#jikook silver day
kanmom51 · 2 months
Are you sure? Silver day
I know I said I'm not going to be doing this by order, but I couldn't help but start with Jikook on Silver day.
So, JK's solo debut was 14 July 2023.
Silver day.
And low and behold, JM flew over to be with him on that day, and for the two of them to set on their CT adventure together.
Why am I bringing all of that up, you ask?
A couple of reasons.
First being that you could argue that basically this weekend trip of theirs was even more significant being on Silver day and the weekend that followed.
But more so to remind that one of the first scenes we get in episode 1 of Are you sure? is of the two of them at dinner at Antoya, where we know they had their lovely dinner on the evening of 13 July (which was basically already 14 July Korea time).
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So, Silver day and JK's solo debut, and JM and JK not able to spend as much time together as they want and need, they come up with the idea of having a travel show, just the two of them, allowing for them to travel together and at the same time create content for Army while they are away in the army (JM suggests it but we know that both were involved in the back and forth of suggested activities and decisions made as to the what and where).
And we get this Jikook at the restaurant the night before:
Affectionate and caring and touchy.
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And this was them the next morning.
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I am not going to get into it in this post, but I will say, in a side note, that the talk we got in the car shortly after (some of that talk, which was highly edited) is kind of appropriate to Silver day and what it's all about.
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Whay do you think about this and the cut storm ?
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I think they shared time together with the cameras turned off. I think JK probably spent the night in Jimins bed and they probably just made it look like he slept in his own. I think his chapstick/lip balm could've rubbed off during cuddles or just on the pillow though too. The cuddles we did see had JK rubbing his face all into the back of Jimins neck, that could've messed up lip balm.
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Lol it's also possible they shared some off camera, no staff around, kisses. JK turned the camera off. If they are a couple, that's probably absolutely what happened. And I don't think it would've gone any further than that at all though. Remember Jimins awful stomach bug. Lol
I hope they enjoyed their break from the cameras there though. For whatever it was. This was a quality time trip and they deserve some ACTUAL quality time in there without worrying about what the cameras will pick up too 😂
Just like I think they got some of that quality time before filming truly started in that first hotel room too! It was Silver Day (or the night before it depending on how they decided to count their time zones). They had a nice dinner together that they only filmed a little bit of, then spent the night at JKs hotel room together too. Probably sharing a bed there as well, with no one filming.
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Jimin watched him do his GMA rehearsals, his interview, his Seven Welive... and then they sat on the couch, super close together and holding hands, while listening to the staff explain their loose itinerary for their AYS vacation. For their travel show that they hadn't even named yet!
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And when you think about it... It might've been a coincidence with just whenever they had a free weekend overlapping, but Jimin traveled 13 hours to spend Silver Day and start this trip with Jungkook. And JK was clearly intensely grateful and happy about it too.
Hopefully Jimin got to enjoy his freshly waxed legs at least once before he got sick 🙃🤣😅 (I joke)
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And they ended their trip with a private dinner at Antoya. This time with no staff and no cameras in a private room before Jimin had to leave to travel back to SK. And JK to do another Welive after Jimin leaves the country he is in, very tired. But following his pattern of the year here
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Just for when they are both home in SK, for JK to try and tempt Jimin over while naked in bed through Welive. And for Jimin to skip Tony Montana rehearsals? And JK to show up and use JMs mic for his rehearsal for D day 🤣 Lmfao followed by them making a private trip to Jeju in August before they went again for AYS in September.
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It's just all so very sweet. They made this a travel show and vlog for fans and to have a good reason to spend extended time together traveling during their busy schedules.... And still made sure to get quality private time together during filming too. It makes me so genuinely happy for them. I'm sure they really needed it too. Especially when they were so unsure about what military service separation would bring them.
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andy-wm · 1 year
Jungkook is the most romantic person in existance (and the choice of ANTOYA supports this claim) 🩷
The things he does, both big and small, speak volumes about how he feels towards Jimin.
We know JK is a boy with big, big feelings. We see him crying when he's overcome, we see him enjoying his food most dramatically, we see him raging when hes furious.
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We dont know everything about them, but one of the things we often get to see, when it comes to Jungkook and his feelings, is the way he celebrates Jimin.
The things he does aren't expensive, they aren't flashy, they arent designed to impress or show status. They are the things that money can't buy. He gives gifts of the heart.
Rosebowl, the giant pancake, the snow in NZ, the thirst-trap birthday message, leaving the gym to support Jimin's birthday vlive, the hyping of Promise (from inside a closet) and many more. Let's not forget GCF Tokyo! I can't list them all here but most recently, his support during Jimin's promotions for FACE - commenting on the livestreams, singing the songs, watching the promos with us - are hugely significant. Its not hard to imagine how much these gestures would have meant to Jimin.
