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amateurcomics · 2 months ago
Raziel and Jorden my angel babies
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pencilmanic320 · 1 year ago
fake the milk!
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theuniversemumbles · 1 year ago
Everything will always be okay….
a saying I’ve often told myself.
A phrase, a coping mechanism.
At 28 years, I’ve come to learn
That not everything will always be okay
But everything will always be.
Life, love, people, pets, trees, planets
We all move on.
Everything will always be.
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anuhea-and-aukai · 4 months ago
Make some noise THUNDER!! Crossing Rain needs to “Come Back”
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doors-worstenemy · 6 months ago
"not for broadcast" more like j for broadcast
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cajram · 10 months ago
Jorden - ett av kloten runt solen!
Solen är den stjärna som vår blågröna planet kretsar runt omkring. Jorden är ett av kloten runt solen! De andra planeterna som ingår i denna “solens familj” är, räknat inifrån solen & utåt, dessa: Merkurius, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunus & Pluto. Om nu Pluto fortfarande räknas med. Jag är inte helt säker på detta. Tredje klotet från solen Merkurius, Venus, Jorden… Som jag skrev…
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etrends-news · 1 year ago
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forislynx · 1 year ago
Hela det bildspråk som [antikens filosofer] använde för att förklara förändring och rörelser var hämtat från den organiska världen. Tingen alstrades, växte och dog … Jorden ter sig hos flera filosofer som en stor livmoder, som genom sin värme alstrar nya ämnen.
Ronny Ambjörnsson, Europas idéhistoria. Antiken, Människors undran
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tiktoklives · 1 year ago
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amateurcomics · 1 year ago
Heaven's Heart
this is my Valentine's Day story for my angel-vampire-demon world. please, please let me know what you think!
When Jorden woke, the day was bright and warm. Buttery sunlight filtered through the open window above the bed, and the curtains were flapping lazily in the breeze.
He sat up and stretched, spreading his wings out to relieve them of the pins and needles of sleep, feeling the relief of pressure as he did so. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, feeling the sharp sleep poke against the corners. When he turned to look out the window, he could see the blooming Farmland leading to Heaven's Town, which was full of life and movement. The Holy City was beyond, a glittering city of crystal towers. Heaven's Temple a beacon of light in the background, brighter than the sun in the clear blue sky.
It was Valentine's Day; Jorden knew that much. His first with his mate, Raziel, since they had been married. He smiled and turned to his mate sleeping beside him, curled on his side, face pressed into his pillow. The movement Jorden made, made the bed creak softly, and his wings brushed the headboard of the bed.
"Raziel," he whispered, bending his head to kiss Raziel's cheek, "wake up, love."
Raziel squirmed against the pillows, gripping his pillow lightly as he made a hmm sound. He didn't wake. Jorden felt him try to unfold his wings to cocoon himself, but they were stuck under the heavy covers of the bed.
"Raziel," Jorden lightly shook Raziel's shoulder. He tugged Raziel's silky silver hair gently, "wake up."
Raziel groaned. "Why so early...?" He asked groggily.
"It's not early! Now get up!" Jorden said, tugging Raziel's robed arm, the silk fabric slick under his fingers.
"Hmmm," Raziel waved him off, "I'm up, I'm up," he murmured, rolling over and opening his eyes, as green as emeralds and full of deep love. "Come here," he murmured, pulling Jorden down half on top of him and kissing him gently on the lips.
Jorden kissed him back, gripping Raziel's forearms. Raziel tasted like tea and sugar.
"Now... It is early," Raziel murmured against Jorden's lips, "so what did you want?"
Jorden pushed himself up, hands on either side of Raziel's head. Raziel's honey-coloured face seemed to glow in the early morning light, his long silver hair was spread across the white pillow, looking like tinsel.
"It's Valentine's Day," Jorden murmured, "I want to take you out today," he smiled at Raziel, letting his wings go limp a little so they hung over the sides of his body, turned golden by the morning sun.
Raziel traced a finger down Jorden's pale cheek. "You know many do not agree with our marriage. You're a Main Angel... what you have done is illegal," he said with a slightly worried look.
Jorden sighed and sat down on Raziel's lower legs, he looked at his left wing and gently plucked a soft feather from it, twirling it between his fingers before letting it drop. It landed on his lap, blending in with the white of his silk night robe. "You know I have never cared much about Heaven's Laws, least of all the minor ones like who I should mate with! Why should that be controlled?"
Raziel pushed himself up on his elbows. "I don't know," he murmured, his long hair falling over his shoulders.
Jorden pushed a strand over Raziel's ear. "Then why care? We won't Fall for this," he asked.
In answer, Raziel sat up more and pulled Jorden in for another kiss, running his hands through Jorden's short, white-blonde hair, messing it up. "I don't. I was just thinking what others would say, especially the other Main Angels," he said, breaking away.
