#just sat and chilled and read and drank coffee
musette22 · 2 years
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London & Oxford - October 2022
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supernovafics · 10 months
Hi! I recently found your "I'll be there for you" universe and I love it.
I was wondering if you'd want to do a sick fic where reader gets a sudden fever/body aches/chills/so on and tries to shrug it off as no big deal even though it absolutely is and Steve, the ultimate caretaker he is, forgets all about his plans for the evening to stay in and take care of them. Thank you, have a great week!
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.7k words
warnings: explicit language, descriptions of sickness/being sick, brief mentions of parental neglect, mentions of weed, overall very soft and wholesome and cozy<3
summary: in which you and steve are sick on christmas 
author's note: thank u for the request !! when i started this series one of the first ideas i had was something where reader and steve are sick during the holidays so this request fit with that perfectly<33 i couldn't really figure out how to end this so it kinda just ends lmao
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1985
“This is your fault,” You told Steve as you sniffled.
“I know, I know,” He responded— he had been hearing your grumbling from the moment you woke up, so he was pretty much used to it by now. He walked over to where you were sitting on the couch and held out a capful of cough syrup for you to grab. “Here. Take this.” 
“Thank you,” You mumbled as you drank the medicine and then immediately went to grab your glass of water sitting on the coffee table because of how strong and bitter the cherry flavoring was. “Ugh.”
You now fully regretted that moment a few nights ago where you and Steve sat out on the fire escape and smoked weed in the freezing weather; an idea that had fully been Steve’s. It was fun in the moment, even though you could barely remember most of the conversation the two of you had, but a hint of a cold started building from the second you woke up that next morning and now it was at its worst. You currently had a stuffy nose and a horrible cough that gave you the shittiest headache. And after hours of laying in your bed and falling in and out of sleep, you finally decided to go out into the living room and complain to your best friend about how much you blamed him for your current sickness. 
“Can you pass me the blanket, please?” You asked, pointing to the one that was laying on the back of one of the dining table chairs; it was barely five feet away but you didn’t have it in you to move out of the comfortable position you found yourself in on the couch. 
“You become such a baby when you’re sick,” Steve told you with a roll of his eyes that you knew wasn’t serious as he handed you the knitted throw blanket, which you immediately wrapped around yourself after putting your water back down.
“Oh, whatever. I swear you’re always worse than me,” You said with your own eye roll; if he was closer to you, you would’ve given his arm a light smack. Your gaze moved upward, taking note of the time on the clock that hung on the wall above the television; it was a small round red clock that Steve had thrifted a few months ago. “Anyway, when are you heading to the Wheeler’s Christmas Eve party? Make sure you have fun for the both of us, and bring me back some of those gingerbread cookies that Karen makes.”
Steve sat next to you on the couch. “I’m not gonna go to the party.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in both surprise and confusion when you heard him say that because he loved going to that holiday party just as much as you did. All of the kids would be there as well as Robin and Eddie, and always at some point during the night, you all would end up migrating downstairs to the basement away from the real adults. The kids and Eddie would start playing D&D as you, Robin, and Steve sat on the sidelines watching the madness unfold. And then eventually the three of you would simply start playing random card games with Nancy and Jonathan. 
“I won’t be mad if you go. Jokingly, yes— I’ll probably pretend to be mad at you for going for the next few days. But, I’m not actually,” You told him and then sniffled again because you couldn’t help it.
“No, it’s okay,” He said as he leaned back on the couch. “I don’t wanna go without you.”
“You sure?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okay, well, in that case,” You scooted closer to him on the couch and leaned your head on his shoulder. It was a position that never failed to comfort you, and you especially needed that in this moment where your body was telling you that you needed to sleep and the cough syrup you just took was making it easier to do so. “Thank you.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You weren’t entirely sure how or when you ended up in your bed, but you were happy about it. It was now dark outside and the digital clock sitting on your nightstand told you that the time was only nine o’clock. 
You turned on your side and saw Steve next to you— head against one of your pillows, eyes shut, and lips slightly parted. It was a nice surprise seeing him asleep next to you, but you also knew that he probably shouldn’t be. 
You reached out and lightly poked his cheek a few times. His eyes slowly opened just for a second before closing again and he let out a soft, “Hm?”
“You’re gonna get sick too if you sleep here,” You told him. 
“I wanna stay close just in case you need something.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. “And you wonder why I act like a baby when I’m sick. It’s because you treat me like one.” 
“Well, someone has to.” Steve shrugged through his half-asleep daze and you knew exactly what he meant by his words. 
When you were younger, before you met him, you had gotten so used to taking care of yourself because your parents weren’t the type to do much; your dad was always on some sort of business trip and your mom was always busy working at her office. You honestly couldn’t remember the last time either of them gave you medicine or soup or even worried about you at all when you got sick. However, the day your parents met Steve’s on that cruise and it was discovered that you all lived in towns that were only twenty minutes away from one another, things changed— you and Steve started taking care of each other. 
In tenth grade when you got the flu, he spent his lunchtime every day that week driving to your house to check on you. And even though he hated school, he’d still go to yours and pick up your assignments from one of your friends, and he’d help you do most of them so you didn’t fall behind too much; most of it was wrong, but it was the thought that counted. And when he got sick last Summer, you spent every night at his house until he felt better. It was slightly funny because those four days led you to getting sick the next week, and it felt like that same thing was about to happen in this instance. 
“You saying that just reminded me that I need to call my mom and tell her that I can’t come to the Christmas brunch thing she set up with my Aunt and cousin,” You shifted a bit and pulled the blanket higher over you. “Now, I’m actually glad that I’m sick.” 
“I already called and told her while you were sleeping, but she didn’t really believe me, so yeah you should probably call her too,” Steve said, which made you laugh a bit.
“That’s actually not surprising. I’ll call in the morning,” You said and then yawned. “You don’t have to go to your parent’s tomorrow, right?”
“Nope, they’re in California for this business thing my dad has to be at.”
“Nice,” You responded with a small nod. “For some reason, I can’t remember the last time it was just you and me during Christmas.”
“Ninth grade,” Steve said with a small sleepy smile on his face and his eyes opened again. “My parents were out of town, and then yours had to leave too to do something last second. We had the great idea to set up the tent I got in sixth grade and camp out in my backyard.”
“Oh, yeah,” You said, laughing at the memory. “We got way too cold around one in the morning and decided to just sleep in front of the fireplace in the living room.” 
“I wish this place had a fireplace.”
“We can sleep in front of the radiator?”
Steve thought about your suggestion for a second before shaking his head. “Not the same.”
“Okay, that’s true,” You said with a quick nod before reaching beneath the blanket and lightly poking his t-shirt covered side. “Hey, do you remember what I got you that year?”
Steve immediately let out a laugh. “Yes, and I actually still have that Mickey Mouse poster.” 
You turned away from him then and covered your face with your hands. “Oh, God. No, you don’t. You’re kidding.”
“Yes, I do,” Steve said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice. “It’s rolled up in my closet. I would go grab it, but I’m too tired to move right now.”
You remembered exactly how excited you had been to give him that poster, which was supposed to be a really cool picture of one of his favorite basketball players, and the guy that you bought it from at the flea market even told you that it was signed. But when Steve pulled it out of the plastic and unrolled it in his living room on Christmas, instead of it being anywhere close to a photo of any basketball player, it was a picture of Mickey Mouse on a train.
“I’m still so embarrassed and mad that the sales guy at that flea market tricked me,” You said and sighed. You were still a little upset with yourself that you didn’t make him open up the poster and show it to you before you bought it, but he said that was “against the rules” since it was sealed in the plastic, and that reasoning had somewhat made sense to you. “And it’s not like I could try to return it or yell at him because the flea market was only here for a weekend.”
“Now that you’ve brought it up, I think we should hang the poster up in the living room. Maybe where the dining table is?” 
You turned to face Steve again. “I will never allow that to happen.”
“I guess I’ll just have to put it up when you fall asleep,” He said, and you ignored his overdramatic wince when you playfully punched his arm. “Do you remember what I got you for Christmas that year?” 
“Of course,” You nodded. You still had that silver bracelet he got you, and you were a thousand percent certain that you would keep it forever, even though now it just sat in your jewelry box because the clasp broke sometime last year. “I still can’t figure out how to fix that damn clasp.”
“I could just get you another one.”
“Not the same,” You told him with a quick shake of your head. “One day I’ll figure out how to fix it.”
“Okay,” He said and then brought up a different time that the two of you decided to try camping in his backyard, which was in the Summer and on a very warm night, but you and him still didn’t fully spend the night outside because there were too many bugs. 
You laughed at the memory as Steve talked about it now because it just reminded you that you and him were probably the least “outdoorsy” people ever, but somehow that never stopped either of you from trying to be. 
That was how the rest of the night went; reminiscing about more random stuff— memories from various moments of your friendship that always made you smile or laugh or even feel a little bit embarrassed— until both of you fell asleep again. And it wasn’t the biggest surprise when Steve woke up in the morning sniffling.
“I told you this would happen,” You said to him as you walked back to your bed, cough syrup in hand because you knew that he’d be needing it. You were actually feeling the tiniest bit better; still pretty bad but not as horrible as yesterday.
“Merry Christmas to you too,” He grumbled as he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes and then sneezed.
“Here. Take this,” You said with a small smile, mimicking the same words he had said to you yesterday. 
“Our roles changed way too fast,” Steve said before drinking the capful of cough syrup. “I was supposed to be taking care of you, and now you’re the one taking care of me.”
“We’ll take shifts on who gets to be the more helpless one,” You told him amusingly. “Right now it’s your turn. Do you want some water?”
He nodded and you went to the kitchen to grab a bottle and then handed it over to him before you settled back in the bed. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
A handful of hours passed, all of which marked the most boring Christmas you’d probably ever had; but you’d take this silence and sickness over a tense brunch with your mom any day.
You were reading a book and Steve was still asleep next to you, turned on his side and blanket covering his head. A knock on the front door pulled your focus away from the page you were in the middle of reading.
You really didn’t feel like getting out of bed to answer it, but you also didn’t want to wake Steve and make him go do it, so with a sigh, you closed your book and placed it on the nightstand and then walked out of your bedroom. You headed to the couch first to grab the knitted throw blanket and wrap it around your shoulders so that it covered your bare legs, and then you proceeded to answer the door. 
Miss Johnson, the sweet older woman that lived a few doors down, stood in front of you with a red and green plaid patterned tin of what you assumed were the Christmas cookies that she told you about the first time you met. When you and Steve moved into the building, she introduced herself on that first day and gave you a welcome basket of muffins that were probably the best muffins that both you and Steve had ever had, and she also mentioned that for the holidays she gave out cookies to people in the building.  
She smiled at you for a brief second before a surprised look crossed her face. “Hi– Oh, you look terrible. What happened?”
Somehow the brutal honesty actually felt more sweet and worried than rude; and it warmed your heart and simultaneously hurt it so fucking bad that she was the only older adult in your life that actually seemed to care. 
You let out a small cough. “Me and Steve are sick right now. Just a cold.”
“Oh no, that stinks,” She said with a frown, and then held the tin out toward you. “Here take these cookies and I’ll be right back. Let me go make you both some soup.”
You grabbed the tin and smiled at her. “Thank you so much for the cookies, but you don’t have to make us soup.” 
In all honesty, you would’ve loved soup at that moment because you and Steve hadn’t eaten all day aside from the two slices of buttered toast that he made around noon, since neither of you could really be bothered to make anything else. But, Miss Johnson had already made the cookies for you two, so you felt bad about her also doing this for you and Steve. 
She shook her head at you. “No, no, it’s not a problem at all. I know I already have all of the ingredients, so it’ll just take me fifteen minutes, twenty tops.”
You were about to assure her again that she really didn’t have to do that, but she was already walking away and heading back down the hall before any word could leave your mouth. 
There was something about the gesture that felt way too sweet and nice, and it made you wish that you had someone like her in your life when you were younger. And then that thought made you feel so fucking grateful that for the past almost ten years, you had Steve. 
You placed the cookie tin on the kitchen counter and then tightened your blanket around you. You could see from the large window that led out to the fire escape that the sun was beginning to set, and as you got closer and peaked below at the street, you saw that some snow still lingered on the ground from when it came down a few days ago; the same night that you and Steve sat out on the fire escape.
The sudden sound of Steve saying, “Please don’t go out there. I don’t wanna repeat this sick cycle,” made you turn around and look at your best friend. He had slipped on a hoodie, which was yours (although back in high school it technically had been his), and his hair was the messiest you’d seen it in a while, and that let you know exactly how bad he was probably feeling right then. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going out there without an actual jacket anytime soon.”
“Okay, good,” He yawned and then smiled when he saw what was on the counter. “Miss Johnson brought the cookies?”
“Yes,” You said, walking back to the kitchen and watching as Steve opened up the tin. There were at least a dozen cookies in it; a mixture of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, and snowflakes. “She also went to go make us soup since we’re sick.”
“She’s way too nice to us,” Steve said and grabbed one of the Santa Claus cookies.
“I agree,” You told him, deciding to grab a snowflake cookie for yourself. “Meanwhile, we’re horrible people and didn’t even think about getting her something for Christmas. Once we’re better we have to get her something.”
“Yeah. We can get her a nice sweater or cardigan,” Steve said, and you nodded at that suggestion; whenever either of you saw Miss Johnson she was almost always wearing some sort of fun and colorful cardigan so that idea felt right. He took another bite of the cookie in his hand and then looked at you. “Will this ruin our appetite?”
“Considering the fact that we’ve barely had anything to eat today since we’ve felt so shitty, I don’t think that there’s really an appetite to ruin.”
“Very true.”
The two of you migrated to the couch, bringing the cookie tin along with you, and mindlessly watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special that played on television as you ate some more cookies. 
When there was another knock on the door twenty minutes later, right as the Charlie Brown episode ended, you looked at Steve and pulled your legs off his lap. “Your turn to get it.” 
He nodded and got up, running a quick hand through his hair, which didn’t really do much to tame it, before opening the door. 
“Hi, Miss Johnson,” Steve said, and even though he was facing away from you, you could hear the smile in his voice. He received a smile back as she handed him a full tupperware of soup. “Thank you. You really didn’t have to make this for us.”
“It’s really no problem. I hope you two feel better soon,” She responded. “And also here are some tea bags. You guys should be drinking that too.” 
You watched as she put a few in Steve’s free hand. Neither you nor him really liked tea, but you weren’t about to tell Miss Johnson that when she was being so damn nice and thoughtful. 
“Thank you so much,” You said from the couch and smiled at her. “Also, we’ve already tried some of the cookies and they’re amazing.”
“Just wait until you try the chocolates I make for Valentine’s Day,” She said and you smiled even wider at that. 
“Can’t wait.”
She said her final goodbyes and headed back down the hall to her apartment after telling you both that you could knock on her door if you needed anything; more soup, medicine, etc. And that offer, which sounded completely genuine, only further confirmed the fact that you and Steve definitely needed to get her a gift as soon as possible. 
Steve pulled two bowls out of one of the cabinets and split the soup, which you then learned was chicken noodle, evenly in both of them and then handed one over to you. 
“Thanks,” You said as he also gave you a spoon and then sat down on the couch again. 
He took control of the TV remote and you didn’t argue when he stopped on a channel that was playing a James Bond movie. After finishing your soup, you maneuvered around so that you were laying down and your head was in his lap and you fell asleep just like that. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Another set of hours passed, although you were unaware of exactly how many. You were woken up by the feeling of Steve softly stroking your ear; which he knew would always either annoy you or make you laugh because of how much it tickled— most of the time it was both. This time was no different. 
You were laughing as you shooed his hand away. “Stop that.”
“I needed to wake you up.”
You looked up at him and rubbed your eyes. “What time is it?”
“Almost ten.”
You nodded at his answer and then suddenly realized through your half asleep daze why he decided to wake you right then. “Oh, we have to open the presents.”
From that very first Christmas you spent together, it was agreed upon that you would do your gift exchange at night— once you both were done being stuck all day with your parents and other family members that you never saw any other time of the year. 
You’d sneak off to his house once those family members were gone and your parents were asleep, or he’d come to yours, and then you’d exchange gifts and almost always end up talking about nothing until the morning. 
You sat up. “I’m just now realizing that we could’ve done it earlier today.”
“Yeah, but that would’ve broken the tradition,” Steve said and you agreed with that, there was something about always doing the gift exchange at night that felt like the only way to do it at this point.
You went into your bedroom and grabbed Steve’s present that you had stashed away in your closet. When you left your room, you saw that he was already sitting next to the small Christmas tree that sat lit up in the corner close by the window and he was holding what you rightly assumed was your gift from him. 
The tree was so small that it didn’t make sense to put gifts under it, so that was why you kept the one you got for Steve in your room and he had yours in his. The only things that did sit next to the tree and slightly under it were the little presents that you both got for Harold the Hamster. 
“Merry Christmas, Stevie,” You said, sitting down next to him and giving him his gift. He let out a laugh when he noticed that the green wrapping paper had pictures of polar bears wearing Santa hats on it— when you had seen it weeks ago at the store, you thought it was adorably funny and knew you had to get it.
He handed over the gift he got you and the sight of his messy wrapping job made you smile. “Merry Christmas.” 
The nostalgic sound of wrapping paper ripping could be heard as you tore into your gift. A happy yelp emitted from your lips when you saw the vinyl of The Breakfast Club soundtrack. It was quite literally the perfect gift— you had held the tape of the movie that you rented from Steve’s Family Video hostage for a month straight when they first got it in, and sometimes you’d watch the movie just to hear the songs.
“After how many times you watched the movie this year, this felt very fitting,” Steve told you. He hadn't opened his gift yet, and instead, he was playing with the red bow that was placed on top of it; he always liked to see your reaction first.
You looked at him and smiled. “I hope you’re prepared to hear this at least three times a week for the next few months.” 
He laughed a bit. “I knew you were going to say that, and I’ve already accepted the fact that I will have to hear Don’t You Forget About Me on an endless loop for a while.” 
“Good,” You said, still smiling, and then you bumped your knee with his. “Open yours.”
Steve finally started opening your gift for him, tearing the wrapping paper off to reveal a shoebox, which had a new pair of white Nikes inside. They were the same as the pair he already had that had the red “swoosh” on the side, but that pair was now a lot less white since he had them since Sophomore year of high school and he’d wear them almost religiously. 
“It’s time to retire the ones you’ve had for the past three years,” You said as he pulled out one of the sneakers. “Oh, also, there’s a note at the bottom of the box.” 
Steve put the one sneaker down and then grabbed the small notecard with your handwriting on it that was buried underneath the other one. “‘This is long overdue. You probably should’ve gotten rid of your last pair after the basketball season ended Senior year. And speaking of basketball, after your many years of begging and pleading I will finally grant your wish and play basketball with you. You’re welcome. Shit, I already regret writing this.’” He looked at you, a smile growing on his face. “You’re serious?” 
“Sadly, yes,” You answered, and when he smiled wider, you said, “It’s only gonna happen one time and just for a couple of hours, and if I break my leg or arm or anything else during this, I will sue you, Harrington.” 
You had two left feet when it came to any sort of sport— in a way, it was funny how clumsy you’d get whenever you had to play anything— and Steve knew that, but for perhaps the entirety of your friendship he still always tried to convince you to play basketball with him, and you always said no because why would you ever do something that you knew would only lead to embarrassment? Even if it was just with your best friend. He’d seen more than enough of your accidental embarrassing moments, and in your mind there was no need for him to also see one that could easily be avoided. 
But, you knew that finally doing this would make him happy, and that made your imminent embarrassment feel somewhat worth it.
“You’re not gonna break anything, but if you do, I’ll completely understand if you decide to sue me,” Steve said and you could hear the joking undertones in his voice. “So, when can we play?”
“You can choose the day, but please wait until we’re not sick and when it’s not freezing cold outside.” 
He nodded at that. “Okay, deal.”
“What did you get Harold?” You asked as you picked up the present next to the tree that Steve had wrapped.
