#pre cult kai
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Part one
Pairings: pre cult kai anderson x female reader x cult kai anderson
Summary: youre a new professor, fresh out of university. A coworker of yours leaves work on injury resulting in a senior class unattended to. That is when you accept the responsibility to cover the senior class and ready them for their final exams, what happens when a certain senior takes a liking to you.
What happens when he likes you more than a student should.
Warnings: pre cult kai turns into cult kai, age gap, teacher x student, sub kai anderson, dom kai anderson, smut, yandere tendencies, manipulation, crying, slapping, male masterbation, grinding, forcing kissing, threatening, blackmail.
Trying something out here just work with me for a little bit plz😅😖
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"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is professor l/n and I will be taking this class over for the remainder of the year"
You spoke to the room with forced confidence, all of their eyes on you watching as you spoke to everyone in the room you stood infornt of your desk clasping your hands together facing your crowd of new students, "your previous professor has unfortunately injured themselves and can't come to work"
You paused, the room was silent.
"I will allow questions to be asked now if anyone has any"
You waited patiently, your eyes darting around the room for any risen hands.
You walked back behind your desk and sat down on the seat that wasn't yours, although you wouldn't mind pinching it as the pillowy fabric softened your landing. "If there are none I shall move onto today's class-" you grabbed ahold of the 3 textbooks piled up on the large dark wood desk infront of you, your fingers flipped through the hundreds of pages eyes focused on the chapter number.
"I have a question"
The silence was broken, you looked up from the textbook, your eyes wandering across the lecture room, which wasn't hard thankfully as it was a rather small room, you made eye contact with a man.
"Ah, excuse me for not seeing you earlier, what is your question sir?"
You sat up straight awaiting your students reply.
"Are you single"
The strength you have to stop the obvious eye roll from happening was impressive.
"What is your name sir?"
"Well Connor, I dont think that is an appropriate question to ask your professor"
After Connor had broken the ice a handful of other students asked questions which you ofcourse answered truthfully, I am a new teacher,I'm not sure what happened happened your professor, I am 26 years old, yes I will be carrying off from where your old professor left off.
"Now of there are no other questiones I would like to get on with the lesson"
Out of all of the eyes on you there was one different from the rest, a pair that were staring harder than everyone else, you could feel a sense of weariness creep up on you.
What was going on?
Why were you feeling like this?
You choked down the gulp that was caught in your throat and resulted back to the large books infront of you instructing your students to read the text and answer questiones.
As they done so, that feeling if nervousness itched it's way back back you, your eyes shot up from your notebooks to your class, everyone's eyes were drawn to their laps reading the books placed in their hands or infront of them.
Everyone but one.
Your eyes locked, you had never felt so startled by anything in your life other than the strong eyecontact one of your students gave you.
It was quick, you caught him staring and he jumped and buried his nose into the book, the contact mightve only lasted a secind but it felt longer, you felt asthough you were being put under a microscope being analysed.
The rest of the class somewhat flew by, by the end of the class you had instructed the class to prepare a sideshow presentation on a topic of their choice asking as it referred back to the main topic they were learning.
You also gave them the choice of either working alone or in pairs, most of your students instantly paired with one another, infant all of the students in your class were paired with someone.
All but one.
As everyone left you reminded the students to have the presentation done by next week or else it would result in an automatic fail.
One by one the class decreased in size and before you knew it the lecture room was empty, you had completely forgotten you now had free periods as you were only teaching a senior class. To relax you took out a book and a cereal bar from your coat pocket and lay back in your seat.
"Professor l/n"
You almost choked on your cereal bar, you instantly sat forward in your seat and flipped the magazine shut.
"H-How many I help you Mr...."
"My name is kai, kai anderson"
He loomed over your desk, his body awkwardly shifting his weight. Although his body language seemed rigid and tense his eyes bore into yours, He was younger than you yet you felt intimidated under his gaze.
"Nice to meet you Mr Anderson is there anything I can do for you"
You sat for a while waiting for kai to speak but all he done was stare at you and the floor.
"Well if there isn't anythi-"
"You shouldn't eat that" kai interrupted
"Excuse me Mr Anderson?"
"You never know what's been put in those bars, you could be eating something entirely different to what you think you are"
Your head was empty of responses.
"Here", kai dipped his hand into his backpack reaching out another cereal bar, this one youbhad never seen before, its packaging being completely unrecognisable,"this is safe"
He holds the cereal bar out to you wanting and waiting for you to take it with your own hand instead of placing it on the desk.
"My amderson I don't feel comfortable taking this from you it's yours" you hide the fact that you don't trust anything a stranger gives you with a simple excuse.
"Take it, I have more in my bag"
He holds the breakfast bar out closer to you after brushing your words from his head, you have no other choice than to take the bar unless you would rather sit and awkwardly refuse his gift for the rest of the day.
"What? Don't trust me?"
Kais eyes remained glued ti your face, his facial expression never changing from the blank look on his face.
"I didn't do anything to it"
You gulp and slowly your hand raises to meet kais taking ahold of the breakfast bar and attempting to pull it away from him. When the cereal bar refuses to move you let go of it but keep your hand close to it, kai smiles and holds the cereal bar with his whole hand before placing it in yours.
Your hands touched, his rough fingers brushing off of your palm as he finally let go of the cereal bar. You felt unsettled about how long he kept his hand on yours.
"Thankyou very much Mr Anderson you may leave now, I'm sure you need to get to your next class"
Kai stares at you for a few more minutes before smiling and breathing out a awkward laugh, he begins to walk away from your desk.
"You don't have to call me Mr Anderson, just kai"
You didn't bother give him another response and sat silently looking down at your lap where the new cereal bar was until you heard the sound of the doors to the lecture room open and close.
Not a second went by before you threw the breakfast bar into the small trash can beside the desk.
Two weeks had gone by and the rate if weird interaction with kai had increased. you would often catch him staring at you at times where he should have been occupied with something else like reading or researching.
You would leave the lecture room, locking the doors, and would catch a glimpse of kai darting around corners or walking away from you.
One thing that seemed to happen far too often than that should was that everyday after you taught kais class he would awkwardly walk to your desk and hold out another cereal bar, he would stand there until you took it and waited for you to thank him before her left the room, and everytime he left you would throw the cereal bar away not even bothering to give it a chance.
Yet you never seemed to catch him taking sneaking photos of you during and after class.
Two months had since then passed and kai had seemed to grow alot more attached to you than you jad hoped, he would spend as much time as he could with you, his lunch, his free periods and would often ask to walk you to your car.
