#just realized i wasnt following you wtf
etchedstars · 2 years
hey just wanted to say ur fics are SUPREME and i just found u on tumblr which is a Crime im p sure. anyway hi big overdue fan here !!! sending love 💖💖💖
oh my god thank you so much !!!!!! for this ask and for reading my fics ty :)) <333
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everywherenothere · 1 year
okay, so a couple of days ago i saw on the clock app this video of a jock and a obviously queer man living together and my brain went STEVE AND EDDIE OMG I NEED A FIC OF THIS and i know there is somewhere in the internet but i need to put into words so here it goes:
Robin loves Steve. And Steve loves Robin. They have been attatched to the hip since the mysterious accident that have burned the gigantic new mall and, subsocuently, the ice cream shop where they used to work. They have been living together since before Robin went to a college out of the little town they used to live (we all know Steve's parents were shit and probably being a teenager living alone, Robin's parents practically adopted him) and Steve without anything holding him back followed her.
Now, a couple years later, partners and one-night-stands came and went from their apartment because you cannot convince me those two dont have some kind of rizz. Steve with his bitchy attitude and jock alike body and Robin with her nerdy and charismatic energy have definetly bagged some people. One of them being the now-and-Robin-hope-for-a-very-long-time Robin's new girlfriend who the last two months has been living with them. And for sometime it was good, great even, but feeling like a third wheel most of the time Steve decided to move.
Apartment hunting was hard. Most places were way out of his budget or too small for a human to actually live comfortable and host dinners like he used to do when the now-not-so-kids visited him on the summer. So, he decided to search for a roomate. It was a little bit easier but to find someone who wasnt crazy and actually just mind their bussiness was a full job.
That's how he met Eddie. A nerdy metalhead who can and will up his bitchy attitude with a flirtatious response. And Steve absolutely loves it. At the beggining he tries so hard to convince himself that is just because he reminds him of Robin. That is just because both of them are a little bit smaller than him and nerdy. That is just because of the manerisms and the way they dont even flinch at his sarcastic and mean-girl-type of comments. That is just because both of them talked with passion about what they had been invested in the last couple of days.
But then is also the way Eddie always dress to impress and has a varierity of responses (and even actions) when people call him slurs without even letting those comments affect him.
And the way his eyes glows and do a little dance when he finally got one bridge right on a really difficult song that has been practicing the last couple of weeks.
And the way that he isnt a morning person but still wakes up earlier than Steve to make breakfast because he has learn that Steve bearly takes care of himself without a pressure of someone being dissapointed of him.
And the way both (Steve and Eddie) are on the couch on a Saturday evening watching nothing on the TV when Eddie starts talking his thoughts out. And of course, Steve being Steve cant help but tease him about something he said wrong and then it started: a back and forth of teasing and getting close as trying to prove a point. And when both are a hand away of breathing the same air, Steve realized. And Eddie purposly looked at Steve lips and get just a molecule closer just to see how Steve gets all red and backs down, of course Eddie laughs teasingly and walks to his room for a dictionary, leaving Steve all confused about wtf has happened. But Eddie's laugh continues to live on his ears and oh the way Eddie laughs.
Steve is pretty sure he is fucked up when he realized that he would do anything to make him laugh. And then Steve is also pretty sure that the friendship he has with Robin is one thing and the thing he has (or hope he has) with Eddie is another.
But that is one thought for another time, one existential crisis at the time, please.
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purple-dragon-queen · 6 months
You said when you were watching the Descendants rise of red teaser trailer you didn't get to pause and look for details since it was a quick watch but assuming you've watched it fully now, can I get your thoughts and opinions?
I will be sharing MY thoughts and opinions on The new teaser trailer for rise of red, so if that bothers you it's time to ski dazzle off of My post 💋
Feel free to Reblog with your ideas aswell. Would love to see em
Okay so the first thing I thought of when kylie(red) pulled out all the spray paint and start doing her thing, was Mal. Like Disney bae it's giving Mal dupe.
Second and this one got me cracking was The Merlin Academy. Like My brain totally disregarded it as in I FORGOT ABOUT IT, so imagine to my horror when red is spray painting I see them BLAM! Plastered on the wall in all their Evil Glory.
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Okay so I found this picture on Instagram where someone got a close up and other than Ulyanna, Maleficent, Hades and Hook, I don't know who the others are ( sorry not sorry) Now underneath the picture we can see on a plaque the words "vk students" now this made me realize why the title vk was so accepting when the core four came to aruadon, Because it wasnt the first time the title had been given/used.
Now look at this close up of teen Maleficent all I have to say is Wtf is that.
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If those things at the side of her head are supposed to be horns, respectfully she needs to chop them tf off?? And is she wearing a ponytail??? Now I haven't seen Maleficent in a long time but isn't she supposed to have brown hair? Now idc if they give her a different hair color but the outfit and those HORNS especially are not giving!!!.
Like I saw someone do a redesign of this descendantofthesparrow I think and it was jaw dropping absolutely gorgeous, like mam what's your major? Anyways yeah I've seen this person done a ton of redesign and rewrites that when I watch descendants I'm like "oh yeah, this is Canon and the good stuff is fanfic"
Now this whole time travel thing doesn't make sense to Me because am I really supposed to believe that Hades who's older Than all of them by thousands of years went to school with them? Like what.
I'm going to assume Ulyanna is the Leader of the gang because she's in the middle and everyone else is in the back and from what we've seen the Leader is always in the middle.
Now I have a feeling rise of red will be pushing to make Hades and Maleficent a thing so we can see how Mal became a thing, just an assumption. Respectfully If they try to make hook and ulyanna a thing I will jump tf off. There was something else I wanted to say about Hades and Maleficent but I forgot and will most likely reblog this post when I remember.
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now this is the Queen of Hearts and once again Descendants isn't following Canon because I'm pretty sure Carlos mentioned at one point that he used to drive his mom to the queen of hearts castle.
Now if I didn't know already that this is the queen of hearts and u shoved this pic in my fave and was like "girly who do you think this is?" I WOULD NOT SAY THE QUEEN OF HEARTS, I MEAN JUST LOOK AT HER SHE'S RED! Where are the other colors??? There's no white, no black just RED. Now as a theatre kid we've done better, with less money!!!. Disney I hope you are ashamed because you should be.
Now descendants brandy Cinderella has blue hair which doesn't make any damn sense so I'm guessing that's why Chole has blur hair. I really wish there outfits were better because with the og 4 we could tell what their main colors were without it being to much but now It's Def too much. I've got a few more things to add because I feel like I haven't said everything I wanted to so maybe I'll reblog with more later. Who knows
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sassykinzonline · 6 months
who loved who first? when do you think you each fell in love?
im...not sure actually. it's like asking, "when did you know the sky was blue?" i'll try to sort it out.
he was attracted to me first. that much is obvious given the longing stares and bed time fantasies of his. i was aware of him, and i was curious, but at the same time i was afraid of what i thought my family would think so i didn't really let it go there.
there's a conversation in the itachi light novels that is pretty similar to an actual one i had with my brother. basically one day, super randomly, he asked me what i though of naruto and i said i dont have any special feelings but i think he doesn't like me. my brother asked why and i said because hes always yelling at me and trying to make me mad, so i just ignore him like everyone else who follows me around for no good reason. my brother asked me, "what if he has a good reason?" and then just walked off like a dickhead. but from that point on i tried to avoid naruto less and pay attention to what he was saying to me. i realized that he antagonizes people because he wants their attention and doesn't know how to get it, and the stuff he says to me were backhanded compliments and essentially invitations to train. so i started indulging him from time to time because it was fun and it made me feel good about myself.
then my family died and all of a sudden i realized what it was like to both be lonely and want to isolate yourself from everyone around you. on my first day back from school, of course everyone was talking about itachi going batshit and killing my family and how "maybe sasuke will do the same" "yeah hes super weird he never talks to anyone". that was the one day i can remember naruto not saying anything, and i was mad at him because i wanted him to. apparently what i didnt know is he fought with some of the kids who were saying really stupid shit. so that's apparently when i subconsciously knew i felt differently about him.
the day i realized i liked him was the day we kissed, then were put on the same team, then he flopped at trying to kidnap me (wtf was that about?). when i was tied up i realized i wasnt mad, just really happy that this was gonna be my life from now on. that's why when i saw him again i just teased him, and why i lashed out at sakura when she was badmouthing him.
if i try to trace back when the first time i realized i love him was, it was probably orochimaru's hideout. leaving him was painful, but eventually i just went numb. when i saw him again and the first thing he asked me was why didn't i kill him, with that sad and scared face...i thought about the way he cried at the idea of me leaving him and being in danger. i realized he still thought i didnt care for him and that he was weak, and i could tell he was upset at himself and not me. it made me realize how similar we are because that's exactly how i felt when itachi left, but more importantly it made me realize i never wanted him to think i felt that. so i must feel the opposite. that's why i told him i spared his life on a whim instead of just saying the same thing my brother said to me, i didnt want to twist the knife. and i wanted an excuse to hold him so i staged a death threat.
i know around the time itachi came back was when i started contemplating about him more seriously, so i probably "fell in love" when i woke up from the coma i was in and realized he had saved me. but that's also why i was so angry.
onto the easier question: naruto has always loved me but just didnt know how to express it. when i say "express", i dont mean tell me. i mean he didnt know how to show it and he didnt know what it entailed. it was just more platonic for him for a while, then when we were fighting right before i left, i think he realized it might not have been only platonic. this is just my guess because i never asked since i dont really care and i dont think he himself could answer me, but he probably realized it was romantic right after he defeated pain. i know that moment was empty for him. i also heard from him that inari asked about me, and the old guy asked if i left because of some sort of lovers' conflict? but the face he made when he told me that was like he was embarrassed. i dont see why he would be embarrassed unless it was somewhat true for him and he didnt like getting called out as a joke. he probably "fell" in love in haku's ice mirrors because hes a queen like that.