“A new wheel,” He answered and that made you laugh.
“I also got him a new wheel.”
It actually wasn’t entirely surprising that you and Steve had the same gift idea. You two loved Harold with your entire hearts, but at least twice a week he’d wake one or both of you up at three in the morning by running on the current wheel he had, which was the squeakiest thing in the world.
Steve looked over at where Harold’s cage sat on the coffee table in the living room area. “Maybe he’ll like having two.” 
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Maybe he’ll designate one for daytime running and the other for nighttime running.”
Steve smiled at your joking statement. “Exactly.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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cmdrfupa · 8 days
Calm Chaos
Metalhead!Choso x Reader
a/n: Let the parasites win with this one. Metal head Cho is simply just another flavor I'm enjoying right now.
Wc: 3.8k
cw: language, boorish man behavior, Reader is condescendingly called princess.
The soft rustle of wind swept through the streets. It carried the scent of damp leaves and the sharp bite of late autumn air. The street trees outside the coffee shop were a mix of orange, red, and a few stubborn greens. They clung on before the chill of autumn claimed them all. The sky was overcast, the kind of gray that promised rain but held off just long enough to make you keep glancing up.
Choso sat at his usual table. He wore an illegible name band shirt, dark, worn jeans, and old boots propped against the table leg. Tattoos crawled up his arms, disappearing under the sleeves of his shirt and peeking out at his neck. Black headphones over his ears. If you were close enough, you'd hear the muted sounds of thrashing guitars. His notebook sat in front of him, half-filled with scrawled lyrics and music notes, though at the moment he wasn’t writing—he was people-watching.
The cozy shop was warm. It smelled of brewing coffee and baked goods. A low murmur of conversation added to the comfort. This was a stark contrast to the gloomy weather outside. It was late afternoon, another day passing. The café buzzed with students, writers, and anyone seeking a brief escape.
A smirk tugged at his mouth as he scanned the café's patrons. Most were lost in their phones or half-assed chats about weekend plans and autumn break. But his gaze lingered on the door as it opened, the bell jingling lightly.
The kind of person who looked like they had just stepped out of some book club. There you were wearing a dusty orange cardigan over a simple, neutral dress. It fluttered as you moved. Your well-worn boots surprised him as you ordered. You had a beloved book in one hand and a tote in the other.  
He’d seen you here before. A regular, it seemed. Every time you came in, you ordered the same thing. It was some tea thing with seasonal syrup, probably pumpkin spice. It was whatever people like you drank. You always found a quiet, sunlit table by the window. There, you spent hours reading or writing in a neat journal. He confidently pegged you as an intellectual type, for sure. The type who had a color-coded planner. And, knew the word count of your favorite novels. He could practically hear the gears turning in your head.
Today, though, you seemed a little more frazzled than usual. The hefty book slipped from your grip as you tried to juggle your order, and before you could steady yourself, you stumbled right into his table. Choso smirked as your drink wobbled out of your hand, knocking over his and just barely missing his notebook but dangerously close as it spread across the wooden table.
“Careful there,” he drawled, watching as you struggled to regain your balance. “Would’ve had hell to pay if you spilled that pumpkin spice creation all over me. Or worse—ruin my masterpiece.”
You glanced down, eyes wide in surprise, and saw the coffee dangerously close to his notebook. “Oh shit, I’m sorry!” you sputtered, fumbling to pull the cup back up as he grabbed his notebook to avoid it being soaked. A barista brought a rag and Choso began to clean off the table.
He leaned back once he was done, dark eyes glinting with amusement as he watched you fluster. “Guess it’s my lucky day,” he continued, his voice dripping with teasing. “What are you planning to do about this mess you caused, princess?”
You blinked at him, clearly unsure how to take the comment. Your cheeks warmed slightly, but you straightened up, trying to compose yourself. “I… can buy you a coffee,” you offered quickly, then added, “And I’m not a princess.”
Choso grinned, leaning forward just enough to make you a bit uncomfortable. “Could’ve fooled me,” he said, nodding at your outfit, his tone playful. “Cardigan, pumpkin spice bullshit and all—definitely princess material.”
You narrowed your eyes, clearly annoyed now, but there was something else in your expression too—a curiosity. “It was masala chai. And I’ll take that as a compliment,” you declared coolly, straightening your cardigan as if it were armor. “So, what’s your masterpiece, exactly?”
Choso tapped the edge of his notebook with a finger. "Lyrics," his voice dipping into a low, almost mocking tone, “could be a little too… heavy for you," eyes daring yours to engage further. “This isn’t that pop goes punk Fall Out Boy shit.”
To his surprise, you tilted your head and gave him a small, defiant smile. “I highly doubt it.” 
You ordered a masala chai for yourself and a cold brew for Choso. Then, you sat across from him. 
“Drinks should be out soon.” You craned your neck in an attempt to look at his journal. “Sorry again.”
Choso looked out from under his brow line, tilting his head towards you. “Uh huh… what are you doing?”
“You told me I could look at your lyrics.”
“I definitely didn’t say that.”
"Well, you challenged me. Saying they were too dark for me. Which is false."
A devilish grin grew, and he put his pen down. “Now why on earth would I let the pretty princess of apple-picking look at my lyrics?”
“Because I bought you a new coffee.”
“Yes. After spilling mine and almost ruining my shit. So what now?"
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine. But don't start getting sad when I don’t invite you over to sit with me at the best table.” 
“The table that’s now occupied by the couple that's a tongue swipe away from fucking over there?” He pointed to the table near the large window you usually sat at. From just a glance around the cafe, tables were filled.
The barista brought your drinks, and you realized you were stuck if you wanted a table.
Like you were praying into the void, you closed your eyes before smiling. “Fine. But don’t talk to me. I want to finish the next 4 chapters in peace.”
Choso lets you get set up. Your book is open to page 257. A bookmark with Badtz-Maru, Pandaba, and Hana-Maru sits on a beach. You put your phone on the table to keep up with the time and sip your chai, beginning to read. 
“I didn’t say you could sit with me,” Choso murmured, expressionless. “I want to be alone.”
“There is nowhere else, the fuck?” 
“Tough shit, Princess.”
You scoffed, closing your book as you huffed, gathering your things. “So fucking rude.” 
Choso laughed and stood up. He threw his backpack over his shoulder, grabbing his journal with one hand and his coffee with the other. "Relax, Princess Apple. I’m leaving."
You hadn’t noticed how broad he was until he was standing. The steel-toed boots he wore added maybe 3 inches to an already gargantuan man. "Oh…"
“And now you owe me again. Amazing how that works, Your Highness.”
He gave you a wink before walking out of the café. You watched as he walked across the street into the late autumn evening. 
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The next day, the weather had turned even colder, with a drizzle coating the streets. Inside the coffee shop, it was warm and bustling as usual. The steam from the hot coffee and the muggy day outside fogged the windows. The air was filled with the comforting scent of roasted beans and cinnamon.
Choso stood at the counter, leaning slightly as he waited for his order to be called. His dark hair was down, framing his face in long, loose waves. His patch-laden leather jacket hung open over a faded band tee. The tattoos on his neck and collarbone were barely visible under the worn material. He tapped his fingers on the counter. The metal rings on his fingers glinted in the dim light. He was in no rush but didn't plan to stay long either.
His mind was on the gig his band had lined up for the next night. It wasn't anything huge, just a venue they frequented. But the thought of the setlist, which they might use on tour, had been taking up space in his head all morning. As the barista handed him his coffee, his thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind him.
“I didn’t expect to see you here two days in a row.”
He turned to find you again. A few feet away, there you stood bundled up in a soft, dark blue and purple checkered cardigan. It was over a simple shirt and slightly distressed jeans this time.
Choso’s smirk returned instantly, his eyes flicking over you for a moment. “I had a feeling the people's princess would be here again. Glad I was right.” He picked up his coffee, checking the name before taking a sip.
You gave him a small, knowing smile as you approached the counter to place your order. “Right, well, I’m starting to think you live here.”
Choso took a sip from his coffee, glancing at you over the rim of his cup. He felt hesitation bubbling up. It was odd for someone who never hesitated. ‘Just invite them. Don’t make it weird.’
“Actually…” he started, leaning a little on the counter next to you as you waited for your drink. “I’ve got a show tomorrow night. My band, that is.”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but trying to play it cool. “A show?”
“Yeah. It’s at this venue called D’s Garage about 2 blocks from here. It’s nothing big,” he said casually like it wasn’t a big deal. He angled his body toward you; how he held your gaze just a little longer than usual suggested otherwise. “You should come. If you’re not too busy annoying anyone else.” His voice had a familiar teasing tone, light and playful. But a flicker of genuine interest lay beneath it.
You blinked, momentarily taken off guard by the invitation. “To a metal show?” You seemed dumbfounded by the mere thought. 
Choso shrugged, his smirk widening. “Why not? You said you could handle heavy shit.  Time to prove it.”
“Look.  I’ve listened to metal before, so this isn’t some new thing for me.” You paused, pushing up your glasses as if weighing your options. “I’ll go. Just don’t expect me to headbang or anything.”
Choso let out a low chuckle, pleased with her response. “We’ll see. It might be hard to resist once I get on stage.”
Your drink arrived. He grabbed it and handed it to you. You glanced at him as you looked for a place to sit. “I’ll see you there then. Thank you.” 
Before you could turn away, Choso added one last playful jab. “Don’t be late. I want the princess to have the perfect spot. And It might be too loud for someone like you to handle without a bit of warm-up.”
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help but fight the smile that tugged at your lips. “I think I can handle it.”
“Starts at 8, but we should be on around 10 or so. And I’m CK. But call me Choso.”
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow night, CK.”
Choso watched as you went to the small table near the window, sipping his coffee with a satisfied smirk on his face. He wasn’t sure why he’d invited you—maybe it was because you seemed like such an outsider in his world, and something about that intrigued him. Or maybe it was just fun to see how flustered you got when he pushed your buttons.
Either way, he was looking forward to seeing your face again.
“Why did I say yes?” The usual conversation that should’ve been inside your head was now being held out loud. Sipping your chai, you let the warmth calm your nerves. You weren’t sure if it was the challenge in his voice or the way his smirk lingered in the air like a dare. Part of you wanted to prove him wrong—that you weren’t just some princess with a book who couldn’t handle a little chaos. But there was something more. Something about him that intrigued you, that made you want to see what he was like in his world.
He was a mystery—tattoos, in a band, a metal band no less. His playful banter and lightheartedness sharply contrasted with your life. Always logical, grounded, and comfortable in the routines and pursuits that would stimulate you. Choso, on the other hand, seemed like the kind of person who thrived on unpredictability. It was a tension that made you both nervous and curious at the same time.
“Is he even going to see me? What if I get punched in the face?” You continued walking as your imagination ran wild with what the show might be like. Would he be completely different? Less picking and being in the zone focused on playing and the crowd. “Should I stand in the back? Eh. But if I stand too close I might look like a dumbass. It would be more fun, though. Hm.” 
You shook your head as your apartment building came into view. You stood on the sidewalk. Your recent journal entries were happening. You had wanted to step out of your comfort zone. This was the turning point you needed to shake things up. 
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D’s was exactly as you pictured. Tucked away in a brick building that would otherwise be ignored during the day but hard to miss by its flickering blood-red signage that cast a jagged light on the damp sidewalk. 
The inside was dimly lit. A faint smell of cigarette smoke mixed with some floral cleaner. 
“Ah. Smells like home.” Shoko smiled as she stepped in behind you. A band was already playing. They yelled about cranial discharge leaking to the floor. You turned to face your smiling friend. “This should be fun.” 
Flyers and posters of past and future shows littered the walls as you walked deeper into the building. The air was thick. You saw a group, swinging their arms and stomping hard. They were pushing other showgoers around. “The hell are they doing?”
Shoko smiled as she ushered you both towards the bar. “Your first-class ticket for when I'm doing rounds at the ER. Come on, let’s get a drink.” 
You sat on one of the bar stools while Shoko ordered you both a beer. You wouldn’t call it nervous. But it was not relaxed. The band finished their set and the group of fist-throwing crowd members settled down, dispersing until the next band got on stage. 
"So, this Choso guy. Did he tell you his band name?”
“I didn’t ask.”
Shoko raised her brow. “Did you ask what he played?”
“Uh. No? That probably would have been smart.”
You laughed as Shoko shook her head, passing you your beer. “The person who has to pay attention to detail for work couldn’t even get the details on a guy she’s coming to watch perform.”
“I’m not just here for him! I’m here for the experience. Something new!”
“Yeah yeah. Well, when I invited you out to a punk show, you declined, so I’m not trying to hear about this new experience nonsense.” You kept laughing as Shoko playfully nudged you. 
She chose to wear a band T-shirt, dark pants, and her low-profile skate shoes. With her hair pulled back, only letting her side-swept bangs frame her face, Shoko was blending in effortlessly. 
And you look like you stepped out of a cardigan's quarterly shopping magazine. 
Lost in conversation, you hadn’t realized the next band had set up until you heard a voice over the mic. Introducing a band called “Blood on Your Hands” before he hopped off the stage. 
The harsh sound of a screech sent the crowd into a frenzy. Heavy, almost a good itch to the brain.
Rapid, aggressive riffs ripped through the sound system. The machine-gun drumming caught your ear. Your eyes went to the back of the stage. 
This wasn’t late afternoon cold brew Choso. This was a foaming-at-the-mouth, zoned-out machine. His large arms moved erratically as he played with full energy. 
“It’s him!” You jumped up, pulling Shoko with you. You walked around the barrier of the crowd against the wall to get a better look. 
His heavy foot hit the double drum pedals so fast, you couldn't keep up. But you knew he was playing with no restraint. And damn, did he look good doing it. 
The veins in his arms bulged with each meeting between the drumstick and the cymbal stack. Thankful, he chose a shirt with cut-out sleeves and sides. It showed his pierced nipple and fully tattooed sides. You gawked at the way the shirt stuck to his abdomen.
Some of his hair stuck to his forehead as bulging biceps glistened with sweat. He noticed you during the second song but knew if he kept looking, he’d surely fuck up. 
In the final song, he sang harsh, growling, obscene backing vocals. The audience chanted back.
You laughed at the crazed look in his eye until he stood up. The crowd cheered and yelled as they wrapped up their set and his eyes landed on you. Choso gave that mischievous smile before winking at you. He pulled his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face and you could’ve sworn you heard the heavenly trumpets. A fucking six-pack? With a hard gulp, your eyes traveled up until you saw his pecs then his face where he caught you red-handed. He pointed towards the exit and flashed 10 up. You nodded in agreement. “Let's go outside. He said wait for him.”
Ten minutes turned to twenty, then twenty to thirty. The temperature dropped by at least 8 noticeable degrees, and you’d waited long enough. “Let’s just go. It’s getting chilly, and it’s been half an hour.”
You walked towards Shoko as she put out her cigarette. She was bummed for you that he forgot you were waiting outside. “Sorry babe. Probably got wrapped up in talking or breaking down the stage. It happens.”
“I guess. But I can at least say I came to the show. That’s good enough.” Arm in arm, you began your walk back to your place. 
  "Hey, Princess Peach.” A familiar voice called out to you. “You leaving me already?” 
“Thirty minutes? You said ten.”
Choso let out a low chuckle, running a hand through his hair as he walked over. “Yeah, well... bass amps don’t load themselves, you know?” He stopped in front of you. “You’re lucky I didn’t make you wait an hour.”
“Lucky, am I?” you shot back, but there was no edge to your voice. If anything, it was half amused, half exasperated, and Choso could sense it.
“Definitely,” he said, the playful tone back in his voice. “Most people don’t get an encore performance of my charm.”
He walked over, trying to play it off like he hadn’t just made you wait longer than promised. “But really, I'm sorry about the wait. Band life,” he said, his voice casual but just a little strained. “I thought I told the guys to handle the loading, but, you know, can’t trust them with anything.”
He was kicking himself for taking so long, but part of him was glad to see you still waiting. Your amused smile loosened the knot in his chest just a little. 
Choso looked over at Shoko and nodded, “Is this the princess's escort for the night? 
“Ieiri, the princess's lady-in-waiting.” She teased and reached out to shake his hand. “I’m gonna step over there and smoke. Let me know when you’re ready.” She smiled and took a few paces to give you some privacy. 
  “So did you have fun? Or did we scare you off?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to keep the conversation light while his heart raced a little faster than he liked to admit.
“I had fun.” You responded, surprising him with how easily your words came. "A bit intense, but... but I can see why you like it.” 
Choso blinked. He wasn’t used to people from outside his world understanding why he was so into it. Most people assumed metal was just noise or something to be tolerated. But the way you said it—like you got it—threw him off balance. “Yeah? Didn’t think it would be your scene.”
You tilted your head slightly, a challenge in your eyes. “You shouldn’t be surprised. Every princess has to be well-rounded, Choso.” 
Choso chuckled. His usual confidence returned. But, a twist in his stomach reminded him why he was here. He had to ask you—before he lost his nerve.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” His voice lowered as he smiled. “Actually, since you don’t think I’m too awful entertainment-wise, we could hang out again sometime.”
Your expression was curious but calm. "Hang out?"
Pushing through the wall of nerves in his chest, he swallowed. “Yeah. Like grab dinner or something. Just the two of us. No amps, no bright lights, no mosh pit.” His eyes flickered to yours. “A proper date.”
  For a moment, you just stood watching him with those sharp, thoughtful eyes. Choso tried to keep his cool, but internally, he was bracing for whatever answer you gave. He wasn’t used to feeling this unsure. Normally, he didn’t care either way—if someone said yes, cool. If not, whatever. But with you... a yes would probably have him on the moon until he saw you again; he cared. A lot more than he was willing to admit, even to himself.
“Hmm,” you said, drawing out the silence just long enough to make him sweat a little. You tilted your head, letting him wonder for a beat before a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. “A proper date, huh?”
“Yeah,” Choso said, his smirk returning, though it didn’t quite mask the underlying hope in his voice. “I promise I won’t make you sit through another metal show... unless you’re into that sort of thing now.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I think one show is enough for now.”
Choso grinned, feeling the tight knot in his chest start to loosen again. “So... that’s a yes?”
Nodding, your smile widened, “That’s a yes.”
  He couldn’t help the little rush of relief and excitement that coursed through him. His smirk grew, but there was a softness in his eyes now, a warmth that was rare for him. “Alright. I’ll pick a good spot. Somewhere quieter. For your sake.”
“I appreciate that,” you muttered, still smiling as you looked at him. “But no more thirty-minute waits.”
Choso chuckled, leaning in just slightly, his playful edge back in full force. “No promises, princess."
props to @/saradika- graphics for dividers!
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bigball-thefrog · 7 months
Hunter's Prey Pt1: Slasher! Rob Lucci X Reader
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Sorry for only posting on Friday, i have been very tired this week but I've only got one exam left so I'll try not to post so late.
Modern AU
Mentions of killing people
Slight mention of violence
Water Seven, a popular beach town known for its ship building it was a bustling town with many busy people living their daily lives, yet there was a dark shadow that loomed over that town...
The leopard. A feared killer on the loose known for hunting and killing his prey just like a leopard. He stalked his victims during the night when no one could see him and was gone in the morning the only thing left behind was the dead corpse, covered in claw marks and bruises around the throat...
Reader POV
I placed the cup of coffee down next to Paulie as he read the latest newspaper. I handed out the coffee's to the rest of the Galley La crew and handed the last one to Rob Lucci. I had been working at Galley La for over two years now and had gotten very close with everyone except for Lucci. He was always quiet and only spoke through his pet pigeon Hattori. Lucci was quite anti-social and only ever really talked to Paulie and from what I heard, even the he doesn't talk much and only let's the pigeon talk. He's so mysterious and kinda hot, I just wish I could get to know him more. After giving everyone their coffee I sat down next to Paulie as he sighed and closed the newspaper, "Another person found dead in their home..." He sighed as he read the article about the Leopard's latest kill. "And the police are doing nothing about it!" he said growled as he took a sip of his coffee. "Isn't Iceberg supposed to do something about it? He is the mayor after all." I asked, "Iceberg is trying to keep the town calm during the situation. But he's been hiring the best detectives in he country and still can't find anyone.." Paulie grumbled as he opened back up the newspaper and continued reading.
