#Jenn and Novus drabble
dotzilaa · 5 years
Writer’s Month Day Eleven! Today’s prompt is Whump.
Summary: Jenn gets hurt during a fight and doesn’t notice it until later. 
Note: Again, Jenn and Novus along with their team! Novus and Grattius are turians, T’Vex is an asari, Sakalla is a Salarian. 
Word Count: 334
   It was intense battle, Jenn almost thought they weren’t going to win. There were the usual suspects: marauders, husks, and brutes but with this one brought along fucking bug things. That shot lasers and released little bug things that she knew bothered T’Vex but T’Vex wasn’t admitting it. Yet.
   One of the bug things had shot her as she was fighting a group of husks, the same moment one lunged at her, clipped her in the side and sent her sprawling to the ground where the husks promptly tried to claw her eyes out. It took a nasty head butt and some fancy biotics to get them off of her. She looked around for her shot gun. Once she located it, Jenn quickly grabbed it and crawled back into cover.
   “Reaper bug thing is disposed of. Along with its little friends. That seems to be the last of it.” Grattius’ voice crackled over her comm and she sighed in relief. She pushed herself to her feet and looked around. She was glad that she was wearing her helmet because she knew the smell from the bug things were rancid. “Report in.”
   “T’Vex here.”
   “Sakalla here.”
   “Trentitius here. You guys need to come to my position.”
   “Fritzen here, roger that.” She holstered her gun on her back and looked at her map for Novus’ marker. She took off, winding around debris and fallen reaper troops. They were gonna have to move these bodies, her least favorite part. Once she got there, Novus was kneeling next to one of the bug things, poking it with a stick. Fritzen looked around, checking over her friends. “Everyone okay?” Sakalla gave a quick glance as he answered.
   “Yeah.” He looked back towards the body but then immediate looked back at her, his eyes going even wider than normal. He sucked in a breath. “Fritzen…” Grattius looked over and his mouth dropped.
   “Spirits.” The last two members looked up and as they did Jenn fell to the floor.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Writer’s Month 2019 For day two the prompt is Hurt/Comforts
I’m using the same characters from last time, Jenn and Novus.
Word Count: 318
   Novus slowly blinked his eyes opened, he groaned and closed his eyes back again. The doctors said he needed rest, so he was going to take advantage of it.
   “Novus?” He opened his eyes again and turns look at the owner of the voice. Jenn was curled up in the chair next to his bed. She smiles at him, pure relief in her features. “Hey bud. Look who’s awake.” She shifted so she was sitting properly in her chair. “Sorry I wasn’t here when you first woke up, Grattius pulled me away.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “How are you feeling?”
   “Like I just got blown up. And some water would be great.” Jenn huffs out a laugh as she stands. She goes over to the little table in the corner where the pitcher is.
   “Yeah, I bet.” She looks over her shoulder. “Don’t make this a regular occurrence. You had me worried.”
   “Did I now?” Jenn turns back to the cup of water.
   “Yeah.” She helps him sit up and drink from the cup. She places the now empty cup on the nightstand and pulls her chair closer to the bed.
   “I didn’t know everything in your body could hurt at once but apparently that can happen. I’m feeling things I haven’t felt before.” Jenn laughs again as she oh so gently lays a hand on his leg, thumb rubbing up and down.
   “I’m sorry Novus. It’ll get better soon. And I’m gonna be here the whole time.” Novus smiles, mandibles spreading wide.
  “Well then get ready for a lot of naps, complaining, and knots in your neck and back because hospital chairs are terrible.”
   “I think I’m up for the challenge.” Jenn reaches for his hand and he readily lets her take it. “Anything for you.” 
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Writer’s Month Day 25: Flowers
Summary: Novus wakes Jenn up for a surprise. 
Word Count: 1022
   Jenn groans as she blinks her eyes open. Novus is staring down at her, a hand on her shoulder.
   “Get up, I want to show you something.” Jenn closes her eyes again.
   “Show me something?” At Novus’ answering hum she continues. “What?”
   “It’s a surprise.”
   “What time is it?” She rolls over on the bed and finds that Novus isn’t there anymore. There’s a purposeful silence. “I swear to the spirits above Novus. What the fuck time is it?”
   “Eloquent.” Jenn growls and pushes herself up right. Now sitting on her legs and finds Novus in the dim room and glares. “It’s just before dawn.”
   “Just before-”
   “And I don’t want to wait for tomorrow to show you so get up and get dressed.”
   “Novus, you are so lucky you got out of the bed.” He finishes the straps on his tunic and grins at her.
   “Why do you think I got out of the bed? I didn’t want to be punched.”
