#just so much potenial
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chocolatecake47 · 11 months ago
writing or understanding Rayllum is literally so wild. You can write and understand them absolutely utterly broken, separated for years, torn apart at the seams, seemingly endless anger and hurt and past grief and just raw torture and misunderstanding between them, and be right. You can write and understand them completely in love, head over heels for each other, connected at the hip and perfectly in sync, being able to read each other without skipping a beat, and be right. You can write and understand them as this adorable pair of best friends who care for each other like their souls are one, would go to the ends of the earth for each other, know every single thing about each other down to their biggest secrets, worst demons, and happiest memories, know how to have the best fun with each other completely platonically, and be right.
like omg no matter what, they really would sacrifice everything for each other wouldn't they. this love really is brave and wild.
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inutaffy · 18 days ago
as i rewatch stranger things i become more scared of a st/ncy and m/leven situation in s5
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ex-vespidae · 2 years ago
have i ever mentioned how much I love Sectonia
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bloodonmysqueegee · 1 month ago
I'm pretty sure we're headed in the direction of the new guy being Copia's twin brother. It's what it all points to. But then why show hints of Secondo so much?
I also remembered that theory about V being Secondo's child, but what if both things were (kinda) true?
Maybe instead of actually being Sec's child, he was just RAISED by him (possibly along with Copia??)
Because we know damn well Sister and Nihil never did much to help
WHAT IF the whole fandoms idea that "the brothers raised each other" IS ACTUALLY GOING TO BE CANON!!
This means that V could've adopted a lot more traits from Secondo just by virtue of seeing him as a father figure
This could also mean Perpetua and Copia really did spend a lot more time with the other brothers than we thought (especially cuz terzo would've been on the younger side too so he could've helped/ also had to be raised by his older brothers) THINK OF THE POTENIAL STORIES YOU COULD TELL FROM THIS!! THIS COULD BE RE AL
Anyways go look at my art while I evaporate
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hisuian-history-makers · 10 months ago
Indigo Park: Salem the Skunk (Theory and Headcanons).
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Truthfully, we don’t know much about Salem besides the fact they are a potion maker and briefly appear in the arcade game. Their bio revealed that they’re an antagonist to Rambley.
Theory: Salem is the most recent character in the Indigo Park cast.
Their punk design doesn’t really fit the rest of the cast and Rambley’s lines when you show the retro Lloyd Plush has an interesting detail.
“Where’s my limited edition throwback plush?! Where’s Mollie’s? Where’s Finley’s?”
Immediately he mentioned the rest of his friends not getting a retro plush either. Granted, this could be a situation where he dislikes Salem so much he doesn’t mention them… Yet he always mentions Lloyd/doesn’t refuse to say the lion’s name. So what’s the deal with Salem?
The Finley cutout’s line about Rambley knowing him for 100 years could potenially just be flavor text, but the retro plush info mentioned there was an actual old cartoon.
Not too sure about the theories which pin Salem as turning the animatronics(?) against the park guests. That seems a little too cut and dry for me given Salem was part of the cast too.
—Salem’s also known to use contraptions to get out of hairy situations in their character bio. Leading me to believe they weren’t always a potion maker, but rather a Scientist!
—The original documents on their character design were lost leading to many people not knowing Salem’s gender, thus non-binary. They could have stolen their own designs actually…
—Ironically, they and Mollie can stand to get along due to both of them knowing a great deal about engineering/tech. Mollie does crash her plane often enough that learning how to repair it would make sense. I could see Salem helping her repair the plane to get the macaw out of their forest. (This annoys Rambley to no end.)
—Because of Finley’s shyness, the two have rarely interacted. Though—I could see the first meeting have been when Salem went potion ingredient hunting and stumbled upon Finley. They were intimidated by his sheer size, surely.
—Salem dyes their hair stripe. Not always pink.
—The skunk uses the employee utility tunnel to photo bomb park goers, Rambley’s Railroad, and even selfies. They love sneaking up on people because they don’t think a six-foot purple skunk would be even remotely stealthy.
—Them and Lloyd will trade verbal barbs in mock offs behind the scenes. He’s the only one who gets their vicious sense of humor.
—Whether as an animatronic or AI, Salem often steals items from the gift shops to “decorate” statues around the park. They hate the one statue of Rambley and Mr Indigo because the head can track them no matter how they move.
—Salem has accidentally caused the park to lose power a few times from their experiments getting out of hand. The fact these made the now AI-Rambley to get shut down doesn’t bring as much joy to them as you might think.
—The skunk is currently trying to juryrig a computer to be able to fit their paws so they can see what this “Minecraft” game is about. It had potion making apparently?
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year ago
Would love to see your take on 23 or 28 good potential for fluff or angst or maybe both?
