#johnny loves it though im afraid
qprpbj · 3 months
sooo obsessed with the transmasc ponyboy headcanon where he chose the actual stupidest fucking name imaginable when he transitioned ages ago and now kinda regrets it but can’t change it bc it’s Him™️
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steifel · 3 months
Since im sick i thought i would grace you with some outsiders when they're sick head canons
This includes Soda,Pony,Darry,Johnny,and Dally im sorry about TwoBit and Steve but i don't have any ideas and i don't feel like thinking too hard also sorry its so short
-soda gets really winny about EVERYTHING when he's sick
-he'll be almost crying like "but i wanted the chicken noodle soup with the race car noodles not the star noodles"
-was the type of kid to feel 1% better and start running around tell he felt like shit again
-he also gets very cuddly when he's sick he does not care if you have to get up to go to work or school you are going to lay there and give him cuddles all day
-he is one of those people who gets super high fevers for no reason
-Darry will take his temperature and its 104°
-looses his appetite when sick he will only eat a specific type of canned soup and Darrys homemade Chilli
-absolutely no warning when he's about to throw up he just pukes wherever he is
-i think being winny when sick kind of runs in the family because pony has it too
-he needs a specific blanket so he can curl up on the couch and rest
-will refuse to stay home from school and rest when he knows he has a track meet
-Darry has to physically take his books away to make him nap
-Ponyboy strikes me as the type of person who takes long baths when sick (me too Pony)
-if his tummy is upset you better bet he demands tummy rubs from Soda
-is the type of person to eat a ton of food when sick and then immediately puke it all back up
-gets delirious and will tell everyone how much he loves Johnny
-actually refuses to be sick
-will push through anything
-when he was a kid his parents used to always pick him up from school when he was sick because he wouldn't admit something was wrong until he ether threw up in class or was about to pass out
-Pony and Soda have to make him take a break to actually heal
-once he actually admits defeat and lays down he actually enjoys being taken care of a little bit (he would never admit this though)
-he mostly just spends his time when he's sick to catch up on the sleep he's missed for the past who knows how long
-he always feels bad when he gets sick because he feels like an inconvenience
-he loves being taken care of though (probably something to do with the psychology of never being taken care of as a child but we're not gonna go into that here)
-always finds his way to the Curtis house
-the brothers will come home from work/school and find a sniffley Johnny laying on the couch
-is always cold no matter how hot the room he's in is
-i feel like Johnny was a pukey kid
-he spent a lot of time in the nurses office as a kid because his parents would never pick him up from school or let him stay home
-gets man colds
-"Darry i think im dying" "your not dying Dally you have a cold"
-like Pony he needs his special blanky
-you bet your ass that the second he's better if anyone mentions how he acted when sick he is going to beat there ass
-his favourite sick food is beef stew
-he also secretly lovs soda cuddles and tummy rubs when he's sick (he will complain the whole time though)
-he is a man of extremes he ether feels 100% well or like he is on deaths door but no in between
-will not spend any time around Johnny because hes afraid hes gonna get him sick
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
well now i can't stop thinking about reader in a depressive episode bc she's trapped in the apartment refusing to leave the bed or check her phone for texts and the only thing ghost and soap can do is helplessly watch through the cameras..or managing to accidentally hurt herself somehow in an escape attempt and ghost sends a text berating her for it but soap can see he's actually very afraid.. angst potential here off the charts ngl
ugh i looooove good angst. my favorite romance trope is second-chance because there's very little i love more than a man fucking up and begging for forgiveness.
putting a read more here bc im gonna talk about depression and thats a pretty big cw <3
it would be very difficult to not get depressed when they're both gone for days at a time. you'd go from being in their presence 24/7, constant attention, to just nothing for days on end. especially with the presence of the collar and chain at your throat? it would all throw you into a not-quite-person headspace, and that's not great when you're all alone :(
early on you don't like to interact with them. johnny spams you with texts - funny memes, stupid things people have said, things he wants to do when he's back with you - and you ignore him out of spite (except he can see you lunge for the phone every time it buzzes, and from certain camera angels he can see the way you smile when he tells you about something embarrassing simon did). simon doesn't text much at all, that's not a specific to you thing though he's just like that, so he's almost exclusively texting you little scolding messages. smirks when he sees you scowl and pout through the camera :(
they'd be really worried once you stop getting out of bed. even when you're scared of them, there's still a fire there yk? they don't want you to change as a person, they just want to keep you. when you start to give up a little, it would send them into a bit of a tailspin.
johnny worries first (he hadn't noticed first, but he worries first). he sends you a text and you don't move to look at it, which he's never seen happen unless you're asleep or two far away from the phone to hear it. so he spams you, does that thing where he sends one letter at a time so your phone is just making an endless buzzing noise. his heart lodges in his throat when you just roll onto your other side, not even looking at it or shoving it onto the floor.
simon has to stay calm, because johnny's freaking out. he's very worried about you too, but he can't be showing that with the way that johnny's hands shake as he shoves the camera app into his face.
they can't just leave, they've got a contract they've signed promising to complete x y and z, or else they'd be on their way back when you only leave the bed once in 24 hours and it's to use the bathroom. they're snippy and pushy, rude to everyone and each other because they can't help you.
the next morning you get out of bed. ghost shakes soap awake, a rare desperation in his movements as he forces him to look at your shuffling form on the little phones screen.
you're very slow moving, stiff from your day in bed and slow from exhaustion and hunger. you trip over the chain, go sprawling to the ground with a cry that echoes like a gunshot out of simon's phone speakers. you curl up, hands cradling the knee your weight fell on, and you don't get back up.
simon and johnny are gone, immediately. they break contract and just about every traffic law ever written to get back to you, tearing up the stairs at a full sprint like there's a fire on their heels.
you're still on the floor when they get there, haven't moved an inch from where you first fell (which they know, at least one of them has had his eyes on the cameras since you hit the floor). johnny wants to take you to a hospital, but simon manages to talk him down a bit when they see that your knee is only red and a little scraped.
the real problem is in your head. you don't bother reacting much when they burst in, just sort of lay limp and let them do what they want. like a doll.
johnny's cupping your face, squeezing a little too tight and making eye contact with you. he looks frantic. "lovie? c'mon, talk to me. what's wrong, huh?"
simon's stroking over your body with hands that shake, just enough for you to notice. he's leaned against the back of the couch, you between his legs and your back against his chest, legs caged by his.
"give her a second, johnny," simon rumbles, petting up and down your arms in a soothing and consistent movement. "she's alright. just gotta..." he cuts himself off for a moment, swallowing down the lingering panic in his throat. "just need a little love, huh sweetheart? little love and attention, and you'll be okay."
they slowly coax your mind back to your body, steady movements that don't jar or (for once) don't push any of your boundaries. they're warm, murmuring soft praises and kind words.
you cry when you fully come back to yourself, overcome with how comforted you truly feel. you shouldn't. they've kidnapped you, they keep you chained to the fucking floor like a dog when they leave you.
but they're so warm, and so soft. johnny's mumbling into your neck all the things he likes about you (pretty face, soft skin, perfect size, sweetest eyes, cutest expressions) and simon is breathing heavy and deep in your ear, guiding your breathing with his as it grows heavier and heavier.
that night is the first night you cuddle into them. you need them, even if they've forced it to be that way. you can't change it now.
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theforbidfruit · 6 months
Hit with Babality
[Gender neutral reader that is afab]
- What happened? Y/n got ambushed by Shang Tsung while tracking him. Before Y/n could take him into custody, they were hit with a spell. NOW THEY’RE A BAABYYYYY.
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Liu Kang and Geras
First of all, they were worried for Y/n to be cursed like this. Liu Kang is afraid that it could be permanent. The amount of attempts to remove the curse failed.
Guess they got a baby Y/n to take care of.
Liu Kang finds baby Y/n very cute and couldn’t bear leaving them with just nursing monks.
Liu Kang would have Y/n in his arms during training. Probably buys a baby carrier for walking around the academy
Geras takes on night duties. Tending to the hourglass while giving Y/n a bottle.
Once Y/n finished their bottle, they’re put right back into the crib. Geras made the crib out of sand and made sure they sleep comfortably.
The only downside they experienced is Geras not wanting to let Liu Kang take Y/n out for the day.
Geras: Y/n is safe with me.
Liu Kang: I know. Although I prefer to take them outside. It’s best for the baby.
Geras: very well. I created a schedule for Y/n needs. Their feeding time, when they need to be change and tummy times.
Liu Kang: I’ve already created a schedule for Y/n. They don’t need a changed schedule.
Geras: ……mine is more proficient.
Raiden and Kung Lao
Kung Lao didn’t want to hold Y/n. Saying stuff like ‘babies are gross’ or ‘they’re too noisy’. Raiden on the other hand, loves to hold babies. Keeping Baby Y/n in his arms and attach to the hip
Raiden and Kung Lao take turns watching Y/n if one of them has to do training. Kung Lao uses Y/n to pick up girls in town by creating a single father sob story.
Kung Lao: -and then the mother hands them over to me and said ‘I don’t want it anymore!’ My poor baby!
Definitely taking baby Y/n to Madame Bo’s tea house. Hoping that Madame Bo has some compassion to ‘two newly fathers’. Yeah it didn’t work but she hogs Y/n all the time.
Madame Bo: *holding baby Y/n* you are such a cute baby. I hope you stay like this…
Raiden: *chuckles* Yeah- wait no!
Tummy time are the best since it gives Raiden and Kung Lao a break to watch Y/n, even though it is a one person watch.
Kung Lao has a habit of over feeding Y/n which causes Y/n to cry to be burped or have their diaper change. And guess who has to change them- It’s Raiden.
