#colin zabel fanfiction
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Babysitting for the Detective - Colin Zabel
x fem!reader
CW: age gap, fingering, sex
wc: 4.6k
Colin was stumped on what to do. He'd been called in to work for a potentially big lead on the case they were working on, but he had no one to help look after his son. His mother had gone away and his usual babysitter had left town for summer break. His choices were close to none, until he called the only person he thought he could to get some advice.
"Hey Zabel," Mare didn't seem phased by the late night call, Colin knew she was already in the office.
"Hey.. Mare.. I need some help. It's about Mikey," Colin rubbed the side of his face as he sat across from Mikey in his rocker, who was asleep and tightly swaddled.
"Oh shit, is he okay?" Colin could hear Mare getting up in a hurry and leaving her office.
"Yes! Yes he's okay," Colin quickly convinced Mare so she wouldn't rush to his house, "I just don't have anyone to look after him tonight, I know we've made a potential lead and you all need me at the station."
"Oh right," Mare paused for a moment to get her breath back, "There's a girl I know.." Mare pauses again, a lump forming in her throat, "used to be good friends with.."
"Mare? Are you okay?" Colin clutched the phone to his ear, noticing her change in tone.
"Yeah sorry. Anyway, there's a girl I know who can look after Mikey for you, she's just a college kid, but real good with Drew when she comes around, I can call her?"
Colin sighed a breath of relief knowing he could trust Mare, and that he didn't have to let his team down.
"That would be great, give her my address if she's free, I'll meet her and then I'll come down," despite his relief, Colin still had to make sure this girl was someone he could see looking after his baby.
"Sure, call you back," the line went dead, and Colin put down his phone.
Mikey still slept peacefully in his rocker as Colin took a second to glance at him. It wasn't easy being a single working father, who had the constant pressure of wanting to be perfect for his son. He wanted to be home with him all the time, watch his son grow up, but he couldn't without making a living. A living he needed to give his son the best life he could.
Colin got up off the couch and walked towards sleeping Mikey. He reached down and picked up the rocker as carefully as he could, and relocated him to the doorway of his bathroom.
Colin took the opportunity to shower and get ready for work, keeping an eye on Mikey as he stood under the running water.
Mare had left a message for him in the meantime, saying the girl was free, her name was Y/N and she'd be around in 10 minutes. Colin didn't get the message until he stepped out of the shower, and then the doorbell rung.
"Shit," Colin cursed, wrapping a towel around his dripping body, trying to figure out what to do next.
When the doorbell rang a second time, Colin had no choice but to rush to the door, already feeling bad he needed your help last minute and was making you wait.
Trying not to slip on the floorboards, Colin rushed to the door, opening it only a few inches to peek his head out.
"Hi! I'm Y/N, Mare told me you needed a babysitter?"
Colin was too busy staring at you, he almost forgot to reply. Hell, he never thought he'd set his eyes on someone so beautiful in his life. Feeling his heart pick up pace, he clears his throat to distract himself and opens the door wider.
You were just as much in shock to see the town's detective in nothing but a towel. His wet hair covered his forehead and little droplets of water covered the expanse of his chest. He was so much younger than you'd imagined, and also a lot more attractive.
"Sorry! Yes, come in," Colin invites you inside and shuts the door behind you.
"Also I have to apologise for coming to the door in just a towel, time has been tight tonight," Colin shoots you a sheepish smile as you awkwardly stand in his front passageway.
"Mikey's just in my bedroom, I'll get dressed and bring him out," you nod with a small smile, and watch Colin's back as he rushes back towards his bedroom.
Making yourself comfortable, you sit on his sofa with your hands clasped tightly in your lap. Your eyes wonder Colin's living room. You notice that, based on the lack of furniture and decor, he was living here alone with Mikey. Toys were sprawled across a small, blue play mat and soda cans littered the coffee table. Looking further into the kitchen, you noticed a pile of dishes by the sink and an abundance of empty feeding bottles. You could just sense from his home that Colin was overwhelmed, and it made you glad you could help him.
"Here he is! He's awake!" Colin appears from his bedroom holding his son close to his chest, now clothed in a simple blue button up and black dress pants. You kinda missed the towel.
You took a moment to allow Colin to come over to you, and shortly he sat down beside you. You lean in closer to get a glance at Mikey's little face.
"He's the cutest baby I've ever seen!" You shriek in excitement, reaching out and slotting your finger in his palm.
Mikey babbles and let's out a small giggle as you make a face at him. Colin's heart only picks up pace seeing how good you are already with his son. He knows Mikey is in safe hands.
Mikey leans back and sits on Colin's lap. Colin keeps his hands around him as he bobs him on his knee.
"Yeah he's pretty perfect," Colin chuckles, leaving a small kiss on Mikey's head, "he's a pretty easy baby, luckily for me."
Mikey's wide eyes stare into yours, and your heart almost bursts. Surprisingly to Colin, he leans over and opens his arms out for you to hold him.
"Is it okay if..?" You ask, biting down on your bottom lip as Mikey begins to fuss.
"Oh! Yeah of course! He's never usually this friendly with anyone else," Colin lets out a small laugh as he passes Mikey to you.
Mikey takes to you immediately, resting his small chin on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your neck. You have to stop yourself from squealing from how cute this little boy is.
"Okay so, I'll be out for the night, I'll be back at about ten-thirty," Colin stands as he begins to explain Mikey's routine, "He had his bath at five, and I fed him his bottle, so really all I need is for him to be put to bed in his crib."
You nod along as Colin shows you where the bottles are kept in case he wakes up hungry and explains anything else you need to know, including where Mikey's bedroom is down the hall.
"There's some snacks in the fridge, help yourself to anything you want, or order in, here's a twenty for now," Colin takes a twenty-dollar bill out of his wallet and sets it on the kitchen counter.
"Thank you," you say finally, as Colin collects his work files and keep cup.
"No, thank you! I know this is short notice and I appreciate you coming out to help," Colin reaches out and brushes his hand across your upper arm in gratitude. His touch has your face heat up, and you hope he doesn't notice.
"I'll see you in a few hours, thank you again!" Colin leans over and plants a kiss on Mikey's head and before you know it, he's escaping out the front door.
"Okay little guy," you rock Mikey in your arms, "let's play and then I'll tuck you in."
Colin got home just after ten-thirty. The thought of his babysitter was distracting him more than he'd like it to. He spent most of the night with the same image of you standing at his front door playing over and over in his head. He didn't know what is was about you that was so captivating, apart from your undeniable beauty. Part of him wondered if it was just your willingness to help that had him all worked up. Or the fact that Mikey had taken a liking to you straight away, like some weird sign from the universe.
When Colin finally made his way inside, he set everything down in the kitchen. His eyebrows knit together as he scoured the living room, expecting to see you on his couch. In the process, he noticed his house was a lot tidier than it was when he left. You'd taken the time to clean up for him. The pile of dishes were gone, and the soda cans were all in the trash. Colin ran his finger tip along the top of the microwave. Spotless. Not an ounce of dust on any surface. As if you could get any better.
Colin lays down his coat, and heads to Mikey's room first. He opens the door and sees little Mikey on his tummy in his sleep suit, soundly asleep in his crib. Colin breathes a sigh of relief seeing his son tucked up in bed, and closes the door softly behind him.
On his mission to find you, he stops short at his bedroom door. Illuminated by the light in the hallway, he finally sees you, sprawled across his bed and snoring softly. Colin chuckles to himself, and his pushes the door open wider, letting more light in. He'd hate to wake you up, but knew you had to get home, and he had to go to bed.
The light from the hallway filtering into the bedroom was enough to stir you from your sleep. You groan and rub the sleep from your eyes. Something hard pressed against your chest, and feeling for it, you realise you'd fallen asleep cuddling the baby monitor.
"Hey, you awake?" You hear Colin's voice from the doorway and you sit up immediately. Shit. You weren't supposed to fall asleep, especially not in his bed.
"Oh! Colin, I'm so sorry I didn't-" Colin laughs and steps into the room.
"Can I turn the light on?" He asks with grin, and after you nod your head, he switches it on.
You eyes squint as they adjust to the harsh overhead lighting. Colin leans against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, clearly amused you’d found your way into his bed and fell asleep.
You get up quickly, readjusting your shirt as you stand by the bed. Colin says nothing, watching you reorganise yourself to leave.
“I’m really sorry, your bed just looked so comfy,” you say with a small laugh, praying that he wouldn’t mind.
Colin just laughs and nods his head.
“No no, it’s totally fine, I don’t mind at all,” he bites down on his bottom lip, his gaze filtering over your outfit. The tiniest shorts he’d ever seen. And he didn’t mind it.
“Okay, I guess I should get going?” You ask as if it’s a question, looking up into his dark eyes. They glaze over with something you don’t quite recognise. Colin was trying his hardest to keep himself together. He hadn’t had another person in his bed since he split with his fiancé. It was definitely a sight for sore eyes, and brought on so many emotions. Not like he wasn’t already totally captivated with you to begin with.
“I’ll go get your money,” Colin finally speaks, backing out of the room and back towards his belongings in the kitchen.
“Oh shit!” You curse under your breath, rummaging through your bag for your house keys. It looks like you left them at home, and you know for a fact there was no other way you could get inside. Not until the morning anyway, when you could ring your landlord.
“Everything okay?” Colin appears beside you, holding a fifty-dollar bill.
“Um yeah- sorry. I just- I forgot my stupid house keys,” you ramble, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you continue to search through every compartment of your bag, hoping they would appear. How embarrassing.
“You didn’t leave them anywhere else, did you?” Colin asks sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
“Ugh- I don’t know! I don’t remember ever taking them out of my bag,” you shake your head in frustration, and drop the bag back onto the sofa.
“Hey don’t worry about it, do you live with anyone? Anyone we can call?” He was quick to try and work up a solution, like a good detective, but they wouldn’t fix the problem. Not at this time of night.
“I live alone, and my landlord won’t be available until the morning,” you explain wearily, slowly accepting the fact that you might need to camp out in your car for the night.
“Look, you can always stay here if you’d like?” Colin offers, nervously rubbing up and down his upper arm, “it’s late, and it’s not super safe to drive out there right now.”
“No no! I would hate to intrude! Honestly my car is fine,” you laugh nervously, picking up your bag and slinging it over your shoulder.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Just stay here, take the bed even. Honestly, it’ll be my pleasure.”
You stare up at Colin as a smile spreads across his face.
“I know you think it’s comfy,” he teases with a sing-song tone.
You let out a small laugh as you consider it. It’s not like it’s a wild idea, you were already there. And he was right, it’s not the best time to be driving home anyway. Or to sleep in your car.
“Are you sure? I’ll definitely be on the couch,” you ask with hesitation.
“I’m positive. Look, I’ll go get changed, and then we can sit out here for a bit so you don’t feel so uneasy staying at a weird man’s house,” Colin jokes, pointing a thumb towards his bedroom.
“Okay, I don’t think you’re weird,” you say with a laugh.
“Okay good, I’ll be back,” Colin leaves towards his bedroom and closes the door.
You sit back down on the sofa, wondering what the fuck just happened, and why you couldn’t just remember to bring your house keys. In the meantime, Colin’s heart raced as he changed out of his work clothes. He didn’t know why he was so quick to offer for you to stay over. Was it to spend more time with you? He tried to persuade himself to tone it down. He was convinced you could see the way he looked at you. He didn’t want to come off as some creep.
Unbeknownst to him, you didn’t think Colin was a creep. You didn’t know much about him, but you felt safe with him regardless. Maybe it was because he was a cop. Or a single dad. He wasn’t a threat, he was more like a big, cuddly bear.
A sexy, big, cuddly bear wrapped waist down in nothing but a towel and with the most handsome face you’d ever seen.
Colin appears in the living room again in a pair of sweats and plain white t-shirt. You caught a whiff of his cologne as he passed by you, and the smell pleasantly filled your nose. He even smelt delicious.
“So,” Colin sits down beside you, “how did everything with Mikey go? Was he good?”
“He was an angel,” you gush, holding your face in your hands, “he went straight to bed with no trouble at all. He hasn’t stirred since.”
“Yeah he’s a great baby, I’m so fortunate I get a full 8 hours most nights,” Colin laughs softly.
“How was work?” You ask tentatively, unsure how much he could actually share, especially with the classified job he did.
“Yeah it was alright, we got a lot of work done on the case. Again, I’m so grateful you could make it over tonight,” Colin praises, offering you a big smile.
“It’s my pleasure, I barely had to do anything!”
“You cleaned the whole house! That definitely wasn’t nothing!”
You blush as you look down at your hands. He was really nice, it made you feel all tingly.
“It was no trouble at all, I’m happy I got to help out.”
The conversation only grew from there. You spoke about college, how Colin ended up in Easttown, and shared stories about your lives. Colin ended up opening up about his ex fiancé after grabbing a couple of beers. You sympathised with him, resting a hand on his knee to show your support.
“It was over long before it ended. I just haven’t had the time to get back out there. Plus, most women aren’t jumping at the chance to date a single dad,” Colin jokes, but his mind is distracted by the hand you’d placed on his knee. The heat from your palm radiated onto his skin. It sent weird shocks of electricity up his spine.
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’re a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have you and Mikey in their lives,” you look up into Colin’s eyes, your hand still on his knee.
The room falls silent as you stare intensely into each-other’s eyes. There was an obvious sexual tension between the two of you, that neither of you were smart enough to acknowledge. Or maybe Colin was just choosing to ignore it.
Colin eventually clears his throat, ending the moment to look down at his watch.
“I guess I should get to bed, I didn’t even realise it was past twelve.”