It is all so special and thoughtful. It speaks volumes about their relationship.
But the thing I love the most about all of this? It's the WAY he does these things.
Some of them are impulsive (the snow), some are carefully planned (Tokyo). Some are enormously significant, changing the whole landscape around their relationship (Rosebowl) others are barely worth a mention (a bigger pancake). But in every instance, his whole focus is Jimin's happiness.
From the biggest things to the smallest, the delivery of his heartfelt gifts is totally without ego. There's no guile or selfishness in ANY of it. At no point does he seem to be thinking 'Look how good i am!' In fact i believe that sometimes he is not really thinking at all. At least not consciously thinking of how to impress or show his love or 'be thoughtful'. He seems to be so genuinely attuned to Jimin that he doesn't need to think. He instinctively knows, and without second guessing, he acts.
So what's so special about ANTOYA?
Its not a particularly expensive restaurant. I could easily afford to eat there and I'm not wealthy AT ALL. Its not especially exclusive or sophisticated - there's a person dancing in a cow-suit outside the door for goodness sake! The reviews talk about it being good value for money and a family restaurant. Yes, it has a mention in the Michelin guide, but they describe it as "good quality, good value" and "deliver[ing] a reliable roster of barbecue hits." Let's be frank, its not the highest praise possible for a restaurant.
So what makes it special enough for them to eat there? Besides the important fact that it proclaims itself 'LGBT friendly' there's one stand out thing... its very pretty and very romantic, and from what we know about Jimin's aesthetic, he would love it.
Would JK love it? Not sure he'd care. The boy sleeps on matresses on the floor and has bandannas tied around his lamps. His 'room' in BE was starkly functional and minimalist.
But Jimin's room in BE... JIMIN'S ROOM WAS A SERENADE OF ELEGANCE AND FULL TO THE BRIM WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS. He's all about pretty, pretty things.
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The restaurant entrance is honestly divine. It's like a pagoda covered in a cascade of colourful flowers, and their signature cocktail is called 'Love Potion'. What could be more romantic on Silver Day, than a meal at a place like this?
I really can't think of anything 🩷
The aesthetic... oozing romance
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The menu... not exorbitant
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Let's focus on...
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We've all seen the above clip hundreds of times from Memories 2021 where JK and Jimin are cozied up sitting in the dressing area getting ready for the PTD online concert back in late 2021. And every time I see this clip, I've always noticed the curious way JK leans his head back when looking at Jimin and my brain finally had to stop for a second and think about why he did/does that.
You know that thing you do when you are trying to focus on something too close so you move your head to get your eyes at a better distance from what you are trying to look at. Kookie was trying to focus on Jiminie's face. It was too close. He's farsighted.
He may not have known it back in 2021 though because we didn't start seeing him really wear eyeglasses until this past year when he was headed to Qatar (I think?). Anyway. Carry on. That's your random post for the day.
P.S. JJK1 IS COMING JULY 14!! and FYI that would be SILVER DAY on the Korean couples calendar.
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I’m sure jikook did film some official content that we will see someday but fact is, if Jimin didn’t want to be around JK for three days straight, of course he would’ve said no. Jimin has shown he’s fully capable of saying no and it’s not like he isn’t busy as is. And if this whole thing had been jihope working together instead, no one would care that it’s official content, they’d all just be cooing over them taking a trip together and their friendship.
Hi anon,
Yes! We will see it while they are in the military.
Ugh. Why can't people just let jikook be?
And when the stuff is released, all the haters will be like "See! It was a work thing only." They will forget that jikook spent the weekend in small towns with a beach and the romantic waves of the ocean. And that Jimin's watch was set to NY time before he left Korea and all this happened in time for Silver Day. And what a coincidence that Seven was released and jikook must have practiced seven...choreo.
Ugh. Even some jikookers will forget.
Thanks for sharing!
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irishhorse-blog · 1 year
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Remember the special ring that JK was going to tell us about later but never did? The one where Jimin’s ring fit on his pink and meant destiny and forever together? 
Should we talk about this ring situation?
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10 Jikook Fanfictions Part 1
I said I'd make a list before the end of the year and I kept my promise. Now, it's difficult to choose, especially when I have more than 300 bookmarks and unfortunately I also started doing that some year and a half ago. Safe to say, there's probably plenty of good fics I read that are now lost. Anyway, enough with the boring chit chat, here's 10 random jikook fics in no particular order and most likely, several other parts will follow, probably next year 😉
1. Dead in the Water
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It's been a couple of years since I read this and honestly, I barely remember much, but what I do know it's that it had an impact on me. Usually fics that have death as a central theme end up resonating with me, but perhaps it's because I've always been attracted to more darker fiction. This one is gritty and there's a lot of pain and I must have cried a lot (those tend to stick in my head)
2. we're holding hands beneath the silver screen
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I think this story is taking place in the 90s (you'll see that a lot of the fics I recommend are taking place in the past). I think I ended up reading everything ChimneyCricket wrote, but this one remained a favorite. Coming of age during a summer in Jeju in the 90s. Apart from the theme, it's the writing that made me stick with it.
