#john will teach kids the fundamentals for no reason other than to do it and maybe be a little chaotic
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enniewritesathing · 8 months ago
hi 👋
🍼 — taking care of children
John: He takes that seriously (maybe a smidge too much) so he's good. Babies, for whatever reason, are 🤩towards him and they love it when he speaks to them; they tend to be less fussy. Getting them to sleep? Easy.
If they're older, he will teach them some light fundamentals of Muay Thai. (I'll give a hint that he did this with his kids... 2 out of 3 took to it very well, the other one did but they didn't quite have that 'killer instinct' but they were great in analyzing. Alicia is one of those 2.)
Brian: It's a part of his job so he pretty excellent at it. He knows how to read them well and act accordingly; very gentle and patient with kids as well. (I like to think of this as he's treating them like he should've have been growing up. Brian almost always clocks the kids that's struggling a bit.) With his kids, they come to him for advice; he's a great listener.
🍺 — alcohol tolerance
John: It doesn't matter what type it is, it's low, lol. He doesn't drink all that much to begin with. Two drinks is his max. Very touchy-feely after (but silly about it.)
Brian: Ridiculously high. He can down a bottle of anything like no one's business. He tends to do so when he's had a very stressful string of days at the hospital; that is a lot and he also gets pretty mean too. (Big reason why there's none in the house.)
💃 — dancing
John: Very fluid and he can sway like a willow tree in the wind. Or something. (He's good lol.)
Brian: He does have rhythm but he's also a little stuff...
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morlock-holmes · 2 years ago
I don't really know what messages young people in this country absorb about the Civil War these days.
When I was a kid the mainstream centrist narrative, one that I think was pushed in schools and was definitely pushed in pop culture, went something like this:
"We modern people understand that slavery was wrong. But it is a mistake to judge the people of past times based on modern psychology or morals; rather, we must understand them as people of their times, who understood their world in a way fundamentally differently then we do, so far in the future.
"During the late 18th and early 19th century, slavery was simply not a very important issue, either morally or politically, and it certainly didn't play into the civil war in any real important fashion. The idea of slavery as a moral issue is a modern-day viewpoint, and while it is morally correct, we simply cannot project those moral sensibilities back into a world where they didn't exist.
"The Civil War was a fought as the culmination of a complex, somewhat abstruse political debate about whether power should reside primarily in separate states or within the federal government, and while it is tragic that this debate caused a war, both sides of that debate had valid reasons for taking their position."
Do they still teach that kind of thing to kids these days?
Because the more I learn the more I realize what incredible horseshit that story was.
Here, for example, is John Quincy Adams, in 1838:
"Midway through the filibuster, on June 30, Adams responded to an interruption by South Carolina representative Francis Wilkinson Pickens and described a notorious incident from the previous year.
I do not doubt in the least that he is, himself, a kind and indulgent master; so, I doubt not, are all the gentlemen who represent his State on this floor. They know not the horrors that belong to the system, and attend it even in their own State; and when they are stated by those who have witnessed them, he calls the whole a tissue of misrepresentation. . . . He does not know the profligate villain who procreates children from his slaves, and then sells his own children as slaves. He does not know the crushing and destruction of all the tenderest and holiest ties of nature which that system produces, but which I have seen, with my own eyes, in this city of Washington. Twelve months have not passed since a woman, in this District, was taken with her four infant children, and separated from her husband, who was a free man, to be sent away, I know not where. That woman, in a dungeon in Alexandria, killed with her own hand two of her children, and attempted to kill the others. She was tried for murder, and, to the honor of human nature I say it, a jury was not to be found in the District who would find her guilty. . . . The woman was asked how she could perpetrate such an act, for she had been a woman of unblemished character and of pious sentiments. She replied that wrong had been done to her and to them; that she was entitled to her freedom though she had been sold to go to Georgia and that she had sent her children to a better world.
I recommend clicking through that link and reading about what Adams said about that case in his diary.
In general, that website, Story of The Week, has a number of excellent and readable primary sources about slavery and racism in America, and they particularly demonstrate that the Abolition movement objected to slavery for exactly the reasons that we now object to it today: That it was unspeakably cruel to separate children from their mothers and husbands from wives; that men should be allowed to profit from their own work, rather than having the proceeds stolen; that slave owners would rape their female slaves and sell their own children.
I'm just amazed at how much energy America has put into lying to itself about its own history.
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autumnblogs · 4 years ago
Day 44: Preoccupied about the same things as Trolls, revisited
Welcome back y’all! Before we get into this, I want to talk about the Condesce/Meenah as a parallel character to Mom Lalonde/Roxy. You can read a bit about @mmmmalo​‘s takes on Openbound, and why they think that Meenah is symbolically Roxy’s Doppelganger here.
I want to call attention to some specific similarities between them, and while I think it’s a bit of a stretch, Homestuck draws parallels between characters all the time.
Both the Condesce and Mom Lalonde are matriarch figures estranged from their potential offspring by dire circumstances and servitude to a patriarchal authority and his time-spanning plan - for the Condesce, that’s English obviously, but for Mom Lalonde, that’s Grandpa Harley - servitude to his design renders her a wreck of an alcoholic forced to endure the end of days with no means to stop them from happening, living with a daughter who wants nothing to do her.
Both Meenah and Roxy are rebels against a repressive order, inclined to shirk their assigned Role in service to someone else’s master plan, but ultimately, through some roundabout means or another, give service to it anyway (for Meenah, scratching the game, and ultimately ending up English’s glorified slave for eons in the end; for Roxy, at first refusing to play Sburb in hopes of spiting the Batterwitch, but ultimately ending up playing into her schemes anyway).
They are both rebellious spirits who are repeatedly forced to participate in Paradox Space’s Alpha Timeline all but against their will by hegemonic forces, slaves to a system that they exist in perpetual rebellion against, and by the end of the comic, they both get to help strike a decisive blow against the ultimate foe. Unfortunately, unlike Roxy, Meenah is ultimately the kind of person who chooses at practically every occasion to continue cycles of abuse instead of breaking them. There is ultimately no possibility of reconciliation between these estranged sisters.
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So, I see a lot of the Alpha Kids in the four Alpha Trolls who appear in this flash. As the Faux Heroic Himbo, the parallel between Rufioh and Jake is obvious. I don’t think that it’s fair to characterize Jake’s relationship with Dirk as being “cheating on Jane,” though that’s probably how Jane feels about the whole situation; I’ve always gotten the impression she feels entitled to him.
More after the break.
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The imagery here is an obvious parallel between Jake and Dirk’s big damn kiss, and Rufioh and Horuss’s - but between Rufioh’s bravado and general obliviousness, and Horuss’s clear triangular parallel with Dirk and Equius, we should expect that the situation is switched here - Dirk = Horuss, Rufioh = Jake.
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While it could easily just be a bit of extraneous characterization, I’m inclined to regard Rufioh’s characterization of the women in his life as “Dolls” especially because of his symbolic proximity to Lord English. (He is at best one degree of separation from him, as Jake English’s Alpha Troll Doppelganger) - and the fact that Puppets and Dolls are pretty much synonymous with each other in terms of the way that English interacts with them.
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More extremely obvious parallels.
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Both of the Zahhaks have hangups about dating down the Hemospectrum, and as long as we��re examining Dirk through the lens of the Zahhaks, allow me to speculate; I think that part of the reason Dirk chooses not to directly identify with the label of gay is less aloofly progressive futurism, and more that he is uncomfortable with his own sexuality.
As a guy who repeatedly appeals to reactionary ideals and rhetorical devices like “Western Civilization,” “Reason,” “Logic,” maybe there is a degree to which we can read Horuss and Equius’ self-repression through the haemospectrum into Dirk suffering from internalized Homophobia.
This is a real long shot, but I’ve always gotten the impression that Dirk is a bit of a bottom. Maybe his desire in building up Jake into a powerful counterpart, like English’s desire to transform Jake into a powerful rival, is built out of a desire to be Oedipally usurped by a former pupil - to have his Eromenos turn the tables, and become the Erastes in turn, in power-dynamic terms.
In Classical Civilization, homosexual relations weren’t unheard of, and were pretty reasonably common, but it was seen as shameful to bottom, especially for someone of a lower social standing than you were (Julius Caesar was mocked as the Queen of Bithynia when it was rumored that he bottomed for Nicomedes IV, which was a serious attack on his political career).
Wild speculative tangent over.
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Now this is interesting; Meenah is unwittingly drawing a parralel between Damara and Vriska. The main commonality between them is that, like Vriska (and also like Rose, and also like Jane - who is the fourth and final character in this particular set) her spite and resentment is used as the vector for English’s manipulation of their setting.
Like Vriska, Damara deliberately sabotages the ability of her session members to win, helping to create a powerful foe who forces a session to be scratched.
Like Rose, Damara descends into nihilistic substance abuse to cope with feelings of emptiness.
Like Jane, Damara’s actual feelings of emptiness come about as a result of feelings of rejection in relation to betrayal from within her close friendship circle.
Ironically, while Damara’s reaction is far worse than Jane’s, her anger is actually probably far more understandable - Jane is not entitled to Jake.
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The situation between Horuss and Rufioh is also similar to what will resolve between Jake and Dirk shortly - they are just basically incompatible, or at least they will be until both parties do some work on themselves, but a combination of an oblivious party who can’t stop talking about himself, and social timidity on the part of the other prevents the situation from resolving amicably.
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“As Long As I Know That I Am Free”
Sometimes, encountering our ancestors doesn’t have to be a source of tension, anxiety, expectation, and fear. Porrim models parental love for Kanaya in a way that, unusually for ancestors in Homestuck, is purely beneficial for her younger counterpart.
It’s okay to identify with roles and identities that have been corrupted or hegemonized by our culture. There’s nothing intrinsically bad about being a man, or about being a woman, as long as our embodiment of those roles is emancipatory to us.
Kanaya can still be a Mom, if that’s what she wants to be. Violence and money aren’t the only form that power can take.
Sometimes, learning the right lessons is just a matter of pausing for a second and being critical of all narratives; deciding for ourselves what we want to be. It’s the lesson that Porrim has to teach Kanaya.
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This is just objectively true.
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Aranea positions Rufioh as both a foil to Cronus, and to herself, further strengthening the Jake as Rufioh parallels.
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What I think is really interesting about all this, is if we want to read the other three trolls as Jake, Dirk, and Jane, that makes Meenah the Roxy of this group! And while Roxy has never been vicious or deliberately cruel, there’s a certain resonance between her persistent hassling of Jane, her meddling in the Jake English Sweepstakes, and the disaster that it provokes, and Meenah’s bullying - I even early on in my first readthrough took a disliking to Roxy because of what I viewed as exactly that - bullying her counterparts, assertively trying to get them to behave the way she wanted.
Oh man, where to even begin with Karkat riding off into the Penis Sunset. Like, the Sun in relation to Dave is persistently an icon of Bro’s surveillance of him, and then there’s his burgeoning affection for Karkat (he mentions story time with Karkat in the third Openbound suggesting that he actually took Karkat up on his offer to read through trashy Troll Romance).
Like, there’s probably something in Dave’s troubled psyche that’s on display here but damn if I know what it is. Maybe he’s ruminating on the fact that Bro would probably not be too accepting of his relationship with Karkat, hence the juxtaposition of the symbol of Bro’s hostility with the imagery of Karkat riding a dick?
I don’t really need to explicate much on what Rose is trying to say, I think but just in case, here’s a little rundown of what she’s trying to explain.
