#jimmy timmy power hour 3
first post :) im here to promote a rewrite im currently doing hehehehehehe, its a rewrite of jtph3tj and im currently 3k words in ^_^ idk if i will finish this but more hits would be nice sooo if you want PLEASE read it :fire:
ps, i have more other fics if u like this one, just go to the series and youll see each of it
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sapphanimates · 10 months
someone help me i am on a quest to compile all the brain-drained jimmy moments from the hit film jimmy timmy power hour three the jerkinators
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technological-nexus · 8 months
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satirn · 10 days
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jimmyti[deafening applause]
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#TheJimmyTimmyPowerHour3TheJerkinators #Shirley #Adoptable #Adaptable #OneOffCharacter #KhonjinHouse #MyThoughts
Khonjin House be like. (Image on the left.)
I'm surprised there is not a lot of fanart of Shirley. I mean he looks like something Tumblr would find interesting.
But I remember crushing on this guy and I like it that he is the first ever adaptable adoptable in media.
Images not mine but links are there.
The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators! (2005) (imdb.com)
The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour (TV Movie 2004) - IMDb
Shirley | Jimmy Neutron Wiki | Fandom
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katescribblesabit · 13 days
I love your fairy Timmy turner au and your art! It’s amazing and wonderful!! Sending virtual hugs your way since you absolutely deserve it!! Make sure to stay hydrated and take breaks from drawing when needed :3 I hope you have a great day/night wherever you are !
I have a question about the au, considering the jimmy timmy power hour still happens, did Jimmy Neutron and his friends ever hear about Timmy going missing from the national news channels? I’d like to think they were probably really sad about it and tried looking for him themselves :( OR since they already know about fairies and everything, when Timmy turned into a fairy, did he ever pop by and say hi and told them that he was alright and everything was fine so they wouldn’t be so sad? If he did, does he still visit them in Jimmy’s lab even as adults so they all can still hang out once more and ever explain why he became a fairy? I wonder if that would sort of get Jimmy to maybe just a little bit believe in magic
Anyways I’m sorry if this is so long 😭
aw don't apologize! its fine, and thank you for the virtual hug haha
i haven't even thought about including the Jimmy Timmy power hour in the au honestly. i did some quick research and it seems like many people do consider the trilogy canon on both shows.
so.. if we do wanna take it into the wacky crossover territory. well,
Sheen probably pestered Jimmy into visiting Timmy again since its been a while and he was bored. Jimmy eventually faltered and dug out the old portal door he had build. setting it up attracted their other friends and they all wanted to go.
When they arrived at Dimmsdale however they quickly learned about Timmys disappearance from AJ and Chester. they offered to help look but they also couldn't find anything that day. they eventually had to go back home.
Jimmy however couldn't really let it go. he was a genius! if anyone could help, then it was him right? so he cooked up a plan and went back and asked around for some kind of DNA samples of Timmy. Jimmy then build some kind of locating machine that brings them to the one they want to find.
he then teleported right into the living room of Cosmo and Wanda where Timmy currently was. to say they were all surprised is an understatement haha
since Timmy was a fairy now, there were no consequences of telling Jimmy the actual truth anymore. (since Jimmy is from an differente Dimension - LOOPHOLE hehe) So Timmy was able to properly explain that yes magic was real in Timmys dimension and that he simply wanted to stay with his fairy family. (maybe he properly introduced them hehe)
Timmy also begged Jimmy not to tell anyone. ESPECIALLY anyone from Timmys dimension.
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fem-the-artist · 1 month
I don’t know why, but I have just such a specific HeadCanon for Timmy’s dating history as he grows up, technically it’s related to my magic future AU, but it can also just be taken as not 
 So I guess here’s all his past relationships in order of when I think they happen as well as the reason they broke up and how long they dated for
1. Cindy vortex.  I count the times they hung out and went to the dance and all that stuff during the Timmy Jimmy power hours as of them dating. It was long distance, but trust. Anyway, incredibly short-lived. Because even though they were both interested in each other for a little bit they were so young and immature that that interest only lasted for so long A great example is in the third Timmy Jimmy power hour and all interest they pretty much had for each other had dissipated.
2. Chester Mcbadbat, hear me out Chester is gay as fuck especially for Timmy, they dated in late elementary school for only two weeks and then broke up because Timmy forgot they were dating in the first place. and Chester didn’t talk to him for a week after that but they’re cool now. 
3. Remy Buxaplenty, the whole relationship was a Yiiikes. I like to think this was around Lake middle school early high school so about 13-ish , they got along. They had a great time but Remy has a pension for jealousy and envy, and the two of them we’re just not good together. They broke up and it was messy.
4. Trixie Tang, started dating around 15.  she started to get less dependent on her friends approval at this point which is how this happened. And although Timmy isn’t popular, he does throw awesome parties, so I feel like this is part of the reason she gave him a chance, because like who doesn’t want to be invited to his parties there infamously awesome every time. But aside from that, they got along surprisingly well the reason they broke up is because a trixie realized she was a lesbian and at that point Timmy’s egg hasn’t cracked yet. so no real room for argument he was really happy that she figured this out about herself, but also incredibly heartbroken because he really liked her. He went on a little bit spiral after this because depressed teen angst. 
5. Remy again. within the following summer after his break up with Trixie. He would date, break up, get back together with Remy three times. also, Remy has a tendency to love bomb. so whenever a break up was his fault he would pretty much shower Timmy with gifts until he took him back. not at all healthy but they’re teenagers, so what are you gonna do
6. Tootie (I realize she doesn’t have a last name). They’re 17 during this one. dated for five months which to Timmy’s credit is the longest relationship he’s had so far. broke up because they realize they were acting the exact same way they were when they were friends, and they realize neither of them actually have romantic feelings for each other. (cough cough a little bit after this tootie realizes she’s aroace and only thought she had a crush on Timmy because early 2000s if girl like boy it Hass to be romantic cough) They are however, trauma bonded, and stay best friends 
7. Jimmy neutron. young adults at this point took forever for them to get together because Jimmy couldn’t except his feelings for the longest time, and Timmy didn’t realize he had any. dated for two years broke up because their lives were going in different directions and work got in the way. 