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am-i-sans · 11 months
dnd adventures 34
dess comes out of eeby deeby next to frog and undyne while tori went to eeby deeby. trade off! undyne recaps what dess missed.
cam looks tired. dans looks empty. looking great guys. suzy just drags us outside lol. soupnik is like bitch get on so we get on xD we land and cam and frog are petting him.
we let undyne know we have the scroll and dans says hes gonna look at it lol. undyne just wants to destroy it lol. dans takes annika off to the side to read the scroll and undyne follows lol.
yep theres letters, in a script we dont know. cam walks up and stares too lol. annika has comprehend languages tho! dans tugs her down to his level. the letters disappear as she reads, then a robot appears?!
wtf is that. its babbling, wtf. its a modron. law elementals? annika isnt sure how she read it and doesnt know what it said dumbass. dans just sighs and gives it to undyne. rolla d100?!
letters disappear but nothing seems to happen. cam climbs up undyne trying to read it and she just shoves them down lol. no frog you cant either. there was 7 lines, now theres 5 left. shes gonna read it again goddamn.
7 darts fire at dans and annika wtf?! that hurt! undyne shoves it in her bag yep were done here. (scroll of unreadable spells) 'can we stop running into evil tainted items for once? and what do we do with this robot?' dess says modrons only talk to other modrons. frog says we could keep it and cam says thats unethical. 'we kept inferno.' -dans
suzy punches it?! cam tries to stop her! success! dess says the modron might be a rogue and no longer under control. suzy stop trying to assault it. dans says since annika summoned it, shes in charge of it. we agree this trip wasnt worth it. gonna drop annika back home then take a nice long nap. dans tells annika to find someone that speaks modron.
dans is kinda unresponsive, cam is being clingy with him lol read the room. we land outside again, time for bed! annika is a mom now lol. cam says to use comprehend language and shes just upset they wont understand them. undynes just leaving lol. rest!
suzy fucks off i guess lol. and frog lol. tori conveniently leaves eeby deeby! everyone realizes their gone lol they always run off they dont listen. were done with today, tori go be a parent for once in your life were not babysitting. cam gets up to go look then immediately faceplants. undyne tells her they cant go far anyway cause of the curse. off tori goes, stressed af.
tori found suzy! shes eating a whole chicken again and heading back to the inn. tori asks where frog is but she doesnt know. tori makes her stay with her while she looks for frog. she found annika trying to talk to the robot. tori ignores her. she finally finds them in a clothes shop. she begs them to stick in pairs and not just run off. frog says suzy walked off. heading back to the inn! bedtime! tori gets to relax for once lol.
next morning! undyne is disheveled lol. dans somehow left early dont worry about it. cam is disassociating watching frog, who is writing a song. undyne notices dans is gone how tf did tori not notice lol. cam goes to eeby deeby they avoid being yelled at! tori is snippy that dans is going to go find dans. dans walks in with some groceries. frog walks over and immediately starts making bread. dans starts making breakfast.
undyne tells tori about the scroll. dans hands frog the robe of arachnida fuck yeah! frog is so happy lol. dans gives undyne the cloak of billowing. she strikes a cool pose nice. suzy says she looks like a nerd and then goes back to sleep. dans gives tori the moon touched scimitar. dans calls frog back over and gives frog the instrument of illusions and the staff of birdcalls. they hug dans and go to play lol. dans then gives dess the enduring spellbook.
we finish breakfast and attunment stuff. dans is cleaning up and tosses that bag from before into the fireplace. he looks like hes praying. undyne is confused thats not how you pray to moss lol. he says he was sending flowers to his wife. undyne awkwardly asks about his wife lol. he says she was wonderful and once beat him with a vase for being a dumbass drunk lol. they were married for 7 years and her parents did NOT like him cause he accidentally burned an expensive portrait. he says he was burning the flowers since all returns to ash with the dark elves. shes cremated and entombed in her families shrine.
undyne asks if dans wants his body burned. he says he never thought much about where to be buried just stick him in the crypt under his house. he cant be buried with his wife lol. dess is inspecting her book. frog is walking on the ceiling pog! suzy is chasing a fly around.
undyne asks what happaned to her. dans says she died in childbirth. complications. hes had time. the one thing in his life he can make peace with. dans asks if tori had anyone special like that. nope total loner! undyne says tori doesnt seem like the friendly sort lol.
dans says they make a pretty good team and apologizes to tori for zoning out yesterday. dess jokes that dans ships them and dans is confused. frog starts laughing lol. dess wont explain lol. undyne forgot the kids ran out lol. dans says tori is doing a pretty ok job so far. he also says if undyne was a parent the world would shake in fear. undyne doesnt even know what a diaper is dear god. shes never even held a baby oh god. dans makes her swear not to have kids. vani is tracking frogs movements on the ceiling.
time to head off, going to soupnik! frog tells tori about undyne shooting dans and annika with the darts lol. dans prays to moss for directions. moss god gives dans a dark riddle. 'wtf is a blender?' 'youll understand one day.' dess says you thick your you know in there lol. dans says maybe moss cant find steve and hopes he didnt go to the feywilds cause he cant go back there. 'did you fuck a fey royal?' 'thats not important.'
mossgod finally speaks up and is just like 'yeah do whatever.' thanks appreciate it. cam pops out of eeby deeby! moss tells us to kill cams dragon nice. dans blinks and tells cam were gonna kill that dragon for them. gonna take a while. we get on the dragon. frog climbs on their stomach and just sits there lol. undyne tells them to come up. what happens when they land? undyne crawls under carefully to grab frog UNDYNE WERE IN THE GODDAMN AIR! frog is unhappy lol. undyne hands them to tori. tori also grabs suzy lol.
we land in a town cool. tori just doesnt wanna put the kids down. tori makes suzy promise to watch after frog and sets them down. just a regular human villiage. dess goes to find more weed lol. (townsville? really moss?) dans goes to find a tavern to look for info. theres a drunk guy that looks like jim! its his dad?! undyne tells him his son was a cultist. cam smacks undyne on the arm. undyne is all pissed at cam now. shes still mad lol. he tries to tell us to get out of town. yeah were not gonna listen to a drunkard. dans goes to the bartender and asks if theres been trouble or monsters or anything. nah.
the drunk guy is just getting pissy my guy shuddup. they just head outside they dont have time for the weird drunk guy. they go find tori and the kids eating chicken. fried chicken for everyone! vani is begging suzy for scraps. dans is dying this is hilarious. suzy runs off with chicken and vani follows. shes trying so hard to escape.
we tell tori what happaned at the bar. vani looks at tori then back at suzy. dans says that vani knows suzy is tori's kid and she should get them in line to give them chicken. dans whistles and vani runs over immediately and dans gives them some jerky. we gotta find dess now.
dess runs into berdly! hes back! hes apparently gotten stronger. he has a new employer. oh no. hes here on an important mission. oh no. gathering supplies for a ritual OH NO. HIS BOSS IS A DWARF AND HANGS OUT IN GRAVEYARDS. AND TALKING ABOUT MEDDLING HEROES. dess is just like 'uh i gotta go maybe quit your job' and goes to find us. she got a nat 1 trying to find us goddamn.