Johnny and Kenshi
Now Johnny thinks that if he shows Y/n’s favorite things to do, their favorite songs or foods, Y/n would turn to normal. Kenshi just watches from the sidelines and judges Johnny.
Kenshi is the one that would make sure Y/n is safe from Johnny’s shenanigans. Often talking to the baby like Y/n is a grown person about stuff, only to be replied by babbling and coos.
Kenshi reminds Johnny that Y/n is a baby and not a grown adult. Johnny thinks otherwise but drops it momentarily. He just misses Y/n whole.
It may sound like they make a good duo. No. Nononono….no. With the two bashing heads, they completely forgot Y/n is there until it’s too late.
Kenshi: *Sets Y/n in a car seat in the back of Johnny’s Lamborghini* I can’t believe you told strangers that Y/n is ‘OUR’ baby!
Johnny: Hey! We got that nice family discount meal!
Kenshi: *turns to baby Y/n* please grow up fast…
The men bash and banter when they go up to the front doors to realize that they lock themselves out of the car. THEY LOCKED THE BABY IN THE CAR!!!
Kenshi: Y/n! You’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you ou-
After that Fiasco, Johnny and Kenshi lost their ‘baby Y/n privileges’.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 months
More unsolicited thoughts on The Outsiders a New Musical.
Tw: mention of suicide in some of the last paragraphs. If you've read the book/watched the movie, ya know.
Contains spoilers for all forms of The Outsiders (book, movie, and musical). All spoilers are below the cut.
I figured out why some of the songs in the new Outsiders musical didn't make as much sense.
They changed several plot points!!!
Most aren't egregious and I'm cool with them, but there are a couple they got me some kinda way.
(This is based if the plot synopsis on Wikipedia. It could be wrong but it's all I've got cause im a broke pleb).
In Chronological Order:
Obviously there is no Steve. Personally don't care either way. Like him and Soda's platonic relationship, particilarly what we see in the movie, but otherwise I understand why it was easier to cut his role.
Johnny only got jumped a week before the musical (but then Justice for Tulsa sounds weird because Cherry suggests Johhny killed because of how Bob treated him and she implies that he was hurt a while ago...? IDK man. Not to big a gripe but it's just weird).
Grease got a Hold is essentially a ritual initiation because Ponyboy survived getting jumped (they skip his getting saved by the gang by having Pony get knocked out) so him surviving makes him a Greaser? I don't understand and frankly I would've preferred slightly less deviation from the source material here but again, I don't mind this change, it's all down to preference.
I almost don't like how much of a main character Darry has become? Like I like him in the adaptation, but I feel like his upgrade came at the cost of the downgrade of Soda and Two-Bit. I love both those characters and from what I've read/heard they both had there roles reduced, Soda it seems almost severely. But typical middle child shit I guess. Again, he could have a lot of speaking bits because I'm going off a couple synonpses and the cast album, but man I miss him. And Two Bit. I hope that they at least had him and Pony together going to visit Johnny. That's one of my favorite parts of the book and movie.
They add a scene between Johnny and Dally where Dally sees Johnny outside his house. I'm out of order here bit it's the night before the Drive In. Johnny says he's afraid to leave because his dad could kill his mom? Interesting take on that relationship but okay. I do love this scene personally.
I don't know if we get the Two Bit and Marcia fling. It didn't get mentioned in the plot synopsis so I won't comment further.
The addition of Ponyboy going unconcscious during the first fight means I get a two nickles meme about Ponyboy blacking out during fights in this musical.
There's no Randy?!?!? @annacatbeth13 said he got cut for the Broadway run and I'm sorry. He is a hella good character and even though his movie role is reduced, he's so good. I kinda feel like the musical suffers by having only Cherry as the oposition to Soc POV when you've got minimum of Pony and Johnny verbally against the Greaser POV and Darry is very much contrary in action during the book/movie and verbally here.
B/c there's no Randy a lot of Bob and Randy scenes are just Bob and Soc scenes.
I'm sorry, the fact that the guy who plays Bob plays the cop that investigates Bob's murder is sending me. MF rolls up like "yeah, I didn't just die here. This is fine" and everyone rolls with it. It's show business, I understand, but I feel like if I saw this show in person I'd notice and I'd lose it.
Also, I'm gonna note here that Brent Comer played Paul in La Jolla and now plays Darry. Ironic. Speaking of Paul and Darry as much as I don't like them removing Randy using Paul to fill his role as Bob's friend works quiet well. However, isn't Paul 20? And wasn't Bob like 17 or 18? I have questions that I'm not sure I can answer so I'm just gonna assume they were friends in high school and Paul stayed local for college.
I also don't know if they end up going to the Dairy Queen? Like the synopsis says that Dally comes up to see them and that it's Pony's discarded cigarette that starts the fire... but then the kids show up out of nowhere so where the hell did they come from? This entire incident is assumedly spoken so all I've got's the synopsis.
I was told again by @annacatbeth13 that Randy sang Hopeless War with Cherry and Pony and dammit, they took out that entire thing and that is such a catalyst for Ponyboy seeing the world in shades of gray like Cherry mentions in Hopeless War and I'm... I'm sorry. It just feels kinda wrong. I understand why they had to cut him but dammit it doesn't mean I'm not sad.
Everything in the hospital feels rushed. It does seem like they cut the Two-Bit taking Pony to the hospital bit (which makes sense, still sort of makes me mad). It also sounds like they upped Johnny's charge to first degree murder!! Like that doesn't make sense to me. He didn't premeditate shit. I honestly don't even think you could get second degree murder to stick. They then just mention and drop the charges in like the same song? Or in pretty rapid succession because it seems like the cut the juvenile court and Darry having to be checked on by the state storylines. Again, I understand having to strip a musical down to be a bit more barebones because of time contsraints but, like, if Fiddler can have four different plot lines within the same family, you can have the main issue, the sibling fight, and the Pony/Cherry/Randy bit. It's only three plotlines. I don't know why this makes me so mad but it does and IDK why?
I love Trouble. I love Darry in that song. And Dally. But also... Pony in the book and movie has been in multiple rumbles. It is mentioned in greater detail in the book and I don't know how I feel about them making Ponyboy so innocent. Like. He was never innocent, in the book and the movie. Everyone just thought he was? Again, simplifying for time constraints but I do miss it.
I like what they did with Paul. He's always felt very flat, more of a mirror to reflect Darry against same as Steve reflected Soda and Cherry/Randy/Johnny reflected Pony. But I do like the sort of righteous indignation they gave this version of Paul. It gives him that little bit of motivation to convince me that he should be at the rumble, despite being 20. Because in the book we get told that Darry is there specifically as the leader of Pony's "gang" but we don't get told why Paul is there so it feels odd. The musical does rectify that, which I kind of like.
However, I have to say I love Dally and Johnny's relationship in this musical. Just based on what I've seen they made it the most clear and concise interpretation of all versions of this story. Both songs where Dally talks to Johnny he refers to him as little brother, which cements that relationship and helps us understand why he eventually snaps. Which I will be talking about but I cannot give enough praise for their relationship.
I also cannot give enough praise for Cherry. I don't know exactly what they did, and they really ramped up Cherry's invovlement because she had to take some of Randy's place but they did such a good job with her. I like how they put her in the middle of all the conflicts (mostly with the Justice for Tulsa number) and I think seeing how she reacts really cemented this version as my favorite. I think they manage to get across that she actually does care about Johnny and Pony as people. All the other versions she comes off as pitying them which I don't like because it feels fake. And I understand why Pony doesn't like her. I kind of like that her relationship with him extends to her giving him Johnny's clothes because she starts volunteering at the hospital. I think that also helps humanize her too.
Alright, this is the most egrious change, in my humble opinion. They change how Dally dies. I think that him commiting suicide is necessary to the story, but in the musical he JUMPS IN FRONT OF A TRAIN!! You could argue that this is because a train killed the Curtis Parents (as seen in the complete novel edition of the movie) and you could argue that it's a symbol of death or of constancy for the Curtis' as they lose people to trains (technically Pony and Johnny are taken away to Windrixville via train). However... I think it still would've made more sense to stick to Dally dying via suicide by cop. It seems like they cut the Dairy Queen scene and if they did they probably cut Dally carrying a heater, which then makes the suicide by cop not work so they have him jump in front of a train... but that still feels out of character to me. I could be wrong, but when Pony talks about how Dally would go, he says Dally would die young and violent and angry. Him jumping in front of a train doesn't tell me he was angry. It tells me he was depressed. While you still get desperation, it's sad desperation. Not the angry desperation that you get with him doing the suicide by cop.
It would not surprise me in the slightest if they choose not to use Dally's original death because of the police discourse in the media. I want to say now that I have several cops/ex-cops in my family and from what they have told me, if someone pulled a stunt like what Dally did in the movie/book, they would be forced to shoot. It becomes a kill or be killed situation because they don't know if the gun is loaded. Now, the offending officer would be tried later on for manslaughter or related crimes but probably acquitted because they couldn't have known (in the movie it's debatable because the gang yells that the gun isn't loaded, but the police still probably wouldn't have listened). I think that the writers probably wanted to avoid having that controversy drum up. I can't blame them, still pisses me off.
All that being said, I do like this adaptation. But of the three versions of this piece of media, it's my least favorite. Love all the songs, love what characters we do have, and this is by far my favorite Cherry and my favorite portrayal of Johnny and Dally's relationship, but I don't like what they did to Dally in the end. No hard feelings against anyone who likes this or the creatives behind it, but it's just not my favorite and I don't know how faithful I would consider this adaptation.
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okay, so I was yapping with my bestie(@inthepeachtree ), and now I'm sharing my yap session about the curtis brothers like post book. this is like super angst and does mention like struggles with food and mental health and stuff similar, so keep that in mind! this is also my opinion, so if things are ooc character, etc, I apologize :) I know you all are loved mwah<3
imagine the utter anxiety darry and probably soda have after the events.
