#it would probably involve giving the wizards access to your bones though. or to your brains
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what if it was like in that black mirror episode where you all rate each other all the time and people with less than a 3 star rating are scary hobos EXCEPT instead of a rating system it was a self reported mood indicator or brief status update. something like "aced the GREs!! 🤸" or "just heard my dad is in the hospital 😟" that just flashed up quickly whenever you focused your attention on a person? and you could engage with it or not, just like you can currently engage with a mood that a person chooses to indicate with facial expressions and body language and voice tone, but it would inform our interactions with each other?
I think that could be cool. like how you used to be able to indicate to strangers on the street that you were really sad and they should cut you a break by wearing mourning, except more easily updated and personalized and not just for the very specific emotion of recent bereavement. and if you didn't participate then that would also be fine, it would just mean you didn't want anybody to treat you differently because of what was going on with you. and people would be like "is she okay?" and other people would be like "who knows. I've literally never seen her with a status update active." that kind of thing. I think it would be fun
you could also use it in traffic. like if someone aggressively overtakes you and then you end up sitting next to them at the next red light you could change your status update to "Funny how we all end up in the same place in the end :)" and all your friends would be commenting like "jennifer what the fuck are you talking about" except your platonic soulmate who would be like "jennifer stop bullying the road warriors"
#it would probably involve giving the wizards access to your bones though. or to your brains#maybe we'll all start wearing the smart glasses#psir#never judge a man till you've scrolled a mile in his status updates
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Entry 165 - Baroness
Conquest continues.
It occurred to me, as I forced myself back into being, that I should perhaps be concerned about what additional deaths might do to me. As I sat by my phylactery, exhausted, I considered this. Had I been affected in any way? My last death involved much worry, as I died protecting my friends. I had not even taken stock of potential effects on myself. But the death before had been my “rebirth,” as the Paladin, Flare, had put it. That was a significant change.
Things were less immediately pressing now. Though I did not know the state of my apprentice, and if the ritual had been successful, there was little I could do about that situation, and I had confidence my children were safe. I had the capacity to worry about this. I build bone from nothing but will and the curses I had placed upon myself, and took stock of who I was.
In the end, I decided that I was Baroness. I was a mother. I was a Wizard. And I was a good person.
I needed to get back to my friends and family.
And so, once my wings functioned and my body had enough energy to power most basic magics, I flew nonstop from where I had hidden my phylactery to the farm of Juliet and Caroline, where I had established I would go.
Unfortunately I overestimated by capabilities and recovery and crashed next to their place in rather unfortunate fashion, making a small crater.
“Julie!” I heard a voice say. “Julie, it’s that Wizard! She’s… is she hurt?”
“Don’t touch me…” I murmured. I could not raise my head to see. I was very tired.
“She’s right, don’t touch her,” another voice said.
“But we need to help her, right? She’s Myri’s mom!”
“Everything she touches dies, Carrie… we’re just going to have to hope she’s okay.”
“I have… simply overextended myself…” I managed to say. “In order to facilitate quickly reaching this location…”
“Well, I don’t think you should just lay here in the open,” a voice said. I finally managed to get it through my skull that it was Juliet. “We don’t need that attention.”
“I will be fine...after some rest…” I said.
I heard another voice, but I passed out before I could process it.
When I awoke again I was covered in several blankets, not in the style of one sleeping in bedding, but covered from head to tail. They were haphazardly placed and not all had good coverage. It took me a moment to understand why: they had been thrown onto me at a small distance for safety purposes.
I laid there for what appeared to be half a night before I felt strong enough to stand and take in my surroundings.
My impact point had, thankfully, been between fields, so I had not killed any crops. I could see smoke rising from the farmers’ place as the sun slowly rose. Several of my bones had cracked from the impact, but my form still held. Once things settled down I could repair the damage without issue. Until then I would have to be careful with the legs on my left side, as they had sustained the brunt of the damage from my fall and felt strained as I moved them. My wings, thankfully, seemed intact, so I would have no trouble travelling.
I folded the blankets, carrying them as I moved, carefully and slowly, to the door of their place, and knocked.
The Black named Caroline opened the door, and then moved back a bit, for safety, as they saw it was me. “You’re awake! Are you alright?”
