call-me-strega · 8 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #14: The Valentines Day Debacle
“debacle • \dee-BAH-kul\ • noun.
1 : a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river 
2 : a violent disruption (as of an army) : rout
3 a : a great disaster b : a complete failure : fiasco.”
~ It was Valentine’s Day and Jason regrets agreeing to go on this date.
Weelll, kind of, but not exactly.
This “date” was actually a covert-op with three caped chaperones because he, Steph, Tim and Cass were all on cases that ended up being the same case.
Steph and Tim had caught wind of some allegedly magic potions becoming popular among college students used to help students score dates with their up coming Valentines. There weren’t any outright love potions but confidence boosters, things to increase your attractiveness, luck boosters, thing to get people in the mood. They had been investigating into it to make sure this wasn’t secretly a drug ring but found it to some real magical bullshit. They’d located the source’s lair/lab where they brewed the potions but not the potion brewer themselves.
Cass had been in Hong Kong when she caught wind of one of her targets following rumors of a witch who specialized in potions to grant small boons and bewitching charms. After dealing with her target she started tracking down the witch to find out her goals and intentions. She followed her trail across Asia, Europe and a good portion of the eastern seaboard before her path led her to Gotham.
Jason was investigating some upper middle class chick that started hanging around the alley trying to get in with the prostitutes and drag queens(and only succeeding in making them suspicious). She met several young men who abandoned the gang allegiances too trail after her like puppies. His investigation showed she was also circling Gotham elites and was in search of gossip on two things: people looking for love and a beau for herself.
They had been going over their cases at a team meeting when they realized their 3 targets were all the same woman. Between the four of them they pieced out she was some new age witch, descendent from an older family line looking to get rich and in a relationship. Her potions weren't really actively harmful but her use of them to gain the upper hand in business deals and amass a following of boytoys she decided weren’t hunky enough for her but would do as muscle was.
Tim and Steph knew she was planning on selling her potions at the Valentine’s/Winter market place in Robinson Park coming up. Jason and Cass knew she was looking to net some more followers while they were there so the plan was simple. One of the guys would go undercover to try and get recruited while the others stayed nearby for back up. They’d try to get some information out of her and if the need for it arose, to take her into custody and hand her off to the Justice League Dark. They’d already talked to Zatana to have her ready to come to Gotham should things go awry and gotten a charm from her to prevent them from getting put under her control.
Oh if only this didn’t go so wrong.
Unfortunately for Jason, he matched their little witch’s tastes to a tee. Thus, he was the one stuck being dragged around market under the guise of having agreed to a date with her. She dragged him around, made him pay for her things, tried to use his stature to intimidate others and was generally rude to the other patrons and staff. Oh, Jason despised her but grit his teeth and pretended to play nice. Cass was investigating her stall and Steph and Tim were tailing them.
Finally over the comms he heard the team confirm Cass had found the info she was looking for and he could finally ditch little miss witch. He broke it to her that he thought this wouldn’t work out and her eye just twitched. She must have tried to charm him because she asked him to stay with her and become her main beau, which he soundly refused. This set her off on a rage as she screeched over how her charm didn’t work and how Jason would have been perfect if she’d been able to get him under her thumb. He tried to back off when she lashed out with a magic rope insisting once she captured Jason he’d be the perfect leader to her adoring little boyfriend army.
So yeah she was more psycho than anticipated.
Spoiler and Red Robin began to swoop in for the rescue which only served to enraged her further. That’s when the team learned that she was talented in more than just potions. She used her magic to start awakening magical creatures in the park surrounding them. Nymphs shed from trees and little snow golems formed and began attacking RR and Spoiler.
Black Bat had run over to extract Jason when the witch noticed her. She shrieked in outraged proclaiming if she couldn’t have Jason no one else would and that he could become fish food for the frost creatures of Far Frozen before picking him up with a spectral vine and slamming him through the frozen lake into a swirling blue portal. Cass tried to go after him but the witch quickly engaged her with too much feral rage to realize she was outclassed in hand to hand against Black Bat. By the time Steph and Tim fought off the nymphs and golems it was too late. Whatever whirling portal had been in the lake closed and Jason was no where to be found.
As Jason pushed through the ice he had one final thought before he felt himself black out: ‘Worst Valentine’s Day ever.’