I feel like darry wouldn't be able to sleep even though pony was back home and safe. like he would try his hardest to sleep but is tossi.g and turning until late Into the night. he's *exhausted* but his mind is screaming that pony is gone, having run away and no whwre to be found( worse if his mind was screaming pony was the one who died in the fire not Johnny and that it was all his fault) and that anxiety goes to soda who he think joined pony in running away and that now he was utterly alone which was his *worst* fear because what is he ment to do now that the two people he was living for left him? so eventually he gets up and paces around his room or makes his way out of his room and starts cleaning etc because he doesn't
a) want to worry his brothers because he's the oldest, and they don't need to have the burden of what he think he is. and b) his brothers needed all the rest they could get, especially if Pony's nightmares got *so* much worse. so he does anything to keep his mind from thinking the absolute worst. he eventually either gives up and checks on his brothers who were in their bed each hugging eachother ( he feels a ping of hurt knowing that he would never have the relationship soda and pony have but he's learned to accept it.) after checking they were in fact safe ans okay he eventually falls asleep but that shit wears him down. NOT TO MENTION the guilt he feels much about dally and Johnny. like musical him probably constantly thinks about him and days fight and he agrees with every dally says and he feels utterly guilty bc if it weren't for him they would be alive ans same goes for his parents. like that man is *struggling, but he keeps working. he also is so afraid of hurting his brothers again and is fighting with himself everytime he gets angry but on a happy note after a while his relationship with pony does get better, slowly but day by day they start to build a better relationship. bonus points if the curtia brothers find darry one night stress cleaning and end up like taking about everything and their emotions then having a cuddle session bc I stand for it. relationship
now onto soda and pony
with soda he probably is somewhat similar with needing to check that pony is safe and okay. I'm still like analysisimg soda so his might not be as detailed yk
but like, he's the type of person to like feel others' emotions, which is utterly exhausting, especially with Pony having these horrible nightmares, and he *feels* everything pony is feeling. he has had so many nights where Pony would be asleep, and he just breaks down sobbing because he can't stand to see his little brother like this. (DONT GET ME STARTED WHEN PONY WAS SICK AND IM THAT DELIOUS STATE BC DARRY AND AODA WERE GOING THROUGHT IT AND I WILL YAP ABT IT ) but soda is similar to darry about not wanting pony to worry about him because his brother had already been through so much and needs to focus on healing. he allows himself to open up to darry because he knows that his brother feels the same way, and he knows darry would rather die before ever admitting that he isn't okay. soda has found darry practically in tears in the middle of the night, trying not to wake his brothers. soda has always been better with emotions, but he's struggling with the deaths of everyone on top of Pony's horrible mental state. he feels guilty about the small part of him that still feels some anger towards darry for hurting pony but he also feels the utter pain darry feels about hurtimg pony(soda had run after pony but couldn't catch him and darry had felt so sick of himself he threw up whatever dinner he had. he also then proceeded to try to scrub his hand clean ~~no matter what he did his actions could never be undone~~) anyways like a said group cuddle session after the three of them all talk about how they feel bc God knows they need that.
now with ponyboy everything u said(this was a lot, and they can reply with what they said if they want!). It definitely is true in my mind. like he feels like everything was/is his fault and probably is near a mental breakdown/has one because they can't be gone. *they just can't* because that means death is following him and that means his brothers or two bit, ace(she is part of the gang bc I say so and I love her), he'll even steve are next ans he's not sure if he could live knowing they cpuld/will die. he struggles with food and basic needs for a while because windxcile had fuxked with him so badly. his brother worked with him a lot about trying to get him back to a healthy place both mentally and physically. it took a while but he was finally able to eat a full meal without feeling sick after a few months and darry and soda were *so proud* like soda was close to tears and so was darry. darry also struggled with food because he a)thought all the food should go to his brothers and not him bc he could live without it and b) during the time pony was going he thought why should he eat when pony couldn't? with every mistake him(darry) and pony constantly like punish themselves for the smallest things and soda tries his best to teach them that it's okay to make mistakes and tat they don't need to punish themselves.
also, I can yap about the week. Pony was gone with soda and darry bc darry was low-key, giving me not doing well vibes to me, but I can definitely go I to that.
again I'm still working on understanding ever character in the book but these are just my thoughts. if you have any comments or things to add on definitely lmk because I love to talk! love you all and lmk if you want to yap some more!!
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blingblong55 · 1 year
To drive or not to drive- 141
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Based on a request:
can you imagine medic!reader where she's like super tiny and young like 141 was her third assignment and if anything she's like only 3 years younger than johnny but by GOD she looks like a kid. and everyone thinks she's like this poor little private O-1 who got shoved in here. and then one night she got invited with the group to go out and as they're sitting at the bar, Johnny's like...are you even old enough to be here? and shes like if im old enough to stick everyone here with vaccines, i think i can drink a fruity cocktail and everyone's like but you can't even drive and readers like i never learnt how and basically the whole team just realized that reader's age and experience does not match up. like they don't know how to drive a car but damnit they just drove a humvee to amputate a man's leg in the field??
F!Reader, Medic!Reader
As the current youngest member of Task Force 141 and the only one who isn't as tall as the men you work with, always get asked, 'How the hell did they think you'd be a great match?'. And with all honesty, you don't even know that yourself. Tonight, as part of them trying to get to know you, they invited you to have some drinks with them. To the better judgement of Laswell, you accepted.
"I tell ya, lass 'ere is such a wee 'ittle thing, I bet she can't even down a drink."
"False, I can...I'm old enough to do as I please, a matter of fact." You look at the men, and all amused you finally speak up. Soap was always the one to make the most comments on who you are, your knowledge and your age. "Yeah? 're yer sure yer can even be in'ere?"
"Yes...I may not be the strongest of the bunch or the fact I am no tall man with abs and weird veiny arms..but if I can make the decision whether or not you to inject morphine in your body is enough proof. To decide if I should ease the pain of a wound inflicted by the enemy should be enough to tell you I am not defined by my appearance." You take a sip from your drink.
Ghost is impressed by your words but will never admit that to you or anyone. Gaz never took your knowledge and the way you spoke for granted rather he licked it so much he could listen to you day after day. "Couldn't even work a car if asked.." his thick Scottish accent hinting at the defeat, he loved to mess with you because you were such an easy target for his jokes. "That is true, never cared to learn." You don't deny the fact you never learnt which only fed into Soap's jokes for the future.
The other men then understood that although you weren't as they were, tall, strong and dangerous men..you, in your own ways, medical-wise, were just like them. One thing did matter here though, your age and knowledge were so far off the other, 23-year-olds are so different from medics, with the precision enough to inflict pain if needed only to gain a soldier more time to live. You might not drive or be tall and have veiny arms that look like they'll just burst at any given moment, but you were one thing..split in two. A medic, capable of anything to save a life and a human...not afraid to tell others you didn't and haven't mastered or even dare learn to drive.
It was 2 o'clock, Soap in the med bay and you with a small smirk, satisfied he had to seek you after the injury he gave himself while walking back from the pub. Maybe if he learned to close wounds and you'd learn to drive, things would be different.
A/N: Pointless ig...but it's something I suppose.
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aj1dordinary · 11 months
chat is this real???
platonic!Johnny Cage x platonic!gen-z!reader
lowkey crack???
im crossed asf and while viewing a MK1 tiktok w/ Johnny and ‘International Love’, couldn’t help but think of how cool it would be to be Johnny Cage’s assistant… like he has the same energy as a Gen Z-er. We’d be besties fr.
just so u know, im black and fem so !reader is gonna be interpreted as black and fem xox
“johnny baby~” you trilled as you step out of the Uber to meet him at his house. as his social media manager, it was your job to record all the content across all social media platforms. with his new movie coming out paying homage to the ‘Indiana Jones’ franchice, you thought it would be good for promo if you recorded you both doing a trendy Tiktok dance.
fans of Johnny Cage knew you nearly as a duo. when people conduct interviews on a set or on the red carpet, people could always count on you ready to capture that night’s funniest quote or moment that would circulate like crazy. you’d also frequently appear in them, physically forcing johnny to keep up with the latests trends as a nearing 40 year old man. The comments would always be filled with remarks like “i fear for your well-being if you EVER get rid of y/n” or “y/n’s mind neverrr misses”. safe to say, your career is secured.
you nearly skip to his door when you notice the door was wide open, obvious signs of a break-in occurring. “oh my god,” you inhaled deeply, the tone coming from a mix of your head and your belly. “mr. cage!” you then screech, you hide in the nearest shrubs while fishing through your purse to find your phone then your taser. when the two items occupy your grasp, you look up to sky, take a deep breath, then let out a war screech. simultaneously, you start the instagram live while holding down the button of your taser, the electric crackles breaking up the audio of you screaming. 
you run in through his foyer before stumbling upon a scene between some japanese guy strapped to a chair, a man with glowing fucking eyes, and two hot guys. ok, maybe one hot guy, the other guy had literal frost coming from his hand… still hot tho.
“Oh damn y’all.. i just caught the behind-the scenes of johnny’s gay porn. my fault og’s.” you said before abruptly ending the livestream.
you barging in phone-first with the need to catch johnny cage’s demise on camera being the first thing you think of before your wellbeing (the taser) had johnny chuckling a bit. if anything, had it actually been his demise, at least you would’ve got his good side. he liked that you were committed to the job as he was committed to cinema. suddenly, a lightbulb idea hit him. 
“oh~” he chuckled. “i hope you don’t mind if i bring my assistant.” he patted the shoulder of the glowing-eye man, before tipping his sunglasses at you . “I’m afraid i won’t be at my 100% otherwise.”
