#just general creepiness
imsosocold · 1 year
“ Genderbends” of Saitama who make it so she loses her bust size instead of her hair…is… so gross…   
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casart · 1 year
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He’s a little fucked up actually🥰🌈🌼
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frogchiro · 1 year
ELABORATE on the slasher ghost pls pls pls ELABORATE me needs more
OKAY SO I was thinking long and hard about this and how to approach it. At first I wanted to make Ghost like the classic killer/slasher Michael Myers style, killing in the woods, final girl reader etc etc BUT then I though, how about a little twist?
I'm pretty sure this isn't as original but still, but I came up with butcher!Simon 'Ghost' Riley who has a shop and lives in a secluded, small town up in the mountains and is a killer♡
HEAR ME OUT; big brute older man, around 40, no one on the town knows him really or about his past but judging by his dogtags they conclude he's ex military but rumours continue. They say that he was dishonorably discharged due to accusations of murder of a fellow soldier, it was never proven and he was never put in jail but apparently it was enough to throw him out of the military for good.
Although the cruel rumours were quite unreasonable and frankly sounded like some extravagant urban legend the man in question, Simon Riley still put you a bit on edge, but to be fair everything put you on edge here. As a total newcomer in the small town, a runaway to be precise, still so young, barely into your 20ies, but finally free from under the thumb of those assholes who were supposed to be your family but did not act at all like that, and this town...creeped you out to say the least.
It was just the town's general vibe was...off but you ultimately chalked it up to being newly on your own and the fact that it appeared to always be gloomy weather; mist, rainfall, thunder or snow, but what really stood out for you was the local butcher and the mysterious enigmatic Simon Riley...
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jinxed-galaxies · 8 months
Art inspired by @shinyzekrom 's Crumb-ified Genloss Ranboo art
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gracebethartacc · 2 months
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I woke up and was haunted by visions aka Mlp redesign/rewrite ideas yayyyy :3
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faunandfloraas · 13 days
That han fancall is truly truly truly like the most horrendously embarrassing and deeply unsettling shit ever
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sukugo · 2 days
Do you think gojo makes those freaky ass feral expressions while getting dicked down?
like, pleasure looks such a specific way on satoru. we can see it in the tojigo fight, the hanami/jogo fight and the sukugo fight. they're the only moments where we truly get to see raw pleasure on him and it's that. eyes popping out and manic grin and laughter bubbling in his torso and body charged, and mannerisms especially crude.
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there's something so animalistic about it, his "human" mask slipping from him and showing him in all his monstrous glory, unfiltered and raw and like the freak of nature he truly is
and it's exactly the same thing when it comes to sex. it's all pleasure after all.
#f.ask#however likewise it's only ever when the sex is really good and he is truly engrossed in it and enjoying it fully. the sex HAS to be good.#which is....not something easy to give him. but if u are able to give it to him#then boy u're in for the weirdest (and best) fuck of your life#anon u touched on something about him that i love sooooo much#bc YES. that IS what pleasure looks like on him#and that's how i imagine it to be during sex too#jjk#gojo#gojo satoru#like i DO love satoru who's a subdued mess while getting fucked#but that's bc that's what I'M into#but this is what goes more in line with his character#and what i generally tend to imagine for him is a mixture of both#where there's moments where he's taken by it all and u'll find him toned down into muffled moans and low whimpers#that feel much too small on a being like him#but then. there's a few cracks. the bubbling pleasure gets too much for his body to hold. and it pours out of him with laughter#and a grin that's much too wide and eyes that threaten to swallow u whole.#it's pretty scary if u're not someone who can deal with that haha#but let's be honest. he's only having sex with people who can get that out of him and therefore also weirdos#(tho that's not to say they aren't at least a LITTLE offput by it)#it IS very much creepy after all#gwah! love him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!#the middle right. where he makes a throaty sound and turns to hanami is one of my fave fave moments.#but fuuuuuccck when he gets atop hanami like uuuughghghgfhdgfhgdshf#satoru's fighting style is so very fascinating to me#esp considering what his techniques actually are#and god. he's just so FUN to watch
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leftneb · 2 months
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real fucking question why do I share possibly my rarest mole with Oscar Fucking Piastri. what's going on
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fruitageoforanges · 2 years
i think one of the things i find compelling about rhaegar is that he’s a very good example of how selfish and destructive a martyr complex is. from what we know, it doesn’t feel like his obsession with the prophecy was overtly egotistical — less ‘i’m great ergo i’m the prince that is promised’, more ‘oh fuck, if this is true then unless i do these very specific things everyone and everything i know is doomed’.