   “You are a real asshole, you know that?” She climbs out of bed, she’s already awake and Novus will just wake her again. She changes out of the shorts she slept in for another pair and grabs a lose sweater to put over her tank top. “Can you at least me tell me what we are doing?”
    “No.” She throws her pillow at him.
   Novus sets the sky car down in what Jenn thinks is a field. There’s no buildings around and its still pretty dark, the sky now starting to turn a dark blue instead of pitch black.
   The doors open and they both step out and Novus grabs the bag that he had packed the night before. Jenn activates her flashlight and Novus grabs her hand, leading her where he wants to go. After a couple of minutes of walking and silence on both of their parts Novus stops and opens his bag.
   “Are you finally going to tell me why we are in a dark field.” Jenn looks around, pointing her flashlight. She looks over her shoulder at Novus. “You didn’t bring me here to kill me, right?”
   “I’m not going to kill you, please.” Novus finishes spreading the blanket on the ground. “I brought you out here for what you humans call a ‘picnic’.” Jenn fully turns towards him now and plans her hands on her hips.
   “You brought me out to a field, before the sun is even up, for a picnic?” Novus doesn’t stop bringing the containers he brought out of his bag.
   “Yes, I thought you would appreciate the view.” He clicks on a light so Jenn turns hers off.
   “What view? Its dark.” Novus looks up at her from the ground.
   “Sit down will you. It’ll be fun.” Jenn sighs but sits down across from him nonetheless. “I thought you would enjoy watching a sunrise.” Jenn smiles at him.
   “Thank you, Novus.” She looks down at the food he brought, both turian and human of course. She opens one of the containers, just to see, and she gasps.
   “Oh my god, are these-?”
   “Doughnuts that I somehow found on Digeris? Why, yes they are. There are these couple of stores that specialize in other species’ food and then tries to remake them with dextro ingredients.” Jenn picks one out of the container.
   “These look fantastic.” She takes a bite and chew thoughtfully. “It’s good, not as god as pure human doughnuts though, but good.” She teases. Novus rolls his eyes. He leans back on his hands and looks around. The sky was getting lighter and lighter.
   “Sunrise should be soon. You’re gonna love it. Whenever my mom went off world and then came back, we would either watch the sunrise or sunset together in this field.”
   “That’s nice, Novus.” Jenn reaches for one of the flowers in the field. It sort of looked like a star, with five points and it had bright blue veins on the white petals. The stem was bright green and they smelled sweet. She leaned over and started picking them. Once she got a handful and she sat back down and got to work.
   “What are you doing?” 
   “If you get to have surprises so do I.” Novus scoffs.
   “Really? You’re pulling that?” Jenn doesn’t look at him as she plucks some grass. He watches as she threads the stems together and as she ties grass around certain points. She’s tying them together into a circle. “Are you making a flower crown?” Jenn just smiles. “It better not be for me.” Her smile gets wider. “Jenn!”
   She finally looks up at him. “Consider it payback for waking me up before the sun was up.” Novus shakes his head at her. “Either you wear this or I tell your mother what really happened with her vase two years ago.” He gasps, mouth dropping open.
   “You wouldn’t.” She raises an eyebrow and the now finished crown.
   “Try me.” After a moment of silence, he sits up and reaches a hand out. Smiling, Jenn places the crown in his hand and watches as he places it on his head. Her smile gets wider as she takes in his grumpy appearance that is diluted due to the flower crown. She pulls up her omni-tool once again and snaps a picture of him.
   “I swear to god, if you send that to the group I will make you sleep on the couch for the rest of this trip.” Jenn raises her hands in surrender.
   “Alright, alright. I won’t send it to the group.” For now, she adds silently. Jenn looks back up at the sky and then to the east, the sun should be rising any second. She turns her body to face it and Novus follows, mimicking her position, leaning on her elbows and legs spread out before her. He grabs her hand in his. She smiles at him. “This is kind of nice.”
   “Told you.” Jenn turns her attention back to the sun rise.
   They watch the sky turn into different hues of pink and blue, letting the sweet smell of flowers and the sounds of nature wash over them. Basking in the peace.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Nightmares and Cuddles
Writer’s Month 2019 day 12! Today’s prompt is Dreams
Summary: Jenn gets a nightmare about Novus and her team. She seeks out Novus just to make sure he’s alright.
Note: Again, its Jenn and Novus. 
Word Count: 463
   Jenn startled awake, heart pounding in her chest and breathing heavily. She tore off the covers, letting the cool air hit her sweaty skin. That dream… she blinked her eyes, fighting back the tears. Novus, oh god Novus. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. He was fine. It was just a dream. Him and everyone else are perfectly fine. There’s no need to wake them up at- she opened her eyes and looked at the little clock on her bedside table, 2:17 am. The feeling in her chest didn’t go away though, no matter how many times she tried to convince herself. She let out a shaky breath and got out of bed. Fuck it.