“Oh shit, really?” You laugh, “I’m so sorry, get to bed.”
“Oh I’m sleeping here miss, you get the bed,” Colin gets up and leaves to his bedroom. He comes out with a pillow and a blanket.
Shocked he’d even offer his bed up, you shake your head, not willing to accept that.
“No way, you have a big boy job, that requires big boy sleep. I’m on the couch,” you say firmly, taking the pillow and blanket from his hands.
Colin scoffs, and with a mischievous smirk, snatched the pillow and blanket back.
“No I will not have a lady sleep on my couch, get in the bed before I lose it,” he jokes, sitting back down on the couch.
Standing before him, you huff and lunge to grab at the pillow again. But being unsteady on your feet, you fall forwards, right into his lap. Horrified at yourself, you try and get up, to only rub your chest up against his face by accident.
Colin’s eyes widen as he processes the very accidental, but very fortunate, series of events that just unfolded.
Your face burns red as you steady yourself again on your feet. You just shoved your tits in this poor man’s face!
“I am so sorry, I did not mean to do that,” you giggle nervously, “I’ll just go to bed.”
“Hey,” Colin reaches out and grabs onto your arm to stop you. For the millionth time that night alone, you catch yourself in a trance as you stare into his eyes.
“I didn’t mind it, not one bit,” Colin takes a stab in the dark and doesn’t let go of your arm in the process.
When you don’t reply, he lets out a small sigh.
“You’re really beautiful, anyone ever tell you that?”
Your lips curve into a small smile as the embarrassment dies down. How was he so good at making you feel all hot and flustered? He was so sickly sweet. In the best way possible.
“Not really,” you mumble, as Colin’s hand travels down your arm until eventually, he grabs onto your hand.
“Well, you are, I mean it,” he breathes out, his lips parting only slightly.
Your gaze flickers between his lips and his eyes. They almost look like they’re begging. Begging to be taken by yours in the nastiest, most sensual of kisses.
What washed over you? You don’t know. But you lean down and connect your lips to the detective’s. The detective you just babysat for. The sexiest damn detective you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Your haste decision pays off as Colin kisses you back. His hands hungrily reach out for your hips, and he pulls you down into his lap. Your knees straddle either side of his thighs.
Colin is hard almost instantly. It had been so long since he’d kissed someone, let alone had someone sit in his lap. He didn’t care about anything else right now but you on top of him. He was totally enraptured by you.
It showed as his tongue darted out of his mouth to part your lips. You eagerly let him in, settling your hands on his broad shoulders and squeezing softly. Your hips involuntarily grind down into the bulge in his sweats as he tilts his head to the side to get a better angle at your mouth. Colin moans softly into the kiss, his grip on your hips only tightening.
Your mind goes blank as your fingers bundle up his shirt. All you wanted was to get it off. Just to see that sculpted chest again. No matter how inappropriate this might be right now.
The kiss breaks momentarily as Colin tugs his shirt above his head. His lips are back on yours in an instant, and your fingertips explore the expanse of his bare skin.
“Fuck,” Colin mutters out of the kiss, as you grind your hips down into him a second time.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks, his lips red and swollen as he asks your permission.
“Yes, please,” you say quickly, connecting your lips back to Colin’s like they were a drug.
Colin slides you off his lap, laying you down on your back on the sofa. His big, warm hands ride up your shirt until you bring it over your head. His kisses litter your jawline, and then down your neck. He’s slots between your open legs, his bulge positioned deliciously against your heat. You pulse in need for him. This was not how you were expecting things to go, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Colin unclasps your bra and tosses it onto the floor. He immediately takes one of your taunt nipples in his mouth, suckling on his gently. Your back arches up off the sofa as the first little moan leaves your lips. Colin’s cock twitches just hearing the sound. He needed more.
Your shorts are next to go, leaving you in only your panties. Your fingers tangle in Colin’s hair as he runs as a fingers up your clothed slit. A small wet patch taints the fabric.
“Colin,” his name rolls of your tongue with urgency.
Colin let’s out a breathy laugh, circling your clothed clit under the pad of his thumb. He applies just enough pressure to have the heat build between your legs and knots form in your stomach.
His fingers slip into the waistband of your panties next, pulling them off your legs. The sight of you left bare in front of him almost has him salivating.
“How is every part of you so damn fucking perfect?” He growls, applying pressure back on your clit.
Breathy moans escape your parted lips as your eyes fall shut. Colin takes the chance to spit directly on your little bundle of nerves before he’s circling against it again.
“That feels so good,” you pant, your nails scraping his scalp.
“You’re so wet baby, fuck,” Colin’s fingers dip down to your sopping entrance. It glistens with your sweet, sticky arousal.
“Yes! Yes oh my god,” you whine as Colin uses his middle finger to part your folds and sink inside you. His finger thrusts in knuckle deep, filling you up between your plushy walls. He thrusts it slowly, rubbing up time and time again against your sweet spot. Every nudge against it has your whimpering and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. When he adds a second finger, he curls them up into the spot he felt swells to his touch.
“Oh fuck! Right there!” Your eyes open as Colin begins to pick up the pace of his fingers, teasing your sweet spot blissfully.
His thumb rests against your throbbing clit again, rubbing small circles in sync with his thrusting fingers. Pleasure overwhelms all your senses. Your thighs begin to shake around his hand as a strong wave of intense bliss washes over you. Colin groans as you come undone, watching your perky breasts bounce as you fuck yourself against his fingers, riding out your orgasm.
Heaving to get your breath back, you lay still while Colin crawls on top of you, admiring the way your eyes glaze over in post-orgasm elation. He tugs down his sweats and boxers, letting his erection spring out from its confines.
You take it immediately in your hand, not surprised by his girth. You knew he’d stretch you to your limits, and you were more than ready.
You stroke him in your palm, lathering his length in his viscous pre cum.
“I need to feel you,” Colin begs, capturing your lips in another sloppy kiss.
“Then fuck me, detective,” a sick smile spread across your face as you guide his cock towards your soaked entrance, pushing his tip between your folds.
Colin’s eye widen in pleasant surprise. Never had he ever have someone call him detective in bed. And god, did he love it.
“Oh I will sweetheart,” Colin pushes his cock between your pulsing walls, and you invite him in with ease. Your tight cunt swallows every inch he has to offer you.
“Fuck!” He hisses, bottoming out inside you, “my god, your pussy is so fucking tight.”
Your fingers claw at his bare shoulders as he begins to thrust his hips. Colin brings your knees to your chest. He fills you to the brim over and over, angling his hips in a way that pushes him inside you deeper than ever before.
Colin wraps his arms around your shoulders, holding you close as he snaps his hips against yours. A scream nearly leaves your throat as his tip brushes against your sweet spot.
“Shhhh,” Colin breathes into your ear, “Mikey’s sleeping.”
Your lips press together in a tight line to stop yourself from waking him up this late at night. You try your hardest to contain yourself as Colin continues to bury himself impossibly deeper inside you.
“Fuck fuck fuck- I’m gonna cum,” Colin pants into your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. He was so fucking hot.
Your fingernails run up his back.
“Cum for me, detective,” you whisper seductively into his ear.
Colin is quick to pull out, stroking himself to completion all over your dripping cunt. The image of his hand wrapped tightly around his cock and the sound of his moans as he finishes will forever be imprinted in your brain.
You hold your legs to your chest as his cum begins to seep from your cunt, basking in the moment for a little while longer.
Colin uses his shirt to scoop up his cum and throws it onto the floor. He runs a hand through his tousled hair as you lay sprawled on his sofa.
“Fuck that was…” he trails off, resting a hand on your knee as you rest your feet in his lap.
“Incredible,” you finish for him, giggling as he laughs in disbelief.
“You’re right, incredible is definitely the word.”
“So much for just babysitting huh?” You cheek, sitting up and sitting close to him.
“Looking after Mikey and daddy, aren’t you a good girl,” he teases, leaning over to press another kiss to your cheek.
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The X-Factor - Peter Maximoff
Chapter Two: Playful Flirting
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Fic Summary: Peter Maximoff and Alex Summers liked being X-Men, they really did. However, they both felt like they could be so much... more. And so they found themselves as film students traveling to a secluded farm in Texas for a documentary project, Peter immediately smitten with the owner's daughter, Y/N. However, Y/N, her parents, and the rest of the farm seem to be hiding a terrible, evil, secret.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: swearing, sex talk (no smut)
Read Chapter One!
"I'm gonna be a star."
Word Count: 1.4k
Camera in hand, Peter and Alex left their musty ass cabin and surveyed the farm, brainstorming ideas.
“You should find the hot farm girl and ask her for that tour now,” Alex told him with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows, “And if she’s okay with it, we can film it for th doc,”
“Uhuh,” Peter wasn’t fucking listening. His eyes were staring dead at the hot farm girl Alex spoke of, Y/N, who was at the stable. She was so far, he could barely see her, yet his damn eyes weren’t leaving her for a second.
“Damn,” Alex rolled his eyes, “I take back what I said about Ms. Cowgirl giving you ‘fuck me’ eyes. It was 100% you giving them to her,”
“Peter,” Alex reached out and flicked his cheek, making him flinch.
“What?” he grumbled, swatting Alex’s hand away swiftly.
“Ask your little girlfriend to take us on that tour,”
“Oh. Yeah.” Peter scurried off with that super speed of his, Alex sighing and walking over.
“Hi, Y/N,” Peter said, already uncomfortably close to her. He awkwardly cleared his throat, taking a step back, “Whatcha doin’?”
Y/N jumped when he suddenly appeared in front of her, giggling softly, “Ah! You sure are fast, Mr.”
It then occurred to him it seemed she had no clue who he was. He was an X-Man for crying out loud, most people knew who he was.
Well, an Ex-X-Man. But still.
“Oh, um, yeah,” he replied, “I'm a mutant.”
“I figured,” she replied, “Don't let my mama or daddy know that, they think yalls a bunch of freaks,”
“Er, noted,”
“Your film buddy a mutant too?”
“Yeah,” Who cares about Alex? Peter was right in front of her!
“At least yall look ‘normal’.” Y/N shrugged, filling a bucket up, “Well, except yer hair,”
Peter's hand instinctively when to his silver strands, running his fingers through it, “True,” he frowned.
"Don't worry 'bout it. I rather like it,"
Cue the reddening cheeks, "...You do?"
"Mhm," and suddenly those warm hands were touching his hair and he saw angels. Holy cow. "They're unique. I like 'em,"
Red as a tomato. That's what he was. And so all he could do was giggle nervously, playing with the hem of his shirt as he watched her set the bucket down in a stall.“So… whatcha doing?” he repeated, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, just feedin’ the horses,” she replied, “Ever ridden one before?”
“No,” Peter shook his head, eyeing the horse in curiosity, “I don’t think I’ve even seen one in person before,”
“Wanna pet her?”
He hesitated, watching the overwhelmingly tall and burly creature in the stall, “She bite?”
Y/N laughed, “No,” she took his hand, and he thought he would start levitating in the air. He went to intertwine their fingers, then his dumb ass realized she grabbed it to pet the horse. Damn.
She brought his hand to the horse’s neck, gently patting the rough skin. His eyes brightened almost immediately, “Woah,”
Giggling, she moved a bit closer to him, making his cheeks flush. “They have strong skin. Wanna brush her?”
Peter excitedly nodded, biting his bottom lip in nervousness. He then pouted as she released his hand from her grip. He continued to cautiously pet the horse as she grabbed a brush.
“Here, like this,” she demonstrated how to brush the horse’s hair as Alex finally entered the stable.
“You got distracted?” he mused, crossing his arms over his chest.
Peter shrugged, “Maybe,” Y/N handed him the brush and with a shy smile, he brushed the horse the same way she did. He awkwardly cleared his throat, “Hey, Y/N…?”
“Yes, suga’?”
Oh. he almost vomited out rainbows. Pure Skittles. Holy fuck. He wasn’t sure why a simple name had him practically trembling at the knees, but he fucking was. Holy fuck.
“Um,” his brain completely short-circuited, and he looked like a fucking idiot, “Can we have that tour now?”
“ ‘We’ ?” she glanced at Alex, “ ‘We’s a lot of people,”
Peter could tell Alex was offended by that. Neither of them knew the extent of Y/N’s offer. It was only for him. Not Alex.
“Oh,” he bit his bottom lip, awkwardly glancing at Alex then at his feet, “My bad,”
“It is what it is,” she put down the brush, “Lemme finish ‘ere and I’ll take ya both on the tour,”
Peter sighed in relief, giving her a little smile, “Thank you,”
Y/N walked off, and Alex rolled his eyes practically to the back of his head, “Might as well fuck, you two.”
“Jealous?” Peter teased, feeling giddy. He practically had the zoomies, bouncing from one side of the stable to the next, “I think she likes me,”
“She miiiiight just want your dick, bro,”
Peter stopped with the zoomies, pausing, “What?”
Alex laughed, hesitantly reaching out a hand for a horse to sniff, “You think that hot chick has just miraculously fallen in love with you?”
“Well, no,” To be honest, he kind of just assumed Y/N was just as much of a lonely loser as he was and was starved for a relationship.
“I’ll bet twenty bucks she just wants dick, man,”
Peter sighed. Alex was his best friend, yes, but sometimes he really ruined Peter’s self-esteem. And so he clamped his mouth shut, suddenly not so giddy.
Y/N returned, wiping her hands on her overalls, “Alrighty fellas, follow me.”
And Peter was back to following her around like a lost puppy, even though he knew that Alex was probably right. Alex was always right, wasn’t he?
“Can we film you?” Alex asked, holding up his camera.
