croky · 2 years
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🇫🇷 Aux armes Citoyennes ! 🇫🇷*
Just a little Olympe de Gouges, throwing prospectus about Women's rights ☆
Don't repost, only reblog
*lyrics from La Marseillaise, the French National Anthem, but turned into feminine genre (original : aux armes citoyens = grab your weapons, citizens)
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croky · 2 years
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croky · 2 years
props to robert jordan for literally coming up with a reason that the plot revolves around his characters. like instead of being like “its just coincidence that all of these crazy things happen to my characters” or “there’s a convoluted reason why The Plot follows my characters everywhere” he just straight up invented an in universe reason why the world goes apeshit around his characters. he was just like “nope, those characters are just ta’veren. don’t know what that means? its basically main character syndrome on steriods. i diagnose my main characters with Shit Goes Down syndrome. things fly wildly off the handle when these fools show up, just like… on principal. trip, fall and die spontantously? thats just how ta’veren is sometimes. dug up a huge ass pile of gold in the middle of nowhere? thats ta’veren luck for you! did your cat grow ten sizes and kill you for no discernable reason? you must’ve stumbled into a bubble of evil. fuck you its my story i can do what i want” and that is why this man is a hero. god i love it. thats such a great way to justify this trope. 
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croky · 2 years
*sees americans and else arguing about frozen food*
*Disppointed in french*
Me throwing my frozen dinner on the floor to break it before cooking: Jadis would be so proud of me-
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croky · 3 years
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artist: RO_reincao on twitter
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croky · 3 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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croky · 3 years
some fools be like “i play games to escape my responsibilities” then pick tank or healer
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croky · 3 years
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海贼国风系列 | 毒药无形 duyaowuxing
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croky · 3 years
Thank you so much ! Your blog is amazing and it always lifts my spirits with awesome fanfics. We can talk whenever you want but there might be a little time difference (as I dont live in the US and I think, not sure though, you do)
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I love your blog!! You seem so sweet and I hope we can talk one day!! Thank you for following me and giving my blog some love, I really do appreciate you! I hope you’re doing okay and staying safe!! I’m sure you know, but this blog is always here for you! I love you! ❤️
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croky · 3 years
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Squads in Season 3 Opening
131 notes · View notes
croky · 3 years
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you’re cool as fuck + your meat is huge
35K notes · View notes
croky · 3 years
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<artist: baitianyunn│baitianyunn>
permission to post was granted by the artist.
editing and reposting in any platform (FB, Pinterest, WeHeartIt, etc) are prohibited. please kindly like and retweet their arts on Twitter and Instagram.
✿ self-doubt
admin fluffy ( ◞・౪・)
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croky · 3 years
The earth is flat Isaac
I just thought of MC terrorizing the residents with random bits of knowledge. Like Mozart is minding his business and MC just whispers to him that silk is made out of caterpillars.
Add ideas, I wanna see what kind of ideas yall got-
125 notes · View notes
croky · 3 years
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1K notes · View notes
croky · 3 years
Shit guys we've been exposed
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116 notes · View notes
croky · 3 years
Random anime series, crudely summarized:
Your Lie in April
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One Piece
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Death Note
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Sword Art Online
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Attack on Titan
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Vinland Saga
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Cells at Work
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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Jujutsu Kaisen  
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Fire Force
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Doctor Stone
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Soul Eater
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Demon Slayer
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Ace Attorney
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Asobi Asobase
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Food Wars
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Hajime no Ippo
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Kuroko no Basket
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The God of High School
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croky · 3 years
This is perfection.
In which (Y/n) mysterious travels to the future, where she wakes up to two horned children calling her 'Mother' and guards addressing her 'Queen'.
It seems that in the future, (Y/n) is happily married to Malleus, the couple having two adorable children.
Request by mrs-draconia.
[This is Part (1/2); Part (2/2) can be found here.]
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"Grim, where in Twisted Wonderland are we—"
You groaned as you sat up from the cold and hard ground you currently lay on, only recently having awoken from a gripping and deep slumber. The air around you felt cold and eerie almost, and the lack of your companion's fur under your fingertips startled you immensely.
