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if Lila had gotten into Five's deli
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The other night you quoted Homer at me. Why? You forced us all to learn it as kids. In the original Greek, no less.
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Fivelila: 5 Love Languages
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Agreed! Maybe umbrella Ben too would’ve been the most sensible, had he been around long enough to utilize that information (he died at 17, right? But when he was in Klaus talking to Jill, he said he was a virgin. So I headcanon that he had got “the talk” same as the others, & may or may not have read up on it himself, but that he wouldn’t have any practical experience).
I think Klaus listened/ knew the least about practicing safe sex though, considering he alluded to the “old rash on the tackle” during his road trip with Five. Though I imagine he’s had the most experience and has since gained knowledge from said experience…
I'm starting to watch the second season. Finally Lila is in the story, yay! And it's actually weird, but I'm enjoying her scenes with Diego too, kind of weird huh? But their beginnings are actually pretty funny.
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Oh, okay, I understand what you mean now! I could see them getting that kind of sex ed actually.
I could see the Handler saying that pretty easily. Reginald gives me the impression that he would think more knowledge is a good a rule of thumb in general, but that something like sex ed wouldn’t be as high on his priority list and so may have been glossed over a bit….
I'm starting to watch the second season. Finally Lila is in the story, yay! And it's actually weird, but I'm enjoying her scenes with Diego too, kind of weird huh? But their beginnings are actually pretty funny.
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♥~Ways to have your voice heard~♥
No matter your ship preferences, can say I think the fandom can agree that we would love more than what we were given for the final season of The Umbrella Academy. The show was suppose to run for six seasons. Last season went from the usual 10 episodes to 6 with the more budget costly scenes cut. Lila and Five were suppose to be the focal point of the season. Yet most likely most of their scenes were cut. Know the series is over and done now but that's not to say we cannot be given the gift of the cut scenes for public viewing from Netflix. The deleted scenes maybe wouldn't be all lila/five and deal with the other characters. (If you aren't a shipper) A reminder that their is an ongoing petition to have those deleted scenes released to us. Netflix has shown they are receptive to fan opinions to a certain extent. Having saved axed series before in the past and apparently being generous with going from just wanting a movie ending for Umbrella academy to a half season. The best thing we can do before interest dies out is to let our voices be heard that we do enjoy and want to see anything that was lost to us regarding our favorite dysfunctional family. So shipper wise, please do your best to mention on social and around the internet your desires for what was cut. Maybe even show interest for a spin-off with Five and lila, time commission setting. Both Aiden and Ritu have expressed interest in delving into these characters more. The showrunner has mentioned a couple times about wanting to focus a spinoff on hazel & cha cha with the time commission. That could open doors to bring back the original characters when dealing with time. See insights to other versions of the characters we know and love. Of course get focus on a more fleshed out story with lila and five's adventures and friendship and eventual relationship in the lost 7 years. Listed below are ways to contact the powers that be! Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease! If we don't say anything, no way anyone will know what we want~ * Petition to sign and send off to Netflix once the number is high enough. https://www.tumblr.com/fivelasanctum/759983839677382656/petition-to-see-the-uncut-scenes?source=share * Netflix official on tumblr: Can send in asks about a spin-off series and/or the lost footage. netflix.tumblr.com *Netflix calling directly to share your opinion and ideas. https://help.netflix.com/en/contactus Send messages to Steven Blackman on instagram https://www.instagram.com/steveblackmantv/?hl=en They have a twitter but doesn't look like it has recent updates. Netflix Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/netflixus/?brand_redir=475822799216240
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I kind of headcanon that neither the Handler nor Reginald really gave that much importance to sex ed in regards to their children, and focused most of their attention on training and the more mental aspects of education. Like did they make sure the kids had a basic understanding of how everything works and that it was important to take some kind of preventative measures, yes. But I also think it’s likely they delegated most of those tasks to others- Grace and Pogo for the umbrella academy kids, and even though it’s not stated in the show & therefore it could be a false assumption, I have a hard time imagining the Handler sticking around to teach Lila all the ins and outs of sex ed herself, rather than getting someone else to explain.
In general, I have a hard time imaging the Handler being around enough to raise Lila full time without help of some sort, actually. I headcanon that she had a nanny or two to do basic needs/ clean up, and the handler came in and out as she pleased. Maybe that’s a bad take, but I have such a hard time picturing her being there to clean up if Lila had an accident or was sick or anything of that sort. I think she probably had her homeschooled by hired tutors too, and the Handler would only pop in to quiz/ test her as she saw fit. Like is it possible she checked in on her and said you’ll feel better soon with a condescending pat to the head? Absolutely, but I also feel like anything that takes a long time or is especially gross she would hire someone or delegate the task to one of the people under her at the Commission (even if it did violate several HR rules).
