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am-i-sans · 1 month ago
megalovania undertale ost
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am-i-sans · 1 month ago
im sans
sans the salvia
people really didn't like my previous sprite of flowey mimicking sans
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so i decided to try and make it better. here's a few improved designs; let me know what you think! which one do you think is the best?
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am-i-sans · 3 months ago
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A doodle regarding the Tumblr Fandom 2024 Year In Review...
Based on this:
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am-i-sans · 4 months ago
happy late halloween
you are jumpscared by the image of the first fallen human, eyes and mouth melty black voids. they are coming closer towards you with that terrifying face and laugh
!!! [Kay jumps back from the scare.]
?! [Ame covers their eyes and cowers.]
Waugh!!! [They place both hands in front of their chest, as if trying to protect its soul.]
AAAHHH!! [Raz covers his face with his arms]
[Moss gives them the finger.]
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am-i-sans · 4 months ago
Toby Fox just put this in his bluesky and I think it’s very important and everyone needs to see it
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am-i-sans · 4 months ago
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am-i-sans · 4 months ago
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he gaster on my blaster til i
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am-i-sans · 5 months ago
sans with a butterfly on his face
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Idk if you were thinking of this or not but there's a tradition that when a butterfly visits you it's a sign that a lost loved one is at peace and watching over you and that's just really sweet for Sans so anyway. here take these
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am-i-sans · 5 months ago
dnd adventures 48
down the hallway! we find another door at the end of the hallway, through it is a big giant room and a big giant monster in it and a nest of eggs behind it! it roars at us, roll initiative!
moss is trying to kill us smh. big shadow hand just smacking us with high ac wtf. tori gets grappled! it hit dans ac exactly and grapples him fuck. he has exactly 69 hp now nice.
dolly hit it shes the only person able to use magic rn lol. undynes cuts down tori but misses dans darn. dans is dangling in the air, fuck. dans aint going anywhere squishy warlock. tori is gonna witchbolt good job! 63 damage jesus tori.
tori is getting her shit rocked lol back to grappled. smacking undyne and biting her ouch. moss wanted to avoid voreing dans so it attacks dolly and grapples her. undyne crits and releases toriel! dans tells her to free dolly cause hes useless. dans nearly gets out damn. tori is still witchbolting nice.
cutting to the other team~
their just walking. dododo. dess picks up cam. cam is still holding cyan. inferno just ignores them lol. cam calls inferno for help and is ignored xD they keep walking and come across a door! cam keeps trying and failing to get out of dess's grasp lol. its just a door, right there. no wall. opening it reveals a room!
theres another door that leads down a hallway and a button in the middle of the room! as soon as they enter the room both doors slam shut! a giant number appears on a screen?! oh no a timer. ohno. dess hits the button and the timer resets. ohgod.
inferno hits it again. dess examines the button. nothing weird, so dess tries to pick up inferno lol. she wants to see what happens! the room shakes and blares! but they dont explode and the door open lol. dess says i told you so and walks through the door. cam STILL cant get out of dess's grip. neither can inferno xD long hallway and another door.
cam says dess would know a lot about doors. welp theres a giant shadow monster but with many eyes. their gonna die. cyan flies away from them and out of the way. says they found the eggs! dess finally puts cam down lol. fight!
inferno firebolts goodjob. dess finally uses the dick club! and shocking grasp! inferno gets shot from one of the monsters eyes and is paralyzed! kick its ass cam! missed both times F. inferno gets skipped so time for dess smack it with the dick club! we love the dick club. eyeball bastard misses biting her nice. cam...keeps whiffing. cyan floats over and tells cam their supposed to HIT it.
back to the other team!
tentaclees once more is fucking us up. cmon dolly fuck it up. she shot dans free and cast feather fall on dans nice. undyne attacks! good job. dans uses his frost staff for once good job. tori lightning bolts!
other team!
inferno is STILL paralyzed. dess tries to stab it in the eye with the dick club. great work everyone. eyeballz misses its turn. cmon cam HIT IT...nope. thanks for coming cam.
back again at crispy creme
it fucking bites dans wtf. undynes grappled. and dolly. undyne escapes nice and attacks! and saves dolly! dans pulls out the fire staff for now and hits it with fireball! tori hits it for lightning! it starts screaming?!
back to the other team!
inferno finally is freed! immediate fireball! fucked up several of its eyes nice. dess fucking it up with the dick club nice. strength save from eyeballz. cam dont whiff! they switch to sword and immediately hit it lol.
back again!
tori gets hit ouchie. undynes grappled. grappling tori oof. go dolly! she misty stepped closer to the eggs you bitch. undyne escapes and goes on the attack to free tori. it fucking sprays dans with stinky gas? asshole. dans uses fireball again! it dissipates! fuck yeah!
back to the other guys!
cmon inferno fireball! it explodes!? winners!
grabbing eggs get us tf out of here.