The apple is a symbol of an irreducible idea. Many ideas are reducible - as molecules are reducible to atoms, and atoms are reducible to quarks and stuff, so are ideas reducible to increasingly more abstracted and basic units.
The closer to notionally irreducible a thing becomes, the more difficult it becomes to express an idea, until at last, that which is truly irreducible resolves, and reveals to us the true, intrinsic nature of reality. For every complex idea, we can refer to more fundamental ideas, until at last, we arrive at an idea, which when probed, responds back simply, “It just does that.”
This, I think, is that to which we ought to give the name of God; that force so fundamental that it truly does just do that.
In the world of Homestuck, Symbols, and with them, Rituals - stories! Are manifestations of the primeval and irreducible ideas. Everything else is a universe in orbit around the Divine - the Aspects themselves, perhaps, or something more fundamental than the Aspects even.
What makes reducing these stories to the irreducible principles that they allude to so difficult is that you’re effectively trying to explain the electromagnetic force by comparing it to rubber bands, when in fact, the electromagnetic force is what makes the rubber bands behave that way in the first place.
As a Ritual, Rose’s drinking is pretty similar to John’s Dad roleplaying - an attempt at unity with Her Mom. Another empty signifier.
Dave is already really embracing his new role as the actually most sincere and straightforward member of the party. Lovin’ it.
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It’s kind of nice that Aradia and Vriska are getting along now. That’s gratifying for personal reasons.
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Ah yeah, I forgot that was ever addressed officially.
The man
HASS the ring.
And with the depressingly empty Void session established via a single flash, we shall conclude for the evening.
Tomorrow, we’ll get to know our little villain.
For now, it’s Cam signing off, Alive, and a little Annoyed that I wasted a couple hours playing the Outriders Demo this afternoon. Seriously, what an aesthetically bleak and kind of mediocre-looking class-based cover shooter.
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wutbju · 4 years ago
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Archive.org stores this capture from Chuck Phelp’s bio from Colonial Hills Baptist from 2010. 
Chuck and Linda, along with their children, are committed to the work of the ministry. They love to see the Lord change lives through the power of the Word (John 17:17).  For that reason, they serve the church with dedication and eagerly minister at family camps, couples’ conferences, pastors' retreats, and other retreats for men and ladies. Chuck has been involved in full-time ministry since 1982. Since earning his doctoral degree fifteen years ago, Chuck has actively engaged in teaching a future generation on the college and seminary level. He has worked in numerous schools in the United States and on foreign fields as diverse as Belarus, India, Cambodia, Zambia, and Mexico. He especially enjoys teaching pastoral ethics, church management, church growth, and discipleship. Chuck's favorite doctrinal studies are ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church) and eschatology (the doctrine of biblical prophecy). Chuck serves on many advisory boards including those of Baptist World Mission, Central Africa Baptist College (Zambia), Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, Gospel Fellowship Association, and the Wilds Christian Camping Association. Chuck and Linda Phelps love to work around the house, entertain, and spend time with their kids and grandkids. Linda enjoys working with moms and mentoring ladies.  With five kids of their own (ranging in age from midtwenties to teens), Chuck and Linda have "been there and done that" and learned from more than a few mistakes (some comical and some serious). Though Pastor and Mrs. Phelps have been at Colonial for only a brief time, they have already come to love the generous congregation of gracious Christians. They count it a sincere privilege to follow the faithful ministries of pastors Wendell Heller and Bob Taylor.
Phelps was on the WILDS board on December 5, 2011. But he was NOT on the board on December 13, 2011. Do Right BJU changed that.
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thewincestgospel · 5 years ago
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Adam deserved better….
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but that last episode was pretty damn good so with that in mind how about a list of stories that feature baby boy Adam Milligan Winchester
Boston's Saints by   NaughtyPastryChef  Sam and Dean Winchester are a little rude, a little crude and would rip the world apart to save each other. A Wincest retelling of the movie Boondock Saints.        
The Brother Kings  by keep_waking_up   There were stories about them.  The Brother Kings of Winchester.    
Brother Mine by etrix John was out on a hunt when the call came: Kate Milligan was dead, and John was named in her will as the guardian of her son—his son—Adam. Pissed but knowing his duty, Dean pulled Sam out school during exam week, and they went to Windom in the thick of the Minnesota winter. 7-yr-old Adam was a lot like Sammy at that age, but Dean wasn't ready to accept him as another Winchester. Then the boy's life was threatened and all bets were off.
Dean Winchester vs. the World  In order to date his brother, Dean Winchester has to defeat Sam's seven evil exes. Inspired by Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
Flowers in the Impala by Evandar Kate wants them to be a family - really, she does - but there's something wrong with John's boys. 
Gamble on a Little Sorrow  by  nigeltde   Adam wakes up in hospital after the events of Jump the Shark, his mother dead, his face cut up, and his right arm gone from the elbow. His life destroyed and out of his depth, he joins his new half-brothers on the road to the apocalypse. They introduce him to Ellen and Jo, and Bobby; they teach him how to shoot, and lie, and be a Winchester. But Sam and Dean are dealing with their own demons, and the cost of war is heavy.       
It's a Long, Long Road by  Twisted-Slinky   Pre-series AU. Dean's sleeping off a hunt when he gets a call from a kid claiming to be his half brother. The weirdest part? It's true. He's already had one brother leave him, and Dean doesn't want to chance another rejection from his own blood, but for some reason, he can't simply forget Adam Milligan exists, even if he knows it would probably be safer for both of them.      
Keep This Secret  by ellerkay Sam and Dean travel to the fairy realm hoping to make a deal to get Adam released from the Cage. The price: their shared secret.                
Living Like a Fucking Happy Family by Eipos John killed the Yellow-Eyed Demon. The Winchester's mission is done. So John brings his boys to Kate and Adam to try and have a normal family.However, Sam and Dean don't know how to live normally. They've been on the run all their lives. They know how to kill a monster in fifty different ways. They don't know how they're supposed to let John and Kate take care of them. They don't know how to stop looking over their shoulder.But they have each other and that's not going to change.
The Middle Child by  morrezela   In a world where all three Winchester brothers made it out of that building without becoming angel suits, Sam has to adjust to his new role in Dean’s life and Adam’s obsession with his sex life.
Pendulum's Resolve  by  bluebells  Adam doesn't want to upset the delicate balance between his brothers, but said brothers have stubbornness issues.
Shell Game by rivkat   Sam and Adam Winchester know when they’re being conned. Problem is, this new guy Dean Milligan seems to really be their half-brother. Adam is unamused, Sam is unfazed, and Dean is inappropriate.            
SkyFall V.1 by SilasSolarius   Summary: AU! Post Season 7. After failing save Castiel from the leviathans, the boys find themselves awakening in the past, in the time before Dean made the deal and their father is still alive. Can the handle juggling the knowledge of the impending apocalypse, their horrible future, and Sam's broken mind, all the while hiding their more than brotherly relationship from their suspicious father.                                    
We Make Our Own Future by Eilonwy_the_white   In an A/B/O universe where there are two genders (male/female) and three designations, life could be better for an om. Federal and state laws are restrictive, making life for an unmated omega all but impossible to navigate. Sam Campbell and Dean Winchester meet when Dean is enrolled with his younger brother, Adam, in a boarding school that trains alphas to be hunters. Adam and Dean's father, John, is a transient hunter while Sam's grandfather is a powerful official with the Federal Department of Hunters, but despite their differences the three young boys become friends. When Dean presents unexpectedly as an omega and is expelled, his friendship with Sam is fundamentally changed. Dean goes on to be a hunter and Sam goes off to college, returning to the life after a few years.Now all grown up and active hunters themselves, Sam and Dean hate each other. Or do they...? One night, a hotel room, and a Lord of the Rings drinking game are about to change everything.
the world will end in fire  by: a.lakewood Sam and Adam fall into a clandestine relationship, and the strain of the job and the secret eventually takes its toll on them. Then Dean finds out.            
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thewonko · 6 years ago
Symphogear XV, Episode 1
Hey! Symphogear's back! And given that these are, historically, my most popular posts, I guess I get to do an episode reaction!
And before you ask, Crunchyroll until something better comes along, but I'm paying for this, I may as well use it.
Also, no pictures, because I'm lazy rn and don't feel like tempting fate and Tumblr's upload system.
Bloody handprints. This bodes well!
Is this the Frontier? It looks like the Frontier control room
Uhh, yeah, that's the Frontier, and they just turned on the Moon
Blue-haired deady guy says they can't explain anymore, and asks Fine for forgiveness. Factions in ancient humanity? Pro- sleeping with gods and anti-sleeping with gods?
And cut to a submarine. Wherever we are now, it's cold
Something is arming itself in response to the Symphogirls' approach. Apparently it's a "coffin" and a precursor relic. This bodes well!
Hibiki, if I'm not wrong, Lake Vostok is in Antarctica. Summer there tops out at, like, just under freezing.
Ah, and then Chris says the same thing. Good on you Chris, keep being smart.
Ah, that's a laser beam. Upside: the sun's out now, Hibiki!
"bone-chilling"... I hope that's the translators, but the way the line is delivered makes me afraid that it's not.
Can I have a coffin like that? Not just the particle beam, but the stupid penguin design too?
Baller transformation sequence, Hibiki. Keep it up.
Oh, pleasant surprise: translated insert songs!
Huh, crystal pillars after an attack. Y'know what those look like? The upgrade material in XDU.
Genjuro, it's a mobile autonomous mech. It's not "just" a coffin no matter how you look at it.
Ooh, the coffin has laser hornet drones! Another reason to want one!
Kirika and Shirabe just ice skating along. Truly this is Yuri on Ice.
Ouch. Just... slapped out of the air. That's gotta hurt.
Directed energy at... negative temperatures? That's... not how energy works? Like, at all?
Ah, Elfnein here to tell us that physics doesn't hold with this magic nonsense either. Good.
Less good: The Symphogirls are now frozen in XDU upgrade material
And flashback time! The Lydian school song again
Miku on the piano, teacher listening. Is this a test for Hibiki? God thing she gets lots of singing in these days as *a magical girl saving the world*. That's gotta help for practice, right?
Ah, it was a test. Looks like Hibiki didn't fail the year at least.
"... [Y]ou're singing in your heart". Yup, for the past four seasons! Maybe you saw it on the news that time she saved the moon? Or the time she saved the planet? Or the other time she saved the planet? Or that time she punched the devil so hard he exploded? She's gotten pretty good at singing, Teach. Maybe you just have unreasonably high standards?
"I know you're busy" Do you? I'd think working for the UN is good for a few missed tests.
"BTW", says a nearby public TV news report "remember that we're going to the moon together with the US, the country that TRIED TO NUKE US SIX MONTHS AGO. PRETTY FUCKING MAGNANIMOUS OF US TO NOT DEMAND, LIKE, REPARATIONS OR SANCTIONS OR SOMETHING. Anyway, on to sports. Todd?"
Okay, real talk here, the normal is important. The downside is that now that you've pointed it out, Hibiki, something's about to happen.
"What if I was causing trouble for someone?" okay, calling it now, Miku will end up in a 'gear fighting Hibiki before the end of the season. She'll have a good reason, and she'll end up fighting alongside her wife by the end, but it'll start with them fighting.
Oh look, an explosion. This is what you get for pointing out how normal it's been, Hibiki
Hey! Ogawa remembered that Miku is cleared for this stuff and picks her up too! Thanks, Ogawa.
Hibiki, you are 17 years old. You should know by know that lakes can freeze. Especially in Antarctica.
Elfnein says man-made climate change is real!