To elaborate a little more this is when Timmy started his training to become a fairy warden, and that took up a lot of time that he couldn’t expand on hopping between dimensions
They mutually agreed to try their relationship again when they have more of their lives figured out 
As of within the AU in the current timeline, a.k.a. new wishes taken place 
Timmy and Tootie still best friends got platonically married because they both wanted children and they trust each other more than anyone else, and now we have Tommy and Tammy as a result, they’re more like roommates than husband and wife, but they do coparent
(Timmy might be potentially casually seeing Jimmy at this time, but I haven’t fully decided) 
Oh yeah also Timmy’s egg officially cracked at 18 and he came out as bi gender he/she pronouns 
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alanaartdream · 12 days
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So sketching / drawing last night and this morning some more ideas for fairy Timmy with how Jimmy Timmy power hour & nicktoons unite handle it … also
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Somehow added in chococat dress as Timmy for fun not such why I felt the need to draw that;;
Also I feel like getting turned into a fairy at 13-14 and then getting a chance to grow up with poof/peri and Wanda / Cosmo not having Timmy’s birth parents being bad influences on Timmy (let’s face it Timmy’s birth parents along with Vicky & cocker were manger players into A lot of Timmy’s bad wishes once you take them out of the picture I feel like Timmy’s wishes wouldn’t be so out of control anymore) would be quite positive influences on Timmy plus having Jimmy and the nicktoons unite gang would also be great influences on Timmy as well
He most likely will mature and become less selfish with all of their influences; because like Wanda and Cosmo know already at heart Timmy is a good kid he was just living a life a bit like Cinderella was living before Wanda and Cosmo came into his life
I mean I get the feeling with Timmy’s birth parents they love the idea of being parents especially at 1st but hate the responsibility of it being as they’d go on vacations without him then hire Vicky to babysit whenever they could and ignore him a lot of the as well as only pay attention to him when they felt like it;;
Now before the nicktoons unite gang get approved to be teachers for helping Timmy use his new fairy powers my fairy Oc Felicity had to set some ground rules for them ( her main jobs are fairy of inspiration (art and writing she acts as a muse and helps artists & writers get out of art/writers blocks ) cat disabusing system (she helps cats who wants/needs homes find the right humans to help them (she can speak to any feline animal but no other animals)) and record keeping but she’s also in charge of making sure the human child turn fairy settling into their powers well; most of fairy world cannot trust Jorgen to handle this alone because of his track record of what happened to half of godchildren in his care (also nana boom boom would note she couldn’t leave child felicity with Jorgen being as she almost blew up fairy world as a child when left with Jorgen; apparently when fairy children scream in fear or upset bad things can happen; happy screams or giggling good things happen; Jorgen was trying to make her laugh but accidentally scare her so had screamed)
Soo Felicity starts to make a list of things to be careful of and while she’s doing that Jimmy makes a file listing these rules down to have in his computer & lab
The list starts out as
Fairy rules
1) no making fairy children cry/ scream in fear but if you accidentally do this you have to try to get them to laugh so it cancels out the nagetive magic
2) no iron around fairies
3) no butterfly nets to be used around fairies
4) do make reasonable wishes around fairies so no ricks of magical back up and be careful of what wishes you do make around them
5) no human unless they sign right paperwork/ made a agreement with fairies or are godkids are allowed to know about fairies being real ( if any untrustworthy human is around say the fairies are program holograms or have the change into disguise)
6) do not trust pixies or Anti fairies; if one shows up be careful how you handle them
Now that’s how the rules start but new ones will get added as nicktoons unite gang find out about all the other interesting things
Now with no more worries of his birth parents and having Wanda & Cosmo as his loving parents and adorable baby brother poof/prei I start to see Timmy getting less and less selfish and becoming more sweeter and could see Jimmy falling harder and harder while Danny probably see Timmy like a little like himself when he first got his ghost powers so treats Timmy and peri/poof like younger cousins/ siblings
Now I know a lot people dislike Cole from later seasons (I didn’t get to watch when she and the dog started to become apart of the show know only what others have said about her but for the few Cole fans out there I’ll say the fishbowl will after a week be moved to her home and Wanda & Cosmo will explain some things to of what happened to Timmy and what went downhill and that she’s not allowed to let anyone know what happened to Timmy or she’ll lose them as fairy godparents so Timmy & poof will probably get to see her until it’s her time to grow up and forget about them and fairies;; but most of the time Timmy and peri will be enther at fairy/ magic school or hanging out with nicktoons unite gang so Cole doesn’t get to see them too much only mostly Wanda & Cosmo but Timmy & poof/peri do give her one last goodbye when she turns 17-18 before she forgets them all;; so cocker switched to chasing her around for fairy god parents but the nicktoons unite gang will come in to stop him if Cole needs help dealing with him so she only meets the nicktoons gang in those times but otherwise I don’t think I’ll do much with her sorry; but when that goodbye happens I can totally see Timmy & peri hanging out with Jimmy that day then maybe Wanda and Cosmo go into their retirement and Peri and Timmy focus on their studies; and I believe Jimmy will become a great inventor as well as a professor and I could see Danny becoming a professor and thanks to Jimmy he starts Foundation for safer students into the paranormal being as he himself is well half paranormal himself (the government in Danny’s town/universe would call on him
To deal with ghosts and paranormal stuff) can also See Jimmy doing very well and yeah grovnment having to call on Jimmy for his smarts/ intelligence and inventions
So by then Timmy will probably helping Jorgen with DA RULEs of fairy world while helping out fairy world with all sorts of things while also being a fairy lawyer and by then felicity works as his assistant when she’s not too busy with her own fairy work;
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yamujiburo · 1 year
Top 3 Jimmy neutron episodes!
“Stranded”, “Lights! Camera! Danger!”and “The Tomorrow Boys”
If I could put Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2 I would
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msnihilist · 1 month
Power Hour 1: Timmy and Jimmy meet each other, woah!!! 🤪 Wacky hijinks occur!
