#just stitch together 3 screenshots lol
marvacu · 2 years
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lake-cosay · 3 years
cosay house/family headcanons because???
first of all @ all of y'all writing fics where they have a guest room i want you to take a look at their house and then look me in the eye and tell me it's a 4 bedroom house
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that house has a MAX of 3 bedrooms, but if we're assuming it's a family house (which given the size and the fact that it's in the suburbs, it most likely is) then 3 bedrooms is standard. i'm willing to bet nate and jesse just have really small rooms.
also, i just wanted to point out that the lake is like, right across the road from them. you might be able to stitch screenshots together into a pano that proves it, but instead i offer you this:
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just look at the rocks to the far right above
and then the rocks in the shots below (the one of the left is where the exit appears). oh yeah, the exit, where both times when jesse shows up, he turns around to see nate running from their house, and he gets to him quickly, so yeah, the lake is right across the road from their house. (i would also argue it's a bit too small to be a lake and it's actually a pond, but eh, details.)
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okay, onto actual headcanons now lol
- their living room is like a grayish blue color. i don't know why, i just realized whenever i was writing fics i always imagined their living room being grayish blue (shrug)
- they've got a nice wooden round dining room table but they usually have meals on the couch in front of the tv
- i think they're a very outdoors-y family, they probably like to go fishing, hiking, kayaking, camping, etc and have a decent amount of gear for those things
- if they have/had pets it's definitely dogs. they're a dog family for sure
that's kinda all i've got for now, feel free to add on!! i'll reblog with more ideas if i come up with them
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0lollipop0 · 4 years
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Goddess Elizabeth Episode 9 Season 3 (Stitch)
“There was a girl with you, an Elizabeth who looked exactly like me.”
Editor’s Note: Hopefully this one turned out okay, I know it’s definitely not perfect. I took so many screenshots of each and every frame just to make sure everything matched as best as I could. These large stitches are always the hardest to do, but that makes it even more fun to try and figure out the best way to go about editing it together! Also, I didn’t realize just how huge her wings were until I edited this together, lol! Thank you so much for everyone’s support and requests, it makes me super happy to see everyone enjoy all of these edits! I really appreciate all of your guys likes, comments, reposts, requests and just everything! It really means a lot to me :) <3
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
Goop Plays Kill la Kill the Game: IF (Satsuki Episodes 1-4)
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For those playing Kill la Kill the Game: IF on the PlayStation 4 or Nintendo Switch, you might be blissfully unaware of the many numerous glitches and bugs present in the Steam port of the game.
Some folks certainly had it better than others, but I was definitely one of the unluckier ones. I bought and downloaded IF the moment I could, but it always ended up crashing before I could even play. There was a lot of uninstalling, reinstalling, program closing, and joking about how my not-even-a-year-old, $1,500 gaming laptop can’t handle even one game, but finally, I found my way! 
rhys000lightning, you are a lifesaver. The feeling that I could finally experience the story mode, for real, is just, like. Indescribable, y’all.
Things aren’t perfect, of course, which is why this post’ll have some pretty low-quality images. But simply being able to play is more than good enough for someone who’s been as hungry for new Kill la Kill content as I have.
Anyway, I plan on making a few of these posts as I play through! Major spoilers ahead!
Episode 1
I already wrote about my thoughts on episode 1 right over here!
Episode 2
From early reviews and comments about the story mode, I kinda got the impression that the game is mostly a rehash of the anime from Satsuki’s point of view and that there are minimal differences until the end.
But, um. Just seconds into episode 2, and there is already a huge change.
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Ragyo: The naked fools never showed up. Pity.
Satsuki: We raided the areas we believed to be their bases, but they had already fled.
I mean. The whole purpose of Satsuki’s Raid Trip failed?? How did Nudist Beach anticipate the attack and flee?? Is this explained in Ryuko’s story?? We totally miss that big fight in episode 15 between Ryuko and Satsuki?? And Ryuko isn’t interrupting the raids to put Senketsu back together because he hasn’t been torn apart, right? Because she didn’t go berserk after the Naturals Election because she didn’t find out there that Nui killed her dad?
When I saw this, I was just, jeez! We are going fast through this story!
But also, I wondered what Satsuki’s reaction to the Raid Trip failure is, for real, when her mother’s not around. Since the game was promoted as Satsuki’s story, I really wanted to see more of her inner thoughts and what she doesn’t show the world. But I guess this is only episode 2.
