#jerome x harleen
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chernayawidow · 2 years ago
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His red hair was a physical warning,
A literal red flag.
And yet she persevered anyway.
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everythingnerdyxoxo · 2 years ago
We're All Mad Here - Jerome Valeska x Harley Quinn
Summary: A new patient had entered Arkham Asylum, she could already tell he would make things fun.
Pairing: Jerome Valeska x Harley Quinn
Chapter Three
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Boring. So Boring.
Jerome lay atop of his bed, staring absently at the ceiling above.
He was getting bored of playing the jokester. Pottering about in the dayroom, acting like a funny little boy around the other patients. He was getting tired of sucking up to that Barbara Kean. God, she was pretty but not much of a conversationalist. Liked too much attention for his liking. But she would work, he could use her to get to his goal.
Everyone knew she’d had a thing with the great Jim Gordon. God just thinking that name was ticking him off. That was his end game, to kill Jim Gordon, to kill Bruce Wayne. All he needed was to get out of this hellhole.
The bell sounded, time for dayroom. The guards lined up outside, taking the patients, one by one into the room as they filtered out. The rest of the rabble here were all so unintelligent, no one he could share plans with, no one of any use to him. There they all were once again, sat on the same table, Barbara in the centre. How terribly boring.
He scanned the room, a peculiar blonde sitting in the corner of the room, looking out of the same window as she did. He suspected she was as mad as the rest of them here, could barely form a sentence he supposed. He knew she watched him, fancied him perhaps. It wasn’t until he noticed her smile at his jokes, perhaps there was something more to that one. That Harleen Quinzel.
She was cute, cuter than Barbara Kean. He hadn’t heard of her before, no links to any of his enemies from what he knew, but perhaps he could use her.
She noticed him watching her, still standing in the doorway of the dayroom, a hand sleeking through his red hair. She tried to avoid eye contact, after locking eyes with him the day before, she was embarrassed. He was probably judging her, looking at her insecurities, could possibly even be looking through her once again.
‘Why hey there gorgeous.’ He towered over her seated form, her long platinum hair matted in places moved with her head as she shot to attention.
‘Hi’ she barely even squeaked it out, in shock that he had even approached her.
‘What’s so interesting out of that little window, that it takes your eyes off me?’ he sat beside her now, that manic grin on his face. He had noticed her watching him.
She blushed, breaking eye contact with him once again. ‘I like watching the normals. Makes me feel less caged.’ He narrowed his eyes at her in response.
‘The normals?’ he leant over, looking out of the window, his face so close to hers as he did so. ‘Well Harleen, looks like you can see the whole city from here!’ he laughed manically, gaining a smile from her.
‘You know my name?’ she barely whispered. ‘Well of course, I like to know the names of all the pretty girls here.’ Another manic laugh.
She was elated but still cautious, another feeling building in her chest.
‘Jerome!’ Barbara’s high-pitched voice carried across the day room. ‘If you spend too much time there, you’ll catch fleas!’ she laughed, the rabble of men surrounding her following suit.
Harleen flashed her a dark look, a dangerous look, the things she would do to Barbara if she could. She composed herself quickly, looking back at Jerome, who only smiled dangerously back at her. He had noticed her response. Fear building in her chest.
‘Interesting, interesting. See you soon Harleen.’ He elongated her name as he spoke before heading back to Barbara and the others, giving her a backwards wave.
Harleen sat, confused. What had just happened?
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queenlakiefer · 6 months ago
Finally creating a masterlist for all my stories and imagines (junk) 🥳.
The Lost Boys (1987)
1. Imagine if Lucy was Married to Max and being the caring mother, she asks if Max has given The Lost Boys money
2. One of the reasons The Lost Boys got kicked off the boardwalk
3. If The Lost Boys were in high school
4. When Paul gets high Part 1
5. When Paul gets high Part 2
6. Imagine if Marko was flirting with his next meal who is sitting down and she stands up and is taller than him
7. I Guess You’ll Never Know Part 1
8. Max has ranted like this at The Lost Boys after one of their shenanigans and you can’t tell me otherwise 🤣
9. The Price of Salvation (F!OC Michael’s Twin Sister Oneshot)
Woman Wanted (1999)