Power Hour 2: Timmy and Jimmy fight over the same girl!! 👿 All's fair in love and war.
Power Hour 3: Timmy and Jimmy enter a loving relationship and accidentally become neglectful fathers on their ruthless, consumerism-esque quest for fun. This results in the universe (multiverse, technically) being ripped apart.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #25
Fairy For a Day
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FAIRY CON!!! Third appearance SWEEP!
Okay, now THIS is more useful to me in setting up a timeline. Definitely saving that.
"Cosmo and I look forward to this convention all year!" -> Yeah, you've gone 3 times since meeting Timmy; I bet you do.
I actually own a Cosmo Con button IRL and it's precious to me <3
?? So... "Cosmo Con" and this episode both went with godkids not being at Fairy Con, but we know from the Season 10 "Fairy Con" episode, Timmy's gone every year. Hmm.
If we see the same tents that appeared in both "Cosmo Con" and "Fairy Con," I'm gonna lose it.
Fairy Con is at the CASTLE?? Are they allowed to do that?? We never get to go inside the castle!! I wonder if the Fairy King is still implied to be either dead or abandoned his throne, or...?
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Hey wtf, Jorgen put his office on top of the Castle?? I missed that, if that's come up before.
oh my gosh, I can't believe even in the spin-off, King Northiae and Prince Eastkal are still out of the picture... Lmao??
"Eastkal appear onscreen when he's not dying" challenge (Impossible)
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Disclaimer, they don't have canon names. These names come from my 'fics where I've written them alive and interacting with people until the war, so these random background characters have significance to me <3
We did see the title Fairy King in "Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour 1," but he was mysteriously absent then and any other episode about Fairy World, and "Balance of Flour" (the episode this screenshot is from) confirms the people I'm talking about were important in Fairy society even if we didn't have their names.
slkdfjskdljf, they're still getting their tickets scanned. And everything goes off without a hitch?? Somewhere out there, Chloe - who lost her ticket and was banned - is staring into the void.
Hazel looking at her cosplay options: Hmm, what's my fairy vibe? :)
She's so cute.
I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda's friends just... have accepted their goofiness and it doesn't damage their friendship.
Hmm. Godkids were able to attend in previous years, but not this time. I have suspicions Hazel will run into another godkid even though she snuck in.
Presumably Dev, but this would be a fun place to reveal a new kid (or see nods to OG characters)
OMFG, I know these are probably meant to be candles, but I said in Post #5 that I've always used these interior decorations in worldbuilding as memorials and/or representations of the soul:
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- and they're so important in Fairy culture that in Frayed Knots Chapter 27, Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Sanderson used their presence or absence to check which Fairy homes had been evacuated from the fire. So... I just find this very funny :'D For incredibly specific reasons.
(Hazel's little hand gripping the pole)
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SDLKFJSDF. Memorial for people lost to magical back-up this year.
I mean... I didn't think it was that serious considering Cosmo and Wanda have survived exploding from magical back-up multiple times, but... Good to know sometimes you don't survive?
Holy flip, this makes the Fairies dropping H.P. and Sanderson on earth and forcing them to drive / bike home without using magic so much darker. hey wtf.
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Technically I did headcanon Pixies as getting inspiration back-up if they didn't inspire people to innovate rather than the magical back-up route, but... basically the same thing.
I just saw the Musical ending to get this screenshot and ?? I'm so glad Flappy stayed long enough to see Gary and Betty take over and make changes to the Learnatorium? In my memory, he ditched them instantly, but I'm glad he was there to make sure they'd be okay without him <3
F in the chat for Betty toppling over from a heart attack and Gary freaking out in the background while Flappy is partying onstage. lol.
I wonder if this is how Fairies pass when they're old as well, like if whatever magic they have at that age becomes too much for their physical forms.
Hm. Okay, so is the canon we're going with for New Wish that Fairies leave confetti when they die? In the OG series, it's heavily implied Fairies turn to dust and that's why Jorgen freaks out when he finds glittery dust on Cosmo and Wanda's beds in "Fairy Idol," but I'll take it! That's clever, and it's close.
Interesting move considering one of the Season 1 episodes depicts Cosmo exploding from magical back-up, because it's not like it was buried randomly in Season 7 or something- It's one of the things that people are first likely to encounter.
But I'm not really picky; just noting it down as a reminder to myself that this show is a spin-off and AU and I shouldn't try to jump through hoops to see if it will fit in my canon-compliant-with-OG-series Cloudlands AU. It's still fun to watch and this is a creative spin on the OG magical back-up!
I'm glad we're still playing into "Fairies don't leave skeletons and all the skeletons we keep leaving in jails are fake." lmao. Iirc, the canon from "Wishology" was "Halloween party that never got cleaned up."
I think bones are just really freakin' scary to people who are elastic and turn to dust. Like, what the heck is a skeleton? A dead human?? omg. doin' me a frighten.
Oh, maybe confetti is for this death specifically and other deaths can still be dust. Yeah, I'm good with that.
I was totally prepared for some kind of familiar face to show up on the board, like Mama Cosma or Big Daddy or Juandissimo, but I'm glad it didn't. But Cosmo and Wanda are going to be in trouble, probably later this episode...
Presto, old manager from the diner? Gonna make a note.
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I like this tent dedicated to sleight of hand.
skdjf, you get a close-up on this tent in a moment and this guy also has the Shakespeare for Mimes book that kids always have at school. Reused assets...
?? There was one tent in the background I saw that made me say "Huh, they didn't put any detail inside this one except some boxes that haven't been unpacked," but I like how we get a new angle on it and it's just called Mystery Crates. That's fantastic.
I am OBSESSED with the fact that we are in the Pink Castle courtyard, so of COURSE there are still crossed wand symbol tapestries hanging on the walls. I love how much thought was put into the location.
I like the tent that says [word]-Free Books. I wish I could see what that first word was. I hope it's something like Curse-Free Books.
I'm LOSING IT at Hazel once again reminding us she likes paperwork.
Oh, and Wanda backed me up on that! ... PLEASE let her meet the Pixies, I am begging.