He came physically closer to you, whenever he was sat down he would chose the seat closest to you when in class but if the two of you were alone he would drag a seat right next to yours and plonk himself Down by your side.
What worried you the most was he was becoming a lot more dominant.
Kai would try to touch you, rub your shoulders, pat your back, brush hair from your face, and when you denied him access he would throw a small fit and get mad at you, you would then remind him that he didn't have to stay with you at lunch and he could leave at any time.
It was lunch time now, and ofcourse kai was with you in your room, he always followed the same routine, he would sit infront of you, pull out a large textbook and read, well, pretend to. This day was no different, kai sat in his normal seat, the one right infront of the teachers desk, he pulled out a large book placed it on the small table infront of him and a bottle of water.
You had made a routine for yourself whenever kai was around you, even in class. You would simply ignore him, pick other students to answer questiones, look down at your phone or the books infront of you and eat when every he asked you a question
And that's exactly what you done as soon as he entered the lecture room.
Everything was going as usual until the constant sound of thumping reached your ears, you had hought at first it was one of kais futile attempts to gain your attention as it wasn't the first time he had plucked one or two of your feathers just to get you to look at him.
The noises didn't stop, what the hell was happening?
You brought your head up eyes connecting with kais and holding each other in locked eye contact.
You always felt intimidated by kai, even though he was younger than you and you were his professor he always made you feel naked.
You wanted nothing more than to break the eye contact between you and your questionable student , your eyes tracked down back to your book but stopped in horror.
Kai was touching himself as he watched you read, and he didn't stop now that you had caught him.
Infact at the sight of your horrified face kai let out a whine and continued to touch himself. You froze, what could you do, if he was bold enough to madterbate infront of you he wouldn't feel threatened by you telling the Dean.
When kai noticed you didn't move he spread his legs wider, his cock on full display as he pumped his fist up his length, your eyes were glued to his hand watching as he would slightly twist his hand as he got nearer to the head of his cock.
Kai threw his head back at the feeling of knowing you were staring at him, he relished in the feeling of your eyes never moving from his dick. He never knew you would react this way, he decided to do it on a whim to see what your initial reaction to him would be.
A guttural moan left his lips as his left hand shot up to grab onto the books on the table beside him, the pages crumpled underneath his grasp yet he spared them no mercy, oh how he wished it was you who he was touching.
He often would imagine you instead of his hand, a perverted smile plastering his face at night as he imagined fucking you against you desk infront of his class, infront of Connor.
He couldn't even imagine how tight and wet you'd be but he wanted to find out so badly, it was a need for him.
His eyes peeled open just to stare at you through foggy eyes, he wanted you to witness him cum to you, for you, and he knew you'd enjoy it that's why you hadn't looked away yet.
Your heart was thumping in your chest, your legs were useless as you sat nailed to the chair, your bottom half wriggled uncomfortable against the plush cushion under you as you watched kai.
The noises coming from his mouth were loud and lewd, you were sure if anyone was outside your room they would be able to hear kais outbursts of pleasure.
But did you care?
The sight of kais strained cock was engraved into your mind, his body was telling you in its own way it was ready to come undone, his pink tip glistened with the precum that oozed out of his cock with every pump of his fist.
Your cheeks burned as your ears rung at the sound of kai almost whimpering out your name. You couldn't help but cross your leg over the other to settle the subtle thump between your legs.
What was wrong with you
This is disgusting why am I watching
Why won't I look away
When kai came his body froze for seconds before becoming extremely limp, only his eyes moved to stare back at yours not bothering about his now softening cock that was yet to be tucked back into his pants.
Your mind was short of anything to say
the only words coming to mind were
"What, the, fuck".
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double-features · 5 months ago
i have a couple drafts i need to work on, js wanted to know which one you guys want the most because!! yeah!! here are the w.i.p's along with a short summary :]
---- CINEMA NERD - MAX COOPERMAN x READER (reader is a cinema nerd and max takes them on a movie date)
---- HOMECOMING COURT - RUSSELL HAYES x READER (reader and russell are silly gooses who go to homecoming together!)
---- BULLET - PRE!CULT KAI ANDERSON x READER (uh oh! angst! reader and kai are partners, she comes out about her suicidal ideations and he tries to comfort her)
---- ASTRAPHOBIA - TATE LANGDON x READER (reader is totally scared of storms and one night, tate tries to cheer them up/lull them back to sleep)
---- GOODBYE, MY DANISH SWEETHEART - COLIN ZABEL x READER (reader is scared to express her love for colin and it causes a lot of issues in their relationship)
---- ALIVE - TATE LANGDON x READER (reader learns tate is a ghost and tries to join him on the other side, their plan doesnt work)
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flintnsocks · 2 months ago
i like to believe that he actually wanted to make the world a better place. just got lost somewhere along the way (coping)
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carols-photonblast · 1 year ago
am I the only one who liked my blueberry pre-cult
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strangegirl2007 · 2 months ago
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feefymo · 8 months ago
Abt the game of the fic combination pls
Character: Pre-Cult Kai Anderson
Kink: pegging
Word: first time
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(c) Lee
WARNINGS! WARNINGS EVERYWHERE! My dear anon, hi! Well, it wasn't easy. It was my first time writing for Kai (an insidious and deeply controversial character for me) and starting from his pre-cult version represent a great and exciting challenge! I'll be honest: the plot is thin compared to the smut but I hope you'll like my choices relating to the sexual sphere of "that Kai"! Have fun!
"Ssssure, bro. Squeeze those brains properly." Vincent, Kai's older brother, had appeared at the top of the basement stairs to remind him of a weekend commitment. For his part, Kai had closed the laptop in a snap, rolling his eyeballs in his skull before giving his relative a kind of formal smile. A grimace, on which his eyebrows pressed impatiently. "Sooner or later he'll realize that I can't stand him." the boy stated monotonously, reopening the computer and then stuffing a Cheetos into his mouth. You leaned over to lick the thumb of his hand that remained in mid-air, thus regaining all of Kai's attention in an obsidian gaze. "He's already noticed. You said it yourself: he's a shrink."
You and Kai Anderson had met on a dating app through which you discovered you lived on the same street. Neither of you were ever too excited about the idea of ​​going out, which is why you had never met before. In short, you had started dating without commitment but by now it had been going on for about six months and there were those who labeled you as a couple of real freaks. Winter, Kai's younger sister, never failed to tease you, begging you to dump her weirdo brother if you cared about a decent future. However, as much as you wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious, you spent most of your time together. Symbiotic in your strangeness, you spent hours and hours in that basement surfing the dark web, smoking, sharing long silences or fucking. And, oh yeah, you two fucked a lot.