we find dess pog. dess wants to talk with dans alone and leads him away out of earshot. 'berdly might be working for steve.' dans is confused for a second and asks what did he say. welp thats definitely not good. dans wants to ask berdly where steve is and doesnt know how to not let undyne kill him lol. dans tries to tell everyone to get to soupnik so he and dess can talk to berdly in private. undyne trusts dans so she goes with it. cam is following them though. dans waves it off and lets cam go with. now undyne is sus. dans says cam likes birds. undyne goes 'if i cant go then cam cant!' and fucking drags cam away.
berdly shows up though! dans tells cam to wave bye to berdly. cam is so fucking pissed. undyne brings up the cave attack thats why their pissed lol. the town guard show up and undyne says cam is a wacko trying to attack dans. dess says shes lying. the guards tell undyne to put them down. UNDYNE FUCKIN RUNS!
berdly is just confused. dans says not to worry and says dess said that berdly got a high profile job. berdly is beaming the poor idiot. dans asks if their hiring and want a reference. hes like 'i suppose i could check?' dess asks if theres any graveyards near here. a few days from here theres a graveyard and town and he was sent here to get components. hes unsure of the spell itself. hes off hiring more people. dans pulls out a map and has berdly mark the spot he last saw him. dans asks about any other employees, sadly no lol. dans is playing him like a fiddle jesus. dess reminds berdly to quit his job.
cutting back to cam and undyne! cam is still trying to escape while undyne is fleeing. cam eventually just stares at the ground pissed. fantasy cops are chasing undyne and using sending stones and shit lol. a different cop pops up and undyne had to wis save, avoided hold person! cam tells undyne to put them down so they can negotiate but undyne doesnt wanna. 'your gonna run off like last time.' undyne skids to a halt and drops them ouch. cam this isnt gonna work. they say its their kink oh no. they bought it oh god. they can never show their face here again. undyne is confused. tori thinks their both morons. 'not a word!' undyne is asking tori oh no. tori says shes lived in a cave and even she knows. undyne is even more confused lol.
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disabilitybitch · 1 year
different anon again. I realized a better way to phrase my question might be how do you tell a successful program from a failed one? what do they do if a program fails?
Okay cool. I have the other ask drafted because I was trying to word my answer.
A successful program will run how it's intended to. An example being - This alter is programmed to stay quiet about what happened. That alter with a successful program would then follow what they were created to do, be quiet.
A Failed program can look like a bunch of different things. Sometimes programmers might force a failed program into deep dormancy. A failed program can look like the alter breaking the program (IE: Told not to speak but deconstructed the program and is able to speak again) A backfired program (IE: Alter is programmed to hurt people who are a danger to the cult but process 'danger' in a way that wasnt intended by the programmer) Program just didn't really stick. (Alter was attempted to be programmed with a report program but just doesnt report) (usually bc programmer doesnt know wtf theyre doing lmao) And so on.
Thanks for the ask. Hope this clears anything up.
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grapecaseschoices · 6 years
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.... this isn’t tone deaf or anything.
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jemmo · 3 years
what's one thing about pat and pran you wanted to rant about but still didn't?
oh dear anon you have well and truly opened a can of worms here. i think there are like a million tiny things about patpran that i havent ranted about yet, like little aspects to their dynamics or specific headcannons i have for them. but seen as im being give the opportunity, youre putting down the soapbox for me, i felt like i had to think carefully. tumblr is telling me its been 8 hours since i got this ask and believe me, i have non stop been going through the filing cabinet in my head of patpran rants looking for a good one. then i remembered that i wanted to talk about something, so here we go.
ive seen people talk before about how much they love the fact that, when pat has his realization, he doesnt go into any kind of gay crisis. his mind is going through a lot, but i dont think any of those thoughts are 'oh god i like a boy wtf am i gay what is this its weird gross ew'. im not saying his revelation has no affect on how he views his sexuality, i think its just that its not that shocking to him bc hes just so fine with it yknow. like if someone came out to him he wouldnt even do a double take, and so he doesnt for himself. hes more like oh cool moving on, very much so concerned with acting on his feelings. like i dont think it even crosses his mind to have an identity crisis, he just needs to tell pran, like, now.
anyway this is all to say that i love how this attitude manifested in ep 7 in a more physical way. bc throughout the series we've seen that pat is fine with physical contact and closeness, but it wasnt inherently sexual or romantic at that point. but now it is, you can just tell, whenever theyre near there are sparks just because of their proximity. and the thing is, not only is pat ok with that, but he more so than pran initiates and encourages physical intimacy with that implicit meaning. he takes his shirt of twice, openly invites pran to look at him in a sexual way, encourages pran to touch him, and even outside those moments in the curry scene at the start and the face cleaning scene, pat is the one to touch pran's face. and i just think it fits pat's character so well that there is no hesitance in the exploration of his sexuality, not emotionally or physically. its just so plain and simple and i think thats really something ppl should see and deserve to see. that this man is like 'oh ok i like this boy, i want to touch this boy, i want this boy to touch me too... cool'. pat is a creature that follows his instincts, lives moment to moment and i just love that liking pran for him was like finally putting in the last piece of a puzzle, bc now that its complete, its not like hes wondering 'hmm i wonder if that was the right piece, does it fit right', bc the picture is clear and it makes perfect sense and theres no need to fret over or overthink or analyse any of it. and it screams so loudly this whole meant to be, destined to be together vibe they have, like the universe itself was created so they could be with each other.
anyway, im rambling and getting off topic, but as i was talking about ep 7, i wanna end it with this. in all of pran's flirtations and advances, very contrary to the finger licking incident at the end of ep 7, all of his flirting, seduction, insinuation is verbal. he is the absolute king of dropping lines so laced with romantic and sensual meaning that absolutely ruin pat. but think about all the flirting we see in ep 7, in none of them does pran touch pat without pat starting it. even in the library when pran is very much getting up in pat's personal space, he leverages himself on his arm, traps pat in and dangles himself in front of pat without touching. this says a lot to me about both of them. firstly, that i think pran knows that pat is attracted to him, plain and simple. bc its so easy with these two to talk about their star crossed, written in the stars, decided by fate love. but i love that in these moments you can see there's plain and simple attraction, like pat's face sometimes screams 'i find you so hot and attractive' and like yes looks arent everything but i love that in their relationship that can be so deep and complex, sometimes its as simple as were both really attracted to each other, bc that is a part of any good relationship too. and the fact pran uses it as leverage in his flirting is excellent. secondly, it shows how pran is the more reserved one, the one more reluctant to end this bet, bc hes so comfortable with talking the talk, but walking the walk is a whole other thing, and he's only comfortable with that when invited into it by pat, when in his mind he can be certain that this is a game, and he is free in the game, and this physical intimacy doesnt have to mean anything. i talked before about how pran can truly express himself when his mind switches off and he allows himself to act in the moment, and this applies here too. there's too many mental barriers stopping him from instigating a physical interaction, but when caught up in the moment, swept up on the fun of the game and being with pat, he doesnt have to overanalyse his actions and therefore he can be physically intimate.
and i love how this whole physical vs non-physical battle plays out. i love that, while he wont touch pat, he'll touch wai and make a show of it bc he knows thats something he's keeping from pat at the moment. he is well and truly keeping that card close to his chest, dangling it right in front of pats nose that he'll put his arm around him at the rugby practice and wipe his mouth at the noodle place. its more than just jealousy that pran is touching wai, its an absolute power move. pran is literally like i wont instigate any physical intimacy with you, but look at me drape myself all over wai, and let it stir up all that jealousy, let it make you angry, let it be the thing that breaks you bc you do desperately want me to touch you, and for that touch to be of my own accord. and then he does, right at the end, the first initiation of physical touch by pran is him wiping pats mouth, right after he made his confession by feeding him. it shows that he's now allowing himself to initiate bc he is comfortable with it, he doesnt need there to be any excuses of a game and neither does he have to withhold that from pat for the sake of winning. there are no winners and losers anymore, just a boyfriend that he can touch whenever he wants and who will touch him in return. and i cant wait to see this whole thing blossom into the most beautiful and adorable displays of casual intimacy so i can throw up over how in love they are.
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dinkedupfink · 2 years
so hello yes im back and i read the whole jjk manga in like 3 days or so and i heart todou why are there no todou fics, so i decided i'd do it myself if others cant do it for me haha yes plus i felt like writing and there are like 0 asks that i feel like doing rn so pls send asks in or smth anyways onto the story or fic or whatever
Aoi Toudou x gn!reader soulmate au!
request? no
warnings: none, just fluff not proofread!
important info b4 reading!!
you also have jujutsu or however you say it. yours is plant based, a bit like hanami but you dont really suck the life juices out of plants much, well kinda. youre not at jujutsu tech because they dont know you and that you have jujutsu. from time to time you do defeat some curses if you bump into them while noone else is around, and youre about the same grade as Todou if you were to be ranked in power. its all self taught tho so not really because you havent discovered your true potential because you havent had anyone explain wtf it is to you and how to fully utilize your power yet. you do know Itadori though, but he doesnt want to bother you with the world of jujutsu unless you ask him about your "weird powers" (he's told you that he can take you to a place where you can learn about curses and jujutsu and such but you havent really taken up his offer because of your job).