I also have to say that I was a little disappointed at the lack of new world building information in this episode. Ever since the first trailer at Anime Expo last year, I’ve been so interested in possible Life Fiber and Kamui history because of Satsuki’s proclamation to Ryuko that she “hold[s] all the secrets, behind the Life Fibers and the Kamui legacy.” But... we just get stuff we already knew here.
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Ragyo: That is where the Kiryuins come in. We are the spokespersons for the COVERS’ will.
Just. I’m really curious about how the Kiryuins found the Original Life Fiber and why they’re so down with the Life Fibers’ goal. C’mon, the glossary even teases about the history here....
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But anyway, early disappointments aside, I couldn’t stop smiling while watching this story play out. Ragyo giving her speech here is just so over-the-top and ridiculous.
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And my brother watched me play this episode, and now I can’t look at Rei’s reaction to Satsuki’s backstab without thinking about the Surprised Pikachu meme.
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I do have to admit that the backstab isn’t nearly as shocking and powerful as it is in the anime, but it’s satisfying to actually fight Ragyo. I’ve seen some reviews say that they’d rather just watch the scenes and not interact, but I’m in complete disagreement. I love being able to engage in the story.
And, you know, I’ve only played Satsuki like once in the demo because I’ve been focusing on Ryuko, and I’d maybe played her a handful of times at conventions, so I think I did pretty hot on three-star difficulty, lol.
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One thing that is really interesting about the episode, however, is what it implies about Satsuki’s past. How does she know what Mind Stitching is, for example?
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Seriously, I’m scared for the poor girl. Ragyo and Nui both use Mind Stitching, after all....
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On a lighter (?) note, though, Satsuki getting defensive about her Elite Four is really, really sweet.
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Nui: Tee-hee! I’ve never seen you freak out before, Lady Satsuki! Were these kids really that important to you?
Yes they are Nui shut your face.
But I was kinda surprised at having to fight the Elite Four as Satsuki, which is maybe a bit silly in retrospect. It took me a sec to figure out exactly how the battle worked, but I think it says a lot that Satsuki can just take on all the Elite Four at once. Ryuko at least had breaks!
(Well, at once in theory, anyway. I wanted to fight them all at once!)
This was also the first time I looked at Satsuki’s command list, and I gotta say: I appreciate the justification behind Satsuki having the lowest HP in the game:
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Episode 3
The Elite Four are really cute in how they hated that they were forced to hurt Satsuki. I kinda wish we got a similar reaction from Ryuko after she takes off Junketsu in the anime, but at the same time, I can’t complain that much about the most romantic moment in Kill la Kill.
But, um, my ridiculous biases aside, the Elites lost their uniforms? Do they get identical ones made, since they seem to be wearing the same uniforms later, or...?
Also, this line struck me as quite intriguing:
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Houka: She can stitch Life Fibers into the brains of anyone wearing a Goku uniform. How terrifying.
So, people have to be wearing Goku uniforms to be Mind Stitched? And Satsuki knew this, which is why she knew to destroy their uniforms?
Speaking of “Hmmmmm,” Ryuko’s storyline with Nui in this game still makes no sense to me at all. As I’ve written in the past, “[W]hy would Ryuko be willing to trust Nui? She would have to know—or at least be able to easily find out—that Nui is the Grand Couturier of REVOCS. Will Nui disguise herself as she does in the anime? Is the possible training image simply an actual fight between Ryuko and Nui? Or is there some more severe trickery at foot?”
Here, it’s clear from Ryuko’s reaction that there ain’t disguises happening. Ryuko knows Nui on a personal level—personal enough to use her first name rather than the “Harime” that Ryuko tends to use in the anime.
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Ryuko: What in the blue hell’s going on, Nui?!
I think Ryuko asks a good question, too. What in the blue hell is going on? Nudist Beach still wants to stop the Festival, right? So Ryuko would presumably be on their side, maybe? But then again, can we be sure that she got the info dump from Nudist Beach that would convince her to be on their side and storm the Festival? After all, Aikuro only spills the beans once he sees Ryuko “beat” Satsuki in battle, and that doesn’t seem to happen here....
Gosh, I’m sorry, but claims that this is just a simple rehash of the anime are totally unfounded.
I’m sure Ryuko’s story will get into everything I asked, but I’m just... wow, watching this. What in the blue hell’s going on?
