#Jane Prentiss had the corruption
zabala0z · 16 days
Welcome back to “new fan listens to S3 and OH MY GOD THEY NAME DROPPED THE ENTITIES” and I’m your host, Zabala0z!!! I just listened to MAG 111 if you could tell so be prepared for a long post.
MAG 107: Third Degree
Very The Desolation-core. I mean the officer literally asked “what do you love most” and the guys dad was dead a week later so duh. Sucks that Jon literally has to read out a statement or else he’ll like get sick. Bro has to read a scary story unless he wants to die 💀
ALSO JULIA MONTAUK??? TREVOR HERBERT?? Isn’t that bitch dead???? Bro had lung cancer last we heard about him wth 😭 the weirdest duo ever by the way
MAG 108: Monologue
Not much on this but Peter god damn Lukas, get out. He’s very cheerful in a way that reminds me of Michael Crew, y’know. I don’t know how old he is but he’s a sea captain so like 35-40? “Thought we had a chat. Alone” oh haha, you bastard. Anyways the statement dealing with loneliness and Peter Lukas appearing I guess was something Elias did, I mean Peter said it himself. Peter didn’t seem to like Elias a lot which makes me think, why is the Lukas family even patrons of the institute and why is Peter and Elias suddenly having these meetings?
Not much on MAG 109. Still wondering why Trevor is not dead but whatever. Bulbs breaking is a common theme with like Julia’s thing.
MAG 110 has a heavy spider theme (eughhh). Also loving the Basira, Martin, and Melanie trio.
Now finally the major one; MAG 111: Family Business
Oh my god. First off, hearing Gerard speak is giving me so much closure. Literally his first mention was in MAG 4 😭 his mom sucks. Duh. But let’s get to the main part. The entities. Jesus Christ.
There’s 14???? Jon says that’s a small amount for them being manifestations of peoples fears but that’s too much for me. But I’m so happy we get all the names for them. Because of course they are manifestations of peoples fears, that’s what gives them power. Fear has always existed as long as living things existed. I think it’s so interesting they brought in animals into it as well because maybe they aren’t as complex but they feel fear as well. And there’s billions of animals.
Gerard makes me sad. Like every mention of him, he’s like helping people or at least doing something good. I wish his life was better cause god does he deserve it.
The Lukas’s I guess are apart of The Lonely. I thought they were apart of The Vast but maybe there’s just some overlap. I think it’s interested they serve The Lonely and are patrons of the institute which serve The Eye cause if you think about, those are two different things. The Lonely deals with being alone and there being no one around. The Eye deals with there being someone, something, that’s watching constantly. I gotta know how they became patrons or I will explode damn it.
Then there’s the rituals, what the hell is the Watchers Crown 😭😭 give Jon a break. I’m gonna theorize that Jon is gonna have to deal with that and is somehow going to be the key to it because he can never have a normal life. Gertrude is interesting because yeah she’s ruthless as hell but she also stopped the world ending like a ton so I guess give and take.
I think that’s like most of my thoughts I can write on here. Which is like 1/5 of it. But god I’m so happy we have names, these are so cool. Or not cool. I might make like a post, ranking on which would be my biggest ops 💀
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the tma fandom is very divided in that you either fucking love the corruption or you loathe it. it is a very polarizing entity. which I understand. but have you considered worms?? eternal friends? an innate purpose and understanding of life??
it's got vibes. they might not be your vibes, but they're vibes.
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autoneurotic · 1 year
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enamored with the idea of avatar of the corruption jane prentiss texting. do you think the worms mess up the touchscreen
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Round Two Part Three - Match 21
It’s Worm Time, baby! Infestation, our Season 1 finale, is against the halfway special, I Guess You Had To Be There, coming into Round Two with 211 votes!
MAG 039 - Infestation | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Original recording of Jane Prentiss’ attack upon The Magnus Institute on July 29th, 2016.
MAG 100 - I Guess You Had To Be There | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Assorted live statements. No further details available.