She smirked, doing a little twirl. God, she was so cute. “Of course. Gotta get used to ‘em cameras now, yeah?”
“Right,” Alex nodded and grinned, “Because you’re going to be a star!”
Damn you, Alex. He was always so good with his words. Always the one chatting up girls and getting dates. Peter was supposed to be the imagination of the duo, the writer, he was supposed to be the one good with words, but when it cames to girls his brain would immediately shut down. With girls, Alex was Shakespeare level, while Peter was… just ass.
“Damn right Imma be a star,” Y/N giggled, practically skipping now. Of course Alex was the one able to make her smile like that. “Can you see me in a big time drama film?” she struck a pose and holy fuck she was the cutest girl ever.
“Leading role,” Peter replied with a grin, trying to come up with a compliment that would bring her attention towards him. “I can see you outdoing Brooke Shields,”
Y/N’s eyes brightened, “I saw a few films with her in ‘em. She a true beauty,”
“Nothing compared to you though…” he was complimenting her, but he was sure he was blushing way harder than her.
“A star in the making,” Alex agreed, “I know just the genre I could see you in.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
Alex smirked, “It’s not an appropriate genre,”
What the fuck. Maybe Peter and Alex should have discussed the boundaries friends don’t cross. Peter was obviously infatuated with this chick, why won’t Alex back the fuck off?
Y/N tilted her head to the side, “Not an appropriate genre?” she asked cluelessly, “I don’t know many genres, to be frank. We don’t have a television at home so I always gotta bike to town to see a film,”
Peter sighed in relief, glad she didn’t understand Alex’ gross flirtations. “Can we focus on the tour, please?”
“Right,” Alex held up his camera, “So we can film you?”
“Yessiree,” Y/N replied.
And so began the tour of butt fuck Springlake Farms. Alex, being the cinematography guy, was focused on getting shots of all the scenery they passed by, while Peter’s camera was stuck on one subject… Y/N. He was convinced she was the most beautiful thing to grace this forsaken Earth. God created humans and gave her as an apology.
And suddenly she was talking to him, and he wasn’t even fucking listening. He blinked, trying to steady his thoughts, “...huh?” he asked dumbly.
Y/N giggled, “I said you catchin’ flies,”
He flushed in embarrassment, not realizing his mouth was open this whole time like a damn fucking idiot. “Er, no I wasn’t!”
Alex better cut this damn part out of the film.
Y/N just laughed, pushing a strand of silver hair from his face, “You’re special. There ain’t nobody else out there like you,”
And he was dead.
Well, no, he wasn’t, that would have been crazy.
But he felt like he had just died and gone to heaven.
She thought he was special.
Nobody was like him.
Later that day, Alex had laughed, shaking his head and saying, “She barely knows you. She was definitely just flirting,”
Okay, and? Peter didn't give a fuck.
Flirting or not, it didn't sound too bad.
#evan peters#quicksilver#quicksilver x reader#quicksilver xmen#sub quicksilver#peter maximoff x y/n#peter maximoff x you#peter maximoff x reader#peter maximoff fanfiction#peter maximoff#xmen movies#xmen#tate langdon x reader#tate langdon#kit walker x reader#kit walker#kyle spencer x reader#kyle spencer#jimmy darling#jimmy darling x reader#james patrick march#james march x reader#rory monahan#colin zabel
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Please can I request a Colin Zabel smut where he loses his virginity with fem reader and he's all like clumsy and bashful, yet a sweetheart? Thank u <3
𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐥 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

⌕ summary: colin wants you so bad, but he’s also a 30 year old virgin and really has no fucking clue how to let you know he’s ready to change that
⌕ warnings: SMUT!!! loss of virginity, oral (male receiving), piv
⌕ notes: of course, honey !! i’m not great at writing colin, despite how much i adore him, but i really hope you enjoy 💗
there’s a light tap at the door of your apartment, which had been unlocked in expectancy of your boyfriend’s arrival. the door creaks open, colin’s head peeking through, bright smile on his face. “hi,” he greets simply, stepping inside and gently shutting the door behind himself, turning the lock. “you should keep that door locked, you wouldn’t believe how many people’s homes get broken into just because they forget to lock their door.”
you roll your eyes lightheartedly at the comment, standing up from your leather couch to wrap your arms around colin’s neck, bringing him down into a quick kiss. “it’s only been unlocked for, like, five minutes,” you defend, grinning up at him. he rolls his eyes back, pecking your lips once more. “i have a key, y/n, you don’t need to leave the door unlocked for me,” he sighs, moving his lips to your shoulder.
“bad day?” you ask, picking up on the slight slip of exhaustion in his voice. he shakes his head, rubbing your back. “not bad, just long. missed you,” he hums. you nod, playing with the hair of the nape of his neck. “can i make you feel better?” you ask, really having no ulterior motive than to feed the boy and let him take a nap in your bed, but he perks up immediately, looking a little shocked.
“uh, i don’t.. what did you have in mind?” he fumbles, biting the inside of his cheek. you shrug, turning to look at your small kitchen. “i mean, i made some pasta for lunch, i can heat that up, or i can make you a sandwich or something?” you suggest, his tense shoulders relaxing again. “you don’t have to make me a sandwich, the pasta is fine.” he says, though there’s a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“i’ll make you the sandwich if you really want it,” you insist, not understanding the sudden mood shift. “no, that’s not what… i just thought you meant something else,” he shakes his head, eyes shut. “about the pasta?” you raise an eyebrow. “no, not about the- what? that doesn’t even make sense, no. about the taking care of me thing,” he answers, furrowing his eyebrows.
“do you wanna go lay down? or use my shower? i still have some of your man soap, the one that smells like masculinity and forests or whatever,” you offer, joking lightly about his stupid ‘pine’ soap. “no, that’s okay,” he declines, offering an awkward smile and a pat to the arm. “then what do you want, baby?”
god, he did not want to answer that.
“i thought that you wanted to… you know, have sex? jesus, don’t even say anything, i’m sorry,” a rambles, pinching the bridge of his nose. “is that what you want?” you ask, ignoring his request for you to completely forget about what he just said. “no, no. well, yeah, but we can’t.” he groans internally, confusing himself. “i don’t care that you’re a virgin, if that’s what you’re worried about, colin.”
he hesitates, looking up at the ugly, cream colored ceiling or your apartment. “i just don’t want it to be bad. for you.” you almost laugh at his worry. “honey, it’s not gonna be bad. i want to if you want to,” you reassure, giving him an honest smile. he looks down at you, pursing his lips. “are you sure? we don’t have to tonight. we don’t even have to. ever.” you roll your eyes, grabbing his arm and tugging, trying to lead him to your room. “it’s gonna happen at some point, colin. c’mon, stop worrying,” you say, trying to bring him out of that nervous shell.
he relaxes a bit at your unseriousness, deciding that he really wanted this now. as he sits at the edge of your neatly made bed, you stand between his legs, leaning down to kiss him, both hands cupping his cheeks. he returns the kiss immediately, his hands finding home on your hips. his tongue meets yours, almost testing the waters. you had made out before, but it felt different now that it was leading to something way bigger than simple kissing.
he can already feel himself growing stiff at the thought of just having you. he tugs at the hem of your shirt, silently asking you to remove the stupid thing, and as soon as you gave him the okay, he lifts it, attempting to pull it over your head. as it gets caught, he laughs, giving a quick “sorry” and allowing you to do it instead. as soon as it’s off, your lips are reconnected.
“is this okay?” he asks, his hands sliding up your sides, resting right under the band of your bra. “yeah,” you breath out, bringing your lips to his jaw. his hands hesitantly hover over your tits, finally squeezing them after what felt like forever. he trails his hands back down your body, messing with the button of your jeans, eyebrows furrowed. at his struggle, you gently push his hands away, moving onto your knees, undoing his jeans.
“hey, tell me to stop if you change your mind, okay?” he nods in response, watching with big eyes as you slide his jeans down his legs. the thick outline of his cock stretched his boxers, begging to be freed from its confines. he felt the urge to laugh in the moment as a nervous reaction, but he held back, watching intently as you pulled down the waistband of his underwear, his dick standing against his stomach. “you don’t have to do that if- shit, if you don’t want to,” he reassures, interrupted halfway by your hand squeezing gently around his length.
“i want to, for you,” you say, stroking him a few times before bringing him into you mouth, squeezing your lips around his burning tip. he huffs, hand immediately finding its way to your hair, grabbing a fistful. you slowly go down on his dick, hollowing out your cheeks and he does everything in his power to not just shove your head all the way down. you begin to bob your head at a steady rhythm, colin’s free hand gripping your bedspread. only after a minute, his cock twitches, warning you of his release.
“oh god, i’m sorry, baby, i’m gonna cum,” he moans, trying to push your face away, but you keep up with your motions, colin ultimately spilling down your throat, a tiny bit of the white liquid dribbling down your chin. you release him from your lips, swallowing his mess and wiping the rest with the back of your hand. “hey, that’s fine, it’s fine,” you say, crawling up onto the bed. “c’mere,” you says, opening your arms to him.
he practically pounces on you, his tongue down your throat as soon as he could get it past your lips. the bitter taste of his release makes him scrunch his nose, but he doesn’t break the kiss, only moving to unclasp your bra. “damn, how do you do this,” he huffs, letting out a bit of a laugh at his unsuccessful attempt, you giggling along with him, and instead just pulling it over your head, freeing your tits.
“god, you’re so pretty,” he groans, cupping your breasts, already hard again. “colin, fuck me,” you say, your bluntness catching him by surprise, though he doesn’t waste any time, finally getting that button undone and sliding your jeans to your ankles, allowing you to kick them the rest of the way off. upon noticing the wetness already ruining your panties, he groans, leaning forward to place sloppy, open mouthed kisses to your neck.
he pulls off his shirt, tossing it to the side, fully discarding his boxers as well before hooking a finger into the side of your underwear, gently tugging them down your thighs. “i could die right now, you’re so beautiful,” he praises, dragging a finger through your slick. you whine at the sudden contact with your pussy, tossing your head back into your mattress. he straddles you, one leg on each side of your body, pumping himself a couple times before lining himself up with your entrance.
“promise me that you want this and that this is okay,” he says, bringing a hand to your cheek. “i promise, colin, please, i need it,” you beg, putting your own hand over his. he guides his tip in between your folds, pushing in slightly, already moaning at the tight sensation. he has to hold himself up for a minute before he pushes himself all the way in, cock buried deep in your cunt.
he was almost overwhelmed at the feeling, burying his face in the crook of your neck. it’s not long, though, before he’s moving, slow thrusts, in and out, in and out. he’d never experienced something so heavenly. “oh my god, y/n, you- fuckkk,” he groans, picking up his speed. you let out another whine, hand over your face, tits bouncing with each thrust. as he began to speed up even more, you knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “colin, you’re doing so good, baby, go ahead, you can cum,” you say, biting the pinkish flesh of your lip.
the heat of his cum fills you up, his cock twitching. colin nearly collapsing on top of you, arms wrapped tightly around your waist. “you felt so good, so good, just for me, y/n. i love you so much,” he mumbles, lips pressed against your bare shoulder. “i love you too,” you breathe, kissing his temple. “did you cum?” he asks. “don’t worry about me,” you say, massaging his scalp with your finger tips. “i wanted you to. i want you to,” he continues, kissing up your neck. “really, don’t worry about me.”
“you’re so good to me.”
“yeah, i know.”
sorry that it isn’t super in depth i’m so tired but i like this one it’s so silly
#x reader#colin zabel#colin zabel x reader#colin zabel x you#mare of easttown#evan peters x reader#evan peters fanfiction#tate langdon x reader#kai anderson x reader#kit walker x reader#kyle spencer x reader#jimmy darling x reader#colin zabel smut#evan peters#evan peters smut
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he’s working late <3
#evan peters#american horror story#evan peters moodboard#tate langdon#ahs#evan peters x reader#kai anderson#ahs fandom#ahs murder house#evan peters imagine#kit walker#evan peters edit#evan peters fandom#evan peters fanfic#evan peters fanfiction#evan peters icons#evan peters hot#evan peters gifs#evan peters ahs#i love evan peters#evan thomas peters#evan peters rares#evan peters x female reader#evan peters characters#evan peters cute#evan peters x you#evan peters x y/n#colin zabel#colin zabel x reader#colin zabel x you
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Vaccines are good
Dad!Colin Zabel x Mom!fem!reader
Summary: You and your husband Colin make up a happy family, Colin turned out to be a great father and you both love your little son. But can the detective get out of trouble when they take his son to be vaccinated?
Warnings: fluffy things and mention of needles and childhood illnesses of course
Word count: 2.8k ***************
Colin was preparing lunch while Alex was sitting at the table drawing with his crayons. The handsome detective smashed two eggs into the pan, adding salt, pepper and coriander and then began to beat them with the fork. He would take care of preparing something else for Alex, over time he had learned that the little one didn't like omelettes. He arranged the food on the plates and served them on the table waiting for you to get home from work.
"Hey champion, what are you drawing?" Colin asked, bringing his face closer to the sheet of paper.
The boy happily held the paper up with pride. "It's you with your police car!"
Colin smiled when he saw himself in that drawing. The colors spilled out of the lines but the detective could clearly be seen standing next to his car, which had the dome lights on, shining red and blue. Alex was very proud of his father and always said that when he grows up he wants to be like him, he even often wore his father's clothes and played cops and robbers with his schoolmate. Colin always laughs but obviously he worries that his son will be involved in a dangerous and stressful job like that.
"It's amazing kid! you even drew the details of my uniform, you are talented!"