Surely they're setting us up for that someday. There's an established species that does paperwork and writes contracts. It's right there... We even have the cube head model already in play! My favorite boys are so close, I can taste it... and yet, so far.
I will actually have a meltdown if I get to see H.P. again. It's such a foreign concept, I can't even imagine. I just really miss him... I watched "Oddlympics" recently and it made me sad.
I wonder if Hazel likes official documents because she likes researching rocks :) Girls only want one thing and it's wonderful
Wow. I can't believe it's that easy? You can just sign a paper and be a fairy? Lol.
???? This feels like such a dangerous plot thread to play with. There's a million ways you could swing this. Are some Fairies former humans who chose the magical life?
Where is Timmy. Did he find out about this? I'm stressin' out...
Actually, wait... Godkids aren't supposed to be here. It's probably fine.
Now that Hazel's made herself a fairy, she's gonna experience magical back-up if she's not careful.
Oh, I love her dark, sparkly purple hair.
Holy flip, batgirl-
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That's not the direction I thought this episode was going??
Oh no... And right after Dev's gone looking for Anti-Fairy info? He's gonna flip... This spells trouble...
I'm delighted Lezah was born in a gray smoke cloud like Foop :>
?? I like that she has a snaggletooth. I personally gave Teen & Adult Foop a snaggletooth in my design for him, but I think I like Lezah's blatant "the rest of her teeth are flat and she only has this one fang" vibe better than what I went with for him.
I think I already said this in Irep's debut, but... If Anti-Cosmo shows up, is he going to debut with the name Osmoc; is that legit the direction we're going? Lol.
At this point, seeing as Irep's griping implies he didn't have a choice in changing his name, and Lezah is the 2nd Anti-Fairy to have a backwards name (With Hazel and us as audience only knowing these guys in New Wish), I feel like they HAVE to commit to Osmoc and Adnaw.
I feel like they're trying to make it easier to distinguish them or at least so they can have cool names or something, but I feel like that's actually harder on the audience?? At least without subtitles.
A lot of people headcanon Nega-Timmy as Timmy’s anti when they do fairy designs of him, so… Ymmit??
Anxiety girl...
Lezah: You're not cool and it's about time you knew. Hazel: If anyone already knew I wasn't cool, it was me.
oh no <3
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Huh. That's a lot of blue structure. I like it.
I appreciate how Lezah, in traditional Anti-Fairy fashion, got bored in 2 seconds. I think that's the best part of Fairy-Pixie-Anti-Fairy dynamics to me:
- Fairies are nervous and jumpy, but they calm down when they have structure and rules. So the Pixies always take over by giving them new rules to follow and no one makes a fuss; Timmy always has to step in and rescue them because the Fairies (except Binky) just go along with it. - Anti-Fairies are super restless and bad at sitting still. They can't handle boredom, which means they can't focus on rules or plans. Even when they make plans, we know Anti-Cosmo gets so distracted that he switches pen colors throughout his notes, implying he leaves and comes back 4 or 5 times before completing one sheet of paper... which is probably why Anti-Cosmo defers to the Head Pixie, who gives off "knows what he's doing" vibes. lol. - Luckily for everyone, H.P., is always down to relinquish everything he took over for raves and soda <3
Shout-out to the totally real upcoming plot of Lezah kicking every rock she sees into the void because Hazel loves rocks
Saving Hazel's signature for my collection:
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I like how Timmy and Hazel both sign fae contracts with only their first name. I hope this means H.P. would also call her Hazel at least sometimes... He used to call Timmy "Turner" most of the time, but he called him "Timmy" when he was prank-calling him <3
Holy flip, I can't believe Cosmo and Wanda touched butterfly nets so they could catch balloons. I think it would've been funny if they caught each other on accident.
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Purple road gives me the same energy as Fairy World's purple grass in "Odd Squad."
Okay, so... the Big Wand is now inside the castle? Interesting.
??? I'm curious about what the logic is in designing Irep with a cube head. Lezah doesn't have one.
Me, who has an established square mutation in my 'fics, but it's for Pixies and not transferrable to Anti-Fairies :'D
Hm. Well, it is a kids' show. Maybe they weren't sure kids would recognize him without the cube head.
I'm sorry, I hate to be the one to say it, but... Since Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were alone when Foop was born, do you think anyone ever thinks Foop has a Pixie parent? At this point, I'd be shocked if the Pixies didn't have square heads in this show, so ??
If A.C. and A.W. show up without cube heads when cube heads are established in this universe, I just feel like there would be questions of legitimacy??
Does Irep just look like that on purpose because he likes it? He WAS a cube for (implied) way longer than other anti-fairy babies, and the only other anti-fairy baby we've seen wasn't a cube but was of ambiguous age, so... Hmm. Is it just HIS biology? Does it run in his family? Huh. Well. Okay.
You want to give us pixies; you wanna reuse your cube head model for pixies so bad...
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Those eyelash designs are super clever. Also, I like how the lightest parts of Hazel's sweater match the darkest parts of Lezah's shirt.
I'm really glad Fairy-Hazel is not immune to getting upset by her counterpart. I'm glad she's not trying to befriend Lezah; I'm not the biggest fan of counterparts getting along well. It's great. Give me weird complexity and bullied children <3
I was going to make a joke about how I couldn't believe Lezah had better magic when she was just born, but then she screwed up her magic and that's hilarious.
Hazel: I don't want more of me! I want less of you!
I like how we've been going the direction of "Hazel is a person who overthinks things." I'll definitely keep that in mind, because I didn't see that in the early episodes, but it seems to be a thing recently.
Lezah is 3 seconds away from dying. oh no.
..... I'm really uneasy about where the magical backup lore is going since it wasn't relevant in this episode. We've got a storm on the horizon, I'm sure. :'D Also that chip powering the Big Wand is definitely coming back.
I assume Lezah is a one-off character. I really like how much thought and detail was put into her design in spite of that.
Fingers crossed for Anti-Wanda to get a mild redesign (Ex: new clothes) if she ever shows up.
