(she/her) Bi demigirl 30+ Gamer/nerd --- Now an OOC blog - WoW content will be moved to @musee-de-muse. (No minors pls!)
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the morning routine
#visual novel#touchstarved game#d-daddy?#god the way I'm devouring other indie otome/visual novels bc I can't wait for this one#Touchstarved's devs driving sales for other visual novels while I froth impatiently#patience is a virtue... just not one of mine
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Monster Lover's March 2025
Alright, I (@alpaca-clouds) asked on my blog if other people might be interested in participating in a challenge for the monster lovers among us.
We all know the monthly challenges: There are 31 prompts (or rather 31 x 3 prompts - as for every day there is a monster, a smut prompt and a more fluffy prompt). You can do as many or as little as you want. The only prerequisit is, that it features monsterous characters in some way. (There will be a definition post linked later on for it.)
Without further ado: Here are the prompts.

You will find a quick overview for the rules - and the full list of prompts under the cut!
The Rules
All forms of entries are allowed (artworks, stories, comics).
The stories can be R-Rated but they can also just be romantic or slice of life.
The story needs to feature a monstrous character as one of the central characters of sort (definitions will follow tomorrow or on Monday).
Fandom and Original Works are both allowed.
If you write R-Rated stuff everything is allowed - however, if your story features any possibly triggering entries, please make this clear in your post.
If you want this blog to share your entries, please @monluvmarch in your entry! And tag the entry accordingly.
This blog will not share anything that involves RPS that are still living or are only recently deceased, as in my home country the laws on that are a bit iffy. Please respect that.
The Prompts:
Day 01: Demon/Devil | Size Difference | Confessions
Day 02: Gorgon | Cuckholding | Blushing
Day 03: Sea Monster | Breath Play | “Make a Wish”
Day 04: Sphinx | Suspension Bondage | Misunderstanding
Day 05: Werehyena | Biting | First Kiss
Day 06: Djinn | Big Penetration | Sharing Ice Cream
Day 07: Vampire | Aphrodisiac | “Take my Hand”
Day 08: Zombie/Lich | Somnophilia | Cuddling
Day 09: Dragon | Underwater Sex | Protectiveness
Day 10: Orc | Gangbang | Holding Hands
Day 11: Minotaur | Blood Play | “Don’t Go!”
Day 12: Troll | Temperature Play | Touch-Starved
Day 13: Shape Shifter | Fuck or Die | Cooking Together
Day 14: Slime Monster | Silent Sex | Date Gone Wrong
Day 15: Alien | NonCon | “I just wanted you to know…”
Day 16: Angel | Orgasm Denial | Secrets
Day 17: Werewolf | Prostitution | Slow Dancing
Day 18: Elves | Blindfold | Artistic Endeavors
Day 19: Robot | Public Humiliation | “Hold me.”
Day 20: Lizard Folk | Bukkake | Surprise Gift
Day 21: Bast | Altar Sex | Hiking Together
Day 22: Unseelie | Cockwarming | “I think you are beautiful.”
Day 23: Harpie | Oral Sex | Flower Buquet
Day 24: Giant | Tentacle Sex | Hugs
Day 25: Werebear | Scratching | “Have you ever…”
Day 26: Goblin | Spitroasting | A Helping Hand
Day 27: Lavia | Outdoor Sex | Friendship/Love
Day 28: Zentaur | Clothed Sex | Hair Braiding
Day 29: Mermaid | Mindcontrol | “Do you want to try?”
Day 30: Unicorn | Face Fucking | Good-Bye Kiss
Day 31: Free Space
#MonLuvMarch#MonLuvMarch 2025#monster lover#monster fucker#monster fucking#writing prompts#art prompts#monthly challenge#damn no one told me about this
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animation of charmander makin some pancakes
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Pokemon came out when I was about 10, so definitely that. Neopets. Wolves. Jurassic Park/dinosaurs. Cute animals in general? (Pretty much all of this is still stuff I'm interested in to some degree, but not really things I post about much, if ever.)