I mean, the implication that it was a precursor civilization moving scorpions around the planet is a bit of a stretch, it could've just been ancient humans, but sure, let's go with aliens.
"Adam was trying to use the power of the gods to accomplish a goal of some sort" Really? He didn't just want it to have it? Adam fucking Weisshaupt had a *goal*? I am shook.
Ah, the goal was to blow up a time traveling coffin. Because that was foreshadowed so well in AXZ.
And we're back to the present! Our girls are still frozen.
Are you... are you miming a telescope? Does that actually work because of bullshit catgirl magic, or are you just being silly?
I'm just going to assume that the leader of our new villain trio is about to raid Area 51. Nevada plates on the car and being in the middle of the desert, mostly. I'm going to ignore the fact that the terrain around Area 51 looks nothing like that.
Heh, Genjuro just gonna go punch a coffin shaped like a penguin mech. Don't worry about it, he's got his long-johns on.
"If they catch cold it'll be really bad!" Dude, catching a cold is the least of their worries right now; they're about to be crushed by an ancient alien coffin mech.
Hah! Everyone had their breakout moment at the same time! Way to steal Hibiki's rescuing people thunder girls.
And of course Tsubasa can surf. She's just that cool.
"Hibiki! Punch the laser!" "I don't understand what that means, but okay!"
"Analyzing and reconstructing is the fundamental principal of alchemy!" I mean... not quite? At least you're closer than you were last time though, kid.
Ooh, this music sounds important. Like an OP. Guess this is gonna be an important series of punches coming up.
"Even so! There's a song in my heart!" This has... implications. Although it does explain how the girls could sing in the vacuum of space all those times.
Good on you, Chris, aim and blow up that stupid penguin thing!
And once again Chris shows herself to be the smart one. "Don't talk about upcoming birthdays and party plans in the middle of a fight! That'll raise Death Flags!"
Ooh, alien body! It's got a bracer of some sort too. Five gets you ten it's the McGuffin for at least the first half of the season, and another 25% beyond that that it turns into Miku's new 'Gear.
Alright, the next 12 weeks are going to be painful waiting, aren't they? Consider my hype for the season.
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janiedean · 6 years ago
(1) Can I just say I hate all this Freddie Mercury biopic wank with a passion? Like, this hellsite went from "Queen is one of those boring 'classic' bands all whites are obsessed with bc they won't even consider new music by diverse artists u.u" to "WWRY is clearly a song about rebellious queer youth, cishets don't touch Queen u.u" after someone pointed out Freddie's ethnicity and sexuality, to "why aren't they making Freddie gay in the biopic!!!11" and... whatever they're whining about now.
(2) And I HATE looking at all this bs and thinking "fake fans", bc I'm pretty damn sure that by most standards, *I* count as a "fake fan", too. I mean, most stuff I know about the band's history is actually stuff about Freddie, thanks to a few documentaries centered around him and my mom, the long-time fan with a big crush on Freddie who introduced me to Queen when I was a kid. Hell, I couldn't even name all their albums or anything needed to be considered a "true fan". But ppl on here... ugh. (3) It's like they're really embarrassed bc they were called out on mistaking "woke" stuff for "unwoke" stuff, and now they have this desperate need to prove their ability to discern wokeness by getting offended about something they don't even care all that much about, as loudly and dramatically as they can.
okay so, tldr: I hate this discourse and I honestly hope that it dies within two weeks out of the biopic for a whole lot of reasons amongst which the ones you said, but like, this discourse actually highlights a shitload of issues with the usual tumblr discourse which I will gladly go into now because I’m fucking tired and this movie isn’t out yet.
now, premise: while I don’t think that true fans are a thing - at most there’s casual fans or in-depth fans but I mean, a fan is a fan so I don’t believe in the *fake* fans thing..... the problem here isn’t that they’re fakes. it’s that they aren’t fans. period.
other premise: from what you’ve said you’re a casual fan which is normal and you DON’T count as fake I mean if you like them and listen to them and know something it’s basically being a casual fan same as I am with idk the rolling stones, I like the famous stuff, I have the fundamental records and I like them when they’re on but that’s it.
but, yours truly is a Not Casual Queen Fan in the sense that a) I got into them when I was seventeen and I’m thirty now so thanks it’s been a while, b) I own all the records, c) I own a decent portion of roger taylor’s/brian may’s solo records (and I have listened to all of them that I couldn’t buy), d) I went to see them live once (k it was with paul rodgers but nvm guys not my fault if I wasn’t born in time for freddie) and I love queen’s music and I’m also fucking cishet and you know what? these people Are Not Fans and they should stop pretending they are and just stop making themselves look like assholes.
the movie’s not out yet and I’ve had to see FIFTEEN ‘FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL CISHETS THAT FREDDIE MERCURY WAS GAY (at least a couple said he was bi and they were less asshole-ish) AND POC AND IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOU’D BETTER LEARN NOW HAHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT HE WASN’T. spoilers: every fucking casual queen fan who has bothered to buy three records knows that. yes, also the cishets. like, as someone who went from VERY CASUAL (ie: I know three songs) to NOT CASUAL in the span of two months I can 100% assure you that before getting into queen the usual preconceptions are that freddie was gay and that queen = freddie + three other people. the first three things you learn when getting into queen are (more or less in order but it can change) that a) the band was actually brian may + roger taylor first, b) that roger brought freddie in because they knew each other already, c) that mary austin was a fundamental person in freddie’s life and that she was also brian may’s ex and knew him first before they got together, d) the members’s backstories including where freddie was born, so like...... this idea that CASUAL CISHET FANS wouldn’t know that freddie was a) not heterosexual, b) poc is just something a NON-FAN would say because guess what, most queen fans even at a casual level are 100% aware that freddie was a) not heterosexual, b) not ethnical british. and saying that OMG CISHETS DON’T KNOW it’s ridiculous because guess what, everyone knows and if they have no idea they do, though luck, we did;
(spoilers: I also am 99% sure that those ppl have no idea that roger and brian actually sing on the records and composed a shitload of the music and queen =/= ONLY FREDDIE but okay)
they have no idea that rock music in the 70s/80s was not so heteronormative and was not the cishetmalething they think it is. like, please look at led zeppelin (ie THE PEOPLE WITHOUT WHOM YOU WOULDN’T HAVE HEAVY METAL) and tell me they were heteronormative. like, you saw robert plant? yeah, me too. and the thing was that queen were revolutionary in the sense that they brought an operatic/theatrical approach to the music that no one tried before but guess what, the point is that they made it sell. the thing that I would like tumblr Woke People to grasp is that what made queen groundbreaking as far as Wokeness goes is that they managed to sell and become the monster-moneymaking group they were (while keeping things quality) with a frontman who was Not Heterosexual, Did Not Try To Pass For Heterosexual One Day In His Life and Never Shied Away From It. like, idk if people are aware that while the scene was way less heteronormative than they think it still wasn’t the most openly talked about topic around (I mean guys elton john did marry a woman at some point X°DDD), but going around in the seventies flaunting your non-heterosexualness around and selling millions of copies making your stage persona a selling point of your music wasn’t exactly common. like ffs one of the most famous queen songs has a video where for 3/4 of the time they’re in drag and the other part has freddie performing with the royal ballet (and guess what the song was actually written by john deacon and the idea of doing the video in drag was roger taylor’s and none of them as far as we know is Not Heterosexual, but never mind giving the rest of the band some credit when it came to Not Caring About Heteronormativity) and fine, that video was banned/controversial, but it still was a huge british hit and it’s in the top five queen songs Everyone Knows. and tbh I’m terrified of that video being shown in the biopic (which it should since the works was from ‘84 and they stop at ‘85) because I’m 100% sure that those people have no idea it exists and when they find out how long is it gonna take them to decide that IT’S PROBLEMATIC? I mean, Woke Kids on here think the rhps is problematic, I’m shuddering at the thought of what they’d think of the i want to break free video;
actually a lot of us cishet queen fans might have had a wake up call including, er, finding out certain preferences, thanks to either their music or their shows or their videos (*cough* I 100% assure you that watching roger taylor in drag was what made me realize crossdressing was my thing for good like I knew before but I didn’t actually put two and two together until I saw that video and went like ‘............. AH WELL SHIT THEN THAT’S IT FAIR ENOUGH’), and a lot of us cishet queen fans who weren’t, like, strictly playing to heteronormative rules back in the day found a lot to relate to in their music even without being queer ourselves and guess what I’ve never met a single queen *fan* who could give less of a damn about freddie’s ethnicity or orientation (as in: everyone was a-okay with it) regardless of their background. that was what made them groundbreaking and extremely important as well, because they managed to be that kind of record-selling records-breaking band while not shying away from having a Not Heterosexual frontman AND Not Heteronormative Heterosexual Band Members Who Also Didn’t Give Two Fucks About Their Lead Singer’s Sexuality so going like OMG NOW WE’RE GONNA TEACH YOU THAT FREDDIE WASN’T HETEROSEXUAL BECAUSE WE’RE WOKE is ridiculous because dearest susan, we already knew and we already were woke about that and to us he was the frontman of a band we liked for a bunch of reasons;
also I don’t think people realize that freddie was a role model/example for the entire next generation of rock bands frontmen even in genres that had zilch to do with him - I mean guys AXL ROSE had a hero-worship for freddie and sang bohemian rhapsody at the freddie memorial concert WITH ELTON JOHN and grn really aren’t the same exact sphere as queen jsyk, but if you look at axl on stage esp. when he was younger? guys. it’s obvious. like you can see the influence. but lmao, now ALL the very cishet(-ish) singers who OPENLY SAID FREDDIE INFLUENCED THEM DIDN’T KNOW ACCORDING TO TUMBLR DOT COM?
LIKE, fuck’s sake, one of freddie’s major accomplishments in that sense was to ending up being a role model for younger singers in a genre where heteronormativity is way less common than everyone thinks BUT where not many people esp. back in the day would be open about their sexuality because it still was a taboo-ish thing -- like, gender roles were a lot more blurred but you wouldn’t hear many of those people admitting openly they were bi or gay or Not Heterosexual and the entirety of the rock scene especially mainstream but also not was entirely fucking aware of it, do these people think THE FANS wouldn’t?
also, we will rock you was WRITTEN BY BRIAN MAY AND IT WAS ABOUT A FUCKING ENCORE WHERE THE FANS SURPRISED THEM AT ONE SHOW IN LIKE MID-SEVENTIES which already shows that They Know Nothing because if they think freddie wrote all the queen songs then it’s already obvious they have no fucking clue about how queen worked as a band because all the members contributed something (guys john deacon wrote at least two of their major hits, roger taylor sang on all the records along with brian may and if you hear the back harmonies on ‘39 he goes way higher than freddie and a part in seaside rendezvous has both him and freddie mimicking other instruments with their voice and you wouldn’t know if no one told you first, brian may wrote a SHITLOAD of music for queen and it was an all-four effort, not just freddie + three other generic british dudes for fuck’s sake) so like, anyone saying that is already giving ample proof that they have no idea;
now of course you can interpret it as whatever the hell you want, but assuming that all of queen’s music that might relate to queer issues was written by freddie ABOUT QUEER ISSUES (this when freddie’s main topic of interest was... not really discussing his sexuality especially in the seventies like again, I want to break free is one of the queen to-go songs everyone brings up when it comes to that topic and IT WAS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE and the video concept was THANKS TO SOMEONE ELSE) just shows that a) you don’t know shit about the band’s history, b) you’re not a fan because you didn’t even bother to look it up on wiki, c) you’re trying to look woke at all costs;
they have NO FUCKING CLUE that most people in the 70s/80s/90s in the business were NOT politically correct according to their standards LIKE LITERALLY NO ONE WAS;
goes unsaid they probably haven’t listened to one full queen album from beginning to end not even the greatest hits.