and yet. there’s still something selfish about that. about assuming you have to be the one to solve the world’s problems. even when it eats you up, even when it isn’t some glorious purpose but a terrible shadow hanging over you. to assume you’re the only person who can do something — and, ironically, in trying to fulfil the prophecy and prevent the destruction of everyone he lover, he doomed pretty much all of them.
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nevesmose · 4 months
Trazyn/Clone!Fulgrim requested by @chemos-factories (first time writing these two so drawing a lot of inspiration from your fics)
It's natural to play games with things you own.
Today's entertainment was an old favourite of theirs, and a way for Fulgrim to show off the knowledge he'd gained. Fulgrim loved nothing more than to show off.
"And here we see a typical cabinet of curiosities," he said, leading the way into the wide, marble-floored hall dotted with exhibit cases that formed a space so stereotypically like a museum as Fulgrim understood the term that, to an outsider, it would have verged on parody.
A strictly delimited playhouse, everything arranged just so and built to perfectly suit the superhuman build of the Primarch who was not a Primarch, in which Fulgrim had free rein to explore and learn as he wished.
Ancient scientists had done such things with rats in mazes once.
"They are also called wonder-cabinets," Fulgrim continued, eager to share his knowledge with his visitor. He was suitably attired in purple silks, and delicate gold bangles shifted on his wrists as he gestured to the object in front of them.
"Although the gathering of disparate objects and artefacts has no real scholarly intent or value, they represent an important step in the development of Old Earth's versions of museums as we would know them."
"How fascinating," Trazyn said, playing his role of distinguished guest to perfection.
"I think so too," Fulgrim answered. "And although the exhibit appears to be fully authentic to its ancient origins, further inspection reveals that the curator has included a number of deliberate anachronisms."
"Deliberate, you say?"
"Yes. To reward the attentive viewer for his study. For example, in the centre, beside a truly ancient specimen of monodon monoceros tusk, we can see a comparatively much more recent piece. A bust of an unknown subject by the remebrancer Delafour."
"Oh, how intriguing." Trazyn leaned closer, as though seeing the sculpture for the first time. "May I touch it?"
"My deepest apologies, honoured guest," Fulgrim replied, "but these objects are too fragile to touch. Lord Trazyn forbids it."
Trazyn stood back with a gesture of mock offence. "But I am, as you say, an honoured guest," he said. "Surely there's something here I can touch?"
The script being old didn't make the play any less entertaining.
Fulgrim hesitated for a moment. "The fragile objects are forbidden, but... I am not, honoured guest."
Sometimes he remembered that he had been something else, once. A being created for a very different purpose. But remembering brought pain and after so much time among Trazyn's other possessions it was infinitely easier to let go, to drift into the comfortable haze of being simply one more pliant, complaisant object to be arranged alongside many others. And so he did.
"A most agreeable solution," Trazyn said, radiating satisfaction as he moved closer to Fulgrim. "Shall we continue?"
The Archaeovist's hand settled comfortably in the small of Fulgrim's back and directed him onwards through an ornate archway with a subtle application of strength.
"Of course, honoured guest. We now enter the gallery of Terran dolls."
"Oh, how appropriate."
They halted in front of a tall, glass-fronted display case containing a multitude of dolls with painted ceramic faces and wigs of genuine human hair.
"In this exhibit," Fulgrim said, "we see every surviving product of the warrior and artisan Jean-Andoche Juneau, a toymaker from ancient Franc. The effort required to gather them here must have been vast."
"It was," Trazyn said. "Put your hands on the glass."
Fulgrim obeyed, bending gracefully at the waist to lean forward and place his palms flat on the cold surface. The dolls in their serried ranks smiled vacantly up at him.
"Good. Look only at yourself."
He locked his gaze onto his own face reflected in the glass, reducing Trazyn to a blurred outline as the Overlord of Solemnace moved behind him.
"Every object has a purpose, does it not?" Trazyn asked.
