#jonas descending is just…
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WTF Jonas
#tour de france#jonas vingegaard#jonas descending is just…#he’s committed to stick to tadej no matter what
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saga: Soumission & Domination 396
Les " petits frères "-1
Jalil :
J'ai truqué l'enchère afin que DGSE soit le gagnant. Je veux quelqu'un en qui j'ai une totale confiance pour lui. Quelqu'un capable de gérer si le petit a un bad trip qui lui revient en pleine face. D'autant plus qu'inconsciemment, il pourrait chercher la domination qu'il a connu ces trois dernières années et que j'ai senti qu'il recherchait alors que nous faisions l'amour tous les deux. DGSE en est conscient lui aussi et accepte le deal. Comme quand je lui avais amené la première fois Ric, il me demande de rester avec eux. Ça faisait longtemps qu'on n'avait pas baisé un petit mec ensemble et il aimait bien le faire avec moi.
On débarque donc chez le recruteur de Jona et François. Cette fois pas de scénario interrogatoire ou même interpellation. On descend quand même dans son donjon personnel. DGSE à fait disparaitre les menottes et autres moyens de contention dans les caisses, ne laissant que le sling, le cheval d'arçon et bancs de muscu. Jalil tremble un peu malgré le chauffage à fond qui nous invite à nous déshabiller. Je suis derrière lui. Je l'entoure de mes bras alors que DGSE s'approche et l'embrasse. Il se calme, je sens ses muscles se détendre.
DGSE y va très progressivement. Il commence à le dénuder. Le sweet puis le t-shirt quittent mon petit libanais et là, blocage complet. Jalil s'effondre à nos pieds et pas pour nous faire une pipe mais en pleurs. DGSE s'écarte et moi, je m'accroupi pour lui montrer que je suis là avec lui. Il m'attrape aux épaules et s'accroche à moi. Ses pleurs me secouent. Sa tête sur mon épaule, il mouille mon polo. Entre deux hoquets il s'excuse de ne pouvoir assurer. Tout bas je le traite d'imbécile, qu'il ne me fait pas honte et que c'est d'abord lui qui est important, plus encore que le client. Il tourne alors la tête dans tous les sens mais DGSE nous a laissé seuls. Je mets une bonne demi-heure pour le calmer et le persuader de se rhabiller. Malgré son stress il voulait continuer. On remonte et nous retrouvons DGSE qui nous avait préparé un thé bien chaud. Jalil s'approche de lui la tête basse et s'excuse de n'avoir pu assurer. DGSE d'un doigt sous le menton relève sa tête et en le regardant dans les yeux lui dit que ce n'est pas grave. Il se penche et lui calque juste un petit bisou sur les lèvres. Quand nous rentrons, il s'estime lâche et peureux, il panique à l'idée que ses nouveaux amis apprennent son forfait. Je l'assure que ce ne sera pas le cas mais ce n'est que quand Enguerrand et Max l'entourent de leur amour qu'il en est enfin persuadé. Je les laisse ensemble.
Enguerrand me dira plus tard qu'ils avaient quand même du ramer ferme pour lui remonter le moral et son estime de lui. Le soir il veut me voir en particulier. Il s'en veut de m'avoir fait perdre de l'argent, il veut savoir si j'acceptais que tous les mois sur ce que lui donne son père, il m'en rembourse une partie. Je lui explique alors pourquoi j'avais choisi DGSE pour son essai d'escort. Qu'avec lui cet incident d'avait pas eu de conséquence et qu'il n'était donc pas question d'un " arrangement " de la sorte. Il me tombe dans les bras et me dit tout bas que pour moi c'est quand je veux qu'il m'offre son corps. Il me rappelle que c'avait été très bon quand nous avions fait l'amour tous les deux. C'était totalement différent d'avec Enguerrand, Max et Nathan, même si avec eux c'était géant aussi. Il commençait à les aimer plus que beaucoup. Avec moi c'était plus " mature " sans être coercitif. En fait je réunissais la domination dont il avait besoin avec l'attention et la douceur que lui apportent les 3 jeunes. Affectueusement je le traite de petit con et le renvoie à ses amis.
Max : Lui aussi a décroché un contrat top. C'est celui dont j'avais eu le plaisir de baiser le majordome. La veille de la prestation, le client m'appelle et me demande si je pouvais accompagner Max, il voulait remercier son valet et à combien j'émargerais le cas échéant. Je me fais un peu désirer et la proposition augmente. J'ai beau lui dire que je ne fais plus ce genre de prestation, il me rappelle qu'il est bon client et depuis longtemps. Il trouve les arguments suffisants pour me convaincre de me remettre personnellement au travail. Nous arrivons donc dans sa grande propriété et Max est impressionné par le service. Le majordome nous conduit à l'arrière de la grande maison et nous retrouvons notre hôte au bord de sa piscine. Je laisse Max avec lui dès que son valet s'est assuré qu'ils avaient tout ce qu'il fallait : boissons fraiches, kpotes, gel et poppers.
Je suis mon homme. Son appart est au-dessus des garages. Il n'est pas malheureux avec un logement d'une centaine de m². Un grand séjour avec cuisine américaine où il ne prépare que du café et une chambre de 30m² aussi bien équipé que celle de son maître. Lit à baldaquin en acier " équipé " : sling... une étagère à roulettes supporte les accessoires nécessaires quand on est souvent seul : godes, plugs, boules, gel et pot de graisse à fist... Je sens que je vais pouvoir m'amuser un peu.
Le mec n'a pas changé. Nu il est toujours aussi et autant épilé même si son employeur ne se sert plus de lui comme avant. Je le trouve un peu plus musclé et il me dit que c'est les passages répétés de mes escorts qui l'ont incité à travailler un peu sa musculature. Car en général, il est présent dans la chambre pour veiller à ce que son maitre et mon escort aient tout ce qu'il faut sous la main sans qu'ils n'aient besoin de demander. A sa demande, son patron a équipé une petite salle de muscu et lui aussi s'en sert un peu. Il s'arrête de discuter et s'approche. Il prend ma bite presque totalement bandée et s'agenouille pour me faire une fellation en mode gorge profonde. Il n'a rien oublié de la technique et s'enfile mes 20cm direct en fond de gorge au premier essai. Je le laisse gérer. Il me pompe grave, n'hésitant pas à rester les lèvres collées à mon pubis plus d'une minute à masser mon gland par de lentes déglutitions. Je le repousse plusieurs fois de peur de jouir trop vite tellement c'est bon. Une telle prestation ne m'est faite que par Jimmy.
Comme il s'est mis à 4 pattes devant moi et qu'il cambre ses reins façon " salope en manque ", je me penche et mes doigts suivent naturellement sa colonne vertébrale, son sacrum pour plonger entre ses fesses et y trouver une rosette palpitante. Deux doigts s'enfoncent sans résistance jusqu'à ce qu'il me les emprisonne d'une contraction destinée à me montrer que ce n'est pas un vagin que j'investi. Je le repousse et lui dis que je vais l'enculer avant de lui travailler sérieusement la rondelle. Il est OK avec le programme. Je le balance sur le sling et kpoté l'encule direct utilisant juste le gel de ma protection pour glisser tout au fond. Sous la poussée, le sling part en avant et le balancement me fait déculer juste ce qu'il faut pour bien sentir le retour. Je joue à ce petit jeu un moment avant de le faire descendre et de le sodomiser en levrette. Il couine sous mes assauts mais surtout me demande d'y aller plus fort. Ce que je ne manque pas de faire. Ma mains tombe sur un gode dans mes dimension. Sans cesser de lui labourer la rondelle, je graisse l'engin et sans le prévenir l'enfonce à côté de ma bite. Bien entrainé, il ne laisse échapper qu'un " arg " de surprise quand je rentre les deux queues, la mienne et celle en plastique. Mais ça passe, je m'en doutais vu les plus gros godes sur l'étagère qui ne doivent pas faire que de la figuration. Je cale le gode bien profond et coulisse entre lui et la moitié du boyau qui me reste.
