#journaling with khadijah
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Duke of Edinburgh: An ✨experience✨
literally saw like 4 dead birds and a dead, half-eaten rabbit🤢
nobody wanted to make lunch in the middle of nowhere so we survived each day on sensation packets, coke cans and polos.
"guys...why does the whole tent smell like dog shit"
on the first day we got so lost that when we found where we were it was THREE KILOMETRES OFF OF WHERE WE THOUGHT WE WERE. Ended up walking for 10 hours when it should have been 6.
played smash or pass whenever we saw somebody drive past us
debated whether marrying your first cousin is a good idea🥴
my friend fell in a hole. I am being so serious. apparently we were walking through an abandoned mine shaft and she just fell and her foot got stuck in the hole😭
karaoke in the fields: featuring "Let It Go", "Bootylicious", "Hips Don't Lie" and "Sheila Ki Jawani"
convinced ourselves that our teacher was a djinn since he appeared behind us out of nowhere at one point
saw some of the most genuinely beautiful pieces of scenery, Grassington you are heaven to me💞
the wind was so terrible I nearly fell off of a mountain
had the JUICIEST gossip session eg somebody's relative found out her dad might not be her biological one and instead could be HER UNCLE.
friend chose to go into a river and she fell into it. we all laughed and recorded the dumbass😭
"hey let's unpack the centuries of generational trauma that we as young pakistani women are forced to carry as all our female ancestors did"
totally trespassed on numerous areas of land. apparently we all thought it was okay to just jump over fences if they were locked lol
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"Harusnya aku bisa berani untuk keluar dari awal", begitulah yang dirasakan Khadijah saat telah keluar melihat dunia luar.
Sesampai di asrama ia mulai mengambil buku dan melakukan jurnalnya. Teman dekatnya yang bernama Sufina pun menghampirinya. "Dijah, kemana saja kamu? Aku tadi mencarimu ke seluruh tempat, kamu membuatku khawatir dijah" kata Sufina. Dijah gugup untuk menceritakannya. "Sufi, aku tadi menyelinap keluar, tapi tolong rahasiakan ini, please" kata Dijah dengan nada berbisik. Sufina pun kaget melihat tingkah Khadijah. Dia terperanga dan bagaimana mungkin Dijah bisa keluar dengan penjagaan yang begitu ketat di sekolah asrama ini. Sufi pun penasaran dan menanyakannya kepada Khadijah, "Apa yang kamu lihat di dunia luar?"
Khadijah terdiam sejenak. Ia bingung mulai darimana. "Sudahlah Sufi esok saja ya, aku ingin journaling dan lekas tidur, kamu istirahat saja" kata Khadijah mengalihkan pembicaraan. Sufina yang merasakan penasaran di dalam hatinya pun menjadi harus ditahannya sejenak.
"Trengg....trengg....trengg" Tepat pada pukul 22.00 WIB lonceng asrama berbunyi yang menandakan semua siswa di asrama untuk istirahat. Hanya beberapa siswa yang ditutaskan untuk berjaga malam untuk memastikan siswa lain istirahat di tempatnya. Siswa yang bertugas tersebut antara lain adalah Cheeza, Halima, dan Seruni. Mereka bertiga pun berjaga malam untuk asrama putri dan selama penjagaan ketika melewati gedung B, Seruni merasakan sesuatu yang aneh seperti ada yang mengawasi mereka dari jauh.
Tiba-tiba lampu di teras gedung mati-hidup. "Sepertinya ada yang memainkannya", Kata Halimah si pemberani. Ia pun langsung pergi memeriksanya, namun tiba-tiba ketika mereka ingin mendatangi lampu tersebut untuk mengeceknya, lampu tersebut padam seketika busshh..... "Arghhhhhh", Mereka berteriak sekeras-kerasnya hingga datang seseorang menepuk punggung Seruni dari belakang....
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Ramadhan Journal: 1. Pemilik Doa yang Mustajab
Suatu hari Marwan bin Hakam, kakek dari Umar ibn Abdul Aziz berkata dari atas mimbar,
“Harta negara ini adalah harta kami (Bani Umayyah), terserah kepada kami mau diberikan kepada siapa”
Lalu seorang lelaki radhiallahu ‘anhu berdiri dan mengatakan “kalau begitu aku akan berdoa kepada Allah”, sekedip kemudian Ibn Hakam melompat dari atas mimbar dan memeluk lelaki itu seraya berkata “jangan wahai Abu Ishaq, jangan berdoa. Demi Allah harta ini adalah milik Allah dan akan dibagikan sesuai dengan aturan Allah”
Bagaimana rasanya mengancam seorang penguasa dengan doa?
