small tick came over him. Almost as if maybe George hadn’t saved Sapnap in time. That the thing had taken apart of Sapnap with it when it was sealed. Like it called Sapnap to it.
Sapnap had to have let it out. He was the only one who had any reason to. He was—possessed to. It couldn’t be helped. He couldn’t blame Sapnap.
But with Ant and Bad taken care of, and Sapnap willing to let it out. Then the only person left that could be a threat was…him. George was alone.
And it floored him. He sunk to the ground, suddenly his mind too blank to think about planning some brilliant escape.
He could hear the room next to the one he was in being searched and he decided he couldn’t run anymore. He was facing the creature. He was the only one who could see it. The thing that called itself Dream.
George stood, crossed the room quickly, his heart beating so hard he felt faint, his vision swimming at the edges. He gripped the brass doorknob and twisted it, throwing it open and getting ready to confront the monster.
It exited the room it had been in, clearly having heard George. It stood a few inches taller than him, with the white mask covering its face. It seemed, put-off, George had just revealed himself. Standing weaponless and unprepared before the monster, George just grit his teeth.
“I can’t take this anymore.”
Dream tilted his head, a question.
“You’re going to keep hunting me down. No matter where I go. I can’t vanquish you. Not with Sapnap…under your control. I give up. Kill me.”
Dream took a step forward, raising the sword, but he didn’t move to kill George, seemingly giving him time to change his mind.
“It’s going to come down to this. We banished you before, but that wasn’t enough. You’d already taken your—taken something—someone—to coerce us into letting you out again. If Sapnap could be…fixed—you’d do it again.”
Dream lowered his head. A nod or small sign of acceptance. Maybe it was nothing.
“We fucked up. We opened your tomb. And now…Ant’s a cat. Bad’s this weird…monster. Sapnap is possessed by something and nearly killed me and you—” George spread his arms wide. “I guess…I’m done running. I’m done.”
Dream took a step forward, pressing the sword to his chest, then lowered it until it was digging into his stomach. He was planning to disembowel him.
“Just one question for you?” George questioned.
The monster looked at him.
“Why me? Why can I see you?”
Dream lowered the sword again, and grabbed George by the collar, dragging him close. He was close enough he could feel his breath hitting Dream’s mask
“I wanted you to see me when I killed you,” Dream said, and ran him through.
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shy-violet-soul · 6 years ago
Try to Remember (1)
Pairing:  OFC Rae, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel Summary:  A forgotten memory surfaces and breaks Rae’s heart.  How will the boys, with their own heartbroken history, help her heal? Warnings: Graphic descriptions of injuries/fatal injuries; grief; parent death; depression; angsty fluff Rating: Mature due to descriptions of canon-type gore Word Count: 3,700ish
A/N:  We all love the funny moments with the brothers.  But their sensitivity to someone else’s pain has always broken my heart a little, and I wanted to explore that. This is a companion piece to Life is Good (for you) & Just Desserts. You don’t have to read them to understand this story. This is my OFC Rae’s “origin” story. 
A huge, sparkly, fluffy hug to my 2 betas @pinknerdpanda and @thesassywallflower. Ladies, you get all the Sam cuddles!
This is a work of fiction based upon characters created and owned by the CW. My work is not to be copied/distributed elsewhere without my written permission.
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Playlist for this part: Sign Your Name - Terence Trent D’Arby
It started out as a good day.
On their way back from a hunt in eastern Illinois, Rae had squealed with excitement when she stumbled upon a Yelp listing for an ‘80’s themed diner. Located just outside of Olathe, Kansas, they were apparently famous for their retro cuisine and milkshakes. After shamelessly begging Dean to stop, he’d grumbled about wanting to get home until she said the menu’s magic words: Sloppy Joes. So convinced, the group had detoured to the charmingly dubbed ‘Mixtape Medleys Cafe’. Hair band posters plastered on the walls, Guns n Roses and George Harrison blasted from the jukebox, and a menu loaded with nostalgic delights were a welcome break from gas station food.
 Dean was on his third Sloppy Joe sandwich, already rhapsodizing over the ‘Whatchmacalit’ candy bar milkshake he had ordered for dessert. Serious inroads made into his chicken caesar salad, even health-nut Sam had ordered something with actual, real sugar in it - a ‘Vanilla Cow Tale’ milkshake. Her plate of mini bagel pizzas stood empty as Rae laughed, waiting on her ‘Nerds’ milkshake. Another monster defeated, a nice young man saved, the three of them unscathed, and now their bellies were full and faces smiling.
It really had started out as a good day.
People talk about memories hitting them like a tsunami, or a ton of bricks. That’s not how it happened for Rae. It happened slowly. Like a glancing sprinkle of warm rain, barely noticeable. Then, another that spit into her face a bit. A pause, like the moment of calm before the unexpected thunderstorm when it was all blue skies and sunshine just a blink before.
One minute, Rae was laughing with the boys about something. Then, the distinctive drum beat tickled her ear. The reedy keyboard intro snagged her attention, and she glanced towards the jukebox across the diner. One heartbeat, two, and the unleashed memory wiped the smile from her face.
“Come on, honey, it’s our song!” her dad crooned, tugging her mom up from the couch. Rae giggled as her dad started grooving at the end of their outstretched arms, her mom rolling her eyes at his antics.
“You say that about every slow song, Alex.”
Smiling victoriously, Alex pulled her mom into his arms and began rocking side to side, winking at Rae where she sat on the floor with a book in her lap.
“But this is the one we danced to when I knew I was in love with you, Liz. So, it’s the most important.”  Pecking a kiss to her nose, Alex pulled her closer to his chest and closed his eyes. “‘Sign your name across my heart, I want you to be my baby.’”
Shaking her head, Liz smiled fondly at her husband.  “You still can’t sing, sweets.”
“‘Sign your name across my heart, I want you to be my lady!’” he yodeled out comically, drawing giggles from both girls. He tucked their entwined hands up into his shoulder and pressed a grinning kiss to her smile. Rae’s little nine year old heart warmed with happiness; her parents loved her and loved each other. She knew she’d remember their song forever.
And now, they were dead.
“...you okay?”
Rae flinched as a hand on her arm pulled her back to the present. She blinked at Sam seated next to her, then over at Dean. Shaking her head a bit to try and clear the fog, Rae drummed up a smile.
“Yeah.  So, you duct-taped the guy to a chair, and started hacking the place with an axe?” Rae tried to pay attention as Sam told the story. But the crooning rock n’ soul voice had opened Pandora’s box, and more memories came pouring in. As the brothers’ chatter filled her ears, the bittersweet warmth of the recollection skirled into something cold. Instead of the cracked vinyl seat beneath her fingers, the raw bite of rope echoed in her wrists. The scent of french fries and sugar melted into smoke and camphor.  And the images…
“Hey, there, honey bun! Here’s that milkshake for you!” The older, pink-haired waitress plunked the tall, frosted glass down in front of her with a flourish before she started teasing Dean about the saucy mess on his face. Lost in her head, Rae didn’t notice the woman collect up empty plates and promise the men their forthcoming desserts.  
Pointing out missed smudges to Dean as his brother wiped up with a napkin, Sam’s gaze moved back to Rae. For someone who had completely geeked out over a ‘Nerds’ candy milkshake, she seemed to be uninterested in the beverage now. She stared blankly at the glass, off in her own world. Dean noticed her preoccupation, too, and reached over to give the glass a little nudge.
“Hey, Rainbow, it’s melting.  Drink up!”
They watched as Rae blinked back to them from wherever she’d been, glancing back and forth between them before swallowing carefully and pushing the milkshake away from her.
“I changed my mind. You can have it.”
Dean’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “I’ve got crispy-peanutty-caramel goodness headed my way. That’s all yours, make me proud.”
Without a word, Rae slid the glass towards Sam, offering it to him with a bob of her chin.  Sending her a quizzical smile, Sam urged it back to her.
“Extra pink ‘Nerds’ on top. Just like you asked. And a cherry!” he crowed, nabbing the goody by the stem and dangling it out to her.  
Normally her favorite part of a milkshake or sundae, the sight of the sweetness through the haze of her memories churned her stomach.  
The smile she offered was a sad little effort. Now Sam’s eyebrows quirked, halfway to his famed ‘puppy dog’ eyes when Rae merely shook her head before getting to her feet.
“I’m gonna run to the ladies room. Be right back.”
When she didn’t add on her usual, ‘don’t leave me again’, the brothers looked at each other.
“Okay, something’s up. What did you do?” Dean demanded.
“Yeah, I know. Wait, what? Why does it have to be me that did something? What did you do?”
The elder Winchester scoffed in denial. “I’ve been here the whole time, minding my own business with my ‘Manwich’ perfections.”
“She was fine up until the last couple of minutes. What were we talking about?”
Dean scowled as he thought. “We were talking about that time we went to the Mystery Spot and I died a lot. She was laughing about you trying to keep me from eating breakfast.”
Shaking his head, Sam frowned as he glanced towards the bathrooms. “Something’s not right.” Their waitress, Cyndi, reappeared, her sparkly-blue-shadowed eyes narrowed with concern.
“Hey, fellas, that honey bun of yours not happy with her shake?”
    Flashing her his most charming smile, Dean answered, “actually, she’s not feeling well.  If it’s not too much trouble, could we get our two shakes to go? And the check, if you don’t mind.”
Cyndi hurried to take care of things, and two styrofoam to-go cups and the guest check were delivered promptly. As Rae appeared, the men got to their feet to greet her.  
“Hey, Rainbow, you ready to blow this popsicle stand?” Dean asked.
Quiet, a little pale, Rae saw the concern they failed to hide and valiantly tried to swallow the lump in her throat and smile.
“Yeah, let’s get home.” As Robert Palmer began belting out ‘Simply Irresistible’, Dean tucked Rae into his side and sauntered them towards the Impala.  Sam tossed some bills on the table and hurried to follow.