In wonder where Grim was, you jolted upright and gazed around the area suspiciously. He was nowhere to be seen, causing you to gulp in dread. You were surrounded by tall hedges that seemed to make up a large labyrinth, of which you were in the centre of. Rose bushes decorated the area — they looked beautiful yet dangerous with how many thorns they possessed. You slowly turned your head around, finding an old forsaken fountain there.
"It's so cold... and so dark." One moment you had been walking through the courtyard of NRC with Grim by your side, and now you were in some strange unknown location? Life in Twisted Wonderland never was boring, somehow. Groaning, you supported your weight by gripping onto the stone rim of the fountain and rose to your feet. You stretched whilst you rubbed your aching back. "Hello? Anyone out there?" you finally yelled out, your voice breaking at the end when you heard the nearby bushes ruffling.
"Umbra, I swear I heard something coming from there," a little boy's voice hissed, causing your head to immediately snap around to the vague source of the panicking voice. Preparing yourself for a monster or hostile creature, you narrowed your eyes and sharpened your senses.
Loud footsteps thumped across the grass, and they grew louder and louder with more time passing. The hairs on your neck stood up as the creatures were just a corner away from reaching your location in the middle of the labyrinth. "I swear... you've been hearing things for the last hours now, Solis," a girl complained, her voice frustrated yet much more calmer than the other child's.
Your mind and body were frozen in fear; you didn't dare to move even an inch when the two children finally appeared by one of the numerous corridors leading to the centre of this maze. The darkness shrouded their faces, but you still could make out their silhouettes: The children had horns on their head that reminded you of another dragon fae.
The boy rolled his eyes as he grabbed the seemingly more shy and cautious girl by her hand and pulled her forward towards you. They still hadn't spotted you in their panic. "Tsk, I'd be able to recognise Mother's voice from kilometres away!" the male muttered in utter exasperation, his voice booming and loud. "Don't doubt my skills, sister—" He immediately stopped with his boasting when he spotted you by the old fountain that had long stopped brimming with water. "Mother?! There you are!"
You furrowed your eyes as they stormed towards you and wrapped their arms around your waist, happily nuzzling their noses into your NRC uniform. They were fairly small and seemed frail; they couldn't be more than ten years old. On closer inspection, the two children looked identical to one another, leading you to believe that they were twins. Although their horns weren't really big yet, the tips were still sharp and managed to prick your forearms a few times.
"Mother, we've been worried sick about you," the little girl cried out, the calm facade she had put up earlier all melting into nothingness as she took refuge in your warmth. Both of them had their faces buried in your blazer, but you very well were able to see their (H/c) hair glistening under the dim light of the sun.
"Mother?" you finally questioned as you awkwardly patted the children's heads to hopefully calm them down. "Who are you two?"
They indeed seemed to calm down at your touch. Soon, they peeled their faces from your stomach and looked up at you with glowing green eyes. Their faces were contorted into confusion in wonder why their own mother wouldn't recognise them.
"Do you not recognise us anymore, Mother?" the girl asked, being the first to snap out of the trance you had put them under. Cutely tilting her head to the side, she furrowed her eyebrows at you. "Maybe you hit your head?"
Her brother shrugged, suggesting, "Or maybe the spell that caused you to disappear messed with your memory?" You definitely noticed how the boy was much more impatient than the girl with the way he grabbed your blazer in utter confusion. "Besides, why is it that you're dressed so strangely? You're not wearing the dress you wore earlier..."
"Looks like some sort of school uniform," the girl muttered. "Like those from the pictures of when Mother and Father were students at that school?"
You raised an eyebrow, wondering if these two children's parents had gone to NRC, too? Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Nonetheless, you grew dizzy from the way you constantly had to look back and forth between them. "Could you please tell me your names?" you asked, a little bit frustrated at how you couldn't handle this weird predicament.
"I'm Umbra," the girl explained, smiling in satisfaction as she tightened her short arms around your waist.
"I'm Solis!" the boy yelled with a sheepish and oblivious grin on his face.
A little chortle escaped your lips as you ruffled their heads, careful to evade the horns that poked out from their scalp. "Latin names... how fancy..."
"We're twins," they explained simultaneously, scaring the everlasting hell out of you. "We're seven years old."
You caught your heart swooning at how cute the twins were with their big doe-like eyes. Laughing softly, you shook your head in amusement as you ruffled Umbra's hair, which caused a big smile to appear on her face. "Freaky... yet strangely adorable," you mused, your chest still rumbling with laughter. The children relaxed at the sound of your laughter filling their ears, making you smile even wider. Still, there still was one question that needed to be asked. "Where are your parents, you two?"
