#jim tag
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homoquartz · 1 year ago
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got bored and just felt like coloring this one
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ilexdiapason · 1 year ago
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palewolfcheesecake-blog · 15 days ago
4 and 13 from smile like you mean it!
(Also sorry I tried to leave a comment like 5 times and my ao3 was acting up and then I completely forgot to try again but Im absolutely in awe of it so far and the VIBES- I’ll go leave a proper comment soon!)
WAHHHH tyty <33333 also no worries!!!!! rip your ao3, hope it gets better soon
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
tough one!! i'm gonna cheat and use smth that's coming in a few chapters as a treat for the fact that i am more than a month late than scheduled for the next chapter (very sorry for anyone who's been reading it, it spiraled into way more than intended and now i'm in the ninth ring of writing hell 😭):
Lewis hadn’t necessarily meant to spend the first two hours of her morning getting eaten out against the kitchen counter – after all, she wasn’t the one who’d pounced on the other woman the second she saw her, even if she’d walked in wearing practically nothing but Seb’s clothes.
EDIT: Just realized that that was narration, not dialogue, so have this too!! (from next chapter):
Seb scoffs, pulling her off by her wrist. “Of course that’s what you’re worried about. ‘Oh, I’m Lewis Hamilton– I have to be Hollywood’s prettiest, perfectest little dreamboat, its most favoritest girl – sorry, actress – or I’ll simply die, never mind the fact that I can’t keep a relationship to save my own life’,” she snarks, waving her hands in the air like she’s Bob Fosse. "Honestly, do you even realize that they'll never respect you, or are you just trying to ignore it, the way you ignore every other problem in your life?"
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
oooh, fun!!!
while writing: i've been listening to a lot of this playlist i made that's basically meant to be horny lesbian songs (i might've been complaining abt this earlier, but there are simply NOT enough of them out there which is very sad so i just decided to make it so i could have them at easy access- speaking off if you have any recs PLEASE lmk i'm absolutely starved), plus some brat, succession soundtrack bits, songs from this playlist, chappell roan, florence + the machine's album lungs, liquid smooth by mitski, the fame monster + born this way (lady gaga), strawberry privilege by yves tumor (was also the original name of the fic before i changed it last minute!), and of course, smile like you mean it by the killers
reader accompaniment: hmmm, not entirely sure? anything that matches what you feel are the Vibes for the fic works, really. i made this playlist for it, if anyone would like to check it out, but idk how i feel about it yet, so feel free to make your own if you'd like!
anyways tysm for the ask!!!!!! <333333
ask game
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twodiamondhoes · 2 months ago
AU BATTLE TIME dirges crew vs fallout crew
This isn't one of the 100-500 word ficlet prompts but I cannot stop thinking about how distinct the home court advantages of these two crews are.
If Dirges crew set foot in the Fallout setting they would spontaneously combust because of the radiation poisoning just... present in the air. There was 0 radiation in the air during the 1800s. (there was radiation, obviously, please see the radium girls and uranium glass, but there's a reason we can find forgeries painted after the 1940s with specific tests). The Fallout Crew got frog-boiled, and even the non-radioactive areas have radiation.
But if the Fallout crew ended up in Del Sombra, they would be vaporized the second one of them even sort of made a move towards violence.
So I guess the best answer is, if they both ended up in a completely neutral ground, like some kind of arena a la the M9 v. VM battle oneshot, there would be a couple of really interesting determining factors on either side (More under the cut lol)
On the side of the Dirges Crew we've got their heavy hitters:
Del Sombra/Grian: hindered by the fact that she's more or less trapped in a mortal body and outside of her direct sphere of influence
Jimmy: who's got all of his, uh, Morhua things going on. Can I post about that yet? Probably not actually but oh well.
Scar, and all of the magical buffs he's got from Nick
Pearl, and all of the magical buffs she's got from [VERY REDACTED]
[Redacted] and Tango, but Tango's given up his scythes to Pearl, and is actually mostly mortal at this point. All he's really got going for him is chutzpah and grit (and explosives). [Redacted] can stand his own though.
But shockingly, as you pointed out not too long ago, the biggest dog in this fight is actually False. It really is a "You have rad-x, 275lbs of explosives, and power armor, but we have a False," and none of that will make sense to anyone for a very very long time because I write so so sooooo slowly I'm sorry guys.
But on the Fallout Crew side, their heavy hitters are:
Jimmy: Who was literally engineered in a lab vault to be good at hyper-perceptive and good at combat. Sorry about that semi-constant overstimulation though, bud.
Tango: who now owns 100% of the Powder Ganger's stock of explosives and is only hindered by carrying capacity (200lbs is based on my vague recollection of what the FNV companions can carry lol)
Impulse: and his power armor.
Skizz: and his power armor.
Etho: and, uh, everything that he's got in his silly little bunker in the desert.