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am-i-sans · 5 months ago
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am-i-sans · 5 months ago
dnd adventures 47
we ended last time being voided? we spawn on a floor? undyne punches the floor. cam stares bug-eyed at the void. undyne pulls out her glowing sword and THE KIDS ARE GONE! undynes baby tries to escape!
she grabs the baby trying to calm it down. cam starts shushing the baby lol. empty grey void as far as we can see. dans cast light on a ring so we can see more. tennis fucking bites undyne lol. tori is just freaking out and calling for the kids.
dess calls this strange (no shit lol) tori just starts walking so we start following her. tori has 0 spellslots lol. dans prays to mossgod and hopes for an answer. he cant sense them at all. "uh guys i cant sense god at all." oh no.
we see...navi the fairy? what? "hi! welcome to eeby deeby!" oh fuck. dess asks if they lay the eggs lol. it has no eyes but we feel it winks lol. tori tries to focus on getting out and the orb says that wont work. inferno threatens to set it on fire if it doesnt shut up, it laughs at him.
it says it doesnt have a name cause god forgot to give it a name (then looks at the camera!) cam nods, pats them, and names them Cyan. it seems pleased? undyne asks if they have seen the kids. "nope their not here!" "they werent sent here with us? "SENT here? thats how you think it works?" dess says they get recalled here when their owners arent available jfc dess
it flies around everyones heads going 'hey, listen! you need to find the eggs!' dans comments his eggs in the bag but they wont work anymore? it winks again wtf. need eggs to get out i guess.
undyne asks how we got here and it says no one knows. 'are you FROM here?' it stops for a second and says it doesnt remember, then says we need to find the egg! cam asks if it wants to follow while we look for eggs. it was already going too!
cyan says it cant tell us where the eggs are and implies theres no 'direction'. dess says cyan is like her with 0 explanation and starts walking! time to follow dess. we see vague shadowy things in the distance. buildings, people, screaming?
undyne hears screaming and runs ahead dammit. those arent people screams so she comes back. group hand holding! tennis starts biting cam lol. cam backs away from tori when she motions for the baby lol.
tori listens for things but nothing substantial. cyan keeps saying hey listen. cam pats them on the head lol. tori heads toward the noise so we follow her lol NO SEPERATING! we encounter 3 people and one of them is a woman with a very blurry arm and their fighting shadowy things?
undyne of course rushes in to help. cam gives tori the baby and runs in. the baby starts struggling even harder wtf. tori casts animal friendship since it counts as an animal xD it calms down and stops biting but it makes faces at her like 'let me go!' 'nope.'
beating up the creatures~ the missing arm lady is a firbolg milf lol. her name is dolly dazzle? dess says thats a pornstar name lol. cross is the human and zaz the goblin. they have their own fairy thing lol its pink. dans says to name it rose and cam says thats lovely.
fuck eeby deeby lol. dess says we couldve been here a hundred years we have no idea. undyne asks about their arm and dans says its rude to ask lol. dolly says it got bitten off but itll grow back? eeby deeby properties? its not painful what? dess says shes probably into it lol.
tori is on babysitting duty. undyne asks if they've seen the kids, nope. dans asks if they know how to track down the eggs, also no. team up time! rock paper scissors for the eggs if we cant find enough?
dess tries to find some eggs and just finds darkness lol. is cyan supposed to make the eggs? cyan says god is dead. great. which one? oh well lead the way cam.
undyne tries to use divine sense. nada. she then uses lay on hands on herself. nope! she freaks out lol. the other guys are laughing at her lol. cross says you cant die here so calm down. cam backs away as cross kills zaz. dolly sighs and says they have to wait for him to reform.
cam holds cyan and just stares. tori heals undyne and tells her to calm tf down and keep her head. dess comments tori is good at calming the baby with magic like all her other kids wtf.
