#just plainly a bad character tbh
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
Mother Talzin only referring to Asajj by name once at the end of the Nightsisters arc just comes across as her not remembering her name throughout most of it which honestly is totally plausible and really fucking funny
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pigeonclaw · 6 months ago
I never understood when people who love a specific character want the Erins to write a book about their backstory or motivations or expand on them in any major way. Trust me buddy, any theories you craft about those things will be better than anything the Erins have to say. Sometimes this stuff is better left to the readers to ponder.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months ago
Okay, I need advice: I'm in a very tiny fandom (like less than two dozen active people and everyone knows each other) and one of the women in it is kind of freaking me out.
We became mutuals because we had some good discussions on some of the characters we liked, but I soon became sort of uncomfortable with a lot of her online behavior whereas simultaneously she's DM-ing me more and more.
She's one of those people who's a hardliner on the issues she cares about (mostly feminism- and SA-related) while talking over people when it comes to issues she doesn't care about (mostly racism and related things). And I see a lot of her trying to intrusively police how other people talk/act, derailing people's posts, arguing with people online over the most stupid shit (where not even her own opinions come off as overly coherent - this week she'll argue something along the lines of "men are evil" and the next she'll argue that people are "demonizing masculinity" - I'll add for clarification that she's not a TERF and supports trans rights but boy... Does she sound like one sometimes) and then digging through people's profiles to find and publicize minor transgressions and bad takes, passive-aggressive vagueposting, and going into mental breakdowns over the most innocuous of online interactions.
TBH she scares me. As someone who suffered through toxic people getting overly attached to me, I genuinely sometimes get a physical reaction when I see her lashing out on the dash.
And she keeps initiating conversations! And sometimes I don't reply or bring the conversation to a natural closure and she keeps at it, or sends me random fics of hers to read that I don't have the heart to tell her don't interest me or whatever. And recently when she disagrees with something I reblogged she direct messages me to rant about it - with a lot of sort of indirect language because she doesn't want to offend me but I can see the intent. The last couple of times I replied politely because I cared about clearing misunderstandings on the topic but next time I'm just gonna tell her I dislike it when she does that.
I really want this person to stop interacting with me, to be honest, and all my polite hints to the effect go unnoticed. But the fandom is so small I feel awkward and uncomfortable about unfollowing or blocking her. I don't think she's too bad of a person, she just comes off as very... Mentally ill, I guess? And since I've tried to be polite so far I feel like it might come out of left field for her?
TBH I feel like something about her behavior also triggers some kind of freeze/fawn reaction inside of me that I don't often get and consequently don't know how to deal with.
So I need impartial advice because I don't see the situation clearly myself
To summarize, a person who is a walking red flag wants to be friends, and you can't easily ghost her because the fandom is small.
I think you have to accept that there is no low-conflict way out of this.
That's what's holding you back, right? You don't want more drama and you know it's coming. I think you already know in your heart of hearts that you need to get away from her even if it's a pain in the ass.
Step one is to stop responding to her DMs. That will probably make her reach out more, but you should keep not responding. If she escalates and attacks you over it, block her.
The more you offer reasons or try to gently hint, the more that will encourage her. I don't think that's true of everyone, but I do think it's the case here. This is both because it doesn't sound like she's good at perceiving or respecting boundaries and because she inspires a bad lack of ability to assert boundaries in you.
I agree that it's unfortunate that you can't stand up for yourself or tell her plainly when she's out of line, but since you can't and that probably won't change any time soon, you'll need to protect yourself a different way. Sometimes, we just have to avoid people who are bad for us even when it's an us problem. (And here, whoaaaa red flags, so I don't think it's just a you problem anyway.)
There are many sad, lonely, needy people in the world. Some of them are officially mentally ill in some way with a diagnosis. Some just need things they aren't currently getting. That sucks...
But it's also not your job to fix.
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givemeanaccountalready · 7 days ago
Same anon as before, throwing in this ramble into your asks, hope you don't mind (feel free to ignore and delete if you do tho)
Things aren't really adding up with how Milgram works.
K, so, those voted guilty at trial 2 apparently got restrained. So, again, how the fuck did Haruka die?
But also, remember the Mahiru trial 2 sprite? Standing. On a leg with a cast. And yet, during her voice drama, we literally hear her get inside with a wheelchair, and she's mentioned to be using one (until her condition worsened so much due to Shidou's "care" that she ended up bedridden). So where's the wheelchair on the sprite?
Tbh, I feel like the way sprites get drawn is more for symbolism purpose rather than them being actually restrained like that.
Ann ee ways, this trial I'll be voting everyone inno.
Yuno and Kazui didn't do anything wrong throughout the previous trials, Fuuta's case is very common (in Milgram fandom especially, ironically enough) so I feel like it's hypocritical for us to vote him guilty and to make him suffer and spiral even more, and Muu has clearly not changed at all so punishing her through voting is not gonna help and she should face the consequences for her actions outside of milgram. Kotoko and Amane are unique cases, but I feel like they should be voted inno too.
For Amane, we are to blame for how she turned out. Voting her guilty first trial, when her MV showed her helping a cat and then getting punished for practicing medicine, sent a very clear message to her that "medicine = bad, if you help people, you deserve punishment". And then when we got more detailed visual of what she went through in next trial, we voted her inno, which sent a message "things you were taught are correct and you should indeed punish the ones who go against the teaching". It's no wonder she ended up killing Shidou, especially if it turned out that Mahiru died before he did, which means Amane would consider her early death to be his fault.
Kotoko, there's not much to do about her. We first judged for her crime alone, and that is it. Based on what we saw, she killed someone who did, indeed, deserve to die (and that crime already was judged outside of milgram). Her actual reason for being in Milgram is, without a doubt, someone else's death, who's death she blames herself for (since, for Milgram, you don't actively have to commit a murder or even admit you feel guilty, you can simply believe something is considered a murder, example. Yuno case, or feel like you're responsible for their death, example. Fuuta, Mahiru and Kazui), but we haven't seen that in MV (yet). There was no way we could have known she'd start beating up people who were voted guilty if we voted her innocent. Putting her through further punishment now to try to get her to learn that what she did is bad will not work, just like with Muu. It's pointless, and she's not facing proper consequences (and she likely never will because another guilty might get her killed, which won't make up for violence she inflicted on prisoners that resulted in one eventually dying, but an inno will result in her being freed from milgram, where, again, she'll never face consequences for that violence because it happened inside milgram).
For Mikoto though, I think we should finally vote based on his crime. So far, first voting was because people thought he was faking DID (despite the fact that it was plainly explained to the audience that he definitely does have it, and the way milgram works makes it impossible to fake DID since it differentiates each alter as its own soul), and he got voted guilty for this. Second trial, we voted him inno to, well, basically "fix" his DID (and it didn't fix shit, we just forced John into going dormant, which, surprise surprise, turned out to be horrible and is making Mikoto suffer even more now). He's literally the only character we were voting based on his disorder rather than actually judging him. I'd personally want him to be voted innocent so that he could have a proper trial outside of milgram.
Hi anon! Never apologize for entering my ask box. It’s open to all. And I love listening to rambles, because I ramble so much myself. It's nice hearing others do it too.
First thing first, holy crap that was an amazing catch by you about Amane. I didn’t even think of Amane’s verdicts like that. We have no idea what or how much of our collective thoughts the prisoners, especially the ones voted Guilty, hear/feel. Since Jackalope described their beliefs being rejected, it may be reasonable to assume they only hear the bad, while the ones voted Innocent may hear bits of everything, the good and the bad. But, even though they can hear us, for the Innocent, the decision to accept or reject our thoughts is theirs, while the Guilty seem to have to rely on their mental fortitude to reject the bad feedback.