And I feel like the details to sex ed were probably similarly handled. I think the Handler would have taught Lila more about how to use sex as a weapon and how to seduce someone, rather than the different methods and types of contraceptives and what factors could nullify or weaken them. Like, I don’t think the handler would even consider talking about the duration that you would leave a patch on, or how some birth control pills can be made ineffective if you take certain antibiotics, etc. The Handler strikes me more as a person that would just say to “always use a condom” or that “it’s not a big deal, just get an abortion” as her advice.
I also feel like we don’t really know how similar birth control in the TUA universe is to ours. Since cell phones apparently don’t exist, maybe the birth control isn’t as up to date as it is in real life? Or I could see the Handler believing some of the “old wives tales” so to speak, but not knowing the details/ how true it is. Because according to the CDC, breastfeeding CAN be a method of birth control, but only temporarily and only if certain conditions are met. Maybe Lila had heard or was told about that, but not that it only works if it’s less than 6 months post baby, that it’s while fully breastfeeding and that she can’t have had a period since birth.
I also think Diego wouldn’t have necessarily gotten a super in depth explanation on all the intricacies of birth control either. Like I wouldn’t doubt that he knew about the various kinds of preventative measures, but I definitely think there’s room for doubt on whether he looked into female specific birth control methods enough to know what could cause it to fail. There’s also the chance that they did take fully informed contraceptive methods the first time in season 2, but that it just failed. And like, you mentioned there’s definitely the possibility that he or they both, were just reckless that first time. Especially because Patch strikes me as someone that is very responsible and I could see her wanting to take control of preventative measures for her own peace of mind, which could mean Diego was less used to worrying about contraceptives himself. I think Lila can be responsible too, but that she is much more prone to impulsivity and recklessness than Patch.
I do think you have a point about the fact that he shouldn’t entirely blame Lila for the twins existence (whether he believes Lila purposefully lied to him or was just ill-informed) because you’re right that it takes two to do the deed and as such any consequences of that should fall on both parties.
There are so many details that are never really explained in the TUA universe, and there’s actually quite a bit about Lila, specifically- like the details of her upbringing and her education outside of the fact that the Handler tested her on language knowledge and had her do combat training as a child- that we don’t really know a lot about, so it’s hard to tell. And I’m not even saying that as an insult to the writers, because most of the time smaller details don’t come up in an organic way to be explained. Though, a little expansion on the topic would have been nice. Like season 3, Lila could have made a comment about how long she worked in the commission, or a small detail or two more about how the handler was as a mother versus how she wanted to be as a mom. Maybe if they had the extra episodes in season 4, it would’ve been touched on again in a conversation or as a plot point, but I do feel like you guys have a point and that it was probably just a throwaway line to show the strife between Lila and Diego in season 4 (and the first pregnancy with Grace was probably an “easy” plot device to give Lila a reason to join the crew in season 3).
Also, @outofmemory you mentioned the Bible Belt- did I miss something about where the TUA takes place? I’m still skipping around to do rewatches of particular scenes rather than making headway on a complete and attentive rewatch of the whole series, so I could totally be forgetting or just missing something, but I thought it never mentioned where it took place?
I'm starting to watch the second season. Finally Lila is in the story, yay! And it's actually weird, but I'm enjoying her scenes with Diego too, kind of weird huh? But their beginnings are actually pretty funny.
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five/lila sketch requests
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Hi! I still need to write you an answer of your last reblog of our ff/ship conversation! I did not forget 😳 But I am just sooo tired after work 😤😭 And I need a brain that works at least at 50% capacity for a acceptable answer😑 And I saw your post about the plot holes! I am very intersted to read that, but it's kinda long and like I said my brain does not even work at 50 capacity right now 😭
I hope I will have the mental capacity to work through it on Sunday, maybe Friday, don't know yet.
I just wanted to let you know, I see your posts and I am looking foward to interact with them and you 💜💜💜
Oh no, don’t worry about it! I’m usually very bad at keeping up with people in general, so I take no offense if you need time, just plain don’t want to, or forget to reply.
Also, I tend to be very wordy & you’ve mentioned that English isn’t even your first language (which, by the way I would never have guessed had you not said something!) so I totally understand on that front too!
Please take your time and hopefully you have a good rest of the work week! Thank you for checking in/ letting me know- it’s great to talk with you too! 🩵
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I thought so too!
From the middle gif, I also got the impression that Five might have secretly enjoyed the underlying care in the gesture, but then remembered he wasn’t supposed to enjoy the attention and put on the a “disgruntled but I’m humoring you” expression.