Umbra's smile disappeared from her face and was now instead replaced by a confused frown. "Uh... you're our parent—" she stuttered out, not sure how else to explain it — especially when you merely shook your head confidently.
"Oh. No no." You would have laughed, thinking Umbra and Solis were joking, if it weren't for the serious expressions on their faces that made the situation strangely bizarre. Softly patting Solis' cheek, you drawled, "I think I'd know if I was a mother."
The confusion that occupied the children's minds allowed you to pry them away from you. The twins watched you, dumbfounded frowns on their faces, as you distanced yourself from them to inspect the dried up fountain in the centre of the maze more closely to perhaps find a clue as to where you were. "Something is up with her..." Solis mumbled to Umbra, his fangs showing. "Something in her behaviour and aura... changed."
Umbra nodded, trying her best to comfort her younger brother by patting his head. Why wouldn't you believe them when all the evidence was there? It seemed like you were confused — yes, their mother was merely confused. Still, they had to somehow get you back to the castle before their father sent out troops to scour the whole kingdom for his lost family.
"Can I help you find your parents?" you finally asked, snapping Umbra out of her scheming. Her eyes widened in surprise at your offer since it was so convenient to get you back to the castle with them. In truth, she had thought about putting a sleeping curse on you, but cursing their own mother would surely get them a long lecture from their father.
"Sure!" Umbra chirped as she shot Solis a big grin. Her brother immediately knew what to do — call it telepathy. Each child grabbed one of your hands and tugged you towards the entrance corridor they had arrived through. "We could go find our father."
"Yes, sure," you agreed, feeling some sort of mother-instinct take over your mind whenever they gazed at you so hopefully and lovingly. "This place seems fairly dangerous, and I wouldn't want two young children to go traipsing out and about around here."
"Y-Yeah—" Umbra gently hugged your arm, keeping close to you in feigned fear. The twins were stronger than you and could easily defeat you if needed, but you didn't need to know that; maybe you would be more willing to accompany them back to the castle if you thought you had to protect them. Exhaling in satisfaction at how close you were, Umbra let a mischievous grin appear on her lips. "Please protect us."
You giggled at how scared the two seemed. "Aw, aren't you adorable?" you cooed as you pulled them closer to you, much to their delight. They guided you expertly with suspicious knowledge of this confusing labyrinth, but you simply played it off due to how grateful you were that you didn't have to find a way out yourself. "Alright, let's find someone who can help me locate your parents."
Solis laughed as he grinned at his sister while you were busy admiring the view once you had left the monotonous hedges of the labyrinth that flanked you left and right. "You're so smart, Big Sister."
Umbra rolled her eyes, giggling along. "That's why I'm the older one, Solis."
"The queen!" you heard a surprised voice scream from the entrance of the imposing castle shrouded in thorns and branches. Loud footsteps reached your ears, and soldiers dressed in black rushed towards you three. "We've found the queen and the children!"
You tilted your head to the side as the guards immediately surrounded you, causing you to pull the two children closer to you. The twins didn't seem afraid of the guards, strangely.
Murmurs of confusion went through their ranks. "Aside!" A guard from amidst the crowd weaved his way through his subordinates; it was Sebek. The green-haired knight rubbed his temples in frustration when he laid eyes on the two rambunctious children by your side. "Oh, by the Great Seven, you two devils always manage to make me rip my hair out..."
"But you still have all your hairs on your head, Uncle Sebek," Solis retorted with a big grin on his face, sticking his tongue out at the retainer.
Sebek took a deep breath, trying to prevent a little smile from appearing on his lips. Shaking his head, he soon adapted a more serious expression again. He turned his gaze towards you and raised the volume of his voice to bark, "Anyway, Your Majesty, the king was worried sick for you!"
A big smile occupied your face while the words he threw at your head seemed to run right past you. You were just so glad to see a familiar face — and his yelling was something familiar that eased the worries off your mind somehow. "Sebek!" you chirped, completely unbothered by the way he looked like he was about to explode due to worry. "It's so nice to see a familiar face around here—"
Sebek opened his mouth, about to yell at you some more, but the words he thought up just wouldn't leave his throat due to the confusion you caused. "Your Majesty, what are you saying?" he asked, calm yet dumbfounded.