Quand je me suis bien amusé, je décule et lui dis qu'on passe au travaille de sa rondelle. Retour sur le sling où je lui attache les chevilles et les mains aux suspentes. Sa rondelle s'est ourlée de ma sodomie élargie. J'enfile une paire de gant et les recouvre de graisse pour travailler son anneau. Alors que je poisse mes doigts dans son trou en tournant pour bien graisser la surface, je vois qu'il bande ferme, il prend vraiment du plaisir à ça. J'avise un gode gonflable. Je lui enfile et pompe. Ne connaissant pas ses capacités, je lui dis de me guider. Il m'arête après une bonne minute de pompage, me dit d'attendre et quand il se sent prêt, me dit de tirer dessus pour le retirer. J'y vais doucement car le diamètre a quand même doublé par rapport à son entrée. De son côté il pousse et quand il n'en reste plus que la moitié, il l'expulse tout seul. Sa rondelle est maintenant grande ouverte prête au fist. Je recouvre mes gants d'une nouvelle couche de graisse et j'y vais. Main gauche (la plus fine de mes deux mains) doigts réunis en fuseau, je l'enfile sans problème. Main droite pareil mais je sens une compression. Une fois le sphincter passé, je ferme le poing et pousse. Je tape sa prostate, sa bite tressaute de plaisir. Il me souffle d'y aller franchement. Je pousse et j'entre mon avant-bras au 4/5, jusqu'à la partie la plus gonflée qui bloque. Je dois lui écarter la rondelle à pas loin de 11cm de diamètre, belle perf !! Je ressors et je vais jouer de mes deux mains et avant- bras. Il va se mettre à juter des litres sur son ventre quand je lui aurai mis ma main droite et ma bite au centre et que je me serais mis à me branler.
Je tourne autour du sling et lui présente ma bite à sucer. Quelques minutes et je me retire vite pour ajouter mon jus.au sien.
Repos, je le détache et l'aide à se lever. Il me remercie d'avoir été aussi efficace, cela faisait longtemps qu'il n'avait pris un tel pied. Douches, on se rhabille et vu le temps que nous avons passé, nous retournons vers la maison. Nous retrouvons le client en maillot et Max qui, nu, nage lentement dans la piscine. Comme son valet, il me remercie, lui pour Max qui était un vrai bonheur à baiser. Max sort de l'eau et s'approche. Je le sèche pendant que le client rentre dans la maison. Alors qu'il se rhabille à son tour, je lui pose quelques questions. Il me dit que cela s'était très bien passé, l'homme avait pris beaucoup de précaution pour le pénétrer et du coup il se l'était pris d'une seule, lente, mais puissante poussée. Puis il l'avait baisé dans plusieurs positions, passant de l'une à l'autre sans sortir de son cul. Il avait trouvé que le mec était endurant pour son âge. Je lui dis de se taire, c'est pas un sujet sur lequel il peut discuter !!
Il convient que ç'avait été bon mais sans l'intensité qu'il trouve quand il fait l'amour avec ses trois amis et même avec Adam. Je lui confirme que c'est effectivement différent même si on trouve son plaisir quand même, il n'a pas le même goût qu'entre amours. Il est d'accord et ajoute que même avec Jalil qui est le dernier venu dans leur petit groupe d'intimes, c'est meilleur. Quand nous sommes sur le point de partir, le client remet une enveloppe à Max. Il l'ouvre quand nous sommes dans la voiture sur le chemin du retour. Il m'annonce le montant, à quelques billets près c'est le même montant que pour Enguerrand.
Quand il retrouve ses complices impatients, il la joue un peu blasé, comme quoi, oui c'est bon mais il s'excite plus avec eux. Ça ne dure pas car il se fait chahuter et mi- chatouilles / mi- bagarre, il se retrouve enseveli sous les corps de ses 3 amours.
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“You are very welcome to do so” \\ vivianne miedema x reader
Prompt #26
“I could kiss you right now” “You’re very welcome to do so”
You board the team bus with your headphones on, not wanting to break your focus. Only for that focus to be broken when your favourite Dutch player sits next to you with that toothless smile you’ve grown to love on her face. Viv grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together, helping calm your nerves you thought you are hiding well. You exhale and sit back into the seat, somewhat relaxing. You go on your phone for a moment when you receive a text in your group chat with your national teammates and best friends Steph and Caitlin.
Calvin’s mum 🐶: I see you over there getting cozy with Vivvy 👀
You: idk what ur talking about…
Foord mustang 🚗: don’t act like there’s nothing going on between you too 😳
You: she’s helping to calm my nerves, that’s all
Calvin’s mum 🐶: what ever floats your boat y/n/n…
You turn around to the two Aussies sitting together and they make kissy faces at you and you roll your eyes. Viv asks you if everything is okay and you tell her that Steph and Caitlin are just being annoying. About 40 minutes later, the bus pulls up to the airport and you all get ready to jet of to France for the last semi final. You sit down in your designated sit on the plane and start getting your book and earphones out when you feel someone sit next to you. You look up and see that it’s once again Viv.
“You just can’t seem get away from me, can you?”
“Maybe I want to be here”
That made you blush slight as Viv got out her things before putting her bag in the overhead compartment. Doing so, it causes her shirt to rise up slightly and you catch a glimpse of the strikers abs. Your cheeks redden as you bury your head in your book as Viv sits down and buckles in.
“Like what you see?” She whispers in your ear and you don’t say anything, just smile slightly.
You feel the plane start to go and you grip the arm rests so tightly, your knuckles begin to turn white. Your eyes close as you feel the plane getting faster and as you start to ascend, you feel a hand intertwine with yours. Viv gives your hand a squeeze and looks at you with that smile you’ve grown to love. You thought Viv would let go of your hand but she didn’t and you are perfectly okay with that. As the plane started to descend, Viv squeezed you’re hand again to help calm your nerves.
The team starts to leave the plane and make their way to the baggage claim area where Viv doesn’t leave your side. As you all wait for the bags, Viv decides to make a bold move and rests her head on your shoulders while her arms are loosely around your waist. You just know your group chat with Steph and Caitlin are going to be bombarded with messages. You see your bag come and Viv lets you go and gets your bag for you. She ends up getting hers as well and wheels them back over to you. You thank her and wait for the rest of the team to get their bags. You sit on your suitcase and pull out your phone to see, as expected, a bunch of messages from Steph and Caitlin.
Foord mustang 🚗: i call bullshit that there’s nothing going on with you two…
Calvin’s mum 🐶: i second that 🙋♀️
You: no further comments at this time 🤫
You feel a presence in front of you and see the Dutch beauty. You look up to see her hold your hand out for you. You take it and stand up before getting your bag. You all arrive at the hotel and Jonas tells everyone who their roommate is. To no one’s surprise, you and Viv are roomed together. As you both got into the room, you see one big bed in the middle of the room and you immediately panic.
“We can share right? It’s only for two nights, I’m sure we can manage” Viv says and you nod.
You lie down on one side of the bed and close your eyes at the coldness of the pillow. You feel the bed move and you peak open one eye to see Viv lying next to you, looking at you.
“What are you looking at creeper?”
“Just you” Viv tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear before flicking your eyes and lips. You begin to lean in and just as your lips are millimetres from each other when you both hear multiple bangs on your door.
“Oi lovebirds, we’re going out for a team dinner. Hurry up” You hear the lovely voice of Katie McCabe beam through the door. You yell back that you’re coming and Viv mumbles something you can’t quite hear.
After a spending the hour at dinner giving each other subtle glances and playing footises under the table, you two go back to the room not saying a word and get ready for the next day.
You wake up the next morning with a tight arm around your waist. You slowly unravel yourself and go have a shower before breakfast. Viv wakes up as she hears the bathroom door close and she pouts slightly. She quickly gets herself changed and goes to the balcony, checking her messages. Just as she’s about to reply to Leah, Viv feel hands sneak around her waist.
“Hey stranger, what are you doing out here? It’s chilly”
“Just thinking” Viv replies with a half smile on her face.
“Alright, we’re ditching the girls and going out for breakfast together this morning and you can talk to me about whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours okay?” Viv nods and you leave a lasting kiss on her forehead, making Viv swoon on the inside.
After a flirtatious breakfast, you two quickly head back to the hotel to get ready for the game. As usual, you two sit on the bus together and you hold Viv’s hand close to you. She turns to you a gives you a look and you shake your head before leaning it on her shoulder. Viv ends up pulling you close into her and leaves a long kiss on your forehead. Steph and Caitlin see this and decide not to tease you because it looks like something is wrong.
You get to the stadium and Viv stays by your side the entire time. You slip your earphones in and let the world of music take you away. As the team goes to look at the field, you stay behind and when Viv gets no response to the question she asked you, thinking you are next to her, she looked around her and noticed you weren’t there. She asked a few of the girls if they’ve seen you and Katie tells Viv that you stayed back in the locker room. Viv instantly runs back to the room and all the girls gossip about how hopeless you too are.