"And we don't know who this person even is?" I asked, "Nope, no sign of any DNA at any crime scene at all.." Paulie grumbled as he went through the paper. I just looked down and drank my coffee, who could this be? Why would you even want to do something like that? From what I know, the victims have nothing in common: different ages, different genders, different occupations.. It just doesn't make sense! I tried to stop thinking about it and just tried to enjoy my lunch, until I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. I looked up to see Lucci staring at me, Hattori wasn't talking so I didn't understand why he was glaring at me, usually if someone was staring at me for no reason I would stare back until they were uncomfortable but, the way Lucci stared at me just made me feel... Scared...
He had his usual blank expression on his face but his eyes, they were intense. They were staring at me like I was a gazelle and he was a... Leopard.... No it can't be, Lucci can't be the killer going around town! Sure he's always quiet and no one really knows much about him but he's always just so, chill. He's never shown anger towards anyone, he's never gone quiet or said anything suspicious when we talk about the killer, it just couldn't be him! But why was he staring at me like this? Like he was going to eat me...
After a long day of work I made my way home without getting drinks with anyone this time and collapsed at home exhausted. I put in a pre-made dinner in the microwave and just flopped in front of the couch as I ate. What to watch, what to watch.... News? No that's just depressing. Nature documentary? That's even more depressing.. Oh wait, a horror movie is playing! There's something more interesting. Ah the original Halloween, a classic, I decided to watch Halloween and eat my dinner in the dark. Around the part where Michael starts trying to get into Laurie's house I heard a crash, grabbing a baseball bat I got up and went to investigate. Thankfully it was just my neighbor, he's an old man with arthritis so he drops things a lot. Relaxing again I went back to the living room and put the bat down. I sat back down and continued to watch, or noticing the figure sitting next to me. Before I could react a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pinned me to the couch. I just managed to grab my bat and swang, I managed to his the person in the face and they let me go. Still holding the bat, I grabbed my keys and ran to the front door. Swiftly unlocking it I opened the front door and was about to bolt, but the person grabbed me again, pulled me inside and shut the door and pinned me to it by my wrists. Now with some light I looked up at the figure.... Oh no....
"LUCCI!?" My mouth was quickly covered by Lucci's hand so he was now holding both of my hands above my head with only one hand, I wanted an explanation but instead of Hattori talking Lucci's mouth opened and he spoke himself, "Your fear is adorable~" Was all he said as he took his hand off my and around my throat, "Now don't scream or I'll rip your throat out..." He said quietly. Lucci, the man that never speaks and let's his pet pigeon speak for him can speak? Not only that but he broke into my house and is threatening me!? What's going on...? I simply nodded to his request and his grip on my throat relaxed but didn't move. "Lucci, what are you doing in my house? How did you even get in?" "I have my ways darling~" he said as he moved his index finger to caress my cheek, a sinister smile growing on his face. "Now, how shall I deal with you darling?~" He said as he squeezed my neck a little tighter, "Lucci please... We're.. We're friends right!? I always buy you your coffee, I always try to include you in after work stuff?" I pleaded but he didn't seem to waver. "Lucci, people are already suspecting you a lot... If you kill me then you'll just give people more reason to believe it's you. And you don't want to get caught right?" This made Lucci stop.
He kept gently squeezing my throat while he thought, then his sinister smile grew again, "You're right, I wouldn't anyone suspecting me now would we? But how do I make sure that you don't go talking about our little encounter now?" he said as he brought his face closer to mine. "Maybe I should just keep you until I know you won't speak~" "But if you kidnap me then they'll still be suspicious!" "I know, that's why you're not getting kidnapped but taking a vacation." Lucci said as he grabbed my phone from my pocket, he texted Iceberg that I would be taking some time off for personal reasons. He put my phone in his pocket then looked back at me, "Now let's get you back to my place where I can keep an eye on you." Before I could try and say anything else he held a rag against my nose and mouth and I almost instantly blacked out, the last thing I saw was Lucci's sinister grin as he still held me by the neck.
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blackroseguzzi · 7 months
Please continue the FATE series with Colin Zabel
pls pls pls 😭
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SUMMERY: You first night as an informant for Mare. After spending time with Colin he finally decides he deserves the answers you never gave him.
Colin brought back two bottles of beer from the kitchen, and handed one to me with a small polite smile. He still drank miller Lite- I internally cringed at the memory of how he used to drink them all night up at the lake house. He would get super sappy after 3 or 4 and beg me to slow dance with him to music playing over the old record player that came with the place. Because of those memories, you constantly had to change the station any time ‘Love me tender’ by Elvis came on. 
“Shall we dive in?” He asked, pulling me out of my head.
“Let’s,” I nodded back, thanking him for the beverage. 
The two of us worked in the living room. I took of my jacket, trying to see if the heat boiling from my body was from my layers or from Colin’s mother’s glare from the dining room. She had made herself comfortable watching us as she pretended to read the paper. 
We were professional, not breaking character of our respected roles as we worked, Sargent Sheehan had given me a load of information to slip into Colin's ear and in return I was given the task to relay whatever he gives me back to her.
I couldn’t help but stare at his hands as they grabbed pieces of paper from the files on the coffee table. Those hands had explored my body like a road map. They were gentle and strong all at the same time. Colin knew just about every place I liked to be touched, and he had always handled me like he needed all of me desperately, yet so careful not to be too hard as to break me.
I felt a lump forming in my throat. I had never realized what I was going to miss until it was no longer mine. I chased happiness, but I soon realized it wasn’t real because I had nobody to share it with. Yes, I loved my career but at the expense of what I lost it sometimes felt silly to lie to myself that it was worth it.
“Well, I think we can wrap this up tonight “y/n.”
My eyes snapped up to match Colin’s glare, pulling me from those depressive thoughts that seem to always be haunting me. 
“Yeah I ah, I think you have a good start on things, thank you for giving me more to write about,” I smiled as I got up from the couch I had sat on so many times before. 
The familiarity of Judy’s home was both comforting and chilling. Judy was a picture perfect mother in law- and I was forever going to be jealous of the girl that got to bake pies with her in the kitchen, go along with her shopping at Bloomingdale’s for sales, and who Judy would show those sweet baby pictures of Colin when he was a little boy- both of them imagining what their future children would look like. 
As I stood, my eyes wandered to Judy who had a small smile on her face. She waved politely before returning back to her papers. She was probably pleased to see me leave.
Colin cleaned his throat after picking up all the scattered papers on the table. “I’ll walk you out?” 
I turned to him and nodded shyly, a flash of pink had to have brushed my cheeks. I had become a stranger in a home that felt like my own at one point in time. 
The cold night air felt nice on my skin after they had burned while being in the Zabel home. My feet felt like they were dragging as we walked quietly to my car parked out front. 
I turned, ready to say my goodbyes, but Colin’s hand shot up to stop me. 
“Please spare me, y/n. Please don’t say goodnight and leave like you don’t have that brutal feeling in your gut like I do.” 
I could feel my face fall as the act of acting ‘normal’ finally crumbled inside of me. 
“It’s like… like I swallowed a shit ton of rocks from lunch,” I replied quietly, digging my hands in my pockets as a small gust of wind whipped by us. 
“I can’t have you showing up at my mom’s, y/n.” 
I sighed, looking down at our feet. He had on casual shoes as opposed to his shiny work ones. They looked like the Nike’s I had gifted him our last Christmas together- the same day he gave me a ring I gave him a pair of shoes. In retrospect, I was the one who could have used the running shoes when I bolted from our engagement. 
“I’m so sorry, I thought we could just….” I failed to find words that would accurately match my feelings. 
“What? You thought we could pretend that you didn’t tell me you didn’t love me two weeks before you became my WIFE?” Colin cringed as he dragged out that word. 
I felt the tear roll down my cheek before I knew that I was crying. He was right, we couldn’t pretend that I didn’t do such a horrible thing. I was learning that I had not done him the favor I thought I did. 
“I had to leave Colin, and I'm forever going to regret how I did it.”
His eyes locked mine and I watched him bite the inside of his lip like he does when he was in deep thought. 
“I need to know why you didn’t  just have me come with you?” His words finally came out as a whisper, but resinated deep in my soul like he was screaming at me. 
I wiped another stray tear from my eye to fix my blurry vision. 
“You are the kindest man in the world, Colin Zabel. You would have come with me just to make me happy. I know you love your job and you wanted to stay and live close to your mom and our families for the rest of forever. I knew you would go with me even if you wanted to stay. I couldn’t ask you to do that after everything you ever did for me, but I needed that job. Writing is the therapy I never knew I always needed. You would have supported me at the cost of your own happiness and I didn’t want that resentment between us.”
“You’re projecting.” He stated flatly as he shook his head at me. I scrunched my face in confused. 
“You were the one who had resentment. YOU felt like you put me first and took that shitty writing gig and YOU didn’t like it. I would have compromised on just about anything if It would mean I came home at night to you. Nothing, not even my job, or my family, made me happier than coming home to YOU. So you were right, I would have gone wherever you wanted me to because you were it for me. If moving, getting a new job and not seeing family as often meant I would still have you then I would have dropped everything and packed my bags happily!” 
I stood there silently, every word hitting me to the core. I had never intended for him to blame himself, I had hoped it would wash away any feelings for me so he could start fresh with someone else who was content in every aspect of their lives. 
He ran his hands down his face and I wanted so badly to open my mouth to say anything but nothing I could say would make the pit in my stomach go away. 
“I guess… I just…” he drew in a deep breath before our eyes locked again. They were glassy, like tears would soon burst from the floodgates. “I always wanted to know what I did wrong... I just didn’t realize it was because I clearly didn’t show you how much I loved you.” 
The sob came from my throat and took me by surprise. Then the tears ran freely off my cheek and onto the pavement between us. Nothing would ever fill the hole that was open in my heart, I knew that for certain now. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” I felt Colin step closer to me, and looking up I wasn’t expecting to be pushed into his chest while he hugged me. He was actually hugging me. 
“I don’t deserve that,” I replied, lightly pushing him away. He didn’t need to be hugging me during this epic meltdown. “I hurt you- you shouldn’t be comforting me.” I sniffed, wiping my nose with the back of my jacket sleeve. 
“I didn’t want to make you cry, y/n,” His words were gentle- and your gut felt punched again. 
“It’s fine.” I let out a slow breath before trying to compose myself. “I deserve it after everything- Fuck, I didn’t even say goodbye when I left….” I scoffed, now trying to avoid eye contact as words tumbled from my mouth. “I think not saying it gave me hope that our book wasn’t closed, that maybe our story was still unfinished.” I spoke softly, and the tenseness that hung on Colin’s shoulders began to lift. 
Colin stared down at me, his hand slipping from my shoulder. I was already regretting pushing away from that hug because his touch was so warm. 
Moments between us felt like a lifetime as the night air became more brisk, and I could hear cars on the busier road that was a street over. 
“I’m so sorry Colin, I'm just going to go back home early, I think I’m doing more damage than good being here.”  I went for my keys in my purse but Colin grabbed my arm, stopping me.
He cleared his throat, and I watched the wheels in his head turning. 
“No, Erin should get the coverage she deserves. Nobody would write her justice as well as you.” I could see the small curl of his lip and I suddenly felt the heat creep up my cheeks.
“Thank you, Colin. But don’t want to”- 
“You think tomorrow I can take you up on that dinner invite from this mornin?” Colin’s words cut mine like a knife. I felt my eyebrows raise as I tried to process what he had said to me. sliding his hand from my shoulder and rubbing the back of his neck, I could tell he was nervously waiting for my reply.  I blinked a few times, my eyes drying from all the tears that had come out of me. “For work stuff- you know? Probably better than having my mom watching us like a Russian spy. I swear she read the same page of that paper the whole time we were in there.” He finished. I couldn’t help but laugh a little at his words, and you nodded quickly. Maybe this trip was turning into a plot twist in our story after all. 
“I think that's a good idea, yes.”
“Let’s just try not to open anymore wounds okay?” 
I nodded again before finally reaching into my purse to grab the rental car keys.
“Thank you, Zabel,” I replied quietly, the feeling of my tail between my legs would probably linger there for a while. 
He opened his mouth, closed it and nodded. “See you later, y/l/n,” he gave one last small waved before turned around to walk slowly back up to his childhood home. I fumbled with my keys before walking to the driver’s side to get him. My phone started vibrating in my pocket as soon as I started my vehicle. I fumbled around my pockets before grabbing ahold of the buzzing piece of technology. 
“Sheehan” scrolled across the screen and you quickly answered it.
I didn’t even get to say hello before her voice filled my ear “Fill me in.” 
Mare was the one helping me get closer to Zabel all while covering this case, but I knew that if he found out I was giving her the information he was presenting to me that his ass was on the line. I just couldn’t stop the urge to be around him, so I let out a sigh before giving her every last detail. 
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Headlines and Perspectives - One shot
Dr. Two Brains blood chilled when he saw what was printed on the morning edition of the Fair City Times. Guilt, torment, and anger coursed through his body. How dare the called her that! Becky wasn't anything like that monster! It wasn't her fault that Miss Crimes was making her commit all that violence and bloodshed. Two Brains let out a sigh, releasing his anger as he noticed how his hands were beginning to crumple and tear up the newspaper. "Besides. The only reason she is dealing with all of this is because of me." Dr. Two Brains mumbled in a guilty tone. He knew this headline will only make people's fear of Miss Crimes even worse. He had to finish the cure quickly before it would be too late. Victor frowned as he silently read the newspaper. Unwanted memories were coming back as he gazed over the words and the information about Miss Crimes printed in the article. "So now you see why I need you on this case Agent Cutter." Margaret spoke in a serious tone to the man as they were both seated in her office at The Agency. Victor let out a sigh. He had done cases like this before, but things were different this time. "She is still a child ma'm." Victor responded, his face bearing an slightly anguished expression. Margaret Fuller's gazed at Victor with a sympathetic look despite still bearing a hardened and serious expression. "I know but we can't have her running around and killing innocent lives anymore. For now I want you to find out more information on Miss Crimes such as he origins, powers, and weaknesses. If there is a way to contain her then do it. If not..." Margaret paused. Victor just grimly nodded. She didn't have to finish that command. Victor knew if he couldn't capture Miss Crimes, then he would have to end her life. Darius smirked with intrigue as he sat in his office. The newspaper from one of his associates who was situated in Fair City looked very promising. He then pressed a button on a device with a speaker. "Miss Lears, please bring in the contact information of Dr. Calvin Barriton and Professor Athena Cartwright to my desk immediately." Darius commanded. "Right away Mr. Brewster." A voice responded. Darius smiled wickedly and went back to reading his paper. "It looks like B.E.A.W labs might get a new bioweapon soon, or some scientists might get a chance to test out their weapons on Miss Crimes. Whichever comes first." Darius mused to himself as he drank his coffee. Archie Webber had a fierce and determined expression as he packed his hero gear up. Dr. Arannae was ready and willing to bring this Miss Crimes to justice. She was going to pay for killing his best friend Jenkins and for crushing Joe's heart. The poor man had called Archie and through tears and anguish told him what happened to Dr. James Jenkins. How Jenkins' mangled remains were found in his lab along with destroyed equipment. Joe had also told him about what was printed in today's newspaper concerning Miss Crimes. "That girl's murderous crime spree ends now." Archie growled as he headed out the door with his gear in tow. His pet spider Fluffy safe at his mom's house. Archie didn't want to imagine what would happen if Miss Crimes got her fiendish claws on his sweet boy.
Fair City Times Headline
Miss Crimes: Fair City’s Next Maddrix the Malicious @melodythebunny @erraticeris
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darkthingshappen · 1 year
Aaawwweee! I want to give Ben all of them! 🥺❤️
Ok gotta make a choice🤔
Let‘s give him: 🥰+🍳
Post Nightmare Cuddles and Breakfast in Bed
Ben awoke with a start.  He was gasping for air and covered in a cold sweat.  He sat up and pulled his knees to his chest.  He pressed his head to his knees and tried to calm his breathing.  
“Benny?  You okay?" Zoe said, rolling over next to him in bed.  
She rested her hand on his bare shoulder and he flinched.  She pulled her hand away and sat up to be next to him.  She gently rubbed his back, her fingers absently tracing the lines of scar tissue that criss crossed his body.  
She didn’t say anything.  She simply waited with him.  Waited for him to come back to her.  
“It was just a dream,” He finally whispered.  “I’m okay.  I’m… I’m okay.”
Ben was still panting.  It felt so real.  He could feel the cuffs on him, the collar, the hands…  Ben scrabbled his fingers down his face.  
“I just need a minute.  I’ll… I’ll be back.  Go back to bed.”
Ben tossed the covers back and got up and walked to the window.  He threw the curtains back and stared out at the moonlit night.  The air in the room chilled his damp skin.  He flexed his fingers, his palms giving a slight throb at the stretch around the scar tissue.  
Being able to see the wide open sky always helped when he felt like this.  
A moment later Zoe’s familiar hands were on his shoulder, her soft, warm body pressed up against his back.  
“It’s okay, Benny.  You haven’t had a nightmare in a while.  Deep breaths, my love.  It’s okay.”
Her hands moved slowly, caressing from the back of his shoulders, around his strong arms, over his chest and then flattened out over his abdomen.  She rested her head on his back and they swayed slightly in the moonlight.  
He laid his hands over hers.  She was right, it had been a while.  The demons that haunted him at night were long gone, but every now and then, they reared their ugly heads and tried to claw him back again.  
He turned in her arms.  “I love you.  You’re so good to me.”
She rested her head against the solid plain of his marred chest.  Again her fingers traced the scars on his body, the ghosts of old tattoos that were long since removed.  She’d memorized every mark and kissed the hurt away from each and every one of them.  
He rested his cheek on the top of her head and together they stood in the quiet and the dark.  
“I love you, Benny.  You’re so good to me as well.”
“Hmmm,” he hummed into her hair.  
Zoe listened to his heart rate slowly calm down.  There had been many a night she’d helped him battle his demons.  But they grew less frequent as time passed.  
Finally she looked up at him.  “Come back to bed?”
Ben exhaled and nodded.  Zoe sat and pulled him to her, pulling the blankets up to cover them both.  He pillowed his head on her breasts and she stroked his hair and kissed the top of his head.  
“Rest, my beautiful darling.  I’ll keep watch for a bit.”
Now it was Ben’s turn to listen to a heartbeat.  He let the slow steady rhythm of it lull him back into a peaceful sleep.  
Morning arrived with the sound of birdsong and the smell of coffee.  He breathed a contented sigh as he thought over the night before.  The nightmares sucked, but at least he wasn’t alone.  
Zoe came into the room and handed him a steaming cup of coffee.  He could smell the hazelnut.  She settled in next to him and they both drank in quiet solitude.  He read morning headlines on his phone while she scrolled through social media.  It was all so mundane.  He wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Was he whole?  No.  Part of him never would be.  Was he happy?  Completely.  There were things that he’d wished he’d never experienced, but they were all part of who he was and how he came to be in this moment right now.  
He pulled Zoe towards him and kissed her temple.  She smiled at him, placed her hand on his cheek and pulled his face toward her.  Their lips touched and Ben wondered if he’d make it out of bed today.  If he didn’t it would be okay.
Tags: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @quietly-by-myself @there-will-always-be-bloodblood @whumping-seven-days-a-week @hiding-in-the-shadows @mj-or-say10 (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
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rickybowensfever · 1 year
whenever you get around to it, i'd love to see a jere sickfic. i dont really have any in specific,but there is a MAJOR lacking of them. (i havent found any)
Here you go!
I feel like Jeremiah would be the whiny/clingy sick person who just wants everyone to know they're sick and tend to them. I tried to channel that here!
Read on AO3
word count: 1,026
Jeremiah Fisher sluggishly walked downstairs to find his mother about to leave the house, dangling her keys and groaned to get her attention.
