#judge your bones
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judgingskeletons · 2 years ago
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Will you please judge the bones on my cookie plate? 🤣
Oh Wow! Look at these fellows! They've got holes in their hand bones! Their feet bones are baffling! Their skulls remind me of Shrek's babies' heads! All their long bones are the generic cartoon bone shape (my beloved)! Extra elbow bones! Too few ribs! The vaguest mandible you could create! Their pelvises make me think of upside down hats! What absolutely delightful and baffling fellows! 1/10 <3
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maculategiraffe · 2 months ago
what if it was like in that black mirror episode where you all rate each other all the time and people with less than a 3 star rating are scary hobos EXCEPT instead of a rating system it was a self reported mood indicator or brief status update. something like "aced the GREs!! 🤸" or "just heard my dad is in the hospital 😟" that just flashed up quickly whenever you focused your attention on a person? and you could engage with it or not, just like you can currently engage with a mood that a person chooses to indicate with facial expressions and body language and voice tone, but it would inform our interactions with each other?
I think that could be cool. like how you used to be able to indicate to strangers on the street that you were really sad and they should cut you a break by wearing mourning, except more easily updated and personalized and not just for the very specific emotion of recent bereavement. and if you didn't participate then that would also be fine, it would just mean you didn't want anybody to treat you differently because of what was going on with you. and people would be like "is she okay?" and other people would be like "who knows. I've literally never seen her with a status update active." that kind of thing. I think it would be fun
you could also use it in traffic. like if someone aggressively overtakes you and then you end up sitting next to them at the next red light you could change your status update to "Funny how we all end up in the same place in the end :)" and all your friends would be commenting like "jennifer what the fuck are you talking about" except your platonic soulmate who would be like "jennifer stop bullying the road warriors"
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judgingskeletons · 2 years ago
OOOO I have seen this one!! I LOVE Skin and Bone <3 Thank you for bringing them back to my attention. What a perfect pair <3<3 100000/10
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My two beautiful sons, Skin and Bone
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orang3cat75 · 4 months ago
The only thing keeping me from using Q-tips in my ears is thinking of the horrified look of astonishment from Dr. Mccoy "By god, man! It says not to on the same box!!" and the questioning and judgmental silence from Mr. Spock "...Curious."
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bones4thecats · 7 months ago
"I'm totally mature!"
~ Says the older than 8-year-old watching the My Little Pony movie and series all over again for no reason
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teenagefeeling · 3 months ago
i really wish people could show concern for anorexic women without feeling the need to call them ugly
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judgingskeletons · 2 years ago
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for your judging pleasure! From the 'Tombeau de Phelypeaux de La Vrillière'
Ooooo these fellows seem really familiar to me! The carpals are too regularly shaped and the top fellow has too few. Because of the thickness of the forearm bones they've lost some of the shape, also the end of the humerus doesn't look right, but it's not a position I can picture well enough to know what's wrong for sure. Think I can spot some foramina on the skulls, nice 5/10
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asteracaea · 11 months ago
i finally had the time (and mental capacity) to sit down and close listen to the anthology tracks and holy shit, these songs are phenomenal. i am just blown away. this whole album is astonishing and i am so grateful.
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judgingskeletons · 2 years ago
I think all skeletons deserve armour, and this fellow has some that's very cool! Decent skull shape though there is some very dramatic shading going on, and if the dark bits between the eyes and mouth either side of the nose are meant to be foramina then they're way too big! The vertebrae I can see look kinda flat and wide 7/10 I think all pharmacies should have this as halloween decoration.
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Okay I do not give a shit about this article at all but where did they get this picture of the skeleton wearing prescription pill armor
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Like this is the coolest fucking thing I have seen in a while who made this
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imagineagreatadventure · 4 months ago
when i think of corporate greed i remember how the worker comp attorney for the insurance company told my mom's workers comp lawyer (bc they have known each other for years) that they were essentially waiting for her to die and that's why they didnt' pay her for months the amount she was owed
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judgingskeletons · 2 years ago
Look at this fellow!! I am not a teeth guy but even I can tell something's off there! The scapulae are sitting infront of the ribs at the back! What I'm assuming are the clavicles seem to connect to the cervical spine! Looks like there's only the top of the sternum! Not nearly enough ribs! Hands look fleshy! I don't know what it is about the skull but it's something! 2/10 Love the style, love the vibe <3
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Alejando Dumas: La Dama de las Camelias (1848)
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deanpinterester · 1 year ago
rewatching the scorch trials for reasons and it's actually appalling how this movie had a budget of $61 million and looked and sounded amazing while allegiant, also a YA dystopian movie with a similar plot of the characters travelling through a lifeless desert wasteland, looked like absolute ass with a budget of $110 million
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years ago
How long does a show have to be bad before y'all stop saying we "just need to give it time" and accept that it sucks? Serious question
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rotzaprachim · 2 years ago
I’m trying to figure out the lil puzzle of why my homestay lady feels like one of the only truly unfriendly people I’ve met in PR
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sigery · 19 days ago
Outside of the family, one of SCP Bone's favorite people is SCP 049
Bone likes dead things. I mean of course he likes live things too but he likes corpses, watching the process of decay and beings returning to the earth. He likes the circle of life but in a less kid friendly version, he likes the more gritty details.
He wants to see what's going on in the body and how things work (and maybe taste it because different textures) but because he is relatively young, most people don't let him see. 049 is morally gray enough to let Bone see. And whatever creature Chaos is (and therefore Bone is) isn't affected by the Pestilence as they are foreign creatures far removed from earth's species. 049 doesn't get many people interested in his studies, yeah Bone doesn't care about the cure part but 049 will take what he can get. An additional interested pov can be helpful. Plus with Bone interested, Chaos is more willing to intimidate staff to give 049 stuff. (any live human subjects have to be condemned approved by Chaos)
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judgingskeletons · 2 years ago
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Spotted in Christiania. How long's this fellow been waiting!?!
Somehow the red makes it harder to tell details but generally this fellow looks pretty good. Got extra bones connecting the front and back of the ribcage (at least at the top, the sign blocks the view lower down), presumably for added structure, holding a sign that long can be hell on the bones! Because of the similarly coloured background I can't tell what's going on with their left elbow but it looks like it's maybe coming apart 8/10
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