I am such a fluffy bitch! I can't help myself. If I get another one of these I will do angst because I need to work on that. But for now fluffy bullshit is my safe place <3
But I will say this tickled my uh not sfw brain, so watch out for a possible ao3 E addition the other prompt. Maybe! (Probably. the potenial of "Come and get your fix" is insane) But this is "Was it worth it?"
Honestly? You'd think Steve would be used to this by now. He was just not the guy that anyone wanted to be with. First there was Nancy, the worst heartbreak he ever had. Then there was Robin, which was better but still kind of sucked. Until Steve realized that oh, wow, this girl is literally my long lost sister. So with that, he had to admit that he was pretty grateful that she was gay as hell. The alternative would have been an absolute disaster. But even before all of that, girls just didn't like being with him. Or at least staying with him.
He was too much of a hopeless romantic, too clingy, too weird. He always fell beneath expectations. People expected him to be cool, suave, to actually match the whole "King Steve" label and be the high school dream boat that he should be. But...Steve just wasn't like that. He wanted too much too fast, always opening up and sharing shit that made people uncomfortable. That made them pull away and find someone less annoying. So he'd retreat back into the popular boy thing, be charming and a little dickish, find a new girlfriend, and start the process all over again.
People just... didn't like going there with him. Not when there were better options. It felt like the only one who could really handle him was Robin. And lately... Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson who was currently in the middle of crushing all of his feelings into the dust.
He thought...Steve wasn't sure what he thought. But it felt like over the past year they had been moving somewhere, to something more. They were friends by circumstance, from all the Upside Down shit and then with Steve being Dustin's chauffer to the hospital for visits. It had all been so simple at first. They would all talk as a group, it would be fun, and then they'd be on there way until Dustin called him up next. Until one day Steve just went by himself. He wasn't quite sure why he did, but the bright smile that lit up Eddie's face when he saw him made sure that he'd keep doing it.
And they would talk for a long time. For a stupid amount of time honestly, all the way until the nurses kicked him out for getting Eddie too rowdy and excited. But it didn't stop when he got out of the hospital. Steve just started going to house, helping him and his uncle out as they got to know each other more. It's not like he had anything else going on. He just never expected Eddie Munson of all people to slowly become the center of his life.
They just... clicked. In a way that no one had expected, least of all them. They were so different, but they also weren't. Not in the ways that mattered. Besides, Steve liked all the play fights and debates they would have over music and movies. He liked ribbing each other over their taste in clothes and their mutual inability to get girls. He loved it even more when Eddie came out to him in the silliest possible way.
"I can't get girls because I'm gay as fuck and they can sense it. You can't get girls because every straight woman that lives here is apparently stupid. Can being too hot ruin your dating life?"
At the time it had made Steve laugh. It also stirred... something in his chest. Something warm and nice that he didn't have time to examine, not when he was too busy reassuring Eddie that yes, he's okay with it. But no, girls couldn't smell it on him. Not that Eddie cared but Steve actually had 0 clue on why no one was interested in him. Just because he was gay didn't mean the girls of Hawkins high knew that. Why weren't they fawning over him? He was so freaking pretty, and creative and fun and...and that's how Steve realized he wasn't as straight as he thought he was.
And because Steve was Steve that meant that he had to make things weird. He started doing stupid shit, like staring at Eddie's perfect mouth all the time, wearing his clothes with permission, just to smell him throughout the day. They started giving each other little nick names, stupid shit that was so close to being romantic. Like sunshine and angel. They started sleeping in the same bed together, spending more nights with each other than apart. Steve would wake up with Eddie wrapped around him, clinging to him like...like they were something more.
And it felt good. Comfortable and safe. And Steve really thought that this had been different. That whatever was going on with him had to be going on with Eddie too.
But now here he was, standing shell-shocked in his kitchen while his very good friend was trying to talk to him about his crush. His crush that had nothing to do with Steve. It wasn't exactly shocking that Steve had made all of that flirtation up in his head. It wouldn't be the first time, he was just delusional like that.
But that didn't stop his heart from breaking when Eddie said, "So...there's this guy whose like, insanely hot? And I think he might be into me. But... I don't really know what to do about it."
Steve really did not want to hear about this. He didn't like it, the horrifying thought of Eddie getting a boyfriend. Because what partner would be cool with them cuddling up together in bed? Who would be down to have their boyfriend's creepy buddy hanging around them all the time? Calling them stupid shit like sunshine? It wasn't going to happen. And acknowledging that hurt...so much more than Steve had expected.
But Steve was a good friend. That was probably the only thing he had going for him. He'd get past it. He always did. He was just going to have to completely restructure the life he had built around Eddie. That's all.
He shoved his feelings back, smiling despite the fact that he felt like he was dying a little inside, "Oh yeah? Tell me about him."
