#chester mcbadbat
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channydraws · 6 months ago
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This started as a redraw but i had no control over the last doodle...
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cubbihue · 7 months ago
You did mention Timmy "saying his goodbyes", I assume that wasn't literal considering AJ & Chester don't know.
Did the fairy family get his human parents to conveniently move or travel around when the switcheroo happened?
That way Timmy probably could say, from his POV, a proper goodbye without his friends suspecting something is off.
Or was it more like, one last big hanging out/adventure before the switch which is more of a sentimental goodbye?
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Timmy did get a proper goodbye with his friends! It was one last major sleepover they did as a group with the real Timmy. The very next night, Timmy went to Fairyworld with his Fairies.
To Chester and A.J, they believe he said goodbye before heading off to "Visit Grandpa" for the summer. They continued to have great summers afterwards, of course! Although AJ and Chester would say it didn't quite feel the same as that particular night.
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milolunde · 6 months ago
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Successfully drew some sillies
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shrimpyjackal · 5 months ago
Finally I finished theese two loved them in the OG show
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[start of the october]
[21st day]⬅ [You are here] ➡[23rd day]
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jadeyarts · 7 months ago
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one time someone mistook my older chloe design for a transfem chester and i won't lie ive been thinking about it for years now so ive been contemplating playing with the idea. calling her cass for now, unless i come up with something better. i like the name cass, though.
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toonsforkicks22 · 7 months ago
For anyone who enjoys my Fairly Odd ANGST comics (and if you have a Twitter)
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I’m gonna be doing some Digital Circus art plus work on another FOPANW comic someone actually COMMISSIONED me to do. Until then, YOU decide who suffers next! ☺️
My Twitter: cartuneslover23
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sillylittlewitchling · 7 months ago
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FOP NEW WISH AU "FOP The Big Wish" (Asks are Open Plz send asks I'm so proud of this AU I'm literally teaching myself how to draw FOP style for it)
Chloe Carmichael works for Galax Institute in Monster Research. She specializes in Monster Rescue, Recovery, and Retraining. Her strict "parenting" works perfectly with monsters but she knows how to be gentle. Design wise I took inspiration off her adult form in Dimmsdale Daze (The episode where Chloe swap places with her parents) and her mom as inspiration for her body. She actually doesn't live in Dimmadelphia
Anthony James Jr. "AJ" as we all know is the founder of Galax Institute. Unlike what many people believe he technically did not START Galax when he was 10 years old. That's just when he got the idea. He wouldn't get funding until he was in high school. After coming back to life as if by magic AJ quickly got funding for his organization investigating the paranormal. Galax researches many things, from ghosts, monsters, and aliens. Even... fairies. They have even finished development on a gun that turns Fairies into Fairy Dust! Just... don't tell Timmy. Design wise I mixed FOP New Wish's canon AJ with his dad's body but more strong and less fat. Aka My AJ does not skip leg day.
Chester McBadBat AJ's personal security guard and head security for Galax Institute. Design wise I actually took a lot of inspiration on Good Ending Timmy Turner from Channel Chaser
Timmy Turner Lets talk design first, I used the same body type he had in 18 year old form in Channel Chaser. Timmy started growing his hair out, and with good shampoo and conditioner it became naturally curly. Officially Timmy is Galax Institute's artist! You won't find him leaving his apartment without his paper crown and wings! They are very important! Rumors have it that AJ himself bought Timmy his apartment and that he has sleepovers with Chester and AJ still. In the big city it's pretty easy for people to ignore the childlike adult.
I'm still learning how to draw in FOP, but Im pretty proud. I was inspired to make my own Future AU after seeing everyone make so many good ones. Often times using Channel Chasers, when I watched the Galax Institute episode I was struck by inspiration. I also wanted to address Chloe because I thought it would be fun to mention her.
Asks about FOP The Big Wish is open!
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ironysgrace · 2 years ago
Honestly this crossover was crazy and not even for the convoluted plot or anything
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but because of how different their lives are
In Jimmy’s world the parents love their kids so damn much and try to do right by them and engage with them authentically
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Sure they got sick of them enough that they let a few days go by before they decided to do something about them being abducted by aliens but they did get in some whackass homemade rockets to do so
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Meanwhile in Timmy’s world kids are so routinely neglected that other worldly beings set their entire ecosystems, economies, and cultures around ensuring they reach adolescence with some degree of feeling cared for 💀
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lovelywayniac · 7 months ago
Continued from previous post!
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Timmy’s a Lamb, Chloe’s a Llama, Chester’s a Mule (Mom was a Donkey, Dad is a Race Horse), A.J. is a Ancient Unicorn, and Trixie is a Griffin (based on the Black Crowned Fulvetta)
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Vicky and Tootie are Dragons
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Small 🥺
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fem-the-artist · 7 months ago
I don’t know why, but I have just such a specific HeadCanon for Timmy’s dating history as he grows up, technically it’s related to my magic future AU, but it can also just be taken as not
So I guess here’s all his past relationships in order of when I think they happen as well as the reason they broke up and how long they dated for
1. Cindy vortex. I count the times they hung out and went to the dance and all that stuff during the Timmy Jimmy power hours as of them dating. It was long distance, but trust. Anyway, incredibly short-lived. Because even though they were both interested in each other for a little bit they were so young and immature that that interest only lasted for so long A great example is in the third Timmy Jimmy power hour and all interest they pretty much had for each other had dissipated.
2. Chester Mcbadbat, hear me out Chester is gay as fuck especially for Timmy, they dated in late elementary school for only two weeks and then broke up because Timmy forgot they were dating in the first place. and Chester didn’t talk to him for a week after that but they’re cool now.