“Have you ever heard the story that Walt Disney got himself frozen like an Eggo?” the keyboard stopped ticking so Kai could ask the question. He curled up on the sofa, resting his chin on one knee with his enchanted gaze on a fixed and indefinite point of the screen. "Mh-mh." you nodded at him as you downed a couple of antidepressants with the now lukewarm beer. “Such… fl4tty_h3arty91 says she has the photos.” it was as if Kai was debating whether or not to be skeptical about it. He had been sailing all afternoon, in the most unpleasant and disturbing meanders of the internet, but his dissatisfaction increased along with his morbid, senseless searches. At another moment you would have been enthusiastic to indulge him but then and there you remained staring at him as he stared into space before him. "Let's look at them later, Walt won't thaw anyway." Slowly, very slowly, Kai turned his head in your direction to try to understand why you weren't interested in something tasty like that. Then he understood and a sinister smile, vaguely sedated, began to illuminate him like a power plant gradually coming into operation. "What are you doing? Are you going to suck me a little, Disney villain? Hm?" he hung onto one of your braids with his fingers still dusty from corn snacks and tugged on it playfully. He rolled it around his wrist, immediately becoming serious again but no less attracted by what your body communicated. On the other hand, you were wearing his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers and that alone helped to turn him on. Although your clothes were loose, Anderson could perfectly see your body moving sinuously towards him. Without having to worry about tying your hair back, like a feline, you got down on all fours from the sofa and then positioned yourself between Kai's thighs and caressed them. Scratching the thick fabric of the jeans that covered them. In the background, a playlist of electronic music that had been repeating itself on a loop for too long, contributing to both of your anguish. Making both of you as dangerous as thunderbolts.
“Yummy…” you whispered sarcastically with a cheeky expression as you unbuttoned his jeans. Your mouth hung limply open on the last vowel and your tongue emerged from there. A lapping on the stretched fabric of his boxers. Two, as Kai traced the parting on your skull with an index finger. "Mmmh, hungry?" he asked you, yawning, not because he wasn't involved but because, in a certain sense, he was relaxed. Accustomed to and, at the same time, fibrillating at the idea of ​​cumming thanks to you. When your response resulted in repeatedly slamming the tip of his cock against your inviting lips, Kai swallowed dryly, arching his back. He sat back with a sigh, his neck tilted back. The cell phone rested between his dilated pupils and the ceiling. He scrolled it aimlessly, lazily matching the rhythm of the blowjob. He was enjoying it when a vulgar snap signaled the end of the games.
"You know what? I had something else in mind." you pondered in a loud and hoarse voice, as if you hadn't already planned everything to your liking. Confused, a little irritated, Kai watched you with his eyebrows noticeably raised. "What the… ? Y/N, before you got out so you could finish the job." but you wouldn't listen to Kai's complaints because, with your back to him, you were busy dragging your backpack close to you. "Maybe you've forgotten, maybe you're hoping that I've forgotten, and then I'll remind you: we made a bet on Monday and you…?" poisonous as ivy, you started climbing on top of him, and he reached into the t-shirt you were wearing and grabbed your tits. He groped your boobs firmly, moving his thumbs over the nipples as if they were joysticks. No, he hadn't forgotten and you could see it on his face worthy of slaps. He inhaled theatrically through his perfect nose, trying to appear like a sphinx in your eyes. "Lost. I lost it." you nodded, pleased like a mother and then involved him in a voracious kiss. Hypnotic. "So? What are your intentions? You're missing what you need." Kai added quite sure of what he was saying, lifting his pelvis so that his erection would pass through your pussy from the outside. You exhaled an excited laugh which was enough to disconfirm the certainties of the young slacker. "You don't… have it in your backpack, do you?" you preferred not to say a word, in fact, you took all the time in the world in rubbing yourself against him and then climbing over him and pulling out the harness. "Oh, shit. You really have it." "When I tell you to take me seriously, you have to take me seriously." “What if I don't want to do this anymore?” "But you want to do it. I know it… I feel it…"
Kai snorted, hitting a brown strand with his breath. He couldn't resist you, he was horny by now and you were making his life difficult. You spoke to him like a mermaid from the depths and, in the meantime, you slowly took off your boxers to reveal to him the nakedness of your cunt. You ran your fingers through it under Kai's greedy supervision, "I suppose I can't just jerk off while watching you." so you, stoic, shook your head: one leg after the other, you put on the harness to which you had applied the dildo. When you masturbated it as if it were real, Kai moaned something. "Okay, you win: stick it in my ass." he pretended to be disinterested, but instead he was subjugated by desire and nervousness. In a series of snaps he stood up and abruptly pulled down his jeans. He let them stay at his ankles, giving you a gesture, as if to say: "here you go, happy?"