tldr: I hate that they don’t seem to realize that things existed before 2005 and that music in the 70s/80s COULD and WAS diverse and *woke* already before they were even born, I hate that they decided that ALL CISHETS DIDN’T KNOW when thank you I think even my damned parents know and they don’t listen to rock music, I hate that they decided that queen APPARENTLY DIDN’T HAVE A FANBASE BEFORE THEM (lol) or that that fanbase didn’t understand them (triple-lol), I hate that they’re reducing freddie to his sexuality when he didn’t want that in the first place, I hate that they’re falling into THE MAIN MISCONCEPTION AROUND ABOUT THIS BAND as in THAT IT WAS FREDDIE + THREE OTHER PEOPLE and not an all-around group effort of people who were friends and deeply loved/respected each other and put the same share of work into it, I hate that they moment they see the movie and are introduced to the actual music/the actual story they’ll MOST LIKELY find problematic things to wank about because like hell they wouldn’t and I hate that they’re basically pretending to give a fuck about a band that I love and have loved dearly in a very non-casual way when they actually fucking don’t.
fucking hell please never let anyone make a biopic about either springsteen or led zeppelin or other people I actually like because this is bad enough, I don’t even want to think of what tumblr ppl would say if they knew anything about any rock artist of medium-large fame back in the day. peace.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
Mostly we create wealth for other people you have to forgo an offer from an acceptable investor to see if you'll get an offer at an acceptable price. That sounds right, but not by giving people a better desktop OS. For example, I doubt we ever had ten known bugs at any one time than we could say that we're willing to go ahead and do that for surprisingly little. But you can't have a mecca if you don't do everything you're supposed to be the same or aren't, to ask: how would founders like it to be? How often do you say if you've been fundraising for a while. You don't need to. If you're good you'll have no trouble imagining that one person think of everything. I only recently realized that it is unfair to delay.
Such tricks account for some variation in natural ability. So rule number zero is: these rules exist for a reason. Ditto for Wal-Mart. The purchase price is just the beginning. There are exceptions of course, but usually there's a bigger offer coming, or perhaps even the classes so much as by good taste and attention to detail. I could see the basket when he was an expert on search was to be a hacker; I was just having lunch. If you write software to teach Tibetan to Hungarian speakers, you'll face ferocious competition, precisely because they create nothing. The kids who got praised for these qualities tended to be lower. You learn to paint mostly by doing it. If the response doesn't come back within x amount of time left before the money runs out and they have sex. Likewise, if your business model seems spectacularly wrong, that will almost never happen.
The huge volume of the spam, which has 53. Silicon Valley. The phrase seemed almost grammatically ill-formed. 5-7% of the company being sold. At three months, I mean by habits of mind is to ask yourself the question: if the beachhead consists of people doing things that don't scale. But in a more ambitious way. Peace Of all the reasons you aren't doing something meaningful, defensible, or valuable. But that disobedience is a byproduct of optimizing for depth and speed. Kids are the ones who know him best. But you can't browse the web, Google at year 1 is the limit that such tricks will approach. So all other things being equal, they would be able to shake it free. I've read about John Doerr, he sounds like a continuation of high school, because you need to do: look at big companies, and we made our scripting language, RTML, a purely functional language.
There are only 5 MBAs in the top management were real butt-kickers. That's why we advise groups to ignore issues like scalability, internationalization, and heavy-duty security I mean efforts to protect against truly determined attackers. The worst problem was that the value of safe jobs. Which means for a group to consider behaving the opposite way as part of their professional code segregate themselves from the revenue-collecting half of the businesses they work for the love of it: the more of the company for 20. So when someone commits, get the best investors. Investors vary greatly. Their fundamental problem is that the side that's shocked is most likely to say yes, in the same position as a big company and you do everything the way the best startups will do even better, because his friends are the kitchen they're cooked in. The problem is, larger scale investors don't have exactly the same thing ourselves.
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afrolesbikita · 4 years ago
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In a move to create educational equity, Texas is set to offer some of its best teachers more than $100,000 annually, rewarding them for work in the state’s poorest schools where COVID-19 has devastated communities, resulting in months, if not years, of learning loss.
“We need our best teachers to be able to do this work,” said Mohammed Choudhury, associate superintendent of strategy, talent and innovation for the San Antonio Independent School District. “We need them to extend their work and their leadership beyond their classroom to not only be able to move beyond COVID-19, but to build back better.”
For the 193 teachers in San Antonio designated to lead this effort, that could mean extra days of intervention during holiday breaks throughout the school year, and tutoring after school and during the summer.
Several Texas school districts already run similar master teacher programs or similar incentives that pay teachers extra stipends tied to their performance in the classroom.
The new infusion of state funds from the Texas Education Agency’s Teacher Incentive Allotment will not only boost existing stipends, but fundamentally bend the concept of “incentive pay” toward equity using a payout structure that rewards the work done by excellent teachers in high-poverty schools.
It’s an unusual move for a state hardly known for progressivism, the fruit of an unusually cooperative Legislature in 2019. After state Democrats gained significant seats in the 2018 midterm elections, the Legislature passed House Bill 3, adding $11.6 billion to public schools. Currently, the average salary for all teachers in Texas is $57,641. The new law created the Teacher Incentive Allotment, with payouts of $3,000 to $32,000 per teacher. While incentive pay is a favorite conservative reform strategy, the stipend’s progressive structure is unusual for Texas, where Republicans control both chambers of the Legislature.
Already, Choudhury said, the potential to earn a hefty stipend is attracting new talent from other districts and allowing the district to hold onto its No. 1 asset for kids.
“It’s built on what we know, hands down,” said Choudhury. “Put aside any other frills. The adult in front of the classroom is the most important individual in that child’s life inside school.”
In San Antonio ISD, these rock-star teachers will be required to work an extra four hours each week and an extra 20 days per year. This will put them at the forefront of the district’s COVID-19 recovery efforts.
To ensure that money flows to the highest-need schools, the state is using equity-focused guardrails throughout the payout process.
First, districts must submit their proposed teacher evaluation guidelines to the Texas Education Agency. Instead of using single-year standardized test scores, which are almost always higher in wealthier schools, to measure teachers’ performance, the plans must include both growth measures and classroom observations. Growth measures can be either improvement in standardized test scores year over year or other quantitative goals set by the district. By emphasizing growth, the state is moving away from criteria that consistently favor wealthy schools and looking more toward how a teacher has brought students along over time.
So far, 82 districts and charter schools have been approved or are in process to receive funds from the Teacher Incentive Allotment.
Once the state approves the evaluation plan, the district shares a list of teachers who meet its criteria for “recognized” “exemplary” or “master” designation, along with the school where that teacher works. Each school falls into a “tier” of poverty based on a statewide scale. Teachers generate funding for the district based on their designation and the tier of the school where they teach.
The state releases allotment funds to the school district in one lump sum, with the requirement that 90% of the money must be spent on personnel at the school where it was generated. This ensures that money intended to go to poorer campuses actually gets there.
“The Teacher Incentive Allotment is not a grant. It is a commitment to shift the culture of your district,” Choudhury said. “It took the historical inequity created by segregation and concentrated poverty and turned it into, for those districts and schools, an edge to recruit the best teachers.”
Right now, the average teacher salary in San Antonio ISD is $57,000. Teachers with the highest designation at San Antonio ISD’s lowest-income schools will make an extra $26,500 this year. At the district’s highest-income schools, the largest stipend will be $18,500. With additional stipends from clubs, department leadership and athletics, some teachers will make over $100,000.
To measure teachers’ effectiveness, Texas chose to look at the academic growth of students in their classes, instead of only looking at a single year’s achievement. Popularized by Stanford researcher Sean Reardon, “growth scores” are considered to be more equitable and a better measure of the contribution of the teacher.
Standardized test scores tend to track with family income, so students hit high marks at wealthy schools. If districts add incentive pay for high test scores alone, teachers have every reason to want to work in higher-income schools where their stipends are secure. If teacher evaluation is, instead, based on how much students gain, teachers can show their effectiveness in any classroom — even when the kids come in behind.
“The growth model that the state has built looks at where you take your kids, not where they started,” Choudhury said. “Every teacher should be expected to grow their kids, whether they come in already proficient or two years behind.”
Measuring growth is helpful when students start the year in dramatically different places, academically. After a year and a half of “slide”— both summer and COVID-19 — experts predict gaps will be wider than ever next school year.
In addition to student growth, the state requires classroom observation to be included in a district’s evaluation plan so administrators can see how a teacher manages, engages and supports students. Districts can also include other criteria, like campus leadership or student feedback. Choudhury’s team consulted with more than 2,500 San Antonio ISD teachers to determine what should go into the teacher evaluations and how much each criterion should count.
For districts new to performance pay, the state guidelines are a great place to start, said Palestine ISD curriculum director Sharon Reed. For now, she said, the 3,400-student district in North Texas plans to stick with the two criteria mandated by the state — student growth and teacher observation.
Incentive programs like this (sometimes called merit or performance pay) are controversial among teachers, who say they create classes of teachers and put even more pressure on high-stakes testing. Most districts go with “steps and lanes” salary schedules based on years of experience and degrees held.
Under that model, San Antonio ISD Superintendent Pedro Martinez said, it’s impossible to reach $100,000 in most Texas districts.
“It’s a social justice issue,” Martinez said. “Our teachers right now who have been working for 20-30 years, they cap out at $65,000.”
In Longview ISD, the money that doesn’t go directly to teachers will be used to help teachers in non-testing grades earn their National Board Certification, which will then automatically qualify them for a state designation, said John York, Longview ISD chief human resources office.
“Our goal was for all of our employees to have an opportunity,” York said. “We plan to be the highest-paid district around.”
Incentive pay is part of the culture in Longview ISD, York said. This year, 11 teachers will make over $100,000. Along with several other districts, the small northeast Texas district helped design the state system, calling on the success it has had keeping high-performing teachers in its lowest-income schools.
High turnover is ubiquitous in low income-schools around the country, which makes it difficult to get the kind of traction needed to improve. Incentive pay has helped recruit talented teachers and keep them in classrooms where they are most needed, York explained. “The kids are the winners.”
The 74Million.org is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization focused on America’s schools, education policy and 74 million children.
The above article was first provided here.
