#marvel drabble request
hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | Your father’s friend just wants you to relax for once.
prompts. | Natasha Romanoff + Dad’s Best Friend + “You have no idea what you do to a woman like me.” + Creampie, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!dad’s best friend!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, coercion, age gap, dad’s best friend, Mommy kink, drinking/forced drinking, rough sex, strapping, use of squirting strap, pet names, dirty talk, mild dumbification, praise, mentions of female oral, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics.
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Natasha’s strap-on strokes your inner walls, repeatedly hitting that sweet spot within you. She holds your arms above your head by your wrists, and you marvel at her strength. 
Your tits bounce with her powerful thrusts, pathetic moans leaving your parted lips and filling the room. Your pornographic noises drown out the sound of skin on skin, but you’re still a victim of the older woman’s filthy words.
“Look at ya—you’re a mess, baby,” Natasha coos, admiring the fucked-out look on your face. She watches as your eyes roll back into your head when she grinds her cock into you, giving your clit some friction. “You needed this badly, huh? Just needed Mommy to fuck you.”
Absentmindedly, you nod your head. 
But it’s true—you’re always so on edge and straitlaced. Natasha—your father’s friend—believed you needed a good fucking to loosen you up. Along with much alcohol, which she gladly supplied you with until you were incoherent.
“Uh-huh!” you babble, keeping your legs spread so that she can better spear into you. Your head swims under the waves of wine and arousal, desire bubbling to the surface with the euphoria that bursts in your body. She loves you like this.
Natasha chuckles at how she has basically fucked you stupid.
It didn’t take much to get you like this—writhing on the bed in the guest room she always occupies whenever she’s in town. Just some heavy petting, and you were gone—pliant under the older woman’s touch. At times, you mumbled refusals, but once she got your clothes off, you were everything she has dreamed of.
Natasha reaches a thumb down to your clit, and she rubs the swollen pearl, making you cry out. “Oh– ’M gonna come,” you mewl, staring up at her as you focus on the ascension of your climax. 
The pressure within you builds and builds, intense and breath-taking. Your moans are loud, and Natasha is glad she made sure no one would be home. She thrusts in and out of you with vigour, determined to get you to come around her dick.
“You gonna come on Mommy’s cock, baby? Hm? Gonna soak it like a good girl?” she asks, adding fuel to the fire that is your orgasm. You nod rapidly, and she smirks. “Go ahead, then. Come for Mommy,” Natasha tells you.
On her command, you come undone. Your cunt squeezes your father’s friend’s strap as you coat it in your cream. You cry out her name and dig your nails into your skin, leaving crescent-shaped scars in their wake.
The pleasure is too much—you haven’t felt anything like this before. Natasha fucks you through your climax, even when you become overstimulated and weakly beg her to give you a break. She keeps rubbing your clit until she deems you’ve had enough.
The older woman reaches down to her strap and grabs at the fake balls, ready to give you a surprise you’ll have to remember the following day. 
“Mommy’s gonna fill you up, baby,” she whispers, slowing down the movements of her hips. Your brows furrow in confusion, but in your haze, you don’t question her words too much. All you can think about is getting fucked. “Gonna dump a load in this tight cunt—fill ‘er up ‘til you’re begging me for more.”
Natasha squeezes, and you feel thick, sticky liquid spurting inside you. It coats your walls, and the odd sensation is welcomed. Just as she said, she fills you up with the ‘cum’ until it leaks past her fake cock, dripping down your ass and onto the sheets. 
“You have no idea what you do to a woman like me,” she smirks, leaning down to press a chaste kiss on your lips. She is more than satisfied when she tastes herself and the wine on your mouth.
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cozywolvie · 23 days
hii, i was wondering if u could do a fic of logan nd wade with a sunshine reader ^_^ like an overly happy and energetic person ig. IF THAT MAKES SENSE LOL. i don’t see too many fanfics with sunshine readers… or at least when i look. not sure if u have gotten many requests yet but hopefully this isn’t a bother to u!! u can add smut or smth if u want. u seem super cool and hopefully u have a fun time writing this if u do :3 have a great day or night!!
a/n: yayy! my first request! thank you sm for requesting and you are not a bother at all. I really hope this is somewhat of what you wanted. this is straight fluff and cuteness, so I hope you enjoy!
You have always been a morning person. You loved watching the sky turn different shades of yellow and orange as the sun rose, and you loved having a cup of coffee while watching it. However, your boyfriends couldn’t disagree more with you.
Here you are, laid out on the back porch, wearing one of Logan’s plaid flannels, baking in the rising sunlight as it goes over the horizon. A warm cup of coffee is settled in between your fingers, and you grip it tightly, loving the warmth it gave you on this crisp morning.
While you laid out here, Wade and Logan lay inside sound asleep in your shared king size bed. They always love to tease you about your chirpiness and happiness, especially in the morning. They couldn’t get around the fact that they both were somehow able to fall in love with a person so opposite of them, especially Logan.
It was around 10 am when you started to hear the two men stir. You were in the kitchen, humming, flipping pancakes on the stove. Logan emerged first from the bedroom, wearing a pair of sweats that hung low on his waist, a flannel hung along his shoulders, underneath was bare, and you tired not to gawk at his figure. He smirks when you see’s you. “Smells good.” He compliments, walking around to your side and placing a long kiss on your temple. You smile, practically leaning into his tender embrace.
“Good morning” You beam back at him. You loved mornings like this, calm, peaceful, anything to get away from the stress of Wade and Logan's crime fighting careers. You offer him coffee, which he leaves black, and sits down at the kitchen table. You continue to hum in content, even dancing to nothing in the kitchen, enjoying the sizzling of the pancake batter on the stove. There was just pure joy and happiness radiating off of you. Logan smiles at the sight.
“Good morning bubbles!” The sound of your other boyfriend radiates the room. Logan groans in discomfort at the loud sound, plugging his ears closed. You giggle at Wade’s nickname. Awhile ago when you three had gotten together, Wade had referred to the three of you were like the powerpuff girls. You, bubbles, because you were always bubbly. Buttercup, Logan, which is pretty self explanatory. And Wade, Blossom, because he claims that he was the captain of your little team.
“Good morning Wade.” You give him peck on the lips, and hand him his coffee, with a shit ton of creamer and four sugars, he loves things sweet. He takes a sip and nods approvingly. “Ah, sweet! Just like my girl.” He gives your behind a cheeky slap and you giggle, swatting him away playfully.
You all sit at the table, munching down on pancakes. Wade drowns his in syrup and Logan cringes at the sight. “You’re gonna get diabetes if you keep doing that.” Logan scowls.
“I already got cancer, I’ll take my chances.” Wade says back, shoving pancakes in his mouth. You grin, rolling your eyes at the pair. Logan eyes your cup of coffee. “Which number cup is that?” He teases.
“My forth.” You grin, taking a sip. Logan chuckles, shaking his head in amusement, “No wonder you’re always so energetic.”
"Nah, it's just the way our girl is." Wade says, sending a wink your way. You grin and try to hide your blush. "I have no reason to be anything else. I've got a good life, a roof over my head, and two incredibly amazing sexy men who are in love with me." You giggle with a wink, watching as both the men smile, making your heart warm.
"About that, thank you." Logan states. You crinkle your brows in confusion, not knowing what he is thanking you for. He see's your confusion, stumbling over his words, becoming flustered. "Well, uh, ya'know-"
"What peanut is trying to say is, that we are grateful for you. You're the light in our lives that we both needed." Wade states, grabbing your hand from across the table. You can't even contain the blush on your cheeks now. If anything, you should be thanking them.
"I'm the grateful one." You say. The boys smile, showering you in love and kisses. The rest of the day is spent with the three of you relaxing in your free time, cuddled up by the two men you love most, all three of your laughters echoing around the small cozy apartment.
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plussizefantasia · 5 months
Don't Call Me Kitty
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Bucky Barnes x Black Cat! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Chapter 1/6
Warnings: Reader is plus size and it's talked about being somewhat of a negative thing (its not) , language, I think that's it
AN: This is part one of the BlackCat!Reader x Bucky work that I've been working on for a while. It was a request although I can't seem to find the original request anymore. This is part one of six, all fully written but I decided to split it up because this is by far the longest thing I've ever written and I wanted to publish it in chunks. Let me know if you like it, or if the rest of this should just stay hidden in my drafts for all of eternity.
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If you had to spend one more fucking minute in the same car as James Buchanan Barnes, one of you would be dying. And you are pretty fucking confident that it won't be you.
 He won't get off your back. Every chance he has it seems like he launches himself at the opportunity to remind everyone that you weren’t always the goody two shoes he thinks you are pretending to be. But God forbid you call him out on the obvious hypocrisy he's spewing because then you’d have to face Rogers and the inevitable tirade he’d go off on about how his best friend was never a bad man, just deeply broken and how the actions he’d taken while under Hydra’s control were not his own.
You don’t take issue with Barnes bringing up your past, it's not a secret. Everyone on the team had at one point been the focus of your ire on one of your bad days and that more often than not led to some sort of discussion where you would disclose more and more about the things you were trying to forget. Your issue with Barnes was that he was trying to insinuate you were one of the good guys. And you’d rather die than admit you were an Avenger. 
You are not, nor will you ever be a good guy. You aren’t necessarily a bad guy, but you are not a goody two shoes. Barnes knows that, he also knows that it pisses you off to no end when he tries to tell everyone that you're acting like one.
“Shoulda seen the way she was sucking up to Fury Stevie, she’s trying to be teacher’s pet I’m tellin’ ya.” You were not sucking up to Fury you were stealing his wallet and trying to distract him so he wouldn’t notice the fifty bucks you lifted, but Barnes didn’t need to know that. 
