#just feelings
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tim-lucy · 11 months ago
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2 times tim kissed lucy’s head to say “i’m here” + 1 time he did it to say “goodbye”
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floofballsammy · 4 months ago
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Okay, ow.
I don't think I actually talked about the videos besides the coffin. And there is a lot to say about personal experience and relation to what it means to me individually, or what was actually supposed to be meant here.
But simply, it just hurts. The anniversary truly snuck up on almost everyone. Everything seems so far away until it's actually here. But time doesn't wait for you to be ready. You either are or aren't. And you have to deal with that.
Memento Mori, Unus Annus.
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kazorashi · 3 months ago
Reno x Kafka Drabble
It was admiration at first.
Or that's what he tells himself. Reno thinks he might have loved Kafka the moment the older man offered his energy drink to him on his first day of the job. The little thump in his heart might been overshadowed by Kafka putting ear plugs up his nose, but Reno thinks that might have been it.
"Sir..." he whispers softly as he runs a hand down the older man's face. He's fast asleep. The 2nd half of their examination was in a couple of days and Kafka had gotten drunk tonight because of it. Too many failures from years before plaguing his mind.
Reno hopes that his presence tonight had comforted Kafka in some way.
"You'll pass, I know you can." he encourages in the night and Kafka groans, turning in his sleep. The teen is quick to take his hand away and waits with baited breath, waiting for Kafka to quiet down. With his heart thumping loud in his ears, Reno exhales once it seems like Kafka has settled down.
He's afraid of his new found feelings that seemed to have burst within him. Much too soon and much too strong, Reno wants both his feelings to disappear and grow even more fierce. Because Kafka, as amazing as he is, believes deep down that he still can't do it.
Reno knows that he can.
He wants to protect Kafka's dreams and help him move forward. He wants to be the strength to help his friend keep going. To pursue their ambitions together. Because there's no one kinder, more braver, more deserving of it.
"That's why you can do it. That why you'll pass." And as quietly and slowly as he can, Reno risks the dangers of his heart and holds Kafka's hand. The touch of Kafka's rough and aged skin makes him tremble with both delight and fear. "Because you're not alone. You have me." The words come out weak and strained. "Sir..."
I love you.
Taking his hand away, Reno curls up next to his friend's side and falls asleep just as he is. And when he wakes up, he finds the blanket Kafka used is covering the both of them.
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suga-agust-d · 5 months ago
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(Я знаю..) No reposting, please!
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bluelittlewriter · 11 months ago
I poured out my heart to you, but I don't think you ever understood how much you meant to me.
I don't think I ever meant that much to you. In the end, you chose yourself, your pride, over everything else.
I don't miss you. I miss the happy memories I shared with you. I miss the feeling of having someone of being in love, of being loved.
I don't blame you for the choice you made. I don't regret the memories we share. But I'm not going back. I'm going forward. And although I wish you the best, I hope our paths never cross.
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what-is-nvld · 2 years ago
Anyone who is neurodivergent just not feel like your best is good enough. People are always like, try your best and it'll be enough, but it never seems to be enough. It never fucking seems to be enough. And I'm trying so hard to feel like enough but wow is it not easy. I wake up everyday and do my best just to get told that I just need to try harder. I'm trying to feel like enough but it's hard when my best is the equivalent to others first step sometimes.
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catalise-comenta · 1 year ago
Oh yeah the cocaine block is fire
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karedaki-memento-mori · 1 year ago
i told nature about you
i talked to her about you every single day
she is very special to me
i told her about how your laugh makes me smile
about how for you my feelings i would compile
about how i would change my style
i told her to walk you to me down the aisle
but your feelings were mild
cause you live away more than a mile
you liked me for a little while
i find things that remind me of you
i romanticised everything because of you
maybe that was too soon
cause now i hear a tune
it's from this cartoon
i used to watch every june
my dear racoon
should i go to the saloon
the sky is full of you, red moon
i told nature about how feelings change
they can change in a big range
and you feel a bit strange
but it's common for actions to be misarranged
the sun saw me crying for you
the dirt tried to be gentle for a minute or two
i heared someone playing the kazoo
i saw a flower, it grew
the sky wasn't that blue
the air picked up something and it flew
nature never puts me on the queue
i just wish that i knew
she listened to me trying to hate you
but I don't want to fight you
all i ever did was be beside you
i hoped that id find you
i miss ignorance
now this is my deliverance
i sat with nature all noon
new phase of the moon
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choicesaddict5 · 2 years ago
Just a word vomit. Please ignore it.
Is it selfish of me to say that I miss the old fandom days. It is really sad that a fandom that used to be full of life feels...void? I still remember those days where there were like 6 to 7 fics or more being released ecah day and fics with like 200 to 300 notes. They were the glory days and I am kinda sad that I miss them.
I know practically speaking it is not possible for a fandom to stay alive forever but, am I selfish to want this fandom to live forever? I don't know many people and I have always been a silent reader but this fandom was my escape place it gave me something to put my mind on when I felt overwhelmed with things in my life. I am forever grateful for all of you guys who decided to stick around and are keeping this fandom alive. I know people's priorities change over time and they have their own things to deal with and I will never ever ever hold it against them instead I am incredibly grateful for each and everyone of you because your writings helped me a lot. Thank you.
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glitchyycatt · 10 months ago
need a hug but not like a soft hug like a fucked up blood soaked hug yk
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noraqrosa · 1 year ago
i love my friends, y'all are all cool, kind folx for whom i hold a deep affection and care. you all are genuinely the reason i persist still, and i don't want to imagine a life without y'all.
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mha-vilain-au · 1 year ago
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I love you so much pals 🥺 You're always the highlight of my day.
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mostghst · 1 year ago
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eminentzayn · 4 months ago
knowing what i know now, i would've told all of them to turn around. its not worth it. live your life, go to school, become something else. its not worth it.
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bluelittlewriter · 11 months ago
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
More than you'll ever know.
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