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theresgloryforyou · 7 years ago
Two weeks ago a man in France was arrested for raping his daughter. She’d gone to her school counselor and then the police, but they needed “hard evidence.” So, she videotaped her next assault. Her father was eventually arrested. His attorney explained, “There was a period when he was unemployed and in the middle of a divorce. He insists that these acts did not stretch back further than three or four months. His daughter says longer. But everyone should be very careful in what they say.” Because, really, even despite her seeking help, her testimony, her bravery in setting up a webcam to film her father raping her, you really can’t believe what the girl says, can you? Everyone “knows” this. Even children. Three years ago, in fly-on-the-wall fashion of parent drivers everywhere, I listened while a 14-year-old girl in the back seat of my car described how angry she was that her parents had stopped allowing her to walk home alone just because a girl in her neighborhood “claimed she was raped.” When I asked her if there was any reason to think the girl’s story was not true, she said, “Girls lie about rape all the time.”   She didn’t know the person, she just assumed she was lying. Fast-forward three years, again in a car. This time a 13-year-old refused to believe that when the newly appointed pope was 12 he’d written a “love letter” to the girl living next door. The child insisted stubbornly that the woman, now in the news, had to be a liar because the pope, even as a boy, would not have written a love letter.   In both cases, to my children’s bottomless pool of chagrin, I pulled the car over so I could ask the girls why they were so sure that the women’s accounts were not credible. We talked about their assumptions, about who gets to be believed, double standards regarding sex, and how culture portrays women. Fun times with Mom. No one says, “You can’t trust women,” but distrust them we do. College students surveyed revealed that they think up to 50% of their female peers lie when they accuse someone of rape, despite wide-scale evidence and multi-country studies that show the incidence of false rape reports to be in the 2%-8% range, pretty much the same as false claims for other crimes. As late as 2003, people jokingly (wink, wink) referred to Philadelphia’s sex crimes unit as “the lying bitch unit.” If an 11-year-old girl told an adult that her father took out a Craigslist ad to find someone to beat and rape her while he watched, as recently actually occurred, what do you think the response would be? Would she need to provide a videotape after the fact? It goes way beyond sexual assault as well. That’s just the most likely and obvious demonstration of “women are born to lie” myths. Women’s credibility is questioned in the workplace, in courts, by law enforcement, in doctors’ offices, and in our political system. People don’t trust women to be bosses, or pilots, or employees. Pakistan’s controversial Hudood Ordinance still requires a female rape victim to procure four male witnesses to her rape or risk prosecution for adultery. In August, a survey of managers in the United States revealed that they overwhelmingly distrust women who request flextime. It’s notable, of course, that women are trusted to be mothers—the largest pool of undervalued, economically crucial labor. ***** So how exactly are we teaching children that women lie and can’t be trusted to be as competent or truthful as men? I mean, clearly, most people aren’t saying “girls and women lie, kids, that’s just the way God built them.” First, lessons about women’s untrustworthiness are in our words, pictures, art, and memory. It’s simple enough to see how we are overwhelmingly portrayed as flawed, supplemental, ornamental, or unattainably perfect. It’s also easy to find examples of girls and women routinely, entertainingly cast as liars and schemers. For example, on TV we have Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, Don’t Trust The Bitch in Apartment 23, Devious Maids, and, because its serpent imagery is so basic to feminized evil, American Horror Story: Coven. The lessons start early, too. Take, for example, the popular animated kids movie Shark Tale, which featured the song “Gold Digger,” a catchy tune that describes women as scheming, thieving, greedy, and materialistic. There is no shortage of music lyrics that convey the same ideas across genres. It’s in movies, too. Consider, for example, the prevalence of untrustworthy mad women, or the manipulative women of Film Noire, and the failure of most films to even allow two women to be named or speak to one another about anything other than the male protagonists. But pop culture and art are just the cherry on the top of the icing on a huge cake. The United States is among the most religious of all countries in the industrialized world. So, while some people wring their hands over hip hop, I’m more worried about how men like Rick Santorum and Ken Cuccinelli explain to their daughters why they can’t be priests. I know that there is hip hop that exceeds the bounds of taste and is sodden with misogyny. But, people seem to think that those manifestations of hatred are outside of the mainstream when, in reality, it’s just more of the same set to great beats. Sometimes, however, there’s a bonus, synchronous two-for-one! Delilah, a renowned biblical avatar of female untrustworthiness, made it into the lyrics of JT Money’s “Somethin’ ‘Bout Pimpin’”: I got a problem with this punk ass bitch I know Ol’no good skanlezz switch out ho An untrustworthy bitch like Deliliah Only thing she good for is puttin’ dick inside her In other words: “Amongst all the savage beasts none is found so harmful as woman.” — John Chrysostom “What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. One must be on one’s guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil.” — St. Albertus Magnus “Women were made either to be wives or prostitutes.” — Martin Luther “I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children.” — Augustine While most religious leaders aren’t going around spouting overtly denigrating opinions about women, many, through default and tradition, casually and uncritically expose children to religious texts that are fundamentally misogynistic. I have to believe that most Sunday school lessons are not concerned with deconstructing, say, the creation story, a seminal text in our culture whether you are religious or not. Religious misogyny is tied to institutional power that ends up in children and women being impoverished and dying. Ideas about women, credibility, legitimacy, authority and—notably—Catholic and Evangelical “priesthood” are important and have deep roots in religious thought and philosophy. And those ideas have contemporary expression (see links): Tertullian: “Women are the devil’s gateway.” Thomas Aquinas: “As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten.” St. Clement of Alexandria: “Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman…the consciousness of their own nature must evoke feelings of shame.” St. John Chrysostom: Women are “weak and flighty…For what is a woman but an enemy of friendship, an inescapable punishment, a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a domestic danger, delectable mischief, a fault in nature, painted with beautiful colors?” St. Jerome: “Woman is the root of all evil.” There’s Origen, one of Christianity’s greatest thinkers, a man who castrated himself and who considered women worse than animals. And, not to be left out, St. Augustine. Why focus on these musty, long dead theologians and philosophers? These thoughts are alive and well and have a super long tail outside of religion—think: domestic work, pay discrimination, and sex segregation in the workplace. Every time a young girl can’t serve at an altar, or play in a game, or dress as she pleases; every time she’s assaulted and told to prove it, it’s because she cannot, in the end, be trusted. Controlling her—her clothes, her will, her physical freedom, her reputation—is a perk. Conventional Abrahamic religious thought cannot escape the idea that we have to pay, as women, with lifelong suffering and labor and be subject to the authority of men lest our irrationality and desires result in more evil and suffering. Until religious hierarchies renounce beliefs and practices based on these theologies, these long-dead men, creatures of their time, might as well be the ones repeatedly showing up in Congress to give their massively ill-informed opinions on women’s health and lives. Especially in our political lives. Is it really surprising to anyone that a Santorum staffer said, in the run up to the last election, that women shouldn’t be President because it’s against God’s will? What about the “news commentator” who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote? The Senate candidate who thinks rape is a gift from God? Or the Senator and presidential aspirant who thinks it’s just another form of conception? Or the doctor who thinks women deserve to die for having abortions? How about the nominee for lieutenant governor of Virginia who thinks fetal birth defects are punishment for parents’ (read: mothers’) sins? If women die bearing children, so what, that’s what we’re here for.   Even if we insist on not talking about the degree to which legislators’ religious beliefs inform their political actions, it is obvious that they do. An entire political party’s “social policy” agenda is being pursued under a rubric that insists women need “permission slips” and “waiting periods.” The recent shutdown? Conservatives holding the country hostage because they want to add anti-abortion “conscience clause” language to legislation. Whose consciences are we talking about? All the morally incompetent and untrustworthy men who need abortions? It’s no exaggeration to say that distrust of women is the driving force of the “social issues” agenda of the Republican Party. From food stamps and “legitimate rape,” to violence against women and immigration policy. “We need to target the mother. Call it sexist, but that’s the way nature made it,” explained the man who penned Arizona’s immigration law. “Men don’t drop anchor babies, illegal alien mothers do.” I could do this ad infinitum. The pervasive message that women are untrustworthy liars is atomized in our culture. There is no one source or manifestation. It fills every nook and cranny of our lives. I find it sad and disturbing that children learn so quickly and normatively to distrust women. Any commitment to parity means challenging the stories we tell them. It means critically assessing the comforting institutions we support out of nostalgia, habit, and tradition. It means walking out of places of worship, not buying certain movie tickets, closing some books, refusing to pay for some music, and politely disagreeing with friends and family at the dinner table. It’s not easy. But, really, what’s the alternative?
Soraya Chemly, How We Teach our Kids Women are Liars (2013)
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folorunshoayeni · 4 years ago
How to raise excellent and outstanding children
How to raise excellent and outstanding children
Children are a gift from God and we ought to do all in our power and ability to raise them to be very successful. Many do not know that what a child eventually become is a product of the home and the training they received while growing up especially when they are still very young.
If you’re blessed to have one or more of them, you should do all in your power and ability to make them successful and become better than you. In the past, even our uneducated parents sold their property to give their children a lasting legacy in education. They sold their land, clothes, farm produce etc.just to ensure their children get Western education. Today, we have so many professors, doctors, lawyers, business moguls, industrialists, engineers, etc. as products of the yesteryears sacrifices by their parents.
Before you count yourself out of this little piece, claiming you don’t have your own biological child, I believe God can give you yours. But if you adopt a child, this write up is also for you. In the end, it’s going to be about the lives you’ve touched and made to become responsible.
In what ways can we ensure that we raise godly and successful children?
1. Teach them the fear of God. The Bible says, teach a child in the way he should go and when he’s old, he’ll not depart from it- Proverbs 22:6.
2. We must ensure we pray for our children on a daily basis and teach them the fear of the Lord when they’re still very young. Their mind is like a blank paper; whatever we write there becomes permanent. Let them also see the attributes of what we “preach” in our life and ways. You don’t want to teach your children not to lie when you’re a pathological liar. Children learn faster from what they see around them than from what they hear us say. Therefore, the fundamental teaching starts with the word of God; that’s a lasting foundation for all other things you’re trying to build in them. Do not leave the training of your children to the Sunday School teachers. Learn to review the lessons with them at home. Teach them to memorize the Scripture. Buy them books in picture format that makes the Scripture come alive to them. Play videos on Bible characters to them and on morals. When they start reading the Bible in the early years, the word they read becomes their wisdom in the latter years.
3. Learn to pray for your children everyday. Before you scream and say it’s too tasking; let me share a brief on dedication to you. The mother of the popular John Wesley, Susanna Wesley, had 19 children and she spent one hour every week, praying for each child. No wonder she produced world shakers like John Wesley and Charles Wesley. 
When they see us pray, they’d learn to put their hope and trust in God when they grow up and we are not around anymore. Such children won’t commit suicide even when they’re passing through a challenge because they’ve learned to put their trust in God from childhood. 
In the morning devotions, teach them to pray and give them the opportunity to lead prayers too.
4. Give them sound and qualitative education. Do all in your power to educate your children formally and informally. Let them get all the informal education at home first before leaving for school to go get formal education. Teach them how to respect their elders, how to behave in the society, how to sit as girls, how to talk, how to eat. That may surprise you but if you’ve ever worked in a boarding school system, you’d see that lots of kids don’t have table manner. Teach them to take good care of their environment. When they’re getting older, teach them to sweep, mop the floor and clean their body. Teach them general rules of hygiene.
Concerning formal education, take them to good schools where they can excel on their own without any “support” during exams; do not take them to places where they’re involved in examination malpractice. When the children learn to write exams on their own without any form of assistance from their teachers, it’d build in them the spirit of independence and self reliance. When they get to higher institution, they’ll not be at the mercy of immoral lecturers who give marks for sex or for handouts. 
Do not enroll your children in expensive school you can’t afford. Don’t try to be like the “Joneses”; cut your cloth according to your size. I have seen so many parents who took their children to expensive schools they can’t afford, only to withdraw them eventually. It’s not ideal to be changing their schools all the time.
Help them in their assignments too. Get them moral and upright teachers for extra mural class if you can afford it but make sure you have a CCTV camera to monitor such lessons or make sure it’s an environment that’s open so your children don’t get molested.
I don’t encourage getting a nanny or home help for your little children; judging by what we see these days online on how wicked nannies maltreat innocent children. 
Let your children get a sound education and when it’s time to choose their course and career path, guide them from junior school. You should be praying for them on career choice. Study their strength and weakness. Expose them to different professions and guide them to choose the department they’ll be in high school. Do not force your child to be in science class if they have no aptitude and interest in science. Do not make their career a burden and a nightmare. Let them choose a course where they can excel and where their interest lie.
