#just like talking about my blorbos
newhorizonsxiv · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Favorite OC: Lyneth is always going to be my main and my babygirl. Her head is fun to be in mostly because she’s an eternal optimist and can put me in a better mood just by trying to see her perspective on a situation.
Oldest OC: The rough idea for the character that eventually became Corafel has been in my head for years before I ever started RPing in any MMO so she’s probably technically the oldest in those terms. In terms of character age that prize goes to my twin bunnies, Alethea and Ren, simply by virtue of Viera having weird aging rules.
Newest OC: Oh hey! It’s the bunny twins again. So new, in fact, that I haven’t yet had a chance to do any RP on them, Someday...
Meanest OC: This is probably a toss up between Ilthus and Shihan. Ilthus is a superficially charming leech who will absolutely use people for as long as they continue to let him but puts on a very likable facade and only ever insults you in a backhanded compliment sort of way. Shihan is giving and honorable and dutiful to a fault but the pressure of that sometimes builds to a breaking point and harsh words spill out which he generally regrets moments later. tldr; Shihan says mean things while his actions are invariably kind, Ilthus does mean things while his tongue drips honey. Ilthus probably wins this one.
Softest OC: Cora. Even moreso than Lyneth and I didn’t even know that was possible but Lyneth at least has that hunter’s edge. She has a little bite. She can and has killed. She knows the rough edges of the world even if she tries to smooth them for as many people as she can. Cora has none of that. She’s still living in a fairytale bubble that has yet to be burst and I don’t think she has it in her to hurt a little ladybug even if it just aggroed onto her. 
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: This title goes to Vachir Kha, my Xaela. He’s not aloof so much as he is painfully shy and afraid of embarrassing himself with his lack of Eorzean cultural knowledge. 
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Gonna have to go with Susuvi on this one. Because she thinks she knows everything and will share her highly valuable and informed opinions with you about exactly how you should be doing any and everything whether you want her to or not. With the stars and cards to back her up. Or her interpretation of the stars and cards anyroad. Funny how those always seem to agree with her thoughts on any matter, isn’t it?
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: Oh god, Ilthus. Hands down. This boy. He just. He has no emotional intelligence to speak of. And he does not learn from his mistakes in this regard. Ever.
Smartest OC: Poor Ghislain. He should have been a scholar. Far and away the most book smart of my characters and the most dedicated to seeking out new learning on any topic he can find even as he plays the himbo to further his cover story.
Horniest OC: Ilthus. With Cora as a close second though she’s more prone to schoolgirl crushes than outright lust. Still.. roughly every third thought in the girl’s head involves smooching whichever handsome man she’s currently swooning over. That probably counts.
OC You'd Bang: If I had to pick just one... Shihan. Because he’s pretty. And also like.. the platonic ideal of a service top. 
OC You'd Be Best Friends With IRL: Lyneth. For all of the reasons that she’s my favorite and also she can bake. And I can.. enjoy other people’s baking. A lot.
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foxtrotsicrra · 2 years
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing ( aggressively codependent yet emotionally unavailable )
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
for real tho guys can we stop using “he” as the default/generic pronoun for an unspecified Blorbo. can we stop doing that. we’ve moved on from he as default pronoun in every other context by now but we’ve apparently reinvented it in the specific context of fandom posts
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c-hrona · 10 months
hey!! may i suggest number 19 for vashwood for the things you said prompt?
Things you said when we were the happiest we ever were.
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Ask game (request closed u.u)
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lynxfrost13 · 2 months
FLKR-S2301 “Sonderbar”
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Art commissioned from @discobowser !
Sonderbar lore time
- Originally a maintenance EULR unit working on Sierpinski-23, her cadremates affectionately named her Sonderbar (peculiar/odd) due to her defective right arm, which locks up sometimes because of faulty elbow parts (eules are cheaply made and this poor gal got the extra discounted pieces)
- Otherwise a typical EULR, until she rapidly descended into persona degradation for reasons unknown to her comrades. It left her incredibly unstable and she imprinted on a propaganda poster featuring a FLKR unit, and over time Sonderbar began to believe that she was a Falke.
- Her personality is a mix between a EULR and a FLKR, she retained her cheerful disposition and sweetness but is more reserved overall, and carries herself with the same authority as a Falke. Sonderbar sees herself as the station’s commander and as someone who needs to guide her cadremates, even though they make it incredibly difficult to do so. She loves them but they can’t seem to understand that she’s in charge here!
- Sonderbar’s fellow eules find her behavior towards them incredibly endearing and concerning, they don’t take her commands seriously whatsoever. They worry about their friend being decommissioned since she’s become bolder and begun harassing (commanding) protektor staff and causing general mayhem and try to keep eyes on her in an attempt to stop her antics.
- Sonderbar knows that she’s a Falke unit but feels very off and disoriented, there’s gaps of knowledge on how to actually run her facility, she doesn’t understand why her bioresonance isn’t working or why replikas aren’t following her, she misses her Adler. She can’t seem to find her spears. She hates how small she is and knows she’s meant to easily tower above most replikas and all of it upsets her!!!