Let me start with those voted Innocent during Trial 1. Haruka and Muu both highly value and covet validation, so it’s no surprise that they would accept our affirmations without much thought. Yuno voiced her disgust with being seen as pitiful and being forced into prostitution and corrected it. Shidou and Kazui were also voted Innocent and rejected what we thought of them. Kotoko was probably going to do her thing regardless of our vote, because she believes Es doesn’t have it in them to punish the Guilty right. I think her Innocent verdict during Trial 1 emboldened her to go as far as she did. If she was Guilty Trial 1, then someone else would have acted negatively in-between Trials 1 and 2, and she could have been an acting force against any chaos and used that to bargain for her fang position, stressing to Es that her freedom of movement needs to be maintained like Shidou had argued. Someone was going to be a bad actor in-between Trials, if only to up the stakes like Kotoko was able to.
But back to the pushback for the Guilty prisoners. Mikoto doesn’t discuss what the voices told him, and that’s probably because he doesn’t get the chance to. His second audio drama is mostly John and Es talking, rather than Mikoto. Fuuta is quick to point out that Kotoko told him that Es’s forgiveness gave her the sanction to beat him to a pulp. But his focus is more on Kotoko’s violence and Es’s hypocrisy, and so we only get a tidbit of him listing a few things the voices told him, “Countless voices, judging me with all sorts of words… just for interest, just for fun, just because they don’t like me.”
Mahiru also mentioned hearing the voices between Trials 1 and 2, “Voices saying I couldn’t be forgiven.” And like Fuuta, she does question why she can’t be forgiven. She takes it a step further and says, “To not forgive me is to take the act of loving away from me. That’s the same as not being alive,” and, “So… if this love isn’t allowed, then I don’t mind dying.”
Amane seemed to be the most resilient, because of her repeated rejections of what the voices told her. What we do hear of what the voices told her are things we know she hates: pity because she is a kid. Amane was very vocal about hating that kind of treatment back in Trial 1. I was so focused on her outside rejection of pushback on her religious beliefs, I totally neglected the idea that she may have internalized that we agreed with her punishment. Like damn… that’s a sucker punch right in my heart’s gut.
But I skipped over what you first said. Questioning how symbolic the sprites are compared to reality is a good idea. Like there is currently no way for Muu and Kotoko to independently eat, drink, or even use the toilet with how their restraints are now. That or Milgram managed to remove their need for that, but someone surely would have said something by now, right?! And seriously, how did Haruka manage to kill himself? Could he have starved himself to death in Milgram? But if Milgram could remove your ability to act or experience a biological function like menstruation, surely, it can remove the need for food and drink and restroom needs. And his hands were most likely restrained, so he must have had to get creative to do it.
Now, about voting this time around… other people have said this, and mine is probably not going to be anywhere near as elegant. I know the fandom is pretty global, but growing up, did you ever hear the phrase, “You just lost the game,” from another kid? It is a dumb game that you lose simply by remembering it exists. Basically, rage bait on the jungle gym. There was no way to actually win that game, and I bring that up because I don’t think there was ever going to be a way to win Milgram. As a fandom, we can point fingers at each other all we'd like about if or what verdict or prisoner destroyed all our attempts to do damage control, but I really think that all ten prisoners were doomed by the narrative, because Milgram is not a friendly entity. No truly friendly entity would go to the degree of the restraints we've seen on the prisoners. And not just the physical ones, but the mental restraints as well. Based on what I've mentioned earlier, the Guilty prisoners can reject our rejection of them, just like how the Innocent prisoners are free to do the same to our affirmations; but, the toll it takes to do so is much higher, so it's harder for the Guilty prisoners to resist the bombardment of awfulness they get from us. To varying degrees, the prisoners have maintained their own sense of autonomy. And they will not bend to our will just because we said so, but only if they believe we said the right thing. In that respect, the prisoners have more agency than Es--their warden--does because Es gives whatever verdict we say to and then gives themself a reason for that verdict later.
And this doesn't even include considering the meta side of things. Yamanaka and others on his team have seen our comments on the music videos and across multiple social media platforms. I believe that the stakes were going to increase across trials regardless of who was Innocent or Guilty, and if it wasn't Kotoko inflicting harm on other prisoners between Trials 1 and 2 and posing a threat to others between Trials 2 and 3, then another prisoner would have been assigned the role as the bad guy. I entered the fandom late, sometime before Purge March came out, and looking back, I think that's clear. To put it more simply, at least one prisoner would have been hurt between Trials 1 and 2, at least one prisoner would have posed a serious threat between Trials 2 and 3, with at least one prisoner dying being somewhere between a serious risk and a guaranteed threat. Our choices influenced who did what and to what extent, and that while we were meant to try to mitigate the damage done, there was a degree of inevitability that something would have happened. And that's not to say, we the audience should wipe our hands clean of this. We are as much of a player in this game as Es and Jackalope. The prisoners are our pawns, and we did not do a good job of taking care of them. I know that's a strange way to put it, since calling others pawns has a very negative connotation to it, but relative to us, but we essentially played god and now we are reaping what we've sown.
So, Trial 3 voting... for the sake of not causing further harm, I want to vote all Innocent, even if I don't think I could find it in me to forgive their original murder, and this doesn't include what I think about certain people's actions in Milgram. But, I'm wary that this is going to blow up in our faces. An amendment to "All Innocent" would be "Sacrifice One or Two of the Guiltiest to Sate Milgram's Need for Justice," but that just sounds immensely cruel and will probably also blow up in our faces. I think we're damned if we do and damned if we don't, so we might as well vote "All Innocent" and pray for the best. I think it's the kindest option, so I think I want to go for it too.
My biggest worry is what will happen when the third trial is over. My final song agenda has changed from something hopeful to something more grim. The final song will most likely include Es making a choice, and I'm hoping that it's going to be a rejection of their role in response to what Milgram plans to do with the prisoners once Trial Three finishes. I think that it will involve killing the prisoners, though I'm not know if all prisoners who have been voted Guilty at least once will be targeted, or if it will be anyone who receives a Guilty verdict during this Third Trial. I don't have any basis for this, "Milgram Death Penalty Ending," but I've been thinking about Es's role after I had finally finished my Mikoto post. I think that Yamanaka has been setting Es up to make a serious decision over whether they will side with Milgram or with the prisoners. Throughout the past two trials, the prisoners have called out Es for their role in Milgram. While Es has pushed back on their criticism, most of their denial sounds weak, and it's clearly an attempt by Es to keep their conscience clean. Es believes that someone in their position should be right and just, and like Fuuta and Kotoko, Es wants to be seen as a hero, or at the very least, the good guy in this scenario, by removing themself from the prisoners' actions. Maintaining this degree of separation will fail Es once they learn of the three prisoners' deaths, and I think that this will impact Es's upcoming choice.
Es's third trial sprite shows them discarding their warden's hat and cap, as well as their gloves and key necklace (which I thought was the cord that kept their cloak on their shoulders). This gives me hope that they will waver and align themself with the prisoners. I'd like to believe in Es, because screw it, I like to believe that individuals will do the right thing, even though humanity can be an absolute cesspool of callous viruses, so I can get up and face the day. As seen when Es interrogates Haruka, Fuuta, and Amane, Es can be a petty, hypocritical bully when they are at their worst. But Es also has a moral code, a heart, and a belief that they need to see their responsibilities through to the end, so I'm hoping the good in them motivates them to side with the prisoners if Milgram forces Es to choose a side.