Also, Etho's car. (After Wild Life, it is SO funny to me that we gave Etho the Last Working Car in existence. Truly the Boat Boys hit us with that clairvoyance beam. They get to be antagonistic buddies in this au now, I say so.)
Oh, yeah, (<- pretending that I forgot and haven't been chomping at the bit to write about Fallout AU Gem) and Gem, who, let's be honest, is their dark horse in this fight. Between her ability to survive and her ability to fight, I think it's even odds that she can hold her own against several members of the Dirges crew, especially if she gets in close.
And look, if Dirges!Pearl can get [Very Redacted] to care about the fight, then it's all over for the fallout crew, but otherwise, I think the fallout crew comes out on top, based on numbers, tactical knowledge, and the fact that they've got Mr. "I was raised on simulations and so many gene mods" leading them. Falsie puts up a good fight, but her body is not made to go up against power armor. On the plus side, she'd finally get to figure out if she can... go home.
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3amsnek · 2 years ago
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birthday bastard boy!!! went in a completely different direction this time with my annual Jim Appreciation Art and had a blast painting him with some fun brushes :3 love my strange lil son
click for better quality
reblogs >> likes!!
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scarletwix · 11 months ago
BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG (I have something worse than boops)
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to-spread-the-ministry · 7 months ago
Hiya 💚
Just popping by off anon today to say I hope you’re having a good weekend. What’s something that’s made you smile recently? Have you been watered, fed, and provided some sunlight today?
You’re amazing, don’t forget that 🤘
Hello Jim!
I did have a good weekend, I went up to visit my grandma and celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary.
This morning I smiled because Jesus was telling me all about this beautiful holy looking kitten he saw from the bus this morning!
I haven't done the feeding or watering yet but I did just roll out of bed. Sunlight on the other hand I did get because my still open curtains let it shine right into my face. (and somehow I still slept in late) 😂
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misfitmiska · 2 months ago
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Best friends who look out for each other by pulling rank on each other. <3
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iwasbored777 · 1 month ago
They asked Lee Majdoub what he thinks of Stobotnik vs what Stone thinks of it and this man chose violence omg the more I read the more painful it gets
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homoquartz · 1 year ago
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even if you included their spouses too
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ilexdiapason · 1 year ago
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valentines from our headmates to their partners! some of these are repurposeable i'm sure if you really want
bonuses from the ones without partners:
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amok time bottomifing kirk was genius actually because i do believe that this man, who is in a position of leadership and who is constantly reminded of the weight every choice he makes and every word he says has, needs to be manhandled from time to time. for the good of the soul
i think it’s brilliant how spock is incredibly stronger than kirk (and not only that, as he is physically larger as well). how the first officer makes his captain look so weak, so frail, outisde the bridge, outside the ship, ripped from any resemblance of being in control. also it’s so fucking hot
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what the fuck
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twodiamondhoes · 2 months ago
OKAY is it better to be in a big fandom and shipping a rarepair or a tiny fandom and shipping the second popular pairing? (I'D SPECIFY ONE FOR THE FIRST ONE but we like our rarepairs and our us-driven crackships and also the two of us could singlehandedly take over the entire Bonekey AO3)
There's a Bone Key AO3?? /j
(In a perfect world I would write an entire novel that's just Ratty and Booth saving the world and falling in love. But this is not a perfect world and Sarah Monette wants me to suffer.)
Tbh?? I would say I have more fun carving out niches with the "smaller" pairings and meeting other like minded folks! Like. Babe. We met because of nightsilver like you can't ask me this question and not expect bias lmao
I genuinely think the most popular pairing I've written things for IS Ranchers and/or Scarian and that's because this fandom has infected me in a very specific way. they put something in the minecraft rp and I'm addicted to it
The best part of this fandom is the way I've been able to make connections with folks even despite how big it is! <3 ily all
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spirk-trek · 10 months ago
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captain kirk was allowed out of his enclosure today for some much needed enrichment!!! look at him go!
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scarletwix · 1 year ago
HI IT'S ME I'M THE PROBLEM IT'S ME also folks feel free to blame me for the delay in the posting of the next chapter of dirges. feel free to also blame me for the fact that it might be about... 5000+ words longer than it might otherwise have been. I'm the unrepentant king of enablers.
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He's done this twice. Just this chapter.
He resurrected his tumblr to send this ask. To give you an idea of what a chaos entity he really is.
Anyway, yes. He's the reason I have been giving into the demons and trying to really perfect this chapter.
The good news: the majority of it is written! It has already been extended by approximately 5k. Oops.
The bad news: I have unwittingly... essentially pushed publishing back by a week. To make sure that chapters 10 and 11 (er... 11 and 12, thanks to my chapter 7 snafu) can be a proper double update and not drive myself completely mad, I will be pushing them to the 25th.
Thank you everyone for being so patient and understanding! 💖
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