“nuh-uh” you raise your eyebrows, appalled that he was gonna offer your service on behalf.
“uhhh yuh-huh.” johnny mocked you now turning toward you. the party that you’ve yet to address just look between the two of you riff off one another. johnny (supposedly one of Earthrealm’s defenders) and a young women (maybe the source of his strength/energy)? the two hot ones look at each other through a side eye before shrugging.
“nuh-uh johnny, that wasn’t in the contract. i told you that if you had any body other than me as your assistant right now, you would’ve been got your ass lit up in fucking court. i cant stand your ass sometimes, y’know?” johnny speed walked (sped walk?) over to you as you kept going off on his ass, before grabbing your elbow and dragging you to some corner.
“y/n~” he whined almost on the verge of throwing a tantrum. Meanwhile, you stand firm, tapping your feet as though you were impatient. “you’re embarrassing me in front of a literal god right now. and i mean LITERALLY god.” you scrunched your face up and roll your eyes. “no, believe me I thought the same thing at first, but he literally shoots fireballs out his hand and summons dragons. other two remind me of that show you watch, y’know the intro that goes ‘then everything changed when the fire nation attacked’” he nearly pouted, trying to think of a way to get you to believe him.
You raise an eyebrow, rolling your eyes at the near puppy-dog eyes johnny gives you through the dark lens of his shades, his lips nearly quivering. 
“oklahoma?” you state, both of you binging had been binging ‘Ted Lasso” and thought it’d be funny (for yourselves and his audience) to start implementing it.
“oklahoma.” he returns with bated breath.
You try to see if you can gauge any other emotion before sighing and withdrawing your tense stance.
“i need you to record everything we encounter in this “Outerrealm”. for when i’m busy improvisin’ and kickin’ ass. all of it.” He paced both hands on your shoulder.
“24/7?” you question.
“sounds like an unpaid business trip. what’s in it for me?” You respond almost before he could finish the word. 
“$1 million pension and I’ll let you have 50% of the rights on the new movie i make about this shit.” He responded just as fast.
“done. nice doing business with you old man.” you shake his hand.
almost as quickly as he pulled you away, you fix your appearance before heading back out to the living room to address the crowd of supernatural men.
“alright boys. you heard him, the name’s y/n and i need to be with johnny 24/7. if i can’t go, he can’t go. We have a very tight schedule to run and demands must be met before we let you squeeze in your alleged plans to save the world.” you cross your arms in front of you and look up at the three sweaty and built (damn. damn. damn. d-) men.
“my name is lui kang, champion and protector of Earthrealm. as much as i'd hate to have a civilian on the front line, i anticipate that your liveliness is secure. regardless, if that would make johnny more than comfortable, then i gladly accept your presence.” the  supposed god said. 
“glad we could make this work” you stuck out your hand to shake all three. the god returned the gesture - his hands warm and rough. you offer the gesture to the rest of the entourage, the man permeating the frost didn’t dare look at your outstretched hand, refusing to return the gesture. but he spoke a rough “bi han” that you took as his name. the other grasped your hand and shook it, more amused at your obvious lack of knowledge of who you were dealing with. he was broken out of his thoughts when you look at your hand in near amazement. “kuai liang” he spoke.
“sir, i think you’ve just cured my anemia” your eyes widen in admiration. johnny just rolled his eyes as he cut what you assumed to be the intruder out of the chair. you address him next.
“and sorry for johnny’s affinity for ropes, he’s got a thing for BDSM.” 
“do not..” he mumbles, you throw him a knowing glance.
“kenshi” he merely grunted, wiping broken glass off his suit.
“well,” you start. “looks like shit in here, but i’m sure we can write it off somewhere. what’s next on the schedule kangaroo?”
lui kang looks a bit taken aback at the nickname you chose for him, but he clears his throat to recalibrate.
“we must travel to wu shi academy to prepare for a tournament where Earthrealm’s fate lies in the hands of warriors i have hand picked.”
“and this guy is one of them?” you interrupt. the guy deemed kenshi chuckled.
lui kang smiled and nodded his head.
“well,” you check your watch. “let’s get on with it. we have a tiktok due at 7 PM and a set to be on within a week.” 
lui kang turns and begins swirling his hands before a literal portal appears in johnny’s living room.
“holy-“ you start already pulling your phone out to record like johnny requested. he nudged your side as to say ‘i told you so’.
so thus, your journey begins as johnny’s personal cheerleader and assistant as he sets off to kick some serious ass and not care about the names.
!please!let!me!know!what1you!think! i feel like a suck at writing, but i do maladaptive daydream a lot so i have plenty more ideas i’d like to write about. otherwise, xoxo go piss girl
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shiftingwithdali · 6 months
introducing myself
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hi guys i'm idalia. you can call me that or dalia or dali or something like that :) she/her.
first off all i would like to say that english is not my first language so i apoligize for any mistakes
i started shifting around 2020 after i found out about it on tiktok. i was a typical hogwarts shifter who laid in the starfish position pretty much every day.
now my main dr is a marauders dr without magic and with a little bit of fame and figure skating. which i might go in dept on later
my s/o is and has been remus lupin since 2021 i think.
my most succesfull attempts have been during lucid dreaming. i have not fully shifted yet. idk maybe ive had either a few minishifts or just very weird dreams. in 2020 i wrote my scripts on wattpad with my own experiences as a beginner and even though its really really cringe, if u would like to see it dm me :)
some things about me?
uuh my favorite color is dark red. my nails have constantly been dark red for about 2 years now. i have been playing hockey for about 11 years i think. i like reading even though im in a slump rn. my favorite book is the secret history. my favorite movie is perks of being a wallflower and dead poets society. i want a cat so bad but im afraid that ill be a bad owner plus i have allergies which i dont really care about but yeah. speaking of allergies i have about 12 of them, including one thats lethal. i always have weird obsessions like its annoying to my friends how obsessed i am with things. right now some of these obsessions are marauders ofc, hamilton. jake and johnnie and tara, omg i love dovid bowie, the smiths, i like candles that smell like cotton or linen.
oh and by the way this is kind of my first time on tumblr and i have no idea how it works. like i had so much trouble trying to figure out how to change the color of the letters on my blog help. but ill figure it out sometime.
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soaps-mohawk · 5 months
at this point i’ve established omega reader as her own entity because she’s such a complex character (in a positive way, i love it), whereas i’m an amalgamation of personalities i’ve copied and pasted off of other people. with that being said-
i LOVE how the story has progressed thus far, especially with how all of their personalities interact with the plot. they make the same mistakes over and over again— reader being too afraid to open up, price putting all else over himself even if it hurt him, kyle constantly feeling like he could be doing more but not knowing how to, and johnny doing his best to level out ghost’s temper while also being there for reader.
they’re going in circles, stepping on each other’s toes, stumbling back into square one over and over again because breaking out of habits isn’t easy, and changing for people you don’t know—for better or worse— isn’t that smiple. it’s messy and it’s painful, and you’ve captured that perfectly <3333
im so excited to see how far this story progresses🥰, AND THAT LAST CHAPTER LITERALLY HAD ME WANTING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA SHEPHERD👹👹👹
- 💕🐠
Aww thank you, love!!! There's definitely a line to take a shot at Shepherd now lol, but I don't blame anyone, I would also like to hit that crusty man on his shiny head.
As much as I love pretending that relationships can be totally perfect and nothing bad ever happens, and I've definitely written some fics like that, it's just much more fun to explore the less glamorous sides of relationships too. The adjustment periods when you first get to know one another, learning each other's quirks and how to adapt to each other, as well as exploring each of their personalities. Especially in situations like this where it's not necessarily a relationship formed entirely by choice.
There's definitely some cyclical behaviors going on, especially with this set back. It'll be interesting to see how they move forward from here and what happens when things do inevitably come to light. (Well, it'll be interesting for all of you, I already know what happens lol)
I'm so glad you've been enjoying the fic, though!! That makes me happy to hear!! 💚
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sawyerslvt · 6 months
Two Sides To The Devil - Johnny Slaughter (Episode 5)
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Previous Episode ♡ Next Episode iyyaa :) The way I've written Johnny might be a little different. I like to imagine him as someone very passionate, someone who has a hard exterior but super squishy soft interior. So fluff warning? Teeth rotting sweet warning…? I hope you enjoy it <3 Completed series :)  Summary: Johnny Slaughter kidnaps you and you wake up in his basement. You negotiate your way out of death by offering to lure in male victims with your beauty. Johnny entertains your desperate offer. He ends up having to protect you and slowly starts to fall in love with his victim, and so do you.  Word count: 3,736 Warnings: MDNI, alcoholism, rape, murder, manipulation, rough sex
I slam the door shut in her face, I adore her so much, it makes me hate her guts. I can't see her hurting, and knowing that I'm the one causing it, there is no other solution but to save her from me. I stand by the door with my palms flat on the wooden surface. I hear her dusting herself off and my palms turn into fists as a tear falls from my eyes. I roughly wiped it away, it's ridiculous. I've never let any victim leave before, this could be the end of my family. I almost ruined her the way I ruin everything in my life. 
I hear her sobbing and it's making my heart break but im doing her a favor, I can't back off now. I hear her footsteps fade away and for a second I contemplate if I should swing the door open and run after her. Turn her around, kiss her desperately and pull her back inside, trap her with a chain attached to my couch so that she’ll never leave. I can't bring myself to do it and once I couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, I let out a scream that made my own ears bleed. I kick the food that I had put on the floor earlier and it goes flying, hitting the wall and the kitchen counter tops that she had spent hours cleaning. 