Sam and Dean stole surreptitious glances to the backseat for the next thirty minutes or so. When the silence began to crawl on her skin like ants, Rae forced some life into her voice.
“How about some AC/DC?” The brothers flashed each other a look before Dean thumped Sam in the chest.
“You heard the woman!  Gimme the good stuff, bro, and keep your cake hole shut!”
Sam’s annoyed tones, Dean’s cackling mixed together with the soft clatter of the tapes rummaging together as Sam fished out the designated cassette and popped it in. ‘Back in Black’ promptly blared forth, and as Dean began drumming on the steering wheel, Rae let herself curl up and fade in the lack of attention.
It was taking everything she had to hide it from them.
Seven months, three weeks, and five days. It had been an exercise in blissful hyper-focus to count it out as Baby ate up the miles. Seven months, three weeks, and five days since they’d died. The early days had been about healing. Then, after the brothers shared the truth of their family business with her, the later weeks had been all about reeling. After countless hours of inactivity, Rae’s broken heart had craved industry. Anything to keep her from looking at memories too closely. So, she’d put that Master of Library Science degree to use and become the best damn researcher the Winchesters had ever seen. The familiar rhythms of reading and analysis comforted her while the unfamiliar topics kept her wholly engaged. Engaged meant busy. Busy meant distracted. Distracted meant forgetting.
Forgetting meant she never had to grieve.
That grief, along with all the memories, bitter and sweet both, Rae cobbled into her own personal Pandora’s box. Then, she promptly ignored it, walking her days untroubled. Until one jukebox song cracked it open.
As the Impala rumbled its way into the bunker garage, Rae blinked into the quiet when Dean cut off the engine. Exhaustion suddenly swamped her, her feet heavy as Rae dragged herself out of the car. As she strode towards the stairs, Rae tried to straighten her shoulders.
They’re watching you. Look normal. You’re fine.
They’d seen her unconscious, peeved, sassy, laughing, focused. But this Rae they’d never seen. Quiet. Not just quiet, but almost...not there. Their sharp eyes missing nothing, the brothers chatted to each other with seeming nonchalance as they followed her down into the library.
“All in all, that wasn’t a bad trip.” Dean dropped his duffel on the table, tagging after Rae into the kitchen.  
“Yeah, it was nice to have a regular milk run. I need to update the records,”Sam mumbled around a yawn.
Rolling his eyes, Dean strolled to the frig and opened it. “C’mon, man.  We scored one for the good guys. It’s Miller time.  Relax,” he urged, pulling out three beers and handing one to Rae.
She took it wordlessly, the glass cold against her fingers. The bunker’s scent of concrete, steel, old books, and gunpowder, so familiar a few days ago, now felt wrong.
It should smell like vanilla from Mom’s baking, and Dad’s Old Spice cologne. Deep voices from the brothers wavered into her thoughts distantly, and an awful lump grew in her throat. That should be Mom complaining about Dad always leaving his coffee cup on the counter, and Dad yelling from the back porch about someone hiding the grill utensils again.  Like horrid little fiends, the memories leaked out of that carefully cobbled box. They roiled in her head like awful eels. I miss the creak of Mom rocking in her chair, and Dad snoring under his newspaper on the couch. I miss them holding hands when they walked together. 
The lump in her throat grew, burning up into her eyes and blinding her. I want to hear Dad whistling while he does the dishes. I want to see Mom trying to carry all the clean laundry down the hall in one go, and cussing when she drops the socks. I want…
“I don’t know why you’re always so down on everyone except Metallica and Zeppelin.  There’s other good music out there, Dean.”
“Whatever, Fall Out Boy. Hey, there was that song at the diner. Dad hated that song, but it was kinda cool.”
“Which one?”
The older brother scratched the back of his neck as he thought. “I think the singer changed his name, but it was Tony. Timothy. Terry?”
Cocking his head to one side, Sam frowned as he thought. “You mean, Terence?”
Dean pointed at his brother. “Yeah!  Terence Trent D’Arby sang it.  How did it go? ‘Sign your name across my heart?’” he mumbled out.
The sob that tore from Rae sounded like it was ripped straight from her soul, yanking their attention to her. The beer bottle slipped from her suddenly limp hand, smashing into foamy shards on the floor. They darted towards her when she wavered, Sam wrapping his arms around her before she collapsed knees-first into the broken bottle at her feet.
“Rae! Rae, what is it?”
“Rainbow, sweetheart, what’s going on?”
Their questions garbled into her ears as if she was underwater. Months of tears torrented through her, opening up an ocean of grief that pulled her under.
The agony left her drowning.
Sam’s heart pounded in his chest as he scooped Rae into his arms when she sagged against him, plopping to the floor and holding her in his lap. Dean knelt in front of them, his own heart chugging with alarm at Rae’s continued sobs.  
“What happened?” Dean carefully brushed messy caramel-colored strands from her face. “Rainbow, talk to me!”
Distantly, Rae felt warm, rough hands on her face, strong arms surrounding her. A fleeting dart of awareness over the Winchesters’ alarm stitched through her, and she tried to speak, but her throat closed up over another choked cry. The urgent calling of her name had her desperately sucking at air as she tried again.
“What? What did you say, Rae?” Ducking his chin to try to look into her face, Sam tried to maneuver her so he and Dean could see her.
“It’s okay, Rae, just take a breath. We got you,” Dean tried to soothe her, keeping his voice gentle.
“The s-song-” The men blinked at the coughed out words. Sam’s mind spun as he tried to think.
“You mean, from the diner? The Terrence guy’s song?” Another harsh cry tore from Rae as she weakly nodded her head.
Gently squeezing her a bit, Sam quizzed her again. “Whose song, Rae?”
Dean felt his windpipe squeeze as he looked up to meet Sam’s gaze. He saw his own memories in his brother’s eyes - their first meeting with Rae.
Baby’s doors groaned open before the car fully stopped. The brothers sprinted up the lawn, their boots sliding a bit on the rain-slickened grass. Smoke bit acridly into their faces when Dean kicked in the front door. Maniacal laughter mocked them as they took in the scene. Blood pooled steadily beneath a woman crumpled on the floor. A lone figure tied to a chair writhed as it burned.  His horrid, awful screams clawed at them in jagged edges.
“Heil!  All heil to the Thule!” cackled the young blond man rocking side to side feverishly. Aaron Bass hadn’t known the identity of the Thule operative wreaking havoc in the northeast, just that he and the golem couldn’t get there. His plea for help had sent the Winchesters hurrying to Bennington, Vermont. As Sam pointed his gun at Christoph Nauhause, the memory of letting him walk away from them once had both guilt and rage churning in their guts. A bullet in his brain silenced the peals of unholy glee, but the man immolating in front of them continued to scream out his agony. Dean knew the man was too far gone to save; frustrated tears and smoke itched in his throat as he aimed and fired. Abruptly, mercifully, the man died as his flesh burned around him.
Sam leaped over the sofa, crouching down beside the woman. The neat slice across her throat wasn’t deep enough to kill her outright, but the rapid blood loss pouring from the wound would soon enough. As Dean tried to extinguish the flames, Sam tried to comfort the dying woman.  
“Shhh, shhh, just be still,” he whispered, grasping her shoulder to try and subdue her shaking. She didn’t so much as glance at him, her gaze fixed towards the wall. One hand tremored outward, reaching, pointing spasmodically as her breaths wheezed wetly from her. Sam followed the line of her hand, distantly hearing Dean curse behind him.  
A young woman sat tied to another chair against the wall, hidden in the shadows. Blood from numerous, carefully placed stabs and cuts showed shiny in the flickering light from the fire. Tufts of ragged curls sliced from her hair dusted her front and lap. And her eyes, swollen, bruised, shone dark with dazed horror at the scene before her.
“Sam!  Sam, the fire’s spreading, we gotta go!” Dean suddenly jostled against him, following his gaze to the girl. As one, the brothers strode urgently to her side, knives quickly slicing her free. Sirens began calling in the distance as Dean pulled at a stubborn length of nylon. “Let’s go!”
With a violent yank at the last tie, Sam scooped the limp girl into his arms, following Dean as the elder brother kicked flaming furniture to clear a path. In moments, the Impala roared away from the incoming sirens, Dean watching the emergency vehicles brake in front of the scene as he drove them away.
“Son of a bitch!” he shouted.The impotence and desperation of the failure in the rearview mirror suddenly swamping him as he pounded his hand on the steering wheel. In the backseat, Sam swallowed hard against the lump in his throat, at a loss for words in the moment. A movement from the girl caught his attention, her head lolling back as she stared vacantly out the window. The whisper, nearly lost to the rumble of the engine, broke his heart.
In the next heartbeat, she’d sagged into unconsciousness. They’d taken her to their hotel room, the next twenty-four hours a whole different battle. The brothers stitched her up, bandaged her, dosed her. They took it in shifts sitting up with her. Watching. Waiting. Not just for any sign of life. No, after that painful loss, the Winchesters were ready to take on whatever reaper dared to darken their doorstep. They wanted a win - needed it. Loss after loss weighed on the brothers like Atlas’ own burden.  
Reaper, or hellhound, or whatever douchebag deity ruled the roost finally decided they were due a sliver of good luck. No one came knocking for her soul that night. They didn’t have to mourn another loss behind silence, whiskey, or work.
Slowly, over the crawling-by days, bandages and antibiotic cream were swapped out for lore books and the internet. She just seemed to fit, all at once, into a space in them they didn’t know was empty. She seized onto things with a tenacity that rivaled theirs. New resources of research opened before them with that librarian background. Dean even started grinning with pride at how she was coming along with her shooting (not that she was going to be let out of Baby on hunts anytime soon). Rae grew into that surprise space so smoothly and quickly, the brothers almost didn’t notice that she never mourned.
She was mourning now.
