#aspec rayllum
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raayllum · 3 months ago
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This was the most aspec shit he could've said
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chocolatecake47 · 11 months ago
writing or understanding Rayllum is literally so wild. You can write and understand them absolutely utterly broken, separated for years, torn apart at the seams, seemingly endless anger and hurt and past grief and just raw torture and misunderstanding between them, and be right. You can write and understand them completely in love, head over heels for each other, connected at the hip and perfectly in sync, being able to read each other without skipping a beat, and be right. You can write and understand them as this adorable pair of best friends who care for each other like their souls are one, would go to the ends of the earth for each other, know every single thing about each other down to their biggest secrets, worst demons, and happiest memories, know how to have the best fun with each other completely platonically, and be right.
like omg no matter what, they really would sacrifice everything for each other wouldn't they. this love really is brave and wild.
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raayllum · 2 years ago
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i know that im the type of person who almost never ships characters platonically, but for some reason i MUCH prefer ships that are explicitly romantic but also have amazing platonic potential. like i love it when two characters arent super lovey-dovey all the time and treat each other like good friends without being all awkward about it?? its so cute and refreshing to see characters just being,, comfortable with each other without having to make some big romantic declaration yknow? its just great when a romantic ship could also just be an awesome friendship and the only thing that changes is that they dont kiss. i guess that’s why i never liked the whole “i wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead” cause who said they cant be besties in love like????? i dunno about you but i would want my lover to also be a best friend like that’s what i live for.
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sorenssword · 9 months ago
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Pride Rayllum icons that i meant to post for pride month !!!!
first 3 pics show aspec rayla
pics 4 - 7 are bi + trans callum
pics 8 & 9 are bi callum
and pic 10 is bi rayllum !!
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zuppizup · 1 month ago
i read chapters 25 and 26 practically tearing my hair out because how do you come up with new ways for them to misunderstand each other so flawlessly? like seriously from a writing perspective im so impressed because it can get so repetitive and reality-tv shallow so fast but somehow i have read 26 chapters (behind on 27 yes i know 😬 😅) of these dorks dancing around each other and the obvious and im still so intrigued (and exasperated 😂) and not at all bored
anyways i was also thinking about zoomates yesterday. not in the terms of when are you finishing cuz there's no pressure ofc but simply in the terms of what that fic meant for me when i was reading it (Dec 2023 it helped get me through Something) and how i hope that version of callum and rayla and the rest of the gang are doing well 😆
oh and also i love seeing the little tidbits of Sarai in dark alternative 🥹. it makes me so sad and happy at the same time.
i hope you're doing well and i love you ❤️
Oh wow! I have been staring at this ask since you sent it. Holding it near and stroking its pretty little head.
Thank you so much, @chocolatecake47 for sending this. Honeslty. It absolutely made my day and I've been trying to think of how to adequately respond to it since I opened it.
I'm so glad you're enjoying A Dark Alternative! I think it has now crossed over into my slowest of burns. 😅
I'm generally not the biggest fan of the miscommunication trope, to be honest, so it was important to me that the particular stumbling block before them was something believable. Rayla’s hiding a lot and so is reluctant to open up too much. She's been hurt a lot in her past so trusting people and relying on them doesn't come easy to her. Our sweet boy Callum is slowly breaking down those walls though.
And him? Well, he's just trying to be respectful of something she said a long time ago. It obviously wasn't something she dwelled on too much at the time, but it made a big impression on him. 😬
Poor boy.
So, for me, it was important to firmly cement their close friendship before either of them began actively trying to pursue a romantic relationship. The stakes had to be very high for both of them.
When I wrote the first draft of the fic, it was solely from Callum’s point of view. Adding Rayla’s perspective certainly made the whole experience more "frustrating" from a reader's perspective, because you can see that they both like each other, they're just reading some signals in all the wrong ways.
When you have a really wonderful friendship, it can be scary as all hell to try and transition that into a romantic relationship. There's a lot to lose if things don't work out.
A lot to gain too, so I guess we'll have to see which of them is going to take the scary plunge.
I headcanon Rayllum as aspec as hell, which factors into how I wrote my fics too. In canon, I feel like their friendship and their romantic relationship are so intertwined that you can't pull them apart.