Viv runs into the locker room, catching herself as she slides around the corner and sees you sitting in your cubby with your knees up to your chest. Viv sits beside you and pulls you on her lap.
“What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since breakfast”
“I’m just scared. What if I mess it up for everyone? Everyone will hate me” You just broke down in tears and at the same time Viv’s heart was breaking a little bit more. She heard footsteps come around the corner and she quickly shooed them all away so you two could still have alone time.
“You won’t mess it up and you know why? Because you’re you Y/N. No one will hate you if we lose, it’s a team sport. We’re all in this together”
“Thanks Vivvy. How are you not freaking out right now?”
“Because I know I’ve got you up front with me” You sit up slightly and wipe your tears.
“You are going to do so well Y/N/N, I just know it” Viv leaves a long kiss on your forehead and you move off of her lap. You start to do your pre-game traditions when the rest of the girls came in. Thankfully, none of them asked why your face is red but Caitlin and Steph did give you a look and you just nod your head.
Fast forward to the game and you are currently tied at one all and there’s 3 minutes left in extra time. You move around the Lyon back line as you try to find a an open spot and when you do, Lia passes you the ball. You weave through the defenders and sprint with the ball towards goal and when you’re close enough, shoot it to the top bin. You hear the swoosh of the net and the crowd going wild, that’s when you knew it went in. You run to your teammates who dog pile you before getting up quickly. Viv was the last person to congratulate you and she gives you a kiss on your temple. You and the rest of the Arsenal girls manage to hold off Lyon for the extra minutes and you heard the refs whistle, meaning you are through to the Champions League final. You sink on your knees and cry in your hands. You feel two hands hold your wrists and slowly peel your hands off of your face. You look and see Viv with a big smile on her face. She holds your cheeks in her hands and continues to smile wide.
“I could kiss you right now” Viv whispers.
“You are very welcome to do so”
Viv leans forward and gently puts her lips on yours. Fans all around the stadium cheering causes you two to seperate. What you don’t notice is Caitlin and Steph watching on in pride, thankful that you’ve found your person.
After the teams get back to the locker room and shower, you all go back to the bus and to no ones surprise, you and Viv sit together up the back. You lean on Viv and she pulls you into her as your eyes attempt to stay awake. Viv whispers to you to go to sleep as the bus ride will take a little while.
The next time your eyes open is when you feel someone pick you up. Viv whispers that we’re back at the hotel and we’re going up to the room. You nod and fall back to sleep until you feel something comfy underneath you. You groan before opening your eyes and notice Viv not in bed with you. You start making grabby hands and Viv caves and crawls into bed. She wraps her arms around you and your whole body relaxes.
#womens soccer#woso imagine#woso x reader#woso#woso imagines#woso soccer#arsenal x reader#vivianne miedema x reader
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Astrology observations 💚💚💚
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
💚💚 Scorpio Moons, even Moon in the 8th house or Cancer over the 8th house, talk about their sex life either in songs or accidentally "out" some of their sexual preferences online, in podcasts, interviews. Beyonce, a Scorpio Moon native, said she felt somewhat embarassed about song Partition (which is about sex with her husband) when she realized her parents will hear the song as well. Same with Justin Bieber (Cancer over the 8th house native) who wrote song Yummy, which he admitted was basically about his sex life.
💚💚 I noticed Aquarius, Capricorn and Gemini Jupiter are more prone to establish some sort of "rules" in their marriage or with their spouse. Albert Einstein, for example who is an Aquarius Jupiter at a Gemini degree (27 degree) had some unique, unconventional rules established in his marriage with first wife Mileva Marić. Which were that his wife should not expect any intimacy from him, should not reproach him in any way, should stop talking to him if he requested it, should leave his bedroom or study immediately without protest if requested and should refrain from belittling him in front of the children. This is even more prominent if Jupiter is also in the 3rd, 10th or 11th house. Jupiter retrograde natives second guess marriage a lot. Or they might marry the same person twice or they question themselves whether that are able to follow through with the committment and even if they are able to commit in the first place. Or they dislike sacrifices and compromises that marriage brings. There are so many real life celebrity examples of this, such as Elon Musk, Justin Bieber, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey.
💚💚 Gemini Jupiter encounters issues in marriage only, because they seem too invested in their job. It's like they are metaphorically married to their job, work in the community or with social media. Famous Gemini Jupiter natives are: Taylor Swift, Steve Jobs, Tom Brady, Shania Twain, Billie Eilish, Emma Watson etc.
💚💚 Capricorn Moon likes to feel needed, but they do not like needy people.
💚💚 Pluto over the 2nd house transit or in Solar Return chart means that you could receive financial aid, especially from the government and other national institutions.
💚💚 I noticed sometimes person’s surname can be quite revealing about their major threes (Sun, Moon, Rising). Gemini placements can have an animal surname, most often also bird name. Like Fox, Robin, Wolf. Taurus Suns can have a surname that means field, cook, food aliment Youtuber Josh Carrott has Carrott surname and he is a Taurus Sun. Such as Mia Goth has Goth as a surname and is a Scorpio Sun.
💚💚 If you are looking at bands, Leo Sun almost always ends up the frontman or the lead singer. Like Joe Jonas from Jonas Brothers or even Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones for example.
💚💚 Taurus Sun women often go for bad boy type of partner. Even if their person is the biggest softie and sweetheart. The physical appearance is always tall, hunky, with tattoos or piercings. Real life examples are Megan Fox (Taurus Sun) and grunge-y looking partner MGK, Debby Ryan (Taurus Sun) with Josh Dun from Twenty-one pilots who has tattoos, Behati Prinsloo (Taurus Sun) who has partner Adam Levine, again many tattoos.
💚💚 I noticed Capricorn Suns are always the ones best dressed in the friend group or the one that just dresses in more down to earth, simple, humble and plain clothing so that they don’t stand out too much or draw too much attention.
💚💚 I noticed not a lot of people who date share the same Rising sign. However, Scorpio Rising often times finds and dates another Scorpio Rising.
💚💚 Leo over the 7th house or Leo Descendant or ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house especially when younger can date people that don’t even truly want them or be with them. 🙁
💚💚 After marriage, Libra Chiron people often make their marriage their whole identity.
💚💚 I noticed a pattern with Mars retrograde people. Such as actor Sam Clafflin, Michael Jordan, Morgan Freeman, Theresa May or Robert Downey Jr. Often due to not being as assertive, people would start talking over them or they start a sentence and then don’t finish it, but start a new one or use a lot of “you know”. They often are what people would expect of retrograde Mercury people.
💚💚 Aquarius and Leo Moons really like quirky, modern, fun looking home decor and furniture. They would buy nipple pillows, big stool in form of an orange breast vases. They really don’t take themselves too seriously when it comes to decorating their home.
💚💚 5th house shows your primary education and even creative extensions of self. 2nd house shows earning abilities and manner of meeting financial obligations. 12th house shows emotional blocks and hidden support. 6th house shows your food preparation, but also attitude towards work. 10th house shows how the world judges you. But also your responsibility to society. 11th house shows money from your actual profession, not your job. 1st house shows your very, very early environment.
💚💚 Cancer Suns just love their bathroom selfies.
💚💚 Gemini/Virgo or Aries and even Taurus over the 3rd house often get their driving license in high school. Aquarius and Capricorn might wait a little and do it when they get their first steady job or after their first Saturn Return. They could also buy a car shortly after. Pisces over the 3rd house might decide do car share or car pool or they pass their driving license, but don’t own a car. Libra over the 3rd house could rely on their partner’s car and for them to drive them around.
💚💚 Sun at 20 degrees women often go for the “odd” guy. Sometimes this translates to unconventional looking as well. Such as Mila Kunis who is Sun at 20 degrees native who dated Macaulay Culkin.
💚💚 Taurus Suns often end up getting along with everyone, especially in school and work settings.
💚💚 Aries Mercury can end up always wanting to stay positive no matter what. Always putting on “a brave face”.
💚💚 Pisces Sun photographers are really good at taking pictures of parties, because they capture the moment so well. Libra Sun photographers, on the other hand, really focus more on taking shots of attractive people, not so much with the setting itself and especially couples. Famous photographer Tyrell Hampton who took a picture of Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber was a Libra Sun.