dess calls the new guys disposable npc's xD she wanders off. she comes back and asks if they've seen another firbolg that looks like tori, aka sunnie. nope. dans has had enough and says none of this matters we just need to find the eggs. dess asks cyan if the eggs are like the eeby deeby eggs or not. 'halflings lay eggs?' XD
dans asks what the difference between our eggs and the eeby deeby ones. nope. need different ones. wtf. what if their always conscious when we get here but we forget normally? dess comments that yeah but now were being watched and doesnt elaborate. cyan cant answer that either lol.
undyne checks on tennis. why is it so anxious? she thinks its teething. dans wonders if tennis can find the eggs and it makes a sound at him. it sounds sad! dans goes '1 squeak for yes 2 squeaks for no.' lol. it can find the eggs and it knows where we are right now. dess asks cyan about the temmie baby. silent.
dans asks tennis if it can lead us to the eggs. dess says this could be a grown temmie for all we know. dans and dess see this fucking thing staring at us
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it disappears when we make eyecontact with it wtf. dollys coming with us! undyne comments the other 2 guys might get instantly rekilled after respawning. yep shes still freaking out lol. she picks cam up and has them on lookout.
congrats undyne you found horrors. vague shape of a person. their transparent and just sitting on the ground? 'im never getting out of this place' oh no. 'im not getting out ive been here too long.' oh no.
time means nothing. where did their fairy go? cyans just staring at this dude. undyne tries to lift him but it goes straight through. cam sits next to him. 'please remember me.' and then he puffs into nothing, turns into a fairy, and leaves?!
dess manages to catch it! dans suggests naming it lime since its green. dess asks if it has its memories. its light blinks out for a second and tries to get away. dans goes and helps dess hold onto it. even dolly goes wtf. dans asks tennis if they knew that was gonna happen xD
cam is hugging cyan tightly. lime is just saying to be let go cause dess is fucking shaking it. cam suggests putting it in the bag of holding. dess says they can see why 'hes' interested in cam wtf?
undyne pries dess's hands off lime darn. cyan pipes up and says it has information and just repeats we have to find the eggs. dess asks if it has free will and just flickers wtf.
dans keeps asking tennis questions. yep its still a baby. undynes mad we keep bugging the baby xD then she calls it dumb. and it wont be dumb when it grows up.. 'is that true tennis, that we know more than you?' it tries to bite dans nose but tori is still holding it xD dans gives them a baby chewing toy.
dess tries to sense if the temmie know where the eggs are. yep the baby knows! it can probably sniff out its kind. dans suggests making a leash? let the baby loose! shes mad but allows it.
tori kneels down and sets down tennis. he runs off, follow them! its not very fast tho xD dolly is just as confused xD we ask dolly if they get hungry here. she stops and doesnt think so? she hasnt anyway. dess comments shes gone longer with no food. dans just looks at her so sad. undyne says she didnt eat for 2 weeks once to push herself?
dans comments he went a month without eating once cause he was a slave and fought back lol. this group sucks xD tennis sniffs around us a bunch and then keeps going. undyne says its fine if they dont wanna be a paladin they can be a wizard. dans says he knows a guy that can teach them if they want. undyne says they could be a druid too. just talking to the baby xD talking about what they can be when they grow up.
dess says dans sounds like her mom and tells tennis they were supposed to be a lot of things too. tennis bonks its head on dess and then keeps going. undynes glad to be a mom lol.
we keep walking and the void around us starts shifting and the floor is sticky and a mist rolls in?! undyne picks up the baby. cam clings to dess. dans stands back to back in tori's blind spot. the fog rolls in and the groups seperate. team dess and cam and inferno, and everyone else.
team undyne! dolly just starts walking. welp where are they. grounds not sticky anymore. maybe the others got out? undyne starts shouting for them. dolly comes back they found a door?! shes already going back toward the door.
gonna check out the door to see if its a trap cause everything is suspicious. undyne just fucking opens the door. we see a stone room with 2 full grown temmies, maybe? 2 more doors behind them? ohno. a sign says 1 speaks lies one speaks truth. dammit. dolly walks in of course. going in!
the temmies just stare at tennis. their names are hamilton and alexander. fucking theatre kids. undyne asks the left one if her name is undyne. it says no, thats the one that lies xD asking the right one which door is the correct door. it points behind itself.
undyne asks where the eggs are. it says no. there goes dolly! its a hallway!