Oh, and writing Sarai in DA has been so nice. I haven't written much of her, even in my modern AUs, so it's been a special treat.
Especially getting to write Sarai and Rayla interacting 👀
Ah, Zoom-mates... I'll get there! It occupies a special place in my heart, so I do think a part of me isn't quite ready to let it go. I wrote so much of that fic during the height of the pandemic, and it was something light and fun to take my mind of all the madness that was the world then. I'm happy to hear it helped you, too. That version of Rayllum and their silly, low-key antics were such a fun escape for me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out and write to me. It really means so much. I have so much fun writing, but the sense of community I get from sharing my work with others is such a wonderful reward.
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 years ago
what makes rayllum so amazing is that they are so much more than just lovers who really like each other
they changed each other's lives forever. they are completely different, absolutely cracked (affectionate) characters because of each other. they learned so fucking much about the world, other people, and most importantly each other, all from being together.
they don't just like each other's face and think the other is cute and it's not just that they give them some butterflies, they complete each other. and there really is no need for any romance between them, as their bond goes both deeper and above everything else, but the fact that there is makes it all so much more endearing.
they have so much admiration for each other. half the reckless shit they do both for one another + in general is because their stupid (affectionate) lovey dovey fluffy feelings just fuel their devotion to each other ten fold and they are just feral (im clearly not)
i am ALLL for just the fluffiest romantic-est love of all time but something about the aspec coding here just does something to me
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blutopaz15 · 1 year ago
ur so real for being aspec
oh, thanks friend! think I’m somewhere in gray-ace realm now, but I’d kinda always vaguely identified as demi. didn’t really think about it all that much, tho, until being a part of this lovely and wonderful lil rayllum tumblr corner with so many other aspec folks 💜
see also: aspec rayllum headcanons too…(yes, to go along with all the smut I write XD)
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darkmagicmirror · 8 months ago
Season 6 was heartbreaking as fuck but some things I'm really happy about:
I'm SO glad the relationship between Aaravos and Leola wasn't a romantic thing. Like I know some people had speculated that the important person to him was a lover, but that just felt wrong to me. Maybe it's because I'm aspec, idk. Leola being his daughter makes the most sense and also fits into the story best, I think.
Avoiding dark magic permanently and forever was NOT the right thing to do. I honestly started to finally think canon was going to try to say that, but then the whole thing with Viren happened, so I'm VERY grateful they kept the morally gray / nuanced approach with it.
Claudia ended up being the one to bring Aaravos back!! And it had to be with a spell done with love! I thought Callum was going to end up freeing Aaravos honestly, but this was much better. It was also interesting how they laid out that Claudia just never thought about putting emotions into magic before, like it sounds like she had always had more of an objective "this is what needs to be done" approach. You just follow the steps and do it. If emotions change the way magic works, is that what's going to make S7 Claudia really strong? 🤔
I was a little annoyed at first about the scene where Claudia says she looks at the little creature and "sees parts" -- but at the same time, it's also obvious she does see it as a cute living creature, and I think it was actually a good scene to show she isn't just killing creatures/collecting parts for no reason. Like, she never did? People love to act like Claudia just loves indiscriminately killing magical creatures for parts, but that's literally never been the case.
Claudia's haircut is cute.
I'm sad that Soren doesn't know the truth about Viren's love for him, but the way that arc with Viren wanting to tell the truth and needing to hold back some of it to prevent the burden being on Soren and how it lined up with what was going on with Callum at the Skyscraper was excellent.
The parallels and differences between Janai and Karim addressing their people was so good.
Rayllum was pretty cute in this season, and I'm not even a huge Rayllum fan. But they were really good together!
Honestly good riddance to Sol Regem lmao
Aaravos is free!!! The #FreeAaravos2k24 campaign is no longer necessary. Now we begin the #LetAaravosGetRevenge2k25 campaign, /halfjoking
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thatartiststudios · 10 months ago
I'm listening to my Rayllum Playlist on Spotify, and I just realized, the line "worst enemy is my best friend" from LOVE AGAIN by The Kid LAROI is soooo aspec Rayllum
This is for you @raayllum
You're welcome
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lettersfromxadia · 2 years ago
Reblogging this because s5 is around the corner, and I have gotten a few asks about this recently once again. I think as a new season nears, old stuff from the tags comes back around.