1. Wendell Goddard x Reader Part 1
2. Wendell Goddard x Reader Part 2
3. A Safe Haven
1. Imagine Jerome teasing Bruce Wayne about his older sister
2. Imagine Bruce’s older sister working at Arkham as a nurse and Oswald reaches out for help
3. Don’t Be A Cog (Jerome Valeska x Reader)
4. Theo Galavan seems to have gotten himself rather badly injured after killing Jerome.
5. Imagine Jerome developing a conscience…well…almost.
6. Imagine trying to explain to Jerome what a proper April Fools’ joke is...
7. Pretty sure Jerome wishing you a ‘Happy Birthday’ would go something like this...
8. The Last Straw (Jerome Valeska x Reader)
9. The Lady and The Circus Boy (Jerome Valeska x Reader)
10. Your Name…is Harleen Quinzel (Jerome Valeska x Reader)
11. Imagine going with your father and Bullock to question Mr. Cicero
The Cowboy Way (1994)
Coming soon
Dark City (1996)
Coming soon
1969 (1988)
Coming soon
The Brotherhood of Justice
Coming soon
Promised Land
Coming soon
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ao3statistics · 7 months ago
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This is self-made. Date: 30.07.2024
Honestly, the only result surprising me is the HQ/Bruce Wayne ship...
OFC = Original Female Character(s)
The Jokester: a hero on Earth-3, appearing in the comic series "Countdown" in 2007.
Ivy Pepper: Poison Ivy from the Gotham TV series (correct me if I'm wrong)
Jerome Valeska: a mass murderer from the Gotham TV series who seems weirdly similar to the Joker
Richard "Rick" Flag Jr.: field commander of the modern Task Force X, also known as the Suicide Squad
Arthur Fleck: Jokers (potential) real name in some media
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the name "Harleen Quinzel" and her alias "Harley Quinn".
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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thequeensofdisaster · 7 years ago
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So, what-cha in for?
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anonymousmink · 7 years ago
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When was the last time I posted an honest to goodness WIP?! Well today’s the day! If only because I’ve forgotten how to use colours :-P A lil something I’m working on for Flirting with Insanity! Time so far: 7 hours Soundtrack: Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift Reblogging YAY, reposting/removing the caption NAY!
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iluvtellingstories · 3 years ago
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chxrry-hearts · 4 years ago
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(A/n) Who else loves Gotham and Jerome?
Imagine: Harley and Jerome fight to see who can win your heart first ♥
You were new to Arkham, and once you walked in, you immediately caught the attention of both Harley and Jerome. They gave each other a “back off; she's mine” look. Jerome didn't care and walked over to you to introduce himself. He took a seat in front of you, “Hi gorgeous, I'm Jerome.” You have to admit this ginger was adorable. “Take a picture, doll. It'll last longer.” He said with a smirk wiped across his face.
“U-uh, I-i'm sorry.” God, I sounded so stupid! “That's ok, princess. What's your name?” “(Y/n).” I could feel the heat rising on my cheeks “(Y/n); that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” I turned my gaze away from him, but he pulled me to face him. “Don't hide your beautiful face from me, doll.” I nodded. “Good, so what are you in for?”
“I killed my abusive father; he deserved it. Every day, he was so controlling, I was so scared to fight back until the voices in my head told me to do it. And now, I'm finally free.” He gasped, “Me too! Well, mom, anyhow. Liberating right, what a rush!” I giggled and nodded my head. Before I could respond, a blonde-haired girl came and walked over to us. “I'm sorry, but can I borrow my friend for a second?” I nodded and she smiled at me, “Thanks, doll, you're a peach!”
Harley's P.O.V.
I couldn't stand seeing her with Jerome; she belongs with me! I finally decided enough was enough, “I'm sorry, but can I borrow my friend for a second?” She nodded and smiled at; God, she was too adorable! I nodded and smiled back, “Thanks, doll, you're a peach!” I grab Jerome by the arm and drag him away to where we can't be seen. “What the hell, Jerome?” I shout at him.
He rolled his eyes at me, “What? I took the opportunity, unlike you. Plus, she likes me so much more, so you might as well just stay away from us.” I could feel the anger rushing through my veins, “SHE belongs with me! You better back off, or I'll-” He scoffed, “Or you'll what? Cry? Throw a temper tantrum? Please, Harley, your tactics are so dull. Why would she want someone like you?”
I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes, “Go on, little baby, and do what you do best! Cry!” “Screw you, Jerome!” He laughed, “Yeah, that's what she and I are going to be doing tonight!” I wanted to let out my rage, but suddenly an idea popped into my head, “How about we have a little wager?” He scoffed, “A wager, what are you playing at, Quinn?” “Whoever wins her heart first wins her. No cheating, we both get the same amount of time with her, no extra time, play fair.”
He thought about it for a second, “And if I don't?” I sighed, “Then neither of us gets her. So do we have a deal, or what?” I stuck my hand out and waited for his response; he shook my hand, “It's a deal, but don't come complaining to me when you see her in my arms and not yours!” “I doubt it; she'll be with me in no time.” He walked away, probably went to go spend time with (Y/n). Oh God, what did I just get myself into?