"Where should I put myself. What the fuck should I… ?" "Ssh, sssh. Come on, it's normal to be nervous the first time. Lie down, sunshine." with clenched teeth, Kai scanned you before you returned to his mouth: you began to massacre it with kisses and bites while you accompanied him in a supine position on the sofa. "So we're looking at each other?" he ventured with a start of breathlessness, his hand positioned on the crook of your neck and his thumb pressing on the center of your throat. "You don't want to? I'll stand behind you if you prefer. But that way you risk feeling less of a man." but Kai, with a well-defined pout, glossed over your smirk as a proven provocateur. He hung onto the fake cock and then placed his index finger on the tip and made it bounce slightly. "Nah. You're… sexy. Very, very sexy." your eyebrows furrowed as you reached up to grab the lube. "Oh yeah? Am I sexy?" you reiterated, moving further forward and pushing the dildo between Kai's lips. You were pulling the string. You were taking risks and Kai had never been the patient or predictable type. Speaking of which, he bared his teeth and bit the silicone with a very disreputable face. "Relaaaax yourself, Anderson. Be a good boy, come on…" you invited him in a conciliatory and mellifluous tone. You pulled off the huge shirt and pressed down on the lubricant dispenser so that it dripped on you. On the boobs, between the boobs, along the abdomen. Promptly, Kai began spread on your skin until it glistened. Part of that shine stuck to his torso, already naked, when you lay on his all-nerves body. Your slippery fingers drew doodles between your bodies until they became less discreet. "No, no, no: don't tense up, baby. I'll be gentle, don't worry." something never fully expressed bubbled in Kai's armored stomach. In his spirit gangrenous and gagged for years. On the one hand he lent himself to the game but, on the other, he hated that sense of submission. At the same time, that indefinite form of hatred excited him to the point of pushing his hips upwards, effectively making it easier for you. After massaging it externally, you ventured with the slow insertion of a finger and Kai growled. He gave you a hot, tarry look, grabbing your braid and pulling without half measures. In response, you moaned in pain that didn't fail to immediately wet your pussy. Now, Kai had you by the neck in a more than tolerable but alarmed grip. "I don't… like it. I don't fucking like it, Y/N. Fuck!" "Kai, wait! Wait, give me time…"
You wanted to make the experience as less traumatic as possible and you were eager to get to the good part but you knew that the debut would create some problems and, if you didn't find a way to transform it for the better, you would be strangled. Armed with calm, you added more lube and waited for Kai to stop moaning about the second finger. Having found the right spot, you began to test Kai's reactions, whose suffering and piqued grimaces first froze, then gradually dissolved. "Oh, o-oh fuck… shit, fuck…" "What's up, baby?" "Okay I guess… a-ha! I guess… do it again." "How, like this?" you curved your fingers and it was as if Kai Anderson's body was pervaded by a light but widespread shock. A sharp groan cracked like a whip and his eyes rolled up to study his skull. Lips softly parted and jaw hanging as the hand holding your neck softened into a vehement massage. "Now yessss. Yes, yes, yes… so… holy shit, that's the most… don't stop. Don't try to stop, Y/N!" Seeing him reduced to that state makes you shattered. You're soaked, you're anxious as if he were penetrating you for the first time and you stare at him, plundering him with all the erotic details he's giving you without knowing it. Suddenly, abruptly, he clings to the back of your neck, breathing violently through his nostrils and scrutinizing you in turn with a grim look. One, two, three seconds and he kisses you vehemently in a mixture of tongues ​​and verses. "Stick that thing up my ass. Now." Kai ordered you between clenched molars, used to dominating but too high on desire to escape. He hits you with a weak slap on the cheek and then spontaneously decides to get off the couch and walk around it with weak legs. He leaned back on his elbows, bent at a right angle with his head tilted forward. The brown waves of hair following the chasm as you lubed up the strap-on and licked your lips eagerly.
"Are you sure?" “Now, Y/N.” "You're a fucking dream, Kai Anderson." and so saying, you allowed yourself to prepare him a little more with your fingers before sliding the dildo between his buttocks and starting to press the tip against the desired area. Kai dug his nails into the sofa, suppressing a hoarse and prolonged moan, but when he felt full, he stopped breathing for a moment. His back arched noticeably and tears moistened the corners of his closed eyelids. "WOAH!" Luckily, no one but you was occupying the house - no one alive, at least - because, when you started to move your hips, Kai let out a full-blown scream. A lustful scream that accompanied a feeling of dizziness as he abruptly brought his right hand to his cock and tortured the base. It was such a mix of sensations that Kai was already on the verge of orgasm. "Do you like it, angel?" you asked breathlessly and vaguely pleading, holding on to his hips to stabilize your thrusts. "It… drives me crazy." he retorted, so overwhelmed that he drooled onto the pillows. A shiny thread of saliva vibrated in tandem with his continuous cries. Now, his touch insisted on the congested glans while you, in the meantime, kissed the most accessible vertebrae.
"I know you're about to come… I wish I could feel it on my flesh…" "Yes, fuck. I can't-, oh Jesus Christ, anymore!" with his free hand, Kai blindly searched you for any form of extra contact but had to give in to yet another wave of intense pleasure. "And who's stopping you? Who's stopping you from cumming right away?" you tempt him, pronouncing the words well and showing him how much the idea excites you. Kai shudders, letting out a sigh which is followed by a gesture: he begins to masturbate the entire length with implacable ardor. "No one. I do as I please… ah! Harder, Y/N! Yes, yes, more, faster, ye-ees! Talk to mh-me, break me… FFFFUCK!" he wished he had the strength to stop everything and turn around to cum on your face. In your throat. He could not and did not want to interrupt that erotic delirium that fully seized him by reaching an overpowering climax. Spurts of hot sperm abundantly decorated the furniture against which he pressed his erection at its maximum hardness. He no longer saw anything and, convinced he was fainting, he collapsed into a kneeling position, unable to catch his breath. You, visibly drenched along the inside of both thighs, looked him up and down as if in the presence of a blasphemous deity. You dropped the sex toy on the floor. "Kai… ?" "Give me… give me a break. And I won't give it to you tonight."
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delusional-fantasising · 2 months ago
All my dedication and hard work is all going down the drain because of the government wanting censorship
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taintandviolent · 2 months ago
to that anon who asked me to write precult incel Kai..... why do you want to hurt me....
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fear-is-truth · 2 months ago
ok hear me out the evans with reader who has an oral fixation
⋆𐙚 ₊ the evans… and your oral fixation.ᐟ
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ft. tate langdon ‧ kit walker ‧ kyle spencer ‧ james patrick march‧ kai anderson
a/n: um. idk if u meant the normal kind or the sucking dick kind so i’m assuming it’s the former...
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⟣ tags ‧ nsfw for kai | gn! reader
he’d think it’s kind of endearing, like when you absentmindedly chew on pens or nibble your fingers while lost in thought.
might lowkey encourage it because he loves seeing you relaxed or focused. he’d think it’s cute when you’re twirling a straw between your lips or biting the corner of a snack wrapper.
boy has a filthy mind and he would imagine the beautiful possibilities with your oral fixation.
kit would be so understanding and sweet about it, no judgment at all. he’d notice your little habits early on and immediately start thinking of ways to help.
he’d carry around toothpicks, gum, or hard candy in his pocket, just for you.
whenever you’re chewing on something (like your nails or a pen), he’d gently take it from you. “don’t wanna see you hurt yourself, y’know?”
would even try to incorporate your fixation into little sweet gestures. like, he’d hand you a lollipop and say, “thought of you when i saw this at the store.”
he’d never call it weird or make you feel bad; instead, he’d see it as one of those unique little things that make you you.
if you’re playing with his fingers or nibbling on his shirt collar absentmindedly, he’d just smile and let you. “you’re somethin’ else, darlin’.”