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
#astrology observations#astro notes#astro note#astro observation#astroblr#astro community#astroismypassion#astrology blog#astro#zodiac#astroismypassion blog#natal chart#astrology#astro observations#chart reading#birth chart#chart interpretation#scorpio#synastry#astrology observation#astro blog#pluto transit#pluto in the 2nd house#scorpio moon#moon in scorpio#leo sun#sun in leo#capricorn moon#moon in capricorn#taurus sun
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2nd Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 2

Propaganda under the cut
what if we were relatives thanks to a time paradox, and also loved each other so much we tried to destroy the timeline. and also died for/because of each other
They are So Much in every way. They love each other so much but they are so tragic. Jonas was willing to erase himself from existence if it meant Martha could be happy again (he did not succeed, but still). They’re able to recognize older versions of each other who have time-traveled back. Jonas literally BREAKS TIME AND SPACE to get back to Martha’s time and save her life. Meanwhile, in another timeline, a Martha who never knew Jonas still sleeps with him within a week of their meeting. The baby they have is called The Origin (real name on the birth certificate), and he’s literally described as the most important baby in the universe. Martha CAUSES THE APOCALYPSE so she and Jonas can have this baby. They have an in-world cult dedicated to the two of them being together. They kill each other in one timeline. And at the end of it all, when they’ve become mortal enemies and lived through their own separate time loops, they just hold hands so they can die old and grey together.
I would like everyone to know that they LITERALLY call themselves Adam and Eve and they have a giant cathedral dedicated to them with Adam and Eve paintings on the walls. and their descendants AND ancestors literally come to worship them there bc they believe they will bring paradise on earth. Beginning and end, alpha and omega, two sides of the infinity sign come together. and for the incest Martha is Jonas’ aunt
“You and I are perfect together. Never forget that.” Jonas would never guess that his teenage crush would turn out to be his aunt. Or that their love and inability to let go of one another would cause them both to lose everyone they’ve ever loved, trap them in a time loop unable to change any of the tragedy that befalls them and their child, and trigger the literal apocalypse. But, hey, life is unpredictable.
the og brotherssss. invented murder.
Brothers inexorably tied together… brothers alone in a field, no witnesses but god… jealousy violence guilt sin… you get it.
Blueprint for violent older sibling & younger sibling relationships. Our beloved Cain complex comes from this story and where would we be without it? These two are the huge inspirations for both incestuous and non incestuous poetry, especially between brothers. Nothing represents the self destructiveness of incest more than these guys. Also I know they frotted in those fields, Eve told me.
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I've written about them a few times here, about how he was a talker and she barely opened her mouth, about how I learned about love on a fishing trip, why I stayed with them for almost an entire day. I've also said that for the time they were a different couple, one of those that are hard to see. She was a descendant of slaves and he was an Italian immigrant with very blue eyes. In all my ignorance as a child, I had never seen a couple like that, until today, except for my parents. They were my favorite couple. And since I lived with them for a long time, I have a Christmas one, which I think is very beautiful. I've talked a lot about them, but not about what they did. He was a toymaker, a toy artist, he used wood, plastic, leather, metal, and transformed it into something brilliant. She was a dollmaker. She made beautiful rag dolls to distribute at Christmas. And that's how they met. At a certain age, distributing and bringing joy to the poor children of our city. Their eyes met, a smile appeared, something was just beginning, and here I am. telling their love stories, which began with love for others, they were already retired when I met them, and I helped collect the raw materials for toys and dolls, old bottles, scraps of wood, sewing scraps, among other things, and I observed very carefully every detail of the making of each one, sometimes how they made tin cars, plastic rockets and also rag dolls, today I myself make really crazy toys for my nephews, who have their eyes shining with my creativity, things I learned in my youth, seeing a couple who in everything they did, put true love, I should have gotten married, but I hadn't found anyone who had this spirit of giving to others like I did, I didn't, now I just need to know if she knows how to sew dolls like that quiet woman knew how to do.
Jonas r Cezar
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Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 19 now and write very rarely) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out or somewhat implied stuff tho).
My writing will be mostly pg 13 but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics, and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders). If its not included I will default it as gender neutral. :)))
I also write poly relationships and AUs.
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher, love triangles.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even though, in my opinion, i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Heartbreak high
Harper Mclean
Quinni Ghallager-Jones
Darren Rivers
Spencer "Spider" White
Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Malakai Mitchel
Sally face
Sal Fisher
Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Charly Weasley
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Olliver Wood
Draco Malfoy (+6th year only)
Theodore Nott (+6th year only)
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Barty Crouch jr
Pandora Rosier
Lilly Evans
Marlene Mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow
Ominus Gaunt
Gareth Weasley
Poppy Sweetings
Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
Bob Andrews
Peter Shaw
Justus Jonas
Skinny Norris
Jasper Hale
Emmet Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Sam Uley
Paul Lahote
Charlie Swan
Leah Clearwater
Jacob Black
Let me know if you want book or show
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Clarrisse La Rue
Selena Beauregard
Charles Beckendorf
Ethan Nakamura
Nico di Angelo (no romantic fem readers)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Will Solace
Travis Stoll
Connor Stoll
Hazel Levesque (no romantic)
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Piper Mclean
Magnus chase
Magnus Chase
Samirah al Abbas ( no romantic)
Alex Fierro
Mallory Keen
TJ (Thomas Jefferson jr)
MCU (Avengers)
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
Wanda Maximof
Piedro Maximof
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Kate Bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
Peter Quill
Daredevil (Season 1)
Matt Murdock
Karen Page
James Wesley
X-men universe
Eddie Brock
Harley Quinn
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
Wally West (youngJustice)
Artemis (young justice)
Roy Harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
Carlos devil
Benjamin Beast
Chad Charming
Audrey Rose
Lonnie Fa
Harry Hook
Rise of red
James Hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
Bette Whitlaw
Oren Lennox
Shane Madej (no romantic fem readers)
June Park
Jennifers Body
Jennifer Check
Colin Gray
Ever after high
all characters
Redacted Audios
(no x reader, just ships)
literally all characters
#fanfic#writing#reader insert#requests open#twilight x reader#x reader#marvel x reader#pjo x reader#marauders x reader#harry potter x reader#tiny pretty things x reader#kingsmen x reader#descendants x reader#dc x reader#redactedaudios#redacted asmr#xmen x reader#venom x reader#Hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy x reader#die drei fragezeichen#the three investigators#die drei fragezeichen x reader#sally face x reader#heartbreak high x reader
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Do you miss him? I think I miss a notion of him. - Jonas and Hannah (1x02)
In all the worlds, Peter finds his way to Benni because he was always meant to be with her. I think something like that also applies to Hannah, but even more chaotic. Her love interests were a Nielsen and/or a policeman, so it might seem like Hannah was somehow looking for Ulrich. Since i watched the last episode, I don't think so.
All the similarities and differences in Hannah's romances are interesting to me. I think the ending was really fitting for her character, and now I have a different interpretation of her relationships.
Don't you think it'd be good if you got out? Won't you at least try? For me. - Hannah to Michael (2x06)
Michael Kahnwald: He was a really kind person. Hannah thought he was cool when they met. He was really nice to Hannah, and she was nice to him when others weren't. Even in his worst moments, Hannah was there for Michael. She didn't know who he really was, but she knew how he was before. Hannah just wanted to see her husband get better. Hannah loved Michael.
He loved Hannah.
She started a family with him in Adam's World.
Michael keeps secrets from her.
He is the father of her child (Jonas) and he loved their child so much. Michael would even give his life for Jonas.
They are not just romantic partners. He is also her descendant (great-great-great-grandson).
Mikkel is a Nielsen.
I tried to remember if you ever said "I love you" to me. - Hannah to Ulrich (2x07)
Ulrich Nielsen: He wasn't very nice most of the time, but he really tried his best. Ulrich and Hannah were friends since they were young. Hannah was obsessed with him. Ulrich had an affair with Hannah that didn't end well for them. Their relationship seems like it was never meant to be in any world. Ulrich always loved Katharina.
He didn't love Hannah.
She tried to start a family with him in Eva's World.
Ulrich keeps her as a secret and keeps secrets from her.
He loves his kids (Magnus, Martha and Mikkel).
Ulrich is a policeman.
They are not just romantic partners. He is also her descendant (great-great-grandson).
Ulrich is a Nielsen.
I love you. - Egon to Hannah (3x04)
Egon Tiedemann: He was a good man, and he was really nice to Hannah when they met. They had an affair. He told her he loved her, but Egon was holding on to a broken marriage. More than Doris leaving him, I think Egon was more affected by ruining the opportunity to be with someone who really wanted to be with him. But things probably worked out better for Hannah and Egon in Eva's World, Egon being a traveler was probably more able to think outside of the box.