  She grabbed her shoes and slipped them on and then headed towards the door. The hallway was dim with the orange glow of the sparse lights. She tried to make her footsteps as quiet as she could as to not waken anyone else. She reached Novus’ door, which was thankfully only at the end of the hall. She knocked a couple of times and then opened the door, figuring he wouldn’t have woken up from her light knocks. She stepped inside the dark room and headed towards the bed. Placing her hand on his shoulder she gently shook him.
  “Novus.” She whispered. “Novus.” She shook him a little bit harder and then he was waking up with gasp.
  “Ahh- what the- Jenn?” She let go of him.
  “Yeah, its me.”
  “What the fuck.” Jenn sighs and looks down at her hands.
  “I-I had this really bad night mare- and and- you were dead and so was Anox and Leela and Jontun and god it was awful-” Novus shifts up, tucking his legs in.
  “Hey,” He voice was soft as he laid his hands on her forearms.
  “And then all of a sudden you were these monsters and I had to kill you guys and I- I couldn’t. I can’t do that to my-” Jenn interrupts herself with a sob and leans in towards Novus. Novus maneuvers them so she’s sitting in his lap. He’s stroking her hair and gently rocking them while he makes comforting sounds.
  “Its okay, its okay. We’re fine, I’m fine. Everyone is okay. It was just a dream.” He rubs up and down her back as she sobs and he can feel his chest twisting. Novus lays them down, securely wrapping his arms around her. 
  Its sometime later when she stops crying, instead just sniffling. She doesn’t look up at him when she speaks.
  “Can I stay here tonight?” Novus doesn’t even hesitate.
  “Of course. As long as you need.” Jenn, exhausted, pulls Novus closer and closes her eyes again. Novus, too, closes his eyes, content with her in his arms.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Writer’s Month Day Six! The prompt for today is Kids. 
Summary: Jenn go searching for Novus and finds something she was expecting. Again its Jenn and Novus. 
Word Count: 127 its really short because I didn’t know what to write.
   Jenn leans against the door frame and crosses her arms, a grin appearing on her face. Novus, along with several children of varying races, was in the room. At first, she was confused as to why he was here at all, this is where the children could play and run around in the base, so they weren’t getting in the way of things elsewhere. But now, she knows why.
   He’s got a turian child on his back and he’s running around with her. Her laughter and shrieks mix with the other’s and Novus is making noises that remind Jenn of cars and she covers her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing. It’s quite possible it’s one of the cutest things she has ever seen.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Comforting Sounds
Writer’s Month Day Five! The prompt is Sound. 
Summary: Jenn is having a hard time and Novus comforts her. 
Note: Again, its Jenn and Novus (my mass effect OCs) I write a lot of these prompts with them, so yeah. 
Word Count: 496
   Jenn didn’t turn to see who it was when she heard the door open. She already knew who it was. She seemed to be getting better at knowing when Trentitius entered the room. She didn’t know what to make of that.
   “It’s a bit late don’t you think?” He let out a sigh as he too a seat next to her. He turned to look at her, but she didn’t.
   “Yeah well, time doesn’t always equal sleep.”
   “Wanna talk about it?” Jenn shook her head. She brought her knees to her chest and set her chin on them. “Well, that’s okay. I’ve been told that I can talk enough for two people.” Trentitius titled his head in thought. “Numerous times in fact.” Jenn let out a quiet snort, but he heard all the same. “Anyways, has Grattius said how he first got his drone?” Jenn shook her head. Trentitius bodily turned to face her, stretching one leg behind her and bending the other one. 
   He launched into his tale, gesturing wildly and adding more emphasis than necessary. But Jenn appreciated it. It gave her something to focus on, something to picture in her mind instead of the burnt-up child’s toy she had found. It was a stuffed pyjack of all things, half its tail was missing, so was a leg, and there was more burnt fabric than not. Seeing that while looking around in the apartment that they were thinking of staying in, it was like the war finally seemed real. Like she finally realized just what is happening to millions- billions in this galaxy. It wasn’t just her and the others fighting monstrosities, it was families being torn apart, lives ruined and lost.
   Jenn buried her face between her knees, pleading with herself not to cry even though she could feel her eyes burning. She sucked in a shaky breath, trying to focus on Trentitius’ words instead. She felt his hand rest on her shoulder but did not look up. 
   “Jenn.” His voice was soft, gentle. She realized it was the first time he had called her by her first name. She then jarringly thought that she wanted him to do it more often. “Come here.” It took some shuffling and moving of limbs, his legs and well, her whole body, but she was tucked against his chest, his arms around her like a safety blanket and she finally let herself cry.