Me staring into the void: Hey, why were we shown the Hocus Poconos earlier in the season, and should I be worried that we're making new, detailed characters and ditching them?
slkdjf ?? Literally on the floor that King Northiae and Prince Eastkal have a second chance to indicate to me they're not totally dead, but we're not taking it. SKLDFJSDF.
I mean ?? I don't know what I expected since it's heavily implied the Fairies and Anti-Fairies called a truce to end the war after Eastkal's death, but...
Nobody cares about these background characters who appeared only once in a flashback in Season 7, but I care!! Eastkal, my baby!! D:
Stuck In My Head
For some reason, it's funny to me that Dev eats cafeteria food despite being rich and lactose intolerant.
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I was going to make a joke about Winn being allowed to wear a hat in school, but I don't think I can when we had Timmy Turner.
I really enjoy these characters with new hair styles, especially after 3 notable characters with the same hair for so long (Timmy, Cosmo, Vicky, Anti-Cosmo). I always struggle drawing their hair and I'd like to draw some new guys :)
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Dev has had some bad times lately, but he's SO ready for lunch.
Hazel, on the heels of the overthinking episode: I am once again overthinking myself into oblivion.
I love Hazel's parents. I love how Cosmo and Wanda are totally down to dance. They used to love dancing <3
I like how the Hazel museum has Hazel's drawings from past episodes.
Oh, I'm sad we can't treat everything here seriously. The fact she wants to be a comic book artist is likely true, but her inventing the sun... I don't think so.
I wonder if Hazel's going to learn something she doesn't even know about herself.
Oh no... Hazel's anxiety led her to try getting rid of stuff that embarrassed her by throwing it down the trapdoor she was warned to never, ever open... That’s so funny… She is 10.
The mind worm concept is funny and engaging. Nothing much to say except I enjoyed the bit with the bird and all of Hazel's negative thoughts.
Mind Worm: wow, what a loser thought you are. can't even exist outside a child's mind. lmao. cringefail.
Hazel loves and trusts her mom so much <3 She's saying things her mom's surely taught her.
Another good moral, and more fun Hazel lore. Hazel's got a good home life and we still get to see some messy parts of her, so I really enjoy that.
Winn and Jasmine adore Hazel and her creativity so much.
Mind the Gap
Uh-oh, Hazel's friends just made it clear they notice Hazel's tooth gap all the time...
Geez, Hazel was doing (mostly) fine in the early episodes of the season, and ever since her fight(s) with Dev, she's gone from 0 to 300 in the anxiety department. Girl, are you ok?
Crying, I love how Hazel's hiding spot is the janitor's closet. She's been going there ever since Episode 1. I'm so glad we get to see her struggle.
Tooth Fairy!!! I knew she'd be here for a tooth episode, and after Cupid's redesign, I was wondering if she'd change much. She looks the same and tbh, I enjoy that.
??? I was going to make a joke during Lezah's ep, I think, about how the DMV keeps coming up and it's always different. I should've made that joke. It clearly wasn't just me.
I'm disappointed they made a "Seal the deal" joke with the tooth exchange program and did not seal Hazel's tooth into her mouth with dentistry.
Jasmine: Did you get your gap filled? How'd you get a new tooth so fast? Hazel: Uh... the Internet?
slkdfj, oh no.
omg, H.P. and Sanderson would think Guzman is the coolest. I miss them so much...
I like how Hazel's mom was disappointed with her (Hazel's tooth) for booing her dad, but instead of snapping at her, she just gently suggested Hazel spend some time alone in her room. She's so good. I love her <3
I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda went to get their mail in human form again. They love mail so much.
skldfj, oh... They actually DO love mail.
If there's candy and soda at the tooth party, I'm going to lose it.
I am SO GLAD Jorgen is at the Tooth Fairy's gala! He supports his WIFE!!!!!!
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SLKDFJSDLKF, there's soda at the party! Cosmo and Wanda are gonna get so drunk... They won't onscreen, but I'll know.
This is the final episode before season finale. I hope they get some good rest or they're gonna be hungover at a very bad time. oh no.
AAAH, it wasn't just coincidence! I was unsure since the gala was full of familiar models, but Jorgen IS here on purpose! He even dressed up nice for it!!
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He loves his wife!!
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smashupmashups · 18 days
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POOF: Hey, guys? You might wanna turn around.
TIMMY: What for, Poof?
TIMMY: Jimmy Neutron? Cindy Vortex?! Man, I haven't seen you guys in, like, so long! It feels like it's been 20 years.
JIMMY: I'd say more than two years.
TIMMY: When you wish for time to stand still at some point, it sure feels like it. Anyway, this is Chloe. Chloe Carmichael. Chloe, this is Jimmy.
JIMMY: A pleasure to meet you, Chloe.
TIMMY: And these are his friends: Cindy, Carl, Sheen, and Libby.CHLOE: (TO LIBBY, PUTTING HER HAND ON HER HIP) What's hap'nin', girl?
CHLOE: It's nice to meet new friends, especially on our birthday.
CARL: Really? Well, happy birthday.
SHEEN: If only we brought gifts.
CINDY: We didn't even know today was their birthday to begin it, Ultra Dork. Anyway, happy birthday, guys.
CHLOE: Thank you.
TIMMY: Thanks. So, what are you guys doing here?
JIMMY: After spending time in Retroville figuring out what to do to spend the day together, (HOLDING UP THE DEVICE) I came across my makeshift handheld teleporter from my first time here.
TIMMY: (SNATCHING IT FROM HIS HAND) Hey, that's my Game Buddy! I've been lookin' everywhere for this. (HE PULLS THE AUTO-POOFER OUT OF THE CARTRIDGE INSERT.) So that's where my Auto-Poofer went. (WHISPERING TO POOF) I wish this was destroyed.(THE POOFER DISINTEGRATES IN HIS HAND.)
TIMMY: Can't have this falling into the wrong hands again.
JIMMY: Couldn't agree more after what happened last time. So, wanna hang out?
TIMMY: Okay, sure.
It was time I made a new Jimmy Timmy Power Hour fan screenshot after four months of making Danny Phantom/My Life as a Teenage Robot crossover screenshots.