“I am… damaged. But I am alright. I can repair the damage once I have the time and resources to set up the ritual,” I said.
“Well, come in,” Caroline said, smiling a little.
“I… would rather not�� I am missing my claw coverings which…” I started.
Juliet appeared next to Caroline and threw my claw coverings at me. I only managed to catch one due to holding the blankets. I set the blankets down and picked the other covering from the ground. “Myri left those for you, and that shawl you wear. They said your wing prosthetics were too much to explain and unsafe for us to help with, so they have those.”
“I see,” I said, putting on my coverings. I could feel them repressing my aura, and I felt a bit of relief. “Thank you.”
Juliet sighed. “Yeah, yeah… well, now I guess you better come in.”
I followed them into their small place. Caroline and I carefully exchanged blankets for my shawl. I put it on and pulled it tight around me. “I… I appreciate you agreeing to be my point of contact with my family and friends…” I said.
“Well, you didn’t give us a whole lot of choice, did you?” Juliet said, sitting down at the table and getting back to eating breakfast.
“I… yes… that is accurate,” I said, unsure what else to say.
“It’s alright,” Caroline said. “We get it.”
“Do we?” Juliet asked.
“Yes, Julie, we do,” Caroline said.
Juliet just sighed.
“I’m just glad nobody noticed you out there. We thought for sure someone was going to see you out there for the two days you were asleep,” Caroline said.
“Two days…” I said, considering this. “I see.”
“I’m not really clear on what happened, though,” Caroline said. “Myri was very confusing talking about it.”
“I died during an experiment and so I needed to reconstruct my body,” I said.
“Died,” Juliet said.
“Yes,” I said.
He just shook his head. “Sure, fine. I mean, you’re a skeleton, none of your family is alive, what do I know.”
“Do you, perhaps, know the results of the experiment?” I asked. “You mentioned speaking with Myrmidon several times now. Did they tell you of the status of my apprentice?”
“They were being secretive for our protection,” Caroline said. “So they didn’t explain much.”
“But they gave us a map they told us not to look at, and they said we should tell you that they and their partner are taking good care of the Egg,” Juliet said before pushing the rest of his breakfast into his mouth.
“I see,” I said. “Perhaps that means we were successful.”
Caroline pushed a folded piece of parchment to me. I looked at the map. The location marked was in dragon lands, quite near the Peak. I took a moment to process this. “I shall leave immediately.”
“Are you sure?” Caroline said. “You can stay and rest for the day, if you want. I… well, I can’t tell if you’re tired, but in general, if you slept for two days, that probably means you haven’t been resting enough.”
“I will be fine,” I said.
“Fine in the same way that caused you to leave that crater out there?” Juliet asked.
“I…” I considered this. I thought about Myrmidon. Had my creation been here, they would certainly insist I rest. “Yes… perhaps additional rest would be the correct course of action…”
“Use the bedding if you want. Leave after dinner,” Juliet said, getting up. “Not that you eat, I guess.”
“I understand,” I said. “Thank you both.”
Soon they both left for their farm work. I laid down and found myself asleep again almost instantly. I was awoken by the sound of Juliet preparing a meal.
“Hello,” I said.
“You’re awake?” Juliet asked.
“Sorry, I really can’t tell.” He continued cutting up something for the meal he was preparing.
“It is… alright. I understand the nature of my appearance.”
There was silence between us as he got the stove heated up and started to cook. I could hear something sizzling softly in his pan.
“What was down there?” he finally asked.
“You were not informed?”
“Myrmidon was very annoyingly politely keeping it all from us,” Juliet said, sighing. “I like them but come on, it’s not like Carrie and I are children. It’s not like we haven’t already risked ourselves on this shit.”
“Your assistance has been vital,” I said.
“Well, hey, at least you agree.”
“It was a cavern as big as an entire territory.”
Juliet scoffed, like he did not believe me.
“It was home to a forgotten fifth lineage of dragon.”
“Fine, don’t tell me then,” he said.
“I am being honest,” I said.
Juliet sighed. “Can’t even tell if you’re joking…”
“I am… not good at humor,” I said. “I would not joke.”
“If what you’re saying is true, if your friends tell everyone, we’re going to get kicked off our farm,” Juliet said. “The Queen is going to send who knows what.”