⟢ pre death .ᐟ 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑.
would think your oral fixation is the cutest thing ever. he wouldn’t even question it; he’d just roll with it like the golden retriever boyfriend he is.
kyle would quietly watch out for signs that you’re stressed or anxious, knowing your fixation might be a coping mechanism. he’d always be ready to distract or comfort you when needed.
if you chew on his hoodie strings, he’d chuckle softly and let you. even if it means walking around with damp hoodie ties afterward.
if he notices you fiddling with random objects to chew on, he’d gently offer alternatives. “here, try this instead,” handing you a piece of gum.
he’d probably start carrying around little things like gummy candy or mints just for you.
he’s just the kind of guy who sees your quirks as something to adore, not fix.
james would initially raise an eyebrow at your oral fixation, finding it a bit unladylike, but the fact that it’s you doing it makes him oddly charmed. “my dear, such habits are unbecoming, yet somehow you make them… endearing.”
because he’s a world-class simp for you.
he’d absolutely try to redirect the habit into something more “sophisticated.” he’d offer you cigars, not because he expects you to actually smoke them but because it amuses him.
he’d also introduce you to those elegant, vintage cigarette holders—the long, fancy ones used by old hollywood starlets.
would keep an assortment of expensive hard candies or licorice in crystal jars around the hotel just for you.
⟢ cult leader .ᐟ 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍.
kai would probably shame you about your oral fixation, calling it “childish” or “immature,” “what are you, a teething infant?”
if he’s truly invested in you, he’d dive into the psychology of it, trying to figure out why you do it via pinky power. ask evasive questions.
there’s no way he’d let you chew on his hoodie strings.
instead, he’d offer something that benefits him. “you need something to suck on? here,” he’d say, sliding two of his fingers into your mouth with a knowing smirk.
would lowkey enjoy the control of indulging your fixation on his terms. he’d use that as an excuse to throat-train you. work on that gag reflex of yours.
at the end of the day, he’d see your oral fixation as something to manipulate, explore, and (occasionally) accommodate.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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redroses07 · 1 year ago
AHS boys cuddling headcanons. <3
A/N: Hey guys! I'm back from my year long hiatus! It's been a crazy year for me and I've been through a lot of ups and downs but I'm finally back! Expect me to be posting a lot now because I have a TON of ideas. Anyways, enjoy this little drabble! Love y'all!
Contains: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Michael Langdon, and Xavier Plympton.
Tate Langdon:
This boy is definitely a little spoon.
Constantly asks you to hold him in your arms.
You, personally love this, and happily wrap your arms around him lovingly.
Places soft kisses on your fingers while you trace his features.
Absolutely LOVES when you play with his hair, he practically begs for it.
Now don't think he's always going to be the one being held, that's just what he prefers.
If you're feeling down he'll pull you into his chest, and hold you like something's going to take you from him (his abandonment issues showing)
Loves kissing your neck while cuddling.
Kit Walker:
Kit is truly the most loving partner you could ask for and cuddling with you is one of his favorite things in the whole world.
Likes to see your pretty face so prefers that you two lay facing each other.
Softly tells you all the things he loves about you while pressing kisses to your nose, lips, cheeks, and forehead.
When I tell you his hands would be all over you, I mean ALL OVER. He loves to trace his fingers down your arms, torso and stomach.
Kit also likes to sneak his hands under your shirt when your laying together, and he often falls asleep with them like that.
Cannot fall asleep unless his hands are on you in some way (will not lose you like he lost Alma)
Anyways Kit is amazing and I am in love with him.
Pre-death Kyle Spencer:
Tbh he's my least favorite Evan character so apologies if this sucks.
For some reason I feel like he loves to nuzzle his face in your neck, and he often falls asleep like that.
Lets you lay on his lap while he works on schoolwork, and starts playing with your hair when he loses focus.
Loves when you sit in his lap, he will pull you in his lap literally anywhere. No matter if you're alone, or with your friends he feels the best when you're comfortably situated on his lap.
Jimmy Darling:
Big spoon!!!!!!
Loves when you straddle his waist or wrap your arms around his neck.
Really loves to feel as close to you as possible so he'll tangle your bodies together in every possible way.
One would think it would be hard to get comfortable like that but your comfort is Jimmy's #1 priority, even if that means sacrificing his own.
So if that means his arm falls asleep or his leg cramps, that's okay! as long as you're co. mfortable.
Jimmy loves to kiss your cheeks, and when he's in a silly mood he quickly switches between the two. This leaves you flustered, and in a fit of giggles.
James Patrick March
You wouldn't expect it but James LOVES cuddling with you.
On the outside he seems like he would be cold and dismissive in a relationship but you are his EVERYTHING.
Loves when you lay on top of him and he can comfortably wrap his arms around you.
Constantly whispers to you how much he loves and adores you and would do anything for you (In love with his accent)
Probably not surprising but he likes to leave marks all over you, and not just during sex.
Will bite and suck on your skin while you're cuddling. His favorite place to leave marks is your collarbone.
He sees this as an intimate act, and loves the idea that people will know you belong to him.
Kai Anderson
Lets be real...this man is not a cuddler. To be honest he only cares about you when he's trying to make the messiah baby.
But occasionally he'll be extremely overwhelmed with cult responsibilities and will turn to you for condolences.
Holds you while he vents to you about his frustrations.
Plays with your hair or fiddles with the straps of your tank top to distract himself.
Will also ask you about your day to give him something else to think about.
These are the few times when Kai shows his vulnerable side.
Will kiss your shoulders while you tell him about your day, or give him cult advice.
Michael Langdon:
I love Michael so much y'all he's literally my husband.
Cuddling can go either way with him tbh. Sometimes it's him holding you, and sometimes it's you holding him.
When he holds you he pulls you into him and traces is fingers along your back.
Loves to intertwine your fingers and tightly grip your hand. It makes him feel closer and more connected to you.
Cuddling is when you and Michael have your most intimate bonding moments. When you spill your deepest thoughts and secrets to each other.
On the other hand, when the pressure on Michael is too much, he wants you to hold him.
He cries softly, and stuffs his face into your chest in an effort to hide his tears.
When life just becomes too much for him being held and kissed by you makes everything feel okay.
This is a weird one but I feel like he'd have you brush his hair (I love long hair Michael don't hate).
Xavier Plympton:
Likes to listen to music while cuddling, and will softly sing along if he knows the lyrics.
Will also tap on your back along to the beat.
Likes when you lay your head on his chest and drape your legs over his.
Loves to talk while cuddling, telling you everything that comes to his mind.
He talks, you listen, and that's what he loves about you.
Takes breaks in between his various rants to kiss the top of your head and make sure you're comfortable.
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c-cobweb · 7 months ago
i love love lovee all of your fics, would you write pre cult leader kai smut? if not just totally ignore this!
𝓕irst time ⋮ kai anderson
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ᡣ𐭩 . warnings ᯓ +18 mdni!, pre cult!kai, fluffy vanilla smut, cute pet names. a/n ᯓ im glad that you liked my fics<3 and i find pre cult kai so cute with his short brown hair. ps: english is not my first lenguage.