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Soulmates, a strange thing really if you think about it, the one person you're destined to be with, in this world how you know who your soulmate is is ny everyone having a unique gemstone in their skin somewhere on their body. the gemstone could be large or small, any colour (even multiple colours at once!), any shape, but each one was unique and only the same as their soulmates'.
Now we follow you. your gemstone was on your face, from you left side on the face jawline up to near your left eye. It had a form like vines that had grown up your face, but not smooth, they were rough looking and every twist and turn the vine-like gem had was sharp. The colour started with a dark plant like green, but further up turned a dark shade of purple. You guessed that the green and the shape was representing you, and the sharp edges and purple, your soulmate.
you were at your job, which you were also the owner of. you had 1 other employee, but you were the one who had the most shifts, since the employee was still in school and this was a part time job for them. the employee was none other than the one and only Itadori. His soulmate gem was on his forearm and he hadnt really shown you what it looked like but apparently he had found his soulamte already, a boy named Fushiguro something if your memory served you right. He mostly came on weekends to work, but occasionally he'd come from school and take a shift for you.
A humble boy, really, he was very worried about you the first time he met you because you were managing a plant store at such a young age, but you assured him it was fine because working wasnt something you were new to since your parents abandoned you when you were still a child, but left a shit ton money in your bank account so you could at least support yourself without a job till 18.
You were now 19 and had had this plant shop for about a year now (dont ask how its just fanfic logic okay) and the only reason you had been able to start the shop at all was because of these weird powers you held. you were able to manipulate plant life. you could also suck the life out of the plants, which you used to do sometimes to flowers in forests as "snacks" because it was basically a little energy boost, but you stopped when you realized the beauty of plant life.
the day had gone slowly, with little customers coming in, but you had some regulars that would come and have little conversations with you, because it was like "a breath of fresh air in a stuffy city" to them because of the plants growing around the shop or vines growing up the walls. most were old people but there were some young adults too.
It was about noon, when suddenly the bell chimed and a certain pink haired boy entered the shop. "Hey y/n! had a good day till now?" he said with a big smile. he was wearing a simple outfit since there was no school today because it was on a weekend. "Yeah, how about you Itadori? anything interesting happened over the past few days?" he had been to some sister school event which he hadnt explained too much about other than "physical activities".
"yeah! i was at the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event that i told you i was going to! and it was, well half of it was pretty fun!" you smiled at the boy who was now leaning on the counter you were sitting at. "thats good, any reason half of it wasnt?" with that his face turned a bit sour for a second, before returning to normal "well.. there was a bit of a, interruption by some thugs and they were pretty strong, we werent too many people and it took a little while to get them to run off."
You felt bad for the boy since you had learned from hearing about his adventures at his school that not everything goes completely according to plan most of the time, but really what could you do? "Oh! before i forget, when my shift ends can i take you to the park? theres someone i met that i'd like you to meet." your eyes that were previously cast down on the counter shot up to him. someone he wants you to meet? who could it be? "uh yeah! sure! i'll go home and relax a little before while i wait for your shift to end but im coming back about-" you checked the clock on the wall above the enterance door "-15 minutes before your shift ends, is that okay?" you said. "Yeah! i'll see you then!" he said his goodbye and so did you as you proceeded to go back home after getting your things and changing out of your work attire in the shops back room.
time skip 2 when ur supposed to meet lolollol
you got into some clothes that were approapriate to go to the city in and started up your motorcycle after putting your helmet on and drove to the parking lot near your shop. The rest of the way you walked and in no time you were there.
Entering the shop resulted in a jingle of the bells over the door and itadoris attention was pulled to you. "Hello mx. y/n, what would thou like to look at today?" he said in an overly formal tone, sending a playful grin to you. "oh, i have come in promise of meeting a mysterious character that my friend oh so longs for me to meet!" you answered, playing along with his game. You then both had a little laugh and he went to the back room to get changed back to his normal attire and the two of you went out of the shop.
Before leaving, you locked the door and turned of the lights to properly close the shop to customers, and started walking to the park. "soo.. why do you want me to meet this guy?" you asked, curiousity getting the best of you. "You'll see when you meet him!" he just said, which made you even more curious about him.
arriving at the park a few minutes later, the two of you sat on a bench, where you talked for a little. The guy was supposed to come in about 10 minutes because he was on his way at the moment. suddenly a little tune came from the boy next to you's pocket and he fished out his phone to answer the call that set of the music. "Hey Gojo! oh, why? can it be a bit later, im a bit busy at the moment. oh well, if you insist, im coming in a few! see you!" and with that he hung up on the phone. "My tea- friend is really needing my help right now, so i cant be here when you two meet but i promise when you see the guy you'll know its him!" was the quick excuse he got out before running off as if someones life depended on it. "oh.. well bye." you muttered watching him run off behind some corner somewhere.
Todo babagrill pov:
my besto friendo had said yesterday that there was someone he wanted me to meet at the park that day, so i went to the park. halfway there he sends me a text saying Gojo called him in for something and that i had to meet the person he wanted me to meet by myself, he said that when i saw them i'd know it was them though, so im hoping he's right.
Arriving at the park, i see that he-S abseloutely right. Sitting on a bench is the most beautiful/handsome/the prettiest person ive ever seen in my entire life, and on the face was a very familliar gemstone that matched mine. "Hey!.. youre the one Yuuji wanted me to meet, right?" i half yelled to the person, their eyes quickly locking upon mine, and at that moment, it felt like there was nothing lese in the world for a few moments but us, and before i knew it we were standing in the middle of the park path in each others embrace. i never thought i could be this gentle towards anyone but takada-chan, but i guess this is the soulmate bonddoing its thing huh.
"Somehow you give off the exact vibe that i expected you to" the person in my arms, correction, my soulmate chuckled. "And im guessing you have some plant thing going on?" "yeah haha, i just cant believe this is real, like, that kid found my soulmate before me! but im glad he set us up to meet each other."
we then seperated from the hug, deciding to hold hands instead, and decided to go and get to know each other over a dinner. Man, soulmates are really cool, arent they?
hahaha yeah so that was it, sorry if some parts were better than others i wrote this over like 2 or 3 days i cant remember and sometimes i wrote later at night than others so really sorry if its kinda shit. but thanks for reading, bye!
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝑾𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒆꧂
Oikawa Angst lolz
Word Count: 3.3k holy shit didn’t know i could write that much
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Thinking about if you and oikawa were really close friends
Both of you had feelings but both of you buried those feelings
Oikawa was HELLAAA ambitious with his career and he knew what he wanted to do
Since the start really and u didn't know wtf u wanted to do
And oiks has always been like that since he was young
So u both just assumed u were inherently "incompatible" bc of ur different motivations and lifestyle choices
Which is totally not true bc now u both realize it could have fucking worked bt u two
Then u guys grow up and ur eventually gonna marry someone
U love this person with all ur heart and soul but ofc there's always trouble in paradise :/
Oikawa becomes this famous volleyball player
But despite the fact u grew up
Oikawa still talks and calls u and checks up on u
And he's been doing it more too bc of the fact ur getting married and hes just watching out
For his friend
Part of it is just genuine concern
But the other part which is probably the WHOLE reason
Is that he still wants to be in ur life, even if he wasnt the person he wanted to be
Was to be ur spouse and to support and love u
Like u deserve :)
Ur fiance tho is being inconsiderate and honestly unfaithful
Bc yk they're ego got to them when they got famous and rich
And now ur basically a trophy spouse instead of being in a loving relationship
And everyday you sort of have this regret of not choosing oikawa or speaking up about it
And oikawa hates the fact that he didnt stick his head out for u when he could
So both of u are just in this hopeless case bc if u do just follow ur fantasieswhat's
Who knows what the goddamn media would say about whats happening
And ur fiance already victimizes themselves
So ur just stuck wishing u and oikawa did something before all this happened :(
Your trembling hands grip the glass of water you were scrubbing as yet again, your spouse was being bitchy.
Well they were your fiance, and they weren't being bitchy. They were just being inconsiderate of you, your hard work, the things you did for them.
The affection you gave, the tears that fell when they didn't say or do anything about it. How they never thanked you for sacrificing your time with other friends and family so you could support them with their ongrowing business.
When they were unemployed and doing nothing you were there. When they became "self-employed" meaning starting a business you were there. You faced the ridicule and the judging questions people who were close to you asked when your significant other did these impulsive things.