The worst thing about this hate that you have for James Barnes was the fact that you know deep down you don’t hate him at all. Sure, he pushes your buttons and knows just what to say to get you to want to knock his pretty little teeth out. But he's also a genuinely good guy and most of the time isn't all that bad to be around. But god it's so much easier to hate him than it is to sift through all those feelings. 
There was also the fact that the two of you work well together. You can be bickering one second and covering each other’s sixes flawlessly the next. You have a theory on that though, you think that because both of you had been forced to work with people you didn’t trust very much at one point or another you got used to getting the job done no matter what other feelings were floating around in the background. That's what you try to convince yourself is the case. The idea that you and Barnes simply make a good team is nauseating. 
Barnes isn’t only good to have in the field though, he has proved his worth off the battlefield when he knocked around some poor recruit who had been running his mouth about you in the training gym. The kid couldn’t have been more than twenty and honesty you weren’t going to hold his ignorance against him. If he underestimated you because of your size, then that was on him and in a way, was only gonna help you in the long run.
That was something that you had noticed early on, that most people couldn’t fathom that someone who wasn't a size four could be as good at your job as you are. “Most People” also included people on your team, it had taken you saving Tony’s life in the field more than once for him to admit that he was wrong about you. You are still trying to convince Thor that just because you look soft does not mean you can’t still kick his ass. 
You have made people’s lack of faith in you into a good thing. Rich guys aren’t worried about their wallets or watches when a meek little thing bumps into them on the subway and who would suspect the overweight chick to be the one who scales the sides of buildings to get her hands on some unreleased tech from Hammer’s R&D department? Bucky Barnes.
Bucky has never regarded you with the same kind of hesitance as the others. He has never once made it seem like he thought you couldn’t get the job done because you were bigger. And you had to admit, it's refreshing. Not that you need his approval but it's still nice to not be looked at with some kind of doubt, or incredulity. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t piss you off though.
“I swear to God Barnes, if you change the radio station one more time I’m gonna cover your whole arm in fucking extra strength magnets while you're asleep.” An interesting threat sure, but one you will one hundred percent follow through on. 
“The station keeps changing to static, kitty, you want to listen to static for the next three hours?” He asks. He's right, you are both on your way to some ball in Alabama and according to Tony, all the Quinjets are in use for this weekend (bullshit), which leaves you and Bucky to get there the old fashion way, a road trip. 
You're already eight hours in and are currently driving through the small towns and mountains that cover a good section of the south. Which means that the radio is cutting in and out. And yeah he's right, you don’t want to listen to static but you also don’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“I’d prefer the goddamn static over the song changing every five fucking seconds.”
“Well, it’s either that or silence, kitty.”
“First of all Barnes, I’ve told you not to call me kitty. It’s demeaning. Secondly, maybe some silence will do you good, you might be able to hear yourself think for once. If you’re capable of thinking.” You shoot back at him.
“Oh, kitty I have plenty of thoughts I’m pretty sure I think enough for the two of us.” He looks at you without turning his head away from the road, giving you a sidelong glance. 
“Oh yeah, about what? How to get more beefy? Whatever the next idiotic insult you’ll hurl at our resident birdbrain will be? Whether or not you'll get wrinkles from the perpetual furrow in your brow?” 
“I don’t think you want to know what goes on in my head, Mittens.” He pulls his bottom lip up in between his teeth to stop the smirk that is spreading across his face.
“You did not just call me fucking Mittens” Your jaw is practically on the floor. The audacity of this man. 
“You said I couldn’t call you kitty. What are my other options?” 
“Maybe my name? Asshole.” You also have to fight back a smile. Teasing Barnes is nice, it was the closest thing you have to a genuine relationship. Too bad you can’t stand him.
“You memorized your cover?” He asks you. You almost scoffed at him, you're not a goddamn amateur.
“Of, course. I’m Debrah Longborne, Georgian peach and heiress to my Daddy’s large fruit processing fortune.” This mission is a simple one. You're here to take down a corrupt governor and what better place to do than at the gala he and his wife organize every year? You had Tony donate to his wife’s foundation under your cover name. Large enough to draw attention but not too much attention that you can’t get your job done. “And you…?” 
“Brantley Moore, Law professor at Vanderbilt, and your arm candy for the night.” You like going undercover, and this assignment is a short one, just one weekend. It's almost like being another person, just with all your skills and an ulterior motive. 
“Who the hell picked the name Brantley?” You ask.
“I know right, I sound like some preppy douchebag” 
“Not too far off then.”
“Fuck off.” He laughs. You like his laugh. His eyes crinkle in the corners when he does it, a brief glimpse into the years he has lived through, not all sunshine and rainbows, but enough joy to have laugh lines. 
“So Debrah and Brantley met where?”
“Vanderbilt has society mixers every winter, where the professors and some select students get the chance to network with some donors and other important people. It’s a believable story plus there’s over a thousand attendees at these things which makes it easy to slip our names onto the list.”
“And whose idea was that?” you lift an eyebrow. “Mine.” 
“How do you know about the Vanderbilt mixers?” 
“I had a life before I met you, didn’t you know that.”
“I knew you had a life I guess I just didn’t assume it involved rubbing elbows with southern socialites at prestigious university parties.”
“I wasn’t rubbing elbows, it was for a deal made by Peirce with the university president, I was there as a bodyguard for Pierce and to cover our tracks when things inevitably got bloody.” Any hint of teasing falls from Bucky’s voice. He says shit like that sometimes. Shit that you think he says to scare you or to remind you how dangerous he was. All it does is make you sad. Nobody deserves to go through what he had, and you hate that those evil bastards had taken a great man and mangled him. 
The conversation peters out after his revelation. The two of you ride in silence for the next two hours. Thirty minutes in, you get closer to the city and the radio sputters back to life. Bucky reaches to turn it off. 
When you finally reach the hotel both of you are a bit on edge. You’ve been driving all day, switching back and forth every few hours but Bucky’s silence for the last little stretch seems to have affected both of you more than you’d thought.
Still, you have a job to do and you’ll be damned if you let the metal-armed nuisance ruin your reputation for perfect follow-throughs. You grab your small weekender bag out of the backseat and make your way to the front desk. You school your features and dust off the southern belle persona that has been stashed away in your metaphorical conman toolbelt.
You can feel Bucky trailing behind you, and an idea pops into your head. Swiftly turning on your heel you pass your bag into his unoccupied hand. Not giving him a chance to say no you rotate back around and march forward at a pace fitting to a very busy society woman. 
Bucky sputters behind you and you toss over your shoulder, “If I’m playing an heiress this weekend, I'm not lifting a goddamn finger if I don’t have to.” 
Marching the rest of the way to the desk you flash the young woman behind the counter a polite smile, “Room for Longborne”. She immediately matches your smile and begins typing away on her keyboard pulling up the reservation that was made for your cover.
“Of Course Ms. Longborne, I have you down for the Iris sweet for three nights is that correct?”
“Sounds correct to me, although if you could hold the room for one more day that would be just peachy of you, we don’t know how long our business here is going to take and it’s better to be safe than sorry. You understand of course.” You put every ounce of Southern charm into your words and pray to God that this interaction can be over sooner rather than later.
“Of course Ms., Here are your keys. Your room is on our twelfth floor and the number is embossed on the front of the card.” She hands you a package of three cards across the desk. “If you need anything at all don’t hesitate to call.”
You nod, taking the key cards from her hand, and motion for Bucky to follow you to the elevator. 
The ride up to the twelfth floor is silent, much like the last stretch of the car ride. What you aren’t expecting is Bucky’s exclamation when he walks into the room before you.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” The first words Barnes has uttered in nearly two hours. “There's only one fucking bed.”
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
Can I request Carol Danvers x Reader. While the whole team is on a mission, Reader finds themselves in trouble. Carol swoops in a saves them. The team starts to harass R, which makes R have feelings of doubt toward their abilities and also not good enough for Carol. Angst and then you can end it however you see it. Thank you! If you don’t like this request, please feel free to ignore.
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My Voice of Reason
Warnings: Bullying of R by the team that's about it
Word count: 660
A/N: thank you for this request! I had a fun time with it~
“Y/N! Come in! What's your status?” Cap shouted over the comms. Your head was reeling after being knocked back about 50ft. You had no voice left, you had been shouting, using your voice manipulation to subdue the enemies. 
You had run out of throat spray to ease the pain and talking was something you couldn't even fathom. 
“Anyone got eyes on Y/N?” Natasha called through the comms.
“I'll find her.” You heard Carol call through, and before you knew it, she was standing above you. “You good, Echo?” The nickname that stuck with you for being able to mimic any sound. You were able to nod, point at your throat, and sign ‘no’. “Can you get up? Can you walk?” As Carol asked, another handful of Hydra goons came round, and without a second thought, Carol picked you up before unleashing an attack, knocking them out. “Let's get back to the QuinJet.” You nodded, gripping onto her, burying your face against her to hide the blush covering your cheeks. 
The ride home had been full of whispers as if you couldn't hear them talking down. It was your voice that wasn't working, not your ears.
You felt Carol's strong hand on your shoulder. Looking over, she gave a soft smile. “Almost home. We'll have to debrief, but you should grab some medicine first.” You gave a soft smile back and nodded. 
“Y/N do you have anything to say?” Tony remarked, all eyes on you.
“Ran out of meds. Couldn't talk.” Your voice still hoarse.
“I am so sick of that excuse! You need to train more often and stay off missions. You're grounded.” Cap called across the table. You pulled your sleeves over your hands, picking at the skin around your nails. You couldn't look at any of them. 
“I'm sorry…” you spoke softly. Letting the ‘adults’ talk even though you were 21 you were still the youngest besides Peter, but Tony kept him mostly off field.
A few hours later you'd been released from the debriefing, heading straight to your room. “FRIDAY. Soundproof.”