I look around my shack and see reminders of her everywhere, I hate her. I grab the porcelain plate she was eating from and smash it against the wall. Frustrated and screaming, I grab the pots and pans and throw them all over the room. I pull out the cabinets filled with silverware and more plates and chuck it across the floor. I grab the flowerpots and make sure the dirt spreads everywhere when I throw it towards the stove. No matter how much I mess up my room, nothing was helping. I felt hopeless and in a last attempt to feel something other than shame and hurt, I threw my fist full force though the wooden walls of my shack and broke straight through it like butter. 
Feeling defeated I lean my back against the wall I just punctured and slid down to the floor. I let out one last scream before resting my head in my palms. And I just sat there. for hours straight, afraid I had made the biggest mistake of my life. 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I woke up the next morning in the same place where I had broken down last night. I make my way towards the sink to splash some cold water on my face. I need something to keep my mind off her, and I do it the only way I know how. But I had to wait until sundown, everyone was either sleeping or busy at work during this time. I hear someone knocking on my door. The knocks were somewhat gentle but rhythmic, I knew it was sissy. She is being her chipper self but I don't feel like entertaining her right now. I see her holding my breakfast through my window, sometimes she brings me food. I assume she heard my screams last night and this was her way of being there for me. I can’t take it now and just ignore her, hoping she’ll leave. “I made your favorite, Johnny!” I hear her cheery voice yell for me, it does nothing but annoy me. “I don't want to deal with you right now” I say in a monotone voice. I don't have time caring about her feelings right now, I have to get things off my mind.
I see her shadow slowly fade away, holding my plate. I never blew off her like that but I don't feel like seeing anyone right now. I open the fridge and see the sight she would've seen last night, the very sight that made her flinch when I reached out for her. I grab my six-pack of beer and slam the door shut, almost breaking it. 
The remainder of the day I sit on the couch drinking beer, one after another. I can't feel my head and it was a perfect temporary solution. You look at the clock hanging on the wall, ‘9:47 PM’... perfect. I'm no lightweight. I handle alcohol very well and I stood up without any problems. I tuck my knife into my jeans and exit the shack
I get in my car and light my cigarette. I turn on the ignition and find myself looking to my right. She was sitting right there… i carried her fragile body in my arms, i made sure to carry her extra careful. She felt like a porcelain doll, one wrong move could break her and it was my responsibility to make sure she stayed whole. I turn my head back towards the windshield and put my right arm behind the passenger headrest to back up the car out of the driveway. 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I enter the same bar I met her in. I stand by the entrance scanning the room for her, she’s not here. I take a seat by the bar and order a whisky. I look straight ahead in the mirror and see my own reflection. My usual clean shaven face, now had short stubs of hair, my hair unkempt, i don't even recognise myself. My whiskey arrives, I lift it to my lips and before I set down the glass. A woman caught my attention in the reflection, she looks like her. I continue staring, trying to confirm whether or not it could actually be her. It wasn't… but it was good enough. 
I finish my whisky in one big gulp, wipe off some of the alcohol off my mouth and turn around to head her way. She has the same long black hair, similar body, her laugh was different and her eyes carried some resemblance. Who am I kidding? they were barely comparable. No other sets of eyes in the world could make you feel the way hers did. You walk up to her, not breaking the gaze you had on her. 
“Hey there darlin’ I thought you were mighty fine, fancy a dance?” My voice is low, i know how girls are. They won't respond well to insinuations of intimacy right away, you had to ease them into it. She blushes and looks over to her two friends, asking for permission to leave. They giggle as a response and seem happy i approached them. She stretched out her hand. “Why, if you insist” she looks at me with lust filled eyes, it was too easy. “I do” i simply say and grab her stretched out hand to lead her to the dance floor. The dance floor had a couple of people dancing, some friends and some lovers. There were enough people to have us swallowed into the crowd. 
I looked into her eyes and I was right. It doesn't feel like her, the closer you get to her, it doesn't smell like her, it doesn't look like her. I pull myself together and put both my hands on her waist swaying to the music. It was a calm song, one made for people to fall in love. I see a glint of hope in her eyes, thinking she might have found the one for her. I will be the one to watch it fade away as I slide my knife deep inside her, watch the sparks die, and take her with them. “I've never met a girl as beautiful as you ma’am”, I lie, she blushes looking to the ground to hide it. I couldn't take looking at her any longer. 
I pull her in and rest my chin on her head, holding her to my body. I close my eyes and imagine her, imagine her in my arms. I remember the way she felt when I held her as she cried. I had sworn to keep my doll whole, but I broke her. I didn't deserve to have her. It was good that she was gone. I feel the nameless woman’s head turn to her side, listening to my broken heart. I pull away, “can i kiss you darlin’?” I look down on her with a tilted head and a small smirk growing on my face.
She glides her hands to my shoulders and without a word, leans in for a kiss. Her lips feel soft but not softer, I feel her tongue trying to invade my mouth and I reluctantly invite it in. Imagining her, I pull her closer by the waist and the kiss gets passionate, I see her now. I take turns sucking on her bottom and top lip as we rotate our heads to have our kiss get deep and personal. I see her, and slide my hands down to her hips, pulling them closer to mine. I see her, as I groan inside her mouth, letting my tongue mix together with hers. I hear the woman moan and I get stripped away from my fantasy and placed right back into reality. 
I pull away, “wanna keep me company tonight?” I’m breathless due to the intensity of the kiss. “I would love to” she looks up at me with eyes filled with lust, she looks like she's about to burst. I grab her by the hand and lead her out of the bar. She stumbles after me and I see her friends winking and giggling towards her, she does the same… if they only knew. I get in my driver seat and she looks slightly offended due to me not opening the passenger door for her, but she gets in nonetheless as i turn the key. 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
We exit the car and I grab her wrist, dragging her along. We walk down the hill and to our right is my shed. Once we enter the door she immediately pushes me up against the wall, putting her hands around my neck and kissing me passionately. I return the kiss and pick her up to throw her onto the couch. I take off my shirt and she bites her lip looking at my build, women tend to appreciate my body. I unbuckle my belt and prepare myself to be deep inside her. She positions herself in front of my crotch and I pull my jeans down, to step out of them, and reveal my hard cock underneath my boxers. I see her eyes widen at the size of me and she puts her hands over my bulge.
She pulls my boxers down and starts stroking my shaft looking into my eyes. I can't take looking into her eyes. “Open your mouth” I demand coldly, she obeys, and I thrust my cock deep inside her mouth, not allowing her to get a taste of me. I thrust into her at a brutal pace and made sure to hit the back of her throat with every thrust. I hear her gurgling and choking on her saliva. When she gets red, I pull my cock out to hear her gasping for air but before she gets spoiled with too much freedom, i push myself back in. I hear her moaning for more and her saliva is dripping off my dick. I let out a deep groan, it felt good to think about something else. 
I pull my cock out of her mouth for the last time. “Turn around” my voice is deep and she gives me rapid nods as a response. She turns around and her black hair falls down her spine, it looks just like hers, it was perfect. “Raise your hands” my voice stays the same, she lifts her arms above her head and I take off her shirt, she doesn't have a bra… what a slut. I push her head into the couch and stand by the edge. The couch didn't have any armrests so I could just stand and have perfect access to her pussy. With her face down, and ass up, I stare at her. I pull down her jean shorts and panties at the same time. I swirl my right hand around her long hair and grip onto it tight, making her neck jerk backwards. I line my dripping dick with her entrance and without warning, I force my cock deep inside her. She lets out a loud moan, bordering on a scream. I was too big for her, she couldn't adjust to my full length. I don't give her any time. I pull it out slowly. And with only my tip still inside her, I trust back in again, this time getting further in. I feel her walls lubing up and I start thrusting at a harder and steadier pace.
I pull her hair closer to me, when her back couldn’t arch any more, I meet her halfway and bring my mouth to her ears, grunting like an animal with every thrust. Her moans are loud, “Fuck! Don’t stop” she screams. I thrust harder trying to get her to shut up. I don't want to hear her. I close my eyes and pull her hair harder while keeping my left hand on the edge of the couch, keeping stable and delivering steady thrusts. With my eyes closed, I imagine what she would feel like. Fuck! The whole point of this was to forget her, keep my mind off her, but here I am. I try enjoying myself again but there is no point to it anymore. I straighten myself back up, my thrusts getting lazier. She moans in annoyance at my lackluster pace, I knew she was close to finishing, I won’t let her finish. 
I look to my right and on the shelf, I had placed my knife. I grab it with my left hand. She tries to look behind her but before she gets a glimpse of the knife, I fulfill her wishes and shove my cock into her with full force, one last time. She let out another scream and her voice cracked in the middle of it due to the suddenness. “Look at me” I untwist my hand from her hair and let it go, letting her turn around at her own pace. 
I handed my knife from my left hand to my right and before she fully realized what was happening, I lunged towards her topless body, knocking both of us to the surface of the couch. I lay over her with my knife grazing her throat. She freezes, her eyes are looking at the knife without moving her head, scared that if she moves, i’ll slice. Her breaths get short and quick, she doesn't know what to do. I live for the terror in her eyes. Her fear makes my cock harder and with my left hand I guide my cock back into her entrance. 
I force my cock back into her wet pussy, the knife still over her throat. My thrusts get rougher, making the knife slice her neck, drawing blood. She feels it and tears are starting to stream down from her eyes. Her tears only get me harder and it’s as if they make something click in me, making my thrusts more hungry, wild and animalistic. This was the feeling I needed, the high I got from my victims, nothing felt as good as this. 
I'm about to cum, trying to hold back to make it last longer. But I couldn't take it anymore. I look into her tearfilled, terrified eyes and lift my right hard, holding the knife, to my left ear to create some space before I wind up and let the knife take over, slicing her throat open. I hear her gurgling and watch as the light fades from her eyes. I allow myself to release inside her, letting out a loud grunt. I feel my cum fill her up and I slowly pull out, seeing my cum drip out of her already wet cunt. 