“Mom, can you take care of me? I don’t feel good” he said, pouting his lip and giving her puppy dog eyes to convince her to stay.
Susannah just laughed. “Jere, I told you not to go swimming in the rain last night. It was a bad storm!” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“I’m already late. I have to get to the club. But Laurel is here” she told her son, kissing the top of his head.
Susannah smiled softly at her son as he sniffled. She walked out of the kitchen, dangling her keys and shut the front door as she left to spend her day at the country club where both Jeremiah and Steven worked.
That morning, Jeremiah woke up with a scratchy throat, aches all over his body, his head pounded like a drum, and chills from the fever he was probably running.
He sulked as he stood in the kitchen clutching his blanket over him like a cape, attempting to combat the uncomfortable chills running through his body. Just then, Laurel came to the rescue.
Jeremiah’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas Day as she walked into the kitchen holding her purse.
He quickly changed his expression from excited to miserable.
“Laurel? I don’t feel good” he cried, sniffling from his runny nose.
“Oh no,” she said somberly as she noticed the boy’s pale and flushed complexion accompanied by rosy cheeks.
Jeremiah frowned at her, knowing that was her kryptonite.
 Laurel walked over to the boy and immediately pressed the back of her hand to his toasty forehead.
“Oh, bud. You’re definitely running a fever. Go lie down on the couch and I’ll see what medicine we have here” Laurel instructed, turning toward the cabinet, she rooted around for the sick day essentials.
Jeremiah nodded at her directions and walked over to the couch draping another blanket on top of him and burying his head in a pillow.
Laurel quietly walked over to the couch and sat on the edge holding a measuring cup filled with Tylenol and a digital thermometer.
“Jere, can you tell me what’s bothering you?” she asked, giving him a thin-lipped smile.
Jeremiah sat up a little and held his temples, “My head is pounding, my nose keeps running and my throat really hurts” he said and coughed into his elbow.
“And I have the chills,” he added, pulling the quilted blanket up to his chin.
“Ah, a summer cold. Nothing I can’t fix” she said, smiling again and set the cup of medicine on the coffee table adjacent to the couch.
“Can you sit up so I can get a read on that fever?” she asked, and Jeremiah obeyed, pushing his weak body up slightly against the pillow.
Laurel held the thermometer in the air and placed it under his tongue. “Keep it there. I’ll be right back” she said brushing her hand through his matted curls.  
Laurel came back to the living room with a glass of water just as the thermometer beeped. She set the glass onto the coffee table and sat on the edge of the couch turning herself toward the boy.
She grabbed the thermometer out of his mouth and sighed at the reading. “Well, the good news is your fever is low. The Tylenol should do the trick” she said, leaning over to grab the medicine.
Jeremiah nodded, making his curls sway back and forth. He grabbed the medicine cup from Laurel’s hands and drank it. Then, took a long sip of water before curling up on the couch, his head hitting the pillow, he craned his neck to see Laurel standing up.
“Call or text if you need anything. I have to go down to the bookstore to sign some books, but I won’t be too long. Get some rest” she said and bent down to kiss him on the forehead.
“Thanks Laurel” he said in between a yawn and closed his eyes.
Jeremiah woke up in a cold sweat, coughing his lungs out making him bend over to grab the glass of water and chug the remaining liquid.
When he was finished, he stood up to refill the glass. He walked over to the kitchen and was startled by Belly who sat at the counter drinking a smoothie.
“Wow, you were out like a light. I thought the blender would wake you up” she said, looking up from her phone.
“Cold medicine” he said with a laugh and opened the refrigerator to grab the water filter, pouring the cold water into the glass.
Jeremiah put the water filter back in the refrigerator and turned to see Belly. He sniffled realizing he needed another dose of medicine. He thought he would feel refreshed from the four-hour nap he took but he still felt exhausted.
He yawned which made Belly stifle a hearty laugh. “Are you okay?” she asked, wondering how he could still be tired.
“Stop, Bells. I’m sick. Don’t laugh at me” he whined, coughing into his elbow. Jeremiah groaned. He hated being sick during the summer, especially on a perfect beach day.
Luckily, he could feel the medicine doing the trick. His head didn’t hurt anymore but that was replaced with his teeth aching.
“It’s just a cold. You’re just like Steven! You’re both so dramatic when you’re sick” she explained.
Jeremiah rolled his eyes, “Whatever, Bells. I’m going back to sleep” he said and walked over to the couch, draping the quilt over him, and burying his head underneath.
Jeremiah woke up again in a coughing fit. He checked his phone, and it hadn’t even been fifteen minutes since he lied back down. Hearing the bouts of harsh coughing, Belly ran over to the couch.
She leaned over the back of the couch and rubbed Jeremiah’s back. He sniffled as the coughing died down.
“God, I’m never going swimming in the rain again,” he said in a raspy voice. Belly laughed under her breath, knowing he was definitely going to do it again.
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kattartsblog · 2 years
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Rated M
Warnings: Swearing, baited fluff, Blood, Anxiety, Death Mention, OC x Canon, Self Esteem Issues
Today is the day, will Ilona finally confess their feelings to Melone or will their heart be crushed?
Author’s Note: This is the final chapter of “If I Had You”! If you want to see the other chapters or read from the beginning please click the tag with the name of the fic. Sorry again for the formatting issues. -0-;;
The next morning Ilona looked at themself in their vanity mirror. They were wearing their usual garb of a dark tube crop top, a pair of dark hot pants, and hot pink short boots. Today was the day, they thought, today I’m finally going to do it. They looked down at their paws and clenched them tightly, nothing could stop them from finally confessing their feelings. They walked out their room, and walked out to find Risotto making a fresh pot of coffee. Ilona sat themself down at the little bar area where Risotto put down a cup of coffee. “You have a very determined look on your face.” Risotto remarked, “Risotto, I want my cafe nero.” Risotto rolled his eyes and reluctantly poured a small cup for Ilona. Ilona grabbed the cup with both their paws and took a big sip. But the bitterness of the coffee got to them and Ilona began to cough. “So, do you want to stop torturing yourself today or not?” Risotto pushed a small cup of milk towards them. Ilona shook their head, “Today I am finally going to do it, so I need something more bitter than a broken heart.”
“What the hell are you on about?” Risotto asked as he took a sip from his cup, “I’m going to ask Melone to be my boyfriend.” Risotto turned his head and spat his coffee out, making a mess on the floor, “Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Merda, Ilona. We’re assassins, you shouldn’t be worried about romantic ambitions.” Ilona drank the rest of their coffee and slammed their cup down, “It’s fine if he ends up rejecting me! I’d be a mammone for not even trying.” Risotto was stunned, Ilona had never stood their ground against him before. Usually they would just put their head down and take the punches as they went. It made them swell with pride inside, if this is something Ilona really wanted then he had to respect that decision. “Don’t come crying to me if he doesn’t love you back.” Risotto sighed. Ilona nodded, the cup of milk was still on the table. They took it and drank it straight, which confused Risotto. “I didn’t want it to go to waste.” Ilona declared, as they put their used cups in the sink.
Ilona looked up at the time and began to meditate a plan on when to confess, it was 8:30 AM. Sorbet and Gelato would be at their usual cafe spot until 9:15, Prosciutto would bring Pesci around 10 AM sharp to have a chat with Risotto about whatever. Followed by Ghiaccio who would come in five minutes later, after his morning workout. Formaggio would be the most late, coming in at the earliest at 10:50, but remembering that he went out clubbing last night, Formaggio would be nursing a hangover so he’d come at 11. Finally Melone usually comes in at around 10:30 along with Illuso since they live close by to each other. Team briefing starts at around noon. Those who were not sent out on a hit would get to stick around, either filing in reports or just general goofing off. Ilona knew that Melone went on a solo hit yesterday, which meant that he would most definitely be chilling out since he’s really efficient with handing in his hit papers. Ilon Ilona on the other hand usually gets assigned two missions per month. Luckily for them, they already did their share. Everyone usually leaves around 10 PM at the earliest or 11 PM at the latest. Which meant Ilona had 7 and a half hours to pull Melone off to the side and confess their feelings. So the perfect time if all went according to plan was 4:50 PM, just before sunset. If Ilona’s prediction was correct, finally something good would happen to them.
“That’s your target.” Risotto said as he handed the file to Illuso. “Damn, why do I have to go on this?” Formaggio mumbled under his breath as he rubbed his head. This was it, Ilona watched as Illuso dragged Formaggio into the mirror world. Risotto stared down the rest of the lot of assassins and waved a hand, to let everyone who stayed behind relax for the time being. Ilona, Prosciutto, Pesci, Risotto, Melone, and Ghiaccio were the only ones left in the apartment. Ghiaccio left to stretch his legs and went towards the balcony. Prosciutto and Pesci left for the kitchen as Pesci skipped out on breakfast when they arrived. So Risotto, Ilona, and Melone were the only ones left in the meeting space. Ilona nervously looked over Melone’s shoulder as he opened up his personal laptop. They darted their eyes at the clock on the screen, 1:15 PM. It was too early to say anything, let alone that Risotto’s cold gaze was on them as if he was waiting in anticipation for Ilona’s plan to go into effect. Melone saw that Ilona’s body looked more tense than a ball of rubber bands in a hydraulic press. “Ilona are you-“
“YES I’M FINE.” They snapped, Ilona quickly covered their mouth in embarrassment. “Sorry, I mean I’m fine, no worries.” Ilona replied softly, Melone was confused but shook it off and went back to working on his laptop. Ilona then looked at Risotto who’s gaze had become colder. “Ilona, weren’t you going to do something?” Risotto asked as his eyes met with Ilona’s. Ilona shook their head, “Not yet. It’s got to be perfect.” They declared. Melone had overheard, he was confused about whatever it was they were talking about. But it didn’t matter, he just had to crunch in these last few digits and La Squadra’s finances were done. New thoughts raced through Ilona’s mind and their stand began to manifest subconsciously. Risotto saw how tense Ilona was getting, he stood up and guided Ilona to his office. “So are you going to do this confession thing or not because you looked pathetic out there.”
“I said I’m fine, I’ve just got jitters… I want to make this perfect.” Risotto pinched the bridge of his nose, “Not to sound utterly cheesy, but just be honest about it. Making a big romantic gesture might scare him off.” Ilona looked down at their paws, “And if he doesn’t like me?”
“I told you not to come crying to me. By doing this, it’s your heart that you’re breaking. And he won’t be at fault. Why are you suddenly getting cold feet?” Ilona didn’t want to answer verbally, but deep down they knew it was because this love probably couldn't last. They’re assassins after all, and somewhere down the line Ilona would be alone again. So for the first time in Ilona’s life, they lied to Risotto. They lied to him and answered with a big fat fib, “Because he’s perfect and I’m not.” Risotto was taken aback, he tried to hold back his laughter at the small guard dog. “That’s it?” Risotto tried to ask seriously but you could audibly hear him stifling his chuckles. “Liquirizia, I’m sorry but that is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Melone is far from a perfect person, so don’t look at him as if he is.” Ilona nodded, tears began to roll not from Risotto’s comment but the lie that they told.
So the time had come, Ilona tapped Melone on the shoulder and motioned him towards the balcony. All the hardships they had faced, all of the good and bad moments they had shared, it all came down to this. Ilona extended their paw to Melone and he gently grabbed their hand. The sweet breeze of the night’s chill came over them. Ilona looked away then back at Melone and with a deep breath, they spoke. Risotto saw the whole thing in the shadows, he smiled knowing Ilona was finally able to be just a little braver. The rest of La Squadra had come back from their mission as Ilona and Melone sat next to each other, closer than they ever did previously. After the final briefing of the night, Illuso and Formaggio came to ask Ilona what happened while they were gone. Ilona smiled and said, “It’s nothing you need to worry about.”
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dirtybtssnaps · 2 years
Meeting your online friend
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Genre: Lovely Oneshot Smut
Pairing: Dom Kim Namjoon and 💕Bratty Submissive💕Female Reader
Poisons: Teasing (Non Sexually and Sexually), Slight possessiveness (Receiving), Making out, Dirty Talk (Receiving), Oral (Male and Female Receiving), Ball Massaging (Giving), Balls sucking (Giving), Cum Swallowing, Fingering (Receiving), Rough sex, Clit stimulation (Receiving), Overstimulation (Receiving), and Creampie (They just met don't do this irl)
Author note: (Hella unnecessary to the story, so you don't have to read this) I'm actually kinda sad about posting this, this has been in my drafts since I had a few hundred followers with two little paragraphs. I'm not even sure if I did this right since I don't really remember what I was thinking about when I started writing it. I hope y'all like it it means a lot to me. Also, this isn’t based on any game, I’m just saying this cause a few of you might guess and I’m literally not thinking of any game in particular lol. (Now story time)
A sigh went through your nose, as the smell of coffee slowly started to become irritating to your nostrils. You’ve been sitting in a coffee shop for about an hour waiting on your online friend to show up, you weren’t surprised that he was late he had a habit of getting lost even when you two played online games together. Your phone vibrated as a waitress and refilled your cup. The shop door opened and namjoon hastily walked to your table, “I'm sorry, I just landed a few hours ago it kept getting delayed, then I tried to get a taxi and every one of them had someone in it.” he said then embarrassingly chuckled.
Namjoon sat down at the table with you, he ordered a coffee from the waitress who was already there then sat down with you. He took off his jacket then you both sat in silence for a while, he occasionally looked over at you making you blush a little, and looked away. The waitress eventually came back and gave him a cup of coffee, they walked away and he grabbed his cup and then took a sip of his coffee. “Why are you being so quiet aren't you gonna call me an asshole or something for being late like you always do?” he asked. “I'm sorry I'm just nervous, I'm not really used to meeting people offline.” you replied.
“Am I the first person you met offline?” he asked, You shyly nodded as you blushed then looked away from him. “I met a few dudes from the game, we chilled and played a few games but you're the first girl I met.” Namjoon said. After a few moments of silence, he took a sip of his coffee and you did the same. Namjoon nearly spat out his coffee as he started laughing, “What's so funny?” you asked putting your cup on the table. “I'm sorry, I know you feel weird about meeting me, but I can't help but feel like you're acting cute on purpose.” he answered. “See this is what I've been talking about, you're literally being an asshole for no reason right now you know that.” you said slightly angered.
“What?!? What did I do I just called you cute cause you are, you're cuter than the pictures you sent in the groupchat.” he said smirking at you as he took a drink, “Joon you're embarrassing me stop, or I swear I'll... throw this cup of coffee on you.” you said, “Wow I call you pretty and you threatening to throw hot coffee on me?” he asked faking concern. “...I'm not.. actually gonna throw it on you.” you said rolling your eyes, “Great, cause I still wanna spend the day together. Plus I can brag to the guys that I had the hottest date to the gallery.” said namjoon. You sunk into the chair as blushed and drank your coffee. “You do have the tickets right?” you asked, He reached into his pocket and gave you your ticket then snapped a VIP bracelet on your wrist. “Surprise.” he said.
“You actually got them? I'm so grateful, thank you so so much joonie.” you said, “It’s no problem, I came here to see it with you might as well see the whole thing together.” He said. “We should get going soon, I've kinda seen the line and it’s getting pretty long.” Said namjoon, “You could have told me that too before you sat down.” You said. You stood up and grabbed your things, he stood up then followed after you. As you both started walking there, your hands ended up holding each other until you made it there. You both walked up to the surprisingly long of people ready to go into the art gallery, you both sighed and got ready to go to the back of the line.
"Those with a Vip bracelet please come you will go be in first, I'm sorry everyone we changed the rules to go in first. If anyone who doesn’t get in that has a regular ticket will be able to get tomorrow." Said a man wearing a staff member t-shirt. You both smiled at each before getting your bracelets checked, then walked inside together. Both of you walked into the art gallery, and were surprised at how beautiful the art gallery is. You both couldn’t believe how beautiful the art is, and how different it was then the art they usually post.
You both eventually found a few of your other friends and chatted with them a bit, namjoon made you blush as he became kinda possessive of you as the guys started complimenting you. He eventually sneaked you away from them, and both of you started walking around and talking again. Namjoon kept you close to him occasionally touching you or fixing something on you, eventually he kissed your cheek nearly missing the corner of your mouth then hugged you. He grabbed your hand and started walking with you again, and you looked away from him as you got embarrassed.
After a while, you both sat on a bench together for a bit of a rest. Namjoon looked over at you and smirked then nudged you. “What’s wrong?” he asked, “Nothing, I'm just not really used to someone being so touchy with me, and we just kinda met so it's kinda weird.” you said. “What? I’m just acting normally, we’ve always hugged and kissed when we talked together in the game, especially when it was just me and you.” He said teasingly.
“You even had me stay up with you all night to grind and get the perfect kiss animation for you, and that works with the one I had.” He said, “You had to be the stubborn one and use that one, with the weirdest animations for the other person. It was that one or we weren’t gonna do it at all.” You complained back, “No I remember it, I was willing to change mine to three different ones but you had to be picky.” Namjoon said smiling at you, “Two were couple poses and one was a kissing one.” you added.
“We have all those customizations on ours, but these are our characters I didn’t know that many people like this ship. You said. “Maybe they’ll finally become cannon?” He asked jokingly, “They can’t we’re the only people we know that ships them, if they become cannon then everyone will ship them. It happen to the first two characters we picked, we couldn’t go anywhere if we wanted to use them cause everyone thought we were one of “those couples” and they were unbearable about it.” You said, “Don’t worry it’s only one painting, and if they did theirs always more characters we can pick from.” He said comforting you.
As time went on the art gallery slowly got fuller, until both of you could barely walk without bumping into someone by accident “They must have let everyone in now, it’s getting pretty crowded now. I have a hotel room not too far away, I think we could walk there if you're not tired.” said namjoon. “Sure, just lead the way.” You said. He guided you both out, with both of you occasionally stopping and saying hi to a few of your online friends. You both eventually left and went to his hotel room, then took off your jackets and shoes. Namjoon turned the tv on and sat on his bed while you sat on a chair near the bed.
“It’s a shame they didn’t have a gift shop or something I would’ve loved a few prints and some figures.” Said namjoon, “They’re gonna sell the painting in a few days so they won’t have to do another fundraiser, it was pretty close last time I even took a few extra shifts to donate more.” You answered. “You took extra shifts?” He asked, “Yeah that’s why I was afk so much during that time.” You answered again. “You know you didn’t have to, the creators even said don’t stress ourselves over it.” Said Namjoon. “I know… it's just… everyone was going crazy and trying to help, and I guess I got worried since everyone was making videos and my favorite writer left the time and that was the only I could talk to you at the time so I panicked a little.” You shyly reply. “I would have just given you the groupchat if you wanted to keep talking.
“We’ll yeah I know that now, but.. I just wasn’t thinking and the timer for the fundraiser was going down fast-” “You were that worried about leaving me?, wow I didn’t know you cared that much.” Namjoon said interrupting you. Namjoon sat up and moved closer to you until he was sitting on the bed in front of you, then leaned close to you kissing you, but you leaned back in your chair and closed your eyes to avoid it. “What’s wrong honestly? You’d get mad at me if I didn’t want a kiss, now you’re avoiding them?” He asked “It’s different than online… You’re just a screen with black text, and we're actually face to face now.” You said shyly.
“You always start it, and asking me to do it even when in the middle of a match. I remember before you knew my real name you used to always call me my screen name. I honestly kinda missed those days sometimes, it was cute seeing how many nicknames you could make of it trying to get my attention.” He reminisced and then looked at you smiling. You rolled your eyes and then looked at him. “Just do what you feel comfortable with, like that game I sent you with Lucy. Our safe word is blueberry right?” You asked smiling softly at him then he lightly grabbed your cheeks.
“I should have known you were into you after you sent me that link, since you and that character both looked so much alike, but honestly thinking about it you’re so much prettier than her.” Said Namjoon. You puckered your lips to make a cute face, he closed his eyes and kissed your lips deeply. You moved your head to pull away, but he kissed you deeper until you felt his tongue enter your mouth. You closed your eyes again as he started feeling you up, he reached down and grabbed the bottom of your sweater then pulled it off you.