I'm not the biggest fan of young adult stories. Or better yet, it's not something that I'd go to as a preference. When I do, it's more of an indulgence and thankfully, I found some writers (like this one) who can do a really good job with the genre.
3. Stockwell
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Another writer that I've become a big fan of after reading one fic of theirs. And I think it might have been Stockwell that did it for me. I like that it's fanfiction with adult themes for an adult audience. And I also resonate with a lot of the cultural references and themes. I will also admit that this fic leaning into the enemies to lovers trope was a selling point because I'm a sucker for it. I can't help myself.
4. Burn for You
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This is a complete self indulgence for me and I embrace it. Just like watching Bridgerton is a guilty pleasure for which I don't actually feel guilty (and the inspo for this fic). This story has everything and I must say the combination of lust, fear of revealing feelings, rumors, proper behavior and hidden romance is a lethal combination!
5. Light of a century
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I might have recommended this story before, but it being inspired by Up on Poppy Hill is not just due to the plot, but the writing is able to evoke that studio Ghibli mood. This fic is to be read on a hot weekend afternoon.
6. Map of the Soul
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This might be one of the most complex fanfictions I read due to the amount of research needed, but also in the depiction of political contexts and identity politics. Most of all, I like it because as much as relationships are a vital part of the story, there is an entire world surrounding the main characters. Events and other people that have also room to develop and not just remain props that advance the story.
7. Proceed with Caution
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I don't know what snatchim did with this fic, but it's the only one I ever reread multiple times and I'll probably do it again in the future. I don't even reread books from my library, let alone fanfics. But Proceed with Caution did it for me. Perhaps it's because of the process of Jungkook inevitably falling for Jimin and even though it's a bad thing considering the context, it's so good. Maybe it's the image of Jimin with a bellybutton ring or maybe because the picture of hot Californian days in the 70s is so vivid, it feels like a nostalgic Paul Thomas Anderson movie.
8. Dishwater World They Said Was Lemonade
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The description does not do this story justice because it's so much more than that. It's a canon compliant thriller with really complicated and complex characters and once again, a story meant for adults who understand that it's fiction. Unfortunately, judging by the comment section, a lot of people cannot distinguish betweem real people and characters. For those of you who might be fans of Korean thrillers, this story might be the one for you. It's also one of my favorite jikook fics as well.
9. souvlaki
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Need I say more, considering the description? This is a self indulgence as well, but of a different kind. If I happily read tropey fics, I also like the ones that can sound like a uni course. Set during the 1997 FMI crisis in SK, any reader will get familiar with a socioeconomic and political perspective of that time through the eyes of the main characters. If you're only looking for romance, this one is not for you.
10. you wouldn't remember
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I think littleflumes might be currently my favorite writer of canon compliant jikook. I think the author really captured their dynamic in its essence and the room left for fiction perfectly fills in the holes left in the last 2 years and up until the present. But what did it for me, not only with this story, but the others in the series as well, is that it's concentrated almost entirely on the two main characters, almost living in a bubble of their own in which their relationship can be explored.
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not-goldy · 10 months
Jikook's Chapter 2 behavior toward each other, in a nutshell.
Jimin - Nonchalant lowkey Gay
JM: (Flies to NY during JK's solo/Silver Day) - IT WAS FOR DRINKS/WORK even though I was waxed head to toe.
JM: (Releases hidden Letter with JK leaves questionable cut OG romantic lyrics for us to read) - IT'S A FAN SONG
JK - Reckless in love Gay, during his 30 Jimin lives.
JK: Why can't you hold me in the street?
JK: Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
JK: I wish that it could be like that
JK: Why can't we be like that?
JK: Cause I'm yours
JK: Why can't I say that I'm in love?
JK: I wanna shout it from the rooftops
JK: I wish that it could be like that
JK: Why can't it be like that?
JK: Cause I'm yours
JK: I don't wanna live love this way
JK: I don't wanna hide us away
JK: I wonder if it ever will change
JK: I'm living for that day, Someday
JK's persistence paid off. Desperate times called for desperate measures. He made missing Jimin public and everyone's problem. Now look at Jk, Jimin's #1 Fan (he told us remember). Happy as hell. Got his Jimin back, 2 alone vacations with him (that we know of) and now gonna have Jimin all to himself for the next 18 months to help him through a difficult time and won't have to be separated from him. Remember, chase your dreams and don't give up kids. Jk is proof of that.