Laki-laki ini radhiallahu ‘anhu menjalani sisa usianya dengan doa-doa yang selalu terkabul. Beliau radhiallahu ‘anhu adalah satu dari Assabiqunal Awwalun. Tidak lama setelah Khadijah, Abu Bakar, Ali Ibn Abi Thalib dan Zaid Ibn Haritsah radhiallahu ‘anhuma ‘ajmain. Beliau memeluk islam ketika berusia dua belas tahun melalui wasilah dakwah Abu Bakar radhiallahu ‘anhu. Beliau merupakan seorang anak yang penuh bakti dan cinta kasih kepada Ibunya. Ketika beliau memeluk Islam, sang Ibu melakukan protes dengan mogok makan selama beberapa hari berturut-turut. Beliau terus saja membujuk sang Ibu untuk makan, menyiapkan makanan hangat untuknya namun sang Ibu tetap pada pendiriannya. Dalam kondisi payah sang Ibu mengancam bahwa ia tidak akan makan hingga meninggal dan beliau radhiallahu ‘anhu akan dicela sebab durhaka kepada ibunya. Lalu Allah menuntun lisan beliau untuk menjawab demikian
“Wahai ibunda janganlah engkau melakukan demikian, karena aku tidak akan meninggalkan agamaku ini karena apapun”. Maka ibuku pun sehari dan semalam diam tidak makan, sehingga tatkala keesokan paginya ia dalam kondisi sangat payah. Lalu ia tetap bertahan hingga hari berikutnya tidak makan. Maka pada pagi harinya kondisinya semakin sangat parah. Tatkala aku melihat kondisi tersebut maka aku berkata, “Wahai ibunda, ketahuilah, demi Allah, seandainya engkau memiliki 100 nyawa lalu nyawa tersebut keluar satu demi satu maka aku tidak akan meninggalkankan agamaku karena sebab apapun, jika kau mau maka makanlah dan jika kau mau maka tidak usah makan!”. Maka ibukupun makan”
Peristiwa ini menjadi asbabun nuzul surah Luqman ayat 15, yang artinya:
"Dan jika keduanya memaksamu untuk mempersekutukan dengan Aku sesuatu yang tidak ada pengetahuanmu tentang itu, maka janganlah kamu mengikuti keduanya, dan pergaulilah keduanya di dunia dengan baik, dan ikutilah jalan orang yang kembali kepada-Ku, kemudian hanya kepada-Kulah kembalimu, maka Kuberitakan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan." — Luqman: 15
Maha Benar Allah telah mengabadikan kemenangan beliau radhiallahu ‘anhu dalam perang psikologis melawan Ibunya dan menjadi contoh bagi seluruh muslimin untuk tetap mengikhtiarkan bakti tanpa menyekutukan Allah.
Suatu hari di antara perang Badar Sughra ketika tengah menjagai kemah Rasulullahﷺ, beliau berinisiatif untuk menyiapkan air wudhu bagi Rasulullahﷺ untuk melaksanakan qiyamul lail. Mendapati hal ini, Rasulullahﷺ merasa senang dan berkata “Apa yang kamu inginkan? Aku akan doakan untukmu”. Lalu dengan pemikiran amat strategis beliau radhiallahu ‘anhu menjawab “Wahai Rasulullah doakanlah agar semua doaku mustajab” Kemudian Rasulullahﷺ mendoakannya dan berpesan padanya agar menjaga apa yang ia makan.
Beliau radhiallahu ‘anhu merupakan pemanah terbaik sepanjang masa. Tidak sembarang orang dapat mengangkat busur yang beliau gunakan. Diriwayatkan oleh Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, tiada seorang pun yang pernah mendapatkan jaminan sebaik yang beliau dapatkan dari Rasulullahﷺ ketika hendak memanah di Perang Uhud. Satu anak panah yang beliau lesatkan dapat menewaskan tiga musuh Allah sekaligus.
Tidak hanya itu, ketika penduduk Madinah beramai-ramai membanggakan Khali (paman dari pihak Ibu) yang mereka punya, Rasulullahﷺ juga membanggakan beliau sebab walau terpaut hampir tiga puluh tahun lebih muda dibanding usia Rasulullahﷺ, beliau adalah Khali bagi Rasulullaahﷺ. Beliau radhiallahu ‘anhu adalah bangsawan dari Bani Zuhrah, suku asal Ibunda Rasulullahﷺ
Setelah memimpin pasukan yang memenangkan perang melawan Persia, beliau diangkat menjadi gubernur wilayah Kuffah oleh Amirul Mukminin pertama umat Islam. Ketika Umar mendatangi masjid-masjid untuk menginspeksi kinerja beliau, terdapat seseorang pada satu masjid yang dimakmurkan oleh Bani Abes mengatakan bahwa beliau berkinerja buruk. Mengambil posisi di belakang saat perang, tidak adil dalam membagi harta dan tidak becus dalam shalat.
Menanggapi hal ini beliau menjawab segala tuduhan dan mengakhiri dengan doa “ya Allah kalau ia jujur ingin menasehatiku maka panjangkanlah umurnya, luaskanlah rezekinya dan berkahilah hidupnya. Tetapi jika ia berdusta atau mencari muka maka panjangkanlah umurnya, sempitkanlah rezekinya dan hinakanlah usia tuanya.”
Maka delapan puluh tahun kemudian ada seorang tua yang rambutnya putih keseluruhan, alis dan jenggotnya menyatu dan memutih, meminta-minta dan kerap menggoda gadis muda yang melintas sehingga orang-orang mencaci makinya. Tua dan terhina.
Beliau merupakan satu orang yang namanya disebut langsung oleh Umar Ibn Khattab di pembaringannya, merupakan satu dari hanya segelintir orang yang Umar tunjuk sebagai majelis syura untuk menentukan penggantinya.
Beliau menghabiskan usianya dengan berdakwah ke banyak negara, kemudian menjadi yang terakhir wafat dari kalangan Assabiqunal Awwalun.
Radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash
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Lost in Translation:The Redeemer in the Book of Job is NOT Jesus!