I walk over to the fridge, open it and grab another six-pack of beer. I drag her lifeless body from the couch, to the floor, and it makes a thud sound. I sit on the couch, crack open the beer and take a big chug from it. I needed to visit the shop tomorrow morning, this was the last of my beer and I couldn't run out in a time like this. The high of my kill had already worn down and I'm left thinking about her again. You squeeze the half full beer can and throw it at your boarded up window above the stove, while letting out a scream. “FUCK!”, no matter what I do, my mind is still stuck in the same place. 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
It's been three weeks and I've rarely left my shack, other than to grab more beer. But they don't cut it anymore and I find myself bringing home stronger alcohol. It works, and the temporary buzz gets my mind off things. Every now and then, i go to the bar where i first met her and lure in more victims to fuck and kill but they dont mean anything. It's all a blur, the days are blending in together. Half the time I don't even know if it's daytime or night. 
Sissy knows I'm acting differently and she’s the one who's been bringing me food. It started with only breakfast but when she noticed I wouldn't show up for lunch or dinner, she eventually started bringing all meals to me. My mom is always away, I haven't seen her in months. Sissy stays at the house, usually we’re all at the family house but when she noticed my odd behavior she's been staying at Nancy's, keeping an eye on me in my shed and taking care of me. 
I’m listening to the radio, there's not much else to do in this tight space. I hear sissy’s familiar knocks on the door, “wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!”. It's 10 AM and she never fails to be in her best mood, regardless of how i treat her. I feel bad for blowing her off that one time and I've come to realize, she's doing no harm and she's the only person caring for me. It wouldn't be fair to treat her wrong. 
I walk over to the door to unlatch and open it for her. She greets me with a warm smile and stretches out the plate with both her hands, waiting for me to grab it. “Thank you sis” I blurted out, slurring on my words from how drunk I am. “Don't mention it sugar… but I was wonderin’...” she pauses and looks at me with her head tilted, she's wearing a frown and I look into her worry filled eyes. She only really calls bubba ‘sugar’, I can tell she is doing her best to be gentle with me. I look at her, allowing her to ask her question, she was asking for permission. “I was wonderin’ how you're holdin’ up. You know I'm awfully worried about you”.
My heart aches for her. Even when we hate, tease and annoy each other, she’s always been the most caring one in the family. I would never tell her, but I appreciate her more than she’ll ever know. “I'm fine sis, dont worry about me” I look down avoiding eye contact. "Bullshit!" she pushes past me, putting my plate of food on the kitchen counter and pointing towards the feet of my couch. “Look at this mess Johnny! You're drowning in beer bottles, don't you dare push me away!” her voice is loud and demanding, she's begging me for an answer, looking at me with the same worry filled but now, sad, eyes. “Stop acting crazy sissy, I can't deal with it right now!” my voice is getting progressively more annoyed. “Don't you call me crazy! You've been saying that for the past three weeks” she pauses and paces back and forth from the counter to the couch. “Please Johnny, talk to me. I have to go back to the house, Drayton is asking for me and I can't hold him off any longer. You’ll be left alone”, her voice weakening. 
I sigh, the buzz forcing vulnerability upon me. I close the door and sit on the couch. She’s standing with her arms crossed, giving me time and letting me speak on my terms, at my own pace. “I let a victim escape” I have my elbows resting on my knees and my head is looking at the beer bottles around my ankles. She lets a sharp inhale escape her mouth, her arms falling to her sides. “What do you mean you ‘let’ a victim escape?” Her voice is strict. “I couldn't bring myself to kill her”. I listen to myself admitting it. I've dreaded confirming that fact, but that's exactly what it was… a fact. I've never had a problem killing a single person, not even Maria. But after Maria, I started seeing more flaws in my family and our way of living. I couldn't help but think about what life would look like if I was someone else. 
Sissy lets herself absorb my admission. Her face softens. “Oh, Johnny…” she searches for the right words and although she’s always been caring, words have never been her strong suit. She looks at me and is clueless as to what she could say to make me feel better. “I don't know what to do”, I admit, giving her more time to react. She sits next to me on the couch and places a hand on my back. “It's alright sugar, don't beat yourself up over it. What's done is done. I want to see my old Johnny again” she gives me an understanding smile. I nod as a way of saying ‘thank you’ and she returns one back to me. 
She stands up and grabs my wrists with her in order to make me stand up. “You’re gonna help me with dinner tonight at the house” she smiles at me and I have no reason to reject her. I follow her out of my shack, lock it behind me and head inside Nancy’s house alongside sissy. 
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creeping-willow · 10 months
"I want you to meet my family" wip <3
(was i supposed to be working on my ghosts continuation or my ghostroach fic? yes
did i instead start a soapghost oneshot that has been consuming my mind and has been my way to cope after mw3? also yes
ksjdgf but fr tho im actually proud of how its going, heres a lil exert from it under the line that i rlly love, im almost done so itll probably be out after i put chapter 2 of my ghosts continuation out)
Ghost always had a hard time being himself, anytime he even thought of being vulnerable, it felt as though air was being drained from his lungs, his blood was turning acidic, and his skin felt like lava against his bones, rejecting itself from his body, making him question if he even had one to begin with. He was so used to the pain, so used to being put through hell to become someone else, that vulnerability was his holy water, burning his body in an attempt to cleanse him of his sins, only to damage him in the process.
Ghost was safe, Ghost would keep him free of harm, but Simon? The sheer idea of being seen as Simon was enough to make him scream. It was enough to make him scrub his skin until it was blistered and red, it was enough to make him want to peel his skin off in the hopes of being left someone new. He couldn’t handle it, he could handle torture, he could handle the deaths of his family, he could handle his own death for when the time comes. But he couldn’t handle being seen as Simon.
Simon was the scared little boy who clung to his mothers dress. Simon was the boy who hid under his bed, hoping his father would go away. Simon was the boy who was scared of snakes and loud noises, who was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of his hometown. Simon was the boy who was afraid of loud people, who was afraid of extroverted, confident people who knew what they wanted.
Like Johnny. 
Oh, but Johnny.
With Johnny, he was free. With Johnny, his caged wings, tied down by his guilt and fears of the past were safely untied and cast aside by his presence. His stoic expressions and thick shields he set up to protect himself from the pains of losing another person he loved were torn down and replaced by Johnny's arms, his words and touches healing his wounds that had been aching for years.
With Johnny, he could be Simon again.
With Johnny, he could be free from the coffin, he could be free from that hook, free from the faces of his mother and brothers dead bodies, their mutilated forms etched into his mind, his sister in law and little nephews cold, cold, corpses haunting his memories every time he closed his eyes, their bodies violated in ways no one as innocent as they were ever should be.
With Johnny, he was free.
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doomsdaydicecascader · 7 months
hey, could you go into more detail with what you mean with ‘being precious’ with characters. im curious and i like your writing a lot <3
i think it's difficult to express without it reading as just "mary sue" critique, you know. tvtropes bullshit. but it is kind of a thing that occupies the same space. and atop that, it's a thing that's a little bit difficult to express without context but i think there are three pretty meaningful examples of a character being made worse by the author from which you are smart enough to discern what i mean
the thing which ties them together is this: you are meant to come out of their story with an affection for the character that rivals the author's care for them - the author wants you to feel as much for this character as they do, but is afraid of portraying the character in flawed or even grounded ways, when the character's flaws or ways in which they are a grounded character tend to be what makes them relateable or worth caring about.
example number one is albus dumbledore. the end of harry potter is genuinely one of the worst things i've ever read, even before the terf shit, and this is best expressed through the way characters around him act - he is always right, except when he's wrong, but the ways in which he's wrong are okay because the character archetype that he turns out to be in the last book before he dies is "guy who makes the hard decisions because nobody else will", winston churchill guy. and naturally, jk rowling adores him so much that she made him the protagonist of her flop three-movie pentology even though there was a better protagonist right there with newt. he is a character who is thoroughly adored by the author in a way that ruins the story.
example number two is johnny, from the room. tommy wiseau is by no means a great artist, but i think a lot of people resent analyzing the room as art because it is so obviously bad and i think that takes away from its most compelling fact. johnny is characterized as too good for this world, as though the world itself was closing in on him, ready to take him out. his future wife is cheating with his best friend, lying about him being an abuser to her friends, his boss doesnt give him his promotion for no reason, his mother in law would put aside her cancer diagnosis to further tear apart her daughters marriage, and through this, johnny does nothing wrong. he was always too good for this sinful world. he is a character who is thoroughly adored by the author in a way that ruins the story.
example number three, as mentioned in that last ask, is lin manuel miranda's portrayal of alexander hamilton, which kind of combines the both of the previous examples. throughout hamilton, alexander hamilton is repeatedly portrayed as a tortured artist, a guy who writes like he's running out of time, a guy whose writing is so powerful that he could have meaningfully changed the world, if he were not also, a dipshit idiot who got shot in a duel. and hamilton is interesting, because the story itself bends over backwards to imagine new outs for him. when his wife, who is so upset by his actions that she exempts herself from being in the writings from which hamilton was based, something i am to believe is made up whole cloth for hamilton, the story itself goes out of its way to say "what if the stuff that his wife destroyed would have redeemed him" when the answer is, probably not, he was a shithead, but lin manuel miranda can't help but ask, "what if hamilton was actually just like me fr, a misunderstood dude who just wanted to make great art", he is a character who is thoroughly adored by the author in a way that ruins the story.
i dont really want to use the term "mary sue" or whatever because it is pretty loaded, and honestly, if the story you're telling justifies this feeling, i tend to really enjoy characters who really are just flawless, characters who the authors love and want you to love too. but theyre character studies - half blood prince and deathly hallows are almost entirely about dumbledore and his relationship to the cast, and it's the worst shit i've ever read. the room would be so unbelievably forgettable without johnny. and hamilton is hamilton.
and its the kind of thing i found myself prone to doing too - that kind of feverish, "he would not fucking say that" behavior about a character who would definitely, absolutely do that. i felt this way for a while about jane in post-canon, and i still kind of think post-canon jane deserved a better arc, to make a tragedy out of her existence, but that is a desire i have because i care a lot about jane crocker, you know?