Alex's cheeks turned tulip-pink with pure joy as he smiled widely. The boy was a carbon copy of his father, same eyes, same hair and every time he smiled you saw Colin. Suddenly there was a sound of keys opening the door and a sweet voice announced their arrival.
"It's mom!!" Alex got out of his chair running towards the door while you opened it laughing at his enthusiasm. Colin also came to meet you.
"Hey! How was my teddy bear today?"
You scooped Alex into your arms as you planted a loud, slobbery kiss on his cheek. The little boy laughed and then with a grimace of disgust he wiped his cheek without stopping laughing, his face was so funny that it infected you with laughter. You weren't afraid to show how much you loved your son even if you were a little clingy at times.
"Hi sweetie, welcome home." Colin hugged you around the waist and kissed you tenderly on the lips.
"Ew..". The boy said, making a disgusted face and looking away.
Colin laughed tenderly. "Why don't you show mommy what you did today, huh?"
The boy nodded with great enthusiasm and jumping happily.
"Let's see Alex, show me"
Your son grabbed your hand and quickly led you to the table where his little drawing rested. With both hands he raised it to the level of his face.
"Ta-daa!! Guess who it is!!"
You gasped in surprise as you grabbed the drawing from the boy's small hands. You looked at it carefully while smiling sweetly. The proportions of the things he had drawn were not perfect but they seemed adorable to you.
"Oh my god Alex, it's beautiful! And It's daddy! and with his police car of course"
"Yeah!! you guessed it!". Alex smiled at you with that gap between his frontal paddles that seemed so tender and pretty to you.
"Let's hang your drawing on the refrigerator door, what do you think, honey?"
Your son shouted yes and you gave Colin a smiling look.
"I think it's a great idea babe"
While you placed the drawing under two magnets Colin asked his son what he wanted for lunch.
"Ok little champ, what do you want for lunch? You don't want an omelet, right?"
Alex shook his head vigorously while sticking out his tongue in a grimace of disgust.
Colin smiled in amusement. "Alright, alright. How about pasta?"
"Yay I love pasta!!"
The detective laughed amused, it was no secret that your son loved Italian food. you turned around looking at them happily.
"Ok, then pasta will be"
Your husband had gotten up from his seat to put the noodles in a pot when Alex sneezed loudly. Colin stopped halfway looking at you while you approached Alex with concern.
"What was that, hun?" You gently took his chin in your hand, inspecting him.
"I don't know, mommy". Alex sniffed the snot with his nose as he wiped it on a sleeve.
"I already told you not to wipe your snot on your sleeve, you'll make it dirty."
"Sorry mom.."
You looked for a disposable tissue in your purse that Colin handed you and leaned close to your son's face.
"Come here"
You carefully wiped his nose while inspecting his nasal passages for any possible infection or irritation but found nothing alarming.
"Well It seems like you don't have any infection, maybe it's a simple allergy. "My love, was he like this all day?" You turned to look at your husband who returned a worrying look.
"Actually no, he was perfect. Just now he started sneezing"
You put your arms on your hips as you looked at your son thoughtfully who looked back at you a little scared.
"But he had already had a cold last week, right?"
Colin nodded. You still remembered what it had been like last week. Alex had had a fever and cough and had stayed in bed resting as the doctor had said. The poor thing couldn't leave the house to play with his friends and spent time eating soups that he considered very bland.
Worried, you walked quickly to your bedroom to look for Alex's vaccination record. You checked that everything was in order, Alex had all the vaccines from when he was a few months old baby. But he was missing the measles vaccine, which he had to get at age 5. Alarmed, you returned to the kitchen with the booklet in your hand. Alex had a terrified face when he saw it, he already knew that the storm was about to break loose.
"Colin, Alex doesn't have the measles vaccine and he's already 6, he must get it as soon as possible".
When the little boy heard the word vaccine, he jumped in his chair.
"Sure, it makes sense. The symptoms are fever, cough and runny nose, that's what he suffered last week"
"Come on, bring the car keys, we have to take him to the nearest hospital".
The detective grabbed the keys that were hanging on a cute keychain on the wall hand painted by Alex and you grabbed your purse and put on a jacket. When you called your son, he got out of the chair scared, getting as far away from the two of you as possible.
"NO!". He yelled
The two of you were about to open the door when the child's scream made you turn around to see him. When the little naughty boy made sure he had both of your attention, he returned to the charge, shouting.
Alex crossed his arms angrily as he furrowed his eyebrows so tightly that his forehead became wrinkled.
"Alexis Zabel!"
You put your hands on your hips, also furrowing your eyebrows, looking at him defiantly, you could play that game too. Everyone in the family knew that when you called your son by his full name it was because you had exhausted your patience and he was in serious trouble.
Colin took a step forward, trying to calm the atmosphere and cut the tension that would be felt in the air.
"Come on Alex, don't make mom angry, don't make it harder".
The detective approached with his arms open to grab his son but the boy was faster and ran screaming towards his room as if he had a rocket up his ass.
You ran in his direction, annoyed. "Alexis come here immediately!"
Colin grabbed your arm. "Wait, let me talk to him."
You huffed in agreement while your husband smiled at you, caressing your wrist. Colin headed to his son's room. His dark wooden door was decorated with posters of dinosaurs and robots. He knocked on the door twice.
"Alex? It's me, daddy. Can I come in?"
The man heard Alex's muffled voice from being behind the thick door giving him a negative answer, from his tone of voice he seemed still angry.
"Please son I just want to talk I promise"
Zabel waited anxiously by the door when a slight movement of the handle made him sigh in relief. Alex's chubby face barely peeked out of the space he had left open.
"Fine, come in"
Colin walked in smiling. Alex's room was quite big. The walls were decorated with drawings and posters of his favorite cartoons. There were also shelves with dolls and stuffed animals piled up, many of them were dinosaurs, he loved them. His toy trunk also had fire engines, tanks and racing cars that the boy had even taken charge of naming. The bed where the boy was sitting was shaped like a car and his blankets had drawings of prehistoric animals and plants. Colin sat next to his son who remained very serious.
"Listen Al, I know you don't want to get vaccinated but it's for your own good.". Colin used to use that pet name with his son.
"Adults always say that". Alex crossed his arms and turned his face away so as not to see his father.
"But it's because it's the truth. You know?, when I was your age I didn't want to get vaccinated either."
Alex's little face lit up in surprise as she turned to look at him. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Look, if you promise to behave like the brave boy I know you are, on the way out, I promise to buy you the biggest ice cream you want".
"You promise?". Said the boy smiling
Colin extended his pinky in promise. "Pinky promise, kid"
Alex intertwined his pinky with his father's, laughing happily as they both left the room, but not before grabbing a toy car for Alex to entertain himself and calm down. You continued waiting at the door impatiently moving one foot up and down until you saw them leave the room.
"We can go now". Your husband said smiling.
The ride to the hospital was quite quiet, from time to time you would take quick glances at Alex who was calmly playing with his toy in the back seat. Colin sensed your nervousness and grabbed your hand firmly, smiling at you while he held the steering wheel with the other.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine." He whispered to you
You nodded, smiling. Everything seemed calm and correct, but when he arrived at the establishment and got out of the car, Alex saw the facade of the hospital and the fear returned to him, so he started screaming and kicking to get back to the car. You grabbed your son's hand, pulling him with Colin's help to get him into the hospital but Alex couldn't stop crying. The detective crouched down next to his son.
"Remember what we talked about, if you continue like this there will be no ice cream"
Colin's slightly threatening tone brooked no reply. Alex was going to say something but upon looking into his father's intimidating eyes he decided to remain silent. So, with a dejected air and the face of a lamb about to go to the slaughterhouse, they headed inside the building. Of course the boy carried the toy car under his arm. In the waiting room there were many children more or less his age, some teenagers and babies a few months old. With a sad and scared face, Alex sat between his parents to await his fatal fate. The other children also seemed somewhat dejected.
You knew how tortuous it is for a child to be vaccinated, you still remember when you went nervously to the waiting room to get an injection when you were a child. And honestly the screams and cries that came from the door where the vaccines were given was not exactly relaxing. That's why you took your son's delicate hand in yours, squeezing it gently to give him warmth, courage and protection.
"Sweetheart, you can do it, I trust you. And when we get into the room I will be with you the entire time and I will hold your hand so it doesn't hurt."
Your son wiped a small tear that was almost dry from his rosy cheek and looked at you with a shy smile.
"Alright, if you say so..."
The hours passed and the waiting room was emptying. There were only two people left ahead of you. Many of the children came out smiling with tears in their eyes, others didn't say anything and looked at the ground as they walked. Then a plump older woman called them by Alex's full name. The little boy did not want to go but he remembered his father's promise and bravely squeezed your hand and headed to the room while your husband sat waiting outside.
The injection room was beige and the walls were decorated with paintings of animals to calm the children, you weren't sure if it really worked. There was also a medium-sized window with baby blue curtains that overlooked a garden full of flowering bushes. You directed your distracted gaze there when the woman brought you out of your thoughts.
"Okay, so this is little Alex Zabel."
The lady was wearing a dark blue nurse's uniform and was smiling affably. You looked at your son who could only look down holding on to his toy car.
"Oh it's ok honey, it'll just be a little prick". The woman said
Alex's eyes were starting to water again so you tenderly wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a protective gesture. "Sweetie everything will be fine, you'll see"
The nurse told Alex to sit in a chair and roll up the sleeve of his shirt so she could give him the injection. She also asked him which arm he wanted the injection in and the boy pointed to his left arm. The good-natured woman began to prepare the needle, taking one out of a sterilized envelope that was in a plastic box full of them. When you saw them, a slight chill ran down your spine. You still remembered your first vaccine as if it were yesterday and you understood everyone more than ever. those children who came out crying.
Alex also saw the needles and buried his face in your chest, scared. You grabbed her hand and whispered the words you had said before "Remember, mommy is here and I won't let go of your hand."
The little boy nodded and sat up straight in his chair, squeezing your hand tightly as he showed his left arm to the nurse. She tapped the needle with her gloved hands to make the liquid go down.
"Alright, little Alex, take a deep breath."
Alex closed his eyes tightly until his nose wrinkled and he squeezed your hand even harder as it started to hurt, never underestimate the strength of a scared 6 year old child. It was barely a second until the nurse announced that she was finished.
"Done! You see it wasn't that big of a deal?".She laughed sweetly
Your son opened his brown eyes wide and looked at his arm in surprise, looking for any cut or wound, both women laughed and the nurse carefully squeezed his arm with cotton.
"Hold this cotton in your arm for a few minutes, then you could throw it away. Aaand." The woman took out a red popsicle from a jar and handed it to the child who was looking with bright, greedy eyes. "This is for you, for being such a brave child."
"That's very kind, thank you" You said to the nurse and looked at your son "You thank her too, Alex."
The little one had already put the lollipop in his mouth without thinking twice and didn't even take it out to respond "Thzank yough"
Mother and son left the small room hand in hand, happy and laughing. Colin was already standing waiting for them with a relieved smile on his face.
"So? How did my little champion do?"
"Oh he was incredible, he didn't cry even once"
"And look daddy!!, the nurse gave me a lollipop for being good!"
"Oh look at that!"
Colin lifted the boy into his arms giving him a kiss on the cheek while you held his toy.
"It seems that today you are going to stuff yourself with so many sweet things"
"What does that mean?". You asked funny and curious
"It means daddy will buy me ice cream!!!"
Colin looked down, smiling a little embarrassed for not telling his wife about the deal.
"Oh yeah? Well I guess daddy can buy ice cream for everyone too." You said laughing and giving your husband a kiss on the cheek.
Colin laughed and agreed to pay for the other ice creams. They returned to the car happy, heading to the nearest ice cream parlor, eager to try that sweet and frozen dessert.
I have read many stories where Colin is the father of a girl, so I wanted to write a story where he had a son.
By the way, I wrote this after reading the @sweeter-innocence-fics fic. Thanks for being an inspiration for this, you can read her Colin fic here
#one shot#female reader#imagine#fluff#x fem reader#fanfiction#colin zabel#evan peters#colin zabel x you#colin zabel x fem reader#colin zabel x reader#evan peters characters#evan peters fanfic#mare of easttown#evan peters x female reader#dad colin zabel#mom reader#fluff fluff fluff#colin zabel fluff#detective#detective zabel#detective colin zabel#detective colin
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i have a couple drafts i need to work on, js wanted to know which one you guys want the most because!! yeah!! here are the w.i.p's along with a short summary :]
---- CINEMA NERD - MAX COOPERMAN x READER (reader is a cinema nerd and max takes them on a movie date)
---- HOMECOMING COURT - RUSSELL HAYES x READER (reader and russell are silly gooses who go to homecoming together!)
---- BULLET - PRE!CULT KAI ANDERSON x READER (uh oh! angst! reader and kai are partners, she comes out about her suicidal ideations and he tries to comfort her)
---- ASTRAPHOBIA - TATE LANGDON x READER (reader is totally scared of storms and one night, tate tries to cheer them up/lull them back to sleep)
---- GOODBYE, MY DANISH SWEETHEART - COLIN ZABEL x READER (reader is scared to express her love for colin and it causes a lot of issues in their relationship)
---- ALIVE - TATE LANGDON x READER (reader learns tate is a ghost and tries to join him on the other side, their plan doesnt work)
#tate langdon#tate langdon x reader#tate murder house#tate langdon x reader fluff#american horror story#american horror story fic#ahs fandom#evan peters fandom#evan peters x reader#ahs murder house#evan peters#ahs cult#kai anderson#pre cult kai#kai anderson x reader#kai anderson angst#kai ahs cult#ahs fanfiction#russell hayes#sleepover#sleepover 2004#i love colin zabel#colin zabel x reader#give me more colin angst and my life is yours#mare of easttown#i really like mare of easttown#colin zabel angst#colin zabel x y/n#max cooperman#never back down
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The moment I took you in the station (Colin zabel x fem reader)

Summary: you are a petty criminal but Colin couldn’t help but fall for you
Warnings: shoplifting, running from cops, getting arrested, caring for sibling, financial problems let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 1,7k
A/n: I just had this idea a few months ago and just finished writing it since I forgot all about it should I do a part two?