Jimmy, the reason why Christians assume Jesus is the Redeemer in Job 19 is because He is the Redeemer in Job 19, You alleged history jocks really need to put the Philosophy back into your Ph.D. I keep telling you that Mark 15:36 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Is a deliberate allusion to the Book of Job in the 3 cushion carom from the Cross, to Psalm 22 to the Temptation in the Wilderness to the Book of Job and Jesus is the Redeemer in Job 19. The 66 books of the Palestine Bible is the book in which is written Job's righteousness. This is the way the literature of the Bible works. The thing you need to come to grips with, Jimmy, is that not going to Vietnam will not prevent you from dying. The Gods envy us because we are mortal, I'm as afraid of dying as anyone reading this, but the difference is that I know I am afraid of dying and being afraid of dying has helped keep me alive until now, with a lot of help from my friends, including Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If your job is to go into burning buildings, you can get killed doing that, But is is also pretty exciting, Plus, you've promised in front of God and the Rule of Law that you'll keep the faith with the job of going into burning buildings and all the other thrill seekers who have the same job and taken the same oath, The Oath that MAGA Mike Johnson and Sam Alito are violating, And January 6 proposed to replace with the appetites of Donald Trump, felon, The Book of Job is a farce that was literally composed by Elohim the verb from Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 4.2 in 3760 BCE as the divine anchor for Enoch's 7000 yar Epoch and as a testament to the faithfulness of God N;T. Wright describes. God is tricked, twice, by The Satan to allow The Satan to force Job to renounce Tod. The Satan successfully challenges God's virtue, The balance of the narrative describes the consequences for Job unti God realizes He has been made a fool of by The Satan, The Bellhop by Jerry Lewis is a restaging of the Book of Job. God promises to never let that happen again and offers Jesus as the lead component in a covenant cutting ceremony and atonement, Jesus died for the vanity of God and God's promise to eternally defend the integrity of Free Will in the Kingdom of Heaven, 19 is the Alpha and Omega of the Mind of Elohim the verb, Sura 74:30 The Hidden Secret: "Above it is Nineteen: establishes the divine origins of the Meccan Suras of the Koran, The Satanic Verses begin with the death of Khadijah, The literature of the Bible captues the Mythos of the anthropology, The archelogy just establishes that a Mythos was in progress, but it cannot convey the kinetics of the Mythos. Dr. Molly Worthen has escaped the toxic paternalism of the Plato's Cave of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction through the synthesis of her training in journalism and the military journalism of the Gospel of Mark and the protocols of contemporary eyewitness testimony with the Holy Spirit to achieve her Resurrection Epiphany, which has done for the Jesus Seminar what P-52 did for Johnnie scholarship prior to its discovery. If you have the intellectual dexterity and moral integrity to turn your 45 years of scholarship of its dead and go from the fallacy that Harmonics are the enemy of the Truth to the veritas that Harmonics are Veritas, your career will experience a divine serendipity, My guess is that Molly Worthen, as she considers the experience, will realize that she has an authentic John 14:32 memory of her process, The thing to understand about about N/T. Wright's writing is that it is infused with Christology, but the Mythos is Druid, The King James Bible is the Druid interpretation of the Greed, The legions that Constantine brought to the Milvian Bridge had been marinating in the Druid Mythos of Britain since 53 CE or so and the XP was a Druid talisman of Boudicca, Queen of Battle,
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Muslims are not immune to the feeling of grief or depression. And it is allowed to grieve and express sadness over the demise of a loved one. For example, when the Prophet’s son, Ibrahim, died, the prophet said ‘We are very sad for your death, O Ibrahim, Islam encourages Muslims to talk about and remember their loved one and recall the good deeds of their life. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself never forgot his love for his beloved wife, Khadijah, even years after her death (Maqsood, 2002).
Depression from a Different Perspective.
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Kano broadcaster bags data journalism award
Kano broadcaster bags data journalism award
Khadijah Ishaq Bawas, a Broadcast Journalist has bagged the Pan Atlantic University School for media and Communication, Solution and Data Journalism Award. Solacebase reports that Khadijah Ishaq Bawas, a correspondent of Liberty TV in Kano, was recognized for her excellent reporting on need-based communities while proffering ways out in her report. The Award ceremony held on Sunday at Omu Resort…
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🌾🔮ғαтιмα: тнε мσтнεя σғ ιмαмs🔮🌾 Love is my lineage; gratitude is my religion Fatima comes from a place of love and fulfillment that comes from a state of gratitude. Fatima was born in the 7th century to Khadijah and the prophet Muhammad, the only one living until adulthood. She is called "The mother of her father" because she cared for Muhammad after her mother died. She is an object of veneration, love, and respect for all Muslims because she supposed her father through all of his difficult and trying times. She was a devoted wife and mother to two sons and two daughters. An imam is a leader in the Islamic faith and Fatima is considered the mother of them because of the love and gratitude she gave to her family. She never defended to defend and devote to the people that she loved. Even when it was hard for her...like standing up to her fathers successor when she felt like he wasn't living up to his legacy and honoring him in the way he should. Fatima reminds us to take a step back and remember that love and gratitude come before our own ego. It is a sacred act to care for those we love. 🔮🌾🔮🌾🔮🌾🔮🌾 #tarot #tarottuesday #tuesday #orcaledeck #witch #witchy #journaling #tarotcards #mindfulness #wellness #mentalhealth #lifestyle #healing #health #healthyliving #edrecovery #selfcare #journal #healthy #positivity #writer #witchgram #spirituality #divination #divinefeminine #art #writer #writing #goddess #WITCHY #earthwitch #witch (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdZe0POsSVm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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my mate just said "I don't know a lot about football, but I HATE man united😤" god bless women
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Enaknya Jadi Perempuan part II
I often heard women complained for being women, lemme tell yall how amazing to be a woman. This is a sequel of Enaknya Jadi Perempuan 1. Muslim Women are The Diamonds of Islam. Imagine if we had diamonds, what are we gonna do? PROTECT IT WITH OUR WHOLE LIFE! Hijab adalh slh satu buktinya. Woman is a queen, even The Creator and His Rasul want us to treat women respectful, loved & appreciated. 2. Her Money is Hers, Her Husband's Money is HERS! Dalam masalah finansialpun perempuan untung besar! 3. Romantisku Mahal, Bayarnya Pake Mahar! Ibadah pernikahan adalah bukti kecintaan Allah thdp hamba-Nya. Tdk bole lelaki mnyentuh wanita sbelum ia dinikahi. "Kalo mau sm nadya, ya nikah, kalo gamo, tida usah. Nothing in between ya!"