I started on Timmy, Chloe, Jimmy and Cindy from September 3 and 4, then on Carl, Sheen, and Libby from the 4th (yesterday) to the 5th (the day I finished and posted this). After the characters were finished, I worked on the background, to which I set it outside in Timmy's neighborhood, with looking at Season 9 and 10 screenshots of them in said neighborhood for reference.
I was pretty reluctant about it over how I don't go into The Fairly OddParents as I used to, but I went for it anyway for this group shot.
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aldrine-joseph-25 · 4 months
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So I was watching parts of Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour 2 and 3 on YouTube (the former on the official The Fairly OddParents YouTube channel, the latter from a YouTube user simply called Kenny) and observed the CGI forms of the Fairly OddParents characters in Retroville, which later had me wondering "What if the Powerpuff Girls had a crossover with Jimmy Neutron and got a similar treatment?". This motivated me to not just create 3D models of the girls, but try my best to make them look like as if they appeared in an episode of The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, most evident in the eyes and hair.
All you need is Blender 2.79b and you're good to go!
Mirror download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PQ5fgZRRuL93st6kBoM9hMitjqZgL9gO/view?usp=sharing https://www.mediafire.com/file/dnfq3nsemygm6c2/The_Powerpuff_Girls_%2528Jimmy_Neutron_style%2529.zip/file
Jimmy Neutron model by bekzii and ported to MMD by SAB64:
https://www.deviantart.com/sab64 Strato XL model (Nickelodeon Party Blast) taken from The Models Resource.
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satirn · 1 month
I actually have my own idea/headcanon about Timmy's future, but it's kinda hurt/comfort. At his 16 ~ 17 years, after dating Jimmy for a while, he decides to be brave and came out to his parents, sadly they rejected because homophobe and now his mom won't have grandkids (I know this could be kinda OOC, because Timmy's dad was Ms/r, Dimmsdale, and I also know there are other ways to have kids, but I think Timmy's parents can be hypocrites). But luckily, Jimmy offers him to live with him on Retroville (btw, unlike with Timmy, Jimmy's parents supported him when he came out), Timmy accepts Jimmy's offer and so, now Timmy lives a happy gay live with Jimmy at an appartment on Retroville. Even after losing Cosmo and Wanda at the age of 18 years old, but at least keeping his memories (because reasons), it also helped to have Jimmy by his side to comfort him. Also Timmy still visits his home-dimmension whenever he can, and also Cosmo and Wanda check on him whenever they can.
timmys parents would totally be homophobic </3 theyre just like that . like jesus timmy ab time u got outta there </3
ive always been a fan of timmy running away to jimmys dimension cus thats the only place he can really find love/family </3</3 angst but in a cute way yk?
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ROUND 3: SIDE 2: Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)/Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo) VS Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus)
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Propaganda for Jiminy Cricket/Timothy Q. Mouse:
This ask! So cute!
Also this ask~!
I swear to god, this has nothing to do with the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour thing, I came up with the ship separate from that. So like, as someone who grew up watching both movies, I was like "There are similar elements to these movies." "These two characters are kinda similar." "You know, I wonder how these two would interact, given their similar circumstances." "Yeah, they'd def bond over talks of the kids they watch over and such." "Perhaps the two would be besties." "Wait, both appeared in Dumbo's hat in the opening of The Mickey Mouse Club? Awesome!" "Hold on, maybe they could also be an interesting romantic couple." "I am writing stuff in my head and also a fic and doing art as we speak." "There are old Disney comics that have them interacting, I am on Cloud Nine right now." "This is my ship, I love them. They are both not straight. They're besties. They're trying their best." And here we are. I'd be more than happy to make art specifically for the polls if asked/contacted. Otherwise, I'd be happy to direct your attention to those old comics and stuff. And I'd be more than happy to also elaborate/talk more about 'em when asked.
#hi! my partner submitted Jimothy! please vote for them!
Cute art!
To the person who's drawn the cute chibified art of them, thank you for doing prop off gander today. I've been sick in bed all day and completely forgot.
So hi! Yes, hello. I came up with Jimothy several years ago and was the one to submit the prior propaganda to the blog. These two have been in so many scenarios in my mind, y'all have no idea. They are so small. They are both mentor figures (more or less). They, uh, small. Even outside the ship dynamic, I can imagine them being amazing friends. Did you know that prior to their Disney work, both of their original voice actors (Cliff Edwards for Jiminy, Edward Brophy for Timothy) were in a live-action film with Buster Keaton? That has nothing to do with the ship, that's just a fun fact. I would have more to say, but like I said, still sick. Please vote Jimothy.
More art!
Uhm hi, please vote for Timothy and Jim…PLEASE!! They are literally so cute together :0) just two little dads living their best lives
Even more art!
#they are from the 40s…so old and in love Jimothy is a couple you can fit in your pocket. To be honest, I'm just glad they made it past round 1. This silly lil crossover ship I've made sure has grown over the years, huh. I'm super-glad that it's gotten so much love over the years. No matter what the outcome is, I love you guys.
#jimothy SWEEP
Propaganda for Megaman/Pit:
This ask, which includes the art used in the bracket image!
Oh my god. This one came immediately to mind. Idk how big the ship is now, but I remember like seeing it everywhere back when Super Smash Bros Ultimate was like popular on Tumblr/Twitter. I think it was originally a crackship cause both of them were in Captain N (a cartoon), but it’s like a serious thing now. Literally all it took was one interaction between them (there’s like dialogue you can get if you do some combination when you play as Pit) which is just Pit gushing about Mega Man. It’s cute. And honestly kind of iconic
#MEGAPIT ?? good for them #go back in time and tell kid me the ship he came up with on a whim would be in a tumblr bracket :'3
#megapit sweep!
#megapit nation let's pokémon go to the polls #let's give it for a wholesome and iconic crackship
#c'mon megapit nation #sure they may lose but let's get them some votes anyways!
