#jenny till
mariocki · 2 years
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A Challenge for Robin Hood (1967)
"I love to see men wrestle."
"And after this, a hanging. There's no end to the entertainment."
#a challenge for robin hood#hammer films#1967#robin hood#british cinema#c. m. pennington richards#peter bryan#barrie ingham#james hayter#leon greene#peter blythe#gay hamilton#alfie bass#jenny till#john arnatt#eric flynn#john gugolka#john harvey#william squire#donald pickering#reg lye#a rollicking good time! pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed this; surely one of the best of Hammer's adventure films#benefits from a rich and detailed plotting which explores not just Robin's background and noble heritage‚ but the larger Saxon and Norman#conflict and political landscape of the era. Ingham is a fine Robin (if difficult to accept as a hero; he played snobby assholes too often#in his tv guest spots) and Gay Hamilton is badly served by a script which renders Marian as little more than an object to be fought over#and rescued again and again‚ but the supporting cast of telly faces is immaculate. Arnett is a superbly snakelike Nottingham‚ all quiet#menace and unsettling looks‚ while dreamy Peter Blythe (sigh) is a perfectly spiteful and bitchy main villain. Eric Flynn (father of Jerome#and bros) is an earthy and likeable Alan a Dale (and was soon to play the lead in the BBC's excellent 1970 adaptation of Ivanhoe‚ meeting#another Robin Hood) while Leon Greene (who Hammer seem to have been considering for romantic lead status; he also did The Devil Rides Out#for them) is an amusingly blithe Little John. spectacular swordfights and a few moments of shocking violence: pure Hammer adventure fun
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akascow · 2 months
hey i just noticed maxine wears meat cleaver earrings 👁️👁️
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misdior · 1 year
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I'm Losing In This Game 
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destinysbounty · 2 years
Just noticed a parallel thats eating my brain alive. Here you go
You ever think about how Morro gets. Uh. Melted. A lot.
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Like both his corpse and his ghost got their bodies dissolved by fire and water respectively and y'know, if yall will allow me to go on a tangent about how this relates to Morro paralleling both Kai and Nya, and how both his body and soul are melted by Kai and Nya's respective elements due to his inability to learn the lesson that saved their lives.
Kai is obvious. They both wanted to be the Green Ninja, and their journeys led both of them into an active volcano. Kai realized he wasn't the Green Ninja, and it was this realization that allowed him to unlock his True Potential and escape. Morro, on the other hand, was unable to make this realization, and died in the process.
Nya is a bit trickier, but the similarities are there when you know where to look. Both characters are perfectionists and over-achievers with wicked gifted child syndrome, who hate feeling weak and have a critical difficulty with relying on and opening up to others, and despise being told what to do/how to live their lives. They're also some of the only characters who have explicitly stated a displeasure with destiny deciding their path for them, and a desire to choose for themselves. When Morro realized he wasn't the Green Ninja, what did he say? "I'll train more, learn more lessons." Rationalizing his rejection as a result of personal failure.
And in the end, when Wu begs Morro to take his hand "so we can be stronger together", Morro ultimately lets go. "You can only save those who want to be saved." Was this because of regret? Perhaps because even in his final moments, Morro couldn't bring himself to accept help, still couldn't let himself be weak or vulnerable in front of another, still insisted on being strong? Maybe he didn't want to let down his old master one last time by seeming weak? Bottom line is, he didn't want to be saved. But Nya, she learned. She learned that it was okay to fail, that if you care too much about something, you'll trip over your own feet trying to get it. She learned that no man is an island, and that it's okay to rely on others for help and to be weak sometimes. She took the hand Morro refused, and it was through accepting this that she conjured the tide that destroyed Morro.
I hope that made sense. It's very late and I've been up since 5AM.
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lunasilvis · 29 days
Word's out! I'm enrolling in a specific paid UX/UI design traineeship given in Rotterdam with ties to the international market. Will probably relocate to Rotterdam/The Hague by the end of the year. Hitting a career ceiling in regards to international ambitions, and I decided I cannot continue riding the wave on which I find myself now. I am unplugging the blockage, and it feels like a weight off my shoulders.
The communications field to me is too broad, too unspecific, limited global growth opportunities (unless you are part of some royal network) and too biased/discriminatory/prejudiced. From my experience, much of it revolves around who you are as a person (Dutch employers love 'em happy-go-lucky, blonde, giggly marketing 21 y.o. girlies, and hey that's just not me), instead of the quality of work you deliver.
I am not abandoning communications completely. I just find myself facing closed door after closed door. So for now, let me craft some lush stuff, become great at what I do, and live in international-minded vibrant cities :)
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jennyfromthebes · 4 months
full video of same as cash, performed by john darnielle with sarah arslanian of the bright mountain choir. the mountain goats solo at aladdin theater in portland or, 03/03/2024.
note: there will be a full tape of the show up on the internet archive at some point! once that's up, I'll edit this post to include a link to the higher-quality audio recording of this track as well <3
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pookachuka · 2 months
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don't fall away from me
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bogwaterrr · 3 months
rip jenny flint you woulda loved chappell roan
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jennycalendar · 2 years
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an inevitable debrief after a particularly close call.
(aka: passion went a little differently.)
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theflirtmeister · 2 months
Saw AU where they work retail. And the saw traps are fucked up little power plays done by the managers on part timers they think deserve it.
au where jigsaw is actually one of my past managers who banned me from using the till on the shop floor because "only she had that power" and i went home and reported her to be investigated by the area manager
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dorelia23 · 10 months
From the first moment in this episode I was like, isn't that like how Jenny died? The scene is the same and everything. I didn't expect it to keep going though and when Diane died the same way as Kate I just kinda lost it :(
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roseofthewolf21 · 1 year
The Paternoster fandom slowly crawling out of the woodwork at news of more audio stories.
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thehotelpod · 11 months
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Damon WRITES and stars in this months New Crew!! The Concierge checks in Jenny Range in a loyalty test to the Hotel Herself. This is a story pitched to me by Damon that we massaged into fitting into the Jenny Range episode, which of course was scheduled to be a Concierge episode already.
He did a killer job! Join the Patreon to hear it today!
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loveshotzz · 1 year
Well I’m thinking about Jenny right now…… if I was her and found out that my dad was FuCkINg my best friend 🫢 I would honestly die 💀
Well it’s Jenny’s fault for having a dad that looks like this:
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twosomeofcuteness · 9 months
You know, considering the sheer number of times I've watched IRYJ (probably close to 50 ngl), you'd think I wouldn't need to watch it again to write this damn chapter. You would be wrong. There are too many time jumps in this stupid episode.
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xochris · 1 year
The Idol cast at the 76th Cannes Film Festival.
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