Or maybe his brain just short circuited for a second before he realized what she was doing and got grumpy about it 😂
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Didn't your dad teach any of you Hargreeves men how to eat? Wait, no, come here.
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So, I’ve been thinking about some of the plot holes from season 4, and a little of the ones from the series as a whole. And I’ve come up with a few headcanons that help my brain make sense of some things, without actually contradicting (I hope!) something stated in the final season.
Those headcanons rely heavily on the fact that there was a lot not explicitly stated, plus creative license and the “resets” though. 😂 Spoilers below for anyone that is also interested in brainstorming ideas!
Sorting out the timeline:
So after the Kugleblitz, my headcanon is it reset towards middle of April 2018, (for no reason other than it makes the timeline make a little more sense to me). Lila was roughly 1 month pregnant by then, which would have Grace be born somewhere around December 17 +/- a week tops (birthday parties aren’t always on the same day, but for my headcanon, her birthday is the 17th).
That would make her 6th birthday party occur late morning or midday on the 17th of December of 2024 (which is a Tuesday). I’m working with the assumption that Grace is in one of those school districts where they have 1 month off for summer break in June, 1 month off for winter break between December and January, two weeks off for Fall break around October and two weeks off for spring break in March.
Because it seems like the keepers meeting, Viktor’s rescue, and the spiked sake all happened that same day (based on clothing & assuming Lila and Five changed clothes for the keepers meeting, then back into what they were wearing earlier that day).
Then the next day outside the laundromat Diego mentions it’s Wednesday (which would be the 18th). The drive to New Grumpson has to be at minimum 17 hours one way (the road trip had a 1-hour and 3-hour time skip before Luthor mentioned that there were only 13 hours left to New Grumpson). But it was likely longer than that, because I don’t know how long it takes to get from the laundromat onto the highway that the overhead shot of Wanda establishes (it could be as quick as 10 minutes or up to 2+ hours depending on if they’re in the city or the suburbs, how populated it is, and how bad the traffic is at the time they leave) and I don’t know how long a stop they would need to get and cover the broken windows and -assumedly- clean the vomit out of the car floor.
Then they drive overnight and get into New Grumpson on December 19th, and after escaping they’re at the repair shop for Wanda at 3 pm, assumedly that same day.
In episode 4 Jennifer mentions that she and Ben met roughly 36 hours ago, and it was bright out. When Ben rescued her in episode 3 it was dark out. Also in ep. 3, Reginald mentioned that it could take “hours, or even days” to get the mind machine up and running.
So, I take that to mean that everyone back at the Hargreeves mansion probably met up the night of the 20th to talk to Reginald and Abigail. Then maybe they stayed overnight, (and had their clothes laundered + a shower!😆) whilst Reginald prepped the machine. Also on the 21st, Klaus is kidnapped sometime midday or afternoon, and Ben rescued Jennifer in the evening.
The machine is ready and run the morning of the 22nd, Ben and Jennifer have their conversation, and then they arrive at Jean and Gene’s farm and find all the damage Ben left. Episode 4 ends with Viktor and Reginald in the diner, Klaus buried at night, and Ben and Jen in the motel; so episode 5 would take place on the 23rd.
Five and Lila could have left the night of the 22nd and returned midday/ in the afternoon of the 23rd. But I headcanon that they left the morning of the 23rd, because Five mentions it’s only been a few hours since they left (I’m pretending the scenes are just shown out of order so they didn’t just have the focus on Five and Lila for half an hour straight). I’m also taking creative license to say that for whatever the reason Diego either doesn’t have a suit, or his suit didn’t fit him and that’s why he borrows one from Luther’s coworker.
Then the rest of the season finishes out by the end of the night on the 23rd. (I’m thinking they were all at Lila’s house for dinner after the craziness of the past few days, and when Diego said “Not during Christmas” he meant it in the general sense of being close to Christmas time, not that it actually was that day). The reset from the cleanse brought us to where the timeline was supposed to be, which was when the show aired on August 8, 2024.
Summary Timeline:
-Lila 1 month pregnant when the reset occurs.
-April 2018: Hotel Oblivion reset
-December 17, 2018: Grace born
-December 17, 2024: Grace birthday party
-December 18: drive to New Grumpson
-Dec 19, late morning- midday: arrive in New Grumpson
-Dec 19 at 3pm: Wanda is getting repaired
-Dec 20: family meets up at the Hargreeves mansion.
-Dec 21: Klaus kidnapped, Ben rescues Jennifer in the evening.
