#jesus herbert christ
hollabastiongirl · 2 years
what part of "I need space" does a chick not get.
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friendcrumbs · 5 months
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once again crunching for uni so ofc i remade the motivational posters instead of being productive. alt version for dan under the cut
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marstyler42 · 1 month
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
Tegridy Farms Filler Guide - Season 23
Link for Seasons  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
This time, while I guide you through the canon of it all, I might include some other notes since I feel like it.
S23E1 Mexican Joker is CANON
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So the first episode doesn't really set up the season (S22E4 had the honours), however it gets a follow-up episode that ties everything together, called Season Finale, and there is also the fact that Kyle and Eric go to camp, and because of it, they are absent during most of the next episode. Also Towelie got added to the theme song, which is wacky. He's a main character now. S23E2 Band in China is CANON
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Episode 2 of the show Tegridy Farms turned out to be the most popular one, and that may very well be, because it's about censorship vs artistic integrity, which is the one topic creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are most passionate about. The reason it is canon, is the fact that there's a plot about Randy trying to do business with China, and that plot point is heavily featured in the next season, as his ventures with Mickey Mouse might bite him in the butt later. Stan and his board game addiction is further seen in his new room. S23E3 Shots!!! is CANON
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While Randy and Towelie might have an arc that is the continuation of the last episode, but the conflict itself is only apparent in this one, and while it fleshes out both Towelie and Liane, ultimately the very special 3th episode of the show Tegridy Farms is just overshadowed by other episodes' content. That is where I first left it, and called it a filler. However by nature of the show, as I found ways for the other episodes to all be canon, and this episode does get referenced in minor ways, the intent clearly was every event being tied together by Season Finale. So I decided by finding my better judgement to conclude that Tegridy Farms as a story arc is actually all canon, even if this one is a breather episode. It builds upon the previous episode and even a serialized show is allowed to have an episode that is not as significant as the others, but adds to the experience both in atmosphere and character building. S23E4 Let Them Eat Goo is CANON
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There's a new trio in town! Eric, Butters and Scott are now seen regularly together, which I find to be a neat and sensible team-up. The reason why this episode is canon, though, are the dead cows. S23E5 Tegridy Farms Halloween Special is CANON
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Randy poisoning many people is the main reason why he will be sentenced in the Season Finale, so the penultimate episode of Tegridy Farms, which by the way has the cows return in zombie form as well as Winnie the Pooh, earns its role as canon material. S23E6 Season Finale is CANON
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President Garrison finally has another major role in the story, and we have bookends from the season premiere in the form of Mexican Joker appearing. Jason White dies, and his parents adopt Alejandro and another child as well, the latter stays with the family. S23E7 Board Girls is CANON
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Ultimately, PC Babies seems to be another serialized show, just like Tegridy Farms. We learn some backstory, that Heather was Strong Woman's ex, and Stan's love for board games are expended upon, Eric, Butters and Scott are seen as a trio still, I considered putting this as a lore episode, but this batch of episodes follow the logic of characters developing in some way or another, so it makes sense for me to count it as canon, especially since all the PC babies episodes got to be. For these characters and their arcs this episode is important. Also, I'd like to get political here, so feel free to skip it if you get offended by the topic. We have to ponder about including people in sports who may have different hormones than their opponents. I think we should all ask ourselves: What is the point of separate gender divisions in the first place? If you think you know the reason, you might as well know how we should determine who gets to compete in which division. While the trans person in this episode was a fraud, and that was the root of the problem, biology IS considered to be the reason why women compete without men, so by that logic, women with more similar biology to men shouldn't compete with the women who don't. However if you consider the reason for separation to be something only done for appearances, the strongest should win, as is the nature of sports anyway. (can you tell I'm really not into the whole 'fight each other for fame and money' thing?) S23E8 Turd Burglars is FILLER
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Well, okay, while I love One for the Ladies as an idea, the episode in execution is basically just another classic type boys episode, and while that is not a problem at all, the call-backs for this episode are basically just a shot of the One for the Ladies logo, but since the episode has other fake show-within-a-show content like this that have no previous reference, I think this one is truly a filler. S23E9 Basic Cable is CANON
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While in the last few seasons we had the finale to tie the season together, I feel like for this faux spin-off season, this is the episode that does the honors. Also Scott was built up as a regular character anyway, for him to finally have his spotlight. But the main reason that makes this episode canon, is of course, Sophie Gray, who moved to town and is seemingly here to stay. Only time will tell how important she is going to be after this, but right now, I can't just consider her to be a one-off quite yet. S23E10 Christmas Snow is...