It's the I think I still snore and Jimin saying it's okay I'm used to it by now for me🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
And before we could ask questions he said- b bcos we were together recently 🥲
So they basically spilling their own tea telling us they shared a bed and shit when we didn't even ask😩
You went on a trip- we know you didn't social distance up in there. Leave somethings to our imagination please. Those who will doubt will doubt but we know. Been knew this Jikook. Say less.
To think we had shady anons come in here trying to explain all the reasons why they think Jikook went on a trip and shared seperate rooms🤡
Their wrongness never cease to amaze me
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seoul-bros · 7 months
Jikook Week 11 Complete ✔️(20/02 - 27/02/2024)
Their eleventh week in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2023.
On 21/02/2023 Part 2 of Run BTS Mini Field Day came out. Part 1 was released the previous week and both Tae and Jungkook were on excellent form. Part 2 began with a ping pong challenge which was frankly ridiculously difficult although Jungkook made it look really easy
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Things didn't go quite so well for Jimin however. J-Hope was determined to put Jimin off and he succeeded in spades.
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It was definitely not Jimin's day to shine.
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The final game was Slippery Soccer. The teams were Jin, Tae and JK on the Red Team and Suga, RM, J-Hope and Jimin on the Blue Team. The Red Team were all over the game from the start and it was difficult to see how the underdogs would ever fight back.
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Especially when J-Hope and Jimin's body parts were working for the opposition at various points in the game.
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But who is going to complain when it led to this celebration hug.
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After a few rounds though the blues levelled up and things descended into chaos.
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There is even a compilation video of all jikook's chaotic interactions.
At the end of the day, everyone was happy for the match to end in a draw.
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Jimin was soaked through having spent a disproportionate amount of time on the floor.
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Medal placements were J-Hope - Bronze, Jungkook - Silver and the man of the hour V - Gold.
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This show was the last Run BTS filmed before members started enlisting and Jin took the opportunity to accept an honorary gold and say his goodbyes to ARMY but not without some interference from Jimin and Jungkook.
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I'm not sure what Run BTS would look like after the military but I hope we might get a few special episodes even if it isn't such a central part of their work together.
Now you may accuse me of burying the lead but there was another very important piece of news released this week in 2023.
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On the 21/02, Big Hit announced that FACE Jimin's debut release would be out on 24th March. The promotional schedule came out on 22/02 and the tracklist and behind video came out on the 23/02.
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We got a first glimpse of how closely Jimin had been involved in all aspects of his solo debut and an indication that this was going to be a new and exciting departure for him. We understood this, even if we didn't quite grasp quite how momentous this release would be for Jimin and for South Korean music in general.
I'm running out of images but let's not forget that Elle Magazine Hong Kong published some amazing shots from Jimin's Dior photoshoot on the 22/02/2023. Jimin's fashion god/goddess era was well underway.
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Post Date: 27/02/2024
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jeonscatalyst · 23 days
Can we talk about Jikook spending multiple holidays together by choice. White Day, Silver Day, Valentines, Chuseok. However you view their relationship, they enjoy spending these days together for years over others, including bdays & that speaks volumes.
Now, Lets talk about how Jikook scheduled their Jeju trip during Chuseok, originally meant for the 2 of them. Jk already memorizing recipes saying Jimin will love this while in NY, to fix on their Jeju trip. I can see why they were annoyed with their "guest who insisted & only found out through group chat two days before". Not only did JK have to go straight from NY to Jeju, which he probably thought he'd be spending alone with Jimin after being away on promotions, he had to deal with an unexpected guest. Since JK was busy in NY, I'm guessing Tae insisted to Jimin & Jimin talked to JK about him coming. I can see why Jk was annoyed with them both esp Jimin, bucking up at him over nothing & locking him out the house lol. Also, Jikook's suitcases were bigger then Tae's & the phone call with JK's mom asking about Jimin & asking if Jk is coming home for the holidays, kinda paints a picture. Jikook wanted to spend the holiday together, planned this trip around Chuseok, just the two of them in Jeju & were probably gonna head home to Busan to see their families after. I know they love Tae & had fun with him, but its clear this was a holiday vacation planned for ONLY 2 from the start. I don't want to say what Tae did was selfish, but he clearly didn't read the room beforehand. Maybe he will next time.
Hi anon,
Jimin and Jungkook choosing to spend many special days together over the years is and has always been one of my favourite things about them. I love how those two value (d) spending certain moments together and that was pretty consistent for so many years. It was always one of the things that always set them apart from the rest of the members in my opinion and one of the things that showed how deep their bond and friendship is. Like you said, it speaks volumes.