We’ve moved on. I don’t condone what I did, and I know longer hold those views. I was under the influence of my conservative parents (from whom I have to hide I’m queer, and hate my religion), and allowed trauma to illicit an inappropriate, emotion based response. My sexual assault, mental illness, suicide attempt (trigger warnings tagged for these two things) were all triggered and baited, and I acted out from a place of pain. Not to mention made fun of by so- called aspec allies for being ace. As stated above, none of which is an excuse— merely the factors which lead to this occurring.
Would I love for some of those who blocked me to see this at least, even if they chose to keep me blocked? Of course. I don’t want people thinking how I acted and the views I thought I held is my current, true self. But that’s a natural consequence of my actions.
Remember— be kind to one another, and leave room for forgiveness and growth. Now let’s all enjoy s5 and all of the Rayllum goodness together. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me or ask privately.
Since I’ve gotten a few asks about this I’ve elected to ignore, I want to address it publicly here.
Please, stop asking me about “what happened” and trying to stir up the old fandom drama. I made a formal apology for what I did wrong, it was two years ago, and all parties have moved on and are much happier for it. I know the other parties involved would agree with me, because I have personally reached out with my formal apology, which they accepted and agreed to stay blocked and move on. All is content now.
I don’t even have the same views as I did back then, or am the remotely same person. I was highly brainwashed by my family as well, though that is a reason and NOT and excuse. In fact, there are many reasons why I acted out the way I did— out of hurt from the abuse (which lead me to be abusive and emotionally manipulative myself), out of desperation— all of which are reasons in an emotional and “cause and effect” sense but NONE of which are excuses. That’s why I’ve apologized profusely.
It’s over. The only reason I’m mentioning anything happened is because people seem to want to dredge up old discourse (it’s almost like you WANT fandom drama), and I have a lot of new followers with season 4 on the horizon. If everyone complies this will be the last you hear of it, but if needed I will make the same plea to move on again.
Do I wish I wasn’t blocked by certain people and that people were forgiving/ empathetic? Of course. Do I deserve their forgiveness? No (the “opposing parties” in the discourse are not examples of this— I am perfectly content being blocked by them). Heck, my favorite fandom artist of all time understandably blocked me after everything. That’s a deep regret that I have, but that’s also a consequence of my actions I’m willing to live with.
*this is in the tags, but the next paragraph mentions suicidal ideation, so be warned*
The fact of the matter is, nobody knows the full story or both sides/ everything that happened— which stretched across multiple social media platforms and involved death threats against all of us (which I would never wish on anyone), doxxing, hacking, and more. I became suicidal again and in desperation used that to try and emotionally manipulate the fandom into pity. It was, for lack of a more eloquent term, a hot mess.
I’ve learned/ grown a lot, and I know my heart. Even the people I got into discourse with, through all of our differences, have said they don’t believe I’m deep down a bad person. We’re just better off parted ways. And that is fine— I made amazing new friends who supported me through all of this, even through my bad actions and when they had to call me out for them.
All discourse posts on my end beyond the apology should be taken down, and if not are still under the #tdptherapy #tdp therapy tags, if you don’t want to see them. Including this post. If something isn’t deleted that should be in this regard, please let me know and I will find it in my mass post editor and remedy that. If you have me blocked and want to read my apology cause you couldn’t see it, or just want to read my apology in general, DM me and I will send it to you (you might have to temporarily unblock to do so, so if you’re uncomfortable with that I entirely understand and can send screenshots to a mutual). It goes into more detail about exactly what I did, all of which I am happy to own up to.
Please, let us all move on in peace and let this reach the fandom at large— we don’t want discourse. Not with a special new season only days away. As my pinned states, let’s make it a narrative of love. This fandom deserves that.
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fivesguy · 4 years ago
Top 8 A-spec Headcanons
Hey Tumblr what the fuck is up!!!!!!!! I’m going to give y’all a list of my top A-spec headcanons (I’m not going to define exactly where on each spectrum I place people because if I’m honest I wouldn’t be exactly sure for 90% of them and this leaves room for different interpretations). Also my reasoning is not always great and it might boil down to how I relate to the character so I want them to be more like me, but I'll try to give justification???!!!??