~ The first thing Jason felt when he came to was cold. He was still submerged under icy water. It was chilled him to the core but was almost soothing in a way. As if cooling of a burn. As is opened his eyes the world seemed to move in slow motion. He was still underwater surrounded by chunks of ice. He could make out sounds of distorted yelling as the world seem to get even slower.
Suddenly he felt something grab his collar and place itself under his arm. Jason was unceremoniously hoisted out of a frozen river and laid out on a river bank. He let out a harsh cough and his head got dizzy. He tried to regain his wits long enough to see who pulled him out.
It was large figure, maybe an inch or two taller than his 6 foot, with the bulk of a viking and the looks of one too. The man appeared to be around the same age as Jason, possibly older, and very concerned. He had messy white hair that was tied(or braided? Jason’s vision was still blurry) in the back. He was wearing armor made of some sort of hide leather and a dark gray metal (iron?) and covered in snow-white furs.
Jason stared at his savior trying to get his wits about him, willing his vision to clear. That’s Jason felt a warm fur cloak wrap around him as the man said something Jason wasn’t able to comprehend. He let out another harsh cough and felt himself being picked up in a princess carry. His rescuer moved incredibly fast for someone carrying a man of Jason’s stature. However, the motion did not help with the dizziness or the cold. Jason shivered, curling towards his “heroic knight” and pulling the cloak tighter around himself. This spurred the man to go faster.
Finally, everything stopped moving and Jason felt himself encompassed in warmth. Several more furs were wrapped around him and he was laid down to rest. At last Jason’s vision cleared enough to see the other man’s face properly. He had a rugged face and a strong jawline. He had a small scar near his eyebrow and round eyes with light eye bags beneath them. He had a straight nose and bow-shaped lips.
Jason felt the world slow down again and realized he’d soon pass out from the cold. The man lifted Jason’s head and slipped a pillow underneath. A rough hand gently pushed the wet hair out of his face and caressed his cheek. Jason stared into the man’s eye. They were kind, gentle, and such a vibrant green they seemed to glow. The man gave him a small smile and the last thing Jason heard before falling asleep was a soothing voice telling him “Rest, we will take care of you.” And with that Jason felt himself relax and fell asleep.
~ When Jason came to the first thing he saw was a 20-something-foot tall yeti with an icy cybernetic arm looming over the foot of his bed.
He promptly screamed and fell out of bed.
A vaguely familiar voice called out from another room.
“ FROSTBITE! I thought I told you not to scare him!”
In walked the man that had saved Jason from an icy death. Upon closer inspection now that he wasn’t dying the man seem 10 times as beautiful than Jason remembered. He almost seemed to have this ethereal glow to him. The man continued to admonish the yeti who just laughed heartily and continued on with whatever task he was trying to complete. The man turned his attention to Jason, smiling at him in apology and lifting him back into the bed.
“ I’m sorry about Frostbite. He won’t admit it but I think he gets a crack out of scaring his patients,” He said with a placating chuckle. His mirthful eyes met Jason’s puzzled ones and he continued on as he began to fiddle with few thermoses, seemingly searching for one in particular.
“ You must be quite confused. I don’t exactly know how you ended up here but this place called the Far Frozen. I felt a pulse of magic near the river and went to investigate and ended up fished you of the water. You were nearly frozen so I brought you back to village where you could get warmed up and medics like Frostbite could help you before the actual frostbite set in.”
He chuckled at his own joke before placing a cup in Jason’s hands.
“ It’s soup, drink up. It’ll help you get warm.”
Jason hesitantly took a sip of his soup. It was surprisingly good! He continued to sip his soup and Jason observed the man. He had a rather muscular build Jason noticed, staring at the man for no other reason than assessing if he’d be a potential threat (and for absolutely no other reason). Danny finished closing up his thermos and continued to speak.
“ I promise once Frostbite treats you for any illness or injury. I’ll help you get home. -Oh where are my manners” he held his hand out for Jason to shake. “You can call me Phantom.”
“ Call me Jay,” he replied, taking Phantom’s hand and a glance at his biceps. Phantom pulled away and stood up.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to resting. I’ll come back later when Frostbite gives you a check up and we can talk about how you got here and how to get you back” He turned and began to walk out before turning his head back one last time and waved. “I’ll see in a bit Jay.”
Jason watched him go and fell back into bed having finished his soup. As he pulled the furs and blankets back over himself he thought ‘Well maybe it’s not the worst Valentine’s Day ever.’