You were beside them when they finally put their business out in public. There when they became rich and sort of famous. There for the sleepless nights on unemployed days, not so employed days, and self-employed and self-made days.
And what did you get in return, for your time and love?
Your dear fiance, going out to dinner with the same goddamn business partner, and coming home and telling you all about their wonderful date.
Yes, they called it a date. You knew that business partner had eyes for them but you brushed it off. You trusted your fiance. But you misjudged that.
Because now they're rambling to you about the funny things that "business partner" said during their date.
"Oh god sweetheart they're so fucking hilarious. They just make the craziest jokes and so loud and so blunt about it, " they say laughing taking off their coat and grabbing a glass out of the cabinet.
You literally just washed those.
You smile, "I bet they are. Their employees at their company say they just brighten up the place."
You remained passive. Maybe your fiance will stop talking about them and help you clean the kitchen. Ask you if your day was okay or how you're feeling in general. Maybe after that you would get some food and watch a movie together like you used to.
Or maybe you could act like a regular couple and sleep together. You know, like normal. Not calling other people, business partners, staying up late on your phone doing whatever. 
“They make me feel like all this is worthwhile, you know? They’re just there with me and supporting me. I just-” They pull out the bottle of wine you specifically saved for your family dinner to celebrate your upcoming wedding.  
Maybe they forgot? 
They pour the wine into the glass, some spilling on the counter that you know you probably have to clean up after. 
“I’m just so happy that I even met them. I don’t even know where I would be without them. I feel so stressed with, you know-” 
Your fiance motions with his hand at you like he was swatting a fly away. 
“With our wedding, that I don’t even have enough time to close in on business deals and they’ve really helped me get the stress out with how much time our wedding preparations have been,” they say with a contented smile. 
Your grip on the glass hardens as you place it in the dishwasher. Were you becoming a burden to them? Did your marriage and spending time with your fiance equate to stress to them? Enough stress that they consider the wedding a waste of time? Even when you haven’t sat down with them and talked it over? 
“[Business Partner Name], they make me incredibly happy and I feel accomplished and an amazing and powerful person when I’m with them,” they say finishing the glass. 
They walk over to you and give you a smile, setting down the glass in front of you. No kiss, no hug, no I love you and Good night . 
They walk away to their office and shout, “I might be calling them again later tonight, [Name]! So don’t bother waiting for me in the bed!” 
Once they were out of sight your form crumples and you steel your self, gripping the edge of the sink. You throw your head back and blink the tears that were about to fall from your eyes back, and you wipe your nose. 
Didn’t they JUST spend time with them? Did they not have time for you anymore? It hurt. It was that crumpling of the paper hurting where the person’s hands would get stabbed by the rough corners of the paper and the hard lines. But they didn’t care enough to watch out so they kept on crumpling and twisting and pushing the paper until it was reduced to a sphere. 
A sphere that isn’t perfect at all, that has rough edges and bumps but it was forced to become a sphere. 
Did your fiance become the hands and you were the paper? To be yet again molded into something that they chose for you to do? And you faking everything to try to be that perfect sphere? 
Oh, but not him, you think with a smile. 
He would smooth you out, and laugh with you, tell you everything was okay. He’d give you that amazing smile, the one where his teeth are all showing and he couldn’t breathe so he sounded like a cat in water. 
No, don’t think about him. You shake your head and leave the empty glass in the sink and turn off the lights. 
You shouldn’t even think about him. He shouldn’t even be on your mind, your conscious scolds you as you walk to the bedroom to get ready... 
Ready for what? Another night of wallowing in self-pity and the impending feeling of loneliness that was just thrust upon you from the person you loved? 
The answer was obviously yes, because you immediately went into your nightly routine of getting ready. 
You went into the bathroom, set your phone down and start washing your face vigorously, like you were trying to wash out any negative thing in your brain. 
Suddenly your phone alerts two new notifications. You grab your face towel and wipe of the water and adjust your eyes to the notification. 
Toru Oikawa sent you a message 
Toru Oikawa tagged you in a post
Your eyes widened. What was Toru doing? 
You quickly opened the message to scold him for posting this stuff. He knows your fiance would absolutely hate it if you even interacted with Toru because it would hurt your image in the public eye. Whatever the fuck that meant. 
Ever since you and your fiance, who at the time was just a lover, became more noticed in the world of celebrities and the elite society, the both of you they did decided for the best that the both of you just you wouldn’t share your private life with the public unless checked with the other. 
That meant telling your friends that you couldn’t meet with them in public as often since they were “normal” people. That also meant you couldn’t go out as much on your own. 
Which didn’t bother you as much, since your friends were understanding and you called, face timed and invited them to your residence as much as you could. 
But time went on, the business grew as well. So, less time with your friends were spent, you barely interacted with other people outside of your family. You barely looked at your phone except the mindless scrolling on social media. That also meant your fiance being in the public eye more, meaning you had to watch your tongue, your body and everything that you did. Your fiance became almost protective, no they were practically policed you in everything you did that you just didn’t bother fighting or finding loopholes to do what you want to do. 
Toru also became famous as time went on. Of course he would be. Ever since high school and college the man would whimsically say his dreams, but you knew they were actual events that were going to take place. Look at him now. He was a professional volleyball player, a Division One athlete. 
Yet he wasn’t uptight about the public eye, like your fiance. He would constantly be empathic to the public and to others, sharing his story of trials and hardships he had to face to get to where he was. 
Toru was so genuine and in his element. He accomplished everything that he set out to do and was happy.
You remember watching him win the gold medal in the Olympics and tears stained the couch because you were so happy.
You also remember when your fiance gave you a lecture on how you can't get interact publicly with Oikawa on social media or in real life because of your social status and his.
Toru always, even before both of you grew up, liked to share pictures of friendships and events that took place. His wall in his room was adorned with pictures of his mother, his annoying shit of a nephew, his beautiful sister. He had pictures of random sunsets and flowers. Toru took selfies a LOT so those were prominent, as well as crack snaps of Iwa and Mattsun doing stupid things, maybe the occasional Makki.
There was pictures from middle school volleyball, a badly drawn mustache on Kageyama on one of them. Pictures of Oikawa and Iwa when they were 5.
Then you entered his life in highschool and continued in Brazil. You were one of his only friends back home, who also ventured out to South America.
Then Toru's wall had a new era of Toru and [Name].
Pictures at the beach, playing volleyball. Swimming and surfing, diving into the water. Photos of staying up late doing assignments and watching Toru play volleyball. Photos of you, him and Hinata on the beach.
Snapshots of you and Oikawa at different restaurants and bars. Of you getting wasted or him getting wasted. Pictures of you smiling and holding each other.
So when your fiance told you, you and Oikawa couldn' t really talk or do anything together anymore they twisted a knife to your gut.
It even hurt more when you had to tell Toru and the both of you talked it out briefly, like it was too much and the knife twisted and gutted you.
Because you knew it was true.
You open up the message and see a picture and a couple of messages.
2:30 Toru: just wanted to let u know to drink water [Name]
4:37 Toru: Can u believe that its our nerf gun night anniversary
7:45 Toru: Oh shit ur probably doing work and helping ur fiance with the wedding
Sorry for not checking in with u sooner
"Oh Toru, never change," you mutter with a smile.
You scroll down some more and your mouth turns into a wide, wide smile.
10:45 Toru: ok ik its sort of late over there but i found our nerf night picture
Oh of course it had to be that picture.
There you were back to back with Toru, holding out your nerf guns at the club like a couple of spies. Your face was sticky with sweat, plastered with random face paint. Toru was looking back at you with that sweet smile, brown hair sticking all over his forehead.
Weren't the both of you 20? 21? That picture seemed ages ago.
Toru: U still have that gorgeous smike yk?
Your heart clenched. You read the next text with fear.
Imma post it i hope u dont mind
Your fiance will, you think sarcastically
Its one of my favorite pictures of u
That was it?
Nothing else after the text?
Insteas of scolding him for posting it you went onto his page to see exactly what he said.
@[name] and I during my early days of South American volleyball. Look at that beautiful person.
Your heart aches as you went from the bathroom and settled into your bed.
You quickly messaged Oikawa, but instead of scolding him.
You texted him.
Haha why is it one of ur fav pics of me?
You set your phone down, half expecting for it to be silent, the other half not really and he replied quickly.
Its one of my favorite pictures EVER actually
You smirk.
Tell me why..... Now Toru😐
Toru: Fine, fine....
Your breath catches at the next sentence. Oh fuck you Toru for making me feel this way.
Call me right now and i'll let you know....
Unless your fiance doesnt want that
Oh. You forget about your fiance and you hated yourself for forgetting.