-Dec 22: Memories are restored and the group finds the attacked alpaca farm
-Dec 23: Lila & Five return, Ben & Jen merge, and the Cleanse resets the universe
[It could also work if the Oblivion reset to April of 2019, but the drive to New Grumpson would have needed to take two days (for them to arrive on the 19th) or you go with the assumption that New Grumpson is a small town and they put the flier up sometime before the 19th in order to garner attention, and all the subsequent dates get pushed back by one (arrive on the 18th, Cleanse on the 22, etc).]
So that’s my headcanon to make sense of the timeline. It’s far from perfect, not least of which because their clothes don’t change much and I play fast and loose with a lot of the details, but it’s the best I’ve got to make it make sense. 😂
A few other head canons I have:
- Jen is from a different timeline and she got pulled into this one & accidentally appeared in a giant squid. Reginald erased her memories of anything related to the cleanse shortly after her squid introduction scene.
- The subway was made from the creator of the universe, but various Fives helped to make certain parts (like the deli or the Commission) and the map & notebook which they left for other Fives. It’s out of space/ time and each stop is a reflection of the timeline (old & broke down = apocalypse already happened, or the severity of the apocalypse). It’s got openings naturally (think season 3 when Reginald spots the door) throughout all the universes, which is why small animals, objects, etc occasionally make it into the subway system. But Five’s power is what momentarily summons the nice little entryway into the subway.
- The Oblivion reset took the closest matching timeline and then pulled in people/ things that were customized by Reginald (& Allison’s requests). This is based off Klaus saying Allison “set up this whole timeline, and stole her daughter from another one” in the deleted scene of him at Grace’s birthday party.
- Allison had requested her brothers all got to stay family and that she could have both Claire and Ray. That’s why Reginald had set Luthor’s death to be undone & he appears with everyone at the closing scene in season 3.
- Claire was from a different, but nearly identical timeline as the one set up by the reset, which is why she looks or actually is older. (In season 1 she was only 4 years old, right? So she should be about 9/10, but in season 4 she looks like she’s somewhere between 13-15)
- Ray is not the same one she was in the 60s with; he was born and grew up in a more modern era and as such his personality is different than it was. OR he is the same one from the 60s but he’s been pulled into this new timeline and is struggling to reconcile the Allison he knew in 60s with the one she is in the modern era and all she has done. One of those is the underlying basis for why he left, and I also headcanon he was Claire’s stepfather.
- Reginald’s customization points included Abigail being alive, and the marigold never being released. Allison killed him before he “pressed go” so to speak, but he had already input all/ most of the settings, so either his death was reset to fit into the timeline and he’s Sparrow Reginald, or the timeline was built off a universe that he didn’t release the marigold and it pulled that Reginald into this timeline.
- The 43 immaculate births would all have happened naturally in their own time (different birthdays). The moms all were kissed at the time of inhalation of the marigold that caused their conception, and the marigold gave life to them by taking DNA from both people to form the body of the babies and accelerate their births.
- Sparrow Ben stayed because Allison asked for Ben to be alive and the universe reset just kept Sparrow Ben to meet that criteria. Sloane was not specifically asked to stay together by Reginald or Allison so she ends up the same way other “immaculate births” kids did and was born into a family normally, which is why, if she had been found, she wouldn’t remember any of the umbrellas or sparrows.
- The Hotel Oblivion reset also erased/altered memories that people had in order to fit into this timeline, which is why there’s so many keepers. Additionally, it either accelerated or worsened the different universes bleeding into each other. It also input a “background” for all the Umbrellas which is why they all had homes/ IDs/ etc. (They could then choose to keep with what they had or switch from there.)
- Five’s background included making him older then he physically was so that he didn’t have to go through high school, or he wasn’t “aged up on paper” but took a GED and went straight to college before getting into the CIA.
- Lila’s family was from a different timeline and have mixed memories like some of the keepers. She and Diego end up talking to them closer to the five or six year mark about everything. And that’s why the ask so many questions to Klaus in the deleted scene.
- Lila wasn’t formally working with the CIA. She found out about & went undercover with the keepers of her own accord and was only “working with the CIA” once she and Five started to collaborate. OR she was formally working with them, but under a different sector that wasn’t headed by a keeper.
- The first year after the Oblivion reset, all the siblings were in the same general vicinity of each other and they all met up again at least once to talk with this world’s Reginald about what happened, which is why they knew their births were a product of the marigold, what the marigold even looks like, who they are in this universe, etc. Also, because Allison asked that her family all be in this universe, maybe they were all adopted by Reginald in this timeline too but are “estranged” from their father. And Abigail find out later that these were alternate versions which is why she never met them before this season but knew them? Or she was newly appeared in this timeline too and Reginald just filled her in on the details.
- little girl on the bike = creator/ God
- Abigail had died but was brought back because of the reset. Whilst dead she spoke to the creator/ little girl who told her about the cleanse.
