#joshua key
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chicoespecial2022 · 6 months ago
Swansea City AFC: No.2 - Joshua Key. Demonstrates his butt and the underwear type required for this footy game: men’s briefs
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chelseajackarmy · 11 months ago
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riotforbear · 25 days ago
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assorted chibi canucks
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bakerstreet-and-beyond · 23 days ago
I bet discussion board posts with these two in your class would be wild
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razmazaniya · 3 months ago
Ok. I've decided to make a server for all the clikkies who feel left out of the community, who feel "too" neurodivergent, unstable, eccentric, unconventional, or weird. I'm bringing the acceptance and safety I've found in the Jirai Kei culture into the clique that so desperately needs it. You are never too messy, too weird, too intense, or too much. We're gonna vibe, and we're gonna stay alive, even if it fucking sucks. Jirai meets Clique, and Clique meets Jirai. Let's hang and form a space where we can be free of the bullying, prejudice, and stigma that has overtaken the mainstream tøp community.
Non-clikkie jirais and non-jirai clikkies welcome!
I cannot promise you will be happy, but I can promise that you will not have lived this life alone.
If you want to be tagged when this server is ready, like or reblog this post – reblogs spread the word!
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christophermtaylor · 22 days ago
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Keys Views
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littleeyesofpallas · 10 months ago
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I was thinking about how i'd joked before about blond anime dragkings in the 90s having been a death sentence. But honestly there's only so many of those, and seemingly fewer and fewer in modern series... Where as the archetype that came about at the same time that really did get me down bad for the next decade+ was the tan skin, red (often messy) hair, big girl/muscle girl/sword girl/athlete. (with optional tomboy or feral personality)
(I'll admit a few of these I remembered differently in my head --either I remembered their skin being darker or hair being redder-- than what turned up once I started googling, but a few are definitely a conflict of in-game sprites vs official art, or having a more noticeably darker skin tone compared to the other characters in their respective show/game, but more light skinned looking on their own)
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Massacre Girl Key Art by Joshua Raphael
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neerons · 9 months ago
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Their bond and devotion makes me wanna cry. Y’all should kiss
Kei | Eden’s Love Volume 1
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keycomicbooks · 11 months ago
 Poison Ivy by Joshua Middleton
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 Poison Ivy by Joshua Middleton
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master-tonberry · 2 years ago
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FML Jacket Behind - Joshua
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scramble-crossing · 15 days ago
well now i’m curious (assuming you’re talking about sho) what are your headcanons for his backstory?
(Maniacal laughter)
This bad boy can fit SO much trauma in him
Currently pretending I'm working on a whole fic about his backstory so technically this is all out of context spoilers but
An Incomplete Itinerary of Sho Minamimoto's Childhood (Bad)
Born with Sickle Cell Disease that almost killed him in his infancy. His near-death experience caused his soul to become entangled in the UG's frequency, meaning that for his whole life he could see the Reaper's Game while he was still alive (give it up for endless violence on an impressionable mind!!!)
Obviously, no one believes him when he starts talking about the streets being filled with wolves and bears and strange men-like creatures with wings. He doesn't understand what's happening to him and God knows no one understands him. He's alienated from virtually everyone at a very early age.
His mother is an older (late-forties) single custodian who struggles to balance childcare with work, often forced to leave Sho alone for long periods at a time, even as a young child. She loves him dearly, but with her own struggles with chronic fatigue there's very little left for him at the end of the day. It's hard enough just to keep him alive, let alone comforted about all the strange things he claims to see.
He has episodes of pain crisis (flare-ups caused by blocked blood flow) and spends long stints of time in the hospital or bed-bound at home. Eventually, taking time off of work to take care of her son leads to his mother losing her job.
They're homeless for a while (meaning that in Sho's eyes they're utterly exposed to and defenceless against the Noise he doesn't understand can't hurt him!! Yippie!!)
He is NOT finishing school like this. He flunks out in early high school (at this point he can't possibly give a shit about his education, he's learned the full extent of what the UG is and what being a Reaper can mean and he wants that, more than anything he craves the security of the power he's never had).
His few, lone friendships start to fall apart. Very very badly. There's a lot of grieving involved but if there's one thing I know about Sho Minamimoto is that he's great at crawling out of cycles. Yep.
He's also accused of murder at this point but don't worry about it. Don't even worry about it.
He's DEFINITELY not dying quietly. More than anything, that's been his worst fear. Blaze of fuckin glory baby!!! (he was only 18. barely more than a boy.)
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thorsenmark · 5 months ago
Keys View on a Morning with a Mountain Setting by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: in Joshua Tree National Park while at Keys View with a view looking to the southwest across the mountain desert landscape present.
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thepmmmwitchproject · 2 years ago
The Create-a-human Challenge has ended!
The deadline has been reached (albeit a day late, sorry about that!) and want to thank everyone who participated in it! 
I present to you the finished collage featuring all of the submitted Puella Magis, all drawn by me!
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Here’s the each of the character listed from top left to bottom right:
Juno Akazeri: Puella Magi of Gnoll, the witch of hyenas. Creator is @bearwithbandages  
Hinadzuki Hirumi: Puella Magi of Pheratz, the galaxy witch. Creator is @skarpetkowa​
Mariabella DuPont: Puella Magi of Myrsina, the witch of Snow White. Creator is @honestlyboringperson​
Fumiko Fujisaki: Puella Magi of Harsha, the playground witch. Creator is @tom0w0​
Kou Kurumi: Puella Magi of Varna, the witch of rainbows. Creator is @witchmagia​ 
Bertie Hart: Puella Magi of Morpheus, the witch of dark humor. Creator is @shitposterxdxdxd
Aminta Ariti: Puella Magi of Unukalhai, the witch of snakes. Creator is @portalcartoon
Joshua and Aubrey Carter: Puella Magi of Benanka, the witch of Burning Man, and Momo, the witch of magical girls, respectively. Creator is @viaticdionysus7  
Mahin Charmchi: Puella Magi of Austerlitz, the witch of musical numbers. Creator is @moshi-roulette​
Kei Sinclair: Puella Magi of Marley, the witch of alcohol. Creator is @thevideogameraptorboggle-blog
Jikan Kinchō: Puella Magi of Daksine, the groundhog witch. Creator is @sharpednails​
Charlie Auclair: Puella Magi of Pierre, the witch of pigeons. Creator is @emo-bunny-1317
You can view each of the participants’ original art piece with this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/194bkAjWcMKA5EvVfw9uQi2Gmvv-Pg0SqLoW-ZJ0TNoY/edit
I would love to do this challenge again in the future! Thanks once again to everyone who participated!! Expect a lot of witches soon! I’ve been procrastinating on that, and I know you all must craving some new stuff.
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razmazaniya · 2 months ago
I'm working on the few/proud/emotional fringe server again (jiraiblr meets the outcasts of the "stay alive" crowd, coz i think yall would get along. weirdo freak gang). It's not all fancy yet, but I'll improve it in time, and hopefully be able to pay for premium bots soon.
If I'm lucky, i should finish it soon. But who knows. preview!
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christophermtaylor · 1 year ago
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Keys View, Joshua Tree National Park
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