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Kai and you were curled up on the sofa of his house, with Winter and his parents on a family trip — to which he preferred not to go — you had the house to yourself.
You were watching a romcom that you didn’t pay much attention to, Kai because I was giving you kisses and small bites on the neck and you because obviously couldn’t concentrate on the movie because of your boyfriend’s actions.
You intertwined your hand with Kai’s — the difference in size was noticeable — and left a kiss on his knuckles, listening to a soft laugh from him making his chest vibrate on your back.
“What are you laughing at?” You asked confused, turning your head to look at his face. “You’re just so cute,” Kai said with a big smile, stretching his neck to kiss you delicately.
You accepted the kiss, both smiling like fools in love. His tongue came out of his mouth to lick your lower lip, asking for permission so that his tongue can enter your mouth.
Your tongues met in a playful dance inside your mouths. Kai’s hands went down from your waist to your butt, leaving them there without making any other movement.
Of course you had made out before and that you had touched both above and below the clothes, but you had never made love with him. And since you were alone for the rest of the weekend, maybe tonight would be the night.
Your arms passed behind his neck in a comforting hug, your legs landed on each side of his hip and you began to move on his growing bulge.
“Wait, honey, wait,” Kai said, putting his hand on your shoulder to get away from his lips, which you looked at confused and a little hurt. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Of course Kai, if I’m going to do this it’s with you” You looked him in the eyes with confidence, it’s not like it’s your first time but you did consider it to be something sacred.
He nodded and grabbed your chin with his fingers to get back to his lips. Your tongues met again in a heated dance, Kai’s hands that were on your butt now squeezed it and made your hips move over his, creating friction between your dripping centre and his pulsating erection.
“Need you… I need you Kai” You gasped in his mouth as you began to move your hips by yourself, pressing you more against him slightly. Your breasts stuck to his chest and your kisses went down to his neck, sucking until they left red marks.
Kai growls throwing his head back, squeezing his jaw and crushing your buttocks against his palms. “Let’s go to my room,” he said and grabbed you under your thighs making you roll your legs around his waist and got up with you in tow to carry you to his room.
Along the way you left kisses and bites on his neck and jaw until you reached his room and he laid you on the bed. After putting on you, he took off his shirt and unbuttoned his belt.
Then he clinged on you and started kissing your neck, putting his hands under your shirt. The contact of his cold hands against your warm skin made your hair stand on end and your nipples stand up since you were not wearing a bra.
“Can I?” He asked by pulling your shirt, asking for permission to take it off. You nodded, you were so excited that the words didn’t come out of your mouth.
Kai got rid of your t-shirt and when he saw your naked breasts a trembling sigh came out of his lips and his hands went to grab each boob in a hand of his while admiring how well they fit in his hands.
His head went down until he caught one of your stabbing nipples in his mouth, fluttering his tongue around it and massaging the other with his free hand. “Fuck, Kai” You moaned burying your hand between his brown strands, stretching his hair to stick his mouth more to your chest.
“You are delicious, little one” Whines against your tit to pass the other, also putting the nipple in his mouth.
You made your free hand go down to your centre, putting it in your pants and panties to start caressing your pulsating clit. When Kai quickly realised, he quickly pushed his hand away from you.
“Do you think you can do that?” Kai asked playfully as he began to remove your pants and underwear. “While you are with me you will never have to satisfy yourself”
Said and done, Kai finished taking off the rest of your clothes to start with his. Once his pants and boxers touched the ground, he stood in front of you, proud of his shape. You were amazed, you were looking at his biceps, then his pectorals and abdomen and finally his member, wow, was that really going to fit?
“Like what you see, honey?” He asked with a playful tone while he got on top of you. “More than you can imagine” You answered in a sigh, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Are you ready?” Kai said looking into your eyes to make sure once again, to which you nodded.
With a small kiss on the forehead as a warning, he grabbed his cock from the base and directed the tip towards your entrance, starting to get inside you little by little with a big growl.
You let out a big moan and sank your nails into his shoulders before the feeling of widening that his dick gave you.
He gave you a few seconds to get used to the new feeling and then began to move slowly but deeply.
Moans and gasps came out of your mouth with every onslaught of his. Little by little he was increasing the depth of his thrusts, fucking you hard but slowly. His next action was to hide his face in your neck and suck it from time to time.
Your hand went up to Kai’s hair stretching from it slightly. “Fuck babe, you take me so good” He snarled against your ear accelerating his movements a little, to which you in response rolled your legs around his waist to make his cock be buried more in your centre, taking out a big moan from him.
You started to move your hips with his, causing little whines to come out of his lips. That encouraged him to move faster, feeling how your walls were getting narrow and narrow around him, he could say that you were close.
You turned your head to start kissing his cheek, leaving multiple kisses there to which he smiled and took his face off your neck to meet your lips.
His tongue ventured into your mouth once again, savouring you and playing with your own tongue. His hand went down and got between your bodies to be able to caress your clit. “Kai, that’s too much... I think I’m gonna come” You announced between moans as you moved your hips against him again.
“Do it, babe. Come for me” He purred in your ear and that was all you needed to cum with a big moan.
Kai came out of you and with a couple of pumps he came in your abdomen. Breathing agitatedly, he admire your body covered with his semen as if it were a work of art, proud of what he had done.
“Wait a moment, honey, I’m going to get something to clean you” He left a kiss on your forehead and then got out of bed to go to the bathroom for a towel.
Before he came back you closed your eyes, falling into a peaceful dream after that intense moment.
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mlist , bots
 c-cobweb 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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lirarere · 7 months ago
headcanons relationship!
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with pre cult! kai anderson x gn!reader
notes: ok I came back a little later than I wanted, but ok, at least I kept my promise lol, enjoy!
warning: nothing special at the beginning, except for jealousy and self-doubt kai, maybe kai is still a little ooc! at the end there will be a moment with possession, sexual themes (not explicit), spoilers, mention of death and corpses, anyway I will leave a note before this, so read carefully!!