- The Marigold creates, the Durango destroys, and when mixed together it does both, hence “resetting” the universe. They also react somewhat to intention, but are like a computer program or a genie/ jinn. You technically get what you ask for, but it’s not how you wanted it or it’s not quite what you thought it would be, and that’s why none of them were truly happy at the start of season 4. And it’s also why their moms got pregnant and they just regained (if slightly differently) their powers.
- The ending meant one of the following:
- 1) The cleanse really did fix everything and so the universe was reset to what the timeline should have been, which is our world as we know it. The idyllic field with everyone was heaven/ the void/ wherever it’s called that Klaus goes to, and the siblings plus Lila were reduced down to marigold flowers from the effort of the reset. Which is why the kids were able to exist without a kugelblitz forming, and why we see so many people from the original or previous timelines (they would all have already been dead without the marigold in the world).
- 2) the cleanse, did not in fact, fix everything, perhaps because it missed the guy Klaus splashed with the shot he never took. So it erased our umbrella academy and their kids, but we see the kids from the naturally born versions of themselves had they been born & the marigold hadn’t existed. But because it didn’t fix everything the remnants of their marigold resprouted as marigold flowers, leaving room for them to come back in the future or for new super-powered kids/ people to emerge.
So while there’s a ton of holes still, that’s what I came up with to make sense of some things that weren’t really explained in the final season. I’m curious to know what other might have come up with though, if any one wants to let me know what they think/ headcanon!
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I’m so glad you put this together! I’d looked them all up on IMDB but this is great for quick reference!
Lila's family minus two (or three, if you count Stan which I do) of her kids;
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Cousin Ronnie.
Ronnie Gill, Lila's dad.
Anita Gill, Lila's mom.
Aunt Banu.
Uncle Inny.
Grace Hargreeves the 2nd, Lila's oldest daughter.
Claire, Lila's niece.
Don't know where Coco or Grayson (the unnamed son) are for sure, but maybe the two of them are standing behind the adults.
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I think Five's arc in season 4 is similar to Hazel's in season 1. It's a shame that Five's was less developed due to time constraints and can't be appreciated by the fandom as Hazel's was. Hazel to Agnes in 1x5: "Lately, I just… find myself goin' through the motions." That's basically Five at CIA. Agnes to Hazel: "That is so sad. I mean, everybody should have… a nest to fly to when they're tired." That's what Five got with Lila. Hazel to Cha-Cha in 1x7 (talking about the birds)... H: "Pretty sure they got it figured out." C: "And what's that?" H: "A simple life with a partner." Hazel to Five in 1x9: "I'm done with all this madness. Time to start over. You should do the same."
Nonnie you're a visionary.
I love the parallels here! I had never considered this before, but it makes me want to rewatch season 1 and then season 4 again. I feel like Hazel had a profound impact on Five and it would have been great to see him come to understand Hazel's lessons left behind in s4.
I wish that Five and Lila would have gotten stuck in the subway right at the beginning of season 4. Like instead of having Viktor be kidnapped, having the big plot twist at the end of the episode be Five and Lila getting trapped in the subway. This kind have given so much more time to expand their dynamic. I could have watched an entire spin off about the 6 years.
People were shooting at them? Show us! They found a chess board in one of the timelines? Show us! I think it would have gotten a lot more people on board.
But anyway, thank you for pointing this out, I love this take!
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Haha, yeah, our thread is getting quite long now 😂
I actually had a similar experience with FFN (fan fiction.net) and AO3! I feel like you start with FFN then graduate up to AO3 😂 I definitely still use FFN, though, especially if they happen to have more fics for a ship then AO3 (I checked for Fivela, and there’s only a few there 😭). But it’s not my favorite site anymore either. And yes, it does have adds now :(
Thank you for the show recommendation and the heads up that there isn’t a happy ending! I don’t know how soon I’ll get to it, but I’ll definitely check it out! It sounds interesting and looks like there’s a lot of angsty potential too, so I’ll remember to mentally prepare myself before diving into it!
I totally hear where you’re coming from about Fili Sigrid though. If I can remember or find the fics I read off FFN that had a heavy emphasis on them too, I’ll send you a link in case you decide you want to read them. And same with Uncas/ Alice, though there may be some fics that were cross-posted to both websites…
And that makes total sense! I agree that “live and let live” is a great outlook to have (for life in general too). And also, horror films are a perfect analogy! Because yes you can be super entertained by all the creepy or horrible things in a horror film but never actually wish for those things in real life.