I do feel really bad for Ryuko, though. Maybe she considered Nui a friend. And, just. Especially when Maiko and the Mankanshokus have already betrayed her, assuming episodes 4 and 7 still happen here, which I presume they do based on info in the glossary...
And speaking of “ouch”...
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Nui: Your dad was way tougher than you.
Now, I did admittedly find Ryuko’s decision to fight both Nui and Satsuki kind of strange. Like, gurl, didn’t you just see Satsuki chop her mom’s head off? Didn’t you just see Satsuki about to kill the chick who killed your dad? What do you think you’ll accomplish by fighting Satsuki as well, exactly? Isn’t it kinda clear that she’s not really against you anymore? I know you want answers, but maybe you’ll have a better chance of getting answers if you don’t try to beat up the person who’s actually on your side?
I know you’re probably not gonna make the best decisions when you’re that upset, but my goodness. Senketsu, I hope you’re at least trying to talk some sense into this girl.
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Ryuko: Nui Harime and Satsuki Kiryuin... I’m gonna take both your asses down!
And speaking of talking sense, I really liked Satsuki playing the Senketsu role here, telling Ryuko to calm down.
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Satsuki: Calm down, or you’ll be possessed by the Life Fibers’ urge to destroy!
Sniff... they are so alike, y’all. Can they be friends? Can they please be friends?
More seriously, “the Life Fibers’ urge to destroy” is mentioned in the anime as well, I’m pretty sure, but I’d love some more exploration of that later in this game.
Episode 4
I’m a sap for my kids, so I gotta say it hurts to see them lose. 
I also main Ryuko, so in these battles, I keep looking to her as if I’m playing her. Whoops.
But it makes sense. Ryuko and Senketsu probably haven’t done a lot of bonding yet without the Raid Trip developments, and Ryuko’s obviously not in the best state of mind.
And while it was already implied in a screenshot on the game’s official website that Satsuki is the one who tears up Senketsu rather than Nui, seeing this actually happen opened up so many possibilities in my mind.
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Senketsu still gets torn up due to a failing on Ryuko’s part, but it’s far from the same situation as the anime. There, Ryuko becomes afraid of her power after she loses control and hurts Senketsu, and so she struggles to fight again later, ultimately hurting him even more. Here, Ryuko also loses control and hurts Senketsu... but this hurt has the intensity of the second hurt in the anime. This time, Ryuko can’t mope about how she’s no good for Senketsu and how they shouldn’t be together. Senketsu probably can’t save himself, so if she wants to make it up to him, she has to act, not retreat. It’s a much different approach—and one that most folks will probably like better, given some reactions I’ve seen to episode 13 of the show.
I’m also (of course) curious about Senketsu and Satsuki’s relationship after this. If the two end up working together, will Senketsu still be sore about how she kinda, uh, tore him up?
And on that note...
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What is Ragyo gonna do with Senketsu’s piece??? Use him to power up Shinra-Kouketsu??? Does Senketsu play a part in the final boss?! Is that why the final boss has been described as “cute and grotesque”?! 
What is this story.
Anyway, it’s kinda sloppy to me that it takes Ragyo forever to regenerate here when she’s very quick in the anime...
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Ragyo: Finish what you start... for as long as a single strand of thread connects my head to my body, I can always regenerate.
I mean, obviously this is just for plot convenience. It’s not a big deal to me, but it definitely... yeah. 
But I was literally cracking up about how Ragyo seemed like she was just gonna walk away from Satsuki. Like Sats just a little kid throwing a tantrum.
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Ragyo: I’m sorry, Satsuki. You were saying...?
...Actually, this is really horrible.
But what’s not horrible is that Satsuki gives a “My friends are my power!” speech. For real. Legitimately. I never thought I’d see such a thing. I am at a loss for words.
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Satsuki: Junketsu and I did not defeat you with our power alone. Gamagoori, Sanageyama, Jakuzure, and Inumuta are in Junketsu. They are the reason I have the strength to beat you now!
I guess I just have to ask... are you speaking metaphorically or literally about other people being in Junketsu, Satsuki.
I really, honestly can’t tell with this series.
Like, I mean:
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Ragyo: Actually, the Life Fibers can transcend space.
I always say, “Life Fibers: ain’t gotta explain shit!” as a joke, but it’s kinda totally true.
I dig it, though.
This post is already long enough, but me being me, I of course couldn’t resist reading every dang entry in the gallery like as soon as I could. I have a lot I could say, but just some standouts:
✄ Senketsu is in both the “Characters” and “Clothes” sections!