#vote for the boys people!!! #let's get them as far as possible
Art Credit: Jiminy/Timothy pic from the Disney comics Megaman/Pit art by @/farraigeart
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nickmaghighlights · 1 year
Nick Mag Highlights - #124 September 2006
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Happy Mother’s Day everyone, and welcome back to another edition of Nick Mag Highlights! Today, we'll be checking out Issue #124, and its behind-the-scenes look at Barnyard. If you're looking for all the information you could want on the #1 animated movie of 2006, I'm afraid you're out of luck, because Cars is not mentioned anywhere in this issue.
(For the record, I’d watch Barnyard over Cars any day. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius is better than both of them, though.)
Excuse the lack of pretense, but I’m ready to just dive right into this one! I think whatever I’ve got to say about the movie Barnyard is best left for when we get to the actual section about it. Most I can say for now is I certainly have more experience with its sequel series, Back at the Barnyard, which I remember Nicktoons had a downright obsession with playing at all hours of the day. Guess it was popular!
Feeling like Wild Mike tonight? You can read the full magazine here.
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So the theme of the issue is print, huh? I guess they’re right: if it weren’t for print, we’d never have Nickelodeon Magazine! Not to mention I would be out of a blog!
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If the war on drugs is ever revitalized and you are ever in charge of marketing material similar to this, I recommend keeping any fill-in-the blanks on your ads to a minimum. I’m certain that this box was met with more phallic doodles and Cool S’s than it was heartfelt proclamations against drugs. But since I’m a little more mature than that, I’ll play along.
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There. I don’t drink because I know if the Aaahh!!! Real Monsters characters were real they’d be disappointed in me for it. Krumm told me that in a dream once.
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Man, big things were happening in the world of Nickelodeon this year! Avatar: The Last Airbender was still riding high, Barnyard and Nacho Libre were in theaters, and we saw the premiere of Mr. Meaty (plus The Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour 2 and 3, but those aren’t in this issue)! All equally powerful stuff, and no, that’s not up for debate. 
Feel free to also note the fanmail, featuring all of the grave errors Nickelodeon Magazine got caught perpetuating in their previous issues, just like every other issue’s fanmail. Yep, nothing gets by these kids! I appreciate the crew was always willing to own up to their mistakes, but did they never get, y’know, drawings in the mail instead? Something like that? Younger me would’ve preferred those instead of reminding me the team behind Nickelodeon Magazine was only human, susceptible to making errors like anyone else. These guys made SpongeBob*! How could they ever be wrong!?
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A nice surprise to see Yin Yang Yo!. I remember being obsessed with this show for a short time back when it was new on Toon Disney. Couldn’t tell you why since I don’t remember a lick of it now. I’m only mentioning it because of that little leaflet you might have noticed that’s very obviously obscuring the page…
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Yeah! Turns out there’s a whole 6 page comic in here, just for this ad. That’s genuinely a really cool idea, and I can’t imagine it was cheap to print something like this. Still doesn’t exactly remind me why I like the show, per se (this writing is not for me), but I can respect some cool marketing when I see it.
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Pretty star-studded Celeb Page this time around, I actually recognize everyone here! And the rather delicately generic questions being asked have just reminded me that this is a back-to-school issue. It was September after all, so I guess the “print” theme is a little more appropriate than I thought. 
If summer vacation is still relevant to the life of anyone reading this, do take a second to appreciate that the season has only just begun. Because, truly, there is no greater feeling I know than experiencing the advent of a breathtakingly liberating summer vacatio- hey! Bruce Willis is wearing an Over The Hedge hat in that picture! Cool!
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Confusing little bit of cross-promotion here, if only due to the fact this Avatar: The Last Airbender-themed ad doesn’t actually use any Avatar terminology, or mention anything from the show really. Not willing to catch flying french fries with your mouth? Then sorry, you’re definitely a fire… kind of… guy. Legally we cannot call you a bender.
Other notable points about this Burger King ad: - Isn’t the name “The Extinguisher” way more fitting for a water-user than a fire-user? I think they may have mixed up the arrows there. - For some reason this 2006 ad is using a pristine hand puppet of their King mascot from the 1970’s. - Doesn’t have any picture of the advertised toys. Wonder if they were any good.
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Bet you’ve never seen a full-page ad for one flash game before, huh? And neither have I, I think! I’m pretty sure this was still while Nickelodeon was trying to sell games through their “Nick Cash” system, where you could purchase computer games and digital items (for games like Neopets, when Viacom still owned it) via their online storefront Nick Arcade (not to be confused with the ‘90s game show of the same name). So yeah, if they were planning on making sales off of this, I guess I understand the big-time marketing.
I really like that you’re supposed to clip out the three tips they give you. Do the editors really think it’s that cumbersome to open up a magazine when you want to read something?
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Awesome two-page spread of art from James “Jimmy” Yamasaki, who’s done tons of great freelance art for a wide variety of different magazines. If you want to take a look, he’s posted lots of his work on his Instagram.
Even if the activity is a little shallow, it’s nice to see something here that’s giving books a shoutout. With all the aggressive marketing these issues had for all the latest movies and TV shows, it’s still good to remind kids that literature is worth your time too.
Am I reading a little too deep into this? Maybe, but I think that means the activity is working.
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Hey, this is pretty cool! And fairly educational at that. I could see this genuinely being useful for any kid looking to make their own comics, and font choice is a pretty important aspect you may not think about at first, especially when you’re younger. A fair bit of kids probably skipped this section, but hopefully it was helpful for someone. 
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For some reason, Disney’s best idea for advertising their upcoming DVD releases was door hangers. I distinctly remember there being Lilo & Stitch 2 and Tarzan II-themed ads with the same gimmick, and I don’t get it. I guess it’s a way to increase the ad’s lifespan? Kids get to cut it out, and keep it hanging on their door knob for a couple days before their parents throw it away, so I guess everyone wins right? Well sorry Disney, my childhood bedroom didn’t even have a door knob. And guess who didn’t watch Brother Bear 2 either?
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Another issue, another Comic Book. This time with an awesomely done cover by artist Souther Salazar (they’ve got tons of other colorful and creative work on their official website). Nice to see Impy make the front page in the top left there, too.