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All right, this is the biggest question mark for me, because one hand it is a filler episode, that doesn't really get a mention again. Except one of its main motifs does. South Park, the television series is an expansion of two internet short, the second of which is called Jesus vs. Santa, so the very DNA of the show is based on these mythical characters, and while the episode is a rare modern townfolk-based episode, in which the children curiously stay in the background, in the next season Stan makes it very clear that his childhood adventures can be summarized by adventuring with Jesus and Santa. So this is clearly one of the roots of the show, and is deep in its heart. Still, since basically you have all necessary information in Red Sleigh Down, I won't get sentimental over this, and actually consider this as the filler it is.
S23E1 Mexican Joker is CANON S23E2 Band in China is CANON S23E3 Shots!!! is CANON S23E4 Let Them Eat Goo is CANON S23E5 Tegridy Farms Halloween Special is CANON S23E6 Season Finale is CANON S23E7 Board Girls is CANON S23E8 Turd Burglars is FILLER S23E9 Basic Cable is CANON S23E10 Christmas Snow is FILLER
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13   S2: 3 out of 18   S3: 6 out of 18   S4: 10 out of 17   S5: 8 out of 14   S6: 11 out of 17  S7: 6 out of 15  S8: 4 out of 14  S9: 8 out of 14  S10: 4 out of 14  S11: 4 out of 14  S12: 8 out of 14  S13: 3 out of 14  S14: 7 out of 14  S15: 6 out of 14  S16: 2 out of 14  S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game  S18: 8 out of 10  S19: 9 out of 10  S20: 10 out of 10 S21: 7 out of 10 + a highly lore based game + 2 DLCs S22: 9 out of 10 S23: 8 out of 10
Overall: 154 out of 308 Personal notes: Happy to announce that no matter what happens next, at this point I can say that I cut the episode count by half by omitting fillers. Even if it's nonsense, I pride myself in creating a nearly accurate take on filler lists with this ironic thing.
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Herbert Gustave Schmalz - Christ resurrected, 1890.
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immanuelillustrative · 9 months
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And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her and said, “Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women.” And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and cast about in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, “Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a Son, and shalt call His name Jesus. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David, and He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of His Kingdom there shall be no end.” Then said Mary unto the angel, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” And the angel answered and said unto her, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore, also that Holy Being who shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth: she hath also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible." And Mary said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” And the angel departed from her. Luke 1:26-38 Artwork: The Great Awakening by Herbert Gustave Schmalz, (1856 - 1935).
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klesek · 10 months
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novem-bur day 14: walter crondale !! i wouldve posted walter on his day but i ended up making it way more complicated than i could finish in time so im just gonna post it whenever i finish it lmao. so in the meantime have a doodle :3
prompt list
#wilbur soot#walter crondale#wilbur soot fanart#art#novem-bur#im probably gonna make this sketch into a thing for my trig project due in a couple weeks lmao#like i was just drawing this then i went OMG THE BG IS LIKE SECANT GRAPHS ❤️❤️#so. it works for my trig project lmao#kinda sad i didnt finish the bigger drawing in time bc it was fwiatc and i wanted 2 explain walters whole deal in fwiatc.....#well whatever i'll explain it here . for anyone reading the tags. bc i want to#so walters whole thing is that hes 1. married to rustbur and 2. a watcher and 3. caused the whole story to happen#like while looking for his husband (who was supposedly dead after crashing in the pacific while fighting in ww2)#he decided to check other timelines as well. specifically other timelines with ppl named 'wilbur soot'#so he accidentally-on-purpose put them all 2gether and then joined after everyone was there. for funsies#i love walter so much hes gay hes a god hes besties with sally the salmon and Jesus Christ Himself he has a cat named after every single us#-president its lived to see his full name is walter herbert oglevee morrison soot-crondale (after the guy who reported the hindenburg irl-#-w the script wilbur read out while doing the og walter crondale bit) hes so so special to me i want to throw him into a trash compacter#<- hed b fine anyways . walk out without a single scratch#i love him#anyways go read party in the [REDACTED] in the fwiatc series it is my favoritest thing ever#thank you forever and ever for that zo#and for the 50% of fwiatc youve basically written for me#ok this is not the right time or place to get sappy i have a chapter to finish
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Ok so post Rufus reanimation Dan goes to Halsey and says that Herbert managed to reanimate dead tissue, while Herbert is not there to back up these claims, and with no notebooks or serum to provide Halsey with proof. What outcome did Dan even want? Dean Halsey was definitely being harsh because he’s being overprotective about Megan and under Hill’s control, but that does not negate the fact that Dan’s dumbass really thought you could approach a man who clearly well versed in the studies of science and medicine just say “My roommate reanimated dead cat tissue” with no proof on hand and expect it to end smoothly. Like, did Dan want a grant? Halsey’s approval? Why did he think this would be the way to get it? I understand Dan’s meant to be kind of a himbo but Jesus Christ. That had to be in Dan’s top 5 dumbest moments in the franchise
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h-f-k · 1 year
in other news i'm only 243 pages away from finishing dune which still feels like have i 500 pages left to read
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pilgrimjim · 2 months
"This Is My Body": What is the Olympics' "Last Supper" Controversy Really About?