You may not like this but I am not one of the people who believes that Jungkook was annoyed about Tae joining them in Jeju. I didn’t see anything about his or Jimin’s behaviour or demeanor that gave me that impression if anything, I thought Jk was indifferent about it. I don’t think he had an issue with Tae being there. Some people mentioned sensing some annoyance from him towards Tae but I honestly didn’t, was he sometimes bratty, sure but not annoyed. Yes the trip was originally planned for Jimin and Jungkook but if those two didn’t want Tae there he wouldn’t have been there. These guys have known each other for over a decade and Vminkook are really close so I don’t think Jimin and Jungkook wouldn’t have been able to tell him no, if they didn’t want him there and Tae could be a little clueless sometimes but I don’t think he would have insisted to tag along if he felt like Jikook didn’t want him there. Maybe to Jimin and Jungkook, it just felt like “the more the merrier” and even though they teased Tae alot about him being a guest and joked about how the show was meant only for two, I don’t think they would have had a problem if other members wanted to join too.
Jimin and Jungkook may have loved to spend time together alone but that doesn’t mean they cared too much if they had some company at certain times, so let’s allow Tae some grace ok. I loved that he was there because they all seemed to have a really great time with him especially on the first day. I felt like he was a little off on the other days but maybe it was because he wasn’t feeling too fine or probably had other stuff on his mind or maybe he was just bored when they weren’t actively runninf around plus, him being there also aided in showing us how different Jikook is from Taekook. I don’t know about u but Tae being there validated my thoughts Jikook’s and taekook’s dynamic and how obviously different they are. I made a post a few months ago about their dynamics and I got tkkrs fuming in my inbox so when I watched AYS and saw all my words come to life it felt good to know I had a very great understanding of the boys. Jk’s little snarky remarks and pissy attitude is just Jk. I feel like sometimes we forget about the fact that even though Jk is the most amazing little bean he could be a brat sometimes and he knows how to work his hyungs nerves. He had his bratty moments with Tae but I don’t think that had anything to do with him not wanting Tae there. He was also very welcoming and him and Jimin tried not to make sure Tae didn’t feel left out so I guess they actually loved having him around.
Maybe Jikook’s suitcases were bigger because they planned to go to Busan after or maybe they just packed more than Tae did. Who knows?
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kanmom51 · 1 year
14 July 2023
Seven is being released on that day.
But it's also Silver day.
An extremely meaningful day in Korean couple culture.
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Last year Silver day happened to fall on Hobi's JITB party.
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First time we saw JM with PolyC's silver bracelet, the same one that JK happened to have.
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First time we also saw JM with his very important necklace. The one that he wore day in and day out for months until the Dior and Tiffany ambassadorships came to be.
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And this year Seven is being released on that exact day.
And we already got a schedule and a very curious photo.
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And people are seeing abs and studs (well I saw those too) and BDSM rings maybe (that have become the talk of the town).
But all I am seeing are 2 silver rings.
One placed on JK's ring finger just over the JM.
Are the ring placements coincidental?
Right index finger and right ring finger.
Just a couple of examples as to the importance of a ring on those two fingers. Both meaningful.
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The jewellery JK is wearing in that photo has been identified as from the Ann Demeulemeester jewellery line.
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And what is said about this brand?
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Interesting how all the Jewellery is silver.
For a song being released on Silver day.
And 2 silver rings on his right hand.
Seven is most likely not about them. We know it's not a song written by JK. Although we don't know just how connected he feels to the lyrics, how much they mean to him.
And past experience teaches us that not everything that is chosen in their styling for these kind of photos is relevant to the song or the MV. It could be meaningful to the artist themself.
I do think JK is trying to say something.
What that is only he knows.
But I do like this option, this choice.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
I’m really sorry but I have a hard time believing that platonic bros would spend time together in the middle of being extremely busy, in such romantic situations. You’ve got one flying into NY after the other, waxed legs on show, going on a romantic silver day date, to then drive off to gay friendly CT the next day for a romantic weekend getaway, then them coming back to NY before one flies back home.
Then we have them renting a beautiful villa in jeju, having fun together, watching the sunset on a boat together. Again.
Then I have no words as to what we’re seeing from Sapporo. No words.
I know they are going to bro it out in the show, they have to right? It’s just everything screams domesticated intimate bfs here, I don’t see how anyone can say otherwise. Bros trips are to Cabo Mexico, certain islands in Europe to get wasted, cities in Eastern Europe, they could have gone to London to drink, but not this. And not normally just the two of us….
We've seen NOTHING really from Sapporo yet though. Just the same few clips over and over 😂 we've still got so much content from that to come. Especially with how right before Sapporo, they found out that they wouldn't have to miss each other. Because now they knew that their buddy enlistment application was accepted.