You ran as far as your legs could take you constantly looking behind you as the detective chased after. You cursed yourself for getting caught but all you could do is run and hope you the best. You gotten caught shoplifting from some fancy store in the mall and you didn't realise that there was an actual detective in the store as you sprinted as far as you could.
You could hear him yelling at you to stop but you never till you looked back and suddenly tripped over your own feet. "Fuck" you hissed clutching on to your ripped Jean covered knee. Trying to get back up till you felt a hand on your arm pulling you back. You got caught handcuffs on your wrists "your under arrest ma'am" he said "oh come on man" you sighed as their partner you presumed pulled up beside you both guiding you into the car and off to the station.
In the station you sat in the dim room waiting on getting questioned. Tapping your fingernails on the table humming a random song that came to mind to pass time. It felt like a century by the time the very detective that took you in came into the interrogation room.
This time he came in with a woman you knew as mare. She looked at you disappointed knowing this wasn't the first time you were in trouble. "Oh come on y/n really" mare scolded she known you since you were little and known you got yourself into petty crimes such as shoplifting or fights.
"I had to mare my sister wanted that bag for school and I can't afford it" you sighed rubbing your temples. "I know times are rough i get that I really do but stealing getting your own self into trouble isn't worth it y/n" mare said you knew she was right how could she not be.
The guy detective who's name you still haven't learnt stared at you. You didn't know why but you didn't mind either. He was extremely attractive. "I'm going to help you out here If I let you go I need you to promise me that you will get a job and stay out of trouble".
"How can I get a job mare I have previous for theft and I have to look after my sister I wouldn't be able to find a good job" you sighed massaging your temples.
You were stuck you only could afford rent since you lived at your uncles place so he lets you off with payments or just doesn't charge at all. But you struggled to even keep up with other bills and put food on the table.
"I can find a course for you to do to help you find a job that helps pay bills, put food on the table and put clothes on your back y/n me and detective zable are here to help you" mare smiled sympathetically. "I don't want to just be a charity case for you all I don't want your pity" you spat, you didn't mean to but your pride got the better of you.
"But it's either that or jail time what do you prefer" the male detective spoke up who's name you learned to be detective zable. You knew he was right you couldn't get into trouble again not with having your sister. "Fine I'll do it" you sighed.
A few months later you were doing great the little course went well and you managed to get a decent job to pay bills and put food on the table. You were walking back home with bags of groceries they felt heavy like they were going to burst open at any moment. You heard a car horn beep making you jump out of your skin.
"Jesus Colin you almost gave me a heart attack" you gasped seeing detective zable in his car. After that day in the station you would see mare and Colin out and about you would talk to them. You couldn't lie you began developing a crush on the new cop in town.
"Need a lift?" He asked noticing your struggle with the bags.
"No no Colin I'm fine honestly don't want to put you into any trouble" you dismissed politely. "No trouble at all honestly" he said you finally agreed to his offer. Colin got out of his vehicle to help you load the bags into his truck. You made your way into the passenger side of the car colin getting in at the other side. Colin new the address after dropping you off there when you had gotten took to the station he dropped you off.
"Thanks again colin you really didn't need to" you smiled the soft sound of the radio played. Colin shook his head "it's no problem honestly I was going past your place anyway to get back to the station" his eyes were still focused on the road but he looked nervous like he wanted to ask you something.
"You okay?" You asked noticing his nervous demeanour, "yeah I'm alright just-" Colin stoped himself mid sentence you furrowed your eyebrows in response. "Come on Colin you can tell me what's wrong" you said with a smile. A sigh left Colin's lips contemplating on if he should say anything or not. "Well I was thinking maybe if you want to, would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked.
You could hear the nervousness mixed with hope in his voice but also in his eyes even though they were fixated on the road. You were shocked to say the least, never did you expect Colin a cop to be interested in a petty criminal like you. Swallowing a lump in your throat, mind racing, palms feeling sweaty rubbing them on your jeans.
“Look forget what I said I didn’t mean to step out of line” Colin sighed feeling a little down at your lack of response. “I’d love to go for dinner with you Colin” you finally answered. “You don’t need to if you don’t want to, I understand that you don’t want to it was dumb of me to think otherwise” Colin’s voice was more meek and hinted with sorrow. “No Colin I really do it’s just- why would you want to go to dinner with me out of all people I mean I had my fair share of run ins with the law you don’t want that” you were now the one to sigh.
You hadn’t realised that you were both now parked outside your home. Colin turned the engine off his car finally looking your in the eye. “I don’t care that you been in trouble before, I get why you did it but I really do like you y/n ever since I took you to the station that day” Colin told you. You felt the blush raising in your cheeks from Colin’s words and the fact that you were arrested.
“When you taking me out?” You asked with a grin seeing your little sister walking along the sidewalk returning from school. “Are you free next Saturday it’s my day off” Colin asked you thought if you had anything “I’m free Saturday my sister will probably be staying with her friend so I should be free” you smiled. Colin nodded pulling out his cellphone “can I have you number you know so I can give you more details and stuff” he says like a teenager his cheeks redden by the second.
You nodded giving him your phone number before getting out the car. “I’ll text you” Colin calls out from the open window on the passenger side. You nodded waving him goodbye, your sister by your side standing there in confusion. She looks at you with the usual look she gave you when you used to get out of police cars. “What have you done this time y/n” she sighs you let out a giggle shaking you head.
“Don’t worry I’m not in trouble Amy, in fact quite the opposite I have a date” you grin like a kid in a candy store. You both walk into your home locking the door. “A date? With who?” She asked throwing her bag on the sofa. “You know that new detective” you say Amy nodded her head “no way y/n, your going on a date with the new detective me and my friends find him so hot” she gasped.
“Well he’s a too old for you missy and yeah he asked me in the car offered me a ride home” you blushed setting yourself on the sofa. “Anyway have you got homework?” You asked Amy nodded her head “yeah” she sighs knowing what you will say next “go get it done” you instructed. Amy huffed going to get her bag to do her homework.
An hour or two later your phone pinged. Checking your messages seeing a new number texting you.
‘Hey it’s Colin just messaging you so you now have my number 😊’ the text read out. You smiled at the text immediately texting a reply ‘hi Colin yeah that’s fine I’ll save your number😊’ you texted back, “it’s that detective sable” Amy teased looking up from her notepad. “Maybe” you sang another ping on your phone.
‘How’s next Saturday at 7pm for dinner there’s this nice restaurant in town it looks really promising’
‘Yeah sounds great’
“Oh my god your like the girls in school” your sister teased you but you didn’t even say anything too busy texting. “What are you doing next Saturday?” You asked your sister “I’m staying at my friends place” she replied “okay Colin’s taking me to this nice restaurant near outside of town” you say “oh I heard about that place it’s really fancy” Amy said.
You spent the rest of the night helping Amy with her homework and texting Colin. You couldn’t deny that you were attracted to Colin for a little while but never did you expect that he would feel the same for you. You were nervous it had been a good while since you dated anyone since your main focus was looking after your sister.
#evan peters#american horror story#james patrick march#tate langdon#kit walker#ahs asylum#evan peters x reader#kai anderson#jimmy darling#kyle spencer#austin sommers#colin zabel#mare of easttown#evan peters fluff#evan peters requests#evan peters fanfiction#evan peters x y/n#evan peters smut#evanpeters#evan peters x you#evan peters imagine#evan peters fanfic#evan peters icons
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Colin Zabel losing HIS virginity to female reader and being the flustered clumsy insecure sweet precious babe we know he is?
Pretty please! I'd really appreciate it 💗
I have writers block. Nothing is good anymore, so soz about that, but I've tried, lol
The first time..
(smut, intercourse, losing virginity)
"Why hello there, gorgeous" You smiled as you opened the door to Colin, who was holding a large pizza box, "it does look gorgeous dosnt it" Colin laughed looking down at the pizza. You had been seeing Colin for a few weeks now. You both worked busy jobs but always found the time to see each other, you would go out to dinner, & he would often come to your apartment because he still lived at home with his mother. "It sure does, but you do too, I'd like to take a bite out of you both," you winked & laughed. You could see Colin go slightly red. He told you that he had never been with anybody before, so that must have been why he got so flustered by things so easily, but you found it adorable.
You both sat down to watch a movie. You both consumed your body weight in pizza and were engrossed in the film on the sofa, Colin jumped every time something scary happened, & you found it hilarious, "perhaps we should watch something family friendly babe" you joked, "I just have good reflexes that's all" he laughed playfully tickling you, you squirmed around to get out of his grip but in the commotion Colin ended up on top of you, you looked into eachother eyes and he planted a soft kiss on your lips, you separated your knees so he could lay between them, he swept the hair out of your face & kissed you more passionately, his tounge pressing against your lips begging for entrance, then your tounges were tangled in eachother, you could feel him getting hard through his trousers, pressing right against you, you couldnt help but grind softly against it, Colin let out a groan, "I want you baby" he whispered, "are you sure?" You asked, "definitely, " he began to undo his shirt as he kissed you, & you began to undress yourself. He watched as you slid down your trousers, he flushed red as he undone his belt, he slid his trousers & boxers down, his foot got stuck & he tripped over his trouser leg still distracted by your lack of clothes, you couldnt help but laugh, he looked embarrassed but burst out laughing too "not very sexy am I?", "Oh Colin, you have no idea how sexy you are. Now come over here." You push him down onto the sofa and straddle him. You see him look at your body. He was like a kid in a candy store, "we will take it nice & slow," you gently kissed his lips, & placed his hand on your breast, "fuck" he whispered, as you kissed him softly you felt him twitch between your legs & you knew you couldnt wait any longer. "Are you ready?" You reached down to place him against your entrance. You felt Colin nod through your kiss, so you began to gently lower yourself onto his stiffness. You both let out moans as he was nearly all the way in. You started to slip up & down him, "fuck that feels good baby" Colins words only made you want to work harder, so you picked up your pace, Colin put his hands on your hips so he could help lift you & slam you back down onto him, he was so deep, hitting all the right places, "does this feel ok?" Colin asked, "Oh definitely, i thought you hadn't done this before?" You giggled, "I now wish we hadn't waited so long, i love seeing you like this, " he said as he bit his lip. His words sent tingles through your body, You could feel his hips start pushing backwards and forwards. He watched as your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You placed your hands on his thighs and leant back, taking in every thrust he made, "Ah fuck Colin, don't stop" you couldnt help but dig your fingers into his skin, the pleasure starting to take control of your body, "i-im going to cum" you managed to say as you tightened around Colins cock, you felt him start to pulse inside you, his grip tighted on your hips, knowing he had given you so much pleasure sent him over the edge, you watched, he looked so pretty consumed by pleasure, you both rode out your highs and you sat forward to plant a kiss on his lip, "that was amazing" you whispered, "I can't wait to do it again" Colin laughed.
#colin zabel#evan peters#fanfic#mare of easttown#american horror story#james patrick march#kai anderson#kyle spencer#tate langdon#kit walker#jimmy darling#fanfiction#writingblr#smut stories#smut#ahsedit#colin zabel smut#kate winslet#fanfic writer
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VULNERABLE ~ Colin Zabel
REQUESTED BY @spill-the-t
Heyy ✌🏼🤍 I dunno if you’re doing requests at the time, but I loved that one Colin smut so much aaah 😭 Wanted to ask if you could do another Colin smut, maybe a little bit more kinky yk😏 I’ll let you run free with your ideas
WARNINGS- Sub!Colin, Dom!Reader, restraints, hand-job, blow-job, edging, overstimulation
Colin grunted as he felt you tighten the rope wrapped around his hands, fastening them tightly to the bed frame.
“How does that feel, baby?” You asked, walking down to the end of his bed to tie up his legs.
“G-Good, I think.” He stuttered, his face turning bright red.
“No need to be nervous baby, I’ll go gentle on you. I promise” You winked, dancing your fingertips down his bare chest making him squirm. Colin took deep breaths. His brain was running at a mile a minute, both due to anticipation and genuine nervousness. He had never let you go this far before. But tonight he was giving up all control, tonight he belonged to you.
You stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at your hard work. Colin’s hand and feet were securely tied to the bed posts. You ran your eyes down his body, starting at his beat-red face. His blush quickly spread down his chest, stopping at the bottom of his ribcage. You bit your lip, tracing your fingers down his happy-trail to the tent in his white boxers. His cock was already standing at attention and you hadn't even touched him yet. He was rock hard with anticipation, at the thought of what you might do to him now that he was rendered completely vulnerable.