Namjoon cuffed his hands under your bra, you gasped at the sudden coldness then he kissed your neck. “You’re so much softer than I thought and warmer.” He said before kissing your lips again, He slid your leggings off then you closed your legs together. “You know I don’t think you’ve ever covered yourself up like this, you’re usually spreading your legs open for me.” He said. You blushed a bit more then held your legs a little tighter together, “You wanna start with me first, then you seem to really like that right?“ he asked. You sighed through your nose, then nodded your head and he smiled at you before getting up and standing in front of you.
You got on your knees in front of him, then you gently grabbed the base of his cock. You leaned close to him, and started licking the tip of his cock. You opened your cock and started sucking the tip of his cock, then started sliding more and more of his cock into your mouth. You filled your mouth with his cock, then Namjoon suddenly let out a moan as your tongue swirled around it. Your tongue started licking and flicking his cock, then he slowly started thrusting his cock inside your mouth. He kept thrusting trying not to go too deep inside your mouth, you stopped at the tip of his cock and kept swirling your tongue around it. Then slid your tongue under his cock, then slid his balls inside your mouth gently sucking and licking them. Namjoon started jerking off as he bit his bottom lip, your tongue swirled around his balls before lightly pulling away from him. He moved his hand, and you slid his cock inside your mouth again.
He came inside your mouth and swallowed his cum, then you slid his still hardened cock out of your mouth.“Just lay down on the edge of the bed and open up your legs for me, I'm just doing what we did in our first few chats.” he said smiling at you. You did as he said and then he got down on his knees, your cheeks started to get hot and he looked at your pussy. His tongue slid up against your pussy, you squirmed a bit as he kept licking then started moaning as namjoon tongue up against your clit. He held your hips as his tongue flicked up against your clit faster, one of his hands released your hips and he gently pushed them inside your pussy. His fingers started looking for flickering around until he found your G-spot, he started thrusting his fingers roughly inside you.
Namjoon kept your legs as still as he could with his free hand, you reached down and gently grabbed your hair pushing his head closer to your pussy. He started swirling and flicking his tongue on your clit. You moaned out as you came, then you gently released his hair as you laughed nervously. “That was kinda fast.” he said teasingly, “Shut up you know my clit is sensitive.” you said making him laugh a little.
“Do you have any condoms, I didn’t really expect to have sex with you when I came here.” He said, “You’re the one who started this, what do you mean you don’t have any?” You hissed. Namjoon looked at you and smiled. You blushed a little as you remembered a roleplay, both of you did a little while ago. You blushed a little more, then you shyly opened your legs showing him your pussy. “I wonder do you actually shave as much say in our chats.” Namjoon asked, as he slowly started rubbing his cock up against your pussy until it slipped inside you then he thrust it the rest of the way in. He slowly started thrusting into you, then slowly started rubbing your clit. You started moaning and he leaned over you, then grabbed your leg as he started thrusting a little faster inside you.
You got on all fours and he quickly got behind you, then grabbed your hips before thrusting his cock deep inside your pussy. He started thrusting inside you again, faster and rougher this time. You grabbed the bedsheets in front of you, then he suddenly grabbed your hair and then pushed your face into your mattress, “Sorry I just wanted a little revenge.” Namjoon smugly said. You moved your head to the side and started breathing heavily before moaning again, “S-slow down a little joonie, you're gonna make me cum again.” you moaned. Namjoon reached down and started rubbing your clit again, you moaned louder for a few seconds before moaning out and cumming. You started breathing heavily again as he slid his semi-hard cock out of you, he sat down on the bed behind you. After a few moments of rest, he leaned forward and gently grabbed your wrist, then gently pulled you towards him until you were on top of him. He laid down for a few seconds before sitting up a little and looking at you.
You blushed then looked down at Namjoon, then started grinding on him. “Don’t worry I could have guessed you would have been too shy to ride me.” He said as he sat up, and then grabbed your hips as he started thrusting into you. You leaned up against him, he readjusted his grip on your thighs and kept his pace as you moaned. You wrapped your legs around him and then kissed him, namjoon lightly bit your bottom lip. You suddenly moaned out as you came, he kept thrusting into you tightening his grip a little. “I'm so close just take it a little bit longer- Fuck!” he moaned, he kept thrusting into you then kissed your lips deeply.
Namjoon moaned into your mouth, as came deep inside you then kissed your lips deeply again. The kiss continued for a few moments longer than the others, before you both gently pulled away from each other. Namjoon slowly slid his cock out of you, then you laid down on the bed next to him. “You know I’m going to be here for a few days since we’re so happy, and comfortable with each other. You might as just stay here with me, I mean if you’re okay with that of course?” He asked, “I don’t know, what if you end up not liking me while I’m here?” You asked. “You’re a lot shyer than how you are in our chats, but you’re you and I really like you.” Namjoon answered, you turned over and started cuddling with him. “I like you too.” You replied. You both leaned close to each other and then kissed each other deeply.
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landinoandco · 3 years
|Shutter speed|
Chapter one : A staring contest with an attractive stranger
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{Lando Norris x Reader}
Summary: A photographer. A pair of F1 drivers. Triangles. A sticky situation of morals and fighting fate. What could go wrong?
Warnings: None :)
Rating: Teen and up
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: hey guys, welcome to Shutter Speed!! A love triangle between LN DR and reader (in this story reader is called Georgie.) This is my first f1 fanfiction so any feedback/suggestions are very welcome or if you just want to add comments, reactions - anything goes!! Thank you for reading and enjoy :)
Chapter one: A staring contest with an attractive stranger ...
It was raining in London. Not that that was out of the ordinary - even in the beginning days of July. Today the weather had decided to imitate that of mid-March, the rain crashing down like the heavens had opened up above and the wind cheekily chasing tourists and commuters indoors then proceeding to race eagerly through the streets, nipping at any ankles of those who were lagging behind the rest.
Lando Norris was out with his trainer when the rain started, enjoying the freedom of a 2 week break before the highly anticipated British Grand Prix. They rushed down the alleyway they had found themselves on; until they came across a little coffee shop tucked away in the corner - 'The Little London Stop.' Jon nodded to confirm to Lando that this would be just fine - as he opened the door, a small bell rang just above his head and instantly they were hit by a comforting warmth and the smell of freshly made coffee.
He quickly slid onto one of the benches, facing out onto the shop. It was typically London, designed with someone's Instagram feed in mind, plants hung precariously from the rafters along with many singular light bulbs that casted at atmospheric glow around the room.
Opposite him, on the other side of the room sat the only other person in the shop, she sat with her back to them. Her messy mousy brown hair tumbled in waves down her back, her gaze on the rain rushing down the alleyway - her chin resting on the heel of her hand.
Georgie had been sitting in that exact spot for longer than she would care to admit. Escaping the pestering grasp of her best friend and roommate Maisie; they were both photographers - partners in an online business they set up when they first left college as they prepared to take on the world. Pre-covid it had flourished and the pair had been travelling up and down the country, from events like weddings to festivals. Post-covid however - this was where their problems had started and why Georgie was currently hiding in a coffee shop. Work had become as dry as her love life, events had been cancelled for another year and wedding guest numbers had been limited. For weeks they had been sending their portfolios to any event organiser they could find and for weeks they kept being turned away.
She tore her eyes from the flooding streets and back to her open laptop - she was completely stuck, where to even start? Georgie nibbled on the on her bottom lip and sighed before rubbing her hands over her face - she was really looking for a miracle to happen.
Lando was completely intrigued by the girl. It wasn't until Jon snapped his fingers in front of Lando's face that he realised he had been staring.
"Right, sorry." Lando mumbled, a red flush creeping up his neck and he moved his gaze to the wooden table, wringing his fingers together. "What were you saying?"
Jon chuckled at his young boy antics and shook his head, "I wasn't, you were staring and it was weird. I picked you up this green smoothie - lots of vitamins and-" But Lando had switched off again, he couldn't help himself as his eyes locked back onto where they had been before. It was like something was drawing him to her - hell, he didn't even know what she looked like.
"Are you going to go and speak to her?" Jon's voice broke his trance yet again.
"Wha-what?" Lando looked up at his trainer, his innocent eyes widening at the thought. "I-I-"
Jon scoffed and rolled his eyes, "You are such a teenager."
"I'm not a teenager." Lando hit back, "I'm 21. I can drink in the US now, you know."
"Then start acting like it." Jon scolded but the corners of his mouth quirked up, he had known Lando for years and he had not changed once. A hopeless romantic at heart but acted like a deer caught in the headlights as soon as anyone of the opposite gender even glanced his way. Any girl would be lucky to have him but unfortunately for Lando he always found himself drawn to the type that would take his heart whole and would leave, shattering it into millions of pieces for Jon to find and piece back together again. It was through no fault of the girls in question, they would make their intentions very clear but Lando - being who he was - would always jump head first without looking ahead or the consequences of his actions.
On the plus side, Lando came back stronger each time but it left him with an even stronger longing for that care and affection that everyone around him seemed to have.
His heart raced as he looked over at Jon, a determined look was set on his face. "Fine. I'll do it." He stood up, legs wobbling slightly as the adrenaline flooded through his veins - he had cleared the table when reality decided to walk through the door. He turned on his heels and sat back down. "Nope. Maybe another day." His voice wavered slightly.
Jon looked at him with sympathy and slight second hand embarrassment - not that Lando needed to know that.
Georgie looked over her shoulder at the commotion happening behind her - there were two young men sitting across the room from her. One was clearly older than the other and was looking at him in utter bemusement - she followed his gaze...
Georgie inhaled sharply, she was met by a pair of crystal blue eyes - of which lit up when he realised that she had looked over. Georgie simply didn't know what to do with herself as she seemed to be stuck in a staring contest with an incredibly attractive stranger. She managed to tear her eyes away to look at him properly; a mop of dark brown curls sat dripping onto the table (still wet from the torrential downpour), an olive complexion and an innocent sparkle in his crystal blue eyes. She offered him a shy smile, a rose tinge coating her cheeks. He gave her a lopsided grin in response.
There was an overwhelming feeling that drew Georgie to this stranger, it wasnt anything she had experienced before - not even when she had been with him.
A cold chilling suddenly rushed down her spine, almost like she had been standing in the rain falling outside. A pang of guilt filled her stomach, she dropped her gaze and bit her lip. How could she ever think of him like that, compare him to a stranger she didnt even know the name of.
A ring broke her train of thought, her phone lit up with Maisie's name. She inhaled slowly to ground her feelings before answering, trying to sound as normal as possible.
"Hey Maise -"
"I've done it." She heard Maisie shout down the phone, followed by a relieved laugh.
"Done what, sorry." Georgie prompted, rubbing her eyes. She could feel the boys' eyes on her, resisting the urge to turn around; she closed the lid of her laptop and placed it in her bag.
"I've only gone and gotten us an event to go to this weekend." Maisie replied as casually as she could muster. Georgie paused. A large grin that would challenge the Cheshire cats'.
"Where and how?" Georgie felt a weight lift from her shoulders, it didn't matter what Maisie had signed them up for, it was a start. A fresh start.
"Look, I have a call with them any minute so I'll have to explain when you get back. It's at the Goodwood festival of speed." Maisie paused.
"Goodwood Festival of speed." Georgie echoed - she could hear ringing in the background.
"Got to go, final things to sort out. I'll see you later." With that she hung up, leaving a delighted Georgie frozen in place, until she found her senses and packed up as fast as she could. All thoughts of the boy across the room - gone.
He sat, puzzled, as he watched her rush out the door and into the rain - calling out a muffled 'thank you' as the door swung shut behind her. His brows drew together as he looked into his lap, before saying quietly to Jon: "It was the Goodwood Festival of Speed she just said, didn't she?"
"Yes." Jon answered shortly, looking down at him in fascination.
"Isn't that where I am this weekend?" Lando looked up, hope swelled in his chest.
"Yes, it is."
Lando looked longingly out of the window, beaming. He knew it was silly to get so hopeful - there were going to be thousands upon thousands swarming around Goodwood. He stood up and turned to Jon - "Lets go."
"But you haven't drank your smoothie -"
Lando was already at the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Jon grabbed the smoothie and tittered, following after him.
You only live once, Lando thought. As it turns out he would get another chance this Saturday and this time he wasn't blowing it.
Chapter two: A new beginning
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duckit7 · 2 years
One shot online dating size change
I read some of the size change works during the month of g/t July and became inspired! I will try to update my stories soon, but I did want to get this one shot in. In the future it might be apart of the story, but in all honesty I wanted to release it now. Enjoy and stay classy my peeps.
I awoke with a start as I heard cars zooming past. “Where am I?” I mumbled as my eyes started to adjust to the morning sun. The cold air sent a chill ran down my spine as I sat up from the hard concrete. I was over come with confusion as I looked around. This looked exactly like the alley behind my apartment, but something was off.
I knew I drank too much last night and, unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time I fell asleep in the alley. But the perspective of everything looked different… smaller… I staggered to my feet holding my pounding head. “I need to cool it with the drinking…” I mumbled as I stumbled toward the street.
Approaching the corner, I immediately froze in my tracks. Small creatures that looked like parvuses walked below me while I seemed to be the same size as the humans that passed. My brain started to short circuit. What the fuck was going on and what the fuck happened last night.
I started to panic. What was I going to do? How did this happen? Those questions kept running through my mind. I leaned against the nearby brick wall trying not to have a full on panic attack. “I need help…” I squeaked out quietly. But who? My mind immediately shifted to the one human I could trust, Kate.
I frantically moved down the sidewalk towards her apartment, blindly running into people as I passed. ‘I just have to get to her place. She will know what to do.’ was my mental mantra as I sped walked down the street.  
My mind was so preoccupied that I didn’t see the parvus crossing light. I never had seen one from this perspective before and they had never been for me to stop, but for humans to stop. So the thought that it now applied to me never registered.
Since my brain couldn’t register the light, it also didn’t think to look down. I didn’t notice the parvuses crossing the sidewalk, not until it was too late.
It was a beautiful sunny morning. I had a flight later that evening, so I took the liberty to just walk around and enjoy the sunshine. The birds singing their songs brought a smile to my face. The bustle of people around me had a meditative feel as I walked to the little coffee shop down the road. I let my mind drift as I went.
A man stumbling down the street pulled me out of my daydreaming. I couldn’t get a good look at him but he seemed frantic. His head was down as he rub the back of his right arm with his left hand in a self-soothing way. He wore jeans and a simple t-shirt which struck me as odd for this time of year.
I became more uneasy as it was apparent that he had no situational awareness what-so-ever. The parvus crossing light started to flash in front of me. I watched the man like a hawk as I stopped and waited patiently for the parvuses to cross. My anxiety started to rise though, as he continued to barrel down the street, running into people as he went.
‘This man is not going to stop…’ I thought. My thought was confirmed when he blew through the stop sign. The parvuses below looked up with terror as the human approached. Without thinking I stepped forward, over the parvus crosswalk. Wrapping my arms around the frantic man I lifted him in the air, halting him right in his tracks. I thanked the Lord he was a small guy as I walked him back behind the line with his feet still dangling.
“Whoa there… Hold your horses there my guy. Don’t want you to kill someone now do we.” I said as I set him down a safe distance from the parvuses. I kept a strong hand on the man to keep him from escaping. I could feel him shaking under my grip. “Is everything ok man?” I asked bending down to try to get a better look at his face.
His brown eyes were wide and darted back and forth before looking up to me. He looked familiar. His short hair and beard as well as the face structure and eyes looked exactly like…. “Cam?” The name tumbled out of my mouth in disbelief.
The man looked up at me with panic in his eyes. He took a second to study me. Tears were threatening to break over the dams that held them back. “Kate?” His eyes filled with recognition.
I gave him a soft smiled and nodded. He immediately wrapped me in a tight hug, burying his face in my chest. I returned the embrace, rubbing his back to try to settle him down.
Cam’s body shook with sobs. “Thank the Lord I found you… Kate I have no idea what happened and frankly… I’m terrified.”
I pulled Cam closer into me as I kissed the top of his head. “It’s ok.” I said laying my cheek on his soft brown hair. “It’s ok. I’m here. We will figure this out. I swear.”
I could feel his body start to relax. Once I felt like he was starting to settle down I pushed him back enough to look down into his dazzling brown eyes. “Let’s go back to my place. I’ll make some tea or coffee and we can work though this? How about that?”
Cam nodded in reply. I slid my jacket off and put it over his shoulders before draping my arm over him. He pulled it close around his shivering small frame. I guided Cam down the street towards my apartment, making sure to keep all parvuses a safe distance away. Occasional curious eyes would look over at us but for the most part people kept to themselves.
The heat cascaded over us as we entered my apartment. Lilith was there immediately to greet us. Cam stood there and looked surprised to see the small dog crawling up his leg for attention. I led him to a chair at the counter in the kitchen. “Coffee or tea?” I asked cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood.
“Tea please…” Cam mumbled as he continued to stare down at the ground. His eyes having a thousand-yard stare.
I turned on the radio in the kitchen before starting the tea in hopes that some music might dissipate some of the uneasiness.
“How are you so calm right now?” I looked over to lock eyes with Cam. He seemed to be coming to.
“You don’t need me freaking out right now do you? I think you are doing enough of that for the both of us.” I chuckled.
“But I’m a fucking human!!!” he snaped.
I nodded. “Yes, you are. I have never in my life heard of this happening ever before… But freaking out wont help… Now could you tell me what happened?”
He glanced down to his side as he started rubbing the back of his arm again. “Well as you know I went drinking last night with some people from work…”
I nodded remembering the funny drunk Cam texts that I received last night.
“And well… I guess I drank too much and fell asleep outside my apartment in my alley again…” he said letting his voice drift off at the end.
“Again?” I shot back amused.
“Well ahhh… I’m not proud of it but I have done it before… For some reason drunk Cam likes a cozy spot where the dryers vent out into the alley…” Cam’s cheeks filled with red.
I tried to hold back a laugh as I said, “Ahhh… I see.”
“Well anyway…. I woke up this morning and I was a fucking huge!!! I immediately panicked and knew I needed to find you!” He said looking back up to me.
I let out a soft laugh. “And that you did! Almost stepped on a group of parvuses in the process, but I guess it was fate for me to find you.”
Cam’s eyes went wide. “I ALMOST DID WHAT?!?!”
“Shhhhh… You don’t want to wake all the neighbors. But yeah. You were so wrapped up in your own world you blew through a parvus crossing sign as there were a bunch crossing. I literally had to overstep them and pick you physically off the ground to stop you.” I said leaning against the counter near the kettle.
Cam went ghost white. I let out a sigh as I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey. It’s ok. Nothing happened. Nobody was hurt. We are good.” I said trying to calm him down.
Cam started to shake again. “I-I-I almost…. K-k-killed a-a person…”
My heart went out for the broken man in front of me. I walk around and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a firm but comfortable hug. He clung to me like he was clinging to life itself. “Shhh…” I cooed. “It’s ok. Nothing happened. You are safe now. They are safe now. Everything is ok. No one is hurt. Everyone is fine. I will make sure it never happens again.” I spoked soothingly into his ear.
Sobs again racked Cam’s body. Mentally I wished he was still a parvus. I just wanted to hold him in my hand close to my heart. I wanted my very presence to be so overwhelming that it would shut away the world. I wanted to do everything in my power to take away all his worry, all his pain, all his fear. All I could do though, was hold him as close as I could any human. I just hoped that it would be enough for him to know I was here for him and that he was safe with me.
The screaming tea pot pulled our attention back to the present. He loosened his grip to allow me to turn off the stove. I poured us tea in silence. I handed Cam his cup and motioned for him to follow me to the couch. I curled my legs under me as I sat opposite of Cam on the couch. Cam pulled my jacket closer around his shaking form as he stared into the abyss in front of him. With a sigh I got up and retrieved a sweatshirt from my closet.
“Isn’t this your favorite?” Cam squeaked out.