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lexytoga · 9 days
Headcanons for Loki :
 They don't really smoke, just think it's gross and weird for humans to do
Loki prefers wine than beer, he likes sweeter drinks in general
Loki really can't sleep half the time  cause of the darkness most of the time he doesn't sleep (mobius might have gotten them a light lamp)
  Loki half the time goes to buy outfits from thrift stores he would go to places like Gucci but I feel like he would be offended by the prices 
Loki braids his hair hair before he sleeps mainly to get natural waves 
Loki likes candies a lot, mainly the sour and sweet ones but he didn't like the key lime pie and mostly ate the frosting until mobius gave him a pumpkin pie which Loki loved 
He wears eyeliner and carries eyeliner to fix it
Loki's Jontun form has gloves on cause he can't touch people since he would burn them
Loki mainly crafts his own weapon and powers them with his magic (like a poison knife)
Loki listens to Lana del Rey and sometimes Taylor Swift mainly cause he likes the sad and romantic vibes of it 
Loki weighs like a Frost giant even in his Asgardian form even though he is small the illusion doesn't change his weight (from what I know he is like 500 pounds) so mobius really has a hard time dragging Loki away
On a sunny day, Loki really has sun allergies but it's very light but worse in his jotunn form, it's one of his weaknesses, that the burns really don't heal that fast 
Loki has every birthday gift he was given because it is the only time he feels loved in a way, especially by Thor who would just get Loki a plushie
Speaking of plushies Loki has a bit of separation anxiety, it is not that bad but he does panic when someone he loves doesn't text back, like when mobius goes somewhere unannounced, as kids Thor and Loki would share a room cause of it, sometimes thor had to hold Loki when he sleeps, as an adult thor taught plushies would remind him that he is always with Loki
Loki's grave (the Infinity War Loki) would be visited by Thor every day, he would clean it and put plushies and flowers on the grave
Loki has a lot of pets some of them are Thori (a hellhound from Hel) Ikol (a nod to comic, and a magpie) a snake, and a cat named Clementine 
(This is more like a modern Loki au) Loki would have used his magic to make himself an apartment to stay on earth, Loki would come home to Clementine and hang out with her when he gets home
not really a headcanon but he does have all-speak, speaking all languages (again in the comics)
Loki sometimes wears high heels, but he would conjure shoes if they got uncomfortable
Loki sometimes bakes pies since he really isn't good at cooking, but he learned to bake a pie for mobius so he didn't have to eat from the TVA
Loki would conjiur a blanket on mobius when he would overwork and fall asleep on his desk
Mobius doesn't know how to fight so Loki uses his magic to protect mobius and help him heal
Loki has BPD (borderline personality disorder) but mobius tries to help him and calm him down when he gets angry
Loki usually scoops mobius up and hugs him random moments taking advantage of there height difference
Mobius would give Loki candy or a star after they complete a mission to encourage Loki to be more less violent
Loki doesn't curse at all but he uses more older words like quim and all or he would just mumble in asgardain, he has a habit of going back to old English using "thy" "aye"
Both Loki and mobius love language is touch and glares, Loki would telepathically talk to mobius when they are around people
Mobius loves how Loki would explain in a Shakespeare
As a kid Loki mainly pranked thor to cope with his insecurity, he still does but it was getting better with mobius comforting him
Mobius sometimes feels like he is lesser to loki and thinks he isn't good enough since Loki was a god
Loki would visit a variant of frigga who ofc knew it wasn't her Loki but yet treated him like no other
When frigga met mobius she was noting but happy and knew Loki was happy with mobius and other way around, she was glad her son found some he can be real with
Mobius always treated him equal to everyone and sees him as a lover and a friend, and never used the god title unless Loki wasn't sure of a mission being successful
(please note my version of loki is like a combo of MCU loki and comic loki! Most of these are not cannon in the MCU but it might in comics! and I keep using he/they prounce cause i am confused as hell-)