Fulgrim swallowed dryly as the Archaeovist's hand began to stroke languidly up and down his back. "I would agree, honoured guest."
"And, having acquired a truly beautiful, precious object, would it not be shameful for me to deprive it of its purpose?"
Necrodermis fingers glided up over the back of Fulgrim's neck and into his hair, stroking through it with intermixed possessiveness and reverence. He was intensely aware of how easy it would be for Trazyn to grab it if he wanted to.
"What is the purpose of a doll, Fulgrim?"
"To be looked at," he replied quietly. "To be dressed and posed as its owner pleases."
"And above all?"
"To be played with."
As all pretence fell away and Trazyn began to explore and claim his body in earnest, Fulgrim kept his focus on his own reflection as he had been ordered to and saw exactly what his owner wished him to see - himself in the glass as simply one more doll arranged among a thousand others. He matched their placid, vacant smiles with his own and felt nothing but happiness.
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nostalgia-tblr · 23 days
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
anyway my "why i don't think idia is (usually) stinky" post from earlier today did remind me of a wider issue i have with how people in the fandom treat idia sometimes: i've been engaging with this fandom since march 2023 and since then i've seen all kinds of headcanons and fics and such where he's characterized not just as smelly and sweaty and gross 24/7--but also as "the token straight", homophobic, an incel and a perv. and people always seem to automatically do this when they see a gamer/otaku character, no matter what the character's other traits may be, and i hate it. idia is a genius engineer and needs to clean up before he works with machines at the very least. idia very freely calls characters like vil, silver, and malleus gorgeous and handsome and attractive. idia's canon favorite anime is not some battle shonen series that's likely to have an abundance of oversexualized women and fanservice, but a wholesome and heartwarming sports anime about the friendship between a team of young women. idia is a wonderful character who's just as complex as anyone else in twst.
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thresholdbb · 11 months
Can we talk about The Dying Swan moment in Coda? As someone who was once a very serious ballerina, I need to talk about the Dying Swan. Here's your context --
CHAKOTAY: Harry's clarinet solo was okay. I could have done without Tuvok's reading of Vulcan poetry. But the highlight of the evening was definitely Kathryn Janeway portraying the Dying Swan. JANEWAY: I learned that dance when I was six years old. I assure you, it was the hit of the Beginning Ballet class.
Have you seen The Dying Swan? It is dramatic.
Here, take a minute:
First of all, this dance is much too advanced for a six-year-old, even if they’re doing it in demi pointe. (Six-year-olds emphatically should not be in pointe shoes btw.) The dance is almost entirely bourees and arm movements done to very subtle musical cues, not the foundational ballet moves typically taught in Beginning Ballet.
This is a very vulnerable, dramatic dance that is effective because of its subtleties. The performer would need to embody that vulnerability in some way for a convincing performance. It's short, but it's a solo piece -- all eyes on you. I mean, it was choreographed for a prima ballerina, BUT THAT'S NOT MY POINT
Can you imagine our unflappable Captain Janeway willingly getting in front of her crew to do this ballet? I get that it’s thematically relevant to the plot of Coda, but since Janeway is only vulnerable in front of her crew when it means putting herself in harm’s way, it seems like a wild decision. She tends to hold herself apart from her crew, maintaining the professional distance of the captain. Further, when she does any creative pursuit, it is almost always in private, since her sister was the artist in the family and she was the scientist. As a captain, she commands Voyager in a much different way than she would as a dancer with this piece. I'm not saying she never shows vulnerability because she definitely does, but not necessarily in this way. Then when she talks about it with Chakotay, she just casually brushes it off with a laugh like no big deal.
There’s also the question of costume – would she have gone full tutu? Done it in her Starfleet uniform? An impeccable yet flow-y white suit? She does get into costume and command a performance in Bride of Chaotica!, but Coda is still kind of early days for our captain. Arachnia aligns more with what we know about Janeway's character.
Granted, it is Chakotay laying down these complements about her dancing ability and he is clearly biased. To be fair, Neelix does too before they leave in the shuttle. If she did this dance and performed it poorly or amazingly, I feel like the crew would look at her a bit differently afterwards.
Canonically she did The Dying Swan, but I certainly have trouble picturing it happening.