Throughout Milgram, there has been an emphasis on obtaining information through direct and indirect means. Jackalope has dangled a number of questions over Es's head (and ours as well) about what will happen next, only to smugly assure Es that those worries are not for the guard to concern themself with. We should just focus on the crime at hand and the judgment we think it should receive. Except, the reveal of Trial 2 pretty much drilled into us that nothing we do is in a vacuum, and we will see ripple effects that we didn't even think would happen. As we move into the third trial, I think Kazui's words from his first voice drama will come back to haunt us, "In other words, we're divided into positions of guard and prisoner, but we're both playing roles due to our lack of information."
The third trial songs are probably going to feature the most violent, selfish, and/or cruelest versions of the prisoners. Using our responses to what happened between Trials 1 and 2, Yamanaka and his team know about the fandom's attachment to their characters, and they are probably going to try to override the desire to shield the prisoners from further harm with the idea of, "Are these really the people you want to save? Do they even deserve it?" We are in for hell, and I am ready.
Innocent for all, I think. Sorry, this turned into a bit of an Es ramble. But it was awesome to hear your thoughts, anon!
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months ago
I didn't find Sam's "agency" comments that bad, tbh? Unless there's something I'm missing (totally possible)? I didn't feel like he was suggesting Lestat was fully in control during the trial, or had the power to prevent it or anything. He stated elsewhere that Lestat doesn't want to be there and is hating every minute of it. He also heavily suggested that Lestat did not have the ability to save both Louis and Claudia, and for me, I feel like that's where his modicum of 'agency' came in - he couldn't stop what was happening but he had a few choices, and was able to exert his will to some extent (i.e. defying the coven by going off-script, influencing the audience, and somewhat altering the intended outcome of the play) whereas if he'd had zero agency throughout then he would've stayed on-script the whole time and both Claudia and Louis would be dead.
Am I missing the point, or did you interpret his comments differently? I think a major issue with some of these interviews is that the cast are so afraid of spoiling that they can't fully explain their statements or put them into context (a lot of the s2 interviews were pretty misleading in hindsight!)
The point with the agency... is that Lestat did not have that, often, canonically. A lot of his actions in the books are a wild try at regaining his agency, because throughout his story there are recurring patterns of his agency being taken away. His family, Magnus, Armand, Akasha, even Amel to an extent.
It's not that what they do there does not fit with the story the show tells.
It's the repercussions for later.
Lestat knowing about the attempted murder changed murder night and his very reactions to it, both before and after.
Lestat being able to make a decision changes the trial, and makes him choose.
Lestat giving Louis to Armand... (whichever way that will turn out eventually) shifts the impact quite significantly.
The Lestat in the books had no agency in any of these three events, and these are just... some examples. They were things that happened to him, and he had then to deal with that.
Again, the show chose to add agency there, which is not necessarily a bad thing - but it changes arcs. Arcs which they want to do still. Arcs which rely, to a significant extent imho, on the fact that Lestat is fighting for his agency. Is fighting for a way to deal.
Now, and Sam has also brushed that topic, some of his actions will come from a place of shame... because of his actions.
And that... is just not the same.
I mean, Sam said it plainly: this isn't Anne's Lestat.
But it's the Lestat we're getting.
And it is Sam's, which is a huge plus.
And tbh I am investing quite a lot of my time in consolidating the versions (not just of him, but also of Louis and Armand, who have had similar changes to their characters) in my fics, which is why those are always tagged into both, show and book canon :))
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fanganfessions · 4 months ago
Tbh I feel like all the villains are just Overpowered Mary sued
Like I get it, they're prodigy students that are good in their field, but to make them like basically the MOst iNTeLlIgEnT cHARACTers in fiction is a bit of a stretch isn't it?
Like take for example junko enoshima, she is practically the ULTIMATE Mary Sue, she's popular, looks good, is insanely smart and is really evil, sure the villain is the obstacle for the protagonist, but does it really make sense to put a normal guy you would see anywhere in front of Mrs pErFecT?
Honestly I haven't watch the gameplay, so idk if I can even give a opinion but for some fucking reason, I absolutely hate junkos whole writing.
"oH a hOt pOpULAR gIrL bEIng eViL oH nOOO"
And it doesn't stop there,no.
There's literally junko clones everywhere in the Danganronpa community. The most famous one imo is kanade otonokoji.
I cannot stress how much I hate the ppl who glorify her. These people would just look at kanade and say "oH sHE iS sOoO poWeRfUlL" and will make power scaling edits without even looking up who she is.
"ohh but she's so evil"
Bro there are like other female characters more evil than junko or kanade, like do y'all even know what you're talking about. Ik its frustrating for me bc I didn't play the game. BUT ITS FUCKING OBVIOUS HOW PLAINLY BAD JUNKO AND KANADE ARE WRITTEN GODDAMIT.
If anyone wants to attack me go right fucking ahead, but in all honesty, the Danganronpa villains are just plain bad
Maybe I *can* find a good one. But in the long run, all I'm going to do is ignore the burning trash fire that is Danganronpa villains.
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mister-eames · 9 months ago
how do you think arthur and eames would take in other slowly growing old.. I don’t see either of them as characters being insecure about themselves but how the other person would see it is kinda a mystery and exciting.. so how do you think it would go? hugs xx
Oh my goodness I love this question. I agree on them not being overly insecure in themselves - not much, or too seriously, at least. They may lament a thing here or there but nothing that would take up too much mental space.
I know it sounds a bit cliche, but overall I think they'd fall more in love with each other, tbh. Growing older is a sign of survival against an often unkind world. Of experience. It's the sexiest fucking thing in the world to see your SO earn those signs of age alongside you, to say you made it, you keep making it, despite everything life has thrown at you, you are strong enough to survive.
Though, at first, I can see Arthur having a sort of existential crisis about it.
Not because he finds Eames any less attractive. On the contrary, he loves Eames extra padding, the changes in him; the very real markers that signify that they both have survived and they are experiencing this very real privilege to get older and to do it together; that they get to share a life, full of good and bad memories - to trust someone with who you were, who you are, and who you are going to be.
But in that same regard, I can see it finally hitting Arthur in a very real way (kind of the way it hits all of us); oh... our time here is actually limited... isn't it.
Perhaps it's when they're no longer in dreamshare, risking their lives, but it occurs to Arthur in a strange, sudden sense that some day the world will go on without them. That they are in fact, mortal, despite cheating death so often in their dreams and in real life too.
Arthur might be having this crisis at 35 or 45 (probably has it every ten years after his mid-thirties tbh) and he has literal decades ahead of him, but their own own mortality really hits him. He knew, intellectually, and with Mal and Dom, and with others in his life, that nothing is guaranteed. It's just... he feels like he has earned this life with Eames, after all they've been through together and personally, and it's not even that they're geriatric or "old" by any means, but the signs are there - they are not getting younger. They are visibly growing older. There's the greys, and the aches, and the weight gain here, the fat loss there.
The fact is plain and simple with life: there is no turning this car around.
Time is a real thing. One day it starts tick-tick-ticking away very loudly in Arthur's brain, like a bomb about to go off, setting off the same kind of panic in Arthur that says do something about it -- but there is nothing to be done about it. That's the worst part. It's just life, and not even Arthur, point man extraordinaire can mitigate it or stop it.
So Eames unearths the source of Arthur's panic after Arthur takes up three new languages, asks Eames for the fiftieth time if he's sure he won't regret not having kids, dyes his hair to get rid of the greys, takes up trumpet lessons and books them a cruise or seven - and then Eames is utterly bewildered by Arthur's heightened state of existential panic because he's not even fucking old, they've never been better or happier.