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alelaputettu · 2 years
sori mut kaikki tempparijaksot on sillee
joku muija: mul oli jontun kans tosi syvällinen silmiä avaava keskustelu
jonttu: kyl luottamus on tärkee parisuhtees et jos sitä luottamust ei oo nii se ei oo hyvä juttu et kannattaa sit miettii onks se hyvä suhde jos ei oo luottamusta
muija: mm joo
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phattrienbanthan · 2 years
Tham khảo thương hiệu sơn tường đẹp
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raditiyajaya · 4 years
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Jasa Cat Lapangan Tenis Jotun Sekolah TERMURAH DAN TERJAMIN KUALITAS - Jasa Cat Lapangan Tenis Jotun Sekolah TERMURAH TERJAMIN AWET (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/jUXL3x7Hg8 Jasa Cat Lapangan Tenis Jotun Sekolah Jasa Cat Lapangan Tenis Jotun Sekolah Seandainya Berminat ORDER SEKARANG 0822-9867-5016. KFI SPORT adalah Perusahaan Jasa Cat Lapangan Tenis Jotun Sekolah, Kontraktor Cat Lapangan Tenis Tennokote Bekasi, Aplikator Cat Lapangan Tennokote Jakarta, Jasa Cat Lapangan Voli Bogor, Kontraktor Cat Untuk Lapangan Tangerang ORDER SEKARANG 0822-9867-5016. KFI SPORT
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thespacecowboyyy · 4 years
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megaminhquan · 5 years
Thi công sơn nước Thủ Dầu Một Bình Dương
Công Ty Minh Quân với kinh nghiệm hơn 15 năm kinh nghiệm thi công sơn nước tại Thủ Dầu Một Bình Dương, Đồng Nai và các Tỉnh lân cận, các công trình do Công Ty Xây Dựng Minh Quân thi công luôn được các Nhà Thầu và các Công Ty Trong Khu Công Nghiệp được đánh giá cao về uy tín, chất lượng, giá cạnh tranh và bảo hành rõ ràng. Nếu bạn cần thi công sơn nước, hãy liên hệ 0972134785 để được tư vấn nhanh nhất.
Khi bị tác động lâu bởi thời gian và  thời tiết khắc nghiệt nóng ẩm ở Việt Nam thì lớp sơn sẽ dẫn đến các nguyên nhân sau:
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- Lớp sơn sẽ bị bạc màu, phai màu, bị vết đen sau nhiều năm sử dụng
- Lớp sơn sẽ bị bong tróc, loang lổ, làm mất thẩm mỹ của công trình
- Bề mặt tường bị ran nứt, xuống cấp
Ngoài ra, Trong quá trình thi công nếu không đúng kỹ thuật, thợ chưa có tay nghề sẽ làm sản phẩm xuống cấp nhanh chóng, với đội ngũ của công ty Minh Quân hơn 15 năm xây dựng các công trình lớn, bạn luôn yên tâm về chất lượng sản phẩm.
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inventors-fair · 3 years
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Kin Entries, 17-24 of 32 ~
@kamoegoi — Avarax Alpha @knightofthelivingtable — Jontun Overseer @misterstingyjack — Packleader Kerosah @morbidlyqueerious — Sanctified Warden @nine-effing-hells — Synapse-Sucker Skaab @partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff — Sycophantic Squire @partytimesdeluxe — Mist-Trick Sprite @piccadilly-blue — Imperial Guard Captain
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
Hungry Alpha, One shot
Thanks for the prompt red-fish-from-a-pond I hope you like it.
There are no omegas or alfas in Asgard, much to Loki’s frustration. As a jontun alpha, he craves for a little omega to make his. He has taking to travelling through the nine realms to look for a suitable one, untill he finds you working at a lonely dinner one night. You are perfect, and he will make you his, whether you like it or not.
WARNINGS: Rape, knotting, murder, Loki just takes what he wants…
Loki had travelled far and wide before finally finding you.
And of course, it had to be Midgard. You had to be a mortal. But that didn’t matter to him, deep down he was just so hungry for an omega. And now he had found you.
Working at a small café that was open late. Very little customers were there, so you weren’t exactly rushed off your feet.
You knew Loki was an Alpha as soon as he walked in, you could smell him so clearly. You’d sent a text to your Alpha, letting him know that you’d need him to come and meet you after work. Because there was a hungry looking Alpha eyeing you up.
When you went over to Loki to take his order, he’d grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing over your knuckles and subtly sniffing you at the same time. He could tell you already had an Alpha, but he hadn’t claimed you yet…
So in his eyes, you were all for the taking.
And he was going to take you, in every way a man could take a woman. He was going to make you his omega bitch, whether you wanted it or not.