Steve wasn't sure why he asked that. And the dreamy smiled on Eddie's face when he started talking wasn't helping, "He is just awesome dude. Total catch, an absolute sweetheart. And he just fits with me y'know? And, um, I think he feels the same way. But I'm not sure. I'm too much of a bitch to even ask if he's into dudes. I don't know if telling him is worth the risk."
Part of Steve wanted to be a real piece of shit with that. To tell him that yeah, it's not a good idea. He's probably straight and definitely wouldn't be good for him. They wouldn't love him like Steve could. But that didn't exactly count as being a good friend, did it?
Steve kept it all back, his smile tight when he said, "I think that sometimes the risk can be worth it. Do you think he's worth it?"
Eddie laughed, like Steve said something funny instead of trying to be sincere. But he was smiling, staring down at the counter as he fiddled with his rings, "If it worked out, it would probably be the best thing that ever happened to me."
Steve really really did not need to hear that. He could feel his eyes getting wet. He needed to wrap this shit up and send Eddie on his way to mystery man's house before he started crying, "If that's how you feel then go for it man. He'd be lucky to have you."
Steve's voice broke on the last word, something he tried to hide behind a cough. He just wanted this to be over already.
"I think I'd be lucky to have him," Eddie said with a shrug, "But... do you really think I should? Just go for it?"
"Yeah dude, why not tonight even? If he's not doing anything else you can just hop right over," Steve was willing to sign up for anything that got him out of here faster.
Eddie laughed again, completely out of place. He was circling the counter, coming to a stop in front of Steve with a nervous little smile, "You really think so?"
Why did he have to look at him like that? With this big doe eyes, filled with hope. It was silly, what Steve thought didn't even matter, this had nothing to do with him. But that little fact wasn't helping to clear the lump in his throat.
Steve nodded, not trusting himself with words. He expected Eddie to grin, thank him, and head out into the night to profess his love for some other dude. But that's not what happened.
Instead Eddie settled his hands on Steve's shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze. He looked nervous, but excited, his eyes boring right into Steve's. He took a deep breath before blurting, "I'm in love with you. Like full-blown. A-And it's probably way to early to be saying that but it's true Steve. It's been driving me fucking insane, because I like want you man. In very non-friendship ways."
Steve stared at him, his mouth hanging open like an idiot. He didn't-wait-huh? What? That can't be right. Eddie couldn't have been talking about him because he didn't-he wasn't-but... now that Steve thought about it, who the fuck else would he be talking about? How would he even have a chance to meet someone else when they were attached at the hip?
He felt so stupid. And so relived. He didn't even know what to do with himself, besides stare at Eddie like a moron. And his silence wasn't helping anything.
"I-um, thought that you might feel the same way since, y'know. Everything. And I know you're not gay-"
It was true, Steve wasn't gay. Not entirely but, "I can be gay for you. I'm so gay for you. I might as well be an Eddie-sexual at this point-"
Steve didn't have time to finish his cringy spiel, not when Eddie was pulling him closer and smashing their mouths together. Steve would thank him later for it, but for now he was too busy melting into his arms.
He felt weirdly good when they finally pulled away, almost like he was high. Just from one little kiss.
Eddie was grinning at him, looking at Steve like he was the best thing that ever happened to him. And what an insane thought that was huh? But Steve would take it.
Steve smiled up at him, taking the time to wrap his arms around Eddie's neck, "So...was it worth it? The risk?"
Eddie rolled his eyes, his hands wandering downward to rest on Steve's hips. And then Eddie was actually lifting him into the air and onto the counter, settling between his legs like the gesture didn't just send Steve into a tailspin. Why was that so hot? When did his nerdy friend (boyfriend?) become so smooth?
Eddie chuckled before leaning back in. He pressed a light kiss to the side of Steve's lips, sweet enough for him to know it would be burned into his memory until the end of time, "Like you have to ask."
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venusleontios55555 · 10 months ago
Things I hope the next chapters would cover:
There are some loose threads I hope get covered when Takano and Onodera's dating arc starts:
I am kind of surprised that we as a fandom just kind of glossed over this line. Like Takano never really spoke about his parents, but we know that he has a bad relationship with both of them. It is hinted that he is still in touch with his mother. But we dont really know how involved she is. Makes me wonder if this is going to be a plot later. Like if we ever see his real father.
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Another plot sekaiichi hatsukoi frequently talks about is Ritsu's relationship with his mum, while he is shown to care about her, he hardly ever talks to her on the phone. Like how An says "he is always short on the phone", or he rarely visits home. This also could be a potential plot later.
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People like to say that Takano is a very mysterious character because he is the most poker faced. To which I say nope, I think Ritsu's father is the most mysterious guy. Even though Ritsu is the heir, his father has not yet made an appearence to talk to him about it, instead he interfered with his son's application in marukawa, and that ended up with Onodera in Marukawa. What if he already knew about Onodera and takano?? I hope this is mentioned in later chapters.