Out of curiosity did you start game of thrones with the show or the books? I was late to jump on them, and started the show a few years after the series ended (which was actually kind of nice, knowing what the show did/ how the fandom reacted) and have slowly been working on the books since then… I don’t mind Bran or Jon, but they certainly aren’t my favorites by any stretch of the imagination. But yeah, Jon/ Sansa is not my ship either. 😆 And yes to the living fandom! I’m so thankful so many continue writing & drawing for it! 🙏🏻🙌🏻
I actually haven’t seen Buffy! 🥲 I know it’s a classic, but I was a little too young when it first premiered and I never went back to watch it. I probably should at some point though; I’ve heard so many good things about it.
I knew when reading the books that it was heading towards a “happy Weasley family” kind of ending with Ron/ Hermione and Harry/ Ginny but they never really hit me as ships I loved either though. Oh well I guess. That’s what all the fantastic fanfic writers are for! And I’ve noticed a lot of gryffindor/ slytherin pairs. I guess it’s the enemies to lovers trope that gets us all 😆
And for Draco, I meant more along the lines that I wish he had more of an arc where he became a little less of a prat rather than thinking he was actually evil and needed to be redeemed. I agree a vast majority of the time parents are responsible if their kids are acting up. But I do think there are a few rare occasions that kids might have some underlying psychological issues that lead to some darker tendencies/ behaviors & I think many parents would struggle with how to best help their kids in those kind of situations…
Also, I totally agree that Darcy takes no shit but isn’t an ass about it. I don’t have much interaction with Bucky/ Darcy, admittedly. When I read Steve/ Peggy, Bucky is mostly MIA or with Natasha; when I read Clint/ Natasha, he’s usually with Steve; and of course he’s with Sam when I look at Sam/ Bucky. 😂 But I can get the appeal for Bucky/ Darcy. I feel like she’d be able to straighten him out pretty quick if he was getting too mopey.
And of course! I’m happy to talk about ships too! 🩵
Hi, so you do not have to publish your respond or answer at all 😉 But beside Five x Lila and Brienne x Jaime what other pairings do you ship? Much love 💜
Hi! 👋🏻
I don’t mind answering- the main thing I use tumblr for is appreciating and talking about ships that I love so it’s not an issue to answer this by any means :)
I haven’t watched a ton of new shows lately, mostly rewatching older favorites or watching new-to-me-but-not-new-this-year foreign tv shows. But I will put a few below (I liked the main couple in the foreign shows) and some of my older ships after that! 😊
Foreign TV shows (I don’t often find a lot of fanfic/ fan art for foreign TV shows comparatively but I loved these series):
-Love Between Fairy and Devil (cdrama)
-The Manny (Mexican TV show)
-Hidden Love (cdrama)
-Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (kdrama)
-Ever Night (cdrama)
-Love, Now (Taiwan drama)
-Tale of the Nine-Tailed (kdrama)
-Happiness (kdrama)
-Mischievous Kiss (jdrama)
-Boys Over Flowers (kdrama, but I like Ji Hoo/ Jan Di instead of the main couple of Joon Pyo/ Jan Di)
And several others, but those are the ones I remember at the moment.
Main ships from American and/ or western shows and movies (though I probably like others from the same franchise too):
-Marvel: Steve/ Peggy and Clint/ Natasha are my main ships. I really enjoy Bucky/ Sam too, but I haven’t ventured to them quite as much.
-Barney/ Robin from How I Met Your Mother
-Penelope and Colin from Bridgerton. Really liked Kate/ Anthony too.
-Carol/Daryl from The Walking Dead followed by Rick/ Michonne (admittedly I slowly lost interest in the series after Glenn died, & I think I mainly stopped watching after Carl died. But I love the ship still)
-Tony/ Ziva from NCIS
-Deeks/ Kensi from NCIS LA
-Rollins/ Carisi from SVU followed by Benson/ Barbara. (All 3 of which, NCIS/ NCIS LA/ SVU, I didn’t finish or don’t really keep up with regularly)
-Harry/ Hermione from Harry Potter
-Penny/ Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory (I probably stopped watching regularly after season 5 though)
-Chloe/ Oliver from Smallville
-Enola/ Tewksbury from Enola Holmes TV show
-Uncas/ Alice from Last of the Mohicans movie
-Casey/ Kevin from Split & Glass (they’re one of my more problematic ships, TBH)
Cartoons/ Anime/ Comics:
-Starfire/ Robin from 2003 Teen Titans cartoon & the 1980s comics & live action tv show, also known as Dick/ Kory followed by Beast Boy/ Raven (or Garfield/ Rachel)
-Bruce/ Selina (pretty much any Batman universe I’ve seen)
-Naruto/ Hinata from Naruto. Shikamaru and Temari are a secondary fav for me.
-Ichigo/Orihime from Bleach. I also like Renji/ Rukia.