Loki proceeded to make you feel uneasy for the last hour of your shift. He would snap his fingers and call you over, where you’d rush over in an instant. Not only because he was a customer, but being an omega it was difficult to defy an Alpha, whether he was being an asshole or not.
You brought him another cup of tea and a scone and placed it down on the table.
‘Good girl.’ He purred, then grinned wickedly at the slight blush that formed on your cheeks, startling you a little from his praise.
Praise from an Alpha made your knees weak. Though you tried to ignore it and did your best to stay at the back of the counter, trying to ignore the heated gaze that was constantly on you from the well-suited man.
But when you went to collect his empty plate and drink, he grabbed your wrist before you moved away, making you stop.
‘A beautiful omega like yourself shouldn’t be walking home alone at this time of night, how about I walk you home after your shift?’ He offered.
‘Oh… Uhm, no… Thanks… My Alpha is coming to meet me.’ You rambled quickly, relieved when he reluctantly let go of your wrist.
‘Very well.’ He nodded curtly.
It was finally the end of your shift, it was time to lock up the café. You were so relieved when Loki left, throwing his jacket over his shoulder as he sauntered out, throwing some cash onto the counter as he passed by with a dashing smile and a wink in your direction.
You tried to shake off the bad feeling you had about that man as you closed up the café. When you got outside, there was no sign of your Alpha yet. You felt a bit sick, worried about walking home with a strange and clearly hungry Alpha in the vicinity.
But you decided to start walking in the direction of home, knowing that you’d bump into your man soon enough. You’d not gotten far when you felt a shiver down your spine and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end.
Turning around, you gasped as you saw the man from the café right behind you.
You turned back around and started walking as quickly as possible, but you were grabbed and roughly shoved against the wall. Loki then put his hands to the wall at either side of you, trapping you in place. And you knew there was no way you’d be able to fight him off, because he was far too strong and towered over you, he was a giant.
He chuckled wickedly and gripped your chin, forcing you to look at him. ‘Now, now, pet. I’m only in need of an omega, and I just so happen to have found you. You’re a pretty little thing, and you smell delectable.’ He purred.
‘I… I have an Alpha.’ You said, your voice shaky.
Loki leaned down and pressed his nose into your neck, in-haling your scent deeply. ‘Ahh… You may have an Alpha, and I can smell him on you… But he has not claimed you, such a foolish idiot. I will not make the same mistake, I will claim you like a proper Alpha should do, every inch of you, inside and out. You will bare my mark and everyone will know, exactly, who you belong to.’ He growled and went to bite your neck, but suddenly he was grabbed from behind and hauled off you.
Relief flooded through you upon seeing your Alpha. But that relief didn’t last long…
‘Get your dirty paws off my omega!’ Your Alpha shouted at him.
Loki laughed and looked at you, then back to your Alpha. ‘Your omega? She barely smells of you. And you think you can take me, a god, on? I’d like to see you try.’ He grinned cockily.
Your Alpha looked a little stunned at his words, and so were you, but then your Alpha launched at Loki. But what happened next had you screaming and crying hysterically.
Loki simply snapped your Alphas neck in one quick and easy motion, killing him instantly.
‘NOOOOOOO!’ You ran to your Alpha and fell to your knees at his body, screaming and crying as you leaned over him.
Loki reached down and with one arm around your middle, he lifted you up off the ground with ease. Even with you kicking and screaming. ‘Mine.’ He growled into your ear.
The next few minutes were a bit of a blur, your eyes were full of tears as you cried for the loss of your Alpha. Loki carried you quickly and easily back to his hotel room not far from the café. When he got you inside, you bolted across the room and cowered in the corner.
‘Take off your clothes.’ He demanded.
You fell to the floor, shaking and still crying. You didn’t do as he said, even if there was a part of your instincts telling you to do as you were told. You were too terrified.
Loki took large steps towards you, until he was towering over you. He reached down and grabbed a fistful of your hair, then dragged you over to the middle of the room by the bed. He grabbed your arm and lifted you up, throwing you onto the bed where he followed.
He tore at your clothes like a wild animal, throwing the tatters of your clothing onto the floor. Then he flipped you over onto your front and pinned you down with a hand to the back of your neck, forcing your face down onto the bed.
‘You will do as you’re told for your Alpha.’ He snarled and brought his hand down hard onto your backside, making you cry out in pain. His hand was huge and his swing was very strong.