   Trentitius started running a hand through her hair and slightly started to rock them. Jenn rested her head against his chest, trying to calm down. This was definitely not what she wants him to see her like, but she felt so comfortable. Wrapped up in someone’s arms, a hand through her hair and- was he purring? She focused on his vibrating chest, on the rumble she could feel more than hear and found it relaxing. She smiled a little, and let it wash over her. She could stay like this for a while.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Road Trip
Writer’s Month Day Four! The prompt for today is Road Trip
Summary: Jenn, Novus, and Grattius prepare for their road trip. Reminder: Novus and Grattius are Turians, Jenn is a human, and 9273 is a geth prime. A mako is mentioned and that is a tank. 
Word Count: 443
   “…How far away is the base?” Jenn asks. The hair above her eyes, eyebrows? are up in what he’s learned to be disbelief in humans.
  “A little over two-thousand miles.” Grattius repeats. Jenn scoffs and pushes away from the table, running a hand through her fringe- err hair. She does that quite a lot now that he thinks about it. Grattius shakes his head in agreement. Two-thousand miles. Over two-thousand miles.
  “And how long will that take us?” He asks. Grattius looks back down at his omni-tool.
  “Given that we have no problems, roughly three/four days.” Jenn groans.
  “Great. So, let’s assume that everything that could go wrong, goes wrong. We arrive in five days. Will that give us enough time?” Grattius fiddles with his omni-tool while Jenn and Novus share a glance. They both have a feeling that everything will go wrong. It just seems to be there luck nowadays.
  “Maybe?” Grattius offers after a minute.
  “Maybe!?” Novus parrots. Grattius turns to look sat him, powering down his omni-tool.
  “Look, I’m working with variables I don’t have okay!? We might have enough time to shut down the reactor, we might not. We’re just gonna have to uh- what’s that human saying?” He turns back to Jenn and she raises an eyebrow.
  “Uhm wing it?” She offers. He points to her, mandibles spreading a bit.
  “Yes! We’ll just have to do that. Although, I don’t see how wings have anything to do with-”
  Jenn face-palms immediately. “Oh, for fucks sake.”
Novus lets out a chuckle. “As much fun as picking apart our different sayings is, we really should figure out how to get that there with us.” He points over his shoulder at 9273. They all collectively turn to look over at the slumped form of the prime.
  “Fuck.” Grattius mutters. Novus can’t help but laugh again.
  They all stood in front of the mako, pondering.
  “We could just leave it here.” Grattius offered. Novus and Jenn spoke in unison.
  “Fine.” A pause. “We could just tie it up and drag it behind us.”
  “I’m not saying that exactly! But what if we tied it to the top of the mako?”
  “No.” Jenn stated.
  “I can’t fucking believe this is my life.” Jenn muttered as she tightened the ropes.
  “Ah, well all get there one day.” Jenn looks up from her knot and Novus’ body is already moving before she could push him off the mako.
  “All the supplies are packed?” Jenn asks.
  “Yep.” Grattius answers.
  “As much as we could find.”
  “Our gear?”
  “Well guys, I guess it’s time for a road trip.”
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Writer’s Month Day One! The Prompt for today is Annoyance 
Note: This is about my two OCs Jenn and Novus. This is sent in the Mass Effect universe (a video game). Novus is a turian and Jenn is a human. 
Word Count: 174
   “Jenn!” Jenn lets out a curse as the tool she was using falls to the ground. It falls to the floor with a loud clang and she grimaces. She looks up from the ground, face scrunched up and ready to chew out whoever decided to just burst in, annoyance scrunching up her features, but falters when she realizes who it is. Novus walks further into the armory, mandibles wide and practically radiating excitement. And Jenn thinks that it must truly be a testament of much time she’s spent with Novus to be able to read him so good. Or he’s just comfortable enough around her to let her see him so open and she immediately dismisses the thought.
  “I just found a vid of this- this- what is it called? A- a uh- a cat, yes! You have to see it!” Jenn doesn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face as Novus rounds the table to show her. She also doesn’t stop him from standing just a bit too close to her, finding comfort in the close proximity.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
Writer’s month day 28: family
Summary: Jenn thinks about her friends.
Word Count: 95
   Jenn leans back in her seat, looking around the room. Grattius and Sakalla are doing something in the corner which she hopes isn’t them building a bomb, T’Goto and 9273 are having a very animated conversation, at least on T’Goto’s part, Novus and T’Vex are arm wrestling while Cherrick goads them on. Her chest warms as she smiles. She never thought that when her parents died, she would find something permanent again. everyone else had left but these guys… God help whoever dared to mess with her family. She was never letting go of them.
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