At first, Eames is like, "Calm down, dear. Complain to me when we have liver spots and we're both using walkers to get around. Old is just a state of mind."
Arthur, in the midst of frantically planning a new diet for them both sans-alcohol, is not amused.
So Eames asks him, "What are you so afraid of?"
"I don't know... losing time, I guess." Arthur replies. "Or... not making the most of it."
To which Eames asks plainly, fondly, "Aside from spending your days panicking, what are you gonna do about that? What do you need to do, at the end of it all, on your final day, to look back and say 'I regret nothing'?"
"Ask yourself: what does your life without regrets look like?"
Arthur thinks, and after a long pause says:
"I... need us to live... exactly as we are now."
"That's good."
"Maybe tell you I love you more."
"And I will do the same."
Arthur takes the deepest breath he's had in days.
Then Eames adds, "By the by, I hear that not being on your husbands back about folding laundry is the key to a long, happy life."
"Nice try," Arthur rolls his eyes, taking his beloveds face in his hand and kissing that cheeky smile. "Speaking of which. I hear helping your husband fold the laundry does wonders for longevity."
The press of his lips against Eames and the quiet laughter between them in that moment, is one he never forgets.
Later, once all the laundry is folded and they're enjoying a glass of wine, Eames will Arthur that he is wrong. They are not losing time - that every day is more time they gain together.
Arthur will concede that Eames is right, sometimes.
As for Eames, well. He has all the pride, heart growing with love, etc etc, but you best believe he has several canvases and sketches and papers with a timeline of every iteration of Arthur, a visual chronicle of a beautiful man, drawn by Eames, over time, in varying mediums.
Not to say Eames has never felt strange about growing older, or Arthur growing older. But he's very much at peace with it, and earned the ability to be at peace with life - and himself. He's not afraid, not when there is so much to look forward to, and so much to learn.
And so many more versions of Arthur to appreciate and adore; on paper, and in person.
They both take the other ageing as something wonderful, something to be cherished. We only get one chance to get old, after all, but we get near endless chances to grow older. They don't get it right every day -- that is to say that sometimes life is an alarm clock that you get up and get on with on first ring, and sometimes in life you just press snooze and both is okay -- but they get it right often enough that they can call theirs 'a life, lived'.
So, yeah, they fall deeper and deeper in love with all the signs of age on each other -- it's all the time they've had, and all the incredible time they still have to gain.
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fakeosirian · 2 years ago
anatomy of a scene - house of anubis s2x85
joy and fabian's fight during the senet game makes me feel INSANE. i'd elaborate more above the cut but that'd defeat the purpose of the cut. so. long story short: this is one of, if not the best scene in the show in regards to character writing in the moment and as a fulcrum in the story at large (in my opinion). transcript + meta as follows:
JOY: What's the point in asking for my help if you're not going to listen to me?
FABIAN: I got it wrong. Okay.
JOY: Wrong? Fabian, this isn't chess; if we make a mistake, someone falls through the floor!
FABIAN: Don't you think I know that? I feel bad enough as it is!
JOY: So you should.
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JOY: None of them have signed up for this. Even Victor chickened out when he knew what the stakes were!
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(one of the top 10 funniest cuts of the series)
FABIAN: No- Anyway, who knows what would have happened if we had done your move!
JOY: Worst case scenario? We'd have lost Amber. But I would have had two players playing this game instead of one.
FABIAN: You always have to be right and rub everyone else's noses in it, don't you? And do you know why? It's because you're a bully and a control freak.
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(screenshots can't do it justice -- the way her face changes is SO subtle, but her eyes get flat and her whole face tenses up. it's eerie)
JOY: Yeah? Well, you're a geek and a coward.
FABIAN: You're a witch.
JOY: Doormat.
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They stare in opposite directions. Long beat.
JOY: So what do we do now?
FABIAN: I don't really think we have much of a choice, do we?
Another beat -- still not looking at each other.
FABIAN: Joy...I'm sorry.
Joy nods ever so slightly. She takes a short breath in.
JOY: Okay. Let's do this.
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She only makes eye contact in the brief moment before she turns to sit back down.
not gonna transcribe the whole next scene but key point is instead of being irritated on her own behalf or shutting down completely, joy is acting more similarly to before patricia/amber fell through -- then she was visibly nervous, but now she's bordering on tears and openly expressing her doubts about her abilities. she says that she's worried about the "victor" guard because his movements are "unpredictable," but we know she feels that way because she couldn't get a good angle recording him before to study him like the others. throughout the scenes, she's gone from more plainly stating she's frustrated she couldn't get a solid reference on him to making him out to be almost sentient, something beyond her ability to predict despite the mundane reason for it. (could be that he's genuinely moving at random, but i'm choosing to interpret it the interesting character motivation way, especially considering her reasons for naming that guard "victor." girlie is projecting and i don't blame her)
fabian's also done a complete 180 in his demeanor since the fight, gently reassuring her, looking at her with the most fondness we've seen towards her this entire season tbh, and explicitly stating his confidence in her abilities in no uncertain terms. then, he does something really interesting: he lies. he says that he wants her to tell him what her next move would be, promising that he won't do it (with a tone of voice that implies he thinks it'd be ridiculous to do so and he just wants to "review"); once she does, he IMMEDIATELY does them and is totally fine. even when the guard almost whacks him in the head, he looks more defiant than anything.
the neat thing here is there's LAYERS to this fight and what each insult they throw at each other means re: the past, the present, and the future. the future's the easiest because it appears surface level -- they're both doing the opposite of what they were accused of before. joy's not looking to control anything and refuses to cause harm to him; while he's doing exactly as he's told, it's not as a doormat or a coward would. he's making a gamble by not only doing the opposite of what she wanted for him (despite it being her strategy), but even abandoning his own perception of the game (so not even being a "geek" either).
there's more implications for further in the future, but that's on like, level 4 of subtlety and narrative complexity so let's do the past first.
now, my feelings on the nina/fabian/joy love triangle are WAY too extensive to fit in this post, but i'll do my best to condense how i feel about the jabian side of things. joy overstepped repeatedly to a critical degree and was aware she was overstepping. fabian didn't trust himself to communicate his discomfort in a way that wouldn't hurt her feelings (he clearly doesn't think highly of his own interpersonal skills and defaults to other people's advice, even if he thinks it's not very good. that's how little he trusts himself), so he was caught in a bind: he's not to blame for freezing up around someone whose opinion of him he took very seriously, but despite the fact that she acted beyond inappropriately, i can see why joy would feel led on.
joy sidebar: the main things i think of here are the kiss-under-false-pretenses and the movie date. that's definitely material better left for another meta but tl;dr on my thoughts: her behavior was inherently self-destructive at its core, but that doesn't change the fact that when she sets herself up to either experience the best thing or worst thing ever because she can't stand the uncomfortable grey area between, she's setting up everyone around her for the same, which is Appropriately Selfish for a teenager, especially one fresh off of a uniquely horrific traumatic event! i love joy because she's chronically wrong!
fabian sidebar: i think he would have had a far easier time talking to joy if nina wasn't an intervening variable, despite his feelings for her in theory making it easier to turn someone down. that's all i'll say here
SO. the insults, interpreted with that context. "bully" is definitely referencing "ninagate," and while my first instinct was "control freak" referencing the exhibition/ball/how she drags fabian around in general (and i think that's what he thinks he's getting at), the more i think about it, the more i'm convinced it's projection on his part. more on that in the present section.
she reacts by shutting down because that's...kinda what everyone's been calling her already this entire season. and not without reason -- the scenes where patricia confronts her about her behavior (and they start to grow apart as a result) are well placed throughout the narrative, each triggered by something very specific and with a general trend towards distance, but it's not a straight line. joy's felt she's gotten some "redemption" lately being let in on the senet game, so having it "snatched away" kicks her right back to self-preservation instincts: fighting back, even if it means she's "living up to the reputation" that feeds the vicious cycle of her behavior.