Jorden looked at him, heat rushing to his face from the kiss. "I don't care what they think. I have you, you're all I will ever need."
Raziel's honey-coloured face had an undertone of red now. He smiled at Jorden. "Well, you have me. I'm not going anywhere."
Jorden smiled at him. "I know."
"Now, get off me, you big oaf!" Raziel said, laughing as he pushed Jorden off him, his eyes shining.
Jorden laughed too as he landed on his bottom at the foot of the bed. He watched as Raziel stripped out of his butter-coloured silk night robe, trading it for a butter-coloured one-piece that brought out the slight curves of his hips and the colour of his skin and eyes. The sleeves were short, just under his shoulders. He bushed his hair back so that it fell like a silver river down his back, ending just between his sun-kissed brown wings. He ruffled his feathers, letting the star dots of light scattered across them glow.
Raziel turned then and raised his eyebrows at Jorden. "You're bright red," he remarked.
That made Jorden blush harder, and he looked away. "You look good in that," he whispered.
"I know I do," Raziel murmured. He came over and pecked Jorden lightly on the cheek, "I'm going to make breakfast, or did you want to go for a date at that coffee place in Town?" He asked.
"It is Valentine's Day. A coffee date sounds good," Jorden murmured, turning, and looking at Raziel, folding his wings behind him.
"Well, get dressed. You look beautiful in that robe, but I don't think it's suitable for a public outing," Raziel said with a small smirk.
Jorden shoved him lightly. "Well, give me room!"
Raziel laughed and kissed him lightly again. "I will meet you by the door," he murmured with a loving smile.
Jorden watched as he left, the bedroom shutting with a soft click. He slipped off the bed, wincing as his bare feet met the cold, polished wood floor. He headed to the wardrobe, shifting through the cream-coloured robes on his side of the small space. His hand rested on a robe he hadn't worn in a few years. The first gift Raziel had given him.
Jorden drew it out, it was a simple cream-cloured robe with flowing sleeves that hung down at the cuffs. Jorden smiled and slipped out his night robes, it falling to a silky tangle at his feet. He pulled the cream-coloured robe over his body; it was made of cotton and was as soft as feathers. He gently slipped his wings through the holes in the back before looking at himself in the mirror.
The robe brought out the white tones in his skin and hair and made his midday blue eyes stand out like sapphires in the sun. He ruffled his wings to make them fluffy. They didn't glow like Raziel's did, but they did look as soft as clouds.
Satisfied, he made for the door, he stopped to pull on his brown leather sandals and saw that Raziel's were still sitting there. Chuckling slightly, Jorden picked them up and left the room.
"Baby! You forgot your shoes!" Jorden called as he walked down the hallway. The walls were covered with photos of their strange family of Angels and Vampires and one Demon.
They were finally alone this Valentine's with Abrariel taking his children down to earth to be with their other father, Michael and Telantes having gone to Hell to visit his father, brother, and sister. Jorden had guiltily looked forward to a day with just him and Raziel.
"What? What do you—oh," Jorden heard Raziel laugh from the kitchen.
Raziel poked his head out of the kitchen archway, his face alight with laughter. "Give them here!" He said, beaming at Jorden.
Jorden laughed and headed over, handing the shoes to Raziel, and kissing him softly.
Raziel kissed him back. "Thanks, mi amor," he murmured, bending over to slip his feet into the sandals, he looked back up at Jorden, "Now, are we ready to go? I'm in desperate need of a coffee."
Jorden laughed and looped his arm around Raziel's waist. "I'm ready," he murmured, leaning his head on Raziel's shoulder.
Raziel kissed the top of Jorden's head and led him to the front door, opening it.
Outside was bright and warm. The wheat of the Farmland where their home lay was waving softly—the same way as it did in anime—the sky was a bright blue, with little fluffy clouds floating across it. The air was sweet, full of the scent of wheat and wild daisies.
Jorden leaned into Raziel as they walked down the long dirt road to the Town, listening to the far-off cries of the farm animals, the singing of birds and the Farm Angels working in the fields, the tones high and angelic like softly stung violin strings.
"Ah, summer, how I love it," Raziel murmured, the wind blowing his long hair into tangles.
"Hm," Jorden murmured, "it's nice. The birds, the animals..."
Raziel turned and smiled at him and bent his head to kiss him just as a blob of mud was thrown at them, narrowly missing hitting their faces.
"Get a room!" Someone yelled, "It's gross to see you two making out!"
Jorden turned to see a Farm Angel a few feet away glaring at them. He looked young, about eighteen.
"I'm sorry if it... disgusts you," Jorden murmured.
"It's easily fixed if you look away," Raziel added. His felt tense to Jorden.
"Just get away from here!" The Angel yelled back.