“Sound proofing complete ms. Y/L/N.” As soon as it was soundproof, you let out a banshee scream in frustration. You yelled until your voice was just about gone again, “Fuck them. I try so hard…Tony has a stupid suit, Cap is a super soldier, Thor is a literal God!” You yelled. “It's not fair…its…” you started crying which turned into uncontrollable sobbing.
“Echo? Are you in there?” You heard Carol knocked at your door. As you tried to gather yourself together real quick and told FRIDAY to stop the soundproofing. 
“Y-yeah…here…” you called out, spraying your throat.
“Can I come in?” Carol asked, making you hesitate for a moment before opening it and pulling her inside. “Hey, you okay?” Carol cupped your cheeks, you tried looking away, anywhere, but at her. She was always so kind and caring towards you. “Look at me Y/N.” It caught you off guard, she never used your name ever since she learned your nickname so of course you looked at her. “Don't listen to those idiots. You're amazing and you're an amazing super hero. They have fancy gadgets and enhancements. You don't have those things. Sure your voice is a power and makes you an enhanced individual, but your power hurts you too. It isn't endless your body has limits and they need to understand that.” 
You felt your body shake at her words, trying to hold back your tears, but they end up falling as you're pulled against her. “Shhhh I'm always on your side.” Carol pulled your face up gently before pulling you into a soft kiss making your heart soar as you kissed her back pushing up on your toes and wrapping your arms around her shoulders. 
Through all of it, Carol was here with you, and so long as you had her by your side, anything the other members said didn't matter.
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terry-perry · 2 years
Can I request of Jack is clinging on Y/n like koala. Like when Bucky try to pry him off of her but he said “No! I’m staying with mommy and protect her!”
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Jack's clingy behavior was out of character for him. The majority of the time, he was such a sweet boy who could entertain himself. Bucky knew what was going on with him, though.
He knew this was coming from the last mission that led you to be gone for over a month. Bucky himself grew anxious when your communication got more and more limited with each day you were gone. He worried about how long it would be before you returned home, especially when Jack soon realized you weren't there yet. As the days went by, he would wail for you. It was a heartbreaking experience for Bucky, but he did what he could to bear it for Jack's sake.
Eventually, you returned home to your boys. As a result, Jack has refused to leave your side. He never left you alone and even lost interest in the things he used to love like his favorite toys and play fighting with Bucky. Every night since you got home, he refused to stay in his room and slept in between you and Bucky.
"Mama!" Jack squealed as he reached out to grab a hold of your leg.
You couldn't help but feel a maternal tug on your heart. Then when Bucky decided to try to pry him off you and Jack replied with a "No!", you practically teared up.
You and Bucky always knew you had to do whatever it took to protect your son. Perhaps he felt he needed to do what he could to protect you and make sure you were there, safe with him.
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Runnin' home to you
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: After months of trying, it's time to tell your wife that you're pregnant
Disclaimer: English is not my first language! Also, this was requested by one of you guys. Thanks for the request!
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“Do you think this will work out?” You asked after taking a step back to appreciate the hard work you put into making the small gift box look nice. You had spent way more time than you would ever admit making sure things were organized inside and then spent even more time trying to make the bow look nice outside, but it was done now.
“There's really not a huge secret behind it,” your friend replied with a hint of humor, which prevented you from getting mad at the teasing. Instead, you looked at Scarlett with your bottom lip between your teeth, clearly not appeased by her words. “It's a box. All she has to do is open it.”
Now you rolled your eyes and shoved her playfully. “You know what I mean.”
The Hollywood actress laughed and pulled you in for a side hug while also pushing the box away from you before you could restart the entire thing again. “Relax. Everything will play out perfectly.”
Scarlett sounded confident enough, which helped to calm you down as well. You couldn’t keep fussing over the gift or you would never keep up with your plan at all. “Thank you for helping me out,” you said after hugging her back.
“Not my first rodeo, honey,” she reminded you kindly and then smiled when she remembered her two kids waiting for her at home. Now seeing you were less nervous, Scarlett walked around the table where you had dragged her to help you out with your surprise so you would be facing each other. “Do you know when her plane will land?”
She was talking about your wife, of course, and you didn’t need her to specify it. You had, after all, begged for her help while screaming on the phone that Elizabeth would be back from her trip later that day and you didn’t have time to get anything ready. Scarlett had promptly calmed you down and helped you decide to keep things simple, reassuring you it would all work out perfectly in the end and that Elizabeth would love the surprise.
The surprise being the pregnancy test hidden inside the box now.
You and Elizabeth have been trying to have a baby for a little over six months now. After being married for three years and together for eight in total, you felt like it was the right time to extend your family. Since Elizabeth still had projects coming up, you both decided you would be the one getting pregnant. Elizabeth also never actually wanted to get pregnant, while part of you had always dreamed about that moment, so it wasn’t a hard choice.
Elizabeth had only left your side in the last six months when she absolutely had no other option. She only traveled when she couldn’t avoid it, she always tried to give her interviews from home, and she even begged Marvel to allow her to shoot from another location so she wouldn’t have to be all the way across the ocean from you. That’s why she made sure she was there with you every step of the way. Elizabeth held your hand when you needed to take the medication, she was there to take care of you during the mood swings, she spoiled you by cooking anything you wanted to eat, and, overall, she went above and beyond to make sure you were happy and safe.
When the time came for your IVF, Elizabeth was there to assure you everything would be fine regardless of the result. She held you and surprised you with some flowers, then she helped you lie down in bed to rest and made sure you wouldn’t have to take care of anything else for the next few days. This little trip of hers had put a damper on her plans to not leave your side until you both got the results of the exam you would do two weeks after the procedure. It was a last-minute thing, something she couldn’t say ‘no’ to even if she tried, and it pained her to leave you, that’s why you assured her it would be okay if she left for a couple of days. Elizabeth was worried that she would be back on the same day you were supposed to make the blood exam at the lab, but you reassured her by saying the result wouldn’t be back until the next day, when she would surely be home already.
A little lie, you would have to admit, but you wanted to surprise your wife with the news.
Of course, it could be a negative and you would go through the sadness of seeing this result alone, but something inside you told you it wouldn’t be a negative. You just knew you were pregnant. You didn’t know if it had been the small changes in your body in the last few days, but you weren’t even surprised when you opened the result and saw you were right. You were pregnant.
Not surprised, but certainly happy beyond words. You couldn’t describe the feeling that washed over your body after realizing there was a small human inside you, a human that was yours and Elizabeth’s baby, someone you would love and care for since the day you died. It was unbelievable, but so extraordinary.
You ended up calling Scarlett just right after that because she was one of the few people who knew you two were trying to have kids. She had become a good friend of Elizabeth through the years and, after you got less starstruck, yours as well. You also thought she was the best choice to help you out because she had been pregnant before and would know the sudden urge you had to surprise Elizabeth about it.
Or surprise her as much as you could since it obviously had been a planned pregnancy. Perks of being gay and all.
Remembering Scarlett had asked you a question, you glanced at your phone to see what time it was. “It already did. She texted me to let me know she was on her way.”
“Well, that’s my cue to go then,” the other woman declared before she started to pick up her stuff. “Call me if you need anything else.”
You smiled widely when you pulled her for another hug, feeling even more grateful than before for her help. “Will do. Thank you, Scarlett.”
“Don't mention it.”
Scarlett left while yelling for you to tell her everything later on and you were still in the living room making sure there was nothing out of place when you heard the keys on the door. You just knew Elizabeth was back and your heart started beating faster immediately.
“Honey, I'm home!” Elizabeth yelled playfully while she entered and you couldn’t help but chuckle at her little habit of saying those words every time.
You wasted no time to rush to her and pull her in for a hug, not even carrying when her bags fell to the floor so she could wrap her arms around you as well. “Oh, I missed you so much,” you mumbled against her neck.
“I've been gone for a week, my love,” she replied lightly, although she was holding you as tightly as she could.
“A week too long,” you commented and pulled away with a soft smile as you held her face between your hands. “How was your flight?”
“The usual.” Elizabeth shrugged and then she leaned over to kiss you. She pulled away too quickly, though, to whisper lovingly: “I also missed you, very much.”
You couldn’t have it. You pressed a hand on her neck and locked your lips again, this time in a more passionate kiss that made your legs wobble a little. “Hm,” you moaned when you parted, licking your lips and letting your eyes remain closed for a few more seconds, “you better.”
Elizabeth chuckled and kissed your forehead. “How are you feeling?”
You knew what she was asking about so you decided to take a step back to show her the small band-aid the nurse had put in your arm earlier that day. You were a bit afraid of needles, but you handled it just fine. “I'm good. Really good,” you added happily. “Just have a band-aid for the dramatic effect,” you admitted with a wink.
“And I’m the actress one.” She rolled her eyes but not before kissing you again.
“Go take your shower, babe,” you prompted with a gentle slap on her bum. “I will put your dirty clothes in the washing machine.”
“I can do that later and you can join me in the shower,” Elizabeth suggested though.
And even if you knew she was only doing that because she didn’t want you to make any physical effort, the idea was too tempting to let it slide. “Hm, I like the way you think,” you whispered with a smile before following her upstairs.
You took a not so quick shower together and, after that, Elizabeth said she would cook you guys dinner. You tagged along, of course, because that was one of your favorite activities - to watch Elizabeth cooking and to help her with the small tasks.
“Can you hand me the pepper, my love?” She asked and you quickly grabbed the grinder to hand it to her. “Thank you.”
You watched as her arms moved while she ground the pepper directly on top of the pan, which also made you notice the amount of food she was cooking. Elizabeth loved to cook no matter the occasion, but she wasn’t free of the stress-cooking every once in a while. Every now and then you would end up with enough pies to feed a small army, or enough soup to feed all of your friends and family. Thankfully, things hadn’t got so out of hand that night, but you knew you would have leftovers for at least three days now.
“Are you anxious?” You decided to ask once she put the grinder away.