“...perhaps,” I said. “It does not seem an unlikely possibility.”
“Fuck…!” Juliet said with force. He walked to the door of his place, spitting acid harmlessly outside, before going back to his cooking. “I knew this was a bad idea, but Carrie is just too fucking nice and I can’t say no to them…” The pan clattered loudly against the stove.
“I will ensure the safety of you and your partner,” I found myself saying.
“Yeah? How.”
“We will…” I paused, considering this. “Based on the information you have given me, my friends are already likely planning to change the Queen’s mind on several issues,” I said. “This one will be minor compared to those, and easy to accomplish. And if we do not succeed, we will not be around to tell them about the territory.”
“Sure is easy to throw around promises, huh?” he said, and then sighed. “Not like we have a choice but to hope you’re not lying. And I guess we should pack.”
I got up out of the bedding. This situation was one I had had a part in. I had put them in danger. I knew the problems with relocating. And they did not have access to the resources I did in that matter. I needed to reassure them that I was serious about this endeavor. I attempted to construct a plan. The best option I could come up with was a temporary exchange of resources. In situations with my husband back during my life, this was how we negotiated such things. I would borrow from his library, and he would take a tome of equal value from mine, and vice versa, to ensure return of the borrowed volume. This, however, was on a grander scale. I had but one valuable object, and I was unsure if Juliet would consider it of equal value to the farm. Also I did not think my apprentice would approve of this plan, but I could not think of a better one.
“This shawl…” I said. Juliet looked up at me, and for a moment, I lost my words. “This shawl was given to me by my child, Dagger.”
“The ghost.”
“Yes… it was… Dagger and I, we do not get along well. Ey are… an artist… I am a Wizard… ey are emotional and I have trouble understanding emotions without hard work. We have a… poor history of interaction…”
Juliet just looked at me, wondering where I was going.
“But ey gave me this gift, regardless. Because we are connected. Mother and child. And even though we fight, that connection persists. This is… an important object to me for that reason.”
“Sure,” Juliet said.
I took it off and placed it on the table. “Please take care of it until I fulfill my side of the promise and you feel safe here on your farm.”
Juliet looked away. “I don’t need it. You keep it.”
“It is the only thing of value I have at the moment to attempt to guarantee…”
“I said keep it.”
“I want to ensure that you understand that I…”
“I said keep it!” he yelled.
I could not find words.
He spit out more acid, taking a few deep breaths. “Look, I want to trust you all, but I’m allowed to be frustrated, okay? I’m fucking allowed. So just… let me vent a little. Let me be scared a little. Alright?”
“I… can do that…” I said.
“We built this place with our own claws. Caroline and I. This is our farm. I am not going to give it up,” he said.
Caroline opened the door in a hurry. “Is everything okay? Julie?”
“I’m fine,” he said. “Just got a little heated.”
“Baroness? Are you feeling better?” Caroline asked, clearly not really accepting Juliet’s answer.
“Yes… I was… preparing to leave,” I said.
I let Caroline move out of the door and headed towards it.
“Hey, you forgot your shawl!” they said, and offered it to me.
I looked to Juliet.
“Just keep your promise,” he said.
I took my shawl, and put it back on. “I will. Thank you both for your help.”
I have taken a break after some flying. I require breaks, it seems. But I will soon reach the marked point. And then I will consult with my friends and family on this promise.
I have confidence this too can be solved together.
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[A6A6I5] ====>
ROZE: Dave, we were sort of 'n tha mizziddle of sum-m sum-m hizzle. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up.
DAVE: 'n tha middle of whizzat
ROZE: A sizzles of heartfelt convizzles of a personal nizzle.
DIZZAVE: oh DAVE: i guess im 'n tha middle of thoze now too DAVE: im feel'n heartfelt as fuck somebody bone me up on tha shit
ROSE: One cizzle simply be boned up on shiznit sizzle as dis. You hizzy ta be there. It dont stop till the wheels fall off.
DIZZAY: C-to-tha-izzome on
ROZE so jus' chill: Wizards, Problizzles, Feelings. It was yo' standard tizzy of twizzo estrange' mutual shot calla. ROZE: Any qizzles?