“Yep! Which is the exact reason I’m giving it to you.” I said with a soft smile.
Cam took the sweatshirt appreciatively and slipped it on. I returned to my spot at the other end of the couch as we returned to sipping our tea in silence.
After a few moments Cam broke the quiet with a soft chuckled. I looked over and raised an eyebrow as Cam locked eyes with me.
“I always wondered if you would be taller than me if we were the same race. I guess no matter what we are you will always be bigger than me.” He said pulling at the excess cloth of my sweatshirt which was a size or two too big for him.
I started to laugh myself. “I guess so! Sorry that you can’t escape me looming over you.” I jested.
Cam smiled and shook his head. “I don’t mind it. It makes you feel more like you.”
I raised a questioning eyebrow. “How so?”
Cam started to fidget with his hands. “Well you know. You were always the big and strong one in our relationship – oh… er… – friendship… and it’s kinda nice that you still are. It’s feels like the only thing that has remained constant in this whole ordeal.”
I nodded and took another sip of my tea. “I guess you are right.”
Silence hung comfortably between us for a few minutes only to be interrupted by a ring of my doorbell.
“Damnit…” I said palming my forehead.
“What?” Cam asked with surprise.
“Sal’s here… He wanted to drop off his plant for me to take care of while he is out of town for the next two weeks…” I groaned.
Cam’s eyes went wide. “He is going to see me as a human?! What is he going think?!” Cam said as he started to panic again.
“Cam, it’s ok. In all honesty he would probably be just as shocked as us. Otherwise, I don’t think he would care. You don’t have to see Sal if you don’t want to, though. You can hide in my room.” I said placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
Cam was trying to control his breathing. “Ok…”
“You good?” I asked giving him one last look in the eye.
Cam nodded. “Yeah.”
I patted his shoulder and walked to the door.
“I thought I was going to have to wait out there all day!” Sal exclaimed loudly as he sauntered in.
“Sorry about that. Can I take your coat?” I chuckled.
“You can actually take all of me! Can you give me a lift to the counter?” Sal said nonchalantly.
I kneeled down and laid my palm on the ground. Sal put his hand on my finger and was about to lift his foot when he froze in place. His eyes drifted up to the other human in the room. Cam shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Sal’s eyes narrowed as he scanned Cam’s whole body with extra attention on the face.
“Is that Cam?” Sal said, his voice filled with confusion.
A long sigh escaped me as I nodded. “Yep…”
My heart raced faster as I watched Sal enter the apartment. He had his usual carefree charm. I was jealous of his cool confidence as he walked around Kate as though she wasn’t a giant that could crush him in an instant.
“You can actually take all of me! Can you give me a lift to the counter?” Sal said nonchalantly.
Kate kneeled down and put her hand down for him. There was no hesitation as he approached. He had no fear of her whatsoever as he placed his tiny hand on her finger, while his other was occupied by a large plant. I was borderline envious of him. He was a parvus with no fear around humans while I still would jump if Kate moved quick. I hated it. ‘Why couldn’t I be more like Sal…’ I mentally groaned.
Sal hadn’t noticed me yet so the whole exchange was organic. I shifted slightly which caught his attention immediately. He froze in place as his eyes narrowed on me. I swallowed hard and started to fidget under his hard gaze.
“Is that Cam?” Sal asked.
Kate sighed and nodded. “Yep…”
“Hey Sal…” I said rubbing the back of my arm to try to sooth myself.
“Kate lift me up. I want to get a better look. What the hell happened here?” Sal said as he pushed himself the rest of the way into Kate’s hand.
“How about I put you on the counter before you dump your plant out on my hand on accident.” Kate chucked as she stood. “Then Cam can come and talk to you there.”
“Fine.” Sal said hoping off on the counter. He set the plant down on the granite top and motioned for me to come over. “Come here Cammy boy. I want to get a good look at you. What the hell happened? Were you apart of some experiment that we didn’t know of?”
I shook my head as I hesitantly approached. “No… I kinda just woke up like this this morning. I went drinking last night and had too much… I was in the bar one minute and then next it was morning and I was laying in a pile of trash in the alley behind my apartment as a human.”
Sal gave him a surprised smirk. “Do you usually fall asleep in the alley behind your place?”
Kate couldn’t hold back her snorted laugh. “Let’s just say it wasn’t his first time.”
My cheeks went a deep red as I stuttered, “H-h-hey n-n-now… It was only a c-couple of t-times and the dryer vents are w-warm!”
“Ahh….” Sal said unable to hide his amused look.
I waved them off. “Any way. I have no idea how this happened.”
Sal nodded as he grabbed his chin in thought. “Wild…”
I tried to keep my gaze off the small being that stood before me on the counter. He was mind boggling tiny. Was this what Kate saw when she saw me. Without thinking I started to reach out to touch him. Immediately Kate grabbed my wrist pulling me back to my senses.
“You have to ask for permission first.” She chided.
I looked from to her to Sal apologetically. Sal waved it off haphazardly. “It’s ok. I understand you are curious. Just be careful, ok?”
I nodded. Slowly I brought my hand up to pinch his hand between my thumb and pointer finger. “Man… Was I really this small…” I mumbled to myself.
“You were actually smaller thank you very much!! Last time I checked you were the shorter parvus!” Sal huffed.
“I guess you can’t say that now.” I laughed and shifted my hand to wrap around his small body. I could feel him become uneasy.
“Take it easy Cam.” Kate said as she brought a hand over in case anything happened.
I nodded and wrapped my fingers around him. The panic of dropping him started to fill me as his feet left the counter. I tightened my grip on him which he protested in a squeak. “A little less please…” he choked out.
I was mortified as I set him back down on the counter and backed away. “I’m soooo sorry…” My voice was filled with concern.
Sal just laughed as he walked over and sat on Kate’s arm. “It’s ok man! It takes a little bit to figure out how much strength is too much or not enough. I know Kate makes it look easy, but this big girl has also had a lot of practice. So don’t be hard on yourself. I’m fine.”
I let out a sigh and nodded. “I’m still sorry… Turns out being a human is harder than I thought…”
Before another word could be said my stomach growled loudly.
“I guess someone is hungry!” Kate teased as she pushed off the counter. “How about we go get something to eat. I’ll treat.”
I looked at her in horror. “I really shouldn’t go out… It’s not safe for parvuses with me out there.”
Kate came over and put both her hands on my shoulders. Looking down she gave a soft smile. “Cam, it will be fine. I will make sure nothing happens ok. Besides, we don’t know how long this will last. So, you might as well try to get used to it now.”
“Ok…” I sighed. Knowing she would be there put me a little more at ease.
Kate made a quick call into work before she tossed on her jacket and offered her hand to Sal who took it promptly. She then moved back to drape her arm over me. “Ok boys! Where are we going?”
Cam was uneasy the whole walk to the pizzeria. His eyes constantly scanning the ground to make sure he wouldn’t step on anyone. He didn’t relax until we were sitting down at the table.
We had light conversation during the meal. Mainly, though, it was just Sal and I talking. Cam still seemed too upset over the situation. I placed my hand over his and squeezed lightly. He looked up and offered me an awkward smile.
“Hey.” I said taking his hand in mine. It was weird to be able to hold his hand like I would any human. “Relax. Being human isn’t all doom and gloom.”
Cam nodded, “Sorry… I’ve just been thinking….”
I started to rub the back of his hand with my thumb. “Well stop that then! We don’t know how long you will be like this so why not enjoy it while it lasts! What would you like to do as a human while you still can?”
“Yeah Cam! Make the most of this! I’m low key jealous of you man. There is so much I would do if I was a human!” Sal chipped in.
Cam looked down with a smile and raise an eyebrow at Sal. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
‘There you go Cam. That’s the fun-loving man I know.’ I thought to myself.
Next thing I knew, we were standing in the produce section of the grocery story as Cam obsessed over the fact that he could hold a whole apple in his hand. I couldn’t hold back my laugh as he went over the whole store holding different fruits and vegetables.
“Kate do you see this! I swear I could have made a home out of a pumpkin as a kid and now here I am holding it in my arms!” Cam said with delight.
I snorted a laugh, “You totally could have lived in a pumpkin. Too bad peaches weren’t bigger other wise you could have been Cam and the giant peach!”
I thought Sal was going to fall out of my hand with how hard he was laughing. Cam just shook his head and smiled.
“So far we have taken my truck for a ride, gone to the zoo to pet goats, climbed a tree, and fed the ducks and went to a human grocery store. Anything else you want to do?” I asked while we wondered the isles.
“I can’t really think of anything else…” Cam scratched the back of his head.
“Why don’t you buy stuff to make dinner, get a bottle of wine and a movie and have a date night? Drop me off on your way home too please.” Sal said looking up and giving me a wink.
I felt my face heat up slightly at the suggestion. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little as I looked over and noticed that Cam was also blushing.
“What you say Cammy boy? You both met on a dating app so why not have a date night while you are still human! Plus, Kate is a great cook and is fun in the kitchen. You will have a great time I promise.” Sal said nonchalantly.
I raised an eyebrow at Cam. “Want to?”
Cam shrugged, “Why not. Sounds like fun.”
My heart was beating fast. Kate and I dropped off Sal at his home right after the grocery store. With a couple quick goodbyes, we parted ways. The two of us walked in silence for a while before Kate gave me a mischievous smirk and lightly shouldered me. I looked at her with a confused smile.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh… It’s nothing.” She said before wrapping her arm into mine and lacing our fingers together.
I felt my face go deep red, but I didn’t pull away. I didn’t want to. I liked having her this close. It felt good, but also felt a little off. Like she should be holding me in some other fashion. Everyone we passed looked at us with awe. Like we were a cute young couple going for an evening stroll.
“Does this bother you? Sorry if I am making this awkward.” Kate asked, pulling my attention back to her.
I shook my head with a warm smile. “No don’t apologize! I like this! I mean, if we are going to be on a date we should at least look the part right?” I chuckled.
Kate grinned from ear to ear. “You are right there!”
We walked back to her apartment hand in hand. Within no time our hands were washed and Kate had me chopping onions, garlic and ginger for the curry. The music in the background had light fun feel to it. On more than one occasion I would take Kate into my arms and spin her around the kitchen to the beat of the song. Kate ate it up! She would always break out laughing and dance along with me.
In no time we moved the party from the kitchen to the table where my tastebuds learned really quick that Kate was in fact a great cook. The leftovers we were planning for never left the table as we ate everything in one go.
With full tummies and our second bottle of wine crushed, Kate and I moved to the couch where we share a chocolate bar for desert and pulled up the classical movie Breakfast at Tiffani’s. We tried having Kate lean into me like most couples did, but as we quickly found out, we were not like most couples. So instead, I leaned my back against Kate’s chest while she entangled me in her arms.
My eyes started to droop as the movie came to a close. I looked up into Kate’s beautiful blue grey eyes once the credits scrolled down the screen. A twinge of sadness filled me. ‘Kate probably liked me better as a human…’ I thought. ‘If I stayed like this, would I ever see my family again? Would they hate me? What would my life even look like?’
“Hey. Can I ask you a question?” Kate asked and she ran her hands absentmindedly through my hair.
“Yeah sure. What’s up?” I said.
“Do you want to be a parvus again?” Her question was innocent but had an extreme effect on me as I could no longer hold my tears back.
I nodded as I bit my lip. I felt foolish for crying. Being human wasn’t so bad right? After today, though, I just wanted to be my regular parvus self.
Kate smiled and pulled me onto her chest as she laid down. “What do you miss about being a parvus?” Her voice was filled with genuine curiosity.
“In all honesty I give it to humans.” I choked out a chuckle. “You guys really have to be aware of everything! If I’m being real with you, I miss everything… I can’t stop thinking about what my family would say. I’m worried about my job. Basically, I miss being me… I don’t feel like me as a human…”
Kate nodded understandingly. “That all make sense. I would feel the exactly the same way as you do if I was in your position.”
I laid on her chest. One question was eating away at me. “Kate… Are you hoping that I stay a human?”
Kate let out a long sigh. “No… And I know what you are trying to ask… The answer is still no, I don’t prefer you as a human. This was nice having you human, but it doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel like you… I actually kinda miss the old you… My pocket-sized best buddy!” she teased.
I snorted a laugh as I rested my head on her chest. “I miss being me too… And how you were when I was a parvus… It’s not like you have changed at all, but ah… this might sound a little weird, but I felt much safer when you could hold me in one hand. Having someone 10 times my size as a friend made me feel invincible. It felt like you wouldn’t let anything hurt me. Being with you now I still feel safe, but it’s different. I no longer have your hand shielding me from the harshness of the world…” I said as I pulled out one of her hands and studied it. Traced my finger over the marks and scars that used to be the size of my hand.
“I thought my hands made you nervous!” Kate jested.
I gave her a soft punch to the arm. “They used to! Not anymore though… Or not as much…”
Kate’s chest bounced below me as she laughed. “If it makes you feel any better, I miss all of that too Cam. I hope you become yourself again.”
We sat in silence for a while. My eyes started to weigh down with sleep. I don’t know when I slipped off into the world of the sandman, but I know it was relatively quick.
I awoke to the sun’s golden fingers poking me in the eyes. I didn’t want to move. My body was wrapped in wonderous warmth and comfort. There was a steady beating below me. ‘The neighbors must be having a late-night party again.’ I thought. Then my senses started to come back to me. I felt myself rise and fall as though I was on a boat. The blanket that draped over me had a soothing weight to it. My body protested as I stretched my arms far overhead.
I blinked my eyes a couple of times before I noticed that I wasn’t in my room. I was staring straight at a human sized couch. I blinked a couple more times as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. What I thought was a blanket was actually a giant hand. I knew fear was supposed to overtake me at this point, but I felt nothing but calm, feeling the breath pattern of the human below me shift. The hand that was keeping me warm raised up slightly. I cursed as the cool morning air whisked in to replace it.
“Good morning…” A strong sleepy feminine voice said above me.
I tilted my head back to look into the dreamy grey blue eyes of Kate. “Morning!” I said giving her a smile back.
Kate wrapped her hand back around to hold me in place as she scooted back into a sitting position.
“It’s good to see you as your ol’ self.” She said as she tousled my hair with her index finger.
“It’s good to be my old self.” I smiled, pulling her thumb into a tight hug over my heart.
“How did you sleep?” Kate asked.
“Wonderfully! I don’t think I have slept so well in a long time!” That was definitely not a lie either. Being around Kate put me at ease.
“I’m glad.” She said moving her finger down to massage my back. This was arguably one of the best parts of being a parvus, the finger back rubs from Kate.
I stuck my hands in the kangaroo pouch of my sweatshirt before it hit me. “Kate.” I said frantically. “Your favorite sweatshirt….” I said as dread filled me.
Kate started to chuckle. “Ah don’t worry about it. It looks better on you anyway. Keep it. Maybe it can remind you of me.”
I hugged Kate’s thumb tighter. Emotions running strong in me. “Thank you.” I choked out. “For everything. I don’t know how I will be able to repay you…”
Kate shook her head with a smile. “This is what friends do for each other! I was happy to help. Besides, if this ever happens to me and I become a parvus, you better bet I’m going to come banging on your door to stay over for the night!”
I couldn’t help but break out laughing. “I don’t think it would be the best thing for you to stay at my place. They next day I would wake up pinned against the wall while you would be wearing the whole apartment building!”
Neither of us could hold back out laughing fit. “You have a point there!” Kate said. She then leaned down so her lips hovered dangerously from me. There were many occasions I wanted to kiss her and right now seemed like the perfect opportunity. “I’m glad you are back to normal Cam.” She may have whispered, but her words reverberated though my whole being down to my soul. I was frozen in place. She then leaned in closer and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. I melted at her touch.
“Me too.” I said as she pulled away. I leaned down and kissed the top of her finger. How did I get so lucky to have such a wonderful being in my life.
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theunholygrails · 3 years
Foolish Games Part 2
A/N: Introducing new characters and some drama! Percy is still sexy as ever :'(.
Warnings: BJ
I woke up to a door slamming so hard it joined the symphony of my pounding headache. I groaned, hoisting myself over the back of the couch to investigate to intrusion. A brunette head of long sweeping hair rushed through the foyer, barreling towards the kitchen. A familiar mop of black hair hurried after.
Reyna was speaking so fast in Spanish my brain scrambled to keep up. I noted lots of curse words followed by a series of sentences too fast I was surprised she even knew what she was saying. Percy was answering in slow measured words, probably fighting a hangover of equal measure. I ducked behind the back of the couch, reaching for my phone plugged in on the coffee table.
It was noon. 2% battery and a couple messages from friends. Nothing from my ex thank gods. Five from Annabeth being nosey. I opened my uber app, squinting in the sunlight breaking through the cream curtains. I managed to get my driver secured.
A door slammed and I winced, peaking to check that they were in another room. I did not immediately spot my dress in the chaotic. I grimaced remembering the midnight swim. When I sat up I finally noticed the white tshirt I wore and the basketball shorts. And then I went rigid remembering what happened after the swim.
“Motherfucker,” I whispered.
Now I really had to get out of this house. I checked the arrival time of my driver. Three minutes away. Great. I made my way on shaky knees to the large wooden front door. My keys were still in the collection dish. I grabbed them quietly and turned the door handle a fraction of an inch before another door slammed open and Reyna came barreling back into the foyer, brown eyes landing promptly on my guilty ass. Behind her, Percy pursed his lips into a thin line and raised both of his hands to lay on top of his head. His biceps strained nicely against the thin t shirt.
“The fuck is this?” Reyna whispered.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I babbled.
“It’s just Noa, Rey. Gods,” Percy said.
“I can see that, Percy!” She snapped. I was glad her spear was not strapped across her back this morning. “Why is she sneaking out of my house in your clothes?”
“People were swimming last night. Her clothes got wet.”
“I’m sure the fuck they did.”
“Zeus, Rey! You ended it with me. Why does it even matter?”
“Because I still fucking love you! I’m sorry, okay?” She burst out crying and Percy instantly pulled her against his chest. The memory of being in those arms drove me out the door like a nest of hornets.
“I’m just saying. You have nothing to feel sorry for,” Annabeth paused to sip her iced coffee. “Unless they get back together and then you sleep with him. But as of right now, you’re good. Trust me. Been on the Percy train. We’re still friends. You’ll get over it. Just a harmless rebound for both of you.”
I groaned, laying my chin on the cool metal table parked outside our favorite coffee shop positioned between our New York apartments. Just two Manhattan women enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The air was cooling as fall neared. I pulled my baseball cap closer to the top of my sunglasses.
“Should I call him?”
“Maybe tomorrow. Let him deal with his relationship drama. Reyna is a lot to deal with. Still nothing from fuckface?”
“Nope and that’s fine.”
“Good for you. We will hydrate you, get you a good dinner, hit the gym before work in the morning and then get back on our bad bitch mental track. Agreed?”
“Good Monday, yogis,” I chirped from my desk at the corner of my studio.
The third class was beginning to trickle in and I was settling into my rhythm. Hot yoga was next and hopefully I would sweat out all the negativity I’d allowed lately. I was in the middle of emailing back a potential client when someone rapped at the wood of my desk. I glanced up to a blonde male who waved gently.
“Heya, sansei Noa,” he said.
“That’s karate. Can I help you?”
“Do you do trial classes?”
I hit send on my email and closed my laptop. The guy was built like a poser with the defined muscles and chiseled jaw but his voice was soft and tempered. He was clean shaven and dressed like a basic gym bro.
“Normally you have to schedule them beforehand because of class size,” I gave my standard answer.
“Right, my bad. Sorry. I was just passing by the front and it looked like the kind of place I needed right now. Can I go ahead and pick a date then?”
I was staring too long into his pale blue eyes, honed in on the polite response. A nice change from the daily demanding consumers. “You know what? Ive got space right now if you like? Have you ever done hot yoga?”
A brilliant white smile showcasing sharp canines. “My favorite.”
“Perfect. I just need a name, number and email to get you a file started.”
He leaned large hands on my desk. “It’s Luke Castellan.”