But what if you could call?
You quickly text Toru, thrill coursing through your veins.
Hold on for a couple minutes
You get out of bed, rush to your closet and find shoes and a coat. You quickly slip them on and slowly open your bedroom door and walk out. You crouched down a little as you passed by your fiance’s office.
They were sitting on the desk, laughing and smiling and your heart ached just a little.
Just a bit.
But you should be happy they were distracted, so you could go and talk to Toru finally.
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You’re outside of the house, the cool air enveloping you as you walk quickly down the streets. Getting a taxi was too suspicious to try and sneak over to Toru’s hotel so you had to walk.
Before you left, you texted your fiance saying that you were just out going for a midnight walk around the park area near your house. They didn’t respond.
Then you checked on Toru’s social media to check if he was near or around somewhere in the city.
Turns out he’s going to a hotel that’s a 5 minute drive, 15 minute walk away from you. 15 minutes and you can see Toru.
15 minutes and you can tell Toru everything. Confess everything that was building up in your heart that was dying to spill out for him.
The thought makes you run a little, zipping between the people on the streets.
You’re at the hotel now, pushing open the doors with new founded ease, eyes immediately searching for the tall man anywhere near the lobby.
Immediately, big hands cover your eyes and kiss the top of your head.
You spin around and see him. Smiling Toru.
You feel breathless once you saw him.
“Was this your surprise for me?” he asked increduosly.
You nod. You don’t trust yourself to speak anything, afraid you might say something that really wasn’t fitting for the setting.
“It’s been so long, [Name]! And god you’re such a daredevil, can’t believe you snuck out of the house from your fucking fiance,” he says, bitterly.
His face is turned into a scowl at the mention of them and you’re taken aback. He’s never reacted to them that way before, he usually remained neutral, passive.
You quickly grabbed Toru’s hand and you swear you hear his breath take a sharp inhale, “Can we go to your room? I want to talk.”
His face turns red and you can’t help but feel shameful at your request.
He gulps and nods, “Yeah just uh.. follow me.”
You take his hand as he leads you to the elevator and into his room.
Toru gestures for you to sit down as he grabs you some water.
“So what do you want to talk about? I mean I’m glad that we’re able to talk since it’s been a while but what’s so urgent?” he says lightly settling down beside you on the bed, handing you a cup of water.
“I’ve never liked [Fiance aka random person name],” you blurt out.
Toru looks surprised, “What do you mean-”
“No. I don’t mean it like that. I do like them. I just think I fell out of love with them,” you say slowly, trying to explain to Toru.
He urges you to go on.
“They’ve been um... neglecting me. Telling me my efforts for the wedding’s been um...”
“A burden?” Toru says softly and you nod.
“They’ve been uh seeing other people too, mostly this one person in the disguise of business work,” you say and Toru fumes.
Instead of bursting with anger like he wants to, he calmly asks you,
“How long has this been going on?”
You look away, “A year and a couple months now.”
Toru does the math. That was around the same time you accepted the proposal.
Toru rambles on, “I’m so so sorry [Name], this must be incredibly hard for you. But I’m glad you told me. If there is anything, anything, you want me to do to help I will do it, I promise-”
“I love you.”
You turn to him and look him dead straight in the eye. Toru’s pupils are large and his breath is caught in his throat.
“Who?” he says hoarsely.
“You. Toru, I love you,” you say again, your voice shaky with emotions.
“I loved you since we were 15, when we were 18. I’ve loved you through the dumb texts that you sent and the ones you didn’t, to the days at the beach and the sobs and anger when we fought,” you say, voice breaking as you bring yourself closer to him.
“I love you Toru, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” you say and you’re crying now, burying your face into your hands.
Toru wraps his arms around you and your noses are touching.
Breaths synchronizing.
Hearts beating, badum, badum, badum.
“Would you stay with me even if I’m away from you with my volleyball games-” he asks and you cut him off.
“Yes, Toru you didn’t listen to me. I would spend the rest of my life with you. I would I really would.”
Toru’s crying too, tears staining his face. Instead of saying something back he presses his lips against yours and cups your face.
You kiss him back urgently, fingers twisting into his hair as you pulls you closer to his body with his hands.
It felt like fireworks, like the end of a movie when the characters finally found the solution to the problem and everyone was happy.
Toru pulls away and he shakily laughs, “I love you, I love you so much.”
You laugh and hug him close, yelping when Toru turns around and pins you on the bed.
You swat him away playfully as he peppers kisses all over your neck and face.
Toru stares down at you with intensity, that makes you grow hot under his gaze.
“Stay with me tonight.”
You nod and wrap your arms around him, foreheads pressed together.
He’s said those words before, when you were younger but now you know what it really meant.
[Name] and Oikawa missing?! Did they run away together? What could have happened?
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Toru woke you up the next morning with a hug and a smile. You show him the tabloids and he starts laughing.
“Pffft, I mean they’re not wrong...” he says with a smirk.
Stay with me forever.
On the covers of the morning newspaper next morning, is a picture of you and Oikawa when you were younger with the headlines.
Toru rolls over and lays on your stomach, “I’m coming with you when you tell them that.”
You smile, “And then what?’
You raise your eyebrow, “Hold on bud, I still gotta end things with the other person.”
“Then we go back to Brazil and elope,” he says jokingly, but you think he’s being half true.
You smile, “After we sleep again.”
He lays his head down on your chest and nuzzles it, “Yes. I like this plan.”
You don’t say it out loud, but yes you really do.
A Note from Chef TIna : Wow I really wrote this shit down. I was gonna make it angsty but i made it a happy ending so be grateful bitches. anywayz... like and reblog loves 
Taglist: @saladskittles​ @tanakasimpcorner​ 
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
i HAVE to talk abt how good a bad buddy-esque confession scene would be for byler. a word of explanation, bad buddy is a 2021 thai bl drama that tells a story of pat and pran, two high school students & neighbours who knew each other since early childhood. their main thing is that theyre rivals in everything, as are their families, but theyve always been quite close and friendly with each other, would be closer if it werent for their parents disapproving any contact btwn them. btwn the two, its quickly established than pran has been in love with pat for a long time, and a couple first eps are told from his perspective; pran takes more time to realize his feelings (ex. he gets jealous and doesnt even know why) and the first kiss ep is told from his perspective -> it parallels so well w byler already. their first kiss is honestly one of the best ones ive seen in a show its sooo well done the tension is there the emotion the acting is THERE! the emotional conversation preceding the kiss is full of byler appliable gems such as "youve got to stop doing this to me [acting jealous and sending mixed signals], we are not a thing" by pran or "when you left, i was so happy, i didnt have to compete against you, i wasnt being paranoid, but guess what. it was so depressingly lonely for me" by pat (pls reach a bit with me on this one i think it applies well w how mike was/is struggling to find balance btwn will and el) or "do you want us to be friends? // no" just before the kiss. basically mike finally opening up abt his feelings and will being too stunned to speak both of them also have to cry <3 following the dynamic mike would then pull will in for a gentle, kind of unsure kiss and then after it breaks will would reciprocate with a passionate kiss. byler has the build up the dynamic And the acting to make this happen and id love for byler to have as much impact as this kiss has i also strongly recommend seeing it for urself its the 4th part of the 5th ep on youtube. very interested in ur thoughts
also i think that would be a really good way to go about a byler confession. honestly, i’m torn between all the different directions they could take it, but this seems like a pretty plausible way for them to go about it.
i really like the mixed signals part of this just cause i feel like it could be from either of them. obviously it feels like it should be will telling mike this, but at the same time will has been pushing mike away for the past year but he made that confession and if mike realizes that it was will’s words he probably still wouldn’t understand it was meant to be romantic bc he’s fuckng stupid. will could say that from a place of genuine confusion because mike is so difficult to read when it comes to this BUT mike could say it bc he’s an idiot with rocks in his head who refuses to let himself think will could actually like him back (he’s a genius until it comes to being gay. he kinda sucks at that)
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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scullys · 7 years
Your gifsets and coloring are so fucking beautiful always takes my breath away!!!