The pain squeezed her chest until she couldn’t breathe, her hands cold as she sank deeper into this ocean. Her body pulled at oxygen, and it fueled a sudden, awful rage within her. It geysered up out of her belly and into her head, ripping a shrill scream free.
“Why?! I wanna know why!” When her fists tightened in their shirts till the wrinkles pinched them, the boys didn’t even flinch at the sting. Sam squeezed her tighter as she screamed, eyes closed under the weight of her pain. Dean’s hands stroked her hair, a gentle answer as she thrashed in their arms.
Slowly. Slowly, the clangor caved to their quiet. She sagged spent and hiccuping in their arms.
“I don’t even know where they’re buried. I mean, it’s probably at Park Lawn. Dad’s parents are at Old Bennington, but Mom didn’t like it there. She didn’t want people tromping over her grave trying to find Robert Frost.”
 “She didn’t like Robert Frost?” Sam asked quietly.
 A sad, sorry chuckle croaked from Rae.
“She hated birch trees. Had one in our backyard that kept getting fungus. She held a grudge on the man for making the damn trees so popular.”
Dean dragged his fingers softly through her hair, squeezing her knee with his free hand.
“She held a grudge on a dead guy for a poem about a tree?”
“Yup.” Her chin quivered back another sob. “Daddy had me researching arborists to try and save it for her again.” She shrugged her shoulders, a loose, weary move as she swallowed the stickiness in her throat. “And now they’re gone. Me, too, I guess.”
Sam felt his heart pounding on the lump in his throat as he let himself hug Rae the teensiest bit closer against his chest. Let his chin rub against her hair just a breath.
“You’re not gone, Rae. I know - I know it’s hard. Just try to remember that you’re here. And we’re here.”
The message hung loud and clear in the quiet, their comfort an anchor in the torrent that still tugged at her. For whatever reason, her life had been spared. Purpose still existed for her. Friendship, camaraderie still surrounded her.
If Dean’s gaze urged his brother to voice anything softer, warmer than friendship, Sam’s bitch face shot him down as Rae tiredly rubbed her eyes.
“Hey, Rainbow. Why don’t you go take a hot shower? I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
Her eyes still dim, she tried to smile for Dean.
“My hot chocolate or Dean hot chocolate?”
Easing back on his heels, Dean took her hand as he and Sam both helped her up.
“There is nothing wrong with a shot of rum in hot chocolate. Delicious and nutritious!” he proclaimed. His words had the desired effect as a bigger smile tugged at her features.
“Can’t argue with that.”
Sheepish eyes ducked away from their gazes as Rae squeezed their hands and headed for the hall. A moment later, they heard her bedroom door shut. They stared at each other, the heaviness of the scene still playing on them.
“We’ve gotta tell her, Sam.”
“I know.”
A/N: Liked it? Read part 2 HERE.
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dontfeeddaelves · 6 years ago
Quoth the Raven
A Thunderbirds (are Go!) fanfic
Read on AO3.
I’m a piece of shit who fandom hops every week, sorry ya’ll.
Virgil knew that all hope was lost when Gordon’s fingers started tapping against the hood of the car he was sitting atop.
To be completely fair, he had lasted much longer than Virgil had thought. After being stuck out in the middle of nowhere for three hours, two of which he, Virgil, and John had been left alone while Scott and Alan walked back the way they had come for help at the gas station.
Just as well that they were all stranded without reception.
Still, Gordon had been blessedly quiet… until he became bored.
It was only a matter of time. Virgil let out a sigh from where he was leaning against the driver’s door, chin dropping to his chest. John’s blond head did not move from its position against the passenger’s headrest, the door wide open to let in the cool breeze. His eyes were closed, and Virgil envied his brother’s cool detachment from their predicament.
Gordon’s finger tapping got louder, no rhyme or reason behind it. Gordon himself didn’t even seem aware of the tick, copper eyes staring out into the desert horizon, mind a million miles away. It wouldn’t have bothered Virgil so much if there was an actual beat to the taps, but the rhythm was completely random and out of time and Virgil was going to go crazy if they didn’t stop soon.
But, he reasoned, if the finger tapping stopped, then Gordon would be forced to find another outlet for his energy, and Virgil cringed at that thought.
They were in the middle of nowhere, and Virgil and John were the only people Gordon could… annoy.
Scrunching his eyes tight, Virgil was weighing his options when his thoughts were interrupted.
“Don’t feel sorry for yourself,” John’s voice floated through the open window at Virgil’s back. He started slightly, craning his neck to look around his torso at his brother. “Only assholes do that.”
On the hood, Gordon’s head snapped around, eyes wide as he stared at John. To his credit, John hadn’t opened an eye, and if Gordon hadn’t reacted the way he did, Virgil would have been sure that he had imagined the blond’s words altogether.
“What?” he asked.
But as it was, John seemed to have Gordon’s full attention now. Virgil turned so that he was facing the car, arms folded across the top, the metal warm under his skin.
John opened an eye, but instead of answering Virgil, he focused on Gordon. Virgil let his eyes slide over; Gordon was staring at John, expression unreadable.
“Tomorrow is always fresh,” Gordon said after a still moment, “with no mistakes in it yet.”
Virgil blinked. Had Gordon just quote Anne of Green Gables?
“It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that,” John replied a minute later.
Gordon burst out laughing. “Harry Potter?” he chuckled. “Really?”
John merely grinned in response.
“What are you doing?” Virgil asked, frowning. “Gordo, I didn’t know you read Anne of Green Gables…”
Gordon’s reply was a shrug, eyes flicking briefly to Virgil before resettling on John.
Okay… that was odd. As far as Virgil had been aware, the only books Gordon had read were 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Moby Dick.
“Your move, George.”
“Please, I am at least a James,” Gordon scoffed, though there was a hint of a grin on his face. Thoroughly confused, Virgil’s flabbergasted brain nearly stopped when Gordon went on to say, “It sounds plausible enough tonight, but wait until tomorrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning.”
H. G. Wells?
John actually sat up at that, at full attention while Gordon remained smirking on the hood of the car. John’s eyes narrowed.
"No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."
As Virgil watched, Gordon’s smirk dropped like a ton of lead. He glared at John’s smug face.
“What is this?” Virgil asked.
But, alas, he was ignored in favor of Oscar Wilde.
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
John’s eyes flashed. “You’re going there, huh?”
Gordon held up his hands in mock surrender. “You started it, not me. All’s fair in love and war, Johnny.”
Pointing at finger at Gordon, John growled, “Wait your turn.”
Virgil was stood staring, thoroughly confused and questioning his place in this world.
Gordon shrugged, lowering his arms and leaning back on them, unfolding his legs from under him and stretching them out on the car. John was quiet for a moment before he answered.
“When a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.”
Gordon catapulted himself into a sitting position, face distorted in a way that Virgil had never seen before. He glanced at John, and the blond seemed briefly apologetic… but that was before Gordon retaliated with, “It’s better to look at the sky than live there.”
Before he could even say a word, John was on the offense. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
Gordon slammed a hand on the hood, causing Virgil to jump. Without waiting, he practically spat, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Shakespeare… huh…
John seemed to pause, regarding Gordon with a cool, calculating look. The silence was tense, and Virgil was about to speak, to ask, once more, what in the world was happening, when John finally spoke.
“In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.”
Virgil threw up his hands, looking to sky for answers. The orange of the sunset did nothing to comfort him when Gordon replied with Steinbeck.
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”
“She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars.”
“And in that moment, I swear, we were infinite.”
John burst out laughing this time, a rare occurrence that had Virgil questioning everything else he thought he knew. Gordon watched with a proud smile.
“Okay, okay,” John said, returning the grin when he collected himself. “You win.”
Gordon pumped the air. “Yes! What’s that make it, thirty-six to thirty five?”
John waved a hand in the air, settling back down in his previous position, shutting his eyes once more. “Yeah, yeah, go ahead and gloat.”
“Good round, though,” Gordon said, shifting himself so that his back was against the windshield as he crossed his arms behind his head and bent his knees. He propped one ankle on top of the the other knee and gently bounced his foot.
At least he wasn’t tapping his fingers any more.
“I have to say, I’m impressed with the Oscar Wilde. I wasn’t expecting that one.”
Virgil reached a hand to his forehead and rubbed at the spot between his eyes. He was going insane, that was the only explanation.
“I’m surprised about the copious amount of young adult genre you had,” Gordon said. He tilted his head slightly. “What’s up with that?”
John shrugged. “Alan left a bunch of books up on Five and I finished all mine before I came down. I had nothing better to do.”
Gordon grinned widely and shut his eyes as well.
“Are you two going to tell me what just happened?” Virgil asked, raising his head and looking at his two younger brothers.
“A game,” they replied in unison.
Now Virgil was positive he was losing it. And they called Scott old. “What?”
“A game,” Gordon said slowly, turning to look at Virgil. “Something one plays for entertainment.”
Not in the mood for his brother’s antics, Virgil simply glared.
It seemed that John took pity and explained. “When Gordon… was in the hospital....” code for: hydrofoil accident… “He got bored when everyone was out and the only books the hospital had were children’s books. I lent him some of mine and we’d spend some time discussing them.”
“And then we’d pick out our favorite quotes,” Gordon added, settling back down against the windshield. “At first we tried quoting it and having the other guess the author. But it was too easy, so we upped the ante.”
“Retaliate with quotes,” John resumed. “Nothing’s off limits. But sometimes, the quotes hit too close to home, and those times end in a draw if it can’t be resolved. First person to admit defeat loses.”
Virgil looked between his two lounging brothers, utterly flabbergasted. He had no idea that John and Gordon even talked, let alone did… this. It was rare that the two got along, their interests and personalities clashing more often than not. Gordon was loud, outgoing, and clingy. John was quiet, introverted, and didn’t like human contact. Gordon loved the sea and John adored the sky. The two of them were rarely seen alone, and it was even rarer to seem them talking voluntarily together outside of business-related affairs.