✄ I don’t like that he’s referred to as an “it” in the “Clothes” section, though.
✄ The “Kinki King” trophy makes a lot more sense now.
✄ Dat last line.
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✄ And this one...
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✄ “He is one of only a few people that Satsuki opens her heart to.” My heart.
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✄ Wait what. “He was in the process of inventing a weapon that could withstand the Life Fiber weapons like the Scissor Blades and Senketsu”???
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✄ I think Mako has the longest entry LOL. Trigger, your favoritism is showing.
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✄ LOL. Does this actually come up in the plot.
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✄ What the what when has Guts ever saved anyone. Citation needed.
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✄ Tsumugu is definitely like the over-protective big brother who wants to “save” Ryuko from a “bad” boyfriend.
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✄ It sounds mean, I know, but I really didn’t want Junketsu suddenly having a personality in this game. I’d love for that to happen in a reboot or something of that nature, but I just don’t think there’s time to pull that off well here. It doesn’t seem like Junketsu’s getting any of that, so I hope that development goes more towards our already established characters instead.
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In Sum...
I’m not sure where things are going, but I’m enjoying it so far! All this new Kill la Kill content... I still can’t believe it....
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saturnvalleycoffee · 7 years
Tagged by @besin-is-a-moogle
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
# following: 194
# of followers: 104
Average hours of sleep: 6 to 8, maybe?
Lucky number: I don’t really have one.
Instruments: None.
What are you wearing: Various types of fabric cut and stitched together to form a warm casing for the human body.
Dream job: Taking care of cats and getting paid for it, I guess?
Dream trip: I.. don’t really have one, honestly.
Significant other: None.
Birthday: March 31st
Height: 5′5″
Gender/pronouns: She/her
Other blogs: @caseofthestolenspecs
Nicknames: Callie
Star sign: Aries
Time: 3:26PM
Favorite bands: Walk the Moon, Our Lady Peace, Kesha, Incubus
Favorite artist: Too many!!
Favorite tumblr artist: Also too many!!
Song stuck in your head: I think I have Walk the Moon permanently stuck in my head.
Last movie you watched: Road to El Dorado
Last show you watched: Violet Evergarden
Why did you make your blog: I had no clue how to use Tumblr and just made an account for no reason, posted two Earthbound screenshots, and left. Then, I came back to it once I decided I wanted to reblog stuff.
What do you post: Nothing original (on this blog, anyway). I reblog things that pique my fancy or that I find amusing. Other one has occasional fanfiction.
Fandom contributions: When I was 11, I used to draw and write horrible Team Rocket art and fanfic, complete with my own terrible self-insert OC. Then, in high school, I drew all kinds of horrible Invader Zim, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh and other assorted anime art. Now, I guess I write FFXV fanfics for fun? Oh, and I also run a fansite for an obscure French kids’ show (Insektors), and have for over ten years now.
Last thing you googled: Probably something video game help related.
Ao3: SongOfMarbule
Do you ever get asks: Nope.
How did you get the idea for your url: One of my favourite video game moments ever is in Earthbound, when you drink Mr. Saturn’s coffee in Saturn Valley. And as it happens, ‘saturnvalleycoffee’ sounds cool. (My original URL was actually ‘mustachegraffiti’ lol)
Favorite food: This used to be lasagna, but now I think it’s tied with butter chicken. And also, vanilla ice cream.
Last book you read: Warm Bodies
Top 3 fictional universes: This will always be Insektors, sorry. I just freaking love it and wish more people knew what it was, okay?? I’m also gonna throw  Samurai Pizza Cats in there too. EDIT: SPLATOON. HOW COULD I FORGET SPLATOON!?
(not tagging anyone, if you wanna do it, do it!)