OMFG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love compliments with curses. i love your stuff too, you’re so creative omg
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am-i-sans · 1 year
dnd adventures 22
i wasnt here last session check moss's blog for what happaned
uh frog died cause they fought a dragon and undyne activated mom mode to bring them back lol dans is in for a surprise also tori lighting bolted dess lol.
dans cam and inferno pop out of eeby deeby! everyones in an inn. dess is still in the woods i guess? undyne tells us about what happaned. dans and cam dont handle it very well. (tori took frog out of the room) undyne begins beating the shit out of inferno for calling frog dying a skill issue. cam asks undyne not to cause frog will be sad but shes in mom mode lol.
dans and cam find frog eating with tori and suzy. dans and cam are very worried. dans hands are shaking and he looks at tori all misty eyed. dans asks frog if he can hug them. hug trapped by cam and dans lol awwwww. undyne finally finds us lol. dans lets go and pats cam on the head. hes emotionally exhausted. cam is distressed.
cam tells frog they shouldnt be comforting them since their the one that needs comforting. dans plays with tori's hand and puts a feather in her hand to help her stay grounded. cam says feather gifting is romantic lol. dans tells cam hes gonna make them hold eggs lol. frog giggles awww. dans walks over and takes the scarf back, balls it up, and puts it in their hand. then he goes back to playing with tori's hand. cam holds undynes hand lol.
undyne isnt good at comforting frog but shes trying dammit. cam and frog are giggling at how gay cam is lol. frog is trying to heal inferno. cam walks over to dans with the scarf. he wraps it around cam and tell them to consider it theirs. undyne makes inferno lay down so frog can heal them. inferno goes back to stealing lol. dess is also in the cafe.
inferno sees dess is talking to an older man. the man is dressed like a cleric and you cant see his face. dess looks uncomfy. (inferno and dess havent mess) undyne notices and points out dess. (cam teaches dans what thank you is in bird) undyne goes up to dess. the man stops speaking.
the man apologizes to undyne for dess's behavior (its fuckin charity gaster i wanna fuckin stab him grrr) (dans and cam are teaching each other how to swear lol) dans notices undyne was gone a while and goes to find her. (cam tries to repeat fuck you in dwarven) notgaster says he promises that dess will behave.
dans walks in. hes uncomfy and doesnt know why. hes shorter and can see his face. some sort of elf with facial cracks. dans feels like the wind was knocked out of him and he takes a step back. undyne notices but dans cant really answer her right now. (inferno went eeby deeby)
he says something to dess we cant hear and he hands dans a stone card. dans reacts on instinct and slaps the card away. he says that they should leave. undyne says she has questions to ask this dude so dans refuses to leave. the man says its his job to know things. he takes the card back and addresses undyne by name and goes to leave. undyne uses divine sense on him. yep hes evil. she pulls dans behind her. (cam goes eeby deeby) the stone card fell out of his pocket. undyne inspects it. its hard to read and has a face on it. dans and undyne look at dess like wtf. dess cant tell us. she also cant tell us what the card says. undyne keeps it.
we go back to the group. undyne remembers were supposed to look for info on how to end the curse. dans is told to talk to steve since dess borked it. undyne senses evil on steve :( she takes everyone away and tells them yeah hes evil.
we try and charm steve using tori's spells. failed. dans just says fuck it and goes in. he tries to talk to steve and get him to explain whats happening. undyne cast zone of truth. he admits hes been following us and then realizes hes telling the truth and is sus. he shuts up.
dans calls undyne to break a bone. moss CHEATS and doesnt let him be intimidated. dans tells undyne to start with the fingers. he just starts laughing? asshole. undyne breaks a toe but he doesnt react. dans is watching closely. dans starts looking for clues but steve says we wont find anything. steve says he has a 'personal interest' in our adventures. he needs us dead. hes being a smug asshole. he wont tell us why. he did not put the curse on us though.
undyne offers to finish him off and he just laughs. dex saving throws?! he casts fireball! i only got 4 damage cause i am resistant and i rolled high too lol. undyne fucking does 62 pure radiant damage. hes radiant resistant but that still hurts! he transforms! black armored plate from his skin, claws, horns, skull head. tori walks into this with dess. tori trapped suzy and frog behind a wall lol.
UNDYNE IS DROPPED TO 1 HP WTF she survives, we buff and heal her and she calls soupnik! SUZY SCALED THE WALL SHES IN THE GAME TOO! also hes immune to necrotic damage so my spells suck
UNDYNE IS DOWN. dans keeps getting crits cause hes so fuckin mad wtf. he wants to kill undyne. dans tells soupnik to save undyne and take her away and they get away. since were attached to undyne by the curse, we can be teleported away. we just need to survive long enough for that to happen.
dess tries to teleport away. dans uses dimension door on him and suzy (its what tori would want) steve begins regenerating since undyne is like gone lol. dess is trying to help frog escape the wall.
finally god has mercy and teleports everyone to dans. dans supports up undyne and has frog help heal her. dans has to tell undyne she almost died. and we have to tell frog that steve is super evil. frog is in disbelief that undyne LOST.
suzy yells at tori for locking her in a wall. we did infact almost kill him we got from over 400 hp to almost 100. so we get exp cause fuck. we get on soupnik cause steve might follow us so we gotta go. dans sets up camp when we land cause everyones fuckin tired.
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light-koe-pinsky · 4 years
some thoughts about Danny and sams relationship cuz im trying to make sense on why i still like them together after all these years lol
I think Is really fucking cute how Danny restrains himself every time Sam pulls back from showing affection
He never questions her, never pressures her into giving more than what she does
Sam would push him to the bushes and kiss him to create a "distraction"
Danny is totally infatuated by the kiss
She quickly pedals back and tells him It wasnt a real kiss
Danny snaps out of it real quick and tells her that he didnt thought it was a real kiss and Is revealed un another episode that Is him who comes up with the idea of calling It a Fake out make out pressumably to make her feel better
After the spell of ember, Sam runs to hug him and he reciprocates the hug but again Sam quickly pulls back and Danny follows her doing a mirror reaction
Sam says that some of the spell must still present in her
Tucker exposes her saying she never was under such spell and Sam elbows him
Danny doesnt say anything
Whenever someone asumes she's his girlfriend, Danny Is quick to correct them that Is not quite true, with whoever It is, the ghosts, their enemies, the kids at school, his parents
The only time he sorta pressures her to saying something is when ghost king scapes and he has to use the Fenton armor, and doesnt know if hes going to come back and even then he doesnt explicitly outs her feelings, he just says "but if there's anything you want to tell me, nows the time" and that's it
Okay there's that time with trevor, its not a justification but Valerie had just rejected him, its normal he was a little apreensive also the instant Sam calls him out he steps back and thinks "wait wtf am i doing?" And leaves her alone
And after Sam suffers from falling out of love with trevor Danny Is there to reassure her that she Is and i quote "smart, fun, pretty" and to apologize for following them and just generaly being a jerk
Hes always complementing her "i always thought you ruled Sam"
"You should listen to some of those ideas and i should too" (when she is in that kingdom where Time Is stopped)
"That Is the coolest girl ive ever met" when Sam wishes she had never met him
AND i know we don't talk about phantom planet and almost everything about It is wrong BUT and before you kill me
THAT KISS was the ONLY thing they got right about them, okay? I don't care about the meaningless plot i don't care about tucker being the fucking governor
THAT KISS, the hesitation, the sweet kiss on dannys cheek the way Danny realizes "oh so she does love me" and proceeds to kiss her swooping His hand under Sams hair to cup her face , Is just 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌perfect
Like he waits until hes absolutely fuckin sure that she likes him in order to Advance, not really because hes not sure what he feels about her but because hes not sure what SHE feels towards him
And is not really that he does not notice all of Sams signs that she has a crush on him, and this Is another thing that I love about this ship, because we as the audience are SURE that Sam Is super infantuated with Danny, she looks longingly at him when hes flying as the sun hits Danny just right 👌 and his hair flows heroically with the wind lmao, she dreams about him being happy and she being her girlfriend, she invites him to dance, she acts jealous everytime someone tries to get closer to Danny
She's head over heels for him, and Danny Is shown to notice all this, when he catched Sam looking at him when they were flying he just smiles and doesnt say anything, Danny sees Sam's dream and when asked what was she dreaming he covers her and says he doesnt remember, all those are little acts of respect, of understanding that he knows how she feels but he knows she doesnt feel comfortable with giving too much yet
Like ...
Is always more obvious how Sam takes care of Danny and tucker, she's a wonderful friend and DOES everything in her power to help them, to help Danny and Danny of course tries to take care of everyone as a hero
But the way he takes care of Sam and roots for her and respects her space and choices
That Is just 👌 👌👌👌👌✨💕💕💞
They just... They just be taking care of eachother man, and that kills me
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code-otome-game · 3 years
Completed otome games, my thoughts, along with my fav characters (last updated: August 22nd 2021)
1. Code Realize - August 2021
Saint-Germain instantly caught my eye, along with Lupin ofc. I was curious about Impey but my friend who lent me her collection of otome games said he was shit. Code Realize was my reintroduction to otome games, and plummeted me into otome hell once more. As soon as I saw Herlock Sholmes, I wanted him as a route, and loved his Future Blessings route.