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am-i-sans · 5 months ago
dnd adventures 46
cam pops up next to undyne cool. we hear an explosion in the distance! people are running to the sneed store! team tori is speed walking to the smoke.
cam tries to pretend to have had nothing to do with this lol. undyne hands Tennis to Dans and she bursts into the burning building! suzy is too busy eating the green ham xD cam follows undyne to see the results of their work lol.
undyne checks behind what was the counter and sees the charred remains of 2 men. a beam falls from the ceiling and hits her on the head! 20 damage oof.
team tori arrive to the chaos lol. tori is fucking winded lol. cam is horrified cause its chaos lol. dess goes up to cam and asks what happaned. cam lies and says they have no idea they were in eeby deeby. tori's looking for suzy give her her kid >:(
"there was meat everywhere which was what distracted suzy." thanks cam lol. undyne says their at arbys. tori beelines lol. cam noticed dess trying to sneak a sneed on them again and quickly side steps them and shuffles away as dess stares at them the entire time xD cam squints xD
tori scoops suzy up and she makes an indignent noise to be put back down lol. dans shovels the seuss food for suzy for later and she stops complaining lol. dans asks tori what was up with the trees. she totally didnt hear him so he snaps his fingers a bunch trying to get her focus lol.
dess puts a hand on cams shoulder and comments that tori is a flat earther. cam blinks and says they already know that. dess seems particularly troubled right now. "are you ok?" "thats a complicated question." "do you wanna talk about it?" she just stares at cam aww.
dess says their calling god distress. cam says not to take it out on them wtf. 'oh gods back their gonna cut back to tori and dans now.' dess holy shit im so sorry xD
tori is muttering to herself in sylvain dammit xD "uhh you ok tori? what happaned?" she says shes just worried. she says the trees want us to stop to stop them being cut down. dans says he was just with suzy and the baby. he pauses and wonders if it was inferno but no ones seen him since hes in eeby deeby. dans shrugs and says they should all meet up and plan before something else happens.
frog pipes up and says they met a dryad that sounded by danny devito. dans asks if he had a big orange moustache and frog says they were orange with a yellow moustache. dans messages undyne their all gonna meet up at arbys to plan. dans asks if frog wants any dr seuss food and they go no so dans casually tosses food into suzys mouth.
cam asks if dess is sure they dont wanna talk about it but undyne interrupts and says they are gonna meet up at arbys. just as they leave the onceler shows up! we dont get to meet him yet lol xD dess comments she feels like their walking away from something deeply important xD dess just starts going oh no and puts a hand on cams shoulder and says god wants us to fuck the onceler. she sounds so distressed xD cam pries her hand off their shoulder XD DESS IS CASSANDRA HOLY SHIT
frog asks tori to put them down now and she just says soon lol. shes very stressed about the fire. dans reassuringly pats her on the leg. dess grabs cam and books it and says theres sexual tension between tori and dans wtf no xD undyne shrugs and sprints with them lol.
group is back together nice. dess drops cam and says the gods are being weird again and their on their own xD tori asks undyne if shes ok cause, ya know, head injury bleeding. she uses cure wounds real quick lol. dans tells her she should wear her helmet lol.
frog asks how she got hurt. she was too late there were 2 bodies inside the shop oh no! cam you fucking liar goes 'oh no what happaned?' undyne says they were charred they wouldnt have instantly burned like that with the building, it had to be before.
tori mutters 'youd be surprised' ayo. i cant believe inferno is getting away with this lol. cam says they last saw him in eeby deeby. suzy snarks 'you SAW him in eeby deeby?' xD i love them your honor. tori turns suzy so she cant see cam lol. just spinning! deception check! dirty 21 cam is a master liar xD dans hands the baby back to undyne.
undyne talks about feeding the baby and dess comments about if undyne milks?! cam tries to push dess behind them like buddy you are small. undyne says shes never milked a cow. dans opens his mouth to say something but stops himself. dess comments if he has something to say and dans glances at tori and says he wouldnt mind milking a cow. cam AND tori walk away xD
dans hands undyne a bottle. dess asks dans if he fucked the lorax xD he says he legally cant answer that. cam eventually comes back. dess says she was supposed to be something else and dans hugs her.