“So hard for me already?” You teased, running light fingertips down to the elastic band of his boxers. “What a little slut.” He gulped, his cock twitching. You got him so worked up. You didn’t even have to lay a finger on his body, just your words made him come undone. You smirked, looping a single finger under his waistband. Slowly peeling back his boxers, you got a quick peek at his angry red tip. He gasped as the cold air of the room hit his leaking cockhead, groaning as another bead of precum oozed from his tip. “Already leaking for me baby? God damn, you’re so pathetic” He couldn’t find the words to reply, he just looked up at you with desperate teary eyes. “These boxers are kind of tight, right? Does it hurt baby? Does your cock want to be free?” You looked down at him with sympathetic eyes, before reaching into your back pocket and pulling out the utility knife you stole from his coat pocket. “Let’s get you a little more comfortable. You smirked, pulling the fabric of his boxers away from his thigh before cutting the fabric up towards the waistband. He grunted, eyes glued on your quick movements with the knife. His heart raced as you cut the underwear off his body, the sharp point of the knife just inches away from his throbbing length. Flipping the knife closed and throwing it on the floor by the bed, you ripped the remaining fabric, leaving him completely exposed. His cock twitched as it stood at attention, bright red and begging for you.
“Does that feel better bitch? Now that your needy fucking cock is on display?” He swallowed thickly before nodding. His hips involuntarily bucked off the mattress in a desperate search for stimulation. “Oh I don’t think so.” You yelled, expertly slapping his cock. He moaned in pain, arms fighting against the restraints as he impulsively tried to grab between his legs. “You’re such a little slut, can’t even wait for me to touch you. Good boys wait their turn, okay?” You ran soothing hands up his thighs and over his abdomen, trying to soothe the aching in his stomach. “I’m sorry baby, but needy boys have to be punished.” You ran your hands back down to the base of his cock, slowly wrapping a loose fist around his shaft. You could feel his manhood throbbing like velvet steel under your fingertips. You began to move your fist up and down his length, expertly twisting your hand around his tip making him whimper and squirm under you. He threw his head back, bottom lip pinched between his teeth. You slowed your movements before spitting on his tip, watching your saliva drip down his cock. Your movements were now slick and fast, making Colin see stars. He threw his head back, arms and legs flexing against the restraints.
“No, eyes up here slut. You’re going to look me in the eyes as I make you cum.” You demanded, working your fingers tightly around his leaking tip. A deep groan ripped from his chest as he tilted his head to look you in the eyes. You gave him a sly wink as you brought your lips down to his cock head, your tongue teasing his sensitive slit. His legs jerked, tears forming in his eyes as you wrapped your lips around his tip, your hands still working his shaft. He wasn’t even trying to control his volume at this point, he was moaning and swearing as you brought him to the edge. A familiar heat began to spread through his body, making his hips stutter.
“I-I’m going to-” He started, getting cut off as you stopped jerking him and squeezed tightly around his base, interrupting his orgasm. He groaned, tilting his head back as the tingle in his stomach and the tightness in his swollen balls faded. You grited your teeth, holding his base tight you slapped his manhood once again.
“I said eyes on me bitch. You get to cum when I say so, got it?” You yelled, smirking as a bead of precum dripped down his cock. He tilted his head back up, struggling to keep his eyes open as the pain pulsed through his abused manhood. “There you go, very good slut.” You slowly began to stroke his length again, by this point he was so hypersensitive it didn’t take long before he was back on the edge. You stroked him hard and fast, reaching your free hand down to cup his balls. “You’re so swollen for me baby.” He nodded, whimpering as you squeezed him in your hand. “Do you want to cum for me slut?” You asked, working your fist quickly at his tip. You could tell by the way his legs were shaking and how his cock twitched in your grip that he was close. “Beg for it.”
“P-Please,” He started, his voice cracking. “Please l-let me cum.” He whispered, desperately trying to maintain eye contact. “Please -fuck- please,” He grunted as you squeezed his balls tightly in your fist. You kept him on the edge for just a little bit longer.
“What are you?” You asked, looking him right in his pathetic teary eyes.
“A slut.” He whimpered, “I’m a dirty l-little slut”
“Very good,” You released your grip on his balls and began to jerk him with both hands. “Cum for me, you dirty little slut.” You looked him in the eyes as he came undone in your hands, his cock flexing as he came in ropes across his chest.
“F-fuck -oh god- fuck,” He cried as the tight knot in his stomach came undone. He struggled to keep his eyes open as his body shook and twitched through his orgasm.
“There you go baby, just like that” You praised as you worked him through his release. But you weren’t quite done with him yet. You suddenly wrapped your lips around his tip sucking the last drops of cum out of his softening cock, overstimulating his hypersensitive tip.
“No, no too much,” He cried, the dam of tears behind his eyes breaking. “F-fuck too much.” Pins and needles danced along his arms and legs as he fought against the restraints, the ropes leaving angry red burns in their path. He sobbed as his brain turned to TV static, tears leaking down his flush red cheeks. You finally decided the poor boy had enough, pulling his abused cock out of your mouth.
“That was so good baby, you did so well for me.” You praised as you began to untie his arms and legs from the bedframe, rubbing his fresh burns soothingly. He was still a blissed-out mess, staring up at the ceiling as warm tears streamed down his face. His abused cock sat half-hard, twitching against his stomach. “Can you sit up for me baby?” You asked, running a hand through his hair. He nodded, finally blinking, catching your gaze. You helped him up with a soothing hand on his back, your hands like cool metal on his burning hot skin. You quickly ran to go grab him a glass of water. He tried to grab the glass, but his hands were still shaking. You held the back of his head, guiding the cool rim of the glass to his lips as he drank. Whispering calming praise in his ear. “How are you doing baby?” You asked as you guided a fresh pair of boxers up his legs. He nodded, giving you a thumbs up, still too blissed out to speak. “How does a warm bath sound, baby?” You asked, whipping stray tears off his face. He smiled up at you, nodding his head.
“A bath sounds p-perfect.”
#colin zabel#Mare of easttown#colin zabel smut#divine ruler#evan peters#ahs#evan peters smut#mare of easttown fanfiction#mare of easttown smut#colin zabel x reader#colin zable x you#gender neutral reader
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cast evan in normal roles pls i am going feral over colin zabel
#evan peters moodboard#evan peters smut#evan peters fanfic#evan peters#evan peters x reader#mare of easttown#colin zabel#ahs asylum#ahs fandom#tate ahs#ahs murder house#ahs fanfic#american horror murder house#american horror story fanfic#american horror story#kai anderson fanfic#kai anderson fanfiction#kai anderson smut#kai anderson
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Mixed Signals - Colin Zabel
cw: vaginal sex, fingering
keywords: jealousy, mixed signals, work colleagues, car sex
wc: 2.3k

Taglist/ @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff @quicksilversg1rl @iruzias @alexxavicry @soaringcloud @laynna-mcknight @humdrumexistence @simp4petermaximoff @evan4ever @paujmr @jangsuzchap @meganxfox @divineruler @spill-the-t
[you want in on the taglist? pls pm me! :)]
a/n: thank u everyone for voting for the next fic!
"So who's driving?" Your work colleague, Colin, stuck the keys out in front of him, shaking them in his hand with a smile on his face.
You shook your head in amusement, and shoved the keys back into his chest.
"You're driving," you clarified, stepping away from in front of him to move towards the passenger side of the car.
Colin chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, before he joined you in the car behind the wheel. He slipped the keys into the ignition and started the car.
"Where are we going again?" He asked, letting the car warm up with his phone in hand, ready to type in the address for the directions.
"4561 West Street," you put down the piece of paperwork with the address of your witness, and clasped your seatbelt across your body.
"Music?" Colin pulled out of the parking lot, and began the journey to your destination.
“Yeah,” you found yourself distracted by your phone as it pinged with messages.
You were going on a date tonight with a guy you’d met at the pub in town. He seemed nice and you thought it may take your mind off the man who sat next to you, shifting the gears of the car so seamlessly with his big, veiny hands.
Colin glanced at you as your eyes stayed stuck to your phone screen, and he found himself frowning.
“Who you texting?” Colin couldn’t help but be nosy as he turned down the song that was playing on the radio. He tried to keep his emotions at bay, but he couldn’t help thinking you were messaging another guy with the way your cheeks blushed red after every, very irritating, ping from your phone.
You looked up from your phone abruptly, a small smile playing on your lips as you registered the slight envy in his tone. You’d tried your hardest to narrow your feelings for Colin down to a work crush, but hearing the jealousy in his voice had your stomach doing flips. He was full of mixed signals, and they were slowly driving you insane.
“No one,” you teased, sliding your phone into the front pocket of your jeans and opting to stare out the window.
Not satisfied with your answer, Colin hummed quietly, blanketing the rest of the car ride in a tense silence.
It wasn’t long before you both pulled up outside the witness’s house. Sitting in another moment of silence, you both unclasped your seatbelts.
“Got everything?” Colin asked, clearing his throat as he opened the car door. Without realising you nodded, before squeaking out a small “yes”.
Colin came around to your side of the car, opening the door for you and reaching by your feet to pick up the paperwork. In the midst of collecting his belongings, Colin’s fingers brushed over your shin, sending a small jolt of electricity through your core. Maybe it was the tense, awkward silence that had you all riled up, because suddenly you were feeling very hot for Colin and those fingers.
You get out slowly behind him, and pace a foot away from him to the front door. Colin takes charge, knocking on the door in three sharp knocks, before settling down beside you. His broad, clothed shoulder brushes with yours and like clockwork another jolt surges through your body.
This wasn’t the time or place for your body to start reacting to Colin’s touch, and it definitely won’t help you keep a straight face in the interview.
“Mrs Wright? I’m detective Colin Zabel, and this is my partner, Y/N. We’re here to ask you a few questions, as previously discussed over the phone,” Colin spoke so confidently, his lips curling up into a smile as she allowed you both into the house.
The interview was tense, and you think even Mrs Wright picked up on it. You’d situated yourselves next to each-other on the love seat in her formal living room, your knees only lightly touching. It was still enough to have your head in this weird spin that made it super hard for you to concentrate on the conversation. Colin didn’t seem bothered by any of the physical contact you were making, and it reminded you why you were trying to date other people in the first place. He was too hard to read, and he’d made no advance on you despite all of your very obvious flirting.
“Thanks, Mrs Wright. We’ll make sure to keep in touch,” you shot Mrs Wright a small smile before the door was closed, and you were back on your way to the car.
“That was… informative,” Colin makes a small comment before he lets out a soft chuckle, sitting in the drivers seat and starting the car. You said nothing in response, following behind him and sitting in your designated seat.
“You’re being weirdly quiet,” Colin observed, his eyes narrowing into small slits as he gazed at you.
You bit down on your bottom lip as you gazed out the window.
“Hey,” Colin reaches over and places a reassuring hand on your thigh, but all it does is frustrate you further. The heat from his palm radiates through the denim of your jeans, and despite your turmoil, you could still feel the electricity from his touch.
You look over at Colin who still hasn’t moved his hand, staring at you with a confused and slightly worried expression on his face.
“It’s nothing, I’m just tired. That’s all,” Colin may be ignorant most of the time, but he knew enough to know that “just tired” always had a deeper meaning.
“Was it the interview?” He pried, his thumb soothingly brushing over your thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat as you quickly glance down at his hand.
“No,” you sigh loudly, debating whether you should just spit it out or not.
“Then tell me,” Colin’s tone is soft and you knew he only had the best intentions.
A tinge of courage washes over you, and you find yourself moving his hand off your leg. Colin’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, and as he opens his mouth to speak, you cut him off.
“Colin I- I just don’t get it. One minute you’re acting like we’re strictly work friends and the next you’re prying to see who I’m texting and rubbing my thigh. I’m confused, Colin, because every-time I see you I get butterflies, and sometimes I think you feel the same, but most of the time I think you’re not even thinking about me that way.”
Terrified by what you just said and the reaction you’ll receive, your shaking hand comes up to cover your mouth. You weren’t expecting to be so brash, or to be so honest. Months of bottling up emotions can do that to a person.
As if your worst fears were coming true, all Colin does it start the car and reverse out of Mrs Wright’s driveway. You watch in desperation as his jaw clenches, and it seems like he’s driving so much faster than he usually does. He always played by the books.
“Colin I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget about it okay? Please slow down, I’m-” the car suddenly comes to a halt in an empty parking lot, cutting your sentence in half.
Everything is happening so fast, one moment you’re pouring your heart out to your work colleague and the next his lips are on yours.
His lips are so soft. They dance with yours to the beat of a silence drum. His big hands cup your face and pull you impossibly closer to him, before he’s pulling away.
“What?” You’re in absolute shock as Colin offers you a lopsided smile, his palms still planted firmly on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, was that a bit much? I just couldn’t hold it in any longer,” Colin’s eyes were shining so brightly you almost missed how dilated his pupils were.
You respond by joining your lips in another heated kiss, unclasping your seatbelt and leaning into him. Colin happily obliged because he’s never been good with words, and he just so badly wanted to kiss you right now.
Your tongue sneaks passed his lips, exploring his mouth with desperation and need. Colin’s tongue dances with yours as his hands leave your face, running down the sides of your body to your hips. He begins tugging you forward, and you pick up on what he’s putting down, and climb over the centre console and into his lap. Your chest is pressed tightly to his as he slides the driver’s seat back, giving you more room to move.
Straddling his hips, you sit directly on the hardened tent in the front of his pants, your heat rubbing against him and satiating your deepest desires. This can’t really be happening right now, this has to be a dream.
Colin’s lips detach from yours with a sticky smack before he’s littering the side of your neck in soft, wet, open mouth kisses. The first moan escapes your throat, and Colin feeds off it like it’s his last meal.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” Colin whispers against your neck, before he’s taking off your shirt.
“Me too,” you whisper back, your head lolling back as his warm hands cup your breasts over your lace bra.
“I’m so glad you told me, fuck, I’m an idiot,” Colin cursed himself as you work to unbutton his shirt, eager to see the toned chest and abs he was hiding underneath.
The images you’d created in your head weren’t even close to the real thing, because he was so much hotter than anything you ever could’ve imagined.