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NY/CT and Jeju happened before they knew they got accepted. This was a making memories while we can and enjoying our freedom together while we can planned trip. Then they got to find out that actually they were able to stay together the whole time. Their whole enlistment got to be together. And they went to Japan and we got the most domestic and cuddly looking Jikook in the Japan airports and so many matching fits in Japan.... And the most touchy and snuggly and clingy Jikook ever when they got back home too....
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This was after they knew they'd get to be together. And the energy between them man... Idk I think I'm just most excited to see what they share with us from Sapporo. And I'm excited to see if they share deep conversations with us about their hopes and wants about their application. Or anything else at all too. This show is going to be so special!!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I think Jikool being sighted on Silver Day is a coincidence.
Jungkook probably didnt know of the Silver Day thing.
And moreover remember Seven MV has two beautiful women - Han Sohee and Lotto.
Gay men wont include beautiful women rapping sexy stuff in their MV.
Hey Jikookers, please gather around,
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Thank u anon for making us laugh. You're funny. You should tots quit your day job and do stand up full time.
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marengogo · 6 months
Silver Lining - What If #8 : Min & Kook or Busan Brothers?
Neuron by J-Hope (with Gaeko & YOON MIRAE) focused playlist.
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
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Ladies, Gentlemen and Distinguished Enbies: HELLO!
How is everyone? Hope you are all enjoying this little break, if you celebrate Easter, and if for any reason you didn’t get a break either you don’t celebrate Easter, or you are part of the “holiday working class” I hope you are at least safe and serene 💜. All that said, let me tell you;
It’s incredible what a few days off can do, aye?!
For one I've been very vivid dreams and, for two, I’m actually in the mood of writing posts, would you look at that! AND BY THE WAY I keep forgetting to do this, but I will at some point later today I need to write an advisory note for the Sonyeondan Colosseum as I haven’t been there in a while but I still get aspiring gladiators, who are dying to participate, and albeit fun, at the moment, I really don't have that much time, to provide these fighters with the appropriate match they deserve 😫. So it is only right that I rely the appropriate information, as I do believe I run a fine institution and as such I am sorry for allowing my administration to slack real life suddenly got so busy and interesting that I didn’t, and still don't, have time to play, but who knows what the future holds right?! There just might appear a contender so unique, I might not resist the urge for a little tussle.
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Anyways, back to the topic of this post, as it is sort of a continuation of this one → Solstice & Equinox, it is indeed about the Jikook Travel vlog we still no absolutely nothing about, but of which I woke up with thoughts/ideas about, hence, why I’ve placed this post, yet again, in my Silver Lining series 🤡. In my previous post I tried to predict the vlogs' scheduling, in this post I would like to talk about the possible style this vlog might take, while making, as always, educated guesses and also diving into JK’s filmmaking style.
Let’s start right off the bat with:
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Also if you are NOT familiar with “Youtuber” Jimin, below is a little summary:
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As you can probably tell by some of the ss because there are so many more, believe me!, JM is very enthusiastic about vlogging and, as we all know, JK is very enthusiastic about producing video related content as well as taking it further when he directed Life Goes On for example. Both JM and JK consume copious amounts of video content, be it movies, dramas, anime or shows and they often seem to be watching the same shows as well. Reason why, perhaps, they often seem to be the only privy of their media related inside jokes.
Now, imagine loving to watch shows so much and having as a significant other someone whom not only has so much footage/pictures of you which will never see btw 🤡 but also has the skills to potentially make a show out of you, or with you, because they also enjoy the same thing, what would you do? Sure, you like travelling and he is not too big into that, but some time 7 years ago this person not only took you on a trip, but also found the most memorable way to immortalise this for you, resulting in this person producing more and more travel vlogs. Not sure if JK has come to enjoy travelling, but one thing is for sure; 
he seems to enjoy making one helluva good vlog out of it.
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Now, before we get into the reason for my title (Min & Kook or Busan Brother?) let’s look into JK’s filmmaking style THIS IS WHERE I AM SURE I WILL NERD OUT, and in order to do this we will look into two of particular videos, as I feel like their travel vlog could be a mixture of this two: 
VIDEO 2: G.C.F in Budapest
Let’s start from VIDEO 1. This was a series of vlogs we got from each of the members and were posted on BANGTANTV between July 9, 2022 and December 10, 2022 as always with the Tannies, the actual filming dates may or may not be close to the time they were posted. There are many different types of vlogs out there, because many are the different interests of viewers out there. When looking at our boys, you can clearly see theri vlogs divided in 3 specific types of vlogs:
“HOW TO”-vlog: In this type of video, usually the hosts want to learn to do something, and so they either attempt or they are a master in said craft to do said something, while showing the viewer step-by-step, with the intent/hope that the viewer can learn or feel inspired to want to do it as well.