-Toph/ Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, but I prefer them as a post-original series couple. She’s too young for me to want them together during the show. Katara/ Aang.
Pretty much any of the studio Ghibli main characters, though there are still a few films I need to see…
Honorable mention to Lily/ Sebastian in the Love, Lies, & Hocus Pocus book series I’m currently reading…
There’s probably a ton of other ones (certainly there are more shows/ movies I love that I don’t necessarily have a ship for or that I just didn’t have a ship I went to fanfic for) but these were the ships I most remember from growing up and/or from reading fanfic/ fan art in the last 10 years or so…
What about you? What are some of your ships? I don’t suppose we have any other overlapping ships or shows, do we?
And much love right back at you! 🩵
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I’m putting most of my reply under the cut but we’ve got a little overlap with a couple shows/ ships so that’s pretty cool! 🥳
😃 I’m genuinely so thrilled you like Uncas / Alice too!! I so rarely find people who liked that movie and ship so it’s kind of extra exciting for me! 😁 I dunno if you’ve checked out fanfiction.net before, but if you haven’t, there are some great fanfics for Uncas/ Alice on there.
And also for Kili/Tauriel, which is my favorite ship from the Hobbit movies. I liked Fili/ Sigrid too, but to be honest, if it wasn’t a secondary ship in so many of the kiliel fics I’ve read, I probably wouldn’t have thought of them as a couple. 😅
I feel like I should probably make a quick aside, since it’s probably not obvious, but I don’t really judge ships/ what people ship, (or at the very least I try not to!). I do recognize that there is a difference between liking or being entertained by something in fiction vs liking or approving of that same concept in reality.
Some things are potentially problematic on paper but can still be relatively safe and healthy (like age gaps) in fiction or even real life. I talk about it though, because even if it can make me somewhat unsettled, I still enjoy the ship, and it’s interesting to hear other’s opinions, especially if it makes me think. Like I touched upon when talking about it in that Five/ Lila post, there are some things that make me a little uncomfy, but if I like the pairing enough I will set it aside/ accept it and continue enjoying the ship.
Mostly, I think of shipping as something to be enjoyed, and while not every ship is something I like, or it may even be a NOTP for me, if it makes someone else happy then good for them. Plus, I’m not exactly a stranger to toxic/ problematic ships myself, which would make me a pretty big hypocrite. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I hadn’t thought about it when I first replied, but one of the most problematic ships I had that was genuinely toxic/ abusive was Pan/ Wendy in the Once Upon A Time TV show. I didn’t follow the pair or the show too closely (I’m not even sure if I finished that season, TBH) but from what I remember it’s one of those ships that was absolutely terrible and I would probably advocate for getting Wendy help in real life, but in fiction it was fascinating the same way you might not be able to look away from a train wreck, if that makes sense? Sometimes it’s just interesting to explore absolutely horrid characters.
(I think it’s also partly because I grew up watching the live action Peter Pan and Wendy from the 2003 movie and loved the pair there, and I have a hard time multi-shipping characters when I have an OTP already for them, even if it’s in different adaptations. For example, there’s plenty of comics or cartoons where Batman might be with Wonder Woman, but I always prefer him with Catwoman, even if she’s not really there. But while I like the Sansa/ Sander pairing too, it is not an OTP/ “Gold tier” ship for me, so I don’t mind so much if she’s paired with someone else in the book/ show or fanfic I read. That’s a me problem though, I think..😂)
I also shipped Casey and Derek, who were step siblings in the Canadian/ Disney channel show Life With Derek, which is kind of problematic, and I hadn’t really thought about differentiating the alters in Split/ Glass, but I did like Casey/ Dennis too (though admittedly that’s probably third, after Casey/ Kevin & Casey/ Barry). So yeah, I try not to throw stones from my glass house… 😅
I haven’t seen Star Trek Voyager, but I have seen a little of the original Star Trek series and the Chris Pine remakes, and I really liked Spock/ Uhura.
But there’s a lot of shows/ movies I haven’t seen on your list unfortunately. Though, I’m open to some (like Edith/ Sherlock, Marta/ Ransom, Mary Bennet/ OC) and some that are either not my ship or from shows I’ve only seen a bit of but I do get the appeal of (Draco/ Hermione, Frank/ Karen, Steve/ Natasha, Shireen/ Rickon, Rey/ Kylo, Bob/ Phoenix).
And while I don’t hold much of it, I do hope you missed the era of shipping wars between the Bethyl/ Caryl shippers. That was brutal and full of so much unnecessary hate and vitriol. 😔 But if you didn’t miss it, then I am at least glad we got to meet now- you’ve been lovely to speak with! 🩵
A couple other things I wanted to mention after reading your list-
I do not have faith in George Martin finishing the book series, and I dunno if he’ll actually make some of the ships canon, let alone if the characters will even survive (😭) and that makes me even sadder that the show had so many problems.