"Your Majesty?" you repeated, quirking an eyebrow in amusement. Waving him off with a nonchalant flick of your wrist, laughter spilt from your lips. "Sebek, you're not calling me 'human' anymore? Wow, I got promoted. But well, (Y/n) should suffice."
Sebek was left speechless as he merely ogled you with wide eyes. The other guards shot each other confused glances, too, all of them realising that something was amiss with their queen. Sebek took a deep breath before he turned his attention to the two children clinging to your side. "...what happened to your mother, children."
Umbra shrugged, although she did shoot Sebek a concerned look. "We don't know," she explained, her hands tightening around your own that she clung to happily. "She's acting all strange out of a sudden."
Silver suddenly appeared next to Sebek, a worried frown on his sleepy face. "We should get them to the young master as quick as possible," he whispered into his friend's ear, pointing to the vague direction of the throne room that probably was bustling full by now. "He has been rallying the troops to search for them."
Sebek hummed while he rubbed his exhausted eyes. "Good idea, Silver."
Upon noticing the other familiar face, you felt relief run through your veins. "Silver, it's so nice to see you again, too!" you chirped, feeling a little bit less threatened by the many guards surrounding you.
Silver furrowed his eyebrows whilst he looked you up and down in utter confusion. That blazer and shirt — he recognised them as something from his past. "Why is that you're wearing a NRC uniform, Your Majesty?" he finally asked softly, scratching his chin curiously. "It's been years since you graduated from NRC."
"What—" You furrowed your eyebrows at him, not understanding what he meant. Graduated already? That couldn't be. Your eyes drifted to the fellow first-year standing next to Silver. "But I'm in my first year... just like Sebek."
"Again, we graduated several years ago," Sebek said, supporting Silver.
"What—" Your jaw fell down at the revelation. You swore you were right — but judging by the looks they gave you, they were right, too. Something strange was happening, something that didn't necessarily conform to logic or existing rules. Gulping, your grip around the children's hands tightened. "Graduated already? Does that mean... that this is the future?"
Umbra and Solis sent you worried frowns when they felt you trembling. "Mother, are you alright?" they asked simultaneously, giving your hands reassuring squeezes.
"Y-Yeah... No..." Taking a deep breath, you shook your head. "I don't know."
Silver sighed before turning around and walking towards the castle. "Let's just get her to the young master..."
The grand door to the throne room was promptly opened by the guards that had accompanied you to your destination. Your jaw fell down once the gigantic hall was revealed to you, your attention especially lingering on the chandeliers lit with green fire. The two children on your left and right had to pull you with them as Sebek and Silver entered before you.
Hundreds of people, all of them dressed in armour, were gathered here, a lance in their hands as they waited for the command of their king, who sat in his throne on the far end of the room. Next to his throne stood his loyal advisor, whom you easily recognised as Lilia. The little wave you sent his way caused the bat to giggle. Your eyes eventually drifted to the slightly smaller throne to the king's right that looked awfully empty, and you wondered whose throne it was.
"Your Majesty, we have found the queen!" Sebek yelled, causing murmurs to go through the crowds of royal guards.
The king immediately rose from his throne, his eyes glued to Umbra, Solis, and you. He was dressed in the finest silks coloured dark green and midnight black, and a crown made out of thorns sat on his head. "Where," the king asked, his authoritative voice softening for a second.
Your jaw fell down upon realising that it was Malleus who wore the king's crown. You weren't left much time to think when the world started spinning due to how intensely his glowing green eyes bore into yours.
The throne room was entirely silent, and no one dared to say a word — no one but the children, Solis to be specific.
"In the garden behind the castle!" Solis chimed, an obliviously fearless smile on his face.
Malleus hummed in satisfaction at the response. His eyes never left yours as he announced, "Everyone, leave. The matter is settled."
You curiously watched as the gathered guards poured out of the throne room at a moment's notice, their footsteps the only sound you could hear as you waited and waited. Eventually, once they all had left to resume their daily duties, Lilia closed the door with a little smile gracing his lips.
"Malleus!" You casually smiled at your friend as he abandoned his throne and descended the few steps to stride over to you. Your eyes held a certain naive shimmer to them that made Malleus tilt his head in amusement. "Hello," you chirped once he stood in front of you, his tall figure looming over you.