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Another one of the biggest plot points in sekaiichi hatsukoi is Ritsu's position in the publishing world. Because Ritsu is uncertain whether he will have to become the heir to Onodera publishing. In the future it is possible that Onodera/or his parents will come to a decision.
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I am not gonna lie, Haitani scares the crap out of me, I mean in sekaiichi hatsukoi every character has a good and bad side. But Haitani is confusing, now I could label him as evil, but he is not really evil (yet), but I can see him taking more of an antagonistic role if he was serious about being Onodera's love rival. AND THAT scares the crap out of me. Not that takano will fall for him, but he will do something to onodera or both of them.
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Onodera has not yet told Takano about the fact that Mutou sensei and her spouse met after ten years, and her wedding will perhaps be a turning point in their established relationship.
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So far we dont know much about Fushijiro except she is a exceptional mangaka, who tends to overwork herself and others around her. Her stories are shown to be unique, and I think she will be one of the people who will indirectly help ritsu become a sucessful editor.
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After Ritsu found out he is temprory worker, he is given an oppurtunity to do a test to become Marukawa's permanent employee. In that Takano mentions that he has to talk to his dad about it one day. Which means there is a potenial that we will see both Ritsu's attempt at being a permanent employee and perhaps an eventual meet between Ritsu's father and Takano.
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cyberrose2001 · 5 months ago
Just bought transformers one on amazon to rewatch it
god I am incredibly errect every time sentinel comes on the screen
also I'm very upset about the fact they name dropped ratchet and proceeded to show like, nothing of him besides a potential scene of him doing pull-ups in the miner's barracks? How dare they. I demand my spicy medic boy
LITERALLYYYYY i was so sad we didnt see much of him, i wished we could'v- wait a minute, did you just say he was potenially doing pull-ups?
where is the screencap, drop it rn
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harufallinwonderland · 2 months ago
I stopped being lazy was watched episode 18 of Kamen rider gavv so THOUGHTS TIME (spoilers)
As of now my second favorite episode of the show rn (next to the obvious cake king debut) and I find it interesting
And also is it just me but it felt soft confirmed that Hanto very much doesn’t try to go over every detail of everything with Hanto like “why does Shoma belt not only look like those things on the granute’s stomachs and don’t have something holding them in place? Probably some really fucked up surgery”
Or “damn he really knows a lot about the stomach family even if his memory is blurry” it feels intentional that he really does trust Shoma so much despite being A reporter and his job being about details with Shoma he doesn’t care about the details cause he trusts him and ITS SO JUICY
Genuinely I can’t wait for them to fall out THE ANGST POTENIAL
A few side notes:
I like how they truly trying to make the dark treats REALLY feel like drugs which I fuck with
Lage 9 is A man I find attractive in every form he is in cause I was down bad even in his rider suit
Suspicious man continues being suspicious
Lage 9 backstory (semi) reveal!? I’m simply more interested than before
This episode was good but I feel like the next episode gonna be GOOD
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cosmicrescendo · 1 month ago
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(Read Part 1 of this rant here)
If we want to talk about Noir's pelicularites, we gotta start here. Aru's really different than the 2 two protags, isn't he?
Halritt has wonderful ideals, but they're a little vague/short-sighted and he is struggling to put them in practice and bear results with those methods.
Kurode is decently competent, but lacks a clear anchor (one's chivalry) to drag him out of the stupor born from his miserable perception of himself, which hinders his progress.
Aru is a little older, and has been in the business for a lot longer than these two. I say, in terms of the heart, there's not much he lacks: He's good a strong will, dedicated in both his ideals and love for his Lord, quick to act (and improvise!), and can bear good results due to well-placed earnestness and empathy. N01 illustrates this all pretty well.
Pretty transparently, what Aru does lack, is "experience". And I'd argue its a slightly different variety than say, what Halritt and Kurode need as fresh-faced knights. Those two's experiences will develop/grow their hearts (will and identity). With Aru (and I will expound later, the entirety of Noir potentially)…….it's more of a mental thing?
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For starters, let's refer back to the idea that To Get Along = To Understand Others. Let's take Chaco. We can see he's well-liked by his community and thusly he should know how to get along with others! But why did he fail in N01? This is because the basics of attempting to Understand Others isn't enough.......we need Knowledge. One can empathize and understand the actions of their family, school, or region ...but end up stepping all over the toes of another person due to a lack of cultural, emotional, technical, and/or situational knowledge.
If something is easy for me, and I never attempt to engage/experience with the Reasons Why people who struggle with it or can't do it at all, then my attempts at being empathic will feel flimsy at best and offensive at worst! (Or I might not empathize at all, due to my own built up biases......)