The two of them just clashed in every way, but to see them playing a game-a literary game-was enough to make Virgil’s head spin.
“And you two do this all the time?” he asked, frowing.
“Yup,” Gordon said, popping the “p”.
“Is that a problem?” John asked, and the slight defensive tone of his voice had Virgil blinking.
“No, not at all,” he said. He scratched the back of his neck. “I’m just surprised that Gordon voluntarily reads past the tenth grade level on his own.”
“I’m not stupid,” Gordon frowned, sitting up and leveling a stare at Virgil.
“That’s not what I meant,” Virgil replied, backtracking. Finding himself on the end of two angry brothers who normally did not team up was suddenly unsettling.
“Then what did you mean?” John questioned.
“Just… that Gordon, you surprised me, is all. I wasn’t expecting it. Why didn’t you say something, I love H. G. Wells.”
Gordon grinned at him and held up a finger. “One must be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”
Virgil threw up his hands at the loud laughter erupted from his brothers and decided the world had gone mad.
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tsatsm · 4 years ago
[chapter 1: before the storm]
The chill of the morning quickly dissipated into the scorching summer heat on the 14th of February, 1900, with the boys of the Marble Hills College eagerly and unabashedly giving and receiving love letters from their would be suitors. 
It was a tradition of sorts, one Will Doherty, the oldest son of the college’s headmaster, presented some odd years ago as a jest at first, which quickly grew roots and only became more elaborate as the years went by. 
Today was also the day of the much expected trip to Hanging Rock, a mountain not too far from the college itself, where their annual picnic was held as a way to let the schoolboys loose for an afternoon before heading back to the order and familiarity of the college.
The first to wake up was, as usual, the light sleeping Karl Haas, whom the previous night had been haunted by terrible nightmares and wondrous dreams. 
Samuel P. Nabel, his roomate and close companion, found him reading tarot cards once he awoke much later that morn. “Any good news from your friends on the other side?” was all he needed to say to push poor Karl out of his trance like state and back into reality. 
His eyes were sunken from lack of sleep and his hand shook, holding a familiar card to the Nabel boy. Upright tower. He remembered that one being either particularly nasty or particularly good, and by the looks of his roomate, the former one was truer in this circumstance. 
“It- it represents chaos and change..” Karl said quietly, to which Samuel sighed. His broad shoulders slumped as he waddled his way out of the now terribly warm bed and stretched. 
“Well, it can’t be all that bad, old chap. I’m guessing the only chaos and change happening today is we finally get a few crumbs of freedom for the afternoon.” He smiled. “Besides, we also have a few interesting things to look forward to excluding that. Like figuring out who exactly wrote to me in their love letter this year. I already have a few guesses.”
The Haas boy nodded, his blue and brown eyes looking away from him at that moment, blush creeping onto his ears. Samuel instantly took notice, and concern spread across his face like ants over a newly rotting apple. He placed his hand over the boy’s forehead,“Are you feeling unwell? Should I call a teacher or the headmaster-”
The sudden movement away surprised Samuel, and Karl practically leapt away from the touch. “No, it’s.. it’s just too damn warm. In here. We should get ready, to not make the others wait.”
He hopped off his bed with little grace, but he still landed on his feet, so it was a small success. “Besides, if we doddle, we’d have less time on the rock.”
“I guess.. not like that place is interesting in any way, shape or form..” Sam watched as his friend poured some water into the basin to freshen himself up.
“Well, I like it.”
“Only because of the spiritual bullcrap you generally like. It’s a rock that’s been there forever, and it’ll be there long after all the humans are gone off the planet.” He could hear small giggles between the cool splashes of water infused with rose petals.
“That’s why I like it so much.” Karl’s voice became so quiet it’d be considered a breath, if even that. “It’s waited all these years- all these forevers- just for us.”
Though he did not see it, the Nabel boy’s concern hadn’t faded away with those words. They did the complete opposite, in fact. Even if Karl would never see the face, he could still feel something off with Samuel. Dressing up for the day without peaking had become a chore all on its own, now that the boy’s poor hormones worked against him in every aspect possible. To distract from this, Karl’s eyes focused on the tower tarot card, squinting ever so slightly before he was brought back by Samuel’s excited voice. He knew what had to be done today.
George Welford had never slept in before. He wasn’t the most timely fellow of his class, that was true, but he was never so late his slacker friend Dorian Thatcher had to be the one to knock on his door to make sure he was up and about. 
The boy’s raspy voice from all the secret cigarettes he’d smoked on the roof, coupled with his rather obnoxious banging on the door, made George painfully aware that he was, in fact, late. 
Cursing himself for being so careless, he dressed up quickly, almost forgetting to put his black gloves on before being seen outside his room, and opened the door. The blond boy with rather long, unkempt hair that morning, smiled mischievously as he spoke, “You’re gonna miss the trip at this rate, idiot. As a fellow lazy man, I only saw it fit that I try to pull you out of that dreadful slumber of yours once and for all.. at least for today.” The devilish wink did not go unnoticed by the shorter brunet, who rolled his eyes so hard they hurt by the end of this.
“Only because I had a dreadful sleep last night. Must’ve been that Haas boy working his witchcrafts on me-”
“To make you fall for him?” Dorian rudely interrupted as George’s face flashed pink. “Or to fall for someone else who paid him to do a little spell on you?”
“You absolute fiend! I’m sure he has no such- such idiotic knowledge! By God, you embarrass me every day by saying nonsense as if your life depended on it.”
“Well, maybe it does. Don’t you like it when I-” The boys quickly turned at the sound of something whooshing through the narrow opening between the door and the bed. The two looked at each other, then back at the strange card, curiosity filling the room like honey, ever viscous and ever present. “..Do you know what that is or..?” Dorian was the first to make a sound.
George, slowly, picked the card up, brows knit tightly. It was unmistakably from Haas’ little tarot collection, the picture depicted a tower burning and collapsing, people jumping or falling to their deaths. “What the hell..?” The name of the card was ‘the tower’, and its number was sixteen written in bold roman numerals.
“Ominous. I love it. We should probably give this back, right, George?” The Thatcher boy looked at the slightly frightened companion who just nodded along, not listening one bit. “Or.. we could burn it. Teach him a lesson for messing with us, yeah?” George’s head shot up in relief, as though he’d just now figured out what to do and how to do it. “I’ll be right back. You wait for me in the lunchroom, yeah? This shouldn’t take long.” He was already halfway out the door when Dorian realised what was happening.
  “Wh- hey, where are you going, leaving me in your room like I’m some pervert!” He closed the door behind him, but he was no match for the running boy. Frozen in place, Dorian grit his teeth ever so slightly. “..It’s for William, isn’t it?” He spoke all too quietly at the dead air.
“-And besides, it’s not my fault dad enrolled me here a year earlier. Now I have to wait a whole year before I get the chance to see High Rock up close!” Thomas fidgeted as William brushed his baby brother’s golden hair carefully. “And then you’ll be last year, so you’ll probably be too busy-”
“Tommy.” His brother shushed, “You can still go to High Rock without me, you know that?” William’s laugh sounded almost like bells to Thomas, always surprising him despite knowing him his entire life. “And besides, it’s high time you find friends of your own. Friends besides me and father and the calculus professor.”
“It’s not my fault Mr Talbott simply likes me more than the rest.” He stated proudly, eyes and smile shining like the crests of Orion. “I bet I’ll be his favorite soon enough.”
“I’m sure you are already, but..” William looked to the ground, still combing carefully, “I won’t be here for much longer. ..At the college, I mean. And I’m worried you’ll only stay by my side and never come out of your shell.”
As Thomas looked at their shared mirror, he couldn’t help but notice the gap between him and his brother. William, the tall, intelligent and charismatic leader of every group he is in, and.. Tommy. The younger brother with no potential and too big shoes to fill. “..I’ll try, Will.”
“That’s all I’m asking of you.” With a quick hug and a light ruffling of hair, he smiled again. “Now, don’t forget your gloves or father will be furious.”
The younger Doherty boy laughed, taking his ironed gloves off the dressing table, noticing all the strange gadgets and trinkets his brother had collected over the years. Most were stones, all pretty shapes and wild colors, all things he knew nothing of but knew that it made William happy, so he was content with just that. Carefully, he picked up the shimmering fool’s gold and twirled it in his hand. “What’s this one for?”
William, now without glasses, turned and made a small huff. “I told you a million times already, Tommy. It’s for confidence.” He pointed to the thicker book on his nightstand. “Any more questions you have, Miss Hannah Rose has all the answers for you.” His slender arms looked ridiculous in that puffy shirt that they called a part of their school uniform, Thomas thought to himself. 
A quiet knock filled the room, and before William had the time to even open his mouth, the Welford boy rushed in, holding up a card with a weird drawing on it. The younger boy tried to squint to see the illustration better before George gave it over to Wilbur, “Can you help me with this? I’m not sure who it belongs to.”
A deep, terrible silence befell the Doherty room, one where the awful heat simply added to the bad feeling pooling down in the pit of Thomas’ gut. Something seems wrong today, and it was only the morning. Sure, it had become a normal part of the day for a boy or two to come into his and William’s room for advice or a chat, but this.. didn’t feel like any of the other times.
“Tommy, can you wait for me in the lunchroom? I’ll be down shortly.” With a soft, comforting smile only his brother could do, Thomas had no choice but to nod and leave the room as quickly as possible, still holding on to the fool’s gold. 
It was for courage, after all.