1. Let's start with both Rayla and Callum from the Dragon Prince.
I don’t know what it is but these funky kids are absolutely a-spec, this is canon,,,,,, I don’t care,,,,,, they just have the vibes and I for one am here for them
2. Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger games:
I recently reread the first book and oh my god. She. Is. A-spec.
I don’t know if she was meant to be coded this way but it is clear from her thoughts that sex and romance is never something she considers on her own.
I know she ends up having kids with Peeta at the end, but that is more to show that she has changed the world for the better for future generations. I can totally see her and Peeta as a QPR.
3. Steve Rogers from the MCU:
His lines about never finding the right partner and being too busy to date along with the forced nature of all his romance give this impression. (Also he got a date and the very next thing he did was crash his plane into the sea,,,,, iconic,,,,,).
4. Entrapta from She-ra:
I don’t think any explanation is needed here. She is very very A-spec coded.
5. Jon Snow from Game of thrones (show):
This is probably my most controversial view as GoT is such a sexualised universe but, :/ you know *shrugs in a what can you do sort of manner*.
Anyway first clue Joins the Night’s Watch and is comfortable never having sex and actively dislikes the thought of marriage.
His thing with Ygritte is hard to ignore but in my view he had little choice if he wanted to live, and Ygritte liked him for who he was which hadn’t really happened to him before, also amatonormativity is a bitch.
I thought his thing with Daenerys was very out of character and was one of the many bad things in the later seasons (on that note Dany is definitely on the aro spectrum,,, demiromantic?????)
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars:
The definition of flirty aspec. But yeah, he’s a Jedi for one, and lived as a hermit on a desert planet for years as well. Any number of Jedi (bar Anakin could be A-spec) but Kenobi is by far my favourite.
7. Eren from Attack on Titan:
Attack on Titan is great for Aspec viewers, like there is almost no explicit romance and Eren is the epitome of this. He would not know what attraction was if it slapped him in the face and called him a bitch, and we absolutely love this for him.
8. Annabeth from Percy Jackson:
Another controversial one because of the popularity of percabeth in (which is a ship I love by the way) I definitely think she is romantically attracted to Percy but I headcanon her as Ace spec for various reasons. There is no big reason but lots of little things just add up to give me those vibes.
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raayllum · 1 month ago
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intimacy is not a clean thing; it is difficult like this—covert and common. Bare, as it should be: someone says I want the mess in you and you give it to them.
—Malcolm Tariq
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bunsndoofs · 5 years ago
Bruh how is it that so many, especially the most dedicated fans, like the ones who run detailed ass meta accounts, fanfic, and art accounts for Rayllum are aspec???? Like did we all collectively deicide that this sarcastic and snarky elf and her awkward goofball boyfriend were so iconic and in love???
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thenewaromantic · 2 years ago
rayllum simps 🤝 the aspec community
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‘author’ self interview
thank you for the tag @itsmoonpeaches!! sorry im a few days late getting to it 😩
Name: thinkingisadangerouspastime / faerialchemist / amy
Fandoms: all of them, lmao? well, according to ffn:
Author has written 61 stories for Teen Titans, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist, [redacted], Ouran High School Host Club, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Avengers, Dragon Prince, Good Omens, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Fruits Basket, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Avatar: Last Airbender, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Winx Club.
right now, i am active(ish) in atla and the mcu as well as monk and medium, although those last two don’t really have fandoms (at least not large ones, lol)
Where do you post: faerialchemist on AO3 is where my better works are, lmao, but i also post on FFN, Wattpad, and Quotev under different handles. and when i remember, i try to promo my works on Tumblr, too!
Most popular multi-chapter fic: in terms of true multichapter fics (i.e. not a oneshot collection), No Ordinary Exchange wins for hits, kudos, everything. i think that can be attributed to the fact that a) it’s long, b) it’s complete, c) it’s rayllum (most popular tdp ship), and d) it’s a college!au (a popular trope in fandom overall). although tbh, i only have like one or two other true multichaps posted, one of which is incomplete and the other of which is half-focused on an extreme rarepair, so there’s not much competition 😂
Favorite story you’ve written so far: i am going to cheat and say my favorite fics i’ve written so far are the three in my why’d you have to go and make things so complicated? series. here’s the series “summary”:
A series of (mostly) Flash Thompson-centric fics set in a canon-divergent AU beginning after Spider-Man: Homecoming. Niche headcanons*, one-sided rivals to friends (to lovers), and Flash Thompson appreciation abound! 