“You’re not an idiot,” you spoke breathlessly, gasping as Colin undoes your button and fly and slides his fingers into your panties.
“Holy shit,” Colin groans, his fingertips reaching between your slick folds, “you’re soaking wet.”
“I’ve been thinking about you since we started this morning,” you giggle, as Colin finally pushes a single digit inside you.
Your head spins as Colin works his finger inside you, eventually pushing in two, stretching you out in a way no one else had. His fingers curl upwards, meeting with that spongey spot inside you that has your toes curling in your shoes. He touched you so good you were afraid you’d cum right there.
“Fuck, I need these off, get in the backseat,” Colin was finding it hard to find the words to speak from how worked up he was.
You climb into the backseat, taking the time Colin takes to join you by ridding of your jeans and panties.
Colin sits in the middle seat, with his boxers and pants around his ankles and his hard cock flush against his stomach.
You do a double take, not believing how big he is. Could he get any more irresistible.
“Come here,” Colin guides you back onto his lap, but you’re needing to feel him inside you.
“Can I sit on it?” You ask seductively, leaving a quick kiss on his lips before your hand is wrapping around the base.
“You can do whatever you want with it,” Colin replies, biting his lip in anticipation to fill you to the brim.
You spit down directly on his tip, using your hand to lather your saliva down his shaft, before you’re guiding it towards your needy cunt.
Nothing could have prepared you for the stretch as you slowly sink down on Colin’s cock, noticing the way his breathing quickens with every inch that you swallow up.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” Colin speaks between grit teeth, his hands gripping onto the flesh of your hips like vices as you lift yourself up for the first time, and slam back down on him.
“Oh my god,” your vowels are all drawn out as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
You could both be in heaven for all you knew, this is definitely what heaven feels like.
“You feel fucking incredible, you’re so fucking hot,” Colin breathes out, feeling every pulse of your gummy walls hug him in a way that almost has him on the edge.
You begin moving your body, rising and falling on his cock, letting it fill you completely before it’s almost all out.
Colin begins rutting his hips upwards, lifting himself off the seat and angling his hips in such a way that it hits all the right spots.
“I’m so close,” so breath out, burying your head in his neck and clutching onto the shirt hairs on his head.
“Cum for me baby,” Colin coos, the slap of his balls against you and the squelch of your cunt driving you over the edge.
You thighs shake around his as you finish on his cock, tightly clenching around him like you didn’t want him to leave.
Colin only has to thrust a few more times before he’s finishing inside you, letting out the most animalistic moan as he cums.
You rock your hips, letting his orgasm wash over him in its entirety, before your face to face and the moment is over.
“The windows are so foggy,” you giggle, reaching out and drawing a heart on the glass. Colin lets out a breathy laugh, trying to catch his breath back as he too leans over to draw on the window.
“We just had sex? Really?” You whine, your hands placed securely on his muscly shoulders as you lift yourself off him.
“What? It’s true,” Colin cheeses, wrapping his arms around you and holding you to his chest.
“I guess we should talk now,” you tilt your head to the side in question as Colin curtly nods his head, letting out another laugh.
“Okay, but, I think you have everything you need to know now. Meaning: you can tell that guy you were messaging earlier that you won’t be making it to dinner.”
#evan peters#evan peters fanfic#evan peters fanfiction#evan peters requests#evan peters smut#evan peters imagine#evan peters x reader#american horror story#2nd person pov#fem!reader#colin zabel x reader#colin zabel#colin zabel smut#colin mare of easttown#mare of easttown#mare of easttown smut
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Put me in a room with Evan Peters and we would be doing things other people would think is not possible
#evan peters#evan peters#ahs#ahs cast#ahs fanfiction#kai anderson#kyle spencer#jimmy darling#austin sommers#colin zabel
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Keep Your Eyes Open
Mare x Zabel x Reader
(Potentially Part 1 - who knows).
Warnings: Angst, Car Accidents
AN: this is my first fanfiction, so prepare yourself it could be ugly.
Nothing could have prepared you for what was going to happen; you were just trying to make ends meet - the nine-to-five job down at the local bookshop in the centre of Easttown was once you centre of tranquility after a dramatic move from your family. But the fear protruded every minute of working each day. Laying the local papers on the stand by the door each morning “Local Missing Woman Now Presumed Dead”. Easttown had its occasional problems; addicts, runaways but never as serious of series of unfortunate incidents.
Each night, closing the bookshop, your personality had to change; becoming an escort - it was the only way to financially support yourself. Your heart pounded; being an independent individual in this line of work naturally had it’s dangers and risks. But there was no other way.
The shutters came down on the front of the store, and making final adjustments to the lock as you heard the laughter of people going on night outs. “Y/N!” Shit. Your manager didn’t know about your situation. “You look nice, who’s the lucky fella?” his tipsy demeanour as he swayed and tried to adjust himself against the shutters. “Just seeing some friends at the bar down town.” You responded jokingly. Not whole heartedly a lie but nor the entire truth. “Be careful-“ his finger wiggled, the whiskey breath lingered on his tongue “-don’t want anything bad happening to pretty lass like yourself.” He shouted back to his friends as they sang something incoherent, the off key notes bouncing off the buildings of the streets. “Night Y/N!” His booming voice echoed for what felt like hours.
By late evening you’d hit the third bar of the night, steadily making the most money - hopefully earning a week off. You slowly made your way for a drink, noticing a figure slumped. The pony tail and plaid shirt gave you a sense of security. You steadily adjusted yourself on the stall, a few feet away. You adjusted your heels to feel the cool metal bar of the stool against your raw feet. “You can sit closer you know, Y/N.” Mare turned to you with a smile. “Sorry Mare, I wasn’t sure if it was you.” You popped your shoes back and made your way over.
“Long time no see Mare, how you been?” you smiled. “Good, just waiting for a colleague to go over some last details.” Colleague? Since when did Mare work with a colleague. She’d always worked alone from what you remembered.
“Evening Mare. Who’s your friend?” The voice behind you slightly shook you. “I’m so sorry to have scared you!” His hands steadied you from falling from your seat. “Y/N, this Detective Colin Zabel, a colleague of mine - Zabel this is Y/N, a very good friend.” Mare introduced.
“Shall I get the next round of drinks?” Colin offered. “That’d be great! I’ll just have a beer thanks.” You made an exception this evening. Colin rubbed his hand on your shoulder, it felt safe. “I’ll be right back.”
“Y/N. Is everything alright?” Mare interjected. “Everything is fine, Mare-“ you’re eyes avoided hers, everything was not fine. “I know your lying Y/N, I have a daughter I know these things-“ Mare’s hand slipped a card with a number. “I had to take on escorting, Mare.” you whispered. “I had an eviction notice two months ago and I was going to lose everything.” Your fingers began entangling, distracting away from the need to show emotions. “Y/N, we’re working on the case regarding the women going missing - there’s been development of who are being targeted, particularly in your line of work.” You held the card with the number on it. “If you need safety or have information to share. Just call us.” As you went to place the card in your purse. “I’d hate anything to happen to you Y/N.”
“I will do. I promise” you finally looked her in the eyes. “Drinks everyone!” Zabel announced. “Zabel moved to town only recently, Y/N.” Mare tried to break the ice. “How are you find it, Colin?” You needed to try and make some friends or something since moving alone. “It’s quaint, though not had chance to explore. If you know of any places, let me know!” His hand fluttered through his hair and trying to adjust his coat. “What about you Y/N? How long you been here?”. Your hand slowly rubbed against your arm, you’d never spoken about your side of things. “Oh I moved here a couple of months ago, I work at Hopkinson’s Bookstore. Fairly peaceful.”
Mare returned from answering a call “Zabel we need to check out a location. Potential suspect, could be nothing but-“
Mare had offered a ride back to your apartment but you were adamant to get the little extra to give you a week off.
Waiting on the corners, you spotted the other women of the night and gave each other smiles and waves. You looked out for each other. You had to.
Tiredness overcame you and you decided that was the last job. You held yourself and muttered self hatred for not dressing for the weather. It nipped at your skin, the cold air grasped each breath you took.
You walked out into the road, caution thrown to the wind as your body met the oncoming car. It came from a blind spot, you had no chance. Your head bounced against the bonnet and thrashed landing to the tarmac in middle of the road.
Body slung on the icy road, the sound of the engine stirred you slowly, a blue van waiting. A new set of lights came from the opposite direction and it took off. You fought to stay awake - and tried to steady yourself. Doors slammed from behind. “Try not to move! Zabel call it in.” A familiar voice came closer. “Oh god, Y/N…” the sound of footsteps got frantic.
Another set of steps came running. Hands moving your hair from the gash on your head. Your breathing slowed. Eyes trying to wander around and find faces as you tried to move your head. Shock began to course though your veins. Mare had managed to get you in the recovery position and steadily holding your neck. Zabel layed a blanket over your body as you continued to shake from the shock. “Called it in, ambulance should be here shortly.” Zabel confirmed to Mare.
“Blue-“ your slowly stuttered. “Come again?” Mare tried to wake you up. “Hey. Y/N, gonna need you to stay awake.” Zabel’s hand rubbed your arm. “It. Was. Blue.” You fought so hard to keep awake. “What was Blue, Y/N?” Mare asked once more. “The van.”
Mare and Zabel looked at each other. “Do you think?” As the sirens began to interrupt. And it only took a moment your conscious had slipped away.
“Y/N? Y/N. Need you to wake up Y/N…” both Mare and Zabel’s voices were trying to stir you. Hands began to move as the paramedics got to work on you. “Female, Late 20s, Hit by vehicle, in and out of consciousness” Mare relayed to Paramedics.
Occasionally you heard voices as they helped you, it like being under water, every sound swaying. “Lift on three. One, two, Three-“ the movement woke you, shock had slipped away and the pain became unbearable. A gasp left your lips as you felt the air against your mouth and nose. Oxygen helped ease the ache as you took a breath. A hand was holding yours as thumb rubbed circles against your skin, your eyes following to see Colin. “I’m coming with you. Mare will meet us there.”
They slowly loaded the stretcher into the ambulance, Colin sat by the side and not letting go of your hand. “Just going to give you an IV and pain relief, sweetheart and should ease it a bit.” The paramedic went to work on you. You hated needles. “Hey, you’re doing so well Y/N, deep breaths.” Colin gave a smile and trying his hardest to distract you.
The paramedic looked at you both “How you doing sweetheart?” The wave of pain relief made you feel a little tired and dizzy. Colin’s phone rang out again. “Zabel. We’ve got the bastard. Same reg matching description from last time. We’ve got him.” Mare sounded so triumphant. They got him. Now they just had to find the girls.
“You hear that Y/N, we’ve got him.” He placed his phone back in his pocket. “That’s great.” You closed your eyes for a second. The warmth of the saline and pain relief was so inviting, it felt like you were floating for a second.
#evan peters#colin zabel imagine#colin zabel x reader#mare sheehan#Colin zabel#mare of easttown fanfiction#mare of easttown
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From the moment I took you to the station part 3 (Colin zable x fem reader)

Summary: after seeing Colin for a few months you were both finally ready to take the next step
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,3k
A/n: I’ll do a part for final part with a time skip.
Part 2
As the weeks progressed on you saw more of Colin, everything was going great you both got to know each other more. He would stay over the night when he wasn't working and Amy was at her friends house. Soon enough the weeks turned into four months, you both weren't exclusive yet but couldn't deny your feelings for each other.
You sat on your sofa cuddled up with Colin watching a movie. Amy was away at her friends house leaving you and Colin to spend time together. Two glasses of wine sat on the table in front of you, Colin seemed elsewhere staring at the two glasses in front of you rather than the movie.
"You okay Colin" you asked your chin resting on his chest. Snapping out his daze Colin looked at you "yeah just thinking that's all" he sighed his hand that was wrapped around you drawing patterns on your arm. "About?" You asked softly, Colin was contemplating on if he should say anything scared that it would scare you away.
"Well I was thinking about us" Colin stated your face showed concern the worry that Colin would break it off with you. "In a good way or bad way?" You questioned further, "a good way, you know how we've been seeing each other for a few months now" you nodded letting Colin continue on with his speech.
"Well I was think maybe we could take the next step you know make it official" Colin suggested a grin grew on your face hearing those words you were dying to hear.
"Colin zable are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" You grinned the heat raising to your cheeks.
"Yes" colin grinned back but he still felt nervous incase you rejected him. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, and actually I was going to ask if you and Amy were up for it we could all have dinner together you know get to know each other" you said Colin let out a smile pressing his lips to yours. Your hand cupped his cheek responding to his lips.
Colin pulled away with that same smile on his lips. "I'd love to have dinner with you and your sister" he whispered both of you getting back into the movie.
A few days later you spoken with Amy and asked if she was okay with having Colin over for dinner. She was happy to actually get to know the new man in your life and agreed to the dinner.
You and Amy spent the evening cooking something up for dinner. Colin would be over around 6:30 you felt nervous. Sure your sister met Colin a few times in the street but this time it was different.
6:30 soon rolled by a knock on your front door. "Amy can you plate those up while I open the door" you asked Amy nodded her head. You scurried to the door you felt nervous about this next step this was the first time Amy would properly spend time with you and Colin it was foreign to you and your sister to have anyone over never mind your boyfriend.
"Hey babe I brought some wine for us and some snacks for Amy" Colin's smile radiated holding up a wine bottle and a bag of treats. "Oh Colin you shouldn't have thank you" you smiled reflecting his stepping aside to let him in. "You know me can't turn up anywhere empty handed" he chuckled handing the gift offering to you placing a kiss on your lips.