0 notes
hollyrosemassage · 8 years ago
D. THOREAU– “Issues don’t change, we modify.” DANIEL WEBSTER-“Allow us to always remember that the cultivation of the earth is crucial labour of man.” DANIEL WHOYT –”In case you have a buddy value loving, Love him. Sure, and let him know that you just love him, ere life’s night Tinge his forehead with sundown glow. Why ought to good phrases ne’er be stated of a buddy until he’s lifeless?” DANISH PROVERB– “The highway to buddy’s home is rarely lengthy.” DANISH PROVERB– “Who’s ashamed of asking, is ashamed of studying.’ DANNY DE VRRO– “There are two dilemmas that rattle the human cranium. How do you dangle on to some one who will not keep? And haw do you eliminate some one who will not go?” DANNYAINGE –”Whenever you’re enjoying it as a enterprise… your livelihood relies on profitable and shedding and so some- occasions sportsmanship is misplaced, as within the technique of billion greenback corporations.” DANTE –”Compassion isn’t a ardour; quite a noble disposition of the soul, made able to obtain love, mercy, and different charitable passions.” DANTE –”Getting Issues carried out the key of getting issues carried out is to behave.” DANTE –”What shall one do with the verse, if he is aware of not That?” DANTE ALGHIERI– “There isn’t a nice sorrow than to recall happiness within the time of distress.” DANTE ALIGHIERI –”Halfway upon the journey of our life/I discovered myself inside a forest darkish, for the easy pathway had been misplaced.” DANTE GABRIEL ROSETTE –”Look in my face, my identify is might-have been, I’m additionally referred to as no extra, Too-late, Farewell.” DANTE, DE MONARCHIA –”Unity in wills can’t be until there may be one will dominating and ruling all the remaining to oneness… wills of mortals have want of a directive precept… subsequently for the well-being of the world, there needs to be a monarchy.” DANTE, II CONVITO –”Every part is virtuous in its nature that fulfils the aim for which it was ordained; and the higher it does this, the extra virtuous it’s. That’s the reason we name him a superb man who leads the on depletive or the energetic life for which his nature matches him; we name the horse good that runs quick and much, which he’s created to do; we name the sword good that cuts onerous issues with ease, for which finish it’s made. Thus language, being ordained to specific human conceptions, is sweet when it does this; and the extra completely it does it the higher it’s.” DARA SHIKOH –”Paradise is there the place no mulla exists—the place the noise of his discussions and debate isn’t heard. Could the world develop into free from the noise of the mulla, and none ought to pay any heed to his decrees! Within the metropolis the place a mulla resides, No clever man ever stays.” DARRIN WEINBERG –”It issues not whether or not you win or lose; what issues is whether or not I win or lose.” DARRYL F ZANUCK –”If two males on the identical job agree on a regular basis, then one is ineffective. In the event that they disagree, then each are ineffective.” DASHAVAIKALIKA –”The very first precept of faith laid down by Lord Mahavira is ahimsa — non-injury to dwelling beings—which have to be noticed very scrupulously and completely, and behaving in direction of all dwelling beings with correct restraint and management.” DAVE BARBT –”The Web: Reworking Society and Shaping the Future By way of Chat.” dave barry –”In these days, most individuals learn newspapers, whereas as we speak, most individuals don’t. What triggered this variation? One massive issue, in fact, is that individuals are so much stupider than they was, though we right here within the newspaper trade would by no means say so in print.” DAVE BARRY –”YOU CAN ONLY BE YOUNG ONCE. BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS BE IMMATURE.” DAVE MEURER –”A terrific marriage isn’t when the ‘excellent couple’ comes collectively. It’s when an imperfect couple learns to get pleasure from their variations.” DAVE PELZER –”Hate is a most cancers that unfold on cell at a time.” DAVE THOMAS –”At first there was nothing and God stated ‘Let there be mild’, and there was nonetheless nothing however everyone may see it.” DAVE TYSON GENTRY –”True friendship comes when silence between two folks is comfy.” DAVID A WYSS –”If one tries to stamp out a bubble in a single place, it resurfaces in one other.” DAVID ARMISTEAD –”Belief one another many times. When the belief degree will get excessive sufficient, folks transcend obvious limits, discovering new and superior talents for which they had been beforehand unaware.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH –”Kids begin off studying in books about lions and giraffes and so forth, however additionally they are ready to enter a backyard and switch over stone and see a worm and see a slug and see an ant.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH –”It appears to me that the pure world is the best supply of pleasure; the best supply of visible magnificence; the best supply of mental curiosity. It’s the biggest supply of a lot in life that makes life value dwelling.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH –”Folks should really feel that the pure world is vital and useful and delightful and great and an amazement and a pleasure.” DAVID BATCHELOR –”Color is uncontainable. It effortlessly reveals the boundaries of language and evades our greatest makes an attempt to impose a rational order on it… To work with color is to develop into conscious about the insufficiency of language and concept — which is each disturbing and pleasurable.” DAVID BATCHELOR -“Color is uncontamable. It effortlessly reveals the boundaries of language and evades our greatest makes an attempt to impose a rational order on it… To work with color is to develop into conscious about the insufficiency of language and concept -which is each disturbing and pleasurable.” DAVID BISSONNNETTE –”I lately learn that love is solely a matter of chemistry. That have to be why my spouse treats me like poisonous waste.” DAVID BOHM –”In some sense man is a microcosm of the universe; subsequently what man is, is a clue to the universe. We’re enfolded within the universe.” DAVID BOWIE– “A person could also be a lot of each factor that may be a nothing of something.” DAVID BOWIE– “Time could change me, however I am unable to hint time.” DAVID BRIN –”It’s stated that energy corrupts, however truly it is extra true that energy attracts the corruptible.” DAVID BRIN –”It is stated that ‘energy corrupts’, however truly it is extra true that energy attracts the corruptible. The sane are normally attracted by different issues than energy. Once they do act, they consider it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, although, seeks mastery, for which he’s insatiable, implacable.” DAVID BRIN –”In terms of privateness and accountability, folks at all times demand the previous for themselves and the latter for everybody else.” DAVID BRINKLEY –”A profitable particular person is one who can lay a agency basis with the bricks that others throw at her or him.” DAVID BROWER –”Cherish these rivers. Witness for them. Get pleasure from their unimprovable function as you sense it, and let these rivers that you just by no means go to consolation you with the peace of mind that they’re there, doing splendidly what they’ve at all times carried out.” DAVID BROWER –”We should start considering like a river if we’re to depart a legacy of magnificence and life for future generations.” DAVID BYRNE –”Typically it is a type of love simply to speak to any individual that you don’t have anything in frequent with and nonetheless be fascinated by their presence.” DAVID GRAYSON –”Wanting again, I’ve this to remorse, that too typically once I cherished, I didn’t say so.” DAVID L. WEATHERFORD –”When confronted with a problem, search for a manner not a manner out.” DAVID LETTEBMAN –”People are the one animal who can have intercourse over the cellphone.” DAVID LETTERMAN– “Needless to say your particular person vote doesn’t suggest something.” DAVID LEVESQUE –”You understand you’re in love whenever you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes in every single place on the planet.” DAVID LLOYD GEORGE –”Do not be afraid to take a giant step if one is indicated. You possibly can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” DAVID LODGE– “Literature is generally about having seen and never a lot about having youngsters. Life is the opposite manner spherical.” DAVID MYERS –”For these passionately in love, the entire world appears to smile.” DAVID NIVEN –”Extremely aggressive individuals who at all times have to win find yourself having fun with issues much less.” DAVID OGILVY –”A very good commercial is one which sells the product with out drawing consideration to itself.” DAVID OGILVY –”The perfect concepts come as jokes. Make your considering as humorous as attainable.” DAVID OWEN– “We’re fed up with fudging and mudding with mush and shush.” DAVID R HAWKINS –” Why give the ego extra energy by resisting and opposing it?” DAVID SCHWARTZ –”Each massive accomplishment is a collection of little accomplishments.” DAVID SCHWARTZ –”Suppose little targets and count on little achievements, assume massive targets and win massive success.” DAVID SLAWSON –”Names are an vital key to what a society values. Anthropologists recognise naming as ‘one of many chief strategies for imposing order on notion’.” DAVID STARR JORDAN –”The key of being a bore is to inform all the pieces. Knowledge is figuring out what to do subsequent; advantage is doing it.” DAVID STEEL –”To hearken to some folks in Politics, you’d think-nice-was a four-letter phrase.” DAVID STEINDL-RAST –”Wherever we could come alive, that’s the space during which we’re non secular.” DAVID VISCOTT –”To like and be cherished is to really feel the solar from each side.” DAVID W JOHNSON –”There aren’t any pace restrict on the highway to excellence.” DAVID WILCOX –”Typically the folks you like within the evening/ The morning will select to overlook/ That is my final cigarette.” DAVID. R. HAWKINS –”Prayer: Holding in thoughts what you need, however with out including need to it.” DAVIS BEN-CURION– “Braveness is the data of the right way to concern, what should be feared and the way to not concern, what ought to not feared.” DAVIS NAPIER– “There may be in fact absurdity in each act of religion.” DE MAGISTRO –”If I’m given a method, and I am unaware of its that means, it can not educate me something, but when I already understand it what does the method educate me?” DE STAEL –”Sow good companies: candy remembrances will develop from them.” DEAN INGE –”The enemies of freedom don’t argue, they shout after which shoot.” DEAN MARTIN –”I might hate to be a teetotaler the morning and figuring out that is nearly as good as you are going to really feel all day” DEAN WILLIAM R INGE –”What’s originality? Undetected plagiarism.” DEBORAH MCGRIFF– “Deal with failure as observe shorts.” DECLARATION OF THE BAB –” “Let your reliance be on the remembrance of God, essentially the most Exalted, the Most Nice. He’ll, erelong, convey to naught all of the issues ye possess. Let Him be your concern, and overlook not His covenant with you, and be not of them which might be shut out as by a veil from Him. Purify thou, first, thy soul with the waters of renunciation, and adorn thine head with the crown of the concern of God, and thy temple with the decoration of reliance upon Him.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm, As is the atom, so is the universe, As is the human thoughts, so is the cosmic thoughts.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”Every part that’s taking place at this second is a results of the alternatives you have made up to now.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”If you wish to attain a state of bliss, then transcend your ego and the interior dialogue. Decide to relinquish the necessity to management the have to be permitted and the necessity to choose.