"geek" is deliberately impersonal as an insult because her pulling back and not only seeing him so one-dimensionally, but pulling out an insult he'd hear from someone who isn't close to him (doesn't understand/appreciate his intelligence and interests) tells him she doesn't give a shit about him. she obviously does, but she can't let him think that him thinking so lowly of her would hurt her as much as it does. he'd "win." (gee, i wonder why someone betrayed by adult figures in their life, those who as a child you'd previously rely on as your foundational source of and model of trust, would make someone react that way...)
"witch" is fabian's default insult towards bullies. it's what he called patricia when she was picking on nina early season 1 despite their existing friendship, indicating it's an insult designed to set him apart from "being on your side" -- a counterattack to her doubling-down on the "bully" persona he set up for her in this conversation (though in the context of ninagate, it's not an unfair assessment, and she definitely chose to embody it (hello self-destruction) before he called it out directly).
i didn't talk about coward with geek because it's wrapped up in "doormat." she held back before he said witch -- despite the fact that she was the first to feign a lack of closeness with "geek," him seeming to confirm this sentiment tips her over the edge into stating something...particularly twisted coming from her. if anyone has taken advantage of the fact that he's a doormat when it comes to social interactions, it's her. "coward" can be localized to the senet game more easily -- she had a point earlier! why ask her for help if you're going to be bossy anyway? makes it seem like he's just trying to divest responsibility without the power and make her feel like a scapegoat! (uncharitable read, but understandable in this tense environment!) but doormat? he's not being a doormat now. he's been a doormat in the past (notably only in regards to social/relationship stuff -- he's generally a decision-maker and even "insubordinate" when it comes to mystery stuff. he defers to nina a lot, but only if he doesn't think he knows better -- see: getting patricia and alfie involved behind her back). joy knows reminding him of a big insecurity like that will get under his skin. get under his skin, and maybe he'll stop. (and he does. note that her automatic logic here doesn't consider just...demanding he stop in plain language. he probably would, but once again: fundamental lack of trust triggered! it's not "personal" to him in that he caused that issue, but it hit the button.)
does she like that he's a doormat, though? honestly, i don't think she does. she likes when he goes along with what she wants to do, but not because she told him to -- she just wants to do things with him, and she thinks she has to find the "right thing" that will "make him realize he does." when talking to patricia, she implies she truly believes fabian wants to go along with whatever thing she's pressuring him into at that given moment, despite patricia trying to tell her that he's...well, a doormat who can't say no to her. she wants him to want her out of persuasion, not intimidation. her calling him a doormat wasn't just an insult; it's a resignation. it's her giving up hope on not only a romantic connection but maybe friendship, especially since that revelation had to be dragged out of her by him finally not being a doormat and overcorrecting (as he's prone to do. see: the poem recitation to nina disaster).
speaking of...the present.
the irony of the present is that they're not in a romance plotline scene. they're in a mystery plotline scene, where fabian expresses VERY different character traits re: what i was saying before about the doormat comment. joy arguably does too -- it's harder to get a read on her because she's only one level above a human macguffin in s1 and hasn't interacted with the plot directly until This Arc, but with the small sample we have, we can see she's far more inclined to caution, knowing full well the consequences of making mistakes but without the regular exposure to desensitize her. when she asks what they're supposed to do next and fabian tells her they have One Option, he doesn't need to say what that option is, and it's not important. what he's communicating is far subtler than that; his more haphazard approach to strategy -- deliberating/mitigating but actively taking risks regardless of previous failure -- isn't borne of pure recklessness. she's optimistic you can sit out and still survive but cynical you could survive by trying; he's cynical (and correct, in this case) about nonparticipation, knowing it's Not An Option, but optimistic that if they just take one more risk they can win back and surpass their losses. they have before, and the consequences of opting out are beyond taking an automatic failure.
it ties back into his social doormatism; he wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing he abandoned nina because he can't deny her anything, even if it's her breaking up with him or her asking him to throw himself in a hole. calling that "being a doormat" is really, really uncharitable of course, but for the sake of the parallel, he has to RESIST being a doormat to joy (and has no problem doing so -- he overrides her MULTIPLE times in this plotline after telling her she's in charge) to do so, which while the "only option" for him, is obviously difficult because of the habits he's developed on the social side of things. the fabina relationship has always been part of the "plot" side of the show to me, with s2 muddying the waters/making it straddle the line with the "slice of life" stuff more by involving joy and giving them romance scenes that aren't entirely related to the mystery. this scene does the reverse for jabian -- it's officially plot because fabian finally used character traits he only has access to in a plot context to impart consequences to the "slice of life" plot, officially ending it. there's a reason no jabian turning down/closure scene before this really felt "real" -- it had to be broken down here, like this.
i think it's also for that reason that she doesn't return his apology. some of it is her still having shit on her end to work through, but i have a hunch that you could attribute the source of some of that shit to her realizing that Exact Thing. he's putting nina over her. it doesn't have to be through every hoop i jumped through up there -- it's as simple as the unspoken gut feeling of "you'd never say that to nina."
to tie up the rest of the insults re: the present, most of them are equally contradictory to their current situation/the immediate reason the fight started. (she wasn't bullying anyone/being especially "witchy" beyond being a little harsh towards him. he wasn't being a coward. him being "a geek" could be in reference to him needing to be involved in the "brains" part of the operation here, but that's a bit of a reach.)
but the most interesting one is "control freak," which i mentioned i'd be circling back to later. now is later! joy's not being a "control freak" -- he literally asked her to help and won't let her do her job. that's the projection, by the way. he's the one overstepping, and while i at least can tell it's coming from...not an intentionally bad place per se (mix of guilt running amok/being the usual "ideas guy" and doesn't know how else to deal with feeling stressed out despite it Not Helping/Genuine Concern And Fear), it's certainly super obnoxious of him to take it out on joy, and i wouldn't discount the interpretation of him being arrogant/a bit of a chauvinist here, lmao. chauvinism doesn't feature much, if at all, in his characterization as a pattern, but arrogance certainly can.
i say can because this is the 4th layer of future, LOL. the senet game serves as great foreshadowing (and in some ways, a better version of, in my opinion) fabian succumbing to the sin of pride -- to RFS himself, no less, who designed this game as a hubris trap. it's notable that sinner-fabian targets joy to insult directly, ESPECIALLY after she's had such a successful growth period while so many other people in the house became the worst versions of themselves, and i like to think that was written with this in mind.
i'm going to be saving any s3 thoughts past that for another day because they're...complicated, and i'm not sure how to best express them yet and REALLY don't want to contribute to tired-out discourse or come off like a hater, lmfao. the only reason i even Mention it is because i don't have any of the...usual? issues with it? i have no gripes with screen time balance and like that it really delves into the logical-conclusion consequences of previous seasons. if anything, it has a lot of my favorite shit (KT, joy's "redemption arc," fabian being allowed by the story to be as unreliable as other characters, eddie's maturation). my issue is more in the very-pretentious-narrative-theory zone (specifically craft stuff like tone and the specific mechanics of how character development functions on screen, not necessarily what the characters develop into), so i'll leave that for the "The Only Two (2) Functional Changes I Would Make To Season Three That Leave It Both Essentially The Same, And Yet Different Enough To Solve What I Believe Are Critical Audience Engagement Complications" post? i guess?
if you made it this far, i'll buy you some eyedrops because i know MY eyes are dry after typing this beast up in one sitting. i am terminally verbose :3 but fr, thank you! let me know what you think, ESPECIALLY if you disagree. i promise i won't call you a geek or a bully <3
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fitzrove · 1 year ago
Finished tsh, (re-)perused if we were villains (I've read it properly before) and I think what bothers me about the latter is
that the things that happen don't MEAN anything.