Umbra and Solis immediately let go of your hands to hug their father's legs. Laughter spilt from their lips as he briefly crouched down to press loving kisses to their foreheads.
"You're awfully carefree for just having gone missing for hours, dear," Lilia cooed to you while Malleus seemed to be distracted with the twins. His sudden appearance startled you, even though it shouldn't have with how many numerous times he had done this before. You shot him a confused smile as he walked around you in circles and eyed you up and down attentively. "Your aura is... quite childish — less mature." Lilia's eyes briefly flitted up to meet yours. "You don't seem to... belong here."
You hummed, fully well agreeing with him. "Well yes, I'm kinda lost here."
Your conversation with Lilia was quickly cut short when Umbra and Solis quickly glued themselves to your sides again, their arms wrapped around your waist so tightly as if they were afraid you would disappear again. The air was knocked out of your lungs temporarily because of the impact they caused. When you looked up, you found Malleus fondly gazing down at you. "My dear queen, your disappearance caused me to worry for the worst," he murmured in such a gentle tone that it made your heart flutter. "I'm glad our children returned you to me unharmed, though."
Your eyes grew wide at his words. "Our children?" you repeated, growing terribly restless when Malleus nodded in confusion. Hysteria took over your mind. "Our children?!"
"Yes—?" The dragon fae looked at you in utter worry, finding your panicking behaviour concerning. "Are you unwell? Should I call for the doctor—" He extended a hand to let his knuckles graze your cheek, which left you a stuttering mess.
You automatically jerked back in embarrassment, not used to him being so openly affectionate with you. In your present, Malleus and you were still friends — although you were harbouring feelings for him. The king seemed surprised by your rejection, and took a step back to get a better glimpse of you.
A sigh escaped your lips as you looked down at Umbra and Solis, who were clinging to your side like puppies. "So, you two didn't lie when you claimed I was your mother..." you muttered, a small smile on your lips as you admitted your mistake and stupidity. You should have listened to them earlier — they had your (H/c) hair and Malleus' green eyes. Looking back, the solution had been fairly obvious.
"See?" Solis chimed as he smiled up at you brightly. "We told you."
"Solis stop it," Umbra chided her younger brother, sending him a reprimanding look to shut him up. "Mother clearly is unwell."
Your throat felt dry as you kept your eyes focused on Malleus, who was eyeing you curiously, as well. "Malleus—" you called out, and he nodded with a patient smile. The question you wanted and needed to ask was so hard to press through your unwilling lips, and you felt strangely light-headed. "You're my husband?"
"The one and only." A little chuckle escaped his lips as he stepped closer again when your balance wavered a little bit. He respectfully put his hands onto your shoulders to make sure you wouldn't collapse into yourself or anything like that. Worried, he gazed into your eyes and asked, "What's wrong, my dear."
"I... I can't believe it..."
"Umbra, Solis." The king turned to the two children still clinging to you like monkeys. "What happened to your mother?"
The twins seemed a little bit embarrassed as they sent each other a long-lasting look to communicate. "Well, we were just practicing spellcasting," Solis began, stuttering a little bit here and there since he wasn't as rhetorically gallant as his older sister — it was his courage and brashness that he prided himself in. "And then Umbra challenged me to combine our spellcasting to see how powerful we could be together."
"Wait no," Umbra interrupted him with a little glare. "It was you who suggested such a dangerous thing, Solis."
"No!" the boy hissed, and they glared at one another in a duel for domination.
"Children," Malleus reprimand, "that doesn't matter right now."
Umbra rolled her eyes before she stuck her tongue out at her younger brother. "Okay... so we casted a spell together, and Mother — who had previously been sitting on the couch, reading some book — disappeared after a blinding flash of green light."
"Uncle Sebek came in to check what the commotion was about—" Solis continued, pointing at the knight standing beside Lilia. "And he stormed out in an utter frenzy when we couldn't explain where Mother had disappeared to."
"But we knew she was still on castle-grounds... because we could detect her presence nearby, so we roamed the palace and eventually found her asleep in the gardens," Umbra finished perfectly; they strangely had a talent for being in sync with their words and behaviour. The twins shot their father a cheeky smile, laughing nervously.