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”In detachment lies the knowledge of uncertainty within the knowledge of uncertainty lies the liberty from our previous, from the identified, which is the jail of previous conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the sector of all potentialities, we give up ourselves to the inventive thoughts that orchestrates the dance: of the universe.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”Meditation isn’t a manner of constructing your thoughts quiet. It is a manner of getting into into the quiet that is already there — buried beneath the 50,000 ideas the typical particular person thinks day by day.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”Silence is the good instructor, and to be taught its classes you should take note of it. There isn’t a substitute for the inventive inspiration, data, and stability that comes from figuring out the right way to contact your core of inside silence.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The all-pervading vitality supply of existence or Shakti manifests itself as creation. Shakti is the divine mom who offers beginning to and nurtures the new child—whether or not it’s a new child infants a model new relationship, a recent concept, or a magical manifestation. Though Shakti is past the boundaries of gender, type or coloration, we name It Mom due to its mothering and inventive qualities.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The physique have to be credited with an immense fund of know-how.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The coexistence of opposites — stillness and dynamism — makes you impartial… Whenever you quietly acknowledge this beautiful coexistence of opposites, you align your self with the world of vitality — the quantum soup, the non-material non-stuff that’s the supply of the fabric world. This world vitality is fluid, dynamic, resilient, altering, perpetually in movement. And but additionally it is non-changing, nonetheless, quiet, everlasting and silent.” DEEPAK CHOPRA -“The primary non secular regulation of success is the regulation of pure potentiality This regulation is predicated or the truth that we’re, in our important state pure consciousness Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it’s the area of all potentialities and infinite creativity Pure consciousness is our non secular essence Being infinite and unbounded, additionally it is pure pleasure Different attributes of consciousness are pure data, infinite silence, excellent stability, invincibility simplicity, and bliss. That is our important nature. Our important nature is considered one of pure potentiality.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The much less you open your coronary heart, the extra your coronary heart suffers.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The best way to fill your life with love could be very easy: if you need extra love, give extra love.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”There aren’t any accidents … there may be just some function that we have not but understood.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”To search out oneself dwelling in an age of doubt isn’t such a curse. There’s a sort of reverence in enterprise the hunt for fact, even earlier than the primary scrap has been discovered.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”When consciousness is totally balanced, speaking with the skin world is instantaneous and computerized. It occurs with the contact of thought.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”You and I are infinite choice-makers. In each second of our existence, we’re in that area of all potentialities the place we now have entry to an infinity of decisions. A few of these decisions are made consciously, whereas others are made unconsciously. However the easiest way to know and maximize using karmic regulation is to develop into consciously conscious of the alternatives we make each second.” DEEPAK TANDON –”Hovering, The place notion, from wherever, is right in itself, The place the horizon spreads to all instructions, The place merger, defies the theories of reverse forces, The place separation, is diminished to simply an phantasm, The place ‘the summary drive’, breaks all boundaries of disputed views, The place the difficulty, isn’t even the issuelessness, The place the great thing about a lush inexperienced meadow and a desert is similar, The place color isn’t sure by a significance, The place merger, even merges the distinction between duality and oneness, The place wholeness is love, The place love in its description, goes summary, The place ‘The summary’, manifests wherever to get pleasure from wherever, The place, wherever amazes himself with himself, The place this phenomena could also be expressed as ‘life’. The place there ‘is’, thus, “The Pleasure of Life”.” DEMOCRITUS –”Nothing exists besides atoms and empty area; all the pieces else is opinion.” DEMOPHILUS –”It’s with youth as with vegetation, from the primary fruits they bear we be taught what could also be anticipated in future.” DEMOSTHENES –”Small alternatives are sometimes the start of nice enterprises.” DENG MING-DAO –”Ultimately, the time of motion should come. When this occurs, be a winner! Do not accept mediocre outcomes. Do not attempt to keep even. Go for all of it!” DENG XIAOPING –”If the plenty really feel some anger, we should allow them to categorical it.” DENIS DIDEROT – “The thinker has by no means killed any monks, whereas the priest has killed an important many philosophers.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Perception is the ignition change that Will get you off the launching pad.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Change the changeable, settle for the unchangeable, take away your self from the unacceptable.” denis waitley –”chase your ardour, not your pension.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Happiness can’t be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the non secular expertise of dwelling each minute with love, grace and gratitude.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Life isn’t measured by the variety of breaths you’re taking; however by the moments that take your breath away.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Look inside for worth and look past for perspective.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Almost all males can stand adversity, however if you wish to take a look at a person’s character, give him energy.” DENIS WAITLEY –”There are two main decisions in life; to just accept situations as they exist, or settle for the duty for altering them.” DENIS WAITLEY –”View life as a steady studying expertise.” DENNIS GREEN –”The key to success is to start out from scratch and carry on scratching.” DENNIS WEAVER –”It isn’t an if— we’ll have to alter. Oil is solely going to be gone.” DENVER, AUG 1993 –”Exactly when science and medication are reaching a larger capability to safeguard well being and life, the threats towards life have gotten extra insidious.” DEREK WALL –” be inexperienced? It is actually quite simple and requires no knowledgeable data or complicated expertise. This is the reply: devour much less, share extra. Get pleasure from life.” DEREKE BRUCE –”So as to preserve a real perspective of 1’s significance, everybody ought to have a canine that can worship him and a cat that can ignore him.” DESI ARNAZ –”It turned a ritual that at every of our anniversaries i sang a tune and despatched her crimson and white carnations.” DESMOND MORRIS– “The town isn’t a concrete jungle, it’s a human zoo.” DESMOND TUTU –”Kids are an exquisite reward… They’ve a rare capability to see into the center of issues and to show sham and humbug for what they’re.” DEUTERONOMY –”And the Lord will make you abound in prosperity within the fruit of your physique, and within the fruit of your cattle, and within the fruit of your floor… And the Lord will make you the top, and never the tail; and also you shall have a tendency upward solely, and never downward; when you obey the commandments of the Lord your God.” DEVI BHAGAVATAM –”zero Saraswati, goddess of studying, grant me data, grant me reminiscence, grant me studying, fame and poetry, and the facility to enlighten disciples.” DEVI MAHATMYAM –”At daybreak, I bow to Chandi. Her play-act deludes Brahma, Indra, Rudra and munis and he or she has innumerable types.” DEVOTEE’S CONFESSIM –”I requested for power and God gave me difficulties to make sturdy. I requested for knowledge and God gave me issues to resolve. I requested for Braveness and God gave me risks to beat. I requested for Love and God gave me troubled folks to assist. I requested for favours and God gave me alternatives I obtained nothing I needed. I obtained all the pieces ineeded.” DEXTER –”Let the chain of second causes be ever so lengthy, the primary hyperlink is at all times in God’s hand.” DEXTER –”The demand of the human understanding for causation requires however the one and solely reply, God.” DH LAWRENCE –”I’m a part of the solar as my eye is a part of me. That I’m a part of the earth my ft know completely and my blood is a part of the ocean.” DH LAWRENCE –”It’s a high-quality factor to determine one’s personal faith in a single’s coronary heart, to not be depending on custom and Second-hand beliefs. Life will appear to you, later, not a lesser, however a larger factor. DH LAWRENCE –”Fable is an try to narrate an entire human expertise, of which the aim is just too deep, going too deep within the blood and soul, for psychological rationalization or description.” DH LAWRENCE –”The dwelling self has one function solely: to return into its personal fullness of being, as a tree comes into full blossom, or a hen into spring magnificence, I or a tiger into lustre.” DH LAWRENCE –”That is what I imagine: That I’m I. That my soul is a darkish forest. That my identified self won’t ever be greater than a little bit clearing within the forest. These gods, unusual gods, come forth from the forest into the clearing of my identified self, after which return. That I should have the braveness to allow them to come and go. That I’ll by no means let mankind put something over me, however that I’ll strive at all times to recognise and undergo the gods in me and the gods in different women and men. There may be my creed.” DH LAWRENCE –”Why does not the previous decently bury itself, as an alternative of sitting and ready to be admitted by the current?” DHANI RAM CHATRIK –”Allow us to bury caste and creed, Allow us to erase this sorrow certainly, You a Sayyid, I a Brahmin, allow us to end this silly din. We now have to bear one another, say We’re not right here for everlasting keep, Let there be laughter in our assembly, Let our hearts be one this night.” DHU I-NUN –”Dim I-Nun: How can one attain the state of the clever? The Bedouin Sheikh: By giving up undertakings and genealogies, by slicing quick all relations.” DHU I-NUN –”I perceived that God takes in hand the affair; of them that put then- belief in Him and doesn’t let their tribulation come to naught.” DIANA –”Name me Diana, not Prineess Diaiia… Do not name me an icon. I am only a mom making an attempt to assist… Everybody must be valued. Everybody has the potential to provide one thing again… I need my boys to have an understanding of individuals’s feelings, their insecurities, folks’s misery, and their hopes and goals.” DIANA L ECK –”In Montana, each mountain and river has a reputation, and our Montana tradition speaks these names with familiarity and reverence — the Gallatin and Madison, the Bitterroot and BIackfoot. Nature does certainly reveal each the glory and terror of the Divine. However most of us within the Christian custom haven’t let the icons of nature develop into a strong a part of our theological language. There isn’t a a part of nature that carries for Christians the cultural energy and mythic vitality of the Ganges, as a lot ; as i really like the Madison, the Gallatin, and the BIackfoot rivers. Why not? Maybe these of us within the western prophetic traditions have been afraid that ; we’ll worship nature and never God.” DIANA RANKIN –”It takes twenty years of onerous work to develop into an in a single day success.” DIANA RANKIN –”It takes twenty years of onerous work to develop into an in a single day success.” DIANE –”Youth lasts for much longer than younger folks assume.” DIANE ARBUS – “Love entails an unfathomable mixture of understanding and misunderstanding.” DIANE ARBUS –”My favorite factor is to go the place I’ve by no means gone.” DICKENS– “It is over, and cannot be helped, and that is one comfort, as they at all times say in Turkey.” DIETRICH BANBOEFFER –”zero merciful God, forgive me all of the Sins I’ve dedicated towards you, andagainst my fellow males. I belief in your grace and commit my life: wholly into your palms. So do with me as appears finest to you and as is finest for me. Whether or not I dwell or die, I’m with you, and you’re with me, my God. Lord, I wait to your salvation.” DIETRICH BONHOEFFER –”The take a look at of the morality as a society is what it does for its youngsters.