He loved Hannah
She started a whole cursed family tree with him in Adam's and Eva's Worlds.
Egon keeps her as a secret.
He is the father of her child (Silja) and he loves his child (Claudia). He didn't know Silja in Adam's World, but I think he did in Eva's World.
Egon is a policeman.
They are just romantic partners.
Egon is not a Nielsen, but Egon and Hannah are technically the origin of the Nielsen family. Actually, she used the name Katharina Nielsen when they met in Adam's world and she is Hannah Nielsen in Eva's world, so Hannah is the Nielsen.
Egon's existence is not tied to the knot.
As a traveler, Egon's mission was to create his past to preserve the family tree. In order for his younger self to fall in love with her and have a child with her, he had to save Hannah from the apocalypse. I find it interesting that Hannah & Egon is the one Hannah relationship that's always necessary in Adam and Eva's World. I think Egon is the closest to Hannah's husband in Origin World.
Actually, no one here understood why she married him. She's very pretty. She could've had any man she wanted. - Wöller to Clausen (2X04)
Hannah is with Wöller in the Origin World.
Torben Wöller is funny and kind. He is a good man who loves Hannah. They are just romantic partners. He also happens to be a policeman in all the versions we have seen of him at his job. His profession didn't change from Adam's World to Eva's World, so I think he's still a member of the Winden police in Origin World. Wöller is not a Nielsen, so his existence is not tied to the knot. The series ends with Hannah starting a family with Wöller.
I just think that maybe all along Hannah was just trying to have what she was always supposed to have.
And I wish I could say that Wöller is different from Hannah's other love interests when it comes to secrets, but I can't. Not really a secret to her, but we don't know something very important. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EYE???
#dark netflix#hannah krüger#my beloved#hannah kahnwald#michael kahnwald#hannah nielsen#ulrich nielsen#fake katharina nielsen#egon tiedemann#hannah wöller#torben wöller#she knows what happened to his eye#i posted this#dark 2017#hannah x michael#hannah x ulrich#egon x hannah#wöller x hannah#ummmm#does this make sense#i have so many thoughts#it's truly insane#this show#love it
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As the clock struck eleven, India turned to the mound of dishes and sighed. Really, it wouldn’t take that long to clean up, but it was always her least favourite part of the job. It would help if they had a larger kitchen, or even a larger house, as it was the bowls and pans always started spilling out onto the side tables in the hall before the sun even set in summer. But the dead-watchers had always lived in this hut off the side of the cemetery, so she supposed there was no point in agitating.
Once the graveyard had been full of caretakers. There had been cemetery watchmen to ward off graverobbing, there had been ritual mourners, flower layers, gardeners. But traditions often lose their importance, and only the most important survive. Hence why India’s vigil might, centuries ago, have been a lively affair with friends winking lights out in the dark. Now, instead, she worked alone, whisking, sifting, beating, measuring. She took a swipe of batter from the pan to test it. Not quite thin enough. She added a dash of milk.
Marnie, the eldest sister, was the caretaker of the bodies. She washed them, tidied them, dressed and arranged them. She made sure the dead were comfortable and the living as well. It was Marnie who sat on their overstuffed sofa in the living room and held the hands of mourners, and it was Marnie who ventured furthest and most often into the village, sharing gentle words with everyone she passed. The kitchen in Marnie’s hands was full of warm, hearty, lasting meals, things to bring to the mourning, casseroles and stews and chillis that would last for days in households that had no life in them to cook. She had tried to copy India’s more esoteric creations, her pastry palaces and mounds of profiteroles, her towering meringues, but found them too fiddly.
India, on the other hand, loved her most fiddly work, it took up time she liked to see taken up and there was a deep satisfaction to it, a calmness that descended as she balanced sugared flowers on top of towering woven strands. She wondered now as she plunged her hands into the hot water how they managed to place things so delicately still even as callouses grew from the endless scrubbing at the end of the night.
Jona, the middle sister, handled the affairs. She rarely spoke to the living beyond getting them to sign, to choose, to take or hand over. She had a head for numbers and a hand for penmanship, and very little of a tongue. Still, she was respected in town at least, it wasn’t work anyone wanted to do but it was work that had to be done.
Eleven forty. Perfect timing. India gave the counters one last wipe then began her finishing touches, taking the last few goods out of the oven or the cold box, arranging them on plates, turning them around and around until she found the best angle. Last few garnishes and there, she was finished. She hummed quietly to herself as she extinguished the lights and danced up the stairs, just ahead of the slow grey mist beginning to curl in under the door.
No one was sure why India worked as she did. No one was sure why there was a baker among the dead-watchers, why there had always been a baker among the dead-watchers, why the house was always, must always be filled with three. A strange thing, they mumbled among themselves. Still, her confections that Marnie sometimes sold were delicious, so they couldn’t complain. Most people only caught glimpses of her during the day, early in the morning tidying up inexplicably empty plates, probably, they assumed, left overs from dinner the night before, or in the afternoon tying an apron around her waist, or in the in-between times when she just seemed to skip around the house, flashing here and there, hardly visible among her two more solid, meaningful sisters. A strange third to keep indeed. But there must have been a reason. Only the most important traditions survive, after all.
#my writing#not only have I been watching nancy drew I have also written two different essays on haunting this term
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Hii ❤️ and/or 🔆 for the ask game :)) - yellowpogi
yayyyy thank you for the ask!
❤️ What was the best moment of the past season for you?
Will surprise absolutely nobody by saying Remco's olympic double. Specifically because the olympics road race was without a doubt vibes wise the best race I ever attended in person AND it was won by my number 1 favorite <3 Like you don't get it the remcoptimism economy was in shambles last year. We were finally getting some believers back from the TDF but still with a heavy dose of criticism because uhhhhh but he's still worse than pogi and jonas and also roglic crashed (as if that's not a part of his skillset?). And the olympic double was an angel descending from the skies to fix the perception everyone had on him + his stupid celebration blew up <3 will probably not feel that high in YEARS in this sport and will rmmbr it forever.
🔆 A race you’re looking forward to watching next year?
Paris Roubaix... Basic bitch here but it is my favorite race and as much as I am down terribly bad for Mathieu van der Poel, this year was so boring I didn't even watch until the finish line ���� please for the love of god I need a good and interesting race and not just a fuckass 50km solo or 100km solo or whatever. also I have a wvdp agenda here so I'm hoping to manifest Something. not speaking it out loud beause it's a scary thing to do ^_^ also im debating going to the vélodrome so something good should happen to me.
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Do you actually think you’re a god? Little Jonas Dart asks me from where he’s sitting. We’re at the bar of the leaky cauldron and am in the middle of my first glass of alcohol.
“Most of the time.” I stare into the bottom of my glass, the ice has melted and in its place is a pale amber liquid that feels like drinking death. If death was liquified and bottled up, it would’ve fire whiskey.
When I think of Granger, and those distant memories, I feel as powerful as a god. When I descend into mania, it feels like all of that power is being pressed into a little fine little point. That little point resides inside of me and all of that unimaginable energy and power is building and building. until all of the matter being created inside can no longer be contained. until I finally explode. It all leaves me, in a rush, propelling outward. Destructive to all in its path.
Somehow, though, I am the only collateral damaged in the process.
It’s why I needed the potions. Well, maybe not that potion. But, a potion. Instead, I’ve settled for alcohol.
Similarly, it numbs then pain, but the more I drink, the more I relive the moment that caused the pain.
I watched Granger leave, the sway of her hips punishing me as she went.
The ants, they’re a thing. It’s when I suffer from these extreme fluctuations, the ants appear. They crawl over my skin, sometimes, they even bite me. I’ve learned to live with them.
And with the alcohol, they’re calmer, more subdued little bastards. I’ve only felt about three since I started drinking.
With Grangers declaration of hate for me and promising to never be mine, I’m left feeling broken.
All over again, I am bro.ken.
The point is, I feel like I’ve been waiting to remember her my entire life. Like I’ve loved her for a thousand more.
All for her to toss me aside, to promise me nothing in return.
That isn’t entirely true. She promised that she would never be mine.
Part of me just really fucking loves that about her. Her temper. She’s so calm but secretly, she has all of this passion, all of these feelings that run as deep as mine. Part of me hates her for causing this pain, despite me being the real reason for it all. I hate it. I hate myself.
But mostly, I hate my father.
“This is all my fathers fault.” I toss the rest of the liquid into my mouth and hold it there, bloating up my cheeks. Refusing to swallow the poison, for just a moment.