Malleus stayed silent for a while, lost in his thoughts as his fingers rubbed his chin. His three retainers shot each other a few glances, all of them curious of what this meant. "I see, I see..." Malleus eventually hummed in satisfaction, although he still tried to put the pieces of this puzzle together. Still, as he was busy thinking, he shot you a soft smile while he took your slightly trembling hands into his. "Well, first of all, I'm glad you're alright, dearest (Y/n)."
His hands were cold, and yet they gave you a sense of comfortable familiarity.
"I was the one who found her, Father!" Solis yelled, grinning heroically.
Umbra narrowed her eyes at him, hissing, "No, we found her together, you selfish idiot."
"Malleus," Lilia muttered as he cleared his throat to catch the lovingly aloof fae's attention. Malleus hummed to urge him to go on, and he had a hard time tearing his gaze away from you. Once the king's eyes lay on his guardian, the bat let out a little sigh. "Something is terribly off about this (Y/n)."
Lilia was right, and you knew that now. "That's because I'm not from here," you muttered under your breath, avoiding everyone's eyes.
"You must have hit your head—" Malleus eventually said, to which you were about to retort that such wasn't the case. You were quickly interrupted when Malleus let go of your hands and diverted his attention to Umbra and Solis. "Children, why don't you go play with Uncle Silver?"
Solis sternly shook his head. "But we want to stay with Mother!"
"Yes, Mother needs us," Umbra said, just as determined as her brother — albeit in a much more shy and quiet tone.
Laughter spilt from your lips as you crouched down to pull the two seven-year-olds into a hug. "Ah, I'm so lucky to have such precious future children..." you cooed, nuzzling your nose in their hair. They were your children — your precious precious children.
Malleus watched fondly, his heart swooning as he witnessed your children seek your warmth; so, he felt like a monster when he once again stated, "We need to talk alone — your mother and I."
Silver was doing his best to pry the two devils away from you, but even he struggled with the way they clutched onto your blazer and blouse like you were their lifeline. Umbra, being weaker than her brother, was first to be removed from you. Silver carried her away in his arms, running his hand across her back in a way he knew would lull her asleep soon.
"And why does Grandpa Lilia get to stay?" she cried out, desperately trying not to fall asleep.
"Right!" Solis exclaimed as Sebek carried him off, too. "That's unfair!"
Lilia chidlishly stuck his tongue out at his grandchildren, very much amused and smug as he proudly drawled, "Because I'm Grandpa Lilia."
The children began wailing and screaming, both of them shouting, "That's not fair—" Before they could complain even more, the door to the throne room was shut behind them, and complete silence befell the hall. Their cries hurt your heart, and you had a hard time averting your gaze from the door.
Malleus eventually slipped a finger under your chin to tilt your face so that you had no other choice but to look at him. "Dearest, something is plaguing your mind," he whispered as his other hand ran down your arm. "What is it."
Your eyes fluttered close. "This is too much..." you pressed through clenched teeth, feeling exhausted and confused and overall just miserable. "I'm not supposed to be here..."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you saying, dear?"
Your eyes shot open in a sudden burst of sudden adrenaline. Letting out a few bitter chuckles, you felt tears pricking your eyes painfully. "I'm not from this time— I'm from the past! And this, for me, is the future!" you exclaimed, letting go of all your emotions. You had desperately tried to keep calm, but you could only take so much before reaching your breaking point. Throwing yourself into Malleus' arms, you wrapped your arms around his torso and buried your face in his chest. "I'm still in my first year at NRC, and we're not even a couple yet, Malleus!"
Malleus opened his mouth and closed it; even the great fae king was speechless at your sudden outburst. A little bit overwhelmed, he resorted to awkwardly patting your head to hopefully calm you down. "That... sounds complicated." He turned his gaze to his advisor, who had been watching silently until now. "Lilia, what do you suggest we do?"
Lilia stroked his chin as he temporarily closed his eyes. Your sobs echoed through the throne room, and Malleus felt his heart breaking in pity. "It seems like the spell your little dragons cast swapped our (Y/n) with this one from the past," Lilia eventually suggested confidently like the wise being he was. A chipper smile soon broke out on his face, and he began to laugh in a casual way. "But don't worry! I shall be off and search for a way to send her back home. You two should talk this out."