“A lot,” Elizabeth admitted quickly with a low chuckle. “You?” She looked over her shoulder at you, so you simply nodded, which made her nod as well before returning her attention to the pan. “Can't believe we need to wait an entire day.”
You bit your lip to stop yourself from saying too much and decided to change the focus of the conversation before you ruined the surprise. “Have you decided if we're going to tell our families right away or wait for a while?”
“I think we should wait until we make sure everything is fine,” she replied calmly. “Realistic though… I'm too anxious to hold it back for too long.”
You both laughed since you knew it was true. Both of you were too anxious to keep it inside for too long. Besides, it would do no harm to tell your family about it. “That's fair,” you agreed.
“We're still keeping it away from the media, right?”
That one was easier to agree with. “For as long as you want.”
“Can it be forever?” Elizabeth made a face because you knew it was impossible for it to happen.
You were sure you could dodge the bullets while you were pregnant - you could refrain from leaving the house for a while - but there was no chance you could keep the media from seeing your kid once you start taking them outside. That was the bad part about her profession, but something you had learned to live with.
Trying not to let the good mood vanish, your answer was filled with humor. “Yes, of course. We're going to raise them in a bubble, so it's fine.”
Elizabeth laughed again. “We should move to Switzerland,” she suggested suddenly, but you merely rolled your eyes. That was a conversation you had before and you knew it wasn’t something she was going to drop the subject so soon. “What? They can't show people under sixteen in the media.”
“It would be hard to keep your garden in the cold weather,” you reminded her quickly.
Elizabeth shrugged. “Oh, well, small sacrifices.”
You scoffed and walked past her to get to the fridge, pausing briefly to poke her ribs. She yelped and moved away, but not without throwing you a smile afterward. You also smiled before looking inside the fridge. “Do you want to drink some wine?”
“No, thanks.”
“Are you sure?” You poked your head from behind the door and looked at her. “You're not going to be allowed to drink after we see the result. If I can't drink for a year, neither can you,” you warned her, pointing a finger at Elizabeth to add more effect to your words.
“I'm sure.” She nodded.
Even so, you leaned down to grab the bottle to show it to her. “It's a good wine.”
“I will give it to someone else if it's positive,” she shrugged one more time and moved to add something else to the pan. Once again, you had to hold yourself not to say the result too early.
“Okay. I’m going to drink some water, do you want some?”
“Do we have sparkling water?” Elizabeth wondered.
“Sure do.”
A few minutes later, you and Elizabeth were sitting at the small dining table across from each other, eating her delicious food and drinking your water.
“This tastes delicious,” you complimented her with a moan after putting the food inside your mouth.
Elizabeth giggled. “I don't know if I should be offended that you still find it surprising even after all this time.”
“I'm not surprised,’ you argued. “I'm enamored. My mom always said I should marry someone that could either cook or change the tires. You were the one that didn’t make a good choice.”
“I don't know,” she replied as one of her hands found yours on top of the table. “I think I made the best choice.” And, just like that, it was like your heart had grown twice its size inside your chest. However, just a second later, Elizabeth added in a teasing manner: “Besides, we have insurance.”
You laughed happily and you finished eating while making small talk. Once you were both done, you realized it was time to bring out the surprise and give her the good news. You told her you would get dessert and to wait there, and then you disappeared into the kitchen to grab what you needed. You had to take a small break to let a few tears drop and to dry them after that, but you managed to get the small box and the cake Scarlett had bought on her way to your house.
You returned to the table with both of them in hand, but you put them on top of it in a way that would hide the smaller box behind the other. After you did that, you stood beside her while bitting your bottom lip and trying to keep your tears inside one more time, which of course tipped her that something was off.
“What is it?” She sounded confused but also worried, a second away from getting up and wrapping her arms around you, so you quickly waved a hand and pointed at the cake.
“Just open it.”
Even more confused than before, it took Elizabeth a few seconds to do that, although she kept an eye on you to make sure everything was okay. She slowly opened the box and her frown deepened as the cake was being revealed. It was her favorite cake and right there, written on the frosting, were the words “Coming up late summer 2024”.
“What?” She mumbled to herself, but you didn’t give her enough time to ask you.
You quickly reached over the box to grab the gift and gave it to her. At that point, there was no hope for you to keep yourself from crying, so you just accepted your fate as tears streamed down your face. You sniffed and let out a nervous chuckle before pointing at the bow, quietly asking Elizabeth to get going with it.
Surprisingly, she did open it fast, almost as if she was starting to understand what was going on. Inside the small box was the printed result of the exam you did earlier that day, along with a pacifier and a red baby bodysuit with the Scarlet Witch’s symbol on it - something you had bought the same week you and Elizabeth decided to have a baby. It took her very long seconds to react. You just kept watching her, the way she seemed frozen while staring at the things inside the box, but, eventually, she moved a shaking hand to pick up the piece of paper.
Elizabeth read it - and you were sure she did it twice - and then her fingers brushed against the little clothing and the pacifier. When she finally turned to look at you, her green eyes were shining with tears and you could see a million emotions flashing through them at the same time.
“Really?” Her voice was just above a whisper and even the small word cracked when the feelings got the best of her, but you didn’t mind.
“Really,” you whispered back.
A second later, you were engulfed in Elizabeth’s arms while you both cried like small kids, too happy and positively overwhelmed to say anything for a while. Elizabeth held you like you were the most important person in the world - or as if there was no world at all, like you were all that existed. After a while, her legs seemed to give out and she kneeled in front of you, already grabbing your waist to keep you close.
“I promise you, I will always be here for the both of you,” she whispered against your belly. “I promise you this. I’m always going to be here. I’m always going to do my best to see you healthy, safe and loved. You will always come first, you both will. I promise.”
You couldn’t help but cry even harder after hearing her words. You ran your hand through her hair in an attempt to let her know how much you appreciated it, but it wasn’t enough and you soon found yourself kneeling in front of her too. You held her face and pulled her in for a kiss that tried to convey everything you both were feeling at that moment.
You never loved Elizabeth more than you did in that moment - you would think the same thing the first time you sees her holding your daughter in her arms, but that wouldn’t happen many months later.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Omega Wanda x asexual alpha gn reader who's in rut but isn't interested in the.... traditional ways of going through rut? Some fluff and cuddles ensue 👉🏻👈🏻
Hold me?
A/n~ Drabble time! Maybe if I can get to grips with Wanda more I’ll be more able to transfer this Into a fic ALSO I don’t know too much about Asexuality so if I got anything wrong please do tell me and I’ll correct it, love you guys
Tw~ mentions of past abuse r (it can happen to anyone guys gender isn’t an excuse or guide here) asexual r omegaverse omega wands alpha gn reader rut no smut here guys but mentions of it are littered in here
Prompt~ see ask^^^
You had accepted who you are a long time ago. But that doesn’t mean the time of your rut got any easier for you, luckily your omega was brilliant with you. She never forced the idea of helping you the traditional way, instead focusing on finding small ways to help you that really no one had bothered to try and find before, treating you more as an object to use for their own personal pleasure and leaving before any of your needs were found or met. But that was all before your wonderful Omega.
Wanda went through her first heat alone, not wanting you to feel forced to help her in the way she clearly needed, not really knowing where your boundaries were with her needs. But after a long conversation you both found a way to make it work. Your main point was you don’t have the interest to be touched, now Wanda thinks your scalped by the hands of angels, but that doesn’t change how you feel about it, however you aren’t against helping wanda get herself off during ruts, if she needs something to see then you provide her with what she asks of. Sometimes even going as far as controlling the toy she uses. But that’s it really, you do it for her and her needs despite receiving nothing from it yourself.
Perhaps that’s why Wanda returns the same amount of love and care when your rut hits. You often cry and apologise for being a horrid Alpha, you tell her your broken, she should go find a real Alpha to treat her right, but she simply states she wants you and will always want you. It became apparent to her that during this time you would actively seek her out to ensure you could always feel her. You often like to be burrowed into her neck, her holding you like some fine china, fragile and vulnerable as you basked in the comfort. Forehead kisses are something wanda gives you instinctively whenever she can to remind you she’s yours and she’s here. Although the beating organ under your ear is also a brilliant reminder of that fact.
Your ruts can be painful considering you don’t treat them the traditional way, but Wanda is always there to give you belly rubs, medicine and buckets full of love, because no matter what your her beautiful alpha. “M sorry wans” you whimper as your laying on her chest, tears silently falling down your cheeks. “No need my Alpha, it’s a pleasure to hold you, to love you and to be yours” she reassures bringing her hand to play with the hair on your head, “I’ll always love you y/n sex or no sex, I love this.” She murmured placing her hand on your heart. A small pained smile graced your lips, you really are the most lucky Alpha in the world
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Steve Rogers.
“The sweetest woman in the world
Could be the meanest woman in the world
If you make her that way
You keep on hurtin' her, she keeps being quiet
She might be holding something inside
That really really hurts you one day”
Great Expectations
Warnings: abuse, allusions to violence, depression, self-pity, and some possible unmentioned triggers.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: Your husband reminds you of your role.
As always, I appreciate all kinds of feedback. A like and reblog means so much to me! <3
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Your tears stain your cheeks, dropping into the sink where you submerge your hands in lukewarm water. You tremble, clacking together the plates, sifting through the suds to find a solid grasp. You swirl the sponge around a dish before rinsing it and setting it in the rack.
Then another, and another. Glasses, plates, bowls. Your tears continue to stream. Your ears are fuzzy with the echoes of the violent tempest. You pull your hands out of the water, brushing your thumbs along the cuts you can't feel. Those that etched into your flesh as you scrambled to gather the shards scattered in his anger.
You hear the stairs creak and you scrunch your nose, trying to chase away the tickle. He hates it when you cry. He hates everything about you it seems. He doesn't know how much you hate yourself when you can't drag yourself out of bed.