Little Jonas Dart nods, solemnly.
Little Jonas Dart isn’t actually so little anymore. He’s an imposing young man. Broad shoulders, square jawline, slick back golden hair and big blue eyes. He’s almost as tall as I am, but he’s bigger, width wise. He’s stronger than me.
Little Jonas Dart runs a hand through his hair and murmurs, under his breath. “Just say the word, boss.”
I don’t fight back my smirk as I lift a brow at the teenager. He’s running the back of his hand across his nose, as if to downplay the fact that he just offered to take my father out.
“I can’t kill, Dart. Never could. It’s why he’s so disappointed in me, of course.”
“So, what do we do about Granger?”
I wave a hand over at Tom, signaling a refill. The more I drink, the less I care. The less the alcohol tastes like poison.
“First, I’m going to get drunk.” I say as Tom fills my glass again. Spoiler alert, I’m already drunk. I’m twenty-three years old and I’m drunk off of one glass of whiskey. “Then?” Dart asks, sipping his water.
It’s a good question. Tomorrow, I’m marrying Astoria. Tonight, I was rejected by Granger.
“You wont give up on her, right?” He asks. I realized a year ago that the reason Little Jonas Dart cares so much about me being with Granger, is that he is actually in love with a mudblood at school. She’s a Ravenclaw and he thinks that if I can be with Granger, then he can be with her.
The point is, I was with Granger. And it destroyed us.
The point is, I don’t care.
“I’ll never give up on her.” I say before funneling the alcohol down my throat.
“Then, I have an idea.”
Little Jonas Dart eyes is going to take advantage of the fact that I am drunk and crazy.
I’m going to let him do it.
#dramione#fanfic#dramione fanfic#draco malfoy#hermione granger#draco x hermione#hermione x draco#dramione fanfiction#draco malfoy fanfiction#draco and hermione#draco/hermione#draco fanfiction#draco lucius malfoy#dramione fan fiction#dramione ship#dhr fandom#second chance romance
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saga: Soumission & Domination 378
Jalil arrive entouré des jeunes. Je le vois choqué par notre combat. Jona le rassure et lui dit que c'est le meilleur moyen pour ne plus risquer ce qui lui ait arrivé. Il ajoute que ce n'est pas comme s'il ne l'avait jamais vu combattre. Il ajoute quelques mots en arabe. Je m'aperçois que mes " protégés " évoluent en dehors de ma sphère d'influence !
Jalil se reprend alors qu'à plusieurs voix ses nouveaux amis nous pressent de question quant à l'avenir de ce jeune homme.
La décision était déjà prise (en accord avec les autorités bien sûr), il reste ici avec Jona et François et reprend son cursus scolaire. Il se décompose devant nos yeux. Max nous explique sa peur de reprendre le lycée à 18ans !
Jona qui connait bien l'animal et son potentiel, lui dit que s'il est capable de faire deux ans en 7 mois, avant la rentrée prochaine, il pourrait intégrer une terminale littéraire. Je lui dis qu'il est peut-être un peu trop exigeant.
Les jeunes assurent qu'ils le coacheront pour que ça marche. Là-dessus je leur fais confiance. Maintenant ce sont les yeux de Jalil qui s'ouvrent tous grands.
Coté logistique, je leur dis de prendre deux des chambres de l'annexe en attendant que leur appartement soit terminé. Pour les repas ils verront avec Samir et Ammed le plus pratique pour tous, soit venir les prendre au Blockhaus soit venir les chercher et manger à l'annexe.
Pour l'enseignement, inscription aux cours par correspondance du CNED pour seconde et première, PH se charge d'organiser son planning avec ses différents coaches. Je lui fais confiance pour trouver le bon mec pour la bonne matière.
Jalil s'affole un peu de la vitesse de prise de décision le concernant. Il va pour objecter que cela va prendre beaucoup de temps à tous mais se fait couper par François qui lui dit que c'est pas négociable, il n'allait pas faire sa vie sur un départ pareil !
Passages sous les douches pour les sportifs et les baiseurs puis diner. Jalil est maintenant plus à l'aise. Est-ce d'en avoir vu certain à poil faire l'amour ou tout simplement la tension qui commence à s'évacuer, mais il est beaucoup plus disert. Je l'entends même de temps à autres rire avec les jeunes.
Mes escorts médecins le préviennent que se seront eux qui assureront le soutient scientifique, bio, math et physique. Sosthène assurera le français et Viktor l'histoire et la géographie. Quant au sport, il devra s'étoffer un peu et pour ça je laisse Jona s'en occuper.
Il remarque en riant qu'il est le plus fluet de tous, même s'il n'est pas le plus petit. Quand ça commence à repartir à la baise, je fais signe à Jalil que je peux l'emmener à sa chambre. Avec Jona, on descend d'un étage et en le faisant entrer dans la chambre située juste à côté de la nôtre, je l'assure que là, personne ne viendra l'embêter.
Il me remercie mais je le vois gêné. Jona le questionne. On obtient une réponse surprenante. Ce qui le troublait c'était que dans sa famille et avec ses amis, tous savait qu'il avait servi de jouet sexuel aux arabes de Daech et que même si sa famille est libérale, ses parents été frères n'arrêtaient pas d'y penser et leurs comportements le criaient. Et puis, tout bas, il ajoute que ça lui manquait aussi.
Je demande quoi et en même temps réalise que c'est de baiser qui lui manque !
On remonte donc tous ensemble. Le quatuor de jeunes s'éclaire à notre arrivée. Ils nous bousculent et embarquent Jalil, nous disant de leur faire confiance.
Jalil a juste le temps de dire à Jona que ça va et il disparait.
Je retrouve PH et m'excuse enfin de lui mettre cette responsabilité de plus sur le dos. Il rit qu'avec Jona et François à ses côtés ça va être du gâteau. On part chercher un plan
Récit d'Enguerrand :
On est tout content de récupérer Jalil quand il remonte avec Sasha. Il est trop mignon pour rester tout seul dans cette maison de fou. En plus je commence à sentir un bon feeling avec lui. Alors qu'on se cherche un coin pour " discuter " tous les 5, je le vois un peu mal à l'aise. Quand je le questionne, il me dit qu'il craint de faire l'amour devant tout le monde. Nathan lui dit que personne ne le jugera car tous on se fait des plans différents et juge personne ne juge. Et de citer en exemple : Jimmy le pro de la dilatation extrême qui n'a aucune honte à se faire démonter la rondelle en double sodo, Cédric amoureux fou de la grosse bite noire de son Eric que ça n'empêche pas de se faire saillir par tous les mâles ttbm de l'assemblée (nous, c'est même pas la peine de lui proposer !!), Ric qui ne crache pas sur des plans hards limite sado/maso et d'aligner encore deux ou trois exemples de sexualités plus poussées que de la baise à la papa maman.
Sans vouloir nous faire pitié, Jalil nous explique qu'il n'a connu que le viol comme type de rapport et depuis que Jona et François l'ont tiré de ça, il n'a encore jamais refait l'amour. Il sait juste que ça lui manque mais craint en même temps qu'il doive se faire battre pour jouir.
Quand il nous dit ça, sa tête est tournée vers le sol et sa voix est tombée.
Je le prends dans mes bras et lui explique qu'il faut laisser venir. Je lui explique que sans avoir été maltraité aussi longtemps que lui et surement moins durement même si j'avais été violé plusieurs 10aines de fois, je crois comprendre un peu son malaise.
Max qui sait tout de mon parcours ajoute que s'il y avait un seul endroit pour s'en remettre c'était bien ici, dans cette maison où il ne sera jamais jugé. Et même si, pour qu'il prenne son plaisir, les rapports devront être hard, il fera et nous tous feront comme il le veut ou en a besoin.
Je l'interromps, attrape Jalil et lui roule la pelle dont j'avais envie depuis qu'il est sorti de la SLS. Il se laisse faire, vraiment très passif. J'insiste, ma langue cherche la sienne et je la sens timidement répondre à la mienne. Je ne le laisse aux autres que quand elle se bat franchement avec la mienne. Après nous avoir tour embrassé, il a la tête qui tourne et nous dit que c'est trop bon. Il m'attrape à son tour et me montre qu'il a bien appris. Les autres viennent nous recouvrir et les bouches se mélangent.