*Also Animorphs. I'm still obsessed with this series, and maintain that it needs a high budget show on like...HBO, so it can really get into the gritty nature of the war that's at the center of it all.
If you guys were on here at 11 years old what would you be posting about
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Everyone deserves respect - the Bible says so. So if Christians want to be better people and be less offensive? Listen to the people around you and have compassion. I haven't been to church in... 15ish years or more (I don't trust most modern preachers - look at what they're teaching people!), but you don't need to know anything save for the commandments and a few parables, to know how to be a good person and a good Christian - be kind, be compassionate, and do no harm. That's it. The bottom line is to be kind and compassionate to every human being. And any Christian who's worth their salt knows that the Bible encourages you to be even MORE helpful and kind and compassionate to those you're different than/at odds with. I mean, that's the whole point of the Good Samaritan - people who should hate each other are aiding one another. The Bible specifically says to be *that* kind and humble! To even help one you should hate.
I hope OP's message reaches the right people... and that those people have open ears and minds - and I'm sorry that those masquerading as Christians have caused this person so... so very much pain in their life - that's the very opposite of the core of the faith, and it pisses me off to no end that something so good is used for so much harm. It's not right, and it shouldn't have happened - and I'm grateful for their open mind in accepting Christians into their practice, and trying to work with them! They're showing a 'Christ-like' acceptance of others that many of the modern day pseudo-Christians don't, ironically enough! But then, I've known more atheists who live up to Christian ideals, than fake Christians who do. (They can preach until they're blue in the face, but actions speak louder than words.)
Modern Christians need to actually walk the walk, and maybe actually embrace the old 'WWJD?' (What Would Jesus Do?) movement again. They need eyes to see, and ears to hear.

Be willing to listen, and learn. Be humble. Be kind. Be patient. Be understanding. Be compassionate. That's what it's all about - and those things can be understood by any practice, or faith. If you're a Christian, now would be the time to live up to the simplest commandment: Love thy neighbor. No clauses. Unconditional acceptance, respect, and compassion.
An Open Letter to Christian Witches
On this blog, I often champion the idea that witchcraft is a practice, not a religion, and that a witch can practice any religion, provided that religion does not explicitly forbid witchcraft. I still very much believe this, and the point of this post is not to tell Christians that they can’t be witches. However, as a non-Christian witch who has been deeply traumatized by Christianity, I do wish Christian witches would be a bit more mindful of how they show up in witchy spaces.
Recently, I’ve noticed a pattern of self-identifying Christian witches dominating the conversation and centering their own beliefs in spaces dedicated to witchcraft. Now, I wholeheartedly believe that this is unintentional, and most of these Christian witches seem like lovely people. But it’s still deeply frustrating and upsetting to be promised a safe space and support from other witches, only to be preached at.
Or be told that I’m doing witchcraft wrong because my ethics are not the same as someone else’s.
Or be told that I don’t understand Christianity, despite having spent the first two decades of my life fully immersed in it.
Or have my trauma invalidated because, “Not all Christians are like that!”
Or spend the majority of our time together reassuring and comforting a Christian witch who is uncomfortable with the inclusion of pagan and/or occult elements in a ritual.
These are all genuine experiences I have had with Christian witches in 2021. And in every single one of these situations, the Christian witch had a very negative reaction to any kind of constructive criticism or request that they be more mindful of the diverse beliefs and experiences in the space. Any suggestion that their actions may be causing discomfort for others was met with defensiveness, if not straight-up denial. The result is a situation where Christian witches are at the center of every discussion and demand (knowingly or not) coddling or hand-holding from teachers and facilitators, while those of us who are not Christian are left deeply uncomfortable but unable to express that discomfort without upsetting someone or being accused of creating conflict.