I get the appeal of Dramione, but I kind of ship him with Ginny (one of my rare pair/ crackships. I also love that it would have made Ron go crazy having Draco as an in-law😆). I was kinda sad Draco didn’t get more of/ a better redemption arc by the end of the series.
Also, I think Darcy has been paired with just about every Marvel character at some point, whether she’s met them or not in canon! 😂 I’ve probably seen her most linked with Loki in the fics I’ve read, but I read a couple where she was paired with Thor and those were actually kind of fun too. 😆 I don’t really have a ship for her, but I do love her character. I was glad to see her in the Wanda/ Vision TV show.
Lastly, I don’t think I mentioned it in my first reply, but thank you for asking and thanks for sharing some of your ships/ shows with me! I would, of course, be happy to only gush about Five/ Lila, (especially because it’s my current obsession!) but I’m glad to know there’s a few others we both enjoy! 😊
Hi, so you do not have to publish your respond or answer at all 😉 But beside Five x Lila and Brienne x Jaime what other pairings do you ship? Much love 💜
Hi! 👋🏻
I don’t mind answering- the main thing I use tumblr for is appreciating and talking about ships that I love so it’s not an issue to answer this by any means :)
I haven’t watched a ton of new shows lately, mostly rewatching older favorites or watching new-to-me-but-not-new-this-year foreign tv shows. But I will put a few below (I liked the main couple in the foreign shows) and some of my older ships after that! 😊
Foreign TV shows (I don’t often find a lot of fanfic/ fan art for foreign TV shows comparatively but I loved these series):
-Love Between Fairy and Devil (cdrama)
-The Manny (Mexican TV show)
-Hidden Love (cdrama)
-Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (kdrama)
-Ever Night (cdrama)
-Love, Now (Taiwan drama)
-Tale of the Nine-Tailed (kdrama)
-Happiness (kdrama)
-Mischievous Kiss (jdrama)
-Boys Over Flowers (kdrama, but I like Ji Hoo/ Jan Di instead of the main couple of Joon Pyo/ Jan Di)
And several others, but those are the ones I remember at the moment.
Main ships from American and/ or western shows and movies (though I probably like others from the same franchise too):
-Marvel: Steve/ Peggy and Clint/ Natasha are my main ships. I really enjoy Bucky/ Sam too, but I haven’t ventured to them quite as much.
-Barney/ Robin from How I Met Your Mother
-Penelope and Colin from Bridgerton. Really liked Kate/ Anthony too.
-Carol/Daryl from The Walking Dead followed by Rick/ Michonne (admittedly I slowly lost interest in the series after Glenn died, & I think I mainly stopped watching after Carl died. But I love the ship still)
-Tony/ Ziva from NCIS
-Deeks/ Kensi from NCIS LA
-Rollins/ Carisi from SVU followed by Benson/ Barbara. (All 3 of which, NCIS/ NCIS LA/ SVU, I didn’t finish or don’t really keep up with regularly)
-Harry/ Hermione from Harry Potter
-Penny/ Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory (I probably stopped watching regularly after season 5 though)
-Chloe/ Oliver from Smallville
-Enola/ Tewksbury from Enola Holmes TV show
-Uncas/ Alice from Last of the Mohicans movie
-Casey/ Kevin from Split & Glass (they’re one of my more problematic ships, TBH)
Cartoons/ Anime/ Comics:
-Starfire/ Robin from 2003 Teen Titans cartoon & the 1980s comics & live action tv show, also known as Dick/ Kory followed by Beast Boy/ Raven (or Garfield/ Rachel)
-Bruce/ Selina (pretty much any Batman universe I’ve seen)
-Naruto/ Hinata from Naruto. Shikamaru and Temari are a secondary fav for me.
-Ichigo/Orihime from Bleach. I also like Renji/ Rukia.
-Toph/ Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, but I prefer them as a post-original series couple. She’s too young for me to want them together during the show. Katara/ Aang.
Pretty much any of the studio Ghibli main characters, though there are still a few films I need to see…
Honorable mention to Lily/ Sebastian in the Love, Lies, & Hocus Pocus book series I’m currently reading…
There’s probably a ton of other ones (certainly there are more shows/ movies I love that I don’t necessarily have a ship for or that I just didn’t have a ship I went to fanfic for) but these were the ships I most remember from growing up and/or from reading fanfic/ fan art in the last 10 years or so…
What about you? What are some of your ships? I don’t suppose we have any other overlapping ships or shows, do we?
And much love right back at you! 🩵
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