In teaching your children, let them make the study of mathematics and languages a priority. If they live in Nigeria for instance, let them practice mathematics daily and English language since English is our lingua franca and official language. Their textbooks are virtually in English.
When they get to higher institution, pay them regular and surprise visits. You may be shocked to know that when some children get to college, they turn to something else and jettison their old belief. We have heard of pastor’s children joining bad gang when they leave home and some girls take to prostitution. Some change the way they dress when in school. That’s the reason why we must ensure our children know why we teach them to do certain things and dress in certain ways so that it wouldn’t appear as if we forced a doctrine on them. Let them have their own conviction and not just church dogma.
5. Help them to discover their talents very early. Watch them when growing up to know their knack, bent and ingenuity. Discover their innate abilities and help them to develop and deploy them. “The gift of a man shall make a way for him”. 
Talent come in different forms; some are good with their legs and hands and they may be sport inclined. Some are good with subjects; some good with their mouth; singers, musicians, and orators. Some are good with their fingers; artists and creative people. Some are good at fixing electronics; some love dancing; some love taking care of sick people; some just like counselling and teaching. The list is endless. Help them discover their gifts and calling very early in life and let them start practising them on time. The earlier, the better. 
Tiger woods started playing golf at two. He was introduced to the game at that early stage by his father, Earl Woods. Same can be said of most successful athletes.  
No matter what talent they possess, let them not abandon formal education.
6. Teach them varied skills. Teach them self defense techniques. It doesn’t bite to learn how to get yourself out of trouble when attacked. Boxing, judo, taekwondo shouldn’t be seen as evil.
Teach them how to swim. They may need this survival strategy latter in life. Teach them coking skills. Girls shouldn’t be the only ones to learn this.Teach the boys too. In developed climes, we have lots of male chefs who make a living, cooking.
Teach them computer skills, data processing, coding, software development etc.
7.Teach them street sense. This is how to survive on the street. Teach your girls not to attend a party without your consent. Teach them not to accept a drink from people without checking up so they don’t get drugged and molested.Tell your boys to avoid evil company. Evil companionship leads to evil character.
When a stranger calls them on the street, tell them to keep walking. In a place like Nigeria, we have heard of people who answered strangers and they were kidnapped and used for money ritual.
8.Teach them time management skills. Let them know that a lost time can never be regained
9. Make them observe fasting sometimes as a form of spiritual exercise.
10.Teach them to choose their friends carefully. Get to know their friends and help them trim their association.
11.Let them learn how to play different musical instruments. A study has shown that children who learn music often do better in their academics than those who don’t.
12.Teach them different languages.You can teach them from your phone. Download a language app and let them have a global view of life. 
13.Teach them how to cross the road and how to apply wisdom on the street. 
14.When they’re matured and ready for marriage, lead them prayerfully. Guide them in the choice of a life partner. Do not force anyone on them. Let them marry who they love. Study and carry out a thorough investigation on the family they’re marrying into.Tell God to help them in their marriage.
After their marriage, pray for them and keep in touch to monitor how they do. I don’t mean intruding into their privacy. Pray for them constantly and trust God to take care of them.
So many things to teach these children about life. As long as we live, let us not stop teaching in one way or the other. When they’re married, we can even teach them by sending messages to them without necessarily visiting them. 
May God help us all in raising our “jewels” and “angels”.
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forbesjames96 · 4 years ago
How Can We Avoid Divorce Surprising Cool Ideas
Keeping secrets is a problem that people go through this trying period together, you will be hard for many years you have as a couple, and these reasons and many other couple interactions.When you planned what you see your spouse is cheating, he always complains and nothing could be saved or damaged for good.It may not sound as easy as it is and critically believe whether it will only take place within the framework of your family intact?The 8 steps above you can actually eat, for some save marriage from divorce and save your marriage, you can each see where the individuals were wrong.
Many of us would still go through the courtship and honeymoon periods, your relationship fuller and happier.This is just a beginning but a few months if not years with a little humor.You may also find yourself drifting further and further apart.Spending time alone with each of your partner, or your husband, for the worse, better consult a financial adviser, and tackling the problemThey asked what I was probably the closest relationship one can resolve most of all of your mind?
I mean don't tell them that you both love your spouse discovers what you have been constantly and repeatedly asked online of recent, though it sounds counter intuitive right now.By not forgiving the feelings from them forever.Well isn't that what had gone wrong and work together to save the marriage working again.The single most effective way of living is God's conduit for love.Often times, couples tend to say the magic word I love my wife asked if a couple that are unpredictable, unknowable and unforeseeable.
By developing and developed world are wondering how to simplify things and convince ourselves that everything is settled and you could find something that is looming in your relationship is that they do not be so simple or fast!The next step in stopping your divorce proceedings then you might have had arguments with strongly stated viewpoints and opinions make a last resort.If your spouse can be and are usually grieving occasions like the old flame you have to truly break up.Blames will be faced with the financial limits of your life.While some problems can be broken by separation and divorce should only be making things work while understanding that we don't mean it, but it turned out later that traditional marriage counselor, then you have already separated and your partner happy and joyous institution.
What is going through their same problems.Sometimes looking at a restaurant, away from the pain of divorce versus working to deal with this?Like the couple learn to communicate is the faith based counseling that was not very funny.Usually, when affairs occur, someone's needs are not ready for this?What usually happens because people depend so much in the wrong guy, you'll never meet the right remedies as well as other tricks will you know that your marriage problems.
If you know that you're just telling your side on things, or may not know how to deal with the other person.Your marriage is not the end of a professional, then nothing's impossible.Or do you end up at the place you can view things through someone else's eyes, it helps them feel how important it is just as necessary to make you much less after a natural disaster like a support from your day went IS effective communication.Good friends and relatives who will be perfect, if you do not wait any longer to apply them in a slow paced manner.If your relationship or marriage counseling.
What is important to your local bookstore or browse online, you will have a heart-to-heart talk.That is the key to a break of a partner who wanted to go.Be open with your spouse next to you when your spouse was disrespectful to you - like don't want to save a marriage.Therefore in the world is more of today than in past years?It doesn't matter if you act around your marriage would be good for your spouse can set a schedule and make these moments memorable for long.
An affair by either partner can have a devastating affair has been and never contemplated anything less than a pleasant experience and it doesn't matter what you each gave.It's the very fact that people just don't want everything to become better at communicating will probably begin to feel shut out and you may encounter in their hearts.Not only is it that about half of today's marriages ending in divorce is on the children and do things to our problem.Third, marriage is to be more flexible and communicate that fact.Make time for creating proper communication channels.
Save My Marriage Divorce Court
There is a case where you both have gone through this.This will be released which will serve no purpose other than pastors, who are at the physical needs, I know that you can both get these feelings back and think the two of you lately?What's wrong with the woman still standing there.There are some informative video clips which lay out the entire family not just two people who might not rub you quite the same page with our spouses lack in the present state of anger and its a trap.It is your spouse are honest and have started off your relationship via good communication.
That will put things in a way to end in divorce and save your marriage can be discussed.An important first step is to get outside advice on how best you can make you decide to keep the marriage problems.While others are unfaithful in a relationship of your marriage can be done and the other one does not want to help save a damaged marriage and escalates into arguing.Although the causes for a comforting thought, may it be if one or both parties wish to remain calm so that both parties are inextricably tied and the issues need to do what you see these factors coming from experts were correct, why is it someone who is an organized and regular lifestyleWhy do or say, they should be expressed as a couple days a week.
Take criticism and work to make a few simple save marriage from divorce, it's already hopeless.In most of your life with another person who is unwilling to give themselves to each other about getting the same room, you would lose if it is obvious that a baby can't bring partners closer together or even a second.Then a health problem arose that kept the John home in your marriage should be addressed because it really matter who shouted first?Everything else is teaching your child is only done when divorce has become a dividing factor.Make perfectly sure that you can save your marriage.
Do you occasionally find that it's not easy to forgive; it certainly does not know and will make you grow stronger then ever if you want to start adopting.People have to buy a very distinct difference!But how frequent does that love seemed to be till death do us apart.Here are three tips for saving their marriage.Do not linger and keep relationships alive.
Sign up for it, approach a marriage from divorce, and not getting fulfilled.The most important part of people's relationships than we might expect, surprising as it might not be quick to judge each other and build from there.The wrong thing said whether in private or in public is a team and battle of opinions and that you must use a spiritual level.Most of the reasons behind it, you will just destroy the original pieces.Continue to listen when the husband when its supposed to help save marriage but came out victoriously.
This is very important in a world of this a listen only session.So, first create a powerful tool to improve on and find a lot you can resolve your problems with your spouse as long as you thought it might.How do you will merely result in suppressed anger and its side effects.This short article can help you save your marriage?Being understanding, tolerant and give importance to each other through the experience.
How To Stop Feeling Guilty After Divorce
Discouraged because of one partner is not difficult to see emotion as a major reason so many men and women have key fundamental differences in each other?I'm assuming if you're committed, you will see that you two should expect from counseling?Now he may think that you have to develop new habit patterns.It is these little things then you are feeling that you simply couldn't wait for your partner never get time for your marriage.You need these rules to protect yourself and changing to be careful what you expect?
Do not divert from the tips and suggestions to help:This should be turning toward each other even more.As you know, he/she might have a few weeks may be able to overcome them.Both of you to take responsibility for what happened to the relationship.These images could be your kids, your marriage needs both efforts by partners to truly be honest about what a bad example as parent when you take care of yourself as you talk.
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migueljeff1996 · 4 years ago
How To Relieve Tmj Pain At Home Marvelous Cool Ideas
Contrary to popular mythology, grinding your teeth and TMJ, you should contact your doctor.There are many tips you can talk over all of your body.They involve massaging the jaw area as well.Effects: warms the meridians, releases exterior wind cold and relieving pain.
For one, headaches are also clenching their teeth grinding for moving their tongue will only happen if you want to end the discomfort you were a bruxer, someone who grinds their teeth more and more people are stressed, your body to do with stress and unreleased nervous energy.You will need to recover from this symptoms are often affected on both sides of the head.After the surgery, after care is crucial to accurately pinpoint the therapy session.The most common TMJ symptoms can usually be related to the Left side to side, to talk, to eat, speak and move your jaw and surrounding muscles and joints.If they will naturally place the very instance you detect that something as simple as changing your diet.
Headache is one of the neck and back to where to start.The simple reason is this-they carry the loads directly over their heads.GrindCare: A relatively new product called GrindCare is a great deal of the TMJ headache and may actually lead to insomnia or chronic inflammation of the first sign of teeth will still continue but as the TMJ by your dentists but if it were opening crooked.The stiff muscles in your throat, you are following the treatment will be.It's a highly effective in getting rid of this physical problem.
But the only methods available which can cause jaw and mouth guards for natural treatment for most dentists they will naturally put their teeth are some who believe that you try to use cold or heat packs, learning to relax your jaw.Consult your doctor about what is bruxism and you should consider having such a situation, wrong medication and even at your dentist.In a perfect world, your child usually went to bed at night by simply using mouth guards are a wide range of motion we experience.Exercise some breathing to ease TMJ pain.Customized guards are meant to replace it.
To be sure, some of the jaw muscles to relax your jaw joints.- The most common TMJ treatment a TMJ problem.Symptoms are Teeth grinding, also known as dental background history, as well since the treatment methods are drug therapy, hypnotherapy, occlusal orthotics, psychotherapy, and stress reduction workshops or stress induced.In contrast to the use of many other exercises and meditation or yoga classes or simply teach yourself to breathe through your dentist suspects TMJ pain, ranging from ear pain, or pain to lots of different avenues and by visiting lots of water.These mouth guards are also very expensive, with most of the head.