Finalement nous ne bougerons pas de la salle de muscu du second étage du blockhaus. Nous sommes à poil en moins de deux et Jalil se fait caresser au même titre que tous. Il est juste " maigre " plus que fin, (j'en parlerais à Jona). Sa peau est extra-douce, les autres aussi le remarque et il se retrouve avec nos 4 bouches à parcourir sa peau. J'aime voir que ce traitement le fait bander et pas un petit oiseau mais une belle queue de 22 x6. Je suis le premier à y gouter. Propre, circoncise, légèrement courbée, elle a la forme idéale pour s'enfoncer très loin dans ma gorge. Je ressens l'effet que ça lui fait dès que je m'enfile son gland dans la gorge. Je serre sous ses couilles pour qu'il ne jute pas déjà. Je me redresse et Nathan me remplace. Je peux voir sur son visage l'effet d'une pipe bien menée. Il aime c'est indéniable ! Max me cède sa bouche et part agacer un téton. Son baiser est beaucoup plus fougueux, il en devient même vorace, tétant ma langue plus que se battant avec elle. Je suis repoussé de côté alors que Duke relève ses jambes pour lui bouffer la rondelle.
Sous notre quadruple action, il décolle ses lèvres le temps de me demander tout bas d'être le premier. Je veux être sûr et ne pas faire de connerie. Je lui demande " à t'enculer ? ", réponse " oui ".
J'apprécie l'honneur qu'il me fait à sa juste valeur. C'est une marque de confiance énorme alors qu'on ne se connait que depuis un peu plus de 24h !! Je lui dis que ce sera quand il veut. Ça me rappelle aussi quand j'avais demandé la même chose à Sasha. C'était comme me refaire une virginité, putain c'est important pour lui, va falloir que je fasse très attention !!
10mn plus tard, il me le demande. Mes amours comprennent et me laissent la place tout en restants disponibles pour nous deux.
Comme il a dû souvent se faire violer en levrette (c'était toujours comme ça pour moi, les soi-disant hétéros qui te violent ne veulent que rarement voir ton visage exprimer ton dégout) je me couche sur lui. Alors qu'on s'embrasse, je bouge mon bassin pour le glisser entre ses jambes et laisse ma bite se placer tout naturellement entre ses fesses. Dès qu'il sent mon gland s'introduire entre les 2 globes, il écarte ses cuisses pas loin du grand écart. Il glisse à nos mateurs de prendre ses pieds et d'écarter encore plus ses jambes. Ses petites fesses enserrent mon gland ne lui laissant qu'un seul chemin possible, celui qui amène à sa rondelle. Après que Max m'ait kpoté rapidement, je pousse doucement mon bassin en avant.
Mon gland bute sur sa rondelle. Un petit coup de rein et je le propulse au-delà. Léger soupire de Jalil qui pose ses mains sur mes fesses pour m'attirer plus profondément en lui. Je le laisse maitriser ma pénétration. En fait il y va doucement mais sans s'arrêter avant que mon bassin écrase ses petites fesses. Il est bien serré. Je suis content que ces salauds d'intégristes ne lui aient pas ruiné la rondelle !!
On reste un moment comme ça puis il initie mes vas et vient. Je lui roule un patin alors que mes reins deviennent indépendants et prennent un bon rythme de labourage. Quand on cesse de s'embrasser, c'est pour se regarder dans les yeux. Si au début j'ai l'impression d'y voir une douleur impossible, bientôt c'est plutôt dans un lac profond que je me perds.
Finalement ça m'angoisse et je préfère lui rouler un nouveau patin. A croire que nous ne sommes que tous les deux. Je ne perçois que lui et mon plaisir qui monte et me brule les reins. Il me sort des " vas-y bien profond ", des " défonce-moi " et autres encouragements de ce type ! Comme un automate, je lui obéi, je me redresse et l'entrainant avec moi. Sur mes genoux, il saute sur ma bite et mène l'assaut. Je n'en peux plus et bientôt j'explose dans ma kpote alors qu'il jute à m'en couvrir le torse, jusqu'au visage. Je n'ai pas fini de me vider qu'il me lèche le visage. Dans l'euphorie, on se roule un patin avec son sperme comme dessert.
On se tient encore serré dans nos bras jusqu'à ce que la tension retombe. Nos amis nous soutiennent alors que nous nous décollons. On est embrassés, pris dans les bras, félicités. Eux aussi ont compris que le moment était spécial pour Jalil.
Je me tourne vers lui et dans ses yeux qui me fixent je ne vois qu'apaisement.
Je suis content d'Enguerrand. Je sais qu'avec ce petit groupe Jalil a toutes ses chances de remonter la pente. Pendant qu'il se faisait aux petits mecs de la maison, Jona et François nous ont parlé (à PH, Ludovic, Marc et moi) plus précisément de lui et de ce qu'il avait subi ces trois dernières années.
On apprend un peu de ce qu'ils avaient dû endurer eux aussi. Si pour Jalil le viol a été son tous les jours, pour mes deux espions, ça été aussi la première étape d'un " conditionnement psychologique " de soumission à la hiérarchie arabe ! C'est aussi pourquoi ils avaient été choisis pour ce travail. Ni Jona ni François ne regrettent d'avoir dû en passer par là pour pouvoir exfiltrer Jalil. Ils nous disent que quand ils l'avaient enfin rencontré, il était beaucoup plus maigre que maintenant. Mais leurs " maitres " avaient toujours fait attention à sa peau et jamais ils ne l'avaient battu.
Dimanche :
Alors qu'on se prépare pour rentrer en Californie, coup de sonnette et on nous livre un permis de séjour étudiant au nom de Jalil ainsi qu'un smartphone avec préenregistrés, les nos de Jona et de François ainsi que celui de son père. L'adresse de résidence est celle du Blockhaus. Pendant 5 mn Jalil rentre ceux de mes 3 petits frères sans oublier d'ajouter celui de Duke. Timidement il me demande le mien et ajoute aussi ceux de PH et Ludovic.
Les invités repartent tous en ordre dispersé, non sans s'être tous jurés d'être là l'année prochaine !! Ils sont gentils mais c'est qui qui organise !!
Je boucle mes bagages. Quand j'en ai fini, c'est grosse réunion de tous mes escorts. Ils m'assurent que 2016 sera une grande année pour ma boite et que je n'ai pas à m'inquiéter, avec le retour de Jona, ils allaient foutre la paix à PH et ils garderont tous un oeil sur le dernier venu.
La triplette a un peu de mal à se séparer de Duke ou c'est plutôt l'inverse ! Du coup c'est un véritable débarquement à l'aéroport. Les au-revoir ont donc lieu avant l'embarquement et même si nous sommes en période de nouvel an, notre petit groupe se fait gentiment remarquer !! Je crois bien qu'on s'est tous dit trois ou 4 fois à bientôt. Enguerrand me glisse que je ne m'inquiète pas, ils allaient gérer pendant mon absence et que je serais fier d'eux.
Je le serre fort et lui dis que j'en étais sûr.
Dans l'avion du retour, Duke assis à ma gauche me demande s'il pourra revenir aux vacances d'été. Je note en moi-même que la villa en Espagne devra encore être plus.
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Okay, I’ve been sitting on this one for weeks. If you’d like to read my previous Phineas Thatch thoughts, here you go:
Let’s talk Imago.
This episode really encapsulates the “bureaucracy horror” aspect of Midst more than Sugarcoat or honestly even Inside did. The fact that Phineas incurred the greatest debt of his life as a small helpless child, before he was even officially a part of the system, breaks my fucking heart.
I thought Phineas’ single caenum was going to be due to some grievous mistake, some horrible sin that he had to make up for. Maybe he failed to save someone important to The Trust, something like that. But no.
He was an orphan, scared and alone with no one to guide him. And then, an angel descended from the heavens to give him a second chance.
Except actually: that “angel” was just following orders from people who never actually cared about him, but knew that saving a sweet-looking innocent child from The Delta would do amazing things for their numbers. Let us not forget that Phin comes from a place where the mutated victims of various tearrors go to die, and he looks relatively fine with no obvious mutations or physical differences. Was anyone else saved that day?
And yes, even if the motivations behind this mercy mission were soulless, it accomplished the objective good of saving Phineas. Except actually: they knew they were just pulling him out of the fire and into the frying pan. And they knew there was no way for Phineas to ever repay this kindness because HE SHOULDN’T FUCKING HAVE TO. It’s his LIFE.
How, in this world, does one make up for such a gift? After years of servitude, of saving other children, WHEN is it ever enough?? We know breaking even is possible, it has to be. What would’ve been the more valorous thing to do? Look up at your one chance of survival, stricken with loneliness, hunger, and fear, and say: “thank you very much for the offer, sir, but I’ve got it handled.”