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woozten-x · 2 years
#. 𝘼𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨 | 𝙉𝘾𝙏 127
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‹3 im really tired to find gifs so have boyfriend material photos of them
[ ; M.List including other Neos! ]
─ Context: NCT 127 were invited to a daycare to become volunteers on taking care of the children! It was quite an experience for each individual, but it was one where all of them clung onto this day as an endearing memory.
─ Genre: Headcanons, Humor, Wholesome/Fluffy
─ Length: 8 SHORT bullet points for each member!
❒ a/n: needed to work on a small project to prevent a burnout :,) felt a bit iffy with my writing lately, so i decided to work on this for some humor and just more relaxed writing. hopefully, you enjoyed this as much as i wrote it! this one was definitely fun to write!! this was mainly inspired by the kindergarten teacher videos with jungwoo, taeyong and jaehyun + return of the superman since i was watching some clips of it  ₍ᐢ‥ᐢ₎
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!! Johnny .
Not awkward but he definitely intimidated a few kids by accident. He didn’t even do anything, but maybe breathed wrong in their way or something
Started fake crying with a kid who ended up in tears for no reason and made a disgusted face when some kids showed off the beetles they caught; honestly, he let his intrusive thoughts win there he didn’t mean any harm
This 6”1 ft. man for some reason has the tendency to fit himself in every child toy (especially the bike) and endanger all his limbs with a cursing ache of regret; he definitely almost broke one of the toys after sitting his ass down and trying to ride it properly
VERY popular with the boys, they just love how chill he was especially when they started playing hide and seek or the monster has been released to chase them; he is a trooper for keeping up with their energy
Laid on the floor once to relax, but then these kids came up to him and climbed on him like he was a new installment of a rock climbing wall
Piggybacks for the kids and an aching back at the end of the day tbh
Served lunch for the kids and looked at the lunch to only comment that these kids eat better than all american schools combined he is right
Bonus: Had to comfort a little one, who got hurt, because they instantly went to Johnny in tears. “I got a boo boo!” The little one cries out and Johnny is cooing back, “You got a boo boo?! Let me see!” and he is opening his arms for the little one to approach him with tears and grabby hands. Took the time to clean up the little scrape and carry the little one around in his arms to cheer them up <3
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!! Taeyong .
We all know Taeyong is a father of 22 children, this is not a hard job for him; in fact, he is incredibly gentle and is the most favored by the children because of his encouraging attitude
Looks incredibly tiny in the kid seats, but honestly he is sitting like a shrimp and he knows damn well his back is at risk at that very moment
He listens to whatever the teachers at the daycare say, encouraging all little ones to listen and he would help them if they needed it; crayons missing? someone spilled milk on the table? He is already there with a new pack and ready with paper towels and a spray
His lap? The kids think it’s a free real estate and are climbing on him for attention
EVERY child is looking up to him for his praise because he is always saying the nicest things to give these children a ego
But, he isn’t afraid to be strict sometimes - he is incredibly aware of his surroundings and he definitely stopped two kids from fighting one another for the last animal cracker
Had taught a group of children the 2 baddies dance challenge and taught them to say “2 baddies 2 baddies 1 porsche!” and honestly he led a cult of children to say that very thing; he prays that baddies is not a bad word though after reality hit him
Bonus: Was given so many gifts like flowers and pieces of fruits or crackers from kids, he definitely placed a flower behind his ear while eating like a king. Suddenly, every child is telling him all their dreams while offering whatever they can provide to Taeyong like he is some God - that’s okay though. Taeyong loved the fact that he was a favorite <3
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!! Yuta .
He lied to the members before that he stayed in a daycare overnight because he fell asleep for so long that he got locked up in there (this is an unconfirmed fact)
Another quiet one, but he isn’t standing around - he is smiling at every child making eye contact with him because he finds them so cute
Can’t contain the cuteness so he would squish/pinch their cheeks lightly and pat their head, as some form of affection given towards them
Popular with the quiet kids that sit at the table to draw or read because he joined the table to draw himself; kids drawing are definitely asking him what he’s drawing and watching him draw
Told the children that Mark is spiderman and he has amazing reflexes, and is the most talented member on the team
Saw a kid eat crayons and panicked, telling them not to eat that and giving them paper instead like that's going to help the child’s gluttonous appetite
A lot of the kids showed off their drawings to him and he is asking if he could have some of them; at the end of the day, he has a handful of drawings in one hand and possibly remembered every little one’s names and faces by the end of it
Bonus: when playing outside, he played soccer with the kids; he is very popular with the soccer kids and they are asking why he became an idol instead of a soccer player - at some point of time, one of them even said he could have been the next Messi/Ronaldo and Yuta said that he wouldn’t have met the other members if he wasn’t an idol <3
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!! Doyoung .
Tried to compete against Taeyong on who would be a favorite, but he ended up getting tired after a few interactions
Had his eyes set on the bean bag in the reading area right when he entered the room; he instantly bee-lined towards it to just sit and relax. Obviously, nothing goes his way because he is Kim Doyoung of NCT - Johnny, Haechan and some children came to bother him
Taeyong told the children that he is a bunny and they all suddenly started drawing bunnies for him and giving the bunny plushies lying around the room to him; some child definitely asked if he would dress up judy hopps for halloween, and he realized that this was taeyong’s plan all along
Had stepped and sat on a stray lego during his time helping and he nearly cursed in front of these kids, and Haechan told the teacher about it
He had so much fun during music time and showed off his singing, and he even led the children in singing some nursery rhymes; a lot of the kids said they liked his voice a lot - doyoung got flustered because kids are the most honest when giving feedback after all
Had to stop the kid from eating paper that yuta gave and fed the kid some actual food; he ended up spoon feeding this kid for a duration of time until the little one felt full
Taeyong was eating all the sweets and Doyoung had to stop him or the kids will end up with no cookies because of him
Bonus: one of the children loved his singing so much and wanted him to sing a lullaby for them during nap time. Doyoung didn’t want to disturb anyone else, so he would lay in the corner next to the little one, softly humming them to sleep - it worked! they drifted off into slumber and Doyoung was on the verge of the tears from how touched he was <3
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!! Jaehyun .
A young prince that every princess/prince in the room had fallen for once they laid eyes on him
Every tiara/crown is put on his head, he definitely had to play along with some roleplays of being a prince; it’s okay, he acted for Dear.M he’s been prepared for this moment - but in reality, he broke character a few times
Jungwoo and the children LOVE poking his dimples and for some odd reason, the kids think his coconut head hair is very soft and would touch it also
Had a kid fallen asleep on his lap and he couldn’t move for like 2 hours. He lost all feeling in his legs for some time
The kids who had the fake makeup toys ended up putting makeup on him, he somehow looked cute despite how horrific the attempts were
Got too competitive during a game when playing outside, and literally had to be told to “lose points purposely” because the kids were losing hope each time he scored
Hung out with the chill kids watching spongebob in some part of the room, laughing along with the kids whenever something funny occurred because spongebob remains to be funny no matter what age
Bonus: Was mistaken as a rapper and a teenage boy. He played a little game of kids guessing his real age and real position in the group, and many of the kids were betrayed when he revealed the truth - honestly, one kid said that they would like to marry him in the future and Jaehyun could only laugh <3
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!! Jungwoo .
Young prince 2.0 that everyone seemed to fall for also, but in comparison to Jaehyun - he is the cutesy prince
Did cute faces and stuff for the kids, the kids seeming to LOVE how his cheeks are so fluffy and would play with his hair also
Had tea parties with the children and he is clanking tea cups together with the princesses/princes with Jaehyun’s makeup-filled face
Nearly spat out his tea it’s actually water when he saw Jaehyun’s face and took selfies with him because it was “beautiful”
Did great impersonations of cartoon characters (especially spongebob) and animal impersonations; the children LOVED them and would always ask him to intimidate any of those things
Him and Haechan ended up becoming tickle monsters for a game and all the kids teamed up to fight back by tickling them back
Showed off his terrific, fluent english skills after Johnny showed off his to the kids; all the children were so wowed by his english and was voted the most fluent than the person who was born in america
Bonus: Was playing with a pencil and it accidentally flew across the room to hit a kid in the head with it. Nearly shits himself and bowed in all fours towards the child, begging for forgiveness like the child would have gotten a concussion by his accidental murder attempt - the little one forgave him though by giving him a piece of a cookie <3
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!! Mark .
You think he would have some skills after taking care of Dreamies for most of his life, but honestly he is struggling to even talk to one kid without it being awkward
Stayed near Yuta, Johnny or Haechan to feel more comfortable; he asks the kids’ questions and then an awkward silence by skz would happen after he says “Oh really? That’s so cool!”
After Yuta told the kids that he was spiderman, he is laughing uneasily because how could he prove that - he tries playing along by “he’s lying!” and the kids go “You are trying to keep it a secret!”
Some kids threw things at Mark to test his reflexes and he caught every single one despite his panic, the kids are so amazed
Ends up attracting all the Spiderman fans, they even asked for his autograph and they told him about them being mean to their parents one day by accident, stealing a toy from another kid’s, etc.; honestly, mark just says “With great power comes great responsibility” because he has nothing else to say
Saw two kids fighting and did nothing to stop it, but only watch to say “o-oh my god” when one of them got hit so hard to end up in tears
Played basketball with Jaehyun with some of the kids outside and he pulled another “this one's for you czennies” but instead it's for the children at the daycare; did he make it? I think you and I know very well of the outcome
Bonus: During storytime, he was invested as the children. The reenactment of the story made his tummy hurt and you know that cute gasp he seems to always do whenever he is feeling dramatic? His gasp echoes among the children and he is clapping along like he is one of the children that 127 volunteered to help <3
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!! Haechan .