Just like that, Lilia was gone, and only Malleus and you were left in the throne room. Your sobs and cries filled the air, Malleus silently running his hand through your hair to hopefully calm you down. Just like with the Malleus in the present, this one possessed such a calm aura that you felt better soon.
"Malleus," you finally muttered, your voice muffled.
He heard you perfectly. "Yes?"
Pulling away from him, you sniffled a little bit before shooting him a shy smile. "You're so handsome—" you marvelled, your cheeks red when his smile grew in size. "So king-like. I'm so proud of you..."
He cupped your cheeks with his larger hands and brought his face closer to yours. "Oh? You're still as adorable as you always were," he drawled, his eyes smug and his grin wide. "Does it not fit for the King of the Valley of Thorns to be 'king-like'?"
You averted your gaze in embarrassment and gulped nervously. "Ah... I'm sorry..." you said whilst laughing quietly. "Although your appearance doesn't differ from the Malleus I know, your aura definitely has changed to something more regal — if that is even possible."
Despite having been married to you for several years already, the genuineness with which you spoke made the tips of his ears adapt the colour of a soft red. Pressing an affectionate kiss to your cheek, he murmured, "Don't worry; I was just teasing you." His hands trailed down your neck before they settled on your shoulders. He pulled his face back to gaze your attire up and down, a fond smile growing on his lips. "Seeing you in that uniform makes me remember the good old times at NRC. That night when we finally confessed our feelings to one another—"
"Hearing you talk about things that haven't happened yet is so strange," you remarked, laughing.
His eyes lit up in realisation before an apologetic look flashed across his eyes. "Oh, I sorry. I forgot." He took your one hand and pressed a little kiss to your knuckles. "Tell me, do you plan to confess to my past self any time soon?"
You bit your lip, sighing at his question. "...courting you is so hard," was all you managed to say regarding that matter.
Malleus quirked an eyebrow. "Pardon me?"
Sarcastic laughter spewed out from your throat as you shot him a slightly crooked smile. "I've been trying to drop hints that I like you for the past months now," you explained, your right eye twitching slightly at being reminded how many brain cells courting this oblivious lizard had cost you already. "You never pick up on those."
Malleus kept quiet, ogling you with surprise written all over his face. Then, he broke out into laughter that confused you. You raised an eyebrow, questioning what was so funny about your suffering. Wiping an imaginary tear from his eye, he eventually explained, "Ironically, you never realised I was courting you with all the jewellery I presented you and the times I let you touch my horns."
Your jaw fell down for the hundredth time that day. "R-Really?"
Malleus hummed, merely chuckling at your eyes that were filled with utter disbelief. "Oh, this is just adorable..." he cooed as he pushed a stray strand of (H/c) hair behind your ear. The corners of his lips tugged up into a mischievous grin. "Do me a favour and confess to my past self soon. I wouldn't want to waste even a second I could have spent together with you."
The smile on your lips was quickly wiped off your face at his words. "I... I would confess but—" You interrupted yourself by sighing in desperation. Once again, his palm cupped your cheek to silently ask what was wrong, and you placed your hand over his to keep it in place. A melancholic frown appeared on your face. "I wasn't sure if this could ever work out. You're fae royalty and I'm a human. I don't think I could ever see myself as a good queen."
Malleus would have laughed at your words if it weren't for how seriously grief-stricken you seemed. Clicking his tongue, he explained, "Oh, dear (Y/n), you're a marvellous queen." The disbelief never really left your face, and Malleus intended to rectify that. "Let me tell you, the (Y/n) from here — from your future and my present — worked very hard to learn etiquette, royalty customs, and rules. She spent a lot of sleepless nights at her desk, but eventually, she managed to earn even the most sceptical doubter's respect."
You were left speechless as you finally dared to look up into his eyes that were filled with nothing but genuineness.
"You're the perfect queen," Malleus whispered proudly as he removed his hand from your face to place his fingers onto his crown. Tugging the crown off his head, he then carefully placed it on your head as a symbol of love, trust and respect. "I, as your king, bow down before you, my precious queen."
Tears ran down your cheeks again as you clasped your hands over your mouth. "Me? Your queen?" you repeated in a hoarse voice.
Malleus merely chuckled at your words, and an earnest smile took permanent residence on his face. His eyes were full of adoration — so much that you found yourself melting under his gaze. "What is a king without his queen?"
