batz-uid · 1 month
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!!!!! Polycule !!!!
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homoerotic sitcom friendships
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tilyoureninetyhughy · 12 days
Headcanon: Storm keeps an eye on Logan after Jean and Scott die because she knows how much he meant to her two best friends.
Once Logan starts feeling better, he quickly realizes that Storm was getting worse. I mean, she lost her closest friends and her mentor in the span of, what, two weeks? Not even? Not to mention, she's left in charge of an entire school of kids when deep down she thinks it should've been either Charles or Scott or no one.
Why WOULD she be okay?
It's now Logan's turn to keep an eye on her cause that's what his fallen X-Men would've wanted.
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I wanna hop on this trend too
Logan gets passed around like gravy at a dinner table on Christmas
Logan gets passed around like a ball in a game of hot potato
Logan gets passed around like a baton in a relay race game
Logan gets passed around like Oprah Winfrey giving out cars
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sheridan-le-fanu · 2 months
saw Deadpool and Wolverine tonight. Still a dedicated Storm/Wolvie shipper, but idk Deadpool can join them sometimes. At this point, Jean, Scott, Logan, Emma, and Ororo are just a polycule so what’s one more?
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chrry-p1e79 · 2 months
i just found out Jean and Logan’s ship name was never referred to—and still isn’t referred to—as WolverJean?? i just always assumed that’s what it was. in honor of Hugh’s Wolverine revival, i will not shut the fuck up about this. WolverJean shippers, what the fuck were you thinking??
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If you'd ask me what I think about Jean x Logan I'd say I hate it
but if you ask me on a deeper level I'd say that I've never seen more forced romance in my entire life. I'm literally SICK of seeing these mfs flirting. I REFUSE to believe Logan fell for her 5 minutes after he met her. HE? OF ALL PEOPLE? Yes, he is a sassy flirty slut but cmon there's no way it's LOVE. It might be some sort of attraction but there's no fucking way there was any love. Those bitches had NO chemistry and it felt forced as FUCK. Poor Scott. That man was so goddamn in love with Jean and it showed. He cared for her like no one else but that bitch flirted with another man behind his back swearing she loved him...Logan sure might be flirty and all but I refuse to believe he trusted her so quickly and called it love since day one.
This man went through some intense shit and tho he doesn't remember it, he is still careful around strangers. He has a heart and care, yes, that's why he didn't just leave Rogue in the first movie cuz how could he leave a young girl alone like that? He's a mutant but he has a heart too. When he woke up, his immediate reaction was to attack and run. He didn't trust anyone at first but after hearing Charles might help him reconnect with his memories, he saw that as a good offer that's why he *relaxed*. And only relaxed around everyone. I refuse to believe that right after that he trusted all them and shit
Like no, he did NOT fall for Jean the second they talked. Love at first sight can be done good (rarely but it's possible) but that shit was not good. And even if Logan did feel something I refuse to believe that Jean liked him back in any fucking way.
Like nuhuh motherfucker that's normal small attraction and I also refuse to believe he fell in love later on when she flirted with him and then turned him down
This pairing genuinely makes me dislike those movies SO MUCH
I hate forced romance but this shit is another level bad
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strangenewwords · 14 days
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Astonishing X-Men #2 (2017)
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When is retirement not retirement? When is the end not truly an ending? Walking away doesn’t necessarily mean giving up, death isn’t always the end.
Some people can at times transcend, but only if they’re willing, if they’re ready to embrace all they are, and might yet be…
The story of Erik, Charles and the love that will make them keep rising, time and again, like the Phoenix… 
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Post DP fic that goes into, among other things: Charles and Erik together in Genosha, romance, moving on, and building a new future after old dreams are lost. 
I’m aware that in the movie the idea was to show Charles as the one at fault this time around; make him proud, arrogant, etc. Thing is, I don’t see it that way. I think some things are open to interpretation and I chose to see them that way. Because while I won’t say Charles is perfect, I don’t think he’s the kind of man to use the X-Men to make himself famous. It doesn’t fit with his character, in my opinion. I thought: what other reason could there be? What reason could Charles have for pushing the X-Men like that? Really, what is Charles’s chief motivation at all times? Protecting the mutants, his students, his children. When the biggest threat to them are humans, specifically human governments, what better way to ensure their safety than to have the humans see them as heroes? As necessary? You don’t turn on those who’ve saved your life... or that was supposed to be the idea. 
Now, one of the things that pushed this belief in me, aside from what I mentioned before about Charles’s characterization and motivations, is that, at the end, the whole Charles leaving the Institute, leaving everyone, after everything that just happened: Jean dead, the mess with the Phoenix and the D’Bari, the humans turning on the mutants, again, and all the others who died (and the destruction their battle caused)... it makes no sense for Charles to leave then. Unless someone told him to leave... someone who was already angry at him, who blamed him for everything that happened... 
That was the other thing that fueled the creation of this fic and... well. I hope some people might be interested in reading it. (It’s 2 chapters thus far, the third will be up by the weekend)
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makuyi13 · 2 months
Yes, I know the majority of you are multishippers. And that some of you pick poly ships. Please don't attack me, I'm just curious what would happen if y'all had to pick from these. And I deeply apologise if I got your ship name wrong.
Reblog for bigger sample size
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I really have a thing for non endgame couples I guess
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simonepelicaneel · 2 months
Jeagan The Valhalorian Bowl Is Curious
and they turned right
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My opinions on the J/S/L polycule
Hi guys back with another X-Men related post, no art just thoughts. I wanted to share my opinions on the JeanScottLogan pairing.
Disclaimer: my only information i have right now is the movies and a tiny bit of the first X-Men show but mainly the movie-verse (please do not come after me with hate ☹️)
I'll keep this one short, me personally in my own opinion i like the thought of all three of them being in a polycule i feel like there could've been so much potential and not to mention some representstion thats actually gonna put proper polyamory into a good light
Yes logan did make me mad especially in the second movie when he started making out with Phoenix/jean after scott literally just died and when he started immediately flirting with jean as soon as he met her in the mansion and scott has every right to be a lil defensive.
But i felt like this could've been fix if Logan BACKED OFF or jean invited him into the relationship to be a polycule (i feel like at first there would definitely be some mild competition and a whole lotta jealousy coming from scott but they eventually grow to loveesch others yk!!)
Also i really just DESPISE the love triangle trop and while yes it does work in certain cases like in "The book of life" movie between the characters manolo/maria/joaquin it feels like between logan/scott/jean it just feels useless and unnecessary it gives me a total ick
Comment if you guys agree i would love to hear others thoughts and opinions
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buggernaut-kal · 1 year
Browsing Dalong’s non-grade kit photos and accidentally discovered why the HGUC GM is such a weird desaturated baby blue color…
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…it stems from the old kit! 0079 never had a GM this color, so it always bothered me why they chose that color of plastic (we had white GMs, dark bluish-grey GMs, and minty Jeagan-green GMs but no baby blues, I checked!) Still an odd choice to keep that shade of plastic, but if you paint your Gunpla anyways I suppose it’s not much an issue.
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I painted mine expressly because it was way too blue next to the Gundam, just look at it! Either way, since we have a Revive Gundam and a Revive Zaku can we PLEASE get an update for little ol’ GM?!
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lucistardollz · 1 month
Jeagan pisses me off in X2. "Girls flirt with the dangerous guy, Logan. They don't take him home. They marry the good guy." I'M GONNA HIT YOU OMG.
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