Raziel opened his mouth to say something back, but Jorden led him on. "Ignore him, love. He just wants to hurt you, don't let him win."
Raziel looked at him and softened. "You're right. Let's just go get that coffee," he murmured, smiling.
Jorden smiled back and gave Raziel a light squeeze.
The rest of the walk was peaceful, the air filled with their laughter as they talked about nothing and shared small kisses.
Heaven's Town was beautiful. Clean cobbled roads, brick and wood houses with clean windows and blooming gardens, shops selling all things from fruits to clothes and more. Markets ran down one street, Angels calling the wares and others haggling. The sweet smell of fresh bread filled the air from the bakeries with their store doors open. Angels were everywhere, of all breeds, walking in pairs, on their own, or in groups. Many were with their mates, sharing kisses, drinking coffee, or sharing a breakfast. Jorden couldn't help but notice that every other Main Angel was dating another Main Angel. It made him feel self-conscious as well as rebellious.
"I've just noticed what you're wearing," Raziel murmured in Jorden's ear, "I gave you that, didn't I? Our second date?"
Jorden laughed softly. "Yes. Hard to imagine that was twenty-five years ago, isn't it?"
"Twenty-five? Really?" Raziel asked, sounding a little shocked.
"I believe so, though I have never been good with numbers," Jorden murmured, looking up at his mate.
Raziel smiled at him. "And I love you so, so much still," he murmured. He kissed Jorden softly.
"I should hope you do," Jorden murmured against his lips, kissing him back.
"JORDEN! What on earth are you doing?!"
Jorden turned, breaking the kiss, Raziel turned too, his face suddenly expressionless, his smile gone.
Jorden lost his smile too. Another Main Angel was storming towards them, looking furious. His partner was standing by a café, looking shocked and just as mad, her hair blowing like a banner in the wind.
"I'm going on a date with my mate, Henry," Jorden said shortly, but adding some polite warmth to his voice, he eyed the other Angel coldly, "It's Valentine's Day."
"But what are you doing with him?" Henry asked, his voice a furious hiss.
Henry was a rather plump Angel with a pretty big belly and weedy brown hair. His eyes were a grey-blue, like the Antarctic sea, and just as cold. He was one of those very strict Angels that always followed the rules.
"He's my mate, what do you think I'm doing?" Jorden asked, his voice losing its fake warmth.
"He's a Life Angel, Jorden!" Henry snapped, "It's against the Law!"
"Does it look like I care?" Jorden asked, "I love him, isn't that enough?"
"And we are married," Raziel put in, unable to keep quiet, his stance next to Jorden was tense.
Henry looked at him with a look that could only be described as disgust. "That has nothing to do with it! Love has nothing to do with it! You are only meant to pick a Main Angel, Jorden!"
"I don't care," Jorden said coldly, trying to fight the urge to curl his hand into a fist.
"And he's a male!? What are you thinking?!" Henry spat, his eyes burning with anger.
"So, you're not only a goody-two-shoes who follows every single Law, you're also homophobic? Jorden asked, giving Henry the same look, he was giving him and Raziel.
"It's disgusting! You kissing another male! It's made worse by the fact that he's not the same breed!" Henry said, fanning out his bristling wings.
Jorden scowled at him. "Love is stronger than my will to behave. I would rather date someone I love more than myself than I would date someone who I don't care about!" He hissed, his hand gripping Raziel's tight, his other hand balled into a fist.
"That doesn't—"
"Enough!" Jorden yelled, gaining stares all over, he broke away from Raziel, advancing on Henry, his wings bristling. "It matters! Love matters! Without love, where would we all be? Unhappy and lonely!" He glared daggers at the other Angel who was starting to back off, "I know I'm breaking a Law, and I don't care! I know that being gay is looked down on, but I don't care! What I care about is love, just love! Love knows no bounds! It shouldn't be bound by what is 'socially acceptable'! It should be bound by nothing!"
Henry stopped moving back and looked at Jorden in pure anger. "Now look here—"
"No! Keep your fat mouth shut!" Jorden snapped at him, "Keep your opinions to yourself, what do you get from hurting those around you? Nothing! You lose friends! That's what you get!"
"Jorden..." Raziel murmured, taking Jorden's arm gently, "leave him be, you've given him something to think about," he said with a glare at Henry.
Jorden didn't want to go, he had a few more things he wanted to say, but he let Raziel take him away, but not without some kind of a fight, trying to pull his arm free.
Raziel led him to an empty alley and let him go, standing by the entrance as Jorden took a few steps into the space. He was still fuming, he needed to calm down and let it out some other way. He turned to the brick wall next to him and raised his fist. He saw Raziel make a move towards him, but he punched the wall too quickly for his mate to do anything.
Pain laced up his arm like fire. It was the release Jorden had needed. He started shaking as the tears started flowing, he lowered his arm and sank against the wall, sobbing silently.
