newhorizonsxiv · 10 hours
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newhorizonsxiv · 2 days
I have a few of these tbh. The most obvious one is one I've mentioned before but pretty much anytime some Garlean or other is spouting off about how if we really wanted a peaceful world we'd stop fighting them because the Empire is nothing if not internally peaceful Lyneth would be climbing up them like a tree to grab them by the face and scream "SUBJUGATION IS NOT PEACE!" until they got the message or passed out from the violent shaking.
As for snark, the biggest example I can think of there is that Lyneth would not have let the Exarch get away with pretending not to know anything about G'raha Tia. As soon as she asked about him and got told "Oh.. uh.. never heard of him." she would have spent the rest of Shadowbringers right up until the reveal snarkily calling the Exarch "Not-G'raha" at every opportunity. "That is a fascinating insight, Not-G'raha. Glad you're here and able to control this tower even though you are definitely not the only guy I know of who can do that. Obviously."
Silly FFXIV WoL Question.
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Do you have any headcanons for how your WoL may have responded to notable pieces of NPC (or antagonist) dialogue during the MSQ?
Was there a statement that they could not help but challenge? A sentiment with which they voiced their wholehearted agreement? Perhaps a proclamation to which they could not help but respond with a snarky aside? Or maybe even an innuendo that they couldn't resist pointing out...
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newhorizonsxiv · 2 days
For me it was neither. I mean, don't get me wrong I like them both as characters and adore the story of Shadowbringers and what they both bring to it but the moments that utterly broke me in that expansion and had me ugly crying through cutscenes came from Ardbert and Elidibus. Who are also narrative mirrors of one another. So much so that Elidibus walks around wearing Ardbert's face for part of the story. Both willingly sacrificed all that they are/were to save their worlds and people. Both were called back from that emptiness by pain still in need of healing. Both ultimately failed to save their worlds but gave up everything they were a second time to give the WoL a chance to save what remained of those worlds. The unrelenting helpless noble tragedy of both characters just really got to me. And for me that was the emotional core of the expansion as a whole. (With the patch story factored in) Which bled perfectly into Endwalker. Just exquisite storytelling.
Convinced everyone who resonates with shadowbringers ends up in the Emet-Selch side or the G’raha Tia side, this is not a moral judgement but rather commentary on how they are narrative foils so powerful they shift the course of your game experience. This isn’t to say you can’t like both—of course you can. But fundamentally you will resonate with one more than the other and I’ve never met anyone who liked shadowbringers who didn’t have their brain chemistry permanently altered by one of them and which one it was is like some kind of phrenology to me.
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newhorizonsxiv · 2 days
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newhorizonsxiv · 4 days
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newhorizonsxiv · 4 days
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he's not very used to affection
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newhorizonsxiv · 5 days
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newhorizonsxiv · 7 days
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newhorizonsxiv · 8 days
8, 16, 19 for the get to know me ffxiv
Biggest Accomplishment?
This one is a tossup. It's either getting all of my jobs to level 80 because I wanted the Amaro mount.
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Or it was getting all of the minions and weapons during the stupid Yokai crossover event because I really wanted the glowy little bumper car mount and then doing it again for the new jobs when they brought it back even though I didn't care about that mount at all but sunk cost fallacy said "I mean... you already got all the others..."
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Not worth it.
Favorite Primal? And Also Favorite Villain?
Oh, It's not even a question. In darkness blooms the spider lily.
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This fight is so much fun. And the storytelling is so good. And the look is so iconic. And this gave such a satisfying and tragic end to the story of my personal favorite villain in the game. Yotsuyu deserved her fate, but she also deserved her vengeance. Just not on the people she mostly turned that craving for justice on. Finding tragic closure in that final kill before her death? Perfection.
Thanks for the ask, anon.
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newhorizonsxiv · 9 days
If you're an active ffxiv blog, especially if you rp or are looking for rp, kindly toss this a like or reblog if you would.
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newhorizonsxiv · 10 days
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newhorizonsxiv · 21 days
Reblog this if it’s okay to DM you and shoot the friendship shot.
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newhorizonsxiv · 21 days
hey i know i asked for constructive criticism but what i actually wanted was for you to tell me i'm extremely talented. and also pretty. sorry if that was unclear
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newhorizonsxiv · 21 days
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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newhorizonsxiv · 30 days
your teens are for learning how to rp and your twenties are for the trial and error of rping around a rotating door of some of the most bugfuck unstable people you have ever met and your thirties are for finding contentment rping with somewhere between three and ten people who all came out of it stronger together 🙏
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newhorizonsxiv · 1 month
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Here, have some dawntrail memes, now that the spoiler embargo is up.
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newhorizonsxiv · 1 month
Btw, I'm just saying if you ever unironically said stuff like "It's hard to make a good looking elezen." or "Hyurs are boring" or "Roes are ugly" or "lalas are cringe" then you can stop following me because we don't do that in my house. You are not welcome here. I would be delightful if we all could just let people enjoy playing what they like to play without having to find fault in something that differs from our own fun. What is "boring", "ugly", or "cringe" to one person is someone else's joy and no one has any right to try and spoil it.
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