“CELEBRITY LIFE”-vlog: This type of video, we follow a typical/particular day in the life of a celebrity. There is usually not so much editing done, and it gives very much the feeling of watching a reality TV show.
“TRAVEL”-vlog: These are usually specifically about showcasing cities, spaces, activities. They are very action filled, so they will not have as many static shots as, for example, the previous two themes 
Even though JK and Joonie have the same style of vlog, there is something that JK has, which all the other 6 don’t, which is his own “colour”.
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JK has a very specific style that is unique to himself within the group, and you can notice in the editing, which makes me think he often takes part in, whereas, even though the type of vlog is different for the other 6 members, the style of editing is the same for all of them. When I say that JK adds his own colour, I mean that, for example, he so often breaks the 4th wall in very conventional and unconventional ways and this is something I've noticed only he does actually in Bangtan. 
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Aside from JK’s Film Colour, I do believe that this is also an indication of how long we can hope their travel vlog to be. In the end the main event was camping, with other events as well and it was edited to 45mins, which is a long ass video for this type of vlog, it basically means that they realistically had hours of footage and at least 3 type of campers, which I will get into in my next point.
GCF in Budapest has all of JK’s colours as of 2023. 
This video is the result of 6 years during which he filmed, edited and directed different projects. GCF in Budapest is very professional, and even though he didn’t do the final edit on this, he did direct it, meaning that there wasn’t a single shot that he hadn’t planned, requested or approved of. Basically, JK is the person that instructed other camera-people the times he wasn’t filming himself as to what shot he needed and wanted for the final project, all the way from principal, to secondary, footage I DON’T THINK YOU CAN’T BUT I’M ABOUT TO NERD OUT, RIGHT NOW. Following are the notable structures in this GCF, with related explanations/examples:
Non-static self-filming - This is the typical vlog style where the main subject is filming himself. But in his case he seems to favour this type of shots when he is moving the most, as if he wants us to fill like we are really travelling with him, as opposed to constantly placing the camera on the surface, not moving, and talking. 
B-Roll Footage - is also known as “filler footage”. Usually there is no talking or nothing of importance, but they are quite good for either transitions or comic relief. I LOVE B-ROLL FOOTAGE and JK uses it so well. I believe that b-rolls fit JK so well because of his personality, he tends to space out so often that, in the filmmaking context, this type of footage offers a way to show this dimension of his personality, for example, himself goofing off in the b-roll is perhaps what he does in his head when he is spacing out in real life. 
Traditional filming - This is your typical main subject being filmed by a camera-person. As there seem to be two different angles during this type of shot, there were at least 2 different people filming him I will not go deep into the type of camera/s that were you as this is not that kind of post. 
Establishing shots - This are shots that make the viewer know where and when something is happening, and they are extremely important in film-making, but not really in vlogging as the title of the vlog already tells you where and sometimes when, if not you’ll find out in the dialog you are, but it is exactly this kind of touch that makes his work feel very cinematographic.
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All the aforementioned, are characteristics that I am expecting to see in their travel blog and I am soooooo much looking forward to check our the whole crew, if by any chance we get a roll end credit scene 🥹 to be honest, going back to video 1, since they were in each known location for more than a day, they could make at least 2 self-sufficient vlogs but hey ….
JK surely came a long way from GCF in Tokyo, didn’t he? And even though he hasn’t produced a GCF with the same colours ever since, there was something that was:
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To me, filming is the art of skilfully deceiving, while  willfully being deceived, during a specific amount of time, after which we all go back to our realities unharmed or “not”, depending on the depth of the film.
Films are like magic.
But what is filming for JK? To be veeeeery honest with you, the person who has a future in acting amongst the Tannies is Kim Taehyung, yet, the two people who can for sure act, on the silver-screen, are Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung … so why do I feel like Tae is the only only that has a future in this field? Because Tae can live for and with it. Just knowing how to act is not enough, you have to want to be an actor, for real-real. You know how Hobi breathes dancing? Tae breathes out imaginary characters in a similar way, reason why I can see him having a very prolific career as an actor as well.
Now ... why do I bring this up?
If JK just wanted to become a movie director alongside being the amazing musician he is, he’s had the perfect subject/s to do so. So why has he been so fixated with filming JM? JM is not the type of subject you can use for a long film, sure, he likes to act with his friends, but I don't think that cinema glory is one of his objectives in life I may be very wrong. He can perform/dance like hell crazy for the camera, HANDS FUCKING DOWN, but, once again, serious silver-screen acting isn’t what he wants. So, once again, given a choice of Tae and Jin;
Why JM?