"Love?" Raziel asked, coming over and bending down, resting a gentle hand on Jorden's shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry," Jorden gasped, trying, and failing to wrap his wings around himself.
"For what?" Raziel asked softly, stroking one of Jorden's limp wings tenderly.
"For losing control of my anger!" Jorden sobbed, "For blowing up like that!"
"You don't need to apologize for that," Raziel murmured, lowering himself onto his knees so that he could wrap his arm around Jorden's shoulders. His touch was warm, like the sun.
Jorden looked at him, tears running down his cheeks. Raziel kissed his cheek gently. "Salty," he stated, licking his lips when he broke away, "there is no need for tears. You put Henry right in his place."
Jorden wiped his face and took a shaky breath before letting out another sob.
"Let's take a look at that hand," Raziel murmured, gently taking Jorden's left hand, it was bruised and scarped. "Oh, love..."  he looked at Jorden, "it's not that bad. No broken bones. An easy fix."
Jorden watched as Raziel hovered his honey-coloured hands above and below his pale hand. A soft golden glow formed around the injured hand, like a collection of golden dust moots. His pain faded and Jorden watched in mute amazement as his bruises and scrapes faded and healed. He had known Raziel for so long but had never seen him use his power, not like this. He looked up at Raziel's face.
Raziel's face was softly lit by the golden light, showing the curves of his cheekbones, his eyes reflecting the light like green fire. Raziel's face was one of serious concentration, but his eyes held the same love they always did when he was with Jorden.
The light faded. "There, feel better?" Raziel asked, looking back at Jorden with a small smile, his hand gently holding Jorden's own.
Jorden smiled back, and then he smirked. "It does, but this would make it better," he murmured, pulling Raziel in by the collar of his robe and kissing him passionately on the lips.
Raziel froze and then melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Jorden's body, kissing him back, wrapping his wings around both of them, the feathers soft against Jorden's exposed skin.
Jorden pulled away a little and rested his forehead on Raziel's, kissing his nose.
Raziel met his gaze, his eyes full of love. "Feel better?" He breathed.
"Much better," Jorden said softly, he smiled, "want to get that coffee now?"
Raziel laughed and hugged Jorden tightly. "Alright, my love. I am still dying for a coffee," he said.
Jorden laughed too and nuzzled Raziel's neck gently. He stood and held out his healed hand for Raziel.
"Is it still tender?" Raziel asked, taking the freshly healed hand.
"No, it feels fine," Jorden murmured, leading Raziel out of the alley, hand in hand.
No one looked at them as they walked down the streets, laughing. Raziel stopped at a flower shop gently picking a single, white flower and handed it to Jorden. The petals were soft and delicate.
"Happy Valentine's Day," he murmured, kissing Jorden's nose.
Jorden blushed. "Happy Valentine's Day," he murmured back, "I love you."
Raziel nuzzled him. "I love you too."
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svendbergdotcom · 2 years ago
Why the Earth Can’t be Old!
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theuniversemumbles · 2 years ago
The Ponds
by Mary Oliver
Original Language English
Every year
the lilies
are so perfect
I can hardly believe
their lapped light crowding
the black,
mid-summer ponds.
Nobody could count all of them --
the muskrats swimming
among the pads and the grasses
can reach out
their muscular arms and touch
only so many, they are that
rife and wild.
But what in this world
is perfect?
I bend closer and see
how this one is clearly lopsided --
and that one wears an orange blight --
and this one is a glossy cheek
half nibbled away --
and that one is a slumped purse
full of its own
unstoppable decay.
Still, what I want in my life
is to be willing
to be dazzled --
to cast aside the weight of facts
and maybe even
to float a little
above this difficult world.
I want to believe I am looking
into the white fire of a great mystery.
I want to believe that the imperfections are nothing --
that the light is everything -- that it is more than the sum
of each flawed blossom rising and fading. And I do.
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24xero · 2 years ago
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Happy Earth Day! 🌎 #EarthDay #EarthDay2023 #JordensDag #Earth #Jorden #NASA https://www.instagram.com/p/CrWO3aAMnDp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mummifiedgoose · 5 months ago
This should have been the plot of alien 3 but NOOOO everyone had to DIE
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aeturnum-mendacacium · 7 months ago
do you ever wonder if the JL pre-identity reveal wondered what nationality or religion Bruce was? Or wondered if he was part of a minority? And they were like too scared to offend him but every single time they were totally off on every theory-
Flash: dude what if he's like- chinese or something.
Hal: nah bro I think he's muslim, I realised that he never eats the foods which are haram
hal: I'll prepare your funeral :)
Bruce : * just generally doesn't like pork
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drrav3nb · 7 months ago
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ALIENS (dir. James Cameron)
+ RIPLEY, HICKS & NEWT being a family
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