with the obvious: kai is an awkward virgin who has never even been kissed, he literally sits in his basement 24/7 and is the boss of reddit and 4chan and when he found you... god put a leash on him
it will literally be so difficult to tear him away from you at the beginning of the friendship, you are probably literally his only friend (not counting those very dubious dudes in the above-mentioned reddit and 4chan), of course he will be hooked on you and will be with you forever like gum on your jeans
most likely, you will confess first because he is too awkward and is afraid of rejection, he is also afraid that you will consider him an eccentric and completely reject him (he literally dreamed about this a couple of times and woke up in a cold sweat)
but when you admit... oh, be prepared that now he is not just chewing gum, but a stain that can never be removed with more than one washing powder, he has completely fallen
when you first hold his hand he has a little explosion in his head, his hand immediately becomes sweaty and sticky, you'll probably have to wash your hand (and him too) because he's a super wet boy
with kisses it will be twice as bad, if they are quick and on the cheek (most often on his initiative) then he will simply blush and wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans
if it’s on the lips, then he will lose consciousness, no, he will literally lose consciousness, his brain simply cannot withstand the overabundance of impulses and small atomic explosions in his heart and he will pass out
you are literally his first, just love him 😔
often when you hang out at his house (because he is a very antisocial person) you also often hear his parents arguing, at such moments Kai closes down and the tension in the air next to him can be felt for a kilometer. then you will try to distract him with careless kisses, talking about nothingthan watching some B-movie
most likely, he will tell some shameful secret about himself, such as: when his parents quarreled as a child (not so intensely, of course), he hid under the bed and then when he was already a more mature child/teenager. when you offer to do the same, but now he will be embarrassed and try to play "grown boy", but in the end he will crawl under the bed with you and you will casually kiss and talk about some nonsense (based on my conversation with the bot kai ♡)
speaking of parents, here are a few stories:
if you are a girl, then his father will consider you a stupid whore who only takes advantage of Kai and will leave him as soon as he has had enough (Kai is very upset, but he cannot do anything because he is afraid of his father)
if you're a guy, then kai's father definitely doesn't need to know about your relationship, he doesn't want his son to be some kind of "faggot", his father has already verbally attacked you a couple of times because he thought you weren't "manly" enough (kai still it's frustrating, but he understands that hiding is the best thingoption)
if you're genderqueer, then... well, his dad doesn't understand that, so he'll judge you based on your gender
however, his mother would accept you normally no matter who you are, even if you are a guy or genderqueer (she will get used to it)
with his brother and sister being more difficult, Winter and Vincent probably wouldn’t care? (or rather, they wouldn’t focus on it because they are busy with their own affairs) but they would be fine with the fact that their brother comes out of his shell and begins to contact at least someone
on especially difficult days, kai sometimes offers to run away to another city together, find a crappy, dirty apartment in a clearly unpleasant part of the city, find a dead-end job without career growth and live together... even if everything is bad, but at least there are no quarrels between his parents...
if you also have problems in your family, then you will become a support and consolation for each other and would always tell each other whatever you want, in the case of kai, his parents divorced, and in yours they either divorced, or if you have one toxic parent, then they would stop putting so much pressure on you... anyway you would they wanted Kai’s parents to stop putting pressure on him and yours to stop putting pressure on youif you have good parents, then Kai would definitely be jealous, but if they accepted him, he would have a reason to stay with you longer and basically hang out at your house 24/7
kai loves little moments of intimacy... he doesn't have much money, and the only thing he can give you is physical affection (which he saw in the cinema). you often lie together on the bed with your eyes closed, kai just holds your hand, pressing his nose against yours and rubbing itthumb on the back of your hand, he rarely whispers any comments and most often these are some sweet things like: “I love you”, “you make me feel freer”, “your hand is so soft”, etc.
he loves to hug you and bury his head in your chest, he loves when you run your hands on his head, sorting through the strands, he loves to lie on your lap with his nose buried in your stomach, he loves when you stroke him like a little kitten or when you gently rub him nails on his back, he lovesall the affection that you give him and will do the same for you if you ask... just let him be small for a while in your relationship, he needs it, he is tired of all this testosterone masculinity that his father is trying to stick into him
kai will try to make something with his own hands, a bracelet, a decoration for a bag (which you end up not wearing because you are afraid of losing), some kind of necklace and all that. he tries, threads, glue, or something unevenly cut, glued, etc. are always sticking out of the object, but you never throw it away...because kai did it
(spoiler: all his hands are covered in scratches, burns from hot glue, fingers are glued together somewhere and you always deal with this by covering his fingers and hands with bandages)
Kai is easily jealous, simply because he is unsure of himself and thinks that you can leave him for another person and because of this you have frequent quarrels, because he thinks that you are about to leave (he always apologizes almost on my knees asking for forgiveness because I’m afraid of losing you)
but when he sees you with another person, it takes a lot of time to explain to Kay that this person is just a friend and nothing more, if for some reason you fail to explain (you don’t find out what he saw) he will cry, think a lot and think a lot (take the poor guy to a psychologist)
he lies that you are so beautiful, successful, kind, of course everyone wants you, and he is just an insecure guy without a job who can’t even kiss you normally because he is shy, of course you will leave him sooner or later for a more successful person, just convince him that this is not so and youboth are losers (it’s better this way because if you tell him that he’s good, he won’t believe it because he knows it’s not true)
warning!! this is where more disturbing themes begin, if you don’t want to read about obsession, then skip it!
when his parents die... oh he will definitely become more dependent on you and will literally need you
he will do anything to keep you close to him, he will become more intrusive
when you leave, you must tell him where, why, with whom, how much, otherwise he will interrupt your phone with calls and texts and hysterics
his father doesn't accept you anyway, so he will just one day take you to his parents' corpses and say something like "now they will accept us because they won't have a choice", one day he will ask you to have sex in front of their corpses... have sex while the corpses are basically lying in the houseit's already tense... so you refuse and he'll sulk a little but acceptin principle, after the death of his parents, he felt a little better and he had some kind of confidence, so he is still putty in your hands, but it’s not a pity, simply because he is now obsessed with you (not as much as if he were a cult leader! kai, but still obsessed)
he doesn’t control you in everything, he just doesn’t want you to get hurt, that’s why he runs after you like a puppy
however, nothing will change much, except that he will begin to consider you a god/goddess, but this is still tolerable and worse will obviously await you in the future.
notes: phew!! I’m unlikely to check this text for errors, so don’t let it be too obvious haha. I'm obsessed with pre cult kai so there will most likely be a lot of content coming out for that too!
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flintnsocks · 3 months ago
crack baby, you don’t know what you want (˃̣̣̥ᯅ˂̣̣̥)
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wcnderlnds · 3 months ago
christmas cookies | kai anderson
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・❥・summary: you persuade pre!cult kai to bake christmas cookies with you.・❥・warnings: theres one sexist comment from kai because he's kai. kissing. female reader.・❥・word count: 1.4k・❥・authors note: this is pre!cult kai because hes just a soft, lost boy.
