#john andersmith red vs blue
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
John Elizabeth Andersmith from Red vs Blue
Requested by @queerchorus
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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Bad Day - LT. Smith
[...] As much as I admire what the mercenary does for us, I just can't bring myself to respect him. He kept cracking jokes on the way back to base.
I know that sardonic detachment is kind of his shtick, but it's always made me uneasy. Like he's laughing at a punchline the rest of us just haven't gotten yet.
Bad day, I guess.
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joltning · 6 months
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here u go @dragongirldg
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websurfshark · 9 months
i need to know i need to know
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RvB Friendship Fray- Round One, Part One, Poll One
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rvbshipbrackets · 1 year
RvB Ship Bracket Winners Round 1:
Another showdown of the chorus ships
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akalegos · 2 years
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sorry i keep forgetting to post
here’s somee chorus kids + danyell n ray 
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charles palomo and john elizabeth andersmith from red vs blue are moirails!
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Charles Palomo and John Elizabeth Andersmith from Red vs Blue are moirails!
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namnworb · 2 years
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John Elizabeth Andersmith from Red vs Blue
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scribbleboxfox · 2 months
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The Long Road Home has updated!
Fic info below the cut.
Chapters: 71/?
Fandom:Red vs. Blue
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationships: Agent Carolina/Vanessa Kimball, Dexter Grif/Dick Simmons, Franklin Delano Donut/Frank “Doc” DuFresne, Katie Jensen/Charles Palomo, Siris / Megan, Lavernius Tucker/Agent Washington
Characters: Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue), Agent Carolina (Red vs. Blue), Dick Simmons, Sarge (Red vs. Blue), Franklin Delano Donut, Lopez (Red vs. Blue), Dexter Grif, Frank “Doc” DuFresne, Lavernius Tucker, Michael J. Caboose, All the other AI’s, Vanessa Kimball, Epsilon, Donald Doyle, John Elizabeth Andersmith, Katie Jensen, Antoine Bitters, Charles Palomo, Matthews, Emily Grey, Original Characters, Felix | Isaac Gates, Locus | Samuel Ortez, Siris | Mason Wu, Megan Wu, Four Seven Niner, Malcolm Hargove, Kaikaina Grif | Sister
Additional Tags: Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Psychological Trauma, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dissociation, PTSD, Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Panic Attacks, Frisbee Murder (don’t ask), Attempted Murder, Space Battles, Aftermath of Torture, Aftermath of Violence, Platonic Slow-Burn, Mental Instability, Flashbacks, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Healthy Coping Mechanisms, Platonic Relationships, Russian Roulette, Creepy-Ass Villains, Canon-Typical Violence, Major Character Injury, Redemption, So Many Space Dads, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Torture, Found Family, i take the canon and i put it in a box, and then i put that box into another box, then i mail it to myself, and when it arrives, i SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER, Canon Divergence, post s13
Summary: With The Staff of Charon a smoking-yet-functional speck on the horizon, and the threat of an active weapons system on one of Chorus’ moons, the fight is far from over.  While Locus is no longer a threat, another one of Hargrove’s former lackeys waits for the Reds and Blues as they race to stop the weapons system from coming online. Does she really want to help them? Or is she hiding a more sinister motive? And why is she so interested in Locus?!
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blue-rasberry-soda · 3 years
You know what? What if the Reds and Blues got to stop? Legitimately just be done. No more. Ignore what I posted before lol.
"So you want RvB to end?" No. Absolutely not.
I want the Lieutenants to get a spin off. I want THEM to be the heros. The Reds and Blues are just their shitty mentors, and maybe when nessisary can act as back up against really tough enemies.
I wanna see them Develop, like the reds and blues did, into fully fleshed characters with really complex and intresting personalities instead of just parodies of the sim troopers.
Also, more Dr. Grey. Lots more Dr. Grey. She develops too.
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vashstash · 4 years
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#RvBink days 16-18 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-31 [END]
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Jensen: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
Andersmith, sighing: Bitters…
Bitters: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
Palomo, wiping away a tear: Inspirational.
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joltning · 9 months
hi!! you mentioned in your pin post you're open for doodle requests, if you're up for it i'd love to see any of your lieutenants' face canons (from rvb) if you have any! :D no pressure if you're not up for it though, i hope you have a good day either way!!
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YAAAAYYY I LOVE THNENM !!!!! to the rvb fandom idm if you have different fcs but please give smith eyes that stare into your soul. please it’s my only request
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trannydean-moved · 4 years
I love how with Palomo, Jensen, Andersmith, and Bitters facecanons, there is always such a huge variety of appearances for Palomo, Andersmith, and Bitters, but Jensen always looks like Eliza Thornberry
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RvB Friendship Fray- Round One, Part Two, Poll Nine
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