#just picture this fella
catfir · 4 months
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why he sit like that
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mewvore · 7 months
Hella thick thighs?
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I'm out of drawings, heres an irl
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f1-stuff · 10 months
My first thought seeing this and the Charlos tag was your 22/23 fic 😭 this really feels like your Charlos
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I totally see it 😭❤️ The domesticity 🤌🏻 the comfort 🤌🏻🤌🏻
And I think I would write it in a fic tbh, but probably not that one - who knows though, we'll see!
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ratwithhands · 6 months
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shitposting with friends earlier, this is clipped from a larger comic about Sapioflore Emmet and honey.
For context, honey (despite being a relatively common product) is not something most Sapioflores are comfortable eating since most of them make nectar on their own. Even if the honey comes from non-sapient plants, most Sapioflores are weirded out by eating it since it reminds them of their own bodily fluid.
One of many exceptions is Emmet. He often (over)exerts himself, and to keep himself from getting too weak or hungry, he usually keeps a range of foods on hand as snacks to eat through the day. He likes honey since it's basically condensed sugar, plus he just like the flavour/texture. He buys jars in bulk and works through his supply over a few weeks/months, much to Ingo's dismay. Emmet has offered him honey on multiple occasions, but Ingo is generally uninterested so he doesn't bother. More for him after all :)
Other clips from that comic:
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I don't think I will share the rest 👍have a good day
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do-rey-me · 4 months
tbis is probably sooo niche but can u imagine laios dungeon meshi in crown of candys calorum? hed eat houses, mountains even
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eyelinerdean · 8 months
started thinking about “the one thing i want” and immediately cried. destiel sickness is forever n ever god bles <3
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tsukiyo-7 · 6 months
To avoid ending up drawing the same damn thing again again and again (i.e. Sam and Dean eating each other's faces in different combinations) I'm open to suggestions because I have an itch in need of scratching and it's making me slightly insane.
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
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muirneach · 1 year
what is so entrancing about the ‘ill get you a satanic mechanic’ line is the idea that there’s a goth out there who is also. a mechanic. and i really dig that. more blue collar goths please
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
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[image description: two images of a Northern Mockingbird perched on some branches. It is a soft grey-brown, with darker feathered wings that have a white band in the middle. Its eyes are a brilliant gold. In the first image, it is looking off to the right, one eye staring at the camera, and is somewhat hunkered down. Its body is framed by a curving twig. In the second image, it is perched higher up, rump facing the camera as it looks to the sky. There is a big fluffy white cloud in the background. end image description]
birdy :D
#big long ramble about my day so far in the tags just cause i felt like sharing#i had a rheumatology appointment today but i was Way early#arrived when the doctors had broken for lunch. the receptionist told me there was a new nature path past the parking lot#and i was like hell why not. maybe i’ll find a cool bug#i did not find many bugs but hooo there were so many birds it was amazing#this fella was the highlight#i was trying to get a picture of it through a bush cause it looked cool#but then it flapped up In Front Of Me. like less than a meter away#and i just stared wide eyed at it for like three seconds#snapped a few pictures because it posed for me for a little#it also gave me a little gift :’) i didn’t catch the poop falling on camera lol#then it flitted off back the way it came#there was also a hummingbird (anna’s hummingbird i think)#and a few others i couldn’t identify. probably a few bushtits and i think two goldfinches at least#and also some really fucking loud geese(?) that i could not find#it was nice. talking a walk here and there is so nice#i did eventually find some bugs. there was a honeybee that was getting blown across the ground by the wind#literally tumbling all the way. i scooped it onto a leaf and put it somewhere a bit less windy#and there was another in a flower that seemed a bit stronger#also there were these little solitary bee home tubes!!! didn’t see any bees come out though#and there was a cat :D#hshshshshdh it’s been nice so far#my appointment went well too#mockingbird blessing :)#if i had a nickel for every time i happened to somehow be allowed within a meter of a bird to get a super clean picture of them#i would have two nickels#which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice /ref#the other instance was of hatchlings too :’D god they were so round and cute#i miss them i hope they had lots of babies
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breadedsinner · 1 year
The most pathetic people in existence are those who record strangers--people just living their lives, minding their business--and post said recording to taunt them about their perceived flaws.
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bella-the-fella · 1 year
My darling baby boy celebrated the holidays this week...
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It seemed like his enjoyed his gifts!
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80yearoldmanmoodboard · 7 months
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The Monkees. Alcohol Markers and Colored Pencils
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ask-icedouma · 1 year
Hi! For the ask game: ✂ Did the mun ever do something to make you jealous?
They are really attach to this pink plush cat they have called Nyami.
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It steals all my attention from them. They never fail to hug and shower that thing with kisses everyday! Can you believe that? What you jelly of a plush??? Live image of my cute little guy.
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joshuamj · 3 months
just pulled an all nighter, but instead of it being for any academic or otherwise productive purpose, I learned how to crochet to make this little fella :)
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i love this little guy sm, he may be slightly scuffed, but he was definitely made with love <3 (and maybe a dash of sleep deprived mania)
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confetti-critter · 1 year
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DATE OF BIRTH: November 23, 1996
I sleep all day and I play all night
Up in the vents, I might give you a fright
I’m not from around here but I think I’ll stay
There’s more cake here than in galaxies far away!
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