You had no option as you lay there, pinned down to the bed as Loki then rudely shoved his hand between your thighs. He didn’t take long to get your body ready for him, just rubbed your clit for a few seconds before shoving two fingers up inside of you, thrusting a couple of times. Then you let out a sob as you felt him move in behind you, positioning himself against your cunt.
When you felt the broad head of his cock start to press into you, you knew that this was it. There was no way out of this. You were about to be taken by this aggressive Alpha.
And he certainly did take you. He roughly thrust into you, making you feel every single thrust. The hand at the back of your neck didn’t let up as he rutted into you hard, knocking the wind out of you with every thrust.
Your cries and whimpers were just music to his ears.
‘You feel so wonderful around my cock, omega. I’ve been searching for so long for you.’ He grunted, folding himself more over your back as he forced your body to accept him.
He finally moved his hand from the back of your neck, but only to slide underneath you and tweak at your nipples. His other hand moved further south, to pinch your clit painfully. But he felt you clench around his cock, making him chuckle.
You tried struggling when you felt him trying to push his knot into you, you really didn’t want that to happen. But he bit down hard on the back of your neck and growled in warning at you, making you freeze.
‘Keep still.’ He snarled, holding onto your skin with his teeth.
You whimpered and let your body go, just giving in to him. Knowing you had no other option as you felt his knot push into you. Once he was in, it started to swell within you, locking him in place.
‘Ohhh, yes! Such a delightful and tight quim you have.’ He moaned in delight, still teasing your clit and nipples.
Tears kept falling from you, both in fear of this new Alpha that was claiming you and also in mourning over your real Alpha.
You felt Loki’s cock starting to pulse, his knot was throbbing hotly against your g spot and with the way he was stroking your clit, you couldn’t stop yourself from cumming hard, gushing all over his cock.
That delighted Loki.
‘That’s it, pet. You’re mine now.’ He growled and bit down on your neck, breaking the skin to mark you, showing everyone else that you were claimed, just as he exploded inside you.
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opheliadawnwalker3 · 5 years
I'm not sure if it'll make you uncomfortable... But could you do a Lady Loki x fem reader to where the reader finds out what Loki's Jontun form looks like? At first Loki is super furious that the reader found and gets super self-conscious, but the admits that she really adores the form.
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You scold yourself as you hurry towards your Lady’s chambers, struggling not to drop the many bottles of oils and linens you are carrying. You were never late for your duties before, but Thor kept you a little longer than usual, polishing the weapons in the armory. And now you were running late to assist Lady Loki in her bath chambers. You only hope she will be in a forgiving mood.
You arrive to the ornate door of her private chambers and knock, precariously balancing your items in one arm. No answer. Carefully, you open the door and enter the grand room. Lady Loki is nowhere in sight, but you could see the steam drift out of her private bath chambers. You take a deep breath and quietly make your way in, not wanting to disturb her. You quickly place your items on the small table, before turning to greet her.
“Forgive me my Lady bu-” you start to say but the vision before you halts your voice. She has her back to you, but her vision is reflected in the tall mirror she stands before. Her elegant body is bare before you, but her skin is a brilliant dark blue. Pronounced ridges dance across her skin in intricate patterns. Her long black hair hangs long and loose down her back. And in the reflection her bright scarlet eyes are narrowed furiously at you. She turns to acknowledge you, ethereal features twisted in rage.
“How dare you come in here unannounced!” She hisses vehemently, taking aggressive strides across the room to you.
“Y-you’re a Jotun?” you respond before you could stop the words from tumbling out. 
Lady Loki snarls as a strong hand grasps your throat and you’re pressed back into the wall. She looms over you, teeth bared in silent fury. Your heart thudding with fear and revelation.
“You will tell no one what you’ve seen. Or the pain I will inflict upon you will have you begging for death.”
She brings her face down closer to yours, practically touching noses. “Do we have an understanding?” she whispers in a dangerous tone.
You eyes widen and you swallow hard. “Of course, my Lady. You’re secret is safe with me.”
She regards you coldly for a moment longer, before sighing and releasing her hold on your neck. “Well then get to it. I request the jasmine oils today.” She turns her back to you to begin slipping into the large bathing pool. As you undress to join her, you watch as her skin changes from blue to the flawless ivory skin you were accustomed to. The ridges recede and her scarlet eyes are emerald once more. Beautiful mask in place, Lady Loki looks up at you expectantly and you subtly shake your head.