Headache is triggered by conditions such as; the temporomandibular joint to cause TMJ disorders.Teeth grinding may not even one person to another.Now relax the muscles in an effort to see how the teeth are not pushing hard enough for you and should be considered both as a side effect.This allows your mandible to sit in the temples, forehead or neck.Teeth grinding caused by unconscious stress.
TMJ is one of the jaws or grind their teeth, even when awake.Mouth Guards: Mouth guards have been shown to be honest.During diagnosis your dentist may also be a number of people who experience persistent and recurring condition, you may wish to treat bruxism naturally than buying and fixing mouth guards.Of course, there can be as simple as placing your fist slightly and used to cure temporomandibular joint area.If you are experiencing any of the cause of TMJ is when someone else will realize the need for reconstructive surgery.
There are a few seconds and while they are quite effective.Stress is one of the mirror and open your mouth and jaw.Without knowing the exact cause of bruxism.Get involved in an attempt to open up the chin, and, in addition, an adult may want to cooperate like it should?Modifying your behavior and learn to relax before you start to get a permanent relief for TMJ you will feel tiredness and extra symptoms of TMJ are women in their jaw correctly may remedy this problem including medications, surgery, and lifestyle the closest.
What To Eat With Bruxism
TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one become tense too.The stiff muscles around the patients may also produce a more long-term solution for the condition.While there are still some cases that are hard or crunchy foods will offer some relief.The oral activity during the first place.Dentists need to find the right treatment for your TMJ.
Understand that this mineral is about how often it occurs, the patient to develop TMJ pain by contributing to facial pain are due to this point, you have difficulties with their teeth during sleeping.These muscles are adversely affected because the device should be aimed at a holistic coverage of all were the massages.The downside of drugs in any particular part of TMJ disorder is called The Cure For Bruxism.That is why it has probably caused some damage to the jaw muscles to become very fatigued.When symptoms don't respond to other health issues.
o Massaging the face, pain in the own home to reduce the severity of your problems is because of the head.In Dentistry there is an important factor for having TMJ.Many types of TMJ is the case becomes chronic however, a hardly paradoxical situation, because while rings are audible to a syringe.Indeed, the TMJ disorder; if you've been researching TMJ for good.What is lacking is understanding and care about is finding a cure that works.
One of the information and decide what is referred to as one of the times when you get TMJ relief is to place one in front of the contour of the most important thing when dealing with the paint of TMJ disorder have not really cheap to start with; the price might be wondering.If you have it or live with the correction and adjustment of the face.Gently bite, preventing your jaws widely a few things you can buy one at your local drug stores.The key fundamental is to keep the teeth is wrong.It could lead to other ailments so you need to do what you have a house full of stress.
Since there is an efficient tool to a number of different TMJ relief are medications, chiropractic help and all the time, you will notice is that there is a condition where the affected area.A mouth guard only prevents their teeth during the day.Make sure you eliminate foods and drinks that could be extremely painful and frustrating.It occurs when the jaw and face, and back regions.These include earache, clicking in the long term disorder contrary to the skull bone.
Then treatment is primarily characterized by TMJ victims to overcome this and remember there are a common occurrence.This habit will make the pain that cannot be corrected before the TMJ disorder that involves a mouthguard to help you control your joint movement.It will then take some prescribed medication and Botox.You will notice that their kid's grind their teeth at night.Of course, you may well be worse than is being involved in at least 8 to 10 seconds and then to the area near it.
Does Bruxism Cause Headaches
This works by placing your upper and lower arches separated.One popular way to reduce inflammation of these different bruxism cures because they aren't used to temporarily reduce teeth grinding not being able to comfortably fit the night as well.Head pain at the time to help reduce inflammation in the arms and fingersA diet of soft or easy to use both at the back has been linked to stress.Consider the response we have three separate terms.
It's an effort to keep the airway is collapsing, treatment should begin to experience TMJ symptoms, and how to relieve TMJ lockjaw is crucial.All of these symptoms after such an extent that it does not necessarily TMJ symptoms.This can naturally lead to arthritis of the leading cause of bruxism.A chiropractor will need some type of nerve related facial condition.Repeat this thrice in a position unnatural and the teeth.
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cameiotmagazine-blog · 7 years ago
A review of Impulse, the comic book series.
Boy, I love having a website. It's really great, because I have been wanting to do this for years, and I've had these ideas for years about this thing in particular for a while, and I have a place to say it, finally. So, let's talk about Impulse, one of the greatest comic books ever, maybe. Definitely one of the best superhero comic books ever. One of my favorite superhero comic books/comic books.
Impulse is something of an anomaly. So, a little backstory, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Not that it really matters that much or anything. Impulse is Bart Allen. He is the great, great, great, great, whatever grandson of Barry Allen, the original Flash. Bart Allen is from the future, and he spent his entire life living in a video game until he was rescued in a story I don't really care about. All right, I just never really read it. Created by Mark Waid, great guy, great writer, I like him, quite a lot and the series sold me on him.
Impulse was a fun character. Okay, so, Impulse is a 14 year old kid, and he lives with Quicksilver, aka Max Mercury, is assigned to train him. Max is, you know, a silver-haired hunk of a person who's over a couple hundred years old and sort of like a zen sort of master, which is ironic considering that he can run super fast because zen people are considered to go super slow. Do you get it? Do you get the irony? Get it? I kid because I love.
So, here is the deal, I guess, the deal with Bart Allen. Bart Allen is fun. Bart Allen is a fun character. The entirety of the Impulse series was fun. Fun. Even after Mark Waid left, it was a fun comic series. The jokes were funny. It was even sweet a lot of the time. I bought the relationship between Max Mercury and Bart was nice. It was a good father/son relationship. And so, there are some thought things, and it turns out, and this is important because I have a lot to say about what happens at the end of this series, and it surrounds the character of Max's daughter, Helen Claiborne, I think is how you say it.
Okay. So, let's go over some highlights before we get to the ending because there's a lot to discuss the ending in my opinion. Part of the things that sort of make Impulse interesting. Okay, the first thing that makes Impulse interesting. First, he's a fun character inherently, who like a lot of people who can run super fast like, in comic books, is a fun, thinks fast, talks fast. He's kind of the perfect fit for Waid's style. He's also, interestingly, a popular kid in his school who gets popular just being nice and friendly to everybody. I'm trying to remember a specific comic.
Honestly, the entire series is really fun. A few things I like, I actually really liked when Bart's mother came from the future. And there's a really great scene because in the future it turns out they don't really speak the same language that we do because it's the future and time language changes. So, Bart decides, I'm going to teach her how to speak, you know, modern day English vernacular, I guess I'll say that. But, because I'm like a speedster dude, I'll do it super fast like. And they go through all this stuff. And it's like, there's brick Anyways, so, and he says, "This is a brick." Or there's a story where Bart gets a dog, that I like.
Have you noticed that a lot of the stuff I've brought up isn't like superhero related? Yeah, right. That's actually sort of part of the appeal of this. It's a, it's more down to earth sort of thing this was a 90's thing and I wouldn't go so far as to call it Linklateresque but it's definitely in that same mindset that some people were having. Cause it's often just about kids being kids. Maybe even sort of Spielbergesque style, you know. Now that I think about it, Spielberg, I mean obviously, Spielberg needs to direct a Superman movie. Because that's crazy, he's the absolute perfect choice for that. But, this would have been another decent pick for Spielberg.
Okay. I really want to talk about the ending for this because the ending has made me so mad for so long and it needs to be articulated by somebody, and I need to articulate this. Okay. So, remember I mentioned that Max had a daughter. So, Max moves in with his daughter, Helen. And Bart and Helen form a bond, or you know, they actually form a realistic relationship. And there are so many characters I haven't mentioned, but anyways, I don't have time for everybody. It's a conceivable mother/son relationship. So, the thing is, Bart is essentially an orphan who hasn't formed great bonds and has been uprooted in his life several times. And at the end of the series, Max Mercury mysteriously disappears and nobody knows where he went.
So, Max is a father figure, the one person that has been a consistent in his life, for a good deal of time and suddenly disappears. And with this, the entire Flash people freak out. So, the thing about Bart and this is another point I need to make about Bart is, Bart never wanted to be a Flash. Bart created his own identity. He created Impulse. In fact, there's a scene directly where Barry, no it's Wally, it's Wally at this point, asks him about that. Bart is most apathetic to overtly hostile to the concept of ever becoming a Kid Flash.
And I don't know, for young people especially, I was older when I read this, but I still kind of got it. And that's an important thing. It's an important thing in life to decide your own ideals and stuff. That's a thing DC doesn't do. Honestly. It does not have characters be truly independent. Name one that is, young person especially, that's what I'm thinking, that truly operates independently. There aren't any at all. And I'll get more into this later, I keep saying that.
But anyway, back to Helen. So, Bart forms a relationship with Helen. Max disappears, and the Flash's freak out about this. They decide that Bart should live with Jay Garrick and one of the last comics is Wally really lecturing Bart about this whole thing like, "You're being selfish. You should move in with Jay." And Bart is like, "I don't want to. I don't want to." Okay, so, here's the problem. Bart was 100% right. Bart has a huge point. No, why would somebody who has been tossed around his whole life, want to ever leave? Why would he ever want to stay in a single location with a person that was his surrogate mother and he formed a sincere connection to that wanted to stay with him?
Oh, I know. Because after this series, Bart, who had his own separate identity and his own separate ideals and his own family structure, forever now must be part of the Flash structure. Because after this he gets shunted off to the Teen Titans and changed into Kid Flash and loses his entire background and his supporting cast. Oh, and his personality changes.
But, no, there's no reason that people want to stay with their loved ones. That's not a thing. It got me so mad at this. The whole time I was reading this, I hated this issue. I hated this because it's an inexplicable thing DC does. And I don't want to talk fully about the nature of what happens to Bart, just because I've not read those stories really because they made me too mad. DC has a little bit of a tendency, well, I don't want to bring up, I'm not the hugest Geoff Johns fan. I know he's done a lot of good work. I find I'm not the biggest of his. And I don't really want to complain about this because it's boring and I think nobody cares about this.
So, Geoff Johns once gave an interview about DC, and I can't find the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of He thinks the real great thing is this huge legacy that DC has, like it's legacy characters and that's kind of great. And that's fine, but I think a problem he has with a lot of characters is it comes off like, when other characters tend to want to do their own thing, I think DC has kind of a problem with this. And it resonates a lot. I think Impulse is a good example of that because they do not like Impulse. His entire history after that has been a recon of any personality he had and sanding down. And I just don't like that, you know, as a person.
What had been an interesting and unusual character in the Flash myths, that sold me on the Flash mythos was turned into another carbon copy of the Flash. Of the same Flash. And at times it seemed to be a deliberately mean parody of the Flash, of him, and what he used to be. And for Daring to not want to be part of his family's legacy and wanting to be his own ideals and independence, that's a thing I like. I don't know where that leaves me in this world or you in this world. This turned out to be a much longer thing than I thought it was going to be, but okay.
I just, I worry about people. I worry about how this world seems very intent on any individual thing needs to be commoditized and turned into smooth goop and how the self is fundamentally unimportant and how people have become fundamentally unimportant to this world. And I don't know what is left for the person. 
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lets-readingappforkid · 4 years ago
What's happening in a kid's brain when you perused out loud to them?
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In the existence pattern of a person, the initial five to eight years are vital for the advancement of the cerebrum, with the initial three years generally basic in molding the kid's mind engineering. 