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I, Marengo, think that JK had always intended to make GCF in Tokyo as merely a video to preserve the happy memories, during a hard moment in their lives, which they spent together. This video-gift was specifically intended, for JM, in the style that JM mostly appreciated at the time, which might have happened to be YT vlogs. While editing his video, JK perhaps realised that it might have been a bit on the nose, so he added establishing b-roll shots of Tokyo, thinking it might have been enough to divert the attention from JM; but unfortunately failed. For a few reasons, but mainly, the lack of any spoken words in my opinion. 
The thing is that for the purposes of what i think his objective was, words were absolutely not needed. “Look! See how happy you were here! It doesn’t matter how shit things are, we can still be happy; You can still be happy!” In the same way, with Life Goes On he wanted us to see their changed everyday life of the time, the sadness, melancholy and hope they all felt. Words were not needed, and this is the type of filming which is closest to the inner colours of Jeon Jungkook. JK is not the best with words, so I believe that he found in filmmaking a form of expressing himself in a more effective way.
HOWEVER, as we all know, even though Life Goes On was well received, GCF in Tokyo’s main critique was “Where is tokyo? All I see is JM”. Yet, his main purpose wasn’t Tokyo, the shots, the song, the editing, clearly indicated that. Nevertheless, if at the time, JM was indeed his queer interest as I don’t believe they were going steady at the time, he wasn’t going to jump out gun blazing to defend his choice; was he now? No, he left us to believe that he was gonna get better, and next thing he did was add more members and better establishing shots, but never forget; gcf in Tokyo is still there and still something he remembers fondly. 
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Now as for the title of this post  😂😂😂. Be it straight, queer, interrational or whatever, there is one thing that most of couple YT channels have in common:
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Their channel name is either a union of their name or there is and &/and to join siad names. When JM was pretending to have a channel with JK during this live → VMINKOOK LIVE he named their channel MinKook, because he was Min and he was Kook so, MinKook and let’s forget for a second that this actually resulted to be a very funny korean pun. I honestly do believe that if you are a platonic duo on YT you will very rarely use your name with your friends name as it seems like it is a universal YT truth that “” & “” channels are couple channels. So if anything, if JM was talking out of subconscious, he maybe had been watching a lot of YT couple channels, at the time, and thought it okay for them to have a channel name that matched the same energy? … 
So my question is: will the channel be named something akin to that couple vibe RISKY AF, WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?? Or will it be something more like the Busan Brothers name that they are often given … HELLA SAFE, MAKES A LOT OF SENSE? I guess only time will tell! 
Ok then, hats off! Let's go back to reality, where we can happily keep waiting for this blasted travel vlog LOL.
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾,
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juliapark13 · 1 year
Fact: Taehyung is/was dating a woman. Jennie to be exact. Fact: Taekook do not spend couple days together. Fact: Taehyung said get out of your imagination.
Fact: Taehyung and JK are not in a closeted relationship. They aren't dealing with feelings, queer feelings toward each other or a relationship. There is nothing complicated to their relationship. Truth is, they are closer now, then they use to be. This is why there is more interacting. It's not about being hidden, then being more open. Taehyung publicly claimed Jennie in front of the world after a year of dating rumors. That alone tells you where he and Jk stand.
Jikook are queer & dealing with feelings & in some kind of relationship & dealing with a closet. It's not gonna be cut and dry, black and white. And if they may or may not have had break ups and make ups, which is very possible, things are never gonna be straight forward like a heterosexual relationship. Saying so and so showed up for Jimin or Tae showed up for Jk, therefore Jikook aren't close is outright insane. Jikook do spend couple days together over other members, most recently Silver Day in NY during JK's release, where Jm didn't have to go at all. We have watched JK woo Jimin for months in lives and on weverse. Did it ever occur to anyone that the closet is tight on them, esp Jimin and JK is trying to get him to loosen it up? And he's not giving up? And this explains his months long behavior toward Jimin? Oh but Jimin is coming out to play, as we all noticed recently. Be careful. Y'all might piss him off.
Jimin supporting JK in silence, by his side in NY during his release and during Silver day and hasn't spoken about it, is louder then anything that has happened with any duo & that is a FACT.
You said only FACTS. 💯
„Be careful. Y’all might piss him off.” This exactly have crossed my mind today.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
After a year and three months, our boys were finally spotted out and about alone together (with bodyguards) tonight in NYC (Silver Day in Korea), wearing black and white outfits of course.
I don’t repost unofficial content, but it’s on the timeline, in 144 microwave quality pixels—and hopefully they are far away from that area now and don’t get mobbed.
I’m content to know whatever the noise surrounding them may say, Jikook still choose to be with one another. Seven days a week, when possible.
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