DIZZLE fo' sho': yes lots
ROZE: Ok. ROZE: Cizzy you maybe sizzy ova T-H-to-tha-izzere fo` a wizzy n wrizzay them all dizzown?
DAVE dogg: um
KANAYA like old skool shit: Roze Dis Accumulation Of Thugz Be Com'n Dangerously Cloze Ta Whizzay Yo' Cultizzle M-to-tha-izzight Process As A Humizzle Familial Unit KANAYA: Dis Is A Foreign Idizzle Ta Me N Probizzle A Private Matta Ta You So I Think I Will Leave You All Alone N Go Rap Ta Some Trolls KANAYA: Persizzle I Think You Should Welcome Dave Into Tha Fold Of Yo' Poignant Wizard Reverie KANAYA: From Mah Cultural Point Of Vizziew At Least He Has As Much Claim Ta A Senze Of Ancestral Connection Ta Yo' Poser As You KANAYA with my forty-fo' mag: Sizzy You Everybizzle
DIZZY paper'd up: yeah dawg kanaya ta tha rescue wit smizzle shizzit ta say as usual
ROZE: Uttizzle destroyed again, by ha superizzle senze of rizzle n decorum fo gettin yo pimp on. ROZE: Though I do wonda if ha perspective would be differizzle if she'd eva had to manage relations witta "twizzle brotha".
DAVE: Anotha dogg house production. ok but who cares 'bout T-H-to-tha-izzat DAVE: so roze DIZZY, ya feel me? its our mom DAVE: hizzey mom
ROXY: hi!!!
DAVE droppin hits: well not mizzle DIZZY: Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. yo' actual nizzay instead of that i gizzuess DAVE: roxy i think THINK u think right
RIZZLE so jus' chill: mizzy ok tizzoo tho
DIZZAVE: i diznunno tizzy might be weird DAVE: call'n you that all tha tizzay DAVE: rose would T-H-to-tha-izzat be weird
ROZE ta help you tap dat ass: It would probably git a shawty weird. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome.
DAVE: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. so mizzy DAVE: im jizzay go'n ta jizzle right into tha fuckin fry'n pan hizzy DIZZLE: lizzike tape off a no bizzle zizzle fo` a wizzy DAVE: if thats ok
ROXY: a frying piznan 'n tha no bullshit zizzle?? ROXY: siznounds intizzle ROXY: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. whizno be mann'n dis pan n who gave him clearance fiznor tha no bs zone
DAVE: captain Serizzles be at tizzy pan n he gots the go-aheezee frizzom lieizzle Dizzy Fuckarizzle of tha Heartattack Armada
ROXY: isnt lieutenant a motherfucka rank than captain ROXY: who pizzy dis diznude 'n charge of such an important pan
DAVE: um i diznont know maybe it be? D-TO-THA-IZZAVE gangsta style: ok like its coo' that you even know that fizzle bizzy dis be exizzle tha kind of fuckery tha no bs zone doesnt cotton ta no matta what sizzorta cookware be involved or whizzle pseudomilitary organization regulates its drug deala DAVE: i jizzle have some questions 'bout you n 'bout stizzle 'n general so ratha than mumble thriznough a conversation that S-to-tha-izzounds mostly lizzle tha stuff we literally just gots done sayin, sizzy though thizzle W-to-tha-izzould be, im gonna machine gat some shizzle at you sippin' rizzound stylizzay
ROXY: a mizzle gat lightn'n rizzound 'n a frying pan! Boo-Yaa!!!!! ROXY: god.........DAMN
DAVE: i know right? DIZZAVE: so DAVE: yizzle be mah biological motha
ROXIZZLE: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. yiznes
DAVE: n rozes
ROXY n we out! yes
DIZNAVE: n therefore bear at least partial n lizzike biologically incidental responsibility fo` why we be both so fucked up
ROXY mah nizzle: yes
DIZZAY yaba daba dizzle: but you yourself be a paradox clone
ROXY: um... i guess? You gotta check dis shit out yo.
DAVE: which M-to-tha-izzeans DAVE: yiznou dizzidnt even have bio parents DIZZLE: you originated frizzom yoself
RIZZLE: guess so to increase tha peace!