You sense him behind you, looming the doorway. You grab the dishcloth and dry your hands. You quickly pat away your tears as you move to the rack and open the cupboard above. You stack each plate neatly after wiping every speck of moisture from it.
He lurks closer, prowling like a beast, his heavy breaths betray the lingering irritation. You know you cannot make another mistake. So you will only do as you should and say nothing at all.
"There's blood on your dress."
You don't dare ignore him. That's worse than saying the wrong thing. You face him and wring the dishcloth as you fight to keep your hands from shaking.
"I'm sorry, sir," you sniff.
"Sorry? You better hope it comes out. Wasn't cheap."
"Yes, sir, I understand," you gulp, "I'm sorry--"
"Sorry?" He scowls, "don't be so pathetic. All you have to do it the bare minimum. Be a wife. Clean the house. Cook dinner. It's not rocket science."
"I know, sir," you stop yourself from another apology, and wipe your cheek without thinking.
"Don't you fucking cry," he warns.
"No, sir, I won't," you shake your head and suck your low lips under your teeth.
He rolls his eyes and huffs. He puts his hands on his hips and pivots on one heel. He paces before you. Your blood flows undiluted onto the cloth and you squeeze it tighter.
"I gave you a house, a ring, and you can't even sweep the floor while I'm out putting my ass on the line. Not just for you, for this whole fucking planet. And you're here acting like a little work is gonna break you."
You chew your lip and accept his reproach. It seems so simple when he says it. You really are lazy. You really are a leech, sucking off of him and his generosity.
You deserve this.
"You know," he stops and points a finger at you, "there was this woman, she was all over me, and I said no. No. Why? Because of you. Because I have a wife," he turns his hand and waggles his finger so his ring gleams, "maybe next time, I'll take this off."
You wince as if he's slapped you. It's easier when he does. The pain doesn't stay beyond the bruise.
"I'll be better," you croak, your voice wobbling dangerously as tears threaten to spring again.
"You say that," he sneers as he turns his back to you, "but you never are."
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lizmaximoff · 1 year
Hi friend! For the drabble requests, how about one with Loki and Reader reuniting after a mission (or something)? Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
AREN'T WE A PAIR? - Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
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Rating: T                                                                                         Warnings: Mentions of violence.                                                                     Summary: After being transported in the midst of battle, you're left to ponder on the nature of yours and Loki's relationship. What happens once you're reunited?
Send Loki x Reader requests here!
A/N: I'm trying to get back into fic-writing again! I have a small multi-chapter fic for Loki planned, but, in the meantime, I would love to fill some drabble requests for our God of Mischief. Don't be afraid to send some my way!
The last thing that you remembered was hearing Loki shout your name as the rest of the world slipped away in a vacuum.
It had been one week since you were ripped away from him in the heat of battle, leading you somewhere dewy and warm - somewhere off-planet.
It was only the two of you in the Hydra base that evening, stumbling upon a sorcerer who had developed a new serum from remnants of the tesseract. You had lost track of how many soldiers' throats you had slit or how many bodies Loki had thrown against the wall. The only thing that ruined your streak was touching the remnant of the tesseract when it became within reach. And then nothing.
You had absolutely no idea if Loki was dead or alive for seven whole days. You lost count of how many distress signals you sent to the Avengers compound. It wasn't until this morning that you finally got a signal back from Fury.
Here you were, twelve hours later, on a ship back to earth with Steve and Clint. You hadn't been given much information regarding the mission, but Steve did tell you that Loki was safe which was really all that you cared about.
Being isolated this past week gave you a lot of time to think about the complexities of the relationship between you and Loki. You'd been friends for nearly a year, opening up yourselves more and more to each other with each movie night, game session and mission. You knew you had started to develop feelings for him a couple of months ago, but the strict requirements of work to focus on the mission ahead made you push those feelings away.
You couldn't even focus on your own mortality as you fought to survive on your own. All you could think about was if Loki had persevered in the battle that you had left him in. Your guilt almost ate you alive. You didn't know if you'd even get the chance to tell him about how he made your stomach flip whenever he chuckled under his breath at one of your jokes or how warm you felt your chest become whenever he sat next to you.
These were the only thoughts that plagued your mind as you sat on the seat of the ship staring at your lap, your knee shaking so harshly that you couldn't even begin to try to blame it on the jet engines beneath your feet. Your thumb's nail was lodged between your teeth, biting nervously as the minutes ticked away.
You were shaken from your reverie as you heard the Captain's footsteps approach, causing you to look up at him with a silent gasp.
"You all good over here?" Steve asked, tilting his head as he planted his hands on his hips.
You sighed with a shrug, "I'm alive."
"Thank god for that," he replied with a chuckle, sitting in the unoccupied seat next to you. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Right next to Loki, you would consider Steve to be your closest friend on the team. You'd been like brother and sister since you joined the team years ago after the incident in Sokovia. You knew you couldn't hide your feelings from Steve - he probably knew you better than you knew yourself at this point.
"Not really - no," you bit your lip, avoiding his stare.
He nodded his head, rubbing his hands together, "You do know I'm not going anywhere until you do, though, right?"
You rolled your eyes, tossing your head back against the seat with a grunt, "I just need to think, Steve."
He smiled with tight lips, "You know - he was worried about you, too."
You turned to him slowly, smiling sadly. You had never mentioned anything to him, but you should have known you'd been obvious, "What are you talking about?"
"Horns," he deadpanned. "Who else would I be talking about?"
"Clint," you motioned over to the archer sarcastically with a chuckle.
"We all knew you could handle yourself," he replied, crossing his arms. "For christ's sake, you've survived atomic blasts and being strangled by two super soldiers. You're probably as un-killable as Loki is."
You snorted at that, shaking your head, "So why would he be worried, then?"
"Why would you be worried about him?" he replied knowingly.
"I just don't want to ruin what we have," you groaned, rubbing your face with your palms in frustration.
"I don't think you'll be taking that big of a risk," he shrugged. "I've never seen him so concerned. You're all he talked about the entire week. You know - he was the one who found your signal, not Fury."
Your stomach fluttered at the thought, "Well, he is persistent."
"That's one word for it," he smirked, bumping your shoulder with his own.
The rest of the ride home went by smoothly, the three of you joking around and catching up over the last week. You were actually slightly relieved to not think about Loki for more than five minutes.
As the ship began to land on the campus, you stared straight ahead at the door, tapping your foot impatiently. You could always just continue on like things have always been. Or...well, maybe we wouldn't think about an "or."
It shouldn't have surprised you to be met with a pair of striking blue eyes no more than twenty feet away from you. You sighed in relief, your shoulders physically slumping from the weight of Loki's safety being lifted from your shoulders. You felt your face break into a wide smile.
Similarly, Loki's chest rose deeply as he saw you appear from the shuttle, his breath nearly stuttering as he saw you descend with the same gorgeous smile he hadn't been able to get out of his head the past week. He felt himself being pulled towards you, the both of you jogging towards one another.
You met in the middle in a warm embrace, the both of you whimpering at the feeling of each other.
His arms wrapped around your waist tightly, his head nestled in the crook of your neck as he inhaled you. You smiled, feeling yourself tear up as you put your face in the loose curls that fell to his shoulders. You never thought that you'd smell the scent of his shampoo and cologne again.
"I thought I had lost you," Loki whispered against your neck, his lips whispering a kiss against your skin.
"Me, too," you cried, curling your fingers in his hair.
He parted from you slowly before cupping your cheeks gently, "What the hell happened?"
"I still don't really understand," you whispered, your eyes never leaving his face. "I think some of the remnant power of the Tesseract transported me."
He couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, aren't we a pair? Tied together by the power of the Tesseract."
You rolled your eyes, letting your hands rest on his shoulders, "I take it you killed the rest of the base."
"I don't remember much," he replied solemnly. "I tend to black out in fits of rage."
You frowned, tracing the lines on his forehead, "I missed you."
He whispered your name, pressing his forehead to your own, "I cannot believe how much I missed you, love."
You inhaled sharply through your nose. Something in his eyes twinkled, and at that moment you knew that you would never have the guts to do this again.
You leaned forward and captured his lips with your own, hearing him gasp lightly before he replied in kind. It was sweet and full of adoration, your lips dancing against one another before breaking apart for a breath.
"Never leave me like that again, darling," he whispered against your lips.
"I won't, Lokes," you said with a smile. "I promise."
FOREVER TAGLIST: @fabulous-brii; @zombiesnips-blog; @beltzboys2015-blog; @cant-shake-this-feeling-off; @nerd-without-a-cause; @liliumdream; @im-not-great-at-making-up-names; @yourmajesty13; @girlwiththenegantattoo; @eleanor-gillespie; @the-undateable
If you would like to be added to my taglist, please send me a message here (let me know if you would like to be on my forever taglist or my Loki taglist).
If you liked this, please make sure to leave a comment! I love hearing back from you guys.
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bl33df0rm3 · 1 year
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Welcome to my office, what's your favorite kind of tea?
Request's are now fully open! Guidelines Below! If you wish to be tagged for my new post say Tag!Me in the comments of this post.
➪ Recent works so you can understand my writing style.
·˚ ༘ Needy!men Genshin smut drabble
·˚ ༘Afab!reader x Genshin men's favorite kinks (Smut, 2nd Pov)
·˚ ༘Perverted Professer!Men
Ps. As a black person my writing is inclusive for all races (so no pale skin or anythin)
I write oneshots,Headcanons,drabbles almost anything. (mostly x reader content)
I don't write; G0r3,Necrophilla, Underage character smut, Insc3t, Scat, Mostly a Genshin smut blog but I wanna start writing for; Obey me, JJK, And Character's from Marvel Along with Hobie brown and Miguel (IM DYING TO WRITE FOR HOBIE BRO)
Request details
Depending on how accurate you want me to go with your idea give me things like; Scenario, character or character, A prompt/ Idea, An au if you want it to be added. k1nk's (if it's smut), or a ship dynamic, you don't have to give me these things but it's just to make it custom made for you.