Like, the protagonist hates his home life and thinks his family is dull and he's from Ohio (and he feels like his school friend group is his true family - he states this in explicit terms, rather plainly too, tbh almost cartoonish) but there's no REASON in the text for him to be or feel these things, unlike in TSH. The reason it is in the text of IWWV is not because one of the central themes of the book is artifice, inequality & a specific kind of pretentiousness that comes from trying to "fake it until you make it"/a sort of imposter syndrome when you enter spaces where other people are much richer than you (and, because of how society is set up, "more intelligent" - not truly more intelligent, mind you, but in possession of more cultural capital because of their upbrinting) - unlike in The Secret History, where these are central and pervasive themes and the protagonist's whole "deal". The reason IWWV contains those tropes is because it's playing off TSH (which isn't a bad thing in itself, I love TSH and liked that there was smth similar) but has altogether different (and more clumsily constructed imo) themes.
Also I wantttttt to write an original fic dark academia university story, but I don't want to write it to fit a genre (ie. no New England liberal arts university where murder happens, I'm not equipped to write abt that), I want it to scratch the same itch thst TSH does (and other books that are not seen as DA staples lol)... and for that I would need an actual thematic framework that I have lots of things to say about, to inform the characters and plot.
Unfortunately the ones I can come up with will probably feel sooo petty and unrelatable to people, like, people will go "how is this worth exploring lol" but the thing is, marginalization within academia is absolutely a thing on other levels than just the "obvious" categories like gender race class ability etc, esp in international contexts, and differences in language/cultural capital do feel worthy of exploring to me...
Like, this will sound like a humblebrag but I speak(ish) five languages - out of necessity. Learning languages exclusively for pleasure is an english-speaker luxury actually (100% joking, duolingo wouldn't be as popular as it is if this was the case, but still xD) - or idk, a "big language area" luxury, and ofc academically it's also a specific kind of field where you even do that anyway (as a hobby it's more universal) :'D
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kimievii · 10 months ago
1, 2, 3 for the choose violence ask!
(Any ship/fandom you feel like talking about)
ooooh thank you so much anon!! 🥰
I didn't expect to get any tbh!
I'll chose SVSSS for my answers then lkhgj
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Shen Jiu I believe ;;;
I don't even want to elaborate but... Before I got into SVSSS I was told it's the chillest fandom for MXTX's works, without drama and people being generally nice to each other... (I was naive and thought it was true because it's definitely a smaller fandom compared to MDZS and TGCF)
It's not. The amount of drama and discourse about Shen Jiu lfkjh I'm too old to care about drama and discourse in fandoms and I just plainly ignore it. That doesn't mean I haven't witnessed the violence existing around the way to interpret this character =")
I think I understand why that is but, people, please chill ;;;;
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
To be fair I don't go there glhg I firmly believe that if you prefer "X" or "Y" to bottom or to top has more to do with how you perceive a character and a ship and your own personality, preferences and life experiences than anything else.
Which is why people can never agree on these and also why it is very much a question of personal preferences.
That being said (lol) Shen Qingqiu (Yuan) is a bottom and no one can convince me otherwise =')
I know many people want him to top LBH and I perfectly understand this because LBH would like that too, but I can't see this happening... I think SQQ would be way too self-conscious to take charge in bed, plus he's terrified to hurt LBH again. It would take immense work on himself, lots of communication, reassurance and to change the way he sees LBH to get there and I'm not saying it's impossible but even then I think he would hate it. He would only do it if LBH insists but I don't think LBH minds all that much whether he's a top or bottom with SQQ, as long as he's with him and feels loved. Of course all of these are personal HC.
Honestly that's the tragedy of my ships... many of them are made of bottom x bottom (service top) =")
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
I have seen way too many bad takes on tumblr to think of one ='D
I always found it funny that many people claim to be fans of SVSSS or MDZS yet fail to understand they are the exact people MXTX is depicting as the villains of her stories even though the story clearly shows through their actions and the consequences of their actions the reasons why their behavior is not one to reproduce. The way the point of a story can fly over some people's heads is very flabbergasting sometimes. If I were MXTX I don't know if I'd want to laugh or cry lgkhj
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
"even if IS just said she was the villain and needed to be stopped, clear as day, people would reject it." Let's be real: the moment people started using "death of the author" to reject the Nintendo dream interview where IS confirms Supreme Leader is the villain, that's when we should've realized that people have already made up their minds and don't care anymore. It's like telling a flat-earther that the earth is not flat or trying to debunk a conspiracy theory to believers of that theory.
Tbh, I agree sometimes with disregarding the author's intent, especially in some games where the "author" wants to push "feels" and tells the olayer how they should react.
Take Berkut for instance, for a reason I still don't understand, SoV wants to paint him as a tragic figure, who ultimately redeems himself dying. You're supposed to feel bad for Berkut and sad for what happened, to the point where Alm, the Hero - who was challenged on earlier opinions - plainly states Duma is the reason why Berkut turned sour, and no one is here to tell him "uh no sorry to tell you but your cousin was a bona fide asshole".
Ditto for the devs's lunar interview about Clout's story being a "heart-warming story", like no, sorry, no matter how much you push for it, I personally don't think his story is heart warming, rather it's blood boiling.
Does it mean I use the "death of the author" like the people we're talking about?
Yeah, maybe!
But what is more gratting about those people isn't how they use DoA to make up their own canon and story (everyone can make headcanons!), but how they push their headcanon on everyone's lawns and asking for everyone else to treat it as the truth - the Aeneid is the perfect example, people really rec this fanfiction to have a "better understanding" of canon characters, or some people said it understands the characters better than the canon does. For a fanfic, sure, it's cool and all*, but to treat this as canon?
Like, there is no discussion possible between people who argue canon and others who argue using headcanons and imo that's the crux of the discourse bcs FE Fodlan is vague about 70% of its worldbuilding.
I don't like Berkut and believe he toasted Rinea because he loved being Rudolf's heir more than he loved her, but FE15 makes it uwu clear that Berkut apparently loved Rinea a lot and apparently torched her just because Duma promised him power, which makes somehow Duma the reason why Rinea was Bernie'd.
But you won't see me pop up in a discussion about FE15 or people talking about their favourite ships in that game to point out how Berkut burnt his fiancée at stake for "power" on his own volition - canon is canon - even when it blows - I'd rather rant about it and have my own HC in this space rather than piss canon-lovers/users with it.
Saying in your hcs Supreme Leader isn't the villain of the game?
Sure, do whatever you want, have a nice day, eat a sandwich, whatever. Maybe some people will join you, share your sandwich and you'll have fun developping hcs!
Saying in canon Supreme Leader isn't the villain and disregarding the dev's interviews?
That's going to be more problematic, in a way that this specific interview isn't subjective or open to interpretation (thus hcs, like Sylvia being FE4!Claude's relative or not), so people are going to disagree and be more vocal about it.