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”Brethren, if outsiders ought to converse towards me, or towards the Doctrine, or towards the Order, you shouldn’t on that account both bear malice, or undergo resentment, or really feel sick will. In the event you, on that account, ought to really feel offended and damage, that will stand in the best way of your individual self-conquest.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”He who says: “It’s too scorching, too chilly, too late!” Leaving the ready work unfinished nonetheless, Lets move all alternatives for good. However he who reckons warmth and chilly as straws And like a person does all that is to be carried out, He by no means falls away from happiness.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”In 5 methods ought to a toddler minister to his dad and mom: ‘As soon as supported by them, I’ll now be their assist; I’ll carry out duties incumbent on them; will sustain the lineage and custom of my household; I’ll make myself worthy of my heritage. In 5 methods dad and mom thus ministered to, by their baby, present their love for him; They restrain him from vice, they exhort him to advantage, they practice him to a occupation, they contract an appropriate marriage for him, and in due time they hand over to him his inheritance.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”The buddy who at all times seeks his profit, The buddy whose phrases are apart from his deeds, The buddy who flatters simply to make you happy, The buddy who retains you firm in incorrect, These 4 the clever regard as enemies: Shun them from afar as paths of hazard. The buddy who’s a helper on a regular basis, The buddy in happiness and sorrow each, The buddy who offers recommendation that is at all times good, These 4 the clever see as good-hearted associates And with devotion cherish comparable to these As does a mom cherish her personal baby.” DILLON LAUGHTON –”Do good issues for others and other people could accuse you of egocentric motives. Do good anyway.” DINAH MARIA MULOCK CRAIK –”God relaxation ye, little youngsters; let nothing you affright. For Jesus Christ, your saviour was born this comfortable evening; alongside the hills of Galilee the white flocks sleeping lay. When Christ, the kid of Nazareth, was born on Christmas Day.” DINAH SHORE –”Hassle is part of your life, and when you do not share it, you do not give the one who loves you an opportunity to like you sufficient.” DIOGENES –”Training is a controlling grace to the younger, comfort to the older, wealth to the poor, ornaments to the wealthy.” DIONYSIUS –”This Universe… is each One and Many.” DIONYSIUS –”Trinity — Greater than any being, any divinity, any goodness. Information of Christians within the knowledge of heaven! Lead us up past unknowing and lightweight, as much as the farthest, highest peak of mystic scripture, the place the mysteries of God’s Phrase lie easy, absolute! And unchangeable within the good darkness of – a hidden silence with treasures past all magnificence.” DIONYSIUS –”We have to be transported wholly out of ourselves and given unto God… This Silly Knowledge, which hath neither cause nor intelligence… is the reason for all intelligence and cause, and of all knowledge and understanding,” DISRAELI –”We make our fortunes and name them destiny.” DISRAELI –”Youth is a blunder, manhood a battle, outdated age, a remorse.” DIXY LEE RAY –”It’s no coincidence that our reawakening to the particular nature of our world and to its uniquely balanced surroundings and its limitations coincided with our first glimpse of earth from outer area, via the eyes of astronauts, tv cameras and photographic tools.” DN PANDEY –”Since native data programs in India are nonetheless being practised amongst communities, they will contribute to deal with the challenges of forest administration, sustainable water administration, biodiversity conservation, and mitigation of world local weather change. Ecological penalties of local weather change require that we entry all shares of information for mitigation methods.” DOC SEUERINSEN –”Music and the humanities should not simply one thing to make folks really feel good. They elevate the soul and broaden the complete character.” DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN –”Within the E-book of Songs it’s stated, He makes no present of his ethical value, but all of the princes comply with in his steps. Therefore the ethical man, by dwelling a lifetime of easy fact and earnestness, alone can I assist to convey peace and order on the planet.” DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN –”It issues not what you inquire into however whenever you inquire right into a factor, you should by no means give it up, till you could have completely understood it. It issues not what you attempt to assume out, however whenever you as soon as attempt to assume out a factor, you should by no means give it up till you’ve got what you need.” DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN –”Solely those that are completely honest can totally develop their nature. If they will totally develop their nature, they will totally develop the character of others.” DOLLY PARTON –”If you’d like the rainbow you have to put up with a little bit rain.” DOLLY PARTON –”Storms make timber take deeper roots.” DOLLY PARTON –”The best way I see it, if you need the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” DOM MORAES– “I shall depart in methods we believed, unattainable in our youth. A bit of drained, however in finish, not sad to have lived.” DON DE LILLO –”There’s at all times a interval of curious concern between the primary sweet-smelling breeze and the time when the rain comes cracking down.” DON GALER –”Within the heroic organizations, folks mentor one another unselfishly.” DON HAROLD’S –”Do not ever slam a door, you may to return.” DON JUAN DE MARCO –”There are 4 questions of worth in life… What’s sacred? Of what’s the spirit made? What’s value dwelling for, and what’s value dying fort The reply to every is similar. Solely love.” DON MARQUIS –”Happiness is the interval between intervals of unhappiness.” DON MARQUIS –”I’ve typically observed that when chickens stop quarrelling over their meals they typically discover that there’s sufficient for all of them. I’m wondering if it won’t be the identical with the human race.” DON MARQUIS –”When a person tells you that he bought wealthy via onerous work, ask him, whose?” DON MORQUIS– “Procrastination is the artwork of maintaining with yesterday.” DON WARD –”Enthusiasm is contagious. Begin an epidemic.” DON WARD –”Others can cease you quickly; solely you are able to do it completely.” DON WARD –”Take your job significantly however be taught to snicker at your self.” DON WIIIIAMS JR –”God talks incessantly. However, because it seems, mankind is deaf.” DON WILLIAM JR –”God, regardless of his informal silence, nonetheless exists. Of that I have never a single doubt.” DON WILLIAMS JR –”On an altar of prejudice we crucify our personal, but the blood of all youngsters is the color of God.” DONALD H. ME CANNON –”Management is motion, not place.” DONALD LAIRD –”To deal with your self, use your head; to deal with others, use your coronary heart.” DONALD LATUMAHINA –”1. Be observant. 2. By no means let any concept go uncaptured. three. Attempt to be taught one thing from the folks you meet. four. Take a e-book or journal wherever you go. 5. Allocate a minimal of 30 minutes to learn a e-book. 6. Meditate. 7. Take time to mirror in your day. What have you ever carried out proper? What have you ever carried out incorrect? What are you able to do to enhance your self? eight. Drink water so much. 9. Train. 10. Learn a set of quotes. 11. Select a quote of the day to ponder and apply. 12. Take notes of each expense you make. 13. Do one thing for the primary time. 14. Successfully learn on-line articles. 15. Use timer that can assist you truly do what you must do. 16. Be taught to make use of a instrument, both to enhance your ability with a well-recognized instrument or to be taught a brand new instrument. 17. Take time to assessment your life function and targets. 18. Rise early 19. Take heed to academic or motivational audio programme when you’re doing actions which don’t want full focus. 20. Be pleased about your day 21. Learn a random article to show you to new issues. 22. Have enjoyable. Be keen about life.” DONALD LATUMAHINA –”There isn’t a such factor as on the spot enchancment in life. And as in agriculture, progress can solely occur little by little over time…. The issues that you just do day by day could appear small and insignificant, however over time folks can be shocked to find out how a lot you could have grown in life. Deal with the small belongings you do day by day The important thing phrase right here is day by day In the event you don’t have the persistence to do these small issues persistently, you will not be capable to see the outcomes over the long run.” DONALD LUPTON– “The perfect information is after we hear no information.” DONALD TRUMP – “So long as you are going to assume anyway, assume massive.” DONALD TRUMP –”You need to assume anyway, so why not assume massive?” DONNA A FAVORS –”Being good is considered one of many bridges on the highway to Happiness.” DORIS DAY –”Killing an animal to make a coat is a sin. It wasn’t meant to be and ‘we now have no proper to I do it. A lady positive aspects standing when she refuses to see something killed to be placed on her again. Then she’s really lovely.” DORIS DAY –”The actually scary factor about center age is the data.” DORIS LESSING –”Coincidences are God’s manner of remaining nameless.” DORIS LESSING –”Some folks acquire fame, others deserve it.” DORIS MORTMAN –”Till you make peace with who you’re, you will by no means be content material with what you could have.” DOROTHEA KENT –”A person 90 years outdated was requested to what he attributed his longevity. “I reckon”, he stated with a twinkle in his eye, “as a result of most nights I went to mattress and slept once I ought to have sat up and anxious.” DOROTHY BERNARD –”Braveness is concern that has stated its prayers.” DOROTHY F GURNEY –”Kiss of fhesurt for pardon. Tune of the birds for mirth you are nearer to God’s coronary heart in a backyard than anywhere else on earth.” DOROTHY NORMAN -“Are cosmic creation myths in microcosm. They depict, in irrespective of how delicate variation, the everlasting battle we wage to launch the inventive energies inside ourselves