Request bar is named Q & R<3
Bye bye please come again.
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hansensgirl · 10 months
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summary. | Your affair with your boyfriend’s dad escalates drastically.
prompts. | Steve Rogers + boyfriend’s dad + “You’re so cute when you’re struggling like that.” + cum-play, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!boyfriend’s dad!Steve Rogers x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, smut, cheating, age gap, restraints, cum-play, fingering, male masturbation, orgasm (f), Daddy kink, praise, dirty talk, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics
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You can’t even begin to imagine what your boyfriend would say if he caught you.
Steve keeps telling you his son won’t be home anytime soon, but you doubt it. He has a way with words where he can get you to do anything, and that scares you.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy, baby,” the older grunts, keeping your legs spread open with one of his strong hands. His skin is flushed and covered in sweat—you can’t help but admire him, even though you shouldn’t. 
The affair should’ve ended ages ago, but every time you tried, Steve managed to convince you otherwise. 
“I should’ve tied you up a while ago—I love seeing you like this, all vulnerable…” Steve says, and you wiggle your fingers just a bit. He’s got your hands above your head, wrists tied together with a piece of red silk. You still have feeling in your arms, but the knot is tight enough to prevent you from breaking loose. 
Your boyfriend’s dad strokes his large cock, pre-cum dripping down and onto his pale hand. He stares at your cunt, admiring his work. Your clit is raw and puffy, and your hole is leaking with his cum. It drips down to your ass and then the bed, staining the navy blue sheets. 
“Do you like it, sweetie?” Steve questions, looking up at you. You’re a panting, writhing mess, with your chest rising and falling. Your tits beckon him to play with them, and so he does. 
The hand he used to keep your legs open—even though the special rope that he tied you to the bedposts with already does that—travels to your chest. He pinches at your hard nipples, and you whimper, pouting at the sensation. 
“Uh-huh, I love it, Daddy,” you tell him, your mouth operating before your brain has time to even think about what he’s asked you. But it’s true—you love everything he does to you, even though you always fight him a bit at first. But Steve likes that; it makes him so hard. “I know you do, baby.”
Steve leans forward and takes one of your nubs into his mouth, sucking and teasing it with his teeth as he massages the other. He then switches, giving the other breast the same treatment until you’re saying, “Daddy… Please…”
You can feel the older man’s cock against your thigh, and you realize that you’re in need of another orgasm. When he’s around, you’re insatiable. Perhaps it’s the thrill of getting caught—the secrecy. Or maybe it’s just that Steve Rogers knows how to make you feel so good. 
“What does my princess need? Hm?” he questions once he pulls his mouth off your tit, releasing your nipple with a resounding ‘pop!’. “Wanna come again, Daddy… Please?” you ask sweetly, giving Steve your best puppy-dog eyes.
You catch sight of the greys that decorate his hair, especially in his beard. You’ve told him how much you love them before, and afterwards, he ate you out until you were crying.
“Daddy’ll make you come again, baby. Don’t worry,” he tells you, and you thank him nicely. “You’re such a good girl,” Steve coos. 
He stretches his dominant hand down to your messy pussy, and he rubs your folds just to tease you. You whine, and he chuckles. He reaches down to your leaking hole and groans when he feels just how wet you are. 
“Daddy really filled you up, huh, baby?” Steve notes, dipping his fingers into the mixture of his seed and your arousal. He coats his digits in his cum and pushes in, shoving two fingers into your cunt. Your back arches off the bed, and Steve praises you for taking his digits so well. “Daddy’s best girl.”
Steve begins to fuck you with his fingers, sometimes pulling them out entirely to spread his cum all over your pussy. The wet sounds that come from your pussy are so loud, but your moans drown them out. He curls his fingers skillfully, reaching that sweet spot that has your legs shaking just a bit.
“Fuck! ‘M gonna come,” you whimper, and the older man curses. “Gonna come for Daddy? Go on, make an even bigger mess, baby,” Steve urges.
As he says this, you come undone around his fingers. Your walls clench him, and you thrash around a bit from the amount of stimulation. 
“Good girl, so good for me,” Steve hums, and through your fucked-out stupor, you register the tell-tale chime of the sensor on the front door. Your boyfriend. He calls out, asking if anyone’s home.
Panic surges through you, and your stomach drops. Your sensual mood is immediately killed, and you try to wriggle out of the situation Steve has placed you in.
The older man chuckles. “You’re so cute when you’re struggling like that,” he says, and he doesn’t do anything to help.
“Steve! Untie me—he’s gonna catch us,” you spit through clenched teeth, scared and angry. “Mm, no,” he bluntly tells you, and you fight him even more. “Please! You can’t let him see us like this,” you reason, tugging at your restraints.
“I think it’s time he learns how much his girlfriend loves Daddy. Don’t you agree?” 
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Heyy! I asked you if you're taking requests or not but forgot to send it to you lol .Can I request for a Steve Rogers x reader, just domestic fluff. Him and reader just sitting besides eachother doing their own work, and yk reader admiring and kisses him on cheek cuz just felt like it. Idk just a random idea I'd love if you'd write about it!! Thank you!!!❤️❤️❤️
"You're staring, Doll." Steve smirked to himself as he kept his focus on the book in his hands.
You quickly looked back to the papers you were grading. "I wasn't staring."
Steve nodded with a hum keeping his eyes down. "If you say so."
You tried to focus on the papers in your lap, wanting to get them graded and handed back to your students as soon as you could, but it was hard to concentrate when your extremely handsome boyfriend was sat beside you.
You glanced back at Steve before deciding you needed to take a break, so you sat the papers down beside you and leaned your head on his thick arm as you pulled your feet under you.
"How's your book?" You asked gently running your fingers over his forearm.
Steve hummed keeping his eyes focused on the book in front of him.
You rolled your eyes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You must be enjoying it?" You asked, kissing his cheek again.
Once more Steve hummed, keeping his eyes on his book.
You moved your lips from his cheek and across his jaw, smiling to yourself as he leaned into you.
As you made your way under his jaw and and down his neck, Steve finally let out a soft moan and let his book fall into his lap. He reached out with his right hand and placed it on your thigh.
"Hmm, that feels nice, sweetheart." He whispered giving your thigh a squeeze.
"Really? Because I was starting to think your book was more interesting than me?" You teased.
Steve began grinning at you as he dropped his book onto the floor before pulling you into his lap. He rested his forehead against yours as he smoothed his hands over your body. "Don't be ridiculous... I get lost in you all the time, Doll." He leaned up and pressed his lips against yours softly, easily slipping his tongue into your mouth to deepen the kiss.
You pulled back with a deep breath and a smile, gently placing your hand over his cheek. "I should get back to grading." You whispered.
Steve nodded with a soft exhale, nuzzling into your hand. "Let's just stay like this for a while," He held your face in his large hands as he kissed you again.
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"Can't remember the last time we just..." He laid a kiss against your cheek, "Kissed and held each other." He slowly moved his lips across your skin, taking a similar path you had on him.
You closed your eyes with a soft sigh, letting your head fall to the side. "It's been far too long." You smiled to yourself.
You were certain as Steve continued to kiss across your skin, you wouldn't be getting anymore work done tonight nor would he be reading anymore of his book.
Tags: @hawkeyes-queen @boringandbored @lewisroscoelove @fangirlfree @am-i-rite @calimoi @wintasssoldier @gh0stgurl @chrisevanseagletattoo @hcaldwell016 @coffeebooksandfandom
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plussizefantasia · 5 months
Horrible People
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Tony Stark x Plus Size!f!Reader
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Cyberbullying, allusions to a panic attack
Request: i just noticed you wrote for marvel and better off you wrote for tony. I was hoping you could write me a story about tony meeting a bigger girl and starting to date her and he finds out someone made fun of her in the tabloids and she gets insecure but he makes her feel positive again? it would mean alot really.
@lilacprincessofrecovery Happy Birthday! I wrote this really fast for you so I hope you enjoy it! Have a great day lovely!
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Never in your life did you think you’d be walking the carpet at the MET Gala. Never mind the fact that tickets were 75k each and that was more than you made in a year, you weren’t on any kind of list that might’ve warranted an invitation. But Tony was.
Your wonderful and loving boyfriend of a year, Tony Stark, was definitely the kind of person that got an invite to the most exclusive event of the year. And because he loved you and knew that this was something you’d enjoy, he’d told his assistant to send an RSVP to Anna and to reach out to any designers who wanted to work with him. 
The process of getting fitted for your dress was a unique one, Tony wanted you to be comfortable so he had asked the designer to meet with the two of you at his home in Malibu. That meant that you were wildly uncomfortable, standing in a mockup of a dress that was more luxurious and ostentatious than anything you owned, but at least you were doing it in your living room. The entire process from consultation to fitting to actually getting ready the day of was about six months, you had no idea that it took that long to get this kind of thing ready but you weren’t exactly surprised.
Tony had insisted that the two of you get ready in the same hotel room, mostly so that he could shower you in compliments all day.
“Look at you Pretty Girl, you look gorgeous.”
“Damn Baby, that color looks really good on you.”
“Are you sure we have to go? I could spend all night staring at you and have way more fun.” That one earned him a glare from you followed by, “Tony… I’ve been getting ready for three hours already. We’re going.” 
Tony’s compliments really worked though, you felt amazing and the nerves that you had woken up with had dissipated at his relentless teasing and flirting throughout the day. Alas, they came back with a vengeance when it was time to actually leave for the carpet. Tony had escorted you down to the lobby where the two of you were told to wait while Happy and the rest of the security team established a path through the mix of fans and paparazzi that were crowded in front of the hotel entrance. When you were given the go-ahead, Tony placed his hand in the middle of your back and curled you into his side. He took measured but quick steps to get you into the car as soon as possible, not stopping for a picture or autographs even if the crowd was yelling for his attention.