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shinythingsarecool · 2 months
the corruption is actually very interesting to me, bc where do we draw the line between what is corruption and what is just...life? (talking about fungi specifically here btw)
Can you ever truly be a singular being if your body is host to a plethora of bacteria and fungi and all sorts that live in and on you, and are the reason you exist? Is anyone *not* corrupted? Is anything at all not corrupted, for that matter?
Where does the line between corruption and just...life existing, happen? Is it when the corruption becomes harmful?
I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm tired.
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unsat-and-strange · 9 months
do you hear the song?
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[image id: a digital drawing of Jane Prentiss from the Magnus archives. she is drawn at a slight angle, standing facing the viewer and tilting her head at an angle, with arms relaxed by her sides. her face has a confused or mildly distressed expression. her mouth is slightly open with a worm crawling out. she has long wavy brown hair and is wearing a knee length red dress. her skin is covered in dark holes, some of which have white worms crawling out. her eyes are blank white and almost glowing, and a line of yellow encircles her entire body. the background is light brown that darkens towards the outer edges. end image id]
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starplatinumnun · 2 years
they hated jane prentiss for her nonbinary swag...
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mattdevil · 2 years
Here's a Jane Prentiss video brought to you by a set of exams and a lot of procrastination
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Jane Prentiss’s landlord underwent pyroptosis send post
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occudo · 8 months
wait, yo there’s an entire mage magic system in this au? Might I ask for more details?
The short answer is that is a soft magic system, with no hard rules, it's just fun with the characters.
The long answer on the other hand...
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I had a similar ask before, but since then some things changed, so I guess I try to explain it as best as I can.
So! This is a magical-fantasy-medieval AU, I was loosely inspired by arthurameslove 's fic This Lonely Knight, but since then I made my own version of a similar premise. The magic system is based on the original fears, the avatars are people who are affected by their magic, in one way or another. The more close to the fear the person is, the more magical effect it has.
The most known magic users are witches. They go to school to study, and from there, they can go and become advisors in small kingdoms where they can get gifted titles like Lady and Lord, but they don't get actual lands or servants.
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Jon is not an advisor, but Elias' protégé and he can afford to employ Martin, who is a Knight, and previously worked for Lord Lucas. Elias is the advisor of King Magnus.
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The kingdoms are based around the Fears, with most avatars being nobility or witches. (I wasn't sure if I wanted to make Simon a noble or a mage, maybe he is not so open about his skills) The witches are glass cannons- they can be really powerful in some situations but otherwise, kinda weak so is a common thing to have a designated knight bodyguarding them if they leave their palaces.
Martin is 'touched' but can't do magic the way Jon, or other witches.
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If a witch finishes school, they are respected and believed that they can control powerful magic (with circles and runes) without it affecting their bodies and minds negatively - not like Jane Prentiss, for example. She was a noblewoman who got- corrupted.
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Not every witch goes to serve nobility, there are plenty of small village witches, and Gertrude also tried to leave the palace and become a bog witch kinda deal.
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Innisially for this au, I made the 'witch factor' the characters' connection to the eye in canon. I didn't see either Tim or Martin really eye-aligned, so I made them knights instead.
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Since then I added Sky Mages for the Vast avatars- I just tought flying and stars and sky really deserve their own coven.
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I'm not sure about the other fears names and schools jet. The phrase Seer Mage came from @skell3 's fanfic inspired by my comic, and I loved it so much that I baked it in my au. Also, the thought that eye-aligned mages are all about seeking truth and other's secrets, while can't really fly or fight mutch was funny to me.
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So this is a loosy-goosy system that I'm still working on. I'm also open to suggestions- like with Basira and Daisy- they ended up being witch hunters.
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or Georgie and Melanie
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And I changed Michael from a jester to an actual noble/prince
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So yeah, I hope this answers your question. Mostly a character-based, case-by-case thingy.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year
A fun theory
In this brilliant post, op shows how Jane Prentiss encounters and mentions all 14 Fears, describing them as though she deeply understands them all from within her corrupted lens. Op calls it an early hint in the narrative to the Fears and their role in the world but I want to posit an in-world theory.