and on the planet.” DOROTHY NORMAN -“Myths of the heroes are cosmic creation myths in microcosm. They depict, in irrespective of how delicate variation, the everlasting battle we wage to launch the inventive energies inside ourselves and on the planet.” DOROTHY PARKER – “If you wish to know what God thinks of cash, simply seems to be on the folks he gave it to.” DOROTHY PARKER –”I shall keep the best way I’m as a result of I don’t give a rattling.” DOROTHY PARKER –”Love is like quicksilver within the hand. Go away the fingers open and it stays. Clutch is, and it darts.” DOROTHY PARKER –”Wage is not any object: I need solely sufficient to maintain physique and soul aside.” DOROTHY SERPES –”In the event you keep in mind simply the roses Forgetting all of the thorns The reminiscence of a harsh phrase Mustn’t linger on I Keep in mind all of the kisses That swept these phrases away/ And the smiles and. laughter And the sunshine of the day I Recall all these moments You treasured as soon as earlier than And preserve them in your treasure chest Now and perpetually extra Life’s sundown is so lovely It will probably make you smile In the event you recall candy reminiscences Only for a passing whereas The world is but so lovely It hasn’t modified in any respect; You possibly can hear the nightingale/ You possibly can hear the koel name The roses are nonetheless aromatic/ As they had been in years passed by The birds nonetheless sing as sweetly And there are white clouds within the sky It is as much as you to clean up i Earlier than the curtain falls For Dying isn’t the top of life? It is the Starting for us all.” DOROTHY THOMPSON –”Worry grows in darkness; when you assume there is a bogeyman round, activate the sunshine.” DOUG LARSON –”To err is human; to confess it, superhuman.” DOUGIAS P WHEEIER –”To halt the decline of an ecosystem it’s essential to assume like an ecosystem.” DOUGLARSVN –”A real buddy is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes.” DOUGLAS ADAMS – “God’s remaining message to creation: Sorry for the inconvenience.” DOUGLAS ADAMS – “At first, the universe was created. This has made lots of people very offended and been extensively thought to be a nasty transfer.” DOUGLAS ADAMS– “Anyone who’s able to getting himself right into a place of energy soul in no way is allowed to do the job.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”In the event you stick a Babel fish in your ear you’ll be able to immediately perceive something stated to you in any type of language.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”At first, the universe was created. This made lots of people very offended, and has been extensively thought to be a nasty concept.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”It’s identified that there are an infinite variety of worlds, just because there may be an infinite quantity of area for them to be in. Nonetheless, not each considered one of them is inhabited. Any finite quantity divided by infinity is as close to nothing as makes no odds, so the typical inhabitants of all of the planets within the Universe could be stated to be zero. From this it follows that the inhabitants of the entire Universe can also be zero, and that any folks chances are you’ll meet occasionally are merely merchandise of a deranged creativeness.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”l could not have gone the place I meant to go, however I feel I’ve ended up the place I meant to be.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”Nothing travels quicker than the pace of the sunshine with the attainable exception of unhealthy information, which obeys its personal particular legal guidelines.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”That is clearly some unusual utilization of the phrase ‘protected’ that I wasn’t beforehand conscious of.” DOUGLAS EVERETT –”There are some folks, who dwell in a dream world, and there are some who face actuality; after which there are those that flip one into the opposite.” DOUGLAS JERRDD –”Earth is right here so type, that simply tickle her with a hoe and he or she laughs with a harvest.” DOUGLAS JERROLD –”A person by no means so fantastically exhibits his personal power as when he respects one other’s weak point.” DOUGLAS MACARTHUR –”There isn’t a safety on this earth, there may be solely alternative.” DOUGLAS MACARTHUR –”Years could wrinkle the pores and skin, however to surrender curiosity wrinkles the soul. You’re as younger as your religion, as outdated as your doubt; as younger as your self-confidence, as outdated as your concern; as younger as your hope, as outdated as your despair. Within the central place of each coronary heart there’s a recording chamber. As long as it receives messages of magnificence, hope, cheer and braveness, so lengthy are you younger. When your coronary heart is roofed with the snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, after which solely, are you grown outdated. After which, certainly because the ballad says, you simply fade away” DOUGLAS MALLOCH –”You need to imagine in happiness, Or happiness by no means comes.” DOUGLAS PAGEIS –”A buddy is likely one of the nicest issues you’ll be able to have, and among the best factor you could be.” DOUGLAS YATESS –”People who find themselves smart about love are incapable of it.” DR BENDRE –”Age after age, Millennium after millennium, Yugadi returns. Bringing with it new pleasure of the New Yr and of a brand new life.” DR SEUSS –”And the Grinch, together with his Grinch-feet ice chilly within the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how may it’s so? It got here with out ribbons. It got here with out tags. It got here with out packages, packing containers or baggage. And he puzzled and puzzled ‘until his puzzler was sore./Then the Grinch considered one thing he hadn’t earlier than./ What if Christmas, he thought, does not come from a retailer./ What if Christmas, maybe, means a little bit bit extra.” DR TED KAPTCHUK –”Well being is an episode between two sicknesses.” DR. LEONARD BACON– “This nation is inhabited by Saints, Sinners and Beechers.” DRAUPADI, SABHA –”Go, and ask that gambler current within the meeting, whom he hath misplaced first, himself, or me.” DREW BARRYMORE –”Oh, I like hugging. I want I used to be an octopus, so I may hug 10 folks at a time!” DRIES SHAH –”It’s not sufficient that there’s a assortment of individuals with the frequent purpose of working in unison in direction of an goal… Aspiration and need solely should not sufficient.” DRYDEN –”Religion is to imagine what you don’t but see: the reward for this religion is to see what you imagine. Thus all under is power, and all above is grace.” DRYDEN –”Mark her majestic material; she’s a temple. Sacred by beginning, and constructed by palms divine.” DRYDEN –”There are three results of doting age: Useless doubts, idle cares, over warning.” DUDLEY MOOKE –”The perfect automobile security machine is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.” DUE DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD –”Nonetheless good an motion could also be, it shouldn’t be accounted nice when it’s not the results of nice function.” DUE DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD –”We’re all sufficient to bear the misfortunes of different.” DUKE OD EILINGTON –”Love is indescribable and unconditional; I may let you know a thousand issues that it’s not, however not one which it’s.” DUKE OF WINDSOR– “The factor that impresses me most about America is the best way dad and mom obey their youngsters.” DULICHAND JAIN –”One has to know that non-violence and equality represent everlasting dharma.” DULICHAND JAIN –”Maybe greater than every other non secular custom, Janism is imbued with its dedication to self-reliance. Within the soul’s tormented battle to free itself from its beginningless, and presumably countless – worldly bondage, neither destiny nor the gods could be of any assist. Even the Jinas can not relieve him of his karmic money owed; nevertheless, it’s their educating which facilitates the soul’s journey in direction of perfection.” DUMBLEDORE –”Darkish and troublesome occasions lie forward, Harry. Quickly we should all face the selection between what is correct… and what’s simple.” DUMBLEDORE –”His precedence didn’t appear to be to show them what he knew, however quite to impress upon them that nothing, not even… data, was foolproof.” DUMBLEDORE –”The reality is an exquisite and horrible factor, and may subsequently be handled with nice warning. Harry Potter and the Thinker’s Stone One doesn’t do nicely to dream and overlook to dwell.” DUMBLEDORE –”What’s coming will come and we’ll simply have to satisfy it when it does.” DUMBLEDORE –”Youth can not know the way age thinks and feels. However outdated males are responsible in the event that they overlook what it was to be younger.” DUNCAN JOHNSTONE –”First revealed shortly after his demise in February 1940, ‘Reminiscence Maintain-the-door’ isn’t an autobiography within the fullest sense, however quite a set of reminiscences about folks and locations John Buchan had identified. Within the first sentence of the preface he wrote: This e-book is a journal of sure experiences, not written within the experiencing second, however rebuilt out of reminiscence’.” DUNYA MIKHAIL –”The Wright brothers created the only biggest cultural drive because the invention of writing. The airplane turned the primary World Huge Internet, bringing folks, languages, concepts and values collectively Invoice Gates It not overlooks the river Now not is within the metropolis Now not on the map The bridge that was The bridge that we used to cross day by day The bridge The warfare tossed it into the river Simply as that girl aboard the Titanic Tossed her blue diamond.” DURGA ASHTOTRAM –”A tiger symbolises limitless energy. Durga driving tiger signifies that She possesses limitless energy and makes use of it to guard advantage and destroy evil.” DURGALAKSHMI, V –”It’s God, His being, His seeing, which make the entire world appear a by no means ending magnificence in bliss. This magnificence, this bliss is born of affection divine. To grant man this magnificence, this true bliss of affection, God comes down and walks the earth, as a sage, as a saint, a mahatma or a guru divine. His mystic divine imaginative and prescient now, is for every one, to see, to drink in and really feel candy ecstasy Man then dances singing thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks my pricey lord, for revealing to me You and I could be one in candy godly seeing. Reality, love and sweetness are an everlasting actuality to me now, as I do know You’re me and I You.” dustin hoffman –”Life stinks however that does not imply you do not get pleasure from it.” DWIGHT D EISENHOWER –”Properly, it is onerous for a mere man to imagine that girl does not have equal rights.” DWIGHT D ELSENHOWER –”Plans are nothing; planning is all the pieces.” DWIGHT D ELSENHOWER –”We, the folks, elect leaders to not rule however to serve.” DWIGHT EISENHOWER –”Management is the artwork of getting another person to do one thing you need carried out as a result of he desires to do it.” DWLGHT D. EISENHOWER –”I feel that individuals need peace a lot that considered one of lately authorities had higher get out of their manner and allow them to have it.” DYLAN THOMAS –”Although lovers be misplaced love shall not/And demise shall haven’t any dominion.” LORD GEORGE-BROWN –”It’s troublesome to go on strike if there isn’t a work within the first place.” SMITH –”If to be outdated is to not be clever, then it’s merely to be out of date.” Bradford Massage Therapy | Holly Rose Massage Swedish MassageSports MassageDeep Tissue MassagePrenatal MassageAromatherapyTrigger Point Therapy The post Birth of Life appeared first on Holly Rose Massage. http://ift.tt/2fBSloa
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