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rosenmarille · 7 years
rosenmarille’s embroidery tutorial
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hey anon you made my entire week and i love you
Let me preface this by saying that I’m in no way an expert and I’ve literally only been doing this for less than a month, so most of what I do is making it up as I go along. hopefully you find my tips helpful though!! <3
I wasnt sure which part you wanted to know about so i made a rundown of everything from start to end
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1) List of things you’ll need:
Embroidery frame (I just went to the nearest crafts store and got them in two sizes. Theyre quite cheap and sometimes also come in plastic or different shapes)
Fabric (the less stretchy the better, though if youre planning to decorate clothing I think it really depends on how determined you are. what ive got here is some leftover polyester fabric from cosplay and other sewing projects. you can even sew different pieces together if one isnt big enough for the frame but in that case you need to iron the sewed piece flat or else it will be very difficult to keep straight and neat)
Embroidery yarn (see pic) (theres two types, and ive only used pearl yarn (top) so far but the other one allows for more precision since you can pick how many strands of yarn you need)
Needle (see pic) (properly pointy, not like the crappy one above. I mainly use that for crochet things because it actually bends and that’s NOT what you want here)
Scissors and a pencil
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2) Sketch: Pick an image of what you want to do. I’ve found that at first, practicing with basic shapes and colours is a lot easier to get used to the whole thing, it helps give you a feel of how the yarn ends up looking stitched to the fabric. So far I almost only did screenshots, and I didn’t have to draw something up myself. In mobs case, I based it off a doodle I did in class and added a little colour to it 
3) Pick fabric and yarn: That’s mainly up to you, depends on what youre going for, but as a fair warning, very light fabric colours will show the stitches and leftover yarn from behind, so you need to tuck them behind the main body of your embroidery later on
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4) Apply to fabric: 2 ways, both pretty much self explanatory, only heres where the stretchiness of the fabric comes into play. As you can see ive developed a fool proof technique, ive had tape stuck to the top of my laptop for weeks now, im not about to waste it? (use more than one tape, this is an old pic i took because the concept was hilarious in the moment) Pro tip: don’t draw your sketch on paper advertising dnd game sets because youre gonna have a hard time seeing the pattern through everything and youll curse yourself for doing that instead of paying attention in class  Pro tip 2: dark fabrics demand a white colour pencil, you literally wont be able to see anything else
5) Stitches: heres a LINK to the page I use to find all the different stitches I could possibly use. Practice makes perfect, i spent about two hours trying each of these out on an irrelevant piece of fabric to see how theyd work and how difficult they are, and still use that bit as ref to consider how a stitch would look on my current piece. Of these, ive only used about three in my finished broids, since theyre mostly for decorative things I think. Don’t let that stop you though, get creative and use the things im too lazy to incorporate!! (ill be using these terms for the rest of the tutorial, so if you dont know a word its probably in there)
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6) Outlines/shading: Start by outlining your sketch with a few backstitches to get a feel for where everything needs to be. If theres shading then itd be useful to do those lines in the other colour already, or youre going to have to fix all that later and itll be a huge pain and make you want to stop altogether. It happens
Im not sure if that’s how its supposed to work but I fill in the shades first, it gives me a good sense of what direction the main colour stitches need to go to make it look dynamic.
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7) Fill in mains: This is where all those handy dandy stitches from that library probably wont help you too much if you want to do something relatively simple. Ive only used normal satin stitches to fill in colour so far, though what the link doesn’t mention is that it wastes a shitton of yarn. Yarn is expensive, so what you can do is come up for point 3 not back next to 1 but instead next to 2. Warning: that does warp the way the yarn lies though, so use that one accordingly (for example: I do Not use it when doing small delicate places, or things that need to be detailed in general)
Mob was fairly simple as far as that went since i didnt add a lot of pattern, but ritsu is a little more complicated. Like i said earlier, adding shade before the main colour helps because now i know where the folds in his clothes are and how the fabric would bend to accommodate it.
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8) Add details (like faces!):
Again, here I cant tell you exactly how you need to stitch to get everything looking good, just try to follow the way a face has its dynamics. Is it a long face, make lots of long vertical stitches, is it a round one, try to stick to the edges (but don’t spiral)
Facial features are a little more difficult because its hard to make a round nub or dots for pupils on something very small but its better to try 5 times and get it right the 6th instead of leaving the 1st try (i took ritsus entire face apart at least 3 times and t b q h i still think it doesnt look good but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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9) Background: Get real fancy on that shit, heres where you can try out those cool rose shaped stitches from up there in the link, go wild lol
10) Lastly: PATIENCE
I cant stress this enough, this WILL take a loooot of time, the first ritsu I did took me a literal week, while the second one took me roughly four hours in total (and that was a rather simple design). 
Accept the fact that it wont look as good as you imagined it. That may sound harsh but for me that’s been my main issue, imagining how a string would lie exactly and then looking on in disgust when that doesn’t work out. You’re not drawing, the medium doesn’t exactly translate, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Try to figure out what methods work best for embroidery exclusively. 