Saint Germain was my absolute favourite, and his route hurt me in all the right ways. His VA was amazing at conveying the emotion behind certain scenes.
2. Café Enchanté - August 2021
After completing Code Realize, I felt a little lost and didn't know what game to play next. I figured after the pain of some of the stuff in Code Realize, I'd go for something I thought would be a little more fun and a little lighter. Cafe Enchante was next on my list. I was instantly drawn to Misyr and Il, with Il being my first route. I absolutely loved Il, and was traumatized from having my fav boy be the one who was hurt the most again. Although, Misyr is definitely a top contender for most hurt fav as well...
3. Piofiore - August 2021
I continued on with Piofiore right after Cafe Enchante, and instantly knew I was interested in Dante and Yang. I went with Dante first, and was absolutely enamored by him. I was absolutely heartbroken to find out that I didn't get his best ending at first, and contemplated not playing the game for a while. But I decided against it and carried on, using a guide this time. I didn't think anyone else would surpass him in my mind, but boy was I wrong. I quickly fell in love with Yang once I started his route, and his route was the first to make me feel butterflies again in years since I played my last otome game.
However, after playing through all the routes and getting to the finale, I absolutely fell in love with Henri, and I'm honestly shocked that Nicola has left such an impression on me considering I didn't think much of him right after his route. Now it's hard *not* to think about him. But overall, I love all the men pretty equally. I'm super excited for 1926.
4. Collar x Malice - August 2021
I was definitely curious about this one and was tempted to start it multiple times when choosing which game to play next, however I put it off because I didn't like the protagonist being a cop.
The characters are honestly all super loveable, and I think I love them all a bit more equally then I do the Piofiore guys. I was surprised Saeki wasn't a route, until while I was playing Kei or Shiraishi's route when my friend spoiled he was Adonis' leader.
I fell in love with all the characters quite gradually through their stories, with the exception of Shiraishi. I knew he'd be the one I was the most curious and interested in. I was so excited when I finally unlocked his route, and I absolutely loved every single bit of the early half of it. His comments and interactions were hilarious, he was adorable *and* hot.... and he loves cats. What the hell more could I want from a guy? He makes me want to introduce him to my own cats and also makes me want to do mundane and sweet things with him just because he's so sweet and I love him.
I was absolutely heartbroken at his "best" ending, and thinking about his tragic ending hurts my heart. I legitimately only want the best for this man- I only want him to be happy and healthy and not confined to some stupid prison or Adonis...
It also feels strange, but I think I love him best *before* he got a little soft with the protagonist? His quick retorts and harsh comments were hilarious and I loved that so much about him, so I was a bit sad when he grew a bit soft later on.
At the time of writing these past 4 entries, CxM is the latest game I've played, so Shiraishi's story is still super fresh in my mind. I was as obsessed with most of the other men mentioned above as I am with him right now. I'm sure the following entries will contain more love-ramblings like this as I complete more games and add them to the list.
5. Amnesia: Memories - August/September 2021
Toma! Toma! Toma!!!
My first experience with ✨ the cage ✨. I went with Ikki at first, got his normal ending (thaT SHIT WAS SO SAD WTF ;-;) and then went back with a walkthrough for his good ending. But... his route was kinda underwhelming tbh. I liked it as I played it, but looking back now... it really was quite underwhelming. So was Shin's route, who I played after Toma. I was interested in who the culprit was, and was shocked with the reveal tbh. Buuut after playing Toma's route... it was understandable. Although I really wish that Shin's route had more affection in it... it felt more like a mystery with a little bit of romance rather then an otome game.
I played Toma's route after Ikki's, and omfg... Toma was truly an unexpected fav. Hated his good ending tho, idfk why you would be ok with just returning to normal after all of that... but whatever. I would willingly go in that cage I s2g. I LOVED his eyes too! When he gets dark and super possessive, those eyes are just... UGH. Yes please. ❤
I skipped the entirety of Kent's route because I really just don't give a fuck about him. Hes absolutely not my type. I felt bad skipping it, but... in the end I don't really care.
Ukyo was also an unexpected fav- I wad super curious about his route and suspected that all of the "interesting" and bad stuff that I had heard about would happen during his route buuuut... nope. Nothing of the sort. He was so damn sweet, but I will say that uh... insane side of him is kinda hot too. 👀 but omg, the fact that he's a photographer AND so damn dedicated to you and sweet is just... ugh. My heart. Ukyo and Toma definitely became my favs for this game, and I think this is the first time where my first route didn't end up being one of my favourites.
I love how sharp Toma is as well! That he knows so much about you and can easily find out things and such... but also- I really like how dedicated and caring Ukyo is. He's so protective and adorable! I really did feel bad for him during his route. I haven't gotten his normal ending yet, but the title of it is so fucking sad and I don't know if I even wanna go for it.
"Do you know Ukyo?"
6. Bustafellows - September 2021
Honestly, when I started playing Bustafellows I didnt expect to like many characters, if any at all. None of them were particularly appealing to me, at least visually... however, as I played the game, I was drawn to Shu and Mozu, as I found Shu to be the most attractive one of the bunch, and Mozu was interesting to me as a coroner. However, the first character I ended up with was... Crow. I was honestly a little surprised, but didn't care too much. I didn't know who I wanted to go with first, and honestly, as the common route progressed... I found myself liking Crow more.
Crow was the one I liked the least out of everyone, at least visually at first. I really didn't like his hair lmao. But as I read the common route, he really grew on me, and I couldn't help but be sweet to him, so ofc I ended up with his route first... and god, I really love him. He's so stupid and adorable. Like seriously.
I went with whoever the game would give me after Crow, and it gave me Helvetica. With Crow, I really loved his character, but didn't care much for his story. It was the opposite for Helvetica. I enjoyed his story a ton, but not his character. I then carried on with Shu, who I loved entirely. Both his character and story was really really good, and his bad ending... phew. Damn dude.
Mozu came after, and I honestly have mixed feelings about his route. I feel like there really needed to be more romance between him and the MC, but the end of his route where he finds his sister is.... oof. I literally went "thats rough buddy" in my head lmao. I felt so bad for him.
I liked Limbo a lot more then I thought I would as well! He was super adorable and sweet, and the story was pretty good too, so I really enjoyed his route. But overall, I believe Shu and Crow are my favs this time around. I can't believe I didn't like Mozu as much as I thought I would! But I feel like I would have liked him a shitton more if there was more to his route then there was.... smh.
Nightshade - September 2021
I almost immediately jumped right into Nightshade, although with doubts of enjoying it in my mind, as I wasnt in the mood for a historical japan setting. However! I loved the characters, and the story! By the end of it, I was thoroughly angry with the antagonists for hurting my BOYS like that...
The first one I went for was Kuroyuki, who I LOVED. I felt a little bit confused throughout his route, but I still quite enjoyed it. A sweet yandere. Babey boy. I love him.
Next was Chojiro, and oooohhhhh boy.... yeah. That was a little rough. BUT I feel like the story was very well suited for him!!! After that I went with Goemon, who was SO SWEET. For a moment, the "plot twist" had me, but then I realized there was no way he was wasn't trying to trick his old clan/the council.
Hanzo was second last, and definitely an unexpected fav! I didnt find him very attractive at first, but seeing him more and more throughout the routes had him growing on me. And I LOVED him! But... I don't like Ieyasu's treatment towards the end of the route; ordering Hanzo to kill the MC after making us thoroughly believe he was a kind man in every other route.... sigh. But I'm happy that he was able to take just the MC's sash instead of her head. I do like that he also told Hanzo to "go get a wife and come back" hehe.
GOD that scene in the cave with Hanzo where youre both naked... YES. And his hair when its wet!!! Hes so adorable AND hot at the same time???? I love Hanzo. Tbh, I love all of them.
Gekka was the last one I did, but I wish I reversed Hanzo/Gekka's positions. Cause I really, *really* didnt like ending on such a sad ending.... dear god. I really thought I got the bad end or something for a hot minute there. Then Gekka comes in! Ahhhh, honestly I didn't like him much at all at first which is why I saved him for last, but his route.... FUCK man. His route was heart wrenching. And he's so damn sweet. I still don't understand how/why he doesn't try to kill the MC in the other routes after the "protection" "curse" is lifted but whatever. Still, the ending... dear god. And all of their graves being dug up... the box of everyone's hair... jesus christ that was morbid. Even that made me mad. I didnt care much for the blonde haired kid who died first, but everyone else after that had such a good part to the story...but I wonder why Kuroyuki lived in every route?
Either way, Nightshade was a lot better then I thought it would be! I loved it!!! I honestly might go back soon and replay Kuroyuki's route now that I know whats going on and I know the characters.... also wanna replay Hanzo's route! Babey ❤
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