4. Stay At Home is SUNNAH Duduk diam di rmh dpt pahala? yaa cuma untuk wanita. TBH, whenever I have free time i'd rather just stay at home & read books/create stuff (write on my journal/art/film) instead of going out. 5. Pretty outside, Prettier inside! Being a hijabi is amazing because you can look like a 10/10 & then take off your hijab and look like a 20/10. Kalau ada istilah surga tersembunyi, maka muslimah adalah kecantikan tersembunyi. Cantiknya hnya untk suami #eaa 6. There's a Baby Inside Me! For me, pregnant is a big blessing that Allah gives to women. A righteous woman is a princess even if she doesn't marry a prince for she'll grow a prince in her home! 7. An-Nisaa Selain adanya surat An-Nisaa, Allah menjadikan Asiyah, Khadijah, Fatimah dan Maryam sbg pemimpin kaum hawa di surga. 8. Kuberi 1 syarat! Well, this sunnah m8 be scare some women, idk why. Pdahal bnci sm sunnah brarti benci dgn Rasul ya? Tp, trnyata perempuan bisalo memberi syarat kepada calon suaminya, yaitu untuk tidak dimadu. Jadi, jika sang suami berpoligami maka wanita tadi harus "dilepas" 9. Haid? Pahala tetap mengalir! Saat wanita melakukan ibadah wajib & amalan sunnah, lalu harus menghentikan ibadah tersebut karena haid (uzur) maka ternyata pahala ibadah yg biasa dilakukan shari2 td ttap mngalir meski ia tdk melakukan ibadah tsb loh. Duh rugi bgt kalo ibadah keseharian kita dikit yak! 10. Gimme anotha blessing that Allah has given to women n tag ur friends!
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Khadijah White Becomes First Black Woman To Earn Tenure At Rutgers School of Communication And Information
Khadijah White will become the first Black woman to earn tenure at Rutgers School of Communication.
Khadijah White has made history. The Maplewood resident will become the first Black woman to earn tenure at Rutgers School of Communication and Information. The professor will earn the tenure when her promotion takes effect in July, reports TapInfo.net. White is an assistant professor in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, where she focuses on race and gender in media and…
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The Gnostic God vs The Orthodox God - Dr. Elaine Pagels
The difference between a gnostic religion and the orthodox god is metaphorically, the difference between a geocentric solar system and a heliocentric system.
The Gospel of Thomas and Islam are gnostic religions and organized by a demiurge. This demiurge is the Spirit of God, the planetary force introduced in Genesis 1:2.
The Gospel of Thomas and the Koran are linked, numerologically, with 114 sections. The numerology of the 114 sections reduces to 6 and 6, like th3 66 books of the Palestine Bible, the 66 chapters King David is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and the 66 battles Mohammad was in. Jesus is The One between the 6 of the Gospel of Thomas and the 6 of the Koran, forming the 616 figure of the Last Supper and 23, the Finger of God.
The Koran originates in Christianity by way of Khadijah, who was a Christian along with her uncle.
Khadijah has similar capacities as the Witch of Endor: she is the medium who provides the spiritual portal for Gabril to recite to Mohammad, As long as she was alive, Mohammad was a True Profit, When whe died, Gabril recited Sura 12 Yosuf, the only complete narrative in the Koran, to Mohammad as consolation, who ceased to be a True Prophet and became increasingly sociopathic. He died as a False Prophet with a burst aorta. The Meccan suras are of the Ture Prophet: the Medinan suras are of the False Prophet. In his later life, Mohammad would wrap himself in the robes of his child bride, Aisha, because she smelled like Khadijah, trying to recreate the gateway to Gabril/
Allah is the demiurge of the Koran and was originally a moon deity. In his night ride, he ascends beyond Allah to the One and is taought by Moses how to Negotiate with The One. The Satanic Verses reveals the lesser elements of Allah's Pantheon.
The Gospels of the canon are organized by The One introduced in Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 4:2 and Jesus, the Son/Sun of God. The Holy Spirit has agency over the Spirit of God.
The Gospel IS Thomas IS authentic and the Hadith of Christianity. I'm unfamiliar with th other gospels mentions, but the Gospel of Thomas is true example of what Bart Ehrman likes to characterize as the oral tradition of Christianity, is contrast to the written journalism of the Gospel of Mark and the supporting Roman intelligence archive of Q
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What should we do about the algorithmic amplification of disinformation?
From the results of the 2020 presidential election to the alleged dangers of the COVID vaccine, disinformation continues to have a significant effect on almost every aspect of our lives, and some of the biggest sources of disinformation are the social platforms that we spend a large part of our lives using — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. On these platforms, conspiracy theories and hoaxes are distributed at the speed of light, thanks to the recommendation algorithms that all of these services use. But the algorithms themselves, and the inputs they use to choose what we see in our feeds, are opaque, known only to senior engineers within those companies. or to malicious actors who specialize in “computational propaganda” by weaponizing the algorithm. Is there anything we as a society can do about this problem, apart from hoping that Facebook and its ilk will figure out some kind of automated solution, even if that goes against their financial interests, as it almost certainly will?
We invited some veteran disinformation researchers and other experts to discuss this topic and related issues on CJR’s Galley discussion platform this week, including: Joan Donovan, who runs the Technology and Social Change research project at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center; Sam Woolley, an assistant professor in both the School of Journalism and the School of Information at the University of Texas in Austin; Anne Washington, an assistant professor of data policy at New York University and an expert in data governance issues; Khadijah Abdurahman, an independent researcher specializing in content moderation and surveillance in Ethiopia; Irene Pasquetto, who studies information ethics and digital curation as an assistant professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Information; and Lilly Irani, an associate professor in the department of communication at the University of California in San Diego.