Some other blogs already explained it, but it seems like FE Fodlan attracted a lot of persons who aren't used to fandom, as in a place with transformative works and where making OCs and fics and having headcanons isn't "BaD" - so they try to retrofit canon in their headcanons because "fanfics" and transformative works are BaD etc etc (insert the general dislike for fanfictions from the early 2000s (?) and the regular/usual insults towards people who write fanfiction from the same era (them being fujos, etc etc)) so they're not writing fanfictions or arguing headcanons, no, they're just writing "totally meta pieces that are better than the canon".
Imo, the second you're disregarding canon to write something about a work, you're writing a fanfic (let it be a "real fic", random hcs, etc etc etc) and that's totally fine! You're not a "fujo degenerate" for not liking the canon and "rewritting" scenes, or building more stories about a character your like!
What's not "fine" is forcing everyone to adopt your headcanons and fanfictions - if the flower is red, you cannot force people to admit the flower is blue, otoh, if you write a story where the flower isn't red but blue, it's your story and you can whatever you want with it! Ditto with fanfic writers when someone argues canon against them, dude, you're reading a story where the author wrote the flower to be blue, like they gaf about the flower's canonical colour to be red - it's a fanfic!
Don't like, Don't read!
*not withstanding with the actual quality and body of the Aeneid, which isn't something I'd personally call cool or "alright", but that's another debate.
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deadrlngers · 2 years ago
formal, informal, outerwear, and footwear for fenix and zefyr? 👁️👁️
character design questions
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
fenix: god it's so difficult to imagine him in smth formal, i feel like he'd dress up only if forced. he loves looking fashionable but more in a disinterested type of way. if he somehow gets forced into smth formal i so bad imagine him wearing either a double breasted jacket or like a very plain combo of blazer jacket + shirt and slap on some dress pants. no tie or whatever, he greatly hates those, you really need to put in some hard work to convince him to wear one. STILL THO once he gets all dressed up his mood goes from grumpy cat to smug peacock the moment he realises he looks pretty hot. he'd take a photo, send it on the group chat and write smth dumb like 'who's going to suck me off sloppy style in a corpo office now?' (<he gets kicked out of the chat)
zefyr: i think they don't exactly care about looking formal but they DO care to look important, statuary, like oozing off power. so if the occasion calls for it i think they would wear smth like some cool ass sorcerer robe, just to underline that they are a big shot, someone to fear for their power. many silver decorations, maybe an intricate breastplate that's more for show than any use. they would wear jewels on their horns, bracelets or gems hanging off them, maybe a few on their tail as well. decorate their claws, wear their hair in some complicate style with something pointy poking out of it like spikes or idk. zefyr would 100% go off with the style, they came to serve cunt
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
fenix: picture this. some kind of t-shirt with holes in it because 'who cares, it's not like anyone is going to come judge me at home' and with smth dumb written on it like this guy has fire bussy, that or he doesn't wear any shirt at all, i wouldn't complain tbh. either some plain shorts if it's hot or sweatpants (AND SOCKS. HE'S COLD.), he basically looks like he just came back from a 20 hours shift.
zefyr: they basically live in the middle of nowhere of a forest in some kind of cozy cabin sorrunded by a forest so their lazy-day outfits consist of something very simple, light fabrics, a tunic or a shirt and an opened jerkin on it. something comfy for their legs like wide legged pants or maybe they are wearing a light robe and breeches and they sometimes tend to walk barefoot in their own home or out in the nature
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
fenix: he lovessss a good jacket, if it's not like extremely hot then you can bet it all that he's going to wear a jacket. leather, denim, suede, shearling jackets, all of it (vesper steals them a lot). tho he doesn't wear anything that goes past his waist (so like a coat etc) because he needs to show off his ass, god bless. sometimes you could see him wear a turtleneck but everyone makes fun of him every time he does so he doesn't do it often..the gang just loves to make fun of him, vesper genuinely likes the look <3 if it's hot outside then he's going to pull out his light shirts and tank tops, he hates sweating, summers back in italy where hell for him (i get him)
zefyr: draconic bloodline and all i want to believe zefyr isn't greatly affected by the cold, hot blooded creature they are!! but at the same time they really don't like the cold in general so they will cover up a lot, cloaks, more layers, fur, whatever you could do to fight off the cold. they like warmer temperatures better but not extreme, thankfully they don't have to deal with it. they don't wear any cloak if they are wandering through the forest, they dress pretty plainly if they are exploring for erbs and whatever they might need
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
fenix: talked a bit about his obsession for boots in a previous ask..he loves cowboy boots baby!! brown, lightly worn out just enough to make it look cool, black boots that get to his ankles, and his absolute faves which are pointed boots, either plain slick black or smth decorated. he likes combat boots as well, but he wears them way less, usually when he wears a very simple outfit or has no big plans for the day or he's just lazy and tired
zefyr: a pair of boots never failed anyone!! they wear comfy plain boots that get just below their knees mostly, sometimes they could go wander around barefoot and if they want to Go Off as said in the first question then they are going to pull out something extreme like idk, boots with pointy ends with intricate designs
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netherfeildren · 2 years ago
hi vic! i was wondering what your first fanfic was and what got you to make the decision to write and publish your work? also what are your favorite books/authors? i’m in love with your writing and the personality/liveliness you give your characters are you an english major by any chance?
hi there! fear of god was my first fanfic ever ever! i’ve always written a little here and there, i’ve kept a journal most of my life but that was the first ever like full length, plot focused story i’d ever written.
hmm i’m not really sure what got me to put it out tbh. i’d known of tlou peripherally before the show but the show reallyyyyyy sucked me in. i watched hours and hours of the game play after the show premiered and i wanted to write something but i’m a huge procrastinator and i was kinda putting it off in my mind until the story just got too loud to ignore. i guess also, and not to get too vulnerable™️ on here but i went through a pretty bad time last year and i’m not the sort of person who can just talk about things… like ever haha so i guess i needed to write about them instead.
favorite books/ authors (phew big question) i’ve read everything anne carson has ever written. no one writing today is doing what she’s doing. my favorites of hers are autobiography of red (top three favorite books of all time) the beauty of the husband and norma jean baker of troy. donna tartt’s the goldfinch actually changed my life when i read it this is no exaggeration i love that woman so much (there are rumors her new book’s pub’ing in june and i’m LOSING MY DAMN MIND) i’ve read a lot of nabokov i like his sort of very wordy complex style bc i feel like i can lean that way sometimes and let my sentences just run away from me and he just gets right to the heart of things but like sort of like a puzzle to me? if that makes sense? hmm lisa kleypas (the hathaways) greatest romance author of ALL TIME no i will not be taking differing opinions. those books are my all time comfort reads. aaaand right now i’m working through anaïs nin’s backlog and i’m quite enjoying it. i like her very concise style. everything is right there plainly on the page (especially the sex and violence) and i like that it’s a little strange and grotesque sometimes.
thank you so much for saying you enjoy the personalities i give them!!! everything i touch on in these stories is in some way personal to me and it does make me worry occasionally that i’m making them too specific or zeroed in. after all, these are reader insert fics, and i understand that part of the allure to them is the anonymity of it all, but the thing is that after living with these characters in my mind for so long and so closely as i write them they in some way become real people to me. so it’s hard to keep them just this nameless vessel without any discerning personality traits if that makes sense
and finally, yes, one of my degrees is in english literature, and i did a focus on romanticism so lots of shelley, keats, love me a byronic hero (JOEL!!!)