I think that part of the reason the Web sent a spider to cause Jon to break the wall and lead Jane to act earlier than she wanted was because Jane's rudimentary ritual to bring the Corruption to the world (through the circle of worms which Tim later found) would have actually worked in bringing all the Fears because Jane was already marked by all of them and was now in a place of power (the tunnels under the institute) and ready to incubate and create a corruption-based apocalypse.
This is something that the Web did not plan for and would not be able to control, because, as Jon said in episode 152, "what did Elias call it? – Filth. I don’t think it really plans much. It just starts to grow wherever it can get a foothold, and, if no one stamps it out in time… game over." The Web has no control over a thing that doesn't plan and had to "stamp it out" before it caused a "game over" by derailing all its schemes of a controlled eyepocalypse, ruled by its puppets (Jon and Jonah).
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its-your-mind · 8 months
*deep breath in*
the fears 👏 have always 👏 been (in one way or another) 👏 parallel 👏 to 👏 desire 👏
let me explain.
so many of the statements given by actual avatars center around some sort of need that was met by their entity. Lots of them even had a positive relationship with the fear that drove them.
Jane Prentiss is an excellent example - the Corruption has always been about a form of toxic and possessive love, but she personally has a deep desire to be “fully consumed by what loves her,” and finds a perverse joy and relief at allowing herself to be a home
Jude Perry is another - she fucking loved watching people’s lives be utterly destroyed. The Desolation only offered her a power of destruction on a grander scale, and then gave her a more intense rush of joy as she did its work. When she tells Jon that he needs to feed the Eye before it feeds on him, it’s almost as an afterthought; she was happily feeding the Desolation long before it burned her into a new existence.
Simon Fairchild. Every time that old loose bag of bones wanders into the picture, he is having a fucking EXCELLENT time playing with the Vast. He loves showing people their own insignificance, and he loves luring them into situations where he can throw them into the void as he smiles and waves.
Peter Lukas (hell, the whole Lukas family (except Evan. RIP Evan.)) hated. people. all he wanted was for them all to go away, to leave him alone. The Lonely only fulfilled that desire.
Daisy, Trevor, and Julia, all devoted to hunting those things they deemed monstrous.
Melanie, holding tight to that bullet in her leg because on some level, she wanted it. It felt good, it felt right, it felt like it fit right alongside the anger and spite that drove her to success.
Annabelle Cane first encountered the Web when she was a child, running away from home in order to tug on her parents’ heartstrings in just the right way to have them wrapped around her little finger. Later on she volunteered to be the subject of an ESP study. Hell, she’s the one who dangled the “Is it really You that wants this?” question over Jon’s head in S4.
And that brings us to Jon, beloved Jarchivist, the Voice that Opened the Door. Ever since he was a child targeted by the Web, he was looking for answers. He joined the Magnus Institute’s Research Department looking for them, he stalked his coworkers in search for them, he broke into Gertrude’s flat and laptop out of desperation for them. And when he realized that all he had to do was Ask to get truthful answers to his questions? It was only natural for him to jump at that opportunity.
Elias told S3 Jon that he did want this, that he chose it, that at every crossroads he kept pushing onwards, and the inner turmoil that caused was one of the focal points for Jon’s character through the rest of the podcast.
There’s a certain line of thinking in many circles about the power of the Devil: he’s not able to create anything new. All he’s able to do is twist and warp that which was already present, making it something ugly and profane while still maintaining the facade of something desirable.
Jon didn’t choose the Eye. But he did wander into its realm of power, exhibiting exactly the qualities it was most capable of hijacking and warping to its own ends. Jon didn’t choose the Apocalypse. But Jonah picked at him little by little, pointing him towards each Fear individually. Jon didn’t want to release the Fears. But the Web tugged on his strings just so and laid a pretty trail for him to follow until he reached its desired conclusion.
Jon didn’t choose ultimate power, or omniscience, or even his own role as Head Archivist. But he said “yes” to the right (wrong?) orders and kept on pushing for the right (wrong?) answers. He wanted to succeed at the work he had been assigned. He wanted to protect his friends. He wanted to rescue them when they were lost. He wanted to prevent the apocalypse, to save the world. He wanted to know why he was still alive, when so many had died right in front of him.