Once you were seated in the back of the black town car, Tony kissed the back of your hand. 
“That was the worst of it, Darling, from now everything will be smooth sailing.”
You didn’t know how he thought that walking up a long ass flight of stairs in the most elaborate dress you’ve ever worn while being blinded by flashes of cameras could be considered ‘smooth sailing’ but you knew that with Tony by your side nothing could really go that wrong. 
Stepping out of the car and into the entrance of the event was like stepping into another world, people a lot more famous than you were everywhere, all dressed to the nines and laughing while talking to each other.
Tony’s hand in yours was grounding, and so was the little kiss that he gently placed on the side of your head, being mindful of the time and energy that went into your hair and makeup for the evening.
Eventually, it was your turn to walk the carpet. You were being lectured by a woman in a simpler black dress with a headset. Telling you that you had to walk fast enough to keep pace but not too fast that you run into the person ahead of you. She told you that everyone had time to stop for one interview and no time to dilly dally or you’d throw off the rhythm of the whole event.
You tried your best to make sure that no terror was showing on your face when you and Tony took your first steps out of the corral and onto the carpet. Immediately you were blinded by flashes and had to stop yourself from flinching. Meanwhile Tony looked like he was in his element, posing effortlessly in his themed suit all while never removing his hand from your body. 
He subtly pushed you forward and made eye contact with you the man you didn’t move forward. He raised an eyebrow at you, “you okay?” His expression asked.
He leaned closer to you and whispered with his face turned away from the cameras, “One word and we go home, no questions asked.” 
The warmth that spread across your face was thankfully covered thanks to the masterful makeup that had been applied. Tony’s words did the trick though. And with much more confidence than you had just moments before you stepped forward and saunter to the next spot that you had been told to go stand at.
A smirk spread across Tony’s face and he followed your lead, strutting along behind you and cheesing for the cameras. 
After that, it really was smooth sailing. You and Tony took pictures together and apart, you walked the carpet flawlessly and he couldn’t have been prouder. You had a great evening, and you met some people that you five years ago would’ve screamed cried, and thrown up at the prospect of meeting let alone having an actual conversation with. 
Once the main event had died down and most of the attendees were either heading home or to some after-party or another you and Tony had decided to call it quits as well, after all, he might’ve been a billionaire genius ex-playboy philanthropist but you were a normal human being and needed to be at work the day after. 
The two of you were still immaculately dressed when he leaned over in the car with his signature mischievous grin, “Hey Pretty Girl, are you hungry?”
“What?” You laughed in reply
“Are you hungry?” He asked again his smirk not faltering.
“We can order room services when we get back to the hotel, Tony.”
“Or Sweetheart, hear me out. We could go get burgers. I know this great hole-in-the-wall spot and it’s only five minutes away.”
“Tony, neither of us is exactly dressed for hole-in-the-wall right now.”
“Who cares? I don’t, I’m hungry and I want to share a burger with my amazing and sexy girlfriend and a great place that I know. The only thing keeping me from doing that is her being hesitant.”
“You're being pushy you know that? But sure, let’s go get burgers.”
“Happy, change the course please, let’s go to Mc’Rory’s for a burger and a drink,” Tony called up to his forehead of security who had assigned himself and your driver for the evening.
“Want to stop at the hotel first boss?” Happy raised a single brow and made eye contact with Tony through the rearview mirror.
“Nope, just head straight there we’re hungry.”
“Oh-Kay.” Happy replied. 
The place was a literal hole in the wall, after the space needed for the kitchen where there was only room for two tables, and You and Tony took up one while you waited for your orders to be done, Happy was sitting at the other, also waiting for his food but wanting to give the two of you some space.
“So Honey, did you have fun?” Tony asked
“I don’t know if fun is the word but I had a good time, I definitely don’t want to come back though.”
“Why not? I get invited every year I just have never had a reason to go before now.”
“What new and compelling reason did you have for this year?” You chuckled.
“I had a gorgeous date to go with who I wanted to show off.” He looked into your eyes and you were once again struck with how much love you had for this man and how much love he had for you. The world had not been kind to Tony Stark but you would spend the rest of your life trying to make it up to him.
“Well shucks, I guess I had a pretty swell date too.” 
“You sound like you’ve been spending too much time with Mr. Righteous and his Boy Wonder.”
“I wouldn’t say that Bucky is Boy Wonder more like a broodier and more cyborg version of Steve.”
“And why are we talking about those dinosaurs?”
“You brought them up!”
“And now I’m changing the topic, did you get a chance to read through the article I sent you the other day?” 
The two of you continued talking until your orders were placed at the table between the two of you. At which point both of you realized that it had been something like nine hours since either of you had anything decent or filling to eat and the conversation ended while you both pretty much inhaled your dinner.
You must’ve looked like quite the pair. Both of you dressed the way you were, in corresponding outfits covered in flora and fauna motifs while devoting a burger in a red booth. It was defined top ten on your surrealist moments' lists which has gotten significantly longer since you started dating Tony, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Your night ended very similarly to how it started. With Tony showering you with compliments in a hotel room, only this time you weren’t getting all dolled up. This time you were barefaced with your hair mussed up and comfy pjs covering your body. It made your heart flutter that Tony still thought you were beautiful even when you were dressed down to your most basic. There was no makeup trickery or shapewear smoothing your body at that moment, just you and all your imperfections, and Tony looked at them and saw nothing but beauty. 
You crawled into the large bed and waited for him to turn off the lights and join you. He played down only seconds after you and pulled you so that you were halfway on top of him, your head tucked nicely into the dip of his neck.
“I really love you, you know that?” You whispered into the dark of the room.
“I love you too, so much Angel.”
The two of you fell asleep within minutes.
The next morning you were awoken to the buzzing of your phone against the wood of the nightstand, Tony’s phone vibrating just as viciously on his side of the bed. 
You figured that it was pictures of the two of you groom last night and opened your phone to see all the high-quality images that were being posted everywhere of the two of you on the carpet. And you weren’t wrong, the images blowing up were of the two of you and they were from last night but they weren’t on the carpet. Apparently you and Tony had been pretty lax in your observation skills last night or you would’ve noticed the person taking your pictures outside of the burger joint. Because there it was, all over your phone. Pictures of you and Tony still in your fancy outfits pigging out on burgers with various captions, each more vicious than the last. 
The one that really caught you off guard was on some celeb gossip page, “Tony Stark takes unknown to Met Gala: he can do better” It wasn’t the worst one there was by far. There were all kinds of ribs being made about your size, about the way you ate, about everything. It wasn’t until someone said the words that were always floating around in the back of your mind out loud that you really began to fall apart. 
It was your gasping breaths that woke Tony up. He noticed you sitting upright in the bed next to him, phone in hand and tears streaming down your face.
“Woah, woah baby what’s going on? What’s wrong?!” He shot up too, getting on your level. You only handed him the phone unable to get any words out.
He looked briefly at the images across the screen at first not seeing the problem. It was a cute picture, very ‘the two of you’ to be dressed up and eating burgers in a dive like that but when he read the caption he saw red. 
Your choked sob brought him back from the brink of rage but he filed the feeling away for later, he’d track down whoever had written the nasty words, the cameraman, the publisher. Anyone and everyone involved in making you cry would be paying for it later.
He pulled you into his arms and winced when you started to cry harder. As much as he wanted to get to the bottom of it you weren’t in a place to talk yet. He just had to take care of you until you were. 
It was difficult marching the two of you out of bed without letting go of you but he managed, all the while smoothing a hand up and down your back and whispering praises into your head.
“Doing so good Pretty Girl, breathe, yeah just like that.”
“It’s gonna be okay, we’ll talk in a little bit.”
“Thats it, you’re doing so well.”
He guided you to the shower and turned the water to a warm temperature, not wanting to force you to feel anything too harsh at the moment.
Slowly and step by step he walked through your morning routine, washing your hair for you and helping you with your face routine. 
When he looked into your eyes and saw a daft tenderness he knew that you were going to be okay, the both of you. 
Even if he knew that it would make you upset he knew that the two of you needed to talk about everything, getting it out into the open was the only way that it wouldn’t come back to bite you later. 
“Okay, Darling. I’m going to go get breakfast for us, you take your time getting dressed and when I come back we can eat and talk okay?”
You nodded, “Okay.” He hated how he could still hear the sadness in your voice but he pushed a kiss to your lips and grabbed his phone before making his exit. All you heard as he left was Tony on the phone, “Hap- I got a job for you” and the door was closed.
You let yourself breathe for just a moment longer before moving to do as Tony said, and getting dressed before sitting back down in the middle of the bed. You didn’t dare pick your phone back up, just sitting in silence until he walked back through the door holding a brown bag.
“I got breakfast burritos from that brunch place down the street okay?”
“Yeah. Sounds good.” You didn’t think you’d actually be able to eat anything.  
There was a slightly tense silence between the two of you for a few moments as Tony gave you your food and then sat down across from you with his.
“I’m sorry” you both blurted out at the same time.
“Woah, sweetheart what are you sorry for?”
“I don’t know… for not being enough, for being too much. Take your pick.” 
“Okay none of that pretty girl, you are none of those things you are just right, you are absolutely perfect let’s get that straight right now.”
“But- you saw-“
“Nug-uh what I saw was some random person who doesn’t know either of us, spewing hate behind a screen. I saw horrible people being horrible for no reason and that is not your fault Baby.”
“I’m still sorry, I saw how mad you were, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“You didn’t make me upset at all Babe, none of how I was feeling this morning was your fault okay? None of it.”
“Well- wait. Did you say you were sorry? Why the hell are you sorry?”
“I should’ve been watching better last night. I was just so focused on you and how relaxed I was feeling with you that I didn’t notice that asshole following us or taking our picture.”