So what's the easiest way to obtain such Knowledge? Getting off our asses and going to see it! Not gonna find anything remaining in the place that developed our own biases. And by being a traveling outsider, Aru brings a slice of the outside to the people he ends up encountering! It prompts learning on both ends! Now, it should be noted that the people he encounters that have Very Specific Problems born from this lack, there's not a really specific one for Aru (as of rn) aside from cultural/technical knowledge, so good on Pekkle for being a good friend and nipping that in the bud before it blossoms.
"but nova isn't this supposed to be a thread about how Noir differs? this sounds Awfully Similar to blue bouquet's Problem" Well you see the most interesting part is the Resolution. In realizing what they lack they are inherently Drawn to it, and desire More!
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Tuxam doesn't just realize he's too much of a hardass and Chaco realizing he can come across as a little insincere. they are inherently drawn to the qualities in Aru that they lack (his frankness and his freedom) and want to experience more of Aru's perspective and the other potenial things they don't know, prompting them to tag along in this cross-country journey!
In contrast.....it's not like Kurode's willful desire for independence caught Klark's attention in that way, and in canon Will-Louter and Kurode-Klark are similar to each other, in regards to changing the twins' ways in B02. And even though R03 emphasized the importance of diversity, it's a little different. We can acknowledge the strengths of others and how having such a colorful group covers our weaknesses when we're alone. However! None of the knights in there necessarily want to incorporate each other's way of life into themselves in that manner. It's pretty clear by the way R03 encourages Rimicha to be confident in what only he can do and his way of being a knight. Preservation of one's individuality is important. In Blue and Red, we have to begin where we are similar in order to understand our differences, but in Noir, differences are enchanting, exciting, alluring, that which draws us together!
What a lovely sentiment! (Go read Part 3 of this rant)
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exo-raskreia · 11 months ago
hi i'm the anon who asked that question about jjk wasted potential and i totally!! agree with your points. I am so disappointed about the wasted potenial of jjk hidden lore. If only I came up with this idea of jjk and write a roller coaster ride of a story. i strongly believe about utahime being the main adult girl of the series. i was thinking how she could have been a great role model to maki and even gojo students while he was sealed. Utahime where were you in the culling game i need dm you
Yes!! I totally agree that Utahime could've also been a great role model/mentor to Gojo's students in general while he was sealed. She could've been shown being worried for them & checked on them from time to time, maybe teaching a class or two, giving an encouraging speech & stuff. Oh, God, the potential 😫...!!
(I also like the HC that maybe Gojo had asked her to help him with the Fushiguro siblings at times. And what about Utahime inspiring Gojo to become a teacher? Those could be nice reveals...😔)
I've actually had all these as ideas for a fic, if I ever get around to it...
Despite her lack of screentime, Utahime is surprisingly the 3rd most popular female character in the Japanese JJK fandom behind Nobara & Maki, as according to last year's 3rd character popularity poll, she ranked 14 (formerly at 15, so she went up a rank from the previous poll even though she had been absent from the main story for several chapters; the 3rd poll was conducted right before her reappearance with Gojo 👀). Her power 💅...
(Wonder where she'll rank this time in the upcoming 4th poll, esp now that we've got her CT reveal 🤔)
A lot of her fanarts on Twitter, for example, garner tons of likes & some dudes see her as waifu material, lol. Just imagine if she had more screen/panel time... If Gege cared to flesh her out more, give us her background... How much more popular would she be? 😩
Not to mention, GjHm is the most popular JJK straight ship in Japan as well, according to Pixiv. If GjHm had more interactions... It'd be such a powerful ship, like I know, I know more people would be onboard with it if they just had more interactions, more Utahime screentime... 😫. I find it funny when I sometimes see non-shippers, esp dudes, consider Utahime as Gojo's love interest or make jokes of something going on between them (triggering antis in the process). It's like they see her as the most likely to end up with him 🤣👀.
Some people have come out of the woodworks to say they like the ship but were afraid to say it (in their circles, at least) for fear they'll be attacked by antis. How many more are secret GjHm fans? When will people learn to just ship & let ship? 😮‍💨
And yes, where the heck was Utahime during the Culling Games? What was she doing? Her CT would've been useful. And wasn't one of the rules that any sorcerer who didn't enter the games would be stripped from their CT? How did she manage to not to be affected? Was she under protection? It hasn't seemed to have affected anyone so far, though? Did Gege forget?
But anyway, yeah, if only Gege had cared enough to flesh out his characters more... 😮‍💨
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acourtofthought · 6 months ago
"there is a darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to" was the exact moment that ship died for me, ill be honest, i did like them together after the little glances here and there, and i love elain and i love az, so i was like 'just kiss already', but when he said that, i was just thought 'huh? why??????' and then as soon as sjm wrote "you're the new ribbon, az" it all made sense and i saw where we were going
if az had said something like "elain stabbed the king. she can do it. i'll train her myself" i would definitely see more potenial for them being endgame, but as soon as he said that AFTER knowing she wanted to help that ship died, doesn't matter how much they wanna fuck, it's never gonna work bc azriel will never let her grow or let go of his 'savior complex' and never grow himself
also!! it still annoys me so much how they never included elain in their vote about nesta and the weapons (the vote itself is another discussion...) but the fact that none of them were "hey lets include elain too, as her sister who has been closest to her and knows her" another opportunity for az to see her as someone able to be included in important decisions and he said nothing because you know lucien would have said something immediately!!