Before he could give the contact information, I cut him off. “Wait. I know you.” His tanned skin paled significantly.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” I blurted out.
His eyes skated around the room and he leaned in closer. “That’s not supposed to be public knowledge. I assume you’re a demigod?”
“Luke, you trained me. We took fucking sculpting together. The Apollo table was right next to the Hermes one for fuck’s sake.”
He winced. I heard a murmuring from the rest of my class I was disturbing with my volume. I collected my shock finally. “Take a seat if you want. We should talk after class. I need to start.”
“Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry Noa.”
I waved him off and walked over to my yoga mat. I sat cross legged and drew in an even breath to smooth out my emotions.
It was a slow 30 minute class. Each pose and movement dragged on. Finally, I dismissed the group and nodded Luke outside. He was waiting on the bench outside of the studio I split renting with a few other instructors. I sat next to him, wiping sweat from my face with the towel slung over my pink sports bra.
“Alright, talk,” I said.
“Not much to say. I was given a second chance at my hearing. Here I am. Starting over.” A shrug of well-defined shoulders. The muscles flexed beneath his gleaming sweat. His red tank top stuck to his chest and stomach. “I wish I remembered you, truly. That time is such a blur in my life.”
“It’s ok. You were a lot older than me and to be honest I had a massive crush on you so I probably hid most of the time.”
A surprised smile slipped across his lips. “I’m assuming the betrayal helped you get over that?”
I laughed outloud, slapping his knee. “No shit! So where are you staying these days?”
“Just around the corner actually. Got a job at the local gym.”
“Yeah I bet the fuck you did.” I squeezed his forearm between both of my hands. I wanted to roll my eyes at me falling back into my school girl giddy at him. Betrayal of the gods aside. He was even more gorgeous than ever. The scar down his face gave him a dark sexy vibe. Like a bad boy even though he claimed he was rehabbing himself now.
“So how, did you feel about the class?”
“I mean, I’d like to sign up for it a couple times a week, that’s for sure. And I’d like to take you out to dinner to make up for not remembering a beauty like you.”
I almost bit my cheek biting out the response of “Yes!”
“You’ve got my number,” he said, chuckling quietly. “I’ve got to get to work.” He shouldered his gym bag and excused himself.
The bike back to my apartment was spent reliving my tween fantasies about bad boy Luke. I opened my apartment door and screeched seeing a man sitting at my kitchen counter. Percy turned to face me.
“You know you live in New York? You should really lock that.”
“It was!” I snapped.
A quick grin. “Yeah. But it was easy to break into.”
I dropped my bag onto the floor and brushed past him to get a protein shake from the fridge. “I have to shower and get prepared for my night classes.” I told him.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
I shrugged. “I didn’t either.”
He paused, studying my face in the shitty lighting of the single bulb hanging between us over the counter. “Are we good, Noa?”
“Of course. What’s a little head between friends?”
“Okay…I can’t read you. Can you not play tough just for a minute?”
I chugged the shake and set the bottle down between us. I leaned my arms on the chilled counter, bun knocking against the light. “Honestly, Percy. I’m fine. We are good.”
“Reyna moved back in.”
“You’re engaged again?”
I drank from the empty bottle to give myself something to do. He watched me with those green eyes. He’d known me for far too long. He was nearly impossible to deceive, but I was determined today. The fact that I had dreamt of fucking him two consecutive nights was irrelevant if he was off the table. Even if his lips did look incredibly juicy tonight. Even if they had done near illicit things to me just nights ago.
“I don’t know. She said she wanted to work on things. And it’s her dad’s house, so I can’t ask her to go and I don’t want to go to my mom’s and admit defeat.”
“You know you could stay here, Perc.”
He worked his jaw silently, then rubbed his hands over his face. “Thanks. I do know. Even if we aren’t officially back together, I think we should work on it…” he trailed off.
“And not tell her about you eating me out?” I leaned closer because I was mean to both him and myself. Because I knew this top combined with this angle gave him a simple opportunity. And he took it.
His tongue slid out between his lips as his eyes flicked down, stayed, then dragged deliberately back up. “Probably not,” he agreed.
For a long moment neither of us said anything. He had more to lose now than me. We were no longer on equal playing fields. So, I left the ball in his court. “I’m going to go shower.”
I was done washing in the first ten minutes. The second ten was giving him a little wiggle room to decide. I had my hand on the faucet to cut off the water that was beginning to go cold when I heard the door creak open. I watched through the fogged glass, catching a hold of my breath. I watched as he tugged his shirt off. My stomach flipped over itself when he reached for his jeans. What had I done?
The opening door let in a rush of cool air, perking my skin to attention. My eyes raked unapologetically over his naked, aroused body. His dark hair quickly slicked against his stubble covered jaw. His eyes were no longer the sea green but murky like the deep water of the ocean.
“Hey,” he said quietly, cautiously.
“Hey,” I giggled, reaching out to touch his rough jaw. He winced, catching my hand with his. “We probably shouldn’t kiss again.”
“Sure, whatever you want, Percy. What can I do to you?”
He groaned, turning his mouth into my palm, scraping teeth against the vulnerable skin. “Touch me,” he said.
My free hand instantly planted against his chest, scraping at the muscle. His eyes fluttered closed, head tilting back to expose his throat. I slid my other hand into his thick hair, tugging it tightly between my fingers and pulling to grant myself more access to the strong column of his neck. I bit it first, backing him into the tiled wall when he shuddered. I kissed over the reddening skin and moved my hands to his flat stomach, feeling the shuddered breaths beneath my touch.
“Like this?” I asked.
His reply was unintelligible. I kissed down his chest, moving my hand lower still as I went. When my fingers brushed over the v-line of his hips, I shifted my route away from the center and to his thighs. An annoyed grunt escaped his lips. “Hush,” I scolded, getting my knees under me. The now cold water was hitting the back of my neck and flowing down my body. I placed my hands on the inside of both his thighs, trailing them upwards and upwards until he nearly contorted when I gripped him. He let out a scandalous string of curses that quickly turned to moaning silence when I took him into my mouth.
He unraveled in minutes and I let him cum all over the breasts I had teased him with earlier. I rose in front of him, my own rosy cheeks mirroring his. “Now we’re even.”
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harrylovex · 4 years
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summary: you get drunk at a work party and chris looks after you...
warnings: alcohol consumption, vomit warning!! fluff and chris being a gentleman, kissing, lots and lots of forehead kisses <3
a/n: i got this idea from a little blurb that i read last night, i was gonna do this for harry to change it up a bit, but then i realised that chris has been stuck in my mind alot recently so why not write it about him?? he’s been looking so delicious recently i can’t deal i can’t take it anymore ;)
you were finishing getting ready, applying the last few coats of mascara when the doorbell rang, signalling that your friend had arrived.
she was giving you a lift to a work party.
work parties were your favourite parties.
you got on with your work colleagues really well, it was a bonus that your boss was the same age as the rest of you.
because of the fact that she was also in her early to mid twenties, she was pretty chill, hanging out with everyone in their offices, and not putting too much pressure on anyone.
your boss was the one hosting the work party, so you knew that there would be great food, fun games and lots and lots of alcohol.
it always felt like more of a college party than a work party.
you had started at this new office job a few months prior, you had been so incredibly nervous, shaking a little as you went in for your first day.
your boss had ordered one of the other colleagues to show you around and introduce everyone.
he told you that his name was chris, and he gave you a tour of the place, reassuring you when he saw you shake as you took a cup of coffee from his hand.
ever since then, the two of you had been pretty close, you laughed and joked together and he made work not so boring at all.
he would flirt with you also, making you blush at least three times a day. you weren’t complaining though, he was gorgeous.
everyone teased you two all the time, saying that you both looked cute together and joking about the sexual tension between you two. you would always go bright red, smiling to yourself when you saw Chris wink at you.
truth is, you really liked chris, he was smart, sexy and just all around a great guy. from the way he acted around you, sometimes you thought that he might like you too, but you couldn’t bring yourself to believe it.
you grabbed your keys and bag as you hurried out the door.
“woah y/n! you look amazing!” your friend called out to you.
“thank you.” you blushed, climbing into the passenger side and fastening your seatbelt.
“chris is gonna go crazy when he sees you like this.”you laughed, brushing it off.
“no, seriously, i’ll have to tell him to stop drooling and to keep his dick in his pants!” she started hysterically laughing as she sped up.
you smiled to yourself, secretly hoping that chris would noticed how dressed up you were. you felt pretty.
you arrived at your boss’ house after driving for about ten minutes. walking up the driveway, you found the door unlocked.
you walked in, peering around the living room. no one was there but there was faint noise coming from the garden. you guessed that’s where everyone was.
walking through the french doors, you saw a few colleagues sitting around a huge campfire. it looked stunning. to say that your boss was rich would be an understatement.
your boss came running over, embracing you in a hug.
“y/n! oh my goodness you’re here! the rest of them should be arriving in a bit and then we can get this party started!” laughter rang out throughout the guests.
she pointed you towards the drinks cart, telling you to help yourself.
you greeted the others with smiles, your eyes catching Chris’ as you scanned the benches.
you noticed chris rake his eyes down your body and it made you blush. he smiled at you, motioning with his index and middle finger for you to go over to him.
you did, and were greeted with a hug. he was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with some teal coloured velvet pants.
as you pulled back from the hug, you got a whiff of his cologne, and oh my god he smelt amazing. he looked amazing too. really handsome and warm at the same time.
“hi.” you smiled up at him.
“hey” he replied. “you look gorgeous.”
your smile grew even wider. “thank you, so do you.”
he chuckled, placing the palm of his hand on your lower back as he motioned for you to sit next to him.
you perched yourself next to him on the bench, striking up conversation with chris and the people around you.
“would you like a drink?” chris asked you, taking a swig of his cup.
“sure. what are you drinking?”
“vodka cranberry.”
“um...i’ll have the same.”
chris laughed, getting up from his seat to grab you a drink.
as he did so, one of your girl friends came over.
“hey y/n! you look so pretty!”
“aw, thanks.” you replied, blushing. “so do you.”
she brushed it off, scooching closer to you.
“so...are you finally gonna get it on with sexy mr. chris evans tonight?”
you laughed, motioning for her to keep her voice down.
“come on y/n, you must know that he fancies you, everyones waiting for one of you to make a move.”
“i don’t know...” you replied. “i guess i want to tell him, but i’m shy.”
“listen, just get some alcohol in you and you’ll be fine! honestly, have you seen how he looks at you? he’s totally in love!”
chris appeared then, holding out your drink.
“what are you guys talking about?” he asked.
“oh! um...nothing. just about next weeks plans.” you replied quickly, as your friend walked off, winking at you.
you shook you head, making room for chris so that he could sit back down.
“thanks for the drink.” you took a sip, immediately liking the taste.
“no problem.” chris sat down, even closer to you than earlier, your thighs touching.
as the night went on, it got colder, and everyone got drunker.
you felt dizzy as you slouched against chris, pulling the blanket that your friend had given you over your legs. you looked at the stars as they spun, making you laugh.
you and chris were both very drunk, which meant that you couldn’t keep your hands off of eachother.
he had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him every few minutes, if that was even possible.
your legs were draped over chris’ thighs, his hand rubbing circles on your thigh under the blanket, squeezing every now and then at the skin to make sure you were still there. everything felt fuzzy and numb.
you slouched into him further, your head basically in his armpit, relishing in the feeling of his hand on your thigh.
he was chatting to someone on his left, turning his head every few minutes to kiss your forehead.
after a while everyone decided to go inside and get warm.
chris pulled you off of him much to your dismay as he stood up. he pulled you up with him, his hand entwined with yours.
he bent his head a little, making eye contact.
“you okay?” he asked you, sliding your hair behind your ear.
“yeah i’m good, just cold.” you couldn’t help but laugh a little, his face blurry in front of you but you could still make out his piercing blue eyes. “and also very drunk.”
chris laughed, kissing your forehead quickly, his hand holding the side of your head.
you hummed quietly at the feeling of his lips pressing softly on your skin for the tenth time today, your eyes closing.
“what?” he smiled at you.
“nothing.” you mumbled. “that just feels nice, do it again.” you ordered.
“yes ma’am.” chris laughed, pressing his lips to your forehead once more, his lips lingering on your skin for a few seconds.
you and chris managed to find a seat on the sofa, squeezing in beside everyone else. most of your colleagues were dancing in the middle of the room, music blasting through the house. you peered around the room, noticing how everyone was far from sober.
you didn’t feel like dancing, you much prefered being hunched up to chris, and by the sudden movement of his hand resting on your knee, he felt the same way. his hand was warm, and you slowly started to gain some feeling back into your legs.
his fingers rubbed small circles on your kneecap, as you slurred your way through a conversation with a friend.
eventually one of your friends came over, pulling you up to dance. you turned to chris quickly.
“i’ll come find you later.” you said.
“alright love, i’ll be here.”
after dancing for about half an hour, you started to feel sick. maybe the ten vodka cranberries you drank had been a bad idea. you turned to your friend.
“hey, my stomach hurts, i’m gonna sit down for a while.”
she didn’t hear you, too busy dancing.
your stomach churned, signalling that if you didn’t get to the bathroom in the next five minutes, you were going to puke all over the lounge floor.
you spotted chris over in the kitchen, leaning against the sink.
“chris!” you stumbled over to him.
“y/n! hey, what’s wrong? are you all right?”
“no i think i’m gonna be sick. can you take me to the bathroom?”
“of course follow me.”
he grabbed your hand in his, dragging you up the stairs.
he pulled you into the bathroom just in time. you took one step towards the toilet and puked into it. all your drinks from the last few hours getting out of your system.
“oh, y/n...it’s okay just breathe through your nose.” he kneeled beside you.
chris held your hair back as you continuously spewed into the toilet, rubbing circles into your back to calm you down.
you shut your eyes, trying not to focus on what was happening.
after a few minutes, you sat back against chris, panting heavily.
he continued to rub your back slowly, wiping a cold flannel over your face.
you were horrified.
“chris i’m so sorry.” you mumbled, feeling embarrassed.
he just laughed, not seeming bothered at all.
you stood up with his help, laughing a little at the whole situation that had just taken place.
you washed your face with cold water from the tap, brushing your teeth and tongue thoroughly with an unopened toothbrush you had found in a cupboard.
chris stayed with you the whole time, his hand in yours, making sure you didn’t have the urge to throw up again.
you were still drunk, just less so. you kept giggling everytime you looked at chris through the mirror.
“what’s so funny?” he asked, joining in with the laughter.
“i don’t know...”
you made your way downstairs, feeling better.
you were about to make your way into the kitchen to make a drink when chris grabbed your wrist.
“y/n i don’t think it’s a good idea for you to keep drinking, you just threw up all your insides back there.” he laughed but you could tell from his tone that he was being serious.
you pouted and he pulled you closer to him, kissing you on the forehead.
“fine. maybe i should go home then. it is getting kinda late.”
“i’ll take you.” he said without hesitation, pulling you again towards the door. you thought that by throwing up next to him he would be a little distant, but if anything he was even more attentive and caring.
you both waved to everyone quickly. they hardly noticed, their minds clouded with alcohol.
chris had pretty much sobered up completely by now so he offered to drive you home.
you weren’t really listening. all the alcohol and vomiting had made you really sleepy. you leaned into chris as he guided you down the driveway. the cool air making you shiver.
chris rubbed at your shoulders as he slipped off his jacket to give to you.
“thanks chris” you mumbled with your eyes half-closed. “i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
he chuckled, helping you into the passenger seat of his car.
he leaned over you to plug your seatbelt in, and you took this opportunity to lean forward, smelling the top of his head.
“y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m smelling your hair. it smells nice.”
chris laughed. “what does it smell like then.”
“it smells like chris.” you smiled up at him, poking at his cheek. your own face felt incredibly numb.
“and what does chris smell like?” he asked.
“like fresh bed sheets and warmth.”
chris laughed and kissed you on the forehead again. he seemed to be doing that alot tonight. but you definetly weren’t complaining.
you both drove home in silence. the windows down a little to let fresh air in.
chris hummed as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding your hand, squeezing it every now and then to make sure you were alright.
you loved when he was attentive like this.
and in that moment, driving along the road feeling dizzy, you decided that you really did see chris as more than a friend.
he was everything you’d ever hoped for in a guy, and more.
once you had parked outside your flat, chris helped you out of the car and up the steps, his arm around your waist the whole time.
you fumbled with your keys, finally getting the door open.
“let’s get you to bed ey? i’ll make sure there’s water and an aspirin for when you wake up. you’re definetly going to need it.”
“oi! i’m not that drunk!”
“whatever you say.” he rolled his eyes, helping you to your bedroom. he disappeared to grab the water and aspirin whilst you got undressed.
you held onto the bed as you got undressed, nearly loosing your balance as you pulled your dress down your legs.
“y/n what was that guys name that I was-“ chris stopped in his tracks, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head.
you were standing beside the bed in a small bralette and high-waisted panties.
“what are you doing?” he asked quietly, his face red.
“these are my pyjamas!” you sat down on the bed.
“sure they are...” chris moved towards you.
“creep.” you smirked at him as he laughed.
he came and sat next to you on the edge of the bed, handing you the water.
“thanks.” you mumbled, gulping it down in seconds.
chris took the glass from you when you were done, placing it on your bedside cabinet. he turned to face you, his hand resting on your cheek.
“thanks for looking after me tonight chris, honestly i shouldn’t have drank that many vodka cranberries. i’m sorry.”
he laughed, “stop apologising.” he said. “i’d do anything for my favourite girl.”
you looked up at him, his eyes boring into yours.
the room went silent and you weren’t sure what made you do it, but you leaned over and kissed him.
his lips captured yours, chris groaning a little from the contact.
his lips were incredibly warm, pushing back onto yours as he deepened the kiss.
your hands went up to his hair, whilst his went to your waist. you opened your mouth a little, wanting to feel chris’ tongue against yours.
he noticed, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
after a few minutes, you pulled back, catching your breath.
you waited for chris to say something. his lips swollen and his pupils dilated.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted that to happen.”
you giggled, moving to kiss him again.
you kissed for a while longer, your hands moving to take off his shirt. he stopped you.
you pouted as he pulled back.
“what?” you asked him.
“listen y/n, as much as i want to, i can’t have sex with you tonight...you’re drunk.”
you were shocked.
“come on chris...please? i want to i promise.”
he laughed, removing your hands from his lap.
“i know you do love, and so do i...more than anything. but i can’t take advantage of you like this when you’re drunk. if you still want to do it tomorrow..that’s fine.”
you frowned at him as he smiled.
he kissed you once more, making you laugh. you could never stay mad at him.
“fine.” you hugged his torso. “i hate the fact that you’re so nice.”
he laughed loudly, kissing you lovingly on the forehead.
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earlgreydream · 4 years
| loki x reader | fluff | 
summary: you and loki cross paths on a rainy day
warnings: only the slightest bit of steam if you squint
a/n: I needed something sweet and soft, and I miss the rain
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You were walking along the cobblestone path to the tiny coffee shop you loved. The town you lived in was small, but you loved it and had lived there your entire life. It was quaint, with a vintage feel and sweet little cottages. 
Clouds hung heavy overhead, and the air smelled like rain. You pushed open the shop’s door, hearing the familiar chimes of his bell. 
“Hi, Y/N! Your usual?” The barista called. 
“Please!” You said with a smile, leaving your card on the counter. She grabbed it and nodded, taking the order of a customer who walked in behind you. 
You sat down on the faded yellow couch in the corner, opening the novel you’d brought along, soothed by the smell of coffee. The barista placed a steaming london fog on the small table beside you, setting your card down with it. Soon, your novel was forgotten as you sipped the tea, watching customers come and go. 
A man walked in that you didn’t recognize, catching your attention. Bright blue eyes stood out on nearly white skin, and he was wearing black jeans with a dark green shirt. He definitely stood out against the locals, but he didn’t pay any attention to the girls and guys who turned to watch him walk. 
The shop had gotten busy, all the tables full. He looked around, and you sat up, pulling your legs off the couch and pointed to the other side. He smiled and walked over, setting his bag down. 