Meanwhile, in your time — the present — Lilia was leading a mysterious woman with long flowy (H/c) hair and shimmering (E/c) eyes through the winding corridors of the Diasomnia dorm, their destination being the dorm leader's room. With every step she took, her heels clicked against the polished marble ground.
Eventually, they arrived, and Lilia knocked against the door before pushing it open for their guest to step inside. "Malleus, I brought you a visitor," he announced as the curious woman behind him was still busy digesting all the nostalgia that befell her at the sight of her old schooldays.
Malleus sat at his desk, but didn't look up from the assignment he was currently working on. "Who would visit me?" he asked, urging Lilia to step in. When he heard a familiar giggle that never failed to make his heart speed up, his gaze shot up to hastily search for its source. "Is (Y/n) with you?"
Lilia laughed at the way Malleus' demeanour had changed into that of a puppy in less than a second, which earned him a slightly reprimanding glare from his son. Turning to the matters at hand once again, Lilia stepped to the side to reveal the enigmatic woman to Malleus. She wore a dress made out of in fine fabric of dark green colours — the style of her garb seemed so familiar to him. "Well... yes but no," the bat said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as the woman's eyes landed on Malleus. "It's hard to explain—"
"Malleus! I finally found you," she squealed in utter happiness as she quickly strode over to the male at the desk, an eager smile on her face. Malleus was taken aback when she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a tender hug. "I missed you terribly..."
Malleus' eyes were ripped wide open as he sat frozen in his chair. "E-Excuse me—" he stuttered out, utterly taken aback by her action. Lilia shot him a helpless look, one that seemed a little bit devious around the corners though. Sighing and eventually relaxing, Malleus lowered his gaze to find a familiar crown sitting atop the woman's head. His jaw fell down, and he suddenly felt suspicious of the accessory. His voice grew cold and hostile. "Where did you get that crown."
"Your grandmother gifted it to me right before our wedding," she explained, laughing at the fond memory. Malleus was too surprised to react, and so it came that the woman eventually pulled away from him with a big pout on her face. "Ah, will you not hug your wife back, my king?"
Malleus' eyes were glued to her face — she looked like you, but her aura differed so greatly from yours. He held his head, feeling a headache coming due to thinking too hard about who this woman was. Tearing his shocked eyes away from her, the dragon fae turned to his snickering guardian. "Lilia, explain," he demanded, furrowing his eyebrows. "Now."
Lilia grinned innocently as he once again shrugged for the umpteenth time today. "I was just looking for Silver, who probably fell asleep in some classroom," he explained, pointing to the mysterious woman lovingly fussing over Malleus' slightly messy hair, "and found this lovely young lady instead, who was in search for her husband."
She temporarily stopped to shoot the bat a little wink. "A flatterer as always, Lilia."
For a moment, time stopped ticking and the world halted in its tracks. Frozen in that state, Malleus shakily repeated, "Husband?" The woman hummed in confirmation, planting herself into his lap and putting her head onto his shoulder. Malleus felt his face turn red in the split of a second, which was rare for the usually so composed dorm leader. Trembling, he dared to look at the woman who had just invaded his privacy thrice already. "Who are you? You look like (Y/n)— but then again, you don't."
She laughed softly before raising her head again to confidently announce, "Me? I'm (Y/n) Draconia, Queen of the Valley of Thorns, and mother to Princess Umbra and Prince Solis." The implications of her introduction were too much for the poor fae, and his eyes quickly fluttered close when he seemingly lost consciousness. (Y/n) grew worried when he wouldn't react to her hand gently patting his cheek. "Malleus? Malleus dear? Wake up—"
"I think you broke him, Your Majesty," Lilia cooed teasingly, laughing at the way (Y/n) fussed over him like a worried wife — only making Malleus' predicament even worse.
"(Y/n) Draconia..." he muttered to himself, a dreamy smile on his face as if he was somewhere far away, "and children... ah..."
Lilia hummed, clapping his hands together. "As for me, I'm ecstatic at the thought of grandchildren! Just two, though? Can't I have more?"
(Y/n) lovingly stroked Malleus' cheek as she turned to look at the playfully mocking bat. "Oh, trust me, Lilia... Umbra and Solis are enough to deal with already," she said, smiling with closed eyes. "Our two precious little devils."
TO PART (2/2)
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