Donovan, whose specialty is media manipulation, disinformation, and adversarial movements that target journalists, says she believes the US needs legislation similar to the Glass-Steagall Act, which put limits on what banks and investment companies could do. This kind of law would “define what these business can do and lay out some consumer protections, coupled with oversight of human and civil rights violations by tech companies,” Donovan says. “The pandemic and the election revealed just how broken our information ecosystem is when it comes to getting the right information in front of the right people at the right time.” The way that Facebook and other platforms operate, she says, means that “those with money and power were able to exert direct influence over content moderation decisions.”
The broader problem is not just the amplification of conspiracy theories about vaccines or other beliefs, says Woolley. “In Myanmar and India, we’ve seen disinformation on social media grow into offline hate, violence, and murder.” The difficulty in proving that statement X led to the murder of Y shouldn’t stop us from holding the platforms to account, he says. “We know billions of people use these products, that they are key sources of information. If they prioritize, amplify and massively spread content that is associated with offline violence and other, societal, harms then they must be held accountable.” Washington notes that “users have no control, as in zero, about who they are compared to and what features are selected for that comparison. Instead of blaming people who take the wrong turn, I would instead suggest that we consider why we are building roads like that in the first place.”
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are often seen through a primarily Western lens, because they are based in the US and events like the 2020 presidential election draw a lot of attention, says Abdurahman, but the algorithmic amplification of disinformation problem is a global one. And while Facebook in particular is happy to brag about how many users it has in other countries, it doesn’t always follow through with other services that might help with moderation of content. For example, Abdurahman says, “in Ethiopia there are 83+ languages. As of June there was only automated translation available for Amharic (the national language) and neither human or automated translation for any other languages.” In other words, she says, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies “literally could not see/hear/understand the content circulating on their platform.” Facebook in particular, she says, has reached the point where it should be treated — and regulated — as a public utility.
Here’s more on algorithmic amplification:
Public interest: Pasquetto says we got where we are because “we have been prioritizing platforms’ interest (i.e., profiting out of the attention-economy business model) rather than the public interest (i.e., curating and giving access to good quality, reliable information over the Internet).” Also, she says, we have a cultural problem that involves “blind faith in the positive power of innovation” best embodied by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s famous motto “Move fast and break things.” The other reason we are where are now, she says, is that certain people figured out how algorithmic amplification works “and made use of it to amplify their own perspectives.”
Bias to action: Irani says her study of innovation showed her the mechanics behind this drive to move quickly. The source of this ethos, she says, “is a management theory response to a couple of changes that made long-term planning less effective,” including the rapid rate of technological change and the globalization of trade. “All of this led to this idea that McKinsey consultants called ‘the bias to action,'” she says. “This crucially assumes the organization doesn’t face the consequences of their mistakes or bear responsibility for the social costs of all that pivoting.” In other words, companies get to move fast and break things without being accountable for the common good.
New rules: India is implementing new restrictions on social-media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp because of what that country says is a growing problem of hoaxes and hate speech. The new guidelines say that in order to counter the rise of problematic content, the companies must establish “grievance redressal mechanisms” to resolve user complaints about content, and share with the government the names and contact details for “grievance officers.” These officers must acknowledge complaints within a day and resolve them within 15. Russia, meanwhile, has said it is “slowing down” Twitter because it won’t deal with negative content.
Other notable stories:
A jury acquitted Iowa newspaper reporter Andrea Sahouri on Wednesday of two misdemeanor charges related to a racial justice protest last May. A reporter for the Des Moines Register, Sahouri was arrested and pepper-sprayed while covering the protest, along with her boyfriend at the time, Spenser Robnett, who said he attended the rally with her to help keep her safe. The pair faced fines and up to 30 days in jail for two charges: failure to disperse and interference with official acts. Both were acquitted on all charges after a three-day trial and less than two hours of deliberation but similar charges remain against a number of other reporters and journalists.
The New York Times posted a response on Twitter to Tucker Carlson, who spent a significant part of his show attacking Times reporter Taylor Lorenz, who had commented on the harassment she has gotten on the social network for reporting on tech companies like Clubhouse. “In a familiar move, Tucker Carlson opened his show last night by attacking a journalist,” the statement read. “It was a calculated and cruel tactic, which he regularly deploys to unleash a wave of harassment and vitriol at his intended target. Taylor Lorenz is a talented New York Times journalist doing timely and essential reporting. Journalists should be able to do their jobs without facing harassment.”
The International Center for Journalists has published an in-depth data analysis of attacks on Maria Ressa, the founder and editor of Rappler, a news outlet based in the Philippines. The group conducted a forensic analysis of the torrent of social media attacks on Ressa over a period of five years, between 2016 and 2021. “We detail the intensity and ferocity of this abuse, and demonstrate how it is designed not only to vilify a journalism icon, but to discredit journalism itself, and shatter public trust in facts,” the preamble to the analysis says. “These attacks also created an enabling environment for Ressa’s persecution and prosecution in the Philippines. Now, her life is at risk and she faces the prospect of decades in jail.”
Jennifer Lyons, the highest ranking editor at NewsNation, a cable news outlet that markets itself as delivering “straight-ahead, unbiased news reporting,” has resigned, the New York Times reports. Lyons is the third top editor to quit in recent months as some staff have complained of a rightward shift at the network. She has decided to depart the channel, effective immediately, the company’s staff were told at a meeting on Tuesday. Sandy Pudar, the news director for the network, left on February 2, and Richard Maginn, the managing editor, resigned on March 1.
Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan emailed staff about the paper’s plan to “initiate the gradual return” to offices starting July 6. “This will inevitably be a complicated process,” Ryan noted in the email. He later confirmed the date in a town hall meeting with staffers, as reported on Twitter by Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan. If the newsroom does start regrouping July 6, it will be one year to the day since the newspaper sent its employees home due to the COVID pandemic.
Mary Retta writes for CJR about what the pandemic means for news paywalls. “What I’m noticing now is anger on the part of readers when they hit a paywall on a COVID story,” said Joy Mayer, director of the Trusting News project. “I’m seeing comments along the lines of: ‘I thought you were going to make these stories free, I guess you’re just greedy.’” Journalists are not usually present in the comments on such stories to correct the record, Mayer notes, or to describe why they need community support, and explain how subscriptions factor into their ability to stay in business.