“You don’t have to change back on my account. You can stay as you were.”
She rolls her eyes and scoffs. “You would bathe with a monster? How droll.”
You carefully gather the necessary bottles before stepping into the pool. The hot water caresses heavenly over your skin.
“I…see no monster. Far from it in fact. If you should like, I would be happy to assist you in your true form.”
“Surely, you’ve heard the tales of my kind. How they steal children to feed their demon pets. That they slaughter without reason and drink from the skulls of their enemies?” She inquires with a rue smile.
You take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts carefully. “Well…I know you are none of those things and so I have nothing to fear. Besides…your Jotun form is quite beautiful.”
Loki raises a thin brow at you and you could almost swear you can see a subtle pink touch her cheeks. She shakes her head and turns her back to you, moving her long black hair over one graceful shoulder.
“Another time.” she concludes coolly and you know the conversation is over. You nod as you pour the oil into your hands and begin to gently massage her shoulders.
“As you wish.”
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blue-bony · 4 years
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Claren has a particulary interest into plants and botany. These vegetal resources had helped “humans” for centuries to treat deseases and make them comfortable in winter with warm teas. The female Jontun creature has a personal affection and empathy to this little and weak creature race called humans, so she will do everything in her hand to care and save them.
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lokispettigerr · 5 years
I love coming up with smut with you. To the anon who asked for sex pollen you will get your wish as well as the jontun as well!
The sex pollen fic was actually not an anon request.  @rougepetale​ Requested it. 
It is being worked on NOW! Sex Pollen Loki SMUT x reader COMING UP!
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Peace,  Loki’s Pet Tiger
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Nightmares and Cuddles
Writer’s Month 2019 day 12! Today’s prompt is Dreams
Summary: Jenn gets a nightmare about Novus and her team. She seeks out Novus just to make sure he’s alright.
Note: Again, its Jenn and Novus. 
Word Count: 463
   Jenn startled awake, heart pounding in her chest and breathing heavily. She tore off the covers, letting the cool air hit her sweaty skin. That dream… she blinked her eyes, fighting back the tears. Novus, oh god Novus. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. He was fine. It was just a dream. Him and everyone else are perfectly fine. There’s no need to wake them up at- she opened her eyes and looked at the little clock on her bedside table, 2:17 am. The feeling in her chest didn’t go away though, no matter how many times she tried to convince herself. She let out a shaky breath and got out of bed. Fuck it.
  She grabbed her shoes and slipped them on and then headed towards the door. The hallway was dim with the orange glow of the sparse lights. She tried to make her footsteps as quiet as she could as to not waken anyone else. She reached Novus’ door, which was thankfully only at the end of the hall. She knocked a couple of times and then opened the door, figuring he wouldn’t have woken up from her light knocks. She stepped inside the dark room and headed towards the bed. Placing her hand on his shoulder she gently shook him.
  “Novus.” She whispered. “Novus.” She shook him a little bit harder and then he was waking up with gasp.
  “Ahh- what the- Jenn?” She let go of him.
  “Yeah, its me.”
  “What the fuck.” Jenn sighs and looks down at her hands.
  “I-I had this really bad night mare- and and- you were dead and so was Anox and Leela and Jontun and god it was awful-” Novus shifts up, tucking his legs in.
  “Hey,” He voice was soft as he laid his hands on her forearms.
  “And then all of a sudden you were these monsters and I had to kill you guys and I- I couldn’t. I can’t do that to my-” Jenn interrupts herself with a sob and leans in towards Novus. Novus maneuvers them so she’s sitting in his lap. He’s stroking her hair and gently rocking them while he makes comforting sounds.
  “Its okay, its okay. We’re fine, I’m fine. Everyone is okay. It was just a dream.” He rubs up and down her back as she sobs and he can feel his chest twisting. Novus lays them down, securely wrapping his arms around her. 
  Its sometime later when she stops crying, instead just sniffling. She doesn’t look up at him when she speaks.
  “Can I stay here tonight?” Novus doesn’t even hesitate.
  “Of course. As long as you need.” Jenn, exhausted, pulls Novus closer and closes her eyes again. Novus, too, closes his eyes, content with her in his arms.