"Make yourself comfortable I'm just going to check how Amy's getting on with the food" you said Colin nodded leaving you to see to your younger sister. Colin felt nervous he hoped he makes a good impression to your sister. He knew how much her blessing means to you and that you both come as a package. He sat on the dining room table his foot tapping anxiously on the floor.
"How you getting on" you asked your sister you plated up the spaghetti noodles. "Yeah good, what's that?" Amy pointed to the bottle in your hand. "Colin brought wine and no your not allowed missy before you ask, but he brought you some snacks" you giggled holding up the bags of treats. "That's very kind of him" Amy smiled she thought it was cute that he made this gesture seeing how much it made you happy.
You and Amy had dinner plated up. You took the bottle of wine and two glasses into the dining room handing Colin a glass and setting yours down. "Want me to pour them?" Colin asked "if you don't mind while I grab the plates" you smiled handing the bottle to Colin.
You went back into the kitchen soon emerging back into the dining room with two plates amy following behind with her plate and something to drink. "Looks amazing" Colin smiled as you placed the porcelain plate in front of him. "Thank you" you smiled back setting your plate down sitting beside Colin amy sat in front of you both.
There was brief silence in the room all that was heard was the sound of cutlery slightly hitting off the plates and the soft music of the radio in the background. "So amy how was school?" You asked breaking the silence in the room. "Yeah it was good I have exams next week so I have a lot to study" amy answered.
"What classes you got exams for?" Colin chimed in taking a sip of the wine he brought with him. "English, history and music" amy answered with a polite smile. You couldn't help but smile noticing the tension in the room slowly fading away. "Amy love's history and music she plays the guitar" you said Colin nodded taking interest to what you said.
"Guitar that's really cool I tried to play guitar when I was a teenager but gave up" Colin chuckled remembering himself as a teenager. "My dad gave me his guitar he never played it, we used listen to his records together me, y/n and dad so it's always been a part of me" Amy shrugged you smiled sympathetically as well as Colin.
The rest of the night went along great Amy and Colin seemed to get along really well. By the end of the night you all said goodbye Colin placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Goodnight babe I'll see you in a few days I'll call you later" you hummed against his slightly chapped lips. "I can't wait" he smiled back at you his hand rested on the small of your back.
Colin pulled away seeing your sister stood there with a smile on her face. "It was great meeting you Amy" Colin smiled Amy nodded her head agreeing.
Shortly after saying your goodbyes it was just you and your little sister left in the house. "So what do you think?" You asked with a grin washing the dirty plate whilst Amy dried the clean plates. "Yeah he seems really nice and he's smitten with you" Amy shrugged.
"But?" You asked. "Do you really need my view on this y/n your an adult" your sister sighed sure she was grateful that you and Colin wanted her to feel comfortable with this too. "Because your my sister and quite frankly we come as a team you can't get one without the other" you bumped your shoulder with hers making Amy giggle. "Your such a dork"Amy said rolling her eyes.
"You love me really" you smiled. "But Colin seems like a genuine nice guy you deserve to be happy" Amy gets back into subject. You nodded a stray tear slipping down your cheek. Amy knew you never had it easy especially taking on the parenting role for your sibling you put everything on hold so she can enjoy being young Amy was just happy your putting yourself first for once. "Come on let's go watch a movie" you said putting the last plate away.
#evan peters#colin zabel#mare of easttown#american horror story#james patrick march#tate langdon#kai anderson#kit walker#ahs asylum#evan peters x reader#jimmy darling#colin zabel smut#evan peters imagine#evan peters fluff#evan peters requests#evan peters icons#evan peters x y/n#evan peters fanfiction#evan peters fanfic#evan peters smut#evan peters x you#evanpeters
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omg i came across ur page and i loveeeee😭💖 can u write about the evans and them having a gf who’s constantly getting hit on lol ty !!!
Oh stop 🥹 thanks so much!! I appreciate you 💝 Enjoy xo
The Evans when their girlfriend is hit on?!..
Tate Langdon..
Sulk, stomp, hands in fists, overthinking about how he needs you to be with him
Lure you to the basement to talk
Scare whoever was flirting with you so they would never talk to you again
Kill if he had to
Then cry about his actions and make it up to you with a big making out session and his sweet words
Kit Walker..
He would laugh at who was trying to flirt with you, but inside be upset
He would trust you completely but still get jealous
Purr heart, but insecure would question if he was good enough for you
He would crave reassurance afterwards but would try to seem unbothered
Probably chain smoke to relieve his stresses
Kyle Spencer.. (frankenkyle)..
He wouldn't remember how exactly relationships worked, but he wouldn't like you talking to someone else
He would become overrun with rage and act out
A guard puppy who would let noone near you
He would kiss and cuddle you, cry from rage, jealousy and confusion
You would have to explain to him you only love him
Jimmy Darling..
Very understanding as he liked to be social
He wouldn't jump to conclusions and would ask you about it before doing anything about it
Would fight for you if needed
Get drunk if he was upset
James Patrick March..
He'd tell Miss Evers that she would soon have some laundry to do
He would buy them a drink, befriend them, and get their room changed to room 64
He would watch from afar, getting off at you getting attention but planning his torture methods
Tit for tat, James would flirt with female guests for you to watch
Kai Anderson..
He would feel like he owned you. No one else can talk to or touch something that is his
The flirtee would pay and pay big.
He would be angry at you, too. He would have to remind you that you are his.
He would punish you, you would have to be a good girl and do as you were told😏
Colin Zabel..
He would come over and ask you about it. He's a detective he asks questions!
Would try not to let it bother him
He has small trust issues. He would wonder if you really wanted him
He would get drunk and spill out his emotions
Talk to his mum about it
#evan peters#american horror story#tate langdon#kyle spencer#kit walker#jimmy darling#james patrick march#kai anderson#colin zabel#ahsedit#fanfic#fanfiction#evan peters fanfic#evan peters smut
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Can We Be Wrong Tonight? - Chapter Five
Pairing: Colin Zabel x Reader
Work Summary: In the wake of Missy Sager’s disappearance, you’re having trouble staying safe while making ends meet. Colin Zabel x Sex Worker!Reader.
Chapter Summary: Colin starts to worry that he hasn't heard from you.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Word Count: 1667
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @trashmaximoff @raincoffeeandfandoms @josephines-simps-fics @mrs-kai-anderson @cursedandromedablack @pappachismoth @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info.
Notes: Sorry it's been ages, I'm spinning a lot of plates rn.
You never texted him when you got home. Maybe that wasn’t so unusual. Maybe it was so late when you finally did get home that you didn’t want to disturb him. Or you might’ve forgotten. There was no reason to be worried.
Still, Colin couldn’t shake the creeping sensation that he’d ruined everything. He’d blurted out that he loved you in a drunken, post-coital haze. You’d just looked so pretty like that, looking up at him with those doe eyes, pushing your red dress down to cover yourself.
It was stupid. He was stupid. Men paid you to fuck them. He paid you to fuck him. This was your job and he shouldn’t have expected anything more.
As he was driving to work the next morning, a little hungover and very embarrassed, he mulled it over again.
It was your job. He paid you for sex.
Not last night, though. You had said you’d needed it too. He’d fucked you up against a wall and you had marked up his neck with your teeth and told him he was yours. You’d told him not to worry about paying. He wondered if that offer still stood, or if he’d ruined it all when he couldn’t keep his stupid mouth shut.
It didn’t matter. He would pay you anyway, as soon as the money came in. You needed it more than he did.
He picked up the usual two coffees, plus a muffin for Mare to apologise for ditching her last night. Not that she seemed bothered by it. She didn’t even look up at him until he set the cup down in front of her.
“Damn Zabel, good night last night?” she asked, half-smirking.
She pointed to the hickey on his neck, and he flushed bright pink. “Is that why you left in such a hurry?”
“No comment. Can we get on with work please?”
“… Fine.”
He managed to put you out of his mind for a couple of hours. He was busy with work. At lunchtime, he checked his phone and saw the open text chain with you. You still hadn’t messaged. But then again, he hadn’t either. Maybe he should say something. Just to get the ball rolling.
He sat there, staring at the phone for several minutes. He typed out a message, and then deleted it, and then another, and then deleted it too. In the end, he settled on:
Hey, hope you’re doing okay, sorry about last night, I’ll pay you next week x
He sent it before he could talk himself out of the ‘x’ at the end. Then he put his phone in his pocket and got back to work.
At the end of the day, you still hadn’t texted. He was staring down at his phone when Mare’s voice cut through his thoughts.
“What?” He looked up, startled, almost knocking over his water bottle in the process.
She just sighed. “You gonna tell me what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“Nothing. I’m sorry. I just…”
She looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Just what?”
“It’s nothing. I’m just getting in my own head.”
“Well,” she huffed, “try to get out of it. See you tomorrow, Zabel.”
“Goodnight, Mare.”
His mother was out when he got home, which he was thankful for. He really didn’t need to be interrogated about his love life right now. Instead, he stripped down to his boxers, and lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
You hadn’t invited him back to your place after the first time. So logically, he must’ve done something wrong then. Maybe he shouldn’t have left while you were sleeping? He didn’t know what the proper etiquette was.
Maybe you just realised that you didn’t like him enough to want him in your home?
And that was fine. Well, it made him want to cry, but he would understand if you felt that way. It’s not like he’d ever been lucky in love in the past. He put his phone on charge and rolled over, clutching a pillow to his chest. He didn’t sleep very that night. Or any of the following nights, for that matter.
It had been four days and you still hadn’t texted. He had sent a couple more messages, one a day so that you wouldn’t feel harassed. He felt guilty anyway.
The taste of you, the smell of your body in his clothes had faded after the first day. Now the hickey was fading too. The reminders of you were everywhere, and it made his heart sink.
Eventually, he made a choice. He was starting to get really worried. You’d never gone so long without texting him back before. Surely the sex can’t have been that bad? Surely the misplaced ‘I love you’ wasn’t enough to warrant this level of silent treatment?
So he sent you a message:
Hey, I’m really sorry that I keep texting but I haven’t heard from you. Please just let me know that you’re okay. I’ll leave you alone if you want me to, but I need to know that you’re safe. If you don’t text me back, I’m gonna come by your apartment this evening to check on you. If you don’t want me to, just say so and I’ll leave you alone. Forever, if that’s what you want. Sorry if I ruined everything.
His heart was pounding in his ears as he got dressed for work. He wanted to give you a reasonable enough time to respond to his message, so that if he showed up at your apartment, you wouldn’t be surprised. He tried not to think about it.
That was just about the longest day of work he’d ever experienced. His phone felt like a lead weight in his pocket. Mare had given up on trying to get through to him. He was about as useful as a brick wall right now. But she didn’t push. She just hoped he’d snap out of it soon.
By the time six o’clock rolled around, you still hadn’t texted back. His decision was made for him. He would go to your apartment, and hope that you were there and okay and wouldn’t slap him for coming over uninvited. That was the absolute best case scenario he could hope for right now.
It was payday. That, at the very least, was a good thing. He stopped by the bank before going to your place, taking out the money he owed you and stowing it in his wallet. After that, he got into his car and drove straight to your place. His palms were sweaty as he walked up the stairs to your apartment. When he came face to face with your front door, he almost couldn’t knock.
He hesitated with his fist raised, the look on your face when he told you he loved you bouncing around inside his head. You’d jerked away from him so fast. Colin felt like there was a fist clenching around his heart.
He knocked. No one came to the door. He knocked again, louder this time, and then stood there silent, listening. Your apartment was small enough that he would hear it if you were in the shower. He couldn’t hear anything.
Maybe you were out working? He was contemplating sliding a note under your door when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder.
He jumped, spinning around to face the person behind him. It was a middle-aged man, balding, with an angry look on his face.
“Who are you?” asked the man brusquely.
“I… I’m looking for Y/N. I’m a… friend of hers.”
The man scoffed. “She’s not here. She hasn’t been here in days.”
Colin felt all of the blood draining from his face. “Do you know where she went?”
“No. But she is late on rent. So if she doesn’t come back soon I’m going to have to serve an eviction notice.”
“You don’t have to do anything,” is what Colin wanted to say, but didn’t. Instead, he asked, “You’re her landlord?”
“Yes, of course.”
“How much does she owe?”
“It’s $600 a month to rent this place?”
“You got a problem with that?”
Colin swallowed hard. “Can I pay on her behalf? I have cash.”
The man regarded him for a long moment. “Okay.” Evidently he thought it was the way he was most likely to get his money.
“And just so you know, I am a police officer, so don’t try anything.”
“Okay, okay.” The landlord raised both hands. “I am an honest man. I will give you a receipt as proof of payment.”
“Thank you. I’m also going to need to see some documentation to prove that you own this apartment, and that the rent is the amount stated.”
Mare was waiting for him at the diner when he got there. He had texted her as soon as he was done with your landlord. She raised her eyebrows at him as he sat down opposite her. There were two cups of coffee on the table, and she pushed one towards him.
“Thanks,” said Colin, rubbing his hands together, trying to warm them up.
“Are you gonna tell me what this is about?”
He looked down at his coffee, as if the answer might be floating in the cup. “You remember when we spoke to Y/N about the girls who had gone missing.”
Mare gave him a confused look. “Sure?”
“Well… She and I… met up… a few times.” She raised both eyebrows at him. “But she’s gone missing. Her landlord hasn’t seen her in days and she’s not responding to any of my texts. I don’t know what to do.” The last sentence came out as a choked out sob, and to Colin’s horror, he realised that he was crying. Mare looked just as surprised as he did.
“Okay…” She put a hand on his arm. “We’re going to find her. Just start at the beginning.”
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