The Times reports on a group of about a dozen websites that have been spreading misleading information, all of which appear to have ties to the Epoch Media Group, a news organization that has become a top purveyor of conspiracy theories and political misinformation, according to data provided by the research group Advance Democracy and analyzed by Global Disinformation Index, a nonprofit that studies disinformation. Epoch Media is affiliated with the Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong, which has been outlawed by the Chinese government.
Congress plans to re-introduce legislation Wednesday to allow news organizations to band together to negotiate with the technology companies over payment for content and the data the companies have about readers. The legislation, which is being proposed in the Senate and House with bipartisan support, could make the US the next front in a news industry battle against Facebook and Google that flared up again in Australia last month when the country passed a law to force the companies to pay for news content. Facebook briefly shut off the ability for Australian news companies or users to post news to the social network, but later changed its mind.
What should we do about the algorithmic amplification of disinformation? was originally published on mathewingram.com/work
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Lorde Knows #1
This event takes place online.
You can use this link to register for it.
In conjunction with Anastacia-Renée’s solo exhibition (Don’t Be Absurd) Alice in Parts, four of her most beloved poets will read their works in engagement with and in response to her exhibition. This reading will be interspersed with the poets’ reflections on the exhibitions and the ideas that fuel their practices.
Derrick Weston Brown holds an MFA from American University. He is the founding Poet-In-Residence of Busboys and Poets and a graduate of the Cave Canem and VONA workshops. His work has been published in Colorlines and Tidal Basin Review. His first collection of poems Wisdom Teeth was released in 2011 by PM Press. His second collection, On All Fronts, was published by Upper Rubber Boot Press in March 2019. He resides in Mount Rainier, MD.
JP Howard is an educator, literary activist, curator and community builder. Her debut poetry collection, SAY/MIRROR (The Operating System), was a Lambda Literary finalist. She is also the author of bury your love poems here (Belladonna*) and co-editor of Sinister Wisdom Journal Black Lesbians--We Are the Revolution! JP was a featured author in Lambda Literary’s LGBTQ Writers in Schools program and was a Split this Rock Freedom Plow Award for Poetry & Activism finalist. JP is featured in the Lesbian Poet Trading Card Series from Headmistress Press and has received fellowships and/or grants from Cave Canem, VONA, Lambda Literary, Astraea and Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). She curates Women Writers in Bloom Poetry Salon, a NY-based forum offering writers a monthly venue to collaborate. Her poetry and essays have appeared in The Slowdown podcast, The Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day Series, Anomaly, Apogee Journal, The Feminist Wire, Split this Rock, Muzzle Magazine, and The Best American Poetry Blog. Her poetry is widely anthologized. JP is one of three current general Poetry Editors for Women's Studies Quarterly (WSQ) and Editor-At-Large of Mom Egg Review VOX online.
I.S. Jones is a queer American Nigerian poet and music journalist. She is a Graduate Fellow with The Watering Hole and holds fellowships from Callaloo, BOAAT Writer’s Retreat, and Brooklyn Poets. I. S. hosts a month-long online workshop every April called The Singing Bullet. I.S. coedited The Young African Poets Anthology: The Fire That Is Dreamed Of (Agbowó, 2020) and served as the inaugural nonfiction guest editor for Lolwe. She is a Book Editor with Indolent Books, Editor at 20.35 Africa: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, freelances for Complex, Earmilk, NBC News THINK, and elsewhere. Her works have appeared or are forthcoming in Guernica, Washington Square Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Hobart Pulp, The Rumpus, The Offing, Shade Literary Arts, Blood Orange Review, Honey Literary and elsewhere. Her work was chosen by Khadijah Queen as a finalist for the 2020 Sublingua Prize for Poetry. She is an MFA candidate in Poetry at University of Wisconsin–Madison where she was the Inaugural 2019–2020 Kemper K. Knapp University Fellowship recipient. Her forthcoming chapbook Spells Of My Name was selected by Newfound for the Emerging Poets Series.
Bettina Judd is an interdisciplinary writer, artist, and performer whose research focus is on Black women's creative production and our use of visual art, literature, and music to develop feminist thought through affective registers. She is currently Assistant Professor of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington. Her poems and essays have appeared in Feminist Studies, Torch, The Offing, Meridians and other journals and anthologies. Her collection of poems titled patient. (2014) which tackles the history of medical experimentation on and display of Black women won the Black Lawrence Press Hudson Book Prize in 2013.
Explore this collection of recommended reading for the exhibition available for purchase at the Museum Store’s website.
Privacy Statement: The event will be hosted on Zoom, an online platform. If joining by video, your image and/or name may be visible to others. When logging in, you may choose to hide your video, or to rename yourself using a pseudonym, if you would like to protect your privacy. While attendees are encouraged to join from a private location where discussion will not be overheard, confidentiality is not guaranteed. This session may be recorded and used by the Frye Art Museum in its sole discretion.
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Women in Islam and misconceptions
This guide features assets that are a piece of the talk on Islam and ladies, including some that are helpful for foundation data and others that give research, investigations and sentiments thinking about different social, political, verifiable and social systems. The degree incorporates ladies and Islamic societies in each locale where there have been noteworthy Muslim populaces. "Islam" includes near portion of all Africans, 33% of Asians and developing quantities of Europeans and Americans, speaking to a wide decent variety of societies, races, ethnicities and dialects.
In Muslim dominant part nations, where Islamic convictions and societies are predominant, complex connections amongst ladies and Islam are by and large characterized and impacted by Islamic writings, and in addition by the verifiable, social and social settings.