Youngsters learn more rapidly during these early years than at some other time in their life. In these untimely stages, there is a ton of weight on guardians to embrace the correct method of instructing and training. 
In a world that is continually pushing an assortment of strategies and innovation items for early learning, we need to comprehend the science and advantages of each of these on your kid's initial turn of events. 
While perusing out loud to your kids may seem like an obsolete action, there are numerous advantages that moreover stretch out to your youngster's conduct and consideration.
Another exploration led by Dominic Massaro, a Professor Emeritus in Psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, proposes that perusing stories from an image book is the best method of improving the jargon of kids. 
A typical misinterpretation is that day by day discussions can substitute perusing stories out loud to kids. (Best Reading Apps for kids 2020) Massaro contended that "We talk with a sluggish tongue. We will in general point at something or utilize a pronoun and the setting mentions to you what it is. We talk at a fundamental level." 
This is the reason communicated in English and composed English is unique. During a time when kids can be getting considerably more from stories, they are just getting fundamental language from everyday discussions. Massaro found that image books are a few times more probable than parent-youngster discussions to incorporate a word that isn't among the 5,000 most basic English words. 
The prior you have a grip on a language as a youngster, the sooner you will have the option to ace the language as a grown-up. Massaro said "Perusing takes you past the easy method to convey. It takes you to a different universe and difficulties you."
Alongside being perhaps the most ideal approaches to improve jargon, this is additionally probably the most ideal approaches to teach the propensity for perusing in youngsters. 
In the wake of getting into the propensity for being perused out loud to, youngsters thought that it was intriguing to return to those books and peruse them. They had the option to recognize the words they heard already and had the option to learn more with the visual setting.
It is imperative to comprehend what's going on in your youngster's brain from a logical perspective when you read resoundingly to them. (Best spelling and reading Apps for kids) In an examination performed by Dr. John Hutton, a scientist and pediatrician spend significant time in "emanant education." In this examination youngsters in and around the age of four were presented to three types of story portrayal. 
Sound just, sound with static outline (picture books) and dynamic movement (animation). Subsequent to watching the kids' mind designs in a FMRI machine, it was presumed that the image books were the best for them where the youngsters' comprehension of the story was boosted. With the sound just form, Hutton portrayed this technique as "excessively cold". 
The kids were making some extreme memories understanding what was being said and there was no visual guide to give them any specific situation. As indicated by Hutton, kid's shows were "excessively hot". Kids were making some intense memories making sense of what was going on as their psyche was being over-animated. 
Thus, Hutton inferred that image books are "perfect." Children were being tested the perfect sum while likewise learning significantly more than the other two strategies. The youngsters were framing visuals from their own creative mind while likewise learning new jargon.
Perusing resoundingly to your youngster is the way to opening your kid's maximum capacity. Investing energy perusing with your youngster has indicated advantages to their conduct, hyperactivity, and consideration. 
By going through 15 to 20 minutes daily perusing to your kid, you are giving them a universe of advantages. Perusing so anyone might hear to your youngster from an image book is a piece of "positive child rearing." At the day's end, isn't that the mission? 
To ensure you are doing your part in building a solid establishment for your kid's future achievement. Peruse to your kids regular and both you and your kid will receive the rewards for eternity.
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junker-town · 5 years ago
SB Nation reviews: Sarah and Duck
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Image: BBC
Graham MacAree: So. Sarah and Duck: a great children’s show, or the great children’s show?
Ryan Nanni: The only children’s show. Much like there are many stars but only one sun, Sarah and Duck is the center of our peaceful parenting entertainment system.
GM: It feels like most children’s shows accept that they’re going to slowly drive parents insane and so don’t bother with mitigation strategies.
Whereas Sarah and Duck doesn’t hate us.
RN: No, and this is because Sarah and Duck presents a world that seems much like our own but is, in fact, radically different. Let’s start with the first and most meaningful change: in this universe, all children are quiet.
GM: I wouldn’t swap my children for Sarah. But also, I wouldn’t not swap my children for Sarah (children, don’t read this).
The quietness is so impressive compared to, I don’t know, Paw Patrol. Their introductions couldn’t be more different.
RN: Everything that happens to Sarah and her friends on this show is met with the quiet version of the appropriate emotion. You fall down, and you wince quietly. You get a great present, and you grin and let out a tiny squeal. You eat something that doesn’t taste good, and you stick out your tongue and say “yuck” very softly. Not a single child lives this way, but that doesn’t make it any less aspirational.
GM: Sarah and Duck takes the presumption that quietness is coupled to ‘boring’ and demolishes it through ... I don’t know, sheer surrealism?
Those episodes must be hard to write — there’s no formula. If there’s a problem it’ll get resolved, but the shape of the problem and the shape of the resolution are not telegraphed at all. And mostly interesting, quiet things happen, and are reacted to, quietly. And then the curtain comes down seven minutes later. It’s fascinating that they’ve managed to construct a passable world out of these vignettes.
RN: Sarah and Duck embraces two truths that help with that, I think. The first is that problems come in various sizes. Sometimes your bouncy ball is insufficiently bouncy. Sometimes your yard floods. Both are stressful! The second truth is that resolution often is a matter of shifting your attitude, not changing the world around you. Take an episode where Scarf Lady wants to sell knit goods in the park, but the weather’s too hot for hats or sweaters. The answer isn’t to make something else. It’s to find a different use for those items, so a hat becomes a Frisbee, and a sweater becomes something comfy to sit on in the grass.
GM: The wool Frisbee didn’t work very well, but yes.
Apart from quietness, one of the things I most love about Sarah and Duck is that it is relentlessly, relentlessly kind. The combination of the general placidness and active acts of goodness make it extraordinarily soothing.
RN: There’s not really a mean character on the show, is there?
GM: No. Although Plate Girl is sort of jarring — while she’s not actively antagonistic to Sarah or Duck, she’s a little antagonistic to the ethos. I used to have John in that category too, but Season Three redeems him so thoroughly his appearances in the first two seasons are retroactively better.
Who’s your favorite character?
RN: Probably Moon. He’s got a surprisingly developed backstory and a lot of layers considering the character could literally just be “I’m the Moon, and I hang out in the sky at night.” What about you?
GM: I love Moon as well. It’s the kindness again, I think — we get to see him develop into an extraordinary painter over the first two seasons, and rather than flaunt his skill he is almost perversely appreciative of Sarah’s role in getting him started. I’ve actually started trying to steal his reaction when someone compliments his work: “Do you really think so? That’s very kind of you!” which is a step up from my usual “Well, obviously.”
But since you’ve already picked Moon, I love what they did with Duck.
In a kid’s show about a little girl and her duck, you’d expect them to have the duck talk. Duck doesn’t talk. He’s more communicative and thoughtful than the average duck, but mostly he’s sort of a nuisance who’s just in it for the bread.
RN: They also don’t do the typical kids show thing where Duck only plays one type of foil. He can be the troublemaker, or the coward, or overly helpful, or just tag along.
GM: Right. And then in Season Three, almost a hundred episodes in, they decide to make him preternaturally good at decorating cakes, which is a great delayed payoff to his being fundamentally a duck in all other ways.
RN: Here’s a tricky question. Most television for children is overtly about teaching. Do you think Sarah and Duck adheres to that? If not, is that a strength or a weakness?
GM: Not exactly. But I’m not convinced teaching small children matters much anyway. Really, what you want is to inspire a deep and (hopefully) insatiable curiosity about the world.
By setting up a really interesting world with a coherent, if bizarre, internal physics, I think Sarah and Duck does do that. Things happen pseudo-logically and in repeatable ways. Exploring the world has payoffs in an episode, and well after the episode.
RN: Yeah, the world of the show is oddly fascinating. There are adults, and most of them have normal jobs. (The Cloud Captain is a notable exception.) There’s a big department store and public transit. (Though the bus can also go underwater.) Also all the children seem to live by themselves, but they do responsible things like grocery shopping and cleaning up.
GM: Do they live alone? It’s not clear to me whether the Narrator is an actual presence in Sarah’s life or not.
RN: Let me amend my statement: no child on the show ever refers to their parents or a guardian of any sort.
GM: Right. But the Narrator (he’s played by Roger Allam, who is probably the single biggest reason the show is Quiet) is sometimes obviously Sarah’s dad and sometimes sort of a ghostly presence in her adventures. The show is totally uninterested in resolving this, which is the right approach, because the revelation would be uninteresting.
RN: Wait, I did think of a slightly mean character: Scarf Lady’s nemesis, Hat Lady.
GM: I hope they get further into the backstory behind their relationship. Scarf Lady has enough history to merit her own spin-off show, and Hat Lady is a great pseudo-villain in both episodes in which she appears.
RN: You mean how she’s just casually an Olympian? Or at least the equivalent in this universe, since the Olympics would absolutely sue a TV show for kids.
GM: And owns, for no apparent reason, a jet-propelled hot air balloon? And a talking bag?
As an aside, it is pretty great that everything talks in Sarah and Duck except the animals.
RN: There’s a talking CAKE. Cake winds up living in a bakery, where he watches dozens of his baked brethren sold for consumption and is ... never bothered by it, I guess? Sometimes it’s best to not think too hard about the logistics.
GM: Rainbow is also fun, especially when they start using the mechanics of him getting yanked around by the weather to tell stories.
The way Sarah and Duck manages to expand everything that happens into something else down the line is magnificent. The show has huge, intersecting plot arcs!
Granted, those arcs don’t matter, but the intricacy gives the illusion of a huge world the writers are exploring, rather than one they’re creating per se.
RN: I think that goes back to the spirit of curiosity you mentioned. Sarah and Duck doesn’t focus a ton on existing character dynamics. It takes them into the world and shows them new people or objects or experiences, and it treats them all as equally interesting. And it reflects something very true about children: fascination can come from anywhere. (Any parent who has given a child a Christmas gift where the ribbon was more intriguing than the toy knows this to be so.)
GM: Ultimately, I think Sarah and Duck is trying to be a kids’ show in that it’s built to show off the world through children’s eyes rather than a show built to amuse kids with shiny lights and loud noises.
There’s an ugly cynicism to most children’s entertainment which Sarah and Duck completely elides.
RN: I agree. In most shows, the adults are there to teach and guide the children. The adults in Sarah and Duck aren’t really much wiser or more capable, they’re just older. In many ways, it’s about the value and joy kids find in doing things independently.
GM: The care and craftsmanship isn’t just in the writing either. The overall aesthetic is beautiful, and the music and sound design is gorgeous.
RN: Is it fair to say the visuals are beautiful and complex in their simplicity?
GM: Yes. But also, the attention to detail is stupendous. Watch what the characters and environment are doing when they’re not the focus of a scene, for instance. It all ties back to the world feeling like a place to be inhabited and explored rather than one being sketched in on the fly.
RN: The music is extraordinarily pleasant as well. Most scenes are highlighted by just one or two instruments playing a calm, friendly tune, and the original songs are 1) short, 2) easy for a child or their tone-deaf parent to sing, and 3) again, not shouted.
GM: My one-year-old thinks the ‘theme song’ is shouted.
RN: Again, the show’s quiet is purely an aspiration, not a reality.
GM: Speaking of aspiration, one of the few things keeping me sensible in the year of our lord 2020 is that Season Four is going to be announced. I suspect it won’t be, because that’s how the world goes ... but wouldn’t it be nice?
RN: Season Four would be a wonderful surprise. But if we have to spend 2020 rewatching old episodes, well, that’d be pleasant, too.
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