There were soooooo many things that Sarah could have written differently when it came to Az and Elain that would have had me nervous for Elucien. Had Az thought something like "Rhys doesn't understand the way Elain makes me feel but I'll prove him wrong" rather than "he knew he'd been right to avoid her" then I would have questioned Elucien. Had Az thought "I haven't thought about Mor like that since last Solstice" instead of saying nothing and thinking nothing when directly asked about her I would have questioned Elucien. Had Az not needed to be reprimanded by Amren for not believing in Elain I would have believed he actually felt guilty for failing to realizing what she was capable of. Had Az offered to help Elain train her powers when she said she'd try to reacquaint herself with them I would have believed he was acting the way someone would if they cared for another. Az witnessed Elain's fight with Nesta and saw the hurt in her eyes at Nesta's words but he never asked her about it. Az knows Elain's father is dead and that she was struggling with the loss yet he never asked her how she was doing. I have read hundred and hundreds of romance books, all kinds. Friends to Lovers, Dark Romance, Second Chance, Bully Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Fated Mates, etc. not to mention all of Sarah's works (minus Catwoman). If Sarah wanted to convince the masses that Az really cared about Elain and who she was as an individual (and not just his ever present need to protect all women because he has mommy issues he still feels guilt over) she could have easily done it. As it stands though, there are just too many red flags when it comes to how Az acts with Elain and he's much closer to how Tamlin was with Feyre than how any of Sarah endgame males were with the female.
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So, all this time in Genshin and NO ONE knows what Paimon is. We've encountered creatures, beings, and people of various walks of life and various ages, all along our journey as of 4.1's update. None of them seem to know what she is.
Amber called Paimon a 'mascot'.
Xiangling and many NPCs ask of she's 'some kind of food'.
Albedo asked if Paimon is an 'external organ' of the Traveler's.
Overworld NPCs have called her a 'white-haired talking fairy'. Some quest-locked Fatui NPCs have called her a 'seelie'. But we've encountered older beings who have seen real seelies, and even told us about them, and they never made mention of how this is knowledge Paimon should already know, nor did they say Paimon is a seelie. Meaning, she can't be a seelie. And finally, even elemental beings as old as the dragon sovereigns HAVE NO IDEA WHAT PAIMON IS.
What is she then?
She has a 'demon name' like all the gods(and Fischl) tend to have. Barbatos, Morax, Beelzebul, Baal, Buer, Focalor, Astaroth(Istaroth), Orobas(Orobaxi), Naberius, Marchosias, Decarabia, Amy(Fischl, I know)etc... They come from the Ars Goetia, and if we take that into account, then Paimon's namesake could be a hint of sorts. Focalor was known to drown people on ships and Buer dealt with philosophy and logic and loved using plants. It's not too farfetched of an idea at least.
Paimon is a direct servant to Lucifer, the Morningstar. Paimon is knowledgeable and is often depicted sharing vast knowledge and teaching others. Supposedly, he 'knows all the affairs of the world' and must answer truthfully when asked questions. Paimon's role in Genshin is to be a Guide for the Traveler(who travels the cosmos as a Star), and she is the one who taught them Teyvat's common language. In under 2 months. She's taught them much according to their joint character voice lines.
It seems to be a common theory that the Traveler is actually from Teyvat and is just returning after a VERY long time away. Ashikai, the fandom's best lore enthusiast and theorist, suggested them to be an old user logging into their account after a very LONG TIME AWAY. That would explain how they have no Constellation or alignment prior to touching a Statue of the Seven, but the moment they do, it stutters to life with a heartbeat and suddenly gifts them a Constellation.
Statues of the Seven are connected to the Ley Lines, which are connected to Irminsul, which holds all the knowledge and memories of Teyvat. So, the moment the Traveler 'signed in' the knowledge receptacle of Teyvat recognized them to an extent. We know the sibling is considered to be from Teyvat somehow, so it's likely that the Traveler is also from Teyvat, but their account's data has been lost or wiped.
This theory is pretty solid, and I like the idea a lot. So, I build off of it for this.
The Traveler awakens after losing their sibling to the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles and has no idea what is going on. They don't know what's been happening this entire time, and it's when they meet Paimon that they finally get information. That they finally find a way to even get to information.