It is regularly trouble to draw a reasonable depiction in endeavoring to distinguish what is a culture-bound custom and what is really an Islamic arrangement as found in the ordinances of the Qur'an (Oxford ISO), Islam's blessed book.
An examination of parts built up both for and by Muslim ladies depends on Islam's foundational sources.
Verifiably, the understanding of Islam has been to a great extent a male undertaking. In spite of the fact that the principal change over to Islam was a lady (Muhammad's first spouse, Khadijah), and ladies assumed an essential part in the transmission of Hadith (transmission of prophetic truisms and deeds) and the improvement of Sufism.
For Muslim ladies there are four legitimate wellsprings of impact (in issues of individual law): The initial two, the Qur'an and Hadith, are viewed as essential sources, while the other two are auxiliary and determined sources that vary between different Muslim schools of lawful idea. The optional wellsprings of impact incorporate Qiyas (conclusion of lawful medicines), Ijma' (accord or understanding) and, in structures, for example, Ijtihad "free thinking," instead of Taqlid (impersonation) and Fatwa (legitimate lawful assessment given by a mufti or lawful researcher). [More: On the Sources of Islamic Law and Practices Journal of Law and Religion].
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/floyd-killing-sparks-outrage-news-sports-jobs/
Floyd killing sparks outrage | News, Sports, Jobs
Protesters bearing placards pack into Marquette’s downtown Sunday. (Journal photo by Bud Sargent)
MARQUETTE — Several protests spurred by George Floyd’s May 25 death in police custody took place over the weekend in Marquette.
Protests in Marquette and across the nation stem from an incident captured on video, showing Floyd, an African-American, being kneeled on his neck by a police officer during his arrest in downtown Minneapolis on May 25, with Floyd saying “I can’t breathe.” Floyd subsequently died. That officer, Derek Chauvin, has been charged with third-degree murder.
On Saturday, protesters under the name “Public Against Police Brutality” carried signs and chanted by Jamrich Hall at Northern Michigan University, then walked to the Marquette Police Department along West Baraga Avenue to continue their protest.
The event was organized by NMU students Ashley Martinez and Hannah Till.
Violent protests broke out in other parts of the country, including Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities, but Saturday’s event in Marquette was mostly peaceful, although a TV6 news video showed a woman briefly standing in front of a Marquette City Police vehicle in the police parking lot.
A passing motorist talks with protesters in the intersection of West Washington and Third streets. (Journal photo by Lisa Bowers)
Marquette City Police received a report that subjects were hit with eggs during the protest march on North Third Street near Hewitt Avenue.
Another protest took place on Sunday in front of the Marquette Post Office. The organizer was Khadijah Wilson, wife of Carter Wilson, head of the NMU Department of Political Science, who also attended the rally.
“I am a black Muslim,” Khadijah Wilson said. “When George Floyd called for his mother, he was calling for us.”
She said Floyd made that plea to his deceased mother while he was dying.
“It was time for me to get up and do something about it because she’s not here, so I’m doing my part,” Khadijah Wilson said. “She’s my sister, and he’s my son.”
A demonstration that drew several hundred people was held on the campus of Northern Michigan University Saturday. (Journal photos by Christie Mastric)
She pleaded for the current racial situation in the country to stop.
“This is not right, you know?” said Khadijah Wilson, who is from the British Virgin Islands. “I wasn’t born here, and I don’t think I would ever become a United States citizen mainly because of this. I refuse, I simply refuse, only because of this.”
The Sunday protest, which blocked some of the normally busy intersection for several hours, was largely peaceful.
However, around 2 p.m. a westbound truck on West Washington Street slowly pushed through a group of dozens of protesters near the intersection of West Washington and Third streets before speeding away in a cloud of thick black smoke.
The other incident occurred at around 3 p.m. — near the end of the event — when protesters knelt on the sidewalk, spilling into the crosswalk at West Washington Street and Third Street while a volunteer directed traffic at the intersection. A man driving a small sedan eastbound screeched to a stop, nearly hitting several protesters, and then got out of his car and began arguing with protesters. Several protest leaders intervened and were able to diffuse the situation. The driver eventually left the scene.
No injuries were reported in regard to either incident.
More protesters made their way to the Marquette County Sheriff’s Office to rally on and along Baraga Avenue.
Marquette Mayor Pro Tem Jenn Hill was on hand at the Sunday protest at the post office.
“This has been going on in our country for a long time,” said Hill, who wore a hat bearing the name of Ida B. Wells, who was an African-American newspaperwoman who reported on discrimination. “People need to speak up.”
Marquette Mayor Jenna Smith posted a statement on the Marquette protests on Saturday on Facebook and on YouTube.
“There is a great deal of unrest after the recent death of George Floyd in Minneapolis,” Smith said. “As a white person, I am aware of the significant privilege I have and I am constantly trying to educate myself in ways to improve racial equality. There are no quick and easy answers on this front. I believe we must put in the work to understand the disparity.
“Some of the ways I do that are by reading books such as ‘The Hate U Give’ by Angie Thomas or by reading books to my children with diverse characters. I am not perfect, but I am trying, and if you’re in a position of privilege and not sure where to start, I would encourage you to try these things too.
“There have been demonstrations in Marquette already and there are more planned. I’m proud of our citizens who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.”
Smith encouraged anyone involved in future demonstrations to keep the protests peaceful and please follow appropriate social distancing guidelines.
“The city of Marquette Police Department has always had a great relationship with the public,” Smith said. “I think Marquette is a special place, our police officers live and work in this community and they take pride in the work they do. I am very proud of the work they do day in and day out to keep our community safe.
“I know this has been a difficult and stressful time for everyone. Please remember to be kind to one another as we navigate our new normal. We’re in this together, Marquette.”