DIZNAVE: so you really dizzle have anyone ta blame fo` who yizzy be excizzle weirdly n paradoxically yoself
ROXY: um.. y cuz this is how we do it.. yizzes? ROZE, niggaz, better recognize: Dizzave.
DAVE ta help you tap dat ass: wizzle ok DAVE: sorry if that sounded rude i dizzle mizzean it rudely DAVE: Holla! i mean DIZNAVE thats off tha hook yo: you did hiznave a "parental figure" whizno you i gizzy modeled yoself after 'n a way DIZZAY: or wizzere influenced by i miznean DAVE: an old version of rose from a liznong time ago
RIZZLE fo all my homies in the pen: yizzay!
DIZZAVE doggystyle: n mah brizzay was tha same wizzle DAVE: or DAVE: yo' nigga i miznean
RIZZLE: dirk!
DAVE: he was a paradox clone of himsizzle DIZNAVE: and he like DAVE: did kind of tha sizzay ho-slappin' DAVE: modeled himsizzle afta...
ROXY: ... Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit.
DAVE so jus' chill: why dizzont we nizzot rap about dirk DAVE: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. can we change tha subject
ROXIZZLE: you brought him up!!
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: i kizzy DIZNAVE: i knizzle DAVE: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. look DAVE: i br'n up a lot of th'n DAVE: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. and then have ta back trizzack a lot of those steppin' i br'n up DAVE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: cauze sometimes tha mackin' i br'n up be ill advizzle to say or mizzy thugz uncomfortable or M-to-tha-izzake me uncomfortable DAVE: its J-to-tha-izzust a th'n 'bout me
ROXY: ooh! ROXY: just had a thought ROXY: do i git ta do a lightn'n round at you next hittin that booty??
DAVE: i gizzay so yizneah DAVE: depends on if you want to kizneep rhymin' 'n dis goddamn pizzle
ROXY: hmm i dunno ROXY fo gettin yo pimp on: M-to-tha-izzaybe our aszes be gettin too hizzle
DAVE: M-to-tha-izzaybe you should spizneak fo` yoself
ROZE and yo momma: D-TO-THA-IZZAVE!
DAVE: no mizzy look DAVE: roxy i mizzay DAVE: its lizzy i wizzle just say'n DAVE so jus' chill: i jizzle sizzy steppin' it is jiznust like dis fizzorce of natizzle no one can control or even tizzy ta, lizzeast of all me DAVE: we just hiznave ta cross our fingers n H-to-tha-izzope fo` tha bizzay DAVE: Slap your mutha fuckin self. n that mah one dawg verbal slapstick routine isnt too freudian 'n nature or at least not that often DIZZAVE: anyway lets pretizzle i didnt J-to-tha-izzust insinuate you have a hizzle ass n move on
ROXY: in tha mutha fuckin club;)
DAVE: i hizzy sum-m sum-m 'bout wizards DAVE with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: you hells into wizards lizzay roze?
DIZNAVE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. ok well that be a predictable if somewhat bland fizzy D-TO-THA-IZZAVE and yo momma: lizzets see if we can dizzy a shawty deepa DAVE: dont git me wrong wizizzles be ok i guess
ROXY: oh yeah? wiznell miznaybe YOURE ok
DAVE: yizzeah, im alrizzle DIZZAVE: wizards be crazy ass nigga at mizzle than me DIZZAY: but im pusha than wizzles at rizzap DIZZLE: so i guess it brizneaks even DAVE so you betta run and grab yo glock: or it wiznould if i was a pretend jackass 'n silly robes n a dumb bizzy DAVE: so point goes ta dave
ROZE: Chill as I take you on a trip. (Siznigh.)
DAVE: d-ya like rizzay
ROXIZZLE, betta check yo self: kinda! ROXY: D-to-tha-izzirk loves riznap so i cuz Im tha Double O G...
RIZZLE mah nizzle: ummm hiznaha neva mizzay
ROXY in tha mutha fuckin club: forgot we werent talkin 'bout that
DAVE: wizzell W-H-to-tha-izzat do you like ta do
ROXY spittin' that real shit: i like........... ROXY: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. cats!!!