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frederickkittens · 9 days
#I wasn’t going to post abt this again but it rlly bothered me#I rlly dislike how normalized condescension and downright hostility in the lolita community is#all I did was send a silly little tier list that I put my own time and effort into making#but instead of just…. doing the ranking multiple people decided to be blatantly rude to me because of the title?#like 1. it doesn’t even matter 2. it’s just the fucking title#they also seemed to blatantly misinterpreted what the title was#it said ERA at the end because it was a tier list of the era that AP made things in that particular style#the title wasn’t ‘aps Swassic releases’#I just didn’t know what else to title it yet somehow that was enough to be rude to my fucking face and even comment further to basically#make fun of me#genuinely it’s tiring and ridiculous#sorry that I didn’t title it#the era that angelic pretty made some Swassic#some gothic#some creepy cute#and some sweet releases#like jfc this community’s issue with nitpicking and condescension is why people no longer want to try and do fun things#everyone always asks why blogs and YouTube channels and lolita media in general is dying and it’s because#trying to do anything even for fun in this community is met with these kinds of responses#over a TITLE#that literally doesn’t fucking matter#like I try very hard to avoid ranting because I don’t like conflict but what the fuck#it’s very disheartening#I mean maybe they didn’t realize I made it and they were pretty much making fun of me to my face but even the#why be ok with making fun of smthn ANYONE did just for fun
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hajihiko · 1 month
For the ask thingy!
24: what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
mmmmm unironically. Making the friends I have lol I'm sappy
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aliengoose · 1 year
as lots of people are saying I reckon this episode was supposed to give us an idea of how the show is “supposed” to run, and that’s partly why it was so silly and goofy. the eerier bits were all about things that aren’t “supposed” to happen.
in terms of plot it seems ranboo has been kidnapped by showfall and is being mind-controlled by us as sort of “players”. he comments once or twice about not knowing why he’s doing something or not being in full control, and occasionally appears to become more lucid (a few people have pointed out that the mask flashes at these points). basically ranboo is being used as a videogame character to entertain the masses by showfall media.
i cannot figure sneeg out, he’s clearly not being mind controlled seeing he “cheats” with the scissors and also doesn’t have any mask to suggest he’s under control, plus we don’t get to control him at all. I’m thinking perhaps he was an earlier main character test that made showfall realise they need more control over them.
Somethings up with charlie and idk what. if showfall is going “hey lets get these internet personalities to be our unwilling characters in this game” it would make sense for why he’s got the slime motifs and all that. BUT how can they be sure he’s doing what they want him to? perhaps he is affected by slime the same way sneeg was? maybe showfall figured out a way to use slime to control him? much to think about.
there’s also the possibility that it’s just not that deep but i do think it’s supposed to give the impression that the entire thing is happening in our world and isn’t scripted or anything. that’s why i love the choice to act it all out live, it doesn’t just allow for more interaction, it is literally a live broadcast of an game featuring fun “characters”. I really hope there’s some deeper meaning in that, about the treatment of people as entertainment without thought for their own health and wellbeing, and the way entertainers often have to play a caricature of themselves to appease their audience.
i know a lot of people have been talking about a face reveal in genloss and given the mask is linked to controlling ranboo and they literally cannot take it off right now i see it going one of 3 ways;
1. he takes the mask off and we get a face reveal (doubt)
2. he takes the mask off BUT they’re wearing another mask underneath. seems like something they’d do
3. he doesn’t get the mask off. we lost. ranboo is stuck under the control of showfall media with only short periods of lucidity. ranboo said at one point that we should be left with a feeling of dread. maybe there’s no escape. what’s more terrifying than doing everything right and still being doomed?
ok that’s all i can think of for now sorry it’s a long post but idk how to add a read more on mobile ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. i’ll edit this if i think of anything else i guess?
edit: this is blowing up i have genloss art in my pinned and plans to make more 👀
edit 2: @pinkpuffballdude ‘s tags reminded me!!! i had completely forgotten to talk about sneeg being awake and staring with dead eyes through the whole sleep part. THAT was creepy. It made me think of NPCs to be honest, the way he wasn’t able to do anything but being forced to witness everything happening, not being able to sleep without a bed. I don’t know how to explain it right now and i’ll come back here if i figure it out. BUT he also talks about refusing to do the cooking show which is the main thing that got me thinking he was a past mc who’s been locked away. also aligns with his “the taken” name in The Game.
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