“Tony. Thousands of people took our picture yesterday, you couldn’t have protected me even if you wanted to. I wanted to go remember?”
“You said you had a good time last night. Do you feel any different now?” The question caught you off guard. 
“Well-no. I still had a really good time. I always have a good time when we’re together.”
“Then why does it matter what strangers on the internet think of us?”
“I mean- don’t you care that people think-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there. The answer is no. I don’t care what people think, not anymore. Not since I met you. You have this uncanny ability to make me feel like nobody in the world but us matters.”
“What if they’re right though?” You asked in a quiet voice.
“Right about what Baby?”
“What if you can do better? What if one day you wake up and realize that you’re settling.”
“There is not a universe out there where me being with you is settling. You’re it for me Sweetheart. You're all I’ve got, the light of my life. The yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, the wasabi to my peas.”
“You made that last one up.” You let out a soft laugh.
“Doesn’t make it any less true.”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
You both smiled stupidly at each other.
“Hey Tony?” You asked.
“Yeah, Pretty Girl?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, and so do they.”
You’re face adopted a look of confusion as Tony handed you his phone. On his screen was a couple of pictures he had posted of the two of you from yesterday. Pictures of you getting ready. Of you making stupid faces at him while getting your hair done, of the two of you in the back of the car on the way to the Gala, and one of the most beautiful pictures you’ve ever seen of yourself. 
It’s a wide shot of the two of you, you’d just started walking up the stairs and Tony is two steps below you. In the photo, you’re looking back at him and have this gorgeous smile spread across your lips. Tony stands underneath you, adoration clear in his eyes as he reaches a hand up to meet your outstretched one.
It isn’t the beautiful pictures that catch your eyes though, it’s the millions of comments that the post has.
“Omg slay.”
“Get you someone who looks at you the way Tony looks at this goddess right here.”
“She looks so happy.
“They look so good together.”
“I can’t tell if I want to be here or want to be with her.”
That last one makes you laugh and you look up from the phone to see Tony looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
“So. Are we going back next year, if so I need to start looking for a designer that can one up this.”
“I’ll go anywhere with you as long as you keep looking at me like that.” You toss his phone back to him.
“I’ll look at you like that until the day I die, Gorgeous. You deserve it.”
“Yeah, I kinda do.” 
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terry-perry · 1 year
Can I request either a Dad!Miguel O’Hara or Dad!Moon Knight where they’re singing luna de xelajú with their partner (the reader) and/or their daughter? thank you and I love your writing ❤️
Love this song!
Italicized lyrics - Marcy singing
Bold lyrics - Jake singing
Bold and italicized lyrics - Both singing
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You woke up later than intended. It had been a long night as you had done plenty of online work until 2 in the morning. You wanted to spend a good chunk of hours not looking at a screen. Now that some of those hours were spent sleeping, it was time for food. Before that, however, you reached over to your husband's side of the bed. Unfortunately, it was empty.
"Aww," you whined softly. You must've slept longer than intended.
You slowly lifted your head off the pillow to listen for an idea of where he could be. The sound you were met with was unexpected as you heard two guitars strumming in melody.
They were at it again, you realized with a smile.
You slipped out of bed and made your way out of the bedroom. The music grew louder as you walked down the hall. You could hear Marcy's soft singing, almost like she was whispering. She had such a lovely voice. You and your husband wished she showed it off more.
You hoped these little sessions would do just the thing to help her come out of her shell, at least a little.
You entered the kitchen and, sure enough, your husband and daughter were seated at the table, continuing to play and sing together.
"Luna de Xelajú que supistes alumbrar,"
Marcy was getting better with her Spanish. You had Jake to thank for mastering the language. He was the side of your husband who spoke it, and he found the best way to teach her. He fueled his lessons with her love for music and taught her about songs he thought she'd enjoy.
The song they were currently playing together came with a sad love story involving a romance forced to end. The singer could only plead to the moon and wish for their love to return somehow. It was beautiful and tragic. Marcy loved it right away.
"En mis noches de pena por una morena de dulce mirar,"
"Luna de Xelajú me diste inspiración,"
"La canción que hoy te canto regada con llanto de mi corazón,"
Through Jake, she was able to discover a wide variety of music by Latin artists. He also showed her how to properly perform their songs by pronouncing them in a proper accent. He told her about the importance of rolling her rs and the tilde, among other things that made her sound almost like a native Spanish speaker.
"En mi vida no habrá, más cariño que tu mi amor,"
He never had doubts about her picking up the language. Not only was it in her blood but he knew once she put her mind to something, nothing could stop her from achieving her goals. He saw that in the way she mastered the guitar in only a few months and then added singing to the mix. It was just the confidence she needed a little more work on.
"Luna que me alumbro en mis noches de amor,"
You leaned against the archway and enjoyed the last few moments of the song with a soft smile. No matter what side of your husband was interacting with your daughter, they were always such a great source of strength and comfort to you as you were to them. Each special bond was hard to replicate. You were just happy Marcy could have one with each of them.
"Hoy consuelas la pena,"
"Por una morena que me abandono."
You gave a little applause for their performance. They, at last, acknowledged your presence by grinning at you in appreciation before Marcy turned back to Jake.
"¿Cómo estaba ese papi?" She casually asked her father how she did after the song was finished.
Jake chuckled warmly and leaned over to kiss the top of her head.
"Mucho mejor mi luna. ¡Bien hecho!"
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savemesomenachos · 7 months
Hello lovelies, I’ve opened my requests up to get some inspo for stuff to write. After a long break and lots of stuff in my life, i think writing would be great for me. And I’ve missed being active on tumblr so here i am. If any of you have particularly missed me, hmu and we can catch up :)🥹
I’m open to writing drabbles, one shots and mini series (2-3 parts). It can be x reader or x OP❤️ I’ve linked my Main Masterlist for anyone interested in reading my older works!!
Send me requests here!!!
I will be writing for the following characters:
1. Joel Miller
2. Ellie
Stranger Things
1. Eddie Munson
2. Steve Harrington
3. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
1. Bucky Barnes
2. Steve Rogers
3. Stucky
1. Sirius Black
2. Remus Lupin
3. Wolfstar
I’m also trying to work on a series for Joel Miller but progress is slow, yk how it is. If you’re interested, sneak peek soon???
Permanent: @julyvegan @tenaciousperfectionunknown @bbl32 @white-wolf1940 @jassiejj2118 @sia2raw @amelia-song-pond @lovewolfspirit @iwannabekilledtwice @fallenoutofrose @edityourwishingwell @spookyparadisesheep @marvelatthisone @baby-dr1ver
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themorningsunshine · 2 years
Woken up today with a full body rash from an allergic reaction to something I ate :( how do you think Bucky would react and look after you? I’m feeling v sorry for myself sat here lathered in calamine lotion and napping with a fever 🥺🥺
I am so sorry to hear you had to go through that. 🥺 Hope you're doing better now.
I am sorry this took me so long. I am in the middle of the exhausting process of college applications and spend days without even opening Tumblr.
I have written a tiny drabble. Also, I know absolutely nothing medical-related so please let me know of any mistakes.
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You woke up with a slight itch on the knee. Ignoring it was easy in the beginning until the constant itching started to drive you crazy.
Your friend at work approached you and asked if you were okay when she saw you itching your forehead with sheer irritation. That's when you noticed the itching wasn't localized to just your knee.
You took a leave from work as soon as you could and rushed home.
Running to your bathroom, you stripped down your clothes and looked in the mirror only to realize that you were covered in rashes.
Horrified, you called your personal doctor who was kind enough to come to your house to check up on you.
You lay in your bed staring up at the ceiling. The doctor had left the house about half an hour ago and things had just gotten worse. The doctor had told you that this was an allergic reaction to something you ate yesterday and it was going to last at least for the rest of the day.
She had given you calamine lotion to apply and had warned about a fever that you could feel coming up. So, you didn't want to get up from the blanket and tried all that you could to make the itchy feeling go away. The calamine lotion sat on your table as if glaring at you but you didn't have the energy to get up.
When you heard the main door opening, you pulled the blanket closer to your face.
You could hear frantic footsteps rushing toward your room but you weren't scared. You knew exactly who that was.
When the door opened, familiar concerned blue eyes met yours and you could swear you saw Bucky leave a breath of relief.
He rushed towards your bed and you pulled the blanket further. You didn't want him to look at your rashes.
"Buck, how the hell did you reach here so soon? Your office is at least a half an hour drive and called you 10 mins ago."
Bucky rubbed his neck and gave you a sheepish grin. "I was just worried about you, doll."
You gave him a smile that you hoped was convincing. "I'm okay, really. It's just an allergic reaction to something I ate. I am guessing it was the Thai food last night. Too bad it was so tasty." You chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood and ease his nerves.
Bucky took a step ahead and kept a hand on your forehead. "Gosh, doll. You're burning up."
"It's just a side effect. I swear I am fine."
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you and then the lotion sitting on your bedside table caught his eye.
"Doc gave it. Supposed to make the rashes better. I was about to apply it."
Bucky picked up the lotion and sat on the bed beside you. "Sit up straight for me, doll."
"B-Buck, you don't have to do this. I can do it on my own. Trust me, it's fine." You knew that you were too tired to apply it yourself but you didn't want to trouble him either. You would pull yourself together.
"Doll, I know you can. But you don't have to. Let me help, please?" And then he gave you his infamous puppy dog eyes. You almost gave in. Almost.
"Buck, it's - it's not pretty under this." You shook your head towards the blanket.
Bucky just shook his head. How you could think that you would ever look anything less than an angel to him, he would never know.
He slowly leaned ahead and took the blanket away from you. You half expected him to flinch away but he just looked at the rashes with soft eyes and gently caressed them.
You couldn't help but smile.
After about half an hour, you slept, covered in calamine lotion and down with fever, while Bucky sat right there, looking at you. In case you needed something, he didn't want to be even a minute away.
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