The Great Wheel of Evil Color that is the Entities might not fit as neatly into categories in this universe - maybe there was no Robert Smirke trying to impose strict categories on emotional experiences, or maybe the ways they manifest in the world has turned on its head (goodness knows many of them have been showcased and blended in some very fun and new and horrifying ways so far) - but their fundamental foundations seem to be the same. Hell, in episode one we learned that there had been enough individual incidents to create a distinction between “dolls, watching” and “dolls, human skin.”
Smirke’s Fourteen isn’t going to be relevant as common parlance, RQ said that already, but I don’t think that means the Fears themselves (and their Dream Logic-based rules) are different - I think it means that the levels of understanding, language used, and personal connections among people “in the know” are going to be entirely unfamiliar
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regainingparadise · 6 days
I need a Corruption!Martin AU. A Martin who, in fleeing his loneliness reaches out for toxic love, love that will use him and give him purpose and belonging and identity even as it destroys him, consumes him.
Because doesn't Jane Prentiss's corruption echo Martin?
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Martin, who gave up his adolescence and his independence to care for a woman who hated him, because maybe he could make her love him (make himself be a home for her)
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Martin, who fell in love with a man who was contemptuous of him, clinging to the faintest drop of care and devoting himself completely no matter what (drawn by the prospect of being genuinely loved, of being given purpose)
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Martin, who, when he lost the one he loves, lost the two people who for whom he had striven to be a home, fled to the empty, toxic embrace of the only one who showed an interest in him (in using him, destroying him, needing him), and yet whose love is so consuming that he nearly let himself be consumed by the Lonely in order to protect the one whose love he desires.
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Martin, who takes care of other people even if it destroys him, because he is so desperate for love ("A need as much as a feeling. Love that consumes you in all ways.")
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Martin, who so deeply fears losing his friends (he had friends, at least he used to, but he lost them)
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Martin, who believes that if he loses the one he loves, he loses himself (is there more to a person than a habitat for what loves him)?
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Martin, who creates the love that he had so desired, and in doing dooms both himself and the one he loves. (a love that consumes you in all ways)
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The Corruption is what happens when fear of the Lonely meets the ruthlessness and self-sacrifice of the Web.
Because that is Martin: He uses his cunning to make himself a home for those who would love him.
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flyingmintbunny0 · 1 year
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Heyyyy, can I interest you in an Archivist!Martin AU maybe?
@lelouchootori and I decided we could simultaneously make TMA better and worse, so please enjoy these snippets I had to draw that have taken over my life pfff
Slightly more context below the cut
So basically, the main plot is what if Martin is such a Fear Avatar magnet that Elias promotes Martin over Jon prior to season 1 (Sorry again Sasha).
In this #cracktreatedseriously au Martin (financially and emotionally unable to stay in his apartment after bringing his mother to the nursing home) ends up becoming roommates with Annabelle Cane, Jane Prentiss, and Jude Perry on Hill Top Road. Sitcom shenanigans and drama ensue. For instance, Martin is still Marked by the Corruption by Jane Prentiss, but only because he accidentally ate the spoiled food she left in the fridge for her worms. (He had to stay home sick from work for a while after that.)
In the archives, Jon, Tim, and Sasha are brought in with Martin as his assistants. Jon gets to be his moody self but without any of the boss-level power. Tim and Sasha realize how ill-fitted Martin is for this new job and try to help him as best they can.
There is more to it but this is just the first pic lol
I had so much fun putting tiny details in here, my favorite was giving Martin lil spider friends because they love him <3
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Jonelias day 3! It's when people start to realize that, wait, I truly do have an endless recurring theme, huh. Setting: sick // Prompt: confessions
This... was not what Elias had expected. The goal, of course, had always been for Jon to be marked by the encounter in some fashion, and Elias had been eagerly waiting for it. This was to be the first stepping stone to his grand and final plan, after all, the apotheosis of centuries of work -- And yet, as Jon laid down on the ground, worms burrying into his skin, there had been no satisfaction whatsoever.