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Alright before we get into it, I quickly want to talk about this. Did you know that some of the style guides (official documents that outline how a design should be represented) for different pieces of SpongeBob merchandise are available on the Internet Archive? 
I’ll give an example: see that yellow shirt on the top right, with the punk-looking SpongeBob and electric guitars? That shirt was just one part of a series of punk-themed SpongeBob SquarePants merch, and the people designing that series had to refer back to this style guide to make sure everything in the series looked consistent. It’s really cool because those guides often include all of the official illustrations that were used in the merchandise in high quality, alongside stuff like official logos and fonts.
Here’s a list of all the SpongeBob-themed style guides I could find on the archive:
Punk Art Guide
Icon Art Guide (Has anyone seen this art used for any merch? I haven’t and I’m really curious.)
SketchBob Art Guide
St. Patrick’s Day Art Supplement
Fall 2004 Apparel Guide
Bedtime Style Guide
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Style Guide
10th Anniversary Style Guide (The longest one, containing tons of official art, designs, and backgrounds)
The SpongeBob SquarePants Toolkit 2002
The SpongeBob SquarePants Sculpting Guide (contains 2D and 3D turnarounds of most of the main characters)
The Ren & Stimpy Show Style Guide
The Fairly OddParents Illustrator Guidelines
I could totally be alone in finding these so interesting, but hey, if you’re a fan of these characters, they might be nice to hold onto.
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I may not have been much of an Avatar: The Last Airbender fan growing up, but I’ll be the first one to admit it’s one of Nickelodeon’s best-looking and well-animated shows. Seriously, some of those action scenes in particular were near movie-quality. 
This comic definitely keeps up the trend of great visuals, which shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the team behind it. Pencils and inks were done by Joaquim Dos Santos, who did storyboards and directing duties for seasons two and three of the show, and is currently co-directing Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and its sequel(!). Similarly, the colors were done by a long-time crewmember of the show, Hye-Jung Kim. Great stuff all around.
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Well, this is unexpected! I know the Moomin series is popular with a lot of people, so it’s really cool to see it featured in the magazine here. I’m not really familiar myself, but I might have to check out more! This is as pleasant as it is funny.
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Now, I don’t usually bring up the “Gag Station” pages in these retrospectives. It’s not on purpose, I just haven’t usually got much to say, but this time I actually wanted to point out the… oh… uh, what is that down there, is that another…?
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Oh, it’s another one of these pull-out mini comics, like the YinYangYo! thing from earlier. Except this time with, y’know, Walmart mascots. Yeah, it’s a little less impressive when it’s done a second time, and with Walmart mascots I’ve never heard of before, and when it’s mostly just made up of pictures of clothes.
Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah.
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The guy who made this, Johnny Ryan, went on to co-create Pig Goat Banana Cricket for Nickelodeon in 2015. Do with that what you will.
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Here’s an odd piece of early 2000’s trivia: the ESRB had ads for itself! And not just in print either, but full on TV commercials. Those black-and-white letters were no longer content to sit idly by on the bottom left corners of the game cases; they were ready to make themselves known. In regards to print ads, there’s way more than just this one, and they all had their own characters and stories informing you why content ratings are just the bee’s knees. What I find most interesting about them is that they were made in collaboration with the artists behind Penny Arcade, a video game-themed webcomic that’s been running since 1998. Apparently in 2018, the ESRB and the Penny Arcade team worked together again to update the ads, but I’ve never seen one of these new ones in the wild. Hopefully we can get these revitalized before the next Mortal Kombat game. Don't want to risk another fiasco.
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I think this section on unique books is pretty cool, I only wish the magazine team felt the same! Seriously, are we filling the story’s extra space with ads, or the other way around?
But yeah, pretty cool seeing both the smallest and largest books on Earth, even if those titles have probably been usurped by now. I was also quite curious about Shelley Jackson’s “Skin” project mentioned in the bottom right, and if you're just as curious, it was indeed finished in 2011 with a video featuring the full story and all its participants here.
Oh, and if you get a chance, that Voynich Manuscript thing they mention is available on Yale’s website. Those historians dudes are still looking for someone to make heads or tails of that thing. I think they might just be lazy, if you ask me.
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Yep, I still love these calendars. I have to ask though, what’s so “pear” about September? I thought August was the start of pear season.
Also, wow, there’s a whole Wizard of Oz-themed festival in Chesterton, Indiana? I wonder what that’s like…
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Only took us the whole issue, but we’re finally here at Barnyard! Or, what I’m just now realizing it should have been called, Funny Farm. Interestingly, the film had already been out for a month by the time they did this promotion, but maybe Kevin James was sick last month, I dunno. They’re really stretching for the questions here too, I mean c’mon, who cares if Kevin James likes the sounds of cowbells? I want to hear more about his… udder?
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Good lord, they showed this to children…
Anyway, I personally didn’t see the movie when it came out, but like I said, they played Back at the Barnyard damn near constantly. I thought that show must’ve had a million episodes with how often Nickelodeon showed it off. 
I did eventually get around to watching the film, and I’m at least glad to know I wasn’t missing out on much. It’s not a particularly good film, and while it may have come from many of the same people that brought us Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (including having the same creator, Steve Oedekerk), Barnyard lacks much of the imagination and charm that made that film so compelling. I wanted all of Jimmy’s inventions as a kid, but I can’t say I ever wanted to be a cow. 
Honestly, the most value Barnyard holds for me now is that it comes from that era of 3D animation I hold a fair bit of nostalgia for, where it was competent, but still ugly. Right next to films like Jimmy Neutron and Ice Age.
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Lego Star Wars II! Clear off your calendars everyone, because I guarantee there’s nothing more important going on the day this game releases in the US. Nope, nothing. C’mon, you can make a sexy slave Yoda!
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Well that sure was a Mother’s Day Edition of Nick Mag Highlights, was it not? Maybe I’ll think of a way to connect the holiday and Barnyard while I’m writing this outro*.
Thank you all for joining me, and I hope you have a wonderful day. Until next time, keep on reading.
*…Nope! Better luck next year.
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