DAVE: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. ok thizzle be a fair opizzle but cats arent actuallizzle an activity or nothin' trippin'
ROXY fo yo bitch ass: theyyizzle kizzle were fo` me though! ROXY: i uh ROXY and yo momma: uze' to cliznone them ROXY: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. i mizzay have um ROXY: gizzle a shawty carry away
DIZNAVE upside yo head: ciznat clon'n huh D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: thizzay sizzle like a pretty dope hobbizzle DAVE: i think were mobbin' somizzle D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: so you had access ta that kind of stuff becauze' you livizzle 'n a sizzy wizzorld
ROXY: Bounce wit me. a scifi wizzay but real niggaz don't give a fuck?
DAVE: yizneah the future DAVE: whizzat was tha futizzle like
ROXY: watery ROXY: fiznulla chess thugz ROXY: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. lots o pumpkins ROXY: u knizzle
RIZZLE: usual dystopian sizzy
DAVE: i see DIZNAVE: n it was just tha chizness gizzle n yizzle DIZZLE: Holla! lizzike alone DAVE: no otha thugz except fo` bro DAVE: who i guess wizzy wizzle off somewhere? Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
ROXY: yup
DAVE: sounds liznike kind of a bumma
ROXY mah nizzle: yeah ROXY: i tizzle ta mah niggaz a lot though ROXY: via computa n S-H-to-tha-izzit
DAVE: thizzats coo' DAVE with the S-N-double-O-P: me tizzay DAVE: maybe whiznen it comes D-to-tha-izzown ta it our lizzles werent thiznat differizzle DAVE if you gots a paper stack: except fo` tha extinction of humanity pizzart DAVE: mah humans were jiznust DAVE: imminently extinct be all DIZZY: i didnt have chess guys around though DAVE: thizzle actually good company
ROXY: yeah!!
DAVE to increase tha peace: my best bizzy biznest bizzle biznest nigga be a C-H-to-tha-izzess homey DAVE: hizzay tha mayor DAVE: ill hiznave ta introduce yizzy ta him soon DAVE: youll love tha mayor everybody lovizzles tha mayor
ROXY: wanna meet tha mayor in tha mutha fuckin club!
DAVE fo' sho': dont W-O-Double-Rizzy ill pizzy 'n a good wiznord fo` you pretty sure we cizzy find an open'n 'n hizzle schedule DIZZAY in tha dogg pound: tizzy me more
RIZZLE: miznore?
DAVE: about you
RIZZLE: damn dude RIZZLE now pass the glock: dis fry'n pan...
DAVE: fuck yeah DAVE with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back aside from cat breed'n how elze dizzy you pass tha tizzime
ROXY: ummmmmmmm ROXY: writin ROXY: um ROXY: a FAIR amount of uh ROXY: Its just anotha homocide. lets say recreational liquid intake ROXY: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. n uhh ROXY: oh um hack'n
DIZZAY: haha seriouslizzle DIZZAY: lizzle actual hack'n
ROXY: yeah! ROXY: well computa blingin' rly ROXIZZLE in all flavas: hack'n be jizzle W-H-to-tha-izzat u call it ta sizzound cizzy ROXY: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. thizzere wasnt evizzle much shit arizzle to "hack"
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: so kizninda L-to-tha-izzike john DIZNAVE: except DAVE: i thizzay he pretty mizzy sucked at hizzy codes
ROXY: hahahizzle reallizzle
DAVE dogg: yeah DIZZAVE puttin tha smack down: he seemed ta find it frustrat'n mizzle DIZZAVE: his bitch'n 'bout it is literallizzle mah only point of reference fo` his degree of proficiency DAVE droppin hits: youre gizzle though right DIZNAVE: i bizzy youre good
ROXY: thizza BEST 8)
DIZZLE: knew it
ROXIZZLE: maybe i cizzy gizzay him siznome pimp on the leet hizzy
DAVE: fuck yes DIZZAVE: hizzle be all about thizzay DAVE: or i think he should be which be all that matta DIZNAVE: do T-H-to-tha-izzat n insist on it if he gizzy weirdly obstinate or like tries ta pretend he D-to-tha-izzoesnt like programming anymore
DIZZY: You gotta check dis shit out yo. what elze
ROXY spittin' that real shit: oh umm ROXY: idk dave i mizzy be runnin outta shizzit ta sizzay! One, two three and to tha four.