again sorry the answer’s so long winded but if there’s one thing i like to do it’s run my mouth and i really enjoy these questions so thanks for sending them in guys 💗😊
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year ago
atlas complex anon logging on for the last time
i finished it like two days ago and i have been trying to process it and i truly just….don’t know what to do with it 😵‍💫
the other death was SO PAINFUL ACTUALLY and i am choosing to believe it didn’t happen (bc objectively it didn’t! if you think about it!!! *eye twitch*) — bc why would you write such a lovely passage A LOVE CONFESSION IF YOU WILL and then fucking MURDER HIM…AND THEN YOU DONT EVEN TELL US PLAINLY WHAT HAPPENED (again, i choose to believe he lives on, mr security camera man)
tbh both of those deaths confessed their love and then she was like “that’s nice please drop dead xoxo”
(me trying to be vague about spoilers but also who fuckin cares nobody is reading this book)
anyway here’s the deal. i think it was all bad writing but i got so lost in the sauce in the last 15% that i could convince myself that i Appreciate the Ending?? like sorry i just am stuck on IN EVERY CULTURE THERE IS BREAD…but also what the hell even happened in this book and why was it even more convoluted than it needed to be
need olivie blake to pay for my therapy
so excited to hear from you!!! yeah, that second death. OOF. literally hated it. and right after that wendy cope esque love confession SOBBING FR. he has been my bestie from day one and he will remain so forever. i love him!! and it wasn’t that his death didn’t hit me, but it hit me because i Did Not Want Him To Die and not because the death was written well and executed well narratively speaking. ngl i read it and was like. this is so stupid. why like this?? after all the build up why at all but WHY LIKE THIS. also yeah the crumbs with the scenarios and security camera make for a range of possibilities of what *actually* happened but i have to say it felt a little cheap to me. like blake could not decide one way or the other and instead just kept all the options open which felt very unsatisfying to me. the entire thing is similar to what blake did with gideon’s last pov chapter (and both together exemplify my issue with the ending): keeping options open and lines blurry so that you can headcanon you own way out of the mess she made. which is not the great move she might think it is because instead of writing a scenes where she can actually evokes emotions because she commits to a thing completely and unequivocally it’s all so vague that the reader is never made to fully grapple with one outcome or the other. you’re left in limbo and that’s why you feel so disconnected from everything happening (at least that’s how it was for me). i love open endings but what she did wasn’t an open ending (given that it’s the last 30% of the book lmao) but a lack of narrative commitment.
i am so glad you appreciate the ending!! wish that were me!!!! i would so love to mske my peace with it but i Can’t. these characters deserve better. i read the last two chapters and just thought ‘that was it? wow. i feel absolutely nothing. what a shame.’ tho i agree the bread line being a banger. it is Very good. and that’s the thing there are some good parts and lovely sentences and sentiments (the love confession you mentioned might be one of my favourite passages of the entire series!!) but as a whole tac simply did not deliver in a way that makes the last chapter or the ending in general hit for me. idk it’s nicely written but the emotional impact is minimal because the narration did nothing to build up to it in a meaningful and nuanced way???? like i get it and i understand it and i like it out of context but it has no impact IN context because the story preceding it doesn’t warrant it. or maybe i am just too bitter to see it lol. veryyy real possibility.
also you are so right what even happened in this book??? sooooo convoluted. instead of paying for my therapy i want blake to rewrite the book istg like pls i am begging on my knees.
((also this answer is veryyyy vaguely worded too. but i am sure you Get It.))
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ioannemos · 2 years ago
i started a huge tag explanation but i think i was gonna run out of tags so
the tl;dr: i like him and how his personal arc and relationship with jane ended, bc i understand his motives, empathize with his bad decisions, and love his character development. also i feel like bronte did a really good job of showing how well they fit as a couple which i'm not sure gets discussed enough
and now a read more for rambling
i used to feel closer to option two, tho for me it was more of an eyeroll and a shrug. like sure, jane, since you love him i guess? and clearly haven't gotten over him and have no desire to get over him, even tho you think you should, and could do so much better...
this last time i read the book, tho, i read the whole thing in one sitting (i didn't mean to but that's the magic of jane eyre) and was struck by a few things
first of all, oh lord, edward was so young when he was tricked into marrying bertha?? and tricked by his family, no less?? edward being the kind of person he is, i don't wonder at his anger, despair, etc. what a betrayal! and like, tbh, i don't know what he should've done differently. obv locking her in the attic wasn't a great solution, but she was violent and immoral before the insanity even kicked in. i'm honestly not sure what else a young man of his status, temperament, sense of duty, etc. would think of to do. he can't divorce her, and she can't be allowed to just. roam free. so while i don't think locking her in the attic was a moral solution, i can understand and empathize with him taking that route
(the other stuff he did, like having mistresses and whatnot, obv not good either. bad, in fact. but again, while i don't think it was the right thing to do, i can understand it: he wants love from a peer, and since he can't get that from his wife he's looking for it elsewhere) (tho he also keeps picking bad partners on purpose *claps edward on the shoulder* this bad boy can fit so much self-loathing and self-sabotage in him)
second of all, they are established pretty early on to be a good match for each other. while jane speaks very plainly, we know from her narration that she has the same fanciful imagination that edward does; he just has the freedom of being rich and a gentleman to express it. (also, he's at home whenever she's seeing him, not when he's traveling, which adds, idk, a Dimension to his words and actions that i think gets overlooked.) amongst other similarities, they both
are passionate
prefer to run away from their problems
feel trapped by expectations
almost die by trying to do the Right Thing (he tries to save bertha from thornfield burning down, she runs away from thornfield and almost dies of exposure)
refuse to marry people who want what they have/could do (blanche wants his money, st. john wants her ability to work herself to the bone) rather than who they are
find the idea of such a marriage to be personally repugnant
think people who marry for those reasons are foolish
(this includes the marriage to bertha, btw, hence a whole lot of that self-loathing)
like to spend money on the people they love
find adele silly and attribute it to her being french but are determined to english at least some of it out of her
love the other person so much they look and act dumb as hell
third of all, they don't get married until a. they are in fact peers and b. edward's not only received the consequences of his actions, he has accepted them as such. he was proud, so he's been humbled; he lived for pleasures of the flesh and now he's blind and crippled. what's more, not only has he accepted these consequences, he acknowledges that they came from God and responds accordingly. he shook his fist at God before, defied Him, dared Him to punish this behavior too, and God did, and edward accepts it. that's such a huge piece of character development that i think gets skimmed over and it's a shame
i really love jane eyre and could possibly keep going lol but i'm gonna stop here bc this is long enough
Finished Jane Eyre and would like to gain some general data, just out of curiosity
If none of these apply at all, you're free to abstain and tell me why in the notes—I just thought trying to sum up the spectrum of opinions usefully was hard enough without adding an easy "other" option.
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shyishsarawat · 3 years ago
you know I think it's funny how people will claim to like stoic characters who keep their emotions in and how they like to watch them go 😐 to 😍 for another character but then when an actor delivers on that they all about how they can't act and "yes give us nothing" to shade the actor when if they actually paid attention the actor is very expressive with their eyes and their micro expressions and that they did such a good job giving off subtle emotions for a stoic character and they'd see that if they weren't so fucking blind everytime that person's face appeared on screen literally screaming emotions, like are you sure any of you actually know how to read facial expressions and aren't just relying on the characters saying their feelings instead?? Bc I swear I read shit ppl say about certain actors/scenes and I'm literally so confused?? Like?? The heart eyes, the sheer comedic panic, the anger, the pain they so easily express with just their eyes just for you to say they can't act? absolutely not go argue with a wall bc you clearly can't tell it and a stoic character apart 🙄🙄
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