Is the youngest in 127, middle child in DREAM, and oldest in his actual family; does he have some experience with children? Not really since his mom definitely babied him and Dreamies are a different breed of children
Had called his mom for advice on how to act with the kids at the ages of 4-5 and was told to be himself and be fun! Mama bear encouraged him to be their “Haechan”; ofc our Full Sun of NCT did just that and became a favorite by the children
Joined the 2 baddies 2 baddies 1 porsche cult, dancing along with the little ones while screaming out the godforsaken lyrics i love 2 baddies dont misunderstand
Told one of the kids he used to dance ballet and the ballet kids challenged him, and he ended up wearing a tutu when dancing with them
Shared the kimchi jjigae rap by Mark to the kids during lunchtime, Mark heard it across the room and definitely got up to commit violence against the number one fan of the kimchi stew rap; taeyong had to break them up tho
Forced Doyoung to act cute to the kids because if he doesn’t, the kids would be sad…Even mentioned TY track in front of Taeyong’s animal crackers and Taeyong passively aggressively laughed while aggressively patting Haechan on the back
Even played tag with some of the kids and got scolded by the teacher because it was a dangerous game for the kids, but it's okay the kids cheered him up when he became sulky
Bonus: He lost all energy when nap time happened, and he ended up falling asleep. He laid next to a little one, who seemed to enjoy his company and curled up beside him like a small bear cub; by the time Haechan woke up, small fingers were holding onto his fingers and he had to stay still until the little one woken up <3
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i love to imagine the boys with a friend who’s parents own a ranch, or just being on a ranch. it feels like it’d be adorable chaos.
Dally is afraid of horses. he can’t stand them BUT cause he always wants to seem all tough and cool and whatever he always helps feed the cattle (which happens to be at the top of a field and you can only take the horses there. over time he warms up to the horse he normally takes and after a while you can see him just riding it around the ranch for fun. he’s still afraid of all other horses though
Darry would do anything that needs strength of course, like carrying feed bags n stuff. he’d be great help. he’d also probably make snacks for everyone at least 4 times a week. darry just loves to bake ok? leave him be.
Two-Bit is probably my favourite. he doesn’t mind horses and will go out to the stables every once in a while, he likes to brush them and braid their manes. his favourite are the dogs though, im imagining you have maybe 3 dogs? something like a collie, working dogs yk? either way you can find two running around with them, then lying in the grass while they attack him with hugs n stuff. UGH I CANT TWO IS SO ADORABLE.
you won’t see soda during a day at the ranch. the first day he was there he claimed a horse and every time he’s there now him and this horse spend the day together. he takes it out on a walk or whatever it’s called, brushes it and feeds it a few sugar lumps. at the end of the day don’t be surprised to find them in some field asleep, both of them, soda probably uses the horse as a pillow.
Ponyboy isn’t a big fan of being out on the ranch all day but he won’t mind it so much if there’s a big tree somewhere. he’ll sit under it and read a book or he’ll paint the view. he enjoys that more than the being out doing work or being out on the horses. though he might pop into the stables to draw some of the horses, maybe to a field to draw the cows too.
Steve spends the day on the tractor or something. need the grass cut? steve’s on it! need a field ploughed? steve does that too. Need to bring some feed up to the cattle really far away? you guessed it, steve! he just loves driving, but i do think he’d spend some time with two and the dogs, as well as some time with the cattle. i feel like if it was the time of year where there’s some calves on the ranch he’d be out there, and he’s really gentle with them too which shocks most people since he’s so energetic.
and johnny,, i’m sorry i can never think of anything for johnny i just don’t really like him 😭 but he and pony would be similar, he’d sit under a tree and watch everyone, or maybe he’d be trying to figure out a book. i think that if you asked for a hand with anything he’d be on the job though. maybe he’d make y’all some lemonade if it’s a hot summer day, you never know.
i have a lot of thoughts and i just love them.
If there’s one thing I’m passionate about, it’s cowboys and ranching. Take a seat, get a drink. This is gonna take a while
Dally’s problem with the horses is that his cool, tough guy act doesn’t work with them. They don’t care who he thinks he is, they’re just horses and they act how they wanna act. This man makes friends with one horse, totally horse girl style. It’s gonna be that one trouble horse that nobody else could bond with. Dal gets to where he can feed that horse sugar cubes out of his hand and the horse chews on his sleeves. Anyone else gets close to that horse? They’re gonna get kicked to kingdom come. But not Dal. He likes the cows. Will not offer to help milk if that needs to be done, but is willing to feed and likes to pat their heads, right between their ears
I just wanna say, I regularly carry 50lb bags of chicken feed by myself and those suckers are awkward to carry. If you lug feed, you’re strong. Also. DARRY IN A COWBOY HAT. DARRY IN A COWBOY HAT. He’s the most helpful around the ranch, honestly. Does most of the cooking. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He’s up with the sun and likes to stand on the porch with a cup of coffee and watch the cattle move around the fields. Listen, that man could bake for me any day. I’d buy him anything he wanted if it meant a chocolate cake waiting for me at the end of the day-
Two-Bit is my favorite and you’re literally so right. He’s into the horses, but he hates sitting in the saddle all day long. He’ll do tack though! Loves to saddle them up and kiss their noses as he slips the bridles over their faces. I freaking love farm dogs. He’d go nuts over a heterochromatic-eyed collie or one of those big mastiffs. Especially one of those cattle dogs. Aussie cattle dog? They’d be besties. They’d roll around in the grass all day and trail after him when he comes out to work during the day. He’s a big fan of the cows too, especially the little ones. The thought of him carrying around newborn calves is swimming around in my brain-
Sodapop does nothing but horses all day long. I don’t know if you know it, but that picture of the guy asleep with a cow and the cow has its head on the boy’s chest? That’s Soda and his horse. They’re inseparable and they do some crazy things. Sodapop dotes on that horse like it’s his baby. He leaves early to take the horse out, comes in late cause he was finishing with brushing out his horse. When he talks, it’s about the horses. He’s a horse girl and that’s it, y’know? He’s living his best life on a ranch! Maybe not as into the cows, but when he’s not with the horses, he’s hanging around Steve
Ponyboy doesn’t like the cows, doesn’t like the horses. Two’s got the dogs, so there’s not a lot left for Ponyboy. Yeah!! He sits under a tree, perches on a fence and watches the ranch. He reads most of the time, hiding in the shade and from whatever work someone’s gonna make him do. He makes a few pictures, Soda with his horse, Two-Bit under the squirming dogs, Steve on the tractor. They find themselves pinned up to the fridge for everyone to admire. He’s got a real touch for the horses though? He’s good at calming them? But he just doesn’t like them too much-
The ranch is the perfect place for Steve because the ranch allows for endless tinkering and fooling around with machinery. Boyo loves the tractor. He comes in to mealtimes, smeared in grease and grime. You’re constantly having to remind him to wash up before he takes a seat at the table. He likes the dogs! Probably befriends one of them and brags to Two-Bit that the dog likes him better. And, ugh, yes. Him and the calves. He’s really good at bottle feeding the ones who need to be. He’s got callouses, but he’s got the most gentle touch and honestly I want to kiss him so badly it hurts.
Johnny likes the horses, but most of the time, he’d rather hang out under a tree with Ponyboy and listen to the youngest Curtis read a book. He’ll do horse tack I think, but he’d rather watch them. Like Dallas, he’s a little afraid of the big animals, but won’t admit it. He likes the little dogs and the little calves and foals and stuff. Doesn’t like doing cattle runs. Will help though! Likes to help around the house and with the chores. I can totally see him sitting on the porch, watching a sunset and just letting it soak into his bones. There’s something about country sunsets, dude. Defo the lemonade maker though, defo on the lemonade.
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iheartchv · 8 months
hi hopefully you’re doing well lovely! i wanted to ask for a romantic cod matchup if it’s no problem!
im about 5” 3’ and about normal body wise with some pudge and thighs (that come with horrendous chafing 😔) i have shoulder length wavy black hair and wear glasses.
i love to dance and i do draw and paint when i get the opportunity with some occasional books. i also LOVE to listen to music like i have my headphones in 24/7. I listen to all kinds of music (yes country included yee haw 🤠). My favorite artists are lana del rey, the weeknd, chase atlantic, arctic monkeys, the neighborhood, cigarettes after sex, travis scott, drake and laufey. I’m learning how to speak spanish and i also want to learn how to speak french, german and russian but procrastination go brrr 🥶.
Personality wise Im a fairly extroverted person though i tend to not talk about my feelings much to others (that’s for that one locked note in my phone only🤞) i also am deeply afraid of falling in love irl (bad example of a relationship when i was younger) but my fictional men got me covered 🫶🫶
wow that was a lot sorry for the rant 😭😭
toodle loo🎀🎀
🤔 I pair you with...
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼
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I think your match would be Soap
He's a pretty fun guy to hang around
He'd be your best friend
Until you start thinking about him in more ways than just a friend
It doesn't help either with any playful flirts/teasing he does around you
He's actually quite charming
One moment you will always remember is where he finally gets you to open up to him, let him know what's going on with you
Soap is a sweetheart💗
I think he'd definitely be boyfriend material
You'll find yourself wanting to stay around him a lot
Just want to covered in sweet loving kisses
And held in his strong arms
If you're looking for someone with a loving heart, look no further
He never wants to let you go, and wants to keep you safe, warm and happy
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