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ficklefics · 4 years ago
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rainbowspouses · 8 years ago
I will also be writing a Jerome x Harleen fic as well as a sort of continuance to my Jerome x Ivy fic...although that one will be more like a mini series!
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everythingnerdyxoxo · 1 year ago
We're All Mad Here - Jerome Valeska x Harley Quinn
Summary: A new patient had entered Arkham Asylum, she could already tell he would make things fun.
Pairing: Jerome Valeska x Harley Quinn
Chapter Four
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There was something going on. The It crowd were planning something, she could tell. Barbara had become even more boastful if possible and their conversations were quieter and more serious. Jerome sat with them every day now, he would flash her glances now and again. Their eyes would lock but he didn’t approach her again after their first conversation. She was worried he would tell Barbara what he saw, how she looked in Barbara’s direction. Perhaps they were plotting to attack her for even looking at Barbara in a threatening manner.
She tried to distract herself from it, a growing sadness in her chest. She and Jerome, it would never happen, she was sure.
The room became silent. The usual natter and sounds from the patients around her became nil to nothing as she heard the door to the dayroom open. Then he walked in, Jim Gordon. Standing behind the cell bars that was the only thing keeping him safe from the room of maniacs they were in.
He hadn’t come to see anyone in particular it seemed, perhaps he was meeting with Dr Strange. Barbara had approached the bars immediately though, an unimpressed glance from Jim Gordon in her direction. They talked for a while; she wasn’t sure what about but the rest of the It crowd watched cautiously. There was a dangerous glance from Jerome in his direction. Perhaps he was jealous, maybe he really did like Barbara.
There was an anger in Barbara as she hit against the cell door. Detective Gordon shook his head distastefully at her before going to walk away. A slow clapping came from the middle of the room, Jerome stood towards the cell doors, Barbara looking displeased with the action.
‘Come to check in on us Jimmy?’ He smiled dangerously at him; Harleen watched as he walked slowly towards the bars of the cell door.
Jim smiled at him sarcastically. ‘I doubt anyone is coming to check in on you Jerome. Glad to see you’ve made yourself at home here though. Making friends I see.’ Her glanced over to Barbara at the end of his statement before starting to walk away. He walked towards the door towards the inpatient suite near to the window where Harleen sat.
Everyone in the dayroom continued to watch him as he did so. Jim’s gaze met Harleen’s, a lingering look as he stopped near the bars next to her.
‘Harleen… I didn’t expect you to be in with this group of people.’ There was a sadness in Jim’s expression towards her.
Harleen stood, walking towards the bars to him. ‘They keep all the murderers together. I suppose it would be easier for them if we all killed each other.’ Harleen smiled sweetly at him, chuckling softly at her own statement.
Jim smiled awkwardly at her. His gaze flicking back towards Jerome and Barbara who watched him darkly. He took a step forward, so he was close to the bars, only inches from Harleen and whispered under his breath to her.
‘Be careful who you associate with here Harleen, these people aren’t like you. Your case…’ He stopped himself, looking downcast as he met her eyes once again. ‘Your case is different; you don’t belong in here.’
Harleen smiled softly at him. ‘I think you’re the only one who thinks that Detective Gordon.’ She looked back towards Jerome who was watching her intently. ‘Maybe I am where I belong.’
‘Harleen…’ Jim went to say something else to her, but Harleen had heard enough from him. Detective Gordon was the man who led her case. He had tried to get her help, but she was deemed too dangerous to be admitted to a normal psychiatric facility. The way she had murdered her father raised questions at the police station and ultimately Jim had given up on his fight for her.
Harleen turned her back on him, walking back towards the window she was so used to sitting at. The bell for the end of day room sounded before she even got to her destination. The guards entered the cell, beginning to transport them back to their rooms. Harleen turned back, Jim Gordon was no longer there, carried on with his detective duties and she felt some anger towards the man who gave up on her. She met eyes with Jerome as he was marched out towards his room, a quizzical look in his gaze.
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chiakikarasuna · 5 years ago
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thequeensofdisaster · 8 years ago
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hessafeelsfordayss · 6 years ago
You bet your ass the old 'Lee is Harley' me screamed when I saw she had red highlights in her hair.
To make it short and sweet to those who may be confused by this post, I used to make theories all the time on who I thought was gonna be Harley. Lee was at the top of my list because almost everything just added up to her. I truly believe they were aiming to make her Harley at one point in the show and they just decided against it.
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iluvtellingstories · 3 years ago
“ Harley, it’s a maximum-security Asylum for the criminally insane, they’re not just gonna give you a key to solitary. I thought. “
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lordazazel23 · 7 years ago
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More prompt from Instagram yeeeeet
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