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II on Saturday issued the following statement encouraging communities across Michigan to designate areas for peaceful demonstrations:
“As Americans, this is one of the most challenging periods in our lifetimes,” they said in the statement. “People in communities of color across the nation and right here in Michigan are feeling a sense of exhaustion and desperation. Communities are hurting, having felt that calls for equity, justice, safety and opportunity have gone unheard for too long. We stand in solidarity with those who are seeking equitable justice for everyone in our state. We can’t live in a society and a country where our rights and our dignity are not equal for all.
“The First Amendment right to protest has never been more important, and in this moment when we are still battling a killer virus, it is crucial that those who choose to demonstrate do so peacefully, and in a way that follows social distancing guidelines to protect public health.”
The said their administration is working closely with local elected officials, public safety, and faith and youth leaders to encourage communities across the state to designate areas for peaceful demonstrations where people can make their voices heard.
“There will no doubt be more tough days ahead, but we must pull together and treat our fellow Michiganders with dignity, compassion and humanity,” they said.
A Black Lives Matter March planned by another group of organizers is scheduled for today at the Marquette Commons, 112 S. Third St. The march is set to begin at 3:30 p.m., but “the idea is to march at 5 p.m. and stop the 5 o’clock Marquette ‘traffic,’” according to a Facebook post by the organizers. People also will have the opportunity to speak publicly before the march.
Participants are asked to wear masks and respect social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and protest in a peaceful manner, organizers said.
Christie Mastric can be reached at cbleck@miningjournal.net. Lisa Bowers
Protesters bearing placards pack into Marquette’s downtown Sunday. (Journal photo by Bud Sargent)
A passing motorist talks with protesters in the intersection of West Washington and Third streets. (Journal photo by Lisa Bowers)
A demonstration that drew several hundred people was held on the campus of Northern Michigan University Saturday. (Journal photos by Christie Mastric)
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ISHPEMING — Businesses in western Marquette County are working through the steps they need to take to open up …
MARQUETTE — After the new UP Health System-Marquette hospital was built along West Baraga Avenue and a roundabout …
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Module One
Part 1: Introduction
Hello, my name is Khadijah! I’m in my first year (3rd semester) of the Master of Science in Psychology program. My dream is to become a neuropsychologist for children and adults. I live in Florida also known as the Sunshine State! I work as a case manager for an absence management company. In my free time after work, I’m either cleaning, doing homework, or binge-watching Lucifer. On the weekends, you can find me working in my mixed media art journal, hanging out on my balcony chilling with my plants, and reading The Origin by Dan Brown!
Part 2: Reflection
2A. After taking this class, I hoping to understand what the field of cross-cultural psychology is about and why this field of psychology is important. I have never taken cross-cultural psychology, but I have always heard great comments about the course. I want to understand where this field is the understanding of cultural issues on behavior. I also want to know the different treatment methods that are used when treating people from a variety of backgrounds. I hoping to gain a new perspective and expand my psychology toolbox. I find that with taking different psychology courses I learn a new way to think and different methods to reach the main goal of psychology, which is being able to describe behavior, understanding behavior, predicting behavior, and modifying behavior. I am hoping to find a way to integrate this knowledge in my career and future research.
2B. After reading the article Why Can’t We Just Get Along, I picked up on its discussion of race relations and the different perceptions that lead to interatrial distrust. This distrust is due to subtle bias, unconscious negative feelings, and negative beliefs (Dovido et al., 2002). I found an article where a psychology professor named John Dovido who studies social power and social relations was interviewed on his view of the era of president Barack Obama. This article does a good job at discussing interracial relations as he further examines how having a black president has impacted the attitudes towards black people and the key psychological factors that shape this attitude. He notes that people saw an exceptional black person in office, and this allowed America to change their perception of black people due to new experiences with Barack as president. He goes further to discuss adverse racism as whites are more associated with positive qualities and blacks with negative associations such as crime. There is discussion of underlying negative feeling that whites have towards black people and how this shows in situations where discrimination is not clearly defined as wrong. Overall, my reasoning for choosing this article is it directly relates to the reading and it provides clear and concise information on the line of subtle forms of prejudice within interracial interactions.
2C. After reading the article on cross-cultural psychology’s appropriation of cultural psychology by Ellis & Stam (2015), I understood how the two were very similar and it seemed to be that one was stealing an idea and rebranding it. After diving further into the article, I understand how these two fields of psychology are different. For example, cross-cultural psychology has an individualistic approach, it determined that the variable, culture, should be included as it affects individual’s behavior but maintains the stance that it is apart from the individual and only influences behavior (Ellis & Stam, 2015). This subfield aims to see if the principles of psychology could be applied universally with cultural context being a factor. In comparison, cultural psychology has determined that culture cannot be studied separate from the mind as it influences everything. It explores how culture causes the psyche to adapt and change based on cultural conditions.
I subscribe to cultural psychology more closely because my culture has shaped the way I think and view the world. When we are able think about culture as integral in everything, we do there is less “culture-blindness”. Cultural psychology studies patterns in behaviors and how culture influences these behaviors within an individual living in a specific culture. Cross-cultural psychology studies patterns between various cultural groups and compares them in order to determine the diversity between the two and the universals that the cultures share. I choose cultural psychology in my thinking of being a counselor. To assist the individual, I would explore how their culture has shaped them rather than how their culture differs from another. I feel that finding the universal truth between two culture would be too general.
Dovidio, J. F., Gaertner, S. E., Kawakami, K., & Hodson, G. (2002). Why cant we just get along? Interpersonal biases and interracial distrust. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 8(2), 88–102. doi: 10.1037/1099-9809.8.2.88
Ellis, B. D., & Stam, H. J. (2015). Crisis? What crisis? Cross-cultural psychology’s appropriation of cultural psychology. Culture & Psychology, 21(3), 293–317. doi: 10.1177/1354067x15601198
Mills, K. I. (2009, April). Race relations in a new age. Monitor on Psychology, 40(4). http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/04/race-relations
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