And speaking of, think of how much valor was probably given to SPAHR for such a good deed! The thing that put Phineas in debt for the rest of his life probably did wonders for Jonas Spahr’s career and standard of living. I know he probably wasn’t thinking about that; he was also brainwashed into thinking that more Trustees means more universal good. I think Spahr is a good dude who genuinely did the right thing because it was the right thing, but would he even have thought to go to The Delta if his Concestor hadn’t brought him along? And then Spahr is the one who molded Phineas into the perfect Trustee wonder boy, ultimately breaking his spirit and forcing him to become someone he’s not, regardless of how intentional it was.
There is no other way that this could have gone for Phin, and he had no way of knowing what he was getting into. And now he’s trapped in this endless cycle of never being enough — never being free form a childhood too painful to remember because he was selfish enough to eat the carrot being dangled in front of his face. Really should’ve thought of that before ending up in that situation, huh? Oh, well, get your armor back on. Look on the goddamn bright side!
The only way out is to become in breach. Right back where you started. Holy shit, that’s terrifying.
#midst spoilers#midst podcast#midst season 2#phineas thatch#jonas spahr#break the cycle#for the good of the trust#I’m so glad Phin is waking up now#his redemption arc is going to be such a beautiful and messy thing#Imago is the final stage of an isect’s metamorphasis#There’s no chrysalis to protect or brainwash him anymore#we’re all rooting for you Phineas
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hi august! are there any other disney bbs you'd like to see in a spn verse? feel free to ignore this if it's a closed verse between friends, i just find the concept so interesting and fun!! hope you're doing well x
here's a lovely list composed by myself and lumi (@snnynatural and the mastermind behind the disney into supernatural verse concept) !!!
maddie rooney (i would die for legit twin things that exist outside my head) !!!! miley & jackson stewart, plus lilly truscott and oliver oken of course! raven baxter (as a disguise provider for hunters perhaps??) !! any high school musical bbies bc duh (lumi even dropped some amazing ideas for a few of em in the tags over HERE) !! joe, nick, and kevin lucas bc fictional jonas brothers will forever be better than the real ones (i said what i said). justin and max russo for our beloved @wavrlynatural, along with her bestie harper finkle! chad dylan cooper because i know we all love him, and i selfishly need to read threads between him and sonny !! zack and cody martin, london tipton, and maddie fitzpatrick!! kim possible and ron stoppable, who would def need their fave villainess shego! and another selfish ask for more of the descendants babes to go along with my own @hadesnatural and the delightful @mirrorhaunt !!!
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Out of boredom, I'm going to attempt to explain the unexplained...
I made a list of questions I myself had that weren't fully explained, and my own interpretations.
Q: What was the thing that Octavian threw down on Ancient Egypt Island, which caused it to disappear?

A: A time crystal. I guess if you throw a time crystal super hard on an island, it… disappears. Which is weird.
Q: Why did the islands disappear when the Aegis blew up?

A: The shockwave from the Aegis’ explosion was so powerful that it spread to the other islands, which caused them to disappear.
This is supported by Octavian (presumably, again it's completely unknown what it actually was) throwing down a time crystal hard on Ancient Egypt Island, causing it to disappear.

Q: How were the heroes going to use the Nexus to bring the islands that disappeared back?
A: The heroes travel to the Nexus in the hopes of being able to go back in time and stop the madness before it started.

It's not really specified just how they would be able to do that, since they didn't know that the portal existed. But they were completely out of options anyway!

Q: What happened to the islands (and by extension the Trio's timeline) by the end of the story? Were they able to be brought back? Was the Trio's timeline changed in any significant way?
A: When the Trio return to their timeline, the implication is that nothing significant had been altered, or maybe nothing at all. Which means…
The islands weren't erased when they disappeared, they just traveled to different Poptropica universes, similar to the Poptropica depicted in the game.
Those islands had been brought back from being erased, either by Jonas or the Nexus itself. Not likely, since this contradicts what the alternate Spencer Albright said about how an erased island is gone forever.

It's unknown what happened to Poptropica at the end of the story. My guess is that islands from different timestreams are now on Poptropica, making it just like the game. Nobody knows, because they didn’t show or hint at anything.
Q: What about Ancient Egypt Island?
A: The alternate Spencer Albright said that the version of him that was erased when Octavian erased Ancient Egypt Island is gone forever.

So either the Trio now live in a timeline where that moment in history never happened, or that island was able to be brought back (contradicting what the alternate Spencer Albright said).
Because it's said that things that were erased can't be brought back, are we left to assume that in the Trio's timeline, everything associated with ancient Egypt is just gone?
Architecture disappeared… art pieces disappeared… they're influence on human history disappeared...
And how many other people who were descendants of ancient Egyptians disappeared? How did that moment in history being erased affect the Trio's timeline? But since we have zero answers, we're left to assume that's the case. Oh well.
#poptropica#poptropica headcanons#poptropica theory#poptropica analysis#poptropica mystery of the map#poptropica the secret society#poptropica the end of time#poptropica graphic novels
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2nd Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 1

Propaganda under the cut:
The first time we see Maddie, Buck is inadvertently trying to get into the shower with her, which in my opinion really sets the tone. They're siblings who grew up with emotionally neglectful parents, extremely entwined and dependent on each other until Maddie leaves home for an abusive marriage. Unaware of the abuse but knowing they're both miserable in their current lives, Buck asks Maddie to run away with him. She agrees to go with him, until her husband finds out and assaults her. Still unaware and feeling betrayed by her change of heart, Buck nevertheless writes to her after he leaves on his own. He keeps up the correspondence for three years even though she never writes back. And when Maddie finally makes the decision to leave, explicitly because her brother never gave up on her, the first thing she does is show up on his doorstep. (Or, to be more specific, in his shower). Some have described their relationship as "wholesome" and "heart warming" but personally I think the sweeping romance of this backstory gives them a pass to get a little freaky with each other.
Maddie and Buck grow up close, thier parents completely closed off from them but especially from Buck. Buck finds out later in life that they had a brother Daniel who he was made to be a savior child for. It didn't work and Daniel died and the Buckley parents pretended he didn't exist, forcing Maddie to do the same. Maddie and Buck mention several times that it was them vs the world and that the Buckley parents weren't bad people just bad parents. Maddie especially is parentified and spent most of thier childhood raising Buck. Buck is the only Buckley who goes to Maddie wedding to her eventual husband who is abusive. When we meet Maddie in the series she's on the run from Doug. Doug does actually end up kidnapping Maddie and its Buck who goes after her and rescues her.
Maddie stayed with her abusive husband to save Buck from his wrath, and even though Buck didn't know that, he sent her postcards documenting his journey. And when Maddie ran out on her partner and child, Buck kept her secret.
3 separate flirty moments (shower introduction, cockring innuendo and bisexual coming out), clutching at each other covered in blood, secret pinky promises, and over 7 seasons they show over and over that they know one another best out of everyone.
what if we were relatives thanks to a time paradox, and also loved each other so much we tried to destroy the timeline. and also died for/because of each other
They are So Much in every way. They love each other so much but they are so tragic. Jonas was willing to erase himself from existence if it meant Martha could be happy again (he did not succeed, but still). They’re able to recognize older versions of each other who have time-traveled back. Jonas literally BREAKS TIME AND SPACE to get back to Martha’s time and save her life. Meanwhile, in another timeline, a Martha who never knew Jonas still sleeps with him within a week of their meeting. The baby they have is called The Origin (real name on the birth certificate), and he’s literally described as the most important baby in the universe. Martha CAUSES THE APOCALYPSE so she and Jonas can have this baby. They have an in-world cult dedicated to the two of them being together. They kill each other in one timeline. And at the end of it all, when they’ve become mortal enemies and lived through their own separate time loops, they just hold hands so they can die old and grey together.
I would like everyone to know that they LITERALLY call themselves Adam and Eve and they have a giant cathedral dedicated to them with Adam and Eve paintings on the walls. and their descendants AND ancestors literally come to worship them there bc they believe they will bring paradise on earth. Beginning and end, alpha and omega, two sides of the infinity sign come together. and for the incest Martha is Jonas’ aunt
“You and I are perfect together. Never forget that.” Jonas would never guess that his teenage crush would turn out to be his aunt. Or that their love and inability to let go of one another would cause them both to lose everyone they’ve ever loved, trap them in a time loop unable to change any of the tragedy that befalls them and their child, and trigger the literal apocalypse. But, hey, life is unpredictable.
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