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'your fine just as you are dess.' 'i wish i didnt have the curse.' frog says 'your cursed?!' dess goes no comment. 'do you want me to forget?' 'i dont do that anymore' wtf ayo?!
dess says we gotta kill some twinky loser lol. dess says shes going insane and damaging the campaign. 'what campaign?' she needs a goddamn nap xD dess accidentally summons inferno great xD right on his face!
suzy perks up and greets him lol. tori gives dess a look and asks in sylvain how she knew inferno was coming. dess says its complicated xD cam makes a realistic bird squak lol. dess in sylvain says lifes a joke and were the punchline. tori looks at her with deep concern.
tori steps between undyne and inferno just in case lol. frog reminds everyone the goal. stop the guy cutting down trees. 'get with it inferno!' tori is bewildered how worked up frog is lol. undyne wasnt paying attention jesus. dess says inferno is like the onceler ohno. dess and dans say that since he runs this place and his store is on fire he'd probably go there.
dess asks tori if shes gonna have a backstory moment if we go back to the store. she says she'll be fine as she hugs the kids closer. undyne grills inferno about the burning building. 'whoever burned it down mustve had great taste.' so much for getting away with murder xD cam also steps between undyne and inferno.
back to the shop! we see the onceler talking to normal looking people. dess says its green inferno! 'hello mr the onceler would you happen to be the ex lover of mr the lorax danny devito?' thanks dess xD 'its fine we all have dead family.' dess no. the rest of the family is there with him. 'someone has to move the plot along.' dess are you ok?
dans gently pulls dess away and says maybe its time for a nap lol. onceler makes such a confused expression. the old lady looks like she wants to fight. undyne comments sorry for your loss. cam comments maybe they should leave. tori puts the kids down and walks over to dans and dess and glares at the onceler family. oh no.
"we'd really appreciate it if you stopped cutting down the trees." tori wtf. onceler pulls tori to the side. 'did HE send you?' 'what do you think?' 'you can tell moustache to leave me alone!' 'oh IM not telling anyone anything. heres your message.' and she glances at the burning bodies holy shit. INFERNO IS GETTING AWAY WITH IT.
he stares up at her in horror and screams "you killed my brothers?!" undynes like 'what?!' the kids look at her like wtf. dess tells undyne shes lying quietly. undyne storms over like wtf are you doing. angry grandma is slowly approaching. the townsfolk are watching.
tori casts wall of stone around her and the onceler. undyne frowns and wraps the baby up and tries punching through the stone. her hand is now bloody and broken great.
tori looks at the onceler and says 'i didnt admit to that did i?' hes fucked. tori is just leaning against the wall. tori says she didnt kill them, but she could ;) she summons flameblade to make her point. 'now you know what you need to do, right?' hes just silent in shock.
she kneels down to his height and puts the blade near his neck since hes not answering. 'leave the trees alone now.' jfc tori. cam makes eye-contact with inferno and he squints back at them.
the onceler is terrified and says he'll stop cutting down the trees. 'i think im going to need some sort of proof your not just gonna start again once we leave.' 'what do you want from me lady?!' girly no. wait. dess comments someone is watching that shouldnt be. wtf? dess? dans asks who their talking about.
tori shakes his hand and says if he goes back on the deal his name and life belong to him. wtf fey deal. dess tenses up. tori smiles and says she will be keeping tabs and gets rid of the flamesword and makes a door in the wall.
the onceler marches off into the woods oh no. as tori steps out dess stares at her with a serious and uneasy look, intently. cam grabs dess and says they need to get out of there now. undyne yells at tori. diplomatic approach?! no! dans leads the kids away concerned.
now dess is disassociating great. this group needs therapy. back to the dragon. dess slows down near tori and says in sylvain 'i dont know what you did in there but i think you got someones attention, someone whos not supposed to be paying attention anymore.' then she hurries back to cam. tori, your FUCKED.
back on soupnik get us tf out of here. the lorax teleports cam dess tori and frog back to him oh no. the onceler is pissed and very pissed. so is the lorax. 'wtf did you do?!' tori just gives the onceler a disapproving look lol.
tori said they did NOT kill his brothers and its not her problem if he doesnt believe her. dess is still disassociating. cam is trying to pretend they arent there. several people can attest tori was nowhere near the building when it exploded. 'then why did you tell him you did?!' 'i didnt. you assumed.' cam tells dess that tori is scary. dess says tori is nothing. holy shit dess. cam rests a hand on her arm with a concerned expression.
tori IS sorry that stuff happaned but he made a deal. 'yeah cause you had me trapped with a sword at my throat.' jesus tori. the lorax is like 'you made a what?!' dess mutters yeah that would do it. lorax says she can undo that. 'you know i happen to care for the trees too.' tori no. they get teleported back to where they were.
time for the onceler to team up with steve xD
dess gets on soupnik. cam asks if their ok but they dont answer. tori tells frog she cant even make deals like that it was just a fear tactic. frog ignores her. you dun fucked up.
we disappear into the void?! wtf is this cliffhanger?! MOSS?!?!?!