*Headcanons I have pioneered so far: Flash Thompson has dyslexia, Flash Thompson likes art history, Flash Thompson likes origami. Stay tuned for more. ;)
basically, it’s 50k worth of fics (so far) that serve as a testament to how much i love mcu flash thompson 🥺💛 he deserves the world!!
Fic you were nervous to post: i was pretty nervous to post one of my more recent fics, actually! the fic is called Is This Love?, and i was nervous for a few different reasons:
- it’s half sambucky, which was fine bc sambucky is popular lmao, but it’s also half sarahmay, which is a sapphic rarepair i came up with between sarah wilson and may parker. the mcu fandom has a heavy preference for mlm pairings, so i was nervous by virtue of the fic being partially wlw-centric, but it all ended up being fine! i have converted so many people to sarahmay 😤
- the fic also features my demiromantic!sam headcanon. i myself am aspec but (maybe) not demiromantic, so i wanted my portrayal to be respectful, and as such i was nervous despite everything i’d looked into prior to writing and posting the fic, lol
- it’s a multichap. multichaps make me nervous solely because they are multiple chapters. adds stressTM 😂
How do you choose your titles: song lyrics, randomly coming up with them, a specific line/word used in the fic, and brainstorming with friends are probably the main ways!
Do you outline: sure do 😤 it varies from fic to fic, so some outlines are a detailed list of events in the appropriate order, while others are a more general idea of “here’s stuff i want to include,” lol. generally speaking, though, i always try to go in with some sort of plan!
Complete: all of my recent fics are complete! (although that’s bc i primarily write oneshots 😂) on ao3, i think i only have one fic that’s truly incomplete. (oneshot collections are a weird in-between, because they essentially are always complete unless i feel like adding to them.) on ffn, though, i have four incomplete fics, three of which are from middle school. i don’t think they will ever be finished 😩
Do you accept prompts: technically, yes! but my policy is that i am under no obligation to write any of them. i write fanfic for fun and as a stress reliever, so if im not inspired by a prompt, i am not going to stress myself out trying to write for it, lol
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write about: i actually just finished writing this story today (by hand, it’s not typed yet lmao), but im gonna let it count for this question anyways! it is probably the most self-indulgent fic i’ve ever written: a monk and medium crossover. that’s right, two fandoms absolutely no one in the world cares about but me. i wrote this fic solely bc it was something i wanted to read 😂 it is - if i counted correctly - 78 1/2 pages long, which is probably in the range of 30-35k words? once i type it up (in like,, december lmao) i’ll have more specifics, although the “patching” that occurs when i type handwritten drafts could push the word count closer to 40k. but who knows? time will tell!
anyways, im just so excited about this fic bc it has so many things i like lmaooo (examples: allison whump, joe x allison content, sharona being her wonderful self, and what i hope is an interesting murder mystery!)
Stories you’re most excited to read: literally anything and everything my friends are working on! off the top of my head: @shifuaang’s tysuki fic, @praetorqueenreyna’s dark!zukaang fic, @itsmoonpeaches’s fruits basket fic, and @ambivalentmarvel’s spider kids fic 🙌
i think a lot of my atla mutuals have been tagged to do this already, so tagging some marvel friends! (this is starkravinghazelnoots, btw 💛)
tagging: @ambivalentmarvel, @friendlyneighborhoodsecretary, @lunannex, @kalliopecosmos, @omg-just-peachy, and anyone else who wants to do this! just say i tagged you 💕
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literallyluznoceda · 3 years ago
Seeeeee this is evidence that everyone who is aspec loves rayllum
I know I say this a lot on this account but I love the dragon prince so much omg. Everything about it is so amazing. Even the romance. I dont like romance in shows but the dragon prince is the only exception. I'm aro myself as it is.
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