The Opening Ceremonies controversy was not about Leonardo vs. Jan van Bijlert, Mount Olympus vs. the Upper Room, pagan vs. Christian, Jesus vs. Apollo. It was about who gets to sit at Love’s table.
Paolo Veronese, Christ in the House of Levi (1573). “The image can be worn down to the point that it is almost invisible, it can be plunged into darkness and disfigured, it can be clear and beautiful, but it does not cease to be.” — Saint Augustine Four hundred and fifty years ago, Paolo Veronese painted his controversial version of the Last Supper for a Venetian monastery. It was hung in the…
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c4ndl3-w1ck · 1 year
every time i go back to S_O's older work i go "oh it cant be that bad" then i read and remember that andrew hussie should go to hell no matter what
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
In retail you get more karens overall but in airport security the karens you get are nuclear. Like i dont deal with them every day like i did in retail but when they do come through they land themselves on the selectee list over 2 dollar shampoo. Real example btw a guy said he knew when i work now and threatened to come back on a specific date and time and decapitate me because i told him his shampoo was too big and i recognized the fucking brand and knew for a fact shoppers sells it for 2 of jesus herbert christ's canadian dollars a bottle. Again, thats in canadian dollars for the americans that follow me. Karens in security lines threaten your gruesome bloody death over something that costs the world bank's shittiest currency's equivalent of 2 construction paper child's drawings worth of money. Before getting on their international flight to europe that they paid 1,200 non-refundable buckaroos for.
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esoteric-choleric · 3 months
herbert west voice: so when "Jesus Christ" raises the dead it's a "miracle" but when I, Herbert West...
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romanromulus · 1 month
wait expanding on my dan take. dan is a covert narcissist who can’t understand why he can’t use herbert as his supply. energy vampire leeching powers bounce uselessly off the wall of herbert’s indifferent sociopathy. dan: I’m a victim feel sorry for me herbert: no. pass me that beaker. internally dan is throwing a tantrum. he sticks around and does what herbert says because now the roles have reversed. now dan is desperate for crumbs. he knows he’s in the position he normally puts other people in and he’s really really pissed about it but the siren song of fame and fortune (aka unlimited supply) keep him on the hook. this is why the concept of the bride stops him from leaving when he’s finally fed up. daughterwife devoted to daddyhusband. a narcissist’s sopping wet dream. you know how insane you’d have to be to actually want that? jesus christ. he only abandons her because he finally understands that she’s dead and parasites can’t feed off dead tissue. but francesca…oh boy she’s gonna feel really sorry for dan after all this…
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desolate-canary · 1 month
TMAGP 27 SPOILERS !!!!!!!!
i haven’t done one of these in forever because ive been nervous to do it when i get early access and then i forget to on the thursday but im so !!!!!!!!
i have so many thoughts
gwen is making me laugh so much w the vibe that she’s that One Kid at school who’s like the teacher’s pet and is constantly trying to enforce shit the teacher says and like standing beside them and being like “yeah.” “exactly.” “what she said.” and the teacher internally is just like jesus fucking christ
this is totally albertus magnus and not jonah magnus,, i hadn’t seen that theory until today but i so vibe w it. also thoughts about this universe jon and martin being dead and there’s voices in the puter. is this a sergei ushenka thing and the voices are actually this universe jon martin?