“May I sit?” He asked politely, and you nodded. 
“Of course. I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself, sticking your hand out. He shook it, a bright smile crossing his face that made your insides erupt in butterflies.
“Y/N,” he repeated, “that’s a beautiful name. I’m Loki.” 
You blushed, laughing shyly at his unexpected compliment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you. I’ve never seen you around here before,” you commented, curious as to where he came from.
“No, I’m traveling through. I, my car, broke down on the edge of town, and I had to leave it at the shop. I walked here for a drink.” He explained with a defeated chuckle.
“Oh, that’s terrible, I’m so sorry.” 
“Having coffee with a stunning girl isn’t exactly the worst detour.” 
You bit your lip and looked up at him, warmth spreading through your face. He was incredibly charming and by far the most attractive man you had ever met. You shook your head, hiding the warmth in your cheeks. 
“So, where did you come from, Loki?”
“New York.”
“New York? You’re a city boy,” you giggled, earning a soft smile from you. 
Loki thought that your laughter was the prettiest thing he’d ever heard, and he found himself wanting to be the cause of it.
“I guess so. And you? Are you from here?” He sipped on his black coffee, leaning back against the couch and looking at you, studying the way your nose squeezed as you smiled, trying to bite back the giggle he wanted to hear.
“Born and raised. I love it here.”
“I hear the girls in this town are charming.” He teased you and you grinned at him before sipping your tea. The two of you kept talking, and he learned that you liked to read, just like him. You both loved poetry and classics, and he couldn’t keep the smile off his face as you passionately talked about the novels you loved. He quickly discovered the two of you had quite a bit in common, and he could’ve sworn he was dreaming. 
“I’m so sorry, it’s the auto shop,” he smiled apologetically as he answered the call he received on his phone. 
“Mr. Laufeyson, we won’t be able to fix your car until tomorrow. The radiator is blasted, and we need to get the piece from the next town over. We’re so sorry for the inconvenience.” The owner apologized, and he sighed.
“It’s alright. Thank you.” He sighed before hanging up.
You took note of the frown on his face.
“Bad news?”
“I’m stuck here for the night, my car isn’t an easy fix. Is there accommodations here?” He asked you, and you nodded before a thought occurred to you. 
“There is, it’s a bed and breakfast, but it’s right on the other end of town. It’s nearly three miles, and the weather is bad. I live close and I have a guest bedroom. Why don’t you stay with me?” You asked, surprising you.
“I could be a serial killer.” He pointed out, making you burst into laughter.
“Serial killers don’t read poetry about love.” You pointed out, making him smile.
“Fair enough. At least let me cook you dinner, for the trouble.” He begged, and you smiled with a nod. 
“Come on, we can run to the market.” You stood, slipping your book into your bag. The patrons of the shop watched the two of you leave together, and he followed you out and across the street to the market. He bought ingredients to make a fancy pasta that you struggled to pronounce the name of as you tried to repeat it after him. 
As the two of you walked back to your house, the sky cut loose, rain pouring down from the clouds. You shrieked at the cold rain, making him grin. You grabbed his hand and broke into a run toward your house, thankful the ingredients were in a waterproof bag. The two of you were soaked by the time you pushed open the door of your small yellow house. 
“It’s so cold!” You squealed, laughing as you kicked off your shoes inside and dropped your bag. Your hair stuck to your face, and his once-perfect hair had now fallen in dark waves. He set the ingredients on your table, and you tried to speak through your uncontrollable giggles.
“Give me your clothes, I can toss them in the dryer.”
“I haven’t got anything to change into,” He admitted and you shrugged.
“It’s fine, you’ll never dry like that, though.” You pointed out, pulling your own dress over your head, leaving you in tight black boy shorts and a matching bra. He admired your confidence, and you reached your hand out for his own clothes, a blush creeping across your face as you caught him looking at you for an extra moment. He kicked off his jeans and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing toned abs, and making you bite your lip. 
You took your clothes and tossed them in the dryer before lighting a fire in the fireplace. You grabbed a towel for him, and wrapped one around you, squeezing the moisture from your hair. 
“Your home is cute,” Loki said as he began to boil water for the pasta and he turned on the stove, making the sauce from scratch.
“Thank you!” you said proudly, earning a smile from him. You sat on the counter beside where he was cooking, watching the way his muscles moved as he expertly cooked. 
“Where’d you learn to cook?”
“I went to culinary school for a year.”
“Why’d you leave? Are you secretly a terrible cook?” You teased, kicking your feet and bringing a smile to his face.
“No, I wanted to study literature.”
You opened a bottle of wine, pouring two glasses that you drank prematurely while he cooked. You had returned to your place on the counter, watching in fascination as he made the meal. He described the process of making the dish as he did it, and you were enamoured by the gorgeous man. 
“Dinner, darling?” Loki inquired, serving two plates of the elaborate dish.
“Please!” You slipped off the counter, following him to the table. 
“Loki, this is incredible.” 
He thanked you, and you ate and he recalled horror stories that led to him leaving culinary school. He listened to your sweet laughter at his stories, finding himself laughing along with you. It was impossible not to with your contagious giggles. 
“I’ve never eaten a fancy dinner in a towel.”
“I’ve never cooked and eaten in a stranger’s home.” He confessed, making you grin at him.
You insisted on doing the dishes since he cooked, but he protested, not wanting you to feel like he was making you. You promised that you were happy to, and you turned to see him watching you with stunning blue eyes that you could drown in. 
“Y/N,” he said your name, taking your hand and pulling you closer to him. You smiled, biting your lip as you blushed. He leaned down and gently kissed you, and you melted into his touch. His touch was like electricity, and you reached up and threaded your fingers into his dark hair, deepening the kiss. 
He gently tugged at your towel and his, letting them fall from your bodies. He lifted you onto the counter, moving to stand between your legs as the two of you made out. 
You were blushing wildly as you finally broke away for air, and you gazed up into his blue eyes. 
“Finally.” you teased, and he laughed, kissing you again before moving down your jaw and your neck. His lips ghosted the column of your throat, and down to your chest, and you tangled your fingers back into his hair. You shivered at his touch, chills erupting on your skin at his light, erotic touches.
A soft whimper escaped your lips and he slid your bra straps down your arms, unclasping the back and letting it fall from your body.
“Gorgeous.” He murmured, making warmth spread through your chest. You wrapped your legs around his waist and let him carry you to bed, kissing him deeply.
| + |
Thunder rolled through the dark sky, and you stirred beside Loki. Opening your eyes, you saw it was early, too early to be out of bed. You studied the man beside you, who was still sleeping peacefully through the storm. Your hand rested on his chest, tracing light patterns against his skin. 
You leaned over him and lightly kissed his chest before slipping out of bed, pulling his now-dry t-shirt over your head. You went to the kitchen, making pancakes for breakfast, listening to the rain and thunder outside. 
You jumped with a small squeal as arms wrapped around my waist from behind. You back against his chest, and he buried his face in your shoulder, leaving gentle kisses up your neck.
“Thought you’d want breakfast to wait out the storm a bit before going back for your car.” You explained, and he kissed the back of your head, nodding. 
The two of you ate, and once the rain lifted, you walked him to get his car. He held your hand as you walked through the town, your fingers intertwined. You found yourself wishing he wouldn’t leave. 
You stood on the tarmac and watched him pull his car into the parking lot.
“You’re going, then? Off to your next adventure?” You asked, tears threatening to fall. 
“What if I stayed?”
You were shocked, and your eyes grew wide.
“If you’d have me.”  He spoke, getting out of the car. You ran to him and threw your arms around his neck, nodding fiercely. 
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Looking for a Place to Happen 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats, toy play, forced masturbation, some content not warned.
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: Again, I’m always grateful to anyone who reads. Take care.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 3: Wayward ho, away we go
You bent and picked up your phone. The screen protector was cracked and peeling. You lifted it off and checked for any real damage. The stream had ended but it was still operational. You tucked it away as you looked between the bikers and grabbed your jacket.
“Well, thanks for the show,” you headed for the door but found yourself shadowed.
You swung the door out into the cold and that man, Sam, followed you onto the beaten down snow across the sidewalk. He stopped you before you could evade him and cross the street. You turned back and squinted at him.
“You know, I didn’t even get to pay my tab,” you pulled away from him roughly.
“So, do I get a name yet?” he asked.
“You guys are weird,” you grimaced, “no.”
“Come on, I just saved your ass,” he crossed his arms as his breath fogged before him, “I mean, you kinda owe me.”
“Maybe your friends need to learn to control their tempers,” you scoffed and hopped over the snow to cross the street. As you expected, he kept on and as you came to the other side, you turned on him. “Look, dude, you know that whole hard-to-get thing is a myth. I’m not interested.”
He chuckled under his breath and shoved his hands into his coat, “sure,” he smirked, “I can’t let you walk home alone. Not after you go and insult the whole club. Do you really not know the shit that is aimed in your direction right now?”
“Are you talking about yourself or…” you said wryly and spun back to your path, “it’s a small town, I’ll make it home.”
“Oh yeah, it is a small town,” he caught up to you and kept step with you, “you think I don’t already know where you live?”
You ignored him and zipped up your jacket as the cold began to seep in. As he said your name, you stopped short. A chill went through you that wasn’t the winter.
“You’re a creep,” you said.
He laughed again and slung his arm over your shoulder. You tried to wiggle him off but he kept you firmly in place against him. He began to walk, pushing you forward across cracked edges of ice left from diligent shovels.
“Honey, let me tell you something, what I did back there, you’re not just walking away scot-free, you get that? You want me gone? Well, then you can find out what happens without me watching your back,” he said as he squeezed you, “I can go back right now and tell those boys it’s free hunting. You won’t make it past the corner.”
You stiffened and shifted. You were never the brightest, you made dumb decisions, but you knew then this was worse than any before. Your fun time was really a big fucking mistake. How many warnings did you need before you realised how stupid you really were? It wasn’t just a meme, it was like the godfather sent a horse head straight to your door.
“Hmm, don’t think I’ve ever seen you so quiet,” he mused as his arm slipped and his hand went to the small of your back. He turned you down your street and you glanced around at the familiar houses, “listen, you’re probably scared shitless right now? Or should be if you were smart enough to notice the gun on my buddy’s hip? Or the one on mine?”
“Is this how you always get girls?” you croaked through your dry mouth as you closed in on your nan’s house.
“I’m sure other guys like the whole snarky manic pixie dream girl thing you got going on, but I’m not other guys,” he returned as he stopped you just at the end of your grandmother’s walk, “and you didn’t just fuck around with a couple of bikers tonight, you insulted the whole club. In fact, I’m a little pressed about it myself.”
He reached out and slid two fingers into your jacket pocket. He took your phone out and turned it in his hand.
“No more of this,” he put it in his back jean pocket, “not tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll go over the rest of it but… if I see one TikTok or one meme, I’m going to be knocking on that window just above your bed.”
You blanched and peeked over your shoulder. The curtains moved as you caught your nan’s grey hair disappear behind it. You put on that stubborn pout you always got when things didn’t go your way and narrowed your eyes.
“You know this isn’t normal, right?” you whined.
He snickered and puffed out his chest, “this is Birch. This is how things go.” He reached out and ran his thumb over your chin, “you’re young, you’ll learn.” He winked and looked over at your nan’s house and waved with two fingers. “Tell the old lady I say hi,” he grinned, “but I can always tell her tomorrow.”
You scrunched your lips as felt like folding inward. He turned and strode off back down the street, his shadow fading into those cast by the streetlights. You sighed and headed up the walk and pounded your soles up the stairs. You let yourself in but faced another obstacle in your night.
Your nan sucked on a cigarette as she watched you unzip your coat.
“I thought you quit,” you said as you hung your coat on the rack.
“I thought I told you to stay away from the club,” she sniffed.
“Well… I tried,” you lied poorly.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sure you did,” she flicked the ash into the carpet without concern, “I’m an old lady now, I can’t help you.”
“He’ll go away. He’s just… you know how guys are,” you knelt to undo your boots.
“I do, do you?” she challenged, “I don’t remember many boyfriends gracing my stoop.”
“He’s not--”
“That man will make himself whatever he wants to be,” she gristled, “that’s how they work.”
“Look,” you stood and rubbed your forehead, “I know I fucked up. Can you just--”
“Oh, I won’t just,” she snapped, “let me tell you something, don’t be afraid to grab a man by the balls and twist. It saved me a lot of trouble.”
“I’m not saying you should, just giving you options,” she puffed out smoke, “but you gotta be smart and make the shot count.”
“I don’t… get it,” you blinked.
“You will know,” she tilted her head, “women got a sixth sense. You’ll find out soon enough.”
Your nan’s words stuck in your head. Your day off was no longer as exciting. You woke with a knot in your stomach and a dull stone behind your eye. You descended to join your grandmother for coffee, restless as you didn’t have your phone to keep you busy. You fidgeted and drank the bitter brew without a hit of sugar or milk.
There was a lingering shade of dread as the wise widow’s words swirled in your head with the strange man’s promise. He said he’d be back, he didn’t say what time, he didn’t say for what, but he said he would. As much as you rolled your eyes at the club, those men proved they had conviction and Sam had shown himself to be persistent.
You ate porridge with cinnamon and fake sugar. Your grandmother’s daily fare. You left her to her crosswords and her ramblings about the daily news. You told her to change the channel and lighten up before you went. She quipped back at you to “smarten up” and for once, you had no rebuttal; she was right, it was only that it was likely too late.
You sat in bed and watched Netflix. You had your laptop but you didn’t dare look at your TikTok as it just reminded you of the night before. It all began to sink in as you felt the thick arm around your neck and heard the rough gristle of the boss’ voice. You only realised then how close you’d been to biting it and it made your skin crawl.
Hours passed and you began to pace and fuss around with random pens and books. Maybe he forgot, maybe he wasn’t coming. Maybe it had all been threats to make you stop. Well, it worked and you would delete your TikTok once you got the nerve to open it.
Then you heard the heavy boots on the stairs and the pounding at your door extinguished the hope disguised as doubt. You cringed and stood in one place as you couldn’t bring yourself to move. You crossed your arms and chewed your lip. 
You were very bad at thinking things through. You didn’t consider that you hardly knew this man, though the fact was plain in your mind. You didn’t consider that you’d rarely been alone with a man. You didn’t consider that you knew exactly what his vulgar looks and suave words meant and that your denial could not erase them and all of these things were obvious and unavoidable.
A tapping came at the window beside the door and he waved to you as the blur in your vision cleared. You bit down on the inside of your lip and made yourself cross to the door. He turned the handle as you did and pushed his way past your reticence. He stepped in as you stumbled back.
You were good at acting cool, at being the quirky friend, the goofball, but when it came down to it, you were just clueless. It was better to seem apathetic and not let on how much of a loner you really were. You always wanted to be one of the cool kids but never really were.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he kicked the snow off his boots and it powdered over the mat, “this is a cute little place you have.”
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’m scared, okay? I’ll delete everything and won’t do it again,” you raised your hands defenselessly, “you made your point--”
“Have I?” he sniffed as he let his leather jacket fall down his arms, “because I’ve been thinking all day. How to punish you. You see, these things, you have to be punished. That’s the rules.”
“I…” you backed away from him slowly as he sat in the wicker chair behind the door and unlaced his boots.
“Not my rules, the club’s,” he said flatly, “now, don’t be lookin’ at me like that because if I’d left you with those other boys, you’d be in the rubble of that garage.”
You gulped and hugged yourself as your eyes rounded. His eyes clung to you and he grinned as he stood.
“Well, I know you’re telling the truth at least,” he said, “you’re scared.”
He neared and walked past you. He circled you and slapped your ass. You flinched and he chuckled. You were startled at how quickly he’d disassembled you. You tried to ready yourself mentally all day for his arrival and yet you could never be prepared for that instance.
He strode along the other side of the bed and pulled out the top drawer of your night stand. He shuffled through your things and slammed it. He turned back and went to your dresser and slid out the slender drawer of necklaces and random receipts. He felt around blindly and you heard the familiar roll against the wooden bottom.
“Ah, jackpot,” he pulled out the silicone vibe and spun it between his fingers as you watched him over your shoulder, “I knew a girl once, kept it hidden under her mattress, another had this vase on her desk… but mostly, no one puts much thought into hiding when no one’s looking.”
“What are--”
“Shhhh,” he hushed you as he put his finger against his lips, “it’s a very simple punishment and if I’m being honest, and let’s be clear I’m being very generous here, it’s not much punishment at all.” He took your hand and pushed the vibe against your palm, “you just gotta use that.”
You furrowed your brows as his warm hand closed yours around the silicone and he squeezed. You trembled and he let you go as he winked.
“Chop, chop,” he clapped his hands, “I can always come up with something else.”
You searched his face as he backed up and leaned on your dresser, arms crossed over his thick chest as his biceps bulged through his long sleeves. You peered down at the toy in your hands and traced the subtle curve with your thumb.
“Get comfortable, honey,” he coaxed, “when you finish, we’re done… for tonight.”
You were breathless as you turned away from him. Your head spun and you recounted all your mistakes as they rushed over you. You were so stupid. You couldn’t blame anyone but yourself but that didn’t make it any easier. 
And you couldn’t do it. Even alone, you were always filled with the sense that everyone knew what you were doing with the vibe. That some lurker would hear you and expose your secret. A guilt atoned only in your pleasure.
“Tick, tock,” he chirped as you heard the wood groan against his weight, “you need help?”
“N-no,” you stuttered and dropped the toy on the bed.
You fumbled with your fly for what felt like forever. Your hands were shaking so bad and stopped as you asked yourself what you were doing. What you had to. You had no doubt in his promises. You were learning the hard way like you always did.
You shimmied your jeans down and slid them to your ankles. You got up on the bed and he tutted. 
“Panties,” he snapped his fingers, “don’t be shy.”
You didn’t look at him as you lifted your ass and tugged down your panties. You kept your legs together as you unhooked them from your ankles and shoved them aside. You cleared your throat and reached for the toy as his figure loomed along the top of your vision. You clicked the button and stared at the buzzing vibrator.
“Almost there, honey,” he purred, “I’m starting to think you’re liking this already.”
You sucked in your breath and pushed your legs apart as you closed your eyes. You put your hand on the bed behind you and leaned back as you shoved the toy against your cunt and hissed as it rolled over your clit. You cupped it with your palm and moved it over your bud as the ripples flowed from your core.
You clamped your lips in your usual habit. You held in the moans that threatened and tried to ignore the soft breath of the man in the room. Your whole body was alight with shame and lust fed by the vibrations. You dropped your head forward and winced as you sensed him come closer.
“Oh, honey, look at you just diving right in,” he taunted, “that’s it… you don’t gotta be quiet with me.”
“St-st-stop,” you rasped out, “I can’t--”
“You are,” he slithered, “now keep going. I see you getting close already.”
You squeezed your eyes tight and gripped the toy between two fingers and swirled the tip around your clit. You wanted it to be over and despite yourself, his voice fed your need for release. You hummed between your teeth and arched your back as you rocked your hips against the vibe hungrily.
“Mm mm mm, honey, I don’t think you could handle a man,” he teased.
You gasped and panted as you felt the pressure pulse and you sped up. Your other arm shook and collapsed as you fell onto your back and writhed as you closed your legs around your hand and the toy. You came with a whimper as your body shook and you turned onto your side as the orgasm echoed through you.
“Very good,” he cooed and you felt a dip in the bed. You opened your eyes as he leaned his knee on the edge, “smile for the camera, honey.” You gaped at the lens of your phone and snickered as he lowered it, “now that… I think that might go viral.”
“Wha-- No,” you sat up and reached out as he stepped back and you nearly toppled over the side of the bed.
“Hmm, I might keep it to myself,” he tapped his fingertip against the back of the phone, “I don’t really like to share…” he faced you again and tucked the phone away, “I usually keep my girls to myself.” You blinked and bent your legs as you tried to cover your bottom half. He pushed his chest out and exhaled, “you are mine, right, honey?”
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