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portraitoftheoddity · 7 years
I've been working back through your meta, and thought of something I haven't ever seen anyone mention. Since you are clearly a person with lots of Loki thoughts, I figured I'd ask your take. My theory is that Loki's many daggers show where his head is at in any particular scene. Some have gold and look Asgardian, a lot are plain/silver, and the last ones with the blue look Jontun inspired. Sort of a hidden story/journey told in knives. I think he creates them? If not, this means nothing.
Ooooh. That’s an interesting take. I admit, my interpretation has always been that Loki’s weapons are something he brings forth from magical storage and not something he conjures wholesale from nothingness (in Thor 1, for instance, he magics forth the casket from somewhere else, but he didn’t create it), with the aesthetic of his weapons being more tied to the individual film’s art direction (everything is bright and colorful in Ragnarok, including Thor, Val, and Loki’s weapons, so I kinda assumed he’d scavenged them from a Sakaarian weapons locker). But it’s possible he manifests them and picks up on visual cues around him? We don’t know much about Loki’s magic and how it works, so there’s a lot of ways to imagine it. 
Either way, it’s an interesting observation and not something I thought about before! And it’s got me thinking about another character development indicator in Loki’s choice of weapons, which is daggers vs. spear:
At the beginning of the first Thor movie, we see Loki using daggers on Jotunheim while fighting at Thor’s side. Daggers seem to be his established weapon of choice. Then, after he’s been made king and is losing it, he instead fights with Odin’s spear Gungnir -- a symbol of power and rank, but also a potential symbol of tyranny (even moreso, from what we find out in Ragnarok). He uses this when fighting against Thor.
Then, in Avengers, Loki has a new spear in the scepter given to him by Thanos and the Other. Again, Loki is in an antagonistic role, trying to be the tyrant, and directly opposed to Thor. And again, he’s not really himself. He’s trying to fit into a role that he isn’t fundamentally suited for, the aspirational dictator, and with it, carrying a weapon he isn’t as inherently comfortable with (but associated with kingship). He does use a dagger to stab Thor in one scene, right after he’s almost come to his senses, but the majority of his combat in the movie is spear-based. 
But then in Thor: The Dark World, Loki is back to fighting with daggers. And here, he’s not Thor’s antagonist, but an ally. He is also more in the role of trickster than the role of king or conqueror. We see glimpses of the old Loki -- the Loki who loved his mother, and fought for Asgard -- and we see the old Loki’s fighting style (which is very similar to Frigga’s, not Odin’s). The one time he uses a spear-like weapon is when he impales the Kursed, and is impaled in turn. 
In Thor: Ragnarok, I think, if Loki had fought with Gungnir right off the bat, it would have been a bad sign. The fact he doesn’t gravitate to it speaks quite a bit, I think, to Loki’s diminished desire to actually be king. He never raises it against Thor, and his first instinct is to go for daggers against Strange, and then again with Valkyrie, and the final battle on the bifrost. 
So looking at it, it seems as if Spear!Loki is usually an antagonist, usually trying to be someone other than himself, and usually has things go really badly for him. Daggers!Loki, on the other hand, is usually on Thor’s side, and usually a bit more under his own control. So whether Loki is using daggers or not may be seen as an indicator of whether you’re dealing with batshit-crazy-wannabe-king!Loki, or endearing-asshole-trickster!Loki. 
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askfrostmaster · 7 years
Grandmaster leaning back eyes closed while Loki paints Jontun markings on his face and chest.
OHey I like this (ᅌᴗᅌ* ) 
and a opportunity to draw blue loki 
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learn-old-norse · 7 years
Just some things in old Norse.
Wheim ritþr þausi stain à marki mi?! (Who rise this stone on my land?!)
-Warin•er•Ragnar? -an•ôria•øwfer•fljotR. (-Where is Ragnar ?) (-he went over the river.) Hilde•furu•fra•sveariki•af•øwfer•haf•okk•jola*Un•skola•nah•kamo•heim•a•i•manemini•af•alja•tiþi* (Hilde traveld from svealand away over sea and earth. Not should she come home in all mens memories of all time.) Ein•Jøtun•kums•fra•Jotunheim•ok•ein•þurs fra•Nifelheim*Þe•twa•wæsen•furu•øwfer• midgård•ok•lifi•vel•ub•i•bergi* goðR•festi•æt af•manus•folki* (A Jontun came from Jontunheim and a troll from Nilfelheim. The two “creatures” went over midgard and living well up in the mountains. There thay feast and eat of the human folk.)
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