Don’t be afraid to undo, be careful about it though. I use those big scissors and it’s a bad idea, don’t do that. Unpicking from the back to save the yarn also works but it gets difficult (and at some point impossible) once the strands start getting woven together on their own
And there you have it, a finished piece of embroidery!! 
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You can now either hang it up in its frame and cut away the excess fabric at the sides or tie it around a piece of cardboard like so. it’s a little hard to get right at first but practice amiright
I hope i could be of help!! if you have any more questions feel free to come to my ask anytime!! ^^ <33 
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nerv-vortex · 6 years
What's up guys... this is kinda awkward m just typing whatever come to my head right now, sooo have I matured since then? Nahh...do I still call myself vortex? Yhhh, do I still talk to people on the internet? Yhhh, will I ever stop talking to people on the internet? Yhhh.....wait NOOOOO. Chill guys m joking. I mean I feel like I've matured like I've reduced the amount of games I play, but like I can't even be considered as being a kid for playing games because gaming is such a big part of our generation now, so like fuck those parents and aunties that come to your house n asks you that stupid rhetorical question "how old are you" or "are you a kid"? Like you don't k is what what this generation has come to. Oohhhhh look at me typing about generations and shit. And I promise I didn't start talking about generation just to make me seem all grown up I was genuinely complaining. okay okay that's enough complaining for today. Sooo what's up guys? How's it going? Why am I acting like 200000000 people are going to read this lol you guys all skipped reading that number cuz you don't know what it is..... and now most of you are going to go back to it and try to prove yourseves wrong, It's okay don't even know what the number is I just added alot 0's. But for real no-one is going to actually read this except for those people who I go up to on discord and a few irl friends n be like... "YOU GUYS WANA READ MY TUMBLR POST" and most of you probably don't give a shit but your just gunna read it anyway because just like me they also have nothing to do with their life. DUDE I've realised say "Like" alot, like just paused Nd read through what I've written so far and the amount of "like's" I've used is unbelievable... I mean it's believable cuz I did it but u know what I'm trying to say. Okay I'm gunna set my self a goal and try not to use "like" in like every fucking sentence....wait I think that's the first time I swore in this fine piece of written text I'm typing up right now, I feel like a badass. Urrrmmm what she'll we talk about now.....hmmmm let's see. Oh yhhh so I was in bed right like I just woke up...yup I used "like" again but whatever, okay so I was in bed and sometimes I sleep butt naked because it's too hot at night and I was lying down on the left side so my butts sticking out on the right side and I had my right hand on my bum and I was just thinking to my self what would happen if my butt cheeks were stitched together? Yhhh this is so fucking awkward why am I writing about this I just want to make it super long and now I'm just throwing in bullshit of things I think about on a daily basis.
OKAY.... so after telling that retarded butt story I paused took like a 2 hour break and was like I'm gunna type the rest up later because I couldn't think of anything to right and I was just fiddling with my phone and YOU WILL NOT BELIBE WHAT HAPPEND.... I closed the tumblr tab..bitch my heart just stopped how was I gunna type that all up again ??? For 3 min I was just debating whether to type it up again or not, BUT I HAD TOLD PEOPLE THAT I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF TYPING THIS..... wait how did I tell people OH YH THATS RIGHT. I took a FUCKING screenshot and my story or whatever this is and sent it to people on Snapchat so I opened Snapchat and typed the whole of the first paragraph again. For most of it I compromised but I feel like I've made it better then what it originally was. I guess it's time for a break and then I'll move on to my third and final paragraph.
Can you guys believe it's been 2 years since I typed up my last tumblr post I was 18 and now I'm 20 I have not changed I don't think I ever will tbh (to be honest) but it's scary because sometimes I think to myself.. imagine if I'm 50 and Ims till acting like a fucking teenager. Should I stop typing? I think this is enough. Meh I'm just gunna Carry on typing. Just to let you guys know I started typing this up at like 7am and it is now 12:25... And I'm still in my bed I should have just went to work my boss is probably gunna look at me in a funny way when I walk in tomorrow. The excuse I used was I have a doctor's appointment at 12:05 and that I'll try co come in after the appointment I thing you guys and my boss both know I'm not gunna come in, I added the :05 to make it seem legit ;)... I guess it's time to say goodbye.... this is so awkward I'm just gunna stop typing and press post...BYE GUYS!!
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