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“I’m dragging you out of the basement tomorrow,” you said, laying back on your bed with your phone pressed to your ear. Late night phone calls with your best friend Kai Anderson were a nightly routine by now. They’d never usually end until one of you fell asleep — usually you because Kai could pull all nighters. Maybe it was the adderall that kept him up but he could go a whole twenty-four hours without sleep sometimes. There had been so many times you’d lectured him on his sleeping pattern, telling him how unhealthy it was for him but did he listen? Nope. Kai did whatever Kai wanted. As much as he appreciated your concern, sleep wasn’t important to him in the slightest.
A groan rumbled through the other end of the phone. “Why? We can just hang out down here, I can show you how riled up this dude got at me on Reddit…”
“No, it’s Christmas time, Kai. You’re getting your ass out of the basement and baking cookies with me whether you like it or not,” your voice was stern making sure he knew you weren’t taking no for an answer.
“The kitchen is the place for women, not men.”
“Excuse me?!”
At your tone, Kai instantly grimaced. “I didn’t mean that… I just mean…” Yeah, there was no way he could get out of this one so he had to relent. With a sigh, he caved. “Fine, we’ll bake cookies or whatever.”
“Yay! Don't think I'm letting you forget about that sexist comment either.” Although you were happy about the fact that he’d agreed to do this silly little Christmas tradition with you, the bitterness at his comment sat at the back of your mind. He’d been saying things like that more and more lately. The only reason you could think of was Reddit. He spent so much of his time on that website these days, of course he was learning bad habits from all the incels that spent their days posting bullshit.
“I…I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean it.” It wasn’t often Kai fumbled over his words but hearing the annoyance in your voice made him instantly regret it. He might be a jerk sometimes but he never wanted to upset you.
There was a part of you that really believed he meant that but the logical part of you knew to doubt it. You didn’t press it, though. There was no point in arguing. It was supposed to be the happiest time of the year.
It was like he was on his best behaviour when you showed up at his house the next day. Shockingly, he answered the door. Usually his sister Winter did because he refused to get out of the basement but there he was in a comfy grey sweater, brown hair as fluffy as always. There was no denying that Kai was handsome. Hell, you’d go as far as saying he was the most handsome guy you’d ever laid eyes on. Those dark brown eyes, the beautiful smile he only reserved for you? Yeah, it was a miracle you ever did anything but stare at him. But, he was your best friend. Despite the undercurrent of sexual tension that always lingered between you, it had never been acted on. There had been moments where you’d come close to hooking up but something always interrupted or one of you came to your senses, deciding not to ruin the friendship. Sometimes you really wished one of you would ruin it, though.
As you laid the ingredients out on the kitchen counter, Kai moved behind you, his chest brushing against your back. Keep it together, you thought. He was only moving past you to get to his phone so he could get some Christmas music playing to set the festive mood. He wasn’t really one for holidays but he knew Christmas was your favourite time of the year. On his way back past you, he set the oven on to get it preheated. He peered his head over your shoulder, the heat of his body radiating against yours from behind. 
“You know, you could help,” you tilted your head to look at him.
“I could but you seem to be doing a pretty good job all by yourself,” his voice was right beside your ear. He knew exactly what he was doing and you did, too. This was definitely a distraction so you wouldn’t chew him out for his comment last night. Unfortunately, it was working because all you could think about now was your best friend’s body pressing against yours.
Finally, Kai moved to stand beside you, helping you as you put all the ingredients together in the bowl. Really, you should've seen his next move coming but as you rolled out the dough, pressing the shapes into it and placing them on a baking tray, Kai decided that was the perfect time to flick flour in your face. It took you by surprise, almost stumbling back a little but Kai grabbed your wrist. There’d be no accidents in his kitchen especially not if they involved you. Anyone else he didn’t care about - maybe besides Winter - but you were the most important person in his life. While he was around no harm would ever come to you. 
“Idiot,” you grumbled despite the corners of your lips threatening to tug up into a smile.
“I’m not the one who nearly got knocked to the floor by flour now, am I?”
“That was your fault.”
Kai only snickered. His hand moved to grab more flour but you were quicker, hand diving into the bag and throwing a handful at him. Oh, it was so on now. Seeing the gleam in his eye, you made a run for it as he grabbed more of the powdery substance. Unfortunately for you, Kai was faster and managed to grab you from behind, his strong arm getting a grip around your waist while his other rubbed the flour directly in your face. Laughter from both of you filled the kitchen as you struggled to get out of his grasp but he wasn’t having it. Instead, he picked you up, placing you on the kitchen counter and stepping between your legs.
“You’ve got flour all over your face,” he commented as his hands slowly slid up your thighs to find your hips. Suddenly, the tension in the room could be cut by a knife. His eyes darted down to your flour coated lips. Was this finally the moment? Was he actually going to do it this time?
“Maybe you should clean me up then,” your voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.
“Yeah, maybe I should.” His thumb brushed against your lower lip, wiping away some of the flour. The soft palm of his hand cupped your cheek, his eyes flitting from your lips to your eyes once again like he was in an internal war with himself. The quickening of your breath as you waited in anticipation gave him the courage he sorely needed to finally throw all caution to the wind. His lips met yours for the first time. He tasted of cheetos and mountain dew – not an ideal combination but it was so perfectly Kai that you didn’t care. It took no time at all for the kiss to deepen – this was years of pent up sexual tension finally getting the release it had been waiting for. His tongue slipped past your lips, tangling with yours. It had started off slow, almost cautious but now? It was messy, hungry like neither of you could get enough of each other. Your body hummed, hands sliding up to rest on his chest, grasping handfuls of the soft sweater he was wearing to pull him closer.
Kai was the first to pull away. For once, no words came to him. It was like he was in a haze as he took in your flushed appearance. His ego swelled knowing he was the one to get you in that state. God, he could kiss you all day. If that’s what he’d been missing out on all these years then he was an idiot. There was a lot of lost time to make up for. You glanced at the unbaked cookies laying on the counter once you’d finally tore your eyes away from Kai.
“What about the cookies?” You asked almost breathlessly.
“I don’t give a damn about the cookies. I have a better Christmas snack sat in front of me right now,” he spoke low as his hand trailed down your side to slip under your shirt.
“Cheesiest thing you could’ve ever said to me.”
“Shutup,” he rolled his eyes, his lips finding yours yet again. The cookies long forgotten about.
taglist: @strawb3rrystar @marchsfreakshow @honeymoon8 @decaf-mother @ldydeath @mistysconcilium @xrag-dollx @bohnerrific69 @jazzy-reads @lacucarachapisser @loveofcherry
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strangegirl2007 · 3 months ago
I want that Mitski relationship with pre cult Kai
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feefymo · 8 months ago
Pre-Cult Kai is coming!
No, no wait. I mean... well.
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