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am-i-sans · 6 months ago
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am-i-sans · 6 months ago
dnd adventures 45
somehow were back on the dragon i dunno why. dess stretches and comments she feels so stiff, like shes been standing still for 5 months. where are we? cam comments we killed a snake and now werre on a dragon. cam offers dess birdseed and frog and dans take some lol. frog says there was no snake.
theres a town! landing! theres tree stumps everywhere. dont tell me its the lorax. fuck you. dess looks down and goes "is that fucking kneedville?" dans asks how she knows this place and she says she gets around a lot. she can show us around!
the land is dead. susie just fucks off. were all following her lol. we see the sneeds, awful fashion. undyne wants one to hold the baby lol. dans wants one too lol. cam is aghast how awful it looks lol.
those trees look so weird and fluffy. cam is trying to climb it lol. cam got up nice! dess checks if the tree is magical, their not its just like that. cam yanks out a piece of fluff! dans asks if tori wants to talk to the trees.
tori and frog leave to talk to a tree dans is babysitting suzy. inferno is who knows! no chicken place in town for suzy DX tori says hi to cam and asks the tree whats going on around here. cam keeps trying to get the tree to eat birdseed. tree says they've been being harvested.
cam jumps off the tree and dess catches them, holding them like burger. tori asks the tree whos in charge of killing them. cam tries to get away and dess just tosses them over her shoulder lol. tree says they have to ask the lorax for details. tree tells tori they want a non violent way to end this but their not opposed if she kills him.
undyne asks a local where they can buy a sneed. in the shop theres so many sneeds for sale. dans messages undyne to get him one too. 100 gold what a ripoff. undyne swaddles the temmie in it, it starts crying xD cam and dess show up nice. cam is distressed that undyne and dans are dressed badly lol. dans pays undyne back for the sneed lol.
dess walks up to undyne so cam can see the sneed lol. cam tries to get dans to help them get out of dess's grip and dans laughs and tells dess to take cam into the sneed store xD cam falls on their face and scramble over to undyne wtf. dess takes suzy to the sneed store lol.
shes hiding a sneed in another to steal one lol. she succeeds and forces the pink one on cam lol. they toss it off and keep looking for inferno. inferno falls out of eeby deeby right on cam lol. the void egg landed on his head!
cam wants to do crimes with inferno wtf. they really wanna burn down the sneed shop and steal the money back. cam pays inferno wtf. inferno lies in wait xD
suzy smells meat and goes running off so dans follows her. fuck yeah meat! its someones barbeque and she demands dans gets her some meat! arbys run by dr seuss! shes hungy and chows down. dans says hes on a strict diet.
back to toriel asking about the lorax! dess and cam are independently going to the tree. gotta find the lorax! tori headed there earlier so dess and cam see her in the distance and rush to catch up.
as they walk cam gets tired and climbs up tori. someone tied a sneed to cam without them noticing and they scream and spike it. inferno goes eeby deeby for a bit damn. frog laughs and asks what their looking for. toris looking for the lorax! cam trips over a rock and goes eeby deeby.
frog starts calling out for the lorax. he shows up and somehow they all know he sounds like danny devito despite him not existing here. theres a stump now suddenly he can sit on. how. it turned into a log wtf. dans elsewhere comments he thinks his ex showed up.
dess asks the lorax, calling him devito, if hes dated dans xD inferno escapes eeby deeby! tori said he didnt have to answer that lol. he tells us about the onceler and what an asshole he is. (dans starts humming that one song to himself lol)
"does he say how ba-a-ad can i be?" dess how do you know that. lorax wants to avoid murder this is the wrong group for that xD they hear an explosion! that was frog the little shit. dess mentions gamercave ffs xD she speaks to tori in sylvain they might need to kill the onceler forgetting lorax is fey lol. she calls it a situationship! dess comments on god hating her xD
inferno calls the sneeds ugly in front of the shopkeeper. fireball directly at the sneeds and shopkeepers! yeah their dead lol. inferno takes 17 damage. he robs the register nice. time to book it!
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am-i-sans · 6 months ago
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Sans was probably losing his mind at the "Egg-husband!" joke that Asgore said in Deltarune and was holding in the most hysterical laugh known to man, kinda like this
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am-i-sans · 6 months ago
toriel and sans's friendship has got me in a fucking choke hold. what do you mean they told knock-knock jokes to each other through the door to the ruins and never saw each other's face.
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am-i-sans · 8 months ago
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