also TREVOR HERBERT ????? sir what are you DOING HERE ????? like … okay 😃 sure ? not at all what i was expecting
honestly i’m not Loving tmagp cases as much as i did tma? it feels,,, different. like tma would make me unsettled about Everything, whether it was a fear of mine or not. but tmagp is more,,, it only makes me unsettled if i already fear it? it feels less like. idk i can’t quite word it. i feel like with tmagp its sorta more character driven than plot driven? i mean there’s a plot yes but i feel like we’re only finding that plot Through the characters if that makes sense? im so bad at verbalising my thoughts
this isn’t a criticism of course, i love tmagp so much it’s just ramblings. i am SO excited for the next few episodes, so close to season finale. hoping gwen’s gonna be okay bc i couldn’t cope if she died. or celia for that matter but i don’t feel like celia will die. she had a big fuck off knife. she fully knows what she’s in for.
still holding out for gwenlena even tho i know it aint gonna happen. i cant help it i love them so much im deeply deeply unwell over them
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zabala0z · 18 days
Welcome back to “new fan listens to S3 and OH MY GOD THEY NAME DROPPED THE ENTITIES” and I’m your host, Zabala0z!!! I just listened to MAG 111 if you could tell so be prepared for a long post.
MAG 107: Third Degree
Very The Desolation-core. I mean the officer literally asked “what do you love most” and the guys dad was dead a week later so duh. Sucks that Jon literally has to read out a statement or else he’ll like get sick. Bro has to read a scary story unless he wants to die 💀
ALSO JULIA MONTAUK??? TREVOR HERBERT?? Isn’t that bitch dead???? Bro had lung cancer last we heard about him wth 😭 the weirdest duo ever by the way
MAG 108: Monologue
Not much on this but Peter god damn Lukas, get out. He’s very cheerful in a way that reminds me of Michael Crew, y’know. I don’t know how old he is but he’s a sea captain so like 35-40? “Thought we had a chat. Alone” oh haha, you bastard. Anyways the statement dealing with loneliness and Peter Lukas appearing I guess was something Elias did, I mean Peter said it himself. Peter didn’t seem to like Elias a lot which makes me think, why is the Lukas family even patrons of the institute and why is Peter and Elias suddenly having these meetings?
Not much on MAG 109. Still wondering why Trevor is not dead but whatever. Bulbs breaking is a common theme with like Julia’s thing.
MAG 110 has a heavy spider theme (eughhh). Also loving the Basira, Martin, and Melanie trio.
Now finally the major one; MAG 111: Family Business
Oh my god. First off, hearing Gerard speak is giving me so much closure. Literally his first mention was in MAG 4 😭 his mom sucks. Duh. But let’s get to the main part. The entities. Jesus Christ.
There’s 14???? Jon says that’s a small amount for them being manifestations of peoples fears but that’s too much for me. But I’m so happy we get all the names for them. Because of course they are manifestations of peoples fears, that’s what gives them power. Fear has always existed as long as living things existed. I think it’s so interesting they brought in animals into it as well because maybe they aren’t as complex but they feel fear as well. And there’s billions of animals.
Gerard makes me sad. Like every mention of him, he’s like helping people or at least doing something good. I wish his life was better cause god does he deserve it.
The Lukas’s I guess are apart of The Lonely. I thought they were apart of The Vast but maybe there’s just some overlap. I think it’s interested they serve The Lonely and are patrons of the institute which serve The Eye cause if you think about, those are two different things. The Lonely deals with being alone and there being no one around. The Eye deals with there being someone, something, that’s watching constantly. I gotta know how they became patrons or I will explode damn it.
Then there’s the rituals, what the hell is the Watchers Crown 😭😭 give Jon a break. I’m gonna theorize that Jon is gonna have to deal with that and is somehow going to be the key to it because he can never have a normal life. Gertrude is interesting because yeah she’s ruthless as hell but she also stopped the world ending like a ton so I guess give and take.
I think that’s like most of my thoughts I can write on here. Which is like 1/5 of it. But god I’m so happy we have names, these are so cool. Or not cool. I might make like a post, ranking on which would be my biggest ops 💀
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