So, my idea is that Paimon isn't actually a real being by herself. She's not the Primordial One with stripped memories. She's not the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles in disguise. She isn't a seelie who fell from heaven and forgot her origins. She isn't the remaining Moon Sister who forgot her origins.
I think she's just a manifestation of the Traveler's desperation. The Traveler can wield the Elements of this foreign world they've apparently never been to, and even knew exactly how to do so from the very beginning. Even has a line telling Paimon that they know why and how that is possible, but never explains it for the player. And Paimon just accepts that answer and moves on.
This entire time playing, Paimon's being has come up many times, and we always end up saying/hearing, 'Paimon is Paimon'. As if that's a good enough answer, but between the duo it apparently is. No explanation needed. And we know that the Traveler has A LOT of info they keep to themselves and don't bother sharing. Such as their knowledge of Khaenri'ah and actually being around when it got destroyed. This could just be another thing they keep inside.
I think Albedo was the closest out of all who question Paimon's existence. She isn't exactly an external organ of the Traveler's, but I think she's like... a Tulpa. I think the Traveler manifested Paimon through sheer desperation of not knowing what to do and where to go, and the Ley Lines responded by gathering all the necessary memories and knowledge they could as quickly as possible and gave it a form that the Traveler would instinctively trust. The Traveler is great with kids after all.
Paimon has never said anything about where she came from prior to meeting the Traveler. Even during deeply personal moments. At most, we know she was suddenly drowning and then the Traveler fished her out. But how was she drowning right where the Traveler was fishing, and the Traveler never saw her approach?
We do know that The Withering barely affected Paimon at all, much like the Traveler. When the Traveler gained the ability to manipulate Dendro they got additional abilities, and Paimon somehow also gained the heightened sensitivity to the Dendro Element. Enough for the 168-Day Samsara to finally wear off enough for not just the Traveler, but Paimon as well, to awaken from the cycle and break free of it. Nahida personally notes both of them were given the Blessing of Dendro. Finally, when the Traveler gained the ability to manipulate the Hydro Element, Paimon also gained the ability to breathe/speak underwater and swim infinitely in Fontaine despite how she supposedly cannot swim.
Both the Traveler and Paimon were easily knocked out by that odd pulse thing Dottore used. And it supposedly cannot be used on gods like Nahida, so Paimon and the Traveler aren't gods or beings with experience on how to protect themselves from such an attack. (This does not rule out the Traveler being some other kind of immortal being though.)
This makes it clear that Paimon benefits directly when the Traveler's powers improve/increase/strengthen. She gets a 'special sensitive constitution' simply because the Traveler does. The Traveler touched the Dendro Statue of the Seven, but somehow Paimon also received a Blessing? The same with the Hydro Statue of the Seven?
And many times over the course of the story, the Traveler and Paimon have had entirely silent conversations with each other in completely voice quests. Where they step back and simply stare at each other. Thoughts are written in (parenthesis) in Genshin, and many times have they communicated full sentences this way while others around them talk out loud. Maybe it's just a joke to show how well they know each other that they can have silent conversations with ease, but we simply cannot rule out the possibility that they might be mentally linked in some way. When they want to be.
Let's not forget how Paimon is often the voice of everything. And she is rarely in opposition to what the Traveler wants, believes, or thinks. In fact, Lyney at the end of Fontaine's AQ Act 2 might be the first time in the game where Paimon and the Traveler had drastically different opinions. Paimon wanted to stay and talk with Lyney and Lynette and the Traveler just walked off without looking back because they were angry. And even Paimon was shocked by that response.
It's just so weird how they gave the Traveler such an in-depth character but hide it all in their character voice lines(WITH Paimon btw). What would be the point of keeping the Traveler silent most of the time? Unless there is a reason Paimon HAS to be the voice. Cuz the Traveler is no Self Insert. With how this fandom whines about their reactions to things and responses, no one here is putting themselves in the Traveler's shoes.
So, Paimon is very closely connected to the Traveler, and panics when they separate for too long. She's been traumatized several times now by separation. She needs to speak for the Traveler. She exists to be the Guide for the Traveler. She can't imagine her life being any other way. It feels more like the Ley Lines just responded to the Traveler's intense emotions upon waking up and sent something along to answer those emotions. Like an imaginary friend, but more concrete in existence. And that needed their protection to make up for their loneliness.
Mind you, it's JUST A THEORY.
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EDIT, added November 3rd 2023, as of the 4.2 Live Stream: TULPAS EXIST IN GENSHIN!