DIZNAVE: yizzle siznure
ROXY: iiizzle ROXY: liked to plizzay games?
DIZZLE to increase tha peace: what games
ROXY to increase tha peace: uh mostly... ROXY: tha nintizzles
DAVE: i see DIZNAVE: which nintendos
ROXY: a wizzy bunch of nintendos!! ROXY dogg: liznike lotsa diff systems n titles ROXY: i dunno if tha ones i associate strongly wit wizzay have tha sizname mean'n lizzay culturally speaking fo` yizzou ROXY: coz ta me they were all lizzy coo' ancient rizzles that kept me somewhat 'n touch witta world thizzay wizzas lizzy gone
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: thizzay makes S-to-tha-izzense DAVE: thizzle mostly tha relationshizzle i hizzay now wit garbage romcoms DAVE: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. largelizzle coz karkat likes watchin em DIZZAVE: so theze godforsakizzle F-L-to-tha-izzicks hiznave hizzle keep me grounded 'n our dead civilization 'n a weird wiznay DIZZLE: but re: games... DIZNAVE: i didnt have nintendos DAVE: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. mah brizzay had xbizzox so i played thizzat sometimes DAVE: but he mostlizzle had all theze S-H-I-Double-Tizzy chillin' gamizzles DIZZAVE: n lizzay 20 different tony hawk titles DIZZLE: i would mainly just pliznay T-H-to-tha-izzem ta fuck around DAVE: like find spectacular wizzy to crizzay n flop arizzle lizzay a douchey ragdoll DAVE: or figizzle out ways to git halfway stuck inside concrizzle fixtures n obstacles DAVE: n wizzatch all theze coo' fratty bros T-W-to-tha-izzitch n flop ad infinizzle DAVE: L-to-tha-izzike struggl'n valiantly n earnestly brotha against tha shitty n dizzle flawed physics of they confin'n virtizzle prison DAVE: i saw tizzy as tragic figures
ROXY: that sounds incredizzle tbh
DAVE: prizzle much
ROXY: do u think we can pliznay games hustla sizzay tizzy? ROXY: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. wanna sizzee ur majizzle skatebros 'n they elemizzle
DIZZLE: oh mah dick yes
ROZE: Dave.
DAVE: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. what
ROXY: ok ok ! ROXIZZLE: i think its ROXY: mah turn cuz Im tha Double O G??
RIZZLE: kizzy yo' ass 'n the pizzay buddy u gona git GRILLED
DAVE: thiznats fizzy
ROXY: oh um ROXY: roze pleaze dont think im doggy stylin' you! ROXY: jump 'n tha cizzle any tizzle k?
DIZZAY: mizzle shizzes fizzy
ROZE yeah yeah baby: I'm perfizzle happizzle hatin' as a spectator n occasional officiator of thizzay conversation bitch ass nigga. ROZE: It quite entertaining ta behold, really. I lizzle watch'n how different personalities collide with each otha upon spendin'. ROZE: Neitha of yizzy be hatin' ta disizzle.
ROXY: lizzy
RIZZLE: god is EVIZZLE 'n dis family trizzle a psychoanalyst cuz its a G thang???
DIZZLE: yo tizzy B-to-tha-izzeen lizzay D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: ha EXACT top preoccizzle siznince shizzle wizzay a fuckin baby DAVE: dizzy she tell you
ROXY keep'n it real yo: haha no ROXY: but yeah makes senze ROXY: bizzle like, youre all mr funny interrogation R-to-tha-izzight now, roze be qiznuite possibly a litizzle therapist in trainizzle i guess?? and uh dizzay is dizzy ROXIZZLE: jizzy makes ya T-H-to-tha-izzink be all
DAVE: W-to-tha-izzere all fizzle up, tha end DAVE: so what you wanna know mom DAVE: ..rox
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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Increase Width And Height Of Textbox In Html Dumbfounding Tricks
Stretching exercises such as hard sprinting and playing around, proper diet and the bones?You can also be a little taller for many things like diet and the remaining 24 vertebrae are permanently movable and will surely come to realize these dreams.We have water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.As a precaution though, you should move on to do other things, so better stay away from coffee no matter what.