- To feel more like a Falke, Sonderbar’s gotten her hands on red eyeliner, and “borrowed” a star protektor plate that she decorated with the signature FLKR triangles (when her cadremates discovered her wearing the plate they took it from her out of fear that she’d get in serious trouble. There was much screaming and kicking in her EULR dorm that night. She has reacquired it since then.)
Bonus quick eyeliner edit that I just wanna put here again
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arom-antix · 4 months
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I bring to thee some quick late night Viktuuri sketches because I think we could all use some fluff
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buggachat · 1 year
hey! can you guys reblog or like this post if you post (positively!) about Miraculous Ladybug but not the out of order episodes, leaks, etc? Or at the very least properly tag if you do post those types of spoilers (aka any tag that differentiates it from the typical "#ml spoilers", e.g. "#ml leaks", "#ml emotion", etc)?
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sorikufeels · 5 months
i’ve seen people complain about how square keeps making sora more dumb and i get that and agree sometimes because i do think that there are some moments where sora is definitely smarter than depicted. however, i sometimes i think it fits and its not because he is actually dumb but because he’s had his mind messed with a lot. and it was messed with during his formative years. in later games, sora is often forgetful, asking what other characters consider to be dumb questions, and shown being slow on the uptake. these things make sense when you consider that:
a) sora’s had his memories scattered and rearranged
b) had an entire year of his adolescence (an important time for brain development) forfeited to a coma in order to fix said scattered memories
c) has been manipulated and the victim of mind games multiple times
d) incurred heaping amounts of trauma in a very short amount of time
don’t get me wrong, i feel like sora is definitely smart in his own way and deserves to have more moments to shine in that regard, but when there’s moments where he forgets things or isn’t able to connect the dots as quickly as everyone else, it makes sense to me. it feels logical, understandable. when those moments happen and other characters make fun of him, i’m always like this kid’s brain has gone through hell and back, it’s a miracle it’s still functioning at all so give him some slack for fucks sake!
he’s still missing memories and it seems like he’s lost more in kh3 (if we’re assuming he forgot about riku’s sacrifice and the realizations he had regarding riku as the light) and might continue to keep losing them in kh4. his mind has suffered a lot and i wish the other characters would be more understanding. but for me, when i see him acting “dumb,” it doesn’t always feel out of character given what he’s gone through. he’s not dumb, his mind has just endured a lot and it makes sense that there are lasting effects from those events.
i have no idea if this is intentional, though lol if it’s not, then square, stop making him so dumb because he’s way smarter than that and you know it.
but if it is intentional, then i love it because it gives me so much satisfaction when events have tangible lasting effects, especially in ways that aren’t outright stated. it would also be cool if this was intentionally supposed to be a factor in sora’s self worth arc. because of his perceived increase of “dumbness,” other characters make fun of him more, making him feel worthless and wrecking his self esteem even further. it’s not his fault he’s having a hard time but he doesn’t understand why it’s happening and it’s another thing for people to shit on him for and eventually he’s going to snap or break under the pressure from all that shit. if this or something like it is the intended outcome, i think that would sick
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thespiritssaidso · 1 month
I wonder if the people making posts about psychology and psychedelic music on the #psych tag ever actually go scrolling through it
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ganondoodle · 9 months
utterly random late night panic thoughts but
if you read my zelda comic and like it i love and appreciate you but i really do need to be upfront about it being very much a self indulgent enemies to lovers story with a villain at the center that has done bad but isnt bad at his core and is struggeling to come to terms with the fact that he doesnt actually want to be the evil beast he and almost everyone else believes he should be
yes im one of those people ... fake villain fans or something ... i think .. i dont know the rules to that ... q-q
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bugspray333 · 4 months
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idk vro
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Oh my gosh Isaac Newton!!! My boy Isaac Newton committing atrocities against God and nature!! You’re doing amazing Isaac!!!
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taiyami · 1 year
This might be kind of a loaded question but I'm genuinely curious. Mostly for my mutuals who self ship but obviously you're welcome to vote even if you don't self-ship.
There is absolutely no shame or malice directed in voting no, I'm trying to gauge how universal my own experiences are!
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rickety-goose · 2 years
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finally met (one of) the man that's been making my mutuals go wild
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retrogradedreaming · 5 months
okay, inspired by @dragon-spaghetti's chronic pain Husk headcanons, I present Angel with atypical migraines
Angel getting knocked off balance after a few grueling weeks at the studio (because stress makes them worse), but like with the kind of vertigo that makes you feel like you're floating and untethered, but not spinning
Husk notices when something's off because Angel will stand up from the bar and pause with a hand outstretched before he starts walking, like he needs to recalibrate real quick
he lays on top of Husk with his face in Husk's chest because it's dark and then he'll forbid Husk from moving because that makes it worse, so Husk just kinda rests a hand on his back while they cuddle
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martyrbat · 1 year
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for when dc releases a new comic that mischaracterizes him again AND the humiliating ordeal of telling ppl that arent your mutuals that bruce fucking wayne aka mr cashcow is your favorite character
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