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So, this gives my theory a lot more ground to stand on, just saying! :D
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servicpop · 7 months ago
this man is probably in his like late 30s going to 40s and after many failed tries at relationships in his 20s he probably decided to dedicate his life to being a detective only using his hand for relief when it's really necessary ( he thinks lust is a distraction 😪) so when he was put on a case to catch you he stopped for like a few months till he caught you, sure yeah you were pretty and everyone was eyeing you like a piece of candy or wtv but dude just wanted to introgate you so they put you in a cell till they got their schedule free but you being the best criminal in the area breaks free👌👌 he tracks you down to a...motel??? at first he thought it was a trap till he dug around some more only to find that it was kid of a hideout spot for some criminals including you it also had a casino and strip club which made sense to him kinda? NOW THIS CAN GO BOTH WAYS
FIRST : You went there cus you had no cash n u needed some so what better way to do it then rob some money off of old nasty guys :3 so being the pretty little thing you are you work your ass off in a firly bunny outfit yk the classic leather one with the ears and clip on tail that barely hides anything, and like always you were a hit everyone loves you getting more than 1000 as tip from one guy, callahan walks in ready to bust your ass and some other criminals thinking you were some prevert like the other men here only to find that you in fact were not a watcher you were the whole show yourself and damn the second he saw you he forgot why he was doing this whole thing, of course you spotted him and walked out to him after the show he let you go this once only if you never utter a word to anyone about him not being able to move an inch after seeing ( and the tent in his pants as well )
SECOND OPTION : he tracks down your location to the hotel or motel wtv and goes to the lobby pointing a gun to the receptionist head asking which room were you in, they give him the room with the keys telling him which floor you're on, he goes to the room breaking the door down expecting you to have a gun or be armed he was ready for shooting anyways but you were no where to be found?? your stuff was there but you weren't, he was gonna go and yell at the receptionist before he heard soft humming from the bathroom, bingo, he breaks down the door (mans got an obsession with breaking down doors like a badass cop, cannon I was the door )
only to find you showing catching you (and him) off gaurd, all sounds stopped registering and you swear you sww him drooling, zoning out taking I every inch (sorry its a bit freaky :3) he only focused again when you stopped the water and approached him slowly with the classic "how about I help you out and you let me go this time ?" looking down at his not so obvious tent, you offer him a blow job and goddamn he saw white like pure white man couldn't even comprehend what was happening silently cursing him self for missing out on this much pleasure, he felt drunk but off of blow jobs?? he didn't even think that that was possible, he let you go ofc cuz he's a man of his word only after filling your throat for 20 times :] hands? what wandering hands? Well yeah maybe he did let his hand roam your body focusing here and there but hey that's only to hear your pretty noises while they try to come out but all they could heard as were muffled moans and sobs as you choke on him, sure he made you cum 3 times but taht wa sonly to see your reaction ! can you blame him? he did all that to help with the bj, hey you're the one that offered he's just adding little touches
take my job nonnie !! this is so delicious ... and yes this will probably be the plot of the next Callahan fic ( maybe after awhile cuz I have a Callahan domestic au drabble in the making and I wanna give Adrien some love again )
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keirawantstocry · 1 year ago
🐦‍⬛ Salut!
Pancake polycule Idea
Jaiden waking with a scream, having had a nightmare (about her canon death lmao). Panicking trying to calm herself, to be quiet as to not wake the others. But the others in the polycule's shared house definitely heard. Mouse and Baghera bursting through the door quickly and start helping Jaiden, going to either side of her fretting over her. Then Niki comes in and joins them, curling into Jaiden's lap purring to try to calm her, Jaiden's hands finding their way to the vats hair, the motion of petting her hair helping. Finally Bagi trudges in, holding Tina's hand and yawning slightly, Tina holding a very worried looking Em. Em wiggling out of her eomma's arms and scampering over to check her ma. All of them crowding together in Jaiden's nest bed, reassuring Jaiden, and eventually all falling asleep in their pile.
i love the idea of jaiden having a will to live here because of this support system that she has. her family that she has to live for. i think it truly has so much potential. i just love angsty family dynamics (<-says the spn fan) the repeated cycle of sacrificing every thing for each other.
just the angst potenial of jaiden worrying she isn't good enough for this family, to raise a child, but the women constantly reassuring her that she is and that Em loves her
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heinousactszx · 5 months ago
I know we're all tired of endless sequels and reboots but i really do think death note has the potenial for so many more stories in it
Like it's high concept, right? "The human whose name is written in this note shall die." That's the basic premise. And there's so much you can do with it. And you wouldn't even need to make them all as involved as the original series! imagine an anthology of one shots of different people finding the note and what happens to them
-a poltical activist who attempts to force change by controlling and killing politicians
-a college kid who uses it on a whim and gets in way over their head
-a misanthrope just looking to cause as much destruction as possible and the fallout that ensues
-someone using it purely for monetary gain who gets caught up in the bloodlust and goes out of control
And that's just off the top of my head. There's a hundred different stories waiting to be told here but the only thing that seems to come out the franchise at this point is spinoffs about L. That special chapter in 2020 about a high schooler who found it and exploited it for money without killing anybody was really good! I want more of that!
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