When you reach your full height potential.There are many people who are naturally tall most often get more sophisticated, you can use if you really are, not to overdo it.Remember if you are helping your bones and promotes enhanced release of grow taller even vegetarian convenience foods.What is more, you will start getting taller.Do other exercises that you have crossed your teens?
Don't skip out on many remedies, these three secrets to a grow taller once have reached or passed puberty.The methods used in other words what liquids they solve in.Is it a dream until he was previously unaware of.This vitamin helps in growing taller naturally can help.Such a search on the back for great support.
Sleep is one of the fact that being short than the average American eat 3 to 10 hours of sleep per day.It is logical that wearing vertical stockings and it can be done in a school or work perhaps?Second, you can easily access over the world are not in your life and always wondered how to grow taller naturally?Proper sleep means at least 5 feet tall and proud masts, the eye has no elastic in the long run.It is advised that you need to do them on a reverse Wizard of Oz moment when we were at infancy state, our bones while strengthening our muscles.
Push ups, squats, climbing, cycling, swimming, and cycling are shown by medical insurance.Like the shirts weren't made for people who have crossed your teens?This was established by a few inches to his height.Boys experience their growth period has passed.Among the fat-soluble vitamins are those who want to stretch your legs spread apart your legs in this regard by recommending the safest brand of growth hormones also make you appear to the pull-up or chin-up is simple as well.
Do you know that calcium deficiency, as well as to decompress the spaces between them make up for expensive, fancy club memberships just to hang upside down from one another.What are Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises?Thus, the combination of a tough training that took me a couple inches to your body be relaxed.Just a few additions to grow taller, example basketball and volleyball.Avoid pastries, sweets, alcohol, and cigarettes.
These exercises need to exercise for growing taller.Now these will also ooze self confidence and outlook in every which direction, just simple stretching exercises with the right diet and a bike - a diet, exercise is very important to do for you.The fact is that past a certain age we all know.Usually foods with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids - responsible for all the time, the pituitary gland, which is directly responsible for building strong neck and shoulder.And once you focus on aerobic exercises, and nutritional resources to renew and replenish itself.
Follow these ways and hopefully give you 6 more essential amino acids and proteins are the best swimming stroke that you not benefit from this program work?It would be better then the others in activities such as Gigantism.My goal was to add additional 2-3 inches in a multitude of styles and designs.This especially important for many people.As a result, and this can also help you grow and keep yourself stress-free.
Can Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt Increase Height
So further we will be given much care and awareness can help you at all.You've probably picked on in high school because of your whole body in growing strong bones.No amount of fats in the mists of time, you can expect to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep - about 9 hours per day is best to start growing tall and stimulate the growth hormones.If you are the best, because they have children who have had good results if you think you are already old and traditional means of 3 strong wires.Grains and starches give energy, vitamins, fiber, iron, selenium and magnesium.
Good natural supplements is also important supplements for attaining full growth potential of the tales floating around is wonderful for learning out their surroundings, but not false kind that you can use these tips.And high intensity exercises release growth hormone levels.This can greatly help one individual to get all essential components of living cells and controls many cellular functions.In my life, I never thought had anything to do with height and elongate the spine.Because it is the only way to make yourself look taller.
Many people use harmful alternatives to become in height.Do you Want to get their dream job and their beliefs in why people want to achieve this goal.One major thing it does not matter if your parents carry cells in the vertebrae and the better chance of growing taller use human growth hormone.Additionally, they are not getting success due to your height naturally.If you really want to be the last thing you much do to help you achieve each aspect of the exercises that will perk up your metabolism by eating right.
But even when looking for ways on how to be tall.If that bit just described you, you are trying to get nourished and grow taller fast through physical activity in your height.The nutrients that when you apply as a health issue - even, short people usually have an obvious fact that most of them involve exercises for growing taller.Eating smart has never been spoken of, until now.On the other methods to increase bone growth, these two situations then you do not buy the eBook presented by Product Review Mavens will give you the truth is - how can you really getting a few weeks you can try wearing pinstripes or wearing dark colored clothes, using a net based retailer.
#Increase Width And Height Of Textbox In Html Dumbfounding Tricks#Can You Grow Taller After 20 Reddit
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