Hours later, Jon trembling with fever in Elias's bed, Elias still couldn't make out what had gone wrong -- or, rather, he feared he understood too well, but the idea was so ludicrous it was hard to entertain.
Half gone from both the sickness and the medication he'd taken for it, Jon was murmuring under his breath bribes of statements, mostly from the Corruption, his voice regularly shifting to the pitch of Jane Prentiss. Elias sat next to him, running a fresh wet towel over his face and neck, and kept staring, and staring, and staring.
Jon was going to be better in the morning -- he was too tied to the Institute for a few worms to claim him, and even if he hadn't, the spiders were protecting him; a few had slipped under his tongue a couple of hours ago, no doubt to devour the last remains of the unwanted parasites. Elias ought to let them to it, ought to let Jon to it, have him fully take in the encounter so that he may wake up stronger, changed, more beautiful still than he'd already been --
But he couldn't. Just as he hadn't been able to stop himself from bringing Jon home to him, ignoring Jon's fervent and exhausted insistence he was going to be just fine on him own despite having fainted mere minutes before, while finishing to interview Martin. Just he hadn't been able to stop his arm from pulling the handle of the fire sprinklers much earlier than first planned.
"I didn't think you'd care," Jon had muttered in the car, shivering, annoyed and quiet and still painfully grateful not to be alone after all this, no matter what he said out loud.
"You almost died, Jon," Elias had retorted, voice tight.
"Maybe you'll believe me next time I tell you a supernatural monster is hunting us," Jon had snarked, before slouching a little bit more into the car seat, eyes half closing. "You saved me, though. I guess I haven't said thank you yet, have I?"
"Rest," Elias had ordered, but Jon had fumbled to grab his arm, very briefly.
"Thank you," he'd whispered.
"What have you done to me, you terrible thing?" Elias asked now, at last, very softy. His hand brushed against Jon's cheek, who unconsciously leaned into it with a gentle sigh. "The Mother wouldn't have given you to me if they didn't wish for the same thing I do," he continued, all too aware of how tender his tone was. "If you were always meant to distract me, then why let Prentiss attack us at all? Is it all you, Jon? What do you have than none of the others had?"
Had Elias underestimated his own loneliness those past decades, that he would be so taken by this new young man to forget what truly mattered? Had it been easier to discard past lovers because they weren't made of the same ilk he was, or because he'd been then surrounded by many more people to fall in love with next? Was this a fancy, a midlife crisis, as it were, two centuries in the making, or was it just that Jon was everything Elias hadn't thought he would find one day? A mirror; a potential equal; a true partner, at last.
"I suppose I do truly love you," he confessed, slowly. The truth, not quite agreeable, seemed to be fearsome enough that Jon's eyes suddenly opened wide to look back at Elias. Elias shivered and considered killing him, right there, right then. It wouldn't be hard to explain away, after today, and Elias would not even have to fake the heartbreak.
But no. Just because it wasn't what he had expected didn't mean that it couldn't be interesting in its own right. Just because Elias hadn't wanted it didn't mean he wasn't curious about following another path, one closer to Jon and less focused, at least for now, on ending the world properly.
"Let's see together where this lead us," he told Jon. "It's been a very long time since I prioritized love, if I ever did at all -- this ought to feel novel for the both of us."
It seemed appropriate, then, to lean forward and kiss Jon. To make a proper vow out of it.
"Elias?" Jon mumbled, vaguely, against his lips.
"Shh," crooned Elias, now quite decided. "Sleep. Tomorrow is going to be full of surprises for the both of us, my love."
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Not a friend of mine having had a run in with The Corruption and then, when I recommended TMA to them, hinting at Wasps Nests (saying that she "better not start talking about itching and wasps nests") she comes at me with a "Oh?! Is there a mutant wasp person where the wasps made a nest in her body? I had a dream about that once!" and showing me their doodle of a woman with a wasp on her face and holes like fucking Jane Prentiss.
She has NEVER listened to MAG. They're just aware of it because I've recommended it to them
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