3. Remy Buxaplenty, the whole relationship was a Yiiikes. I like to think this was around Lake middle school early high school so about 13-ish , they got along. They had a great time but Remy has a pension for jealousy and envy, and the two of them we’re just not good together. They broke up and it was messy.
4. Trixie Tang, started dating around 15. she started to get less dependent on her friends approval at this point which is how this happened. And although Timmy isn’t popular, he does throw awesome parties, so I feel like this is part of the reason she gave him a chance, because like who doesn’t want to be invited to his parties there infamously awesome every time. But aside from that, they got along surprisingly well the reason they broke up is because a trixie realized she was a lesbian and at that point Timmy’s egg hasn’t cracked yet. so no real room for argument he was really happy that she figured this out about herself, but also incredibly heartbroken because he really liked her. He went on a little bit spiral after this because depressed teen angst.
5. Remy again. within the following summer after his break up with Trixie. He would date, break up, get back together with Remy three times. also, Remy has a tendency to love bomb. so whenever a break up was his fault he would pretty much shower Timmy with gifts until he took him back. not at all healthy but they’re teenagers, so what are you gonna do
6. Tootie (I realize she doesn’t have a last name). They’re 17 during this one. dated for five months which to Timmy’s credit is the longest relationship he’s had so far. broke up because they realize they were acting the exact same way they were when they were friends, and they realize neither of them actually have romantic feelings for each other. (cough cough a little bit after this tootie realizes she’s aroace and only thought she had a crush on Timmy because early 2000s if girl like boy it Hass to be romantic cough) They are however, trauma bonded, and stay best friends
7. Jimmy neutron. young adults at this point took forever for them to get together because Jimmy couldn’t except his feelings for the longest time, and Timmy didn’t realize he had any. dated for two years broke up because their lives were going in different directions and work got in the way.
To elaborate a little more this is when Timmy started his training to become a fairy warden, and that took up a lot of time that he couldn’t expand on hopping between dimensions
They mutually agreed to try their relationship again when they have more of their lives figured out
As of within the AU in the current timeline, a.k.a. new wishes taken place
Timmy and Tootie still best friends got platonically married because they both wanted children and they trust each other more than anyone else, and now we have Tommy and Tammy as a result, they’re more like roommates than husband and wife, but they do coparent
(Timmy might be potentially casually seeing Jimmy at this time, but I haven’t fully decided)
Oh yeah also Timmy’s egg officially cracked at 18 and he came out as bi gender he/she pronouns
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foptbw · 7 months ago
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Chester: When Chloe moved to Dimmsdale, according to her Timmy and her bonded pretending to have fairy godparents who granted their wishes. I think Timmy got the idea off that crockpot who was always going on about catching Timmy's Fairy Godparents. Timmy THINKS that fairies are real. He is obsessed with everything fairies. From books to cartoons to movies if there is fairies he has seen it.
But Timmy isn't anything like Crocker. Crocker was obsessed with hunting fairies. He's much more interested in becoming a fairy himself. He has never bullied a child believing they had Fairy Godparents.
Timmy: Im a expert in fairies! Chloe says that things aren't like how they are in tv shows or books or whatever. And how there are lots of monsters who are shown on tv one way but aren't. Buuuuut I know that! Cuz lots of media has fairies in lots of different ways
And there are lots of different types of fairies too! I have a picture of my real parents. AJ and Chester say it's just a drawing. But I know its real and they weren't just imaginary friends like Gary was.
I know fairies exist! I know I'm really a fairy and my real parents were fairies. That's why my other parents...
I might not be able to remember, but I know they are real.
Somehow I'll unlock my magic and I'll unlock my real self. And I'll be able to grant Chester and AJ their wishes and see my REAL parents again!
I would never ever ever ever hunt a fairy to use their magic. I would never ever ever ever stalk someone and... even if I thought they had fairies!
AJ: Timmy isn't obsessed with Fairy Godparents like Mr. Crocker is. He BELIEVES fairies are real, but has no active desire to try to hunt fairies. Galax Institute researches all paranormal fields. Fairies are not one we care that much about. But, we have dabbled in handling the possibility of a fairy sighting. Chester and I have decided it is for the best Timmy remains unaware of anything involving Galax and fairies. It's for the best.
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I dunno if i still like this... but here's a silly au what if dimmsdale was a australian suburb. That's it its just the fairly oddparents but in an australian context cause why not. Every character is basically the same personality wise but more Australian.
Let me explain the house things, like in primary school/elementary during like sport events the kids get split into four house colours (usually red, blue, green and yellow) and stereotypically yellow is always dead last and Blue is always number one.
I kinda enjoyed designing school uniforms, this batch of doodles brought me some nostalgia (i think i'm going to rewatch little lunch).
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cubbihue · 7 months ago
Has AJ and Chester ever secretly talked to each other about how off it feels with ‘Timmy’ after he came back? Do they wonder why he is so odd even though he is in general the same?
They can’t question it much, right? Since it IS Timmy. Just not the same Timmy they used to know.
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They've had discussions. AJ and Chester has picked up how Timmy's... changed somewhat. He doesn't initiate conversations as often, he doesn't create schemes as he used to, and worst of all- Timmy doesn't laugh at their jokes!!!
But his cheer and optimism has never left, and he's still overeager to do all sorts of things with them!!! AJ and Chester chalks it up to Timmy growing up faster than they are. They did their best to slow him down to their pace though.
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chunmi · 19 days ago
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A doodle of my favorite trio
Aj is too busy
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Based on these
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strawtebby · 6 months ago
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Timantha has some pretty cool friends
This is part of my FOP: A New Name AU that you can find here @fopanewname
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jadeyarts · 7 months ago
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cass + remy
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