And I get it. I really do. Because for most of the people in the above scenarios, this was the first time they encountered a situation where their religion wasn’t the norm. But what I need Christian witches to recognize and be mindful of is that this discomfort of being surrounded by people who do not share your beliefs is something those of us who are not Christian experience every day.
In the Western world, and particularly in the United States, Christianity is a religious hegemony. (A hegemony is a group with total political, social, economic, and/or military dominance in a given area.) Everything in Western society was designed for Christians, to serve a Christian worldview, and to reinforce Christian hegemony. Everything from our government to our business practices to our media reinforces Christian values. For Christians, this creates the sense of comfort and security that comes from being part of the in-group. For non-Christians, it meas being constantly bombarded with someone else’s religion. For former Christians with church-related trauma, it means reliving that trauma constantly.
Here’s a look at an average day in my life as a formerly-Christian pagan with religious trauma. Please note that this is not an exaggeration — this is a description of what I experienced on the day I wrote this post.
I get up and, because I live with Christian family members, I walk past exactly five images of Jesus and/or the Virgin Mary on my way from my bedroom to the front door. On my commute to work, I drive past at least a dozen churches, including the one I used to attend, where my religious trauma occurred. I stop at a red light, and the car in front of me has a bumper sticker with an image of a cross and the message, “If this offends you now, just wait until you see it on judgement day!” I happen to know that these bumper stickers are for sale not at a local church, but at a privately owned, nominally secular business. When I get to work, the woman who greets me at the front gate is wearing a crucifix necklace.
I work in diversity education. When I get to the office, my boss asks me to join the local Interfaith council because I am the only person in our department who isn’t Christian. My current big project at work is trying to get a transgender speaker to visit our organization and help us lead a workshop to work towards amending a history of transphobia in our organization. My boss tells me today the she isn’t sure the speaker I arranged will be approved, because our administration might not think it is in line with our organization’s values. When she says this, I know she means evangelical Christian values. She doesn’t have to spell it out — there’s a chaplain down the hall from our office.
After my lunch break, my coworkers are talking about a church event one of them attended over the weekend. I do not contribute to this conversation. It has been several months since I attended an in-person religious event with people who shared my faith. As I’m leaving the office at the end of the day, I pass a Bible study group that has set up in our recreation area. On my drive home, I pass the funeral home where my grandfather’s memorial service was held earlier this year. The programs for that service had the Lord’s Prayer printed on them. My grandfather was an atheist.
This is my level of exposure to a religion I not only don’t believe in, but have been actively hurt by, on a daily basis. This is my normal. I’ve learned to live with it, tune it out, and self-soothe, because there is no other option.
When I’m finally able to be around other witches, many of them are coming from similar experiences. I am finally in a space where I can be vulnerable, where I can talk about what I really believe, and where I can receive support from like-minded people. But if there is even one Christian witch in the group, it’s highly likely that this space too will be dominated by Christian hegemony.
It’s a noted fact that a person exists within a hegemony, they have very little ability to tolerate challenges to this hegemony due to a lack of exposure. This is the origin of the term white fragility, which sociologist Robin DiAngelo uses to describe the discomfort and defensiveness white people feel when confronted with “racial discomfort” such as being asked to consider racism as a system they are complicit in and benefit from rather than as the actions of lone extremists. White fragility is something I have personally experienced as a white woman involved in antiracist work, and it’s something I have taken years to work through and am still actively working on. Since DiAngelo popularized this term, similar terms have been used to point to similar phenomena in other hegemonic groups, as in the cases of male fragility/fragile masculinity, cishet fragility, and yes, Christian fragility.
I’m not trying to argue that all hegemony is the same, and I am definitely not trying to say that my personal religious trauma is anywhere near the level of pain caused by the mistreatment of Black and brown people by white supremacist society. My point here is simply that being part of the dominant group breeds a very low tolerance for exposure to other groups.
Christian witches are members of a hegemonic group entering a space historically occupied by marginalized people, which creates an imbalance of power. (And yes, you can benefit from hegemony even if you are marginalized in other areas. Identity is multi-faceted. Queer Christians, disabled Christians, Christians of color, and yes, Christian witches still benefit from Christian hegemony.) The only way things are going to get better is if Christians are willing to do the work themselves of building tolerance for religious discomfort. The rest of us can host as many interfaith and secular events as we want, but if Christians aren’t able to tolerate the inclusion of other belief systems, we’ll never truly be on equal footing. Until Christians stop centering the Christian experience, it will continue to dominate interfaith spaces, including witchy spaces.
TLDR: I’m asking Christian witches to be mindful of the privilege they bring into interfaith spaces. I’m asking you to be willing to feel uncomfortable, and to recognize that your discomfort does not invalidate the work your facilitators have put into creating the space and/or program. If you truly can’t stand the discomfort, I’m asking you to politely excuse yourself instead of demanding emotional labor from other witches.
#just be mindful of the dynamics you're carrying into those spaces#christian witch#witchblr#interfaith#I've been hovering at the edge of witch culture... unsure if being even the mild Christian I am... if it's OK?#we're all human - we're all in this together - and we have to stop and listen sometimes#its all too easy to be accidentally selfish - and entirely miss that you've stepped on someone's toes#but apologize and be a better listener next time - we're all fallible people
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f1 kuna
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#fanart#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#ryomen sukuna#f1#daddy? I mean... what? who said that?#I love ONE irredeemable villain#in every incarnation#good job op this is stunning art and Sukuna is as tasty as ever
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I had forgotten about stumbleupon, but it was GREAT FUN for a long while! I love the thought put into this list

I can't stress enough how much I miss StumbleUpon
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Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith dir. George Lucas | 2005
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Saw while browsing coming soon/new releases and HAD to share
I have him! He was a birthday present.
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Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), family Corvidae, order Passeriformes, ONT, Canada
photograph by Jadwiga Dabrowski
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it is funny when people confuse Devon Rexes with Cornish Rexes, because one breed is this bow-legged football-headed pitbull monkey, and one is just straight up an Italian greyhound.
Devon Rexes are hamburgers, and Cornish Rexes are hotdogs. if that helps.
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My wife and I have a little game we play called "Speaking From Ignorance."
To play Speaking From Ignorance, all you need is a phone with a voice recorder, and another person who knows considerably more or considerably less about a topic than you do. The topic can be anything: from "how to bake a quiche" to "what happens in the Peter Jackson Hobbit movies" to "who is Florence Pugh" to "how does the traveling salesman problem work." All that matters is that one of you has a firm grasp on the material, and one of you absolutely the fuck does not.
Then the person who knows about the topic turns on the recorder, and says to the person who knows barely anything: "Hey - tell me everything you think you know about [X]."
The speaker is then not allowed to ask any questions. Nor is the expert allowed to volunteer any information. The expert is allowed to pipe up with a faintly incredulous "Oh--really? Do you--do you think so?" from time to time, but for the most part, the expert's job is just to sit there and make encouraging sounds while the speaker digs their own grave.
This is never not funny.
The reason you record it is because, very often, the first thing the speaker wants to do after finishing the recording is find out how you actually make a quiche, or whatever. Then you both get to go back and listen to how wrong they were.
We have a small library now of Speaking From Ignorance recordings, and I'm going to be listening to them until I'm eighty.
#This sounds like it would be about as fun as waterboarding. No thanks#I'll pass on willingly humiliating myself?#maybe for some personality types this would be fun...#but no I would just be embarrassed and humiliated tbh#sounds like a game frat bros do after 5 Smirnoff Ice
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Crying, screaming, sobbing - I love this art!
ok so i made a rockstar lestat tour poster
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Rewatching the extended fellowship of the ring compelled me to make this shitpost video of Legolas and Aragorn being besties
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